Means of Knowledge Acquisition of Entrepreneurs and Their Success Barbara Hvalic Erzetic The goal of this paper is to analyze different approaches to acquir- ing new knowledge. We analyze what means of knowledge acquisi- tion are used by entrepreneurs, such as formal education process, one and more day professional development workshops, professional coun- selors, professional literature and information on the world wide web. When making a decision on what means to use in order to increase one's knowledge, entrepreneurs employ different assessment criteria: time and money investment as well as pedagogical techniques used. Time shortage is the most frequently cited reason that entrepreneurs do not invest more personal resources into knowledge acquisition pro- cesses. The main hypothesis we test, postulates that entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into knowledge acquisition processes are more successful. Success is measured with an average annual degree of growth of sale, profits and number of employees in the last four years and with entrepreneur's opinion concerning success of the company's business. Finally, we develop the implication for public policy and ed- ucational institutions on the means that need to be employed so that entrepreneurs would invest more resources in knowledge acquisition processes. Key Words: entrepreneur, knowledge, success jEL Classification: d, i, m Introduction Entrepreneurship and management education are important in develop- ing knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs. In the era of globalization and continuously changing business environments, the need for continuing education and training is becoming ever increasing. Knowledge acqui- sition and learning have been well emphasized as important factors to successful entrepreneurship over the last decades. Learning involves ac- quisition, distribution, storage and interpretation of information (Hu- ber 1991). A qualitative study by Sexton et al. (1997) revealed that entre- preneurs decide what they want to learn, where they want to learn and Barbara Hvalic Erzetic is an Assistant at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transportation, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Managing Global Transitions 6 (2): 157-175 how they want to learn. When learning, entrepreneurs are content - not process - oriented and search for specific knowledge rather than general information. In addition, they search for information that solves their immediate needs while allowing them to plan for the success of an or- ganization and upcoming problems (Sexton et al. 1997). Failure to ac- quire new knowledge and learn can cause a firm to be unable to keep up with technological progress in an industry and to anticipate shifts in cus- tomer requirements since it may be incapable of producing technology standards (Sullivan 2000). In all, several studies demonstrated that edu- cation of entrepreneurs is a key factor of a new venture success (Postigo, Iacobucci, and Tamborini 2003). Entrepreneurship education can be de- fined as structured, formal conveyance of entrepreneurial knowledge; entrepreneurial knowledge meaning the concepts, skills, and mentality individual business owners use during the course of starting and de- veloping their growth-oriented businesses; and entrepreneurial learning meaning the active and cognitive processes individuals employ as they acquire, retain and use entrepreneurial knowledge (Young 1997). Entre- preneurs need to learn continuously through self-directed learning, as well as through formal education and training to be able to secure the business performance of their ventures. How are decisions on knowledge acquisition process made? When thinking about gathering new knowl- edge, entrepreneurs most probably consider the following factors: satis- faction with prior knowledge development processes experience, qual- ity perception of prior learning and training experiences (Antoncic and Hvalic Erzetic 2004) and miscellaneous factors such as expected bene- fits of learning, price and time investment into learning, geographical premises, preliminary knowledge, institutional references and alike. Al- though structural ways of knowledge acquisition processes have been clearly given salience, evidence shows that entrepreneurs mostly tend to rely on self-directed learning, in comparison to pre-entrepreneurs that engage in entrepreneurial education and training. Reasons for their ap- parent avoidance of formal education and training might be: 'perceived immediate need for required knowledge, lack of availability of the pre- cise class or workshop that meets their needs, lack of time to engage in a formal learning program, the desire to structure the learning effort as they like, the desire to keep the learning styles they use flexible, the desire to take advantage of their own learning styles' (Young 1997). What is the situation like in Slovenia? Slovenian firms were not pre- pared to invest enough in education in the past decade, only one fifth of companies invested in research and development in year 1997. The prob- lem was not in lack of means, but in no interest of management to in- vest in knowledge. From the point of view of demand of the economy regarding knowledge, we must mention the period of socialism up till 1990, when the demand was for unskilled labour. After 1991 the demand for knowledge dropped, because there was a tendency of management to reduce the value of companies and to legally gain property in the com- pany. Decrease in knowledge was not visible or at least not in such mea- sure, only in explicitly export guided companies and small companies, which were managed by their owners. A negative attitude to knowledge in the entire society appeared because of such circumstances, especially the attitude to learning among young people (Ostan and Hvalic Erzetic 2006). In the last years Slovenia has been quite comparable with Euro- pean countries in primary and secondary school education, but we can not say this for adult education, where also entrepreneurship education and training are placed. In Slovenia only 31% of adults educate them- selves, whereas this proportion is, for example, higher in Finland, Den- mark, Sweden, and Norway (50%), as well as in Great Britain, Switzer- land, and the Netherlands (40%), and lower in accession countries such as Hungary (19%) and Poland (14%) (Gaber 2000). Also Socan is warn- ing against this problem when he says that, although Slovenia has been placed among developed countries from 2000 on, it invests in complete knowledge (education, research and development and various shapes of training employees, unemployed and business functions of companies and institutions) only 8.5% gnp (education - 6%, research and develop- ment -1.5% and various shapes of training employees, unemployed and business functions of companies and institutions -1%). If Slovenia wants to be compared with Germany, Socan thinks that it has to increase invest- ment into training adults and business functions (+300%), research and development (+67%) and education (from +8 to 17%) (Ostan and Hvalic Erzetic 2006). Success of companies and society is connected with invest- ment into education and training. Birch (1993) alleges 5 factors for in- creasing the development of dynamic companies: in the first place there is education infrastructure, quality of employees (it is connected with education and training), quality of government, telecommunication and quality of life. In summary, the development of learning in its various guises of in- dividual, team and organizational learning has been recognized by many as being a critical factor for our economic prosperity (Sullivan 2000). The hypotheses were formed on the supposition that one of the char- acteristics of the successful entrepreneur is eagerness to learn (Wickham in Olsen 2002). Learning and knowledge, which must be gained contin- uously (Antoncic et al. 2002; Penrose 1995; Timmons 1999; Solymossy and Penna 2001), is an important factor of success (Gartner 1988; Ripsas 1998). Knowledge, gained by formal education, is connected with success (Coleman 1988; Davisson and Honig 2003; Kubr 2002; quoted in Ravasi and Turati 2005). A positive link between formal education and success was confirmed also by Stuart and Alberti 1990, Brush and Hisrich 1991, Dyke, Fischer and Reuber 1992, Kolvereid 1992, Box, White and Barr 1993, Dolinsky 1993, and Reid and Smith 2000 (quoted in Drnovšek 2002). The positive link between training and superior firm performance was estab- lished by different researchers (Olsen 2002; Bharadwaj, Falcone, and Os- born 2004). Cosh, Duncan, and Huges 1998 (quoted in Kotey and Folker 2007) belive that training is a powerful agent for the development capa- bilities and for the growth and profitability of the firm, it should greatly improve sme survival and performance (English 2001, Lattimore et al. 1998, Jennings and Beaver 1995 quoted in Kotey and Folker 2007). Reid and Harris (2002) noted that the most successful smes provide more em- ployee training than average. When we formed our hypotheses we did not find any researches which would establish a link between learning by reading the professional literature and by browsing the world wide web, but Mandel (2004) argued that the success of us entrepreneurs is in con- verting ideas to products during the Internet boom in the 1990s, and the use of networks was a feature of achieving success (McKeon, Johnston, and Henry 2004). Kubr (2002) also thinks that today knowledge is easily accessible for all entrepreneurs through it and the World Wide Web. We do not engage in the content and quality of enterprise programmes at this point, but if we draw conclusions on learning in entrepreneurship from the existing literature we propose the following relationships: H1 Entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into formal edu- cation degree knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of entrepreneurial performance. H2 Entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into professional workshop acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators ofentrepreneurial performance. H3 Entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into one-day semi- nar knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of entrepreneurial perfor- mance. H 4 Entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into professional lit- erature knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as mea- sured with objective and subjective indicators of entrepreneurial per- formance. H5 Entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into world wide web knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of entrepreneurial perfor- mance. The aim of this research, which was done among micro and small companies in Slovenia (98,440 companies were registered in Slovenia in the year 2006, 91,306 (93%) of them were micro (0-9 employees) and 5,597 (6%) were small (10-49 employees)), is to analyze what approaches small entrepreneurs use in knowledge acquisition processes, what impor- tance they ascribe to different types of knowledge acquisition processes, and how this affects their ventures' performance. We expect that such empirical findings will provide helpful evidence for public policy as well as institutions in the business of entrepreneur- ship education and provision of training programs. The Empirical Study In this section, the methodology (data collection, sample and analysis) is presented. DATA COLLECTION The data for the empirical study were compiled in fall 2006 by a cross sectional, mailed, self-administered questionnaire to the sample of micro and small (less than 50 employees) privately owned Slovenian firms. We chose Dillman's (1978) Total Design Method (tdm) as the foundation of the survey instrument design and mail implementation. sample The final sample included 303 entrepreneurs from Slovenia (sample char- acteristics are summarized in table 1 and table 2). Responding entrepreneurs are between 30 to 50 years old: most of them (35%) are from 30 to 40 years old. 73% of respondents are male, table 1 Sample characteristics: entrepreneurs Age 30-40 years old 35%, 40-50 years old 33%, 50-60 years old 19%, 20-30 years old 11%. Gender Male 73%, female 27%. Civil status Married 67%, single 19%, divorced or widowed 14%. Education Secondary school 62%, high school or professional 20%, university 15%, post-graduate 2%. 67% of them are married, 62% of respondents have a secondary school certificate. Firms included in the sample are engaged in different industries, but their business activity is predominantly in trade and services. 60% of respondents classified their companies as low-tech companies and the majority of respondents (52%) have had their private businesses for more than 10 (up to 20) years. The organization form of 51% of companies is limited liability, 44% sole proprietorship; other respondents classified their companies under the organization format as 'other'. The size of the responding companies is relatively small: 28% have 3-5 employees. Success is measured by the average annual degree of sale growth, prof- its and number of employees in the last four years and with by en- trepreneur's opinion concerning the business success of the company. Most (25%) of the responding entrepreneurs have an average annual growth rate of sales between 5 to 10% in the last four years, 31% of re- spondents have an average annual growth rate of profits of up to 5% in the last four years, 40% of respondents have an average annual rate of increase in number of employees of up to 5% during the last four years. Altogether 54% of respondents spend approximately less than 10% of their sales on future growth and development and most of the respond- table 2 Sample characteristics: entrepreneur's company Business activity Wholesale trade 47%, business services 22%, construction 16%, personal services 13%, transportation 8%. Technical classification Low-tech 60%, medium-high-tech 33%, high-tech 7%. Age of activity 0-3 years 11%, 3-5 years 9%, 5-10 years 18%, 10-20 years 52%, more than 20 years 10%. Organization form Limited liability 51%, sole proprietorship 44%, 'other' 5%. Number of employees 117%, 2 14%, 3-5 28%, 6-9 12%, 10-25 14%, more than 25 12%. table 3 Sample characteristics: successfulness* Average annual rate of growth of sales (in %) in the last four years Negative 11%, 0-5 23%, 5-10 25%, 10-15 13%, 15-20 9%, 20-30 9%, 30-40 3%, more than 40 7%. Average annual rate of growth of profits (in %) in last four years Negative 12%, 0-5 31%, 5-10 26%, 10-15 12%, 15-20 10%, 20-30 4%, 30-40 1%, more than 40 4%. Average annual rate of increase in number of employees (in %) during last four years Negative 30%, 0-5 40%, 5-10 9%, 10-15 6%, 15-20 4%, 20-30 6%, 30-40 2%, more than 40 3%. Percentage of sales invested for future growth and development Not invest 33%, 0-10 54%, 11-25 11%, more than 26 2%. Annual sales (in 000 €) 0-120 44%, 120-200 10%, 200-400 8%, 400-800 11%, 800-2,000 10%, more than 2,000 11%. note *The rate and the portion represented by the rate (in %). ing ventures are relatively small: 44% of entrepreneurs reported under 120,000c of annual sales (sample characteristics are summarized in ta- ble 3). When assessing subjective indicators of venture performance, we found the most important perceived indicators of success were the qual- ity of products and services (mean = 4.43; min = 1; max = 5), followed by autonomy and independence (mean = 3.92), followed by self-realization and control over one's future (mean = 3.58). analysis In order to assess knowledge acquisition processes we used measures that included types of knowledge acquisition that the entrepreneurs used, such as formal education process, short professional development work- shops, relying on advice of professional counselors, professional and in- dustry specific literature and information on the world wide web. We also measured time spent and money invested in the knowledge acquisi- tion processes and reasons for not investing more time and money in the different manners of obtaining knowledge. To analyze the benefits of investment into the knowledge acquisition process we also measured venture performance results. We assessed ven- ture performance with the following indicators: annual degree of sales growth; profits and increase in number of employees over the last four years, perceived quality of products and services and a potential for fu- ture growth. We also included subjective measures of performance from the entrepreneur's viewpoint: autonomy and independence, a potential for offering employment to family members and control over one's fu- ture on a Likert-type scale following previous entrepreneurship research practice (Welter 2001; Wiklund 2001). The empirical data were analyzed using spss 13.0 software, employing univariate and bivariate data analysis and cross-tabulation. We executed several of Spearman's tests to study relationships between variables and test significance of statistical relationships between pairs of variables. The Results In the following issues we sequentially report the results from our em- pirical study: knowledge acquisition process by type of institution; time invested into the knowledge acquisition process; financial resources in- vested into the knowledge acquisition process; reasons that guide entre- preneurs in assessing the time and finance needed to obtain new knowl- edge, and contingency of relationship between resources invested into the knowledge acquisition process and venture performance. In order to analyze contingencies, we first assessed current growth characteristics of responding entrepreneurs and their ventures. 18% of entrepreneurs gain new knowledge through a degree type of education (high school, college and university education process), 39% of them gain new knowledge through short (2-3 days) professional development workshops, 72% participate in one-day seminars, 40% of respondents visit professional counselors, 79% educate themselves by reading pro- fessional literature and 69% of respondents gain new information by browsing the world wide web. Respondents were able to choose several answers. The most common knowledge acquisition process seems to be through one-day seminars. In our sample, 9% of respondents correspondingly achieved a one de- gree higher education during the time they were starting their company. What is the intensity of the knowledge acquisition process? Entrepre- neurs who participate in degree type education processes spend more than 30 days per year doing so (17%). Those who participate in short professional workshops (24%), spend from 1 to 5 days per year for such purposes; 51% of respondents who participate in one day seminars spend from 1 to 5 days for these seminars; 38% of respondents spend 1 to 5 days per year visiting professional counselors; 35% of respondents spend more than 30 days per year reading professional literature, and 42% of them spend more than 30 days per year gathering information on the world wide web. Reading literature and gathering information from the world wide web seems to be the most intense means of the knowledge acquisition process. This is probably related to the fact that those techniques are the most flexible for entrepreneurs. We also measured money invested per month for different purposes in the knowledge acquisition process on a scale ranging from '0€' to 'more than 400c'. The majority spends between 20€ to 200€ per month on all types of the knowledge acquisition process (12% for degree educa- tion type, 27% for professional development workshop, 48% for one day seminars, 25% for professional counselors, 39% for professional litera- ture and 42% for information from the world wide web). 66% of those entrepreneurs who are involved in degree type education processes do not spend any money for short professional development workshops. We found that, in general, entrepreneurs consider gaining new knowl- edge a time and finance consuming process. Naturally one would expect that entrepreneurs would dedicate more time and energy towards gain- ing new information through reading professional literature and brows- ing the world wide web because these are the cheapest ways of obtaining knowledge. In our research we want to know how significantly the investments into knowledge education processes are related to firm performance. We tested the main hypotheses for relationships between quantity of time and finance invested into knowledge acquisition processes and ven- ture performance. Hypothesis 1 stated that the entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into formal education degree knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indica- tors of entrepreneurial performance. We found that entrepreneurs, who spend more time (Spearman's rho = 0.178, sig. = 0.009, sig. < 0.01) and money (Spearman's rho = 0.139, sig. = 0.049, sig. < 0.05) for gathering new knowledge of the degree education type, think they have a poten- cial for growth. Entrepreneurs who spend more time in gathering new knowledge of the degree education type think they have better oppor- tunities for employing a family member (Spearman's rho = 0.149, sig. = 0.03, sig. < 0.05). Hypothesis 2 stated that the entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into professional workshop acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of en- trepreneurial performance. We found that the entrepreneurs who spend more time on gathering new knowledge by participating in a several-day professional development workshop: • have a higher realization (Spearman's rho = 0.179, sig. = 0.009, sig. < 0.01), • have a higher average annual degree of growth of sale in the last four years (Spearman's rho = 0.153, sig. = 0.027, sig. < 0.05), • have a higher average annual degree of growth of profit in the last four years (Spearman's rho = 0.141, sig. = 0.043, sig. < 0.05), • think they have a potential for growth (Spearman's rho = 0.131, sig. = 0.047, sig. < 0.05), • think the firm gives them more self-control over the future (Spear- man's rho = 0.153, sig. = 0.021, sig. < 0.05). We also found that entrepreneurs who have a higher realization, spend more money on gathering new knowledge by participating on several- day professional development workshops (Spearman's rho = 0.284, sig. = 0, sig. < 0.01). Hypothesis 3 stated that entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into one-day seminar knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of en- trepreneurial performance. We found that entrepreneurs who spend more time on gathering new knowledge by taking one-day seminars: • have a higher realization (Spearman's rho = 0.185, sig. = 0.005, sig. < 0.01), • have a higher average annual degree of growth of sale in the last four years (Spearman's rho = 0.157, sig. = 0.018, sig. < 0.05), • estimate (feel or mean) that they have higher sales (Spearman's rho = 0.134, sig. = 0.033, sig. < 0.05), • consider that they have a greater range quality products and services (Spearman's rho = 0.174, sig. = 0.006, sig. < 0.01). We also found that entrepreneurs who spend more money on gather- ing new knowledge by taking one-day seminars: • think that they have a profitable firm (Spearman's rho = 0.142, sig. = 0.024, sig. < 0.05), • consider that they have a potential for growth (Spearman's rho = 0.192, sig. = 0.002, sig. < 0.01). Hypothesis 4 stated that entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into professional literature knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of entrepreneurial performance. We found that entrepreneurs who spend more money on gathering new knowledge by using professional litera- ture: • have a higher realization (Spearman's rho = 0.291, sig. = 0, sig. < 0.01), • consider that they have a potential for growth (Spearman's rho = 0.168, sig. = 0.007, sig. < 0.01). Hypothesis 5 stated that entrepreneurs who invest more time and money into world wide web knowledge acquisition processes are more successful as measured with objective and subjective indicators of en- trepreneurial performance. We found that entrepreneurs who spend more money on gathering new knowledge by browsing the world wide web: • have a higher realization (Spearman's rho = 0.263, sig. = 0, sig. < 0.01), • consider that they have greater chances for employing a family memeber (Spearman's rho = 0.135, sig. = 0.039, sig. < 0.05). The significance of these relationships indicates that time and money in- vested into knowledge acquisition processes in general is connected with measures of venture performance, but the connection is small. We also found a connection between the entrepreneur's investment in growth and development of annual sales, and investment time and money for different modes of obtaining knowledge. Statistically signifi- cant relationships are reported in table 4. We found that the entrepreneurs who invest more money in growth and development of annual sales spend more time and money on gath- ering new knowledge of the degree education type, by participating in several-day professional development workshops, by taking one day seminars, by visiting professional counselors, by reading professional lit- erature and by gathering information on the world wide web than do the entrepreneurs who spend less money on growth and development. We also analyzed reasons that the entrepreneurs listed for not spend- ing more time on different types of knowledge acquisition processes and their performance records. table 4 Relationship between entrepreneur's investment in growth and development of annual sales, and investment of time and money for different modes of obtaining of knowledge Time spent on/money spent on Spearman Sign. coef. Time for university work/ 0.17 0.02 money for university work 0.15 0.04 Time for professional development workshops/ 0.29 0.00 money for professional development workshops 0.27 0.00 Time for one-day seminars/ 0.20 0.00 money for one-day seminars 0.15 0.02 Time for professional counselors/ 0.14 0.04 money for professional counselors 0.28 0.00 Time for professional literature/ 0.24 0.00 money for professional literature 0.25 0.00 Time for World Wide Web/ 0.19 0.00 money for World Wide Web 0.21 0.00 The most frequent reason for not spending more time on knowledge acquisition processes was that 'it takes too much time' (62% of respon- dents for degree type of education processes, 59% of them for short pro- fessional development workshops, 64% of them for reading professional literature and 69% of them for browsing the world wide web). Indeed, 41% of respondents do not spend more time on one-day seminars be- cause they 'do not bring expected benefits', and the main reason given by 60% of respondents for not visiting professional counselors was that they are 'too expensive'. We found statistically significant relationships between performance records and the main reason for not spending more time and money to gather new knowledge by reading professional literature and browsing world wide web because 'it takes too much time'. By reading professional literature: the highest percentage (31%) had an- nual sales growth of 10% and more in the last 4 years while the lowest percentage for this reason was up to 5% (8%) in the sales growth group. Chi square tests were significant at 0.01. The highest percentage (27%) had an annual profit growth of more than 5% in the last 4 years, while the lowest percentage for this reason was up to 5% (11%) in the profit growth group. Chi square tests were significant at 0.05. The highest percentage (34%) had an annual increase in the number of employees of more than 5% in the last 4 years, while the lowest per- centage for this reason was in the employee growth group of up to 5% (13%). Chi square tests were significant at 0.01. By browsing the world wide web: the highest percentage (2%) had an annual sales growth of between 5 to 10% in the last 4 years, while the lowest percentage for this reason was in the sales growth group of up to 5% (13%). Chi square tests were significant at 0.05. The highest percentage (35%) had an annual increase in the number of employees of 5% and more in the last 4 years, while the lowest percentage for this reason was in the employees increase growth group of up to 5% (19%). Chi square tests were significant at 0.05. We can say that those entrepreneurs who are more successful stated that reading professional literature and browsing the world wide web takes too much time. We also found statistically significant relationships between perfor- mance records and the main reasons for not spending more time and money on gathering new knowledge by formal degree education type, by participating in short professional development workshops and by attending one-day seminars because 'it is not important' and 'it does not bring expected benefits'. Through formal education degree: the majority (22%) of entrepreneurs who think that 'it is not important' recorded sales of between 20,000 and 80,000c and the lowest percentage of entrepreneurs that listed the reason as unimportant was in the group of less than 20,000c of annual sales (11%). Chi square tests were significant at 0.05. Most entrepreneurs (16%) were in the group of negative increase of employees. The fewest entrepreneurs were in the group with increase of employees of more than 5%. Chi square tests were significant at 0.05. Through professional development workshops: the highest percentage (8%) of entrepreneurs who listed 'it does not bring expected benefits' as the predominant reason for not being involved in professional work- shops of knowledge acquisition had an annual sales growth of up to 5% in the last 4 years, and the lowest percentage for this reason was in the sales growth group of more than 10% (1%). Chi square tests were signifi- cant at 0.05. The highest percentage (11%) of entrepreneurs who listed 'it is not important' had annual sales growth of up to 5% in the last 4 years, and the lowest percentage for this reason was in the sales growth group of more than 10% (4%). Chi square tests were significant at 0.10. Through one-day seminars: the highest percentage (27%) of entrepre- neurs who listed 'it is not important' as the predominant reason for not being involved in one-day workshops had an annual negative increase in the number of employed people in the last 4 years, while the lowest per- centage for this reason was in the employee growth group of up to 5% (12%). Chi square tests were significant at 0.05. We can say that those entrepreneurs who are less successful stated that gathering new knowledge by formal degree education type, by partici- pating in short professional development workshops and by visiting one day seminars are not important and do not bring the expected bene- fits. Discussion and Conclusions Acquiring formal education as well as professional skills is an important input to the individual's social, professional and personal development. It is also an important success factor. Given the ever increasing pace of economic and societal changes we face, knowledge needs to be regularly updated. The empirical analysis was done on a sample of 303 small entrepre- neurs, half of whom have limited liability companies and 45% of whom hold sole proprietorship. One third of them have 3 to 5 employees; their predominant industries are trade and services, and the majority of ven- tures are low rather than high tech. One fourth of responding entrepre- neurs have an average annual sales growth rate between 5 to 10% in the last four years, an average annual growth rate of profits in the last four years of up to 5%, and an average annual rate of increase in the number of employees during the last four years of up to 5%. Half of them spend approximately less than 10% of their sales on future growth and devel- opment, and most of the responding ventures are relatively small: 44% of entrepreneurs reported under 120,000c of annual sales. Two thirds of entrepreneurs included in the sample have a high school education; more than 70% of them are male of 30 to 50 years of age. The majority of them have been small business owners for 10 to 20 years. Empirical analysis indicated that the majority of entrepreneurs (72%) use one-day seminars and reading professional literature as their prefer- able knowledge updating processes. Most money and time is spent on acquiring formal education degrees, yet only 18% of respondents in the sample are involved in such processes. In general, some 1 to 5 days per year are spent on visiting professional workshops, one day seminars and business consultants. The majority of them spend between 20c to 200c per month for all types of knowledge acquisition process. We found that entrepreneurs who invest more money in growth and development of annual sales spend more time and money on gathering new knowledge of the degree education type, by participating in several- day professional development workshops, by taking one-day seminars, by visiting professional counselors, by reading professional literature and by gathering information on the world wide web than do entrepreneurs who spend less money on growth and development. When we tested the main hypotheses for relationships between quan- tity of time and finance invested into the knowledge acquisition pro- cesses and venture performance, we found that the time and money in- vested into knowledge acquisition processes in general is connected with measures of venture performance, but the connection is small. The sta- tistically most significant relationships between time and money invest- ment in gathering new knowledge and venture performance were found at professional workshop acquisition processes and in one-day seminar acquisition processes. We searched for reasons for not spending more time and money on gathering new knowledge, if this is connected with company success. Shortage of time is listed as the most important reason for not being more intensely involved in such processes. When reasons for not being involved more intensely in knowledge ac- quisition processes were significantly related to business performance, two interesting relationships surfaced. Entrepreneurs who have ventures with lower performance results do not engage in knowledge acquisi- tion processes because they do not find them relevant and do not see any practical benefits that could be obtained from such processes. On the other hand, more successful entrepreneurs do not spend much time on knowledge acquisition processes through reading professional litera- ture and browsing the world wide web because they found them to be time consuming. Given that the internet has become the most impor- tant channel to access new information and business opportunities, the success of those companies could be additionally leveraged if those entre- preneurs were more intensely involved in those processes. The study has some limitations. In Slovenia we can speak about freer enterprise only for the last 15 years or so - most entrepreneurs started their own firms in this period. In our sample the largest number of entre- preneurs have had their own business from ten to twenty years, so that we cannot make conclusions about entrepreneurs with a long experience. The second problem is that our sample included small firms with 3 to 5 employees, their predominant industries are trade and they are low tech. We think that we would obtain different results if we had more high tech companies and more with higher added value. A potential general implication from this type of research could in- struct institutions and influence the policy to design measures stimulat- ing intrinsic motivation of entrepreneurs to be more intensely motivated to acquire new knowledge and to realize the importance for their current performance as well as future success and development in doing so. They would have to concentrate on a group of fewer successful entrepreneurs, that be them with help of market grips, convinced concerning meaning of knowledge for larger success. They would have to think about a man- ner of training more successful entrepreneurs, which would impose the least possible time load on them. Hills et al. (1996) proposed that in or- der for the entrepreneurs to gain new entrepreneurship knowledge with education and training, institutions must choose a target group, train- ers and training and proceed to an analysis of entrepreneurs' needs at different levels. They must determine the goals and adapt teaching ap- proaches, shapes, procedures and characteristics of entrepreneur train- ers (Gibb 1994). Glas and Drnovsek (1999) suggest that in the field of education and training, entrepreneurship must be included in all formal education types, training must be adapted to a target group, society must stimulate education for technical occupations and institutions must ed- ucate in the entrepreneurship sense. Developers of qualification and training programs for post-secondary education and training of entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs should (Labuschagne, Nieuwenhuizen, and Kroon 2001,17): 1. Identify and integrate the outcomes from existing subjects in the field of economic and management sciences that relate to the suc- cess factors of entrepreneurs. 2. Supplement these outcomes with case studies, experiential exer- cises and practical activities that will enable learners to integrate the knowledge and skills obtained in such training of entrepreneurs and to apply these skills and knowledge in an entrepreneurial envi- ronment. For further research, the question is raised concerning the efficiency of enterprise education and training in Slovenia - entrepreneurs can invest time and money for obtaining knowledge, but the question is whether education and training mean quality. Košir explains that Slove- nia is above the oecd average regarding formal education, yet in relation to functional literacy (ability in understanding a text) among the worst. Functional literacy is important also for successful husbandry (Ostan and Hvalic Erzetic 2006). References Antoncic, B., R. D. 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