^T/and f-yuMice..* NO. 13 fri$ka DomoviiM/i % a6' “+"ije mladi mornarji" m poskrbljeno bo za o-krepčila in osvežila vseh vrst> kot je ob takih priložnostih v navadi. Menda je redek med nami, ki ni .z veseljem gledal nastopov Kresa na domačih in mednarodnih prireditvah. Fantje in dekleta so se za te nastope veliko trudili, žrtvovali veliko ur, zato je prav, da tudi mi žrtvujemo nekaj ur in se odzovemo njihovemu vabilu prihodnjo soboto, 26. januarja. V resnici to ne bo nobena posebna žrtev, kajti Kresove prireditve so vedno vesele im veselja potrebujemo vsi vsak dan ne samo enkrat na leto! Ne pozabimo, da smo v Predpustu, ko se je mlado in staro vedno rado zbiralo v veselo družbo! Ne pozabimo: Kres vabi 26. januarja! K. T. litanlum strstoisja-fce za aiierlško razšla?© ¥ diigosfa?!!! išie|@ CLEVELAND, O. — United States Information Agency iz Washingtona se je obrnila na naš list s prošnjo, da objavimo vabilo zdravnikom, dentistom farmacevtom in drugemu strokovnemu zdravstvenemu osob-ju z znanjem sribo-hrvaščine, ki bi bili pripravljeni spremljati ameriško zdravstveno razstavo v Zagreb od 12. do 21. aprila 1963 in v Beograd od 24. maja do 2. junija 1963. Javiti bi se morali 1. aprila v Washingtonu na poseben informativni tečaj. Osebe, ki se žele prijaviti, morajo znati jezik, da se bodo sposobne razgovarjati z obiskovalci v njihovem jeziku o razstavi in vsem, kar je z njo v neposredni zvezi. Morajo biti a-meriški državljani, prednost imajo tisti, ki so tu rojeni ali žive v Združenih državah vsaj 15 let. Prejeli bodo nominalno plačo, dnevnice in povračilo Graditev ;nove Buhare Buhara, z 2000-letno tradicijo eno najstarejših mest v Centralni Aziji, naj bi se postopno razvila v moderno velemesto. Za začetek pripravljajo graditev 25 večjih stanovanjskih blo kov, ki bodo sredi zelenja — parki in umetna jezera bodo zavzemali štiri petine površine nove stanovanjske četrti — ker je na tistem področju zelo vroče podnebje. V nekaj letih naj bi v Buhari zgradili okoli 50,000 stanovanj; takrat bodo začele obratovati tudi nekatere nove. tovarne, med njimi predilnica bombaža ter tovarne za rudniško opremo in za konservirana živila. SLOVENSKE RADIO ODDAJE Vsak dan od ponedeljka do petka: 6:00 do 7:00 zvečer, postaja WXEN-FM, 106.5 Mc. Sobota: 6:00 do 7:00 zvečer, postaja WXEN-FM, 106.5 Mc. 7:00 do 7:30 zvečer, postaja WJMO-AM, 1490 Kc. Nedelja: 8:00 do 9:00 zjutraj, postaja WXEN-FM, 106.5 Mc. 10:30 do 11:00 dopoldne, postaja WDOK-AM, 1260 Kc. 11:00 do 12:00 dopoldne, postaja WXEN-FM, 106.5 Mc. 12:30 do 1:00 popoldne, postaja WDOK-AM, 1260 Kc. Ob nedeljah je od 9:00 do 10:00 dopoldne srbski program, od 6:00 do 7:00 zvečer pa hrvaška ura. — Obe oddaji sta na postaji WXEN-FM, 106.5 Mc. (Zbir? Vera K.) M. Kunčič: Uspavanka Noč je vsa tiha, le veter šumi. Sinko, nocoj imaš zlate oči: angeli trosijo vanje sladke, presladke sanje, ajajajaj, ajajdjaj — in še en lep smehljaj. Bajka iz Tisoč in ene noči trka na okno in v izbo strmi; zvezde pojo kot kraguljčki, sanje so božji metuljčki, ajajajaj, ajajajaj — čudežen je ta kraj. Sinko, moj sinko, le hitro na pot, čaka te zlata kočija, zlat' brod. Jaz bom še v sanjah pri tebi . . O, da pozabil me ne bi! ajajajaj, ajajajaj — Bog ti vso srečo daj. (Zgornja pesmica velja vsem našim novorojenčkom, fantičkom in punčkam, kjerkoli že!) * Kord, priljubljena tkanina Blago, ki postaja iz leta v leto bolj priljubljeno, je kord (corduroy). Nam je poznan bolj pod imenom žamet, rebričasti žamet. Kord uporabljajo danes za vsakovrstna oblačila, tako moška, ženska in dekliška. Poleg tega, da ima lep izgled, da se neverjetno udobno nosi, ima še iz-vanredno lastnost, da se lepo pere. Seveda moramo pri planj u korda upoštevati nekaj posebnih nasvetov, če hočemo ohraniti njegovo , mehkobo in svežino. Morda katera misli, da se oblačila iz korda lahko vržejo kar v prali stroj, obesijo, da se posuše in spet nosijo brez vsake druge nege. Lahko se tako dela, seveda, toda uspehi takega pranja niso zadovoljivi. Če sušimo oblačilo iz korda v domačem sušilniku, ga moramo posušiti le toliko, da je še malo vlažno. Drugače pa ga obesimo na nerjaveč obešalnik in ga zgladimo z rokami v pravo obliko. Predno se oblačilo popolnoma posuši, ga skrtačimo z mehko krtačo, najprej proti, nato vzdolž rebričastih prog. Tak način krtačenja obnovi svežino tkanine in kord postane spet mehek in baržunast, kot je bil pred pranjem. Če šivi in robovi potrebujejo rahlo likanje, jih zlikajmo s parnim likalnikom na notranji strani. Nato obrnimo oblačilo na pravo stran in skrtačimo mesta, katera smo likale. Dečke in deklice navadimo, da skrtačijo svoja žametna in volnena oblačila vsakokrat, predno jih oblečejo. To jim bo pomagalo pozneje v življenju, da bo njihov osebni videz in nastop vedno urejen in ličen. Ogledalce povej! Ko pred ogledalom opazujem svoj obraz, si morda na tihei večkrat mislimo, oh, koliko gu imam, kako slabo izgledan Globoko gube na čelu, ob oče: nih kotih, ob ustnah, na vratu! Teh gub so dostikrat kriv Siaibe navade, katerih se niti si me ne zavedamo. V preseneče nju, začudenju, v jezi ali v skl beh gubamo čelo, ne da bi ved« lo. Te gube postajajo s časor globlje in globlje, ne odstrani j jih več tudi najboljša kozmet čna sredstva. Če si med smehom viham nos, ali si ga iz dolgočasja, za drege ali razstresenosti drgnemo, se bodo kmalu pokazale na nosnem korenu neprijetne gubice. Če kažemo svoje nezadovoljstvo s povešeno spodnjo ustnico, bo ta postala ohlapna in ho kazila obraz. Ne vedno, a . včasih zadržujemo smeh. Naš obraz je kot ledena maska. Smejati se moramo iz srca, pri tem mora sodelovati vsa naša notranjost. Naša osebnost je pri tem živa, saj se nam celo oči smejejo. Srečen smehljaj je lep. Ali pa skrivnosten smehljaj, kot se smehlja Mona Liza na najbolj znanem Leonardo Da Vincijevem portretu, ki je trenutno razstavljen v washingtonskem muzeju. Smeh naj bo naraven, ne preračunan. Če opazimo gubice v ustnih kotih, bodimo prepričane, da te ne izvirajo od smeha. Smeh sam na sebi je zdrav, srečen, naraven in od srca. Smejmo se, čim več, tem bolje. Nasmejana in velsela žena je vedno ljubka. Kaj pa gubice ob občesnih kotih? Mnogi kratkovidni gre-šo, ker ne nosijo očal. S tem, da tišče očesne veke skupaj, se nagubajo očesni koti. Gubice nastanejo tudi, če si pripiramo oči pri močnem soncu, zato nosimo na soncu sončna očala. Opazujmo same sebe in svoje navade. Če odkrijemo napake, jih skušajmo izboljšati. Bodimo čim naravnejše, vsako pačenje nam jemlje prirbdno ljubkost. žal je med današnjimi mladimi dekleti veliko takih, ki jih je moderni duh časa tako omamil, da izglodajo kakor mrzle, mrtve sohe. o------- "Smrčati, zobe v les!" Recept dr. Flacka: pred spanjem je treba utruditi !mi-šice na čeljustih in V jgrlu. Mesto Belfast bo nekoč ponosno, ker je bila med njegovimi zidovi izgovorjena velika beseda: dr. Harvey Flack je na zborovanju britanskega zdravniškega društva objavil zmago nad — smrčanjem. Poldrugo leto trajajoče raziskovalno delo pomeni zmago nad nevšečnostjo, ki je zakoni ZDA priznavajo kot razlog za razvezo, ker je “izpodkopala sožitje mnogih družin.” Raziskovalci so ugotovili pri smrčanju 777 zvočnih, jakostnih in drugih odtenkov, rešitev pa je — kot pri mnogih senzacionalnih odkritjih — nadvse preprosta: smrčaču ni treba početi nič drugega, kot da pred spanjem pet minut z zobmi obdeluje kot lesa. . . Takole: človek ki grize les, tako zelo utrudi čeljustne, vratne in žrelne mišice, da med spanjem ne more niti “vleči drete,” kaj šele da bi trobil, hreščal, žagal in sploh proizvajal glasove, zaradi katerih se soseščina vso noč godrnjaje premetava po postelji. Odbor za podeljevanje Nobelovih nagrad sicer še ni dokončno preudaril, ali naj dr. Flacka predlaga za prihodnjega kandidata, zato pa so se že javili navdušeni zbiralci, tega in onega, ki bi radi posneli na magnetofonske trakove najbolj slikovite inačice smrčanja, ker bo to spričo novega izuma po zaslugi lesa očitno kaj kmalu velika zgodovinska znamenitost s področja premagamih člo-vdkovih nevšečnih lastnosti. Ker dr. Flack ni povedal, katere vrste les se najbolje obnese, bodo bržkone sklepali donosne kupčije predvsem dobavitelji tikovine iz daljnih dežel in evropski lesni trgovci, ki so specializirani za hrastove hlode, zakaj mehki les, še posebej lipovi-na, po vsej verjetnosti ne bo mogel dovolj utruditi tistih mišic, s katerimi prirejajo smrčači noč za nočjo na preizkušnjo živcev preračunane koncerte. . AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, 3 Electric Illuminating Co. J zahtevajo pa od Sukarna, da iz eden največjih davkoplačevalcev Clevelanda Cleveland, O. — The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. je eden naj več] ih davkoplačevalcev v mestu, za zadnje polletje je plačala pretekli teden $3,362,095, za to leto pa bo predvidoma $6,724,071. Polovico zadnjega obroka pojde dejansko za šole, ostalo pa je razdeljeno med posamezne občine in državo Ohio. Electric Illuminating bo letos plačala samo na račun raznih krajevnih davkov okoli $12.360,000. Družba ima svoje naprave v petih okrajih: Cuyahoga, Lake; Geauga, Ashtabula in Lorain. naj En install no¥ ghml fiaksipewalae pri iaf Os, ■■ ■" ■ ■ ~ ...- r r/ .. , Cleveland, O. — Predsednik May Company Francis A. Coy je objavil, da je bil za novega glavnega nakupovalca imenovan Herbert Blasband. Svoje novo službeno mesto bo prevzel 1. februarja letos. Blasband si je v preteklih letih v nakupovanju pridobil dosti skušenj. Zadnji dve leti je nakupoval zavese in zastore, preje pa je vršil podobno nalogo' v Philadelphiji pri L. I. T. Brothers. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bil pri mornariškem letalstvu. Z ženo Ano in tremi otroci živi na 22955 Fairmount Blvd. vede denarno reformo, ki ustavi inflacijo. -------O------- Il©i!©fcraf§k@ vslspniss pg $!®@ s@ tfale p@¥0(l za p§fii$š©ii škandali WASHINGTON, D. C. — V našem mestu ne morejo živeti brez večjih ali manjših škandalov. Trenutno ga republikanska opozicija hoče napraviti iz demokratskih vstopnic po $100. Demokratska stranka v pre-stolici bo praznovala v soboto in nedeljo drugo obletnico, odkar sedi v Beli hiši sedanji predsednik Kennedy. Glavne točke na programu so, kot je to zmeraj navada, zabave in večerje. Vstopnice za take prilike niso ravno poceni. Običajna tarifa je $100 za osebo. Tarife se držijo tako demokratje kot republikanci. Demokratje so hoteli porabiti letos priliko, da dobijo toliko prispevkov od svojih pristašev, da poravnajo votivne dolgove iz lanskega leta in zbero morda še kaj za volivni fond za prihodnje leto. Zato so ste njihovi agitatorji vrgli z vso silo na prodajo vstopnic po $100. Prodaja menda ne gre gladko od rok, posebno v krogih federalnega uradništva. Zato vstopnice prodajajo kar na obroke! Tega doslej še ni bilo. Tudi demokratski pritisk na uradnike je menda precej močan in pritožb proti pritisku ne manjka. Za vse to so zvedeli republikanci in zagnali velik hrup. Republikanski senator Williams je celo napovedal, da bo zahteval, naj posebna senatna komisija preišče, kako demokratje potom vstopnic dejansko nabirajo prispevke za svojo stranko celo v prostorih federalnih uradov, kar je po zakonu prepovedano. Demokratje se zaenkrat sklicujejo na režim Eisenhower j a, ki je po njihovi trditvi delal natančno tako, kot delajo sedaj oni. Borneo nov izgovor! Indonezijci preudarjajo, če ne išče Sukamo v podpori uporu na Borneu nov izgovor za odložitev gospodarskih reform. DJAKARTA, Indonez. — Politične stranke se pod vplivom javnosti sprašujejo, ali se bo vlada končno lotila tako perečih gospodarskih reform, ki naj dvignejo življenjsko raven prebivalstva, ali ne. Predsednik Sukamo je izjavljal, da je s pridobitvijo Zah. Nove Gvineje Indonezija dosegla svoje teirito-rialne cilje in da se bo posvetila gospodarski obnovi. Od kar je prišlo do upora na Borneu v Brunei in Saravaku, se indonezijska javnost sprašuje, če ni Sukamo, ki se je javno zavzel za podporo upornikov, našel nov zunanjepolitični cilj, ki naj gospodarske reforme zopet potisne v nedoločeno bodočnost Sukamo je kupil od Sovjetijo za okoli $850,000,000 orožja in vojaške opreme, ki jo mora plačati v 12 letih. Tako gre večina indonezijskega surovega gumija v Sovjetijo. Ostali izvoz pada in indonezijska rupija naglo izgublja veljavo. Po uradnem tečaju je še vedno 46 rupij za ameriški dolar, na črni borzi pa je mogoče za dolar dobiti kar tisoč rupij in celo več. Sukamo vzdržuje pri tem 400,000 mož pod orožjem in gradi dalje svojo vojno mornarico. Združene države so Indoneziji pripravljene pomagati iz finančne in gospodarske stiske, — riške obveze v pogledu Kube ne obstoja več. Združene države so odločene boj proti Castru nadaljevati. To so pokazale jasno v svojem o-pozorilu zavezniškim in drugim državam, naj ne vključujejo svojih ladij v promet s Castrovo Kubo, če nočejo izgubiti prevoza blaga Združenih držav in blaga, ki ga dajejo Združene države v okviru pomoči tujini. ----------------o------ — Švica ima štiri uradne jezike: nemščino, francoščino, italijanščino in reto-romanščino. Amerika ne bo jamčila farsiost! Castrovi BCubi WASHINGTON, D.C. — Državni tajnik Dean Rusk je izjavil zunanjepolitičnemu odboru Senata, da ne obstoji več možnost, da bi Združene države dale kako jamstvo proti invaziji na Castrovo Kubo. Vlada je ponovno poudarila, da bi bila taka obljuba možna le, če bi Kuba pristala na nadzor njenega ozemlja glede ofenzivnega o-rožja na otoku. Rusk je dejal, da je Kennedy obljubil tako jamstvo v pismu Hruščevu, da pa je ta obljuba neveljavna, ker niso bili izpolnjeni postavljeni pogoji. Kubanska kriza je v tem pogledu končana in možnost kake ame- Hranite denar za deževne dneve —kupujte U. S. Savings bonde! Molki dobijo delo VOZAČI STALNO DELO 52 TEDENSKIH PLAČ ČE ...STE STARI 22 DO 55 LET ...ČE STE RADI MED LJUDMI RADI VOZITE ...IN RADI VEČ ZASLUŽITE. Sedaj najemamo vozače za polno in delno zaposlitev Zaposlitveni urad je odpnt od ponedeljka do petka 8:30 zjutraj do 4:30 popoldne, ob sobotah pa 8:30 do 11:30 dopoldne. TAXICAB DRIVERS Employment Office 1453 Superior Avenue (13) MALI OGLASI Sobe se odda Štiri sobe s kopalnico in garažo se odda na 15921 Holmes Ave., na novo dekorirane. GL 1-3838. (13) V najem štiri sobe oddamo spodaj, spredaj, na novo dekorirane na 6930 Hecker Ave. (13) IZDELUJEM: Kitchen Cabinets, Formica Tops, Bathroom Cabinets 7002 St.Clair Ave., tel. 881-6356. GOVORIMO SLOVENSKO! Hišna popravila Izvršujem vsaka hišna popravila. Dobro in solidno delo zajamčeno. Kličite LI 1-4337. —(13) Dober kup Lastnik prodaja ranch hišo v Willowick, 3 spalnice, priključena garaža, stanovanjska in jedilna soba 28 čev; blizu transportacije, šole, trgovin. Pod $18,500. WH 3-6855. (13) ČE HOČETE KUPITI ALI PRODATI DOM, kličite JOHN PRHNE slov. prodajalca za R. A. GALL, REALTY CO. IV 6-1600 ali KE 1-8040 Naprodaj Vdova mora prodati dohodninsko posestvo, dvodružinsko hišo, 6 sob zgoraj, 5 sob spodaj, 2 kopalnici, trgovina in oprema. Garaža za 2 kare, velik lot. čez cesto od sv. Lovrenca cerkve in šole. Samo $10,500. MI 1-6327. (13) Lake Shore Blvd. -St. Jerome’s Hiša s 6 spalnicami, stanovanjska soba, jedilna soba, kuhinja, kopalnica in dve po pol kopalnic. Vse zidano, skrilna streha, dvojna garaža z gorkoto. Blizu šole, cerkve, trgovin in transportacije. Preproge in zavese vključene od lastnika. Kličite CE 1-9462. (13) Za vestno in hitro barvanje in papiranje hiš se obrnite na slo vensko podjetje TONY KRISTAVNIK PAINTING & DECORATING HE 1-0965 ali UT 1-4234 ! i. Hiša naprodaj Dvostanovanjska in enostaho-vanjska hiša sta naprodaj na enem lotu. Dober dohodek. V bližini Marije Vnebovzete. Kličite GL 1-6204. (14) Sobe v najem Oddamo 4 sobe in kopalnico, garažo, na 1534 E. 45 St. Najemnina $50. Kličite HI 2-0136. —(14) Naprodaj Krasen prostor na vogalu za trgovino, lekarno, itd., na St. Clair Ave., in-E. 76 St., blizu White Company. 2300 kv. čev. prostora. Nov pročelje, vse na novo dekorirano. Velika klet. V najem ali pogodbo. Kličite lastnika SW 1-4085. — (16,18 jan) Lastnik — Euclid 326 E. 210 St. V fari sv. Križa, 6-sobna Colonial hiša, lepo zasajeno, v izvrstnem stanju, prostor za zajtrk, zaprt porč, 1 f) kopalnica, popioščena razvedrilna soba z baro, preproge skoro nove, vetrna okna in mreže, alum, awnings, cementni dovoz, dvojna garaža in drugo. Kličite KE 1-3814. Sobo oddamo V najem oddamo sobo, se lahko kuha, na 1029 E. 68 St. RADENSKA VODA mineralna 65c liter. ČAJ: Planinski — Odvajalni — Tavžentrože — Kamilice. Vsakovrstne knjige in muzikalije TIVOLI IMPOSTS 6407 St. Clair Ave. HE 1-5296 FOR SALE 5 ft. bath tub, cast iron, built-in. $20.00. EN 1-9835. New 5 ft. built-in bath tub, full recess. $35.00. EX 1-4837. New 4 ft. built-in bath room outfit. 3 pcs. in color. $50.00. — EX 1-5907. Used 72” sink cabinet wood. Complete with fittings. EX 1-4838. Used — wash stand, toilet boxes, toilet bowls, kitchen sinks and bath tubs. $5.00 each. EX 1-4839. New 2-part laundry tubs. $12. EX 1-5907. V Mag spomin OB DRUGI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE UMRLA NAŠA LJUBLJENA SOPROGA, MAMA, STARA IN PRAJTARA MATI Frances Cimperman ki je zatisnila s voje blage oči in se od nas preselila v večnost dne 20. januarja 1961. Luč nebeška naj Ti sije, v mislih naših si vsak čas. Srce naše zate bije, Ti pri Bogu pros’ za nas. Tvoji žalujoči: FRANK, soprog hčere: MRS. FRANCES CIMPER- MAN, MRS. MARY FINLEY in MRS. ESTLR DULC; sinovi: FRANK, EDI in ALBERT, snahe, zeti, vnukinje in vnuki in pravnuki Cleveland O., 18. jan. 1963. b-u: ... ... ... New 30-gal. automatic boiler, slightly damaged. $39.00. EN 1-9835. Used refrigerators, 12 cu. or more. $35.00. HE 2-2844. ft. Electric range, EX 1-5907. used. $50.00. 3 pc. 5 ft. new bath outfit. Built-in, full recess, in colors. $75.00. EN 1-9835. W F, 2-1 Čistimo v vaše zavodoljstvo .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMammaamtummmmmmmamDammmva Tudi barvamo - likamo In popravljam:) ACME DRY CLEANING & DYEING CO. 672 E. 152 SL SL 1-6274 ¥ BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI LJUBLJENEGA SOPROGA IN BRATA Frank Perko ki je preminul 18. januarja 1962 V tihem grobu že počivaš celo leto dni, Tvoj spomin pa v mojem srcu vedno še živi in živel bo do konca dni! Žalujoči: MARY PERKO, soproga SESTRE in BRATJE Cleveland, O., 18. januarja 1963. V blag spomin ČETRTE OBLETNICE SMRTI MOJE LJUBLJENE IN NIKDAR POZABLJENE ZLATE MAMICE IN STARE MAMICE Tereza (Rozie) Tillinger ki je zatisnila svoje mile oči dne 18. januarja 1959. Kako žalostni so dnevi, odkar Te več med nami ni. Ljuba mama, draga moja, pozabit Te mogoče ni. Že štiri leta so minula, odkar si Ti nas zapustila. Odnesli so Te v hladni grob, ker ni trpljenja in nadlog. žalujoči ostali: Tvoja hči ELČI FRANK KUHAR, zet FRANKIE, vnuk sestra ANNA INTIHAR iz Library, Pa. Cleveland, O., 18. januarja 1963. INSURANCE Fire — Windstorm Automobile Za zanesljivo postrežbo se priporoča Daniel Stakich . Agentura 804 E. I85th St. KE 1-1934 V blag spomin OB ČETRTI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE UMRLA NAŠA LJUBLJENA SOPROGA IN MATI Anna Ljubi ki je zatisnila svoje mile oči in odšla v večnost 18. januarja 19')9. Bog Ti večni pokoj daj, Večna luč Ti sveti naj, v miru zdaj počivaj, sveti raj uživaj. Sveta vera nas tolaži, da se zopet snidemo, v raju tam nad zvezdami, kjer ni- joka ne bolesti, Žalujoči: soprog ANTON in OTROCI Cleveland, O., 18. januarja 1963. msmm m m Hranite denar za deževne di“« -Inumite 11. '4 Savin** bonde' za' dobro plumbingo IN GRETJE POKLIČITE ,4. j. Budnici: S Co. PLUMBING and HEATING 6631 St. Clair Ave. Business Phone: UT 1-4492 Residence: PO 1-0641 HBaSHBaHKEBHSBBBERHBaBB Išče sobo Moški išče privatno opremljeno sobo v St. Clairski okolici ali v Collinwoodu. Kličite Paul Sosa 261-1197. (15) Stanovanje oddajo Pet in pol neopremljenih sob s preprogami od stene do stene oddajo odraslim n a Hecker Ave. Kličite UT 1-1851. —(4,ll,18jan) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. MI 1-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE! PO VAŠI ŽELJI! ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME GO. 6016 St. Clair Ave. Tel.: ENdicott 1-3113 PopraifljaitioMs In stanovanja Napravimo nove strehe, žlebove, pločevinaste opaže. Predelujemo kleti, kopalnice, kuhinje ih druge prostore. Postavljamo in popravljamo garaže. Vse prenovitve in dograditve, ki nam jih zaupate, bomo izvedli v Vašo popolno zadovoljnost. Priporočamo se Vaši naklonjenosti. Ernest Zupan E. Z. COMPANY ROOFING and Complete Home Remodeling EN 1-4139 HE 1-3084 jjp Q p p o p q q p_p o p Q_Q_jQ_g_p_Q_Q_Q_P_Q_p_Q_QJ?_Q_QJT4?J<_QJLQ-P-Q,fi-Q_Q__Q_Q_P_P__P Q DR. J. S. WALDMAN OČESNI ZDRAVNIK, OPTOMETRIST Pregled oči; očala po meri; vsa popravila. Prescriptions filled Repairs quickly made in my own laboratory 922 EAST 79 STREET HE 1-6160 o 1QO 0 0 0 0 o o 0 OOP 0 0 QOOOO 0 0 0 Q 0 Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_ C Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 OOP 0 O O O O Oj o F ČE ŽELITE IMETI NAJBOLJŠE ALUMINIJASTE skofilje (siding) - nadsfreija (awnings) strehe za verande - zimska okna m vrata pokličite: iy 6.1112 SEDAJ BREZPLAČNA OCENITEV LAHKI PLAČ. POGOJI EUCLID JALOUSIES, INC. JOE BIRK 490 EAST 200 ST. WM. SCHLARB ST. GLAIR RIFLE 1 HUNTING CLUB _______________ * ^ 1 _______________________V________• _ V SOBOTO, 2. FEBRUARJA 1983 v SLOVENSKEM delavskem domu od 7. do 10. zvečer priredi srnjakovo večerjo 15335 Waterloo Rd. ZA REZERVACIJE KLIČITE RE 1-9593 a4v***4"M********************************4^*******^***************^ SHERIšKA DOMOVINA, JULIUS ZEYER: ANDREJ CERNIŠEV :‘Andrej”, je rekel Lev, “glej! | želel rendez-vous; knežnja ni b.i- najboljši moj prijatelj, Aleksej Iljič — Iljič-----Zerbov!” Aleksej se je nasmehnil in je povesil oči, ko je podal Andreju malo roko, belo in mehko, kakor ženska roka. Dame, ki so stale nekaj časa kakor okamenele, so slednjič sedle in mladenič Aleksej si je pristavil naslanjač prav k ognju. “Danes ste zelo molčeče, drage dame”, je rekel Lev, ko so ga ženske neprestano gledale, kakor poosebljena znamenja vprašanja. “Čakamo, da nas začneš ti s la preveč trdega srea, da bi njegovo prošnjo odbila. Gospod soprog, ta silni lovec pred gospodom, je bil kakor ponavadi povabljen na lov; ker je grof izvedel o tem dogodku, se je priplazil v hišo in celo v Nimrodo-vo sobo, kjer je ravno bila knežnja (gotovo slučajno). “II mio cor!” so 'zašepetala njena krasna usta. “La mia bella!” je zazvenel iz njegovih zapeljivih ustnic — toda nepričakovan hrup se je vmešal v ubrano harmonijo nežnih strun, s katerimi sta bila njih srci poetično nategnjeni” kako stvarjo kratkočasiti”, je od- barbarski Nimrod, katerega je vrnila Izmailova. “Veš, da sem šele nedavno prišla sem s sestro v mesto; hrepeniva po novicah in Ana, ki ni ves čas svoje bolezni nikogar sprejela, ne ve ničesar, pa prav ničesar!” “Žal mi je, da vam tudi jaz ne morem postreči, kvečjemu če bi pogrel staro storijo o jabolčnih olupkih grofa Verinija.” “Ne poznamo je še!” so zaklicale ženske vse naenkrat: “Pripovedujte!” je rekel Aleksej Iljič, “doslej je še sam nisem slišal.” “Knežnjo Žukonovo poznate vsi”, je začel: Lev pripovedovati; “veste torej tudi, kako malo veselja uživa ta krasotica ob strani starega, godrnjavega soproga. Zatorej ni čudno, da se ni mogla ubraniti čaru vročih pogledov grofa Verinija, onega neapeljskega Apolona, ciničnega kakor lazaron, zabavnega kakor don Juan, ki je prišel sem v našo severno Palmiro le zato, da bi si osvojil nam" možem na rovaš srca najkrasnejših naših dam. Naš ljubeznivi grof si je za- CHICAGO, ILL. HELP WANTED — FEMALE PROFESSIONAL NURSES REGISTERED Immediate opportunities available in all services with special conside ■ ration given to request for specific type of duty. Also REGISTERED DIETICIAN Must be a member of A.D.A. association. New air-conditioned J.C.A. H. accredited general hospital with all new equipment located in a beautiful residential area. Well planned orientation and in-service education program. Paid vacation, holidays, sick leave, Blue Cross available. $1 a day shift differential for 3-11, 11-7 shift. Time allowed for professional and educational development plus other benefits. Apply to Director of Nursing. JEFFERSON HOSPITAL Pine Bluff, Arkansas (15) zgrabila na potu nagla bolezen, se vrača našima zaljubljencema ne ravno o pravem času nazaj!” “Uboga knežnja!” jo je pomilovala Izmailova. “Seveda uboga!” je nadaljeval Lev. “Toda kaj početi? Na koridoru so se že oglasili koraki, pod CHICAGO, ILL. oknom je šumela mrzla Mojka; sosednja soba kneževa je bila njegova garderoba, kjer je stala velika omara. ‘O dio, dio!’ je tarnal grof, ko ga je knežnja obupno potisnila vanjo. Zakle nila je dvakrat, vtaknila hitro ključ v žep — in je hitela dragemu soprogu naproti, vsa skrbeh za njegovo zdravje.” “Neprijetna situacija”, je menila Ana Nikitišna. “To ni bilo še dovolj! Knez je legel na divan in je zahteval spalno suknjo. Komornik gre k omari, omara je zaklenjena. Iščejo ključ, ne morejo ga najti. Knez kolne, knežnja se trese, naš grof obljubuje madoni se-ženj dolge sveče. Madona ga je uslišala, zakaj knez se je pomiril in je legel na posteljo. Toda komornik, neroda, je pripeljal ključavničarja. Knežnja je obledela, toda medtem, ko je ključavničar pripravljal orodje, se ji je posrečilo zašepetati mu besedici “ne odpri!” in da bi bolje razumel, mu je spustila mošnjo zlatnikov med orodje. Bila je rešena, zakaj ključavničar je bil razumen človek; ubijal se je s ključavnico tako dolgo in je pri tem tako neznosno škripal, da ga je ukazal knez ves jezen zapoditi. Cel dan in celo noč je sedela knežnja pri njegovi postelji in cel dan in celo noč je knez, žena, čeprav je grešila, pravico ki je bil obdarjen z velikanskim apetitom in ni mogel zatisniti očesa, neprenehoma jedel jabolka, ki mu jih je skrbna knežnja neprenehoma sama lupila. K sreči je posvetilo drugi dan sonce in knez je hodil po koridoru, odkoder se je videl zasnežen vrt. Knežnja je porabila ta čas in je hitro vrgla lačnemu ljubimcu v omaro cel koš jabolčnih olupkov. Popoldne se je počutil; njen soprog že tako dobro, da je odšel na sprehod, in nesrečni ljubimec je bil zopet prost. Nekaj dni nato sta se ljubimca srečala v družbi in knežinja mu je obljubila nov rendez-vous. “Ampak, za božjo voljo, samo pri vas ne!” je prosil prestrašeni grof, “zakaj ničesar na svetu se tako ne bojim kakor ključavničarjev in jabolčnih olupkov!” “Kaj bi napravili vi, dragi striček”, je vprašala Ana in je vrgla nanj ognjen pogled, medtem ko je vseobči smeh poplačal Leva za povest. “Kaj bi vi storili, ako bi se vam kaj podobnega pripetilo, ali bi se upali iti na rendez-vous?” “Kar bi predvsem napravil”, je rekel Andrej, “bi bilo to — da bi molčal jin bi rajši vse prestal, kot da bi dobro ime kake dame izročil posmehu. Mislim, da ima do gotovega spoštovanja, posebno pri onem, zaradi katerega je grešila.” “Nesrečni človek!” je vzkliknil Leo Nariškin, “skrivaj podobna načela! Ako zvedo zanje dame našega dvora, ne prideš celo svoje življenje iz garderobnih omar, to se pravi, če te te napudrane bakhantke poprej ne raztrgajo, kakor novega Pente-ja!” Govoril je v tako nespoštljivem tonu, da Andrej ni mogel ubraniti, da se mu ne bi prikazala nejevolja v očeh in na zardelem obličju, čeprav je moral biti Levu hvaležen za tako laskanje. “Ne kujaj se, Andrej”, se je šalil Lev, ko je to zapazil. “Zagotovim ti, da ne najdeš na celem dvoru niti ene ženske, ki se ne bi smejala tvojim, že večkrat spregovorjenim načelom blodečega viteza iz časov svetega Ludvika, da ne najdeš niti enega moža, ki bi bil s teboj istega mnenja.” — “Oh, v tem vam ugovarjam”, se je oglasil Aleksej, vstal je s svojega naslanjača in se je približal Andreju; “časten in odkritosrčen mož ne bo nikdar smešen, in če je na petrograjskem dvoru malo takih, tem slabše za dvor. Ne verujte Nariškinu”, je nadalje- W | I j m :§ DOGS FOR SALE SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS. AKC REGISTERED. CHAMPION SIRED. $50.00 Private owner. WI 5-3732. (14) GUITAR FOR SALE GIBSON GUITAR. CASE, AMPLIFIER. SONOTMATIC STRINGS. PRIVATE OWNER. $375. Phone 385-4438. SIDING & REMODELING T.- & J. CONSTRUCTION CO. Specializing in Aluminum siding. Quality remodeling, Rm. additions, Alterations, Porches. Expert workmanship. Guaranteed. 659 S. Yale, Villa Park, 111. TE 4-8055. (15) JVaznanilo in JZahnJala Globoke žalosti prevzeti javljamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da je dne 18. decembra 1962, potem ko je prejel sv. zakramente za umirajoče, izdihnil svojo plemenito dušo in odšel v večno življenje naš predragi soprog, oče, stari in prastari oče in tast - ■ ®*«***Sv. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SNACK SHOP — HOT DOGS AND HAMBURGERS. Thriving cor. loc. N. W. Good equip. 24 hour business. $6,500.-, $1,500.-down. consider partner. 286-9616. (15) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD HELP HOUSEKEEPER — Small family. No children. Private room. Plain cooking. Not over 55. Stay. Good salary. Refs. VA. 7-4038. (15) HOUSEHOLD HELP CHILD CARE Experienced woman under 40 to help care for small children. Pleasant north shore home. Convenient to all transportation. Live in. $40 to $50 per week. Own room, T. V. Thursday and Sunday off. References required. Call BU 8-2818, before 5 P. M. (13) TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT MOUNT PROSPECT BY OWNER 2 Bedrm. townhouse and 1 car gar. Convenient to transp., schools and shopping. — CLearbrook 3-0485. i (13) TOWNHOUSE — BY OWNER 2 Bedrooms, full finished basement with 2 rooms. All appliances. Priced for quick sale. AUSTIN 7-0826. (13; TINLEY PARK — Attract., 3 bedroom ranch. 6 yrs. old, good cond. Close to everything. Large lot. Water softener. Low taxes, by owner. $15,500. KE 2-3043. (14) BY OWNER—VICINITY CENTRAL AND CHICAGO. 2Y2 Story house. $250 monthly income, plus owners apt. 2 car garage. Phone ES 8-9418. (14) ANTON ZADNIK Pokojni je bil rojen v Adamovi vasi pri Velikih Laščah v Sloveniji dne 24. februarja 1878. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1903 in je živel v Clevelandu, Ohio, skoraj vedno na Norwood Road. Pokopali smo ga v petek, dne 21. decembra 1962. Iz Zakrajškovega zavoda smo ga v pogrebnem sprevodu prepeljali najprej v cerkev sv. Vida, od tam pa po sv. maši in pogrebnih slovesnostih na pokopališče Kalvarija, kjer smo truplo položili k poslednjemu počitku, da tam pričaka Vstajenja. Rev. Jošt Martelanc je vodil pogrebne molitve, spremljal pokojnega od Zakrajškovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev, tam daroval slovesno pogrebno sv. mašo zanj, spremljal na pokopališče, blagoslovil grob ir* molil poslednje molitve za pokojnega. Naj topleje se mu zahvalimo tako za daritev sv. maše, za blagoslove in molitve, kot še posebno za obisk med boleznijo, za podelitev sv. zakramentov in za vso veliko duhovno pomoč in tolažbo; val in je podal Andreju roko, “zagotovim vam, da niso vse dame našega dvora take “napudrane bakhantke”, kakršne je napravil tu naš prijatelj.” “Oh, vi, Aleksej, le tiho bodite!” je rekel Lev in je postrani pogledal Andreja, da bi videl na njem učinek svojih lastnih besed, “vi morda hočete velike knežnjo hvaliti, prav podobno je, toda le pustite to, saj preveč dobro poznamo to vašo medsebojno ljubezen!” Andrej Černišev se je čudil; zakaj trdno je mislil, da potegne Aleksej meč v obrambo, svoje dame, čudil se je Levovi predrznosti, ki se je tako zaničevalno dotaknil velike knežnje in njenega baje nežnega razmerja napram temu mladeniču. Nehote je vstal s svojega sedeža in je gledal sedaj enega, sedaj drugega. Toda Aleksej je ostal popolnoma miren, le nasmehnil se je, ko je opazil, kak vtis so napravile nanj besede Leva Nariškina. “Zrastel sem v Nemčiji”, je rekel Aleksej in je sedel poleg Černiševa, “kjer so bivali moji starši, poznam veliko knežnjo iz časov svojih otroških let, Nari-škinove besede ne vsebujejo torej ničesar, kar bi Katarino kompromitiralo, ker vsakdo ve, da sva skupaj kakor brat in sestra. Sicer pa se vam v njenem imenu zahvaljujem za viteško nejevoljo, ki sem jo videl vzplapo-lati na vašem obrazu, ko ste menili, da jo Lev žali!” (Dalje prihodnjič) Iskreno se zahvalimo pogrebnemu zavodu Zak za ljubeznivo in skrbno postrežbo ter za odlično vodstvo pogrebnih priprav. Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo Mrs. Jennie Rutar in njeni hčerki Mrs. Jennie Arko, ki sta v najhujšem mrazu zbrale pri dobrih sosedih sklad za sv. maše in za cvetje. Zahvalimo se najlepše zastopnikom društva Glas Clevelandskih Delavcev ^šDZ št. 9 in podružnici št. 6 Slovenske Moške Zveze. Zastopniki teh društev so se v pogrebnem zavodu ganljivo poslovili od pokojnega in člani so nosili krsto. Vsem iskrena hvala. Zahvalimo sc vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše, za cvetje in vence, vsem tistim, ki so dali na razpolago avtomobile za pogrebni sprevod in vsem, ki so prišli pokojnega kropit, so se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše in pogreba in vsem, ki so molili in še molijo za našega dragega pokojnika. Razposlali smo zahvalne karte, v kolikor smo imeli imena ih naslove. Če bi kdo po pomoti osebne zahvale ne bil dobil, ga lepe prosimo naj nam oprosti. Lepo pro simo naj to javno zahvalo sprejme vsak in skupno vsi, ki so karkoli storili, da so nam ob tej prežalostni priliki pomagali in so na kakršenkoli način izkazali pokojnemu svoje spoštovanje in ljubezen ter pripomogli, da je bilo njegovo poslednje slovo tako veličastno, ganljivo lepo. Hvala za vse osebne in pismene izraze sožalja. NORTHBROOK — By owner, Custom 6 Rm. brick ranch. IVz baths, newly carpeted. Attached garage. 1/2 acre. Reasonable. CR 2-4223. — appt. only. (14) FOR SALE OR LEASE — Frontage 75’xl25l; office.front 45x30’ — set up for doctor, hvingquarters, 6 Rms. tosmt. Parking lot 30x125’', hot water system. Location Nr. Halsted and I. C. station, 147th & Sibley Blvd. & Rte. 83. $49.775. Ph. 333-5352, or write owner: 14727 Clinton Street, | Harvey. (16- Antona, našega preljubega soproga in očeta se bomo v hvaležnosti in ljubezni spominjali do konca naših dni. O Gospod življenja in smrti, ki si nam ga dal in vzel, milostno sprejmi njegovo dušo v naročje svojega usmiljenja, da Te bo na veke hvalila in slavila. Ti, o Jezus naš premili, zlij na dušo svojo Kri, Ti dobrotno se ga usmili, raj nebeški mu odpri. Žalujoči: MARY ZADNIK, soproga; hčeri MRS; MARY ZALOKAR in MRS. MILDRED BOGOCH, ANTHONY ZADNIK, sin, snaha MRS. ANA ZADNIK, zeta FRANK ZALOKAR in ANTHONY BOGOCH, vnuki in pravnuki, vnukinje in pravnukinje. Cleveland, Ohio, 18. januarja 1963. yC' —.....................................................................................................................................-iu—' /• / , ■'- —. • • - - Hranite denar za deževne dneve —’ upu j te U. S. Savings bonde! 8 Obiffite lepo Slovenijo v letu 1963 W/. 7 I i 1 g i Napravite veselje dragim sorodnikom in sebi. Najbolje boste potovali,če se priključite eni naslednjih slovenskih skupin- Skupine z ladjo: SS “France” May 31, 1963 SS “Queen Elisabeth” June 5, 1963 SS “Queen Elisabeth” July 3, 1963 Skupine z letalom JET: May 27, 31, June 10, 20, 30, July 13, 1963 NAJSTAREJŠA SLOVENSKA POTNIŠKA PISARNA AUGUST KOLLANDER organizira te skupine in garantira najboljšo postrežbo. Vaše sorodnike in prijatelje boste dobili iz Slovenije najhitreje na obisk ali za stalno v Ameriko, če Vam to uredi firma KOLLANDER, ki razpošilja tudi pakete s hrano in denar po najugodnejših pogojih. 1 1 i i i August Hollander Travel Bureau 6419 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland 3, Ohio Telephone: HEnderson 1-4148 Slovensko gradbeno podjetje m g. BUILDERS - CONTRACTORS 29312 White Road, Wickliffe, O. JOE MALOVRH, JAKOB MEJAC in VIKTOR TOMINEC Gradimo nove hiše - Popravimo in obnovimo stare stavbe in posamezne prostore - Izvršujemo vsa gradbena dela - Proračun brezplačen - Odplačila po dogovoru. Imamo na razpolago stavbišča, parcele za dvodružinske hiše v Euclid, O., za hiše tipa ranch pa v Wickliffe, O. Za informacije kličite telefonično WI 3-3688 ali pa IV 1-2700. 'rr -j A. GRDINA & SONS, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS — FURNITURE DEALERS Pogrebni zavod: Pogrebni zavod: 17002 Lake Shore Blvd. 1053 E. 62nd Street KEnmore 1-6300 HEnderson 1-2088 Trgovina s pohištvom: 15301 Waterloo Road KEnmore 1-1235 USTANOVLJENO 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno preskrbi HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 815 Superior Ave. 771-2929 RICH & SONS 1078-80 East 64 Street HE 1-1931 AUTO BODY & MOTOR REPAIR WHEEL BALANCE — IGNITION & BRAKE SERVICE VSA POPRAVILA AVTOMOBILOV SMEREKA' DOMOVINA, JANUARY IS, 1068 /Imerism Domovih m K AMSRtCAN IN SPIRIT PORSJON IN LANGUAGE ONSV SLOVCNIAW MORNiHG NGWSPAPGR “FUNCTIONAL ELEGANCE" HOME AT SHOW Cleveland Arena Lineup Who’s Who of Auto and Motoroyole lace Hanks The 1963 Cleveland Home and Flower Show featured house of the American Institute of Architects, Cleveland Chapter, develops garden areas to become Integral parts of the living areas. This Show House was designed by the Berea, Ohio firm of Heine Crider and Williamson, chosen for this honor by the Cleveland A.I A. Home and Flower Show Committee. The floor plan sh»ws the compact grouping of three bed rooms, a dressing room, two baths and a utility room into one wing, separated from the living area by a foyer. This year, the twentieth anniversary of the Cleveland Home and Flower Show, scheduled for March 9 through March 17 at Cleveland Public Hall, will again be the greatest exposition of its kind in the Nation, as the “Gateway to Spring.” The Show House will be tastefully furnished by the members of the American Institute ef Interior Designers, the top men and women ,„n?rU?em Ohio in this highly specialized field. The Show House will be built by the Home Builders Association of Greater Cleveland. Ameriška Domowwa CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Joseph Vercek of 5082 Green-hurst Drive, Maple Heights, celebrated his 86th birthday on January 6th in the circle of his family. Congratulations and wishes for many more happy and healthy birthdays! if John Krnc of 1059 Addison Rd., was taken last week to St. Alexis Hospital. We wish him a quick recovery! if Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kozar of .1113 E. 67 St., left recently for California. where they intend to buy a gasoline station and stay there permanently. Mr. Joseph Gazvoda gave them a farewell evening at Slovene Village, 6802 St. Clair Ave, which was attended by many friends. if Mrs. Agnes Krall of 19412 Kil-deer Ave.. celebrated her 91st birth day on January 10th. Congratulations and wishes for many more happy and healthy birthdays! if Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grajzar of 24060 Glenbrook Blvd., celebrated ttheir Golden Wedding Anniversary Sunday, January 13th. Cingratula-tions and wishes for many more happy and healthy anniversaries. if Saratoga Springs, N. Y. — This city offers a bridal kit, including soup, spaghetti and headache tablets, to couples applying for marriage lincenses. Richard Clark, deputy commissioner of accounts, said the kits are included in the $3 license fee. Thines, 79, of San Diego, Cal., reach • ed Times Square after a 54-day, 3.500-mile hike from thte west coast using the heel-and-toe method of walking. Thines, a retired railroad conductor, who once had polio, — wants to interest people in helping handicapped children.. if Warminster, England. — The Marquess of Bath announced that every tourist who visits his 100-room residence this winter, [will re ceive a free glass of sherry to ward off the house’s chill. if Saugus, Mass. —- Two deer smashed into the side of Nicholas Ninogh’s car while he was driving on U. S. highway 1. When Ninough pulled over to inspect the damage, another car slammed into the rear of his car and sped away. Sb did one of the deer. if New York, N. Y. — “Cleopatra” most expensive moving picture in history, will open in June in New York and 100 other United States and Canadian cities. An announcement by Twentieth Century-Fbx did not name the specific date or cities. The film, which the company estimates cost $35 million, will be shown on a reserved seat basis. It will run for approzimately four hours with the possibility of one or two intermissions. if Rome. — Rodolfo Mazza gave his playmate Roberto Colamedici a playful kick m the pants recently — and kicked off an explosion that sent both youths to the hospital. Just before the boys met in front of a movie house, Roberto had As Cleveland Arena’s indoor win ter racing season for midget autos, motorcycles and stock cars head into its second weekly card this Friday night, the lineup continues to have the look of a “Who’s Who” of the three divisions. Jack Dawson, Bedford, who captured the opening night auto feature was the district’s No. 2 point driver in. his class last summer. Other midget auto pilots in action are Jdck O’Rourke. Stow; Buddy Martin, Parma; Jerry Matus, Warn pum, Pa.; and Bud Hamilton, Columbus. Sprint car ace Mickey Shaw, Berea; super-modified stars Baldy Baker,. Strasburg; Ed Molketin, N Olmsted; and Dean Mast, Sugar Creek; stock oar autoist Gus Aco-zili, Warren, also leadfooit in the same type cars. Innovation of indoor fender-bending stock cars has some of the same drivers seen at Cloverleaf Speedway in the summertime. They are: Ken Brenner, Akron; Nook Walters, Niles and Jeep laccobucci, Cleveland. Motorcycle daredevils include some of the hot-shoe sport’s top riders such as Ronnie Rail, Mansfield; Doug Showier, Parma; George Roeder, Monroeville; Bill Wetzel, Painesville; George Singler, Medina; Paul Myers, Cleveland. The three divisions will race every Friday night in a 15-evemt card with 20-lap features for midget autos and cycles. Time trials begin at 7 and first race takes off at 8:30 p.m. each week. if Greenville, Pa. — Holes-in-one | bought a handful of explosive tor-are becoming a tradition in the ’ pedoes and stuffed them in his hip golfing familiy of Jess P. Dart.pocket. Doctors said the two boys’ Dart started it in the 1961 season burns would heal in about a week and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Paul if St. Louis, Mo. — William F. Dart, fired an ace a short time later. James, founder of Boy’s Town of Dart got another last winter in Florida and son. Paul shot an ace late this season. if Savannah, Ga. — Mrs. H. T Shore thought something was wrong with her car as she drove away from church. It didn’t seem to have the pickup it should have. She pulled into a service station and ithe trouble was quickly spotted. A small foreign car was hooked onto her trailer hitch — apparently caught shen she backed up to leave her parking place. if Rome — the closest thing to a 5-cent cup of coffee in Rome cafes, a thimble-sized cup of thick black espresso, has gone up in price from the equivalent of 5.6 cents to 7.2 cents. if Binghamton, N. Y. — Edwin A. Link) 58, a millionaire inventor of this city, spent eight hours in his aluminum house-in.-the-sea 60 feet down in France’s Villefranche bay, enduring the normal water pressure at that level for what was believed to be a record. Link says the device will revolutionize exising concepts for undersea work. if Lafayette, Ind. — A 55-gallon drum containing alcohol exploded when ignited by a cutting torch used by James Memmer, 18. Mem-mer was hospitalized in critical condition after he ran from the scene, his hair and clothing ablaze. He was knocked to the ground by Frank Novak, 45, West Lafayette, who rolled the youth in. blanket and put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. if New York, N. Y. — Patrick Missouri, said thieving teenage boys may force his auto agency out of business. James, a leader in work with underprivileged boys, said a gang of high school boys from good families have set up headquarters near his agency and have been stealing autos and accessories. ir Dayton, Ohio. — Mirs. Wanda Bussard. sixth grade teacher at Meadowdale Elementary school, received this explanation for the difference between liquid and gas: A liquid is like water or milk. Gas is something that upsets your stomach.” if Washington, D. C. — Orville Freeman, secretary of agriculture and keeper of the nation’s food supply, dined at the White House recently. Asked later what the menu was, he said: T never notice iwhat I eat.” -------0----— Opera AsidsSiens Oeadlsne Jan. 21 Auditions for the Great Lakes Region, of the Metropolitan Opera National Council search for operatic talent will be held Feb. 1-3 at the Cleveland Institute of Music, 11021 East Blvd. Entry blanks and complete information are available from the regional office, 323 Republic Bldg., Cleveland 15, or by calling PR 1-0055. Deadline for entries is Sunday, Jan. 27. Applicants must be in the following age brackets: sopranos 19-30, altos 19-32, tenors 20-33, baritones 20-33 and basses 20-35. Individuals not sponsored by a music school or coach must furnish proof of some voice training. Luiiefieg'is Mi Hard Party The annual welfare luncheon and card party sponsored by the Catholic Federation of ‘ Women’s Clubs will be held in the Highbee Auditorium on Tuesday, January 22, at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are $3,00 and the proceeds will be used to finance the numerous charitable works carried on by the Federation throughout the year. The theme of the party will be “Sunshine” which it is hoped to bring into the lives of many. A very pleasant afternoon’s entertainment is being planned by the committee headed by Mrs. Dominic A. Zullo, with many lovely-door and table prizes. Reservations may be made by contacting Mrs. Lawrence J. Norris 17201 Ernadale Ave., Cleveland n — • -------------- Ohio (WI 1-0266). Meeting SHGiTS m wma Collier to coach Browns: Cleve land Browns’ owner, Arthur B. Mo-dell, has named Blanton Collier, former backfield coach, as the new head coach of the Browns. Collier said he was extremely happy to be asked to take the new position, and at the same time he gave recognition to the most famous football coach in. the National Football League. Paul Brawn. The new Brownie coach said he will keep the same asistant coaches that worked for the team last year. When asked about who will call the plays next season, the quarterback or the coach, Collier replied he will let the passer start the season, making most of the calls. Blanton pointed out, however, that spotters in the stands can often spot situations on the playing field that may not be noticed by the quarterback, in which case the signal-caller twill receive the play from the bench. Dodgers Boast Top Players Who Can Handle Two Jobs —The only National League club not dealing for a utilityman in the inter-league trading period was Los Angeles, and the reason was fairly obvious. They’ve had great success for years with players adept at performing at more than one position. Tommy Davis can play in the outfield or at third base. Ron Fairly can play in the outfield! or at first base. The same holds true for Frank Howard. Jim Gilliam is equally at home at second: or third or in outfield, and is probably the best in the majors in. this category. Job Placement Bureau Launched at St. Joseph High Stihool ROBERT BENNETT JOB PLACEMENT DIRECTOR From office work to washing walls, St. Joseph High School, 18491 Lake k CAUSE OF UNEMPLOYMENT Shore Boulevard, Cleveland 19, O. students are finding part-time jobs Poor Jim—He Can’t Even Get a Uniform From Nits — Jimmy Pier-sail, the outspoken Senators’ outfielder, has more than contract trouble with the club. Piersall was in New York recently for an appearance on “Discovery' ’63,” a television show, and he was scheduled to wear his uniform. But when it came time to tape the program, James’ combat garb had not arrived from the Tmtal. This led one wag to remark that club which, finished 35% games out of first place does not lightly release its tangible assets, such as a nice, .clean, expensive uniform. After the show, a reporter dropped into Piersall’s dressing room and inquired about his contract problem. ‘This is the most ridiculous cut I’ve ever been offered,” James bawled. “I got my contract and it’s right in that suitcase in the corner. That’s where it’s going to stay until get what I want.” through a placement service estab-Ushed in September. 1962. It is the only service of its type in a Cleveland Diocesan. Catholic School, according to Robert Bennett, Job Placement Director. About 40 pupils have received after-school and weekends jobs during the past semester. The Job Placement Bureau also seeks fulltime jobs for alumni of the school. Students registering for the service fill out detailed cards listing personal characteristics, type of work desired, and hours available. These are matched with cards filled out by prospective employers contacted by the placement service. The bureau at St. Joseph High School works with the Ohio State Employment Service. Letters were sent to local businesses inviting them to contact the bureau when in need of a young man for full or part-time work. Before being sent out on a joo interview, students are instructed on proper dress and conduct. Basebalfer iške Garda Will OriTfe lafeti Igašusf OJ Friday at Irena Lodge St. Ann No. 150 KSKJ will hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday at 1 p.m. at Slov. Home. E. 80 St. Financial report will be read and plans for the golden jubilee will be discussed. /4” A don’t afloat is demonstrated by Connie Camillo,: former queen of the Mid-America Boat Show. “Standing on a chair wben a: boat is underway is dangerous,” she said. Safe boating will be spotlighted at the show by nine public service displays. The Mid-America Boat Show is set for Cleveland Public Hall, Jan. 26-Fgb. 3. Patriots’ Owner Will Build Footfall Seats for Fenway — The Dan Marr Construction Co. will build held stands for American Football League games to be played in Fenway Park. Dan Marr is one of the ten owners of the Patriots and put in the special field seats at Boston University Field. Those seats will be moved down famed Commonwealth Avenue to Ten way Park for the 1963. season The Patriots will play all home games at Fenway in ’63 and ’64. When Red Sox Owner Tom Yaw-key put a halt to football playing in Fenway Park, it wasn’t generally known that he gave the field seats to Baseball’s Hall of Fame at, Cooperstown. N.Y. In addition, Tom bought some land in the right field area of the Cooperstown field where the seats could be installed for permanent use at the annual Shrine Game in Cooperstown. Yawkey did this without seeking any publicity or personal recognition. One of the added attractions on Friday right’s auto and motorcycle racing program at Cleveland Arena will be a special match between ex-Indian pitcher Mike Garcia and Johnny Holliday, popular Cleveland disc jockey. Garcia will drive his new roadster racer, reputed to be worth more than $3,500.00. Holliday will pick his mount on race night. Carl Reese of Radio WHK will be guest announcer. In the regular action of the tripleheader speed billing for midget autos, motorcycles and stock cars there, will be 15 events with 20-lap features for the first two divisions. Qualifying trials begin at 7 p.m and first event goes to the post at 8:30 p.m. Program ends at around 10:45 p.m. All seats in the Arena go on sale on Friday nights at $1.75 for adults and 75c for children. Tabbed for future match race appearances are several members of the Cleveland Browns’ football team such as Dick Schafrath and Bernie Parrish. During November there-was a sudden, substantial and unexpected increase in unemployment among teen-agers. Some 150,000 of them started looking for jobs, according to press reports. This was a puzzle to the T partment of Labor, which instigated an investigation into the reasons. One reason, which is given much less blame for such developments than it deserves, is the present federal wage-hour law. Over the years, the minimum wage has been steadily increased. The number and classifications of workers covered have been steadily broadened. Regulation has been imposed upon regulation. The invariable result has been a decline in job opportunities for the unskilled and the beginner. This is particularly notable in certain service industries. Retailing is a prime example. By the nature of the business, it can employ, often on a part-time, week-end and after-school has'?, considerable numbers of people whose productive value is small. The employment provides them with an opportunity to develop skills and experience which will qualify them for better jobs later. But if law-imposed costs of such employment become excessively high, the stores will pare it to the limit. And then the opportunity to learn is lost. No one can say with certainty how much of the rise in teenage unemployment this winter was due to this cause. But there can be small doubt that it was an important factor. si vnos hols name St. Vitus Men’s Bowling League January 19, 1963 There were quite a few torrid scores as eight of our keglers hit a pair of 200 games each. High, game was 246 by A. Marolt, top series by B. Coliingwood 234-213-629. Cimperman Market went or, the board with a 1009 game as did the C.O.F. No. 1317 with their 2806 series. Some of our other hot shots were: F. Lube 212, Elmer Kuhar 233, E. Avsec 201-200, J. Nemanich 202-220, J. Pangonis 214, B. Hlabse 201-220, P. Kepic 213-214, E. Budic 200-205, F. Praznik 213-205, W. Kovačič 210, M. Germ 221, P. Jelenič 233, R. Massera 202-202, J. Ambro-sic 216, F. Pishnery 211 and S. Martinčič 216. Grdina Recreation were the victims of a three game drubbing by Double Eagles. Elmer Kuhar’s 233"-579 led the Eagles to the win. Double Eagle 847-962-893-2702 Grdina Recreation 801-821-791-2413 Alleys 3-4: Norwood Men’s Shop vs. Grdina Recreation. Alleys 5-6: Cimperman. Market vs. CWV Dukes. Alleys 7-8: C.O.F. No. 1317 vs. Hecker Tavern. Alleys 9-10: Double Eagle vs. K.S.K.J. No. 25. Alleys 11-12: CWV Goldbricks vs. Mezic Insurance. Trophy Wlmm Parker Inks r-teeler Pact; Feels Team Can Win Title — Climaxing several weeks of speculation, Buddy Parker signed on January 10 to coach the Pittsburgh Steelers again next season. Parker led the Steelers to a second-place finish in the Eastern Division of the National Football League in ’62, their best record ir, their 29-year history. After signing his new pact, Parker said: “There’s no question about it, this team can win the championship next year. It’s the best team I’ve had here.” lispifalized Mrs. Justine Girod of 452 E. 152 St. is confined at Euclid-Glenville Hospital, Room 703, where she successfully underwent major surgery. Visitors are now permitted and visiting hours are from 2 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Girod is the- former Justine Zele (of Zele’s Funeral Home). Her many friends extend, their best wishes for her early and complete recovery. Philip J. FitzSimons, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. FitzSimons, 95 East 204th Street, Euclid 23, will be awarded the Outstanding Catholic Youth trophy by the Knights of Columbus Euclid Council No. 3164 ait the State Youth Victory Banquet to be held at Smith’s Restaurant on Saturday, January 19, 1963. FitzSimons, a senior at St. Joseph High School, is president of the senior class and president of the Student Council. He is a four year honor student, a member of the National Honor Society, sports editor of the school paper “The Norseman”, and a member of the Sodality. The annual award will be made by the Grand Knight, Robert Golden, and the recipient’s record will be presented by the Principal of St. Joseph High School, Brother Stanley G. Mathews, S.M. FitzSimons attended Holy Cross Grade School, and is a member of Holy Cross parish. During his four years at St. Joseph High School he has followed the Honors Program and has been active in, a variety of religious, academic, social, and athletic organizations. Robert Hanchette is chairman, and William Grigar co-chairman of the Victory Banquet. John Zupančič will serve as master of cere monies. KSKJ No. 25 turned back the La Mont Pizzas in a three game whitewash. Joe Nemanich’s torrid 202-220-593 topped the Kay Jays. KSKJ No. 25 889-892-902-2683 La Mont’s Pizza 834-877-898-2609 Baraga Court No. 1317 Catholic-Order of Foresters defeated CWV Dukes in two games. Bart Colling-wood’s big 234-213-629 U'as tops for the Foresters. C.O.F. No. 1317 959-891-956-2806 CWV Dukes 868-966-926-2760 Mezic Insurance dipped Hecker Tavern in two games. Frank Praz-nik’s 213-205-559 won scoring honors for the victors. Mezic Insurance 867-347-795-2509 Hecker Tavern 813-819-893-2525 Fri., Jan. 18 — St. Vitus Dad’s Club serves monthly “Fish Dinner”. Fri., Sat., Jan. 25, 26 — St. Vitus School children present “Magic in Music”. Sun., Jan. 27 — St. Vitus Christian Mothers’ Cluo — Annual Cara Party. Sun. Feb. 3 — Confirmation in St. Vitus Church at 4:00 p.m. Sat. Feb. 16 — Catholic War Vets, Post 1655 fourteenth annual dance in new auditorium. Sun., Feb. 24 — Annual St. Vitus Pre-Lenten Social. March 8-10 — St. Vitus English Women’s Retreat at Diocesan Retreat House. Sun. March 17 — Annual Pancakes and Sausages Breakfast from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. served by Holy Name Society in. new auditorium. Seek Doctors And OenSists Medical Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists who speak Serbo • Croatian are being sought by the U.S. Information Agency to staff a medical exhibit which will be displayed in Zagreb from April 12 thru 21, and in Belgrade from May 24 thru June 2. An orientation will be held in Washington, D.C. starting about Apni 1. Those persons will be expected to con-qci 9c? qi i i verse with Professional and lay „. ! audiences on the subject matter of Cimperman MkhJ55-lM9-885-2749; ^ exhibits To qualify aU appH_ CWV Goldbricks eked out a two ^e..Ame"ican citi"ens’ game victory over Bill’s Automatic P- , . 5 ' e orn’ or i13'’0 Transmissicn. Stan Martincic’s 216- * 1 Norwood Men’s Shop surprised j Cimperman Market in two games. I W. Kovacic’s 210-548 sparked the ! 111f <*UTJ Haberdashers. 1 selected Norwood Men’s 559 starred for the Veterans. CWV Goldbricks 871-900-889-2660 Bill’s Auto. Trans. 911-858-880-2649 Standings January 10, 1963 Oalifomia isls ?ap TW LOS ANGELES — The General Electric company and Home Entertainment Co. of America Inc. announced jointly signing of a contract for development of equipment for a home pay-television system. General Telenhone company has been hired by H. E. C. A. to install the cable system in the Santa Monica, Cal., area. H. F.C. A. off icials said they expected to have the system operational early in 1964. “Some show's may cost as little as 15 cents,’ it w-as said. “Others, like top Broadway shows and championship boxing matches, may cost $3. Motion pictures are expected to run from 75 cents to $1.50.” The installation would not affect normal television reception. Mezic Insurance C.O.F. No. 1317 KSKJ No. 25 Cimperman Market CWV Goldbricks La Mont’s Pizza CWV Dukes Double Eagle Bill’s Automatic Trans. Hecker Tavern Grdina Recreation Norwood Men’s Shop W. 35 32 32 31 28% 28 28 27 26 26 25 23% L. 22 25 25 26 28% 29 29 30 31 31 32 33% Team High Three La Mont’s ............... Grdina Recreation C.O.F.................... Norwood Men’s ......... .2912 ....2831 ...2806 ...2768 Team High Single Grdina Recreation ........ Cimperman .Market ........ Mezic’s .................. Double Eagle ............. .1009 ....1009 .1005 ...1003 Individual High Series B. Coliingwood ............. E. Koporc ................. B. Avsec ................... W. Kovacic .......... ...671 .652 .640 ...632 the United States at least fifteen years. Nominal salary plus per diem and travel costs. To apply, please contact: Mr. John W. Auer Employment Branch U.S. Information Agency Washington 25, D.C. Applicants should apply immediately as over two months are required for administrative processing. Balls of SI. Mary’s Individual High Single Kovacic ...................265 Debelak ...................257 Telban ....................247 Marolt ................... 246 Schedule February 24, 1963 Alleys 1-2: La Mont’s Pizza vs. Bill’s Automatic Transmission. On Sunday, January 20th, following the 7:00 a.m. Mass, the St. Mary’s School mothers are sponsoring a bake sale in the Social Hall. Your donation, w'hether it bi breads, cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts, pctica, or cash, will, be greatly appreciated. We urge all to patronize this sale as all of the proceeds will be turned over to the Ursuline Nuns of our school. Donations may be brought to the Hall or. Sunday morning or other arrangements may be made by contacting Mrs. Edward Pavšek, KE 1-0476 or Mrs. Charles Femec, LI 1-5149. Mrs. George J. Basiione, Corresponding Seeretarv KE 1-7646 Aterms l/i/mrAmfffižt/ FRAKCB P. BSiTv.w • (oogressracn, 22nd District, 0t»» AMERIŠKA DOMOVIKi, JANUARY IS, 1963 -------------------1_________________ rjlHE 88TH CONGRESS. On Wed-A nesday at 12 noon the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States were called to order signifying the official opening of the 88th Congress. On the opening day, all Members of the House and the new Members of the Senate took the oath of office. There is always a certain excitement over the re-convening of the Congress. This year was no exception. The Ohio Delegation of the 88th Congress consists of six Democrats and 18 Republicans. We Ohio Republicans were especially joyous as we welcomed three new members and a fourth “returnee”—my son Oliver who had to absent himself for six years for health reasons. Carl W. Rich from the First District, Homer Abele from the 10th, and Bob Taft, Jr., son of our eminent Senator Robert Taft—Congressman at Large—are going to be splendid members. THE PEACE CORPS AND OLDER CITIZENS Contrary to popular belief, the Peace Corps is not simply limited to the youth of America. Many of our older citizens are contributing significantly to the success of this program. As of September, 1962, the United States has 47 volunteers over 50 years of age serving abroad. Thirty-five of these workers are over 60 years of age and three are over 70 years old. In addition, almost 200 volunteers over the age of 50 have been processed or have been invited to training projects. These volunteers have many talents and have already led full and useful lives in the service of our nation. Typical of the services they perform is that of water supply engineer Ralph Cole of Dallas, Texas. He is giving technical as- sistance in West Pakistan. Sixty-six-year-old Blythe Monroe and Beulah Bartlett, 65, both of South Laguna, California, and former teachers at Whittier College, are now going to train teachers in Ethiopia. Miss Monroe traces her family line back to President James Monroe. Oscar Haugen, 69-year-old construction worker from Argyle, Minnesota, is teaching laborers in Tunisia how to use and look after tractors, bulldozers and other heavy equipment. These are just a few of the many senior citizens serving the best interests of the United States. They are an inspiration to all of us. Moreover, it is deeply gratifying to know that age is no barrier in the Peace Corps. From the Indian Tepee TAX BOOKLETS AVAILABLE With tax filing time nearing once again, many of you may be interested in two new publications of the Internal Revenue Service. Your Federal Income Tax was prepared to give assistance to the individual income taxpayer. Its 144 pages contain simple explanations and examples of the problems encountered in preparing income tax returns. It explains what income is taxable and, equally important, what items may be deducted. Tax Guide for Small Business is a 144-page treatment of the various problems that sole-proprietors, partnerships and corporations encounter in dealing with income, excise and employment taxes. One of the features of this booklet is a 1963 Tax Calendar reminding the businessman of important tax dates during the year. Each booklet sells for 40 cents a copy and may be obtained at District Internal Revenue Offices or from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. C*hiSir®n?§ Free Bentai Party What’s more fun than a party for children? Plans have been completed for a funfilled free dental party at Public Music Hall on Sunday afternoon, February 3, 1963. Each year members of the Cleveland Dental Society sponsor a gala stage show with Captain Clean-tooth presiding. This year’s 23rd venture will be a Shipboard Dental Party. Youngsters will be given free toothbrushes as they are welcomed abroad. Later, the luckier ones will become owners of door prizes such as bikes and transistor The show begins at 2:00 p.m. but children had better be there much earlier than that, and they should be sure to have an adult with them. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. This FREE Children’s Party, to which all children an.d their parents are invited, is held in celebration of Children’s Dental Health Day. Dr. Robert E. Crowe, Chairman of the Children’s Party, has arranged for KYW’s television personality known as “Woodrow” to serve as Master of Ceremonies. An impersonator, a comedy balancing team, and a professional puppeteer •will be featured. Children in the audience will actually participate m the show when comedian Joe De Santis unravels his string of “way-out” antics. Mates and Hartley specialize as a comedy knockabout team. It will be hilarious when one chases the other in slow motion. The Erica Melchoir Marionettes are king-sized puppets three feet tall. Among them are Feedie Beedie, Miss Wiggle and Bowser. In addition, there will be filmed cartoons and live band music furnished by A1 Angelotta and his “Musical Sailors”, with backdrop. that there’s fun connected with 1 learning how best to care for their teeth”, says Dr. Richard C. Rice, ! Chairman of . the Dental Health i Education Committee, which con-1 ducts an all-year round program of providing dental health educational material for school children and the lay public. Aside from the professional acts, on hand will be Captain Cleantooth himself, this year portrayed by Dr. Sanford Neuger. Dentists will meet on Monday, February 11th, for the professional phase in all-day sessions at the Sheraton-Cleveland Hotel. Subjects dealing with dentistry for children, with particular emphasis on preventive measures, will be featured. Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants will help the dentists in the preparations for this 23rd Annual Dental Party. 0F&® Hew Year Resolutions Dr. R. V. Skogsberg, president of the Ohio Federation of Chiropractic Organizations, is submitting an addition to your list of New Year’s resolutions that could help to make 1963 a healthy as well as happy and prosperous new year. “Resolve that you will pause a moment before abusing your back in 1963”, Dr. Skogsbergh urged. “A great deal of the pain that back injury victims suffer is the result of taking their backs for granted. “If people would pause, only momentarily, before dashing off - with a heavy tool box, attache case, or picking up the baby, they could often avert a strained muscle or misalignment of the spine. “The same is true about walking a nautical across a slippery surface. At this time of year Ohio’s streets and side-Designed originally to remind wa^s are likely to be snow-cover-parents and children of good den- i ^*r' Skogsbergh said. “The snov/ tal health habits begun early in itself is a v/arning to be careful, but life, the Captain Cleantooth Dental I a obvious wet leaf or a highly John Romano John Romano, the Cleveland Indians’ all-time best offensive catcher, signed his contract for the 1963 season. Tribe General Manager Gabe Paul announced. He becomes the fourth Indian to sign his contract, following outfielders Gene Green and Walt Bond and second baseman Jerry Kindall into the fold. Romano, who set new Indian catcher marks in 1961 by hitting 21 home runs and batting in 80 runs, surpassed both marks last season with 25 homers and 81 RBI’s Both efforts were good for team leadership. Although his batting average dropped from .299 in 1961 ito .261 last year, Romano still placed among the top ten sluggers in the American League. His slugging average (was 479 and his 64 strikeouts were the fewest number among the league’s ten slugging leaders. In 1961, which was his third complete season in the majors, Romano was named (to the A. L. All-Star team, an honor he enjoyed again last year. Romano came to the Indians in 1959 in a trade with the Chicago White Sox. Cleveland gave up outfielder Minnie Minoso. catcher Dick Brown, and pitchers Don. Ferrare-se and Jake Striker for Romano and infielders Bubba Phillips and Norm Cash. Since coming to the Tribe, Romano has hit 62 home runs and driven in 213 runs. Only 28 years old, Romano will start his fifth full-time reason in the majors this year. He lives in Ridgefield, New Jersey during the off-season. * Dick Donovan, who will he hon-ord bn Monday, January 21 by the Cleveland Chapter of the Baseball Writers Association of America as their Man of the Year, will also be paid a tribute by his fellow citizens of Quincy, Mass. Donovan and Manager Sam Mele of the Minnesota Twins will be honored' at a city-wide Baseball Achievement Dinner in Quincy on January 29. Mayor Amelio A. Della Chiesa has proclaimed the day in honor of the pair. min.ently marked “THIRD-CLASS”. Our Mailing Requirements Div: Belle on a bobber gives the appearance of a gal in a crow’s nest without a boat. Actually this miss is having fun doing water acrobatics on a new floating sports item called the Aqua Bobber. The two-story high bobber is safe and fun for all ages. It will be given its first public demonstration at the Mid-America Boat Show, Cleveland Public Hall, Jan. 26-Feb. 3. DEATH mum Godec, John v— Husband of Mary (nee Križaj), i ither of Clara Bulkins, Alvina (Patrick (Phoenix, Ariz.), stepfather of Frances Se-man, Ann VVn Linker, Joseph. Residence at •>,|22 Dunlap Ave. Jaklič, Frahk -— Son of Frances (r.ee Papish),, brother of Joseph. (Detroit, Mich.j1). Residence at 511 E. 149 St. LaMont, Viol|t — Wife of Joseph. Residenee| at 1060 E. 67 St. Moskal, John S. — Husband of Frances (nee Kmet), father of Frances, Joan, Mary, John, Richard, Mary Lako, Ann Overton, Julia Baker. Residence at 3667 E. 118 St. Nowak. Eugene — Husband of Josephine (nee Zagar), father of Eugene, Gloria Dusek, Johanna, brother of Henry, (California), Jane Stelmas, Aurelia Lange. Residence at 4530 Green Rd. Ovchar, Andrew — Husband of Caroline (nee Mikash), father of Joseph Lukich. Residence at 1060 E. 72 St. Pecon, Antonia (nee Gustinčič) — Mother of Jack, John (well known orchestra leader). Angela Congin, Mae Fabec, Nettie Pecek. sister of Josephine Pogačar, also Mary, Lucy, Kate of Yugoslavia. Residence at .20670 South Lake Shore Blvd. Pretnar, John — Husband of Jennie (nee Mani), father of Jennie Kosnik, brother of Joseph. Residence at 130 E. 226 St. 'Škufca, Marie (nee Stampfel) —, Mother of Agnes Hastings, grandmother of David, Jeffrey, sister of John, Jernuy, yJoysuT Borjan, Arina Gorstn, Theresa Hrvatin. Residence at 13820 Lake Shore Dr. Zamejc, Andrew — Father of Marie Clernt, Joseohine Zupančič. Andrew, Anthony, Frances Turk of California. Residence at 1191 E. 60 St. Judge: “Which part is bull?” Railroader: “The part about the SI 000.” Posifftasler’s Adwloe On January 1, 1963 several important new changes in mailing requirements will 1 become effective. We wish to acquaint you with these neW standards. NONMAILABLE a. **En.velopes. cards, and selt-mailers less than 3 inches in width (height) or 414 inches in length to. * "Envelopes, cards, and self-mailers having shapes other than ractangular. NOT RECOMMENDED a. Envelopes more than 9 inches in width (height) or 12 inches in length. b. Envelopes having a ratio of width (height) to length of less than 1 to 1.414 (1 to the square rootmf 2). c. Mail which is not sealed or secured on all four edges so that it can be handled by machines. SEALED ENVELOPES You are permitted and encouraged t°_ seal all envelopes. All sealed third-class envelopes must be pro- Party is a reward to all the children of Greater Cleveland for their efforts in safeguarding one of their most precious possessions-—their teeth. In the course of the afternoon, the winners of the Society’s Annual Dental Poster Contest will be presented and awarded their prizes This contest, co-sponsored by the Cleveland Press, is conducted in the elementary and junior high schools. Winners of the Mouth Hygiene Award Contest, co-sponsored by the Cleveland Press and the Dental Society, will also be announced. This year’s award will be based on ;a dental coloring contest conducted in the Pressette section of the Cleveland Press. The Honorable Ralph S. Locher, Mayor of Cleveland, has issued a proclamation urging all citizens to recognize the significance of Children’s Dental Health Day—February 11, 1963. Dr. W. Lloyd York, President of the Cleveland Dental Society, remarked, “The hundreds of children who have worked so diligently to improve their knowledge of better dental health these past months, deserve this party for their efforts. I’ll be there to welcome them.” ‘Children participating in our polished floor can cause the same painful wrench of the back when the feet slip. “A pause can, enable a person to think, to position his body properly for lifting an awkward object or for walking across a treacherous surface. “Treated properly, your back can support a healthy body. Abuse your spine, and your entire health will suffer.” The Ohio Federation of Chiropractic Organizations represents the chiropractic profession throughout Ohio. It is made up of the major city, county, regional, and state organizations federated for the purposes of professional ethics, education, research, public rlations, insurance and industrial relations. OFCO is currently observing the 67th anniversary of the founding of the chiropractic profession. In conjunction with the anniversary observation, the federation is conducting a state-wide public information campaign. Hreco Troupe Doming To Music Hall Jose Greco, the world’s foremost exponent of the Spanish dance will bring his company of dancers, sing ers and musicians to the Music Hall on. Sunday evening, January 20th at 7:30 p.m. under the auspices of the Cleveland Opera Association managed by G. Bernardi. Greco and his troupe have long been noted for setting the standard in the Spanish dance genre, which fact promises audiences a new and exciting production, enhanced this season by the addition of many new artists engaged in Spain by Senor Greco for this, his eleventh trans-continental tour. The program will offer a number of new dances and production numbers, as well as many of the established favorites without which no Jose Greco presentation would be complete. As in the past, the entire production has been choreographed by Greco, who also is responsible for designing the scenic backgrounds. The colorful costuming, which is so much a part of the company’s tradition, will once again be supple mented by new dancers’ garb, duplicated from authentic Spanish folkloric designs and executed by Spain’s leading costumers. Tickets for the concert are on sale now at the office of the Cleveland Opera Association at 2816 Euclid Avenue andi at Burrows, 419 Euclid Avenue. Tickets may also be ordered and charged at Higbee’s Music Center, CHerry 1-4600, extension 112. Stamp Exhibit The Cleveland Stamp Club will hold its Annual Exhibition and Bourse at the Sheraton-Cleveland Hotel on February 2nd, 1963, from - „ - -—12 noon to 10 p.m. and February- dental health program will find j 3rd, 1963, from 11 a,m. to 5 p.m. Some outstanding material will be displayed by the members of the club and in addition there will be three Guest Exhibits noteworthy of acclaim. Guest Exhibits: 1. United States Inverts (loaned by Herman Herst, Jr., on behalf of owner.) 2. The Baron Wrangel Issues from the Cardinal Spellman Collection. 3. A Prize winning Collection of Israel of Max Wasserman. Admission is free. Plenty o? parking available, y Ipplicanls SMgh! For Coasl Ouard fallen D&ty Direct Commissions in the grade of Ensign and Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Coast Guard Reserve for active duty in a flying status are being offered to qualified aviators. Applicants must be und'ei thirty years of age, be graduates of U.S. Naval or U.S. Air Force \ flight (training programs (heavier- ! than-air); and have served on ac-[ tive duty as. commissioned officers ' in the U.S. Navy. Air Force, Marine Corps. Coast Guard or reserve components thereof in the capacity of an aviator/pilot for a minimum of two years. | For further information regarding this opportunity, contact Commandant (PTP-2), Coast Guaid Headquarters, Washington 25, D.C. Truthful Railman Railroaders (to judge at dog show): “Yes, sir, I paid $1000 for that dog. He’s part bull and part collie. I Your Savings EARN Anticipated Rate •813 EAST 18STH STREET • 6235 ST. CLAIR AVENUE • 25000 EUCLID AVENUE • 26000 LAKE SHORE BLVD. breviated, nor printed in a permit imprint or postage meter indicia. Mailing of sealed articles at other first-class rates of postage is deemed to be with the consent of the mailer to postal inspection of the contents. any question >ou may have on this subject. ** (applies to International Mail Also) Nelson E. Sundermeier, Acting Postmaster «9 U V MU O** A "STOP" Sign TO NEW CAR BUYERS • Stop and consider how much you can save by Financing your car at our Rate of $1^ per $100 per year. Let us prove that we can save you money! Visit any of our convenient 71 offices or PHONE CHerry 1-0875 11 ■Wijcuvgeu^ tip jjAyjJhji' When you get that raise it’s time to check your life insurance portfolio. Make sure you have Jj enough life insurance to protect your rising in- SSI come for your family. Call the man who specializes in life insurance service MICHAEL TELICH J. R. TELICH, C.L.U. 2829 Euclid Ave. CH 1-7877 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE ; iJP! f? ; ll Charles Slapnik FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 6026 St. Clair Ave. EX 1-2)34 CERTIFIED TYPEWRITER SERVICE 1127 East 66th St. TYPEWRITERS and ADDING MACHINES SOLD. RENTED and REPAIRED RIBBONS and CARBON PAPER J. MERHAR Call HEnderson 1-9009 UmMr Ohio SM.es By DIVISION OF WILDLIFE RIN6NECK. PHEASANT (COCKS ONLY) AND HUNGARIAN PARTR OSE SEASONS ARE EXTENDED TO JAN. 31 ON ALL STATE PUBLIC WUMTIN6 AREAS. RINGNECK PHEASANT COCKS AND HENS MAY BE HUNTED UNTIL 0AN.3I IN THE. SOUTHERN PHEASANT ZONE ONLY. HUNTING SEASONS QUAIL MAY BE HUNTED UNTIL JAN.14, ON THE DELAWARE RESERVOIR, COOPER HOLLOW. INDIAN CREEK, RUSH RUN, SPRING VALLEY, TRANQUILITY. AND WOLF CREEK WILDLIFE AREAS ONLY. GRDINA SHOPPE 6111 ST. CLAIR AVE. Letna RAZPRODAJA zaloge Qnnual Clearance CONTINUES TO THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 Discount from 20% to 60/« LINGERIE - JEWELRY - GARMENTS -PURSES - ROBES - HOSIERY BRIDAL AND BRIDESMAID PARTY GOWNS -- J?