Bled Workshops in Physics Vol. 3, No. 3 A Proceedins of the Mini-Workshop Quarks and hadrons (p. 47) Bled, Slovenia, July 7-14, 2002 N-A axial transition form factors * B. GolliQ'b, L. Amoreirac,e, M. Fiolhaisd-e, and S. Sircaf-b Q Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia bJ. Stefan Institute, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia c Department of Physics, University of Beira Interior, 6201-001 Covilha, Portugal d Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal e Centre for Computational Physics, University of Coimbra, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal f Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract. We review some basic properties of the N-A transition axial amplitudes and relate them to the strong nNA form-factor. In models with the pion cloud we derive a set of constraints on the pion wave function which guaranty the correct behaviour of the amplitudes in the vicinity of the pion pole. Corrections due to the spurious center-of-mass motion are calculated to the leading order in the inverse baryon mass. We give explicit expressions for the amplitudes in the Cloudy Bag Model and show that they rather strongly underestimate the experimental values. 1 Introduction The weak N-A transition amplitudes yield important information about the structure of the nucleon and the A, and in particular about the role of chiral mesons since they explicitly enter in the expression for the axial part of the weak current. There exist only very few calculations in quark models [1,2] yet none of them includes the mesonic degrees of freedom. This can be traced back to the difficulty of incorporating consistently the pion field which is necessary to describe the correct low-Q2 behaviour of the amplitudes. Obviously, this can be done only in the models that properly incorporate the chiral symmetry. The aim of this work is to study the axial amplitudes of the N-A transition in models with quarks and chiral mesons. In Sec. 2 we introduce expressions for the axial helicity amplitudes and relate them to the experimentally measured quantities, CA,i = 3,6, the so called Adler form-factors. We derive the analog of the Goldberger-Treiman relation that relates the leading axial form factor, CAA, to the strong nNA coupling constant. In Sec. 3 we calculate the amplitudes in a simple isobar model that includes the pion. In Sec. 4 we study some general properties of the axial amplitudes in quark models that include the pion and possibly also its chiral partner, the a-meson. We derive a set of constraints on the pion field and show that in models that satisfy these constraints the pion pole appears only in the CA form-factor. Furthermore, if the meson self-interaction is absent in the model, i.e. if the pion interacts only with quarks, the pion contributes solely to * Talk delivered by B. Golli. 48 B. Golli, L. Amoreira, M. Fiolhais, and S. Sirca the CA form-factor while the CA andCA form-factors pick up only the contribution from quarks. In most quark models the nucleon and the A are calculated as localized states while the expressions for the amplitudes require states with good linear momenta. In Sec. 5 we use the wave packet formalism to derive corrections to the amplitudes calculated between localized states and show that the approximations are valid for momenta that are small compared to typical baryon masses. In Sec. 6 we give explicit expressions for the axial as well as the strong form-factors in the Cloudy Bag Model (CBM) and make a simple estimate of their strengths. The calculation of the form-factors in the CBM as well as in the linear c-model that includes besides the pion also the c-meson is presented and compared to the experimentally measure form-factors in [3,4] and in the contribution of Simon Sirca [5] to these Proceedings. 2 Same basic properties of transition amplitudes 2.1 Definition of the helicity amplitudes The weak transition amplitudes are defined as the matrix elements of the weak interaction Hamiltonian M = (A|H|N,W) = Ww = U Ao C4 ) p ' +UlAa Cf(Q2) UN + ÜA^V^ ' + U Aa ' Y^UN , (9) ca(q2) mn ca(q2) mn wherep= (Ma;0,0,0) and q^ = 0,0,k),and uAa is the Rarita-Schwinger spinor: Ua(P,SA) = c1aS'A1 Se«A' (P)u(P,s) . (10) A' ,s Here eA (p) £A • P . P(£A • P) IMT' £A + ma(po + ma) (11) and u(p, s) is the usual bispinor for a spin \ particle. For the A at rest it has a simple form (e.g. [7], 414): eA = (°, £a) , U(p,s) = X1: 0 ^ (12) where eA are the polarization vectors. The form-factor CA is small; in models with s-wave quarks and p-wave pions it is even identically 0; we shall therefore assume CA = 0 in the further derivations. The helicity amplitudes can now be easily related to the form factors. For a = 0 the evaluation is straightforward, while for a = 0 we multiply (9) by and use the following relations: eaUa(p,SA)un = £aY_ C1ASM s (-<')u(p,s)un =-C2SA 1A1 SN ' We obtain A ',s = -kÖA,0 U |^(p, sa )q^UN = -kC (13) (14) A A CA . MN A CA 1 CA wk 6 mNj mT + CA CA C4 -2- ^Ma + CA - M2 5 = \/3A A 1 _pA m2"C6 (15) (16) (17) The Adler form-factors read CA C6 Mn k2 AA + \/ ^L (18) 1 3 SA 2 1A1 sn A A A 50 B. Golli, L. Amoreira, M. Fiolhais, and S. Sirca C5 L A _ ]ço ¿s a^ k0 k2 k MN CA C6 C A mN kMA ,3 ~, k0k A 2S + MIC (19) (20) 2.3 The off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation Let us compute the divergence of the axial current between the A and N (9). Using (14) we get (q2 = -Q2): = -m* f„(A+(P)|na(0)|N+ (p)> Replacing the LHS of (25) by (21) and using (23) and (24) we find (24) (25) iq" U AaUN We finally obtain CA (q2) + f G nNA (q2) 2Mn iqaU AaUN q2 + m2 V 3 G nNA ( q 2 ) mn fn 2Mn q2 + m2 V 3 CA(q2) = f GnNA(q2) 2Mn 3 (26) (27) the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation, which - strictly speaking - holds only in the limit q2 —> m^. Assuming a smooth behaviour of the amplitudes for q2 in the vicinity of m^ we can expect (27) to remain valid for sufficiently small q 2 in the experimentally accessible range. 2 q N-A axial transition form factors 51 3 The axial current in a simple isobar model with pions The aim of this section is to derive the amplitudes in a simple model in order to study the contribution of pions to the amplitudes and to analyze the qualitative behaviour of the amplitudes. The derivation in this section is based on the standard derivation of the diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation and PCAC (see e.g. [7]). We investigate the axial hadronic current in a model with two structureless fermion fields, the nucleon and the A, and the pion field. Since we are interested here only in the nucleon-A transition we shall write down explicitly only the pertinent parts of the Lagrangian and of the hadron current. The nucleon and the A (at rest) satisfy the Dirac equation (iy^ - En)PN = 0, (iy^ - MA)PA = 0 We assume the following form of the nNA interaction LnNA = —iGnNAPAY5TapN^a , where we introduce the transition operator T (and L) by (2tA|Ta| 2tN C la 11 2 tN (2 SaHaI 2SN C 1A1 s 2 s N (Note that y^ has a more complicated structure: Y 0 S —S 0 where the generalized Pauli matrices S act in the space spanned by the S S = 3 subspaces: S CT L Lf ctaa (28) (29) (30) (31) and (32) The generalized isospin is introduce in the same way.) The nucleon bispinor can be written as UN (P) en + mn 2mn 1 Ep X1 SN £2tN 1 Ep X1 SN £2tN (33) - EN + Mn / V2MN • with x and £ describing respectively the spin and isospin part of the bispinor, and p^ = (En,p) , En = ^MN + p2 « Mn . We assume that A is at rest, p ' ^ = ( MA; 0,0,0), hence UA(P ') X 3 SA £ 2 tA 0 ' 2 (34) (35) In the model, the transition part of the axial current takes the form: Aa = gAPAY^Y5 2Ta^N + fnS^na (36) 2 tA 2 Sa 2 1 52 B. Golli, L. Amoreira, M. Fiolhais, and S. Sirca Using the Dirac equations (28) and the Klein-Gordon equation for the (pertinent part of the) pion field: (0^0^ + m^) nQ = -iG„NATÎ>aY5Tq^N (37) we immediately obtain = igA 1 (Ma + MNH>AY5 Tq^N - if«G„NAiI>AY5Tq^N - nQ . (38) In the limit mn —> 0 the current is conserved provided 2 (MA + MN)gA = f«G«NA (39) which is the off-diagonal Goldberger-Treiman relation (27). The constant g A is related to the experimentally measured CA(0) by 2M 9A A = mI + MN ^CAW , CA(0) = 1.22 ± 0.06. (40) We now evaluate the matrix elements of the transition axial current. In this case the solution of (37) is Wp ')*.(■», k>iN(p»=-i 1(—1 k2)To|N> m 2mn (—■ + k2 + mn) with ■ = Ma — MN, k = -p. For the time-like component of the current we get = — k2MAN gA k , fnGnNA ■k 4Mn + 2Mn (-q2 + m2) (A | Ic Ta|N). (42) The spatial part is (A(p ')| Aa (0)| N(p)) = g A (A | L 1 Ta| N) + ikf«(A(p ')| na| N(p)) 2 'alN/ + - G k = 2 gAiAP Ta|N, - -nMf (-52+515 ■k) W. (43) The helicity amplitudes introduced in the first section (for 4-vector momentum transfer q ^ = p' ^ — p ^ = 0,0,k)) are now expressed as k gA i k fn^nNA ^ . 4Mn + 2Mn (-q2 + m2) 2 3 , (44) aAA =-2 gA\/ 2 = ^AA , (45) 1 A i fnGnNA k2 -2 gA + (-q2 + m2) 2 2 (46) A A N-A axial transition form factors 53 Using (39) we are now able to explicitly check that PCAC holds in the model: - (63) CA(pole) = 0 , CA(pole) = 0 • 5 Calculation of form-factors between localized states The amplitudes (5)-(8) are defined between states with good 4-momenta p' and p respectively while in the model calculations localized states are used. We can use such states in our calculation of amplitudes by interpreting them as wave packets of states with good linear momenta: |B(r)> dp v(p) eip'r|B(p)>. (64) The spin-momentum dependence of |B(p)> is expressed by the bispinor UB(P) = V E2+Mr( XsPin . (65) 2M V °"p , 2ML Ve+m/ Requiring (65) is normalized, (B(p)|B(p)> = 1, we have dr(B(r)|B(r)> = (2n)3 dpk(p)|2 = 1. (66) N-A axial transition form factors 55 We now relate matrix elements between localized states to matrix elements between states with good momenta. We start by a matrix element between localized states: dr e r (A|M(r)|N) dr dp' dp e i(k-p '+p)-r X^AÍP'(p)- (67) Since the matrix element does not depend on r (all r-depen-dence is contained in the exponential) we can substitute it by its value at r = 0. We then carry out the r integration yielding 5(p — p' + k), and the above matrix element reads: dr eik'r(A|M(r)|N) = (2n)3 dp (A(p + k)|M(0)|N(p)) ^A(P + k)VN(p) - (68) From the parameterization of the axial current (9) we can read off the p' and p dependence and plug it into (68). We neglect terms of the order p2/M2, e.g. the last term in the expression (11) for e£(p). We find: Ua(P ',SA = 2 )qKUN(s = 1) = ma - mn MA p '3 - k (69) (70) and 12 ma v 3 We can carry out the integration over p since Q(q2) do not depend on p. We assume = 1 is a typical spread of the wave packet describing the center-of-mass motion of the localized state and is of the order of the inverse baryon mass. Clearly, in this approximation it is not meaningful to calculate the form-factor to very high k. We finally obtain 56 B. Golli, L. Amoreira, M. Fiolhais, and S. Sirca (neglecting terms of the order k2/M2): ; A A A = = k^A CA + k mn C4 + k 2Ma CA C5 wk Ma + Mn MN 2Ma CA C6 w ma ca + ca Mn C4 + C5 = V3A A w Ma MN cA + C a k2 Ma + M^ » MN 2ma CA (73) (74) (75) We now express the experimental amplitudes in terms of the helicity amplitudes as ca = mn A 3 + V 2L A 2Ma CA C5 - ,L A _ k0 s a k ma + mn 2ma _ ma + mn k2 _ k2 ko k ca M 2 C6 C A MN kMA 3 ~, kok MA + MN „A 2S + MN 2Ma C mn ca 2ma c (76) (77) (78) The strong form-factor can be treated in the same way. The general coupling of the pion field to the baryon is written in the form H B-n dr JQ (r)nQ (r) (79) where J2(r) is the baryon strong pseudoscalar- isovector current. The N-A transition matrix element is parameterized as = —iu a^ G nNA(q 2) 2Mn q^uN, (80) where q = p' — p. Using (69) we find = _i Gn2M(q2) 2mn MA — MN MA p '3 — k C (81) We now use of relation (68) as well as (71) to obtain „2\ GnNA(q2) Ma + Mn = 2Mn 2Ma = ik < 11 dre r J(r)||N>. (82) 6 Helicity amplitudes in the Cloudy Bag Model The Cloudy Bag Model (CBM) is the simplest example of a quark model with the pion cloud that fulfills the virial constraints (52)-(54) provided we take the usual perturbative form for the pion profiles [8,9]. We also take the N-A splitting equal to the experimental value, w = Ma — EN. Since the pion contribution to the axial A 5 N N-A axial transition form factors 57 current has the form of the pole term in (62), only the quarks contribute to the CA and CA amplitudes. The helicity amplitudes and the Adler form-factors simplify further if we make the usual assumption of the same quark profiles for the nucleon and the A. In this case the scalar amplitude picks up only the pion contribution while the quark term is identically zero. The transverse amplitude AA = V3AA has only the quark contribution while the longitudinal amplitude has both: A A (Q2) = — L A(Q2) 1 Vè 2 drr2 jo(kr) u H + 3j2(kr)v2