Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3, 1–9, Ljubljana 2021 doi:10.14720/aas.2021.117.3.1291 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Phenotypic variation and traits interrelationships in bread wheat (Triti - cum aestivum L.) genotypes in Northern Ethiopia Ahmed GETACHEW 1 , Fisseha WOREDE 2, 3 and Sentayehu ALAMEREW 4 Received October 02, 2019; accepted August 10, 2021. Delo je prispelo 2. oktobra 2019, sprejeto 10. avgusta 2021 1 Mettu University, Department of Plant Sciences, Bedele Campus, Bedele, Ethiopia 2 Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 3 Corresponding author, e-mail: 4 Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Jimma, Ethiopia Phenotypic variation and traits interrelationships in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in Northern Ethiopia Abstract: Information on phenotypic variation helps to breed better varieties. Forty-nine bread wheat genotypes were evaluated in simple lattice design at Jamma and Geregera to determine the extent of variation and association among 11 traits. Analysis of variance showed significant differences (p < 0.01) among the genotypes for all traits, indicating the presence of adequate variability. Maximum values of geno- typic coefficients of variation were recorded for spike length (8.66  %), number of productive tillers (8.4  %), number of grains per spike (6.4 %) and thousand-seed mass (6.15 %); this also shows the presence of substantial variability for these traits. Genetic parameters of the study revealed that days to heading, plant height, spike length, number of grains per spike and thousand-seed mass had moderate to high herita- bility and genetic advance as percent of the mean. Therefore, direct selection could be practiced to improve bread wheat for these traits. Moreover, selection of early-cycle lines which can escape the negative effects of climate change will be possi- ble. Grain yield had strong and significant positive correlation with thousand-seed mass (r g = 0.395**), biological yield (r gv = 0.617**) and harvest index (r g = 0.731**); selection based on these traits will be most effective in future bread wheat yield improvement programs as they also exerted strong positive direct effects on grain yield. Key words: bread wheat; coefficient of variation; correla- tion; genetic advance; path coefficients Fenotipska variabilnost in medsebojna povezanost lastnosti genotipov krušne pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) v severni Etiopiji Izvleček: Informacije o fenotipski variabilnosti pomaga- jo pri vzgoji boljših sort. V poskusu z dvema ponovitvama je bilo ovrednotenih 49 genotipov krušne pšenice na območjih Jamma in Geregera z namenom določitve obsega spremen- ljivosti in medsebojne povezanosti enajstih lastnosti. Analiza variance je pokazala značilne razlike med genotipi (p < 0,01) za vse lastnosti, kar kaže, da je prisotna primerna variabilnost. Največje vrednosti genotipskega koeficienta variabilnosti so bile ugotovljene za dolžino klasa (8,66  %), število cvetočih poganjkov na rastlino (8,4 %), število zrn na klas (6,4 %) in maso1000 semen (6,15 %), kar nakazuje tudi prisotnost pre- cejšnje spremenljivosti teh lastnostih. Raziskava genetskih pa- rametrov je odkrila, da imajo parametri kot so dnevi do kla- senja, višina rastlin, dolžina klasa, število zrn na klas in masa 1000 semen zmerno do veliko dednost in genetsko prednost v odstotku poprečja. Zaradi tega bi lahko bila izvedena nepo- sredna selekcija za izboljšanje krušne pšenice na osnovi teh lastnosti. Še več, možen bi bil izbor zgodnejših linij, ki bi po- begnile učinkom podnebnih sprememb. Pridelek zrnja je imel močno in značilno pozitivno korelacijo z maso 1000 semen (r g = 0,395**), biološkim pridelkom (r g = 0,617**) in žetvenim indeksom (r g = 0,731**). Izbor na osnovi teh lastnosti bo naju- činkovitejši v bodočih žlahtniteljski programih za izboljšanje pridelka krušne pšenice, ker ima neposredni pozitivni učinek na pridelek zrnja. Ključne besede: krušna pšenica; koeficient variabilnosti; korelacija; genetska prednost; koeficienti povezanih lastnosti Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 2 A. GETACHEW et al . 1 INTRODUCTION The two wheat types, both bread (Triticum aesti - vum L.) and durum (T. durum Desf.), are among very important cereal crops in the world in terms of pro- duction and area coverage. In 2014, about 723.4 million tons of wheat was produced on 222.3 million hectares (ha) of land, with average yield of 3.25 t ha -1 worldwide (FAO, 2015). Very successful wheat producing countries in the world, like Germany and France, attained aver - age wheat yields of 7.4 and 7.2 t ha -1 , respectively (Yao et al., 2012). However, in Ethiopia, the national wheat cultivated area was about 1.66 million ha in 2014, and the share in production was 4.23 million metric ton, with average yield of 2.54 t ha -1 . It was ranked third in total production among cereals behind maize and tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter], and forth in area cover - age after tef [E. tef (Zucc.) Trotter], maize and sorghum (CSA, 2015). Bread wheat productivity in Ethiopia is much low- er as compared to other countries. Among other things, lack of high yielding varieties is the most important bottle neck. As varieties under production may become susceptible to diseases and insects, and eventually be- come obsolete, continuous screening and selection of bread wheat genotypes is vital for breeders to develop new varieties. For such a purpose, a sufficiently high variability within the pools of germplasm is needed. Variation in plant genetic resources for traits of agronomic importance provides the basis and the raw material that plays a fundamental role in crop improve- ment programs (Dwivedi et al., 2015). Assessment of the amount of this variation is useful to allow more ef- fective genetic improvement (Haussmann et al., 2004). The effectiveness of selection, however, depends on the relative importance of genetic and non-genetic factors in the expression of phenotypic differences among gen- otypes, which is known as heritability (Fehr, 1987). Un- less it is used together with genetic advance, heritability value by itself provides no indication of the amount of genetic progress (Johnson et al., 1955). Quantitative traits, like yield, are more difficult to select in a breed- ing program because they are influenced to a greater degree by the environment (Acquaah, 2007). For such traits, indirect selection through correlated traits be- comes effective. In bread wheat, some reports are available on phe- notypic variability and traits interrelationship studies (Moghaddam et al., 1997; Ali et al., 2008; Tesfaye et al., 2014). However, the information generated so far is insufficient. The objectives of the present study, there- fore, are to assess the nature and extent of phenotypic variability, to study interrelationship of traits as well as direct and indirect effects of yield attributing traits on bread wheat grain yield. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA The field experiment was conducted at Jamma and Geregera, experimental sites of Sirinka Agricultural Research Center, in 2015. Jamma lies between the geo- graphical coordinates of 10 o 38’ N latitude and 39 0 20’ E longitude, at an altitude of 2600 m. a. s. l.; the soil type is vertisol with pH of 6.0, and has total rainfall of 720.5 mm. Geregera is located at an altitude of 2650 m. a. s. l, which lies between 11 o 46’ N latitude and 38 o 45’ E lon- gitude; it has annual rainfall of 1105 mm, the soil type is lithosol with pH of 5.6. 2.2 PLANTING MATERIALS Forty-nine bread wheat genotypes, 22 released varieties and 27 elite materials were used in the study. The genotypes are believed to be adapted to the tropi- cal condition of Ethiopia, hence spring wheat types. Variety ‘Alidoro’ was sourced from Holeta Agricultural Research Center; ‘Gassay’ and ‘TAY’ from Adet; ‘Mada- Wolabu’, ‘Sofumar’, ‘UTQUE96/3/PYN/BAU//MILLAN’ and ‘WORRAKATTA/PASTOR’ from Sinana; ‘Me- kelle-3’ and ‘Mekelle-4’ from Mekelle; and the rest were sourced from Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center (Table 1). 2.3 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND TRIAL MAN- AGEMENT The experiment was laid out in 7 × 7 simple lattice design with two replications. The dimension of an indi- vidual plot area was 1.2 m × 2.5 m (3 m 2 ) with six rows for each entry. The spacing between blocks, plots and rows were 1.5 m, 0.4 m and 0.2 m, respectively. Planting was done with the seed rate of 150 kg ha -1 (45 g plot - 1 ). Diammonium phosphate (DAP) and urea fertilizers were applied at the rate of 100 kg ha -1 . The total dose of DAP was applied at planting, while urea was splitted 1 / 3 at planting and 2 / 3 at mid-tillering stages. All the other recommended agronomic practices were applied uni- formly to all plots. 2.4 DATA COLLECTION Data on phenological, agronomic, yield and yield Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 3 Phenotypic variation and traits interrelationships in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in Northern Ethiopia components were recorded. For plant height (cm), num- ber of productive tillers per plant, spike length (cm), number of spikelets per spike and number of grains per spike, data were collected from ten randomly selected plants from the central four rows and the mean values were computed. The data for days to heading (number of days from sowing till flowering) and maturity (num- ber of days from sowing till maturity), thousand-seed mass (g), biological yield (kg m -2 ), grain yield (qt ha -1 ) and harvest index (%) were collected on plot basis from the central four rows (2 m 2 ). 2.5 STATISTICAL ANALYSES The data collected were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) for simple lattice design using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, 2008). Test of homogeneity of error variance of each character for the two locations was done by using F-max ratio (Hartley, 1950) before combining the data. Following the analysis of variance, phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation (PCV and GCV) were estimated from the correspond- ing genotypic and phenotypic components of variances as suggested by Burton and DeVane (1953). Heritability (h 2 ) in the broad sense and genetic advance (GA) were calculated with the method suggested by Johnson et al. (1955). Genetic advance as percent of the mean (GAM) was calculated by dividing the expected genetic ad- vance by the respective mean of the traits studied and multiplying by hundred. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients were computed using GENRES statistical software (Pascal Intl Software Solutions, 1994) using the pro- cedure suggested by Miller et al. (1958) from the cor - responding variance and covariance components. The S.N. Genotype Status S.N. Genotype Status 1 ‘ Alidoro’ Released 26 ‘ETBW 8514’ Elite line 2 ‘Biqa’ Released 27 ‘ETBW 8515’ Elite line 3 ‘Danda’a’ Released 28 ‘ETBW 8516’ Elite line 4 ‘Digelu’ Released 29 ‘ETBW 8517’ Elite line 5 ‘ETBW 6861’ Elite line 30 ‘ETBW 8518’ Elite line 6 ‘ETBW 6940’ Elite line 31 ‘ETBW 8519’ Elite line 7 ‘ETBW 7038’ Elite line 32 ‘Gassay’ Released 8 ‘ETBW 7058’ Elite line 33 ‘Hidasse’ Released 9 ‘ETBW 7101’ Elite line 34 ‘Hoggana’ Released 10 ‘ETBW 7120’ Elite line 35 ‘Honqolo’ Released 11 ‘ETBW 7147’ Elite line 36 ‘Hulluka’ Released 12 ‘ETBW 7194’ Elite line 37 ‘Jeferson’ Released 13 ‘ETBW 7213’ Elite line 38 ‘Kakaba’ Released 14 ‘ETBW 7364’ Elite line 39 ‘King Bird’ Registered 15 ‘ETBW 7368’ Elite line 40 ‘Mada-Wolabu’ Released 16 ‘ETBW 7871’ Elite line 41 ‘Mekelle-3’ Released 17 ‘ETBW 7872’ Elite line 42 ‘Mekelle-4’ Released 18 ‘ETBW 8506’ Elite line 43 ‘Ogolcho’ Released 19 ‘ETBW 8507’ Elite line 44 ‘Pavon-76’ Released 20 ‘ETBW 8508’ Elite line 45 ‘Shorima’ Released 21 ‘ETBW 8509’ Elite line 46 ‘Sofumar’ Released 22 ‘ETBW 8510’ Elite line 47 ‘TAY’ Released 23 ‘ETBW 8511’ Elite line 48 ‘UTQUE96/3/PYN/BAU//MILLAN’ Released 24 ‘ETBW 8512’ Elite line 49 ‘WORRAKATTA/PASTOR’ Released 25 ‘ETBW 8513’ Elite line Table 1: Description of the 49 bread wheat genotypes used in the study Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 4 A. GETACHEW et al . significance of genotypic correlation coefficients were tested using the formula adopted by Robertson (1959). Path coefficient analysis was done following the meth- od suggested by Dewey and Lu (1959). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 ANALYSIS OF V ARIANCE As the relative efficiency of the simple lattice de- sign was less than that of the randomized complete block design (RCBD) for most characters, and blocks within replication sum of squares were non-significant, the analysis of variance (ANOVA), therefore, was per - formed using RCBD model. The combined ANOVA for the two locations was run as the assumption for homo- geneity of error variances was met. The result of the combined analysis for different studied traits is shown in Table 2. Mean squares of genotypes for all characters studied were significant (p < 0.05), indicating the existence of genetic variability within genotypes to be exploited in breeding programs. The coefficient of determination (R 2 ) ranged from 0.77 for number of grains per spike to 0.95 to grain yield indicating that from 77 % to 95 % of the variation in the genotypes was explained by the traits considered. The location effect was significant (p < 0.01) for all traits, indicating the different climatic conditions in the two locations. Furthermore, location × genotype interac- tion effect was significant for all traits except number of spikelets per spike indicating different performance of bread wheat genotypes across the two locations (Table 2). The present investigation is in conformity with early findings (Tesfaye et al., 2014; Ferede and Worede, 2016; Mesele et al., 2016). 3.2 GENOTYPIC AND PHENOTYPIC COEFFI- CIENTS OF V ARIATION The genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) ranged from 1.88 % for days to maturity to 8.66 % for spike length; and phenotypic coefficient of varia- tion (PCV) ranged from 2.3 % for days to maturity to 13.3 % for number of productive tillers (Table 3). Maxi- mum value of GCV was recorded for spike length (8.66 %), followed by number of productive tillers (8.4 %), number of grains per spike (6.4 %) and thousand-seed mass (6.15 %); whereas the highest value of PCV was recorded for productive tillers (13.3  %) followed by grain yield (11.35 %), spike length (10.3 %) and harvest index (9 %). The magnitude of PCV was much higher than the corresponding GCV for number of productive tillers, grain yield, harvest index and biological yield indicat- ing that the apparent variation for the characters was not only genotypic but also environmental. This result agrees with the findings of Mohammedi et al. (2011). 3.3 HERITABILITY IN THE BROAD SENSE Heritability estimate for characters under study is Traits  L (df = 1) G (df = 48) G × L (df = 48) Error (df = 96) CV (%) LSD (5%) R 2 (%) DH 65.15** 58.12** 10.5** 3.11 2.65 2.48 0.92 DM 650.3** 34.67** 11.70* 5.9 1.9 3.41 0.84 PH (cm) 4662** 117.4** 44.7** 25.5 6.45 7.09 0.84 NPTP 9.48** 0.163** 0.10** 0.06 16.3 0.35 0.81 SL (cm) 99.26** 2.40** 0.710* 0.46 8.97 0.94 0.86 NSPS 321.4** 3.50** 1.30ns 1.13 7.3 1.48 0.84 NGS 922.4** 40.5** 17.00* 11.27 8.9 4.71 0.77 TSM (g) 9839** 41.30** 16.15* 6.8 7.11 3.9 0.94 BY (kg m -2 ) 23.40** 0.140** 0.088** 0.045 10 0.299 0.89 HI (%) 1.070** 0.00311** 0.0021* 0.0014 9.66 0.043 0.94 GY (qt ha -1 ) 35311.8** 61.72** 43.75** 22.5 13.7 6.66 0.95 Table 2: Estimated values of mean squares, coefficient of variation (CV) and R 2 (%) for 11 traits of 49 bread wheat genotypes combined over two locations L = Location, G = genotype, G × L = Genotype-location interaction, df = degrees of freedom, DH = Days to heading, DM = Days to maturity, PH = plant height, NPTP = number of productive tillers per plant, SL = Spike length, NSPS = Number of spikelets per spike, NGS = Number of grains per spike, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, TSM = Thousand-seed mass and GY = Grain yield Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 5 Phenotypic variation and traits interrelationships in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in Northern Ethiopia presented in Table 3. In the study, heritability in broad sense ranged from 29 % for grain yield to 82 % for days to heading. Heritability is categorized as low (0-30 %), moderate (30-60 %) and high (60 % and above) as giv- en by Comstock and Robinson (1952). Accordingly, high heritability was estimated for days to heading (82 %), days to maturity (66.2 %), spike length (70.4 %), plant height (63.6), number of spikelets per spike (62.5) and thousand-seed mass (61 %). Simi- lar results were documented by Laghari et al. (2010). Moreover, Ali et al. (2008) reported high estimates of heritability for spike length and number of spikelets per spike in bred wheat. However, in contrast to the results of this study, Tesfaye et al. (2014) reported low estimates of heritability for those traits. The reasons for the disa- greement in the findings may be due to differences in the type and number of genetic materials used, and dif- ferences in environmental conditions. Moderate heritability was obtained for number of grains per spike, number of productive tillers, harvest index and biological yield, indicating that the charac- ters were influenced by environment to some extent. Low heritability was obtained for yield per ha (29 %). Low heritability estimates for yield, ranging from 7.4 % to 25 %, were documented for grain yield (Mohammadi et al., 2011; Tesfaye et al., 2014; Mesele et al., 2016). 3.4 EXPECTED GENETIC ADV ANCE Genetic advance as percent of the mean (GAM) ranged from 3.15 % for days to maturity to 14.9 % for spike length (Table 3). Relatively high GAM values were recorded for spike length (14.9 %) followed by num- ber of productive tillers per plant (10.6 %), number of grains per spike (10 %), thousand-seed mass (10 %), days to heading (9.7 %) and plant height (9.07 %), in- dicating good response to selection. The present study was in close agreement with the findings of Moham- madi et al. (2011), Mesele et al. (2016) and Rahman et al. (2016). The genetic advance for grain yield was 2.36 qt ha -1 . This indicates by selecting 5 % of the high yield- ing genotypes from the base population, mean yield of the new population would increase from 34.6 to 36.96 qt ha -1 . High heritability accompanied with relatively high genetic advance in case of days to heading, plant height, spike length and thousands-seed mass indicates that the heritability is the most likely due to additive gene effects. In such cases early generation selection for these traits may be effective. In the present study, high heritability estimates along with low genetic advance, however, indicates that non additive type of gene action and environment play significant role in the expression of the traits as observed in days to maturity. The result agrees with the findings of Majumder et al. (2008). In general, traits like spike length and thousand- seed mass showed high heritability along with high GAM, PCV and GCV; while number of grains per spike had moderate heritability along with high GAM, PCV and GCV in this study. Thus, direct selection could be practiced to improve bread wheat for these traits. Traits Range Mean ± SE δ 2 g δ 2 p GCV (%) PCV (%) h 2 (%) GA GAM DH 61-79.5 66.6±0.04 11.90 14.53 5.20 5.72 82.0 6.45 9.70 DM 124-136 127.6±0.22 5.74 8.67 1.88 2.30 66.2 4.02 3.15 PH 68-93.75 78.3±0.084 18.7 29.35 5.50 6.90 63.6 7.10 9.07 NPTP 1.2-1.95 1.5±0.214 0.016 0.040 8.40 13.3 38.7 0.16 10.6 SL 6.4-10.9 7.5±0.104 0.422 0.600 8.66 10.3 70.4 1.12 14.9 NSPS 13 -17.4 14.6±0.78 0.550 0.880 5.10 6.44 63.0 1.21 8.30 NGS 29-45.7 37.8±0.11 5.850 10.12 6.40 8.42 57.8 3.80 10.0 TSM 34.8-48 40.8±0.10 6.29 10.32 6.15 7.86 61.0 4.04 10.0 BY 1.8-2.70 2.12±0.123 0.013 0.035 5.38 8.82 37.0 0.143 6.73 HI 0.26-0.36 0.31±0.16 0.00025 0.00078 5.10 9.00 32.0 0.018 5.95 GY 26.5-43.8 34.6±0.20 4.50 15.43 6.13 11.35 29.1 2.360 6.80 Table 3: Estimates of range, means, genotypic (σ 2 g) and phenotypic (σ 2 p) variances, heritability (h 2 ) and genetic advance (GA) for 11 traits of 49 bread wheat genotypes, combined across the locations GCV and PCV = Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, GAM = Genetic advance as percent of the mean, DH = Days to heading, DM = Days to maturity, PH = Plant height, NPTP = Number of productive tillers per plant, SL = Spike length, NSPS = Number of spikelets per spike, NGS = Number of grains per spike, TSM = Thousand-seed mass, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, GY = Grain yield Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 6 A. GETACHEW et al . 3.5 CORRELATIONS ANALYSIS OF QUANTITA- TIVE TRAITS Genotypic and phenotypic correlations of all possible combinations of the traits under study are presented in Table 4. In general, the magnitude of the genotypic correlation coefficients (r g ) was higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlation coefficients (r p ). This reveals the superiority of genetic variance in expression of the traits and that association among characters is under genetic control. Days to maturity was significantly associated with days to heading (r g = 0.946**) and biological yield per plot (r g = -0.306*) at genotypic level. The negative asso- ciation with biological yield connote that late maturing genotypes tend to have low biological yield. The corre- lation between plant height and grain yield per ha was positive and significant at both genotypic and pheno- typic levels (r g = 0.384**, r p = 0.354*) which indicates an increase in plant height also leads to an increase in grain yield. Similar results in association with bread wheat have been reported by Moghaddam et al. (1997) and Gelalcha and Hanchinal (2013). Thousand-seed mass had positive and significant association with grain yield per ha at genotypic and phenotypic levels (r g = 0.395*, r p = 0.365). This result is in agreement with the works of Laei et al. (2012) and Zafarnaderi et al. (2013). There were also signifi- cant genotypic correlations with plant height (0.377**) and harvest index (0.396**). Biological yield was in positive and significant relationship with grain yield at both phenotypic and genotypic levels (r g = 0.617**, r p = 0.624**). These results are supported by the findings of Chowdhry et al. (1991) and Laei et al. (2012). Harvest index had positive and significant rela- tionship at both genotypic and phenotypic levels with grain yield per ha (r g = 0.731**, r p = 0.625*). These re- sults are supported by the findings of Chowdhry et al. (1991), Laei et al. (2012) and Zafarnaderi et al. (2013). It was negatively correlated with days to heading, days to maturity, spike length and thousand-seed mass at genotypic level. The result agreed with the findings of Moghaddam et al. (1997), but contradicted with the findings of Zafarnaderi et al. (2013). The study of correlation among yield and yield attributing traits showed that plant height, number of productive tillers per plant, thousand-seed mass, har - vest index and biological yield had positive and sig- nificant association with grain yield at genotypic level. Therefore, these traits could be utilized for indirect se- lection in breeding programs to improve bread wheat for yield. However, it is probably better to investigate Traits DH DM PH NPTP SL NSPS NGS TSM BY HI GY DH 0.946** -0.165 -0.386** 0.148 0.095 -0.092 0.207 -0.168 -0.122 -0.184 DM 0.767** -0.064 -0.099 0.155 0.107 -0.017 0.096 -0.306* -0.033 -0.252 PH -0.113 -0.039 0.26 0.565** 0.575** 0.625** 0.377** 0.363* 0.232 0.384** NPTP -0.132 -0.033 0.18 -0.261 -0.381** 0.159 0.288* 0.268 0.248 0.366* SL 0.087 0.107 0.474** -0.132 0.743** 0.032 0.218 -0.047 0.06 -0.047 NSPS 0.038 0.033 0.38** -0.039 0.662** 0.248 -0.012 0.046 -0.014 0.004 NGS -0.09 0.005 0.39** 0.064 0.007 0.188 0.019 0.061 0.177 0.176 TSM 0.154 0.161 0.372** 0.214 0.213 0.03 0.012 0.109 0.396** 0.395** BY -0.123 -0.057 0.375** 0.169 0.038 0.046 0.118 0.194 -0.067 0.617** HI -0.031 0.031 0.161 0.15 0.021 -0.165 0.064 0.322* -0.144 0.731** GY -0.102 -0.021 0.354* 0.226 -0.014 -0.124 0.136 0.365* 0.624** 0.625** Table 4: Genotypic correlation coefficient (r g ; above diagonal) and phenotypic correlation coefficient (r p ; below diagonal) of 11 traits of 49 bread wheat genotypes X 2 = 0.288, 0.372; * and ** = significant at 5 % and 1% probability levels, respectively, DH = Days to heading, DM = Days to maturity, PH = Plant height, NPTP = Number of productive tillers per plant, SL = Spike length, NSPS = Number of spikelets per spike, NGS = Number of grains per spike, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, TSM = Thousand-seed mass, GY = Grain yield Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 7 Phenotypic variation and traits interrelationships in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in Northern Ethiopia the direct and indirect effects of these traits on grain yield. 3.6 PATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS As the number of interdependent characters af- fecting a dependent character increases, correlation alone becomes insufficient to explain relationships among characters (Ariyo et al., 1987). In such cases, path coefficient analysis, identification of direct and in- direct causes of association becomes indispensable. Estimates of path coefficients were presented in Table 5. Maximum positive direct effect on grain yield per ha was exerted by harvest index (0.753), followed by biomass yield (0.753). The high direct effects of these traits on grain yield could be considered as causes of the strong correlation; an increase in harvest index and bi- ological yield directly contribute to an increase in grain yield. Chowdhry et al. (1991) also reported positive di- rect effects of harvest index (0.443) and biological yield (0.327) on grain yield per plant. Thousand-seed mass was the other trait with positive direct effect (0.161) on yield; it also had substantial effect on grain yield in- directly through harvest index (0.298*). On the other hand, negative direct effects were exerted on grain yield by plant height (-0.215) and number of productive till- ers per plant (-0.078). However, the consequent counter balancing of the positive and substantial indirect effects of thousand-seed mass, harvest index and biological yield led to positive and significant correlation of these traits with grain yield. This justifies the importance of splitting genotypic correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects by using path coefficient analysis. On the basis of estimates of path coefficients, it could be suggested that harvest index followed by bi- ological yield and thousand-seed mass are the direct contributors to grain yield in the present investigation. The result agrees with Gashaw et al. (2007) and Gela- lcha and Hanchinal (2013). Biological yield, harvest index and thousand-seed mass, which had highly sig- nificant correlation with grain yield and positive direct effects, could be used as selection index in grain yield improvement of bread wheat. To this end, the residual effect in the present study (0.126) shows that 87.4 % of the variability in grain yield was explained by the component traits, while 12.6 % is due to the interventions of unexplained fac- tors (error and traits not included). The result is in con- formity with the findings of Gashaw et al. (2007) and Gelalcha and Hanchinal (2013), who reported residual effects of 0.065 and 0.0083, respectively. 4 CONCLUSIONS Overall variability within a crop is due to heritable and non-heritable components. In the present investi- gation, maximum GCV values of spike length (8.66 %) followed by number of productive tillers (8.4 %), num- ber of grains per spike (6.4 %) and thousand-seed mass (6.15 %) shows the presence of sizable variability for these traits. Improvement of bread wheat could be based on direct selection for days to heading, plant height, spike length, number of grains per spike and thousand- seed mass as these traits had moderate to high values of heritability and genetic advance as percent of the mean. Significant positive correlation along with strong positive direct effects on grain yield were achieved by thousand-seed mass, harvest index and biological yield; consequently, these traits could be used as indirect se- lection criteria to improve bread wheat grain yield. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The first author would like to thank Sirinka Agri- cultural Research Center (SARC) for providing experi- mental fields. Thanks also due to Mr. Zerihun Tadesse Traits PH NPTP TSM BY HI r g PH -0.215 -0.020 0.061 0.273 0.174 0.384** NPTP -0.056 -0.078 0.046 0.202 0.187 0.366* TSM -0.081 -0.023 0.161 0.082 0.298* 0.395** BY -0.078 -0.021 0.018 0.753** -0.050 0.617** HI -0.050 -0.019 0.064 -0.050 0.753** 0.731** Table 5: Estimate of direct (bold face and diagonal) and indirect (off diagonal) effects at genotypic level in five traits of 49 bread wheat genotypes Residual effect = 0.126, * and ** significant at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, PH = Plant height, NPTP = Number of productive tillers per plant, TSM = Thousand-seed mass, BY = Biological yield, HI = Harvest index, r g = Genotypic correlation Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 8 A. GETACHEW et al . for availing wheat seeds, to research assistants of SARC for the help on the research field. 6 REFERENCES Acquaah, G. (2007). Principles of plant genetics and breeding. Black well Publishing, USA. 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