OB P E T D E S E T L E T N IC I G E O G R A F SK E G A D R U Š T V A S L O V E N IJE Že km alu po ustanovitvi Univerze v L jub ljan i (1919) in Geograf­ skega inštitu ta na njeni F ilozofski fa ku lte ti (1921) je skup ina m ladih študentov in diplom antov geografije dala pobudo za ustanovitev Geo­ grafskega društva (4. marca 1922), k i se je tri leta pozneje (1925) pre- osnovalo v osrednje združenje vseh geografov Slovenije in pričelo izdajati svojo revijo »Geografski ve s tn ik«. Petdesetletnico nepretrganega dela društva kot najširšega organi­ zacijskega in koordinacijskega telesa slovenskih geografov in njihovih in štitucij je Geografsko društvo Slovenije štelo za prim erno priliko, da pregleda in predstavi vse delo slovenske geografije v teh 50 letih in to z več strokovnim i prired itvam i ter z osrednjo proslavo, k i je bila 21. aprila 1972 v L jubljani. H kra ti je sklenilo, da tud i zvezek »Geo­ grafskega vestn ika « za leto 1972 posveti tem u jubile ju ter m u da ustrezno vsebino. Ta vsebina je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem delu (1: »N ekatere glavne smeri in panoge slovenskega geografskega raziskovanja«.) po­ skušam o podati dom ačim in tu jim bralcem pregledno sliko g lavnih in najuspešnejših smeri raziskovalnega dela slovenskih geografov, poseb­ no v zadn jih 50 letih, ob tem pa tud i glavnih problemov, s katerim i se to delo ukvarja. V drugem delu (11: -»Petdeset let Geografskega dru­ štva S lovenije«J pa so objavljeni razen poročila o sami jub ile jn i pro­ slavi na n jej podani referati o ustanovitvi društva pred 50 leti in o razvoju slovenske geografije v teh 50 letih s posebnim ozirom na vlogo društva v tem razvoju. Prof. Svetozar IL E ŠIČ častni predsednik Geografskega društva Slovenije in glavni urednik * Geografskega vestn ika« O N TH E O C C A SIO N OF TH E F IF T IE T H A N N IV E R S A R Y OF TH E G E O G R A P H IC A L S O C IE T Y OF S L O V E N IA The in itia tive to found a geographical society (on March 4th 1922) came from a group o f young graduate students o f geography soon after the U niversity o f L jubljana was founded (in 1919) and after the Geogra­ phical In stitu te o f its Faculty o f A rts was established (in 1921). Three years later the new Society w hich has become the central association o f all geographers in Slovenia started its periodical, the »Geografski vestnik«. The f ift ie th anniversary o f the in in terrupted w ork o f the Society, being now the w idest organizational and coordinative body o f the Slo­ venian geographers and of their institutions, w as considered by the Steering com ittee to be a suitable occasion also for a review and pre­ sentation o f all w ork done in Slovenian geography during the last ha lf a century. The central celebration took place on A p ril 21st 1972 in Ljubljana. It was also decided tha t the 1972 volum e o f the »Geografski vestnik« should be dedicated to tha t jubilee by giving it an appropriate content. T his content includes tw o parts. In the first part (I. -»Some main areas and directions o f geographical research in Slovenia«) w e tried to present to readers at home and abroad an overview o f the m ain and most sucessful directions o f research w ork perform ed by Slovenian geo­ graphers, in particular during the last f i f t y years, and — at the same time — to present the problem s they w ere dealing w ith . In the second part (II. »Fi f ty years o f the Geographical Society o f Slovenia«) the report is published on the jubilee celebration as w ell as the papers about how the Society w as founded f i f t y years ago and about the deve­ lopm ent o f geography in Slovenia and. in particular, o f the role ihe Society has p layed in its evolution. Professor Svetozar ILEŠIČ Honorary president o f the Geographical Society o f Slovenia and Editor-in-chief o f the ■»G eografski v e s tn ik« A L O C C A S IO N DÜ C IN Q U A N T E N N A IR E DE L A SO C IE T Y DE G E O G R A P H IE DE S L O V E N IE Court a pres I' etablissement de l'U niversite de L jubljana (1919) et de l’ln s titu t de Geographie a sa Faculte des Lettres (1921), une groupe de jeunes etudiants et diplom es de geographie p rit lin itia tive ä fonder la Societe de Geographie (le 4 mars 1922) qui, trois annees apres, se trans­ form s en organisation centrale de tous les geographes slovenes et com- menca ä publier son bulletin scientifique »G eografski vestnik«. Le cinquantennaire de l’activite ininterrom pue de la Societe, en tant que le corps organisateur et coordinateur principal des geographes slo­ venes et leurs institutions, paraissait a la Societe la meilleure occasion a jeter un coup d ’oeil sur toute l activite de la geographie slovene p en ­ dant ces 50 annees et de le presenter par quelques arrangements scien- tifiques et surtout dans la celebration solennele centrale qui a eu lieu a Ljubljana le 21 avril 1972. On decida en m eme tem ps de consacrer le volum e de »G eografski vestnik« pour l’annee 1972 ä ce jubile en lui dormant un contenu correspondant. Ce continu fu t divise en deu x parties. La premiere (I. »Quelques directions et branches principales des recherches geographiques slo­ venes« ) essaye de presenter aux lecteurs du pays et de I’etranger un court aper fu sur les directions principales et les plus courronees de succes des recherches geographiques slovenes ainsi que sur les problemes dont elles soccupent. Dans la seconde partie (II. »C inquante annees de la Societe cle Geographie de Slovenie«) on publie, ä cöte du rapport sur la celebration jubilaire meme, les communications y presentees sur I'histoi- re de la naissance de la Societe et sur Vevolution de la geographie slovene pendant les 50 annees de I’existence de la Societe tenant compte surtout du röle de la Societe meme dans cette evolution. Prof. Svetozar ILEŠIČ president d ’honneur de la Societe de Geographie de Slovenie et chef-redacteur du »Geografski ve s tn ik«