st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i Zgradba Magistratain zapora predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine mesta Pančevo. Stene ce- lice propadajo zaradi vlage. Zaradi vlage in odpadanja ometa izgubljamo vrezana sporočila zapornikov. Za dokumentiranje trenutne situacije so bili uporabljeni 3D skenerji. Poleg visoke natančnosti laserske- ga skeniranja skener omogoča tudi ustvarjanje visokokakovostnih tekstur na 3D modelih. Na ta način smo zagotovili varno predstavitev zaporniških celic obiskovalcem muzeja. Ključne besede: laserski skener, 3D skeniranje, kulturna dediščina, predstavitev, zaščita The Magistrate building and the dungeons in it represent a significant part of the cultural heritage of the city of Pančevo. Dungeons walls are deteriorating due to moisture and engraved messages of the prisoners are disappearing. 3D scanners were applied to the record current situation. In addition to the high precision of laser scanning, this scanner also enables the creation of high-quality textures on 3D models. In this way, we provided a safe presentation of dungeons for the visitors of the museum. Keywords: Laser scanner, 3D scanning, Cultural heritage, Presentation, Preservation Implementation of 3D Scanning in Presentation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Case Study: Dungeons of the National Museum in Pančevo Nenad Jončić, ArheoData 10 1 The historic buildings are important be-cause they are social and cultural evi-dence of the past, which is why their re- use needs to be carefully thought out. In their lifetime, many historic buildings, government or not, may lose their function. Some buildings be- come functionally obsolete, or they are too small due to modern needs. For this reason, many of these historical buildings have been aban- doned by the previous users, so their purpose has changed. Reasons why buildings become redun- dant usually represent changing of economic and industrial practices, demographic changes, increasing the cost of maintenance and primari- ly because they are no longer suited for the func- tion they were being used.1 Adaptation and re- 1 Kağan, Günçe, and Damla Mısırlısoy. “Adaptive reuse of military es- tablishments as museums: conservation vs. museography.” WIT Trans- actions on The Built Environment, (September, 2014): 126, doi: 10.2495/ DSHF140111. use of these buildings, through changes of its purpose, and the ways of use, is not a rarity. Buildings usually change their use through their lifetime; this is a case with the “Magistrate” building in Pančevo that this paper will discuss. The structure was built between 1833 and 1838, as an administrative building. Throughout the his- tory, this type of buildings was built in order to show the power of the state and to represent its culture and economic wealth. The building has a dominant position in the main city square, with an emphasized main facade. The city adminis- tration left the building when a new building was built in 1964 and space changed its purpose and became the National Museum. The International Council for Monuments and Locations (ICOMOS), define cultural her- itage as the expression of lifestyle improved by the community and moved from the past to fu- doi: ht t ps://doi .org/10. 26493/2350-54 43.5(1)101-109 st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 2 10 2 ture generations.2 Documentation represents the main ways of protecting, understanding and rec- ognition of the values of the cultural heritage. To achive that goal, heritage monuments need to be well recorded. During the process of doc- umenting cultural monument, it’s necessary to capture and record all relevant data and infor- mation, everything needs to be saved both in visual and written format3. The cultural heritage is worldwide endangered by a different kind of threatening, such as human negligible, weather changes, vandalism, terrorism, population grow- ing and natural disasters. Considering all men- tioned, the growing requirement for document and conserve the heritage in the fast and precise way is justified. That is why a process of 3D docu- menting, having a great potential, and represent important technique on the international lev- el. Therefore, 3D data is important component for permanent records of the important cultural heritage objects so that they might be saved for future generations.4 Figure 1. The building of the former Magistrate (http:// muzeju) 2 Mohsin, M. Shanoer and Fanar M. Abed. “Evaluate 3D laser point clouds registration for cultural heritage documentation” The Eg yp- tian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof (2017). 3 Naif Adel, Haddad. “From ground surveying to 3D laser scanner: A review of techniques used for spatial documentation of historic sites” Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences Vol. 23, Issue 2, (June, 2011): 109-118. 4 Fabio, Remondino and Rizzi Alessandro. “Reality-based 3D docu- mentation of natural and cultural heritage sites-techniques, prob- lems, and examples” Appl Geomat, Vol. 2, no. 3 (September 2010): 85. The condition During the period when the building was an ad- ministrative and judicial centre, prison cells were located in the basement of the building. Over the eighty years dungeons have been used, many people were in them, usually during the trial. Preserved inscriptions on the cell walls testify about this (Figure 3). Due to inadequate mainte- nance of basement, and strong moisture impact, the basement area is in a bad condition. In the basement, conservation works have never been done. The space of the dungeon has never been renovated, and the original messages of the pris- oners still stand, like their statements about in- nocence, fears, hopes, and desires, many of which can still be read on the walls. Graffities originate from various periods and speaks about social and political changes, indicating what happened in this territory over the time (Figure 3). These messages represent a very important part of the cultural heritage of the city, as well as the entire area of South Banat. As the whole cellar is en- dangered by moisture, there is a real danger that this data will be lost. The wall mortar on which these inscriptions are located is in a very bad con- dition and the question is whether there is a way to preserve it. Figure 2. The building of the former Magistrate (http:// muzeju) st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i im pl em en ta t io n o f 3d s c a n n in g in p r es en ta t io n a n d p r es er va t io n o f c u lt u r a l h er it a g e 10 3 The idea Since this area is in a bad state, it is not possi- ble to organize visits for museum visitors with- out endangering heritage and people. Therefore, the application of new technologies has been im- posed as the best solution. The basic idea, in this case, is the protection and presentation of cul- tural heritage through digitization and the ap- plication of new technologies has been imposed as a solution. The digitization of cultural heritage is ac- cepted as one of the best and most effective pro- cesses for the protection of cultural heritage worldwide. Thanks to the strong and dynam- ic development of modern technology and sci- ence, the process of converting analogue to bi- nary code has been defined as an important way of protecting cultural heritage. Digitalization enables the protection of cultural heritage, eas- ier presentation for the professional and gener- al public. Thanks to modern technology, there is a growing possibility of popularizing cultur- al heritage through digitization. The main goal is to digitize in order to protect the endangered cultural heritage. One of the specific solutions is to create a 3D model by scanning the endan- gered space with the latest models of the la- ser scanner, which in addition to high preci- sion features, brings a high-quality camera too. This procedure will record the current state of the dungeons, and should simultaneously pro- vide a precise three-dimensional model includ- ing excellent texture, meaning more precise de- tails on the walls. 3D laser scanning technology can be used to map the plan of the ceiling, floor, wall surfaces, and masonry facades. This tech- nique can be used to provide evidence of possi- ble structural shifts or deterioration not appar- Figure 3. Inscriptions made by prisoners (foto by Nenad Jončić) ent through traditional visual inspection and measurement methods5. Laser scanning greatly shortens the period of surveying with tradition- al technical equipment, in relation to work with 5 John, Smits.  “Application of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Map Building Surfaces.”  Journal of Architectural Conservation,  17, no. 1, (November, 2011) 81, doi: 10.1080 / 13556207.2011.10785083. labour force on the site. In some cases, it is hard to reach every part of the building, wall, ceil- ing, or the monument when using convention- al methods or scaffolds are required. The impor- tant question is the extent and how detailed the object or surface will be drawn. The scale of the st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 2 10 4 detail and precision of the 3D scans is directly re- lated to the density ratio of the laser beams6. Laser scanning technologies Phase-Shift (PS) Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the phaseshift Phase-Shift technology work by sending out a continuous laser beam with a modulated signal embedded in the laser. The scanner compares the phase of the signal at the source with the phase of the laser light once it has travelled to the ob- ject and reflected back to the scanner. Recorded changes of phase in laser light are measured and allows the scanner to calculate the distances.7 In comparison to Time-of-flight scanners, PS scan- ners have a lower operational range (80 meters, with some systems reaching up to 120 meters), but can capture more points per second with a higher precision. Generally, PS scanner operates similarly to TOF scanner. The main difference is that PS scanner calculates the time of flight by measuring the difference in the phase of the laser as it returns to the scanner.8 Phase-based scan- 6 Benli, Gulhan, and Ozer Derya Gulec. “USE OF LASER SCAN- NING FOR CULTUR AL HERITAGE DOCUMENTA- TION”. International Journal of Electronics, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (IJEMME) 3/1 (June 2013): 447 7 Julia, Armesto-González, Belén Riveiro-Rodríguez, Diego González-Aguilera, and M. Teresa Rivas-Brea. “Terrestrial laser scanning intensity data applied to damage detection for histor- ical.” Journal of Archaeological Science 37, no. 12 (December, 2010): 3037-3047, doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.031.; Alonso J.I., San José, Jose Martínez Rubio, José Fernández Martín Juan, and Jorge García Fernández. “Comparing Time-Of and Phase-Shift the Survey of the Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San Isidoro (LEÓN)” Interna- tional Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Infor- mation Sciences, Volume XXXVIII-5/W16, (September, 2011): 377-385, doi: 10.5194 / isprsarchives-KSKSKSVIII-5-V16-377-2011. 8 Julia, Armesto-González, Belén Riveiro-Rodríguez, Diego González-Aguilera, and M. Teresa Rivas-Brea. “Terrestrial laser scanning intensity data applied to damage detection for historical.” ners are typically used in industrial applications such as plants and refineries, or interior architec- tural spaces. Time-of-Flight (TOF) The time-of-flight method works by sending a la- ser pulse of light and then measuring the time it takes to travel from the scanner to the object and back, with collected data scanner calculate the distance.9 The detector od the scanner will gen- erate a time-tagged trigger pulse depending on set up criteria. Some of the detection methods take characteristic points of the pulse path as the decisive factor10. Based on the speed of light, we knew the time that laser need to reach the desti- nation and get back to the sensor, thanks to that the location of the object can be determined. A fundamental property of the light wave is its propagation velocity. In a given medium, light waves travel with a constant but finite velocity. The measurement itself is represented by time delays (referred to as the ‘time-of-flight’) created by light travelling in a medium from the source to the reflective target surface, and back to the source.11 The advantage of this technology is the significant increase the data capturing speed, up to several million points per second. TOF is typ- ically used for exterior civil/survey applications such as topographic surveys of roadways and buildings, since the key benefit of this type of la- ser scanning technology is its capability of cap- turing data from a greater distance (from sever- al hundred up to several thousand meters), while maintaining the accuracy in the order of centi- metres or smaller units. 12 Journal of Archaeological Science 37, no. 12 (December, 2010): 3037- 3047, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.031. 9 Julia, Armesto-González, Belén Riveiro-Rodríguez, Diego González-Aguilera, and M. Teresa Rivas-Brea. “Terrestrial laser scanning intensity data applied to damage detection for historical.” Journal of Archaeological Science 37, no. 12 (December, 2010): 3037- 3047, doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.031. 10 George, Vosselman and Hans-Gerd Maas. Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning. (Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, 2010), 5 11 George, Vosselman and Hans-Gerd Maas. Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning. (Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, 2010), 3 12 Massimiliano, Pieraccini, Gabriele Guidi and Carlo Atzeni. “3D digitizing of cultural heritage.” Journal of Cultural Heritage 2 (1), ( March, 2001): 63-70, doi: 10.1016 / S1296-2074 (01) 01108-6.; Naci, st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i im pl em en ta t io n o f 3d s c a n n in g in p r es en ta t io n a n d p r es er va t io n o f c u lt u r a l h er it a g e 10 5 Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the time of flight EDM method Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) Figure 6. Schematic illustration of the WFD EDM method The Wave Form Digitizer represents a fast and accurate distance measurements, it is a success- ful combination of laser scanning and total sta- tion in one instrument.13 The WFD is a tech- nology system that combines advantages of the phase shift and the time-of-flight method in a unified system. Digitized waveform data have are two basic characteristics, the amplitude quantization, and the time sampling resolution. The amplitude resolution describes the extent of samples that can be used to digitally repre- sent the amplitude of the waveform, expressed in bits. The resolution represents a quantity of how often are the measurements amplitude collected. Yastikli. “Documentation of cultural heritage using digital pho- togrammetry and laser scanning.” Journal of cultural heritage, 8, Is- sue 4, (September, 2007): 423-427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003.; Alonso J.I., San José, Jose Martínez Rubio, José Fernández Martín Juan, and Jorge García Fernández. “Comparing Time-Of and Phase-Shift the Survey of the Royal Pantheon in the Basilica of San Isidoro (LEÓN)” International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Re- mote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXVIII-5/W16, (September, 2011): 377-385, doi: 10.5194 / isprsarchives-KSKSKS- VIII-5-V16-377-2011 13 Hannes, Maar, and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD – Wave Form Digi- tizer Technolog y, White Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September 2014. 3 With this technology, the distance is calculated on the time between the received start and a stop pulse signals.14 Leica BLK 360 scanner is using this technology. Solution Faced by the problems outlined above, we decide to use a laser scanner for documenting, the ex- isting situation in the dungeons. The use of 3D laser scanning in the preservation of cultural heritage is very common nowadays. There have been many studies that illustrate how 3D scan- ning, implemented in the protection of cultur- al heritage, produces excellent results, both in terms of speed and precision. 3D laser scanning is a non-destructive, non-contact method of cap- turing data that provide accurate and rapid cre- ation of three-dimensional models, for archiv- ing and digital manipulation. A 3D laser scanner emits a laser beam that hits a target object, meas- uring millions of closely spaced measurements in a matter of minutes. The scanned measurements are grouped into compressed point cloud data- bases, which are further generated into a 3D rep- resentation of the object.15 The main task of 3D scanning is to produce models that can be used for presentation and preservation. A technology of 3D scanning is aimed at collecting informa- tion on the shape and texture of the scanned ob- ject. The acquired data build a digital three-di- mensional mode useful for a wide variety of interpretative and analytical purposes. The 3D scanner used for scanning dun- geons in the building of the National Muse- um of Pančevo is Leica BLK 360 (Figure 4). It turned out that that 3D laser scanning technolo- gy has many advantages in this situation. For ex- ample, scanning is possible under poor visibili- 14 Hannes, Maar and Hans-Martin Zogg. WFD – Wave Form Digi- tizer Technolog y, White Paper. Heerbrugg, Switzerland, September 2014. 4 15 Pedro Arias-Sánchez, Herraez Jose, Lorenzo Henrique, and Or- donez Celestino.” Control of structural problems in cultural heri- tage monuments using close-range photogrammetry and computer methods” Computers and Structures, (August 2005): 1754-1766. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.02.018; Naci, Yastikli. “Documentation of cultural heritage using digital photogrammetry and laser scan- ning.” Journal of cultural heritage, 8, Issue 4, (September, 2007): 423- 427, doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.003. st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 2 10 6 ty and low illumination gained 3D models can be rotated and measured in the virtual space and can be used for different purpose. Figure 7. Leica BLK 360 (foto by Nenad Jončić) The Leica BLK360 represent a compact pro- fessional 3D scanner, utilizes the high-speed time of light enhanced by Waveform Digitiz- ing technology. Scanner emits an invisible la- ser beam sent by rotating mirror at a rate of up to 360,000 points per second. The working dis- tance range of the scanner is from 0.6m up to 60m and the accuracy range of the scanner is from 4mm (at 10m) to 7mm (at 20m). Leica BLK 360 have three available scanning modes; low, medium and high resolution, with scanning times ranging from approximately 2 minutes for low, and up to 7 minutes in high resolution and full HDR colour. In most cases, the camera built in the scan- ner does not provide images with sufficient qual- ity and resolution. Therefore, in order to create correctly colored textures, we have to take pho- tographs with high-quality photographic cam- era and lens placed in the position that match- es exactly the position of the scanner. But Leica BLK360 scanner has three HDR cameras with 15 mp, with LED flashlights, together result- ing with full dome capture a 150-mp, providing a 360-degree horizontally and 300 degrees ver- tically coverage.16 A BLK360, has a blind spot directly underneath, that spot is replete with points from the second scan made from anoth- er point. Gained 3D model can aid further anal- ysis, as it provides us with vertical and horizon- tal cross-sections of the space, as well as precise measurements of the building, which are signif- icant for calculating and reconstruction the ar- chitectural plans. Figure 8. 3D model of dungeons (foto by Nenad Jončić) The BLK360 also has a thermal imaging camera placed on the back of the device, that provides a 3D model with thermal data (Figure 9).17 One of the results is a 3D model with ther- mal areas that can indicate the level of moisture in the walls (Figure 5), indicating the current state and damage degree of wall mortar. More specifically, it indicates the level of moisture re- sponsible for the degradation of the plaster on which the messages are located. Moisture caus- 16 Leica Geosystems AG. 2018. global/sites/ dia/product_documents/blk/17-lei-030_blk360_spec_sheet_ r2_v2.pdf (accessed june 15, 2018) 17 Leica Geosystems AG. 2018. global/sites/ dia/product_documents/blk/17-lei-030_blk360_spec_sheet_ r2_v2.pdf (accessed june 15, 2018) st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i im pl em en ta t io n o f 3d s c a n n in g in p r es en ta t io n a n d p r es er va t io n o f c u lt u r a l h er it a g e 10 7 ing mould, unwanted parasites, and the decant- ing of salts, and represent one of the main factors in the deterioration of heritage buildings. The existence of moisture is evidence of bad conser- vation conditions, affects the building aesthetic. Because of all mentioned, it is very important to verify and assess the extent of the moisture, in order to create a moisture protection plan18. In other words, it is quite justified fear that prison- ers inscriptions will not survive on the walls for a long time, considering that the lower parts of the walls are almost completely free of mortar that was once there. The Leica BLK360 has been developed in close collaboration with Autodesk, the CAD software editor. The 3D scanner is delivered with the Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mobile software, compatible with the Apple iPad Pro. The lat- est version of Autodesk’s software registers the BLK360 scans in real-time, wherever you are. Autodesk’s cloud services enable sharing or easy transfer of data into any Autodesk CAD soft- ware for further use. Figure 9. Thermal model of dungeons (foto by Nenad Jončić) The scanner has built-in, internal memo- ry capacity of 32GB. The BLK360 is created for 18 Pedro Martín, Lerones, Vélez David Olmedo, Rojo Fernando Gayubo, Jaime Gómez-García-Bermejo and Casanova Eduardo Zalama. Moisture detection in heritage buildings by 3D laser scan- ning. Studies in Conservation, 61:sup1, 46. (April 2016): 46-54. doi:10.1 179/2047058415Y.0000000017 use both indoors and outdoors, with operating temperature range from +5 to +40 degrees centi- grade.19 During the scanning of the basement of museum in Pančevo, a temperature was slightly above +5 degrees centigrade, and we experienced some trouble with scanning. From time to time the scanner would stop scanning and show a red light indicator. We solved the problem, by tak- ing the scanner off from the tripod and heat- ing it under our jackets. After the scanner was warmed up, it continued to work normally. That excluded, we needed about 30 minutes to com- plete the complete scanning of three dungeons cells, guards’ rooms, hallway, and stairs. Conclusion The Magistrate building in Pančevo is under the protection as a cultural monument of great im- portance. The dungeons in the basement, with wall inscriptions representing an important part of the cultural heritage, which is slowly disap- pearing due to moisture and dereliction. Implementation of laser 3D scanning im- pose like the best solution. During this process was used Leica BLK360 scanner, that represents an extremely versatile piece of technology that can be applied to a number of applications and fields across the cultural heritage industry. One of the biggest advantages is a possibility which allows the user to move through a 3D model us- ing a tablet. This represents a great opportunity for presentation, without fear of damaging the inscriptions or possibility that someone can be hurt during a visit. Obtained 3D models, as well as thermal images, represent a significant fund for professional research. Through this case study like an example, this paper illustrates how 3D laser scanning technology can be used for recording the plan of the building, with the aim of protection of cul- tural heritage. Except for documentation of the current state of the cultural monument, as part of the process of its protection, this technology 19 Leica Geosystems AG. 2018. global/sites/ dia/product_documents/blk/17-lei-030_blk360_spec_sheet_ r2_v2.pdf (accessed june 15, 2018) st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 2 10 8 provides possibilities for the digital presentation of the cultural monument. Furthermore, that involves a lot of possibility for displaying cul- tural monument that been scanned. Like it is al- ready mentioned results of 3D scanning can be presented in real time directly on iPad pro. Also, a presentation of a 3D model of dungeons can be adapted for any touchscreens, the gained 3D model also can be presented with Virtual Reali- ty headsets and allows visitors to walk through the dungeons without any risk for them or cul- tural heritage. Povzetek Zgradba Magistrata, kot tudi zapora v kleti te stavbe, predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine mesta Pančevo in območja Južnega Banata. Stene zapora se slabšajo zaradi vlage. Z minerali, ki odpadajo iz obzid- ja, izgubljamo gravirana sporočila zapornikov. Ta situa- cija je privedla do zamisli o uporabi 3D skenerjev v tre- nutni situaciji. Uporabljen je bil Leica BLK365 3D skener, ki deluje na principu tehnologije Waveform Digitizer (WFD). Poleg visoke natančnosti laserskega skeniranja ta skener omogoča tudi ustvarjanje visoko kakovostnih tekstur na 3D modelih. To se doseže z uporabo treh ka- mer z visoko ločljivostjo, ki ima vgrajeno tudi optično senzorsko kamero z dolgimi valovi. V tem primeru upo- raba toplotne kamere kaže na prisotnost vlage v stenah. Leica BLK360 3D skener vsebuje programsko opremo Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mobile, za Apple iPad Pro. To omogoča enostaven prenos skeniranih podatkov v katero koli programsko opremo Autodesk CAD za na- daljnjo uporabo. Zagotavlja tudi možnost predstavit- ve v realnem času ali kasneje, ne glede na lokacijo. Na ta način lahko zagotovimo varno predstavitev za obisko- valce muzeja. Summary The Magistrate building, as well as the dungeons situat- ed in the basement of this building, represents a signifi- cant part of the cultural heritage of the city of Pančevo and the area of South Banat. The walls of the dungeons are deteriorating due to moisture. With mortar fall- ing from the walls we are losing engraved messages of the prisoners. This situation led to the idea of applying 3D scanners to the record current situation. The Leica BLK365 3D scanner was used, the scanner works on the principle of Wave Form Digitizer (WFD) technology. In addition to the high precision of laser scanning, this scanner also enables the creation of high-quality tex- tures on 3D models. This is accomplished by using three high-resolution cameras built in, the scanner also has a longwave thermal imaging camera in its encasing. In this case usage of thermal camera, indicate the presence of moisture in the walls. The Leica BLK360 3D scan- ner is delivered with the Autodesk ReCap 360 Pro Mo- bile software, for the Apple iPad Pro. This provides easy transfer of scanned data into any Autodesk CAD soft- ware for further use. Also providing the possibility for presentation in real-time or later, no matter where you are. In this way, we provide a safe presentation of dun- geons for visitors to the museum. Bibliography Arias-Sánchez Pedro, Herraez Jose, Lorenzo Henrique, and Ordonez Celestino. “ Control of structural problems in cultural heritage monuments using close- range photogrammetry and computer methods” Computers and Structures, (August 2005): 1754-1766. doi: 10.1016/j. compstruc.2005.02.018. Armesto-González, Julia, Belén Riveiro- Rodríguez, Diego González-Aguilera, and M. Teresa Rivas-Brea. “Terrestrial laser scanning intensity data applied to damage detection for historical.” Journal of Archaeological Science 37, no. 12 (December, 2010): 3037-3047, doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.031. Gulhan, Benli, and Ozer Derya Gulec. “USE OF LASER SCANNING FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION”. 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