SloveniA ISSN 1448-8175 Austral i a Post pri nt ap proved PP 534387/00013 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 72 Summer / poletje 2014/15 NEWSLETTER Slovenian Club Adelaide Slovenski klub Adelaide Predsednikovo poročilo Spoštovani člani, Kar ne morem verjeti, da smo že na koncu leta 2014. Prav je, da se ob koncu leta zahvalim vsem članom odbora za njihovo delo, Sergiu Lachi tervsem ostalim, ki ste na kakršenkoli način pomagali preko leta. Rad bi se zahvalil tudi našim rednim odjemalcem dvorane, še posebno "Country & Western" clubu, ki že leta redno 1x mesečno prireja zabave v našem klubu in to brez kakrsnega problema. Problem imamo le v tem, da nam zmanjkuje delovne sile. Če se nam ne bo kmalu pridružila mlajša generacija, se nam štejejo leta. Škoda, da bi do tega prišlo, kajti imamo lep dom in zaenkrat še v dobrem finančnem stanju. V nedeljo 10. decembra smo imeli v klubu tradicionalno Miklavževanje. Kar nekaj otrok je prišlo v klub na ta dan. Veselili in noreli so celo popoldne, dokler jih ni obiskal Sv. Miklavž spremstvu parkeljna. Tega so otroci nezaupno gledali in se ga bali. A ko so Miklavža obvestili, da so bili pridni, jih parkelj ni stlacil v vrečo. Ta lepa trdicija se je še obdržala pri Slovencih v izseljenistvu. V nedeljo 21. decembra pa imamo v klubu božično kosilo. Tega že nekaj let zapored uspešno prirejamo. V nedeljo 28. decembra nas bodo obiskali rojaki iz Melbourna. Udeležili se bodo praznovanja naše cerkve Svete družine v Adelaide. Po maši se z njimi srečamo na kosilu v klubu. Na Silvestro 31. decembra pa vas vabim, da dočakamo Novo leto v družbi maltezke skupnosti. Sicer pa bomo Slovenci v članski dvorani, Maltezi pa v veliki dvorani. S kosilom nas bo postregal "caterer Joe". V imenu odbora vam želim vesel Božič ter srečno in zdravo novo leto 2015. Ivan Cafuta Predsednik President's Address Dear members, I cannot believe that a year is almost coming to an end. It is my duty to thank all the committee members, Sergio Lachi and everyone who helped in any way throughout the year. I would also like to thank our customers, especially the Country & Western club for their patronage for so many years. The problem we are facing is to get volunteers for the club's duties. The time is running out if we do not get the younger generation in to help as it would be a great shame to shut the door for ever. Our club is financially in a good position at the moment. On Sunday, 30th November we celebrated a traditional St. Nicholas day which proved to be successful. Many children attended and had a good time. Later in the afternoon St. Nicholas came with his companion "Devil" who carried a bag with him for naughty children. Fortunately they were all good, so they told St. Nicholas and they all got presents. On Sunday 21st December we will have a Christmas lunch which proves to be very popular. On Sunday 28th December a bus of Slovenians from Melbourne will come to Adelaide. They will attend a mass in our Holy Family church and then have a dinner with us in our club. I encourage you all to meet them in the clubrooms. I invite you all to join us at the New Year's Eve celebration together with the Maltese society. Caterer Joe will provide us with the meal. On behalf of the committee I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year2015. Best regards, Ivan Cafuta President Slovenski klub je odprt vsako nedeljo za druženje in večerja. Vi ste vsi toplo vabljeni. Slovenian Club is open every Sunday for socializing and dinner. You are all warmly welcomed. summer morning photo near Goolwa, South Australia Dobrodošli na spomladanskem izdaji Slovenija South Australia newsletter. Welcome to the Winter edition of the Slovenia South Australia newsletter. Slovenia South Australia First published in 1997. Input and involvement from all Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter Mailing address: 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park South Australia 5008 contributions: Ivan Cafuta Jana Grilc Ivan Legiša Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo,, The Slovenia Times, Slovenske Novice, Zurnal24 Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.73 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). Slovenia South Australia can be viewed online (digital library Slovenia) 5EBI Radio Committee Slovenian Radio 5EBI RADIOTON DONATIONS Dragi rojaki, bodimo ponosni na sami sebe saj smo zopet radodarno odprli svoja velika in plemenita srca ter priskočili na pomoč multikulturni radio postaji 5EBI, ki nam je lahko res hvaležna za vsakoletno nabirko. V imenu slov. radio odbora s hvaležnim srcem objavljam seznam letošnjih darovalcev. Bog Vam plemenito dobroto obilno povrni, če ne drugače vsaj na zdravju. Topla zahvala vsem in vsakemu posebej! LETOŠNJI DAROVALCI SO: E. BORLAK; T. KOSTAŠ; S. STEPHAN; I. IVANČIČ; FAMILY RANT; D. GUŠTINČIČ = $50 DRUŽINA POKLAR = $40 M. & N. POLAJZER = $30 M. ZRIM; A. ŽUPANČIČ; R. & O. TROŠT; M. J. RITOC; I. &R. LEGIŠA; R. & L. KREŠEVIČ; T.IVANČIČ; T. JESENKO; T. GUŠTINČIČ; A. & H. SZIVAC; R. & F. ŠNOFEL; F. VENZEL; N. KODELE; R. & S. GABRŠEK;H. & Ch. FILIPČIČ; F. LAVRENČIČ; H. & M. KETTLER; R. PERKOVIČ; A. M. ZUPANČIČ; M. & L. BRGOČ; F. GOJAK; J. & M. PAHOR; M. JENKO; A. LAH = $20 Mr &Mrs GALIČ; F. & V. KONČINA = $15 M. PUŽ; B.KAPELJ; Ž. & Š KOLMAN; V. KATERN; P. & M. ČELIGOJ; M. & I. ZAGORC; J. JEREBICA; D. & I. PAHOR; C. PETROVSKI; J. MEZEK; A. & I. STRGAR; A. BRANT; D. KREŠEVIČ; M. &L. VRABEC; C. JAMNIK; V. KONESTABO; M. ROTHER; O. L. HERVATIN; B. VALENČIČ; D. KALUŽA = $10 DIREKTNO NA RADIO POSTAJO SO DAROVALI: Mrs & ČARGO & Mr STOIBER = $30; Mrs OLGA IVANČIČ = $20 VSEH DAROV JE BILO $1120 + $50 PAID TO RADIO 5EBI Hvala! Ivan Legiša RADIO BBQ 9/11/14 Dragi rojali! V imenu slov. RADIO odbora prisrčna in topla zahvala vsem, ki ste se udeležili radijskega BBQ-ja. Z udeležbo ste nam pomagali, da bosta lepa materina beseda in pesem še vsaj nekaj časa prihajali v naše domove. Toplo in prisrčno se zahvaljujem predsedniku KLUBA Ivanu Cafuti za prevzeto skrb pri nabavi mesa, kakor tudi za vsestransko klubsko pomoč. Hvala ženam, ki nikoli ne razočarajo, saj so si v kuhinji tako potrpežljivo prizadevale in skrbele kot bi se šlo za nevem kakšno gostijo - in te so: Tonka Zupančič; Vida Končina; Olga Cafuta Rosemary Poklar; Ivanka Pahor; Rozika Legiša; Cvetka Petrovski; in Danica Kaluža. continued on page 9 Patent Letter from the Foreign Minister of Slovenia Karl Erjavec establishing the Honorary Consul and the Consulate of Slovenia in South Australia On the basis of Article 23 of the Foreign Affairs Act and by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Jadran Vatovec has been appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, Australia. The consular district of the Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide covers the State of South Australia. Mr Jadran Vatovec has been entrusted with the task of promoting all-round cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and the relevant area under consular jurisdiction in Australia, especially m all those fields in which both countries and their citizens as well as their economic, cultural and other organisations and institutions have particular interest, in accordance with international law. Ljubljana, this nineteenth day of September two thousand and fourteen TRANSLATION MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFI AIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Karl Erjavec Minister of Foreign Affairs Appointment of Mr Jadran Vatovec as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, Australia First Honorary Consul of Slovenia Appointed for South Australia Adrian (Jadran) Vatovec has been appointed as the first Honorary Consul of Slovenia in Adelaide, South Australia. Adrian has a long history of involvement with the Slovenian community in Adelaide particularly through his music and then through the Slovenia South Australia newsletter and the Slovenia Australia channel on YouTube. He also has significant business experience having worked for a major multinational company. The Republic of Slovenia Consulate is located at 19 Branwhite Street, Findon, South Australia, 5023. Consular hours are on Mondays from 10:00am -12:00pm, and from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Please phone 8268 4152 for an appointment. Slovenian Embassy and Consulates Republike Slovenije Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, Canberra http://canberra.veleposlanistvo. si/index.php?id= 1571 &L=1 Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade In the photo below - Jana Grilc, Charge d'Affaires Ad Interim, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra with Honorary Consuls of Slovenia - (from left) Adrian Vatovec (SA), Anthony Tomažin (NSW, and Derry Maddison (Vic). Picture taken at the time of the Slovenian Youth Concert, Melbourne, October 2014. Nevenka Golc-Clarke (QLD) was not present at time of photo. Adrian Vatovec (left) with the Governor of South Australia Hieu Van Le AO, at the later's inauguration ceremony as Governor of South Australia at the Adelaide Convention Centre on, September 1, 2014. Timeline About Photos Likes More ' Find us on facebook Štiri Novoimenovane Častne Konzule v Avstraliji Na Veeposlaništvu Republike Slovenije v Canberri smo zelo veseli, da lahko sporočimo, da imamo v Avstraliji od letos dalje štiri novoimenovane častne konzule. Poleg častnega konzula g. Anthonyja Tomažina v Sydneyju, ki bo pod svojim okriljem vodil tudi novoustanovljeni poslovni klub, še častnega konzula g. Derryja Maddisona v Melbournu, go. Nevenko Golc-Clarke v Caloundri in g. Adriana Vatovca v Adelaidi. Veleposlaništvo zelo dobro sodeluje z vsemi častnimi konzuli v Avstraliji in si z njimi redno izmenjuje informacije s področja konzularnih zadev, promocije gospodarstva, turizma, kulture in znanosti. Častni konzuli predstavljajo posebno dodano vrednost in vez med veleposlaništvom in številčno slovensko skupnostjo v Avstraliji, ki po ocenah Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu predstavlja 20.-30.000 oseb slovenskega porekla. Prvič imamo častna konzula tudi v Queenslandu in Južni Avstraliji, kjer je glede na podatke iz zadnjega avstralskega popisa prebivalstva iz leta 2011 v Queenslandu živelo 688 Slovencev rojenih v Sloveniji (11,3 %), v Južni Avstraliji pa 429 (7 %), seveda jih glavnina od teh 39 % živi v Viktoriji in 32 % v Novem Južnem Walesu. Častni konzul g. Jadran Vatovec je v slovenski skupnosti v Južni Avstraliji je že dolga leta eden najaktivnejših članov. Ureja in vodi Slovenia Australia Cahnnel na YouTubu, kjer redno objavlja video posnetke dogodkov v skupnosti. Ureja in vodi tudi glasilo Slovenia South Australia Newsletter, v katerem objavlja vse pomembnejše novice iz slovenske skupnosti. S svojim bogatim glasbenim znanjem, saj je diplomiral na Adelaide College of Music in to še nadgradil na University of New South Wales v Sydneyu iz marketinga, Slovencem v Adelaidi predaja najboljše kar premore, svoj glasbeni talent in motivira prisotne za ohranjanje slovenske kulture. Z glasbo se ukvarja že vrsto let in ustvarja tudi kot komponist. Njegove skladbe so bile predvajane na umetniškem festivalu v Adelaidi, božičnem praznovanju v Adelaidi, posneli pa so jih tudi slovenski pevec Vlado Kreslin, Slovenski zbor Adelaide in Avstralski mladinski zbor. Skladba 'Spirit of Christmas' je bila izjemno dobro sprejeta in se jo izvaja na vseh važnejših avstralskih prireditvah, na avstralskih in tujih veleposlaništvih, na dvorih, v mirovnih misijah, bolnišnicah, šolah ipd. Eno od skladb je posnel s Filharmoničnim orkestrom Budimpešte tudi Andras Csontha, koncertni mojster Madžarskega državnega opernega orkestra. Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Canberri mu ob tej priložnosti še enkrat čestita ob imenovanju in mu želi veliko kreativnih idej in uspešnih projektov v vlogi častnega konzula Republike Slovenije v Južni Avstraliji. Jana Grilc, začasna odpravnica poslov Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Slovenian Consulate South Australia The Consulate can assist with enquires regarding citizenship, passports, inheritance etc. in conjunction with the Slovenian Embassy in Canberra. It should be noted that the Consulate as well as the other Slovenian Consulates in Australia cannot authorize signatures. In the case of passports once 10 - 15 people would desire a passport an Embassy staff member will come from Canberra to complete the process by taking fingerprints as per current passport requirements. With speculation that Australian university fees could skyrocket with some degree courses costing about $100,000, in Slovenia there are no university HECS fees. If you have Slovenian citizenship there are no university HECS fees. Having Slovenian citizenship is no longer a commodity but a highly prized asset. Introducing the SLOVENIAN AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SLOVENIAN AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SEMINAR Seminar ki je potekal 24. 11. 2014 na Nebotičniku v Ljubljani na katerem je med drugim častni konzul iz Sydneyja g. Anthony Tomažin predstavil na novo ustanovljen poslovni klub Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce. Naprej vsi lepo pozdravljeni, • Sem poslovnež, s podjetji v Avstraliji in Sloveniji, ter Častni Konzul za NSW. • V Avstraliji - V Sydeney-u sem lastnik finančnega podjetja, ki je neodvisno od bank in finančnih institucij, specializirano za zagotavljanje posojil za stanovanjske in poslovne namene. • V SIovenij i pa sem lastnik dveh podj etij, ki se ukvarj ata z nepremičninami, gostinstvom in informacijsko tehnologijo. • Vesel sem, da vam lahko povem, da imamo letos v Avstraliji štiri novoimenovane častne konzule. • V Sydneju, kjer delujem, smo ustanovili poslovni klub "Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce". Klub je bil registriran pred kratkim - pretekli petek, tako da več informacij najdete na spletni strani kluba. • Poslovni klub bo svojim članom nudil brezplačno uporabo konferenčne sobe, internet in faks. • Po ugodni ceni bo klub nudil iskanje poslovnih informacij, raziskovanje trgov, bonitetne ocene vaših bodočih partnerjev ali agentov ter finančno in pravno svetovanje. • Poslovni klub bo v prihodnosti organiziral poslovne dogodke in sicer na vseh glavnih štirih lokacijah konzulatov po Avstraliji ( Južna Avstralija - Adelaide, Victoria - Melbourne, NSW - Sydeney in Brisbane - Queensland). • Statut poslovnega kluba predvideva, da imajo stalno mesto vsakokratni predstavniki veleposlaništva RS in ČK. • Članstvo je odprto vsakemu, ki želi promovirati cilje poslovnega kluba oz. pri promociji gospodarskega sodelovanja med Slovenijo in Avstralijo. • Članarina je simbolična in sicer: • - za 1 leto: 20 AUD • - za 3 leta: 50 AUD • - za 10 let: 150 AUD • Avstralija predstavlja predvsem potencial za inovativne izdelke, tehnologije in storitve, saj je 12. največje gospodarstvo sveta in 4. največje v okviru azijsko pacifiške regije. Med zanimivimi področji za sodelovanje velja omeniti informacijsko tehnologijo, zdravstvo, varovanje okolja, energetiko v povezavi z alternativnimi viri, izobraževanje, razvoj infrastrukture in seveda turizem. • Avstralska podjetja so že izrazila interes za gospodarsko sodelovanje in radi bi, da bi Avstralija prepoznala Slovenijo tudi za naložbene možnosti. • Sklenitev Sporazuma o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčenja z AU bo omogočila ugodnejše pogoje za poslovanje med slovenskimi in avstralskimi podjetiji. Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam pridružite, da skupaj raziščemo možnosti, ki jih ponuja Avstralija! V ponedeljek 24. novembra 2014 je v prostorih restavracije Nebotičnik v Ljubljani potekal seminar o priložnostih slovenskih podjetij pri poslovanju z Avstralijo, ki ga je organizirala Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije v sodelovanju z Veleposlaništvom RS v Canberri ter častnim konzulom iz Sydneyja g. Anthonyjem Tomažinom. Na seminarju je g. Anthony Tomažin predstavil možnosti in priložnosti za sodelovanje, ki jih slovenskim podjetjem ponuja njegov konzulat v Sydneyju in povabil podjetja, da se pridružijo novo ustanovljenemu poslovnemu klubu, ki je bil pod imenom Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce uradno registriran pretekli teden. Več informacij o poslovnem klubu in pristopna izjava je dostopna na sledeči internetni strani: Vse prisotne je v imenu Gospodarske zbornice nagovoril g. Aleš Cantarutti, direktor Centra za mednarodno poslovanje na GZS, ki je omenil, da je Avstralija sicer oddaljen trg, sorazmerno majhen kar se tiče števila potrošnikov, pri čemer pa njihova kupna moč, razvoj lastne industrije, naravna bogastva, razvoj energetike na osnovi obnovljivih virov in vzpodbude za tuje investitorje predstavljajo vzpodbude za vstop slovenskih podjetij na ta trg. Še posebej pa je potrebno upoštevati dejstvo, da lahko Avstralija prispeva odlično izhodišče za poslovanje s širšo Azijsko pacifiško regijo. V živo sta udeležence včerajšnjega posveta iz daljnega Melbourna pozdravila in predstavila svoje izkušnje ter ostale zanimivosti pri poslovanju z Avstralijo g. Marko Batič, pooblaščeni direktor prodaje v Sentosa Trading Pty Ltd Melbourne, ki uspešno posluje predvsem na področju električne opreme in naprav - podjetje že uspešno zastopa podjetja Iskra d.d., ETI d.d. ter Kolektor Etra d.o.o., ter g. Peter Mikuš, ki že osem let v okviru lastnega podjetja TOTO Properties Pty Ltd Melbourne deluje na področju nepremičnin in gradbeništva. Slednji je izpostavil žalostno dejstvo kako Avstrijci uspešno izvažajo lesene polizdelke namenjene gradnji in gradbeništvu, ki pa v osnovi prihajajo iz slovenskih gozdov. Sta pa oba govornika pozvala slovenska podjetja, da se v okviru svojega poslovanja poizkusijo uveljaviti tudi na avstralskem trgu, pri čemer sta pripravljena ponuditi tudi svoje izkušnje in znanje. Pravne okvire poslovanja in priložnosti, ki jih ponuja avstralski trg je predstavil strokovnjak za pravne in politične zadeve g. Robert Walters, doktorski študent na Evropski pravni fakulteti v Novi Gorici in na Victoria University v Melbournu. V svoji predstavitvi je povzel zakonodajo na področju davkov, ustanavljanja podjetij ter viznega režima. Izkušnje in način poslovanja podjetja Iskra Zaščite d.o.o. je predstavil dr. Antony Surtees, direktor podjetja Iskra Protection USA iz Clevelanda, ki sicer za podjetje pokriva tako ameriški, kot tudi avstralski trg, kjer je živel in delal preden se je preselil v ZDA. Sicer podjetje Iskra Zaščite d.o.o. izvaža na avstralski trg kar tretjino svoje proizvodnje. Trg je po mnenju dr. Surteesa zanimiv tudi kot testni trg za visoko kvalitetne in tehnološko napredne izdelke, saj je zaradi sorazmerno majhnega števila prebivalcev obvladljiv, hkrati pa s svojo kvaliteto življenja, visoko strokovnostjo in znanjem omogoča vstop samo najboljšim. Nekaj praktičnih izkušenj in nasvetov je na koncu predstavil tudi g. Vinko Rizmal, direktor Slovensko avstralskega združenja za poslovno in kulturno sodelovanje, ki je večino svojega življenja skupaj z družino preživel v Avstraliji, kjer se je aktivno ukvarjal na vseh področjih: kulturnem, političnem in gospodarskem. Med drugim je tudi glavni pobudnik za prenos stare mariborske trte na avstralska tla, v zadnjem času, pa se ukvarja predvsem s promocijo in vključevanjem v poslovno mrežo, ki se je razvila v Avstraliji ( ) Seminarja se je udeležilo preko 50 predstavnikov različnih podjetij, državnih inštitucij in medijev, kar potrjuje aktualnost tematike in zanimanje slovenskih podjetnikov za vstop na avstralski trg. Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce The Chamber was initiated by Anthony Tomažin, Honorary Consul of Slovenia for NSW, and is supported by the other Slovenian Consuls in Australia, namely Victoria, Queensland and South Australia. The Slovenian Embassy in Canberra is a key participant. The objectives of the Chamber are: • to promote friendship, goodwill and understanding between the business communities of Australia and Slovenia. • to maintain, promote and extend industrial and commercial relations between individuals, firms, companies, corporations, institutions and Chambers of Australia and Slovenia. • to promote agreements between Slovenia, Australia and Australian firms to cooperate in joint ventures, transfer of know-how, licensing agreements and establishment of third country projects. • to maintain liaison with the Government of Australia, Australia and Slovenia in order to promote any of the above objects and to ensure that the concerns, views and plans of the Australia, Australian and Slovenian business communities are clearly conveyed to the governments of both countries so as to develop economic, industrial and commercial cooperation between the two countries. • to establish working groups to achieve any of the above objectives, including in particular the encouragement of trade, investment and technology. • to promote and encourage trade, investment, technical and economic cooperation between Australia and Slovenia and the establishment of joint ventures in Australia and Slovenia • by arranging for regular and effective consultation between business enterprises in Australia and Slovenia; • by organising a mix of business and industry networking events, business missions, and integrated marketing and media campaigns; • in any other manner authorised by the rules of the Chamber. • to facilitate access to business opportunities available in Slovenia • by facilitating networking activities between Slovenian and NSW firms; • by referring interested parties to the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra and the Consulates of the Republic of Slovenia in Australia. • to encourage public and private partnership with Australian Government and business involvement and carry endorsement from the respective peak business bodies. Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce Membership Applicaton Form Please complete the form and return it together with payment made out to Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce at the address below. The Admission Membership Fee is $10, and current joining subscripton options are • $20 per annum • $50 for first 3 years • $160 Foundation Member for first 10 years • $300 Life Membership* *applications must be received prior to 31 March 2015 I hereby apply for membership of the Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce and provide the following details: My Personal Contact Details Title_ First Name Last Name_ Company Name Country_ Email Address *this email address will be used for all communication with you Mobile_ Phone_ Address City:_ Country_ Post Code_ My Business Contact Details Phone_ Fax_ Address City_ Country _ Post Code My Business information Industry Sectors • Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing • Communication Services • Cultural and Recreational Services • Education • Electricity, Gas and Water • Finance and Insurance • Government Administration and Defence • Health and Community Services • Manufacturing • Mining • Personal and Other Services • Property and Business Services • Retail • Transport and Storage • Wholesale • Other ____________________________ Number of Employees no other employees • 1-5 • 6-10 • 11-20 • 21-50 • 51-100 • >100 Brief Description of my business I wish to apply for Membership and will pay $10 Admission Fee plus 1 Year Membership - $20 per annum 3 Year Membership - $50 for 3 years 10 Year Membership - $160 for 10 years Life Membership - $300 for life membership In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Chamber for the time being in force. Date........................................ Signature of applicant............................................. Please forward this form and cheque for payment to Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce c/o Royal Guardian Mortgage Corporation* Level 1, 4 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134 AUSTRALIA *Royal Guardian Mortgage Corporation is owned by Honorary Consul Anthony Tomažin. For information about the Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce visit the Chamber's website Father's Day Pictures below are from the Father's Day celebration held on August 31, 2014, at Slovenian Club Adelaide. Cassandra Vatovec Molly Cafuta Nik Kumberger Slovenian Choir Adelaide Emil Borlak, Frank Končina, Jože Jerebica, Tone Gustinčič, Franc Goyak, Mario Jesenko, Tone Ivančič, and Ivan Benc. continued from page Prav iskrena in topla zahvala gre tudi Hansu Kettler in Hansu Szivac, ki sta s skrbnim obračanjem mesa res vse zadovolila! Seveda ne smem in nisem pozabil na naše zveste in dobre duše, ki so napekle , prinesle in podarile sladko pocivo, brez katerega ne bi bilo fešte.In te so: Ivanka Pahor; Tonka Zupančič; Rosemary Poklar; Cvetka Petrovski; Rozika Legiša; Iva Kreševič; Ana Likar; Tončka Kostaš; Rosi Šnofl; Anica Szivac; Marta Zrim in Nežika Polajzer. Lepa hvala Mery Puž in Francki Venzel za podarjeno solato. Enako toplo in prisrčno se zahvaljujem g. Tomu Leš ter g. Niku Kodele, ki za naš dan organizirata in sponzorirata vsakoletno balinarsko tekmovanje, katero se nam lepo obrestuje z dodatnimi kosili. G. Nik Kodele je daroval šest steklenic vrhunskega domačega vina, ki je bilo z lecitacijo prodano za $40. Izvrsten kolač gospe Ane Likar je tudi navrgel lepo vsoto $25. Obema dobrotnikoma gre dodatna topla zahvala! Pri toliki dobri volji, pri tolikem prizadevanju in nesebični ljubezni,, človek res ne sme pričakovati še kaj več. Od BBQ-ja čistega dobička je bilo $1018 Darov za slov RADIO tega dne v denarju pa je bilo $342 Darovali so: slov. KLUB $100; J Zorman $50; T. Kramar $20; M.&K. Bunderla; $20; J.Vatovec $20; M. Ivančič $20; A. Likar $20; H. Perc $20; M. Šribar $20; A. Dodič $10; K. High $10; M. Milošič $10; M. Puž $10; M. Golja $12 Če slučajno sem koga pomotoma prezrl, prosim naj mi oprpsti ter me opozori, da napako popravim! Ivan Legiša ** The Slovenian Adelaide 5EBI Radio Program team for 2014 is Ivan Legiša president, Vida Končina, Rosemary Poklar, Cvetka Petrovski, Stanka Sintič, and Anna-Maria Zupančič. Rosemary Poklar and Cvetka Petrovski are delegates to 5EBI. Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Tune into FM 103.1mhz. Internet: The Slovenian program broadcasting in Adelaide continuously for over 30 years. EBI Digital World With the introduction of digital broadcasting 5EBI now simulcast the FM service on digital radio. Pevski zbor - Choir Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. New members are welcome to join because as we know, most Slovenians can sing. It's in our DNA. Slovenian picnic basket Slovenian Adelaide Find us on Facebook Come and join us! Slovenian Adelaide is a new Facebook page. We encourage all Slovenians, particularly 2nd and 3rd generation Australian Slovenians to join. Currently 600 plus members. Slovenski Adelaide je nov Facebook stran. Spodbujamo vse Slovence, še posebej 2. in 3. generacije Avstralskih Slovencev, da se pridružijo. Trenutno 600 plus članov. Slovenia Australia Channel YouTubeđi?v=nAV5Zl_FUuM Jana Grilc Charge d'Affaires ad Interim Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Canberra, Australia Jana talks about a number of topics such as the type of work that is done at the Embassy; the requirements for a person to obtain Slovenian citizenship; who should a person contact to obtain Slovenian citizenship; who are the new Honorary Consuls; the functions of an Honorary Consul and what they can and cannot do; official opening ceremonies of the other Consulates (the Consulate in Victoria was opened in early 2014); the establishment of the Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce and why this is important; the opportunity for the exchange of students, academics, and scientists; what the Embassy is planning in the next 12 months; development possibilities between Slovenia and Australia. Jana also tells us a little about herself as to where she comes from in Slovenia; what she misses most about Slovenia; what she likes about Australia and what things she is passionate about. ** WFlh-905nyeRFssgQ 1st half - 40th Slovenian Youth Concert, Melbourne 2014 40th Slovenian Youth Concert - 40. slovenski mladinski koncert 1st half - prva polovica Hosts: Barbara, Veronica Smrdel - Roberts and David Roberts Opening speech: Father Ciril A Božič OFM OAM Provincial delegate, Leader of Slovenian Mission, Melbourne Australian National Anthem sung by Christine Ferra Slovenian National Anthem sung by Anna Tegelj and Helen Trinnick Film: 40 Years - Turn back the clock 1. Glasniki Reunion Choir with Ensemble Karantanija (Melbourne) 2. Ashley Horvat - Accordion Solo (Adelaide) 3. Slovenian Slomšek School Kew, 'Metuljčki' - singing and dancing (Melbourne) 4. Marcus Bogovič - Guitar Solo (Melbourne) 5. Evie Johnson - Harp Solo (Melbourne) 6. Olivia Pase - Keyboard Solo (Melbourne) 7. Daniel Bogovič - Keyboard Solo (Melbourne) 8. Madeline Mrak - Classical Dance Solo (Geelong) 9. Christine, Owen and Ivy Ferra - Vocal Trio (Melbourne) 10. Lotti Bogovič - Vocal Solo (Melbourne) 11. Thomas Scott - Piano Solo (Melbourne) 12. Katherine Pistor - Vocal Solo (Adelaide) 13. Men's Quartet Kew - Vocal Quartet (Melbourne) 14. Natalie Bratina - Flute Solo (Melbourne) 15. Rachel and Lenti Lenko - Vocal Duet and Button Accordion (Melbourne) 16. Ensemble Žagarji - Band (Melbourne) 'L-'yfSk SLOVENSKI У^ГП MLADINSKI ^ßy KONCERT Saturday 4th Octot>*f A 2014 at 3pm A » 1 1 fHQIW n«wr L SLOVENEC PO SftCU A SLOVENIAN AT КЕАЛТ 2nd half - 40th Slovenian Youth Concert, Melbourne 2014 40th Slovenian Youth Concert - 40. slovenski mladinski koncert Melbourne 2014 2nd half - druga polovica 17. Ensemble Karantanija - Band (Melbourne) Speech: Mr Alfred Brežnik AM Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia for New South Wales 1992 - 2013 and Victoria 1992 - 2002 23. Anna Tegelj and Helen Trinnick - Vocal Duet (Melbourne) 24. Fr Darko Žnidaršič and Lenti Lenko - Vocals and accordion (Sydney/Melbourne) 25. Zbor Planika - Men's Choir Planika (Melbourne) Concluding speech: Mrs Jana Grilc Charge d'Affaires Ad Interim Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Australia 26. Karantanija and Glasniki Reunion Choir - Band and choir (Melbourne) TweWFlh-905nyeRFssgQ&index=3 Slovenian band Rdeči cvet at Slovenian Cultural Festival, Melbourne, April 2014. Here they perform a medley of popular Slovenian folk songs. Rdeči cvet come from Melbourne. eWFlh-905nyeRFssgQ Melodia is a band from Melbourne, Australia, who perform Slovenian folk music. Recorded at the Slovenian Cultural Festival held at Slovenian Association Melbourne on April 6, 2014. 18. Ivan Burnik Legiša - Poem Recitation (Adelaide) 19. Ryan Harding - Piano Solo (Melbourne) 20. Tilka and Lenti Lenko - Vocal and Accordion Duet (Melbourne) 21. Folk Dance Group (Melbourne) 22. Madeline Mrak - Contemporary Dance Solo (Geelong) ** ** Veronica Smrdel - Roberts: Principal, Slovenian Slomšek School Kew (Melbourne) Interview with Veronica Smrdel - Roberts: Principal, Slovenian Slomšek School Kew (Melbourne). The school has now been going continuously for over 50 years which is a magnificent achievement and example of dedication, with all concerned, in keeping Slovenian culture alive in Australia. KRAŠKA JOTA Recept za 8 krožnikov Sestavine: 600 g kisle repe, 800 g krompirja 300 g fižola pisanca (češnjevca) 600 g svinjskih prekajenih (mesnatih) reber ali drugih kosov prašičjega mesa 1 čebula, 5 strokov česna 2 lovorova lista za kuhanje fižola za zabelo še 2 žlici sončničnega olja (ali masti) žlica moke, sol, mlet poper Priprava: Predpriprava: čez noč namočimo fižol. Naslednji dan vodo odlijemo in nalijemo svežo. Dodamo čebulo, žlico olja in lovorova lista, solimo in popramo ter skuhamo do mehkega. Repo operemo, damo kuhat v slano vodo, popramo in kuhamo približno uro, če je debelo naribana, uro in pol. Posebej v večjem loncu skuhamo v kosih olupljen krompir s prekajenim prašičjim mesom. Ko se je krompir skuhal, vzamemo meso iz lonca, krompir pa grobo pretlačimo. Kuhanemu krompirju dodamo fižol z malo vode, v kateri se je kuhal, in kuhano repo z vso tekočino. Skupaj počasi kuhamo še nekaj minut, da se sestavine spojijo in zgostijo. Medtem naredimo zabelo. Na olju (masti) popražimo žlico moke in sesekljan česen, da zadiši, in vmešamo v joto. Prevremo in ponudimo. Kuhana mesnata rebrca razrežemo in »pravično« razdelimo na krožnike. Pa dober tek! Ne pozabimo: jota je zložena jed, ki jo na Krasu strežejo ob protokolarnih priložnostih, zato si je za pripravo treba vzeti čas! ': V ; S" T*®. : '^HHH Na poti po Sloveniji smo opazili precej takšnih in drugačnih hišk iz drv. 7 beautiful places to visit in Slovenia An up-and-coming capital, beautiful scenery and gorgeous towns - welcome to Slovenia! Here are 7 of the most beautiful places in this wonderful little country (and what to do when you're there!). 1. Ljubljana There is plenty to see and do packed into this tiny capital city. Above the city, Ljubljana's Castle is accessible by funicular or by a steep but scenic walk, whose clock tower boasts incredible views of the city's Old Town with its pretty squares and Baroque architecture. While wandering around, look out for pictures and statues of dragons - they symbolise the mythological origins of the city. Legend has it that the Greek hero Jason and his Argonaut comrades killed a monster in a swamp on the present site of Ljubljana. For a truly unforgettable stay book yourself into Hostel Celica for a night or two. The hostel is a former Yugoslav prison whose cells have been redesigned by over 80 artists into a mix of private and dorm rooms. They are individually decorated with quirky furniture (think circle beds that hang from the ceiling), mosaics and murals. The hostel also does guided tours if you can't get a room. 2. Bled This picturesque, fairy-tale town is Slovenia's most popular resort, and rightly so. People flock here to enjoy the stunning views of the lake with its small church that sits on an islet. Beyond it you can see the gothic Bled Castle that is perched on the cliff's edge. It is a great town if you want a more active holiday as it is perfect for cycling, canoeing, and hiking and for the child in you, you can take a chair lift to the top of Straža ski slope and toboggan back down - it's an amazing adrenaline rush and is a surprisingly good way to take in the views. 3. Škocjan Caves This system of underground caves is a UNESCO world heritage site and has the highest cave hall in Europe. This huge, underground canyon can be crossed by a narrow bridge where you truly get a sense of how giant the space is. The caves are filled with impressive stalagmites and stalactites and are home to 15 species of bat. 4. Piran The beautiful coastal town of Piran juts out in to the Adriatic Sea. The old town's winding streets are lined with Venetian style buildings. Its most impressive attraction is St Georges Church that stands tall over the town and from the hill that is sits on you'll see all the way to the ocean. 5. Vogel Although not the most obvious destination for winter sports, Slovenia lias many high-quality ski-slopes and cross-country trails. Vogel, for example, is sat on a plateau above the majestic Bohinj Lake and caters well for beginners and experienced skiers alike. Their season runs from December all the way through until May and what's more, it is considerably cheaper than more well-known resorts. 6. Predjama Castle This 700 year old castle sits on a 123m cliff and is built into the mouth of a cave. It became famous due to the legend of the Robinhood-esque knight named Erazem Lueger - a robberbaron who stole from the rich and gave to the poor and fought the established order. Go in July and you can watch their annual medieval duelling tournament. Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevič Telephone 8340 7010 7. Soča valley The turquoise River Soča stretches from Triglav National Park to Nova Gorica between the Julian Alps. It is a great place to go if you enjoy extreme sports. Paragliding and rafting are extremely popular pursuits here, but if you wish to go at a slower pace there are plenty of hiking routes, horse-riding trails and fly-fishing spots for you to just relax and take in the scenery. Croatia given 15-year period to phase out "Kranjska" sausage production Croatian producers will be eligible to use the designation "Kranjska" for Kranjska sausage in the next 15 years, and after this transitional period they will no longer be entitled to use that label for their product. This decision of the European Commission has been seen by Croatian Agriculture Minister Tihomir Jakovina as a compromise agreement. In September 2012, Croatia sent an objection to the European Commission over Slovenia's request for the European Union Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status for its "Kranjska klobasa" (Kranjska sausage) given that the PDO status of that meat product would mean that Croatian producers can no longer produce sausages under the label "Kranjska". Slovenia lodged its request in 2010. Jakovina said recently that the Commission had made the decision on granting Croatia a 15-year transitional period, and after that Croatian manufacturers could no longer label their sausages as "Kranjska". The Croatian minister said that this was the longest possible transitional period for phasing out this sort of production. The Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK), which also reported about the EC decision, notes that the value of the Kranjska sausage production in Croatia was estimated at 80 million kuna. In 2012, Austria also objected to the PDO status to be granted to Slovenian Kranjska sausage, explaining that the ban of the production of Kranjska (krainer) sausage in Austria would inflict losses to the Austrian meat-processing industry. After that, Ljubljana and Vienna reached a preliminary agreement paving the way for the protection of the exclusivity conferred to Slovenia when it comes to sausage production in the EU and enabling Austrian companies to continue manufacturing meat products named "krainer" sausages and "Kaesekrainer", "Schweinskrainer", "Ostkreiner" and "Bauernkrainer under certain conditions. The classic Slovenian combination of kransky sausage and sauerkraut (Kranjske klobase in kislo zele). Future of the speedboat? Electric catamaran 'flies' above water at up to 25mph without making a noise Slovenian invention A speedboat will allow holiday makers to 'fly' above water, instead of gliding through it. The Quadrofoil (pictured) uses hydrofoils to lift the craft out of the water and allow it to reach a top speed of 25mph (40kph) • Quadrofoil uses four C-shaped hydrofoils to lift the craft out of the water • Craft has a top speed of 25mph (40kph) and is quiet and eco-friendly • It makes no waves and no emissions so it can be used in lakes • Boat costs €22,500 (£17,586 or $28,144) and is powered by an electric motor • Battery gives the craft a range of 62miles (100km) on a single charge • A super-slick, catamaran-like craft is being touted as the 21st century answer to the speedboat. • The Quadrofoil uses C-shaped hydrofoils to lift the craft out of the water, allowing it to reach a top speed of 25mph (40kph). • The shape of the four foils creates lift, to haul the vessel above the surface of the water and travel with minimal water resistance and in turn very little noise. 'Its silent motor and zero emissions enable it to ride on lakes, rivers, seas & eco-zones where most motor boats and PWC's are not allowed. No noise, no waves, no emissions.' WHAT IS A HYDROFOIL? AND WHY DO THEY CREATE LIFT? The Quadrofoil has four hydrofoils, which are wing-like lifting surfaces that operate in water. They look like airfoils used by aeroplanes and are mounted on struts below the hull. When speed is gained, they lift the boat's hull out of the water, decreasing drag and allowing greater speeds. The foils are shaped to move smoothly through the water causing water flow to be deflected downward, which exerts an upward force on the foil. This turning of the water causes higher pressure on the bottom and reduced pressure on the top of the foil. This pressure difference is accompanied by a velocity difference, so the resulting flow about the foil has a higher average velocity on one side than the other. When used as a lifting element on a hydrofoil boat, this upward force lifts the body of the vessel, decreasing drag and increasing speed. The craft costs €22,500 (£17,586 or $28,144) and will be shipped in March next year. It is powered by an electric motor and will cost less than 80p ($1.3) an hour to run. The Quadrofoil is easy to operate, according to its creators and the steering wheel has an integrated touch screen display to show a user how much battery power the boat has left, as well as its range and speed. The battery will give the craft a range of 62miles (100km) on a single charge. The wheel will act as a detachable key, so that no-one else can start the engine when it is removed. The boat has an integrated steering system, which is designed to keep the craft stable, prevents drifting and makes the craft responsive. It is made to be stable and stay horizontal at all times because of the foil design, which places the centre of gravity 26 ft (eight metres) above the vessel. The lightweight hull is built from composite materials and weighs just 220 lbs (100kg). Despite claiming the Quadrofoil is unsinkable and super stable, the craft will come with two life jackets, a paddle and safety whistle. QUADROFOIL Q2S ELECTRIC SPEC Height: 3ft 11 inches (1.2 metres) Length: 9ft 10 inches (3 metres) Width with foils: 8ft 2 inches (2.5 metres) Weight: 220lbs (100kg) Seats: 2 Speed: 25mph (40kph) Range: 62 miles (100km) on a full battery Batteries: 10KWh Cost: €22,500 (£17,586 or $28,144) Shipping date: March 2015 Kaj zaužiti, ko nas obiščejo virusi? Še preden se lotimo hrane, nekaj osnovnih zlatih pravil: ko zbolimo, nam telo sporoča, da nismo v ravnovesju, da se moramo ustaviti in okrepiti. Počivajmo, veliko pijmo in jejmo zdravo! Napitek iz ingverja in limete ali limone Potrebujemo: / limete ali limone za lešnik velik košček korenine ingverja 1 kumara ali bučka 1 rezina gomoljne zelene ali steblo sveže zelene za boljši okus po želji dodamo košček sadja V sokovnik damo kumaro in limeto oziroma limono, ki ju olupimo in narežemo. Odrežemo rezino gomoljne zelene (lahko tudi svežo) in majhen košček ingverja, ju očistimo in pridružimo sestavinama v sokovniku. To zdaj sočimo. Sok popijemo na tešče pred zajtrkom. Kaj vse dobrega vsebujejo omenjene sestavine? Ingver je začimba in dišavnica, a ima tudi zdravilno moč. Odličen je pri preganjanju prehladov in gripe, ublaži pa tudi slabost in bruhanje pri potovalni bolezni in nosečnicah. Z njim pomirimo želodčne težave. Zelena vsebuje provitamin A, vitamine B, C in E, alkaloid apiin ter minerale, med katerimi je največ kalija, natrija, magnezija, fosforja in kalcija. Limeta in limona vsebujeta veliko vitamina C in kalij, kalcij, fosfor. V soku je kar 6 do 7 odstotkov citronske kisline, ki blaži prehladna obolenja, in slavni vitamin C. Kumara pa nas bo predvsem odžejala, saj vsebuje kar 97 odstotkov vode, v njej pa sta tudi kalij in vitamin C. Bazična voda je pot k boljšemu zdravju Morda ta napitek deluje, kot da ni nič posebnega, vendar je njegov prispevek k našemu zdravju neprecenljiv. Kislost in bazičnost se meri na podlagi faktorja pH, nevtralna vrednost pH-ja je 7,0, kar je pod 7, je kislo, nad to vrednostjo pa bazično oz. alkalno. Ko smo zdravi, pH naše krvi znaša 7,35-7,45 (rahlo bazično). Naše telo je sposobno samo ohranjati vrednosti pH-ja v ravnovesju, predvsem prek ledvic in pljuč, vendar slabe prehranjevalne navade (predelana hrana, alkohol, sladkor, kava, meso, bela moka ...) in nezdrav življenjski slog (premalo gibanja na svežem zraku in preveč sedenja v zaprtih prostorih) sta krivca, da smo zakisani. Zakisanost močno oslabi imunski sistem, kar posledično vodi k blažjim ali celo težjim bolezenskim stanjem (rak). Tukaj je recept za pripravo bazične vode, ki je po okusu bolj blaga od limonade ali vode s sodo bikarbono. Voda je bazična oz. alkalna, ko je njena vrednost pH približno 8 ali 9. Preprost način, da si naredimo bazično vodo: Potrebujemo: 2 litra čiste filtrirane vode 1 limono iz ekološke pridelave, ki jo operemo in narežemo na krhlje 1 žličko soli V vrč vode damo narezane rezine limone, dodamo eno čajno žličko soli, pokrijemo in pustimo stati čez noč pri sobni temperaturi. Zjutraj na tešče spijemo tri kozarce bazične vode, malce počakamo in šele nato zajtrkujemo. Seveda pa se ne pozabite posvetovati z zdravnikom, če imate kakršnekoli težave z želodcem ali s prebavili. Med za krepitev odpornosti in proti kašlju Malce bomo mešali in si iz medu naredili pravo bombo vsega dobrega. Potrebujemo: ekološko pridelane limone, mandarine, pomaranče, limete ... kar nam najbolj prija, lahko pa jih tudi pomešamo med seboj (1 sadež za srednje velik kozarec) med (vseeno kateri) začimbe, ki nas grejejo: cimet, klinčki, ingver ... po okusu (1-2 žlički za srednje velik kozarec) Kot smo že omenili, ne branite se česna, saj je naravni antioksidant, ki deluje proti prostim radikalom, ki poškodujejo zdrave celice. Zdravje je le na prvem mestu, kajne! Sezonsko sadje in zelenjava v kakršnikoli obliki. Ker ju običajno ne zmoremo toliko zaužiti, kot ju potrebuje izčrpano telo, priporočamo, da ju sočite ali si pripravite smutije. In ne pozabite: prevladuje naj zelenjava, sadja zaužijte le za tretjino dnevnega vnosa sadja in zelenjave in še to raje v dopoldanskem času. Saj veste, sadje je polno sladkorja in telo ga lažje predela in porabi v bolj aktivni fazi, torej dopoldne. Ingver! Naj postane ta vsestranska korenina vaša dnevna rutina. Ponuja veliko možnosti uporabe, od svežega, do čaja, v sladicah, glavnih obrokih ... Zdrav je. In pika. Tako imenovana "superživila". Bodisi z eksotičnimi imeni ali le preprosta zelišča in začimbnice iz naših logov. Kuhajte čaje iz njih, dodajajte jih čajem ali hrani. Vsak korak na poti k boljšemu počutju šteje. Voda. Ni treba posebej veliko dodati, da človek predvsem potrebuje čisto vodo, da živi. Ko zbolimo, se potreba po njej močno poveča, z njo odplaknemo strupe iz telesa in se hidriramo. Delno jo lahko nadomestimo z nesladkanimi čaji. Social Media for Professionals Find Slovenian professional and business connections on the internet at LinkedIn - Linked S?! Steklen kozarec mora biti čist, razkužen (lahko ga prekuhamo ali za 10 minut pregrejemo na 120 stopinjah Celzija v pečici). Sadež narežemo na manjše koščke (četrtine). Naprej damo v kozarec le polovico vseh sestavin in dobro premešamo s keramično ali leseno žličko. Postopek ponovimo, da napolnimo kozarec do vrha, in še enkrat premešamo. Prav tako zmes vsakič premešamo, preden jo zaužijemo. Takoj ko mešanico naredimo, jo postavimo v hladilnik in po štirih urah jo že lahko uporabljamo. Porabimo jo najpozneje v dveh mesecih. Lahko jo ližemo po žličkah (eno do dve ob vnetem grlu) ali ga vsak dan dodamo mlačnemu čaju za krepitev odpornosti. Živila prvakov, ko nas obiščeta prehlad ali gripa Stari dobri naravni penicilin ali po domače kurja juhica. Pogreje nas, očisti dihalne poti, saj zmehča sluz. Ker je hranljiva, nas tudi okrepi. Ne varčujte s sezonsko zelenjavo in dvema eliksirjema zdravja: s čebulo in česnom. Novo mesto Auto Industry Celebrating 60th Anniversary A ceremony in Novo mesto will launch on Thursday evening celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of the beginnings of the thriving car and caravan industry in this southeastern town, home for instance to Renault's subsidiary Revoz. The story, continuing with Revoz, caravan maker Adria Mobil and automotive parts supplier TPV, began with Industrija Motornih Vozil or IMV (Industry of Motor Vehicles). IMV, seen today as the cornerstone of the post-war industrialisation of the region which now boasts some of the country's leading exporters, first started assembling the DKW Schnellaster van and DKW Universal personal vehicle. First Renault 4 from Novo Mesto (File photo It developed its first van in 1958, while it started developing touring caravans in 1965 and later also added motorhomes and mobile homes to its production line. The Austin Morris 1300 was assembled in Novo mesto from 1968 to 1972, which marked the arrival of Renault, including with its legendary 4L model. IMV employed more than 6,500 people in its heyday, while it was restructured into several separate companies during the crisis in 1980s, including into the mentioned trio. Revoz, which had a workforce of around 2,000 people and announced new shifts recently, is still going strong and is the only European plant manufacturing the New Twingo. The Renault Clio is still being manufactured too, while the production is also starting of the new Smart ForFour. New Twingo from Novo Mesto (Photo: Revoz) Caravan maker Adria Mobil has also been doing well despite the crisis, holding some 6% of the European market. It presently employs almost 600 people, roughly half of the figure reported by the TVP group, which is supplying parts to virtually all leading car makers in the world. The history of car making in Novo mesto can be explored in more detail at a special exhibition there, set up three years ago under the title "Wheels of Progress IMV", while doors open days will also be organised at Revoz, Adria and TVP to mark the anniversary. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Birth Anita and Wojtek Gierlach (nee Polajzer) are delighted to announce the early but safe arrival of Leo Edward Gierlach born on the 15th November, 2014, at 4:55pm. Leo weighed 2.67kg & 45cm. Birthday - Rojstni dan July - Ciril Galič (90th), Frank Končina, Marjo Segulin, Peter Božanič, Ana Brand, David Perkovič, Slavko Jenko, Stephanie Goyak, Elizabeth Pistor, Rosie Pirc, Dorotea Goyak, Peter Bole-Schneider August - Olga Hrvatin, Tone Gustinčič, Davor Pavlin - Premrl, Rozi Šnofl, Mathew Goyak, Daniel Goyak, Frank Pirc September - Sigrid Millard (nee Bunderla), Silvana Poklar, Marjan Podobnik, Nicole Jesenko, Ida Ponikvar, Helena Rant-Malnar, Andrew Koren, Joseph Goyak, Rebecca Keen October - Jože Pahor, Ludvik Brgoč, Olga Cafuta, Ivanka Ivančič, Maria Zagorc, Sonja Kovačevič, Karlo Filipčič, Andrej Miljavec, Rob Pahor, Patrick Jenko, Veronika Tiller, Helen Zavrl-Smith, Bec Elvy Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Ralph Frederick CHURCHES BEM Died in Adelaide October 18, 2014. Aged 96 years. Much loved husband of Ronte for 74 years. Much loved father of Beverley, Steven and Neil. Loving grandfather of Belinda, Lisa, Owen and Lucy and greatgrandfather of eight. Ralph will forever be known and remembered for organizing a mass escape of POW's from a Nazi German POW camp in Maribor during WWII. No blood was spilled during the escape making this probably the most successful escape of WWII. Ralph was a great friend of Slovenia. Rest in peace dear friend. Ralph Churches videos on the Slovenia Australia channel on YouTube Ambassador Dr Balažic - Australian Ralph Churches Slovenian Golden Emblem Award pictures Ambassador Dr Balažic - Australian Ralph Churches Slovenian Golden Emblem Award X_q5g Ralph Churches - Escape to Freedom Gabrijela BRNE Born in the village of Zabiče, Slovenia, 18.08.1937. Passed away in Adelaide, 4.10.2014 Aged 77 years. She leaves two sons, one daughter. In Slovenia she leaves two surviving brothers and one sister from a family of originally twelve children. Severina KOMJANC 28/08/1924 - 23/10/2014 Aged 90 years. Born in Slovenia. Formally of Salisbury S.A. Loved wife of Stanley (deceased). Loved mother and mother-in-law of Ruben and Di. Loved Nona of Jason and Anita. Great Nona of Jaelee. Loved by her only surviving brother Franz and family in Goriza, Italy, and also many nieces and nephews in Australia, Slovenia, Italy and Argentina. Marija JUG (nee GRANDUČ) Born in the village of Povžane, Slovenia, 17.09.1937. Passed away in Adelaide 13.11.2014. Aged 77 years. Loved wife of Miran. Loved mother of David and his wife Kristina, and their children Anna and Dani, and loved mother of Anna (her husband David is deceased) and her child Oliva. Loved sister of Roza Kresevič, who lives in Adelaide, and sister Nada Klun and brother Jože in Slovenia. The funeral was held on Monday, 17 November with rosary and Mass in the Slovenian Catholic Church, and burial in the Dudley Park Cemetery. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) Non-members only Clubrooms (seats 120) Members and non-members For booking contact: President: 8443 8842 m: 0427393548_ USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: (08) 8269 6199 fax: (08) 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sunday Dinner from 6.00pm 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). President - Ivan Cafuta m: 0427393548 Vice-President - Milan Vrabec Secretary - Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer - Rudi Perkovič Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 PO Box 156, WELLAND SA 5007 tel: (03) 9853 7787 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00 am Pater Ciril Božič m: 0412 555 840 Pater David Šrumpf m: 0497 097 783 Marija Anžič m: 0499 77 22 02 Mass days: first and last Sunday of the month Slovenian Program 5EBI FM Radio Adelaide Slovenian program first broadcast in 1976 (stereo FM 103.1mhz simulcast in digital) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: (08) 8211 7635 studio tel: (08) 8211 7066 internet: Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Ivan Burnik Legiša President Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia) 26 Akame Circuit O'Malley 2606 ACT PO Box 284, Civic Square ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6290 0000 fax: (02) 6290 0619 email: internet: twitter: mag. Jana Grilc Charge d'Affaires Ad Interim konzularna ure / consular hours ponedeljek od 9:30 do 12:00 torek od 9:30 do 12:00 sreda od 9:30 do 12:00 in od 14:00 do 16:00 četrtek od 9:30 do 12:00 Za obisk na veleposlaništvu je potreben predhoden telefonski dogovor. Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in Adelaide, South Australia 19 Branwhite Street Findon South Australia 5023 Tel: (08) 8268 4152 Email: Facebook: Adrian (Jadran) Vatovec Honorary Consul of Slovenia Consular hours Monday 10.00am - 12.00pm 1.00pm - 4.00pm Please telephone for an appointment Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Erjavčeva 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 230 8010 fax: +386 1 230 8017 email: internet: Gorazd Žmavc Minister for Slovenians Abroad Australian Consulate in Slovenia Vurnikova 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 234 8675 emergency tel: +386 41649919 fax: +386 1 234 8676 email: Consular hours; Monday and Thursday; 9 to 12 Wednesday; 14 to 18 Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants The portal offers up-to-date information on Slovenians abroad and the work of the Slovenian government. Internet: Magazine: Moja Slovenija (My Slovenia) Sveta Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence po svetu (Government Council for Slovenians abroad) Sydney representative: Florjan Auser email: Melbourne representative: Peter Mandelj email: The Council meets annually in July in Slovenia. The objective of the Council is to preserve Slovenian culture, identity and language among Slovenians abroad. SBS Radio SBS Radio Sydney Locked Bag 028 Crows Nest NSW 1585 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9949 2121 email: Friday, 5.00 - 6.00pm on SBS Radio 3 digital, online, mobile and digital TV. No analogue radio. Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio podcast: Presenters: Tania Smrdel (Sydney) and Lenti Lenko (Melbourne) Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Misli (Thoughts) First published 1952 19 A'Beckett Street Kew VIC 3101 tel: 03 9387 8488 fax: 03 9380 2141 Religious and Cultural bi-monthly magazine in Slovenian language p. Ciril A. Božič OFM Editor and Manager Radio Slovenija 1 Oddaja Slovencem po svetu. Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 9.05pm - 10.05pm Internet radio: RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 9.30pm (Slovenian time) The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Online newsletter from Cleveland, USA Phil Hrvatin Senior Editor Thezaurus Slovenian language and cultural resources Internet: Aleksandra Ceferin Director Slovenia Australia channel YouTube video channel about YnufTflfcl Slovenian Australian topics шццјј Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia (HASA) c/- Slovenian Association Melbourne P.O Box 185 Eltham Victoria 3095 Australia email: Internet: Draga Gelt Manager 3ZZZ 92.3 FM Slovenian radio program for listeners in Melbourne 1st Floor/144 George St Fitzroy VIC 3065 tel studios: (03) 9415 1923 tel office: (03) 9415 1928 email: internet: http://www .3zzz Wednesdays 7.00 - 8.00pm The Slovenian program can be downloaded from the 3ZZZ website for listening post-broadcast. Sonja Rupnik Convenor The Slovenian An independent online magazine Internet: Metka Čuk Author Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce internet: Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Florjan Auser Manager