Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 3 (2010) 121–138 Genus distribution of graph amalgamations: Pasting when one root has arbitrary degree Imran F. Khan , Mehvish I. Poshni , Jonathan L. Gross Columbia University, Department of Computer Science NY 10027, New York, USA Received 2 July 2009, accepted 14 July 2010, published online 28 August 2010 Abstract This paper concerns counting the imbeddings of a graph in a surface. In the first install- ment of our current work, we showed how to calculate the genus distribution of an iterated amalgamation of copies of a graph whose genus distribution is already known and is further analyzed into a partitioned genus distribution (which is defined for a double-rooted graph). Our methods were restricted there to the case with two 2-valent roots. In this sequel we substantially extend the method in order to allow one of the two roots to have arbitrarily high valence. Keywords: Graph, genus distribution, vertex-amalgamation. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C10 1 Introduction We continue the development of methods for counting imbeddings of interesting families of graphs in a range of surfaces. We are primarily concerned here with deriving recursions, rather than with exact formulas. It may be helpful to precede the reading of this paper with a light reading of [13]. By the vertex-amalgamation of the rooted graphs (G, t) and (H,u), we mean the graph obtained from their disjoint union by merging the roots t and u. We denote the operation of amalgamation by an asterisk, i.e., (G, t) ∗ (H,u) = (X,w) where X is the amalgamated graph and w the merged root. Terminology. We take a graph to be connected and an imbedding to be cellular and ori- entable, unless it is evident from context that something else is intended. A graph need E-mail addresses: (Imran F. Khan), (Mehvish I. Poshni), (Jonathan L. Gross) Copyright c© 2010 DMFA Slovenije 122 Ars Math. Contemp. 3 (2010) 121–138 not be simple, i.e., it may have self-loops and multiple edges between two vertices. We use the words degree and valence of a vertex to mean the same thing. Each edge has two edge-ends, in the topological sense, even if it has only one endpoint. Abbreviation. We abbreviate face-boundary walk as fb-walk. Notation. The degree of a vertex y is denoted deg(y). The genus of a surface S is denoted γ(S). The number of imbeddings of a graph G in the surface Si of genus i is denoted gi. The sequence {gi(G) | i ≥ 0} is called the genus distribution of the graph G. The terminology generally follows [15] and [1]. For additional background, see [3], [24], or [34]. Prior work concerned with the number of imbeddings of a graph in a minimum-genus surface includes [2], [8], [9], and [19]. Prior work concerned with counting imbeddings in all orientable surfaces or in all surfaces includes [4], [5], [7], [12], [14], [20], [21], [22], [23], [25], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], and [33]. Remark 1.1. Some of the calculations in this paper are quite intricate, and it appears that taking the direct approach here to amalgamating two graphs at roots of arbitrarily high degree might be formidable. We observe that a vertex of arbitrary degree can be split (by inverse contraction) into two vertices of smaller degree. Effects on the genus distribution that arise from splitting a vertex are described by [11]. Imbeddings induced by an amalgamation of two imbedded graphs We say that the pair of imbeddings ιG : G → SG and ιH : H → SH induce the set of imbeddings of X = G ∗ H whose rotations have the same cyclic orderings as in G and H , and that this set of imbeddings of X is the result of amalgamating the two imbeddings ιG : G→ SG and ιH : H → SH . Proposition 1.2. For any two imbeddings ιG : G → SG and ιH : H → SH of graphs into surfaces, the cardinality of the set of imbeddings of the amalgamated graph (X,w) = (G, t) ∗ (H,u) whose rotation systems are consistent with the imbeddings ιG : G → SG and ιH : H → SH is (deg(u) + deg(t)− 1) · ( deg(t) + deg(u)− 2 deg(u)− 1 ) (1.1) Proof. Formula (1.1) is a symmetrization of Formula (1.1) of [13]. In the amalgamation (G, t)∗(H,u) = (X,w), when one of the roots t and u is 1-valent, the genus distribution of the resulting graph is easily derivable via bar-amalgamations (see [12]). For the case where deg(t) = deg(u) = 2, methods for calculating the genus distribution are developed in [13]. For the purposes of this paper, we assume that deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n ≥ 2. A pair of such imbeddings ιG : G → SG and ιH : H → SH induce, in accordance with Formula (1.1), n2 + n imbeddings of the amalgamated graph X . We observe that for each such imbedding ιX : X → SX , we have γ(SX) = { γ(SG) + γ(SH) or γ(SG) + γ(SH) + 1 Imran F. Khan et al.: Genus distribution of graph amalgamations: Pasting when. . . 123 Terminology. The difference γ(SX)− (γ(SG) + γ(SH)) is called the genus increment of the amalgamation, or more briefly, the genus increment or increment. Proposition 1.3. In any vertex-amalgamation (G, t) ∗ (H,u) = (X,w) of two graphs, the increment of genus lies within these bounds:⌈ 1− deg(t)− deg(u) 2 ⌉ ≤ γ(SX)− (γ(SG) + γ(SH)) ≤ ⌊ deg(t) + deg(u)− 2 2 ⌋ Proof. See [13]. Double-rooted graphs By a double-rooted graph (H,u, v) we mean a graph with two vertices designated as roots. Double-rooted graphs were first introduced in [13] as they lend themselves natrually to iterated amalgmation. For the purposes of this paper, root u is assumed to have degree n ≥ 2, whereas root v is 2-valent. Our focus here, is the graph amalgamation (G, t) ∗ (H,u, v) when deg(t) = deg(v) = 2 and deg(u) = n ≥ 2. This is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: (G, t) ∗ (H,u, v) when deg(t) = deg(v) = 2 and deg(u) = n ≥ 2. When two single-rooted graphs are amalgamated, the amalgamated graph has the mer- ged vertices of amalgamation as its root. If we iteratively amalgamate several single-rooted graphs, we obtain a graph with a root of whose degree is the sum of the degrees of the constituent roots. We use double-rooted graphs when we want to calculate the genus dis- tribution of a chain of copies (as in §3 and §4) of the same graph (or of different graphs). 2 Double-root partials and productions The genus distribution of the set of imbeddings of (X,w) = (G, t)∗ (H,u) whose rotation systems are consistent with those of fixed imbeddings G → SG and H → SH , depends only on γ(SG), γ(SH), and the respective numbers of faces of the imbeddings G → SG and H → Sh in which the two vertices of amalgamation t and u lie. Accordingly, we partition the imbeddings of a single-rooted graph (G, t) with deg(t) = 2 in a surface of genus i into the subset of type-di imbeddings, in which root t lies on two distinct fb-walks, and the subset of type-si imbeddings, in which root t occurs twice on the same fb-walk. Moreover, we define di(G, t) = the number of imbeddings of type-di, and si(G, t) = the number of imbeddings of type-si. 124 Ars Math. Contemp. 3 (2010) 121–138 Thus, gi(G, t) = di(G, t) + si(G, t). The numbers di(G, t) and si(G, t) are called single-root partials. The sequences {di(G, t)| i ≥ 0} and {si(G, t) | i ≥ 0} are called partial genus distributions. Since deg(u) = n in a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), there are n face corners incident at u (i.e., u occurs n times in the fb-walks — we will call them u-corners from now on), some or all of which might belong to the same face. Suppose further that the n occurrences of root u in fb-walks of different faces are dis- tributed according to the partition p1p2 · · · pr of n (where r is the number of faces incident at root u). For each such partition p1p2 · · · pr, we define the following double-root partials of the genus distribution of a graph (H,u, v), such that root u is n-valent and root v is 2-valent: fp1p2···prdi = the number of imbeddings of H such that the n occurrences of root u are distributed according to the partition p1p2 · · · pr, and the 2 occurrences of v lie on two different fb-walks. fp1p2···prsi = the number of imbeddings of H such that the n occurrences of root u are distributed according to the partition p1p2 · · · pr, and the 2 occurrences of v lie on the same fb-walk. Notation. We write the partition p1p2 · · · pr of an integer in non-ascending order. A production for an amalgamation (G, t) ∗ (H,u, v) = (X, v) of a single-rooted graph (G, t) with a double-rooted graph (H,u, v) (where deg(t) = deg(v) = 2, and deg(u) ≥ 2) is an expression of the form pi(G, t) ∗ qj(H,u, v) −→ α1 di+j(G ∗H, v) + α2 di+j+1(G ∗H, v) +α3 si+j(G ∗H, v) + α4 si+j+1(G ∗H, v) where pi is a single-root partial and qj is a double-root partial, and where α1, α2, α3, and α4 are integers. It means that amalgamation of a type-pi imbedding of graph (G, u) and a type-qj imbedding of graph (H,u, v) induces a set of α1 type-di+j , α2 type-di+j+1, α3 type-si+j , and α4 type-si+j+1 imbeddings of G ∗ H . We often write such a rule in the form pi ∗ qj −→ α1 di+j + α2 di+j+1 + α3 si+j + α4 si+j+1 Sub-partials of fp1p2···prdi In the course of developing productions for amalgamating a single-rooted graph (G, t) to a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), we shall discover that we sometimes need to refine a double- root partial into sub-partials. The following two types of numbers are the sub-partials of fp1p2···prdi: Imran F. Khan et al.: Genus distribution of graph amalgamations: Pasting when. . . 125 fp1p2···prd ′ i = the number of type-fp1p2···prdi imbeddings such that at most one of the r fb-walks incident at u is the same as one of the two fb-walks incident at v; fp1p2···prd (pl,pm) i = the number of type-fp1p2···prdi imbeddings such that the two fb-walks (corresponding to subscripts l and m) inci- dent at v have pl and pm occurrences of u, where l < m (so that, in general, pl ≥ pm), and r > 1. Note that the value of the latter sub-partial of a graph (H,u, v) would be the same for any two pairs (pa, pb) and (pl, pm) such that (pl, pm) = (pa, pb). Also note that, in general, we have fp1p2···prdi = fp1p2···prd ′ i + ∑ over all distinct pairs (pl,pm) with l 0 u-corners. There are px(px + 1) ways to insert two edge-ends into the u-corners of this face. Proof. Since there are px u-corners, there are px choices for the location of the first edge- end. After the first edge-end is inserted, the number of u-corners is px + 1. Thus, there are px +1 choices for the second edge-end. Hence, there are a total of px(px +1) choices (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Since px = 5, there are 30 = 5 ∗ 6 ways to insert two edge-ends into the u-corners of this face. Lemma 2.3. Let x and y be two faces of an imbedded graph (H,u, v), with px > 0 and py > 0 u-corners, respectively. There are 2pxpy ways to insert two edge-ends at root u, such that one edge-end is in face x and the other in face y. Proof. There are px choices for the edge-end that is inserted into face x, and for each such choice, there are py choices for the other edge-end (see Figure 3). Since either of the two edge-ends can be the one that is inserted into face x, we need to multiply pxpy by 2. 126 Ars Math. Contemp. 3 (2010) 121–138 Figure 3: Since px = 3 and py = 4, there are 24 = 2 · 3 · 4 ways to insert two edge-ends with one edge-end in each of the two faces. Theorem 2.4. Let p1p2 · · · pr be a partition of an integer n ≥ 2. Suppose that a type-di imbedding of a single-rooted graph (G, t) is amalgamated to a type-fp1p2···prdj imbedding of a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), with deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n. Then the following production holds: di ∗ fp1p2···prd′j −→ ( r∑ x=1 px(px + 1) ) di+j + ( r∑ x=1 r∑ y=x+1 2pxpy ) di+j+1 (2.1) Proof. Since at most one of the r faces incident at root u of H is incident at root v of H , it follows that no matter how the root t of G is amalgamated to u, at most one of the two faces incident at v are affected by this amalgamation. It follows that in the amalgamated graph the two occurrences of v remain on two different faces. There are two cases: case i. Suppose that both edge-ends incident at root t of graph G are placed into one of the r faces of graph H incident at u. Then no new handle is needed, and thus, the genus increment is 0. The coefficient ∑r x=1 px(px + 1) of di+j counts the number of ways this can happen. The summation goes from 1 to r, since we can put the two edge-ends incident at t into any of the r faces. The term px(px + 1) follows from Lemma 2.2. case ii. Suppose that the two edge-ends incident at root t of graph G are placed into two different faces incident at u. This would necessitate adding a handle — resulting in a genus increment of 1. The coefficient ∑r x=1 ∑r y=x+1 2pxpy of di+j+1 counts the number of ways this can happen, by Lemma 2.3. Theorem 2.5. Let p1p2 · · · pr be a partition of an integer n ≥ 2, and let (pl, pm) be a pair such that 1 ≤ l < m ≤ r. Suppose that a type-di imbedding of a single-rooted graph (G, t) is amalgamated to a type-fp1p2···prd (pl,pm) j imbedding of a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), with deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n. Then the following production holds: di ∗ fp1p2···prd (pl,pm) j −→ ( r∑ x=1 px(px + 1) ) di+j + (( r∑ x=1 r∑ y=x+1 2pxpy ) − 2plpm ) di+j+1 + 2plpmsi+j+1 (2.2) Imran F. Khan et al.: Genus distribution of graph amalgamations: Pasting when. . . 127 Proof. Let ϕl and ϕm be the two faces incident at root u that are also incident at v, with u occurring pl times on fb-walk of face ϕl, and pm times on fb-walk of face ϕm. We note that unless we place one edge-end incident at root t of graph (G, t) into face ϕl and the other edge-end into face ϕm, at most one of the two faces ϕl and ϕm is affected by this amalgamation. Thus, case i remains the same as in Theorem 2.4. The first term of the Production (2.2) reflects this similarity. Moreover, case ii remains the same as in Theorem 2.4, unless x and y correspond to the faces ϕl and ϕm, which is why we subtract 2plpm from the second sum in Production (2.2). If x and y correspond to the faces ϕl and ϕm, then as a result of the amalgamation, the two faces (ϕl and ϕm) combine to become one face having both occurrences of v in its boundary (see Figure 4). The third term of the production reflects this. Figure 4: Here pl = 3 and pm = 4. Amalgamation combines the two faces, and the resultant face contains both occurrences of v. Notation. We sometimes use the shorthand fp1p2···prd•j in place of fp1p2···prdj , to empha- size the absence of any superscript after dj . Theorem 2.6. Let p1p2 · · · pr be a partition of an integer n ≥ 2. Suppose that a type-si imbedding of a single-rooted graph (G, t) is amalgamated to a type-fp1p2···prd • j imbedding of a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), with deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n. Then the following production holds: si ∗ fp1p2···prd•j −→ (n2 + n)di+j (2.3) where the coefficient n2 + n = ( n+1 n ) follows from Proposition 1.2. Proof. Suppose that in a type-fp1p2···prd • j imbedding of graph (H,u, v), the two occur- rences of root-vertex v lie on on two different fb-walks W1 and W2 that may or may not contain the root-vertex u. Suppose further that the two occurrences of root-vertex t of graph (G, t) lie on fb-walk X . The two occurrences of root-vertex v continue being on two different fb-walks after the operation of vertex amalgamation, unless the fb-walks W1 and W2 combine with the fb-walkX under amalgamation into a single fb-walk. But this cannot happen when the imbedding of (G, t) is a type-si imbedding, since a reduction of two faces forces the Euler characteristic to be of odd parity, which is not possible. Thus, there is no genus-increment and all n2 + n resulting imbeddings are type-di+j imbeddings. 128 Ars Math. Contemp. 3 (2010) 121–138 Sub-partials of fp1p2···prsi To define the sub-partials of fp1p2···prsi we need the concept of strands, which was intro- duced and used extensively in [13]. When two imbeddings are amalgamated, these strands recombine with other strands to form new fb-walks. Definition 2.7. We define a u-strand of an fb-walk of a rooted graph (H,u, v) to be a subwalk that starts and ends with the root vertex u, such that u does not appear in the interior of the subwalk. The following two types of numbers are the relevant sub-partials of the partial fp1p2···prsi for graph (H,u, v): fp1p2···prs ′ i = the number of type-fp1p2···prsi imbeddings of H such that the two occurrences of v lie in at most one u-strand. fp1p2···prs (pl,c) i = the number of type-fp1p2···prsi imbeddings of H such that the two occurrences of v lie in two different u- strands of the fb-walk that is represented by pl, and such that there are q ≥ 1 intermediate u-corners between the two occurrences of v. We take c to be equal to min(q, pl − q), i.e., equal to the smaller number of inter- mediate u-corners between the two occurrences of root- vertex v. Note that the last sub-partial would be the same for any other pair (pa, c) such that pa = pl. Theorem 2.8. Let p1p2 · · · pr be a partition of an integer n ≥ 2. Suppose that a type-di imbedding of a single-rooted graph (G, t) is amalgamated to a type-fp1p2···prs ′ j imbedding of a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), with deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n. Then the following production holds: di ∗ fp1p2···prs′j −→ ( r∑ x=1 px(px + 1) ) si+j + ( r∑ x=1 r∑ y=x+1 2pxpy ) si+j+1 (2.4) Proof. Since both occurrences of root v of H lie in at most one u-strand of one of the r fb-walks, it follows that regardless of how the u-strands recombine in the amalgamation process, these two occurrences remain on that same u-strand; thus, in all of the resultant imbeddings, the two occurrences of v are on the same fb-walk. As discussed in the proof of Theorem 2.4, there are ∑r x=1 px(px + 1) imbeddings that do not result in any genus- increment (corresponding to both edge-ends at t being inserted into the same face at u), whereas there are ∑r y=x+1 2pxpy imbeddings that result in a genus increment of 1 (corre- sponding to inserting both edge-ends at t into the different faces at u). Theorem 2.9. Let p1p2 · · · pr be a partition of an integer n ≥ 2. Then for each distinct pl, with l ∈ {1, · · · , r}, and for each integer c in the integer interval [1, ⌊ pl 2 ⌋ ], when a Imran F. Khan et al.: Genus distribution of graph amalgamations: Pasting when. . . 129 type-di imbedding of a single-rooted graph (G, t) is amalgamated to a type-fp1p2···prs (pl,c) j imbedding of a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), with deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n, the following production holds: di ∗ fp1p2···prs (pl,c) j −→ (( r∑ x=1 px(px + 1) ) − pl(pl + 1) ) si+j + 2c(pl − c) di+j + [c(c+ 1) + (pl − c)(pl − c+ 1)] si+j + ( r∑ x=1 r∑ y=x+1 2pxpy ) si+j+1 (2.5) Proof. Let ϕl be the face corresponding to pl, and let w1 and w2 be the two (different) u-strands that contain the two occurrences of root v of H (with c intermediate u-corners between the two occurrences of v). It follows that unless the two edge-ends incident at root t of G are both placed into the face ϕl, the two occurrences of root v will lie on the same fb-walk after amalgamation. The first and last terms of the production reflect this. Now we consider the case when the two edge-ends incident at root t of graph (G, t) are both placed into the face ϕl. Let estart1 and estart2 be the initial edge-ends of u-strands w1 and w2, similarly let eend1 and eend2 be the terminal edge-ends of u-strands w1 and w2 (we consider that a u-strand starts and ends at root u). This is illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 5: fb-walk of a type-fp1p2···prs (pl,c) j imbedding. It is clear that in the fb-walk of the face ϕl, these four edge-ends appear in estart1 , eend1 , estart2 , eend2 cyclic order. If one of the two edge-ends incident at root t is placed between eend1 and estart2 and the other between eend2 and estart1 , then after the strands are recom- bined, one of the u-strands containing one occurrence of root v clearly recombines with the one t-strand of (G, t) to make a new face (see Figure 6, left). It follows that in this case the two occurrences of root v will lie on two different faces. Since there are a total of pl u-corners in face ϕl, and there are c intermediate u-corners between the two occurrences of root v of graph (H,u, v), there are 2c(pl − c) ways in all 130 Ars Math. Contemp. 3 (2010) 121–138 Figure 6: The two ways of inserting t-strands. of inserting the two edge-ends incident at root t of graph (G, t) in this way. We multiply by 2 since either of the two edge-ends can be chosen as the first edge-end. The second term of the production reflects this case. If both of the edge-ends incident at root t are placed between eend1 and estart2 , or between eend2 and estart1 , then the two occurrences of root v lie on the same face after u-strands and t-strands are recombined (see Figure 6, right). There are c(c + 1) + (pl − c)(pl − c + 1) ways this can happen, since there are c and pl − c intermediate u-corners between w1 and w2. Notation. We sometimes use the shorthand fp1p2···prs•j in place of fp1p2···prsj , to empha- size the absence of any superscript after sj . Theorem 2.10. Let p1p2 · · · pr be a partition of an integer n ≥ 2. Suppose that a type-si imbedding of a single-rooted graph (G, t) is amalgamated to a type-fp1p2···prsj imbedding of a double-rooted graph (H,u, v), with deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n. Then the following production holds: si ∗ fp1p2···prs•j −→ (n2 + n)si+j (2.6) Proof. Since the two occurrences of root v of H lie on the same fb-walk. One necessary condition for the operation of vertex amalgamation to change this is that both edge-ends at root t of G are inserted into that face. However, since both occurrences of root t are on the same fb-walk, both ends of each t-strand lie in the same u-corner of that face, as illustrated in Figure 7. This implies that no new handle is needed as a result of the amalgamation. Thus, there is no genus-increment. Corollary 2.11. Let (X, v) = (G, t)∗(H,u, v), where deg(v) = deg(t) = 2 and deg(u) = n for n ≥ 2. Then for αp1p2···pr = r∑ x=1 px(px + 1) and βp1p2···pr = r∑ x=1 r∑ y=x+1 2pxpy we have Imran F. Khan et al.: Genus distribution of graph amalgamations: Pasting when. . . 131 Figure 7: Even after the amalgamation, the two occurrences of v remain on the same fb- walk. dk(X) = ∑ over all partitions p1p2···pr of n [ k∑ i=0 αp1p2···pr dk−ifp1p2···prd ′ i + k−1∑ i=0 βp1p2···pr dk−i−1fp1p2···prd ′ i + k∑ i=0 ∑ over all distinct (pl,pm) l