in m /L/ / tok kjgi-xJot* AND AND jS-y u^tlce... •1 NO. 22 ^m^h/^yndl 'fid1 AM€RICAN IN SPIRIT S'XtX SIT I i fO fOR€IGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY ! f hi SLOVGNIAN HORNING NCWSPAPCft •" SDh,t>hM AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN O164-630X) h bi 53 IT B r B u- B If B P“ B r B r B r B 31 Jl -.y,\,SSDSlaSQf;i :-630X) ^ in: Vzeli CLEVELAND. OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 19. 1932 VOL. LXXXIV Vse rojake vabimo, da voščijo veselo ^Veliko noč svojim prijateljem in znancem potom velikonočnega oglasa r Ameriški Domovini, •£1 Kličite čimpreje tel. (216) 431-0628 ali pišite na: i)<£?c ameriška domovina 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 te Terorist Ga Giucci pričal, da ni mogel ishli gen, Dozierja VERONA, It. — Terorist Rdečih brigad Giovanni Čili cci je pričal na sodni obravnavi zoper 17 pripadnikov te podtalne organizacije, obtoženih sodelovanja v ugrabitvi 17. decembra lani ameriškega generala Jamesa L. Dozierja, da ni mogel streljati na gen. Dozierja v trenutku, ko so vdrli policisti v stanovanje, v katerem je bil u-grabljen general priprt, zato, ker je gledal na Dozierja le kot spečega moškega in ne nasprotnika. Resnici na ljubo povedano, je nadaljeval Ciucci, imel sem dovolj časa, da bi gen. Dozierja ubil. a sploh nisem mogel. Dejal je tudi da mu je voditelj skupine Rdečih brigadi-stov v omenjenem stanovanju, Antonio Savasta, odredil, naj ubije Dozierja. Italijanski preiskovalci so izvedeli za naslov stanovanja, v katerem so zadrževali Rdeči brigadisti gen. Dozierja, in ga rešili 28. januarja. Med preiskavo, v kateri so iskali ugrabljenega generala, so pa italijanski policisti odkrili več pristašev Rdečih brigad, od katerih jih je precej začelo izdajati podatke o svojih kolegih, skrivališčih in načrtih te organizacije. V ponedeljek tretja Izstrelitev v vesolje shuttlja Columbia CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Strokovnjaki NASA nadaljujejo s pripravami na izstrelitev vesoljske ladje Columbia 3,' ki je predvidena za ponedeljek, 22. marca. Vse priprave potekajo brez težav in vsi sistemi na Columbia 3 delujejo brezhibno. Astronavta, ki bosta poletela s Columbia 3, sta Jack R. Lousma in C. Gordon Fullerton. Edina trenutna težava za NASA je v tem, da je deževje v puščavi Mojave v Kaliforniji, kjer naj bi pristala Columbia 3, tako namočilo pristajalno stezo, da bi bilo varno pristajanje nemogoče. Polet naj bi sicer trajal 7 dni, pri NASA pa morajo računati tudi na možnost okvare na Columbia 3 in prisilno, predčasno pristajanje. Zaradi tega so pri NASA določili, da bo Columbia 3 pristala na letalskem oporišču White Sands, v zvezni državi New Mexico. Izstrelitev je zaenkrat napovedana za 10. uri dopoldne v pcnedsljfk. Novi grobovi Martin Erdani V četrtek, 18. marca, dopoldne je v Euclid General bolnišnici umrl 86 let stari Martin Erdani, rojen v Sloveniji, od koder je prišel v ZDA leta 1951, mož Antonije, roj. Žagar, oče Mrs. Joseph (Marija) Bemhauser (Avstrija), Mira in Milana (pok.), 8-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, brat Janeza, Neže, Luke, Tončke, Angele in Francke (vsi v SFRJ), zaposlen kot strojnik pri Risher & Co. do svoje upokojitve, član Marijine Legije pri cerkvi sv. Vida in Kluba slovenskih upokojencev v Euclidu. Pogreb bo iz iGrdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Kristine ob 10.30 dopoldne, od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, od 2. do 4. popoldne in od 7. do 9. zvečer. Louis Trebar st. V soboto, 13. marca, zvečer je po dolgi bolezni umrl 87 let stari Louis Trebar st., mož Agnes, roj. Peterlin, oče znanega harmonikaša in glasbenika Lou Trebarja ml., 4-krat stari-oče. Rajnki zapušča sestro v SFRJ in je bil član ADZ. Pogreb je bil v torek, 16. marca, iz Zakrajškovega pogrebnega zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. na Kalvarijo. Pogrebne obrede je opravil v pogrebnem zavodu rev. Jože Božnar, župnik pri Sv. Vidu. Ella Dietz V torek, 16. marca, dopoldne je na svojem domu na 375 E. 149 St. umrla 94 let stara Ella Dietz, roj. Ulrich v Zagrebu, od koder je prišla v Cleveland leta 1906 ter bivala v Collinwoodu 65 let, vdova Ronald Reagan: smo Brežnjeve grožnje o raketah na znanje WASHINGTON, D.C. — Predsednik Ronald Reagan je dejal, da so ZDA vzele na znanje grožnje sovjetskega voditelja Leonida I. Brež-njeva, da bodo Sovjeti pod-vzeli ustrezne ukrepe, ako bodo ZDA začele res postavljati nove rakete srednjega dometa v državah NATO vojaškega pakta. Pretekli torek je Brežnjev namreč govoril na zasedanju kongresa sovjetskih sindikatov v Moskvi in povedal, da se je ZSSR prostovoljno odpovedala postavljanju raket srednjega dometa v evropskem delu države. To odpoved je pa Brežnjev povezal z grožnjo, da bodo Sovjeti zopet začeli s postavljanjem teh raket, ako bodo ZDA postavljale rakete v NATO državah. Dejal je tudi, da bo ZSSR ukrepala tako, da bodo celo ZDA prišle v isto nevarnost od takšnih raket, kot bo prišla Sovjetska zveza. Zahodni analitiki menijo, da je s tem hotel Brežnjev povedati, da bi bili Sovjeti pripravljeni postavljati takšne rakete tudi na Kubi. Rakete, o katerih govorita obe velesili, nosijo jedrske bombe. REAGAN PREDLAGAL VEČ POMOČI EL SALVADORJU; NIKARAGVA V SKRBEH VREME. Oblačno danes z možnostjo dežja v popoldanskem času. Najvišja temperatura okoli 45 F. Oblačno in deževno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 50 F. V nedeljo pretežno oblačno zopet z možnostjo dežja ali celo naletavanja snega. Naj višja temperatura okoli 40 F. po leta 1971 umrlem možu Nicoli, mati Nicholasa ml., Elle Leibnitzer, Mary Trkach, Georgea, Roberta (Buzz), Ann DiNunzio, Julie Gim-mellie (Las Vegas, Nev.) in Donne Contorno, 19-krat stara mati, 26-krat prastara mati, teta Mary Vukčevič. Pogreb bo iz Zelotovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St jutri, v soboto, ob 9.45 dopoldne, v cerkev Marije Vne-bovzete ob 10.30, nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, od 2. do 4. popoldne in od 7. do 9. zvečer. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Reaganova administracija je predložila zveznemu kongresu povišanje gospodarske pomoči El Salvadorju za 123 milijonov dolarjev, kar je za 25 odstotkov več, kot je predlagal predsednik Ronald Reagan v govoru na zasedanju Organizacije ameriških držav (OAS) v tem mestu 24. februarja letos. Ako bi kongresniki odobrili predsednikov n a j n o v e j š i predlog, bi El Salvador prejel v tekočem fiskalnem letu, ki poteče 30. septembra, 232.5 milijona dolarjev. Doslej je zvezni kongres odobril le 104.5 milijona dolarjev pomoči. Splošno vzdušje v kongresu ni nič naklonjeno glede o-dobritve več denarja za El Salvador. Kongresniki so jezni, ker zvezna vlada skrčuje razne domače programe socialne podpore, in menijo, da bi bili volivci jezni nanje, če bi trošili denar za pomoč tujim državam. V svojem govoru pred OAS pretekli mesec, je predsednik Reagan orisal program gospodarske pomoči, ki Jo t Mo nudile ZDA državam Karibskega območja. Program bo dolgoročnega zngčaja. prvo leto naj bi ZDA namenile 350 milijonov dolarjev. Poleg El Salvadorja bi bili deležni največ te podpore Honduras, Costa Rica, Jamaica in. Dominikanska republika. V državnem tajništvu ZDA pripravljajo nov predlog, v katerem bodo zaprosili zvezni kongres, naj odobri več denarja za vojaško pomoč El Salvadorju. Na kapitolskem hribu pa prevladuje mnenje, da bo ta prošnja naletela na precejnšnje nasprotovanje. Včeraj so bili ubiti štirje novinarji iz Nizozemske. Pred nedavnim so bili zaslišani od el salvadorskih policistov zaradi stikov, ki so jih baje imeli novinarji zi’ gverilci. Dvoma ni, da so bili Nzozem-ci žrtve el salvadorske vojske. Desničarska oborožena skupina v El Salvadorju je naznanila, da bo izvedla atentate na okoli 35 tujih novinarjev, ki poročajo o vojni med vlado in gverilci. Ti novinarji so po mnenju desničarjev levičarsko usmerjeni. Nekaj Jugoslovansko oddaljevanje od Zahoda Dve uri traja zdaj, da pridejo vsi potniki pristalega letala na beograjskem letališču mimo carinskega pregleda. To je posledica novih carinskih predpisov, po katerih je jugoslovanskim državljanom dovoljeno uvoziti brez carine le še za 200 dinarjev (okoli $5) blaga. Sicer velja novi zakon za tujce v milejši obliki, a človek stoji v vrsti in čaka, dokler ne pretipajo cariniki svojih rojakov, največkrat s šikaniranjem, do obisti kot kakšne kriminalce. Na mejnem prehodu v Šentilju je treba računati ob koncih tedna z do sedem ur ča- kanja. Če bo ta sistem obstal, lahko Jugoslavija v prihodnji sezoni naredi čez-svoj tujski turizem križ. Novi carinski predpisi in poleg teh še mnogi drugi so sad miselnosti, ki je rezultat 40-letne komunistične birokratizacije. P ol it i č n o-biro-kratski aparat, ki danes obvladuje Jugoslavijo, se plašno zapira sam vase in raje nalaga svojim občanom omejitve in zapiranje pred zunanjim svetom, kot da bi z reformami odprla navzven sama sebe in sistem. Sedanja kritika s strani krogov funkcionarjev proti knjigi Vladimira Dedijerja “Novi prispevki k biografiji Josipa Broza Tita” izhaja iz enake miselne drže. Množica večjih in manjših funkcionarjev vidi svdj oblastveni položaj vezan na češčenje Tita in na sistem, ki je bil u-stvarjen pod, Titom. Že najmanjše izbrisan) e te bajke morajo ti krogi občutiti kot nevarnost. (Tanjugovo poročilo z dne 12. marca naznanja, da se je reška založnica “Liburni j a” odrekla objavi tretje in četrte knjige Dedijerjevega dela o Titu. Op. ur. A.D.) Podobno se dogaja z odpovedjo uvažanja zahodnih časopisov in revij: čeprav je poraba deviz za ta uvoz komaj omembe vredna, so u-krep sprejeli in ga v opreki z drugače se glasečimi vestmi do danes niso odpravili. Samo to je rečeno, da naj bi odslej republike zbrale devize za zahodni tisk, potem bodo že med njim “izbirali”. Po beograjskih kioskih je trenutno najti le tuje časopise z Vzhoda. Množične, baje “brez ozira na osebo” uvedene uvozne o-mejitve nasproti deželam z močno valuto, ki so jih zadnjega pol leta eno za drugo sklenili, so težko prizadele ne samo jugoslovanski uvoz z Zahoda, marveč jugoslovansko zunanjo trgovino z zahodnim svetom na sploh, vključno gospodarsko sodelovanje. (Dalje prihodnjič) Iz Clevelanda in okolice cd novinarjev je uslužbencev ameriških televizijskih in po-ročevalnih agencij. Poročila, ki prihajajo iz El Salvadorja, trdijo, da obstajajo dokumenti, ki pričajo o tem, da so odgovorni za atentat na nadškofa Oscarja Ar-nulfa Romera dne 24. marca 1980 desničarji. Nadškof Romero je bil ubit v neki bolnišnici v San Salvadorju med darovanjem sv. maše. Nikaragveški notranji minister Tomas Borge je dejal, da Nikaragva ni pripravljena sodelovati v pogajanjih z ZDA. Nemogoče si je misliti, da se bomo pogajali z ZDA v času, ko nas ZDA ogrožajo, je rekel Borge. Prvi pogoj za pogajanja bi bila garancija ZDA, da Nikaragve ne bodo napadle, je pripomnil notranji minister. Pretekli ponedeljek je ni-karagveška vlada proglasila, obsedno stanje v dtžavi za dobo 30 dni. Vzrok temu naj bi bila nevarnost oboroženega napada od ZDA ali od a-meriških prevratnih plačancev. Med drugim so v Nikaragvi uvedli cenzuro, suspendirane so mnoge državljanske pravice. ---L:-O-----1 Zadnje vesti • Washington, D.C. — Reaganova administracija ne bo več n a s p rotovala zahodnoevropskemu sodelovanju pri financiranju in gradnji plinovoda, po katerem bo v zahodno Evropo pretakal zemeljski plin iz sovjetske Sibirije. V zameno pa bodo ZDA zahtevale od svojih zaveznic ustanovitev posebnega gospodarskega bloka, v katerem bodo prevlado vale ZDA, in ki bo nadzoroval o-dobritev novih kreditov Sovjetski zvezi. • Dunaj. Avstr. — Naftni ministri OPEČ držav so se zbrali na zasedanju v tem mestu. Na sestanku obravnavajo težave v zvezi s ceno nafte in vse manjši uvoz v razvite države. Ministri želijo zmanjšano črpanje nafte in nasprotujejo znižanju cene soda nafte. Težava je v tem, da so nekatere članice pripravljene prodajati svojo nafto po nižji ceni. Na zajtrk— Društvo Najsv. Imena pri Sv. Vidu vabi v nedeljo, 21. marca, v farno dvorano k Sv. Vidu od 8. zjutraj do 1. popoldne na okusen zajtrk z omletami in klobasicami, pomarančnim sokom, maslom, kavo ali mlekom. Drugi misijonski teden pri Sv. Vidu— Cd ponedeljka, 22. marca, do petka, 26. marca, bodo po večerni maši v cerkveni dvorani krajši nagovori in razgovori o perečih vprašanjih, kot npr.: Ali so verni ljudje srečnejši od neverujočih?, Trenja v pokoncilski Cerkvi, Zakonska in družinska duhovnost ... Svoja oseba vprašanja, seveda nepodpisana, lahko že vnaprej vržete v za to pripravljen nabiralnik pri vhodu v cerkev. Vsako jutro bo kratka homilija in prilika za spoved. Pridite! Občni zbor Baragovega doma— Korporacija Baragov dom, Inc. ima v petek, 26. marca 1982. ob 7. uri zvečer, v svojih prostorih na 6304 St. Clair Ave., redni letni občni zbor. Podrobnosti so objavljene na oglasni deski v prostorih doma. Vsi delničarji vljudno vabljeni. Seja— Klub slovenskih upokojencev v Nevburgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo. 24. marca, ob 1. popoldne v Slovenskem narodnem domu na E. 80 cesti v Nevburgu. Rojstna dneva— V nedeljo, 21. marca, bo praznoval svoj 70. rojstni dan g. Jožef Anžič iz , Prosser Ave. Čestitajo in mu želijo še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let žena Marija, sorodniki in prijatelji! Tem čestitkam se pridružujemo tudi pri A.D. Te dni praznuje svoj 80. rojstni dan Frank Staniša s S. River Rd. v Geneva, O. Vse najboljše mu želijo otroci Frank, Maria, John, Louie. Josie in Sylvester ter vnukinja Judy! Operirali ga bodo— John Mizgur, Arcade Ave. se nahaja v Euclid General bolnišnici, kjer ga bodo ta vikend operirali. Želimo mu hitrega okrevanja! Zahvaljuje sc— Ga. Jennie Feme se iskreno zahvaljuje vsem sorodnikom in prijateljem za vse voščilne kartice, darila in obiske za časa svojega bivanja v bolnišnici, posfebno pa za molitve. Posebna zahvala rev. Jožetu Božnar ju in rev. Jožetu Simčiču, ki sta jo obiskala v bolnišnici. Spominski dar— Ga. Mary Branisel, Euclid, Ohio je darovala $15 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine v spomin na moža Johna in hčerki Betty'jn Molly. Iskrena hvala! Zarja— Pevski zbor Zarja, najstarejši te vrste med Slovenci v Velikem Clevelandu, priredi večerjo s koncertnim nastopom in plesom v soboto, 27. marca, v Slovenskem društvenem domu na Recher Ave. Vstopnice imajo vsi člani zbora, dobite jih lahko tudi v trgovini Tivoli v SND na St. Clairju. ........ . -. - Koncert Jadrana— Pevski zbor Jadran priredi svoj pomladanski koncert v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd. v soboto, 20. marca. Začetek ob 7. zvečer. Vstopnice so po $4 in jih imajo vsi člani zbora. Odbor Slovenske pristave— Odbor Slovenske pristave naznanja, da bo prihodnja seja v torek. 23. marca, ob 7. zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. in ne v torek, 30. marca! Prodaja peciva— Kr. št. 1 PSA bo imel prodajo potic in krofov v torek, 30. marca. Prodaja bo samo po prednaročilu, kupci bodo lahko prišli po pecivo po 2. uri pop. dne 30. marca v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Naročila sprejemeta Alma Lazar (531-5627) in Steffie Charske (436-3419). Prav tako bo imel Kr. št. 2 PSA prodajo potic v torek, 30. marca, od 3. do 6. zvečer v prizidku SND na St. Clair Ave. Cena bo $7.50 za vsako. Naročila sprejema Margaret Kaus na tel. 432-1208. Glasbena Matica— V soboto. 27. marca, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju priredi pevski zbor Glasbena Matica svojo vsakoletno pomladansko večerjo, koncert in ples. Vrata v .d vorano bodo odprta od 6. zv., večerja bo servirana et 7., sledila bosta koncert in ples. Vstopnice so po $11 na osebo in jih še imajo člani zbora ali pa pokličite go. Olgo Klaneher na tel. 209-1227. LILIJA bo uprizorila— V nedeljo, 23. marca, ob :}.30 popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. bo Dramatsko društvo Lilija uprizorila veseloigro v štirih dejanjih “Stric v Toplicah”. Vstopnina $3.50. Tiskovnemu skladu— Ga. Jože (Vika) Abram, Euclid, Ohio je darovala $10 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Joseph in Helen Trebeč. Cape Coral, Fla. sta tudi darovala $10 v naš tiskovni sklad. Vsem darovalcem naj lepša hvala! Prva skupina vojakov iz ZDA že prispela na Sinajski polotok ŠARM-EL-ŠEJK. Eg. — Na Sinajski polotok je prispel bataljon vojakov ameriške 82. divizije, ki bo sodeloval v nadzorovanju miru med E-giptom in Izraelom po pravilih mirovne pogodbe, ki sta jo podpisali obe državi. V ameriškem bataljonu je 670 vojakov, njim se bodo pridružile čete iz 11 drugih držav, ki so privolile, da bodo sodelovale v tej enoti. Ameriški 'in drugi vojaki bodo jamčili, da ne bo ponovno prišlo do vojnega spopada med Egiptom in Izraelom. Takšno enoto so zahtevali Izraelci, ki so tudi želeli, da bi bili navzoči ameriški vojaki. Dne 25. aprila bodo Izraelci izročili Egiptu zadnje kraje Sinajskega polotoka, ki so jih imeli zasedene vse od 6-dnev-' ne Vojne pred 15 leti. ft ' * AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 ST. CLAIR AVE. — 431-0628 — Cleveland, OH 44103 Beseda iz naroda... r' AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Owner, Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and I ridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: ^ $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za 3 mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: ^ $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $15.00 za 3 mesece I • Petkova izdaja: $15.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $15.00 for three months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20.00 yr. Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Home, 6117. St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 jgwg*. jUj No. 22 Friday, March 19, 1982 Partiji je šlo le za revolucijo \ _ (Nova priznanja) II. Družabni večer Tabor-a! CLEVELAND, O. — Kot vsako pomlad, tako tudi letos priredi organizacija Tabor, DSPB Cleveland, svoj pomladni Družabni večer. Ta večer veselja in zabave bo v soboto, 17. aprila, v zgornji dvorani Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave. v Collin-woodu. Vstopnice so že v predprodaji in si jih morete zagotoviti, ako kličete po telefonu Milana Zajca (851-4961) ali Filipa Oreha (943-4681). Vsa slovenska javnost je lepo vabljena na ta družabni večer. Z okusno večerjo se bo začelo servirati ob 7. uri zvečer. Servirali bodo do 9. ure. Za ples in zabavo bo igral orkester Veseli Slovenci pod vodstvom g. Dušana Maršiča. Na svidenje na našem družabnem večeru! Za odbor: Filip Oreh -------o------ shek je poročal, da bodo letos 4 izleti direktno iz Clevelanda v Slovenijo. Kdor želi potovati z enim teh izletov,, naj sporoči g. Kausheku. Gene letos so sorazmerno ugodne. Naša člana, g. in ga. Joe ! Bajc sta obhajala zlato poroko. Čestitamo! Ker smo pač ljudje, in še upokojeni zraven, imamo tudi precej bolnikov v naši sredi in sicer: Joe Trebeč, John Božič, Mary Legat, Jennie Centa, Rose Sterbank, Jane Vidic, Charles Zgonc, Joe Champa, Mary Martinčič, Mary Furlan in Jennie Žnidaršič. Zastopniki federacije upo^ kojencev so se udeležili, seje. Stanley Počkar je poročal, da bo piknik federacije letos dne 28. avgusta na ADZ — Slovenski vrt letovišču v Leroy ju, Ohio. Končno, da je bila izvoljena za novo tajnico federacije naša članica Mary Fabec. Drugi zastopniki so se s poročilom g. Počkar j a stri- njali. Zastopniki našega kluba, ki so se udeležili letnega zbora Slovenskega društvenega doma na Recher Ave., so poročali, da ta dom zelo uspešno napreduje in da ima dobre uradiiike in pridna dekleta v ženskem odseku, saj so v letu 1981 darovale kar $28,500. Potem je preds. Česen pozval navzoče, naj vstanejo in se z enominutnim molkom poklonijo spominu članom, ki so umrli v mesecu februarju. Ti so Josephine Hirter, Rose Kotnik in Frank Jereb. V pogrebnih zavodih nas bodo ta mesec zastopali: Ann in Rudy Cetina, Caroline Bu-dan, Ann Hočevar ter Jo in Ed Novak. Vsem članom, ki so proslavljali rojstni dan, smo skupno zapeli “Happy Birthday!” S tem je bil izčrpan dnevni red in je bila seja zaključena. Vsem bolnikom želimo hitrega okrevanja, družinam umrlih naše sožalje, vsem drugim pa prisrčno na svidenje na prihodnji seji, ki bo v sredo, 7. aprila! Jennie Fatur, zapis. In drugo pričevanje: prvi vojaški poveljnik partizanske vojske, zdaj general Ivan Maček-Matija je lani napisal svoje Spomine. Nismo jih še brali. Toda iz intervjuja Mance Košir v Delu (26. dec. 1981) opisuje svoje bivanje na partijski šoli v Moskvi v 1. 1935-1937, torej v času Stalinovih čistk, s temi besedami: “Bilo je grozno! Najbolj to, da so med nami sejali nezaupanje. V SZ so takrat vsi ljudje sumili drug drugega. Oče je sumil mater, ta sina, brat sestro, sosed soseda ... Sumničenje so naravnost gojili... To, gledati in dojeti, pa ostati komunist — potrebna je bila velika'mera zavesti. Tudi na iiaŠi šoli’sa vestno prisluškovali vsem pogovorom. Našim fantom se ni dalo dopovedati, da ima strop ušesa. Niso mogli verjeti. Eden od naših je v sobi veliko govoril, da se za tak komunizem, kot je v Rusiji, ne splača boriti... Tega so neke noči odpeljali in nikoli več ga nismo videli,..” Po tem uvodu je na vprašanje o razmerju med o-svobodilno vojno in revolucijo odgovoril: “NOB je bila i zame od začetka revolucija. ' Komunisti so imeli od vsega početka v programu tudi socialno osvoboditev. Med partizani ga nisi našel, ki bi ne bil za revolucijo.” — Na vprašanje, kako so si partizani predstavljali svobodo, je odgovoril: “Kako bo, ko bo svoboda, o tem sp je po enotah veliko govorilo; med nami v Centralnem komiteju in v glavnem štabu pa o tem nismo govorili, saj za nas ni bilo dileme: revolucijo moramo izvesti, prevzeti moramo oblast... Partizani so ljudem , marsikaj obljubljali, da so ljudi navduševali...” Vpraševalka: “Stalinova Rusija, je bila najbrž partizanom najbolj svetel ideal?” — Maček-Matija: “Stalin je partizanom res veliko pomenil, na stotine jih je padlo z njegovim imenom na ustih. Vse skupaj je bilo tako zasnovano tudi iz partijskih vrst. Sami smo propagirali SZ; s Sovjeti smo bili zavezniki...” — Tedaj je vpraševalka zastavila kulminacijsko vprašanje, celo , kot očitek: “Vi in čisti, ki so bili v SZ, ste presneto dobro vedeli, kako je v Stalinovi deželi, a ste molčali.. .” Na to je Maček priznal: “Že pred vojno smo vedeli, da če bi našim komunistom pripovedovali, kako je v SZ, bi jih velik del izgubili. Zato o tem nismo govorili. Vedel sem, da bi partiji povzročili škodo, če ne bi molčali. Saj smo za razmere v SZ vedeli le tisti, ki smo bili tam pred vojno .” Te izjave generala Mačka nam zopet nedvomno potrjujejo: da je bila “narodno-osvobodilna” borba prvenstveno socialna borba, ki je vodila državljansko [ vojno med lastnim narodom, ne toliko proti okupator-‘ jem; da ni bila ne narodna ne osvobodilna, kot je lagala v naslovu, ni branila očetne domovine, temveč le komunistično adoptirano Stalinovo zvezo s ciljem, kot ga je izpovedal Kardelj v začetku maja 1945 tudi z univerze v Ljubljani: da naj postane Slovenija le ena sovjetskih republik v državni zvezi Sovjetskih republik, torej tesno povezana v eni državni skupnosti pod tistim Stalinom, katerega strahovlado so slovenski voditelji NOB Kidrič, Kardelj, Marinko, Mačfek... Tito dobro poznali in so jo z Mačkom imenovali s pravim imenom: grozno! Torej je bila NOB tudi zločinska, ker je zavestno varala in pehala narod v nesvobodo Stalinovega zgleda, ki je vodil celo v genocid ... Res grozno! — Zakaj prikrivanje revolucije? Zakaj prikrivanje dogajanja v Sovjetski zvezi? Zakaj Stalinovo borbo za sovjetski totalitarni fašizem imenovati demokratsko protifašistično borbo? ! Vse to so vprašanja, ki se nam odpirajo ob prejšnjih in današnjih izjavah ustanoviteljev lažno-samo-zvane “narodno-osvoboclilne protifašistične borbe”. Manca Koširjeva je na koncu pogovora z Mačkom pristavila obsodbo, ki jo je “nekajkrat slišala od starih komunistov in partizanov: Ne! Za to, kar se je godilo po vojni in kar se dogaja danes, se nismo borili!” Toda kdo bo popravil doma učbenike in v svetu javno mnenje? In kdaj? td Darovi za Slomškovo beatifikacijo CLEVELAND, O. — Ko so poravnali članarino za Slomškov krožek, so darovali za Slomškovo beatifikacijo sledeči člani in dobrotniki: $50: M. K. $20: Anton Vegel po $10: I. L., Joža Kristanc po $8: Frances Zak, Amalija Šef, Mary Wolf, Mary Strancar, N.N. po $5: Štefan in Marija Marolt, družina Toneta Nemec po $3: Jožefina Kovač, Štefan Marolt, Apolonija Košir, Verona Horvat $2: Marija Starič po $1: Jelka Pretnar, A.L. Naj vam Bog in svetniški kandidat bogato povrneta! Odbor S. K. ------o----— Euclidski upokojenci poročajo EUCLID, O. — Ta letošnja zima se kar noče spraviti od nas! Na dan naše zadnje seje, 3. marca, je bila temperatura pod 20 stopinj F. Pa vendar je prišlo na sejo kar 243 članov in članic. Pred sejo nam je kazal Ray Strumbly zelo zanimiv film o Aljaski. Klubov predsednik Frank Česen ml. se je g. Strumblyju zahvalil za uslugo, potem pa začel z redno sejo. Podana so bila uradna poročila. Odborniki so z izidom našega banketa zadovoljni. Udeležba je bila dobra, naša kuharica Mary Šter je pripravila s pomočjo njenega “štaba” okusno večerjo, gostje so se pa kar lepo zabavali. Podpredsednik John Kau- EUCLID, O. — Ako se niste še odločili, kam bi šli na razvedrilo v soboto, 27. marca, vas ponovno varbim, da pridete v Slovenski društveni dom na Recher Ave. v Euclidu. Pevski zbor Zarja priredi pomladansko prireditev zadnjo soboto v marcu že več let in isto bo letos. Servirana bo okusna večerja v spodnji dvorani in sicer od 5. do 7. ure zvečer. Nekako' ob pol osmih pa se bo začel v glavni, zgornji dvorani lep pevski program. Po osmi uri pa bo orkester Markic- CHICAGO, 111. — Zima nas je letos zares zaprla v hiše. Težko vsem, ki so morali vsak dan zaradi dela ali šole iti v mraz in na ledene ceste. Izmed nas starejših se je mar--sikdp spomnil na nepozabnb hudo zimo v Slovenji 1. 1929, ki je bila nekaj nemogočega, kajti -termometer je kazal —35 C. V tej nov deželi pa hude zime niso taka redkost, ker imajo arktični vetrovi po ravnem svetu prosto pot. U-p^mo, da bo sonce zmagalo tudi letos. Baragovo kosilo, ki je bilo določeno za nedeljo sredi januarja, so preklicali in prenesli na prvo nedeljo v februarju, pa je še takrat komaj šlo. Organizatorji v krajevni Baragovi zvezi so se zelo čudili, ker je bil obisk rekorden — okrog 400 ljudi. Velike skrbi sta imela predsednik Viktor Mladič in glavna kuharica Rusova; končno'se je vse srečno izteklo in hrane ni zmanjkalo. Slovenska deseta maša je bila slavnostna, posvečena Baragovemu spominu. Dvorano so napolnili domačini in mnogi gostje. Dobre kuharice, številni pridni strežniki, prijetna prijateljska družba je pritegnila tedaj — -in to opažamo vedno bolj — veliko število obiskovalcev kosil v farni dvorani. ,Že v jeseni smo imeli Slomškovo in misijonsko kosilo. Eni in drugi prireditelji vedno poskrbe poleg telesne hrane še nekaj za duha. Imamo govornike in mladino za razvedrilo. Nekdanjih velikih kulturnih prireditev v večjem številu več ne zmoremo; slovenske družine žive povečini da- Zagger igral za ples in veselo razpoloženje. Vstopniec po $10 na osebo lahko dobite v trgovini Tivoli v SND na St. Clair Ave., v Tony’s Polka Village na E. 185. cesti in seveda pri članih Zarje. Med odmorom Markic-Zaggerjevega orkestra pa vas bomo Zarjani razvedrili s posebno zabavo, zopet v spodnji dvorani. Torej pridite, ne bo vam žal! Dobrodošli boste vsi. Jennie Fatur leč od središča, to je od cerkve sv. Štefana. Končno moramo dati vse priznanje našim pevcem, ki se tako daleč vsak teden podajajo na vaje; staršem, ki vsako nedeljo pripeljejo. otroke v slovensko šolo — in še ti in drugi — mladino k folklornim plesnim vajam. Slovensko življenje je zaradi teh požrtvovalnih ljudi še prav živo in povezano s cerkvijo. Kaj pa potem, če bo fara obnemogla in z njo farna šola .. .? Starejši farani se zelo trudijo za obstoj. Ob Baragovem kosilu je naš , odlični režiser Jože Rus okusno pripravil oder z veliko Baragovo sliko. V njegovi pripravi so učenci uprizorili prizor iz Baragovega življenja. Ker je bil dan mrzel, so se udeleženci kmalu razšli. Prejela sem podatke o finančnem uspehu tega kosila. Z odbitkom stroškov je od vstopnine in darov ostalo io-krog $2,500 čistega prebitka. Nekaj so poslali glavnemu odboru v Marquette; $1000 bodo izročili istemu poleti v Milwaukeeju,. ko bo tam slavnost Baragovega dne L 1982. Koline folklornih plesalcev, to je članov Slovensko-ameriškega radijskega kluba (SARK) pod vodstvom dr. Ludvika Leskovarja in njegove žene Cdrinne. Ob sklepnem nastopu na odru se nam je predstavila vsa skupina — 60 po številu, ki zajema odrasle plesalce, mladince in otroke-šolarje. Vaditeljica odraslih je Corinne Leskovar, mladincev in otrok pa Magda Simrayh. Nastopajo vedno v lepih, pristnih narodnih ali ljudskih nošah, ki stanejo precej denarja in ki so last posameznikov ali plesne skupine. Treba je obnavljati, popravljati, dokupovati (škornje, klobuke) in mladina se tudi rada pokaže drugod. V načrtu imajo obisk folklornega festivala v Clevelandu. Zaradi skupne pomoči so se starši -— očetje in matere —-odločili, da pripravijo doma-če koline. Stare skušnje z velikim in sitnim delom od živih prašičev do izdelanih in pečenih klobas jih niso zadržale. Z veseljem so šli na delo. Starim delavcem (pred tedni smo jih videli na slikah v A.D.) so se pridružili še novi. Najštevilnejši so bili Belo- Vabilo na zabavni večer Zar.e • - ti 1 L: " N-L : ' ' '' ”■ '1 5 'V P. FORTUNAT OFM: Slovensko in slovensko-ameriško izročilo m. Skušnja nam daje svoje nauke, ako smo dovzetni zanje ali ne. Vsakdo ima to možnost, da je brezbrižen do vsega, kar bi lahko spoznal v svojo korist. Ako smo svobodni, da delamo s seboj, kar se nam poljubi, ali pa da sploh nič ne naredimo za duhovno srečo in notranji mir, to ne pomeni, da imamo prav. Ako po prihodu v to deželo človek postane “Amerikanec” tako, da porine v pozabo vse znake pripadnosti slovenskemu narodu, naredi veliko napako. Vso.vzgojOj tudi versko, je prejel v slovenskem jeziku. Slovenski jezik mu ne nudi opore, da se uživi in usposobi za primerno zaposlitev v tej deželi. Ako zaradi tega zapostavlja, in opusti slovenski jezik, je v nevarnosti, da bo o-pustil in zavrgel vse, kar mu je v slovenskem jeziku odprlo pot do spoznanja duhovnih vrednot. Skušnja je pokazala, da tako ravnanje vodi od o-puščanja verskih vaj in obveznosti. Človek mora biti u-rejen v svoji notranjosti. Potrebno je, da se prilagodi novim okoliščinam, potrebno je pa tudi, da goji, kar mu je dala vzgoja in izobrazba v materinskem jeziku. To velja za mlajše in za njihove starše. , Tudi starši se morajo vživeti v okolje iSvojih otrok; zanje okolje izven doma in tudi v šoli ni1-.nič novega. ^ 0,trok, ki dorašča, mora čutiti, da ga starši spremljajo tudi izven dcma ne samo s svojimi ukazi in navodili, marveč tudi z razumevanjem sedanjih pojavov v družbi. Tega pa ne morejo vršiti sami, marveč se morajo okleniti raznih možnosti, katere jim nudijo razne organizacije, posebno v župniji, v katero so vpisani. Brezbrižnost v tem pogledu ni opravičljiva. Tudi mesečnik Ave Maria in časopis Ameriška Domovina nudita temu primerno branje. Otroci bodo ohranjali zveze s svojimi starši tudi pozneje, ko se bodo ali so se že osamosvojili. Zato morajo imeti tudi starejši razumevanje za razmere in pogoje, v katerih se odigrava življenje mlajših. Idealno je, da bi vedeli starejši o raznih pojavih v družbi več kot mlajši. Ako vedo, imajo mlajši zaupanje-vanje. Razpoloženje v sedanji družbi ni naklonjeno znanju raznih jezikov, posebno znanju materinskega jezika, Starejši, posebno starši, bi morali biti vzgled ljubezni in spoštovanja do slovenskega jezika. Z materinskim jezikom so •združene kulturne in verske vrednote. Cenimo jih samo, ako jih poznamo. Na žalost se vsi ne poslužujejo možnosti, da bi jih spoznali. Po letih zanemarjanja slovenskega jezika in slovenskih duhovnih vrednot je prišlo do izboljšanja, a ne zadostnega in učinkovitega. Zasluga za to izboljšanje gre tistim, ki so od prihoda v Ameriko: do sedaj vztrajali v svojem kulturnem delu. Veliko zaslugo pri tem imajo .slovenske šole ob koncu tedna; navadno so povezane s slovenskimi farami. ++******++**++**+*****+++******+*+*+*+*+**+***t»tm4+++t+tt+tttjt kranjci s Tončko Judnič na čelu. Pridružili so se tudi Prekmurci, da so pokazali, kako se delajo prekmurske klobase. Pripeljali so s seboj izkušeno C o p o t o vo mamo. Trud delavcev je bil s kosilom lepo poplačan. Zopet vse mize zasedene. Mladina je želela koline združiti z malo pustno zabavo, kar se ji je-docela posrečilo. Po kosilu so nas presenetili ne le z lepim nastopom odraslih plesalcev, .ampak z nastopom pravega štajerskega Kurenta, ki ga najbolj poznajo rojaki okrog Ptuja. Przor, kako se je Kurent, priznan veseljak, otresal same smrti, je bil prikazan na odru tako posrečeno, da upam, da ta bajka ne bo nikogar dolgočasila. Že sama dekoracija odra je pritegnila naše oči in pozornost. Prizor so sijajno izvedli-napovedovalec — Stane Simrayh st., Kurent — Tone Gaber ml., Smrt — Herman Simrayh. Kostume in mask0 • za Kurenta sta izdelala mojstrsko Slavko in Slavka Savan, masko za Smrt pa Jože Rus. Veselo razpoloženje se je nadaljevalo. Številna otroška plesalska skupina je uprizorila zabavni ženitveni pohod z ženinom in nevesto (bratec in sestrica Gorenc); otroci so se zbrali okrog svoje vaditeljice Magde, o kateri so zvedeli, da je dobila zaročni prstan in ji prisrčno čestitali-Brez darov seveda ni bil°: zaročenka je prejela pole!? (Dalje na str. 3) Naročniki pišejo Kurent se je postaral in prišla je Smrt. Zvitež se je že davno prej na ta prihod pripravil: od- Boga si je izprosil poseben stol, posebno jablano, posebno harmoniko. Smrt je prišla in Kurent jo je povabil na stol, da se bo odpočila, a reva je na njem obsedela za celih sedem let. Po mnogih prošnjah jo je Kurent izpustil; prišla je drugič in zagledala na vrtu drevo z rdečimi jabolki. Lačna hoče odtrgati, glej, nesreče: od drevesa ne more nikamor. Kurent se smeje in jo tam drži ponovno sedem let. Končno se je usmili in spusti. Pa pride Smrt tretjič k hiši po njega, a glej zlomka: Kurent poteguje harmoniko in Smrt mora plesati in, plesati, da je joj. Ko mu končno obljubi, da nikdar več ne pride ponj, ga šele izpusti. Kurent raja in pridružijo se mu številni otroški rajalci ter nadaljujejo z njim pravi Kuretov ples. Sledil je prisrčen smeh in ploskanje' Toronto, Ont. — Spoštovani! Oprostite, ker nisem tak0 dolgo p o r a v nal naročnin6’ Preje nisem mogel poslati’ Sedaj pa vam pošljem za cd0 leto in še 10 dolarjev zravc11 za tiskovni sklad. Lep P°' zdrav! Jože Gregorčič Cleveland, O. — Drago u' redništvo! S pismom prilagam ček za $15 za petko^ številko za eno leto. Želin1 vam veliko uspeha in vesel3 Veliko noč! Mary KoljaP ni! Obnavljam naročnino misijonarja Franca Bratin3 obenem tudi svojo, ki bo P°' tekla 1. junija' 1982. Z A&c' riško Domovino sem zad°J voljna, le da bi vsaj trikr0! na teden izhajala in ko malo bolje videla, da bi l3^ brala. Dne 1. februarja sen1 praznovala 91. rojstni '0()<=>oo<=r>oo<3>o()<)n GeJa CONSTRUCTION BETONIRAMO: DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, PATIOS. POPRAVLJAMO VLAŽNE KLETI, STREHE, IZVRŠUJEMO SKORAJ VSA MIZARSKA POPRAVILA (CARPENTRY). ZA BREZPLAČNE PREDRAČUNE, POKLIČITE: Jože Cerer: 486-2854 — ali — Toni Jarem: 481-3969 0,:::^ooooooo<)(> Tusharjeve, ki mi poroča o veselju, ki ga je doživela na prvem vseslovenskem misijonskem Simpoziju v Rimu. Vidim, da je bila tam MZA lepo zastopana. Želim Vam in vsej MZA veliko božjega blagoslova in uspeha in vse lepo pozdravljam, Pedro Opeka, misijonar.” (30. jan. 1982) 28. februarja se je iz Pariza oglasila sr. Terezija Pavlič, ki je naslednji dan odpotovala nazaj na Madagaskar. Zahvalila se je za misijonski dar, ki ga je našla pri sr. Ceciliji Prebil od naše MZA. Od misijonarke, ki se je vrnila iz Madagaskarja, je izvedela, da so bile tam zadnje čase velike poplave in potovanje nemogoče, to je povzročilo med ljudstvom večjo lakoto, ker niti avijoni niso mogli pristajati. Sr. Amanda Potočnik se je tudi zahvalila za pomoč MZA v božičnem pismu. V oktobru je prišla za predstojnico med nje sr. Marija Pavlišič, ki dela vsak drugi dan tudi v dispanzerju. Zadnje leto je bilo veliko ljudi lačnih. V desetih letih delovanja na Madagaskarju ni sestra nikdar doživela toliko lakote. Njeno delo je obiskovati ljudi po vaseh in pomagati po svojih močeh. Poučuje tudi verouk za odrasle. Priporoča se vsem v molitev in za vse sama redno moli. Iz Vangaindrana se oglaša 17. januarja tudi sr. Marija Pavlišič. Zelo je hvaležna za božično pismo in dar MZA vsem dobrotnikom. V to postojanko je prišla 5. oktobra iz Ranomene. Ima veliko bolnikov, zlasti otrok. Veliko jih umre. Oslabljeni in podhranjeni nimajo nobene odpornosti. Vsak torek popoldne prihajajo matere z otroki, starimi 1 do 2 let, po mleko. Mali Erik je 8 mesecev star in tehta 3 kg in 800 gr., nek drug 13 mesecev star otrok tehta 4 kg. Otrok je bil ob rojstvu 2 kg 800 gr., sedaj ima samo 2 kg 500 gr., ker mati nima mleka in pri nas ga imamo premalo, da bi vsem pomagali. Tako težko ga kaj dobim. Kako vesela in hvaležna bi bila, če bi mi od kje pošiljali mleko v prahu za te otroke, ki ga dobijo od nas sedaj po 25 kg na teden, kar ni dovolj, a za denar ga ne morem dobiti. Zadnjo nedeljo v januarju bo dan gobavcev. Ta dan tukaj bolj doživimo, ker jih v njihovi revščini vidimo in prihajajo trije vsak dan k nam, da dobijo malo dela. Noge imajo podobne konjskim kopitom. (Bo se.) Rev. Charles A. Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road iScarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3.17 Zima, kosila in prireditve (Nadaljevanje z 2. strani) neobhodne torte še velik slovenski “pušeljc”, namreč v velikem kranjskem cekarju leseno ribniško robo. Direktor slovenske radijske oddaje dr. Leskovar je preskrbel, da je bil prenos nedeljske radijske ure iz dvorane same ob 4. uri popoldne. Poleg stalnih napovedovalcev se je voditeljica kolin Tončka Judnič iskreno zahvalila mnogim pomočnikom in pomočnicam. Posamezne točke oddaje je vezal zbor “Glas Slovenije” pod vodstvom Janeza Arka z odličnimi inštrumentalisti in pevci. Kaj še pričakujemo? V nedeljo, 7. marca, smo imeli farno kosilo s tombolo v porhoč za popravilo in obnovitev naše slovenske cerkve sv. Štefana. Z veliko skrbjo in zavzetostjo vse vodi župnik fare p. Vendelin špeh-dov. t Na tretjo nedeljo marca bo prekmursko društvo sv. Ane obhajalo 60-letnico s kosilom, tudi v veliki dvorani sv. Štefana. Pevci odličnega zbora “Slovenska pesem”, združeni iz Chicaga in Jolieta, se pripravljajo na koncert na zadnjo soboto v aprilu, tj. 24. a-prila. Bodimo na to pozorni! Nastopili bodo že petič z orkestrom. Pomemben kulturni dogodek. Ana Gaber Temeljita obnova stolnice pri Gospe Sveti Že Rimljani so sredi Gosposvetskega polja zgradili Viru-num, prestolnico svoje noriške province, ki je bila porušena ob preseljevanju narodov, ko so zasedli te kraje naši predniki. V tem času se je tudi v zgodovini pojavilo poimenovanje za te kraje Ca-rantanum. — Ko pa je ob priključitvi Karantanije Bavarcem slovenski knez Borut • moral Bavarcem izročiti za talca svojega sina Gorazda in nečaka Rotimira odn. ko sta ta dva na bavarskem dvoru sprejela krščanstvo in kmalu nato zavladala v svoji ožji domovini, takrat so se odprla CELOVEC, Avstr. — Vsak narod ima kraje, ki ga spominjajo na njegov izvor, na njegove korenine. Vračanje k tem spomenikom daje narodu, posebno v hudih časih, novih moči in novega poguma za nadaljnji razvoj in obstanek. V sedanjem času živo opažamo nekaj takega pri našem bratskem narodu, pri Poljakih, ki se danes, v najbolj kritičnem obdobju svoje zgodovine, tako rekoč ves poljski narod kompaktno o-brača k Čenstohovski Materi božji za pomoč in rešitev. Slovenci bi Marijino božjo pot pri Gospe Sveti na Koroškem lahko imenovali slovensko koroško, če že ne kar vseslovensko Čenstohovo. Gospa Sveta je bilo prvo sre-dišce katoliške vere med Slovenci. V gosposvetski stolnici se še danes ob nedeljah, posebno pa v poletnih mesecih, zbere do 500 romarjev ne vrata krščanstvu v Karantaniji. Solnograjski škof Virgilij je tedaj poslal v Karantanijo pomožnega škofa Modesta in z njm še vrsto misijonarjev. Škof Modest si je izbral ' za škofijski sedež ugoden prostor nasproti Krnskega gradu, spdeža karantanskih slovenskih vojvod in si tu postavil kot stolnico Marijino cerkev, ki so ji dali ime Gospa Sveta. Tu je potem ostal škofijski sedež do 1. 1945. — Toliko za kratek vpogled v našo zgodovino, ki nam pokaže izvor naše slovenske kr-« ščanske tradicije. Današnja gosposvetska stolnica je bila sezidana (v gotskem slogu) sredi 15. stoletja. Zadnja obnova te cerkve je bila opravljena 1883 - 1884. Lani so se odločili za popolno obnovo njene notranjosti, baročnih orgel in pa tudi podružnice v Varpji vasi. — Gosposvetska cerkev je polna umetniških in z godovin-skih zakladov. Med drugim je tu grob prvega karantanskega škofa Modesta. Najnovejša temeljita obnova Marijinega svetišča pri Gospe Sveti na Gosposvetskem polju pa je dala odn. še vedno daje, kar je razumljivo, našim koroškim sestram in bratom močan povod, da v se še bolj spomnijo, in spominjajo izredne zgodovinske pomembnosti te cerkve odn. te-/ ga kraja. Po načrtih pristojnih oseb bo obnovljena gosposvetska cerkev 15. avgusta tega leta, na dan Marijinega Vnebovzetja, doživela svoj novi veliki dan, praznik svoje ponovne blagoslovitve, kb bo zibelka katoliške vere na Koroškem zaživela spet v novem sijaju. (Op. Svobodno prirejena po celovškem cerkvenem listu ‘Nedelja, št. 11, od 14. marca 1082.) Janez Sever A*; AAv i . V tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine so od zadnjič darovali sledeči narodno zavedni rojaki: Joseph J. Zorc, .......$25.00 Washington, D.C. Ivan Marn, ............. 2.00 Toronto, Ont. Franc Jeretina, ........ 7.00 Joliet, 111. Jože Gregorčič, .... .. 10.00 Toronto, Ont. Ga. Agnes Bradek, .... 5.00 Mentor,- O. Rev. Leopold Miholich, 2.00 Denver, Colo, Ga. Mary Krampe], . . 2.00 Cleveland, O. Mary Jerše, .......... 10.00 Windsor, Ont. Ivan Zakrajšek, ........ 2.00 Richmond Hts., O. Karlo in Ivanka Kozar, 2.00 Fairfield, Conn. Rev. A. J. Hribšek...... 2.00 Faeirfield, Conn. John Belec, ............. 2.00 Wildwood, 111. Gdč. Marie Zott, ........ 3.00 Cleveland, O. Andrew Burgstaler st., 2.00 Aitkin, Minn, Justine Mayer, Mary Grady-in Florence Zalar v spomin ra očeta Josepha Dermasa, Warren, O. (za tiskarski stroj .................. 25.00 Andrew Habjan, .......... 2.00 Pittsburgh,* Pa. Ludvik Lovšin, .......... 2.00 London, Ont. Anten Medved, ........... 2.00 Peli Lake, Wis. Rose A. Rodgers (Grili), Euclid, O., v spomin na starše Johna in Frances Grill .................. 25.00 Vsem darovalcem iskrena hvala! fi I t r VSEK Carst Memorials Kraška kamnoseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 EDINA SLOVENSKA IZDELOVAL-NICA NAGROBNIH SPOMENIKOV V blag spomin OB 33. OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINUL LJUBLJENI, OČE IN STARI OČE LOUIS ClMFESm Izdihnil, je svojo plemenito dušo dne 22. marca 1949. \ Pogrešapno ljubeči Tvoj smehljaj, dobrotno Tvojo očetovsko roko. Zaman, zaman Te kličemo naazj, bolest ločitve reže na globoko. Žalujoči: sin LOUIS hčerke JOSEPHINE, ROSE in DOROTHY, zet FRANK snaha MARY, vnuki/ in vnukinje. Cleveland, O., 19. marca 1982. ‘V-L'k.' kUvtiVy samo s Koroške, marveč od leta do leta tudi več iz matic- |l||j||||||||||||||||||j|j||j|||||||||||||||j|||||M ne Slovenije. Tukaj je zibel- == jf_, . _ __ . ¥ o 1^ = ZAKRAJŠEK = med ka Marijinega češčenja Slovenci. Na Gosposvetskem polju pa so tudi še danes vidna zgodovinska znamenja naše slovenske identitete: knežji kamen (danes v celovškem muzeju) in vojvodski prestol. Tukaj se je namreč godilo izbiranje in umeščanje slovenskih vojvod (knezov). Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. 361-3113 Susan Rae Zah With deep sorrow in our hearts, we announce bis departure from this world on November 29, 1881, at the heme of his daughter and son-in-law, Florence and Frank Strnad in Fontana, California, with .whom he lived for the vai t 'L years. He was 88years of age at the time his Creator, whom he had served faithfully during his long, interesting life, called him unto the realm of heaven. Our dear father was born in March of 1883, in the picturesque small town of Afdenek, Slovenia, and was intensely proud of his Slovenian heritage. Immigrating to this country in 1913, he became a citizen of the U.S.A., in 1819. He was r. man of his word, loyal to his adopted country, and possessing a deep faith in God, his religion and in his church. A cabinet maker by trade, he was married twice. When his first wife became seriously ill, her sister came from Slovenia to assist her and care for the four small children. After his wife died, he married his sister-in-law, who passed away in 1950. Since then he lived alone in his house at West Aids, Wis., until moving to live with his daughter in Fontana. Preceding him in death was his son Emil Lipo. Our beloved father was an active parishioner at St. clary Help of Christians Church in West Allis, Wis., from 191':, until he moved to California, and a member of St. Joseph Church in Fontana for the past 1*4 years. He was also an active member and an officer for many years of St. Joseph KSKJ lodge in West Allis, Wis. Our deepest thanks to the St. Joseph Church Senior Choir for their beautiful Slovenian songs to the Blessed Mother and her son at the wake in Fontana. We are also thankful to the Rev. Fathers, Melvin Bybar-czyk, CR.. and Rev. Edmund Raczka, CR., for leading the Scriptural Rosary in Fontana. The earthly remains of our dear father were then returned to West Allis, Wis.. for the wake at Ermcu Funeral Home, and the nevt morning to St. Mary Help of Christians Church for a Mass co-cclebrated by Rev. Fr. Setnicar and Rev. Fr. Smith. His last sad journey on this earth was froiv the church to Mt. Olivet Cemetery-, where he was laid tv his eternal rest in the family plot, next to those who preceded him in death. Our appreciation to Fr. Setnicar, who came out of retirement to celebrate the Mass for cur beloved deceased in English, and for his homily in Slovenian. Special thanks to our dear friend. Josephine Imp-.;! a id her church choir for truly lovely musical and singing rendition at the Mass. Likewise, thanks to the indies for 1: «i;w repast after the funeral, and to everyone who h-alped in any way at our time of grief. Last, but not least, our sincere thanks to the many friend: for the Masses and contributions for two memorials in the form of priest’s vestments, one for St. Joseph’s in Fontana and the other for St. Mary Help of Christians in West Allis We deeply miss Pa’s ever-ready smile and his spontaneous singing, especially of “Tiha Luna” (Silent Moon), which he sang ror the last time two days before he departed tram ihb earih in peaceful sleep far his heavenly home. Sadly missed by: Sons: Frank Lino — Joseph Jamnik (Wis.) Daughters: Olga Lulloff (Wis.) — Florence Strnad (Calif.) Daughters-in-iaw: LaVinia Lipo (Wis.) — Winifred Quarg (Wis.) Sons-in-law: Frank Strnad (Calif.) — Louis Lulloff (Wis.) and 16 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, 4 great great-grandchildren. ANDREJ KOBAL: SVETOVNI POPOTNIK PRIPOVEDUJE Achilles je pozval tajnico., 'n ji ukazal prinesti snop zvezkov, ki so bili moji testi. Presenetil me je. Nisem, vedel, da je tudi njegov urad ’’azpečaval mola dela. Položil je teste predme in mi čestital. “Po teh različnih testih te smatram za najbolj sposobnega za službo, ti ponuja,” je dejal.' “Teda jaz nisem še nikdar bil zaposlen v te vrste industrijah,” sem se' obotavljal. “Toliko lepše,” je odgovoril, “in toliko ■ boljše zate. Imel boš naj lepšo priložnost s praktično uporabo preizkusiti svoja dela in zanesljivost večine svojih testov. Vem, da so bili docela preizkušeni po raznih učnih zavodih, a tu se ponuja izredna piriložnost, kakršno bi si želel vsak psiholog" Nisem dolgo pomišljal. Priložnosti, katere mi je Achilles naštel, sem se dobro zaveda! in si jih zaželel. Poleg te- , ga je pismo' zagotavljalo vabljivo plačo, boljšo kot bi jb mogel dobiti s polno profesu- ro, katere itak nisem imel. Govorila sva dalje in Achilles je ob zaključku razgovora telefoniral podjetju. Omenil jim je moje ime in me priporočil. Rekel jim jo. da se bom naslednji ponedeljek javil direktorju za osebje v Hartfor-du. Ko pomislim, kako1 sem bil sprejet v to edino industrijsko službo, se mi zazdi, da sem bil dokaj spreten psiholog — v svoj prilog.. V urad sem prišel pozno popoldne. Direktorja ni bilo. Naslednjega dne sem se vrnil , v urad ih direktorja ni bilo vse dopoldne. Po kosilu ga spet ni. bilo. Namenil sem se, da bom čakal do ^onca dne in se zvečer vrnil v New York, če ga še vedno ne bo. V veliki sobi, kjer sem čakal, je bilo šest oken in za vsakim je sedel uradnik, ki jo zasliševal prosilce za delo. Teh je bila dolga vrsta izven poslopja, da sta jih morala dva stražnika puščati v majhnih skupinah skozi vhod in jih uvrščati pred okna. .. . Prosilci. za delo so bili oči- GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 1053 East 02 St, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2083 531-0300 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Vidno, iz mnogih držav, . kjer je še' vladala velika brezposelnost, možje iz Vermonta in drugih držav Nove Anglije (New England), celo iz Ohia in Pennsylvanije. Dva delavca sem. slišal pogovarjati se v slovenskem jeziku. Sredi popoldneva direktorja še vedno ni bilo. Njegova tajnica mi je prišla povedat, da se direktor najbrž vrne pred peto uro. Deloma iz dolgočasja in nemalo iz pustolovstva, brez katerega nisem nikoli bil, sem se na slepo po-služil naslednje prilike. Uradnik pri zadnjem oknu se je poslovil od kolega pri sosed-njem oknu, rekoč mu, da ima po tretji uri dopust. Nisem, dolgo čakal; zasedel sem njegovo mesto, stražnik pa je napeljal vrsto prosilcev . k mojemu oknu. Uradnik pri. sosednjem oknu gledal nekaj časa; rekel ni nič in je nadaljeval z zasliševanjem. Pred menoj je ležalo nekaj pol umirja s seznamom oddelkov * mesti za zaposlitev ' strugarjev, delavcev pri raznih strojih, s katerimi sem. k sreči bil seznanjen. Na seznamu so bile določene tudi plače. Poleg je ležal snopič žele-nih listov, tiskanih .formularjev za zaposlitev. Seznam in formularje sem v naglici pregledal. Pred menoj je čakal kandidat' s svojim izpolnjenim, formularjem: imej- starost, kraj' roj- stva in domovanja, poklic, prejšnji delodajalec, leta izkušenj pri delu, katero išče, in podobno. Ti podatki so mi služili za izpraševanje. Malokateri je bil sposoben za izpraznjena mesta. Sposobne sem najel in jim izpolnil formular za zaposlitev z navodilom, v kateri oddelek in kdaj imajo priti, pa kolik bo zaslužek. Nekaterim sem priporočil, naj se javijo kak dan pozneje. Popolnoma odbiti delo ih zaslužek potrebnim je Powerful reading. .. ■>. v v.,*1*,' ' S', v've- ' The Electric Decision Moker tells you everything you need to knoy/ to manage the electricity you use at home. It will tell you how much each appliance costs to run, how to get the most from the electricity you do use, and how you can be easier on energy Send, for your'free Electric Decision Maker booklet by sending us the coupon below. Mail to | Residential Energy Application Dept * ■ Room 711 g Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company m PO Box 5000, Cleveland, Ohio 44101 H Please senU me my tree copy of the “ Electric Decision Maker i 1 I I NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP The Illmmnatiiig Ck)i^ TiTii© &]©&©[?§□ V bilo težja. Tako Sem nadaljeval kot izpraševalec do petih, ko so se vrata prosilcem zaprla. Drugi uradniki so se poslovili od oken, jaz pa sem izpolnil še en zeleni formular za zaposlitev in ga podpisal. Najel sem za službo psihologa samega sebe in navedel kot plačo sto dvajset dolarjev na teden, kar; je bila tedaj plača za ne preveč odličnega univerzitetnega profesorja. Nameraval sem, zapustiti urad, ko je prihitela tajnica in mi povedala, da ,je direktor telefoniral in da pride vsak čas. Charles Lindberg se je o~ proščal, ker. sem moral čakati, in navajal vzroke. Zastopniki delavskih unij, je dejal, so mu delali večne preglavice s pritožbami in opravki na sodniji. To ga je zadržalo: Vse moje čakanje,- je rekel, bo plačano. Debelo je gledal, ko sem mu povedal, da nisem samo čakal, temveč uporabil čas pri oknu. Predložil sem mu kratek spis delavcev, katere sem zaposlil, nazadnje pa svoj lastni zeleni in podpisani listič za zaposlitev. Strmel je, nazadnje pa se pošteno za-krohotal. Priti ni mogel do besede, a končno je vzkliknil: ' 1 “Ti si psiholog! S takim pa , še nisem imel opravka.. In kar sam podpišeš svojo zaposlitev! Pa bom še jaz pristavil svoj podpis.” Videl je vsoto za plačo in ni nič oporekal. Kar v naglici je podpisal. Večerjal sem pri njem. Povedal mi je, kaj bi podjetje želelo od mene, a v resnici sam ni vedel, kot mogoče tudi nihče drugi ne. Hotel pa je čimveč izvedeti o vsem, kaka nameravam uvesti službo kot nekakšen psihološki oddelek za sprejemanje začetnih delavcev in učencev. Lindberg je pristal na moje pogoje, Predvsem sem se moral vrniti v New York, da v ‘ teku enega, tedna uredim po-trebho glede dotedanje službe in poskrbim, da se mi družina preseli v Hartford. Rekel rhi je, da moja plača začne teči istega dne, ko sem izpra-. seval in zaposlil samega sebe. Pripovedovanje o načinu mojega zaposlen j a se je razširilo kot nekaka šala in pod- il SLGVEHiJE jratotonske plošče * Knjige » .-tacenska voda « Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • Časopisje * Vage ia kilograme • Semena « Strojčki za valjenje in rezanje testa TIVOLI ENTERPRISES INC 119 St. Clair Atc.,, O *31-5231 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAšUžELJI! I laga za dovtipe o meni. Vsak uradnik do ravnatelja je vedel in mogoče je bilo tb ‘vzrok, da sem postal nekam popularen. Kdorkoli je ime( • opravka z menoj, je hotel napraviti kako uslugo, posebno ko sem iskal stanovanje za družino. Vse so mi prijateljsko preskrbeli. Zaradi dolgega obštoja in svojih zgodovinskih, tradicij je podjetje Colt’s prav pot sebne vrste, kateremu ni enakega po vsej Ameriki. Rokodelci po ogromnih zastarelih zgradbah so vsi brez izjeme mašinisti po poklicu. Kot v nobeni drugi. tovarni tvorijo petinšestdeset odstotkov per-sonala. Drugi po tovarnah so -čistilci, nakladači, preprosti delavci in tu pa tam pomagači-izurjenim. Ostalo osebje so _ uradniki in agenti. (Se nadaljuje) ------o—---- Iratke vesli h Vatikana. CLEVELAND, O. — Pater ' , Stanislav Lyonett je vodil v dneh od 28. febr. do 6. marca _ tl. v Vatikanu duhovne vaje, katerih se je udeleževal tudi sv. oče. Ves ta čas ni bilo nobenih avdienc (sprejemov). ' Glempu, poljskemu prima-su, je sv. oče imenoval tri pomožne škofe. Podpirajte slovenske trgovce! MALI OGLASI i OGRAJE POSTAVLJAM , .. Postavljam nove ograje!' in popravljam stare. Tudi prodajam potrebni material za ograje po zmerni ceni in ga dostavljam brezplačno. v . Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Lahko pokličete vsaki čas na 391-0533. (F-X) 6-sobna 1-družinska. $13,500 Donosna hiša na Norwood. 1-družinska ha W. 170 in Detroit v Lakewoodu. Ugodna cena radi ureditve zapuščine: Open Sun. 1 to 4 17505 Tarrymore, Dr. off Neff Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms. George Knaus Real Estate Inc , 819 E.! 185 St. j 481 9300 Apartment For Rent Near St. Vitus, off St. Glair. Two bedroom apt. down. Call after six. 361-6858; (X) Will Buy Antique furniture, coins, gold) silver, anything old including old coin operating machines. Call 641-7738 (15-22) 1246 E..59 — prodana 1244-46 E. 61 — prodana 3858 St. Clair — prodana 894 E. 76 — prodana Potrebujemo več hiš. Kupci čakajo. Kličite nas! A.M.D. Realty 6311 St. Clair Ave. 432-1322 (F-X) Siiawbundl J m Faded ? Gel 'Hway .. * New! Retire in-beautiful North Carolina. Golf, fish, play tennis year round. - Fayetteville offers all this plus affordable housing and only 12 hours drive , from Cleveland. For details call 800-334-0333,' or write Don Berndt, C-21 Odyssey Real Estate, Inc. 5434 Yadkin Road, Fayetteville, NC 28-303. (18,20,22,24) For Rent 3 room furnished apt. E. off St. Clair. 431-0912 (19-22) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa dela na hiši znotraj in zunaj. Kuhinje) porči, stopnice. Betoniral*1 privatne ceste (driveways) Brezplačen predračun. Kličite 944-1470 ali 486-5545. (x) —- V NAJEM Odda se 5 sob, spodaj, Norwood Rd. Tel. 881-9859 (20-23) FOR RENT 4 rooms (up), bath, furnace-, Near St. Vitus parish. Either 2 single or retired couple. 881-7122 (20-23) Just Reduced 1 Owner, custom built Colonial oh Shawnee. Ave. Remodeled Kitchen with built-ins, liv. rm. with F.Place, Formal din. Rm:, Fain! rm. overlooking prize winning rose garden. Special Financing, 12% $47,900. Century 21 ( Joe Dougherty Realty, Inc. ' 405 E. 200 St. Euclid, O. 44119 Carolyn — 531-4301 (20,22) . 4 suiter on Prosser Ave. $31,-Š00. Owner .financin'?. Collin- F wood double $24,900. Remodeled Akim. single. $30,000. Brick Ranches. Richmond Iks., & Euclid. Beautiful homes! Alum, bungalow. Off E. 200 St. Low 50‘s. Cameo Realty 2-31-3909 (Fxv REMODELING Kitchens, baths, dry wall) porches, garages & roofing-Call Andrew Kozjek, Totf1 Žnidaršič 481-0584 or 692-0633 (21-30) ' __ —* ~~ FOR RENT Wick-liffe Bungalow, 2 bfedrm5 appliances included. $370 pi115 deposit. Available immediate' ly. Call 10 am. to 7 p.m. 729-2595 (22-24) V torek, 23. februarja tl., so rimski otroci priredili sv. očetu v Castelgandolfu pustno veselje. Rim, 28. februarja — Pretekli teden so se v Frascatiju blizu Rima 'zbrali glavni predstavniki (110) Družbe Jezusove, da bi se pogovorili za bližnjo generalno kongregacijo svoje družbe. V soboto jih je sprejel sv. oče in jim posvetil daljši govor (v latinščini, angleščini in španščini). Njegov govor je naletel v javnosti na močan odmev. Pričakovali sp namreč trdo in ostro’"besedo, 'na'splošno presenečenje pa je bil govor sv. očeta zelo, pozitiven in so ga zlasti jezuiti sprejeli z veseljem. Posebej; jim je priporočil, naj ohranijo trdnost vere in nauka, tisto trdnost, zaradi katere" je Cerkev vedno gledala,na jezuite z 'zaupa-, njem. Ker smo že pri jezuitih, naj morda kar pridamo še tole novico: Albanski katoliški center «v Šantl Clari v Kaliforniji ja pred kratkim objavil, (Sklicujoč se na pismene in ustne izjave prič), da so albanske komunistične oblasti lani maja umorile albanskega jezuita p. Ndoca Rudija, ker je-krstil dvojčka svoje bližnje sorodnice. _ Zagreb, Hrv. — “Borba” od ___ 18. febr. tl. poroča, da je dr. !EE Aleksander 'Firžt, član ,zvez- EE nega-Izvršnega sveta in pred- 5g sednik komisije . za odnose z EE verskimi skupnostmi pri ZIS,- == 17. febr. ,tl. obiskal .patriarha ES srbske pravoslavne Cerkve, EE Germana.-Izmenjala sta mne- £5 „> o P=rUilr vprašanjih in g|fl|:i|i||jj!)|!|j|||liji||i|:;jj]l!|!||M razmerjih med srbsko pravo- slavno Cerkvi j o in oblastmi ^ -v> > -N > N N “ > »>>-»»> »> > ^J | v SFR Jugoslaviji. Ugotovila"| UPSIilJŠilih sta, da se odnosi razvijajo v ^ FOR RENT 4 rooms, upT 6719 Bliss Ave‘ Prefer middle aged woman- (22-25) FIVE POINTS PLUMBING & HEATING Call ‘383-0556 anytime Sales and Service Electric Sewer Cleaning (F# Help Wanted Woman to take care of ^ elderly lady, wheel chair Pa tient, requiring complete cns todial care, 5 days a wee 8:30- a.m. to 4:30 p.m. l<>ca£ For details call 361-4976 3 ter 6 p.m. (F*' HITRO eUSTMmJE PRODAJAM IN DOVAŽAM: GNOJ, ZEMLJO — . PRST, PESEK IN GRADBENI MATERIAL. PRIPELJEM TUDI PO NAROČILU. POKLIČITE: JOŽE CERES: 486-2854 irl! J L -skladu z-ustavo in mmmM i \ mi 2 smohsaia zakoni.' | V odkritem pogovoru šta iz-' | « 5; razila obojestransko priprav- f Zakaj ne bi živeli v .St-Clair Place— najboljše storitve, odi* 'Lenost, da bi si obe strani še-na skupina sosedov, klimatska naprava.v vsakem stanovanj J dojavneje'1 prizadevali .za rq--1- kakor tudi- preproge, blizu grocerij in drugih, trgovin, z n3' l | jemnino, odvisno od vaših dohodkov. Kličite nas na tel: *•' " 4384889 sevanje-vprašanj, katera... se 'v vsak 0 dnevni j ........■<* \ 'K pojavljajo- v praksi. ! ' Prvpfavil -j. s. , — •< v ■; . O v -,'C -C v V p < Z - VOOV W < Z x n; v' x V -Zp.'cx v'; SUNDAY, MARCH 21 PANCAKES and SAUSAGES M St, ¥ilus Hudjforiu# Sponsored by ■ £'L:¥iti;s Hdy Ita? Serving 8 am !« I pm j ) THE LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS YOUR ETHNIC FORUM fliiifliu EKEISBM -WEEKLY- James V. Debevec, Editor FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1982 Your Views -- O^r News ST. VITUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST SET MARCH 21 The big 23rd Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast, sponsored by the St. Vitus Holy Name Society, will take place bn Sunday, March 21, 1982 at St. Vitus Auditorium, E. 62nd and Glass Ave.,N.E., one block south of St. Clair Ave. Holy Name members will prepare and serve the huge breakfast continually from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and on the menu will be pancakes, sausage, orange juice, butter, syrup, and choice of coffee or milk. All this for only $3.00 for adults and $1.50 for children under age 12. Last year over 1,000 breakfasts were served. Especially invited are all of our former members, parishioners and friends to attend this annual “Homecoming Event,” where everyone can sit down to a delicious breakfast and enjoy renfewing old friendships. Tickets are now on sale at the St. Vitus Rectory, from Holy Name members or they may be purchased at the door on the day of the event. We hope that you will find it possible to accept our invitation! For the Committee, Dan J. Postotnik -------o------ News and Musical Notes By Tony Petkovšek The “Bird/Duck Song.” One of the biggest record hits in all of Europe last year was the “Birdie Dance” and now here in the States it has been released on the major Polydor label for national distribution and recorded by Cleveland’s own Joey Miskulin under the title of Joey and the Little Birds in “Dance Little Bird.” Joey recorded with Euclid’s Jack “Porky” Ponikvar who accompanied on dfums and the tune is actually an ethnic flavored hand-clap dance. Miskulin is planning a followup album based on the sales of the single. By the way, Joey did it in Honolulu at the Brau Haus in International Market Place recently, and it got a big fesponse. Avsenik Singer Dies. The original male vocalist with the celebrated Avsenik Ensemble in Europe, Franc Koren, passed away in Slovenia at the age of 68. His vocalizing was usually done in duets with Ema Prodnik and Danica Filipčič. His initial recordings with Avsenik go back seme 30 years, and all of them have become standards. Latest 1982 Releases. Besides Joey Miskulin’s new hit single, the following albums have been released: “Down Home Polkas and Waltzes — Slovenian Style” by Lorain Slovenian Accordionists Association; “Everyone’s Choice” by Mahoning Valley Button Box Club who have a European tour . this summer; “Thanks for the Memories” with Hank Haller including “Lederhcsen Polka” and “Black Gypsy”: “Bound for Polka City” by Pennsylvania 16 year old Rodney Yemc; and the Steelton Polka Quads in “Encore.” All of the above are available at the Polka Vil-iange and Lojze Slak s Od San'ave Mure Preko Gora Do Modrega Morja” LP is available at Tisoli’s on St. Clair. Bobby Vinton’s new ethnic- flavored “She Will Survive (Poland)” can be had at all general record shoppes. Traveling to Terrific Destinations. We’re on our way to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico with Al Markič and Jack Zagger on the Hollander 10th Polka Cruise visiting Cancun and Cozumel and,also, Key West, Florida. On April 18th we go to Palm Springs, California with Bill Hraster of Mello Lounge also visiting our friends in Fontana. Pushing $18,000 for Old Age Home. Our on-going Radio-thon for the new building project of Slovene Home for Aged on Neff Road has realized almost $18,000 since Thanksgiving. Next phone-in day is Easter Saturday, April 10, 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., at 481-7512 for pledges. —-----o----- Thanks Editor: In the name of dramatic club Lilija I wish to sincerely thank Jim and Madeline Debevec and all your staff for all help and cooperation in making our annual masquerade so successful. We were were most happy that both cf you could attend. We were overwhelmed with the article and the great pictures in the Friday (3-5) edition of the Domovina. Because of such support our young will have incentive to work even harder in the future to preserve our great heritage and culture. Zdenka Zakrajšek Secretary I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards, gifts and visits, especially for your prayers. Special thanks to Rev. Joseph Božnar and Rev. Joseph Simčič for visiting me in the hospital. God bless you all. Jennie Feme Gulf Coast Florida Roundup By PAULINE BURYA Should have written a long time ago ... now I was pressured to do so by others. So much is going on all the time here in this section of Florida that one barely has time to get their breath. Pauline Burya, Marie Plevnik and Dorothy Gugliatta took a trip finding and visiting friends. They went to Orlando, then a day at the Kennedy Space Center, then on to New Smyrna Beach, Daytona Beach, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Port Charlotte, and back to Ft. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zugel, who have acquired a weekend condo hideaway were guests of Pauline Burya for a full day at Sanabel Island. Alice Opalich was hostess for a birthday party for Mary Lebar at the lovely Mariner Inn. Guests were Marie Mo-cilnikar, Ann Stakich, Lee Stakich, Helen Trebeč, Pauline Burya, Agnes Modic, Betty Cornelia, and Marie Plevnik. Mr. and Mrs. Tino Modic entertained at their beautiful home. A belated St. Valentine party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stakich, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stakich, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Evans, Mr. Mrs. John Cornelia, Marie Mocilnikar, Pauline Burya, Marie Plevnik, Mary Lebar, and Larry Seme. Marie Mocilnikar gave a fabulous party for her son who is celebrating his 50th birthday. Started with a cocktail party held in her condo party room. Then on to a well known eating place, Smith’s where another few hours were spent, then back to the condo party room for the cutting of the cake. The guests were Mr. and Mrs- Jim Stakich, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stakich, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stakich, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Tino Modic, Mr. and Mrs. John Camella, Pauline Burya, Mary Lebar, Marie Plevnik, Alice Opalich, and Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Rinaldi. This was followed the next day by a party given by Mr. and Mrs. John Cornelia in honor of Phillip Mocilnikar and his wife attended by the same group. ‘They served a real gourmet dinner at their pleasant home. This week the ladies will attend a luncheon fashion given at St. Andrews of Cape Coral, and on the 24th also a luncheon fashion show at Seven Lakes Inn for the benefit of the new church of Fort Myers. ----—o------ St, Vitus Invites All To Lenten Renewal St. Vitus Church announced plans to conduct a week-long service of the type the parish has not seen in many years. It will call upon all parishioners and upon non-parishioners to come and participate in this Lenten Renewal. The goal of the Lenten Renewal shall be to bring together the entire parish , family and to invite those who, for one reason or another, have fallen away from the Church over the years. An ad-hoc committee, has been meeting to give form and guidance to this unique and spiritual venture. The theme for this week of Lenten Renewal, in English; is “Speak, Lord, we’re listening.” The theme hopes to capture and convey the image that the parish family looks to Christ for guidance in a puzzling and frightening world, evermore changing its direction and attitudes. Knowing full knowledge and the truth come through Christ’s teachings, the parish Lenten Renewal shall have a symbol every night, at 7:00 p.m., of the week, Mar. 29 to Apr: 2. They are: * First Night (Mon. 3-29) — The Bible: The living, personal word of God that proclaims Salvation. !::Second Night (Tues 3-30) — •CRUCIFIX: The ultimate statement of the Father’s love for us is’ Jesus. * Third Night (Wed. 3-31) — EASTER CANDLE: The light of Christ dispels all darkness, creates harmony. * Fourth Night (Thuts. 4-1)— BREAD: Jesus is the bread that nourishes our life and makes us one. * Fifth Night (Fri. 4-2) — ALTAR: We are God’s servants; called into minis-^ try and sent forth to proclaim His word' and His kingdom. , Each evening will take approximately 114 hours, after which there will be a social in the Church Hall (basement). During the service, babysitting care will be .provided by members of CYO in the school kindergarten. Transportation will be provided to anyone so desiring in the church vicinity. Needy riders must let the St. Vitus rectory know if they care for a ride and on which night (361-1444). Normal Lenten' evening Masses shall not be held during the Lenten Renewal week, in order to specially set aside this time for the parish. Scheduled to host this renewal are tvyo priests of the Redemp-torist Order from Chicago. They are experienced in running such renewals and always work in pairs wherever, they go'. St. Vitus looks forward to their arrival. Religious articles shall be available for interested parties after thev services each night. Widespread participation in this event shall be an indicator of its success. People from all corners of the St. Vitus vicinity as well as anyone from the diocese are cordially invited to this special event at a nationality parish, to share Christ’s message with old friends and new friends; to make an extra effort during Lenten time to come closer to the Lord and His ways; to pitch in and participate actively in the Renewal — many hands and different talents are needed for the services and afterward; to come to know the sense of community and family we all desire. Separate services shall be held in Slovenian, by a Sa-1 sian priest from Slovenia, during the weeks cf Mar. 14- From Madeline Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to these Residents o the Slovene Home for the Aged who are observing in March: Date Name Age Birthplace 3, Catherine Kintz, 90, Cleve. 5, Antonia Ivančič, 86, Celje 10, Joseph Malečkar, 87, Šembije, Slovenia 13, Mary Abram, 89, Ribnica 14, Josephine Odar, 92, Ročinj, Slovenia 15, Emma Zelenka, 82, Sodražica, Slovenia 17, Josephine Stepic, 67, Cleveland 18, Josephine Mertek, 77, Belgrade, Slovenia 19, Mary Dermotta, 83, Sy-gan, Pa. 22, Helen Dolgan, 87, Rakek, Slovenia 24, Mary Kalin, 84, Metulje, Slovenia 29, Mary Paušek, 85, St. Rupert, Slovenia. -----o----- Meeting Baragov Dom Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, March 26 at 7:00 p.m. * * * The Slovenian Home for the Aged Auxiliary meets on Thursday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Home. * * * The Pristava Committee meeting has been changed from Tuesday, March 30, to Tuesday, March 23, at 7 p.m. at the Slov. Nat’l. Home on Holmes Ave. -----o----- IT’S A BARGAIN Inflation causes everything to go up but here is a bargain you can’t afford to miss. Beautiful atmosphere, congenial company. Delicious food to please your palate. Great entertainment to delight you. A marvelous orchestra for dancing. No cover charge, no tips, no tax. All this for a nominal price at the “Glasbena Matica” Dinner-Dance Concert to be held on March 27, 1982 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Music by Jeff Peconk Orchestra. Doors open at 6, dinner served at 7 o’clock.-Tickets are now on sale by the members or by calling 289-1227 for reservations. Learn Slovenian The Spring Session is a popular time for residents of the Mafield City School District and neighboring areas to return to the classroom to .study a foreign language. With summer vacations just a few months away, lessons will be offered in the following languages: Slovenian I & H, Italian, French I & II, German I & II and Spanish I & II and Advanced. Classes will run 10 weeks beginning the week of March 29th at a fee of $18-20. For a free brochure call 442-2200, Ext. 303. 20, and Mar. 21-27. Come apart to a time of deepening and reflection so we can sav, “Speak, Lord, we’re listening.” •--------o------- Memo... By Madeline Debevec Mr. Anthony Sturm, President of The Federation of Slovenian National Homes, announces the Federation’s Annual Slovene of the Year Awards Banquet is to be held at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, on Sunday, March 21 at which time Mrs. Antonia Stokar will be honored as the Slovene Woman of the Year 1982 and Mr. Henry Zalar will be honored as the Slovene Man of the Year 1982. In addition, it has been the custom of the Federation to honor one recipient from each member hall as the Slovene of the Year representing such hall. The honorees chosen by the respective halls are as follows: Slovenian Home Society of Collinwood — Gus Petelin-kar Slovenian National Home— East 80 St. — Genevieve Kastelic Slovenian National Home -St. Clair Ave. —; Anton Wa-patich Slovenian Society Home — Euclid, O. — William Jansa Slovenian Workmen’s Home — Anton Vrh Slovenian National Home -Maple Hts. — Louis Ferfolia Club of West Side Slovene Lodges —- Joseph Pultz West Park Slovenian National Home— Helen Konkoy Lorain Ohio Slovenian Club — Ciril Zgonc The Banquet Program will be under the direction of President, Anthony Sturm, and Charles F. Ipavec acting as Masters of Ceremonies. The Federation of Slovenian National Homes is proud to give recognition to the fine people who have devoted much time and much energy in their efforts to continue the functioning and usefulness of our Slovenian National Homes. Congratulations to all! Jadran singing society presents its Spring Concert on Saturday, March 20 at 7 p.m. at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. Following the concert the Ray Polantz Orchestra will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Tickets are $4.00 and may be obtained from any Jadran member or by calling 281-0436 or 481-3187. * * * WE HEAR THAT ... Cong. Eckart Named Among Top Three In a recent survey of all freshmen congressmen ' in Washington, Cong. Dennis Eckart ,D-22) is ranked a-mong the top three. The survey, published in U.S. News and World Report, said that in a class of more than 50 freshmen congressmen, Eckart, Cong. Barney Frank (D- Mass.) and; Cong. Hank Brown (R-Coio.) were the top three. Speaking of Eckart,’ he’s slated to be roasted this Sa-turday, March 20 at Wick-liffe’s Ramac’a Inn. The 7:30 p.m. program is a benefit for Easter Seals. Tickets are $25 each and will include a dinner and a chance for a trip to the ;iro- picana hoted in Atlantic City. Both Democrats and Republicans will be roasting the congressman. State representatives, congressmen, judges, political party chairmen, media representatives and the congressman’s father, Councilman Edward Eckart of Euclid, will be present. Elected in November ©f 1930, he has been elected Whip of the Freshman Class of Democrats for the 97th Congress. He has been appointed to serve on the Education and Labor Committees, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Small Business Committee in the House. .He is also a member of the Northeast-Midwest Coalition and the Steel Caucus. Married to the. former Sandra Pestotnik, they and their child reside in Euclid. The Easter Seal Society of Greater Cleveland is a nonprofit agency serving disabled children and adults. For reservations call Susan Polsky at Easter Seals, 751-9840. * * * -fiy ■ -'v. — St. Vitus Holy Name Society is sponsoring their annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on Sunday, March 21 at St. Vitus Auditorium, E. 62 and Glass Ave. Serving continuously from 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Adults $3.00, children under 12, $1.50. Everyone welcome! * ❖ * TRAVEL NEWS We received the following newsy letter fro pa Frank and Anne Doles from Havasu City, Arizona: Last weekend Stanley and Sophie Baraga from Sun City and John and Mitzi Krnc from Phoenix, came to Havasu City to visit us. We enjoyed their visit very much and reminisced about the good times we had at St. Vitus when we were single. We laughed so hard our jaws ached. We went back 50 yrs. It was great! On Saturday we drove to Laughlin, Nevada, which is 60 miles from here. There are about six casinos in Laughlin. We had our breakfast and dinner there and also played the slob machines. On our way home we began singing all the Slovenian songs we could think of since we belonged to Lira. We even sang church songs. We found we could harmonize quite well. By the time we got home, all of us were hoarse. We also took them to visit Tony and Jean Kuret who were also members of Lira. We had a lot to talk about and reminisced about our outings, dances and plays which were held at St. Vitus. It was a very enjoyable evening.' On Sunday morning we went to the Swap meet at London Bridge Plaza and picked up a few bargains. It sure was fun but the time came too soon for them to leave. (Thanks for sending us your news from Arizona. Cleveland’s loss is Arizona s gain. — M.D.). * * * (Continued on page C) Memo: From Madeline (Continued from pa^je 5) From St. Petersburg, Fla.— Pli. Greetings from the Sunshine City of Florida. The weather is ideal, plenty of sunshine. This past week the temperature in the 80’s. I’m taking it easy, resting a lot. Regards. — Joe Gornick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ipavec and family enjoyed a great vacation in Florida. Eda and Ferdinand Pusl of Willoughby Hills, Ohio spent two weeks vacationing in Puerto Rico’s sun. ❖ * \ P.S.W.A. No. 2 will sponsor a POTICA BAKE SALE on Tuesday, March 30 at the Slovenian National Home (St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio— Rear Annex) from 3 to 6 p.m. Prices are $7.50 each. For .orders call Cecilia Subel 431- 4053 or Marge Kaus 432-1203. :•! * John Cimperman, director sof the Cleveland Landmarks Commission, will be in Washington this week to receive one of the first Preservation Honor Awards. The . award will be presented by President Reagan for Cim-perman’s work in preserving historic buildings and areas of the city. Cimperman was nominated for the award by Rep. Mary Rose Gakar. * * * Glasbena Matica Dinner-Bance Concert will be held on March 27 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Music by Jeff Pe- con’s Orchestra. Doors open at 6, dinner served at 7. Tickets are now on sale by the members or by calling 289-1227 for reservations. ❖ ❖ ❖ A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Joe Ambrosic of Euclid, O. who is recuperating in St. Vincent Charity hospital following a stroke. Get well wishes and prayers are being sent by all of his relatives and friends. Cecilia Subel is recuperating at home following a stay at Euclid General Hospital. Margaret Oster of Holmes Ave. is on the sick list.- Mrs. Frances Raischel, an avid worker for many years at St.' Mary’s Altar Society, is ill. Marie Kovacic broke her shoulder this winter and is recuperating at her daughter’s home. Paul Kosir, Jr, of Richmond Heights broke his teg while skiing this winter and is mastering the use of his crutches. * * .. St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 is sponsoring a dinner and reverse ticket sale. It will be held Tuesday, April 13 at the Slovenian National Home, Upper Hall. Donation is $35 each. Cpcktails at 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:15. Contact Dick Mott,; for in-, formation and ticket^. Telephone 431-6062 or see him at Central National Bank, 6422 St. Clair Ave. * * * A Day of Recollection for Women (in English) will be held at St. Joseph Christian 12 [OSS©] UNITED SLOVENIAN SOCIETY Life Center. There is a fee of $6.00 which includes lunch. For reservations and further details, call Mary Petrie at 481-3762. * :!! * The Cleveland Institute of Music Women’s Committee Invites you to a Verdi Gala Opening Night Dinner Wednesday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. $12 per person includes dinner and opera ticket’. Cocktails available. Dinner Chairmen: Mrs. William T. Smith, Mrs. Sam I. Sato. Please make checks payable to The Cleveland Institute of Music and send to: 11021 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106. Dinners must be paid in advance. Deadline is March 29. ‘ ❖ * * NEW C.P.A.’s IN THE GREATER CLEVELAND AREA Steven Champa of Euclid. Jonathan Ivec, Lyndhhrst Gregory Lekan, Cleveland. Congratulations to all! * * ❖ SLOVENES WIN OHIO STATE WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPS The Slovene pride came through in flying colors as three young Slovene-American boys won state wrestling honors in Columbus, Ohio recently. John Cvetic won the AAA Classification in the 138 ,1b. division. John Potokar won the Class A Division in the 145 pound class, following in the footsteps of his famous brothers. The two boys were also former Ohio State Greats. Dennis Loushin won 3rd place in the Class A Division. Dennis’ brothers also were past winners. Here is a rundown on some of our famous Slovenian wrestlers from the area. Emerging as the best of. the lot were winners in the Mayfield Sectional Tourney: John Cvetic, St. Edwards High School, Captain Ed Cvelbar, St. Joseph Frank Kogovšek, St. Joseph Richard Zele, St. Joseph Gary. Budnar, Euclid John Potokar, Richmopd Kts. (several brothers cham= pions) Dennis Loushin, Richmond Hts. Kevin Bonnay, Richmond Hts. (is grandsop of Joe (Poz-hik), Raymond. In the battle of survivors at the Mentor District Championships the list was reduced to the names of John Cvetic, 138 Champion, Bonnay, 3rd, and Potokar, 145 lb. Champion, Richmond Dist. The name of JOHN CVETIC is familiar to the Euclid, Ohio community. Rhe grandfather, John Cvetic, was formerly a detective on the Euclid police force. John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cvetic of Rocky River, Ohio. The Cvetic family, as well as all Slovenians, can be justifiably proud of this outstanding young man. . His pleasant manner and friendly way with fellow athletes, indicates the proper breeding of a champion. John is captain of the St. Edwards championship wrestling team. Recently, in a triteam contest with two of the best teams in the country, John’s team came out to be number one in the U.S'.A. In sports, as well as in competition in general there is a saying that, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” To be chosen as a leader as well as a model athlete is indeed a credit to his family, teachers, coaches, associates. It’s only a game, however, Slovenian athletes, and wrestlers in particular, love to be number one. Many thanks to John E. Hahat, retired teacher of Euclid School systems, and former wrestling coach for 35 years,, for providing us with the latest wrestling news. Congratulations to musician John Vadnal and his bride Alice Esposito (Pizmoht) on their marriage rccentlys Euclid Mayor Tony Giunta performed the ceremony. The reception was at the Waterloo Slovenian Home for 150 guest$. The Jeff Pecon Orchestra provided the music. ❖ * * When Roy Sankovič took over the Johnston Funeral Funeral Home on MacCauley Avenue (near St. Jerome Church) , last year, he was the youngest, at 24, licenced funeral director in the state. * * * Progressive Slov. Women 1 will have a potica and raised doughnuts sale. They are to be picked up after 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 30. Orders only. Call Steffie Charske at 486-3419 or Alma Lazar 531-5627. United Slovenian Society Hood Drive blood after work. For USS .Committee, L. Kaferle ANTON M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Lavv j Odvetnik Bus. 692-1172 Res. 531-3413 (F-X) May we remind our blood donors and those are willing to give some of the blood at this time, that United Slovenian Society sponsor in conjunction with the American Red Cross blood collection in Wednesday, March 31, 1982 at the Slovenian Society Home on 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio, from 3:00 to 9:00 P.M. Co-chairmans John- Stran-car and A1 Peshtotnik of the blood drive invite everyone of age 17 to 65 years to give at this time gift of life to someone with pint of blood as humanitarian fraternalist will do. As you know we do ...................................... not issue donor cards any- ” Roy G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME (Formerly Stanley H. Johnston Funeral Home) 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore BN A) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director Death notices SUSAN JAKSIC Susan Jaksic ,6 years old, -passed away March 9 at home after a lingering illness. She is the beloved daughter: of Richard J. and Kathryn (nee Zadeli), dear sister of Carolyn, granddaughter of Florence Jaksic and great granddaughter of Anna Jaksic. Susan was a first grader at St. Vitus School. Services were Friday, March 12, at 9:30 a.m. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6010 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Mass 10 a.m. at St. Vitus Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. ------o------ BOŽIDAR (BILL) RATAJC Cleveland, O. — Božidar (Bill) Ratajc, age 51, passed away suddenly at Richmond Heights Hospital, Sunday, March 14. He is survived by his wife, Angela (nee Kos) and his children: Margaret M., Michael L., Mrs. Craig (Liliana) Reeves and Mary Barbara. He was the brother of Arthur Ratajc of Germany, Martin of Austria, Angela Hobic of Yugoslavia, Vera Zorec of Yugoslavia, and the following deceased: Alois and Rudolph. Mr. Ratajc was the proprietor of R & D Sausage Com pany. He was a member of St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 of the KSKJ; Štajerski Klub; a shareholder of the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave.. and the Croatian Home on Waterloo Rd. Pie was a very active and outgoing personality in the Northeast Side of Cleveland. The P’uneral Mass will be Saturday, March 20, St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9 A.M. Interment will be at All Souls Cemetery. Friends may call at Grdina Funeral Plome, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., Friday from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 P.M. Friends received at the Golub Funeral Home, 4703 Superior Avenue. Funeral Friday at Immaculate Conception Church. Mr. Smole was a member of the SDZ Lodge No. 1, he just completed a term as a member of the Supreme Board, Finance Committee. He also served as Treasurer of SDZ No. .4, and was very active in the social affairs of this lodge. LOUIS TREBAR, SR. Louis Trebar, Sr., age 87, passed away Saturday night, March 13, after a long illness. He is survived by his wife Agnes (nee Peterlin), son Louis, the well known accordion player and entertainer, and four grandchildren. Louis has a sister living in Yugoslavia, and is a member of AMLA. A chapel service was held on Tues., March 16, at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave., and Rev. Joseph Boz-nar of St. Vitus officiated. Interment Calvary Cemetery. —-----o--- more to those in need, Red Cross furnish the demands without the cost, to all those who received the blood transfusion. The collection hours were changed this time so that all those working during the day will have a chance to give Frank iarfeie Oufsšanilkg iM Donor Frank Barbie gave 112 pints of blood during his ye^rs, which was processed through the American Red Cross and similar organizations. Wc all agree that this was an outstanding humanitarian gift to those who need blood trans- KUHAR’S CAROUSEL OF RECIPES COOKBOOK - // Traditional Slovenian and ethnic recipes along with other favorite recipes given on WELW-AM radio and NBN by Alice Kuhar. s For Mail Orders: NAME ADDRESS CITY...........STATE ZIP Send check to: Tony’s Polka Village 971 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Ohio residents send $6.06 each (Ohio tax, postage & handling) Out-of-state residents send $5.75 each (Includes postage & handling) fusions. We applaud Frank ljjllIIHIIIillllllliHlillllllll!l»^iii:iiiiit3iii:iii!iiiir3iiiiiH;iiiit3l|||||l|||[|C3ni||lil||.IHill.l|l,i,ii;],|,|[,.,|||,.]|,.i. |[!||||,3||||!,||||!|.;|;i!^|^^f-=; fearbic for the gift of life to many who received his blood. Frank Barbie was born on Oct. 5, 1914 in Chicago, 111. Married to his wife Julia for 44 years, have two children Robert and Janet, 9 grandchildren, still living brother Edward, Eugene, retired Air Force captain and he is son of Frank Barbie, Sr. who was for many years President of Lodge “V boj” 53 SNPJ and for several years member of SNPJ National Judicial Committee. Louis Kaferle jTj"LaJrLriji_ni_ri.rm jt rm .TrLTjiTLrLn 1 ^ KAOLINS End DELIVERIES i OsJa Csnsirucifcn We do all concrete work, driveways, sidewalks, patios. We also fix leaky basements and roofing, carpentry. We do home repair. For free estimates call Joe Cerer 486-2854 or Tony Jarem 481-3969 oo()<ž>o()4.' member of SDZ and KSKJ. We know there are many more activities she should be credited with, but she reluctantly (and humbly) says, “that’s all.” The Kastelic’s enjoy traveling, and “Nefka” has been in every state except four — she has those states on her list of places to see.” She Jills in her free moments making quilts and doing needlepoint, and is very accomplished in both arts. We are proud of our Woman of the Year — “Nefka” Kastelic. —=----o----- GUS R. PETEUMAR Collimvood Slovenian Home The .Board of Directors of the Ccllinwood Slovenian Home have selected Gus R. Petelinkar as Man of the Year to represent their Home for 1982. He is in his 4th year of service as a director of the Home, and is currently the Chairman of the House Committee. He was the Chairman and Master of Ceremonies of the last two Collimvood Slovenian Home Homecoming Reunions. When discussing the Homecoming events, Gus will say, “it was a great challenge, something big to conquer, something I am very proud of.” Born and raised on East 157th Street in Collimvood. He resided in the area until 1952, when he and his family moved to the City of Euclid. He attended William H. Brett Elementary School and Col-linwood High School, and night school for 2‘/a years at Hh b e « • Fenn College, taking up accounting. He served in the U.S. Army in Austria with the 42nd Rainbow Division. Gus is a lifetime member of St. Mary’s Church (Collin-wood), where he has been on the Church Council for the last eight years, and a church usher for the last 30 years. He served as Chairman of the church festivals, and has been the Master of Cermonies for the festivals for the past eight years. He has served as Chairman of the venison dinners, for the benefit of the Slovenian Home for the Aged, sponsored by St. Mary’s Church (Collimvood), where he is still active. Gus was employed by the General Electric Co. for 37V2 years, starting as a receiving clerk and working his way thru the ranks to supervisor of inspection. He retired from the company January 1, 1980. He then joined the Collinwood Slovenian Pensioners Club, where he is active in the Pensioners events. -------o------ WILLIAM L, JANSA Slovenian Society Home The Slovenian Society Home ; Board of Directors has- bestowed the honor of Slovenian Man of the Year on Bill Janša. Bill was born in New York City and came to Cleveland in 1937. He resides in Euclid with his wife of over twenty-five years, the former Jean Perusek. He is the father of five children, Bill Jr., Donna, Marian, Jim and Tom, and the grandfather of Jacqueline. Bill has been retired for the past seven years, formerly being employed by the Cleveland Board of Education for 28 years. He worked as a painter specializinz in official gym layouts for basketball, volleyball, badminton and tennis courts. Bill is a member -of Holy Cross Parish, Knights of Columbus, Moses Cleveland General Assembly, Order of the Alhambra No. 142,' KSKJ No. 255. AMLA No. 9, Cleveland Slovenian Radio-TV Club, member and past treasurer of United Slovenian Society, conductor of FOPA No. 15, Club Ljubljana, supporting member of Zarja Singing Society, Treasurer and Financial Secretary of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, and proud Director and Auditor of the Slovenian Society Home. Whether it is church, Home for the Aged, politics, lodges, or fraternal organizations, Bill is always willing to give a helping hand. ------o------- mum Ivančič West Side Slovene Home Kenneth Ivancic, is the 1982 Slovene Man of the Year, representing the Club of West Side Slovene Lodges, more commonly known as the West Side Slovene Home, 6818 Denison Aye. Ken has deep roots in Slovene heritage going back to his grandparents who came to this country before World War I, and were very active in promoting the Slovene culture and-heritage. His grandmother, Mary Ivancic, was selected to do the ribbon cutting back in 1929 when our home was first opened. His father, John Ivancic, Sr,, carried on for his parents and was very active within the lodges and our home. '•4 All this rubbed off on young Ken, who is a life-long member of SNPJ Lodge Nanos No. 264. As a youth, Ken joined Circle 77 and served as an officer of the Circle. For five years he was a member of the Triglav Singing Society. Five years ago, Ken was elected to the Board of Directors of the West Side Slovene Home, at which time he also served on the housing committee. The followihg year he assumed the chairmanship of the committee. The past two years Ken has been elected the Vice President and was a driving force in the expansion and remodeling of our home, which we are so proud of today. By trade, Ken is a machine designer for the Prutton Corp. Kenneth and his lovely wife, Dorothy, reside in Parma and have five children, David, Kenneth, Jr., Keith, James and Christine, who was recently married. Best Wishes, Ken. ------0------ ■r JOHN DR0BNICK American-Slovenian Club Fairport John Drobnick, a charter member and president during its formative years, has been named “Man of the Year” by the American-Slovenian Club in Fairport Harbor. “If Andy Heratin, the founding president and last year’s ‘Man of the Year’, would be considered the ‘Father’ of the Club, John has to be considered the ‘Mother,’ ” observed Anthony Satej, current president, in making the announcement. Brother Drobnick was the second president of the Slovenian Club and served many terms during its early, turbulent, formative years. He was not only the leader the Club heeded during that period but, as needed, was a part-time: ditch digger, mason, plumber, during construction; politician in dealing with local officials in zoning changes and state officials for liquor permits; financier as he convinced members and personally went out on a limb to raise borrowed capital to purchase the club rooms. As president, John saw his first task as fund-raising. He organized members to sponsor dances, picnics, and sausage sales to build the treasury needed to purchase the Club. Several thousands of dollars were raised in this way. When the current site of the Club at 617 Third St. became available, John headed up a committee to approach the members to lend the fledgling organization money to purchase the property. He later worked to formalize the debt structure of the Club by arranging for a loan from American Mutual Life- Assn, with the proceeds going to pay off the member’s loans. It was under his presidency that the property that holds the current Club Rooms was purchased with the renovation of a three-car garage into the original Club Rooms. They have been expanded apd remodeled twice since the 1952 purchase. John was born Sept. 10, 1909 in Barberton, and at one year of age ’ returned,, with his parents to Slovenia, Yugoslavia. His parents later returned to the U.S., leaving John to grow up with his grandmother in Cerknici. At 13, John returned to Barberton where he got his first job in a butcher shop working for $1 a day. After six months he went to work in a bakery where he worked from; dawn ’til dusk for $15 a week. He stayed on that job for 8 months before he first visited Fairport to attend the: funeral of an uncle in 1925. He liked the town and in 1926 moved to Fairport where he stayed with another uncle,' Blaze, He Went, to work at the Diamond Alkali Co. (now Diamond-Shamrock) as a bagger in the Cement Plant throwing around 93 lb. bags at a period in his life when he weighed only 115 lbs. He retired from Diamond in 1972. He met his wife-to-be, Josephine Zalar, in 1928 when she arrived in Fairport from her home in Grahovega near Cerknici. They were married a few months later. . The couple has three children: Josephine Miller, now living in Colorado; John, in Arizona; and Irene Kovach in Paines-ville. They have six grandchildren. His wife became ill in 1970, in need of constant care which John provided until 1978 when he himself had to be hospitalized for several weeks for heart surgery. Since then, she has been in nursing homes, visited daily by her husband. He still resides at the family home at 901 N. State St., Painesville. An energetic man who has to keep busy, John in his working^ years owned and operated a small nursery as an avocation. He has since gone out of the “business” but still putters in the soil and meets with friends during summer Sundays “at the farm.” More recently he can be found attending area auctions where he buys used and antique furniture and renews it primarily for the enjoyment of keeping busy. In addition to being active . with the Slovenian Club, John was an active union member during his days at Diamond and also served several fraternal groups. He served as ' president of Lodge 30, AMLA, for almost 40 years and is also a member of SNPJ Lodge 355 in Painesville. His children are also members. Years ago, when it was the custom for families to butcher their annual hog, John was one of the few men around called upon to do the butchering, a skill he picked up in his first job here in the states. During the festivities that accompanied those events when several families would get together to help, John would be known to pick up the button box after he put down his carving knife. He still picks at it occasionally, but is now content to sit back and let the “youngsters” do it. His son, John, a teacher in Tempe, Arizona, who summers with his dad in Painesville, has taken up the Drobnick button box tradition. ---------------o------- Louis Ferfolia Maple Heights There is one thing that immediately becomes clear about Louis Ferfolia, he is a man pre-occupied by his community and the people who live in it. “He’s in the funeral business, a business which deals with people all of the time, and that would explain his pre-occupation with his surroundings.” But, if you look just a little closer, you would find that it is his love for business or not; which drives the dean of area funeral directors through his walk of life. There is no doubt that Lou Ferfolia is a successful man. In the nearly fifty-five years that he has been in business, Ferfolia has seen his life’s work grow two and three-fold. Born in Cleveland of immigrant Yugoslavian parents, he fathered his business. After founding his first funeral home at the age of 21, an establishment which began in the front room of a rented house, he spent most of his free time in civic and community work. Lou was among the founders of the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh. He held many offices in the club, and took an active part in helping design a real rathskellar in the complex. His interest helped spur the further growth of the home, which included the addition of bowling alleys to the structure. Fie is also listed among the founders of the Slovenian Labor Auditorium on Prince Avenue in Cleveland. Ferfolia was nominated as Godfather at the opening celebration and remained a director of the edifice until its demisfe in recent years. He was involved in the community in helping form two major organizations within the Newburgh area. The first civic organization was known as the South East Civic Club, which was successful in obtaining untold improvements for the area. Ferfolia was among the founders in the establishment of the Netvburgh Pensioners Club, a club which was formed when unemployment and much unrest in the community threatened the area’s unity and pride. Ferfolia still enjoys an active membership in the club, whose members number over several hundred. The depression threatened the community again a few years later, and it was at this time, the Ferfolia’s true love for his fellow man and his community surfaced at its highest. He arranged for truckloads of. produce, flour and other needed goods to be distributed on the St. Lawrence Parish grounds. Also, when winter brought its bitterest wind and cold to the community, he arranged for coal to be delivered to families, again shunning any publicity for his efforts. The Slovenian Home in Maple Heights didn’t escape Ferfolia’s helping hand. He was active in promoting the cause,- beginning with meetings in the Maple Heights Kastelic Home. With all of his free time spent in community involvement, you might wonder if Lou Ferfolia ever had time for his family. On the contrary, his wife Theresa and son Donald were instrumental with Lou in helping both •the business, as well as the Slovenian tradition, grow during the early “Ferfolia years.” Theresa Ferfolia, herself a funeral director, became active as well in many of the Slovenian ladies organizations, while Donald learned the ropes of operating a family business. As the years have multiplied, so has the Ferfolia family. What was once three, has grown into a much larger family, now comprised of Louis, Theresa, his son Donald and his wife Alice, four grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren, of which Lou is very proud. As the Ferfolia family grew,, and son Donald became more active in the business, Lou Ferfolia moved from the funeral home to the City of Independence. Finally Lou Ferfolia believes that our country, which we all worked so hard to build, is again heading in the right direction.“Miracles can’t happen overnight,” says Ferfolia, “and I think the President is honestly trying to help us back to the pojnt where we can feel good about ourselves and our communities again. From the beginning in Newburgh, to his ever present activity' in many communities at the current time, Lou Ferfolia has spent a lifetime with people. It is truly fitting that he is being honored as the Maple Heights Slovenian Man of the Year, an honor earned for 55 years of dedicated civic and community service. May God bless you Lou, and may your enthusiasm and inspiration continue to encourage others in the future. --------------o------ TORY VRH Slovenian Workmen’s Home The Directors of Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Road have chosen Tony Vrh as their Man of the Year for 1982 because of his continued interest in the Home. Mr. Vrh was born in the Collinwood area of Cleveland, Ohio, one of four children born to Joe Vrh, from Šembije, and Antonia (nee Kovačič), from Semerji, both in ‘ the vicinity of Iliskra Bistrica, Slovenia. Tony’s mother was a well-known cook who catered innumerable weddings, picnics and other social affairs. Both are now deceased. Tony graduated from Collinwood High School in 1933. He married the late Annette Sajovic in 1939. They were parents of two sons and t^5 daughters, losing one son 'r' a tragic drowning accident i11 1964. Mr. Vrh was active in * variety of sports. He manage and umpired the Euclid Lit^l League for seven years; join6 the Umpires Association oi the Cleveland Federation Baseball. He umpired sandl0*' hard and soft ball in CDm land and'surrounding subuC for a number of years. His activities included meII, bership in Lodge Utopih SNPJ No. 604, where ci*! served as an auditor, finan1 secretary and president. During most of the 19®\ Tony was a member of ^ Board of Directors of Sl°v‘ nian Workmen’s Home. Th6( he also served as an audnj Chairman of the Build1': Committee, vice presidental later, President. While President, many n provements were made to Home. An ice-making ^ chine, one of the first for °li Slovenian Homes, was Pj1 chased; a new floor inst3^ in the lower hall, glass bl°cr put in front windows, a 13 ceiling, and other impr0^ ments to the main bar ro and the first air-conditi0111, units were installed. Mr. Vrh served unselfi5, d| even helping out finan1 when that was necessary' Mr. Vrh is now marri6' the former Fran Hlabs6'^ has retired from the Electric Company. No\v || he has more time, he haV come active in the Ba1. Club at SWH, and is President of the Waterlo0 linca Club. CYRIL ZGONC Slovenian National H0'1 Lorain Cyril “Cy” Zgonc was 6 September 19, 1919 in ^ Ohio. J “Cy” served in the J Navy, as Sonarman 2nd aboard the Destroyer , Gwin, honorably discM in 1946. He started a grocery ^ meat market in 1946, as a1^ cutter; made, sold Slov'eJ sausage, which he still ^ and sells. In 1967, he went 1° City of Lorain and wor^ an Assistant Buliding ^ tor until his retirement ber 1, 1931. Fie served as Secret3 at' the American Fraternal Lodge No. 6, Lorain, 20 years. He also serve 1 Director on the AFU S^P Board for 12 years. He active in the lodge. ^ Cyril married Jennie zic in 1946. They had ^ children: Gerald, Judith^ and Douglas. There are j granddaughters and j grandsons. Cyril’s vvif^Fjj nie, passed away in ^ 1981. Cyril is an avid g°^e plays whenever possibly, during the winter j He is a strong booste0. very active in support1 ^ Lorain Slovenian ^ f Flome, Lorain Sloveni3'1 ton Accordionists Ass^| rain Catholic TT:"h 1 High y Booster Club, and the Slovenian Heritage . which is an outgrowth^, Slovenians being se^e.*y the spotlight national1 ■{ the 1979 Lorain InterO^j Festival, which has he^ ^ annually for the past £ Fie is a member of ^ J & Methodius Church 3 Holy Name Society- ^ Fie is a stockholder^ Lorain Slovenian H ^ were his parents, JoS,eT,i! bf0 b# Anna, and as are his Frank and Joe, anC^ s 3 Douglas, who serves 3 f rector and Chief , the Board of the L01-3 venian Home. Scholarship Winners (Continued from page 1) na Vidrick. Pie attended South view High School, Lorain, Ohio and graduated in June, 1981. He is attending Lorain County Community College studying computer programming and operation and is a member of the National Honor Society. He served as an aide in the Guidance Office at Southview High School. John is interested in reopening Slovenian library in Lorain to continue the heritage and culture of the young Lorain Slovenians. Also interested in reinstituting Slovenian language courses to preserve the language; and the annual Lorain International Festival. He is a member of his church choir and also helps in maintenance work, including painting, at the church. His hobbies are guitar playing, woodworking, auto mechanics, the arts, hunting, fishing, swimming, tennis, ice-skating, body building. He has worked as a bus boy, stock boy, and welder. His great grandfather, John Kotnik, was the first president and one of the founders of the Lorain Slovenian National Home. Plis great grandmother, Mrs. Antonia Kotnik, is a stockholder in the Lorain Slovenian National Home, as are his grandparents, John and Angela Vidrick, and his parents. -----o------ Oarl H Sfepic Club of West Side Slovene Lodges My name is Carl R. Stepic, and I live in Cleveland, Ohio. I appreciated being given the opportunity to further my education with the scholarship that I have received from the Federation of Slovenian National Homes Scholarship program. The scholarship will be used to further my education at Dyke College. I will be there to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. I have not yet enrolled in college, I am a graduating senior from James Ford Rhodes. I was a member of their varsity bowling team for the three years I was there. I had high game of 236 and high series of 620. I also ha(d high average of 180. I will try to get onto Dyke’s bowling team if they have one. I will always remember my Slovenian background after I graduate and go on into my future line of work. Thank you very much for the opportunity to further my education with this scholarship. ---------------o------ KatSita Mn faeion Slovenian National Home No. 2 Newburgh The Slovenian National Home Co. No. 2 of Newburgh, Ohio, has chosen as their Scholarship Recipient, Kathleen Ann Mannion. Kathleen (Katie) is the. daughter of Wilfred (deceased) and Anna Mae Mannion. Katie was born on October 29, 1964. She attended St. Lawrence and Transfiguration grade schools and is a senior at Holy Name High School. Katie plans to attend Cleveland State in the fall, majoring in Computer Sciences. Katie helps at the hall whenever possible. Her hobbies are bowling, playing baseball and basketball. ------o------ Denise iarie Bancnšl West Park Slovenian Home I have . been very involved in my high school and community since my freshman year. My career choice of going into speech pathology was greatly influenced ' by these activities and other persons who took part in them. These activities, however, were not my only time commitments. I am ranked eighth in a class of*over 300, and I have consistently been on the honor roll since sixth grade. During my freshman year, I was introduced to the activities that would prove very important -to me and occupy much of my time. I became involved in theatre by becoming a member of the construction, prop, and backstage crews. I was also a make-up and costume crew member .when our church youth group performed “Jesus Christ Superstar.” I joined our school newspaper staff as a reporter and also joined the German club during my freshman year. Sophomore year held many surprises for me. My involvement in theatre and the newspaper increased, and I became involved in still more activities. I became the treasurer for our church youth group and joined our school’s yearbook staff in the position of Academics Editor. I was also given an editor,position on the newspaper. As Copy Editor, I was the first sophomore to become an editor on the paper’s staff. Theatre undoubtedly held the biggest surprise for me t,hat year. I tried out for the spring play as a joke, and I was given the lead in it. Another surprise was provided at the annual theatre and Forensics potluck supper and awards night. I was up for the 1979-’80 Best Actress Award, and I was competing against three seniors who had all had some acting experience. I didn’t think I had a chance of winning the award, and winning it was the high point of my theatre participation. Students receive awards for : their participation in many activities during their junior years. My junior year was no exception. I was inducted as a member of the National Honor Society and was chosen by the faculty and administration to represent my school at Badger Girls State. I also became a member of Quill and Scroll, a national high school journalism organization. Members of this organization are chosen according to their contributions and based on adviser recommendation. I was News Editor on the paper during my junior year. I was a member of the cast for both of the plays: presented at my school during that year. I was also advertising chairman for the fall play, which meant sending out over 200 letters, getting tickets, programs and posters printed, etc. I became a member of the Forensics squad at the insistence of both of the coaches. I competed in four Power Rounds in the category of Prose, which usually has more than 100 participants per meet. I was awarded the Outstanding Female Novice Award at the annual awards night. This year, I am the Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper and Secretary of the Forensics team. I was the first person from my school to be chosen by the Menomonee Falls Optimist Club as “Youth of the Month” this year. I was also chosen by the United States Achievement Academy as a United States National Speech and Drama award winner, I will be honored in the 1982 National Awards Yearbook:: for^ this achievement. Our Forensics competition be-, gan in late-January and I have completed in one Power Round thus far. I hope to qualify for the State meet once again this year. I would like to thank the Federation once again for awarding me a scholarship. The money will be helpful in helping me to achieve my future goals. I am proud of the heritage passed on to me by both of my parents, and grateful that the Federation is interested in providing aid for Slovenian youths who decide to further their educations. She is the granddaughter of Stella Dancull. ------o------ Tim Grzely American Slovenian Club Fairport Harbor I was born in Mentor, Ohio on July 26th, 1963, and raised in the Mentor area and now live at 7925 Skyline View Dr., Mentor, O. I live at home with my parents, Jean and Lou Grzely, and my brother Tom. I attended the schools in the Mentor School Dstrict, Garfield Elementary, Memorial Junior High and Mentor High School, from which I graduated in 1981. I also belong to the St. Gabriel Parish in Mentor. During my elementary and junior high school days, I belonged to the school band. I played the Coronet. I started playing the Button Accordion at the age of 10 and took lessons from Mr. Frank Novak. I won numerous contests in the Cleve. area and also 3 times the national SNPJ contests at Enon Valley. I’ve played for various fund rais- ings for Slovenian cultural societies, Slovenian floats, old age homes, Slovenian Heritage Foundation Banquet at Cleve. State University, Lorain International Days, and numerous appearances on Polka Va-rities. I am now an active member of the Fairport Harbor Button Box Club, and now have my own group. Also a member of SNPJ No, 355. My hobbies consist of playing Slovenian songs on the Button Box, coin collecting, bowling, baseball,: model building and restoring a 1970 Buick Gran Sport. I am now attending Electronics Technology Institute in Cleveland, Ohio. I would like to take this time to thank the Cleveland Federation o f . Slovenian Homes for the scholarship that they have honored me with, and wish all the other recipients the best of luck in their futures. ------o------ The Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave, is alive and well! Opening the years Series of programs Was the announcement of John Primo as the Collinwood Slovenian Home’s “MAN OF THE YEAR.” The celebration, and appropriate honors were bestowed upon John at the annual FEDERA-T I O N OF SLOVENIAN HOMES BANQUET, at St. Clair’s Slovenian Home. The Spring Dance in April inaugurated something new in the variety of activities that were undertaken by the board of directors this year. A gala affair was the outcome, as the guests were treated to the delicious servings of our own Josie Stanonik. Music for our dancing pleasure was performed by the Art Perko Orchestra. On August 26th, v/e celebrated our annual Homecoming Day. Highlighting the hot summer day was a parade starting from St. Mary’s Church, moving down and several blocks on both sides of Holmes Ave., and concluding at the parking lot of the hail. Throughout the afternoon and evening, friends and neighbors displayed the spirit of the Collinwood society. The musical artists of the year was Collinwood’ Corky Godec. A fund raiser was the occasion on Oct. 24th, known to those in attendance, as the Thanks I am writing to express my gratitude for being awarded one of your FSNH college Scholarship Awards in the amount of $500. It is encouraging to find that the Federation is taking a real interest in the advanced education of students such as myself.. I have recently been accepted as a Music Education major (on clarinet) at Bowling Green State University, which is recognized as having one of the finest music departments in the country. It is nice to have a head start in paying tuition and other expenses. The scholarship is much appreciated. Sincerely, John Nemec ------o------ “poor man’s raffle.” Music by Corky Godec contributed to a very good time. New Year’s Eve annual dinner-dance was a fitting climax to the years events. Dinner was served by Josie Stanonik. Music by Bob Schauer. The “Clubroom” had several bonus parties for the patrons. Among them are the following, namely: SHROVE TUES. .and CHRISTMAS EVE.” The host and hostess are our genial managers John and Alba Plutt. Together, they manage to maintain the traditional, friendly atmosphere that our many friends have come to expect in our facilities. Among the other things that happened at our hall is the purchase of an adjacent property. Plans are to alleviate the congestion of traffic, by expanding our facilities. In conclusion, we regret to announce the untimely passing of Mrs. Sophie Magayne, our past president. Her spirit, as well as that of our forefathers, lives among us. MEMO: Federation Scholarship Recipient The Collinwood Slovenian National Home named John Thomas Nemec, as recipient of the Federation of Slovenain National Flomes $500.00 scholarship. John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nemec, 708 E. 159th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 1981 — A BUSY YEAR Most of the ambitious plans made by the Board of Directors of Slovenian Workmen’s Home have been fulfilled. Renovation of the lower hall has been completed and we now have an attractive, well-lit hall, in which any business or social event can be held. Two problems that ’ have plagued the Home for many years was water seepage thru basement walls and the roof of the building, have been corrected. The cost of the new roof was $37,500. The installation of 60 feet of drain tile, sealing and backfilling of the rear wall cost $3,600. Other improvements were: Installation of a cooler-freezer, the noisy air-conditioning unit in the lower hall was re-installed to the outside of our building, eliminating all noise; an air-conditioning unit was installed in the new auditorium bar; a new hot water tank and water pipelines and asphalt sealer applied to our No. 1 parking lot. Our House Committee members have worked diligently all year to help accomplish these improvements, at - the lowest cost possible. We are very grateful, also, to Joe Dovgan, Jack Rotar and Jack and help. Our thanks also to Frank Kristoff, a man of many talents, for the art work he applied to the front of our building. We are -grateful for the monetary donations .made by the various lodges, cultural groups and clubs, and all individuals who have been generous to the Home through the years. Much of our financial help, too, comes from the conscientious and hard-working Ladies Auxiliary. This is a voluntary group who raise money with bake sales and "their weekly fish fries, which have been very popular. Members are: Mary Dolsa.k, Pres.; Bertha Dovgan, V. Pres.; Cecelia Wolf, Secy-Treas.; Florence Slaby, Rec. Secy.; Auditors: Mary Koss, Ann Kristoff and Josephine Tomsic. Other active members are: Molly Raab, Ida Cesnik, Betty Kozel, Marlene Perdan, Mary Troha, Mary Wolf, Millie Bradač, Alma Lazar and Betty Zablotney. Our Honorary members who were, and still are, great supporters of our Home include: Josephine Glazar, Theresa Gorjanc, Jennie Marolt, Milka Perko, Mary Taman and Mary Furlan. Tony Vrh, a former Board President, was selected “Man of the Year” of [ Slovenian Workmen’s Home for 1982. Jeannie Matuch, daughter ofMike and Sophie Matuch, was awarded a $500.00 Scholarship in 1981 from the Fed. of Slov. Homes. Both the Directors and Ladies Auxiliary aggressively organize, promote and work at fund-raisers for the benefit of Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Our New Year’s Eve Party was successful in every way. Our guests enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner and later danced to the tunes of the Fred Kuhar Orchestra. Our Home supports our local Slovenian Homes and cultural organizations by purchasing tickets and attending their affairs. For many years, we have been happy to donate the use of our Home for the annual membership meeting of the Slovene Home for the Aged as well as the recent Venison Dinner, sponsored by Father Tome and members of St. Mary’s Church for the benefit of the Slovene Home for the Aged. The Board of Directors elected for Slovenian Workmen’s Home for the year 1982 are: President: Tony Sturm 1st Vice President: Steve Shimits 2nd Vice President Mary Dolšak Secretary: Millie Bradač Treasurer: Frank Bittenc Rec. and Corresp. Secretary: Cecelia Wolf Auditors: Frank Kristoff, Ann Kristoff, A1 Comenschek and Frank Polantz. House Committee: Mike Matuch, Chmn., Frank Koss, William Ba-yuk, Ernest Tibjash and John Vicic Alternates: Frank Grk and Albert Meglich Legal Advisor: John Prince John Pretnar and Frank Tolar who contributed much time and effort during their terms as Directors chose not to accept nomination for Board Memebrship because of personal reasons. We thank both for their valuable help in the past and hope they visit us when possible. ------o------ WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME Read the American Home newspaper and rediscover your proud nationality heritage. Update; Latest News from the Homes COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME West Park Slovenian Home is progressing more every year. In 1981 we continued to improve the building, we remodeled the downstairs party room and now will continue into the bar room. We also bricked 4 large back windows' for safety and saving on energy. We had 2 successful doing for the benefit of West Park Home. AMLA West Park Singers had a successful mini concert May 18, 1981, and Board of Directors held Testimonial Dinner for Theresa Stefanik No. 8. AMLA West Park Singers, Circle 77 SNPJ and Folklore Institute of Cleveland impressed the audience with their performance. The new officers for the Home for 1982 are: President: John Jurka Vice President: Joe Pultz Finance Secretary: Theresa Stefanik Recording Secretary Rudy Pivik ' Entertainment: Marie Pivik It’s all there past history, present happenings and future events. All geared to boost the nationality morale and project the ethnic image. W on’t you subscribe and help us help yen. No one is going to recognize us if we don't beat the drum for ourselves. -- We are all FOR you because we know wno you are. American Home newspaper $28.00 a year for the 2 times a week Slovenian editions; or $15 a year for the Friday weekly English section editions. Call 431-0628 to order a subscription for yourself or a year-round gift for a loved one. Or write, American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. ‘ MARCH-19, 1982 L SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME OF MAPLE HEIGHTS f The Home has thrived and grown under the presidencies of Anton Pelko (1926-1927), Vincent Zimšek (1923-1938), Louis Simončič (1939-1949), Anton Gorenc (1950-1954), Louis C. Fink (1955-1963), Andrew Rezin, Sr. (1964-1965), Louis C. Fink (1966-1978), Emil Martinsek (1979-1981) and Al Glavic (1982- ). For over 40 years, it has served Slovenian societies and organizations and its individual members. Planina, the Slovenian Singing Society, has held rehearsals' and concerts here since the Home opened. In recent years we have seen the formation of the Planina Junior Chorus. More recently we have seen the beginning of the Maple Heigths Button Box Club. The Pensioners Club rotate with other Homes to hold their meetings and parties here. It has served the Slovenian community well and the present directors are dedicated to continuing and maintaining its high standards. The Home is governed by 16 directors; 8 are elected every year fro a term of 2 years. The officers for 1982 are: A1 Glavic, Pres.; Frank Urbančič, Vice President; Tom Meljac, Sec.; Mildred Lipnos, Treas.; Marjorie Church, Recording Secretary; Auditors are: A1 Glavic, Anton Kaplan and Frank Urbančič. The remaining directors are: Lou Champa, Louis Ferfolia, Andy Hočevar, Charles Hočevar, Louis Kastelic, Albert Lipnos, Emil Martinsek, William Ponikvar, Anton Stimetz and Antonia Stokar. M.H. 1981 ACCOMPLISHMENTS During the past year the directors of the Maple Heights Slovenian National Home worked hard to raise funds to make various necessary improvements. During the year of 1981 our major fund raising projects were a Clam Bake, Grape Festival and Split Raffle. The proceeds were used to repair our parking facility and repair our Club Room refrigeration system on going maintenance ie. painting portions of our building used up what little funds remained. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME EUCLID, OHIO Our continuing history is one of growth; there seems to be no end in sight. We have added to our roster of Lodges N.S.P.J. Utopians and the Sharpey’s; A men’s club comprised of one time residents of the St. Clair area who formed a sociat club back in the early 50’s. Both have monthly meetings at our Home and annual dinner-dances. The year of 1981 climaxed with our annual New Year’s Eve Gala, chaired by our Vice president George Carson. A busy year it was beginning, with the complete replacement of our aged air-conditioning system, we now have a total or 43 ^ tons of cooling and gas heating on our upper level — complete renovation of our ten restrooms; funded by our Women’s Auxiliary, complete rebuilding of our Balinca Courts and surrounding areas, landscaped by Joe Petrie and crew of workers, which enhanced our entrance to the halls and club room. Our biggest duo investment, that is, the Home and the Women’s Auxiliary was the purchase of eight hundred stack chairs with cushioned seats and backs, giving our Home a comfort plus a touch of beauty to our rooms. Our Balinca Tournament, sponsored by Club Društev, was again a success and added to the rejuvenated area of this much enjoyed sport. Activities keep our board members on the go, representing our Home at various dinner-dances, concerts, and benefits one of which our own musical arts association sponsored for their stage improvement program in planning stages now. Ray Bradač, our Secretary, initiated good-will bus excursions to various Slovenian Homes, especially to Lorain, for their steak dinners. Our year ended, with a loss of our Dear Brother John Troha, who served our Home as House Chairman, devoting many hours for the betterment of the Home. His spirit will enkindle our motto “In Unity and Harmony there is Progress.” CLUB GF WESTSIDE SLOVENE LODGES This year 1982, the Club of West Side Slovene Lodges will be in existence for 43 years. Just a couple of years ago, it seemed we were just about doomed. But our faith in our youth has prevailed. Uuring this past year, we made an extensive addition and a complete remodeling of our hall. We are very proud of what we now haVe, as it took us a long time acheiving it. The compliments are gratifying. The board of directors is to be complimented for its help and efforts put forth in making us so proud. It really was a team effort of oldtimers and youth. To cut down on the high cost, a lot of work was done by members who gave of their time and sweat. During the daytime, over-the-hill gang (retirees) did the work. In the evenings, Saturdays and Sundays, the youth did the work. I’m sure we have fulfilled the ambitions of our forefathers. We all regret they are not here to enjoy it. All of the original Charter Lodges are still in existence. They are: Nanos, SNPJ No. 284 — Velebit, SNPJ No. 544 — Commodores, SNPJ No. 742 _ Brooklyn, SNPJ No. 135 — Soča, AMLA No. 26 — Brooklyn Slovenes, AMLA No. 48 — Svet Kriz, KSKJ No. 214. Gur present Board of Directors is: President: Joseph A. Klinec Vice President: Kenneth Ivancic Financial Secretary: Pauline Stepic Treasurer: Joseph Plutz Recording Secretary: Edward Stepic AMERIGAN-SLOVENIAN CLUB FAIRPORT HARBOR Prepared by Stanley Modic There was 1946, 1952, 1963, 1969, 1970. They were all milestone years in the development of the American-Slo-venian Club in Fairport Harbor. 1931 is another one. In 1946, the Club was organized. Six years later the site of the Club Rooms was purchased and renovated. In 1963, it gained its exclusivity winning a private club license from the State of Ohio. Then there was the reorganization which breathed new life into the organization and a year later, in 1970, a complete renovation and remodeling. Last year will go down in the history of the Club as no less a momentous period. It was the year the Club, bursting at the seams with its success, was doubled in size and completely remodeled. A 20 by 30 foot expansion was completed gving the Club a new look, both inside and out. It now sports new paneling, new carpeting, a new, larger bar, dance floor area, and modern directional lighting so the mood can be changed from an official meeting' atmosphere to one of an intimate lounge with the flick of a few switches. . The face was also changed. Red brick was combined with stained rough lunmber and a simulated balcony to give it an “old country” look. Interest in the Club continues high, attracting new members, forcing the expansion and remodeling of the facility. “Button Box” nights every other Thursday attract an over-flow crowd, as do the special monthly dinners. Last yekr also saw a first for the Club’s Button Box group. It sponsored a Button Box Festival last summer at AMLA which can' only be described as a “tremendous success.” Bands from throughout Northeastern Ohio and even western Pennsylvania performed as did the Geneva Grape Slovenian Dancers. Even though the weather was “horrible,” hundreds turned out to enjoy the music, dancing, food and entertainment. A record number of teams also enrolled in the summer Balina league, forcing expansion of play from two to three nights a week. First place was captured by the team captained by Hank Zalar, club treasurer, and this year’s Slovenian Man of the Year. The annual Balina Tournament, locally dubbed the World Series of Balina, enjoyed its 16th stand over the weekend following Labor Day. It is traditionally held that weekend, and annually attracts 32 teams. This year more teams than usual had to be turned away. First place prize money and trophies went to a team captained by club member Steve Kasunic. This year the tournament is expected to again attract the top teams in the area. Directing the activities and operation of the club is a Board of Directors, which includes: Anthony Staej, President; Stanley Modic, Vice President; Henry Zalar, Treasurer; Warren Fabian, Secretary; Rose Braddock, Ed Kinkopf, and John Grzely, Auditors; and Carol Satej and Frank Kochevar, Sgts.-at-Arms. The expansion was directed by a Buliding Committee headed by Anthony Satej and including: Stan Modic, Hank Zalar, ohn Grzely, and ex-officio member, Stanley Brad-dock, who was regularly called on to help with logistics and liaison. I SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME CO. NO. I NEWBURGH, OHIO The year 1981 was a successful year for the Slovenian National Home Co. No. 2 in Newburgh, but also a sad one. During the month of April, the first 50/50 Raffle was held. This was a huge success, that it is now held every other month. Music, bartending, catering and anything else needing to be done for these doings are all done gratis. The Slovenian National Home was given donations by: American Mutual Life Association, Lodges Mir No. 10 and 'ZXTIXXIXIHXIIIZTXXXXXZ3 Auditors: Steffie Pultz Elaine Saxby Theresa Stefanik Marie Zeitz Entertainment Chairman: John Ivancic, Jr. Housing Committee: Fen Ivancic, CHM. Max Simcic Edward Stepic Lloyd Lehrke Edward Krecic Joseph Plutz Joseph Klinec We are finding more and more Slovenes are now coming “West” to Seven Hills, Parma, Brooklyn, Middleburg Ilts., and wherever. We’d like to appeal to you to come and join us and enjoy our new facilities. You are all WELCOME. The MORE the MERRIER! ------------o------ Kralijca Miru No. 24; and Antonia Stokar. These donations are greatly appreciated. Through the KSKJ Project, St. Lawrence No. 163 donated to us several serving carts, and St. Ann’s No. 150 helped towards purchasing a new Coffeemaker in our Snack Bar. Our bowling alleys were resurfaced and our Snack Bar area was remodeled with a new floor and a few tables. Our bowling has increased, we have daily leagues and on three days, double leagues. The annual New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance was well attended and showed a nice profit. The months of November, December and January were sad ones for the hall. Richard Martinsek, former recording secretary, passed away. Following him was our treasurer and hany man, Albert Zura. A few days later, our only living member from the first board of directors, Mary Martinsek, the mother of Richard. On January 3, 1982, the Vesolji Plancharja, from Europe, performed at our hall. They were enjoyed greatly by all who were in attendance. They were brought to the hall by our director, Mr. Frank Mahnič, Sr. The shareholders meeting was also held in January. The newly elected for the year 1982 are: President: Messaae from the President By TONY STURM President, Federation of Slovenian Homes On behalf of the Federation of Slovenian Homes, my congratulations and best wishes to Henry Zalar and Antonia Stokar, Man and Woman of the Year. I would like to congratulate all individual honorees of their respective Homes. These individuals are honored due to their continuing efforts in maintaining their Slovenian Halls. This pfeser-vation of the Slovenian culture and heritage is important to all of us. We cannot overlook the significance of art, music, dramatics, journalism and the social arts. Let us not forget our traditional entertainment, recreation and amusement, advancing our knowledge both physically and mentally of our Slovenian Heritage. The Federation of the Slovenian Homes provides a central body for our Slovenian Homes here in Cleveland, as well as throughout the United States and Canada. On behalf of the trustees, I would like to thank all of the participants, advertisers, patrons and Slovenian Home representatives who made this program and publication possible. HOMES ANNOUNCE 1982 HONOREES The Federation of Slovenian Homes, Cleveland, Ohio, presents their 21st Annual Banquet Rewards, Sunday, March 21 at the Slovenian National Home, 6402 St. Clair Ave., starting at 3:30 PM. We have 10 Homes under the Federation, 8 in the city of Cleveland plus Lorain and Fairport Harbor. The purpose of the Federation is to meet every 2nd month to give reports on how each Home is doing. This is the only way to know where we stand, without the Federation we might not have 10 Homes in the Cleveland area. We help each other and we care for each Home. At the November meeting, each Slovenian Home is entitled to nominate one person for “Woman of the Year” and one person for “Man of the Year,” which the representatives of the 10 Slovenian Homes vote on, and the winners for this year are: Antonia Stokar Slovenian Home E. 80th Henry Zalar Slovenian Home Fair-port Harbor Each Home has their own honorees, and they are:: St. Clair — Anton Wapotich Recher — William Jansa Maple Hts. — Louis Ferfolia E. 80th — Genevieve Kastelic Waterloo — Tony Vrh West Park — Helen Konkoy Denison — Ken Ivancic Holmes — Gus Petelinkar Lorain — Cyril Zgonc Fairport Habor — John Drobnik We need the Slovenian Homes so we can promote our culture o u r grandfathers worked so hard for to give us what we have today, so let’s continue. We sincerely congratulate all of you. After 'the banquet dancing to the Don Sloga orchestra. New Circle Starts In Willoughby Hills SNPJ Circle 94 is located in Willoughby Hills, Ohio and is the only youth circle in Lake County. Frank Mahnič, Sr. Vice President: Genevieve Kastelic Financial Secretray: Anna Mae Mannion Treasurer: Alice Arko Recording Secretary: Carol Arko Auditors: Josephine Sever Eleanor Grozdanik Hattie Mussig Ernest Arko, Robert Perko, Antonia Stokar, Frank Globokar, Robert Zura, Marie Zura, Frank Mahnič, Jr., and Evelyn Majercik, comprise the remaining board. The Slovenian National Home in Newburgh is again honored by having board member Antonia Stokar as the Woman of the Year for the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. The honoree for the hall is our Woman of the Year Genevieve Kastelic, The Federation Scholarship recipient is Kathleen Mannion. ) With the monies realized from our doings and generous donations, we are at the present time remodeling our auditorium. ------o------ Every year, since our existence we have gone to Slovenian Home for the Aged at Christmas and Valentines, and have entertained the residents as well as bring handmade crafts as gifts. Last March we joined with Circle 3 MPZ for the first tjme ever to put on a concert in Slovenian (our first time singing as a group). This concert was very well received. We have won trophies for float decoration, two third place trophies and one 1st place trophy (last yr.) at the Nat’l Handcraft exhibit in Enon Valley. We meet every 2nd Thurs. and 4th Tues of the month at Willoughby Hills City Hall from 6:15-8:00. Children between ages 5-18 are always welcome. ------o------ Printing j SPECIALISTS \ AMERICAN HOME [ PUBLISHING CO. [ 6117 SI. Glair Ave. Š 431-0628 m ■ BflBHBBfiBiBMBHSHflBSSBSfiSi Recipe PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 1% cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda U tsp. salt U cup white sugar Vz cup brown sugar 1 cup butter Vz cup peanut butter 1 egg 2 tblsp. milk Va tsp. vanilla Cream butter, mix in sugar, peanut butter, then egg and vanilla until nice and fluffy. Remove from mixer and mix in flour sifted with baking soda and salt and alternate with milk. Roll in small balls and roll in granulated sugar. Put on greased cookie sheet and wilh fork press down in middle, then once more across. Bake at 350 deg, for 10 mins. (While still hot, press in chocolate drops or cherries, if so desired.) They, freeze well, too. P.S. If the mixture is too soft to handle, refrigerate for 2 hours. When starting the preparation have the butter, egg and peanut butter at room temperature. Josephine Knific Cleveland, Ohio ------o------ BROCCOLI - CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN 1 bunch broccoli (about 2 pounds) or 1 small head cauliflower (or two 10-ounce frozen packages of either vegetable) 1 can (11 ounces) Condensed Cheddar Cheese Soup Vi cup milk 2 tablespoons buttered bread crumbs 4 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled or bacon bits Cook vegetable; drain. Place in shallow baking dish (lOx 6x2 inches). Stir soup; blend in milk; pour over vegetable. Top with crumbs. Bake at 350°F. for 20 minutes or until hot. Garnish with bacon before serving. 4 to 6 servings. M.D. ------o------- March Is Red Cress Menih For many Americans, particularly the hundreds of thousands of Red Cross volunteers across the nation, March is a very special month. It’s been designated as Red Cross Month nationally — a time to salute the special people who donate their time and energies to helping others less fortunate. Volunteers — more than 27,T>00 in the. Greater Cleveland area — working together to help people. Our thanks go to each of these volunteers-And to the 40,000 persons who give blood for the benefit of patients at 32 hospitals throughout the Cleveland area. The Red Cross is a United Way agency, so,your contribution to the United Way helps the Red Cross work for you and others. At the scene of disasters. At the side of military veterans and their families. Building character of the area’s youth. Providing nursing and health services. Teaching livesaving skill3! such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid. and water and boating safety- The Red Cross has been helping people for 101 years-Take time in March to remember this fine organization and its dedicated volunteers--------------o-----