Prof. Dr. Vojko Ozim died February 5th, 2007, just couple of months before his 85th birthday. He was born March 28th, 1922, in Maribor. He finished primary school and gymnasium in Ljubljana, where he meantime studied violin at the State Conservatory of Music. After graduation he applied for chemistry at Univer- sity of Ljubljana, at the Department of chemistry at Tec- hnical faculty. During his study he was exiled to Gonars internment. Later he joined the Partisans. He graduated in 1946, and in 1951 passed the chemi- cal engineer specialist exam. In 1952 he went to Grenoble for an advanced study at the Institute of electrochemistry and electrometallurgy at the University of Grenoble. The advanced course was funded by United Nation scholar- ship. As a young engineer, he was employed for a shorter time at the Institution for pharmaceutical research in Ljubljana, and later in Elektrobosna in Jajce, where he ga- ined enormous practical knowledge as an operational en- gineer. Later on, he was the assistant of acting director of Elektrobosna. He then worked in Tovarna sode in Luka- vac, and from 1950 to 1968 he was employed at the Tovar- na du{ika, Ru{e, where he positioned as the commercial director and later as chief director. He worked in the process industry of chloroalkaline electrolysis, soda, phosphoric acid, lime, cyanamide, technical gases, fertil- izers, ferrosilicon, carbides, ferrochrome and others. He collaborated in investment studies for production of elec- trophosphor, electrocorundum and others. In year 1968, in collaboration with producers of min- eral water (Roga{ka from Roga{ka Slatina and Radenska from Radenci), he established the "Centre for develop- ment and research of mineral waters". He received Master's degree in 1971 and Doctoral de- gree in 1978, both in the field of research of mineral wa- ters. He started teaching in 1972 at the Department of chemistry at High Technical School in Maribor. In 1975 he was habilitated as assistant professor, and later on as full professor of chemical engineering at the Technical Faculty of University of Maribor. He collaborated in edu- cation of a great number of student generations of chemi- cal engineering. His research and progress work at the university was related to solving problems in inorganic chemical industry and industry of drinkable, mineral, thermal, industrial and waste water. He wrote a number of works and patents in this field, as well as received many awards. After 1984, when he retired and became professor meritorious at the University of Maribor, he generously continued passing on his knowledge to his coworkers at the Faculty of chemistry and chemical engineering and colleagues from industry. He was active in Slovenian chemical society, where he performed a number of re- sponsible duties. In the years between 1959 and 1962 he Memorial Issue ActaChimicaSlovenica Prof. Dr. Vojko Ozim in Memoriam was the president of technical section, which was operat- ing in the section of general chemistry. In year 1977 he proposed the establishment of section for industrial chemistry. He offered his help during the es- tablishment and was president until 1992 of the section of chemistry and process technology, as well as the coordi- nator of working group in section of physico-mechanical operations. Prof. Dr. Vojko Ozim has generously shared and pas- sed on his enormous practical experience and knowledge to younger generation. Even myself, I remember his lec- tures, which besides theoretical knowledge, gave me great directives for future industrial experience. He was a hard worker, distinguished by calmness, ded- ication, immense understanding and attention for cowork- ers and as such, he gave students the knowledge, which they needed in their daily practice in industry. With his research he assisted in the increase of techni- cal standard in numerous companies in Slovenia and for- mer Yugoslavia. We, his coworkers, miss his positive energy, his ad- vices and will for changes for the better. Part of his personality and his actions continuously re- flects at the Faculty of chemistry and chemical engineer- ing as well as on his students and coworkers. Prof. Dr. @eljko Knez