7 Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 Gnezdilke lagune Narta ( JZ Albanija) leta 2016 Vladimir Mladenov1, Ralitsa Georgieva1, Mihail Iliev1, Yana Barzova1, Sylvia Djulgerova1, Mirjan Topi2, Roland Lleshi2 & Stoyan C. Nikolov1* 1 Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds/BirdLife Bulgaria, Yavorov complex, bl. 71, vh. 4, PO box 50, 1111, Sofia, Bulgaria, e-mails: VM: vladimir.mladenov@bspb.org, RG: ralitsa_georgieva@yahoo.com, MI: iliev.mihail@gmail.com, YB: ybarzova@gmail.com, SD: sylvia.dyulgerova@gmail.com, SCN: stoyan.nikolov@bspb.org* 2 Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania, P.16/1/10, Rruga Vangjush Furxhi, Tirana 1001, Albania, e-mails: MT: m.topi@ppnea.org, RL: r.lleshi@ppnea.org * Corresponding author The Narta Lagoon (59  km2) is one of the largest and most important coastal wetlands for migratory and wintering waterbirds in Albania. However, the breeding bird fauna of the site is still poorly studied. The current work aims to broaden the knowledge on the list of breeding bird species, their numbers, distribution and threats in the zone (with a focus on waterbirds). Relevant information for spring migrants is also provided. The survey consisted of two field visits in April and May 2016. The entire wetland area was covered and all its habitats were visited. In total, 136 bird species were observed. The total number of breeding birds was estimated at 6,400 pairs of 85 species. The most abundant breeders were the Little Tern Sternula albifrons with 377 breeding pairs (bp), Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta with 121 bp, and Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus with 96 bp. In total, 3,461 individuals belonging to 80 species were recorded as non-breeders. At the species level, the most numerous were Kentish Plover with 1,100 individuals (ind.), Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis with 600 ind., Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus with 321 ind., Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna with 130 ind., Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus with 120 ind. and Dunlin Calidris alpina with 100 ind. Breeding birds assemblages within the main studied habitats (salinas, lagoon, pine forests, mixed farmland, rocky hills with olive trees, and grasslands with bushes near the coast) and threats (the most significant of which were illegal shooting, trapping and dangerous power grid) are also described. Recommendations for future bird-friendly management, appropriate conservation activities and eco-tourism in the area are made. Keywords: avifauna, wetlands, waterbirds, conservation, Adriatic Sea Ključne besede: avifavna, mokrišča, vodne ptice, naravovarstvo, Jadransko morje Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 10.1515/acro-2018-0001 8 1. Introduction Situated few kilometres north of Vlora, the Narta Lagoon is one of the largest and most important coastal wetlands of Albania (Cataudella et al. 2015). With a total area of 59  km², half of which are covered by water, the lagoon is amongst the top sites for wintering and migratory waterbirds in the country. During winter, the lagoon hosts more than 50% of the species and over 10% of the counted individuals of water birds in Albania (81,223 individuals counted in 1997, BirdLife Interna- tional 2016a; more recent data reveals a decrease in numbers –10,672 ind. in 2016, Bino & Carugati 2016). Regarding its national importance for waterbirds, Narta ranks immediately after the lakes Shkodra, Divjake-Karavasta, and Prespe e Madhe. Ducks and Coots Fulica atra are the most common wintering species, whereas 31 bird species occurring in the area are considered rare in Albania. At the international level, the Narta Lagoon shelters four Globally Endangered species, including Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus NT, Great Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga VU, Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca NT and White-headed Duck Oxyura leuco- cephala E (AOS 2016). The site is further considered as potentially favourable for the Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris. The Narta Lagoon has been shown to be an important stop-over site for migrating waterbirds. About 5,500 waterbirds from 40 species were recorded in the area in April 2014 (Iankov et al. 2015). However, considering the international importance of the site, the breeding avifauna of Narta Lagoon is still poorly studied. In the 1990s, no waterbird breeding colonies were reported from around the lagoon (Zekhuis & Tempelman 1998, BirdLife International 2016a). Currently, it is known that terns and waders are the most common nesting waterbirds (AOS 2016), but there are gaps in the knowledge on the full list of breeding species, their distribution, numbers and threats. V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 Figure 1: Location (left) and borders (right; marked red) of the KBA Narta Lagoon. Points indicate the observation points during the survey. Green line indicates the borders of salinas. (source: Google Maps) Slika 1: Lokacija (levo) in meje (desno) lagune Narta. Točke označujejo opazovalna mesta med raziskavo, zelena črta pa označuje mejo solin (vir: Google Maps) 9 The current study aims to contribute to the knowledge of the breeding bird fauna, especially waterbirds, in the Narta Lagoon. We provide particularly information on the breeding status, population numbers, distribution and threats. In addition, relevant data for spring migrants are provided. Our information could be useful for a future bird-friendly management, the design of appropriate conservation activities and nature friendly tourism in the area. 2. Methods 2.1. Study area The study area overlaps with the boundaries of the KBA (central coordinates 40°35’ N and 19°23’E); however, most of our study efforts were concentrat- ed around the wetlands and surrounding habitats (Figure 1). The site mainly consists of a large, shallow and brackish lake (Lake Nartes) and a number of coastal lagoons between the Vjosa river delta and the nearest city of Vlora. The altitude varies from 0 to 246 m a.s.l. Narta lagoon, with a surface of 59 km2 (Cataudella et al. 2015), represents the central part of the area and is divided from the sea by a barrier island which is mainly covered by pine forests. Large, mainly eastern and northern parts of the area have been converted into agricultural lands or saltpans. The lagoon is connected to the sea through two artificial channels – one in the south and one in the north. The average depth of the lagoon is 1.2 m (varying between 1.1 m and 2.1 m). The salinity is up to 78.0‰ (in winter it decreases to 36‰, similar to the Adriatic Sea). The pH is 8.4–8.8. In terms of habitats, wetland areas cover 37%, agricultural lands (including olive-groves) about 33% and forests only 6% of the area (pine plantations and scattered poplar plantations). The remaining 24% are occupied by urban and areas of other land use categories (Topi et al. 2013). The Narta Lagoon is surrounded by hills in the eastern part, agricultural lands in the northern part, two small lagoons in the north-west, and one small lagoon in the south-west. The lake surface decreases by 30% (especially when the connection with the sea is blocked) during summer and large mudflats are exposed. Coastal habitats include dunes, beaches and rocky shores, with Pinus pinea and Pinus halepensis (BirdLife International 2016a). Operative saltpans are situated in the north- eastern part of Narta Lagoon. They were constructed in the early 1950s. Their current surface area covers over 15  km2 and they are composed of shallow evaporation basins separated by many small dams. The area of Narta Lagoon is a part of the Emerald Network of Albania, recognized by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) as Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), and a part of the National Network of Protected Areas in Albania, holding the status of the Protected Landscape (IUCN, category IV) which was proclaimed based on the Decision by the Council of Ministers (DCM) No. 680 from 22. 10. 2004 covering a total area of 197.4 km2 (Topi et al. 2013, Cataudella et al. 2015). Currently, the Narta Lagoon is also considered a site for the future implementation of the European Union’s Natura 2000 network (NaturAL 2017). 2.2. Data collection The fieldwork consisted of two field visits in 2016: the first was conducted for two days on 5 and 6 Apr 2016, and the second for four days between 24 and 28 May 2016. We surveyed all the wetlands and surrounding habitats wherever accessible by car and we located observation points in all sites with good visibility on the studied habitats or from which breeding colonies could be censused (Figure 1). The areas without roads were visited as much as feasible by foot. Bird observations were done without fixed radius or fixed duration of the count (e.g. as stated in Gibbons & Gregory 2006), as our aim was not to collect data on bird abundances but to perform as much absolute counts for waterbirds as possible, while data collected on passerines and other groups of birds are only indicative. Special attention was given to locate the breeding colonies of waterbirds within the KBA and to identify the major threats to birds. To increase the survey effort, the team split into two groups (all members of each group used binoculars and there was one spotting scope per group). Observations were performed mainly in the morning between 06.00 and 09.00hrs and in the evening (no playback survey) between 18.00 and 22:00hrs local time. In the field, bird data were collected by the software SmartBirds Pro application for Android OS (Popgeorgiev et al. 2015) using Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 10 smartphones or tablet. The following information for each bird observation was recorded: species, exact geographical coordinates, bird numbers (individual, pair, nest, family with juveniles and flock), behaviour and breeding status (EBCC 2015): possible, probable and confirmed; non- breeders were recorded, too. 2.3. Data analyses Data were exported from SmartBirds Pro into Microsoft Office Excel. A checklist of bird species in the KBA was compiled, together with information on the number of observed individuals or breeding pairs, and the habitat types in which they were observed. Thus, key areas for breeding and non-breeding birds were identified. International conservation status was described according to BirdLife International (2004, 2016b) and national conservation status according to the Red List of Albanian Flora and Fauna (2013). The distribution of birds was described according to the following main habitat types in the KBA: (1) Salinas  – artificial ponds separated by dikes and shafts used for salt production; (2) Lagoon – includes the natural part of the lagoon and ruined dikes of former fishponds; (3) Pine forests – old pine forests on sandy dunes in the western part of the KBA; (4) Rural mosaics – mosaics of pastures, meadows, tree lines and arable lands, mostly in the northern part of KBA; (5) Rocky hills with olive trees – dry hills with olive plantations between the main road to Vlore and the eastern border of KBA; (6) Grasslands with bushes near the coast – grasslands located along the coast in the western part of the KBA, including some sandy dunes; (7) Settlements – urban zones; (8) Coastline; and (9) Sea. Human threats within the KBA were ranked in three categories based on their potential timing and severity: (1) Significant  – continuous high Table 1: List of breeding birds in Narta Lagoon Key Biodiversity Area: their status, distribution and numbers Tabela 1: Seznam gnezdilk lagune Narta, njihov status, razširjenost in številčnost Species / Vrsta Breeding status/ Gnezditveni status Number of breeding pairs/ Število gnezdečih parov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA/ Glavni habitatni tip vrste Observed/ Opazovani Estimated/ Ocenjeni Tadorna tadorna Probable 1 1 Salinas Anas platyrhynchos Confirmed 1 10 Lagoon Coturnix coturnix Possible 2 2 Rural mosaics Tachybaptus ruficollis Confirmed 3 10 Lagoon Ixobrychus minutus Possible 2 5 Lagoon Circaetus gallicus Possible 1 1 Rural mosaics Circus aeruginosus Possible 1 1 Rural mosaics Circus pygargus Possible 1 1 Rural mosaics Accipiter nisus Possible 3 3 Grassland with bushes near the coast/ Rural mosaics Buteo buteo Possible 4 4 Rural mosaics /Rocky hills with olive trees Falco tinnunculus Possible 1 1 Pine forest Falco subbuteo Possible 1 1 Rural mosaics Rallus aquaticus Possible 1 5 Lagoon V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 11 Species / Vrsta Breeding status/ Gnezditveni status Number of breeding pairs/ Število gnezdečih parov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA/ Glavni habitatni tip vrste Observed/ Opazovani Estimated/ Ocenjeni Gallinula chloropus Confirmed 6 10 Lagoon Haematopus ostralegus Possible 1 1 Coastline Himantopus himantopus Confirmed 52 60 Salinas Recurvirostra avosetta Confirmed 121 191 Salinas Burhinus oedicnemus Confirmed 26 30 Salinas/ Rural mosaics Glareola pratincola Confirmed 15 15 Salinas/ Rural mosaics Charadrius dubius Confirmed 3 10 Lagoon/ Coastline Charadrius alexandrinus Confirmed 96 120 Salinas Chroicocephalus genei Possible 2 15 Salinas/Lagoon Larus michahellis Confirmed 1 1 Salinas Sternula albifrons Confirmed 377 400 Salinas/Lagoon Sterna hirundo Confirmed 64 64 Salinas/Lagoon Sterna sandvicensis Possible 2 2 Salinas Streptopelia decaocto Probable 1 10 Rural mosaics Streptopelia turtur Probable 1 1 Rural mosaics Tyto alba Possible 1 15 Settlements Otus scops Probable 5 50 Pine forest Athene noctua Confirmed 2 30 Settlements Caprimulgus europaeus Probable 2 20 Grassland with bushes near the coast Tachymarptis melba Possible 2 25 Settlements Apus apus Possible 10 10 Settlements Merops apiaster Confirmed 35 50 Pine forest / Coastline Upupa epops Probable 4 20 Grassland with bushes near the coast Jynx torquilla Probable 2 10 Grassland with bushes near the coast Dendrocopos syriacus Probable 1 20 Grassland with bushes near the coast Melanocorypha calandra Confirmed 7 60 Rural mosaics Calandrella brachydactyla Confirmed 25 100 Salinas/ Rural mosaics Galerida cristata Confirmed 7 80 Rural mosaics Riparia riparia Confirmed 40 40 Sandy dunes Hirundo rustica Confirmed 10 200 Rural mosaics Delichon urbicum Confirmed 61 600 Rural mosaics Nadaljevanje tabele 1 / Continuation of Table 1 Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 12 Species / Vrsta Breeding status/ Gnezditveni status Number of breeding pairs/ Število gnezdečih parov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA/ Glavni habitatni tip vrste Observed/ Opazovani Estimated/ Ocenjeni Cecropis daurica Confirmed 7 100 Rural mosaics Anthus campestris Confirmed 11 60 Grassland with bushes near the coast/ Rural mosaics Motacilla flava Confirmed 4 20 Salinas/ Rural mosaics Luscinia megarhynchos Probable 15 150 Pine forest/Grassland with bushes near the coast Saxicola rubicola Probable 3 20 Rural mosaics /Rocky hills with olive trees Oenanthe oenanthe Probable 4 4 Rural mosaics Oenanthe hispanica Possible 2 2 Rural mosaics Turdus merula Probable 4 20 Pine forest Cettia cetti Probable 21 500 Several habitat types (no clear preference) Cisticola juncidis Confirmed 13 150 Salinas/ Rural mosaics Acrocephalus arundinaceus Probable 7 80 Salinas/Lagoon Hippolais pallida Confirmed 43 600 Several habitat types (no clear preference) Hippolais olivetorum Probable 3 100 Grassland with bushes near the coast Sylvia atricapilla Possible 1 1 Rocky hills with olive trees Sylvia crassirostris Confirmed 1 20 Grassland with bushes near the coast Sylvia curruca Possible 1 10 Grassland with bushes near the coast Sylvia communis Confirmed 1 20 Grassland with bushes near the coast Sylvia cantillans Confirmed 9 150 Pine forest/Grassland with bushes near the coast Sylvia melanocephala Confirmed 28 500 Pine forest/Grassland with bushes near the coast/Rocky hills with olive trees Sylvia rueppelli Probable 1 1 Grassland with bushes near the coast Phylloscopus collybita Possible 1 1 Grassland with bushes near the coast Aegithalos caudatus Possible 1 1 Grassland with bushes near the coast Parus major Confirmed 10 50 Pine forest/Grassland with bushes near the coast/Rocky hills with olive trees Nadaljevanje tabele 1 / Continuation of Table 1 V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 13 level impact on bird populations; (2) Moderate  – continuous low level or sporadic high level impact on bird populations; (3) Marginal  – sporadic low level negative impact on bird populations. In our effort to evaluate bird numbers and the distribution of the bird fauna in the KBA, we minimized the observer bias due to possible double counts between and within surveys in April and May by using in our calculations only the higher number recorded in one of both months (except for the breeding passerines when individuals were observed in distant areas), and respectively, conducting the census of birds for relatively short time periods and simultaneously by two field teams. Moreover, in the field we recorded the exact location of every individual or flock of birds through the SmartBirds Application which additionally helped to avoid double counting. We assume a small bias due to double counting of flying over individual or small groups of birds can be present, though this bias should be negligible. Estimations of the sizes breeding populations were made based on the rough extrapolations of the number of observed individuals/pairs and the approximate ratios of visited and not visited areas of each habitat. 3. Results In total, 136 bird species were observed in the KBA during the survey (Tables 1 & 2). Species / Vrsta Breeding status/ Gnezditveni status Number of breeding pairs/ Število gnezdečih parov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA/ Glavni habitatni tip vrste Observed/ Opazovani Estimated/ Ocenjeni Oriolus oriolus Probable 3 30 Grassland with bushes near the coast Lanius collurio Probable 4 30 Rural mosaics /Pine forests Lanius senator Probable 5 60 Rural mosaics /Pine forests Garrulus glandarius Probable 1 1 Pine forest Pica pica Confirmed 6 50 Rural mosaics /Pine forests Corvus monedula Confirmed 6 10 Rural mosaics Corvus cornix Confirmed 16 100 Rural mosaics /Pine forests Corvus corax Confirmed 1 3 Rocky hills with olive trees Sturnus vulgaris Confirmed 2 20 Salinas/ Rural mosaics Passer domesticus Confirmed 26 300 Rural mosaics /Pine forests Passer hispaniolensis Probable 21 100 Rural mosaics Passer montanus Probable 2 20 Rural mosaics Fringilla coelebs Probable 4 20 Pine forest Carduelis chloris Probable 30 150 Pine forest Carduelis carduelis Confirmed 12 120 Rural mosaics /Pine forests Emberiza cirlus Probable 1 1 Rocky hills with olive trees Emberiza melanocephala Probable 8 20 Grassland with bushes near the coast Emberiza calandra Confirmed 24 500 Rural mosaics Nadaljevanje tabele 1 / Continuation of Table 1 Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 14 Table 2: List of spring migrants in Narta Lagoon Key Biodiversity Area: their numbers Tabela 2: Seznam spomladanskih selivk v laguni Narta in njihova številčnost Species / Vrsta Maximum number of observed individuals/ Maksimalno število opazovanih osebkov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA / Glavni habitatni za vrsto April 2016 May 2016 Tadorna tadorna 130 40 Salinas Anas penelope 25 - Lagoon Anas platyrhynchos 5 - Lagoon Anas clypeata 24 - Lagoon Tachybaptus ruficollis 5 - Lagoon Podiceps nigricollis 5 - Lagoon Calonectris diomedea - 2 Sea Pelecanus crispus 6 19 Lagoon/Salinas Phalacrocorax carbo 5 - Lagoon Nycticorax nycticorax 1 - Pine forest (swamp) Egretta garzetta 56 9 Lagoon Ardea alba 6 - Lagoon Ardea cinerea 12 1 Lagoon Plegadis falcinellus 18 -  In flight Platalea leucorodia - 20 Salinas Phoenicopterus roseus 321 289 Salinas/Lagoon Circus aeruginosus 13 - Rural mosaics Circus cyaneus 2 - Rural mosaics Circus macrourus 1 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Circus pygargus 1 - Rural mosaics Accipiter nisus 2 - Grassland with bushes near the coast/ Rural mosaics Buteo buteo 6 - Rural mosaics /Rocky hills with olive trees Pandion haliaetus 1 - Lagoon Falco naumanni 1 - In flight Falco tinnunculus 2 - Pine forest Fulica atra 40 - Lagoon Haemantopus ostralegus 4 - Coastline Himantopus himantopus 23 24 Salinas Recurvirostra avosetta - 130 Salinas Charadrius hiaticula - 4 Salinas V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 15 Species / Vrsta Maximum number of observed individuals/ Maksimalno število opazovanih osebkov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA / Glavni habitatni za vrsto April 2016 May 2016 Charadrius alexandrinus 1100 40 Salinas Pluvialis squatarola 1 - Salinas Calidris canutus 3 3 Salinas Calidris alba 4 - Coastline Calidris minuta 16 2 Coastline Calidris ferruginea 70 22 Salinas Calidris alpina 100 - Salinas Limicola falcinellus - 1 Salinas Philomachus pugnax 90 - Salinas Limosa limosa 2 - Salinas Numenius phaeopus 4 1 Salinas Numenius arquata - 1 Salinas Tringa erythropus 120 - Salinas Tringa totanus 60 1 Salinas Tringa stagnatilis 600 - Salinas Tringa nebularia 34 1 Salinas Tringa ochropus 1 - Rural mosaics (river) Actitis hypoleucos 5 - Rural mosaics (river) Chroicocephalus genei - 75 Salinas/Lagoon Chroicocephalus ridibundus 7 10 Salinas/Lagoon Hydrocoloeus minutus - 4 Coastline Larus audouinii - 1 Lagoon Larus melanocephalus - 8 Salinas Larus michahellis 2 2 Salinas Gelochelidon nilotica 22 2 Salinas Hydroprogne caspia 2 - Salinas Chlidonias niger - 1 Salinas Sterna sandvicensis 1 2 Salinas Tachymarptis melba 60 30 Settlements Apus apus - 10 Grassland with bushes near the coast Upupa epops 1 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Jynx torquilla 1 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Riparia riparia 10 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Hirundo rustica 16 - Settlements Nadaljevanje tabele 2 / Continuation of Table 2 Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 16 Species / Vrsta Maximum number of observed individuals/ Maksimalno število opazovanih osebkov The most important habitat types for the species within the KBA / Glavni habitatni za vrsto April 2016 May 2016 Delichon urbicum 16 - Settlements Cecropis daurica 25 - Settlements Anthus trivialis 6 - Pine forest Anthus pratensis 8 - Rural mosaics Motacilla flava 45 - Rural mosaics Motacilla alba 11 1 Grassland with bushes near the coast Erithacus rubecula 1 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Phoenicurus phoenicurus 1 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Saxicola rubetra 4 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Saxicola rubicola 1 - Rural mosaics /Rocky hills whit olive trees Oenanthe hispanica 6 - Rural mosaics Turdus philomelos 1 - Pine forest Sylvia atricapilla 16 - Rocky hills with olive trees Sylvia curruca 3 - Grassland with bushes near the coast Muscicapa striata - 2 Grassland with bushes near the coast Passer hispaniolensis 3 - Rural mosaics Nadaljevanje tabele 2 / Continuation of Table 2 3.1. Breeding birds In total, 1,343 breeding pairs (bp) of birds were observed in the KBA, while the estimated maximum number is 6,400 bp, belonging to 85 species (Table 1; information per orders is available in Supplementary materials). We managed to confirm the breeding of 38 species; while 26 and 21 species, respectively, were found to be probable and possible breeding birds in the area. Among waterbirds, the most abundant breeder was the Little Tern Sternula albifrons, followed by Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta and Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrines. 3.2. Spring migrants In total, 3,461 individuals (ind.), belonging to 80 species, were recorded as non-breeders (Table 2; information per orders is available in Supplementary materials). Most of them were passing migrants, however, it is possible that some bred outside the KBA and visit the lagoon for feeding and resting (e.g. pelicans, cormorants, egrets and others). The most abundant spring migrants were the waders, represent- ing 72% (n = 2,501 ind.) of all migrants observed. At the species level, the most numerous migrant was Kentish Plover which constituted 32% (n = 1,100 ind.) of all migrants observed, Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 17% (n = 600 ind.), Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 9% (n = 321 ind.), Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna, Pied Avocet, Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus and Dunlin Calidris alpina, each consisting 3-4% of all migrants. 3.3. Bird fauna of different habitat types The salinas were the key habitat for waterbirds within the study area (Table 1), among which the most abundant were Little Tern (n = 260 pairs; 69% of the breeding population found in the KBA), Pied Avocet with (n = 121 pairs; 100%), V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 17 Figure 2: Breeding distribution within the KBA Narta Lagoon of the Little Tern Sternula albifrons (A; marked in violet), Common Tern Sterna hirundo (B; marked in blue), Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus (C; marked in yellow), Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus (D; marked in brown), Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta (E; marked in green), Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (F; marked in white) and Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola (G; marked in red) (source: Google Maps) Slika 2: Gnezditvena razširjenost nekaterih vrst v laguni Narta: mala čigra Sternula albifrons (A; vijolična barva), navadna čigra Sterna hirundo (B; modra barva), beločeli deževnik Charadrius alexandrinus (C; rumena barva), prlivka Burhinus oedicnemus (D; rjava barva), sabljarka Recurvirostra avosetta (E; zelena barva), polojnik Himantopus himantopus (F; bela barva) in rjava komatna tekica Glareola pratincola ((g; rdeča barva). Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 18 Table 3: Threats for the birds in Narta Lagoon, April – May 2016 Tabela 3: Grožnje pticam v laguni Narta, aprila in maja 2016 Threat / Grožnja Rank / Ocena pomembnosti Evidence Illegal shooting and trapping / Nedovoljen lov Significant/ Pomembno Tracks of firearm shooting were identified almost everywhere within the KBA. Two Greater Flamingos and one Eurasian Curlew found dead were suspected to be shot. Trapping of songbirds with mist nets for the aim of illegal trade was also registered. Dangerous power grid/ Nezaščiteni daljnovodi Significant/ Pomembno Numerous medium voltage power lines pass the area of the lagoon with high risks for bird collisions, especially for large species such as pelicans, flamingos, spoonbills, herons and others. During the survey, two Greater Flamingos were observed with broken wings, probably due to collision with electric wires. Free-ranging dogs/ Potepuški psi Moderate/ Zmerno pomembno A number of free-ranging dogs were observed in the area of the salina, therefore predation on nesting birds could be a potential threat in the KBA. Abandoned fishing equipment and uncontrolled docking of fishing boats / Zapuščena ribiška oprema Marginal/ Zanemarljivo An Audouin's Gull was observed with a piece of fishnet stuck to its head. Illegal logging of trees/ Nedovoljena sečnja Marginal/ Zanemarljivo Tracks from logging found within the KBA. Kentish Plover (n = 83 pairs; 86%), Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (n = 46 pairs; 89%), Common Tern Sterna hirundo (n = 37 pairs; 58%), Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus (n = 16 pairs; 62%), and Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola (n = 15 pairs; 100%) (Figure 2). The most common non-breeding waterbirds in the salinas were Kentish Plover (n = 1,100 ind.), Marsh Sandpiper (n = 600 ind.), and Greater Flamingo (n = 321 ind.) (Table 2). In the lagoon, the most common waterbird breeders were the Little Tern (n = 61 pairs), Common Tern (n = 27 pairs), and Kentish Plover (n = 18 pairs) (Table 1), while for non-breeders these were the Greater Flamingo (n = 84 ind.) and the Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei (n = 22 ind.). The pine forests were important habitat for passerines and nocturnal birds. Common breeders were the Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala, Subalpine Warbler S. cantillans, European Greenfinch Carduelis chloris, and European Goldfinch C. carduelis and Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops. Common breeders in the rural mosaics were the Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra, Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra, and Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris (Table 1). This habitat was also sheltering 35% (n = 9 pairs) of the local breeding population of the Eurasian Stone-curlews. The mixed farmlands were frequently used as foraging area for raptors – all four European harrier species were observed there, as well as the Hobby Falco subbuteo and Common Buzzard Buteo buteo. During migration, this habitat was also an important stopover and foraging site for the Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava, Spanish Sparrows, Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis, Collared Pratincole and Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica (Table 2). The commonest breeders in the rocky hills with olive trees were the Sardinian Warbler, Subalpine Warbler, and Great Tit Parus major (Table 1). V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 19 Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 The grasslands with bushes near the coast were a key habitat for passerines, especially warblers. A total of nine warbler species were found to breed there: Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida, Cetti’s Warbler, Olive-tree Warbler Hippolais olivetorum, Sardinian Warbler, Subalpine Warbler, Eastern Orphean Warbler Sylvia crassirostris, Lesser Whitethroat S. curruca, Common Whitethroat S. communis and Rüppell’s Warbler S. rueppelli (Table 1). Other common breeders were the Black-headed Bunting E. melanocephala, Corn Bunting, Tawny Pipit and Crested Lark Galerida cristata. 3.4. Threats Five different types of human-induced threats were identified during the survey (Table 3, Appendix 2). The most significant were illegal shooting, trapping and dangerous power grid. The free-ranging dogs were estimated as a moderate threat, while the abandoned fishing equipment, docking of fishing boats everywhere in the zone (incl. close to breeding colonies) and illegal logging of trees appears to have a marginal impact on the bird fauna. 4. Discussion 4.1. Overall importance of the site at the national and international levels In terms of the global IUCN Red List status, two species are Vulnerable (Dalmatian Pelican and European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur) and five species are Near Threatened (Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus, Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea, Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa and Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata). Fifty- eight (58) of all registered species are included in the list of European conservation concern (SPEC) (BirdLife International 2004). Four species (Dalmatian Pelican, Pallid, Lesser Kestrel and Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii) are of a global conservation concern (SPEC 1). The number of species in the KBA, the global populations of which are concentrated in Europe and have unfavourable conservation status (SPEC 2), is 13 (6 of them breeders), while the number of species, the global populations of which are not concentrated in Europe but have unfavourable conservation status in Europe (SPEC 3), is 41 (19 of them breeders). Forty (40) species (16 of them breeders) are included in Annex 1 of the EU Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC), 25 species in Annex 2 and two species in Annex 3. In total, 130 species are listed in Bern Convention (96 species – in Annex 2, and 34 species – in Annex 3), and 71 species are listed in Bonn Convention (three species – in Annex 1 and 68 species – in Annex 2). Thirty-three (33) bird species, out of which eight species breed in the KBA, are included in the Red List of Albanian Flora and Fauna (2013): three species are Critically Endangered (CR), 10 species Endangered (EN), and 15 species Vulnerable (VU), while 5 other species fall into categories of lower conservation priority. The current survey confirms that according to its bird fauna, the area of Narta lagoon is one of the richest and most important sites in Albania (BirdLife International 2016a). During different seasons the area shelters over 30% of the birds species observed in the country (Topi & Nikolov 2016). With at least 377 bp. the KBA holds about 2% of the European breeding population of Little Tern (European Commission Environment 2016). Thus, at least for this species, the site is also important at the international level. In terms of non-breeding birds (migrants, vagrants and birds feeding in the area but breeding in the surroundings), the lagoon is proven to be a key feeding ground for Dalmatian Pelican (AOS 2016). In April 2014, 94 individuals were recorded (Iankov et al. 2015), and during the present survey up to 19 ind. were observed feeding and roosting in the lagoon. The pelicans, seen in Narta Lagoon, probably belong mainly to the only current Albanian nesting colony in Divjaka-Karavasta National Park (Peja et al. 1996, Crivelli 1996). We confirmed that this KBA is an important stop-over and resting site for migrating waterbirds (Zekhuis & Tempelman 1998, Ernst 2016). During the present survey, 1,100 Kentish Plovers were observed in just a single day. In April 2014, significant numbers of other migrating waders, herons, gulls, terns, and flamingos were also registered (Iankov et al. 2015): Sanderling (Calidris alba) – 350 ind., Dunlin – 354 ind., Little 20 Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)  – 274 ind., Spotted Redshank  – 93 ind., Pied Avocet  – 526 ind., Eurasian Curlew – 16 ind., Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)  – 61 ind., Western Great Egret (Ardea alba)  – 42 ind., Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)  – 175 ind., Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) – 20 ind., Slender-billed Gull – 322 ind., Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) – 158 ind., Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)  – 254 ind., Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia)  – 24 ind., Greater Flamingo – 2,136 ind., etc. 4.2. Conservation and management planning Continuous monitoring of breeding and non-breed- ing birds in the Narta Lagoon and the state of their habitats is needed to better understand the dynamics of the local avifauna. Also, collection of data on zoo-benthos, phytoplankton, ichthyofauna and basic physical and chemical parameters of the water in the lagoon can further help to estimate the state of the main food sources of waterbirds. Finally, more quantitative evidence needs to be collected on the anthropogenic threats and their impact on bird populations in the KBA: e.g. mortality due to illegal shooting, electrocution and collisions with electricity wires, and predation by feral dogs. In terms of the identified threats for birds in Narta Lagoon, despite the total hunting ban (Law No. 61/2016 on prohibition of hunting in the Republic of Albania) and total ban on tree logging in the country (Law No. 5/2016 on the proclamation of the forest moratorium in the Republic of Albania), evidences of shooting with firearms was identified throughout the KBA. In addition, illegal tree cutting was recorded in some areas. Apart of direct mortality, shooting causes serious disturbances and compromise habitat quality for nesting and migratory birds in the KBA, while tree cutting destroys the habitat of many forest-dwelling species. Thus, enforcement of the existing hunting and logging ban by the local authorities is urgently needed. Furthermore, most of medium voltage electric poles within the KBA create a high risk of electrocution and collision for soaring birds (Janss 2000; Iankov et al. 2015). Thus, securing dangerous power grids through insulation of the power poles to reduce the risk of electrocution and the installation of bird diverters along power lines to prevent bird collisions is needed (Bavenger 1994; Janss & Ferrer 1999). Fishing is one of the main traditional and legal activities in the KBA. However, uncontrolled free movement and docking of boats cause disturbances and damage the breeding colonies of waterbirds. Abandoned or not regularly monitored fishing nets and other fishing equipment in the KBA is a serious threat for diving and other waterbirds which may become entangled in the nets. To mitigate these negative impacts on the avifauna, we recommend to enforce fishing ban in the area discussed, to create artificial island and platforms as appropriate undisturbed nesting and roosting sites, to install nets around already existing breeding colonies and main roosting sites to limit the access of terrestrial predators, in particular, feral dogs. A further important step would be to improve communication and cooperation between local stakeholders, in particular the salt company in Narta Lagoon, conservation authorities and NGOs. Additionally, inappropriate management of water level and water salinity for salt production, disturbances by workers/salters and the use of heavy machinery impair habitat use, the nesting and feeding activities of birds or may even directly damage breeding colonies in the salina. Therefore, a coordinated management planning to meet salt-production and conservation needs is recommended. The KBA has also a high potential for eco-tourism with low impact on the natural environment, with access for educational or natural recreation purposes to the area controlled by the management authorities (Iankov 2015). Finally, the development and implementation of a management plan for the KBA (including the salina) with an appropriate zonation concept will enforce synergies between conservation and the sustainable use of the area. Acknowledgements This study was implemented and sponsored within the framework of the project „Land of Eagles and Castles: Pilot Sustainable Tourism Model for the Albanian Adriatic Coastline” (project ID: 62721), which is funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 21 5. Povzetek Laguna Narta (59  km2) je eno največjih in na- jpomembnejših obalnih mokrišč za seltiev in prezi- movanje vodnih ptic v Albaniji. Gnezdilke območja so slabše poznane. Cilj raziskave je bil podrobneje raziskati gnezdilke s poudarkom na vodnih pticah, oceniti njihovo številčnost, razširjenost in dejavnike ogrožanja. Območje smo popisali dvakrat – aprila in maja 2016. Pregledali smo celotno območje in obiskali vse habitate. Skupno smo opazovali 136 vrst. Ocenjujemo, da na območju gnezdi 6.400 parov 85 vrst. Najštevilčnejše gnezdilke so bile mala čigra Sternula albifrons s 377 gnezdečimi pari, sabljarka Recurvirostra avosetta s 121 in beločeli deževnik Charadrius alexandrinus s 96. Skupno smo opazovali še 3.461 negnezdečih osebkov, ki so pripadali 80 vrstam. Najštevilčnejši so bili beločeli deževniki s 1.100 osebki, jezerski martinci Tringa stagnatilis s 600, plamenci Phoenicopterus roseus s 321, duplinske kozarke Tadorna tadorna s 130, črni martinci Tringa erythropus s 120 in spremenljivi prodniki Calidris alpina s 100. Opisujemo združbe gnezdilk v glavnih habitatnih tipih (soline, laguna, borovi gozdovi, kulturna krajina, skalni griči z oljčnimi nasadi in priobalna travišča z grmovjem) in glavne dejavnike ogrožanja (nedovoljen lov, daljnovodi) ter predstavljamo predloge ukrepov za pticam prijazno upravljanje območja. 6. References AOS (2016): 4 eyes 4 nature-Birdwatching (BW) as a New Branch of Green Economy in Albania. 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Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 23 DODATEK 1 / APPENDIX 1 Supplementary figure 1: Illustration of main habitat types for birds in Narta Lagoon Dodatna slika 1: Glavni habitatni tipi lagune Narta (a) Salina / Soline (b) Lagoon / Laguna (c) Pine forests /Borov gozd (d) Mixed farmland / Kulturna krajina (e) Rocky hills with olive trees / Skalni griči z oljčnimi nasadi (f) Grassland with bushes near the coast /Priobalna travišča z grmovjem Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018 24 Supplementary figure 2: Documented threats for birds in Narta Lagoon Dodatna slika 2: Dokumentirane grožnje pticam v laguni Narta (a) Poachers / Divji lovci (b) An Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii with a piece of fishnet stuck to its bill / Sredozemski galeb Larus audouinii s kljunom ujetim v del ribiške mreže V. Mladenov et al. : Breeding birds in the Narta Lagoon (SW Albania) in 2016 25 Supplementary materials: Figure A. Number of breeding bird species per order in KBA Narta Lagoon Passeriformes Passeriformes Charadriiformes Strigiformes Coraciiformes Apodiformes Piciformes Caprimulgiformes 7 other orders represented by less than 20 pairs each 47 5175 909 95 70 35 30 20 15 12 7 19 Charadriiformes Falconiformes 11 other orders represented by less than 3 species each Figure B. Estimated number of breeding pairs per order in KBA Narta Lagoon Figure C. Estimated number of migrating birds per order in KBA Narta Lagoon, expressed as the maximum number of migrating/floating individuals observed per day in Apr-May 2016 Charadriiformes Phoenicopteriformes Anseriformes Passeriformes Ciconiiformes 8 other orders with < 100 ind. each 2501 321 184 175 113 167 Acrocephalus 39 (176/177): 7–25, 2018