ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 145 MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT Rado PIŠOT 1, Jurij PLANINŠEC 2 1 University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, Institute for Kinesiology Research, Slovenia 2 University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Slovenia Corresponding author Rado Pišot University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, Institute for Kinesiology Research, Garibaldijeva 1, Koper, Slovenia e-mail: ABSTRACT Motor development consists of dynamic and continuous development in motor be- haviour and is refl ected in motor competences (on the locomotive, manipulative and postural level) and motor abilities (coordination, strength, speed, balance, fl exibility, precision and endurance). This is a complex process in which a child acquires mo- tor abilities and knowledge in interaction with inherited and environmental factors. A sample of 603 boys and girls, of which 263 were aged fi ve (age deviation +/– 3 days; 18,5 ± 3,1kg body weight; 109,4 ± 4,3 cm body height) and 340 were aged six and a half (age deviation +/– 3 days; 23, 7 ± 4, 3 kg body weight; 121 ± 4,8 cm body height), were involved in this study after written consent was obtained from their parents. The children’s motor structure was established through the application of 28 tests that had been verifi ed on the Slovene population and established as adequate for the study of motor abilities in the sample children. The factor analysis was applied to uncover the latent structure of motor space, and PB (Štalec & Momirović) criteria were used to establish the number of signifi cant basic components. The analysis of the motor space structure revealed certain particularities for each age period. In the sample of 5 year old children, the use of PB criterion revealed four latent motor dimensions, in 6.5 year old children, the latent motor space structure was described with four (boys) and fi ve (girls) factors. Despite the existence of gender differences in motor space structure and certain particularities in each age period mostly related to the factors which infl uence movement coordination, several very similar dimensions were discovered in both sexes. original scientifi c article UDC: 796.012.1-053.5/.6 received: 2010-09-20 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 146 Being aware of different approaches to researching motor structure and analyz- ing basic movement competences in the development process is a special challenge oriented towards discovering adequate and exact instruments, protocols and methods. Keywords: early childhood, motor development, motor skills and knowledge, motor structure, factor analysis. STRUKTURA MOTORIKE IN RAZVOJ TEMELJNIH GIBALNIH KOMPETENC V ZGODNJEM OTROŠTVU IZVLEČEK Gibalni razvoj predstavljajo dinamične in večinoma kontinuirane spremembe v gi- balnem vedenju, ki se kažejo v razvoju gibalnih znanj (lokomotorne, manipulativne in stabilnostne) ter gibalnih sposobnosti (koordinacija, moč, hitrost, ravnotežje, giblji- vost, natančnost in vzdržljivost). V tem procesu, s pomočjo katerega otrok pridobiva gibalne spretnosti in vzorce, prihaja do pomembne interakcije med genetskimi in okolj- skimi vplivi. V študiji je po podpisanem soglasju staršev sodelovalo 603 otrok; od tega je bilo 263 otrok starih 5 let (SD starost +/- 3 dni, telesna teža 18,5 ± 3,1 kg, telesna višina 109,4 ± 4,3 cm) ter 340 otrok starih šest let in pol (SD starost +/- 3 dni, telesna teža 23,7 ± 4,3, telesna višina 121 ± 4,8 cm). Za oceno gibalnih sposobnosti je bila upo- rabljena baterija 28 testov, ki so bili predhodno preverjeni na slovenski populaciji otrok in so se kot primerni izkazali tudi na izbranem vzorcu otrok. Za ugotavljanje latentne strukture motoričnega prostora smo uporabili metodo faktorske analize, za ekstrakcijo glavnih component smo uporabili PB-kriterij (Štalec in Momirović). Analiza strukture motoričnega prostora kaže določene značilnosti za vsako starostno obdobje. V vzorcu 5-letnih otrok uporaba PB kriterija razkrije 4 glavne motorične dimenzije, v vzorcu 6,5-letnih otrok pa je latnetni motorični prostor opisan z 4 faktorji pri dečkih in 5 pri deklicah. Kljub razlikovanju strukture motoričnega prostora med spoloma, je nekaj dimenzij zelo podobnih. Največje razlike med spoloma se kažejo pri faktorjih, ki opre- deljujejo koordinacijo gibanja. Različni pristopi v raziskovanju motorične strukture in analize gibalnih kompetenc v procesu gibalnega razvoja predstavljajo poseben izziv, usmerjen v raziskovanje in načrtovanje primernih orodij, protokolov in metod. Ključne besede: zgodnje otroštvo, gibalni razvoj, gibalne sposobnosti in znanje, struktura motorike, faktorska analiza Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 147 INTRODUCTION Motor abilities are crucial for individual motor effi ciency on which depends the per- formance of different motor tasks (Šturm & Strojnik, 1994). These are abilities which cause individual differences in motor effi ciency or in human characteristics on the basis of which these differences are explained (Schmidt, 1991). The level of motor abilities indicates the limits of the individual potential to perform certain motor competences (Magill, 1998). Acquired motor skills and developed motor abilities are fundamental factors of a child’s motor competence (Pišot, et al., 2010) on the basis of which we can monitor harmony and deviations in a child’s motor development. Motor development consists of dynamic and mostly continuous development in motor behaviour and is refl ected in the development of motor abilities (coordination, strength, speed, balance, fl exibility, precision) and functional abilities (endurance) and motor competences (on the postural, locomotive and manipulative level) (Gallahue & Ozmun, 2006). This is a complex process in which a child acquires motor abilities and knowledge in interaction with genetic and environmental factors (Latash, 2008). Genetic factors are crucial for neuromuscular maturation, morphological charac- teristics (especially in terms of size), dimensions and body composition, physiological characteristics and the pace of growth and maturation (Malina, Bouchard & Bar-Or, 2004). Among environmental factors, previous motor experiences and the acquisition of new motor experiences have the most important infl uence. Thus a very important segment of motor development is the development of motor abilities which is continu- ous over a period of time although occasional periods of stagnation and even decline in abilities are typical (Pišot & Planinšec, 2005). Some motor abilities reach their highest level sooner, some later. Early childhood is characterised by a very intensive develop- ment of some motor abilities, such as speed and coordination, whereas the development of others such as balance, strength, fl exibility and endurance is a bit slower (Malina, et al., 2004; Thomas & French, 1985). It is also typical that signifi cant individual differ- ences occur. Each individual has their own pace of development determined by their “biological clock” (Gallahue & Ozmun, 2006). Different measurement procedures intended for the study of kinesiology itself and identifying the association with other psychosomatic dimensions are used in order to identify motor abilities. There are different approaches to studying and explaining mo- tor effi ciency, thus the existence of more classifi cations of motor abilities. Schmidt (1991) states that the study of motor abilities in the USA is based on re- search from the fi fties and sixties in which the method of factor analysis was used to determine the structure of motor abilities (Fleishman, 1964; Fleishman & Bartlett, 1969; adapted from Schmidt, 1991). The number of motor abilities depends mainly on the criteria we consider or on the approach to the study (Schmidt & Lee, 1999). Schmidt and Lee (1999) emphasize that individual motor abilities can be more or less ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 148 linked to each other, different abilities are often infl uenced by the same factors, which are extremely diffi cult to recognize. However, the authors understand motor abilities as relatively independent. They also discovered that there are still some ambiguities regarding the study of human motor effi ciency. One of the possible classifi cations of the structure of motor abilities is offered by Magill (1998) who mainly originates in the studies of Fleishman (Fleishman, 1972, adapted from Magill, 1998; Fleishman & Quaintance, 1984; adapted from Magill, 1998) and basically assumes the existence of two categories of motor abilities; the fi rst are perceptive-motor abilities (coordination, control of movement – preparation of re- sponse and reaction time, …), the others are abilities which relate to the body capacity (strength, fl exibility, balance, endurance, …). Much information so far confi rms that the models of motor abilities are hierarchical. The studies of Kurelić et al., 1975; Gredelj et al., 1975; Metikoš et al., 1989; Bös, 1994, explained primarily within the functional and structural models, revealed that there are two massive dimensions of wide range regulation which are dominant in defi ning the structure of motor space. The fi rst one prevails in all motor activities in which the processes of structure, control and regulation of movement are very important for per- forming a motor task. Therefore this dimension is probably linked to mechanisms for receiving and processing information. The second dimension is critical to those motor tasks in which energy effi ciency is particularly important; it is also linked to various peripheral subsystems and morphological characteristics. This means that any physical / sport activity is regulated by information and energy components which are constantly interwoven and combined (Šturm & Strojnik, 1994; Bös, 1994). Most studies which have examined the structure of motor abilities on a sample of children suggest that younger subjects show a certain differentiation of motor abilities, but it is far from that measured in adult subjects. The impact of a general factor of mo- torics is often present which mainly includes the coordination and information compo- nent in general. The structure of motor abilities changes with age. The most signifi cant changes apply to those motor dimensions which are under the infl uence of cortical regulation mechanisms. On the contrary, dimensions which are under the infl uence of subcortical regulation mechanisms are more stable. A different approach to studying motor abilities of younger children was used by Planinšec and Čagran (2001). They state that children differ mainly in general motor ability, determined by information and energy component which mostly infl uences the prevailing motor type. A study conducted on the sample of four to seven year old children revealed that there may be a potential motor capacity (Bala, 2003). Quantitative differences between sexes showed that boys achieve much better results in tests of explosive power and functional coordination of basic motor abilities, whereas girls achieve better results in fl exibility tests. Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 149 Eurofi t Test Battery (1993) was explored on a sample of fi ve to seven year old chil- dren by I. Fjortoft (2000). She found that tests are useful for the indicated age group and that they achieve a suitable level of reliability. She eliminated three factors by using factor analysis and contrary to the research of others, (Oja & Jurimae, 1997) achieve- ments in motor tests did not depend on the body weight and height of the children. A series of studies of the structure of motor abilities in young children was done by Rajtmajer (e.g. 1992, 1993a, 1993b 1996, 1997b) and later by Pišot (1997, 1999a, 1999b, 2000, 2003, 2005) and Planinšec (1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005). These studies represent the basis of studying motor abilities in young children in Slovenia. Based on this research, a battery of motor tests was done which are suitable for young children. There are considerable differences in studying motor effi ciency in young children and the results of studies are in accordance with some aspects but not with others. However, everything depends on the type of motor tests used. Therefore we still do not have a reliable answer to the question what is the structure of motor abilities in young children. In our study, in which we analysed the structure of motor space on the sample of fi ve and six and a half year old children using the very sharp PB criterion and the de- fi ned factors are real to the largest extent possible, we expect some new answers about present differentiation and peculiarities of the defi ned motor abilities in children at that age. Taking into account the nature of our research and goals, motor abilities will be presented and explained primarily within the functional (Kurelić et al., 1975, Gredelj et al., 1975) and structural (Metikoš et al., 1989) models. METHODS Subjects The sample of this research consisted of 603 boys and girls, of which 263 were aged fi ve (of which 125 boys and 138 girls; age deviation +/– 3 days; 18.5 ± 3.1 kg body weight; 109.4 ± 4.3 cm body height;) and 340 were aged six and a half (of which 174 boys and 166 girls; age deviation ± 3 days; 23.7 ± 4.3 kg body weight; 121 ± 4.8 cm body height). The age of the sample was precisely defi ned which allows for qualitative comparisons and identifying changes between different age groups. The children were completely healthy during the measurements. Parents and children were informed in detail and in advance of the procedure of measurements and parents signed a written consent form in order to participate in the study. The study was conducted following the guidelines set by the Declaration of Helsinki. ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 150 Measurements For the assessment of motor abilities, 28 tests were used; all had been standard- ized on a Slovenian population. The motor tests were created especially for an age group of preschool children and had been thoroughly verifi ed in others studies (e.g., Rajtmajer & Proje, 1990; Rajtmajer, 1993; Pišot, 1994, Planinšec, 1995). The motor tests belong to the following hypothetical dimensions: whole-body coordination (roll- ing a ball around a hoop - KKOTZO, walking on rungs backwards - KLILEN, walk- ing through hoops backwards - KHOONA, crowling backward - KPOLNA, crawling under a bench - KPLAKL, crawling with a ball - KPLAZO, running after crawling - KTEKOT); hand coordination (circling a ball around the body - KROZOT, rolling a ball around the feet - KKOTZS, leading a ball with two hands in a standing position - KUDARZ, building a tower from big foam rubber cubes – KOCPV7, menaging hollow cubes - KOCKVO, building a tower from small wooden cubes – KOCLM8); agility (stepping sideways - KBOTEK, running with changing directions - KTEKSS, running in a zigzag - KTEKCC); explosive strength (standing broad jump - EXMSDZ, standing triple jump – EXMSD3, standing high jump - EXMSVI); repetitive strength (stepping on a bench - VDMKLO, sideways jumps - VDMBPO, sideways jumps with hand sup- port - VDMBPR); speed of simple movements (hand tapping in two fi elds – HITAR1, foot tapping - HITTAN, hand tapping in 4 fi elds – HITAR2); and balance (standing on a block longitudinally - RSLKVV, standing on a block crosswise - RSLKVP, standing on a vertical block - RSPKVA). Procedure The measurements of motor abilities were always carried out before noon in spe- cially prepared rooms in the Maribor Pediatric Hospital, Slovenia. The entire testing time of one child did not exceed two hours. The measurements were carried out by qualifi ed experts. The rate of testing was twenty-fi ve children per day. The children carried out three repetitions of each motor test. Statistics Data processing was performed with SPSS software. The basic statistical indicators were calculated. The factor analysis model was used to determine the structure of latent space of motor dimensions and PB (Štalec & Momirović, 1971) criterion to extract the main number of important principal components. We used PB criterion, according to which the number of main components stops when the minimal common quantity of valid variance of the system of manifest variables is exhausted. Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 151 RESULTS The analysis of the correlation matrix (Table 1) between individual tests to measure motor abilities in fi ve year old children reveals that almost 85 percent of correlation coeffi cients are statistically signifi cant at the level of risk p < 0.05 (< or = 0,105; at the level of risk p < 0,01 < or = 0,138). We can conclude that the set of motor variables is homogeneous, as there are a large number of statistically signifi cant correlations between the tests. Motor variables could be divided into those with very little or low correlations with other tests and those with high correlations. The fi rst group includes all balance tests, stacking blocks tests and some coordina- tion tests. The second group includes standing broad jump, standing triple jump, side jumps, stepping into a bench, arm plate tapping, leg plate tapping and almost all coor- dination tests. The correlation matrix shows that movement coordination (regarding the highest correlations with other measurement procedures) has the most important correlation with the whole motor effi ciency at the period of 5 years of age. Among all the tests, especially the crowling backwards test has the highest correlation with others, followed by rolling a ball around a hoop, walk backwards through a hoop, crawling under a bench, standing triple jump and walk backwards on wall bars. Structure of motor abilities in fi ve year old children The calculated communalities of motor variables reveal that the range of values extends from the lowest 0.14 to the highest 0.76. The communality of variables is there- fore very different. On the average the values are around 0.50. It should be noted that fi ve year old children were measured and that the structure of most motor testes was very complex so the communalities are satisfactory. That PB criterion (which is very strict and is considered to give the smallest number of important factors aiming towards hypofactorisation) revealed four factors which to- gether explain 45 % of common variance of the system of manifest variables. The fi rst main component explains 28.4 % of system variance which is more than 60 % of all explained variance. The relation of the explained variance shows that the fi rst main component can be defi ned as a general motor factor. By analysing the factor matrix we found that almost 85 % of all motor variables have the highest projections on the fi rst main component. Table 2 shows the structures of motor factors which were obtained by applying the criterion PB. This would result from the correlation matrix of motor variables, the matrix of main components, matrix concatenation, the structure matrix and factor cor- ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 152 Ta bl e 1: T he m ot or v ar ia bl es c or re la tio n m at ri x in fi ve y ea r o ld c hi ld re n. EX M SD Z EX M SD 3 EX M SV I V D M K LO V D M B PO V D M B PR H IT A R 1 H IT TA N H IT A R 2 R SL K V V EX M SD Z 1. 00 EX M SD 3 .7 46 1. 00 EX M SV I .3 49 .2 92 1. 00 V D M K LO .3 36 .3 20 .2 92 1. 00 V D M B PO .3 89 .3 73 .1 57 49 6 1. 00 V D M B PR .3 05 .2 57 .0 65 .4 47 60 5 1. 00 H IT A R 1 .3 24 .3 58 .1 21 .3 98 .4 56 .4 04 1. 00 H IT TA N .3 21 .3 29 .0 98 .3 81 .4 10 .3 55 .7 12 1. 00 H IT A R 2 .2 84 .2 95 .1 63 .3 92 .3 86 .3 67 .3 99 45 7 1. 00 R SL K V V .2 01 .2 20 .1 41 .2 26 .2 63 .2 25 .2 04 .2 02 .1 34 1. 00 R SL K V P .1 58 .1 15 .0 44 .1 96 .1 32 .1 75 .1 76 .1 61 .1 18 .2 17 R SL K VA .2 14 .1 55 .0 99 .1 09 .1 68 .1 87 .1 66 .1 23 .0 49 .4 04 K R O ZO T .2 59 .2 27 .1 44 .4 09 .3 60 .4 06 .5 09 .3 90 .3 25 .1 06 K K O TZ S .0 96 .0 99 .0 18 .2 85 .3 32 .3 17 .2 21 .1 51 .1 75 .1 64 K K O TZ O -.2 71 -.2 89 -.3 14 -,3 74 -.3 27 -.2 71 -.3 21 -.2 89 -.2 50 -.1 53 K O C PV 7 -.1 54 -.1 73 -.0 86 -.2 75 -.1 88 -.1 97 -.2 57 -.2 33 -.1 86 -.1 38 K O C K V O -.1 74 -.2 51 -.0 81 -.1 45 -.2 41 -.2 73 -.3 40 -.2 90 -.2 05 -.1 18 K O C LM 8 -.2 42 -.2 12 -.1 12 -.3 36 -.2 05 -.2 36 -.2 93 -.3 12 -.2 55 -.1 43 K LI LE N -.2 69 -.3 19 -.2 75 -.3 31 -.3 02 -.2 80 -.3 22 -.3 07 -.2 66 -.1 78 K H O O N A -.3 28 -.3 48 -.2 34 -.3 59 -.2 36 -.2 65 -.2 67 -.2 79 -.2 02 -.1 32 K PO LN A -.4 24 -.4 25 -.2 44 -.4 09 -.3 19 -.3 64 -.2 88 -.2 87 -.2 75 -.2 13 K PL A K L -.3 39 -.3 12 -.2 84 -,4 08 -.3 84 -.3 23 -.1 93 -.1 80 -.2 11 -.2 35 K PL A ZO -.3 38 -.3 40 -.2 52 -.2 94 -.2 85 -.2 79 -.2 53 -.2 63 -.2 33 -.1 85 K TE K O T -.2 78 -.2 60 -.2 12 -.2 81 -.2 16 -.2 32 -.2 93 -.2 64 -.2 44 -.0 93 K TE K SS -.3 34 -.3 38 -.2 14 -.3 66 -.3 67 -.2 49 -.3 32 -.2 43 -.2 29 -.0 43 K B O TE K -.2 85 -.2 31 -.1 94 -.1 93 -.3 09 -.1 44 -.3 23 -.2 69 -.2 16 -.1 28 K TE K C C -.2 83 -.2 94 -.1 66 -.3 47 -.3 69 -.2 53 -.2 93 -.2 57 -.2 52 -.1 06 K U D A R ZO .2 76 -.2 73 .1 50 .3 04 .4 07 .3 99 .3 50 .3 16 .2 42 .1 44 PP IK ZO .0 70 .0 67 .0 57 .0 96 .1 59 .0 69 .0 37 01 9 .1 03 .0 49 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 153 R SL K V P R SL K VA K R O ZO T K K O TZ S K K O TZ O K O C PV 7 K O C K V O K O C LM 8 K LI LE N K H O O N A EX M SD Z EX M SD 3 EX M SV I V D M K LO V D M B PO V D M B PR H IT A R 1 H IT TA N H IT A R 2 R SL K V V R SL K V P 1. 00 R SL K VA .1 68 1. 00 K R O ZO T .0 56 .0 75 1. 00 K K O TZ S .1 82 .0 51 .2 20 1. 00 K K O TZ O -.2 07 -.1 52 -.2 73 -.2 59 1. 00 K O C PV 7 -.1 19 -.1 21 -.2 12 -.1 44 .3 20 1. 00 K O C K V O -.0 87 -.1 13 -.2 02 -.2 17 .2 89 .2 75 1. 00 K O C LM 8 -.0 32 -.1 41 -.3 02 -.1 58 .3 41 .5 12 .2 64 1. 00 K LI LE N -.1 43 -.1 12 -.3 19 -.2 80 .4 49 .1 44 .1 46 .2 20 1. 00 K H O O N A -.1 43 -.1 05 -.2 43 -.2 03 .4 05 .2 20 .3 37 .3 16 .3 93 1. 00 K PO LN A -.2 04 -.1 83 -.2 85 -.2 74 .4 83 .2 61 .3 22 .3 20 .4 40 .7 99 K PL A K L -.2 05 -.2 06 -.2 35 -.2 65 .3 63 .2 52 .1 94 .2 35 .2 99 .4 41 K PL A ZO -.1 46 -.1 41 -.1 78 -.2 16 .3 97 .2 78 .2 38 .2 89 .2 53 .3 24 K TE K O T -.1 66 -.0 97 -.2 27 -.0 74 .3 08 .2 50 .2 41 .2 48 .2 68 .4 10 K TE K SS -.0 78 -.0 51 -.3 35 -.1 52 .3 15 .2 13 .2 78 .2 59 .2 91 .3 86 K B O TE K -.0 99 -.1 19 -.2 03 -.0 54 .2 14 .0 25 .1 27 .1 62 .2 30 .2 05 K TE K C C -.0 88 -.0 64 -.2 76 -.2 04 .3 24 .2 33 .2 06 .2 34 .3 83 .3 40 K U D A R ZO .1 27 .0 90 .3 66 .2 59 -.3 44 -.1 34 -.2 15 -.2 39 -.1 56 -.1 12 PP IK ZO .1 35 -.0 34 -.0 12 .1 56 -.0 72 -.1 07 -.0 97 -.0 51 -.0 99 -.0 68 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 154 K PO LN A K PL A K L K PL A ZO K TE K O T K TE K SS K B O TE K K TE K C C K U D A R ZO PP IK ZO EX M SD Z EX M SD 3 EX M SV I V D M K LO V D M B PO V D M B PR H IT A R 1 H IT TA N H IT A R 2 R SL K V V R SL K V P R SL K VA K R O ZO T K K O TZ S K K O TZ O K O C PV 7 K O C K V O K O C LM 8 K LI LE N K H O O N A K PO LN A 1. 00 K PL A K L .4 57 1. 00 K PL A ZO .4 27 .4 64 1. 00 K TE K O T .4 79 .2 60 .2 97 1. 00 K TE K SS .4 98 .3 68 .2 10 .3 54 1. 00 K B O TE K .2 23 .1 69 .0 94 .3 40 .3 43 1. 00 K TE K C C .4 37 .2 71 .1 95 .2 31 .5 36 .2 04 1. 00 K U D A R ZO -.1 94 -.1 72 -.2 49 -.1 89 -.0 91 .1 65 .2 31 1. 00 PP IK ZO -.0 90 -.1 28 -.1 77 -.0 49 -.1 02 -.0 96 -.1 03 -.0 84 1. 00 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 155 relation matrix. The fi rst motor factor was called Motor Coordination, the second factor represents Speed of Alternative Movements, the third factor is Static Equilibrium, and the fourth factor has the characteristics of Coordination of Limb Movement. Table 2: The most important values from matrix concatenation and matrix structure in fi ve year old children (PB criterion). Motor factors Variables Values from matrix concatenation Values from matrix structure Motor coordination KPOLNA –0.853 –0.844 KHOONA –0.849 –0.784 KTEKSS –0.622 –0.653 KTEKOT –0.582 –0.595 KKOTZO –0.549 –0.639 KPLAKL –0.548 –0.614 KTEKCC –0.504 –0.573 KPLAZO –0.466 –0.551 KLILEN –0.470 –0.565 EXMSVI 0.459 0.442 Speed of alternative movement HITAR1 0.812 0.799 HITTAN 0.763 0.747 KROZOT 0.674 0.678 VDMBPO 0.662 0.716 VDMBPR 0.633 0.670 KUDARZ 0.616 0.599 HITAR2 0.596 0.616 VDMKLO 0.455 0.611 Static equilibrium RSLKVV 0.691 0.697 RSPKVA 0.630 0.621 RSLKVP 0.463 0.493 Coordination of limb movement EXMSDZ 0.492 0.457 EXMSD3 0.449 0.417 KOCPV7 0.447 0.458 KKOTZS –0.427 –0.452 KBOTEK –0.416 –0.406 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 156 Table 3: Factors correlation matrix in fi ve year old children - PB criterion. FACTOR 1 FACTOR 2 FACTOR 3 FACTOR 4 FACTOR 1 1.00 FACTOR 2 .486 1.00 FACTOR 3 .250 .202 1.00 FACTOR 4 -.022 -.029 -.068 1.00 The correlation matrix (Table 3) of motor factors which we received by applying PB criterion reveals that there is a relatively important correlation between variables of motor coordination and the speed of alternative movements. Therefore, both factors are important to perform complex motor tasks effi ciently. The balance factor has low correlation with the second and a bit higher, but still low with the fi rst factor. The cor- relation of coordination limb movement factor with the others are not signifi cant, the only really signifi cant correlation is between the fi rst and the second factor. Structures of motor space in six and a half year old children Latent structure of motor space in six and a half year old girls according to PB criterion Furthermore, we study motor space of girls at the age of six and a half. To get complete information and to facilitate the understanding of individual phenomena in a child’s motorics, we present the structure obtained from a very sharp PB criterion (Ta- ble 4) and the defi ned factors are real to the largest extent possible. The latent structure of motor dimensions is, according to PB criterion, defi ned by only fi ve latent dimensions. They explain 48.2 % of the common variance of the sys- tem. The fi rst proper value explains 21.8 % of the variance, the remaining four from 7.9% to 5.5%. As the fi rst main component exhausted almost half of the explained variance, it represented latent dimension which is responsible for a considerable part of the variability of the system variables. The fi rst motor factor is very complexly struc- tured, therefore we called it the ability to solve spatial problems and explosive power, the second factor is called the speed of alternative movements, the third factor has the characteristics of keeping the balance, the fourth factor represents the ability to realise integrated programs of movement, the fi fth represents the coordination of hands. Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 157 Table 4: Results of factor analysis in six and a half year old children (girls) PB criterion. FACTOR 1 FACTOR 2 FACTOR 3 FACTOR 4 FACTOR 5 EXMSDZ1 0.69653 –0.01563 0.00328 0.02404 0.08110 EXMSD31 0.63322 0.05749 –0.09376 –0.14979 0.04699 EXMSVI1 0.59921 –0.20085 0.01726 –0.00962 0.10521 VDMKLO1 0.17643 0.43737 0.14330 –0.07439 0.04102 VDMBPO1 –0.01780 0.50305 0.22618 –0.12156 –0.36213 VDMBPR1 –0.04272 0.55525 0.33319 –0.01351 –0.06529 HITAR11 –0.00049 0.68907 –0.05014 –0.08858 –0.16239 HITTAN1 –0.00483 0.57486 0.10089 –0.18493 –0.16101 HITAR21 –0.14126 0.31704 0.11605 0.02312 –0.47572 RSLKVV1 0.02312 0.08652 0.74787 –0.07949 0.17906 RSLKVP1 0.06250 –0.05407 0.77070 –0.04775 0.09153 RSPKVA1 0.03793 –0.11370 0.75919 0.01484 –0.16548 KROZOT1 –0.12422 0.66242 –0.04325 –0.09268 0.40520 KKOTZS1 0.05338 0.24142 0.19520 0.02243 0.69034 KKOTZO1 –0.36874 –0.35742 –0.04849 –0.17607 –0.19769 KOCPV71 –0.19080 –0.56108 0.18582 –0.09038 –0.04167 KOCKVO1 –0.09087 –0.12179 –0.02657 0.09946 0.62760 KOCLM81 –0.29061 –0.47654 0.27158 –0.06962 0.08754 KLILEN1 –0.36866 –0.18357 –0.07891 0.24940 –0.09081 KHOONA1 –0.70979 –0.06683 –0.04060 –0.04071 0.01845 KPOLNA1 –0.59580 –0.18182 –0.08358 0.05817 0.02394 KPLAKL1 –0.54196 –0.09026 –0.34902 –0.05412 0.15934 KPLAZO1 –0.58052 –0.01891 –0.22835 –0.16836 0.16320 KTEKOT1 –0.28459 –0.01219 0.09932 0.06989 0.13005 KTEKSS1 0.01971 0.04066 –0.02469 0.88890 –0.00145 KBOTEK1 0.02516 0.01448 –0.08669 0.87742 0.00809 KTEKCC1 –0.40937 –0.15223 0.07741 0.50930 0.10878 KUDARZ1 0.22528 0.26719 0.09181 0.10528 –0.20952 The factor correlation matrix (Table 5) based on PB criterion shows that there are signifi cant correlations only between the fi rst and the second isolated factor (0,33). These are dimensions which are based on the coordination abilities with different mani- festations, but certainly with the same or very similar functional basis. Other latent dimensions according to the size of coeffi cients are obviously not related. ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 158 Table 5: Factors correlation matrix in six and a half year old children (girls) PB cri- terion. FACTOR 1 FACTOR 2 FACTOR 3 FACTOR 4 FACTOR 5 FACTOR 1 1.00000 FACTOR 2 0.33562 1.00000 FACTOR 3 0.11032 0.16950 1.00000 FACTOR 4 –0.08129 –0.14482 –0.06669 1.00000 FACTOR 5 –0.07684 –0.12231 –0.06685 0.07549 1.00000 Latent structure of motor space in six and a half year old boys according to PB criterion Latent structure of motor dimensions in six and a half year old boys will be de- termined and analysed on the basis of reasonable grounds which we used to interpret the latent structure of motor dimensions in girls. The structure of motor space in boys is defi ned according to a stricter PB criterion with only four latent dimensions which together explain 44.2% variance of the system of manifest variables. The main com- ponent explains 24.5% variance of the system, which is more than half of the total ex- plained variance, the other three components explain from 8.1 to 5.3%. The fi rst motor factor in boys is called coordination of movement, the second motor factor has the char- acteristics of speed of alternative movements, the third factor has the characteristics of maintaining the balance, and the fourth factor has more complex structure and is called ability to perform motor structures with legs and hands simultaneously. Table 6: Results of factor analysis in six and a half year old children (boys) PB crite- rion. FACTOR1 FACTOR2 FACTOR3 FACTOR4 EXMSDZ 0.34705 0.05976 –0.02231 0.53253 EXMSD3 0.32644 0.02098 –0.05688 0.44830 EXMSVI –0.03108 0.07251 0.13026 0.62755 VDMKLO 0.49172 0.15558 –0.06097 –0.00431 VDMBPO 0.15114 0.61189 –0.15578 0.04357 VDMBPR 0.29591 0.44298 –0.07059 0.12793 HITAR1 –0.13982 0.76912 –0.10303 0.06500 HITTAN –0.01545 0.71220 0.03719 0.17515 HITAR2 0.03385 0.58320 –0.12635 –0.10190 RSLKVV 0.08580 0.11463 –0.70767 0.00674 RSLKVP 0.12739 0.00876 –0.73093 –0.01436 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 159 FACTOR1 FACTOR2 FACTOR3 FACTOR4 RSPKVA –0.19702 0.22038 –0.76941 0.03722 KROZOT 0.15684 0.19127 0.29057 0.42580 KKOTZS 0.46997 –0.02026 0.02151 –0.02585 KKOTZO –0.64545 –0.00203 0.08440 –0.14835 KOCPV7 –0.50378 –0.15300 –0.22667 0.21098 KOCKVO –0.03098 –0.46204 –0.16326 –0.23793 KOCLM8 –0.59407 –0.15809 –0.08309 0.14392 KLILEN –0.48591 0.20244 0.07412 –0.25919 KHOONA –0.39881 0.15782 0.13044 –0.58631 KPOLNA –0.43735 0.15893 0.05926 –0.54884 KPLAKL –0.60614 0.03462 0.20521 –0.14618 NPLAZO –0.43451 0.03397 0.24921 –0.27168 KTEKOT 0.09307 –0.07099 0.10759 –0.60158 KTEKSS 0.11557 –0.02796 0.06507 –0.60787 KBOTEK 0.06781 –0.16108 0.08950 –0.46282 KTEKCC –0.34813 –0.08827 –0.01080 –0.27835 KUDARZ 0.37333 0.39913 –0.21456 –0.11628 The factor correlation matrix (Table 7), isolated by PB criterion has no high cor- relations. The fi rst factor has the highest correlation with the fourth factor, slightly lower with the second one. As previous structure factor analysis reveals, there is a link between different forms of coordination with the speed of alternative movements and even more with the explosive power, which we signifi cantly highlighted when inter- preting the last factor. Among other dimensions there are no signifi cant correlations. Table 7: Factors correlation matrix in six and a half year old children (boys) PB cri- terion. FACTOR 1 FACTOR 2 FACTOR 3 FACTOR 4 FACTOR 1 1.00000 FACTOR 2 0.24416 1.00000 FACTOR 3 –0.09818 –0.12914 1.00000 FACTOR 4 0.30050 0.18996 –0.18641 1.00000 Comparison of latent structure of motor spaces in six and a half year old girls and six and a half year old boys After we used PB criterion we isolated one factor less in boys than in girls. On this basis we can conclude that the structure of motor space in six and a half year old girls ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 160 and boys partly differs, the level of differentiation of motor abilities is much higher in girls than in boys. We believe that the reason for this can be found in faster development of girls who overtake their male peers at this age. DISCUSSION The analysis of the motor space structure revealed certain particularities for each age period. In the sample of fi ve year old children, the use of PB criterion revealed four latent motor dimensions. In six and a half year old boys and girls, the latent mo- tor space structure can be described using four (boys) and fi ve (girls) factors. Despite the existence of gender differences in the motor space structure, mostly related to the factors which infl uence movement coordination, several very similar dimensions were discovered in both sexes. Among all isolated dimensions, most of them cover the area of different forms of coordination and there is a relatively important link between variables of motor coor- dination and the speed of alternative movement. The cause of this is that in all motor tasks the speed to perform complex motor tasks effi ciently is very important in the fi rst and the second factor and partially in that the motor test tasks for measuring the speed of movement are apparently simple. Similar results and fi ndings were had by Strel and Šturm (1981) and Videmšek and Cemič (1991), who defi ned the fi rst main component as a general motor factor. In this paper we analysed and discussed the structure of motor space in children in preschool and early elementary school. The analysis of the structure of motor space showed certain particularities in each age group. Despite the fact that the structure of motor space differs between sexes, certain dimensions are very similar. The differences between sexes appear mainly in the factors that defi ne the coordination of movement. Studies that identify the structure of motor space separated by sex at an early age are very few and of those which we detected (Strel, Šturm, 1981, Morris et al.,1982) gave similar results and the researchers came to very similar conclusions regarding the dif- ferentiation of motor abilities in girls and boys. In a study of 3 to 6 year old children, Morris, Williams, Atwater and Wilmore (1982) defi ned differences between sexes and age group. Seven motor tests were designed to measure motor effi ciency in the fi eld of equilibrium, crawling skills, catching, running, standing broad jump and throwing a ball. The analysis of data showed certain differences in equilibrium where girls had better results, and that boys were slightly better in all other tests. They concluded that there are already some small differences in motor effi ciency between sexes in early childhood. Taking into account that six and a half year old girls are more receptive to the infl uences of morphological characteristics than boys (Pišot, Planinšec, 2005) we consider that these differences may affect the determination of the structure of motor space or level of differentiation. Contrary to these fi ndings and the fi ndings of Oja & Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 161 Jurimae (1997) in the study of Fjortoft (2000) they found that achievements in motor tests do not depend on the body weight and height of children. Based on the results of our study, we can conclude that numerous factors, isolated dimensions, are in the space of coordination and cover the area of different forms of coordination. In order to perform a certain complex movement, and from the ages be- tween fi ve and six and a half, even simple movements are still complex as there is a need to formulate motor programs and while performing movement there is a need for feedback information which is integrated into the motor scheme and enables program correction and the creation of appropriate movement responses. Complex motor coor- dination depends on certain cognitive components which represent different forms of information processing (Tirre & Raouf, 1998). With increasing complexity of move- ment the demands for intellectual activity before and during movement performance also increases (e.g., Planinsec, 2002h). For a successful movement structure simultane- ous, serial processing of information is required which is also important during intellec- tual activity ((Schmidt & Lee, 1999, Horga, 1993; Pisot & Planinsec, 2005). This is also consistent with the fi ndings of Lurija (1976), suggesting that the development of motor centres in the central nervous system in young children is aimed at forming secondary zones and the function of integration at the level of tertiary zones is only in its origin (perhaps the age limit shifted slightly down). The overall motor effi ciency of children in the studied age depends to its greatest extent on the quality of the functioning of mo- tor centres in secondary and tertiary zones of the central nervous system. CONCLUSION Following the number of isolated dimensions and on the basis of their structure we point out that in the treated sample of children, a certain level of differentiation of motor abilities is already present and it is more signifi cant in girls. The reason for this may be attributed to the faster development of girls who partly overtake their male peers at this age. Certainly, various morphological characteristics which take part in the manifestation of different motor abilities and motor effi ciency in general infl uence the structure of motor space to differ according to sex. Consequently, it can be concluded that the period of early childhood motor regulation is characterized by some specifi c features which distinguish the motor space of children from that of adults. This study contributes in the understanding of developmental characteristics of chil- dren, particularly within the dimension of motor space. To confi rm these assumptions, further studies will be necessary to clarify outstanding issues about motor and mor- phological space of children. The more we know about children, his particularities and needs, the more positive development incentives provided by physical/sport activity we can offer. It is very important not to miss this optimal period when a child is most receptive to the various results which can be achieved during the training process. Later ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 1 • 2010 • 2 Rado PIŠOT, Jurij PLANINŠEC: MOTOR STRUCTURE AND BASIC MOVEMENT COMPETENCES IN EARLY ..., 145–165 162 it is not possible to compensate for the losses resulting from unsystematic and irregular physical/sport activity. Acknowledgements This study was partly funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. We are grateful to profes- sors D. Rajtmajer, P. Praper and K. Kancler, MD (Faculty of Education and the Pedi- atric Hospital Maribor, Slovenia) for leading a broader research project “Structure and relations of psychomotor and cognitive abilities of preschool children” and for support- ing this study. We are thankful to all researchers and collaborators for their help and to our subjects and their parents for their willingness to participate in this study. REFERENCES Bala, G. (2003). Quantitative differences in motor abilities of pre-school boys and girls. Kinesiologia Slovenica, 9 (2), 5–16. Bös, K. (1994). Differentielle Aspekte der Entwicklung motorischer Fahigkeiten. In J. Baur, K. Bös, V. J. Baur, K. Bös, & R. Singer (eds.): Motorische Entwicklung. Ein Handbuch (pp. 238–254). Schorndorf: Verlag Hofmann. Eurofi t. (1993). Eurofi t Tests of Physical Fitness, 2nd Edition. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing and Documentation Service. Fjortoft, I. (2000). 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