ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 31 - 11 November 1949 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. la Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1949 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 207 SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE TURNOVER TAX ON COD AND STOCKFISH TRADE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to issue special regulation for the payment of the turnover tax on cod and stockfish trade in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British -United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from 23 August 1949, the turnover tax on cod (dried or salted) and stockfish trade shall be paid once only at the rate of 8% on codfish and of 10% on stockfish. The tax shall be assessed and collected by the Customs on, on the basis of the import value of the product as calculated in terms of Art. 19 of Law June 1940, No. 762. ARTICLE II The tax paid in accordance with the foregoing Article is inclusive of the tax due on cod (dried or salted) and stockfish commercial transactions after their importation, excluding the retail sale, but including the tax due for subsequent transactions (excluding the retail sale) regarding stocks held by importers and wholesalers on the effective date of this Order. The tax paid on the subsequent transactions regarding such stocks, however, shall not be refunded. The particular taxation rules laid down in the foregoing Article shall not apply to processed cod and stockfish sold in special packing. ARTICLE III Notes or invoices made out for cod and stockfish transactions subsequent to their importation shall be liable to stamp duty as established by Art. 24 of Law 19 June 1940 No. 762, as subsequently amended. If transport, packing or other expenses, however, are shown separately in the said documents, the relative amounts shall be subject to the normal rate of duty payable in the normal manner. ARTICLE IV This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall be operative up to 31 December 1949. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of November 1949. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General, U.S. Army Ref. : LD/A/491216 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 66 APPOINTMENT OF DOTT. ROMOLO CIMATORE AS MANAGER OF ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI PREVIDENZA E CREDITO DELLE COMUNICAZIONI — MUTUA SANITARIA TRA I FERROVIERI DELLO STATO OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to repeal the appointment of Mr. Nicoli Egone as Manager of the Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza e Credito delle Comunicazioni — Mutua Sanitaria tre i Ferrovieri dello Stato of Trieste, made by Administrative Order No. 100, datid 6 March 1947, and to appoint dott. Romolo Zimatore as Manager of the said Office, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The appointment of Mr. Nicoli Egone as Manager of the Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza e Credito delle Comunicazioni •— Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato of Trieste, made by Administrative Order No. 100, dated 6 March 1917, is hereby repealed. 2. — Dott. Romolo Zimatore shall be and hereby is appointed as Manager of the Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza e Credito delle Comunicazioni — Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferro\ieri dello Stato of Trieste in substitution of Mr. Nicoli Egone. 3. -— This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of October 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDjBI49l66 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 67 AUTHORITY TO „SEMINARIO VESCOVILE DIOCESANO DI TRIESTE E CAP0D1STRIA“ TO PURCHASE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY W HE RE AS the „Seminario Vescovile Diocesano di Trieste e Capodistria“ lias made an application to the Allied Military Government for authority to purchase immovable property from Mr. Villibaldo Malis of Ferdinando and Mrs. Vittoria Bastioni married Malis, and WHEREAS the aforesaid application has been duly approved by the Zone President and there is no objection to the granting of said application, NOW, THEREFORE, J, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The Seminario Vescovile di Trieste e Capodistria is hereby authorized to purchase from Mr. Villibaldo Malis of Ferdinando and Mrs. Vittoria Bastiani married Malis the immovable property Part. Tav. 2821 of Trieste Città, situated at No. 20 of Via Pasquale Besenghi, Trieste. 2. -— This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of November 19-19. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. . Executive Director to Ref. : LD\Bf49f67 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 68 AUTHORITY TO ADDITION OF SURNAME WHEREAS Prof. Rodolfo Simoncini, born at Medeazzo Duino on 21 September 1886 and resident at Trieste, Viale XX Settembre No. 63, has complied with the formalities required to obtain the addition to his surname that of „Imperiali“ according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 17 March 1949, and WHEREAS said, person has now made application in order that the requested addition of surname be effected, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo VIII chapter 1 of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied, with and no objections having been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname „Imperiali“ is hereby added to that of the interested person Prof. Rodolfo Simoncini. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. -— This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of November 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. ' Executive Director to Ref. ; LDIBI49j70 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 69 AUTHORITY TO ADDITION OF SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. Carlo Glessi, born at Trieste on 28 August 1892 and resident at Trieste, Salita Trenovia 4, has complied with the formalities required to obtain the addition to his surname that of „Ferluga“ according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on 20 May 1949, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested addition of surname be effected, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo VIII chapter 1 of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname „Ferluga“ is hereby added to that of the interested person Mr. Carlo Glessi. 2. — The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, thic 8th day of Novembe* 1949. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. ; LDjBj49l71 Director General, Civil Affairs CONTENTS Order . Page No. 207 Special regulations for the payment of the turnover tax on cod and stockfish trade................................................................. 549 Administrative Order No. 66 Appointment of Dott. Romolo Zimatore as Manager of Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza e Credito delle Comunicazioni — Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato of Trieste............................................................. 550 No. 67 Authority to Seminario Vescovile Diocesano di Trieste e Capodistria to purchase immovable property.................................................. 550 No. 68 Authority to addition of surname............................................ 551 No. 69 Authority to addition of surname............................................ 552