160 ^rna gora (Srbija in ^rna gora) / Montenegro (Serbia and Montenegro) Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus Kodrasti pelikan – dne 14.10.2005 opazovano do tedaj največje število na Ulcinjskih solinah (41º55’N, 19º18’E; JV Črna gora), skupaj 96 osebkov On 14 Oct 2005, I had the luck to observe the so far highest number of Dalmatian Pelicans at the Ulcinj saltpans (41º55’N, 19º18’E; SE Montenegro); 6 were observed in Kneta basins no. 4 during their rest on dry land, and 90 in Jezera I. basin. The birds were tame and could be observed from a distance of approx. 50 metres. The Ulcinj saltpans are the largest wintering site of Dalmatian Pelican in Montenegro. Till now, the largest number of Dalmatian Pelicans, i.e. 56 individuals, were observed in November 2003. [Savelji}, D. & Rubini}, B. (2005): The Presence of Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus on Ulcinj saltpans (Montenegro). – Acrocephalus 26 (124): 291–294]. The nearest nest-site is Lake Skadar [Savelji}, D., Rubini~, B., Schneider–Jacoby, M. & Vizi, O. (2004): Breeding of Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus on Skadar Lake. – Acrocephalus 25 (122): 111–118]. The hunting is currently prohibited in the saltpans, which is the reason why the observation distance (which used to be 200 metres) has been greatly reduced. Darko Savelji}, P.O. Box 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e–mail: dasav@cg.yu Žalobna sinica Parus lugubris Sombre Tit – during the spring student biological camp in Montenegro in 2005, Sombre Tits were observed on three occasions, for the first time on 24 Apr near Pržno village north of St. Stefan (UTM CM27), when one individual was registered together with three Blue Tits Parus caeruleus in old Downy Oaks Quercus pubescens; for the second time on 27 Apr when a pair was spotted in the village of Marovići on the edge of a forest containing old Downy Oaks, and for the third time on 29 Apr, when a pair was seen in old Downy Oaks growing on Tuđemili slope above the village bearing the same name Med spomladanskim biološkim taborom v Črni gori smo imeli možnost nekajkrat opazovati žalobno sinico. Dne 24.4.2005 smo tik za vasjo Pržno severno od Sv. Stefana (UTM CM27) opazovali en osebek skupaj s tremi plavčki Parus caeruleus. Vsi štirje osebki so se nemirno premikali po krošnjah starih puhastih hrastov Quercus pubescens. Dne 27.4.2005 smo opazovali par žalobnih sinic na robu gozda Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook pri vasi Marovići. Tokrat sta se sinici prehranjevali in peli po grmovju in mladih drevesih, vendar je bil gozd starega puhastega hrasta oddaljen manj kot deset metrov. Naše tretje in zadnje srečanje je bilo 29.4.2005 na pobočju Tuđemili nad istoimensko vasjo. Tudi tokrat smo videli par in prav tako v sestoju starega puhastega hrasta. Dejan Bordjan, Ulica 8. februarja 50, SI–2204 Milklavž, Slovenija, e–mail: dejanonih@email.si Rock Bunting Emberiza cia Skalni strnad – dne 12.8.2005 najdeno zelo pozno gnezdo s tremi jajci na območju planine Krivošije (UTM CN01) During our trip to Krivošije and Orijen in NW Montenegro on 12 Aug 2005, an active Rock Bunting’s nest (see photo) was found on NE slope of Mt. Kabao (1466 m a.s.l.; UTM CN01). The nest was situated on a rocky cliff about a metre above the road edge and hidden by sparse grasses. In the nest, three eggs were found. We observed a female incubating the eggs, but flew away on our arrival. Approximately two hours later, when we returned there, the female was again in the nest. Rock Buntings must be abundant breeding birds in the region, but the date of active nesting is unusually late. No singing males were seen or heard at the time of our visit. The reasons for such late breeding could lie either in a replacement second brood or in extremely cold and long winter. The nest was situated at an altitude of approximately 1200 metres a.s.l., and the bottoms of caves in the region were still covered with snow. Slavko Polak, Notranjski muzej Postojna, Ljubljanska 10, SI–6230 Postojna, Slovenia, e–mail: slavko.polak@guest.arnes.si Peter Trontelj, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehni{ka Fakulteta, pp. 2995, SI–1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e–mail: peter.trontelj@bf.uni–lj.si