6 1 liiform.itici st. 3 letnik 1978 mathematical nnodels far computer- assisted solutions of non - nunnerical problems in chennistry UDK 681.3:54 b.jerman blažič J. Štefan Institute, Universit/ of Ljubljana, 61000 Ljubljana, Vugoslavia MATEMATIČNI MODHLI ZA REŠEVANJE NENUMERIČNIH PROBLEMOV IZ KEMIJE S POMOČJO RAČUNALNIKA. V članku je dan pregled uporabe molekularne topologije pri računalniškem reševanju nekaterih nenumeričnih problemov iz kemije. Obdelani so naslednji problemi: identifikacija spojin v sistemih zo iskanje in shranjevanje informacij, enumerocijo in generiranje struktur­ nih izomerov s ciljem izločevanja molekularnih struktur na podlagi eksperimentalnih podatkov, predstavitev molekularnih struktur in procesa načrtovanja sintez v računalniškem načrtovanju organskih sintez. The articie gives o revievv of the applications of the moleculor topolog/ in computer-aided solving of some non-numerical chemi- col problems. The problems are: Identification of a compound in chemical information retrievol s/stems, enumeration and gene- ration of itructural isomers for the purpose of speciol chemical studies and in computer-aided elucidation of moleculor structure on the basis of experimenfal dota, representotion of moleculor structures and s/nthesis-design process in computer-oided planning of organi C syntheses. 1 . Introduction There seems to be hordi/ any concept in natural sciences which is closer to the notion of agraph thon the moleculor structure of chemical compounds. A moleculor structure may be viewed as o groph composed of nodes (otoms) linked with edges (chemical bonds). In foct there is no essential difference betv/een a graph and a structural formula. A graph is a mathematical structure which con be used to represent the topolog/ of given molecule. The advdntage of using ; grophs in the representotion of moleculor structure lies in the possibilit/ of applying directl/ the mathemotical op- poratus of the graph theor/ for solving speciol chemical problems. The idea that metric choracteristics of the mole- cules (that is bond lengths ond bond ongles) con be neglected in chemical studies is more and more popular.The moleculor topology allow5 the nori-metric relotionships of the moleculor structures ond the totolit/ of information cohtained in the moleculor grophs to be investigoted ond opplied in o very simple monner. - Concepts of topology ond groph theory though not always recognized as such, are nowdays analysed ond opplied to vorious bronches of chemical science: photochemistry (1), stereochemistr/ (2), transition metals chemistry (3), boron hydrid chemistry (4), saturofed (5) and unsaturated (6) hydrocarbon chemistry, etc. Furthermore, basic concepts of chemistry such os configuration, isomerism, valency etc, are shown to hdve a topological basis (7). In the present orticle we wish to review moinl/ the ap- plication of the moleculor topology qnd the topology of a space of molecules in computer-aided solving of some non- numerical chemical problems. The problems are: Identification of o compounds in chemical information retrievol systems, enumeration ond generotion of structural isomers for the purpoše of speciol chemical studies ond in computer-aided elucidation of moleculor structure on the basis of experi- mental doto, representotion of moleculor structures arid synthesis design process in computer-aided planning of orgonic syntheses. Let us ot first to define a chemical graph and the ossociated notions: A chemical groph is (8) a graph con- sisting of nodes ossociated with atom names, ond edges which correspond to chemical bonds. The degree of a node in the chemical graph hos its usuol meoning, i.e. the number of (non-hydrogen) edges connected to it. The valence of eoch atom determines its maximum degree in the groph. A speciol kind of chemical grophs are vertex-graphs. V.ertex grdphs are cyclic chemicol grophs (8), from which nodes of degree less than three hove been deleted. 2. Identification of o structure of chemical compound in on information retrievol system There is probably no science in greoter need of mechanized information retrievol thon chemistry. Millions of chemical compounds are known; new ones ore produced at on even foster rate. The chemist hos two moin problems: first, he vvonts to find out whether the substance in his test tube is already known; second, given a substance, he wants to know the properties of similor substonces. Both problems con be reduced to o matching process: o description of the given compound hos to be matched ogainst descriptions of the compounds that moke up the doto bose of the retrievol system. To ossure a complete identificotion of the compound structure, a detoiled atom-by-atom comporison is usuall/ needed between the compound in the query ond the compounds in the doto base. If chemical compounds are re- presented os chemical grophs, the problem of matching the query item with the libror/ item becomes identical to the problem of isomorphism of grophs, considerably simplified by the lobels carried by the chemical graph nodes. The problem of isomorphism of grophs received litHe ottention in the literature until late 1950's (9). Research into thit problem was stimulated by the development of chemical Information retrievol systems, wlth chemical structure re­ presentotion in the system's files. An opproach that was Implemented in severa! computer programs was the procedure of a node-to-node matching in seorch of coincidence. The nodes of two chemical grophs are matched one at tirne unfii either o volid correspondence is found or unfll lncompatibillfy arises (10). In the later, it is necessary to bocktrack to a point of former coincidence ond start ogdin with o different 62 choice of nodes. Large amount of backtracking is requ!red In this technique due to the lock of any criterla In fhe decision-making step. From the computational point of view, the unavoidable bocktracklng is time wasting as oni/ In rore instance is the correct choice made ot each point of decision. Thls technique aiso requires Information to be saved in order to restart from the last point of ogreement. The use of a standard numbering procedure for the nodes in the chemical grophs mokes the problem of establishing Iso- morphism in graphs trivial. Man/ attempts hove been mode in order to develop standard numbering procedures. Bouman (11) hcs suggested ordering of the nodes in chemical graphs besed on the examination of the degree of o node and the degree of the nodes to which it is connected. Randi£ (12) proposed o ver/ interesting procedure for labelling the atoms in the groph b/ considering the rows of the adjacent/ matrix of the groph os digits coded in a linear code. The seorch for motrices corresponding to a complete graph or to a fragment of a groph Is to be carried out b/ ordering of the matrices occording to decreasing volues of the numbers representing the rov/ vectors. A /ear later, the same auihor suggested another solution to the unique labelllng of the groph nodes. The sequenclng of otoms is performed occording to the relatlve magnitudes of the coefficient of the largest eigenvector of the adjacenc/ matric (13). Similar opproach to the Bouman scheme is the Morgan algorithm (15) which exploits the concept of extended connectivit/. The Morgan'j algorithm was implemented in the Information s/stem of Chemical Abstroct Service. The classlficatlon of the atoms is obtained b/ odding the inltiol connectivit/ volues of neorest neighbours and ossignlng the sum to the node con- sidered. As (16) recognized, this method does not alwa/s allow the maxlmum possible dlfferentiotion, although it generali/ allows the atoms to be divided into several closses depending on the number of non-h/drogen attachements to each atom. Bort and Giordano proposed (14) a new graph motchlng pro­ cedure in which for the one-to-one motching the Fourler maxlma of specifle entities of the knovvn chemical structure was used. A completel/ differeni and most computer-oriented opproach to groph Identification was odvonced b/ Sussenguth (17). The procedure that he suggested is bosed on two principles. First, If graphs G and G* are isomorphic, then the subset of nodes of G that exhlbit some propert/ must correspond to the subset of nodes of G* that exhiblt thls same propert/. Second, if the subsets of the nodes of G and G* that are chorocterlzed b/ some propert/ do not hove the same number of elements, then the two graphs cannot be Isomorphic. The motching procedure storts wlth generotlon of subsets of nodes that represent the same type of atom. The purpose of generotion of subsets of nodes is to reduce the number of nodes of G* to vvhich a node of G con correspond. The purpose is ochieved b/ toking intersection ofthe subsets and b/ motching the resultlng nodes. If some nodes are not matched, new subsets must be generoted. The algorithm terminotes when every node In G Is paired off with a node In G*, or when two corresponding subsets of nodes of G and G* are found to differ in the number of nodes the/ contoln. If the former Is the čase, graphs G and G* are isomorphic, if the later, Isomorphism Is impossible. Occasionall/, the algorithm exhausts oll subset generating propertles before one of the two conditions is sotisfied. This happens when more than one isomorphism is possible befween the two graphs, or when the subset generating propertles are Incomplete in the sense that some propert/ that would establlsh isomorphism or the lock of it has been neglected In the design of the algorithm. An improvement of the described algorithm was suggested b/ Ming and Tauber (18). The/ seporated the stnjcture search and sub- structure search into a distinct part of the algorithm and included first order degree (17) and second order degree in the control vector for use In structure search. A short cut of the atom-b/-atom search technique and set generotion procedure Is the connectivit/ code developed b/ Penn/ (19). The connectivit/ code although it is not o solution in itself, con be o useful lool when used In conjunction with the two general techniques (atom-by-atom search ond the set gene­ rotion algorithm) as it Is done In the compuler program of Tauber and Ming (18). 3. Computer-aided generotion and enumeration of structurol isomers Problems of structurol isomerism in chemistr/ have received much ottention for a long time, but oni/ occasionol attempts hove been mode toward o s/stemotic solution of the underl/ing groph theoreticol problems of structurol isomerism. Groph theoreticions hove frequently considered vorious aspects of this topic, but not necessoril/ in the context of orgonic molecules. Pol/o prescnted a theorem (20) vvhich permits colculotlon of the number of structurol isomers for o giveh ring s/stem. Hill (21) ond Taylor (22) pointed out thot Pol/a's theorem permitted enumeration of geometrical ond optical Isomers In oddition to structurol isomers. More recent formulos for the enumeration of isomers of monoc/clic oromatic compounds bosed on the graph theor/, permutation groups ond Pol/a's theorem were presented (23). Although the number of Isomers mo/ be interesting, these methods do not displo/ the structure of each isomer. Even in simple coses, the task of specif/ing each structure b/ hond vvithout duplicotion is on enormous one. BaJoban publlshed o series of popers (16) oddressed in part to the problem of specification of isomeric structures. Although his method represents on important contributlon to the problem of Isomeric structures, it does not contoln o mechanism for ovoiding o duplicote structures. Most successful in solvlng this problem V/ere the vvorks based on the Dendrol algorithm (24). The algorithm permits on enumerotion ond representotion of oll possible moleculor structures with o given empiricol formula, i.e. o glven set of atoms. Chemical structures of ali possible isomers are obtained b/ molhemotical permutation of oc/clic and c/clic graphs representing oppropriote ring s/stems ond ottoched oc/clic cholns of otoms. The Dendral olgorithms was implemented in o computer program colled Structure Generator (8). The list of the structurol isomers generoted b/ the progrom is in the form of a special kind of groph -AND/OR tree (25). The ring s/stems in the program are constructed from vertex graphs (8), vvhich are defined in o given problem b/ a series of calculotlons. The first level of the tree, ofter the specification of the initiol collection of atoms, is the set of oll possible partitlons of the initiol set of nodes. Each portitlon consists of the c/clic subunit ond the remaining set of nodes. The c/clic subunits are o collection of atoms from vvhich oll possible ring s/stems con be constructed on the bosis of the oppropriote vertex graph. The otoms in the remaining set form oc/clic parts of finol structures, combined In ali possible wa/s wlth the ring structures from the corresponding initial portitlon. The second level of the tree specifies aH possible ring s/stems that con be constructed from the vertex graph corresponding to the c/clic subunit in the first level of the tree. The next level of the tree just be/ond the node specif/ing o possible ring s/stem, specifies the possible wo/s In vvhich the remoining atoms can be linked to the unfilled llnks of the s/stem. After the three first levels of the tree generotion, the program becomes recursive. Each set of unstructured nodes is token up as a fresh problem until there are no more unstructured nodes. The Structure Generator represents o part of a ver/ complex and sophlsticoted computer program - Heuristic Dendral Program (25,8) for elucidotion of moleculor structure based on structurol feotures of unknovvn molecules derived from chemical, ph/sical and spectroscopic doto. 63 RecentI/, a similar approoch to the problem of exhaustive enumerotion ond generotion of chemicol structures WQS published by Sasoki and Kudo (26). Their s/stem successfull/ deduce oll logicollv valid structures, oc/clic and c/clic on the bosis of previousi/ settled proposition occording to the input Information obout the structure, of a given compound. 4. Mathematical models in the computer-oided-plonning of orgonic syntheses The problems of isomorphism of chemicol grophs ond gene­ rotion and enumerotion of structurol isomers are closely related to the vvorks connected with the design of chemicol structure Information systems. The justiflcotlon of the chemicol structure information systems is the assistance in the research process. It happens very often thot It is not only the structure of the compound whlch intersets the chemist, but olso the properties of the compound whlch the structure represents. For instance, the chemist may be interested in the synthe5is of the compound, in some of its physicarproperties. In Its behavior in a living system etc. For these reosons greoter ottentlon should he pold to the problem of collection, evaluotion ond correlotion of the dota ossocioted wlth a porticular compound. Closer to these desired objectives are the studies carrled out in the field of the appllcatlon of mochlne computotlon to the generotion of chemicol pathways for the synthesis of complex organic molecules. Mathematical models in the form of grophs and the ossocioted theory in the computer-alded design of chemicol synthesis are Involved in two ways: first as a tool in the representotion of structures stored into the progroms; ond second, os o model In the computer representotion of synthesis pathwoys. Synthesls pathwoys con be viewed as o tree (27) In vvhich the root is the synthetic torget, the Intermediates in the synthesls process are the nodes, and the chemicol reoctlons are the edges linking the nodes of the tree. Severol olternotlves to the computer-alded design have been ottempted. The strongest ottentlon from the chemists hos evinced the work of the groups of Princeton and Horvard (28). Their vvorks were bosed on the Interactive compu- tation with on on-IIne guidance by a chemist. This feature hos enobled them to solve Interesting chemicol problems by pooling the resources of a computer wlth a chemist os o source of information on reoction ond on strategic design decisions. The other most significant approoch Is bosed on the Heuristlc Search Paradigm of Artlflciol Intelligence (30) research. The program developed ot Stony Brook (29) designes synthesls vvithout the chemist's intervention using the re­ octlons from the program reoction llbrary and progrommed design strotegies. A similar opproach can be found in the vvorks of VVhitlock on the heuristic solutlons of the functlonol group synthesl5 problem (32). The reoction library In his program represents the implementation of the tronsitlon graph of a finite outomoto, vvherein the nodes are functlonol groups ond edges ore the reoctlons thot transform one functlonol group into another. The most mothematical scheme of synthesis-plonning problem was suggested by o group of prominent chemists and mathe- maticions (31). The scheme is bosed on the recognition thot ali chemicol reoctlons correspond to Interconversions of isomeric ensembles of molecules (lEM) within a family of Isomeric ensembles of molecules (FIEM) (31). Distlnguishable lEM of FIEM Is represented by a famlly of be-motrlces (bond and electron motrlces) F = (Mg, M] ..., Mf). The be-matrix Mi of on ensemble of molecules EMj consisting of a set A, vvhich contoln n otoms, A= (A^, ..., Ap) Is an nxn matrlx as shovvn below: M. '1 = 12 °21 °22 In 2n nI nn; were the entries OJ; (i / j) ore the formal bond orders of the bonds betvveen polrs of atoms A; ond A:, the diagonal entries oij are numerically equlvalent to the number of free volence electrons belonging to atom A| in EM|. A sllghtl/ modified version of this mathematical model of chemicol systems ond their relotlons was used as a bosis for the constructlon of algorithm, whlch generotes multistep syntheses of a given chemicol compound. The olgorithm and the former mothematlcol model were Implemented In an organic-synthesIs-plannIng program colled HEDOS (33). The program is confined to systems consisting of the benzene ring ond functlonol groups attoched to it. Specially designed heuristic rules governing the generotion of the best synthesis were incorporated Into the program in view of the complexIty of the synthesis pothwoy ond the number of steps involved. In this approoch, the be-motrices of o FIEM defining metric topology, were embedded os elements of stote space, thot we called the stote spoce of ensembles of molecules (33). The assoclated^set of operotors of the stote spoce was defined os o set of reoction matrices D(n); D(n) = l - R| R is the re­ oction matrix which fits (31) the elements of FIEM|. The set of fitting matrices F(n) for some stote EM| In the FIEM represented by a be-matrlx B| is obtained by the mapping y: y: D(n)xFlEM-» F(n); y(D(n),B,)= |F F - B, < O I The torget molecule Z is contoined in an initlol EM, denoted vvith EM^ • Flnol stotes are oll possible EM ossigned as, EML provided thot the chemicol species in EM|_ are contoined In the list of avallable chemicol compounds i>, meoning that they con be easily synthetislzed or found in the commerciol catalogue of the v/orld-known suppliers of fine chemicols. The molecules In EML are storting moterlols for the synthesis of molecule Z ond compose the list L, L c. f . Thus, the problem of synthesis design for a compound Z can be reduced to the problem of finding a path K, K = | R^ , ..., Rp I into a spoce of FIEM whlch transforms EM^ in EML- The seorch for o path through o stote space Is equivalent to the travel through o directed graph, in which the nodes correspond to varlous EM from FIEM ond edges correspond to the set of reoctlons D(n). The root in the directed graph which is o tree in this cose is the ensemble EM^. The implemented synthesIs-plannIng-algorithm in the program HEDOS generotes the spoce of FIEM and seorches for o mlnlmol length path vvhich leods from EM to some EMi_. This minimol path meets some prescribed criteria, vvhich garantee the feasibility of the proposed reoctlons and the valld!ty of generoted structures. Information contoined in the be-matrices of the EM Is usually insufficient for the evaluotion of the proposed reoctlons ond intermedlate structures, so additlonal information concerning other moleculor properties was stored in the second symmetrlc triangle of the be-matrix. The new matrices were defined os bel matrices: M, = 0. . for i < i M 1. . for i > i additlonal Information 1,1 ' The program is not Interactive, i.e. the chemist cannot interrupt the program to ossist in the search for synthetic intermediates or in the evaluotion of the synthetlc path. The program must make ali decisions by itself ond is strictly experimental. It wa5 designed for the purpose of developing and testing artiflclal intelligence mechanism wlth the old of a strongly defined topology of moleculor structures and related reactiora. 64 5. Conclusion The recent approaches to computer-oided solving of non- numerical chemicol problems have been reviewed and ihe merihs and drav/bock of implemenfed mathemaMcal models outlined. It seems that the use of graphs as mathematical structure In the representation of chemical compounds, os they provide o form sultable for computer manipulation, becomes more and more popular. Best results in this field was achieved in application of groph theory and permutotion groups in computer programs which generate ond enumerate ali possible structural isomers of a given set of atoms. Thus, the problem of exhau5tive isomer generation can in general be considered os solved. The other problem, Identification of chemical compounds in the Information retrieval system, for the solution of which the same mathematical model vvas used, was not so success- fully solved. The majority of Information chemical systems stili performe the structure and substructure seorches by using logical combinations of the structure fragments, as the compounds in the system's files are presented in one of the linear notations (WLN, JUPAC-DYSON) or by different fragment codes (Mechanical Chemical Code, KWIC indexes). Both forms of representations are simple to operate. As the volume and the interdisciplinary needs of chemistry, especial- ly in the research process have increased, and the need for fully explicit structure representation of molecules becomes essential, various chemical Information systems (CAS, DARC, TOSAR) have included graphs as a form of representation of chemical notions, but only as a supplement to the files with standard records. The great deficiency of this form of representation is the tirne - consuming Identification of com­ pounds. The chemist and Information scientists stili work on the development of fast and effective groph matching techniques, as the problem is not only o chemical problem, but aiso a computing problem. The task is large and difficult and should require common efforts for its solution. The computer-assisted plonning of orgonic syntheses is just beginning. The applied mathematical models and artificiol intelligence methods have exhibited many deficiences, but they con be overcome. The success of the implemented computer programs justifies the expectations that the use of the computer-assisted-synthesi5 analysis will become o routine in the near future. The described mathematical model of the space of ensembles of molecules, provides o useful basis for the construction of a synthesis-planning algorithm. 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