Slov Vet Res 2012; 49 (3): 149-54 UDC 636.09:639.44:563.71:591.557.8(497.12) Original Scientific Article OCCURRENCE AND EFFECTS OF THE BIVALVE-INHABITING HYDROID EUGYMNANTHEA INQUILINA IN CULTURED MEDITERRANEAN MUSSELS (MYTILUS GALLOPROVINCIALIS) IN SLOVENIA Suzana Žižek, Mitja Gombač, Milan Pogačnik Institute for Pathology, Forensic and Administrative Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Gerbičeva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Corresponding author, E-mail: Summary: The Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is the most common bivalve species bred in the Slovenian sea. The mussels are bred on three locations, i.e., Seča, Strunjan and Debeli rtič in natural fisheries-shellfish farms. From November 2007 to October 2008, 960 adult cultured Mediterranean mussels were randomly sampled and included in our study. Water temperature, oxygenation and salinity were measured at each sampling. The mussels were measured and weighted to calculate the condition index and microscopically examined for the presence of hydroids. No increased mortality occurred during the sampling. Hydroids of Eugymnanthea inquilinawere detected with 60.6% prevalence, mostly during summer. They were either attached to the mantle epithelium or found inside the mantle cavity. No alterations were observed at the point of attachment. The differences in the prevalence of infection in different seasons were statistically significant. Oxygen content and salinity had a statistically significant impact on the presence of infection, while temperature did not. The average condition index of mussels inhabited by E. inquilinawas significantly lower than in uninfected mussels, indicating a parasitic relationship between Mytilusgalloprovincialisand Eugymnanthea inquilina. This is the first report on the occurrence of E. inquilina in Mediterranean mussels from the Slovenian sea. Key words: Eugymnanthea inquilina, Mytilus galloprovincialis, histopathology, condition index, Gulf of Trieste Introduction The Slovenian sea, part of the Gulf of Trieste, the northernmost end of The Adriatic Sea, represents a specific and rich habitat, highly influenced by considerable fluctuations of temperature, oxygenation and salinity. The Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is one of the most common bivalve species in the Slovenian sea and the most often bred bivalve. The mussels are bred on three locations, i.e., Seča, Strunjan and Debeli rtič in natural fisheries-shellfish farms. Received: 27 November 2011 Accepted for publication: 33 June 2012 The farms are quite small and composed of 5 fields, each measuring 20 000 m2. The annual production of each field is from 25 to 30 tons. The high density of mussels in aquacultures can lead to the spread of several epizootic diseases, which can affect the revenues and farming production. One of the endobionts found in Mediterranean mussels is the hydroid Eugymnanthea inquilina (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa). It has so far been reported in Greece (1, 2), Italy (3), Croatia (4) and Japan (5), but no record of this species exists in Slovenia. The athecate solitary hydroid stage of E. inquilina attaches itself with a basal disc in the mantle cavity of M. galloprovincialis and other bivalves (3). It is unclear what, if any, are the effects of this organisms on the survival and condition of the host 150 S. Žižek, M. Gombač, M. Pogačnik organism. Kubota (6) hypothesises that the relationship between the host and endobiont is com-mensalism with no harmful or beneficial effects to either organism. On the other hand, Rayyan et al. (2) and Galinou-Mitsoudi et al. (7) conclude that a parasitic relationship is more likely, since the presence of hydroids was correlated with lower growth rates and condition indices of the mussels. On the other hand, Mladineo et al. (8) found no deteriorating impact on host reproduction or condition index, but did observe ultrastructural alterations (cell desquamation) in host cells at the attachment site. The possibility of mutualism between E. inquilina and M. galloproiincialis has also been proposed; Piraino et al. (3) found an indication that the hydroids may have a protective role against mussel parasites. In order to confirm the presence of Eugym-nanthea inquilina in Mediterranean mussels from the Slovenian sea, we collected and histologically examined mussels from two shellfish farms. We measured the mussel condition index in order to ascertain potential effects of the hydroid on the condition of the farmed mussels. To observe any effects of environmental conditions on the presence and abundance of the E. inquilina polyps, we also measured water temperature, salinity and oxygenation. The prevalence of E. inquilina was correlated to the presence of intracellular cili-ates in the same samples (9) in order to ascertain whether the presence of E. inquilina has any effect on the prevalence of other endobionts in the Mediterranean mussel. This is the first report on the occurrence of this organism in Slovenia. Materials and methods 80 adult cultured Mediterranean mussels (Myt-ilus galloproiincialis) from shellfish farms in Seča and Strunjan were stripped directly from ropes at a depth of approximately 3 metres monthly from November 2007 to October 2008. In total, 960 adult Mediterranean mussels were collected and included in our study. Water temperature, oxygenation and salinity were measured at each sampling at the depth of sampling (3 m). Oxygenation measurements were not performed in March. Water temperature and oxygenation were measured using a thermometer "MultiLine P4 - Oxi 320 Set" with a dissolved oxygen probe "CellOx 325" (WTW). Water salinity was measured using a hand-held refract meter "S/Mill-E. S= 0-100% 40 J ra w 35 30 Eugymnanthea inquilina 25 ® j—— Temperature * sS 20 o ^ u 15 i-a 10 5 is a a E a Oxygen -Salinity Figure 2: Prevalenceofhydroids indifferentmonthsin correlation with seatemperature, salinity and oxygenation Table 1: Results of the binary logistic regression analysing the possible independent effects of temperature, oxygenation and salinity on the occurrence of infection. B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) T& ,001 ,018 ,003 1 ,960 1,001 Step 1(a) Ob -,335 ,082 16,512 1 ,000 ,715 Sc ,060 ,017 12,481 1 ,000 1,062 Constant 1,329 1,331 ,997 1 ,318 3,777 1 Temperature bOxygen concentration; cSalinity Table 2: The observed numbers of Mediterranean mussels infected with Eugymnanthea inquilina and intracellular ciliatesof mussels Intracellular ciliates Eugymnanthea inquilina Yes No Total Yes No 126 108 456 270 234 726 Total 582 378 960 Discussion Our research is the first to demonstrate that Eugymnanthea inquilina is present in cultured Mediterranean mussels from the Slovenian sea. The average incidence of infection with the hy-droid was 60.6%. This is comparable to the prevalence of 73.9% reported in the Ionian Sea, Italy (3) and 48.3% (2) and up to 78.1% (7) in the North Aegean Sea, Greece. We observed statistically significant differences in the prevalence of infection with Eugymnanthea inquilina in different seasons. The highest preva-lencewas observed during summer and autumn months, which is contradictory to the data reported in Rayyanet al. (2) andPiraino et al. (3), who, for the same part of the year, both found a decrease in prevalence. Oxygen content and salinity were shown to have a statistically significant (p<0.001) correlation with the presence of infection with E. inquilina, while temperature did not. Increased salinity and decreased oxygen are probably stressful conditions for the host, which could explain the increased prevalence of the medusoid. Occurrence and effects of the bivalve-inhabiting hydroid Eugymnanthea inquilinain cultured Mediterranean mussels 153 Since no increased mortality occurred in shellfish farms during the year of sampling, we can conclude that the effects of Eugymnanthea inqui-lina on the host organism are not lethal. The condition index of invaded mussels was significantly lower than that of healthy ones. This implies that serious invasions of Eugymnanthea inquilina in mussel farms could mean a decrease in the production and revenues of the farms. The mussels infected with Eugymnanthea inqui-lina were less likely to contain intracellular ciliates than hydroid-free mussels. Our previous research (9) has shown that the difference in the condition indices between mussels infected with ciliates and healthy ones was not statistically significant. However, ciliates were most often observed in longer and heavier mussels. We concluded that intracel-lular ciliates more frequently inhabit older mussels in better condition and are harmless commensals when present in small numbers, but a more numerous infection causes a decrease in the mussel's condition index. The observed decrease in the occurrence of intracellular ciliates in mussels infected with Eugymnanthea inquilina could therefore be an indirect consequence of decreased condition index of the mussels. It is also possible that Eu-gymnanthea inquilina has some direct effect on the presence of intracellular ciliates of mussels (e.g. by excreting repellent substances), but this possibility needs to be researched further. On the basis of our research we can conclude that Eugymnanthea inquilina is present in Slovenian shellfish farms to a relatively large extent. The interaction between the host and endobiont is not mere commensalism since infection with E. inquilina decreases the condition of affected mussels. Similar to some of the other authors (2, 7), we can conclude that the relationship between Mediterranean mussels and hydroids is more likely to be parasitism. An increase in the prevalence of Eugymnanthea inquilina in shellfish farms could therefore potentially represent a threat to their production. It is recommended that the condition of the infection be monitored in the future in order to have a comprehensive warning system for potential decline in the condition and growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Slovenian sea. Acknowledgements We are very grateful to the Fonda family, especially Dr Irena Fonda, for their valuable help and the donation of cultured mussels. This research was financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency; program P4-0092 (Animal health, environment and food safety). References 1. Rayyan A, Christidis J, Chintiroglou CC. First record of the bivalve-inhabiting hydroid Eugymnanthea inquilina in the eastern Mediterranean sea (Gulf of Thessaloniki, north Aegean sea, Greece). J Marine Biol Assoc United Kingdom 2002; 82(5): 851-3. 2. Rayyan A, Photis G, Chintiroglou CC. Metazo-an parasite species in cultured mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Thermaikos gulf (North Aegean sea, Greece). Dis Aquat Organ 2004; 58(1): 55-62. 3. 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In: 1st International Symposium of Aquacultures, Fisheries Technology & Environmental Administration. Athens, 2002: 1-11. 8. Mladineo I, Petric M, Hrabar J, Bocina I, Pe-harda M. Reaction of the mussel Mytilus galloprovin-cialis (Bivalvia) to Eugymnanthea inquilina (Cnidar-ia) and Urastoma cyprinae (Turbellaria) concurrent infestation. J Invertebr Pathol 2012; 110(1): 118-25. 9. Gombač M, Makarovič M, Fonda I, Jenčič V. The influence of sea temperature, salinity and oxygenation on intracellular ciliates dynamics in Slovene Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Bull Eur Assoc Fish Pathol 2011; 31(2): 66-72. 154 S. Žižek, M. Gombač, M. Pogačnik POJAVLJANJE IN UČINKI TRDOŽIVNJAKA EUGYMNANTHEA INOUILINA V GOJENIH MEDITERANSKIH KLAPAVICAH (MYTILUS GALLOPROVINCIALIS) V SLOVENIJI S. Žižek, M. Gombač, M. Pogačnik Povzetek: Mediteranska klapavica (Mytilus galloprovincialis) je v slovenskem morju najštevilčnejša in najpogosteje gojena vrsta školjk. Gojijo jo na treh lokacijah, pri Seči, Strunjanu in Debelem Rtiču. V našo raziskavo smo vključili 960 klapavic, ki smo jih naključno vzorčili v obdobju med novembrom 2007 in oktobrom 2008 v školjčiščih pri Seči in Strunjanu. Med vsakim vzorčenjem smo izmerili temperaturo morja, koncentracijo raztopljenega kisika in slanost vode. Školjke smo izmerili in stehtali, jim izračunali kondicijski indeks in jih s histopatološko preiskavo pregledali na prisotnost trdoživnjakov. Med vzorčenjem v školjčiščih nismo opazili poginov školjk. Trdoživnjaka Eugymnanthea inquilina smo diagnosticirali v 60,6 % školjk, največjo prevalenco smo zaznali poleti. Trdoživnjaki so bili pritrjeni na plašč ali pa smo jih našli proste v plaščevi votlini. Na mestu pritrditve nismo opazili nobenih tkivnih sprememb. Razlike v prevalencah v različnih letnih časih so bile statistično značilne. Koncentracija raztopljenega kisika in slanost sta značilno vplivali na prisotnost trdoživnjakov, temperatura pa ne. Povprečen kondicijski indeks klapavic s trdoživnjaki je bil statistično značilno nižji od kondicijskega indeksa zdravih klapavic, kar kaže na možnost parazitizma trdoživnjaka Eugym-nanthea inquilina. To je prvo poročilo o prisotnosti endobiontskega trdoživnjaka E. inquilinav mediteranskih klapavicah v slovenskem morju. Ključne besede: Eugymnantheainquilina; Mytilusgalloprovincialis; histopatologija; kondicijski indeks; Tržaški zaliv