New locality of species Limosella aquatica L. in the flora of the Republic of Macedonia Nove lokalitete vrste Limosella aquatica L v flori Republike Makedonije Vlado Matevski in Mitko Kostadinovski Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics p.o. box 162, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Abstract During floristical investigations in the southwest parts of the Republic of Macedonia, on the Mt. Galicica, a new locality of species Limosella aquatica L. has been found. Until now, it was known only from the Mt. Bistra. The newly discovered locality of L. aquatica represents one of the southernmost localities on the Balkan Peninsula. 1. Introduction In the frame of the project "The Flora of the Republic of Macedonia" Limosella aquatica L. was for the first time found on the Mt. Galičica. Limosella aquatica is a cosmopolitan species. It grows in diverse water habitats - in shallow waters, ponds, irrigation ditches, periodically flooded coast lakes, temporary water basins, which dry during the summer, etc. Its populations, although rare and locally distributed, can be found all over Europe, excluding the Mediterranean region (Webb 1972: 204). According to the data provided by Hayek (1929: 154), it is generally distributed only in two areas on the Balkan Peninsula, i.e. in Montenegro and in Serbia. Later, this species was recorded on several localities in different parts of the Balkan Peninsula. It was noted for Serbia from the surrounding of Danube river, region of Bačka-Ratno Ostrovo, Koviljski Rid, Zabelj, Bezdan, Bečej, Banat-Pančevo, Tomaševac, Kikinda; Fruška gora, surrounding of Belgrade-Ada Ciganlija, Veliko Ratno Ostrovo, NE Serbia-Golubac, E. Serbia: Niš-Bubanj (Cernjavski 1950, Jovanovič-Dunjič 1974, Stevanovič , pers. communication), Montenegro - Javorje and Konjska Planina (Rohlena 1942, Blaženčič 2007), Croatia - Podravina, Moslavina, Posavina, Osijek and Varaždin surroundings, Srem, Bosut- Lipovljan (Schlosser & Vukotinovič 1869, Plavšič-Gojkovič & Gaži-Baskova 1978, Nikolič & Dobrovič 2005); Slovenia - Subpanonsko območje, Štajersko, Prekmurje (Mayer 1952, Wraber & Skoberne 1989, Jogan & al. 2001, Wraber 2007). It was recorded on several localities in Greece - Sterea Ellas, S. Pindhos, N. Pindhos etc. (Strid & Tan 1991, Arne Strid from the Flora Hellenica Database, pers. communication) as well as in Bulgaria - Vitoša-Samokov (Delipavlov 1995: 25). Micevski & Matevski (1986/87: 205) indicated presence of this species for Bistra mountain in the West part of the Republic of Macedonia, where it forms rather vital populations on small dry depressions where water retains for a longer period of time at the locality of Toni Voda (leg. et det. Micevski K. & Matevski V., 18.07.1985; SKO). 2. Results During floristic investigations on the Mt. Galicica (SW Macedonia) a new population of L. aquatica was discovered. 34TDL9040 Macedonia: Galicica, Crvena Lokva between Asan Djura and Dzafa (41o03'11"; 20°51'34"), 1448 m s. m. Leg & det. V. Matevski, 26.6.2004; leg. V. Matevski & M. Kostadinovski, 8.6.2008 (SKO). Crvena Lokva is a temporary water pool on limestone geological bedrock. It completely dries up during the summer, and after that mass expansion of Limosella aquatica occurs around the dry edges of the puddle. It is important to note that this newly discovered locality represents the southernmost localities in the Republic of Macedonia. The known distribution of this species in Macedonia is shown in Figure 1. The threat status of Limosella aquatica in the flora of the Republic of Macedonia is not yet defined due to the lack of Red Data List and Red Book for the flora of the Republic of Macedonia. Most probably, the limited amount of data for the distribution and population status of this species on the Balkans is the main obstacle in determination of the threat d d f.qf □ 1 I 2 3 H_ 5 G 1 B 9 □ 1 2 3 H 5 E 1 _ a 3 1 Z 3 4 5 B_[n B 3 3 20° ° 21° E 22° F 23° Figure 1: Distribution of Limosella aquatica in Macedonia. Slika 1: Distribucija vrste Limosella aquatica v Republiki Makedoniji. status according to the IUCN criteria. Thus, the Red Book of vasular flora of Croatia ranks Limosella aquatica as threat category I - data deficient (DD) (Nikolič & Topic 2005) as well as the Slovenian Red List (Anon. 2002). However, this species is not included in the red books of Serbia (Stevanovič 1999), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Silič 1996), Bulgaria (Velčev 1984), Greece (Phitos & al. 1995) or Albania (Vangjeli & al. 1995) i.e. its threat status has not been assessed. Acknowledgements We would like to thank to Akad. V. Stevanovič (Beograd), Prof. A. Strid (Kopenhagen), Docent Dr. B. Frajman (Ljubljana) and Mr D. Steševič (Podgorica) for numerous data on the distribution of Limosella aquatica in Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. 3. References Anon ., 2002: Pravilnik o uvrstitvi ogroženih rastlinskih in živalskih vrst v rdeči seznam, Uradni list RS, št. 82/2002 z dne 24. 09. 2002. Blaženčič, J., 2007: Floristički pregled slatkovodnih makrofita u Crnoj Gori, Glasnik Republičkog Zavoda za Zaštitu Prirode u Podgorici,29-30:19-91 Cernjavski, P., 1950:. Morfološka-ekološka analiza roda Thymus iz okoline Beograda. - Glasnik Prirod. Muzeja Srpske zemlje, B3:114-165. Delipavlov, D., 1995: Limosella L. 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