Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-S love nians Vol. 106, No. 11 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X Americ vrN^mN\nm Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 2004 Phone: (216)431-0628 Crmail: ah@buckeyevveb.corn 70c Left to right, Lou Ann, Stephen, Mary Lou, and Dave, Levici and Marty Fuhry._______________ David Fuhry is Judge Nominee On Tuesday, March 2, avid L. Fuhry of Parkman, Ohio, defeated four opposing Candidates for the Republi-Can nomination for the Court Common Pleas Judge for Ceauga County. The posi-l0n is for a six-year term Parting on January 1, 2005. Fuhry is an attorney in Urton, Ohio and Magistrate the Chardon Municipal . 0Urt. His wife, Mary Lou, a St. Anne #4 member of MLA, as is her mother ga Horvath. Her grandmother, Frances Centa, was °ne of the early founders of ■ Anne’s, who retained her etT>bership until she died at 99. ah four of the Fuhry mtdren are fourth-operation members of St. jme’s Lodge #4. They have Participated for a while in ® St. Vitus Slovenian School. Lou Ann, who graduated j Lfrsuline College, is a nurse at University Hospital. Son David is a junior at Kent State University and a computer specialist at the Geauga County Auditor’s Office. Stephen, a senior at Notre Dame Cathedral Latin School, will enter Borromeo College next fall. Martin, an eighth-grader at St. Helen’s in Newbury, will attend Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin in September. Their mother, Mary Lou, is a teacher in the Warren City Schools. A few months ago she was awarded the prestigious National Teachers Certification. Although he has been a trustee of Parkman for the past 20 years, this is the first big venture of David Fuhry into the county political arena. We congratulate him on his successful nomination and wish him well in the November election. ^lomsek’s Thoughts on Lent Messed o. Anton Martin °hi!ek, Bishop of Maribor in wrote a Lenten letter uthfiil of the diocese. Part, what he wrote on In that to but few want the With Sibilities that come these freedoms. Many ciw"'^W^rties, but without S of laws, not even * Si God’s laws. Disrespect of lawful authority is everywhere. The second evil of the times is an unsatiable craving for amusements and good times. People want to enjoy the good things of life, but without the effort of earning the things they want. The third evil of the times is unbridled covetousness of the things belonging to other people. What is mine is mine, but what is yours must become mine, too. —St. Vitu* Church Bulletin Bob Dolgan Talks About ‘Heroes, Scamps, etc., at Heritage Lecture The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the first talk in their 2004 lecture series. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Bob Dolgan will discuss his new book Heroes, Scamps, and Good Guys: 101 Colorful Characters from Cleveland Sports History. The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Wednesday, March 31 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid. A coffee and strudel social will follow the lecture. In his talk, Bob Dolgan will review the many colorful characters who crowd the world of Cleveland sports. As described in his book, Bob will discuss a roster that includes heroes like Rocky Colavito and Jesse Owens. Scamps, from Joe Jackson to Albert Belle. Good guys, like Lou Groza and Mark Price. And a few special cases - legendary grease-bailer Gaylord Perry, for one - who was a bit of each. Sportswriter Bob Dolgan has written about them all while covering the sports beat for The Cleveland Plain Dealer for the last 43 years. His writing has also appeared in The Sporting News, Baseball Digest, and Golf Digest. He was named one of the top 10 sports columnists in America by the Associated Press Sports Editors in 1985, and has won many other national, state, and local sports-writing awards. Since 1995, he has written frequently about sports history for The Plain Dealer, including contributions to a nationally recognized 1997 series on black baseball players and a 2001 series on the 100lh anniversary of the Cleveland Indians. In 1999 he was inducted into the Cleveland Journalism Hall of Fame. He is also co-author of The Polka King, with Frank Yankovic. A Cleveland native and a graduate of John Carroll University, he lives in Willoughby Hills, Ohio with his wife, Cecilia. He has a daughter, Ann, and a son. Bob. Ostanek Undergoes Bypass Exactly a month after attending Grammy festivities in Los Angeles as a nominee, Canadian Polka King Walter Ostanek underwent major quadruple bypass surgery on March 9 at the Hamilton General Hospital. It’s no wonder he has been given VIP treatment since the staff recognized him as the 3-time Polka Grammy Winner and an individual acknowledged by the Canadian Government for his great work in polka music. He obviously will not play accordion for at least three months. Greetings can be sent to him (send air mail if from the states) at 41 Geneva Street, St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 4M5 Canada. A special 2 hour “get well” live radio tribute aired recently on WELW (1330 AM) and worldwide on line at 24/7polkaheaven.com with listeners responding on Tony Petkovšek’s show. Band Leader Walter Ostanek We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. -John Shedd Happy 60th Father Boznar Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, pastor of St. Vitus parish in Cleveland, will mark his 60Ih birthday on his Name Day, St. Joseph’s Day, Friday, March 19. This year also marks 25 years as pastor. The following day, Saturday, March 20, Father Boznar will be honored in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue as that hall’s honoree for this year. The sold-out festivities will include a banquet and salute to each honoree for each of the nine Greater Cleveland Slovenian Homes, plus two main honorees, Celeste Frollo and Tony Mannion. Congratulations to Father Boznar, a kindly man, whom we in the Slovenian community are honored and proud of your accomplishment of keeping the Slovenian parish on an even keel during your tenure, being a steadfast and guiding force in the neighborhood, a servant of God, and for being a friend and trustworthy priest to all! I Lenten Fish Fries Lenten Fish Dinners wil be available all Fridays of Lent at: the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue - rear mansion club room. Four kinds of dinners will be featured as well as take-outs. Also, St. Mary’s (Collinwood) on Fridays of Lent. $7.00 for fish fries. Shrimp or combo dinners are $7.50. The macaroni and cheese dinners, children’s! fish dinners and half dinners are $3.50. Serving from 4 to 7 p.m. Waterloo Slovenian Home will also be featuring fish on Fridays as per usual. Newburgh Slovenian National Home on E. 80th will also feature fish fries and related sea food on Fridays during Lent. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 2 AMERICAN HOME § AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (N 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 11 March 18, 2004 /MFi§cn@m by mm Praying for Sense of Humor by RUDY FLIS It has been almost 20 years since I received this nice prayer book from a friend. It contains more than 1,000 pages of prayers and devotions. I read it - but not often enough. There is a prayer in this fine book I seek most, and read most. It will reveal to you my weak foundation as a Christian, and perhaps cause you to pray for me. God knows I need it. I will tell you the first sentence, the middle sentence and the last sentence, of the “Prayer for a sense of humor.” 1. - “Lord Jesus Christ, for some reason many Christians seem to lack a sense of humor.” 2. - “I ask today that I may cultivate a sense of humor and use it to help others as well as myself.” 3. - “Teach me to stress the positive side of life and develop a fine sense of humor.” When I laugh, I reside close to our Lord. When I laugh, it’s painless. When I laugh, all is well. Humor causes me to laugh, and I enjoy laughing and that is the reason I pray for a sense of humor.” If I am unable to tell a story in an interesting manner or a joke in a witty way, so what, as long as I am able to enjoy it and laugh at it. Do you agree? So, Ray Mlakar, I pass the baton to you our “joke teller.” Mike and Sam looking for a Catholic Church is your joke. So that you may appreciate that I know my limitations as a story teller, this little truism of marriage is at the request of a good friend of mine who I shall not name. “What are the three rings of marriage?” 1. - Engagement ring. 2. - Wedding ring 3. - Suffering For my well being I will not reveal the sufferer in our marriage. But please - pray for me. Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area * 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E, 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) Obesity a Major Issue for Elderly Growing obesity among older Americans could reverse the gains this group has made in staying healthier, a new study predicts. By 2020, the treatment of medical problems related to excessive weight will consume one in five health-care dollars in people aged 50-69, according to a study by Rand, a Santa Monica, Calif, think tank. The findings also suggest obesity-related illnesses could wipe out recent health-status gains in older Americans that reflect their reduced exposure to disease, better medical care and changing behavior, including smoking habits. “The long-term consequences of obesity are likely to be more serious than people expect,” particularly because “severe obesity is increasing at a much higher rate than moderate obesity,” said Roland Sturm, the study’s lead author and a senior economist at Rand. Severely obese older people are more than twice as likely as people of normal weight to be in fair or poor health and have about twice as many chronic medical conditions. The study, in the current edition of the bimonthly journal Health Affairs, found a 44% increase in health-care costs among people who are moderate or severely obese, compared with those of normal weight. The study also looked at the effects of obesity on disability among older Americans, including their difficulty of performing tasks such as bathing, eating, dressing and getting in dr out of bed. The increase in the likelihood of such problems rises 50% in men who are moderately obese and threefold in those who are severely obese. In women, the probability of such limitations doubles with moderate obesity and quadruples with severe obesity. These findings underscore the need to distinguish between moderate and more severe levels of obesity, the study authors said. Researchers define obesity as a body mass index, or a ration of weight to height. Moderately obese people have a BMI of between 30 and 35. For the purposes of the study, severe obesity was defined as a BMI of 35 or more. An average adult man with a BMI of 40 or more is 100 pounds or more overweight. Dr. Sturm says the study anticipates the future consequences of obesity among the elderly by perhaps a decade. That is because obesity rates haven’t yet increased much in absolute terms among people age 65 and older, but the rates are spiking in people who are 10 to 15 years younger. “As obesity becomes more and more prevalent among the elderly, it will be more and more difficult for other social trends to counter its adverse health effects,” the study concludes. So “unless the factor underlying past trends toward better health becomes even stronger, Americans who will be ages 50-69 in 2020 may not have better health and functioning than this age group has now.” — Wall Street Journal - CANCER ANSWERS - Questions may be directed to: Cancer Answers, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center (R23), 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195. Questions will be answered by mail. You may also call our toll-free Cancer Answers Line (1-800-862-7798) and speak directly with a Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist, Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:30 p.m. EST. QUESTION: My husband is going to start on a chemotherapy pill to treat his cancer. I’m worried that his insurance will not cover the cost of the medication because we don’t have prescription coverage. What can we do? ANSWER: Your first step should be to check with your doctor’s office to see if they help to investigate your insurance coverage for the medication or if the pharmacy where you have the prescription filled check this out for you. The insurance company may need documentation from your oncologist’s office regarding the necessity for the medication before it will be approved. If the medication is not covered by insurance there are other avenues that can be explored in order to obtain the needed medication. Most major drug companies have medication-assistance programs, which will provide specific drug therapies at no cost to qualified, uninsured patients as part of their commitment to charitable efforts. Your oncologist’s office may have information regarding gome of these programs. The type of assistance varies from one company to another but most programs work in a similar fashion. Information regarding the patient’s medical insurance status, income level and assets is needed. Most programs require that patients do not have third-party prescription coverage. Companies may need to see verifying statements from the physician, which shows the patient’s need for the drug. Each company has their own application forms asking for necessary information. There are different types of assistance programs for the medically uninsured or underinsured patient. Some focus on helping to determine what the patient’s insurance coverage for medications and assistance with claim denials. Some plans offer payment limitation programs for very costly medications. Once patients reach the predetermined limit the company will pay all other costs for the needed medication. A few medication-assistance programs retroactively reimburse for drugs that already have been dispensed to patients. This way treatment is not delayed and patients are not charged for medication that may have been administered prior to enrollment. Resources available to get more information regarding pharmaceutical medication assistance programs can be obtained from pharmacists, nurses and social workers. The Internet also has sites from the various drug companies. --Josette Snyder RN, MSN Clinical Nurse Specialist Cleveland Clinic Foundation Tickets for ‘Passion’ Movie The two Slovenian parishes in Cleveland, St. Vitus and St. Mary’s in Collinwood have 200 tickets each for the Mel Gibson movie, “The Passion of The Christ,” to be shown on Sunday, March 21, at 4:30 p.m., at the Lake Shore Cinema, E. 225lh Street and Lake Shore Boulevard in Euclid, Ohio. There is no charge for the movie tickets, but it is suggested a free will offering be made to St. Vitus Food Bank or St. Mary’s Community Center. The theater tickets are now available at each parish house. Life in the Refugee Camps 1948 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Sunday, June 13,1948 Today was my dl8' birth-Only Cilka and some pf the other wpmen noticed. We went to Mass at 7 a tn. and again at 9. At the Second Mass Dr. Jagodic confirmed 30 youngsters. Kocmur pushed past 3 other Photographers to make sure he got the best pictures. Cilka was the sponsor for Irena Primožič. She gave her 25 shillings, a prayer book, a rosary, cookies and some cake. After the Confirmation, we had a wonderful banquet, '^eluding soup with meat in 7® soup, potatoes, roast ch'cken and lettuce. Dr. Jagodic left at 3 p.m., Kocmur at 9. Monday, June 14,1948 I went to see the doctor ecause I was feeling sharp j^'os in my ribs. Dr. An-0n°v said I have inflamed JPoscles. He ordered me to ‘e face down on a bed. Then ey brought in something hat looked like a saddle with °ts electric lights. They ut that on my back, and en blankets on top of that. 0°n I feit jjjjg j was ijeing 0°ked. I sweated and that eerr,ed to help. Dr. Antonov c Ve me permission to skip anj>P work for two days. t, r' Antonov mentioned he is treating two refu-s with penicillin for >n h'S- ^ this were known , the camp, it would be a hhge scandal. received letters from j q/16. Mire and Franc in jatel^3 anc* rcPl’ctI immedi- ^ received approval from the camp administration for us to have an electric “hot plate” in our room. Wednesday, June 16, 1948 The Chilean consulate accepted 100 Slovenians and about 400 Croatians and Ukrainians for immigration, including our friends Karl Erznožnik and Rudolf Primožič. Dr. Antonov approved two more days of sick time for me. I am using some of this time to write letters to my father and sister in Slovenia. Friday, June 18,1948 After 4 days, I started doing camp work again. I’m still too weak to lift a sledgehammer, so I’ve been stringing fencing wire and peeling bark off logs so we can use them as fence posts. This evening we had a rainstorm with hail and thunder. Monday, June 21,1948 I received a 6-pound package of photos from Kocmur, altogether 685 pictures, for which I own him 3,031 shillings. They are all very well done. I went around the camp this evening and sold 1,000 shillings worth. Tuesday, June 22,1948 Ristič, a Serb in our camp who is also a photographer, came to look at Kocmur’s photos this morning. I wasn’t there, so he talked with Cilka. He said he is the only one with permission to sell photos in our camp. He asked Cilka to give him Kocmur’s photos, but Cilka refused. Ristič returned this eve- Tony Klepec with the Sisters of Divine Charity invite you to join Highlights and Shrines of Slovenia &: Croatia August 9 - 23, 2004 A A 1 Vid in Brezje, Slovenia St James Church, Mcdjugone i^iim: Lake hied, Brezje, Lake Bohinj, Ljubljana L)VLNIA ~ Opatija, Split, Hvar, Plitvice Lakes, Zagreb in CROATIA ~ including 2 nights in the Village of Medjugorje Sajjjtoday for vour brochure! Kollander World Travel (800)800-5981 (216)692-1000 www.koIlandcr-fravel.cotn ning - with a police officer. The officer wanted me to turn over all the photos and pay a percentage of their value to the camp administration. I refused and we almost got into a fist fight. Instead we went to see McKeon to help us settle the matter. Ristič said he was the only one with permission to sell photos in our camp. Kocmur had permission to take photos for the newspapers, but according to Ristič, not to sell them in the camp. After some debate, McKeon decided that Kocmur and I were not at fault, the problem was with the camp administrator who allowed Kocmur to take photos. I should tell Kocmur that, in the future, he will have to pay a percentage of all sales to the camp administration. “How much,” I asked. “Let’s talk about that tomorrow,” McKeon replied. Wednesday, June 23,1948 McKeon told me to forget about the whole affair with Ristič. (To Be Continued He conquers who endures. —Persius IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. .New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 For Rent Up/Cozy Duplex 18031 Neff Rd. Appl. Inc. Washer and Dryer (216)310-8310 Cilka Žakelj and Irena Primqzič in the Trofaiach refugee camp, June 13, 1948. Cilka was the sponsor for Irena’s confirmation. During those years the future was so uncertain that children were confirmed whenever possible, sometimes even before their First Holy Communion. The Primožič family eventually settled in Argentina. Photo by Marjan Kocmur. There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge: observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination. -Bob Mills Come Visit PATRIA IMPORT STORE for your Unique Gifts Boris and Suzi Music Store Hours: Tues.-to-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tel: (216) 531-6720 Patria Imports 794 E. 185th St. Cleveland, OH 44119 missing from your portfolio? mm i • y ■' - ‘w-' Buy a two-year, KSKJ Single Premium Fixed Mmuit JvimiCS 1,000 mingjm ivubjea to diaftf KSKJ i * Call a KSK) representative today for a free quote: 1-800-843-5755 j or visil us on (he well at: www.KSKJIife.com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane # - Harr) hvRAVivii a is a u called his wife, “Jane, is the never stoos eating for even by RAY MLAKAR Ray is back and just hope with God’s help I can get this article typed into the computer for without a doubt the eyes are playing hell with me but fortunately I just have a couple of more weeks before “D-Day.” Before I go on, thanks to Donna Ohman, Eda Kovach, Brother Frankie Mlakar in Erie, PA, and my sister Irene for their well wishes of cards and calls on my birthday last week. Thanks again for remembering me, but then when one gets as old as I am which is a hell of a lot older than Moses himself, 1 really don’t look forward to birthdays at all and perhaps feel I am getting closer to the to of St. Peter’s Call List. Unfortunately, I was at therapy for the legs when my sister dropped by with a cake for my birthday, but she came again today to help me polish it off. It won’t make my doctor happy but then it is my birthday (eat your heart out, Doc.). Speaking of the doctor, he never has any good news for me, for last week he stated that my cholesterol was high and with a ticker that is not operating at 100% said I have to eat more eggs and cheese and drink special calcium milk. I’d like to tell him what he can do with his egg, cheese and milk but no use getting him mad at me. I am sure that we are all in the same boat, as we get older, everything goes wrong. Being retired and having a few dollars under the mattress (besides the dog), now when I can afford to buy things I would like to eat, the doctor tells me I can’t. Bummer. Come on Ray, let’s hear a joke for a change. Here is a good one for the cat lovers, because I love cats, too. Anyway, a man hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of it by driving the cat 20 blocks from their home and leaving it in the park. When the man arrived home, he saw the cat walking up the driveway. The next day he decided to drive the bat 40 blocks away. He pulled over, put the cat on the ground and headed home. When he arrived home, the cat again was walking up the driveway. The man. continued to take the cat further and further away and the cat would always beat him home. At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, pass the bridge, then turn right again, until he reached what he thought was a safe and confusing distance from his home, where he left the car. Hours later the man called his wife, “Jane, is the cat there?” “Yes,” she answered. “Why do you ask?” Frustrated the man said, “Put the blasted thing on the phone. I’m lost and need directions.” Okay enough about cats but now that I think of it, just last week I purchased a squirrel nut feeder and bought 10 pounds of shelled circus peanuts for the little rug rats. It is a clever feeder in the respect that it looks like a bird house but has a glass front so the squirrels can at least see the nuts. The roof to the feeder is on a hinge and has about a one inch overhang. One thing I have to admit, they are smart but then maybe they went to John Marshall, too, for it did not take them long to figure how to get at the nuts. They used their heads. By sitting on the perch and pushing their head up against the overhang roof, the roof moves up and the squirrel pokes his head in the box and eats like there is no tomorrow. I seen him at it again today and for awhile I thought it was pregnant but it was just from the squirrel eating all the nuts the day before. Fortunately they do not have to see a doctor so they do not have to worry about their cholesterol. It seems that every couple of months I buy 100 pounds of bird seed and 10 to 15 pounds of nuts. Wonder what George Bush will say if I indicate them as my dependents on my tax return. I think I can get away with listing the dog, the cairn terrier for I can name him as “Harry,” a three year old that never stops eating for even when he sleeps his jaws are moving. He is a good kid though, honest. The other night in fact it was the night before my birthday when he got up at 2 in the morning and went into the living room baking like there is no tomorrow. I got alarmed thinking maybe I was getting company so I turned on the hall light and said, “Harry, shut the hell up, it’s 2 in the morning. The birds, rabbits, squirrels, chip monks have all gone to bed and time for you to hit the sack now too. Move. Guess he was disappointed, but came to bed with me. The next morning when I got up he was already in the living room waiting for me to show me the surprise he arranged for me the night before. Maybe he had an inkling that it was my birthday because there on the floor he had one dollar bills sprawled all over. SUR TL//VA CHEESE PIE 1 c. skimmed milk Vi tsp. salt 1 (3 oz.) can mushrooms paprika , > 3 eggs 1 (7 oz.) can water packed tuna 3 oz. shredded American cheese Combine all ingredients. Pour into a lightly greased pi® pan. Bake at 350° for 45 - 50 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Serves 3-4. X I-----------------------!--I---------- Shrimp Rice Casserole 2 cups cooked rice Vi lb. frozen shrimp 2 tbs. green pepper (chopped) 1 tbs. lemon juice 1 can mushroom soup 2 tbs. melted butter 2 tbs. chopped onion Vi tsp. dry mustard ------- w. , Combine all ingredients in 1 Vi quart casserole. Bake PRISE. No, he didn’t go to i uncovered for 40 minutes in a 375 degree oven. 4 servings. J the bank, but apparently he went into my trouser pockets and took all the paper money out to surprise me. Thank God he did not try to make change of it. To be honest, he is the one who makes me look forward to tomorrow. I even got a birthday card from him in the mail but from the penmanship I know that he did not write it, he got my sister to buy it, sign it and send it. He has a way with women. Well, while my eyes are still slightly in focus, better sign off for this edition. In closing, may the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in good health. - TAX TIME IS HERE Come in or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Congratulations to Father Joseph Boznar AND All Honorees of the Federation of Slovenian Homes on Your Big Day Saturday, March 20 FROM ENTIRE STAFF of the American Home Publishing Co., Inc. “Ameriška Domovina” CUNARD Euclid Travel invites you to join us November 26, 2004 in New York City for a 10-day Caribbean cruise on Queen Mary 2 Staterooms from $ 1,489pp! (Based on double occupancy Includes passage, port charges and taxes.) Contact Mary or Donna i-216-261-1050 mlscruising@sbcglobal.net 22078 Lakeshore Blvd* Euclid, Ohio 44123 News from Slovenia D&B Upgrade Slovenia’s risk outlook remains stable this month following the release of broadly positive data on inflation, the world’s leading rating firm Dun&Bradstreet says in its March report. U.S. Budget Earmarks $3.5m for Slovenia The U.S. State Department 'S to earmark funds of $3.5 trillion for Slovenia in 2005, according to a draft U.S. for-eign affairs budget that Secretary of State Colin Powell submitted to the senate budget committee. Of the total sum $2 million is to be distributed to the Foreign Military Financing Program, $950,000 under the International Military Eduction and Training program, $495,000 for de-mining, anti-terrorist, border control and other programs. NATO Wants Ratification Documents Foreign Minister Dimitrij j^upel has received a letter r°m NATO Secretary Genial Jaap de Hoop Scheffer ln which he invites Slovenia !? join the North Atlantic reaty Organization by depositing the accession docu-ments. All seven NATO in-'otees will deposit ratifica-l0ri documents with the necper of the Treaty - the government - on the Sarr>e day, expected to be April 2nd Rop Hails Croatia's Ratification Slovenian Prime Minister J*,too Rop welcomed Croa-a'a s ratification of the ofeement on the succession £ the former Yugoslavia. cr°atia was the last of the Y°Untries of the former Ogoslavia to have taken a ls step. The succession foment was signed by all y e successors to the former ,ugoslavia in Vienna on Une 29,2001. , 2S0,h Anniversary of athematician Jurij Vega f ”e 250th birth anniversary nia VVortd-acclaimed Slove-Y utathematician Jurij ^ will be celebrated in 4°econd half of March a number of events, a new publication, and a collection of coins. Vega (1754-1802) earned praise with a manual of logarithms. Entitled “Thesaurus Loga-rithmorum Completus,” the book was translated into all major European languages, saw more than 100 editions and was in use almost until the invention of pocket calculators. Importance of Sea Transport A second rail track between the towns of Koper and Divača is one of Slovenia’s most important infrastructure projects. Transport Minister Jakob Presečnik has stressed, as the Maritime Day was celebrated on Friday, March 5. The track construction will boost development and performance of companies that are involved in sea transport, and will enable the port of Koper, Slovenia’s only commercial port, to compete with its EU rivals, said Presečnik, in Koper. He also stressed the importance on modernizing the railway connection between Koper port and the markets located along the fifth pan-European transport route running from Barcelona to Kiev. Presečnik is convinced the purchase of new ships by the Slovenian shipping company Splošna plovba Piran and the growing volume of shipping in Koper suggests a satisfactory growth of sea transport sector. Open Door Policy The adoption of the single European currency and Schengen standards are the most important projects of the Slovenian government, Prime Minister Anton Rop said on Sunday, March 7. Slovenia is thus expected to adopt the euro in 2007, when it is expected to meet the Schengen criteria, Rop said. He believes the country must still invest a lot of money to protect the EU’s external border, which is not cheap. Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for all this news. lenten Bible Quiz ^an ^ was the greatest 4Cler in the bible? iiis " Noah was floating e|$e ^°ck> while everyone q as *n liquidation. " ^ho was the greatest ^ e financial in the bible? " Pharaoh’s daughter. °f thg6!^. ^own to the bank littu „ and drew out a >°Phet. vehjci^ ^hat kind of motor . A are in the bible? bVe oi c*rove Adam and \y. J °F the garden in a avid’s Triumph was heard throughout the land. Also a Honda, because the apostles were all in one Accord. Q. - Who was the greatest comedian in the bible? A. - Samson. He brought the house down. Q. - Who was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the bible? A. - Moses. He broke all 10 commandments.__________ Phil Hrvatin submitted these bits of humor. The Azman brothers Eddie and Louis on the left, Frank and Bill on the right, and their mother, Anna, ran Slovenian meat market that doubled as a hangout for folks in the Slovenian community on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. Azmans Served Sausages with a Side of Slovenian Charm by ALANA BARANICK The Plain Dealer The Azman brothers shared duties at their Slovenian sausage shop, but each had a field of expertise. Frank Azman, who died Jan. 21 at age 84, specialized in charming the customers at the store on the corner of St. Clair and Addison avenues in Cleveland’s St. Clair neighborhood. He called shoppers by their first names, asked about their children and bought countless raffle tickets to benefit their churches, clubs and sports teams. He “acted as if we were all family,” said Joseph Serazin, a customer from Elyria who made shopping pilgrimages to the Cleveland store. “We’d go in on holidays and periodically through the year to stock up on meats. Frank, always gave me a bottle of beer to take home with me, and he gave my wife a pop. Frank was a good fella.” Azman grew up in an apartment in the back of his parents’ market. He and his five older siblings were sweeping up and bagging groceries at the store before they could read. Their immigrant parents immersed them in Slovenian culture. Azman attended Slovenian School and joined the Slovenian lodge’s gymnastic team. “Frankie was a good tumbler,” said his brother Eddie. “When he was 6 or 7 years old, he used to wow ‘em at the Slovenian Auditorium.” The smallest member of the group, Azman impressed the audience with handsprings and flips. But his most spectacular maneuver was atop a human pyramid. He climbed to the top of the pyramid, formed by older, larger gymnasts. After holding the configuration long enough to amaze the crowd, the bottom tier of gymnasts purposely fell down, and the pyramid collapsed. Azman, wearing an unseen safety harness, was left suspended from the ceiling. He appeared to be flying above the stage. “He brought the hpuse down,” his brother said. As a teenager, Azman continued to be light on his feet. He danced to polkas and waltzes at the Slovenian National Home across the street from the store. Still the athlete, he landed a spot on a Class A baseball team. “He was a good shortstop, but he couldn’t hit the side of a bam,” his brother said. After serving as an Army medic in the Aleutian Islands during World War II, Azman returned home to join the family business. He found that his three older brothers had assumed the coveted responsibility of making saur sages according to their father’s recipe. Sometimes they let their little brother grind and weigh meat that went into the spicy mixture. Azman checked on sausages curing in the smokehouse behind the store. Mostly, he stocked produce, unloaded trucks and ran the cash register. In 1959, Azman bought a beat-up Model T Ford reminiscent of the Model T truck his father once owned. He and his oldest brother Louis refurbished the vintage car and posted a sign on it to promote the store. Louis ended up driving it in parades and at community festivals. Frank got to ride in the back with his wife, Ann. Frank and Ann made their home in an upstairs apartment in back of the store for 17 years before moving to Euclid 41 years ago. They had two sons and a daughter. Azman entertained his kids with nonsense rhymes and riddles. He played whiffle ball with them and their friends in the back yard. He frequently took them to Cleveland Municipal Stadium to watch baseball and Browns football games. “When we went to the games, we could have anything we wanted,” Frank Jr. said. “You could drink a hundred pops, hot dogs, whatever you wanted.” Azman watched his kids play team sports, too, from youth league baseball and basketball to adult softball, until poor health stopped him about a year ago. He worked at the meat market until May 2001, when a fire forced him to close it for 18 months. “When we came back, Frank didn’t do much,” his wife said. “He had Parkinson’s.” ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 2004 Warren Zimmermann Dies; Last Envoy to Yugoslavia Warren Zimmermann, the last American ambassador to Yugoslavia, who held senior diplomatic posts in several other countries, died Tuesday, Feb. 3 at his home in Great Falls, VA. He was 69. The cause was pancreatic cancer, said his son, Tim. Mr. Zimmermann served in a united Yugoslavia beginning in 1989 and was recalled by the elder Bush’s administration in 1992 to protest the increasing violence of the civil war there. Seeing the country’s breakup and the further increase in violence along nationalist lines, he urged the Clinton administration to take military action. When that administration at first demurred at the use of force, Mr. Zimmermann resigned in protest from his next job, as director of refugee affairs, in 1994. In more than three decades in the Foreign Service, Mr. Zimmermann served in France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Venezuela and the Soviet Union. He was chairman of the United States delegation to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and was a deputy in negotiations with the Soviet Union over nuclear arms and space. But Mr. Zimmermann’s focus at the peak of his career was on Yugoslavia, and that country’s disintegration both surprised and horrified him. When he first settled in Large Donation Thanks to Jan Beljan of Palm Beach, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $65.00 donation. She writes, “Thanks to all those who write a column and features which are a joy to read.” Belgrade as ambassador, he was quick to dismiss the centrifugal forces pulling the country apart. “1 believe it w'ill stick together as a unified country,” he told The Boston Globe in 1990. Yet the violence grew, primarily fueled by the nationalist appeals of the Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, and Muslims were the target of a plan of “ethnic cleansing.” Mr. Zimmermann, who had been strongly supportive of the Bush administration’s policy, increasingly spoke of the need to curb Serbian aggression. In 1994 he became the most prominent of several Foreign Service officers who quit their jobs and left the Foreign Service to dramatize the need for intervention in Bosnia. Warren Christopher, then secretary of state, recognized Mr. Zimmermann’s principled stand soon after he resigned. When the Clinton administration eventually persuaded NATO to bomb Serbian positions and brokered a peace agreement in Dayton, Ohio, to end the war, Mr. Zimmermann felt vindicated, his son said. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell called Mr. Zimmermann “among our finest career ambassadors” and “an eloquent defender of human rights and refugees.” In Memory Thanks to Sylvia Močnik of Cleveland, Oh who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of parents Frank and Louise Močnik. In Memory Thanks to Vlasta Scan-car of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and added a $50.00 donation in memory of her husband. In Memory Thanks to Eleanore Rudman of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her parents, Anna and Frank Pieman In Memory Thanks to Poldi Bojc of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, Jožeta. In Memory Thanks to Frank Dolence of Mentor, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Frank (Boogie) and Mary Dolence. In Memory Thanks to Rose Godic of Parma Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Edward Godic. Very Large Donation Thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Mersol of North Lima, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $225.00 donation. In Loving Memory Of the ll‘h Anniversary Of Our Beloved Mother, Grandmother and Sister Josephine A. Godic (Died March 19, 1993) Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile. Deep trust in God that all was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew, . Some gentle act of love she’d do. No thought of self, but of “the other” I know He said, “Well done, Mother.” Sadly missed by children: Rev. Frank & Roger Godic — Sons Bonnie Simmons, Clare Miller — Daughters Christina and Michelle Simmons — and Josephine Miller, Granddaughters, and Relatives Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Frank Sustar, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Anne Lustig, Thompson, OH - $5.00 Ivan and Zdenka Zakrajšek, Kirtland, OH — $15.00. Anna Jurkovič, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Maria Curk, Barberton, OH - $5.00 Joze Novak, Kirtland, OH - $5.00 Edvard Sedmak, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Mary E. Gorišek, Berea, OH -$15.00 Anthony Ovsenik, Willoughby Hills, OH — $15.00 Dolores Dobida, Willoughby, OH — $15.00 Evelyn Pipoly, Euclid, OH - $15.00 Marinka Skubitz, Willoughby Hills, OH -$10.00 Stephanie Polutnik, Elyria, OH - $5.00 John Jasbinsek, Ontario, CA - $5.00 Mary Kadunc, Gumee, IL - $5.00 Emma Marczis, Cleveland, OH -$11.00 Marge Kondrich, South Euclid, OH -$10.00 Donation Thanks to Dorothy Stanonik of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Stimburys Accounting , Accounting & Income Thx Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtlme@en.com hUp://stimburysaccounting. com t/mtad to Practice Beton the Internet Revenue Service ServrdnfMvktuals Corporations t Small Businesses Donation Thanks to Anonymous of Grand Rapids, MI who renewed her subscription and added a $50.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Dr. Anton J. Ogrinc of Mayfield Village, OH who added a $25.00 donation to his subscription renewal. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. John and Barbara Kamin of New York who added a $65.00 donation to their annual subscription. Donation Thanks to Julia Zalar of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. A jumper cable walks into a bar and orders a beer. The barman says, “Here’s your beer, but don’t start anything.” -Phil Hrvatin A policeman spotted a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Driving alongside her car, he shouted out the window, “Pull over!” “No,” she shouted back, “a pair of socks.” Flower Power 2004 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law Omni Bldg., Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 Euclid, Ohio 44132 216 - 261 -0200 - fax 261-7334 - Probate, Estate Planning Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice Visit us at www.hribarlaw.com Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 (216)361-9909 ^ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster cSt. ^Vittacjz 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. Tfie village is a pleasant, relating environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member | can become a resident in our very special community. ——J FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina H; 11 rJ : PT ’i ig — AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 18, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Svetovna banka odslej šteje Slovenijo za eno od gospodarsko razvitih držav sveta V torek je v Slovenijo pripotoval James Wolfensohn, predsednik Svetovne banke. Sodeloval je pri podpisu dokumentov, s katerimi Slovenija zaključuje svoje članstvo v Svetovni banki kot jemalka posojil in postaja država, ki bo aktivno sodelovala v njenih razvojnih programih. Pridružuje se 25 državam, ki so ta prehod opravile v zadnjih Štiridesetih letih. Kriteriji za razvitost so preprosti in ne pomenijo, da je država rešila svoja razvojna vprašanja. Imeti mora dostop do mednarodnih trgov kapitala, kjer so za plačilno sposobne države pogoji ugodnejši. Svetovna banka daje kredite predvsem državam, ki drugje ne morejo priti do kapitala in nimajo razvitih institucij ekonomskega in socialnega razvoja. Dohodek na prebivalca mora hiti višji od 5185 dolarjev v razmerah stabilnega gospodarstva in rešenih temeljnih vprašanj revščine. Slovenija je v očeh Svetovne banke kriterije izpolnila. Samuel Žbogar predlagan za novega veleposlanika Slovenije v ZDA Na svoji seji pretekli četrtek je slovenska vlada predlagala državnemu zboru, naj zamenja dosedanjega slovenskega veleposlanika v ZDA Davorina Kračuna državni sekretar v Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Samuel Žbogar. Službovanje ameriškega veleposlanika v Sloveniji Johnnyja Younga gre h kraju in je v postopku procedura za njegovega naslednika. Slovenya 29. marca v NATO - Slavnostna seja državnega zbora ob vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko un|jo pa bo 29. aprila Slovenija bo s še šestimi drugiimi povab-Ijenkaipi v NATO stopila v ponedeljek, 29. marca. Predsedniki vlad sedmih držav bodo ta dan na posebni slovesnosti v Washingto-nu pri ameriški vladi deponirali ratifikadj-ske dokumente za ustanovno washingtonsko Pogodbo NATA z dodanimi pristopnimi protokoli. V Ljubljani so potrdili, da se bo slovesnosti udeležil tudi slovenski premier Anton Rop. Znan je tudi datum slavnostne seje parlamenta ob vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko u-nijo, in sicer v četrtek, 29. aprila. V Rimu je veleposlanik Vojko Volk na zunanjem ministrstvu deponiral pristopno pogodbo k EU, ki jo je državni zbor ratificiral 28. januarja 2004. Italija namreč hrani vse pogodbe članic EU od leta 1957. Jorg Haider zopet koroški deželni glavar Jorg Haider bo tudi v prihodnjih petih letih poglavar na avstrijskem Koroškem. Preteli petek zvečer je sklenil koalicijski dogovor s socialdemokratsko stranko o skupnem vladnem programu za štiriletno mandatno dobo, ki mu hkrati zagotavlja vnovično izvolitev za deželnega poglavarja. Na deželnih volitvah 7. marca je Haiderjeva svobodnjaška stranka ubranila mesto najmočnejše stranke z 42 odstotki glasov, socialdemokrati so ostali na drugem mestu kljub temu, da so izboljšali rezultat od zadnjih volitev za šest odstotkov. V pripravi je koalicijski dogovor, ki bo, pravijo v obeh strankah, predvideval tesnejše sodelovanje s Slovenijo, ni pa menda pričakovati kaj naklo-njenejše stališče do slovenske manjšine in njenih vsaj po črkah avstrijske ustave zagotovljenih pravic. Najpočasnejši rast BDP v Sloveniji v zadnjih enajstih letih Slovenski bruto domači proizvod se je lani po prvih ocenah statističnega urada v primerjavi z letom 2002 realno povečal za 2,3 odstotka, torej najmanj v zadnjih enajstih letih. Na prebivalca ga je prišlo za 12.154 evrov ali za 13.714 ameriških dolarjev. Dodana vrednost se je realno povečala za 2,6 odstotka. Imenovanje - Predsednik Slovenije Janez Drnovšek je imenoval svojo nekdanjo tekmico Barbaro Brezigar za članico evropske ustanove Eurojust. GRADNJE MOŠEJE ŠE DALEČ - Na fotografiji sta ljubljanska župaqja Danica s>č in mestni svetnik Mihael Jarc. Prva nasprotuje ideji o referendumu o gradnji °šeje v mestu, drugi referendum zagovarja. Zadeva je šla po odločitvi celotnega mest-sveta pred ustavno sodišče, ki naj bi odločalo o ustavnosti referendumske pobude, j° je podpisalo kar 12.000 občanov. Nasprotniki lokacije, predvidene za mošejo, me-U° med drugim, da so proti velikosti zgradbe (4000 kv m), načrt predvideva, da bo ^avba visoka do 60 čevljev (dobrih 5 nadstopij), minaret pa visok več kot 85 čev|jev. Sloveniji je kakih 47.000 muslimanov oz. 2,4 odstotka prebivalstva, nimajo pa še no-"e roošeje in je Slovenija baje s tem edina država v Evropi, kjer je muslimanska v^"a, hrez mošeje z izjemo Švice. Muslimani zagovarjajo svojo že|jo za mošejo že Lot 30 let, za razplet spora se menda zanimajo tudi v EU. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Pevski-literarni nastop— Dramsko društvo Lilija s sodelovanjem ameriško-slo-venskim svetom vabi na pevski-literarni nastop v petek, 26. marca, s pričetkom ob 7.30 zv. v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Nastopila bosta umetnika Tone Kuntner in pevka Bogdana Herman. Vstopnina za odrasle $5, otroci do 12. leta imajo prost vstop. Vse podrobnosti na str. 8. Akademija— Otroci Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu bodo v soboto, 27. marca, zv. ob 7.30 sodelovali v akademiji, med katero bodo nastopili učenci in učenke vseh razredov. Pridno se pripravljajo na svoje nastope in prav bi bilo, da bi bila udeležba s strani javnosti primerno velika. Več v dopisu na str. 10. Prodaja zavitkov— Pri župniji Marije Vne-bovzete imajo zopet letos prodajo jabolčnih, češnjevih in sirovih zavitkov. Dobite jih lahko vsak petek v šolski dvorani med serviranjem ribjih večerij. Jabolčni zavitek je $7, češnjev in sirov pa po $7.50. Zavitki so zmrznjeni in tako jih lahko spečete po vaši želji. Ribje večerje servirajo od 4. pop. do 7.30 zv. in je cena ali $7 ali $7.50 odvisno od vrste večerje, ki jo želite. Novi grobovi Frank E. Ogoreuc Dne 10. marca je umrl 86 let stari Frank E. Ogoreuc, mož Frances, roj. Dep-tola, oče Charlotte Perdan in Franka, 4-krat stari oče, 3-krat prastari oče, brat El-meija ter že pok. Edwarda, Ernesta in Edwarda. Pogreb je bil 13. marca v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Elizabeth Ivančič Umrla je 80 let stara Elizabeth Ivančič, rojena Dobrzeniecki, žena Milana “Ed”, mati dr. Milana ml., Betty Lou Clifford, Franka in Bonnie Nelson, 16-krat stara mati, sestra Richarda, Johna, Leonarda, Alberte Knop, Rosemary Buzzelli ter že pok. Wande Merrit in Eleanor Merrit. Pogreb je bil 13. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Brezmadežnega spočetja v Willoughbyju s po- (dalje na str. 12) Okrogla rojstna dneva— Včeraj, 17. marca, je ga. Mara Cerar Hull slavila rojstni dan z okroglo letnico. Ga. Hull je spoštovana in poznana pisateljica, urednica slovenskega dela Glasila KSKJ in kulturna delavka, ki večkrat prispeva članke tudi za AD. Ob življenjskem jubileju ji čestitajo in želijo vse najboljše ter veliko mero zdravja in božjega blagoslova sorodniki, znanci in prijatelji, pri tem še posebej člani društva Kristusa Kralja št. 226 KSKJ in odbor Slovenske pisarne, katerih članica je. Jutri, 19. marca, bo pa svoj 60. rojstni dan obhajal č.g. Jože Božnar, župnik teh zadnjih 25 let župnije sv. Vida. Rev. Božnarju čestitajo farani in številni znanci in prijatelji, o njem lahko berete v prilogi Federacije slovenskih narodnih domov v današnji AD,' kajti je bil izbran za moža leta SND na St. Clairju: in bo banket Federacije to nedeljo v omenjenem domu. Bob Dolgan bo govoril— V sredo, 31. marca, zv. ob 7. uri, bo v SDD na Recherjevi ulici v Euclidu o svoji novi knjigi govoril športni novinar Plain Dea-lerja Bob Dolgan. Večer je v sklopu govorov, ki jih sponzorira Slovenian American Heritage Foundation in je vstop prost. Knjiga nosi naslov “Heroes, Scamps and Good Guys”. G. Dolgan še objavlja dva članka tedensko v Plain Dealer]u. KOLEDAR MAREC 27. - 3. aprila - Slovenska skupnost v New Yorku organizira smučarski izlet v Banff, Lake Louise, B.C. Ivan Kamin: 718-424-2711. APRIL 17. - Primorski klub ima svoj vsakoletni pomladanski banket v SND na St. Clair Ave. Večerja ob 6.30 zv., za ples bo igral ansambel Grand Avenue Band. MAJ 2. - Kosilo v korist Ohio BoyChoir, v avditoriju pri sv. Vidu, od 11 dop. do 1. pop. 8. - Pevski zbor Jadran ima svoj poslovilni koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Zbor bo nato prenehal z delovanjem. Večeija od 5. do 6.30. zv., sledi ob 7h (OALJE na str. 11) p. PETER LAH Kristusovo trpljenje po Gibsonu Za pepelnično sredo je v Združenih državah Amerike po več kot leto trajajočih polemikah zagledal luč projektorjev Gibsonov film Kristusovo trpljenje. O njem govorijo in pišejo povsod po svetu, tudi v Sloveniji, čeprav je bil le redkokje (razen v ZDA) že predvajan. Zakaj je film zbudil toliko pozornosti? Problem ni v grobosti filma, ampak v domnevni pro-tisemitskosti. Ob vsej zadevi je človek v skušnjavi, da jo odpravi kot problem peščice preobčutljivih zastopnikov judovstva. Resna pa postane v trenutku, ko dopustimo možnost, da bodo kristjani film videli z drugačnimi očmi kkot Judje. V prizorih, ki ponazarjajo Jezusov proces in smrt, bodo morda eni videli Odre-šenikovo trpljenje, drugi pa nesrečno in možno sovražno stereotipiziranje Judov. Kaj ta možnost različne interpretacije pomeni za Kristusovo trpljenje in za medije na splošno? Navsezadnje ni nobeno presenečenje, da gledalci - bodisi kot posamezniki bodisi kot kulture - različno razumejo isti medijski proizvod. Kje so meje spodobnosti in, da, krščanske ljubezni? Ali sme ena (verska, rasna, razredna, kulturna) skupina upravičeno pričakovati od druge, da bo iz obzirnosti do nje spremenila svoje ravnanje in morda celo svoj pogled na zgodovino? i. Za to namreč gre pri Gibsonovem filmu. Avtor zatrjuje, da mu je šlo za čim bolj zvesto ponazoritev Jezusovega trpljenja, kot je zapisano v evangelijih. To mu redkokdo oporeka. Avtorji evangelijev so dokaj neposredni v trditvah, da so judovski voditelji odgovorni za Jezusovo smrt. Naj Gibson - ali kdorkoli že - svetopisemska besedila prilagodi današnji občutljivosti in politični korektnosti? Po drugi strani je jasno, vsaj izobražencem, da evangeliji niso zgodovinske knjige. Njihovo sporočilo je teološke narave. Namen evangelistov ni bil prikazati Jude kot božje morilce. Judovsko (nasilno) zavrnitev Jezusa so razumeli in opisali v kontekstu posebnega odnosa med Bogom in izvoljenim ljudstvom. Izvoljeno ljudstvo je vedno znova zavračalo Boga. V tem okvirju je Jezusova zgodba le vrhunec drame, katere glavni igralci niso Judje, ampak človeštvo v odnosu do Boga. Evangelisti so poročilo o Jezusovem trpljenju in smrti pisali kot Judje, ne proti Judom. Literarna verodostojnost in zagotovila cerkvenih voditeljev sta dejstvo. Dejstvo je tudi evropski (krščanski) antisemitizem, ki se je v najtemnejših trenutkih pogosto skliceval na svetopisemske odlomke. Če bi Gibson napisal strokovno razpravo, ga ne bi nihče opazil. Ker pa je posnel film, v katerem z genialno spretnostjo zabrenka na gledalčeve čustvene strune, se je znašel v središču polemike. Po pravici. Večina gledalcev verjetno ni poučena o zgodovini in teologiji. Zato je upravičeno vprašanje, ali bodo zmogli ob sočustvovanju s krvavečim Kristusom sami sebe postaviti v vlogo Judov, ki so razlog za Odrešenikovo trpljenje, ali pa bodo nekritično stopili na “Kristusovo stran” proti Judom - podobno, kot so prenekateri storili v preteklosti. Pa še beseda o filmu, čeprav ga slovenski gledalci (v Sloveniji) še nekaj časa ne bodo videli. Gle- ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Družine Pesmi ■T7 ... in Melodije WCSB 89.3 'EM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm iz Naše Lepe Slovenije 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 tfx/fax Radijska Družina Cleveland ..... web: www.wcsb.org dalec bo v njem našel tisto, kar bo iskal. Kdor hoče videti Gibsonov film, bo dvorano zapustil s polno mero čustvenih in grozljivih prizorov. Kdor hoče videti Kristusovo trpljenje, se podaja v dveurni pasijon brez primere. Eno je gotovo: starši naj si film ogledajo sami, preden ga priporočijo otrokom. Tisti bolj občutljivi med njimi pa bodo naredili bolje, če se namesto v kinodvorani na cvetno nedeljo ali na veliki petek ustavijo v bližnji cerkvi, kjer bodo deležni istega pasijona, le z manj krvi. DRUŽINA 7. marca 2004 LILIJA in Slovenski ameriški svet vabita na... Večer slovenske ljudske in umetne pesmi CLEVELAND, O. - Ko se bosta mudili na obisku med slovenskimi rojaki v sosednji Kanadi, bosta slovenska umetnika Bogdana Herman in Tone Kuntner obiskala tudi nas v Clevelandu. V Kanado ju je povabil Slovenski kanadski kongres. Nastopila bosta na Kon-gresovem občnem zboru v nedeljo, 28. marca, to sicer v Torontu. Nas v Clevelandu pa bosta obiskala in nastopila že v petek, 26. marca, to v dvorami Slovenskega doma na Holmes Avenue v Collinwoodu. Nastop se bo pričel ob 7.30 zvečer. Kdo sta umetnika? Bogdana Herman je študirala slavistiko in se posvetila jeziku, predvsem ljudskemu jeziku, ki ga je našla v ljudskih pesmih, objavljenih pa tudi še neobjavljenih. Zna zapeti čez stopetdeset pesmi iz vseh slovenskih pokrajin, to poleg mnogih iz slovenskega zamejstva v Italiji, Avstriji in Madžarske. Poje brez inštru-mentalne spremljave. Slovenske ljudske pesmi je Bogdana Herman doslej izvajala v več kot dvesto nastopih širom Slovenije, to v koncertnih dvoranah, cerkvah, gradovih, šolah. Nastopa pa tudi v drugih državah in na mednarodnih prireditvah. Petindvajsetletnico obletnico svojih tovrstnih nastopov je lani kronala s koncerti v Bruslju, v prostorih evropskega parlamenta, evropske komisije in komiteja evropskih regij. Bogdana Herman je izdala zgoščenko (tj. CD) “Stare ljudske” in sodelovala na LP plošči “Slovenske ljudske pesmi in glasbila”. Prisotna je tudi na zgoščenkah: “Folk pre- porod na Slovenskem”, “Daleč je...” in “Sodobna ljudska glasba na Slovenskem I”. Tone Kunter je pesnik, književnik, gledališki igralec in izredni profesor za umetniško besedo na Akademiji za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo (AGRFT) v Ljubljani. Stalni član je Mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega. Tone Kuntner se je rodil 13. maja 1943 na Tratah v Slovenskih goricah. Ljudsko šolo je obiskoval v Mariji Snežni, klasično gimnazijo pa v Mariboru. Leta 1963 je maturiral, nakar se je vpisal na AGRFT, kjer je 1968. leta diplomiral. Krajši čas se je študijsko mudil tudi v Berlinu. Od leta 1967 je povezan z Mestnim gledališčem, od leta 1986 pa tudi z AGRFT. Član je Društva dramskih umetnikov, Društva slovenskih filmskih delavcev. Društva slovenskih pisateljev in Slovenskega PEN centra. Doslej je izšlo že 20 Kuntnerjevih pesniških zbirk. Med njimi Je tudi angleški prevod “Moje hiše (My House), ki je izšel v Sydneyu v Avstraliji leta 1987. Poleg angleščine so Kuntnerjeve pe- ^ tU Utr °i Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik mm 440-944-2538 srni prevedene še v trinajst drugih jezikov. Za svoje pesniško in igralsko delovanje je Tone Kuntner prejel številne nagrade. Med njimi so: Prešernova študentska nagrada (1967), Priznanje ZDUS (1980), Borštnikova nagrada (1983), Severjeva nagrada (1985), Nagrada Prešernovega sklada (1970) za pesniško zbirko Lesnika, leta 1998 pa je bil nominiran za nagrado Veronika za pesniško zbirko Cmurek. Kuntner sodeluje tudi z občino Velike Lašče, ki organizira kulturne večere na Trubarjevini v čast domovini v Trubarjevi rojstni vasi Rašici. Zadnja Kuntnerjeva pesniška zbirka “Mati Slovenija” je izšla ob deseti obletnici slovenske samostojnosti in državnosti. V tej zbirki je pesem “Kdo je sanjal”. Pesem sestavljajo silno težka in zgodovinska vprašanja: Kdo je sanjal slovenske sanje, ko ni bil čas za take sanje? - Kdo jih je sanjal ponosno in smelo, kdo se jih je sramoval? - Kdo je zmagal, ko so zmagale sanje? Tem vpra-šanjam dodaja pesnik v oklepaju še zadnje: Ko so zmagale sanje, smo zmagali vsi!? V petek, 26. marc^, bomo torej imeli priložnost poslušati izvirne, pristne in lepe slovenske besede in pesmi, te izgovorjene in pete v izvedbi dveh poklicnih, priznanih umetnikov iz rodne domovine Slovenije. Takšna priložnost se nam ponudi le zelo, zelo redko. Naj nihče, ki sta mu pri srcu slovenska beseda in pesem, ne zamudi tega lepega in pomembnega večera! Dramsko društvo Lilija in Slovenski ameriški svet Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBN1 ZAVOI. TailMVoO*, Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. > CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Akademija svetovidske Slovenske šole CLEVELAND, O. - Odbor Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu že pridno vadijo svoje vloge, ko bodo nastopili na odru šolske dvorane v soboto. 27. marca, ob pol sedmih zvečer. Pojejo, deklamirajo, ponavljajo, igrajo in vestno poslušajo, da bi čim bolje uprizorili, kar jih njihove učiteljice in učitelj uče. Radi nastopajo in pokažejo staršem in drugim, kaj vse so zmožni. Najmlajši bodo s pesmijo Zajček najbrž, kot vedno, osvojili srca občinstva. Vrtec bo tudi še deklamiral pesmico, v kateri bo pokazal, da otroci vedo dneve v tednu. Otroci prvega in, drugega razreda bodo izrazili čast in hvaležnost Bogu ter pozdravili sveto Marijo. Tudi staršev se bodo spomnili. “Materinski dan v mali vasici” je igrica, v kateri bodo otroci v četrtem in petem razredu pokazali svoje talente. “Ustoličenje koroških vojvod” je pomemben zgodovinski prizorček. V njem bodo z vso resnostjo in z navdušenjem nastopili učenci in učenke šestega, sedmega in osmega razreda. Brez petja ne bi mogli reči, da je pristen slovenski večer. Kar dobro se otroci odrežejo v petju. Pridite na to prireditev, da bo v veselje nastopajočim in vam. Po programu boste postreženi z okrepči- li. Tako boste, upamo, še dalj časa pokramljali v prijetni slovenski družbi. M. Stropnik V Italiji: Oživitev zgodovinskega spomina... Od Raba do Gonarsa: resnica prodira na dan Trst/Gorica - Pred nedavnim se je v Italiji praznoval dan spomina na množično uničevanje Judov med drugo svetovno v°jno; tega so po zgledu drugih držav uvedli s Posebnim zakonom. Ob tej priložnosti so se zvr-stile številne spominske slovesnosti in tudi javni Mediji so dogodku posvečali precejšnjo pozornost. Zlasti televizija je prika-z°vala številne prizore iz Nacističnih taborišč. Le malokdo je ob tem °menjal, da je tudi fašistični režim v Italiji med v°jno uvedel internacijska ^borišča. Zato je v zad-nJem času toliko bolj prijetno presenetilo dokaj Nbširno poročanje nekaterih zelo razširjenih italijanskih dnevnikov o Pravkajšnjem izidu pri založbi Einaudi temeljne-dela o fašističnih ta-b°riŠčih v obdobju 1940-ki ga je napisal arte Spartaco Capogre-c°’ sicer po poklicu zdravnik-pediater, a obe-nern docent na fakulteti kitičnih ved na univerzi J" Cosenzi v Kalabriji. 20 je sistematično razi-Sk°val gradivo v raznih arhivih in zbiral tudi o- sebna pričevanja ter si osebno ogledal vse kraje, kjer so stala taborišča. V Italiji je bilo kakih 50 taborišč, kamor je fašistični režim interniral domače politične nasprotnike, ki so se mu zdeli nevarni v vojnih razmerah. Skozi ta taborišča, ki so bila v glavnem v srednji in južni Italiji, je od leta 1940 do 1943 šlo kakih 20.000 ljudi. Ta taborišča je upravljalo notranje ministrstvo, medtem ko je taborišča v severni Italiji na območju Dalmacije upravljala vojaška oblast. Konkretno je šlo za taborišča na Rabu (za Slovenijo in hrvaški Gorski Kotor), na Molatu in na Prevlaki v srednji in južni Dalmaciji, Gonars in Visco v Furlaniji, Mo-nigo in Chiesanuova v Venetu in Renicci v Tos-cani. Ta taborišča so bila namenjena Slovencem in Hrvatom z zasedenega področja in v njih so vladale neznosne bivalne razmere, zaradi katerih je na stotine oziroma na tisoče deportirancev (moš- kih, žensk in otrok) umrlo. Edina krivda internirancev je bila ta, da so bili pripadniki slovanskih narodov, izrecno poudarja avtor omenjene knjige o taboriščih. Kot rečeno, je ta taborišča neposredno upravljala vojska, in to zelo nemarno in nasilno tako glede prehrane kot zdravstvenih razmer. Zaradi tega je mnogo internirancev pomrlo. Po jugoslovanskih oziroma slovenskih virih je samo na Rabu umrlo 4.600 internirancev, v Gonarsu pa okrog 500. Po splošnem prepričanju bo Capogrecova knjiga Ducejeva taborišča odločilno prispevala k oživitvi pozabljenega zgodovinskega spomina na to plat fašističnega preganjanja in tudi nečloveškega zatiranja dejanskih ali potencialnih nasprotnikov, ki so ga v Italiji ves povojni čas iz različnih razlogov prikrivali. Ob tej priložnosti moramo še omeniti, da je pred kratkim izšla tudi knjiga o taborišču v Gonarsu, ki jo je napisala univerzitetna raziskovalka Alessandra Kersevan iz Vidma po večletnem raziskovanju v slovenskih arhivih in v vojaških arhivih v Vidmu in Rimu. V njem med drugim omenja posredovanje Vatikana, ljubljanskega škofa Rožmana, goriškega nadškofa Margottija in krškega škofa Srebrniča pri italijanskih oblasteh, da bi izboljšale razmere v taborišču in omogočile pošiljanje paketov s hrano in obleko internirancem. Od naše strani naj dodamo, da se je takrat v Gorici na pobudo msgr. Brumata v ta namen u-stanovil v okviru škofije poseben center, ki je zbiral pomoč za internirance v Gonarsu. Alojz Tul Novi list, 19. febr. 2004 Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Nova poteza Janeza Janše... Oblikovanje opozicijske vlade v senci Ljubljana (Delo fax, 12. marca) - Prvak Slovenske demokratske stranke (SDS) Janez Janša je napovedal ustanovitev vlade v senci. Rekel je še, da bo takšna vlada tudi poimensko predstavljena do konca meseca. Dejansko bo to po statutu SDS strokovni svet, ki bo le z minimalnimi spremembami sestavljen po vzoru resorjev v vladi Antona Ropa. Brez dvoma gre za še eno izmed predvolilnih potez, kar potrjuje tudi Janša, s tem ko prav, da je SDS skupaj z NSi dejansko edina realna alternativa sedanji oblasti in da je vse skupaj v teku volilne kampanje možno izpeljati tudi v obliki tekmovanja programov, “česar doslej nikoli v nobeni volilni kampanji v takšnem smislu nismo imeli”. Po besedah Janeza Janše so v zvezi z oblikovanjem vlade v senci izpeljali interno pobudo med člani in simpatizerji stranke. Očitno pa Janša pri sestavi ne bo imel lahkega dela s selekcijo kadrov, saj je pred dnevi zatrdil, da se je za različna področja, ki naj bi jih pokrivala vlada v senci, v zelo kratkem času prijavilo skoraj petsto strokovnjakov. Sicer pa je v kontekstu aktualnih debat o ženskih kvotah v politiki Janša zagotovil, da se bodo trudili, da bo v strokovnem svetu tudi čim več žensk, “ki so na nekaterih področjih po našem mnenju dejansko najboljša Izbira ne glede na spol”. Naloge vlade v senci, katere predsednik bo kajpak Janez Janša, bodo zlasti tri: pripraviti oceno stanja oziroma zbrati skupaj ocene, ki so tako ali tako že narejene.skupaj z izvrševanjem koalicijske pogodbe sedanje vladne koalicije, pripraviti alternativni program posamičnih področij za naslednji mandat, s katerim se bodo predstavljali volivcem, tretja naloga predsednikov posameznih odborov pa bo sprotno reagiranje na sicer ravno na vsako potezo vlade, gotovo pa, na pomembnejše predloge sistemskih sprememb ali zakonov, ki jih bo predlagala Ropova vlada. Janša je svojo odločitev podkrepil z vzori iz tujine. “Tako približno delujejo vlade v senci tudi v tujini, kjer je to ponekod, denimo v Veliki Britaniji, skoraj ustavni inštitut.” Tam vlada v senci denimo dobiva tudi vso gradivo. Janša računa, da bo tudi v Sloveniji tako? Pri nas tega seveda ne pričakujemo, glede na to, kako je vlada reagirala že ob naših zahtevah iz začetka lanskega leta, odgovarja Janša in dodaja, da imajo slabe izkušnje z vlado že, ko gre za poslanska vprašanja v zvezi s stvarmi, na katera bi vlada morala odgovoriti. “Že nekaj časa čakamo na odgovor na poslansko vprašanje v zvezi z vladnim letalom. Zato tudi ne moremo predstaviti nekaterih izračunov, ki smo jih obljubili. Vlada ima očitno velike težave z odgovori, za katere je trdila, da so popolnoma enostavni.” Navsezadnje pa takšen korak, torej oblikovanje opozicijske vlade v senci, nujno naredi politični prostor bolj prepoznaven oziroma pregleden, je prepričan prvak SDS. Mateja Babič SPOROČILO Misijonske znamkarske akcije Blagajniško delo pri Misijonski znamkarski akciji sta sprejeli gdč. Helena Nemec in gdč. Marjanca Tominc. Naslov Helene Nemec je 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Naslov Marie Tominc je 407 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Dekleti sta precej bremena odvzeli Ani in Rudiju Knez, ko sta blagajniško delo prevzeli, le glavni blagajnik še ostane Rudi Knez. Darove za misijone pošiljajte na gdč. Heleno Nemec, katera bo tudi potrdila prejem in ga vrnila darovalcu. Dragi dekleti, hvala Vama za odvzem velike skrbi in Bog naj Vaju blagoslovi s svojim blagoslovom! Marica Lavriša Ali ima nekdanji predsednik Slovenije politično bodočnost - ali pa kakšne ambicije o njej? Vrnitev Milana Kučana? JANKO LORENCI (Delo, 3. marca 2004) ♦ V času, ko se je bližal koncu svojega od ustave zadnjega dovoljenega zaporednega predsedniškega mandata, so bile špekulacije o možni politični bodočnosti Milana Kučana, saj je bil še sorazmerno mlad ((1941. leta rojen) in tudi, po anketah javnega mnenja sodeč, še precej priljubljen. Letos, ko bodo zopet parlamentarne volitve, na katerih utegnejo opozicijske stranke imeti precejšnjo možnost zmage, se je zdelo novinarju Dela Janka Lorencija primerno podati svojo analizo o tem, ali ima Milan Kučan ali možnost ali oz. in željo za vrnitev v aktualno politiko. Članek sledi v celoti. Omenil bi, da je bratska organizacija SNPJ povabila Milana Kučana, naj se udeleži slovesnosti 3. aprila ob stoletnici SNPJ in da bo bivši predsednik Slovenije na tej slovesnosti, sicer v Pittsburghu, tudi prisoten. Ur. AD ♦ Ljubljana - Če se bom hotel vrniti v politiko, mi ne bo tega nihče preprečil, je v enem svojih zadnjih predsedniških intervjujev nenavadno ostro rekel Milan Kučan. Zdaj ko je ustanovitev Foruma 21 samo še vprašanje časa, se Kučan posredno že vrača. Se lahko vrne v politiko tudi neposredno? Nekaj pogojev za to obstaja. Kučan je bil v zadnih dveh desetletjih izstopajoča figura slovenske politike, verjetno edini politik iz tega obdobja, ki ga bodo omenjale zgodovinske knjige, kot je rekel nekdo. Bil je vpliven, odločujoč, hkrati pa priljubljen, kar ne gre nujno skupaj. Svoje zvezdno obdobje je imel je imel od leta 1986, ko je prevzel vodenje slovenske partije, do konca 1992, ko je bila zagotovljena samostojnost Slovenije. Odločal ali bistveno soodločal je o se- stopu s (partijske) oblasti, o vojni in o miru. Večina Slovencev ocenjuje to njegovo obdobje izrazito pozitivno. Kdor ga ne mara, ga skoraj sovraži. Ko je'postal predsednik republike, je veliko moči izgubil, kajti ustava je bila v tem pogledu pisana proti Kučanu - velikih pristojnosti ni smel imeti. Ostal pa je priljubljen, morda še bolj kot prej. Tako je obdržal tudi veliko neformalnega vpliva - kdor je na tako dobrem glasu pri ljudstvu, ga mora hočeš nočeš u-poštevati tudi politika. Tega, da je levičar, ni nikoli skrival, toda njegova priljubljenost je segala čez politično prelomnico levo-desno. K temu je pripomoglo več stvari: zasluge iz časa osamosvajanja, dejstvo, da mu ni bilo treba nositi odgovornosti izvršne oblasti, profesionalnost, s katero je opravljal svojo funkcijo, njegova osebna, težko opisljiva karizma, gotovo pa tudi neverjetna mreža stikov, ki jih je sčasoma spletel skozi vso paleto družbenih plasti po vsej Sloveniji. Majhnost države, dolga vladavina in njegova vseprisotnost so počasi skovale rek, da je zraven na vsaki pasji procesiji; Kučan ga je kljub slabemu prizvoku vsaj navzven jemal kot priznanje. Kot se je, pravi, začel zaba- V SPOMIN ob peti obletnici, odkar $i odšel v večno življenje 24, marca 1999. MARKO SFILIGOJ V duhu smo združeni. Žalujoči: Žena: Heda Sinovi: Marko, Martin in Anton Snahe: Laura, Kathy in Jeannie Vnuka: Michael in Marko Vnukinje: Heidi, Kayla, Lia in Maria Sestra: Meta, m ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. vati nad demoniziranjem, s katerim je njegovo početje spremljala delnica, še zlasti Janez Janša, ki je do bivšega predsednika države osebno sovražen in začne ob njegovem imenu prav grdo gledati. Paradoksno pa je Kučana to razglašanje za praočeta vsega zlj} v Sloveniji prejkone krepilo. Priljubljen ostaja t\idi po uradnem slovesu od politike. V medijih ga je počasi vedno manj, iz javne zavesti pa (še) ni izginil. Tako ostaja potencialno politični faktor. Približevanje volitev je oživilo ugibanje o njegovi vrnitvi v politiko. Za tem je nekaj medijsko atraktivnega špekuliranja, nekaj pa realnih osnov. Ker levici vsaj trenutno slabo kaže, obstaja tudi nekakšno splošno pričakovanje, da ji bo prvi predsednik države priskočil na pomoč. Dva pomembna pogoja za vrnitev obstajata: prvič, še vedno živa Kučanova priljubljenost in vplivnost, in drugič njegova pripravljenost, da bi se tako ali drugače vrnil. Bivši predsednik sam je zadržan, vendar se zdi, da ni dokončno pokopal te ambicije. Na to kaže že načrtovana u-stanovitev Foruma 21. Predvsem pa je Kučan polnokrven politik, ki mu je bila politika nekaj desetletij način življenja. S tem je težko pretrgati. Kot predsednik države z majhnimi pristojnostmi je imel za svoj temperament, energijo in ambicije, čeprav nepriznane ali neuresničljive, v bistvu na pol zvezane roke in njegovo živahno neformalno delovanje je izviralo tudi iz tega. Kučan bi bolj kot na čelo države spadal na čelo kake močne stranke ali vlade. Skratka, želja po vrnitvi zelo verjetno obstaja. Ke so vrata v mednarodno areno zelo tesno odškrnjena. ostaja domači teren. Tu pa se stvari vrtijo tako - in to je tretji, najpomembnejši pogoj -, da je vrnitev hipotetično celo mogoča. Pri tem je Jasno, da Kučan kot realist ne bo silil z glavo skozi zid, ampak bo čakal na razplet dogodkov. Forum 21 je lahko priprava na njegovo vrnitev - ali pa ne. Verjetno bo odprt za različne možnosti razvoja. V Nepozaben Spomin ob šesti obletnici, odkar nas je zapustil naš predragi mož, ata in stari ata Viktor Kmetič In odšel k Vsemogočnemu 22. marca 1998 Ljubil si dom in nas vse. Rad si pel in bil vesel. V dragocenih spominih vedno si med nami; in mi v mislih smo pri tebi. Ljubljeni mož, ata in stari ata počivaj v Božjem miru. tvoji žalujoči: Žena: Minka Zet: Frank Hčerka: Metka Snahi: Ani, Michelle Sinova: Vic, Tomaž Vnuki: Franci, Viki, Tomaž Vnukinje: Viktorija, Monika, Jennifer, Kati V. Sloveniji: Nadia Bratje: Ivan, Stanko, Ludvik z družinami Sestre: Micka, Pepca, Lojzka, Slavka z družinami ter ostalo sorodstvo. Richmond Heights, Ohio 18. marca 2004. (PALJE na str. 11) It took John and Maiy 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. How much time did it take them to plan their estate? KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matter. Call a professional KSKJ representative today! KSKI44/ American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ 2439 Glenwood Avenue | Joliet, 11 60435 Toll Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com Life insurance is not for those who die. It's for those who live. 750 let Maribora - drugega največjega mesta v Sloveniji Trst/Gorica - V Mariboru bodo letos z najrazličnejšimi prireditvami in slovesnostmi zaznamovali 750-letnico prve omembe tega mesta, “štajerske prestolnice”, po velikosti drugega mesta v Sloveniji. Predvsem poskušajo premostiti razvojni zaostanek v primerjavi z drugimi območji v državi, ki se kaže zlasti v težavah in ukinjanju podjetij in v velikem številu brezposelnih. Mesto Maribor je v slovenski zavesti znano predvsem po tem, da ga je v politično razburkanem in napetem obdobju po prvi svetovni vojni general Rudolf Maister s svojo vojsko ubranil pred Avstrijo, s čimer je zagotovil njegovo pripadnost Sloveniji. Ob jubileju mesta je v reviji Mariborčan njen glavni in odgovorni urednik Srečko Pirtovšek zapisal, da bitk tudi za našo generacijo še zdaleč ni konec, samo puško in sabljo bosta kot orožje zamenjala trg ln denar”. Do konca tega leta bo zgrajena moderna avtocestna povezava med Mariborom in Ljubljano in morebiti k° v prihodnje tudi zaradi časovne bližine vpliv Mariborčanov v slovenskem glavnem mestu večji, kot je Sedaj. Sicer pa se v Mariboru navdihujejo s prodornostjo sosednjih mest. Pogledujejo v Gradec, v Avstriji kjer so veliko naredili kot evropsko mesto kulture, in v Celje. Tam so zgradili nov nogometni stadion, °dprli razkošno športno dvorano in že drugi velik iinocenter, medtem ko v Mariboru prvega šele! gra-dij°- M. NOVI LIST. 12. febr. 2004 Slovenija po deležu tujih naložb na repu med pristopnicami v EU Ljubljana - V Sloveni-^ Je bilo v letu 2003 pc P°datkih Banke Slovenije tnjih naložb za 160,4 ■hilijona evrov (tj. kakit. 125 milijonov US$). veči-110 za odprtje storitvenih in b'govskih podjetij. Manj kot odstotek tu-^ naložb v bruto doma-* Proizvod Slovenijo uvr-a na rep tako med dr-avami članicami EU kot jbed pristopnicami, med atcrimi prevladuje Esto-diJa s kar 66-odstotnim eležem tujih naložb, v °kratni izdaja piše Gos-P°darski vestnik. Slovenija se očitno do taJih naložb vede preče: ^zainteresirano. Lani ^ovenijo namreč ni pri v a nlti ena tuja naložb: nove zmogljivosti, tak šne naložbe pa pomembno pripomorejo k hitrejši gospodarski rasti. Vlada sicer pripravlja nov zakon, toda njegova zasnova kaže, da se stvari bistveno ne bodo spremenile. Tuja, pa tudi domača podjetja po pisanju Gospodarskega vestnika počasi bežijo iz Slovenije. Po besedah direktorja Danfossa Compressorsa Leopolda Panjana je sedanja prednost Slovenije le še inercija. Če bi se Danfoss, ki je v Sloveniji ogromno vložil, zdaj odločil za odhod iz Slovenije, bi v celoti gledano s svojo naložbo imel izgubo. Potrebnega je namreč precej časa, da se zaposleni naučijo delati, in BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid. Ohio za to, da se po količini in kakovosti vzpostavi optimalna proizvodnja, pojasnjuje Panjam. Direktorji nekaterih tujih podjetij so zaradi nekonkurenčnih pogojev v Sloveniji zaskrbljeni. Ameriškemu podjetju Johnson Controls - NTU s Koroške na primer resno grozi tekmec v Ro- Prvič, ostal bo forum, civilnodružbeno telo, podprto z denarjem sodelujočih direktorjev, namenjeno predvsem ohranjanju vpliva in javne prisotnosti Milana Kučana. Janez Škrabec iz Rlka je za Finance prostodušno rekel, da potrebuje Kučan za svojo dejavnost večjo infrastrukturo. Jasno je, da sebo Forum, kdorkoli že bo v njem, vrtel okoli bivšega predsednika in da ga brez njega sploh ne bi bilo. Forum je lahko tudi institucija za predvolilno pomoč levici. Njegov (Kučanov) profil je jasen, Kučan ima spodobne odnose z LDS in pred volitvami verjetno ne bo molčal. To je toliko bolj verjetno, če bo Drnovšek, kot se zdi zdaj, še naprej drsel proti desnici, ki ga vneto snubi v svoje vrste. Najbrž ni dvoma, če bi se Kučan pred volitvami jasno in nedvoumno izrekel v prid levici, bi to lahko pomembno vplivalo na neopredeljene volivce. Forum pa je lahko vendarle tudi priprava za neposreden vstop v politiko. Tu se načeloma spet odpira več poti. Najbolj atraktiven bi bil samostojen nastop, ustanovitev nove stranke. Toda časa za to je malo, izkupiček pa negotovo. Nova stranka bi verjetno vsrkala vse volivce Združene liste (ZL), nekaj privržencev LDS, segla med neopredeljene in nekoliko morda tudi v zmerni desni tabor. Toda staviti vse samo na eno ime, čeprav še tako veliko, je skrajno negotovo početje. Hkrati bi tak nastop uničil Združeno listo in poslabšal volilne možnosti LDS oz. celotne levice. Taka poteza bi spominjala na samostojni volilni nastop Ralpha Naderja v Ameri- muniji, zato je nevarnost, da se bodo morali iz -Slovenije umakniti. Tudi direktor Sava Tires Richard Johnson pravi, da je Slovenija po ceni delovne sile predraga, čeprav je po drugi strani zadovoljen s svojimi zaposlenimi. STA 8. marec 2004 ki, ki brez upa zmage krade glasove demokratom in jih je na prejšnjih volitvah verjetno že pokopal. Skratka, ta vrnitev z novo lastno stranko se zdi zanemarljiva. Druga možnost: Kučan prevzame vodenje LDS ali ZL. Z vrha LDS takega vabila ni pričakovati. Nekoliko drugače je z ZL: stranka je notranje razmajana, Pahor je priljubljen, stranka pa ne. Če bi tako povabilo prišlo, pa bi ga Kučan skoraj zanesljivo zavrnil. Vodenje šibke, z njenim pedigrejem obremenjene ZL bi mu zmanjšalo format in njegovo splošno privlačno moč. In če se nekdanji predsednik res hoče vrniti v politiko, se hoče na velika vrata. Obe možnosti bi zapustili polje teorije le, če bi LDS in ZL tik pred volitvami kazalo skrajno slabo. Sicer pa bodo o teh možnostih tekle ali že tečejo raziskave javnega mnenja. Zainteresiranih je veliko. Če še enkrat pogledamo v celoti in ocenimo vse te variante, se zdi, da bo Milan Kučan do jesenskih volitev skoraj zanesljivo ostal v svojem Forumu, zunaj neposredne politike. Velikega comebacka, ki se ga nekateri bojijo, drugi želijo, ne bo. A možnost vrnitve morda vendarle obstaja - po volitvah. Še najbolj verjetna je, če bi levica z volitvami, ki se bodo najbrž končale s tesnim izidom, zgrmela z oblasti. To bi zlasti za LDS, že desetletje vajeno suverenega vladanja, pomenilo hud pretres in notranjo krizo. Ta bi se utegnila končati na različne načine, morda tudi s povabilom Kučanu. Bi ga sprejel? Odgovor je skrit v zvezdah in v Milanu Kučanu. Scela gledano se zdi najbolj verjetno, da bo Forum pred volitvami podprl levico, po njih pa nadaljeval življenje kot ena od podobnih institucij; najbrž po nadpovprečno vplivna in tudi dobrodošla, če bo dajala od sebe pametne in zmerne predloge. Takih besed in širše priznanih avtoritet v tem času histerije obupno manjka. Sveta Forum ne bo vrgel s tečajev, bodo pa lahko ljubitelji teorij zarote z njegovim šefom še nekaj časa strašili otroke. KOLEDAR (NADALJEVANJE s str. 7) koncert, nato ples. Igral bo Fred Ziwich orkester. 16. - Slovenski dom za ostarele ima letno sejo v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Registracija se prične ob 2h pop. sama seja pa ob 2.30. 22. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Po koncertu zabava in ples. 30. - Društvo SRB sponzorira spominsko sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. opoldne, popoldne ob 3h bodo molitve na Vernih duš pokopališču. JUNIJ 12. - Folklorna skupina Kres ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 19., 20. - Tabor DSPB priredi spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi za padle domobrance. Dne 19. junija molitve na SP, v nedeljo, 20. jun., sv. maša ob 12. uri opoldne pri Spominski kapelici. JULIJ 11. - Misijonska Znam- karska Akcija ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 25. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. AVGUST 29. - Društvo SPB sponzorira vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Sv. maša ob dvanajstih, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30 pop. SEPTEMBER 11. - Folklorna skupina Kres praznuje 50. obletnico s celovečernim programom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 12. - Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima kosilo v šolskem avditoriju. 25., 26. - Baragovi dnevi v mestu Marquette, Michigan. %- BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Vrnitev Milana Kučana? (NADALJEVANJE s str. 10) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1516. Prav hitrim korakom se bližamo velikonočnim praznikom. Že dobra polovica postnega časa je minila. Ves ta čas smo se zvesto udeleževali spokornih pobožnosti, vsaj v svoji župni cerkvi. Odprli smo svoje srce in dušo Njemu, ki nosi nas vseh križe in trpljenje. Spomnili smo se vseh bolnih in starejših dobrotnikov, vseh misijonarjev, in vseh onih, ki so se nam priporočili, da molimo zanj. Bog daj, da bi vsi globoko doživeli velikonočne praznike. Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Oglasil se je misijonar Franc Pavlič iz Bolivije: “Že kar sedaj vam voščim globoko pripravo na velikonočne praznike, ki so pred nami. Čez Golgoto gre pot v radost - pravi ena od velikonočnih pesmi. To moje rano voščilo gre vsem poznanim članom MZA, rojakom v Ameriki, Kanadi in povsod, kjer živijo, delajo, trpijo in se veselijo. Zaradi boterstva dijakom srednjih šol je število pisem že tako narastlo, da bi potreboval tajnico, da bi na vsa pisma odgovarjala. Pa tega ni ne morem privoščiti. Sedaj smo v hudi deževni dobi, ki se je pričela že meseca novembra. Narasle reke prevračajo celo natovorjene kamione polne cisterne goriva - pa to je čista resnica. Nobene možnosti nimam, da bi šel v La Paz (to je glavno mesto Bolivije), da bi oddal pošto. Sicer smo dež resnično potrebovali, pa ne toliko, kajti dežja nismo imeli od julija pa vse do novembra. Ljudje, živali niso imeli niti kaplje pitne vode. Strašna suša. Edini vir pitne vode “potok” se je popolnoma izsušil. Bogu hvala, da sem lansko leto uspel narediti pomožni vodovod za misijonsko hišo, ki je prav dobro reševal stisko pitne vode celotnega centra misijona. Zaradi pomanjkanja vode so se vse gradnje, ki sem jih planiral, popolnoma ustavile, pa tudi finančne možnosti misijona so se popolnoma izsušile in izpraznile. Potreb in načrtov je še in še; žal, kar vse delo je obstalo. Zaupam v božjo Previdnost in dobroto ljudi. Čeprav sem na finančni nuli vseeno načrtujem, molim in prosim. Bog in dobri ljudje me ne bodo pozabili. Na tem misijonu sem se naučil: “Če je božja volja, bodo načrti stekli, ker se bo po dobroti ljudi blagajna napolnila in delo se bo nadaljevalo. Če pa je sad moje domišljije, bodo načrti propadli.” Torej računam na božjo pomoč in dobroto ljudi. Lansko leto smd naredili ogromno in sem Bogu zelo hvaležen. Namreč za skupnost krščenih smo uspeli zgraditi kapelo in bivanjski prostor za profesorje. Sicer je tu potrebna še fina izdelava in oprema. Prostori za bivanje profesorjev so bili popolnoma neprimerni. Namreč v enem prostoru 2x3 metre je stanovala petčlanska družina. Lahko si sami predstavljate, kako je to izgledalo: kuhinja, spalnica, delavni prostor itd. Veseli me, da sem uspel tej dobri družini pomagati. Uspelo nam je tudi izgraditi pritlični del kmetijske fakultete. Ta prostor bo tudi služil za predavalnico srednje šole in za razna srečanja mladinskih skupin. Saj do sedaj smo se vsi zbirali v mali pločevinski zakristiji. Iz tega sami lahko sklepate, da misijonar ne uči samo verouk pa tudi ne opravlja samo enkrat dnevno sv. mašo; ampak mora biti v prvi vrsti delavec, zidar, planer: torej mora služiti ubogim in jim pomagati v vse smeri. V letošnjem letu moramo dograditi kmetijsko fakulteto. Pa za to bomo po predračunu potrebovali US$ 55.000. Upamo, da bo dobrota in usmiljenost ljudi priskočila na pomoč. V to stavbo bo potrebno tudi speljati cevi za pitno vodo. Potem bivalne prostore za profesorje. Sanitarije, pravlico itd. - stroški za to bodo znesli US$ 13.500. Kajti profesorji srednjih šol in univerze so sedaj na stanovanju na misijonu. Potem bo še potrebno preskrbeti prostore za bivanje študentov in za to bomo potrebovali dodatnih US$ 25.000. Upam, da bomo nekaj pomoči dobili od kanadske ambasade in pa od dobrih ljudi, ki razumejo bedo ljudi in misijonarjevo ljubezen pomagati tem ubogim ljudem. V prvem letu bivanja na misijonu sem uredil misijonsko hišo. Ko sem prišel na misijon bi najrajše kar odšel. Namreč spal sem na tleh, kajti postelje ni bilo. Nisem imel nikakršne odeje, ne krožnika, ne vode, ne elektrike, ne sončnih kolektorjev. Lahko si predstavljate, kako sem se počutil. V deževni dobi mi je voda dvakrat vdrla v misijonsko hišo, ker odvodnih kanalov ni bilo. Odločiti sem se moral za kopanje kanalov za odvod vode. Sanacija mi je uspela, hvala Bogu. Do sedaj poplave še nisem imel. Popravil še ni konec. Tudi cerkev je bila nujna popravil. Nujna je bila sanacija temeljev. Uspelo mi je obnoviti tlak v notranjosti cerkve. Nabavil sem potrebne mašne knjige in oblačila, kelih, kajti cerkev je bila izropana in tako rekoč prazna. Torej popravil še ne bo konec. Cerkvena stavba je iz šestnajstega stoletja in je potrebna obnove zi- dov znotraj in zunaj. Z božjo pomočjo in dobroto vas vseh, ki boste brali te vrstice, bom zmogel delo dovršiti. Vprašali se boste upravičeno, kaj pa pastoralno delo? Upravičeno, da mi postavite to vprašanje. Vesel sem, da je bilo kar precejšnje število krstov. Imel sem celo tri poroke v lanskem letu, kar je pravi čudež. Veliko časa sem porabil za mnoga popravila, toda verjele mi, da nisem zanemaril pastoralnega dela, kar je moja prva dolžnost. Za vsak vaš dar vam bom neizmerno hvaležen, posebno pa še to ubogo ljudstvo. Bog plačaj že v naprej vso vašo dobroto. Hvaležen pozdrav v Gospodu, misijonar Franc Pavlič CM (lazarist)” Sr. Tadeja Mozetič, ki deluje v Paragvaju, piše: “Dragi prijatelji misijonov. Prejela sem bogati dar od MZA in njenih dobrotnikov za naš misijon. Tisočero Bog plačaj. Ker vlada tukaj precejšnja lakota zaradi strašne suše bomo s hvaležnostjo vnovčili vaš bogati dar za nekaj vreč riža, mleka v prahu in moke. Del pa bomo uporabili za revne otroke z nakupom šolskih potrebščin. Še enkrat, Bog plačaj vsem, ki so kakorkoli doprinesli k daru in bodo s tem nasitili mnoge lačne. Naš dar vam bodo naše hvaležne molitve, da vsem dobri Bog stotero povrne. Delo na misijonu teče. Zadnji dve leti nas pesti suša in huda vročina. Vendar se vedno najdejo velikodušni dobrotniki. Tudi španski Rdeči križ je pripeljal hrano za vse družine. Moje zdravje ni nič kaj za pohvalo. Čutim bolečine v kolenih. Zelo sem zaposlena: gospodarstvo, administracija, ambulanta, sama sem na misijonu. Čutim božjo pomoč in duhovno podporo molilcev. Resnično čudovito je zavest, da smo v Kristusu vsi povezani. S pomočjo mladih smo organizirali tritedenske delovne počitnice. Vsak dan se je zbralo na misijonskem dvorišču po 150 otrok. Po starostnih skupinah smo predelovali šolske snovi in spremljali smo Marijo na njeni poti z veselim delom rožnega venca. Tako so odraščajoči in malčki globlje doživljali evangelij. Vesela novica iz našega misijona: Letos so kar štiri novinke naredile redovne zaobljube. Med njimi je prva Indijanka iz plemena Nivocle. Za nas sestre in za vso vas in celo pleme je bil to velik dogodek. Bogu smo neizmerno hvaležni, da je po 75-ih letih dozorel duhovni poklic. Lepo pozdravljam, za vse zelo hvaležna tudi v imenu ubogih, s. Tadeja.” Darovi: N.N. iz NJ $2000; N.N. iz Kalifornije $100. Prav danes sem prejela pismo bogoslovca, ki ga vzdržujem v semenišču Ggabe. Dolgo pismo z veliko hvaležnostjo za pomoč. Še en dar dobrotnice iz NJ $500, s pripisom: “Jaz bi pa priloženo rada poslala s. Mariji Pavlišič na Madagaskar. Da bo še kakšna deklica dobila novo obleko in kak fantek ali bolan v zaporu dobil kekse...” Prisrčna hvala in Bog plačaj obema za tako bogate darove, katere bomo skušale takoj odposlati. Potrdila za IT vam bosta poslali novi blagajničarki MZA. Želim vam v teh postnih dneh še mnogo bogatih duhovnih doživetij, ko se pripravljamo na velikonočne praznike. Hvaležen misijonski pozdrav od Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd. Toronto, Ont. M8W 4M7 Canada Tel.: (416) 255-2519 Sprememba paslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov ikakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 centov, ki jih rafuna pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime Star naslov Star naslov Mesto, država, zip Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 7) kopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Frances G. Habian Umrla je Frances G. Habian, rojena Barle, vdova po Antonu, mati Jamesa in Raymonda, 4-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, sestra Mary, Rose, Margaret in že pok. Antonije Prusha. Pogreb je bil 15. marca v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda na Fleet Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Edward J. Trobenter Dne 4. marca je na svojem domu v Euclidu umrl 86 let stari Edward J. Trobenter, roj. 9. avgusta 191? v Clevelandu, zadnjih 62 let živeč v Euclidu, mož Helen, roj. Mihelich, oče Jamesa in Patricije Petrik, 6-krat stari oče, 3-krat prastari o-če, brat Mary Ribic, Christine Huber, Rose Smole, Frances Bencin, Alice Ro-beda, Josepha, Fredericka in Williama (vsi že pok.)-Privaten, družinski pogreb je bil v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Willoughby Hillsu. Matthew L. Žnidaršič Dne 3. marca je umrl 84 let stari Matthew L. Žnidaršič, mož Catherine, oče Matthewa ml., Sharon Wol-len in Kennetha, 7-krat stari oče, 6-krat prastari oče, brat že pok. Ann in Pauline. Pogreb je bil 6. marca v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. V blag spomin OB 55. OBLETNICI, ODKA^ JE V GOSPODU PREMINE NAŠ LJUBLJENI OČE STARI OČE Louis Cimperman Izdihnil je svojo plemenit® dušo dne 22. marca 1949- H grobu Vašem, dragi oče, v duhu danes spet hitimo; ni drugače nam mogoče, blag na Vas imamo spomin- Žalujoči: hčerka: Rose snaha: Mary vnuki in vnukinje FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES 43rd. AWARDS BANQUET \25th. SPECIAL EDITION March 20, 2004 Slovenian Man of the Year 2004 Anthony Mannion Slovenian Woman of the Year 2004 Agnes Tomazin Lorain John Hozjan, Sr. Collinwood Fr. Joseph R Boznar St. Clair Marilyn Lazzara Slovenian Society Home, Euclid John M. Hrovat Newburgh Anthony L. Lukezic Barberton Carl Golinar Fairport West Park Veterans West Pa^rk 2004 Honorees Federation of Slovenian Homes -INDEX- Mannion ... .Pg. 3 Frollo, C... ■ Pg. 5 Barberton Pg. 9 Collinwood . • Pg. 11 Euclid • Pg- 13 Fairport ... • Pg. 23 Lorain • Pg. 19 Newburgh ... • Pg- 21 St. Clair . •Pg- 15 Waterloo Pg- 7 West Park... • Pg. 25 Homes Section, March 18, 21 s ! Our Sincere Congratulations To Tony Mannion 2004 Federation Man of the Year •I! I > CO -'"o f A valued employee of: •5 I I ! O V c3 I !! Global Logistics and Transportation, Inc. Congratulations Congratulations Tony Mannion Tony Mannion 2004 Federation Man of the Year 2004 Federation Man of the Year Florence Mirtel & Paul Grill Anna Kapela ■if y[ Congratulations 2004 Federation Slovenian Man of the Year Tony Mannion Lots of Love and Good Luck! Uncle Jerry & Aunt Lillian Cunningham and Family r si Congratulations Anthony J. (Tony) Mannion Federation of Slovenian National Homes 2004 Man of the Year Tony Mannion Patron Ads Albina Arko Dorothy Bishop Dorothy Cabot Olga Dorchak Elsie Ellis Frank Hrovat Clara Hrovat Amy Kane Lisa Kane Robert Kane Tony Kaplan Mae Kastelic John Kuzmk 1 lattie Mussig Lillian Novak Raymond Novak Michele Pierce Lawrence Pozarelli Rosemarie Pozarelli Neil R. Rentz Kathy M. Rentz David Ross Eric Ross Jason Ross Vince Salupo Carl Short Edward Škufca Mary Ann Sray Olga Sray Mimi Stibil Josephine Vercek Kay Yuratovac Zanutic Family Newburgh-Maple Hts. Pensioneers Congratulate Tony Mannion Federation of Slovenian Homes—2004 Man of the Year Congratulations Tony Mannion Federation of Slovenian Homes 2004 Man of the Year Bob and Anna Mae Kostura Good Luck Tony Mannion We are all so proud of you! You are always there and always willing to help and support! You deserve this award and distinction! Federation Man of the Year 2004 John & Dee Hrovat p. J. ELLIS ELECTRIC CO., INC. ! his father, Willie, die ^tember 8th. chil°ny ar>d Janice have tw land ren l^^hael works a at QLCaper anci Leah is a sc T0n” Church in Brc Mero Was Very active s Club at St. Pete ’l'S'°n9i'atulati()ns yur Son “In-Law” | b*r °ny Mannion ngje Kaminski j This is where he was first introduced to a fundraiser called, “A Night At The Races.” He has since brought the “Night At The Races” to the Nash. It is an ideal fundraiser and very profitable. While growing up, Tony was always willing to help his mother by working at the A.M.L.A. (SDZ) Juvenile Christmas Parties - being the projectionist, clown, or by doing whatever was asked of him. He was a Checkroom Attendant a the Nash and cleaned the halls with Mr. John Grahek and his younger brother, Jim. Little did he think that he would be a Board of Director of the Slovenian National Home, the President, and in 1993, the Newburgh Slovenian Man of the Year. Now, the 2004 Federation of Slovenian Homes Man of the Year! Tony joined the Board of Directors in Newburgh in 1988 - he was elected Vice president, then President in 1990. Tony worked closely with Frank Mahnič, Sr. on the quarterly Lottery Raffle.He now runs the Raffle. He has overseen much change at the Nash during his tenure as President. Tony enjoys bowling and golf. He is a part-time Bowling Alley Manager at the Slovenian East 80th lanes, where he is instrumental with the-Moonlight Bowling and Youth Bowling, along with his sister, Katie. Tony has been involved with the Federation of Slovenian Homes since 1990. He has served as President of the Federation and is currently the First Vice President. He also chairs the Federation Fundraisers. He has helped other halls to start fundraisers, whether it be the idea of a fundraiser or help run the activities. You can see Tony at all of the many fundraisers and doings going on at the Newburgh - East 80th Hall throughout the year. Tony loves what he does and makes every effort to keep his ethnic heritage and traditions strong and alive! Anthony Mannion •ft Congratulations to you Tony Mannion The Federation Man of the Year-2004 “You are always my Man of the Year” Love, Mom (Anna Mae Mannion) ;.jjii ;i, •: • TpT nu Tony Mannion 2004 Federation Man of the Year We are all very proud of you and what you have accomplished! Your Family, Mary Ann & Dave Gesing Willie & Willie, Jr. Mannion Jim & Karen Mannion Tom & Sue Mannion Joe & Kathy Mannion Brigid & Greg Farone Katie & Mark Kawczynski Jean & Jim Marinčič rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr H CONGRATULATIONS TO TONY MANNION 2004 Federation of Slovenian Homes Man of the Year § r h h h r h h r r r h r r r r r r r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr LOVE, Your Wife, Janice Your Son, Michael Your Daughter, Leah You are ALWAYS OUR MAN OF THE YEAR! Uncle Tony Congratulations! 2004 Federation Man of the Year We Love You! Your Nieces & Nephews Therese, Sean , Annie, Elizabeth & Veronica Willie Jimmy & Katie Chrissy & Colleen Patrick & Dylan Alexandria Becky, Judy, Kaitlin, Sarah & Christine Margot, Brenna, Alainna & Andrew o Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 2' :a Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 2' 4 5 Congratulations Msn and Woman oftbe Yea^* And all Honor-ees Lodge 604 Utopians President- Helen Sumrada Vice-President-Kathleen Trebets Secretary-Gerri Trebets Treasurer-Pam Dirk Auditors-Barbara Grzincic, Ed Lipovec, Rudy Perdan S < Congratulations Celeste Frollo Federation Woman of the Year foe Frollo SWH Man of the Year And AH Honorees Ladies Auxiliary Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road 216-481-5378 We Serve Fish Fries Every Friday 11:30 AM until 8:00 PM TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE Congratulations Celeste Frollo Federation Woman of the Year & Waterloo Pensioners Patron Ads - 2004 Celeste Frollo Federation Woman of the Year Joe Frollo SWH Man of the Year, pos.hun.ou.iy JoAnn Heinz A1 & Grace Marinch Alice Cech Bill & Mary Frank Frank Sadar Angela Žabjek Helen Joca Bertha Dovgan Millie Bradač Jo & Frank Minello Pauline Debevec Fred & Pat Nevar Dorothy Gorjup Bill & Hilda Mestek Stella Zupko Joe & Ann Zgonc Josie & Tony Galrenya Tony Beznik Jackie & Teeny Ulle Alice Martinčič Frank & Frances Ogoreuc Pauline Debevec Fred & Pat Nevar Dorothy Gorjup Bill & Hilda Mestek Stella Zupko Joe & Ann Zgonc Josie & Tony Galrenya Tony Beznik Jackie & Teeny Ulle Alice Martinčič Congratulations & Best wishes for Year 2004 To All Honorees From Officers and Members PSWA Circle 7 Congratulations To All Honorees Cleveland Federation SNPJ Lodges Picnic - July 4, 2004 At SNPJ Recreation Farm Dance to Alfie Nipic From Slovenia Centennial Banquet August 28, 2004 SNPJ Farm Congratulations Celeste Frollo Joe Frollo, posthumously Officers and Members of Lodge V Boj # 53 S.N.P.J. Pauline Barbish, President Mimi Struna, Vice President Pat Habat, Recording Secretary Martha Meglich, Secretary/Treasurer Auditors, Ann Wagner, Lousia Horvat, Fran Mauric Ladies Auxiliary of SNPJ Farm Congratulates ALL HONOREES Support our Fall Picnic at the SNPJ Farm September 12, 2004 At the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road Joe Frollo (Posthumously) SWH Man of the Year Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road 216-481-5378 2003 Board of Trustees j Tom Čebular, President i Celeste Frollo, Fin. Sec. Eleanor Godec, Rec. Sec. Gordon Luce, Bar Manager Joyce Plemel, Audit Phillip Čebular, Audit JoAnn Heinz, VP & Audit Dorothy Goijup,. Treasurer Ken Kleinhenz, Sr, Prop. & Aud. Millie Bradač, Audit Chris Chermely, Audit Linda Gorjup, Audit Fish Fry Every Friday Come taste what everyone is talking about. Walleye, Shrimp, Pork Chops, & Goulash. 11:30AM until 8:00PM Take Out is Available BINGO St. Jerome’s Bingo Every Saturday Evening Doors open at 5:30 Packages starting at $10. Early Bird & Bonanza! Help support St. Jerome’s Elementary School Halls & Meeting Rooms Available to Rent See our Beautifully Redecorated upper hall ♦ Events to 250 People ♦ Stage ♦ Separate Bar Areas ♦ Coat Rooms ♦ Full Kitchen Call for Information Congratulations Celeste Frollo Federation Woman ofthe Year Your Friend/ Joyce Plemel • Congratulations Celeste Frollo Slovenian Woman of the Year Waterloo Pensioners Club Annual Picnic June 23, 2004 SNPJ Farm J r * i JANCE CONSTRUCTION LLC Congratulations General Building Contractors Celeste Frollo Construction Managers Woman of the Year j “Building Confidence” ^ 8666 Tyler Boulevard Well Deserved Mentor, Ohio 44060 (440) 255-5800 (Mentor) Your Friends, *** (440) 585-9200 (Cleveland) Grace & A1 ^ (440) 255-1508 (FAX) Marinch Celeste Frollo Never Stops Giving Looking back at what she SWH, including bimonthly of her daughters'Girl Scout ■*" > I has done and the hours and energy she has given to volunteer work, Celeste Frollo still doesn't see it as being all that much. And while she is honored to be the Federation of Slovenian National Homes Woman of the Year, to be honest, doing anything less with her life would have left Celeste unfulfilled. “Looking back over my life,” she said, “it seems 1 was always involved in something.” The oldest of four children of Bill and Louise Kozely, Celeste started her first job at age 13, working behind the soda fountain at Standard Drug. She was a freshman at Collinwood High School, where she would watch a classmate named George Vojnovich eventually become mayor of Cleveland, then governor, then senator from Ohio. Celeste’s goals in life were not as lofty as those of the one-time president of her class. Instead, the shy, diligent woman who likes to read and cook worked mostly behind the scenes, never leaving the Collinwood school district. Celeste is a mother of two, Mary Jo and Joe Jr, and a grandmother of five. Her husband of 43 years, Joe Frollo, died in July. Both Joe and Celeste served as president of the Slovenian Workman’s Home, Celeste’s term lasting eight years. Celeste has served in one Opacity or another at the Waterloo Home since 1990, also as vice president and currently as financial secretary. She has chaired many activities at raffies and the hall rental agency. She works at fish fry and has often has been called upon to make sure the bar, the offices and the organization as a whole is running smoothly. She also is vice president of AMLA #8 and is a member of #147 Vodnikov Venec, PSWA Circle 1, Slovenian Woman’s Union, Branch 14, Waterloo Pensioners and Holmes Avenue Pensioners. For a number of years. Celeste has been active with the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, serving as corresponding secretary, as Christmas party chairman and organizer of the commemorative banquet newspaper. Her Slovenian heritage has always been a source of pride for Celeste, but it was not until her children were grown and off on their own that she became deeply active in the Cleveland-area Slovenian history. Until then, most of her time as spent with and around her own family. Celeste began working for Ohio Bell in 1955 as a service representative. When she took a leave of absence to have her first child in 1966, she was an office supervisor. Thirteen years later. Celeste returned to work, eventually retiring in 1993 with the responsibility of writing the company’s service training manuals. When she was not driving her children around to whatever activity they were involved in - from baseball practice to Girl Scout camping trips - Celeste found time to be president of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mother’s club and co-leader Congratulations to CELESTE FROLLO Federation Woman of the Year Circle #1 Member And All Honorees From PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA - NATIONAL BOARD Publishers of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes To Order write: PSWA Cookbook 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 Progressive Slovene Women of America, Circle #1 Congratulates Member CELESTE FROLLO Federation Woman of the Year And All Honorees I*SWA #1 meets the first Thursday at 7:00 PM Each month at the SWH Waterloo Road troop. She was the first female president of Northeast Little League and the youth baseball organization’s first recipient of the Diane Pierce Volunteer Award in 1989. She gave what she could of her time and attention, but what made her proudest was the foundation of success she was able to give her own children. Both Mary Jo and Joe Jr. are married. Mary Jo and her husband Dan own two businesses. They live in Avon with their children Jason, Madison and Michael. Joe Jr. and his wife Andrea live in Canton, where he is an assistant editor at The Repository. Their two sons are Jacob and Aaron. Both of Celeste’s children graduated from Catholic high schools and both earned undergraduate degrees in college. Through it all, Celeste has been willing to volunteer because it is what she does. She is always willing to pass on a little bit of Slovenian hospitality wherever she can. Celeste Frollo CELESTE FROLLO YOU TAUGHT US TO BE KIND, TO GIVE OF OURSELVES, AND FAMILY COMES FIRST. THANK YOU FOR SETTING A TIMELESS EXAMPLE. MOM AND GRANDMA CONGRATULATIONS ON ALL OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS DAN, MARY JO, JASON, MADISON AND MICHAEL SUSTAR CongratuCdtions from Jim & June James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 216-531-7887 Homes Section, March 18, 2i :riŠka Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 2004 BEST WISHES TO ALL MONO REES ! l / /1 ifliiif ark JR]; from the parish community ot St. Christine Church 840 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Ohio 44123 " remembering the past, celebrating the present, preparing for the future. Established in 1925 Congratulations Celeste Frollo Federation Woman of the Year Joe Frollo SWH Honoree Modern Crusaders No., 45 AMLA Congratulations To Lodge Members Cdcstc Frollo “Woman of the Year" Joe Frollo SWH Honoree (Posthumously) Fr. Joseph Boznar St Clair Honoree SA/PJ Lodge #147 Vodnikov Venec JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL PICNIC & RAFFLE At the SN)PJ Farm on Heath Road on Sunday, June 8th - Music by FRED ZIWICH & THE INTERNATIONAL SOUND MACHINE In Remembrgnce Of My Friend Joe Frollo Waterloo Hall Honoree Sadly Missed, Joyce Plemel Joe Frollo Your Smile was infectious, Your Spirit always giving, Your love never ending. You WILL LIVE IN OUR HEARTS FOREVER Dad and Grandpa Dan, Mary Jo, Jason, Madison, and Michael sustar Not a day goes by when we don’t think of you (©>... In Loving Memory Our Special Friend Joe Frollo SWH Honoree Posthumously Sadly missed, Always Remembered Grace & AI Marinch Congratulations Celeste Frollo Slovenian Woman of the Year Joe Frollo Waterloo Man of the Year Posthumously SNPJ Cleveland Athletic League Picnic SNPJ Farm August 29. 2004 Congratulations Joe Frollo Posthumously Waterloo Man of the Year Waterloo Pensioners Club Meetings 2nd Tuesday Each Month Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road »----------------------- Congratulations To All Honorees for 2003 <& Celeste Frollo, Fed. Honoree Joe Frollo, SWH Honoree A Pyramid Accounting, Inc. Albert Sproul Janet Marcus 38083 West Spaulding Street Suite 206 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 440-953-5835 Your lives are examples to live by. Charity, humility and love we have learned through you. Ja Celeste and Joe &>ie££a pcom Joe Jx.y CUubiea, Jacefi. and Qxvum Žmita Joe Frollo - SWH’s Everyman Joe Frollo was not Slovenian. It was the Joe coached basketball at Our I .aHv of P^r. %J first thing he admitted whenever accused of being a good Slovenian. Don’t let anyone kid you, though. He was a great Slovenian. Joe was born March 17, 1933, the fifth of ■tine children to George and Helen Frollo, Slovaks from Johnstown, Pa. Joe died July 9, 2003, while traveling Europe for the first time. It had been his dream to see Slovenia, the land of his adopted heritage. He died in Lubjania at the tail end °f a two-week bus tour. He may not have been born Slovenian, but we can say he died one. And while he denied the honor many times the past 10 years, we finally can call him something else as well -The Man of the Year from the Slovenian Workman’s Home. Joe was first elected to the Board of Trusses at SWH in 1985 and served president from 1995-99. He was a bartender, a busboy, a handyman, a gopher and a friend to all. Joe always had a Joke a smile for whoever wanted one. And °ften to the dismay of Celeste Frollo, his wife °f 43 years, Joe rarely said no to anyone, no ■Natter how early in the day or how late in the n'ght the call came. Joe worked at Victory White Metal until re-tiring as the plant foreman in 1995. His days aj> a volunteer stretched back to when his children, Mary Jo and Joe Jr., were babes in h's arms. Joe coached basketball at Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Christine’s schools for two generations of children. Joe served as president of the OLPF1 Father’s club and worked bingo there for more than 10 years. He was president of Northeast Little League and gave his time as coach and umpire for parts of four decades. He was a member of AM LA #8 Kras, SNPJ #147 Vodnikov Venec, Waterloo Pensioners, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, the Slovenian Workmen's Home Auxiliary and Federation of Slovenian National Homes. Joe graduated from Johnstown High School in 1953 but soon said goodbye to his family, moving to Cleveland, where he met his wife and found a new home. His daughter, Mary Jo, and her husband Dan own two businesses and live in Avon with their children, Jason, Madison and Michael. His son, Joe Jr., and his wife Andrea live in Canton with their sons, Jacob and Aaron. No, Joe was not Slovenian. But he married one and he came to embrace her heritage as his own. Like everything else in Joe’s life, he gave it everything he had, without qualm or reservation. Now that he is gone, let’s remember Joe for what he was - a good Slovenian. Joseph Frollo | Grandma, We £oue IJau I 1 Grandpa, We Mita you Jouan, Madison and Michael Sustwc Jacob and dawn 3w£la W IK IK V V V V V V s? V V 1 V V V •/ %• » Congratulations j f Congratulations All Honorees Lodge 126 SNPJ M Marinch, PiciMent C*«ce Marinch, Vict-Pm. W Snmrada, Sec.-Trcai. Jan* EUenon, lac. Sac. Antiton: Ann Lakane JOHN HOZJAN R & D SAUSAGE CO. Homemade Smoked & Fresh Sausage 15714 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 (216)692-1832 Owners: Jo* & {jztol ^.LLZak Congratulations JOHN HOZJAN Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year 2004 CONGRATULATIONS CELESTE FROLLO FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN HOMES WOMAN OF THE YEAR JOHN HOZJAN COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR FROM YOUR MEMBERS & FRIENDS OF THE HOLMES A VENUE PENSIONERS. (RECYCLED TEENAGERS) Coming Events Dinner/Dance May 2, 2004 ____ Annual Picnic July 14, 2004 ccngratwlAticns JOHN HOZJAN COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR 2004. FRIENDS AT THE COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME I I CLUBROOM I I BOB’S AUTO REPAIR 16190 SARANAC ROAD CLEVELAND, OH 44110 (216) 541-8037 AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS. Congratulations JOHN HOZJAN Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year 2004 Jennie Tuma Congratulations John Hozjan Collinwood Slovenian Home James A. Slapnik Jr. Florist niiltt'ManilOMI! MW Bridal Bouquets-Funeral Wreaths-Cut Flowers _ CONGRATULATIONS JOHN HOZJAN Honoree of the year 2004 Mary Okicki CONGRATULATIONS Collinwood Slovenian Home Honoree MR. HOZJAN Tony & Deanna Miklich I was bom April 25, 1942 in Prurmurje, Slovenia to Bolti-zar and Ann (nee Toplak) Hozjan. I came to the United States November 24, 1957 at the age of 15 and began a new life, I attended St. Mary’s the Assumption School in Collin-Wood and graduated in June, '^58. Attended John Hayes High Schoohfor one year and Said that is enough and began "ty work career at Richmond brothers (3 Years), Ohio Gear ('2 Years), Towmotor (10 Years), Caterpillar Corp. (9 ^ ears) in Pontiac Illinois and relired January 31, 1993. Shortly after entering the 'eork force I met and married the apple of my eye, my wife Jane, September 14, 1963. have five children John 'G Robert, Janet, Mark and ^seph and seven grandchil-dren Johnny (18), Karen (16), Michael (14), Richard (11), Brianna (11), Zachery (5) and Amanda (1 1/2). We currently reside in Cleveland, Ohio and are parishioners of, Collinwood’s Slovenian Parish, St. Mary Of The Assumption for 46 years. I am currently co-owner of Bob’s Auto Repair and Mechanic at 16190 Saranac Road, Cleveland, Ohio, (216)541-8037. I am on the Board of Directors of the Collinwood Slovenian Society Inc., and KSKJ # 169 and am a member of AMLA # 29 and St. Mary’s Holy Name Society. I am also an active member of the house committee at the Collinwood Slovenian Home. In my spare time I enjoy cooking and my specialty is preparing excellent chicken wings with my special hot, medium and regular sauce (secret formula) Ha Ha. I sometimes cook for KSKJ meetings and for special Wing Ding parties at the Collinwood Slovenian Home Clubroom for Club members and the Holmes Avenue Pensioners after a few of their meetings. I also enjoy working on cars, around the house and taking care of my garden. I wish to THANK everyone, especially the Collinwood Slovenian Home Board of Directors w'ho have so honored me as their Man Of The Year for 2004. Last but not least 1 THANK my wife Jane (41 years) and all of my children and grandchildren for their support and encouragement. FALLA, PA SE VED MO!! CCNGCATLIATICNS JOHN HOZJAN COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME MAN OF THE YEAR 2004. IICH ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY OF COLLINWOOD. CONGRATULATIONS Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year 2004. GRANDPA JOHN HOZJAN Johnny, Karn, Michael, Richard, Brianna, Zachery and Amanda. Congratulations JOHN HOZJAN We ‘re Proud Of you! MIKE & EVELYN PIPOLY Congratulations JOHN HOZJAN Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year AND ALL 2004 HONOREES John & Helen KOZLEVCHAR C0NSftATULAT10NS CoHinwood Slovenian Home Honoree JOHN Hozjan Steve & Karen Richard Congratulations HOZJAN ANd all honoree Collinwood ^ovene No. 22 vT^WTln« CoBtns Fr»nk Kond#« . Audfc«. S^judn. JtaCoam, v J°yc* S^judn Coordnalor: TnwmaDago COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONGRATULATES JOHN HOZJAN HONOREE 2004 Evelyn Pipoly - President Deanna Miklich - Vice President Joyce Segulin - Treasurer Alba Plutt - Financial Secretary Jennie Tuma - Recording Secretary Karen Richard - Corresponding Secretary AUDITORS Michael Pipolyi John Plutt, Mary Podlogar ALTERNATE AUDITORS HOUSE COMMITTEE CONGRATULATIONS DAD JOHN HOZJAN Man Of Year 2004 Collinwood Slovenian Home From Children, John Jr., Robert, Janet, Mark, and Joseph. Congratulations To Mine Husband JOHN HOZJAN Collinwood Slovenian Home Man Of The Year 2004 Your Wife “The Apple Of Your Eye” CONGRATULATIONS Collinwood Slovenian Home Honoree JOHN HOZJAN Zou 'Koetip & 'ftttvuf SCotHib To A Deserving, Hard-Working and Loyal Member Of Cleveland’s Slovenia Community CONGRATULATIONS JOHN HOZJAN Collinwood Slovenian Home 2004 Honoree From COLLINWOOD’S SLOVENIAN PARISH ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION & FR. JOHN KUMSE 15519 Holmes Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March IS, 2004 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 2004 Collinwood Slovenian Hall 2004 The members of the Board of Directors were Mary Blatnik, Dorn Cekada, Ann Dagg, John Hozjan, Arlene Martin, Deanna Miklich, Mary Podlogar, Evelyn Pipoly, Mike Pipoly, John Plutt, Alba Plutt, Steve Richard, Karen Richard, Joyce Segulin and Jennie Tuma. Tony Miklich is our alternate. Dorn Cekada, John Plutt and John Hozjan take care of our maintenance problems. We thank Lou Koenig whom we are able to call at anytime for our air conditioners and boiler problems. Rich Zgrabek has also been a helper for us. John Kozlevchar, Matt Zabukovec and Tony Ruttar also have been aiding us in many ways. John Kozlevchar is President of our Pensioners Club. He prepares a bulletin for every meeting listing dates of all events for the month. The attendance at the meetings is averaging 175. In February all members having birthdays 80, 90, 100 are honored. Anniversaries for 25, 30, 35, etc. are honored. Matt Zabukovec is able to get a proclamation for these members. A delightful skit is presented at this meeting. Myra Jerkič also presented a skit at one of our meetings. Such talent we have! We have bi monthly 50/50 raffles and they are very successful thanks to our great helpers and our many supporters. On the side boards -Frank Zernic, Lou Koening and Matt Zabukovec. At the door - Florence and Frank Urankar. Food preparation - Mary Podlogar, Alba Plutt, Joyce Segulin, Dee Grace, Val Cekada and Mary Blatnik. Bingo cards -Jennie Tuma. Bar - Mike Pipoly and John Plutt. Other helpers are Steve and Karen Richard, Dee Miklich and Alene Martin. Eddie Rodick was honored as our Musician Of The Year. We thank everyone who helped or attended this very special event to help make it such a success. The Day At The Races had a good turnout and everyone had a good time rooting for their horse to win. Thanks to Jim Krann for running the projector. We had a great Rigatoni Dinner in the Club-room with Alba Plutt as the chef and we had a wonderful time. We thank John Kozlevchar for being our tabloid editor and for helping us with tickets for our events. John Hozjan had a couple Chicken Wing Dinners during the year and again everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed the wings. Our WING DING PARTY. We started a league on the bowling machine in the Clubroom. Bowlers had a good time and we had a steak dinner to celebrate the First finish. A new league is now under way with 14 teams. Anyone interested can join us by calling the hall. On a sad note we lost one of our most loved and dedicated member of the hall, Gus Pete-linkar. Mike Pipoly was our Collinwood Man Of The Year Honoree and Evelyn Pipoly was the Federation Of Slovenian Homes Woman Of The Year. On behalf of the Board Of Directors I wish to thank all who have sent donations to the hall and those who have attended our many social affairs. We appreciate your cooperation. Congratulations to our 2004 Collinwood Man Of The Year Honoree John Hozjan. tvelytv Pipoly - fVe*aient CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS Collinwood Slovenian Home Honoree 2004 JOHN HOZJAN JOHN HOZJAN We Are Proud Of you! Dee Grace & JOHN & ALBA PLUTT Mary Podlogar Collinwood Slovenian Home Patron Ads JOHN HOZJAN, 2004 HONOREE Arky & Al Bezek, Jean Blatnik, Mary Cafardi, Pam & Art Dagg, Stephanie, & Family DeVito, Edna DeVito, Sam Dolgan, Bob Dular, Milan & Marie Fedrick, Rich & Nikki Ferra, Frank & Charlotte Figer, F. Franks, Maggie M. Fujda, Edward Good, William Goričan, Mike Grace, Dee De Green, Sandi Grm, Danny Grm, John Heidinger, Pete & Phylis Heinz, Joanna Hozjan, Jane Intihar, Rose J. Jereb, Tony & Patty Kajfez, Matt & Fran Kalin, Vida Kaporc, Eleanor Kerko, John Kocin, Adolph Kocin, Ed. Kocin, Zora Koenig, Lou Koenig, Mark E. Koncelja, Frank & Albie Kosmač, John Kozlevchar, John & Helen Krann, Jim Krann, Megan Little, Tim & Mary Ann Longstreet, Francine Luksic, Fran March, Gene Miklich, Tony & Dee Mikolič, Ray Mikolič, Ray & Carol Mikolič, Tom Moze, Tony & Kay Nemec, John Pavšek, Eleanor Pestotnik Allan (2) Pestotnik Tom (2) Pestotnik Troy, Donna, RN (2) Pestotnik, Al & Ronnie (2) Pestotnik, Debra, LPN (2) Petrey, Karen Petrey, Rose Pipoly, Evelyn Pipoly, Mike Plutt, John & Alba Podboy, Esther Podlogar, Mary Polenšek, Michael D. Richard, Karen Richard, Steve Roeder, Ralph & Roseann Rotar, Marie Sajovic, Joe Segulin, Joyce Segulin, Mike Segulin, Stephanie & Family Sherry, Kim, Michelle, Jackie Skarbez, Hank & Vicki Spendal, Dorothy Spendal, Tony Stanonik, Tony Steped. Dan Suhy, Helen Ulle, Jackie Ulle, Teeny Urankar, Florence Urankar, Frank Urankar, Thomas, J. Vesel, Skippy Voitkofsky, Terr Yan, Phil Jr. Yan, Phil Sr. Zabukovec, Matt Zallar, Elsie Zernic, Eleanor Zernic, Frank Zgrabik, Rich Žnidar, Gary Zrim, Motts ijf t;.f tv* iv v*:I;.* •*: i*f tv !.;r Ijf tv •*; tv tv IV tv tv IV IV iV \V Corigratulatlony JuWl/£r JuaMZ' James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 216-531-7887 b & & tv tv tv tv tv tii l?> IV Slovenian Society Home Patron Ads Marlena Lazzara Marion Erjavec Jackie Ulle Tony Orbanic Teeny Ulle Dorothy Squire Ruth Korelec Elsie Lawrence Ethel Yanchar Frank Sadar Bill Kovach Frank Urankar Dorothy Kapel Florence Uranker Chris Heintz Rick Kumel Eileen Markusic Richard Tomsic Josie Arko Karen Tomsic Ed Koren Karen O'Donnell Ann Miller Ed Lah Frank Schmidt Frančiška Gašperšič Mary Oklessen Jeanette Yert Mary Stragisher John and Lil Dombrowski Alvira Caruso Carolyn M. Janezich Barbara Composino Lori Sierputowski Bill Shivitz Ray Kastelic Norma Hrvatin Agnes Turk Tom Zingale Richie and Alenka Vadnal Jack Prymmer Jo Jamnik Gornik Wilbur H. Scott "Scotty" Randy Lincoln Norm Cerha Marion Bocian Rob Shuss Jo and Joe Samsa MaryAnn Cosko Jo Rotter Flo Lariche Lil Sutter Fran Cavotta Michael Wojtila Rose Marie Kinnaird Trich Calanni and Girls Emma Plesivec Carl Costanzo and Pant Debbie Galasky Tom Ashcroft George Janasik Carol & Jim Eden & Carme1' Tony Godina Restifo Family Betty Joyce Lenzo Gabors Dunham Fastcheck Gina Marie Lenzo Mary Mohar Fay and Sam Todaro Stana Grill Bob and Bev Kravos William Frank Sr. Bill and Marlene Baker Mary Frank Val Korošec Doris M. Pokopac Rudy Floran Eleanor Zuzek Ross & Shelly Costanzo & Family 36 36 Societa' Di M.S. San Leone «0 anaaoaaanoaonDaoaaanonoancjcjaO1 0 \ a o Good Luck & Continued Success to MariCy* lazzara u £j a SlovewCawWotvuxM of the/Yeas’1- n c š Best Wishes : | n o! : From “ Cuyahoga County Commissioner : Jimmy Dimora u n n 'j n n u ci n a n n o rt n n iv. w.rM ai »«• »> (1 Marilyn Jane Shriffler Laz-zara was born in Cleveland, Ohio (Collinwood area) on May 20, 1934 to Charles and Mary (Ramundeli) Shriffler. Marilyn developed her love of dancing while attending Collinwood High School. She was always front and center in the school social room doing the jitterbug with anyone who would take the challenge. Marilyn graduated from Collinwood in January 1954. After graduation Marilyn Worked at the Pick-n-Pay supermarket in Maple Heights as a produce clerk and casher until 1962. She left Pick-n-Pay to become a stay at home atom and later returned to work after her children w^re grown. In her later years she Worked as a clerk at Winkle-wan’s located in the Rich-utond Mall for 18 years until she retired in 1997. Marilyn’s mom, a first gen-eration Slovenian, was instru-utental in teaching her ethnic values as well as culinary techniques. The basic roots of family, friendship, love and Aspect were taught to her at an early age. She acquired the kuack of cooking and learned t° make many kolački, pohanji (flancete), and krofe. After marrying Frank S. Lazzara in 1962 she became equally efficient in Italian delights such as canoli, pizzles, and biscotti’s. Marilyn currently resides in Richmond Heights on Highland Road with her daughter Marlena (1969), son Vince (1971) and his fiancee Michelle Grenig. She loves to garden, spends hours canning tomatoes and makes homemade jellies in the fall. Marilyn is still an active member of the San Leone Society, a fraternal Italian organization of which her deceased husband was a life long member. Marilyn also belongs to the Women’s Auxiliary at the Slovenian Society Home. She was often seen working fish fries on Friday nights or servings coffee and pastry from the kitchen at Recher Hall. And true to herself, if she’s not working she’s dancing. Always with a big smile -Marilyn just can’t sit still. Marilyn believes in the importance of keeping her heritage alive by supporting the Slovenian polka bands. You will often find Marilyn on the dance floor at SNPJ Farm, East 185lh street festivals or at Recher Hall jam sessions. Marilyn states, “I am humbled by the honor of being selected £ J 2 2 it S.N.P.J. #158 LOYAL1TES Congratulate l Woman of the Year Marilyn Lazzara FROM THE Slovenian Society Home Congratulations c e < c I' TO ALL HONOREES ? CONGRATULATIONS Marilyn Lazzara Slovenian Society Home Board of Directors Esther Podboy Frank Korelec Chris Novak Marion Bocian Donna Helmecy Henry Kapel Mary Frank Steffie Segulin Joe Bergoč Ray Kastelic as the Woman of the Year by the Slovenian Society Home. I must acknowledge the support of my family and friends but most importantly the values bestowed upon me by my parents. The Slovenian Society Home is part of my life; it is part of everything I do, my family, and my love. It has helped me through the good times and the hard times. The Slovenian Society Home has helped to shape many lives. Long live the Slovenian Society Home!!” Congratulations MARILYN LAZZARA Lucy and Tony Congratulations and Best Wishes to AiarityM lazzara as you are honored Woman of the Year Slovenian Society Home Frank Ruzzo Cuyahoga County Auditor Greetings MARILYN LAZZARA Sandy and Leo Vardas Congratulations! MARILYN LAZZARA Slovenian Women's Union Branch #14 Euclid, OH The Holy Name Society of St. Christine Church Best Wishes <&, God Bless To All Honorees Officers and Members Marilyn Lazzara % ¥ V V V % V % % * % V V % V % V V V V V V V Congratulations to our "Jthioiht” Marilyn Lazzara Woman of the Year Slovenian Society Home Your Family Vince and Mariena Lazzara and Michelle Grenig (fianci) * % v » v v v v v * % V V ¥ V V V V V V ¥ onnononnnnanonaapaoaaanananauoaa □ □ □ □ Congratulations and Best Wishes □ □ □ Marilyn/ Lovora/ Q Honoree from the Slovenian Society Home □ Slovenian Pensioners of Euclid nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrtr Congratulations Marilyn Lazzara Slovenian Society Home Woman of the Year And All Honorees LADIES AUXILIARY Ct> CO D o 3 o § n> s- 3 o’ 2, o s 2’ D X o 3 rx> C/i C/2 (V o 2 P 00 0 1 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 2i BEST WISHES TO FATHER JOSEPH P, B0ŽNAR ST. Clair Slovenian National Home MAN OF THE YEAR 2004 Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors of St. Vitus Parish Parish Organizations St. Vitus Altar & Rosary Society St. Vitus Alumni St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans (C.W.V.) Post #1655 St. Vitus Dads Club St. Vitus Holy Name Society St. Vitus Finance Advisory Council St. Vitus Food Bank Volunteers St. Vitus Ladies’Auxiliary (C.W.V.) Post #1655 St. Vitus Pastoral Council St. Vitus Slovenian School, Parent Board & Teaching Staff St. Vitus Usher Club St. Vitus Youth Choir St. Vincent DePaul Society Legion of Mary LIRA Choir American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Christ The King Lodge #226 A •=• •' . ■ St. Vitus Lodge #25 Our Lady of Fatima Lodge #255 Sacred Heart of Jesus Lodge # 172 American Mutual Life Association (AMLA) St. Anne Lodge #4 Catholic Order of Foresters (COF) Baraga Court #1317 Slovenian Woman's Union (SWU-SZZ) Branch #25 Fr. Božnar A Man Of The People Joseph P. Boznar was born ish facilities. The church This venture has proven to on March 19, 1944 in Pristava near Polhov Gradec, Slovenia. His late father, Milko, became a war refugee in 1945 and spent four years in various refugee camps in Austria. In 1949, his father immigrated to Canada and eventually settled in the northern mining town of Timmins, Ontario. Five years later his mother Marija and her three children Milce, Justi, and Jože joined their father in Canada. The following year another child, Mary was bom to the couple. Joseph Boznar graduated from O’Gorman Catholic High School in 1963 and enrolled in St. Augustine Seminary College in Scarborough, Ontario in the fall. A chance contact with Monsignor Louis B. Baznik, Pastor of St. Vitus Parish, in Cleveland, Ohio, lead to Joseph’s eventual transfer to the Cleveland Catholic Diocese where he completed his undergraduate studies in American History at John Carroll University. He pursued graduate studies in theology and earned a Masters °f Divinity degree at St. Mary’s Major Seminary in Cleveland. Bishop William Cosgrove ordained Joseph P- Boznar a priest in the Cleveland Catholic Diocese on May 30, 1970. Father Boznar’s first assignment was in 1969 as beacon at St. Robert Bel-iarmine Parish in Euclid, Ohio. Then from 1970 to 1972 he was assigned and served as associate pastor at St. Felicitas Parish in Euclid, Ohio. From 1972 to 1979 he was transferred to Ihe position of associate pas-tor of St. Vitus Parish. He ^siuned the pastorship of St. Vitus Parish in 1979. St. Vitus’s new pastor had Itis work cut out for him. He had many ideas for the future of St. Vitus and was °ffered many suggestions from its parishioners. With flte cooperation of its faith-frd, changes and improvements were made to the en-ffre parish. Finder Father Boznar’s eadership the parish made Capital improvements to par- Čestitam father J. Boznar J^anka Matič organ was repaired and update. The interior of the church was renovated, painted, and its mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems updated. This was all completed in time for the parish’s 100th Anniversary in 1993. Over the years concern continued over the various problems with the tile roof on the church and parish house. A decision was made to first replace the parish house roof and if successful continue with the church. The completion of the rectory roof in 2004 convinced the parish council they should continue with a total replacement and repair of the roof on the church. A major undertaking was the building of a facility for parishioners who chose to live close to their parish. In 2001, St. Vitus Village opened with 31 apartments at the comer of East 61st Street and Lausche Avenue. be not only successful, but a new landmark in the community. The parish will lease the closed elementary school and auditorium to the new Catholic Fligh School, St. Martin de Porres. Father Bodnar’s parents and brother are deceased. His two sisters Mary Mayer and Justina Novak along with their families live in Ontario Canada. He has six nieces and nephews in addition to other relatives in Canada, the United States, Argentina, and Slovenia. St. Vitus Parish has been . fortunate to have the leadership of Father Boznar during these past 25 years as well as the support of many parishioners, friends, and benefactors. To Father Bodnar, our congratulations on this special day as you are acknowledged as the St. Clair Slovenian National Home Man of The Year for 2004, and 25 years as pastor of St. Vitus. Congratulations All Honorees Our Man of the Year 2004 Fr. Joseph P. Boznar BOARD OF DIRECTORS SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6417 St. St ' Two Convenient Locations 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Formerly Grdina s 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-531-6300 Slovenian Family Owned and Operated by\ Dan Cosic and Joe Zevnik Licensed Directors Congratulations & Best Wishes umi Congratulations Father Joseph Boznai St. Clair Slovenian Home 2004 Man of the Year 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 216- 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets-Funeral Wreaths-Cut Flowers Congratulations And Best Wishes All Honorees And Fr. Boznar Gireetmg's To All JHloimorees Kollander World Travel Glvlti}* Tuu the Worhl SJacc 192J Vacation (216)692-1000 Business travel (216) 692-0064 Nationwide and Canada (800) 800-5981 Fax (216)692-1831 971E. 185 St ♦ Cleveland, OH 44119 TTticAad Settf, *7ie a Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 201 Ameriška Domovina, Federation of Slovenian Homes Section, March 18, 21 CONGRA TULA TIONS John Piter and The West Park Vets West Parks Men of The Year A Well Deserved Honor Donna & Don Tagliaferro CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WEST PARK HONOREES The West Park Vets FROM The Happy Timers MORE HAPPY MUSIC Cassettes* 10.00 and CD’s $15.00 For information and personal appearances CALL ( 216 ) 520-1531 Congratulations to West Park Honoree ^Ulzz { 'lPcizIz ( Vsts ’Wittiam Isaac Insurance Jtgency, Inc. BILL ISAAC 216-524-5588 FAX 216 524-3512 6505 ROCKSIDE ROAD, SUITE 300 * INDEPENDENCE, OHIO 44131 Congratulations To West Park’s Honorees West Park Vets And All Past and Present Honorees From Rudy and Marie Pivic Congratulations West Park’s Honoree’s John Piter & The West Park Vets FROM KUFNER TOWING (216) 529-3320 15316 Brookpark Road Brook Park, Ohio Local / Long Distance 24 Hour Towing Wheel Lift / Flat bed I $ Congratulations West Park Vets Automotive West “The Problem Car Specialists” Complete Automotive Repair Disk Brakes - Exhaust Systems - Transmission Repairs Engine Replacement - Air Condition Service Towing available Tires - Batteries - Accessories 216-251-8782 4700 West 130"’ Street Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Ask For Joe Tomazic Congratulations WEST PARK VETS FROM THE WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME 4583 West 130th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Phone:216-941-3224 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Royer, Pres. Chuck Gove, VP Rudy Pivik, Hall Treas. Michelle Bartunek Treas. Marie Pivik, Social Dir. Auditors Theresa Krisby, Marian Royer Ruth Lach West Park Update With all of the turmoil in our world today the West Park board of directors are proud to take this opportunity to honor all of our veterans, but in particular our own neighborhood men “the West Park Vets”. God bless them and thanks. This past year (2003) was one of the most challenging in our recent history. The club-room business continued to drop off and by the end of the year it was necessary to close the barroom and re-organize. Hopefully with new promotions and renewed energy we will be able to bounce back. While we were closed it gave us a chance to do some renovations and painting. The bright spot of our year was once again the Friday night dances. With a faithful following and wonderful musicians we always have a great time. Marie and Rudy Pivik do a great job of lining up the top bands in the greater Cleveland area. Bill and bob man the bar and make sure everyone is happy. We are looking forward to adding a few new people to our board of directors to allow us to share the load, and possibly add some other activities to our calendar. Congratulations to all of the honorees and especially the West Park Vets. WEST PARK PATRONi Steve and Theresa Krisby Donna Ohman Eda Garsteck Tom & Cathy Chuck Gove Les and Mary Jane Fischer Joan Cifranic Janet Lachowski Bill and Helen Zmrazek Julie Sustersic Ella Samanich Mimi Stibil Ruth Lach Joe Peresutti George and Marie Meister Bob and Marian Royer Rudy and Marie Pivik Andy Discenzo Ed Makuch Blackie Meyers Daniel Toennies Pete Cianci Frank Cianci Frank Schumitsh Don Schumitsh Robert Julian Louis Tagliaferro Benny Laporta Ken Hesser George Kovach Jim Hosta Russ Hosta Thomas Mcdonnell Joe Tomazic Dennis R Doering Eugene Traxler Joe Racchi Steve Sopuch Aurelio Abarca Benjamin Gregg Terry Gallagher Don and Donna Tag r L—Ji—*—*—*.—±7—*.—+.—^.— r r Congratulations S ( s ► TO ALL HONOREES g t S i S S j ◄ h g i S c,\ovefl/. S g a ii a k a Carl Golinar E ^ s\ove^ -° g w' John M. Hrovat L’ i VJ orkijj a a E Fr. Joseph Božnar I. a Slove a * P i 4 West Park Vets e t g ]\Ian of the Year lliony Man^i ion Joseph Frollo ^Sl°ve^. s «7 Q ? ® I CD Anthony L. Lukezec ► S a g a Soc/% 13 1 j< Marilyn Lazzara I a o' o,\oven/^ % Agnes Tomazin ^s,ov% % CD John Hozjan g g g g i a g i g a a a g 1 g i g g a g a i a a a c a 452 East 152nd Street Cleveland, OH 44110 216-481-3118 i g g g g i L _g In Memory of Senator Frank J. Lausche Americans Greatest Slovenian An Inspiration to All! The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation James V. Debevec, President; Madeline D. Debevec, Secretary-Treasurer; John M. Urbancich, Trustee