XPS STUDY OF SURFACE MODIFICATION OF DIFFERENT POLYMER MATERIALS BY OXYGEN PLASMA TREATMENT Alenka Vesel Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: polymer; PES; PET; PPS; PS; PP; PA6; PTFE; cellulose; oxygen; plasma; functlonalization; surface activation; surface modification, XPS Abstract: A review on surface modification of different polymers by treatment in oxygen plasma is presented. The follow/ing polymers were studied: polyethyleneterephthalate (PET), polyethersulpfione (PES), polyphenylenesulflde (PPS), Nylon 6 polyamide (PA6), polytetrafluoroetfiylene (PTFE), polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP) and cellulose (ink-jet paper and textile). Tfie polymer samples were treated for 3 s in oxygen plasma (glow region) at a pressure of 75 Pa. Plasma was created by RF generator operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz and a power of 200 W. The chemical changes of the surface of the samples after the plasma treatment were monitored by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that oxygen plasma treatment is an effective tool for surface modification. On all polymer surfaces increased concentrating of oxygen was detected resulting in formation of several new oxygen-containing functional groups. Groups like C-0, C=0 and 0=C-0 were observed. The concentration of the groups which were produced at the same treatment procedure depended on polymer type. The only exception was polymer PTFE where practically no chemical changes were observed. XPS preiskave modifikacije površine različnih polimerov s kisikovo plazmo Kjučne besede: polimer; PES; PET; PPS; PS; PP; PA6; PTFE; celuloza; kisik; plazma; funkcionallzacija; aktivaoija površine; modifikacija površine, XPS Izvleček: Podan je pregled plazemske modifikacije površine različnih polimerov V raziskavah so bili uporabljeni naslednji polimeri: polietilentereftalat (PET), polietersulfon (PES), polifenilensulfid (PPS), Nylon 6 poliamid (PA6), politetrafiuoroetilen (PTFE), polistiren (PS), polipropilen (PP) in celuloza (Ink-jet papir in tkanina). Vzorce polimerov smo obdelovali v kisikovi plazmi 3 s pri tlaku 75 Pa. Plazmo smo generirali z radiofrekvenčnim generatorjem pri frekvenci 13.56 MHz in moči 200 W. Spremembe v kemijski sestavi površine po obdelavi v plazmi smo spremljali z metodo XPS. Rezultati so pokazali, da je kisikova plazma učinkovita za modifikacijo površinskih lastnosti polimernih materialov. Ugotovili smo, da se je na površini vzorcev močno povečala koncentracija kisika, kar je imelo za posledico nastanek različnih kisikovih funkcionalnih skupin na površini kot so C-0, C=0 in 0=C-0. Koncentracija posameznih funkcionalnih skupin pri enakih pogojih obdelave polimerov je bila različna za različne tipe polimerov. Edina izjema je bil polimer PTFE, kjer nismo opazili nobenih sprememb na njegovi površini po obdelavi v plazmi. 1 Introduction Polymer materials are known for their very poor adhesion properties and wettability. Therefore, they must be modified before printing, painting, coating, for improving bio-compatibility etc. One of the most promising methods for modifying the surface properties of polymer materials is plasma treatment. Plasma treatment is ecologically suitable method and it is replacing the traditional wet chemical techniques, which can involve harmful chemicals. By treatment in plasma of different gases we can achieve a wide range of surface wettability, from moderate hydrophilicity to significant hydrophobicity. The hydrophobicity can be achieved by a treatment in plasma created in halogens while for achieving the hydrophilicity of the surface it is the best to use oxygen plasma. In some applications especially biological, when we want to coat the substrate with proteins or DNA for example, nitrogen or ammonia plasma is more desirable than oxygen plasma /1 /. It should be noted that plasma treatment does not produce one unique functionality on a polymer surface. Typically, a distribution of several different functional groups is produced. Some of the functional groups may be important and some may actually be detrimental. Thus it is desirable to determine which of the functional group is important for a given application and to attempt to shift the distribution in favour of a specific functionality by changing the plasma gas or other plasma parameters /2/. In oxygen plasma different functional groups like C-0, C=0, 0=0-0 or even more exotic groups can be produced on the surface /2/,/3/. In the literature there are reported different treatment times used for surface modification of polymers ranging from milliseconds /4/,/5/ to several minutes /6/. At milliseconds of treatment it is difficult to talk about surface functlonalization, since the first thing that appears at the polymer surface is just removing of contaminants which may also lead to improved wettability. With furthertreatment time insertion of oxygen/nitrogen atoms at active sites on the polymer surface appears leading to the formation of various functional groups that change the surface wettability. With prolonged treatment time excessive change scission may appear leading to a layer of low-molecular-weight fragments on the surface /3/. The main drawback of plasma treated surface is ageing. Functional groups formed on the plasma treated surface are not stable with time, as the surface tends to recover to its untreated state. Thus the surface is loosing its hydrophilic character and becoming hydrophobic. There are two processes which are usually responsible for surface ageing: the first one is the reorientation of the polar groups into the bulk polymer and the second is the mobility of the small polymer chain segments into the matrix, both leading to different free surface energy. It was also reported that the chain mobility mainly occurs in the amorphous region while the mobility in the crystalline region is fairly limited because of an orderly packed structure. Therefore more crystalline polymers are ageing slower. Since plasma treatment can increase the surface crystallinity due to selective etching of the softer amorphous phase, the polymers treated for longer times are usually ageing slower /3/,/4/,/5/,/7/. This is not always true - too long treatment times may again lead to faster ageing due to overtreatment leading to formation of small fragments loosely bound on the surface. Such surface has a greater tendency to ageing because of migration of small fragments to the bulk. Here it is worth to mention that plasma treatment affects only first few nanometers of material without changing the bulk properties /8/. The quickest method to check the effect of a plasma treatment on the polymer surface is to determine its wettability by contact angle measurements. But this method does note say anything about the chemical modification of the surface. One of the most powerful techniques for determination of various functional groups that can be created on the polymer surface after being exposed to plasma treatment, is X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)/8/,/10/. The interpretation of XPS spectra can be quite difficult. A fundamental problem in polymer surface analysis is the occurrence of charging effects due to the insulating nature of polymer materials. With non-monochromatic source this effect is less pronounced than with monochromatic source. To avoid this effect charge neutralization (gun with a low energy electron flux) must be used. A common convention is to shift unfunctionlized C 1 s peak (G-C) to 284.8 eV. In some cases all the carbon atoms are chemically shifted - an example is cellulose, where all carbon atoms are bound to at least one oxygen atom. For these materials a peak which is assigned to hydrocarbon contamination can be used as a reference. But this is not always possible since sometimes this peak is not clearly observable. In general, polymers are quite stable during typical analysis times. However prolonged exposure to X-rays can produce radiation damage of the sample which can cause the spectrum to change with exposure time. A visual evidence of this is a sample discolouration /11/. For example, this can be very easily observed on paper substrates. Especially halogen containing polymers can be sensitive to X-ray induced sample degradation. The result is a loss of halogen atoms with the exposure time /12/. 2 Experimental 2.1 Plasma modification Experiments were performed with different polymers including PP, PS, PET, PES; PPS; PA6, PTFE and cellulose materials like ink-jet paper and textile. The samples of these materials were treated in the experimental system shown in Figure 1. The system is pumped with a two-stage oil rotary pump with a pumping speed of 16 m^/h. The discharge chamber is a Pyrex glass cylinder with a length of 200 mm and an inner diameter of 36 mm. A Pyrex glass tube with an inner diameter of 5 mm and a length of 6 cm leads to the afterglow chamber, which is also a Pyrex glass cylinder, with a length of 400 mm and an inner diameter of 36 mm. The plasma is created inside the discharge chamber with an inductively coupled RF generator, operating at a frequency of 27.12 MHz and an output power of about 200 W. The plasma's parameters are measured with a double Langmuir probe and a catalytic probe. The Lang-muir probe is placed into the discharge chamber, while the catalytic probe is mounted in the afterglow chamber. Commercially available oxygen is leaked into the discharge chamber, as shown in Figure 2. The pressure is measured with an absolute vacuum gauge. The pressure is adjusted during continuous pumping using a precise leak valve. During our experiments the pressure was fixed at 75 Pa, where the density of the oxygen atoms was the highest. Using these discharge parameters an oxygen plasma with an ion density of 8x10^® m"®, an electron temperature of 5 eV, and a density of neutral oxygen atoms of 4x10^^ m"® was obtained. RF pump, gauge postglow T- plasm I forced air eooliiig hm S®' ^ inlet Fig. 1: The plasma chamber. 2.2 XPS characterization The samples were exposed to air for a few minutes after the plasma treatment and then mounted in the XPS instrument (TFA XPS Physical Electronics) in order to assess the surface of the sample. The base pressure in the XPS analysis chamber was about exlO"""" mbar. The samples were excited with X-rays over a 400-|jm spot area with monochromatic AI Kai,2 radiation at 1486.6 eV. The pho-toelectrons were detected with a hemispherical analyzer positioned at an angle of 45° with respect to the normal to the sample surface. The energy resolution was about 0.6 eV. Survey-scan spectra were made at a pass energy of 187.85 eV, while for CIS, S2p, N1s, Fl s and 01s individual high-resolution spectra were taken at a pass energy of 23.5 eV and a 0.1-eV step. Since the samples are insulators, we used an additional electron gun to allow for surface neutralization during the measurements. The spectra were fitted using MultiPakv7.3.1 software from Physical Electronics, which was supplied with the spectrometer. The curves were fitted with symmetrical Gauss-Lorentz functions. The peak width (FWHM) was fixed during the fitting process. In this study a C1 s (C-C) peak was shifted to 285 eV. 3 Results and discussion The effect of oxygen plasma treatment of various polymer surfaces was studied. The following polymers were used in the study: only carbon containing polymers: aliphatic polypropylene PP (Figure 2a) and aromatic polystyrene PS (Figure 2b) oxygen containing polymers: polyethylene-tereph-thalate PET (Figure 2c) and cellulose CELL (Figure 2d) like textile and ink-jet paper sulphur containing polymers: polyphenylenesulfide PPS (Figure 2e) and polyethersulphone PES (Figure 2f) nitrogen containing polymer: Nylon 6 polyamide PA6 (Figure 2g) halogen containing polymer: polytetrafluoro-ethylene PTFE (Figure 2h). 3.1 Carbon containing polymers Carbon containing polymers consist of carbon and hydrogen only. Therefore their XPS spectrum is composed of one peak positioned at a binding energy of 285 eV which corresponds to C-C and C-H bonds. Since there is no oxygen in the original polymer they are very good candidates for studding the effect of oxygen plasma treatment, because it is more easily to observe new peaks due to oxygen incorporation to the surface after plasma treatment. One of such candidates is PP which consists of aliphatic chain containing carbon atoms (Figure 2a). In Figure 3a is shown a comparison of the XPS spectra of the untreated PP surface and PP surface treated for 3 s in oxygen plasma. As already mentioned the C1 s spectrum of untreated sample consists of a single peak, while the C1 s spectrum after the treatment clearly reveals the new peaks resulting from plasma oxidation. A more detailed understanding of these new species can be obtained using a curve fitting procedure as shown in Figure 3b. Besides the main C1 peak (C-C), there is also a peak C2 which corresponds to C-0 bond, peak C3 which corresponds to C=0 bond and peak C4 which corresponds to 0-C=0 bond. The same is true for the case of plasma treatment of PS (Figure 4a) which is another example of the structurally simple polymer. Here, changes are more pronounced indicating a higher concentration of new functional groups at the surface. In this case not only peaks C2, C3 and C4 are observed, but additional peak C5 appeared as well at a binding energy of 290 eV (Figure 4b) which can correspond to -C(=0)-0-C(=0)- or to -0-C(=0)-0- group at the surface /12/. Also, in Figure 4a is shown a carbon C1s peak of a sample treated for 30 s. We can see that the surface is actually already saturated, since 10-times longer treatment time did not cause any remarkable changes at the surface. (a) (b) -CH2-CH-CHs -CH2-HC (c) c—o—CH2-CH2— 2n 0 (d) H2C-0H (e) (g) (h) O (f) -CH2—CH2—CH2—CH2—CH2—C-NH- O n F F - I I - F F J Fig. 2: Structural formulas of polymers used for plasma activation: (a) PP, (b) PS, (c) PET, (d) cellulose, (e) PPS, (f) PES, (g) PA and (h) PTFE. Another important characteristic of untreated PS in comparison with untreated PP is a small peak at a binding energy of 291 eV- 292 eV (Figure 4a), which is not observed in the case of PP. This peak is due to the n-n* shake-up transition and it is characteristic of the aromaticity in the phenyl ring. Therefore this peak is observed only at polymers having phenyl rings /2/,/12/. Changes in the intensity of this peak can provide information regarding the extent of ring-opening induced by plasma treatment. In our case, after the plasma treatment the intensity of this peak decreased indicating that plasma caused a destruction of the phenyl ring in PS. 3.2 Oxygen containing polymers Oxygen containing polymers do not have so simple shape of the XPS spectrum like hydrocarbons. The interpretation of XPS spectra after oxygen plasma treatment of these polymers can be quite complex due to difficulties to distinguish between existing and newly formed oxygen functional groups at the surface. One of the polymers which is very often studied is PET/4/,/5/,/7/,/13/,/14/,/15/. In Figure 5a is shown a carbon peak for an untreated PET sur- (a) 0.9 0.8 > 0.7 'B § 0.6 T3 0.5 0} N 0.4 E 0.3 1 0.2 0.1 C 1s - untreated ----treated PP 286 284 282 Binding Energy (eV) (b) 3 JŠ. e C 1s 296 294 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 Binding Energy (eV) Fig. 3: (a) A comparison of C1 s peaks of untreated and treated PP and (b) fitting of C1 s peal< of treated PP surface. (a) 292 290 288 286 284 Binding Energy (eV) (b) C1s 296 294 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 Binding Energy (eV) Fig. 4: (a) A comparison ofC1s peal