:sr.& - (Ujieeo/om Domovi ima KO. 138 Državljanska vojna v Rlkarepi pri kraju Predsednik Anastasio So-raoza vidi sedaj večjo nevarnost za svoj režim v tujini kot doma. MANAGUA, Nik. — Državljanska vojna, ki jo je začela levičarska gverilska skupina San-dinostov v soboto, 9. septembra, z napadom ija postojanke Narodne garde v glavnem mestu in v drugih večjih mestih države, je v glavnem, kar zadeva njen vojaški del, končana. Dobro opremljene enote Narodne garde, ki je istočasno državna vojska in policija, so iztrgale u-pornikom vsa mesta, ki so jih ti v prvih dneh upora zasedli. Zadnje je padlo v vladne roke mestece Esteli. Skupno naj bi državljanska vojna zahtevala preko tisoč človečkih življenj, posebno veliko v mestu Esteli. V tem številu so obseženi v glavnem civilisti, koliko je bilo mrtvih bojevnikov' na obeh straneh, ne ve nihče. Razni viri poročajo o nasiljih, zlasti o streljanju ujetih nasprotnikov brez vsakega sodnega postopka. Vlada ZDA, ki je dobila taka poročila, je pozvala predsednika Somozo, naj Narodni gardi prepove izvajanje nasilij. Medtem Organizacija ameriških držav išče način posredovanja, za katero se zlasti prizadevajo tudi ZDA. Poslanik W. J Jorden, ki je zastopal doslej ZDA v Panami, je bil poslan v Panamo, Kostariko, Venezuelo. Kolumbijo, Mehiko, Honduras, El Salvador in v Gvatemalo, da bi vse te držabe pridobil za posredovanje miru v Nikaragui. Težava je v tem, da so Venezuela, Kostarika in Panama na strani nasprotnikov Somoze in te podpirajo, med tem ko skuša Somoza dobiti podporo vojaških diktatur v Gvatemali, El Salvadorju in Hondurasu. ZDA bi rade preprečile vsako tuje mešanje v notranje razmere in spore v Nikaragui razen posredovanja med Somozo in njegovimi nasprotniki, ki bi naj Vodilo do vzpostave večje svobode in spoštovanja človekovih Pravic ter postopno do demokratične vlade. "iPIRIT ONLY GA Ul—HQ imi SLOVENIAN Serving Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukegan, Duluth, Joliet, San Francisco, MORNING N€WSPAP€f) Pittsburgh, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Lethbridge, Winnipeg, Denver, Indianapolis, Florida, Ely, Pueblo, Rock Springs, all Ohio CLEVELAND, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1978 LETO "LXXX — vol. LXXX Novi grobovi John F. Pirnat V sredo je umrl 63 let stari i'ohn F. Pirnat s 1084 E. 64 St., Koršsfoosl šolske lisfegrasije tafnlfiva WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sociolog James S. Coleman, katere-mož Ann, roj. Mitchell, brat Jo- ga obsežne študije so v prošlem sepha in pok. Ann Smole, zapo- desetletju na široko uporabljali slen kot čuvaj pri Park Drop v podporo zahtevi po šolski in- Leta 1975 SO misel na predor Predor med Francijo m Britanijo znova v javnem razpravljanju Forge. Pokojnik je bil član Arne- tegraciji kot sredstvu za izena- Susan Fordi so hoteli ugrabiti borci SLA New YORK, N.Y. — Betty ■^ord je v “Časi mojega življenja”, svojem življenjepisu, katerega izvlečke objavlja Ladies home Journal, razkrila, kako jo le Secret Service opozoril na ne-varnost njeni hčerki Susan, ko bil Gerald F. Ford izbran za Podpredsednika ZDA. Najprej so ji naročili, naj bčerke ne pušča iz hiše, dokler P® bo poskrbljena za njo poseb-5:19 straža. Ko je bila ta na me-stu, so Mrs. G. R. Ford povedali, je bilo ime njene hčerke na Seznarnu Symbionese Liberation Army skupaj z imenom nekega Univerzitetnega profesorja, ki ■le bil tedaj že ustreljen, in Pat-Hearst. Susan je bila na tej listi tretja. jrican Legion Post 628. Pogreb bc iz Zakrajškovega pogrebnega zavoda jutri, v soboto, ob 9., v cerkev sv. Vida ob 9.30, nato na Kalvarijo.. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes popoldne od 2. do 5. in zvečer od 7. do 9. Senat za predsednikov kompromis o ceni plina Vodnik demokratske večine v Senatu R. C. Ryrd je dejal, da je v Senatu za kompromis o ukinitvi nadzora nad reno plina v ečina zagotovljena. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Vodnik demokratske večine v Senatu Robert C. Byrd je dejal, da večina Senata sedaj podpira kompromisni predlog za ukinitev nadzora nad cenami naravnega plina. Poskus ta kompromis poslati nazaj v ponovno razpravo, je bil pretekli torek zavrnjen z 59:39 glasovom. Tako je pričakovati, da bo kompromis v Senatu prihodnji teden izglasovan. S tem še ni rečeno, da je kom-nromis preko vseh težav in ovir. V Predstavniškem domu opozarjajo, naj Bela hiša nikar ne misli, da je tam odobritev kompromisa gotova stvar. Kong. Philip Sharp, demokrat iz Indiane, ki ga je predsednik Doma imenoval na čelo skupine 30 kongresnikov, katerih naloga je poskrbeti za večino omenjenemu kompromisu v Predstavniškem domu, je dejal, da je položaj tega kompromisa v Domu v vsaj enakih težavah kot v Senatu. -----o----- V Kolumbiji ubit bivši minister BOGOTA, Kol. — V vojaške uniforme oblečena moška sta prišla na dom bivšega notranjega ministra in konservativnega politika Parda Buelyasa trdeč, čevanje črncev z belimi, je sedaj objavil, da je “napačno misliti”, da se bodo črni učenci boljše učili v integriranih učilnicah. Tekom preteklega desetletja, pravi Coleman, je raziskava po vsej deželi pokaza7a, da “ni res, da bi šolska desegregacija, kot je bila izvajana v ameriških šolah, splošno prinašala korist o-trokom z manj ugodnostmi (črnim). V nekaterih slučajih je po po- j med Britanskim otokom in celino opustili, sedaj pa je oživela in je spet v javnem razpravljanju. LONDON, Vel. Brit. — Misel na predor med Britanskim otokom in evropsko celino je že stara. O tem je razmišljal Napoleon, ko ni mogel Angležem do živega zaradi njihovega obvladovanja morij, na njo so mislili vedno znova na obeh straneh Kanala. V KNESETU VEČINA ZA BEGINOVA SPORAZUMA I Iz Clevelanda in okolice precej Poroka— Jutri, v soboto, ob 11. dopol- četudi je v stranki predsednika izraelske vlade odpora proti sporazumoma, ki jih je Begin podpisal, ^ne bosta v cerkvi sv. Vida je večina v izraelskem parlamentu, kot trdijo, za po-;porocila g- Frank Kmetic, sin trditev teh sporazumov. g- Viktorja in ge. Minke Kme- _____ tič s 1806 Sunset Rd.. Richmond JERUZALEM, Izr. — Pred- --— sednik uraelske vlade Mena- težko dostopnega hriba pri Nab-chem Begin je poročal izraelski Po drugi svetovni vojni, ko se datkih Colemana desegregacija .le Britanija lesnejse povezala z prinesla nekaj napredka črnim, j Evropo, je postalo zanimanje za toda v mnogo drugih ni bilo no- Prebor posebno močno. Angleži bene spremembe na boljše ali 50 opustili svoj odpor proti pre-pa celo mala izguba. , boru, ker se ne čutijo ogrožani “Šolska integracija ni učinko- z evropske celine. Kljub temu vala, kot so mislili v preteklem desetletju. Raziskave so pokazale, da je to, kar je nekdaj iz-gledalo kot dejstvo, sedaj znano kot utvara,” je izjavil J. S. Coleman, profesor sociologije na U-niversity of Chicago. ------o----- Prptestantovski pastor se zažgal v cerkvi BONN, ZRN. — Rev. Rolf je predlog za gradnjo predora leta 1975 obtičal in bil začasno opuščen. Pretekli teden so se Britanske železnice odločile naročiti novo natančno študijo za gradnjo predora pod Rokavskim. prelivom za železniško progo, ki bi jo naj gradile skupno javnosti preko radia in televizije o sporazumu, ki ga je po posredovanju predsednika Carterja sklenil z egiptskim predsednikom Sadatom, še iz Wa-shingtona. Po razgovoru z vodniki Kongresa in zlasti s člani zunanjepolitičnih odborov obeh zbornic je Begin odletel iz Wa-shingtona v New York in se bo šele jutri, v petek vrnil v Izrael. Tu ga čaka navdušen sprejem kot narodnega junaka, ki mu je uspelo odpreti pot k miru , z Arabci. lusu. Vlada v Jeruzalemu je to obsodila in objavila, da bo« sa-molastne ustanovitelje ‘naselja’ odstranila s kraja, ki so ga zasedli. Begin je dejal, da bo članom strank, ki sestavljajo vlado, dal polno svobodo, da v Knesetu glasujejo o podpisanih sporazumih po svoji vesti brez vsakega ozira na njegovo stališče in na stališče vlade. Glasovanje o tem je predvideno prihodnji teden. železnicami. Pričakujejo, da bodo v Parizu načelno na tak na- črt pristali, četudi so še vedno G_ufn;hoer’ tUet stan pastor pri nekaj nejevoljni na London; ker je leta 1975, ko jo bilo vse ure- cerkvi Sv. Križa v Falkensteinu v Vzhodni Nemčiji, je preteklo nedejo polil z gorljivo tekočino, to razlil nato še po preprogi pred oltarjem v cerkvi, kjer je bilo za nedeljsko službo božjo zbranih kakih 300 vernikov, ter se zažgal. Ogenj je naglo zajel pastorja in preprogo, da ni nihče mogel pomagati. Ko so prišli pozvani gasilci,, je bil pastor že mrtev. Trdijo, da se je Rolf Guenther odločil za to dejanje v potrtosti zaradi tako male vernosti med prebivalstvom Falkensteina. --------------o------ Davčni izvzetek od $750 na $1,000 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Finančni odbor Senata je izglasoval povišanje izvzetka od zvez-jnega dohodninskega davka od Jeno in so že zaeiih-z--:■ 1 v;C TRETJE OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINULA NAŠA LJUBLJENA MATI, STARA MATI IN PRASTARA MATI V BLAG SPOMIN 3. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE LJUBLJENE NIKOLI POZABLJENE MATERE IN STARE MATERE mi weg ki nas je za vedno zapustila 22. septembra 1962 Hvala naša dobra mama, vso ljubezen ste nam dala, vse moči in vse skrbi. Rajski mir, nebeška sreča, naj bo Vaša v večnosti! Vedno žalujoči: sinova Frank Grdanc m John Mivec hčerki Mary Kaucnik in Anna Mivec Cleveland, O., 22. sept., 1978. MALI OGLA.«. Immaculate 3 bedroom ranch, located in Wickliffe, O. $69,900. Appointment only. Call 944-4393 (137-141) Naprodaj Prevozni kovček (old-fashioned trunk) in garderobna omara. Kličite 481-0589 po 4. pop. (137-138) Hiša v najem Enostanovanjska z dvema spalnicama, vsa podkletena, garaža in vrt. Se lahko takoj vselite. Prav čisto. Na E, 210 St. Kličite 486-0908. \ (137-139) Dvojček v najem Idealno za novoporočen par, pet sob s preprogami na E. 60 St. Kličite tel. 361-0352. (x) Hiša naprodaj Dvodružinska hiša, 5-5, z novim ogrevom, preprogami, do-aro ohranjena, je naprodaj. Kličite tel. 391-0988. (136-140) Automobile Tires For Sale Two H-78-14 steelbelted, excellent condition, $30 each. Call 361-4088, ask for Jim. (x) Opremljeno stanovanje Štirisobno opremljeno stanovanje oddajo dobremu paru po nizki ceni na Holmes Avenue. Kličite 531-7131. (137,138) ■-“AvriiJNi čil Ilčlb '-iCitiC vijcv ’ ^vesto spremlja, kar obeta dobro |za kristjane in sobrate ter ses-Žetev. tre- S- Lenček mi je poslal pomoč Končno pozdravljam tudi gdč. Za 1977 in mi na dolgo piše o Ferjanovo, o kateri sva z g. Lenčkom tudi govorila in bi bila med nami dobrodošla. Prav lepo pozdravljam gg. Prebila in Kopača, naša nekdanja misijonarja z Vami na Kitajskem. Sem zvedel od sorodnikov nekaterih naših Junanskih sobratov, da se tam o veri nič več ne govori in ni nobenega znamenja o njej več. Morda pa je le kaj še ostalo v srcih kristjanov? Lep pozdrav od Vašega Andreja Majcena. Rev. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M. 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Potovanju po Aziji, ko je obiskoval naše misijonarje. Omenja, a misli v bodoče priti tudi v Afriko. Predstavljajte si, kako veselim, če bi se mogla ose-bn° srečati. Za Veliko noč se bom v mo-! vi posebej spomnil vseh Vas . ragih dobrotnikov v Ameriki J? Kanadi in posebej Vas. O. ■JJj1 Chiuch, I.M.C.” msijonar Chiuch razume slo-Ghski, vendar težko .Naši stiki Z njim lep la-, o. Ivan Oballa, I.M.C. so v italijanščini. Je ro-i v Furlanski Benečiji, kjer Je dom; ^.ezijanec Andrej Majcen “p 1Se marca iz Tainana: avkar sem prejel nekaj šte-Pk AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE, ste at6rih Por°čate o darovih, ki ip ciragi znamkarji zbrali tu poslali. Najlepša hvala p1 tokrat za vse. tedni me je obiskala ses-hik ^kklavčieeva s svojim žup-0rn- Salezijanke so ji postre-1 stanovanjem, naš Furlanec gle LEPO PROSIMO: Poravnajte zapadlo naročnine Prihranile nam delo in nepotrebne stroške. Omogočite našemu listu dober nadaljni razvoj. Hvala! Dve hiši na enem zemljišču naprodaj Dvostanovanjska, 6-6 spredaj enostanovanjska s 5 sobami zadaj. Blizu cerkve in šole. Kličite 881-9038. (sept. 15,21,22) Help Wanted Delavca iščejo Delavca, ki bi delal na stoži-časti stružnici, iščejo. Skušnja ni potrebna. Lepa priložnost za napredovanje. Dobra urna plača zelo dobre družbene ugodnosti. Za podrobnosti kličite 731-8131. (134-138) HELP WANTED For Automotive Warehouse work. 361-7306 — ask for Ron. 6115 Carnegie Ave. (137-138) ‘ Odgovorna ženska za čiščenje in lahko likanje. 831-9958 po 5. pop. (Sep. 14,15,21,22,28) Custodian Mature. General Maintenance for lovely garden type apart ments. West side. Suite and salary. Call 467-5163. I .(139) Stanovanje oddajo Stanovanje z garažo oddajo. Kličite 431-6971 (137-139; For Rent 3 unfurnished rooms and bath for adults only. No pets. At E. 71 St. off St. Clair. Call 361-0989 after 4 p.m. 15,18,19,21,22,25,26,2829, Ok 2,6 Beautiful Brick Bungalow In Euclid. 4 bedrooms, large kitchen with built-ins. Full basement, rec room, large lot. St. Christine Parish. Owner moving to Florida. 50’s. STREKAL REALTY 481-1100 (137-138) Stanovanje išče Fet ali šestsobno stanovanje z garažo išče v Euclidu ali v okolici Waterloo Rd. Ponudbe na 481-6235. (136-140) House for Sale E. 185 St. 6 room brick single. l)o baths, finished 3rd, new driveway, garage and carpeting. Central Air Conditioning, finished basement. 585-0890. (136-140) FOR RENT 4 rooms, bath & garage, preferably an elderly couple. Call after 5 P.M. 431-1979 (135-139) SOBO ODDAJO Sobo oddajo poštenemu treznemu moškemu. Kličite 486-7462 (21, 29 sept) JOSEPHINE CIMPERMAN ki je preminula 28. septembra 1975 Umrla si nam, zlata mama, vedno dobra, ljubezniva. V črni zemlji zdaj počivaš, a nisi ostala pozabljena. Kako pozabit’ to gomilo, kjer Tvoje zlato spi srce, ki brezmejno vdano bilo ves čas do zadnjega je dne! Mirno spavaj, ljuba mamica, v življenju bila si odvzeta nam, v naših srcih boš živela do konca naših dni. Žalujoči: Sin: Louis Hčere: Josephine Godič, Rose, Dorothy Godič Zet: Frank Godič Snaha: Mary Cimperman Vnuki in Vnukinje Cleveland, Ohio, 22. septembra 1978. m John Fetric 783 E. 185 Odprto v torek, četrtek In petek od 8. do 6. ure, v sredo od 8. do 1. ure, v soboto od 8. do 4- ure. Zaprto v ponedeljek 481-3465 REPAIRS OF ALL KIND Interior and Exterior. — Call ROC DUSHAJ at 881-0683 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. I talk Croatian and Slovenian. (120-139) 5 rooms and bath for rent, E. 66 St. — 361-2692. (134-138) BY OWNER Beautiful brick single, 3 bedrooms, plus sunroom and finished basement. Modern kitchen and bath, 2 car garage. E. 250 St. area; $40’s. Call 481-2433 (day), 531-8041 (eve.). (132-138) Dohodninsko posestvo Na E. 53. cesti, vse podkleteno, 2 in pol garaži. Zidane hiše v Euclidu Zidana kolonialna, 3 spalnice, dvojna garaža, družinska soba. * Zidani bungalov, 4 spalnice, predeljena klet, dvojna garaža. UPSON REALTY UMLA 499 E. 260 St. 731-1070 Odprto od 9. do 9. (x) V najem Štiri sobe zgoraj na 6710 Bliss Avenue. (137-141) Stanovanje oddajo Majhno, čisto stanovanje oddajo eni osebi. Lasten vhod. Kličite 881-6792. (138-139) Euclid Brick Custom built 1 owner home. Gourmet 16 x 12 kitchen. Central Air. Spacious living room, all 3 large bedrooms. If jmu like some of these features, call for appointment. There is much, much more. Priced $66,900. Located off Beverly Hills. CENTURY 21 Leo E. Baur Realtor 486-1655 (138-141) Rooms for Rent 5 rooms down. Bonna Ave. Call 232-0970 (138-142) Odprto v soboto 1.30-4.30 19870 Pasnow pri E. 200 St. Popolnoma prenovljen bungalov s 2' spalnicami, 2 kopalnicama, garažo za 2 in pol voza, dnevno soboto 15 x 19, z aluminijem opažen. Odličen! V 40-ih. CENTURY 21 Malone Inc. 28902 Lake Shore Blvd. 943-4600 (138) 7-sobna, enostanovanjska, z moderno kopalnico in kuhinjo, podi iz trdega lesa, lepo zemljišče, garaža $17,000. Enostnovanjska s 3 spalnicami na Schaefer Avenue z zK dano garažo $12,500. Enostanovanjska s 4 spalnicami na E. 73 SL, garažo za 2 avta - $12,500. Petdružinska na E. 49 St. -Sl. Clair Avenue, letni dohodek od najemnine $7,000. Cena $16,500. Šestdružinska, vsako stanovanje 4 sobe, blizu Sv. Vida, $29,-900. A.M.D. Realty 6311 St. Clair Ave 432-1322 (xf) Joseph L FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Moderni pogrebni zavmo tako blizu vas kot vaš telefon «i- _ m ZAKRAJŠEK FKiERfil KSME CO. Te!.: ENdieott 1 -oilJ S4H« St. Clair Ave Hiša naprodaj Rojaki pozor Hiša s 4 spalnicami, IVz kopal- i2Vršujem zidarska in mizarska nice z ograjenim vrtom in dvoj- *^,-,3^ pleskam hiše zunaj in zno-no garažo je naprodaj v okolici ^raj, izvršujem električno in St. Jerome in St. Mary’s. Kličite 761-2222. (22,26 sep.) IZ SLOVENIJE Gramofonske plošče • Knjige • Radenska voda • Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • Časopisje • Vage na kilograme « Semena • Strojčki za valjanje in rezanje test8 TIVOLI ENTERPRISES INC. 6419 SL Clair Ave. Cleveland, O *31-5S#8 Chain Link Fence Installation. Call anytime 391-0533. vodno napeljavo, popravljam strehe. Kličite po 5. popoldne tel. 881-5439. 22,26,29, 3,6 okt) Rooms for Rent 5 rooms down on Bliss Ave. with garage. 431-4053. (136-138) Se priporočam, ako imate hišo naprodaj ali jo hočete kupiti. Prodajalni zastopnik Frank J. Taucher Rybka Realty 895 E. 222 St. Euclid, Ohio 44123 Tel. 261-6300 *fm*v*ra*w* Družina Loizos je odprla novo restavracijo v stari soseski. Mike Kukule je ohranil podjetje, kjer je delal, s tem da ga je kupil. Eric Graser in Walter Krueger sta postala neodvisna gospodarja. Utvoliis, tla mm pssiagaii©, kakorMi iiirens. CLEVELAND TRUST Hlssfar of Officers of Lodges and Glubs OUR LADY OF FATIMA SOCIETY NO. 255 KSKJ President Edward J. Furlich Vice President: Sally Jo Furlich Sec.-Treas. Josephine Trunk, 17609 Schenely — 481-5004 Recording Sec. Connie Schultz Auditors; Jackie Hanks, Connie Schulz Women’s and Children’s Activities: — Jackie Hanks. Men’s Sports Activities — Bob Schulz The Entertainment Chairlady is Mary Papp. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at secretary’s home, 17609 Schenely Ave. at 7:00 p.m. All Slovenian doctors in greater Cleveland areas to examine prospective members. ST. VITUS CHRISTIAN MOTHERS CLUB OFFICERS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1977-1978 Spiritual Director — Rev. Edward Pevec Principal — Sister Mary Cecilianne, S.N.D. President — Mrs. Frank Rihtar 1st Vice President — Mrs. James Svekric 2nd Vice President — Mrs. Anton Vogel Recording Secretary — Mrs. Ricrard Ortman Corresponding Secretary — Mrs. John Mivsek Treasurer — Mrs. Donald Avsec MEETINGS are held on the first Wednesday of every month excluding July and August. Dues are $2.00 and paid in September for each school year. 6512, Bonna Ave., Cleve., O. 44103 Field Representative, Frank J. i EUCLID VETERANS CLUB 301-1893. | Prijatel - 845-4440 i 1977 Officers Meetings held on the first Mon- j Meetings held third Friday of j President, Joseph DeLost Jr.; day of each month, except July each month, Social Room, St. Vitus Vice-Pres. Jacob Chesnic; Secretary and August at Broadview Sayings Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. i, Club Room at 26000 Blvd., Euclid, Ohio. Bake Shore ST. jWARY’S HOLY NAME SOC. 15519 Holmes Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 President: Lou Koenig Vice President: Ed Kocin Slovenian Vice President: Rudy Knez Secretary: Paul Žnidar, 15606 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44110, Phone 761-6362 Treasurer: Art Eberman Sick and Vigil Chairman: Frank Sluga Program Chairman: Frank Zgonc Marshalls: Joe Sajovic, Bill Kozak, Lou Jesek Retreat Chairman: Leon Kokal Youth Chairman: Paul Žnidar Jr. H.N.S. Treas. Leon Zavodnik JR. H.N.S. PRES. Tony Rigler ; Chuck Kupetz; Treasurer, Frank jBaiash; Service Officer, John Feko; ST. MARY’S COURT # 1640 ! Sgt.-at-Arms, Joe Jagodnik; Judge CATHOLIC ORDER OF f'C!V0Cpte’1 L°UT fc,vetllc’ JLlst°ri“’ - John Cerbin; Trustees: Bill Dorn- Spiritual. Director Rev. Victor Jeff Morris, Fred Nevar, »Pome 'Steve Antolm, Jake Chesnic, Bill Chief Ranger, Henry Skarbez j-Nicholson, Ed dicker. Bob Baugh-Recording Sec. Joseph Sterle jman, and Adolph Gulich. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at Euclid Vets Club. ST. MARY - COLLINWOOD P.T.U. Rev. Victor Tome: Spiritual Advisor. Sister Mary Andrew, Honorary President. Mrs. Mary Ann Durigon, President Mrs. Beba Muzina Vice President Mrs. Marcia Olesko, Recording Secretary Mrs. Frances Spech, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Josephine Kocin, Treasurer Regular meetings will be held on Financial Secretary, John Spilar, 715 E. 159 St., 681-2119 Treasurer Louis Somrak Youth Director, Louis Jesek Trustees: Virginia Trepal, Frank Kocin Jr., Wm. Kozak. Past Chief Ranger: John Osredkar Conductors: Bastian Trampuš and j Frank Mlinar Field Representative, Frank J, Prijatel, 845-4440 Auditors — Frank Beck - Chair- Meetings held every third Sun-;man_ Rudy Boltauzer - 1st Audi-day m St. Mary’s Study Club Room. |tor; Tony Urh . 2nd Auditor i Trustees — Frank Zorman -DAWN CHORAL GROUP | Chairman; Renato Cromaz - 1st Slovenian Women’s Union - 1978 Trustee; Eho Erzetič - 2nd Trustee; President and Librarian: Pauline; ^an^ - •u'd Trustee, and iJohn Truden r 4th Trustee ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President — Renato Cromaz Vice President — Frank Cendol Financial Sec’y. — Dick Beck Recording Sec’y. — Edward Pečnik Keeper of Arms — Aloiz Pugel Vice President, Jean Jansa Secretary-Treasurer Antoinette; Zabukovec, 215 E. 328 St., Willo-wick, Ohio 44094, Phone: 943-1546 Reporter: Fran Nemanich Auditors: Carolyn Budan and Ann Terček' Director: Mr. Frank Zupan Rehearsals every Monday even-; PROGRESSIVE SLOVENIAN WOMEN CIRCLE #2 President: Cecilia Subel 1st Vice-pres.: Neva Patterson 2nd Vice-pres.: Rose Žnidaršič Secretary: Margaret Kaus Treasurer: Mary Zakrajšek, Rec. Sec’y.: Josephine Zakrajšek Auditors: Anna Filipič, Mary La- the second Thursday of each month ing at 7:30 p.m. in Recher Hall, Eu- cjjjlaj Frances Tavzel ST. VITUS POST 1655, CATHOLIC W AR VETERANS Commander — Matthew Nousak 1st V.C. — Daniel Reiger 2nd V.C., John Oster Sr. 3rd V.C., Ludwig (Harry) Snyder Treasurer, Richard Mott Judge Advocate — Robert W. Mills Medical Officer, Martin Strauss Welfare Officer — Edward Ljubi 1 year Trustee — Frank Ljubi 2 year Trustee — James Logar 3 year Trustee — Joseph Baškovič Laison Officer — Edward Kotar Historian, Anthony Grdina Officer of Day — Frank Godic Jr. Adjutant — Charles Merrill Jr. Chaplain, Rev. Edward Pevec Meetings are held every third Tuesday each month in our new Clubroom, located at 6101 Glass Av. Purpose: To guard the rights and privileges of veterans, protect our freedom, defend our Faith, help our sick and disabled, care for the widows and orphans, assist' those in need, aid in youth activities, promote Americanism and Catholic Action, and to offer Catholic veterans an opportunity to band together for social and athletic activities. in Study Club Room at 7:30 p.m, St. Mary’s. THE WESTERN SLAVONIC ASSOCIATION ST. CATHERINE’S LODGE 29 CLEVELAND, OHIO President — A1 Gribbons Vice-pres. — Rose Aubel Recording-sec.: Jane Gribbons Financial-sec.: John Pečnik Treasurer: — Jennie Stetz Chief Auditor —Mary Butara Auditor — Frank Aubel Auditor — Emma Trentel Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month at S. N Home on St. Clair Ave., at 7:30 p.m. i (Before the meeting premiums pay-’able from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.) Life insurance — All plans available for the entire family from birth to age 60. Indemnity Benefits — Indemnity — sick and operation benefits available to all adult members. Ask secretary for membership application. Enroll your friends in an insurance plan that offers you more than a Bank Savings Account. No tax involvements at any time. Draw reserve if needed and still protect your policy “Value in full.” The Western Slavonic Association was founded in 1908 “Solid as the Rockies” — 147% solvent as per elid, Ohio Sunshine Chairman: : bel Cecelia Su- SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED! Kitchen Committee: Frances Tav- 18621 Neff Rtl. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 1977-1978 Executive Committee John Cech, President Rudolph Kozan, V. President Alma Lazar, Treasurer Josephine Hirter, Rec. Sec’y. Joseph Petrie, Corresp. Sec’y. Auditing Committee Joe Gabrowshek, Chrm. Marie Shaver, Albin Lipoid, Ronald Zele, Ray Perme Finance Committee Frank Kosich, Ronald Zele, Albin Lipoid, Alma Lazar, Josephine Hirter, James Richlak, Consultant, Louis Drašler Admissions Committee Marie Shaver, Chmn., Josephine Hirter, Pauline Burya House Committee (joe Gabrowshek, Chmn., James Kozel, Albert Pestotnik Joseph Petris Jr. Personnel Committee Albin Lipoid, Chmn., Jean Križman, Louis. Drašler Pauline Burja Fund Raising Committee Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday in the month at 1 p.m., Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. PLANINA SINGING SOCIETY _ President ........... Al Glavic Vice President ..... Louis Fink Financial Sec. — Emma Urbančič Corresp. Sec. --- Olga Ponikvar Rehearsals — Weekly on Mondays at 8 p.m. Death Notices JOSEPHINS SAMSON Josephine Samson (Samsa) (nee Crtalic), age 59, of 18672 Kenwood Avenue, died after a long illness. She was the wife of Frank; mother of Franklin Samson; June Powers; and Dennis Samsa (Phoenix, Ariz.); grandmother Crtalic. She was born in Cleveland. Friends received at Zele Memorial Chapel 458 E. 152 St. ———o-------- FRANK ZALETEL Tuesday morning, Sept. 19, Mr. Frank Zaletel died in Fair- | view General Hospital. He was 66 years old. He was a member of Dr. Mir No. 10 of the A.D.Z. and the St. Lawrence Lodge No. 63 of the K.S.K.J. He is survived by his wife Ann (nee Legan) ami a son Lawrence and two daughters Mary Ann KOntra and Carol Jean Stock. He was grandfather of 3. His mother Anna (nee Po-chervina) and his father Joseph Zaletel are both deceased, but he is survived by two brothers Joseph and Louis and a sister Ann Ulchaker. Two other brothers Simon and Paul have predeceased him. He was. a retired pipe-fitter from the Terex Division of the General Motors Co. Funeral services will be held today at 8:30 A.M. from the Fortuna Funeral Home, 5316 Fleet Ave. and at 9:30 A.M. from the Annunciation Church, on W. 140th St. Interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. —----o----- ANTHONY M. ŠKUFCA Anthony M. Škufca, age 76 a lovable, popular bowler and an all-around sportsman in Collinwood and Euclid, passed away quietly in his home m North East Cleveland Tuesday morning, Sept 19. At one time he was the proprietor of Škufca Lanes for 20 !miuiuuiS!iiimuwitiguiiiunninii!»uii!HiiHiiimuimi(miuiiiii!miiimimimiiuiiiiinmuiiuu:m;m;ui;!ii!ii!iiiiii4i| I SiKXlM & SONS | i raeu home EUCLID AVE. 481-5277 Between Cfeaxdon & East 222nd St- — Euclid, Ohio IS 3 j wiiffiKfiitieitinsiiiiHiiiimMiiiiMaMisifisaiKi inmmiiHSJimflmraimainumniiumiianiiimsiJiiUJBiini _ LADIES AUXILIARY ST. VITUS POST 1655 CWV President — Kathy Merrill 1st Vice President — Rose Poprik 2nd Vice President — Marcie Mills 3rd Viže President—Laura Shantery Secretary — Patty Nousak White Treasurer — Mary Babic Historian — Irene Toth Welfare — Anne Kern Social Secretary — Jo Mohorčič 3 yr. trustee — Jo Godic 2 yr. trustee — Jo Nousak 1 yr. trustee — Theresa Novsak Ritual — Josephine Gorencic Chaplain — Father Edward Petec Meetings are held every second Wednesday each month in the Vet’s Clubroom, 6191. Glass Ave. ' ■ ' ■ - ‘'V AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President — Gjene Drobnič Vice Pres. J- Terry Hočevar Recording Sec. — Helen Levstik Corrcs. Sec. — Fran Lausche Treasurer — Ruse Grmaek State Insurance Actuary. Highest Chmn., Jean Križman, Cecilia annual dividends paid to members jWblf, Louis Drašler, Josephine yearly. Hirter, Albert Pestotnik --------------------------------- Membership Committee BARAGA COURT NO. 1317 Alma Lazar, Chwn., Josephine CATHOLIC ORDER OF Hirter, Jean Križman, Vida FORESTERS Shiffrer Spiritual Director, Rev. A, Edward Publicity Committee Pevec Chief Ranger — Rudolph A. Mas-sera t Vice Chief Ranger, John J. Hočevar Past Chief Ranger, Fred Stemisa Recording Secretary, Alphonse A. Germ Financial Secretary, Anthony J. Urbas - 1226 Norwood Road -881-1031 Treasurer, Rudolph V. Germ Trustees — Stanley Bencin, Frank J. Kolenc, Joseph V. Hočevar Youth Director, Angelo Vogrig Visitor of Sick, Joseph C. Saver Program Director — Albert R. 'Giambetro ; Senior Conductor -if Joseph C. Saver f Junior Conductor — Gregory P. Hribar Senior Sentinel — Charles F. Kikel Junior Sentinel, Elmer L. Perme years. He managed and ran the Mike Telich, Hon. Chmn Jim Kozel, ^ with his wife Justine (nee Plevnik) . . .They operated the alleys for 20 years. Richard, his son, now operates the Bov/ling Supplies Store on Last 185th St. ________ i Anthony M. Škufca was a . very Cecelia Whig, Chwn., Joseph Petrie' fine bowler in his dav. His son Jr. Richard, is no slouch either. Mr. Škufca had another son, Anthony, who died in II. Friends called at Grdina Fu- Auxiliary Liason Chwn. Jean Križman Prof. Prat. Comm. Rudolph Kozan, Chmn., Marie Shaver, Fred Križman Frank Kodeh/ctoir^^edllrizman! neral Home, 17010 Lake Shore The Slovene Home for the Aged; Blvd. Funeral services will be Is a non-profit organization aecre- p-qj at the Funeral Home today dited by the national Joint Com-= gt 1Q A M Interment will be at mission on Accreditation of Hospi- ■ _ tals as a long term facility dedicated '- iii Souls Cemetery. ^ to the principles and standards'" of He-Was, a member of SDZ No. excellence for care,.and service rap-, g ancj KSKJ No. 25. i dered to patients arid resident?.- < ak'e MARY ŽNIDARŠIČ Mary Žnidaršič (nee Tanko) age 79, of 23825 Greenwood Ave., died Wednesday evening, Sept. 20. She was widowed: her husband, -Frank, Sr., died in 1959. She was the mother of Mary A.; Donna M.; and the deceased Frank M.; sister of Angela .Tanko (Jugoslavia); And the following deceased: John, Ignac, Frank, Julia, Anna, and Frances. , She Was born at Dolenja vas pri Ribnici (Kočevje) in Yugoslavia and she came to the United States in 1921. Formerly she was a Collinwood resident and resided on East 157th St. She was a member of the Amer- first mmm mmm credit uion 26009 Mid five., Suite #401 MM, Ofei« 441 !7 731-8232 iiSiHisumjitaftilJjmiliUliiHJiisisiiliBnimissiliiusiSliJHmiHimiJiiiinnililliuiiii1 H«!! mmi homes MEMORIAL CHAPEL, Phone 481-3118 Mr. Škufca was World War | lean Fraternal Union No. 103 and American Mutual Life Ass’n. No. 8. The family operated a tavern in the St. Clair area and then moved to Euclid where they operated a tavern at Lind berg and East 200th St. for 14 years. Friends may call (at1 Zele 'Me--{mortal; Chapel,; 458 Fast . 152ud the brother St; where services will ■ be, held 432 E, 152nd Street ADDISON ROAD CHAPA L 6502 St. Clair Avenue PkW: 3U1-0583 Mi ratio vedno pripravljeni z naj bolj at* postrežbo \____________________________ J mmii TMM HSMES 1053 East 62 St. 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-0300 JZ SmS <£5i tfSS ; U Frsnk (Dec.); Charlie (Dee.); *» f “f ** their remaining years in quiet dig-1 Rudy; Joe (of Chicago); Ed- Mary s Church iy^0 nity. For all information call: («rea jWar(j (0f Calif.); Louis and Ann Interment ,A11 Souls Cemetery, j code 216) 486-0268. ___ ! Škufca of Calif. Visiting Friday 2 to 9 PM. GROM i FURNITURE SIS®! 15381 Waterloo Road 5:51-1235 your ethnic forum (»he latest news and views wm ■ [HllMXKQMlSi MevtdfZGfzeb fr W E E K l -fa YOUR VIEWS OUR NEWS James V. Debevec, Editor AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 22, 3 978 Dear Readers: On October 20, 1978 the American Home newspaper will print a special souvenir edition dedicated to former U.S. Senator Frank J. Lausche. It will be published a week before ceremonies, which begin on Saturday, Oct. 28, with naming a new state office building in downtown Cleveland after Lausche. In the evening at a banquet at Cleveland State University sponsored by Slovenian American Heritage Foundation (SAHF) the five-time Ohio governor will be inducted into the SAHF Hall of Fame. We would like every reader of American Home newspaper, Ameriška Domovina, to become involved in this monumental occasion honoring our legendary statesman by placing a greetings to Lausche advertisement in the “collector’s edition” of this paper. We are sure this publication will be read by thousands of Americans everywhere and kept as memento of the historic day and as a reference on the life of Lausche. Personal greetings of name and address in bold regular 10 point type will be $5.00. For $10.00 your name and address will be set in small Headline type. A $20.00 special greeting wall include name and address in LARGE headline type. For $30.00 or more you may include name, address and special message for this once-in-a-lifetime occasion. Advertisements must reach us no later than Thursday, Oct. 12, earlier preferred. Please help us make this event a day Frank ■Lausche will never forget, and a day in which the World will stand up and take notice of Slovenian Persons who are proud to do justice to one of their own. Yours truly, JAMES V. DEBEVEC, President, American Home Publishing Co. WHY HONOR LAUSCHE? ENJOYED lillf'S MOVIE By WILL GLIHA Michigan have for the Bishop, j, 'fear where old “Pintar’s Evidence is everywhere, as to Ven*1” °nCe WaS’ where Slo-I how much they thought of him. "lans gathered at picnics j In cities and towns, you see off years back and had a F»t j streets named “Baraga Ave. — dancin§ and singing with j West Baraga Ave. — Baraga St. Not0 ~ another event took j — East Baraga Ave. — and even C lately that was enjoyable j here and there one see’s “Bara-ij,, ga School”. The State Park is fil aat was the showing of the named “Baraga State Park”. ^ “Baragaland” which is 'qi°ut Bishop Frederick Baraga.' T0~e creator of the movie, wph 2elle was there and he §avi The parishioners of St. Stephen’s talked over an hour with Joe Zelle after the film was ended, asking him. ques- a very good talk before it tions They told him how ex- 'vhU, Ma, started, and w e It was going on. This took ^ce at on Lloyd Rd., in Euc- ^03 e at the church hall of St. Then’, Ohi narrated j cited and humble they felt, in learning how Bishop Frederick Baraga had served our God. By JIM DEBEVEC On October 20, 1978 the American Home newspaper will pay special tribute to former U.S. Senator Frank J. Lausche by doing something which has never been done before — dedicating an entire edition to one man. Yes, both the Slovenian and English sections will. have articles depicting events in the leading Slovenian’s life, as well as personal reminiscences by his many friends. A few have asked why we are doing this. A legitimate question, but the answer is terribly important. First of all, the entire world will be watching. A state, building in downtown Cleveland will be dedicated on Oct. 28 and named after Frank J. Lausche. This is a great honor and will not pass unnoticed by the public. If it goes unnoticed by Slovenians, then we are the jackasses who deserve to be treated in a niggardly fashion by this country. If we Slovenians do not: stick together in honoring, our highest ranking statesman, then we deserve to be laughed at, scoffed, and ignored. The good government jobs and funds will go to others. v There are those who complain we have too few Slovenian politicians in high places. Well, friends, we say, stick together and we’ll put a president in office. We.can do it, but we have to work together. The blacks have pulled themselves up to where their political leaders have moved this country into action for their fellow-men. The women have gotten their act together — the result is ERA, and you better believe laws are changing in their favor. But the Slovenians? They are stubborn, and they fight, and divide into 20 different groups. Well, folks, here’s our chance. Frank J. Lausche is a perfect rallying point. He is recognized and respected by his political peers, and people everywhere. He can be our unifying entity. An example of the results of working together was manifest v/hen the Slovenians in Cleveland helped elect Dennis Kucinich as their mayor. Likewise, here’s an excellent opportunity for Slovenians from all over Greater Cleveland and the entire nation to show the rest of the world that when the chips are down we will work in unison in major areas. Together, we can move mountains, and scare the devil out of those who would prefer to shuffle us in the background and put their own people forward. We must be heard. We must be s,eeh.. ’ Most importantly, we .must be tetoghized. And, we can shew we mean business by honoring our most prestigious statesman, Frank J. Lausche, by being at the dedication ceremonies Oct. 28, or at the Slovenian Night (Slovenski Večer) at Cleveland State University that evening, or most of all by helping create the most beautiful dream of a Slovenian newspaper publisher into a reality by making the Oct. 20 edition of American Florae the most befitting piece of literature and greetings this world has ever known. Lausche has worked hard his entire life. A politician’s life is a most demanding one. Fie has earned his place in history which can never be refuted. Let’s all work together on this one. If you have any doubts, or problems, give me' a call. Lausche was a former owner of this paper. Each year he sends in money for subscriptions for dozens of his friends. He loves the American Home newspaper and reads every word. He has all his personal stationery printed by us. He has always supported us, and God willing, we’re going to give credit where credit is due—and we mean overdue. Please help us with our tribute to Lausche on October 20. Not only will you be doing a great deed for a warm, concerned, wonderful individual, but will be helping your fellow Slovenians and ethnics, no matter where they live—and those who follow our footsteps into society. Let’s wake up the snoring world and shout, “Hey, we’re Slovenians and we’re proud of it; and you better watch out because we’re going to be heard from and v/e want our share of the American dream.” FANTJE NA VASI CONCERT OCT. 7 On October L the Slovenian choral group “Fantje Na Vasi”, will perform their first full-length concert at the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avenue at 7:00 p.m. The group of 17 singers, all who are young Slovenian men from the Cleveland area, was formed about 2 years ago under the direction of John Srsen. Since then, the choral group has performed at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport, Connecticut and has also sung for various cultural events in Cleveland. All who enjoy Slovenian music and song are invited to attend the concert. Following the performance will be a dance with the music provided by the “Alpine Sextet Band”. Come to the St. Clair Slovenian National Home at 7:00 p.m. on October 7 for an enjoyable evening. Tickets are available at Tony’s Polka Village, James Slapnik Florist, Baragov Dom, and all members. Flope to see you there! Thomas Štepec Memo: From Madeline ISO IN ITS 351H YEAR By RUDOLPH M. SUSEL > fraternal insurance society to The KSKJ is the oldest na- j build real financial security, a tionally - based Slovene-Ameri- weakness that became apparent o, on Friday, Sept. 8th. e °f the Pintar’s Farm at- still exists around the Gy Ca' There are many mighty *rees on the grounds. Thanks Editor: I take this opportunity to Sev Uil ^1UUI1U;3- j thank you and Madeline for the !ral of us arrived early j publicity on behalf of the West itig attended part of the even-j Park board of directors of our aSs a^ kbe church. What heme and the Oktoberfest (iivi-ovTl6ssed takes us is — how every-| ties) _ p was a tremendous suc-. Part in the Mass and ces3 ancj a big job for the few Nt They really smg 0f us but with cooperation it Lg’ i*°ir and everyone attend- was done with joy. Most especi-f. church and area are aiby, it did our heart warm Lcj^Nhile seeing. If it is j when so many of you folks the p ’ t° the Rectory and came from distances to look us H'qj.i astor, Rev. Andrew Vaida y0vi be glad to open it for j3 hikes to see people any-3rej' . ~ut not right now, the y j ,j Under street repair, haij ,Ve Lira was shown at the 52 Jezero”, among other Were playing in the back-' ■ My, that was beautiful. 'hfw ^-ide it more stirring and lc- Everyone was so t^y and it was evident that hi;-,’ a ere enthralled by the arid us Joe Zelle said, “one eei the presence of God ^is^^tght”, in learning about dNck Earasa’s life worik- hiirp Terme and his wife, of were in charge of all ^ument s. Those in St; up if only to say “Hi”. Slovenes asked for Slovenian fare, “Pa Še how”. Many thanks, so nice to look up from a counter to sec you all. Helen Konkoy ------o------ tapsrfaiif ieefeg There will be an important meeting pertaining to Blue Cross non group subscribers on Monday, Sept. 25 at 1:30 at St. John College in the Hagan Hall. Mitediuti ©f it!@s Branch No. 25 of the Slovenian Women’s Union will collect can fraternal insurance association. Established in 1894- it is now in its 85th year. While all of the founders of the KSKJ have since passed away, the organization to which they gave life and devoted so much effort continues to respond to the needs of its members. The KSKJ’s commitment to the preservation of the Slovene cultural heritage in America re-j mains as strong as ever, i A full account of the history i of the KSKJ over the past 85 years would require a large book, but perhaps a few weekly articles describing how and why it came into being will interest Ameriška Domovina readers. The official organ of the KSKJ, ! Amqrikanski Slovenec, which is also the oldest Slovene newspaper in the United States, is : printed' at the American Home j Publishing , Company, - which 1 also prints Ameriška Domovina (and several other Slovene publications. * * I The first Slovene fraternal j insurance societies began to ap-I pear in the ISSO’s in such early major Slovene settlements as Calumet, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. By the middle 1890’s they had appeared in many Slovene colonies across the United States. Each of these societies , was an independent entity. If very quickly and led to efforts to find a solution. The solution, of course, was to combine, the various local insurance societies into a.single organization, a “Jednota” or a “Zveza”. A campaign to this effect was begun in the spring of 1893 by Father Francis S. Šušteršič of Joliet, Illinois. Amerikanski Slovenec, then published by Father Joseph F. Buli — the noted Slovene missionary — gave its enthusiastic support to the “Jednota” idea. An article by a Slovene seminarian named Matija Šavs on September 1, 1893 opened with the plea: “Where is the Slovene Jednota? Slovene societies: Attention! For once, we Slovene Americans have to unite. Lei’s unite within a Slovene Jednota.'’ Šavs conceded that already there were many local Slovene societies. But, he added, each one was; concerned only with its own interests. All too often, experience had shown, the enthusiasm in a local society weakened and it withered and on occasion even disbanded. “A common Slovene purpose or goal is lacking among .our societies,” Šavs continued. “Other nationalities in the United States recognized long ago that they will achieve prestige and status in this new and so very k; a member of a society in Calu-j large homeland only if they napt ipovecl : to, Cleveland,;: for Ahovy . themselves as, a ;people, p, j.nose in at. .. ----------- example,' he had to leave tjie pmited fn a common union,, in en’s Holy Name greeted dues on Monday, Sept. 25 from Calumet organization and join a common Jednota.” ^ hh entl-mojccw, ■ 5:3fl n.m. until 7:00 n.ni. in the an equivalent in Clevelandu Many of the other Slavic this situation made it very j groups in the United States al-hard for any -individual local ready had their own Jednotas *** 'enthusiasm. j5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. in the Lg ^galand” was earth1 shak- Ft. Vitus Social Room, 6111 he love all peoples of ^ Glass Ave. or Zveza s, especially the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, and others. But not yet the Slovenes. Šavs commented that until recently two reasons helped explain the delay: not enough Slovenes had yet settled in the United States and theFe had not been a Slovene language newspaper. This was no longer a problem, however, and Šavs cited a letter which had come from the “Podpornega društva sv. Jožefa” of Pueblo, Colorado: and president of Alpha Epsilon Delta Honory Society. Dr. Chrzanowski has accepted an 1 appointment as a Clinical In-| structor at the CWRU Dental I School. # S S: I A benefit card party sponsored by the Slovene Home for I the Aged Alxiliary is set for Friday, Sept. 29, 1978 at 7:00 pm at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo lid, Cleveland, Ohio. There will be refreshments and gifts for all. Tickets arc available at the American Home Publishing Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Tony’s Polka Village and Petrie’s Barber Shop on East 185 St., or from any Auxiliary member. Co-chairpersons are Jennie Trennel and Ann Terček For further information contact Ann Terček at 261-3615. Tickets also available at the door. ® # * A son,William Eugene, was born June 29 at Euclid General Hospital to Debbie and Bill Champa. Congratulations! * * * Vladimir J. Bus, director of human resources and economic development under the Perk of Rocky River, Ohio has been 1 administration in Cleveland, promoted to assistant vice presi- Ohio, now , serves as associate dent of design at American planning director for the United Greeting Corp. She is the first Labor Agency, female officer of the company, * * and a scholarship winner and- Eddie Hren and Tony Jarem modeled at a Fall Fashion Show frJE Madeline Debevec Slovenian Women’s Union Ohio-Michigan State Conven-vviH be held in Girard, Ohio, Sunday, Sept. 24, 1978 at 1 P.M. at the Slovenian Home in Gir-! ard. There will be a bus from the combined branches of Ohio leaving Sunday at 10:00 A.M. from Euclid City Hall. A few (seats are available. For further information call Sophie Magay- na at 943-0645. >]: * * Clement Hren made the Dean’s List at John Carroll University. Clement is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hren of Euclid, Ohio. Congratulations! * * Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klemenčič and John and Morija Muniza sent greetings From sunny California. The Klemen-cics reside at 2G'851 Nicholas Ave., Euclid, Ohio. * Joy Elaine Praznik Sweeney graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art. Joy is the daughter of the late Charles Praznik and granddaughter of the late Ignatz and Ivana Praznik of the Newburgh area. Proud auntie is Jennie “At its last meeting our society discussed how good, valuable and honorable it would be for the Slovenes if they were finally able to unite in a ‘Jednota’! Brother would support brother, a Slovene would be- ^razll‘k ^ Parma, Ohio, come acquainted with a Slovene in the ‘Jednota’. Our expenses would be smaller, our income larger, our support to the sick and to the relatives of deceased members would greater. We hear so much about unification among the Germans and Czechs! But no one knows anything to: say about us Slo-/enes! If the Germans and the Jzechs are united, why »houldn’t the Slovenes be also? Ter, why shouldn’t the Slovenes also unite? Do we have to be last everywhere? There are enough of us in America, we already have enough societies, ;o that we can unite in a strong and vigorous ‘Slovene Jednota’; we also have our own newspaper, in which we can communicate in our own language with ; all Slovenes ..across -.th^-United States. What else do we require?- A good and a determined' will and a feeling for a united Slovene: coriamunity in (Continued on Page 6) in the beautiful new Euclid Mall. They are employed at Diamond’s Men Score in the Mall. * * A speedy recovery to American Home news carrier Mike Wurzer of Euclid, Ohio from ail your friends. => James and Emma (Skoff) Lincoln, of Lincoln Electric, enjoyed a weekend of rafting in Pennsylvania with the Boy Scouts. Emma is preparing for a five week tour of the Orient with her eldest daughter. Since the Lincolns have traveled around the world many times, and always with the entire family, Emma is a bit apprehensive leaving the* rest of the clan behind. * * * The Slovenian W o m e n’s Union is planning the 5th Cotillion Ball for Get. 28 at the Slovenian Nations! Auditorium on St. Clair Ave. Proceeds will go to the SWU scholarship fund Council and served as Vice- ; and the Slovene Home for the President of that organization' Aged- in 1975-1977. He received his; Girls between the ages of 1.(5 Bachelor of Science degree and 21 are eligible, from John Carroll University in For information call Carol 11973 where he was a member < Continued on page 6) Congratulations! ❖ * * Nancy Omahen, 20811 Arbor Ave., Euclid, Ohio is enrolled in Sandusky’s Providence Hospital School of Nursing. A licensed practical nurse, she is enrolled in a 20-month program which will qualify her for R.N. status. tl: Dr. M. Joseph Chrzanowski has recently opened his office tor the practice of general dentistry at 782 East 185 Street, Cleveland, Ohio. A graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry, Dr. Chrzanowski presenty resides with his wife Lynne (Telich) in the Grovewood area. While at CWRU, Dr. Chrzanowski was a 4 yr. member of the Student AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA SEPTEMBER 22, 1978 MEMO FROM MADELINE (Continued from page 5) Globokar, president, 486-2012. ❖ ❖ ^ ❖ Karen Lynn Kender, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Ken-tier, 1791 East 228 St., became the bride of Jack Jerse, son of Mr. Stanley Jerse, 732 East 200 St. in a recent ceremony at St. Paul’-;} Church." The reception was held at Recher Hall. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Canada and are now redding in Canada. Congratulations! Dame Educational Center on Sunday, Sept. 24 — “Rain or Shine” — .12 .noon until 5 pan. Menu includes Barbecued Chicken, Cole Slaw, Potato Chips, Homemade Apple Pie, Coffee or Milk — Price $3.00 for; all tickets. / The Notre Dame Education! Center is located on Auburn Ed. just south of U.S. Route 322. Auburn Road is East of Chester-'and on Route 322 or East of Aovelty on Route 87. i S.W.U. Congratulations to John M. Crbancich on his Hole in ONE during a Euclid Schools league game at Lost Nation Golf Course. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Denise Ambrose — Sept. 17 Jeanne Oblak — Sept. 21 Pauline Gornik — Sept. 21 Tony Kapian — Sept. 23 Mitzi Globokar — Sept. 23 Alice Lausche — Sept. 25 Sylvia Banko — Sept. 28 Vera Echerd of Geneva, Ohio Sept. 29. -----o----- So. Florida Slovene Olnii Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. — Yes summer is over and can’t you jiist feel those autumn breezes? The vacation is over for most of Willoughby Us, and the children are back On Saturday, Oct. 7, 1978 at 7:03 p.m. the Slovenian choral group “Fantje Na Vasi”, will perform their first concert at the Slovenian National Home. 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Tickets are $3.50 and are available at Tony’s Polka Village, James Slapnik Florist, Baragov Dom, and all members, or call tlie Srsen’s at 432-2941. (This group of fine young gentlemen deserve the support of nity!) 8* V A Slovenian Women’s Union Ohio State Convention will he held in Girard, Ohio on Sept. 24 at 12 noon at the Slovenian National Home sponsored by Br. No. 55. Philip Percic of Hills, Ohio bicycled from his jn school. home to Slovenska Pristava. A May I say we had a meeting distance of 40 miles. the first Sunday of the month We’ve had beautiful attendance Frank Mihelich and a group the meeting was conducted of his friends from Gilbert, by our lovely president Erna Minnesota entertained guests at Katula. She’s been absent for Slovenian Women s Union awhile due to illness; but we are Minnesota Days held recently so g]ad to have her back, m Aurora, Minn. We had a nice dinner after the meeting. It was served to us Graduating from Ohio Uni- an prepared by member Rose versify with high honors was chase and her helpers. A big Christine Ann Perdan, 700 E. thank you to each and all. There 240 St.; and Maryellen Kope, v/ere goodies donated by cur 2M70 Parkv/ood Dr., Euclid. members: a potica from Anne Congratulations! Kohler. Our out-of-town guests were Happy Birthday to Josephine Ladi Kocyan’s mother and dad Brodnick (Sept. 1) and Frank from Canada. Also had birth Spelich (Sept. 2) of The Slovene days and anniversaries celebra Kome for the Aged in Cleve- ted with singing, land. Their birthday party was We’ve had good reports for held last week at the home. the month, with no sick ones . Molly Kmett is on her way to Happy Anniversary to: recovery. Fom and trances Legat of We received very sad news, Euclid, Ohio celebrated 54 years having lost Annie Dekleva Sta-of marital bliss on Sept. 20. nonik. She was our organizer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godic of To her memory a candle was East 61 St. celebrated their 42 and a moment of silence, anniversary on Sept. 14. May her soul rest in peace. She will be missed by all of us. Saturday, Sept. 23 is the date Soon we will have election of reserved for a dinner-dance be- officers and the Christmas paring sponsored by the directors j:y js nearing, of the Slovenian Workmen’s Gifts are given at all of our Home on Waterloo Rd. meetings. Henry Nagode receiv- A choice of a roast-beef or cd a bottle of cheer and also breaded pork chop dinner will Alice Povich. We also had good be offered from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. music to dsnee to by Bill Za-Dancing in the auditorium to torsky and his cowboys. A re-the music of the Novak-Srnick quest Was made from Michael Orchestra will follow. Donation Vrhovnik president of Lodge *s $5. SNPJ Nc. 777 to give donations Tickets may be reserved by for their coming, calling Board President Tony An Anniversary Dance will Sturm at 442-0142 or clubroom be held on 0ct 21, 1978. Dinner manager Sophie Podboy at 481- at 7;30 p.m., dance 9 p.m. at 5378. ■l< ❖ * by FRANCES SEITZ It took seven years to have What makes the Slovenian cur young people take over this Women’s Union really special is great responsibility with the what it represents, recognizing help of their parents and mem-our Slovenian Heritage among bers of S.W.U. . our members, especially our Proceeds from our previous Juniors and Young Adults. Balls were used to donate $250 The S.W.U. is very active in each to the S.W.U. Scholarship youth groups among the second Fund — in 1674 a great year the generation. They had active S.W.U. Debutantes presented a drill teams, and Slovenian sing- donation of $2,000.00 to the Slo-ing and dancing groups. But a- venian Home for the Aged. j long the way during the third j A treasury for the Ball Events and fourth generation we could!was also started in 1970 and this not hold together the positive now was turned over to the caring committee of young peo- S.W.U. Junior League to help IN LOVING MEMORY FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PASSING OF OUR BELOVED HUSBAND. FATHER, GRANDFATHER AND GREAT-GRANDFATHER I Knights of Columbus Hall, 2025 INE 49 St., Pompano, Fla. A do-The Slovene Home, for the nati0n of $7.50 per person is re-Aged in Cleveland, Ohio has se- quested. Tickets can be obtained veral positions available for from Dan Novak 583-5178, Joan nurse’s assistants or licensed Kmett 587-5051, Dade Mike Vr-practical nurses. A scholarship novnik 759-1890', Palm Beach: program is available for the Anne Madty 968-1503. L.P.N. program. j A grand time will be had by To qualify a person must be an wbo coine, capable of providing plenty of, Christine Kebe tender, loving care to the resi- P.S.—May jour paper be long dents, and it would be most use-'jn existence to readers. It gives fu] if they could converse in happiness throughout the land. Slovenian. j Thoughts for good wishes al- In most cases, talking in Slo-{wayS, venian is more effective than1 ,________n______ 1000 miligrams of medication. For further information contact the Home at 486-0268. St Mary Magdalene Society * ¥ * No. 162 K.S.K.J. will collect The sisters of Notre Dame are due3 Monday, Sept. 25 from looking forward to seeing you 5:3o PM to 7 PM in the Social again this year at the annual Room of the St. Vitus Audi- Chicken Barbecue at the Notre torium i pie who could help to build the Slovenian Heritage Culture for the S.W.U. future activities. That’s why the first Slovenian Cotillion Ball was started here in Cleveland, Ohio in 1970 to salute the S.W.U. youth. To date we are now preparing for our 5th Ball a proud tradition the S.W.U. hopes to1 carry on. The S.W.U. presents the Debutantes. It’s also a proud father’s night and a fun family evening. The S.W.U. Junior League members (former Debutantes) have now taken over the duties of planning their Cotillion Ball. This year it will be on Oct. 28, 1978 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. COCONUT COOKIES 1 cup granulated sugar Vs cup brown sugar (packed) Vz cup margarine 2 eggs 1 t. salt It. vanilla 2 cups flour 1 cup shredded coconut 1 T. water 1 t. baking soda With spoon stir sugar, mar- the young people get started. In recognizing these active young people, the doers and to- garine, eggs, salt, soda, and va-morrow’s hope for S.W.U., we nilla until smooth. Add remain-wish them the best to have a ing ingredients and mix .well, successful event on Oct. 28, 1978. Drop by rounded Vz teaspoon-Young ladies .between the about 1 in. apart on lightly ages of 16 and 21 are eligible to greased cookie sheet. Bake in become a Slovenian Women’s Fre"-*iea^eci 375° oven 7-8 mi-Union Debutante and be presen- nutes or until tops are firm and ted at our gala Presentation cookies are golden brown. Cool Ball. on rack. Store in air tight con- For n^ore information, please tainer up to 3 weeks. Makes call the Ball Committee Officers ^-11 doz. of the S.W.U. Junior League. Pres. Carol Globokar 486-2012 V. Pres. Mary Ann Globokar 261-2856" , Sec’y. Carol Cooke Kazen Please call in the evening. Mrs. F. O’Kicki Euclid, Ohio ---o-----— Ljubljana News i (Continued from Page 5) America. On your feet, Slovene societies!” Šavs applauded, these senti- m e n t s wholeheartedly. He pointed out how such groups as the Poles, Czechs, and Slo- - t • , vaks were growing increasingly K1'tb Li"“ T Y0Ur amT get beaut;fuI; proud of their respective na- members and their officers are pictures of autumn’s colorful tionalitie3 evolved rn boost.ng and pro- changing foliage when the. Sl0venes t0 do the s!lme ..Wlth moung the b,g event of he eaves are m their greatestj the estebiishment of a ,slovene year and that of eourse >s the beauty. 1 jednota’ we will show the peo- grand annual Dmner-Dance to i It .3 not too eaply for our! Ies o£ Am’erica that w/are oe held on Sunday, October 10, members.to thmk of the annual ca ble an(, desirous of bei it the Slovenian Society Home election or officers for 1979. The; e al with them in the £ Entered into rest on September 24, 1974 A beautiful memory of one so dear, We cherish still with love sincere. Till memory fades and life departs, You’ll live forever in our hearts. Sadly missed by: CLARA A., — Wife DONALD F., — Son NANCY, — Daughter-in-law LOUIS, AND SHELLI MARCH, Grandchildren LISA ANN MARCH — Great-Granddaughter Cleveland, Ohio, September 22, 1978. OATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS 1317 End the month of September to be served at 7:00 PM. and the start of the Harvest! Dance to the lively lib’15’ Season in the company with ' tones of Marauders Orches in Recher Avenue in Euclid, O. present group has been doing; ^ To make this affair more-sue-_ such a terrific job that pernapk on t - k. your friends (prijateli). The at- after savoring the contentnV’1 of the delicious food. cessxul than all of the previous;you wish to reward them with It wag with thoughts £uch as affairs the committee has en-j another term. On the othet the3* that the vitaTgrountlwork gaged the services of the popu-(hana prehaps our membership for the creation of what came ar Somrack Marauders Orches-; would like to make some minor to ....... mosphere of home (domače) PW gLLSL C1VlllZatl0r- S° cooking and warm friendliness will prevail throughout the evening. The Catholic Order of Fores- All the above for a paN sum (unhelieveable) of 7.00 lars per person. Contact Rudy Massera tra that will satisfy the tastes of all the dancers of polkas, waltzes and fox trots, too. In addition to all the dancing run, the committee has also engaged the services of Marica changes. This will be entirely,^ manw A^wordT^ed for their ^tendance to a Dinner-j Urbas 881-1031, for your ters extends an invitation to all 7137, Al Germ 381-3958 or 391' Toni5 up to you at the nominating and election meeting which will be held. Tuesday, November 28, at 8 p.m. This is .the first year that elections will be okar to prepare .and cater this held in November , and away affair with the delicious' variety of foods and goodies that Marica is so capable of preparing. The Dinner-Dance will get under way at 5 p.m. with the above mentioned tasty Sloven from the busy.; December holiday rush. To sum up all 'the above . ’. Diriner-Dance; — Sunday, October 15th starting at 5 p.m and dancing from 7 to 11 p.m. any ian style meal and be followed i member : for tickets at $6.00 the Marauders’ tantalizing ■ each or call Christine Kovach, by tunes from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. Invitations for this grand affair are available from any member of Klub Ljubljana for inly $6.00, get yourst early so that you do not miss out on this fun day on October 15th. Stanley Laurich, tour chairman has arranged another bus tour for the members, and this will take us to Marietta, Ohio’s oldest city on the banks of the Ohio River across from West Virginia. This bus tour will take place on Tuesday, October 17 starting from the Recher Avenue Hall at 7 a.m. and return at 7 p.m. A “Continental” breakfast will be served en route at a roadside park . . . orange juice coffee and rolls. We will continue on to Marietta. Once there we will tour this old and great city, we will enjoy a boat ride on the beautiful Ohio River, a visit to the Fenton Glass Works and a luscious dinner at a fine restaurant. Upon our return trip we will stop at a McDonald’s for a snack and this of course is optional. All this is combined in a package price of $19.50 with reservations to be made with Stanley by next meeting night Tuesday, September 26, or you may call Stan at 732-9415. First come, first served. Those of you who will join us in this trip are advised to bring president at 481-0205. Tv -t? may be available at the Ha. ,>r Club Room, too. October 17th, bus trip to Marietta i . . $19.50, call Stan at 732-9415. Remember the nominations and elections of officers on Tuesday, Novembre 28th. Until the next time .... Rudy Lokar, Reporter Ward 23 Reports Cleveland Ward 23 Councilman John Milakovich files this report: New Cleveland Trust Bank is being built, on E. 40 St. Sidewalks on E. 71 St. to E. 79 St. — St. Clair to Donald Avenue have been repaired thru a Federal Grant without any charge to the residents. The building at 7108 St. Clair was torn down and cleaned up in three days. Grinnell Co. cleaned the lot at the corner of E. 55 St. and Carey Ave. I Street signs pertaining to parking have been replaced. Three benches have been installed at St. Francis Church. On August 13 the Councilman donated 45 tickets to the Indians baseball game to our Perry Little League teams. by Šavs and the Pueblo society are as fresh today as they were ' 85 years ago. It is also clear that the wish to provide economic security to members and I .their families was not the only) .goal of men like Šušteršič, Šavs,! Editor: Dance at the renowned auditor- vations or any other inforr5V ium of St. Vitus. Doors will be lion. opened at 6:00 P.M. to wet your | See you’all down at St. Vitu'’ ! appetite to a scrumptious dinner the 30th of September. iter rraprs and those who composed the letter from Pueblo so extensively quoted above. These men also realized that the kind of “Jednota” the Slovenes needed houid serve a broader purpose. Tt should help unite the Slovene Americans as a group, ■oromote the cultivation of their common heritage, their culture, language, and religion. This was a philosophy to which the soon o be established KSKJ would adhere faithfully. The several other Jednotas or Zvezas that would appear within the Slovene American community over die next decades, while differ-’ng in their interpretation of the principles that should guide Slovene Americans, neverthe-ess all agreed that their organizations should be more than merely insurance societies. NEXT: Towards the founding of the KSKJ. Special American Home Issue to Honor Lausche On Oct. 20, the American Home newspaper will run a special edition dedicated to Frank J, Lausche. It will be published to coinside with the “Slovenian Night” on Sat., Oct. 28. Newspapers will be distributed to guests at the prestigious Cleveland State event. Persons wishing to write an article about Lausche should submit to the American Home no later than Monday, Oct. 16. Sr. M. Bertha Persich 9536 Ewing Ave. Chicago, 111. 60617 has come to live with us. I let her read my Ameriška Domovina, therefore, please discontinue to send it to her. At that address there are no Slovenian Sisters. I thank you in her name for sending our beloved A.D. to her. May God reward you for your kindness and send you many subscribers. I am sorry I can not write for A.D. any more. I can not hold the pen, as you notice I’m only scribbling. Since it is God’s will I must accept it. Please tell my former readers that I’m including them in my daily prey-era and ask them to remember me in theirs. May God bless them all. Best regards and greetings to you and your good wife, Mrs. Debevec. In the love of the Sacred lam .oj Sr. Mary Lavoslava Tur.1: ------o------- mmmvt By STAN MAJEE Because of the willingness ^ a St. Clair businessman t° involved, and fast respond the Cleveland Police SO1 Force, still another undesir^ is behind bars facing chargc-'v Plain clothesmenAaron v nom and Dan Rood from the ' Police District (Strike FnrCH serving under Inspector K0> Geither, made the arrest. --------------o----- to Steal - It’s Steak and Clambake P „ at the A.M.L.A. Winners Center in Leroy, Ohio, on ^ ce day, October 1, 1978! again, we cordially invite members and friends to j0’55 J for a grand time at the picnic of the season at A.M.L.A. Center. ^,.r The clambake and .steak ,j, ner will be catered by the ' known, efficient crew of Heights Catering Co. froO 5 P.M., while the bandK g, will have the popular Ri(-h Pg. nal Orchestra playing Orchestra I h a p p y, toe-tapping fh'1 J Winners of St. Vitus Altar throughout the afternoon Society Give Away, last Sun-1 early evening! ^ day, were: 1st Prize — Afghan, ‘ Anna Fortuna; 2nd Prize — Af-! ghan, Mary Kolar; 3rd Prize — bottle of Cheer, Mary Cimperman; 4th Prize — Lap robe, Josephine Zak. Jennie Feme All former students of St. Lawrence School are invited to a reunion, Saturday, Sept. 23, 1978 at the Slovenian - E 80th National Home. Be sure to obtain your - ^ tickets in advance by ci* ANNA MAE MANNION at Pt 6136, or the A.M.L. office gz 361-0886. All local lodge ^ ( taries also have tickets for convenience. Let’s have a grand turn0 ^ the A.M.L.A. Clambake ^ Steak Dinner on Sunday> y? 1st —- just off Route 90 ^ roy, Ohio! . c Helen NoV