Informatica Medica Slovenica; 2015; 20(1 -2) 11 V skladu z dialektičnim načelom ostaja vse ves čas enako in se hkrati ves čas spreminja. To velja za medicino v svetu, zdravstvo v Sloveniji in tudi za Informatico Medico Slovenico (IMS). Po eni strani jo še vedno pesti pomanjkanje prispevkov, ki se kaže v izidu ene same dvojne številke letno v zadnjih treh letih, po drugi strani pa se začenja novo obdobje. Vsebina tokratne številke je namreč podobna zadnjim dvanajstim letnikom, hkrati pa vas IMS pozdravlja z oblikovno prenovljeno zunanjostjo in notranjostjo. Za notranjost sem s pomočjo tehničnega urednika poskrbel sam (pri čemer sem upošteval pripombe upravnega odbora in tehničnega urednika), za naslovnico pa se v imenu založnika in uredniškega odbora najlepše zahvaljujem dr. Matjažu Zadravcu, sicer elektroinženirju in vrhunskemu glasbeniku, ki je profesionalno grafično udejanil moje amaterske zamisli. Upam, da prenova stavljenja, ki jo utelešajo nova navodila avtorjem, predstavlja več kot le običajen ovinek na dialektični spirali. Želim si, da ne bo predstavljala grbine, ob katero se bodo avtorji spotikali oziroma bralci zaletavali, pač pa bližnjico do kakovostnih višav. Skratka, namen novih navodil je, da bodo prispevki lepši in boljši! Številka si res zasluži naziv dvojna, saj poleg novih navodil avtorjem v slovenščini in angleščini prinaša tri raziskovalne članke (o znanstveni informatiki, rehabilitacijski robotiki in eOskrbi), enega preglednega (o m-zdravju) in štiri poročila za Bilten SDMI. Uvodnik želim zaključiti z reklom. Najprej sem pomislil na "Nič več ne bo tako, kot je bilo",1 a politika mi ni pri srcu. Iz znanstvenih logov prihaja in bolj mednarodno se sliši "Eppur si muove".2 Na koncu sem se odločil za nekoliko manj znan vir, a je pomen rekla morda še globlji in še bolj univerzalen: "Spremembe so nujnost"!3 ■ Uvodnik / Editorial According to the principle of dialectics, everything stays the same and keeps changing at the same time. That includes medicine worldwide, health care in Slovenia, as well as Informatica Medica Slovenica (IMS). On one hand, the journal is still pestered by a shortage of manuscripts, reflected in a single double issue per year having been published for the last three years; on the other hand, a new era has begun. The contents of the current issue are namely similar to the past twelve volumes, while IMS is presenting itself with a redesigned exterior and interior. The redesign of the interior is my own (whereby I took into account the comments from the Executive Board and the Technical Editor). For the cover, let me express the gratitude on behalf of the publisher and the Editorial Board to Dr Matjaž Zadravec, electrical engineer and superb musician, who transformed my amateur ideas into professional graphics. I hope that the new typesetting, embodied by the new Instructions for Authors, represent more than a usual turn on the dialectic spiral. I wish that rather than a bump for the authors to stump over and the readers to crash into, the change will represent a shortcut towards the heights of quality. In brief, the new Instructions are aimed at making the manuscripts better and better looking. The issue deserves to be called a double one because in addition to the Instructions in Slovenian and English, it contains three research papers (from the fields of scientific information, rehabilitation robotics and eCare), one review paper (on m-health) and four SIMIA Bulletin reports. I want this introduction to end with a slogan. "Nothing will ever be the same again"1 came to my mind first, but I detest politics. "Eppur si muove"2 comes from a scientist and sounds more international. In the end, I opted for a somewhat less known source, but the meaning may be even deeper and even more universal: "Change is a necessity"!3 Gaj Vidmar ■ Infor Med Slov 2015; 20(1-2): 1 1 Milan Kučan, 2.6.1991 2 Galileo Galilei, 1633? 3 Zevs 1 — Vid Pečjak: Adam in Eva na planetu starcev, Maribor: Obzorja, 1972 published by / izdaja SDMI ■