330 Documenta Praehistorica XLVII (2020) Introduction Traditionally, the forms and production of funerary pottery in the Argaric Culture have been consider- ed homogeneous both diachronically and spatially throughout archaeological culture (Contreras et al. 1987–88; Cámara et al. 2005; Milá et al. 2007; Aranda, Molina 2005; Aranda 2004; 2010; Albero, Aranda 2014). Nonetheless, archaeometric studies in recent years reveal the existence of the fragile nature and low potential durability of certain types of vessels recovered in funerary contexts, features that are in turn closely related to low firing tempe- ratures and friable character of the fabric, features The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality Laura Vico Triguero1, Jesús Gámiz Caro1, Francisco Martín Peinado2, Alejandra García García 1, Eva Alarcón García 1, Francisco Contreras Cortés 1, and María Auxiliadora Moreno Onorato1 1 Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Granada, Granada, ES lvico@ugr.es< jegamiz@ugr.es< alejandragarcia@ugr.es< eva@ugr.es< fccortes@ugr.es< auxiliomoreno@ugr.es 2 Department of Edaphology and Agricultural Chemistry, University of Granada, Granada, ES fjmartin@ugr.es ABSTRACT – The interpretation of the manufacture and function of Argaric burial potteries has not been subject to a global and systematic study. As such, this paper has reconstructed the sequence of ceramic production of burial potteries of Peñalosa using analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy, X- ray diffraction and optical petrography). Ceramic ware technological features, as well as other indi- cators of use and repair, indicate that the pottery was used prior to the burial either in domestic con- texts or during funerary rituals. This finding contrasts with data obtained at other Argaric sites, where technological and formal features point to pottery production specifically intended for burials. IZVLE∞EK – Razlaga izdelave in namembnosti lon≠enine v argarskih pokopih ∏e ni bila predmet ce- lovite in sistemati≠ne ∏tudije. V ≠lanku predstavljamo rekonstrukcijo sekvence kerami≠ne proizvod- nje lon≠enine iz grobov na najdi∏≠u Peñalosa, in sicer z razli≠nimi analitskimi tehnikami (stereo- mikroskopija, rentgenska difrakcija in opti≠na petrografija). Tehnolo∏ke zna≠ilnosti kerami≠nih po- sod, pa tudi drugi kazalniki njene uporabe in popravil, ka∫ejo, da je bila lon≠enina pred pokopom uporabljena bodisi v gospodinjskih kontekstih bodisi med pogrebnimi rituali. Ti rezultati so v nas- protju s podatki, ki so znani na drugih argarskih najdi∏≠ih, kjer tehnologija in oblika posod ka∫ejo na lon≠arsko proizvodnjo, posebej namenjeno pokopom. KEY WORDS – ceramic production technology; burial pottery; Argaric Culture; Peñalosa; Bronze Age KLJU∞NE BESEDE – proizvodna tehnologija keramike; grobna lon≠enina; argarska kultura; Peñalosa; bronasta doba Argarska lon;enina iz grobi[;a Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> proizvodna tehnologija in funkcionalnost DOI> 10.4312\dp.47.18 The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 331 are at least two types of ceramic production in the graves of Argaric contexts, as also the Cuesta del Negro study reveals (Contreras et al. 1987). We thus hypothesize that these technological differences in grave goods may respond to a hierarchical scale which exists between different sites of this culture. Earlier research has highlighted these differences. Concentrations of prestige goods among certain groups of burials at the settlement of Cerro de la Encina (Granada) (Aranda et al. 2008) contrast with finds at other Argaric sites, such as Cuesta del Negro (Granada) (Molina et al. 1975; Contreras et al. 1987) or Castellón Alto (Granada) (Molina et al. 1986), that in a certain sense places these latter locations at a lower secondary settlement hierarchical level (Aran- da et al. 2008.251). It is in this second group of set- tlements where Peñalosa would be placed. In this study we have applied stereomicroscopy (ST), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical petrography (OP) to characterise pottery fabrics and reconstruct cer- tain aspects of their manufacture. Moreover, the examination of surface features, such as perforations for vessel repair or traces of burning indicating ex- posure to fire, provide data regarding their use and reuse. Finally, this study attempts to identify the symbolic value afforded to ceramic grave goods in the Arga- ric Culture and determine if there are any variations of funerary rites between settlements in the south- east Iberian Peninsula, based on analyses of Peña- losa’s funerary vessels. Only from a specific study, starting from a local or regional scale, can the role of this type of funerary material be defined in the Argaric ritual. Geological context of Peñalosa The archaeological site of Peñalosa is located in the Upper Guadalquivir, in the heart of the eastern Sierra Morena mountains, in the municipality of Baños de la Encina (Jaén, Spain). At Peñalosa, mainly Carboniferous, Triassic and Mio- cene materials emerge (Fig. 1). The prehistoric settle- ment is located on a schist base from the Carbonife- rous, the most abundant material in this area. Two kilometres west there is an area of arkose, metar- kose, metaquartz, and sandstone. Parallel to these metaquartzites and Triassic sandstones, Miocene ma- terials of marine deltaic facies appear. Igneous ma- terials also appear in the local context in the form linked to a type of manufacture exclusively destined for burials that differs from those intended for do- mestic contexts (Cámara et al. 2005). Little archaeometric research has been carried out in the field of Argaric pottery. More traditional studies have focused on the formal features to define the production of funerary and domestic pottery of this period (Schubart 1975a; 2004; Contreras et al. 2000). The methodology applied in these studies was to resort to statistical analyses to define their morphometric variability, and also to determine their degree of formal standardization (Lull 1983; Contreras 1986; 2000; Contreras et al. 1987; Van Berg 1988; García López 1992; Arteaga, Schubart 2000; Aranda 2001; 2004; 2010). However, very lit- tle research has focused on the technological chara- cterisation of these vessels, and what exists tends to be biased. The most complete technological study in this regard was carried out on pottery of the Cuesta del Negro settlement (Purullena, Granada) (Contre- ras et al. 1987), and the remaining studies are ap- proaches to pottery manufacture. This is the case for Los Cipreses (Murcia) (Milà et al. 2000) and prior analyses on a small sampling from Peñalosa (Cáma- ra et al. 2005), the object of the current study. A more recent study was carried out for the assem- blage of Cerro San Cristóbal (Granada) (Albero, Aranda 2014), although with limited pottery sam- pling linked to a single funerary context. It is for this reason that new contributions such as the cur- rent study are essential to identify patterns of ritual in Argaric Culture from the technological point of view, even more so when bearing in mind that death and the passage to the next life have a strong symbo- lic value in these early societies (Lull 1997–1998). The study of the assemblage of the archaeological site of Peñalosa goes further and reveals evidence of much more elaborate circumstances of the manu- facture of funerary pottery. These items present tech- nical evidence that make them functional for food consumption and processing, which we will address in this work. This suggests ceramic funerary grave goods were used prior to their deposition in the grave. These features are similar to those found on pottery from Cuesta del Negro (Contreras et al. 1987). However, other studies propose the non-func- tional manufacture of these vessels, and suggest that they were only created to be part of graves (Milá et al. 2007; Aranda, Molina 2005; Aranda 2004; 2010; Albero, Aranda 2014). This indicates that there are at least two types of ceramic production in the graves of Argaric contexts. This indicates that L. Vico Triguero, J. Gámiz Caro, F. M. Martín Peinado, A. García García, E. Alarcón García, F. Contreras Cortés, and M. A. Moreno Onorato 332 of granodiorites, granites, aplites, pegmatites, and granite porphyry. The granodiorites outcrop appears 4km east and northwest from Peñalosa, in a re- markable extension that forms the ‘Cerro de Galjar- da’ and the ‘Peña de la Reina’. The granites emerge to a lesser extent, located 6km northeast of the set- tlement. In these materials, a mineralogical compo- sition of quartz and feldspar predominates, with the presence of hornblende and biotite phenocrystals. The intrusions of igneous rocks appear in the sur- rounding of the site as pegmatite aplite dykes and granitic porphyry, which are found in the schist of the Carboniferous. In the Quaternary, the geological formations have alluvial origin, formed by clasts of quartzites, grauvacas, and clasts of schist, arkose and igneous rocks, where silt materials predominate (García González et al. 2010). Archaeological context of Peñalosa Peñalosa is dated to the Bronze Age Argaric Culture (Fig. 2), which developed in the southeast Iberian Peninsula between 2200 and 1550 cal BC (García- García 2018). It is characterized by the location of hill settlements, funerary contexts under the sub- soil of the villages, as well as the uniqueness of their artefacts (Lull et al. 2009), whose typology is re- peated throughout the Argaric territory (as seen in Argaric chalices, carinated vessels, daggers with ri- vets, punches, flat axes, hal- berds, gold rings, cooper or sil- ver bracelets, or bone bead necklaces) (Schubart 1975b). The settlement is distributed in four large units (Acropolis, Lo- wer, Middle, and Upper Terra- ces) and is delimited to the east by a wall. The numerous mines (copper and silver) in the vici- nity, which were exploited du- ring the Argaric period (Contre- ras et al. 2000, Contreras, Mo- reno 2015; Hunt 2011) indicate that the site played a major role as a mining centre, with metal- lurgy as its main economic acti- vity. Radiocarbon dating carried out on remains of charred wood place it between 1850 and 1450 BC (Contreras et al. 2014). Peñalosa’s funerary record com- prises 32 graves (Fig. 3) that fall in line with the structural and distributive patterns characteristic of burials of the Argaric Culture (Lull 1983; Contreras et al. 1987; 1997; Aranda, Molina 2005; Aranda et al. 2008; 2012). These consist of inhumations placed in cists, pithoi, natural or artifi- cial hovels, and masonry features that are always beneath domestic dwellings. Although usually sin- gle burials, some are known to contain two or three individuals (Contreras et al. 1995; Contreras 2000). Materials and methods The assemblage of grave goods at Peñalosa com- prises 34 well-preserved vessels that are either com- plete or can be reconstructed based on their mor- phometry, allowing typological classification (Fig. 4). The assemblage comprises a chalice-shaped vessel called a copa, bottles, bowls (hemispherical, spheri- cal, carinated, and parabolic), carinated and minute vessels traditionally associated with the practice of ceramic craft (Contreras et al. 2000; Alarcón 2010). Other ceramic groups consist of ovoid and globular cooking vessels (ollas) and storage pots (orzas) serv- ing as burial containers (pithoi). Decorative motifs among the funerary ware of Peña- losa, as is typical in the Argaric Culture in general (Lull 1983), are rare (approx. 2%). Only one ovoid pot (BE-14546) bears incisions on its rim, a recur- Fig. 1. Geological map of the area surrounding Peñalosa (from García- González et al. 2010). The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 333 rent motif common to domestic ware of the Argaric Culture (Contreras et al. 2000). Lugs near the rims are present in three cases: a bowl (BE-10312), a pot (BE-14546), and a chalice (BE-14601). The pottery assemblage from the Peñalosa funerary record was selected for the current archaeometric study. The vessels were first described to identify evidence of some of the technological choices ap- plied during their production (surface treatments, forming techniques, firing atmosphere), use and maintenance (Tab. 1). These processes were observed through certain marks on the pot- tery surface (coils marks, spatula marks, cracks, etc.), which were ob- served on a macroscopic level or through a stereomicroscope in those cases where such marks were diffi- cult to identify because intense treat- ments had homogenized the surface (Rafferty et al. 2015). Then, three analytical techniques (ste- reomicroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and petrographic characterization) were applied to characterise the operatio- nal sequence of the analysed pottery. All samples were subjected to a stereomicroscopic examination that enabled us to classify the ceramics from the identification of technological features. These features were the criterion for selecting sam- ples for more specific analytical techniques. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to study the mine- ralogical composition of the samples. The selection of XRD samples was made based on technological groups (TG), excluding samples the analysis of which would be too destructive. Finally, for optical petro- graphy we selected samples with peculiar technolo- gical and mineralogical characteris- tics, and which had been previously analysed by XRD. Samples of all the TG established by stereomicroscopy were represented in this analysis. Stereomicroscopy (ST) This first analysis (n = 34 vessels) had a double function: to characte- rize the technological evidence and create technological groups (TG). TG are groups of ceramic samples which have common physical features iden- tified by stereomicroscopy (Gamiz et al. 2013; Gamiz 2018.314), and this facilitates the subsequent repre- sentative sampling of each group with regard to other analytical tech- niques. Stereomicroscopic examinations were carried out with a Leica L80 stereomicroscope (7.5X–60X magni- fication), Leica EC3 camera and a Lei- ca Achro 0.5x objective. Images were captured with the Leica Application Suite software. This analysis enabled Fig. 2. Map of Spain with the position of Peñalosa and the other Argaric sites cited in the text. Fig. 3. Map of the site of Peñalosa and the position of the burials (from García-García 2018a). L. Vico Triguero, J. Gámiz Caro, F. M. Martín Peinado, A. García García, E. Alarcón García, F. Contreras Cortés, and M. A. Moreno Onorato 334 the characterisation of pottery manufacture to dif- ferentiate TG. The TG are created from variables which describe the technical capacities of pottery items and their links to a specific use. The evidence which enables the description of these variables is the result of gestures and techniques that were used by the potters who made these objects. Therefore, the compactness of the ceramic paste is used to de- fine the intensity and time of raw material prepara- tion. Compactness is measured by the presence/ab- sence of striae in the matrix, as well as the physical appearance of the pottery. According to the size, shape and frequency of grains of the same mineral that appear in the paste, we can determine if these grains were intentionally added by the potter (Mag- getti 1982; Gibson, Woods 1990; Spataro 2002; Gá- miz 2018), and these particles are called ‘temper’ (Whitbread 1995; Gámiz et al. 2013). However, the angularity variable was not used to define the cre- ation of TG due to the homogeneity of the results. The description of these variables follows the qual- itative methods and reference tables published in other studies (Castro 1989; Gámiz et al. 2013). Colour of the ceramic surface and matrix was not used to define TG due to the homogeneity of the re- sults, but it was important to define the firing atmo- sphere (reducing, oxidizing, or mixed). The descrip- tion of the colours considered first tonality (dark, me- dium, and light) and secondly colour (black, beige, brown, orange, grey, or white). All these data is shown in the following table along with the visual analysis (Tab. 1). Statistical treatment of data In order to obtain technological groups which pre- sent technological similarities or variables obtained through stereomicroscopy, a cluster statistical analy- sis was employed to create the TG and TG subgroups. Three variables were taken into account in this ana- lysis: paste compactness, grain size, and grain per- centage. Cluster analysis identifies the degree of similarity between different variables among all cases and groups them in two-dimensional graphs (dendro- grams) (Shennan 1992). Clusters are formed either by scanning the matrix for the most similar entities and joining them, or by successively subdividing the matrix (Rice, Saffer 1982). These groups were estab- lished with a degree of similarity above 95%, and Ward’s method with the ‘squared Euclidean distance’ and ‘between-groups linkage’ method was used in the statistical analysis, which was carried out with the program IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21.0. X-ray diffraction (XRD) X-ray diffraction analysis used 28 representative samples from all the TG obtained by stereomicro- scopy. XRD characterises the mineralogical compo- sition of pottery, not only for estimating the firing temperature but also shedding light on the potential provenance of the raw materials (Quinn, Benzonel- li 2019). The pottery analyses were coupled with the sampling of two local geological outcrops in the area of Peñalosa, potential sources of the raw mate- rials used to make the pottery. This raw material Fig. 4. Histogram of the predominant pottery forms of the burials of Peñalosa. The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 335 samples were lower Carboniferous source rocks (García González et al. 2010). The samples were reduced to fine powder (10μm) and analysed for provenance in the Centre of Scien- tific Instrumentation of the University of Granada (Spain) with a BRUKER D8 ADVANCE diffractometer with Cu radiation (sealed tube) with a LINXEYE de- tector. The parameters of measurement were 2s per scanning step, with 0.0393766 increments, with a limit of 2 theta starting at 3 and stopping at 70.0108 at a power of 40Kw and 40mA. The data was ob- tained by DIFRAL plus XRD Commander software. The peaks of the diffractograms were read through the XPowder 12 Version 2014.04.37 software, where the different crystalline phases of the minerals that make up the ceramic matrix were characterized by consulting the Difdata database, before contrasting the results with those of the rruff.info project data- base which comprises a semiquantitative characte- rization (Tab. 2). The RIR (Reference Intensity Ra- tios) (Chung 1974; Martín 2004) method was then applied to identify each of the mineral phases of the samples. Petrographic analysis The vessels analysed by thin section were BE-50898 (carinated bowl), BE-10361 (hemispherical bowl), BE-3070 (bowl), BE-10349 and BE-10329 (storage vessels). This method offers information concern- ing the fabric, defining ‘fabric’ as the physical link between the grains and ceramic matrix (Castro 1989), and allows evaluation of other aspects of the structure of the ceramic matrix (e.g., presence of vit- reous phases). The information obtained from this technique also serves as a complement to results ob- tained by ST and XRD. A Nikon Eclipse 6400 POL mounted with x4, x10 and x20 lenses served to carry out the thin section analyses. This me- thodology used some of the variables proposed by Ian Whitbread (1995), Bruce Velde and Isabelle Druc (1999) and Antonio Castro (1989), as detailed below. The analytical technique applied to the current study takes into account the following variables: proportion of fine (<10μm) and coarse (>10μm) fractions and pores/striae, minerals, degree of compactness, vitrification (originated by ceramic firing or cooking), optical ac- tivity, pore and inclusion orientation, particle morphology. These factors serve to define the different pottery fabrics of the Peñalosa funerary assem- blage, and comprise its characterization and description. The matrix texture and chemical structure of the grains could provide thermal shock resistance and mechanical properties to the final pro- duct. The analytical procedure therefore served to characterise the technologi- cal level of Peñalosa's funerary pottery, assigning each technological feature to a sequence of concrete production se- quences divided into the following con- catenated phases: raw material procu- rement, clay preparation, kneading, for- ming, surface treatment, drying and fir- ing. 9323 66.4 1.7 1.5 0 0 0 0 28.2 0 2.3 281110 77.6 0 3.5 0 0 0 0 16.8 0 2.1 10356 67.1 3.3 11.1 2.2 1.9 5.7 4.7 0 0 3.9 10312 64.1 7.7 9.2 0 5.4 4.6 0 0 0 6 10156 80.1 7.1 5 0 4.7 0 0 0 0 3 12163 86.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.4 0 2.8 14584 82.8 2.8 8.8 0 0 0 0 2.6 0 2.9 9526-1 92.3 2.6 2.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.3 12130 85.8 0 6 0 0 0 0 5.4 0 2.8 3070 94.3 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2.3 14546 75 4.4 13.1 0 0 0 0 4.4 0 3.1 3075-2 70.6 10.5 14.6 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 2.5 20129 83.7 1.4 10.1 0 0 0 0 2.6 0 2.3 20149 76.3 6 13.3 0 0 0 0 3.6 0 1.9 20367 84.7 2.6 8.2 0 0 0 0 1.9 0 2.6 20369 84.6 4.5 5.4 0 0 0 0 3 0 2.5 3069 87.3 1.7 5.6 0 0 0 0 3.1 0 2.2 3075-1 88 2.6 5.5 0 0 0 0 1.4 0 2.5 6066 88.8 4.2 3.1 0 0 0 0 1.8 0 2 14601 87.7 3.3 4.4 0 0 0 0 1.8 0 2.7 15211 82.7 0 5.9 0 0 0 0 0.9 6.9 3.6 20128 92.2 0 2.9 0 0 0 0 2.9 0 2 281111 91.7 2.2 2.3 0 0 0 0 1.7 0 2.1 281112 81.2 4.7 5.3 0 0 0 0 6.5 0 2.4 10361 90.7 0 3.2 0 0 0 0 4.2 0 1.9 10349 75.8 14.5 5 0 0 0 0 3.5 0 1.2 10329 79.7 8.3 6.4 0 0 0 0 3.8 0 1.8 12127 69.2 7.6 12.3 0 0 0 0 2.7 4.8 3.5 50898 73.8 5.2 10.6 3.5 0 0 0 2.6 0 4.2 Tab. 1. Semiquantitative percentages obtained of X-ray diffrac- tion analyses through RIR method of funerary grave goods of Peñalosa. Sa m pl e Q ua rt z M ic ro cl in e A lb ite D io ps id e Sm ec tit e H or nb le nd e C um m in gt on ite Ill ite -M us co vi te O rt ho cl as e A m or ph ou s L. Vico Triguero, J. Gámiz Caro, F. M. Martín Peinado, A. García García, E. Alarcón García, F. Contreras Cortés, and M. A. Moreno Onorato 336 Results Pottery surface analysis The Peñalosa funerary vessels reveal that potters took special care in preparing their surfaces, most often in the form of burnishing (27 vessels). This technique produces a homogeneous, fine metallic effect. Only the surfaces of very small cups (up to 3cm high and 4cm wide) received just a smoothing treatment. Furthermore, the surfaces of storage ves- sels (BE, 10349, BE-10329, BE-12127) and three cook- ing vessels (BE-14546, BE-3070, BE-20149) show signs of smoothing with a spatula, a procedure that served as a base for a subsequent slip. The pottery forming marks preserved in eleven ves- sels surfaces (Tab. 1) make it possible to define at least three different forming techniques in Peñalosa, identifiable through the roughness and marks of these surface treatments, as well as the orientation of the matrix grains (Gamiz et al. 2013). These tech- niques are: basketry moulding (Fig. 5), pinching, and coiling or slabbing. Coiling is identified in large ves- sels (up to 42cm long and 23cm wide) such as sto- rage vessels, and slabbing in two bowls. These form- ing techniques consist of the superposition of coils (coiling) or slabs (slabbing) which are subsequently joined with some surface treatment to form the body of the vessel (Heras 1992; García, Calvo 2013). More complex forms such as carinated ware, in turn, were made with a mixed technique with their bases fashioned by pinching or moulding and their upper bodies made from coiling or slabbing. Finally, there are small vessels manufactured by pinching rounded clay masses. Surface colours alternating between dark (black or brown) and light (beige or orange) indicate a predo- minately mixed firing atmosphere combining phases of reduction and oxidation in 31 samples. Some ves- sels (e.g., BE-10156, and BE-281111) have homoge- neous hues (usually black) on both their outer and inner surfaces, indicative of a reduction atmosphere. We also observed some surface marks suggesting vessel reuse. Pot BE-6066, for example, bears soot or a cooking marks along its base, indicating a culi- nary use (Skibo 1992; Rafferty et al. 2014) before being used as a burial pot. Furthermore, certain ves- sels reveal signs of repair. This is the case with a hole on the stem of a chalice (BE-14601) (Fig. 6) and the body of a bowl (BE-20369). The perforations served to fasten broken fragments together by means of some type of organic cord. This fact reflects an interest by Peñalosa human groups in preserving specific ceramic shapes. These items were likely en- dowed with symbolism for this culture, as detailed below. Characterization of the pottery fabric Stereomicroscopic results The stereomicroscopic analyses yielded three TG based on the criteria of compactness, grain size and percentage. These can be further divided into sub- groups based on their grain quantity. The groupings were carried out by means of multivariate statistical analyses and illustrated by a cluster diagram (Fig. 7). The main difference between TG is the grain percen- tage. Groups 1 and 2 are characterized by a medium to high grain percentage (30–50%), and a low one in the case of group 1a (10–20%). Subgroups are dif- ferentiated by compactness and grains size. All of them present compact fabrics while that of Group 1a, made up mostly of storage vessels, is less compact. The size of the grains is variable throughout the as- semblage, 50% of groups contain fine grains and the other 50% medium grains. Beside the main variables, other characteristics such as particle shape as well as the colours of the cera- mic matrix and surface were taken into account. The tendencies of grain form and size can be ascribed to specific vessel forms. Subangular and rounded par- ticles are most often associated with bowls or cups, that is, the smaller-sized pottery group (up to 14cm wide and 10cm high). Angular grains, in turn, are most common to medium-sized vessels and linked to larger forms such as cooking pots and storage vessels. This leads to the notion that the potters only added temper in certain cases, conditioned by the Fig. 5. Microphotography of impressions of bas- ketry moulding from a carinated ware. The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 337 intended use of the vessel. In fact, the vessels with angular grains coincide with forms typically linked to cooking pots and storage vessels, a correlation that is not accidental as the addition of temper to the matrix is intended to strengthen the mechanical and thermal resistance of vessels (Steponatis 1984; Gámiz et al. 2018). It is also noteworthy that the inner cores of the ves- sels, like their surfaces, tend to have a double colour- ation. This reflects mixed firing that, as noted above, combined oxidizing and reducing atmospheres. More- over, certain samples (BE-20129) also bear traces in- dicating reduction over practically all of their surface. Mineralogical characterization X-ray diffraction analyses reveal that quartz, present in a high proportion (between 67 and 97%), is the main mineral phase shared by all the samples. Other minerals such as plagioclase (1.5–14.6%), feldspars (1.3–10%), and phyllosilicates (2–28%) also appear, but in lesser proportions (Tab. 2; Fig. 8A). Differentiating the samples is conditioned by the pre- sence of alkaline feldspars (microcline) and plagio- clases (albite). However, these minerals are absent from one sample (BE-12163) which contains only quartz and a high concentration of phyllosilicates. This absence could be linked to the raw material ex- traction zone, as detailed below. Most cases reveal an illite-muscovite phase that is possibly thermally altered, as can be seen by the Fig. 6. Copa (chalice) with a repair hole on its stem. Fig. 7. Dendrogram of the technological groups gleaned from the statistical analysis. L. Vico Triguero, J. Gámiz Caro, F. M. Martín Peinado, A. García García, E. Alarcón García, F. Contreras Cortés, and M. A. Moreno Onorato 338 peaks in the diffractogram attain the level of 4.49Å. Smectite was also detected in three of the samples (BE-10312, BE-10356 and BE-10156), while potassi- um feldspars appear to be rare (BE-15211 and BE- 12127). Although there are two cases (BE-10356 and BE-10312) revealing amphiboles, specifically horn- blende and cummingtonite, they bear mineralogical characteristics common to the others (quartz, feld- spars and plagioclases). A small fraction of pyroxenes is only observed in two samples (BE-10356 and BE- 50898). As their percentage is below 3.5%, they may originate from the sediment itself. Sediment analyses were carried out on two samples from an area abounding with sandstones (S-3), a po- tential source of amphiboles, and on samples of clays extracted near the archaeological site (S-11). The results of these analyses (Fig. 8B) indicate a minera- logical composition similar to that of the Peñalosa funerary pottery, with the only anomaly being the presence of chlorite and cinnabar. However, the ab- sence of these minerals in pottery can be explained by their destruction when exposed to temperatures above 500°C (Schultz 1964; Linares et al. 1983). On the other hand, the sandstone sample (S-3) does not reveal evidence of amphiboles, which suggests the exogenous origin of items with this type of compo- sition, or another raw material from other geologi- cal areas not yet determined. Optical petrography According to this analysis, three fabric types were differentiated (Fig. 9 and Fig. 10): ● Fabric 1, represented by a carinated vessel and a hemispherical bowl, bears a fine texture (90%) with few pores and striae (10%), and small subrounded grains (< 1mm). Both the grains and the pores/striae are arranged obliquely in the ceramic matrix. ● Fabric 2, represented by a bowl, is medium com- pact and characterized by equal coarse (35%) and In te ns ity 2Theta In te ns ity 2Theta Fig. 8. A Main peaks identified by C-ray diffraction of the funerary pottery of Peñalosa; B main peaks identified by X-ray diffraction among the sediment samples of Peñalosa. Sme Smectite, Ilt-Ms Illite-Musco- vite, Hbl Hornblende, Cum Cummingtonite, Qz Quartz, Or Orthoclase, Mc Microcline, Ab Albite, Di Diop- side, Cin Cinnabar, Chl Chlorite. The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 339 Su r. M at ri x Su r. C ol or % A ng ul os ity Sh ap e C om pa ct - Sa m pl e G ra ve Sh ap e Tr ea tm en t G ra in s G ra in s gr ai ns ne ss Fo rm in g te ch ni qu es Ex t In t C or e Ex t In t M ar Ex t In t Sp ot C ol . 10 34 9 23 St or ag e ve ss el SS SS D G M G LB R ED G LB R LB R D B R 40 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m M ed iu m C oi lin g 10 32 9 23 St or ag e ve ss el SS SS D G M G LG ED G D G D G LG 40 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m M ed iu m C oi lin g 12 12 7 4 St or ag e ve ss el SS SS LB R LB E LB E D B R D B R D B L 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m M ed iu m un id en tif ie d 14 54 6 16 C oo ki ng v es se l SS SS LB R LB R LB R D G D G D B R 40 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h B as ke tr y m ou ld in g 30 69 1 B ow l B B M B E M B E M B E IL G M B E M B E B L 40 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 12 16 1 5 B ow l B B M G M G M G D G D G B L 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 14 58 4 6 B ot tle B B M B E M B E LB R M B E LB R B L 40 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 20 36 7 15 b C ha lic e B B LG M B E M B E IB L D G D G B L 40 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m M ed iu m un id en tif ie d 28 11 12 18 B ow l B B LB R LG D G ID B D G D G G L 20 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 20 12 8 9 B ow l B B D B D G LB R ED B -I D B D B E D B E B L 40 % A ng ul ar Sm al l H ig h Sl ab bi ng 10 35 6 25 C ar in at ed v es se l B B M G LB R D G ED G D G D G B L 30 % A ng ul ar Sm al l H ig h M ix ed te ch ni qu e (b as ke tr y m ou ld - in g an d sl ab bi ng ) 20 36 9 15 b C ar in at ed v es se l B B LB R LB R LB R D G D G B L 30 % A ng ul ar Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 30 75 -1 2 C ar in at ed v es se l B B M G M G M G D G D G B L 40 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 95 26 -2 18 C oo ki ng v es se l B B M O M O M O D O D O B r 30 % Su br ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h M ix ed t ec hn iq ue ( pi nc hi ng a nd co ili ng ) 12 12 5 4 C ar in at ed v es se l B B D O D O D B E EB L D G D G B L, W 30 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 20 13 0 4 B ow l B B M G M G M G D G D G D B R 30 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h Sl ab bi ng 10 15 6 24 B ot tle B B D B R D G D G IB L D G D G 30 % A ng ul ar Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 10 31 2 25 B ow l B B LG D B E LG EM G -I D O D B E D B E B L 30 % Su br ou nd ed Sm al l M ed iu m un id en tif ie d 14 60 1 6 C ha lic e B B M O M O M O D O D O B L 30 % R ou nd ed M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 14 59 6 6 M in ut e ve ss el S S M B E M B E M B E D B E D B E B L 30 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h Pi nc hi ng 30 75 -2 2 C ar in at ed v es se l B B LB R LB R LB r ED O LB R D G B L 30 % R ou nd ed M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 60 66 3 C oo ki ng v es se l B B LB R LB R LB r M B E D G B E 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h C oi lin g 30 70 1 C oo ki ng v es se l SS SS LB E LB E LG LB E LG B L 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 28 11 11 18 B ow l B B LB R LB R LB R D G D G 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 20 12 9 9 C oo ki ng v es se l B B LG M G LG EB L- IB L D B D B E B L 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 95 26 -1 18 C oo ki ng v es se l B B D O D O D G ED G -I D O D B E D B E B E 20 % Su br ou nd ed M ed iu m H ig h un id en tif ie d 50 89 8 31 C ar in at ed v es se l B B D O D B M G EB L- ID G M B E D G B L 10 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h M ix ed te ch ni qu e (b as ke tr y m ou ld - in g an d co ili ng ) 12 13 0 9 C ar in at ed v es se l B B LB E D G LB E ED G -I LB E M B E D G B l 10 % Su br ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 15 21 1 7 B ow l B B M B E M B E M B E D B D B R B l 10 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 10 36 1 22 B ow l B B M B E M B E M B E D B E D B E B r 20 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h Pi nc hi ng 14 58 3 6 M in ut e ve ss el S S M G M G M G D G D B E 20 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h Pi nc hi ng 93 23 13 C oo ki ng v es se l B B D B R D O D B E D B D G B l,B r 20 % A ng ul ar Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 28 11 10 18 B ow l B B D O D B D R ID G D G D G B l 10 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 12 16 3 18 C ar in at ed v es se l B B D O D B D G ID G D O D O B l,B r 10 % R ou nd ed Sm al l H ig h un id en tif ie d 20 14 9 15 a C oo ki ng v es se l SS SS LB R LB R LB E ED B -I D B D G D G B l 30 % A ng ul ar M ed iu m M ed iu m un id en tif ie d Ta b. 2 . T ec hn ol og ic al f ea tu re s of c er am ic a ss em bl ag e un de r st ud y. S ur su rf ac e, E xt ex te ri or , I nt in te ri or , M ar m ar ge , S S sm oo th in g sp at ul at e, B bu rn is hi n g, S sm oo th in g, D da rk , M m ed iu m , L li gt h, G gr ey , B L bl ac k, O or an ge , B E be ig e, B R br ow n , E ex te rn al , I in te rn al , W w hi te . L. Vico Triguero, J. Gámiz Caro, F. M. Martín Peinado, A. García García, E. Alarcón García, F. Contreras Cortés, and M. A. Moreno Onorato 340 fine fractions (35%) and pores/striae (30%). Their grains are small (< 1mm), arranged obliquely, and their fabric is medium compact. ● Fabric 3, represented by orzas, is dominated by a coarse fraction (40%) over a fine fraction (30%) that bears a high proportion of pores and striae (30– 50%). The grains are medium-sized (> 1mm) and angular-shaped, indicating they correspond to added temper (Maggetti 1982). Moreover, the temper is arranged in a chaotic and non-oriented manner. Additionally, the three different types bear optical activity fabrics resulting from firing. The absence of full vitrification, that would be confirmed by ab- sence of cracks and pores (Cultrone et al. 2001; Pa- vía 2006), indicates that firing temperatures were below 800°C, although these clays show optical ac- tivity or isotropy, so could be in a first stage of vitri- fication (Shapiro 2012). The thin section analyses corroborate the presence of minerals obtained by XRD, as well as other phas- es that could not be identified by this method. This is the case of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides that im- pregnate pottery fabrics and may derive from nat- ural clay or have formed during the firing process. The coarse fraction is formed by metamorphic rocks, associated mainly with micaschists. Quartz is the predominant mineral in the fabrics, as indicated by XRD, and appears in different sizes and shapes (mo- nocrystalline and polycrystalline). Plagioclases (al- bite) and feldspars (microcline), in turn, appear in less quantity. There are also occasional fragments of mafic minerals such as micas or amphiboles. These different elements indicate that the vessels are of micaceous, not calcareous, fabric. Finally, the matri- ces reveal the sporadic presence of graphite plant in- clusions which probably come from where the clay was extracted. Discussion Origin of the raw material The pottery’s mineralogical composition (which in- cludes quartz, plagioclase, feldspars, and phyllosili- cates) is characteristic of sedimentary and metamor- phic rocks, types of outcrops that are characteristic of Peñalosa’s surroundings (Fig. 1) (IGME 1974; Jara- millo 2005; García González et al. 2010). These comprise mainly quartzitic sandstones, mica-schists and quartzites whose alteration processes can yield clay bearing a mineralogical composition similar to that identified from the samples of pottery. Therefore, the pottery’s mineral phases point to lo- cal production. Moreover, their mi- neralogical composition suggests a catchment area extending to a ra- dius of 5km around the Peñalosa, where the potters took advantage of the natural resources offered by the environment. The two cases bearing traces of am- phiboles, by contrast, indicate the existence of raw materials from other geological areas not yet deter- mined. However, other studies car- ried out in Peñalosa (García Gon- zalez et al. 2010) have identified pegmatite aplite dykes and a grani- tic porphyry area 4km from the ar- chaeological site, where this type of raw material could be found. Preparation and modelling of raw materials The results indicate specific produ- ction strategies for specific types of pottery forms. Vessels designed for the preparation and consumption Fig. 9. Petrographic fabrics (Fabrics 1 and 2) of the Peñalosa fune- rary pottery. Crossed-polarized (XP) and plane-polarized light (PPL). The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 341 of food are compact, indicating thorough kneading of clay which yielded fabrics that are devoid of striations and pores as well as more resistant, avoiding fractu- res due to the elimination of sur- plus water during drying, firing and use (Schiffer, Skibo 1987). Compactness is also linked to a homogeneous distribution of temper after thorough and pro- longed kneading of the clay. Moreover, these vessels are mo- stly characterised by obliquely arranged grains, indicating the direction of the pressure during forming (Tite 2008). Orzas are characterized by more porous and less compact matri- ces. The fabrics of vessels bearing these features are usually linked to food storage. Their porous nature makes them more efficient in preserving food (Gá- miz 2018) in both solid and liquid form. However, the fact that their surface reveals a smoothing treat- ment suggests that they were not designed to con- tain liquids, as these are more effective when they undergo waterproofing treatments such as burnish- ing (Schiffer et al. 1994). In sum, different technological features take place between the phases of preparation of the clay, its kneading and the forming of the vessels. This infers that the manufacture is conditioned by the intended function of the pottery, thus differentiating between vessels serving for food preparation, consumption, and storage. This therefore suggests a well-defined strategy of manufacture denoting potters with an ad- vanced knowledge of their craft. Clay drying phase A common characteristic of the different Peñalosa vessels is that their drying time appears to have been adequate, as seen through the low density of their pores and striae. The absence of fractures is also in line with a slow dehydration process. Their tempers allowed an optimal drying phase and led to greater resistance during firing (Schiffer, Skibo 1987). The size of the pores and cracks among storage vessels, by contrast, increases due to the thickness of their walls, factors favouring a greater capacity to contain water. Nonetheless, this has a negative effect on their compactness during the drying and firing phases, an effect that can be mitigated, as noted above, by add- ing temper so as to maintain the mechanical resis- tance of these vessels (West 1992; Schiffer et al. 1994). Once at the leather-hard phase, the vessels received the characteristic surface burnishing. In certain cases, as noted for a hemispherical bowl (Schiffer, Skibo 1987), the vessel was first treated with a slip layer to smooth the entire surface and eliminate any po- tential imperfections that could negatively affect the vessel in firing. Pottery firing Surface and matrix colour as well as mineralogical composition were taken into account to identify the firing strategies. Light to dark colour variations both on surface and in the paste are due to different firing atmospheres resulting from open firings or ‘firing pits’, i.e. simple structures serving throughout the entire prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula (García, Calvo 2006) that do not allow the control of the firing atmosphere. We could not firmly establish the firing temperature of the Peñalosa vessels as the mineralogical compo- sition analysed by both XRD and thin section ana- lysis lacks carbonates, especially calcite, a good indi- cator of firing temperature (Linares et al. 1983). Furthermore, there is no evidence of new mineral phases resulting from the disappearance of other mi- nerals that are characteristic of high firing temper- atures (above 850°C) (Linares et al. 1983). Hence, Fig. 10. Petrographic fabrics (Fabric 3) of the Peñalosa funerary pot- tery. Crossed-polarized (XP) and plane-polarized light (PPL). L. Vico Triguero, J. Gámiz Caro, F. M. Martín Peinado, A. García García, E. Alarcón García, F. Contreras Cortés, and M. A. Moreno Onorato 342 other types of mineral associations must be taken into account when approaching the question of fir- ing temperature. The absence of chlorite, which tends to disappear at temperatures above 500°C, as well as the appearance in all samples of thermally altered phyllosilicates, suggests a firing temperature above 500°C (Linares et al. 1983). There are sever- al factors indicating temperatures below 800°C: the absence or low bearing of pyroxenes; high percen- tages of albite, feldspars and smectites; and substan- tial presence of illite-muscovite, whose dehydroxy- lation is not initiated before attaining 850–900°C (Peña-Poza 2011). Furthermore, no signs of vitrifi- cation are visible in the thin section analyses, indi- cating that firing temperatures did not exceed 750– 850°C (the temperature range for non-calcareous clay which depends on the firing atmosphere) (Ma- niatis, Tite 1981; Pavía 2006). All of the preceding evidence suggests that the fu- nerary pottery of Peñalosa was fired at temperatu- res ranging between 500–800°C, a hypothesis that would require confirmation from future experimen- tation. Nevertheless, this is a point of inflexion with regard to the hypotheses stating that Argaric vessels from these contexts were minimally fired (Albero, Aranda 2014), or unfired as in the case of the ear- lier macroscopic studies of funerary pottery from Peñalosa (Contreras et al. 2000). Contreras et al. (2000) interpreted the light surface colour as a sign of non-firing (e.g., sample BE-15211), while recent archaeometric analyses of the same sample reveal that it was fired. This demonstrates the nullity of the variable of external colouring to determine if cera- mics are fired or not. In this sense, DRX or petrogra- phic analyses are more reliable techniques to assess firing temperatures. Ceramic vessels fired at the previous temperature range are endowed with characteristics that make them functional, with improved mechanical resis- tance and hardness (Rye 1981; Simon et al. 1989; Albero 2014). The function of these vessels is linked to processing, consuming and storage. This link be- tween technology and function is further evidenced by marks of use on the external walls (bearing soot, cooking marks or cracks). However, another study defends the argument that this range indicates low temperatures and/or short exposure, and uses the notion of low temperatures for those oscillating between 500 and 700°C (Albe- ro, Albero 2014). We think that this range is normal in prehistoric contexts (such as that of Peñalosa), due to the absence of kilns suggesting that the fir- ing was carried out in fire-pits or open fires with li- mited control over temperatures and firing times. Furthermore, these firing structures could hardly at- tain temperatures exceeding 950°C under normal conditions (Gosselain 1992; Tite 2008). In fact, as evidenced by metallurgical experimentation (More- no et al. 2010), only bellows or tuyères yield such high temperatures. Therefore, we suggest that the notion of low temperatures be equated with firings below 500°C, because below this temperature the vessel would not be functional due to low resis- tance (Skibo 1997). Evidence of pottery use and repair It is also noteworthy that certain funerary vessels at Peñalosa bear signs of use and repair. The burn marks along the base of pot BE-6066, for example, indicate an exposure to fire. This confirms that cer- tain vessels of Peñalosa served for cooking prior to their deposition as grave goods. The perforation through the stem of a chalice also served for its re- pair. This characteristic ceramic form has been, as noted above, at times associated exclusively with fu- nerary contexts (Torre 1974; Molina, Pareja 1975). Signs of reuse, as well as finds of chalice-type vessels unearthed in domestic dwellings (Contreras et al. 2014), lead to speculation that not only reinforces the hypothesis initially raised by Vicente Lull (1983) that typical Argaric chalices served in both domestic and funerary contexts, but also suggest that this form saw use in the domestic spheres before being depo- sited in burials. A detailed comparison of the diffe- rent chalices from each context in order to assess possible techno-typological variations is nonetheless necessary to be able to offer more firm postulations on this subject. Conclusions The technological study of the Peñalosa funerary pot- tery makes it possible to delve deeper into the ques- tion of the manufacture of these types of artefacts throughout the Argaric Culture, leading to new as- sessments as to their use as well as to speculations about Argaric funerary rites. Besides their characteristic typology, the homoge- neous technological production features of the Peña- losa’s funerary pottery suggests potters of great skill. The surface treatment (burnishing), as well as certain technological aspects (compactness of the fabric, ab- sence of large inclusions, clear orientation of the grains, etc.), suggest devotion of time and effort to The Argaric pottery from burial at Peñalosa (Jaén, Spain)> production technology and functionality 343 their manufacture. The population of this culture therefore buried their dead in the company of ves- sels of high quality and marked aesthetic value, a pattern observed also at other Spanish Argaric sites in the Province of Granada (e.g., Cuesta del Negro, Cerro de San Cristóbal, Cerro de la Encina) as well as at the more distant site of Fuente Álamo in Alme- ría (Contreras et al. 1987; Albero, Aranda 2013; Schubart 2004; Aranda et al. 2005; 2008). Moreover, the great hardness and resistance of Peña- losa’s ceramic fabrics differ from those recorded at other sites, suggesting vessels of low technological quality (Contreras 1986; Aranda, Esquivel 2006). These notions, together with the evidence of prior use before becoming grave goods, indicate they were originally intended for food processing, storage or consumption. This study suggests three possible sce- narios: (1) the vessels were produced explicitly to serve in a ritual directly preceding the burial; (2) they served initially as domestic artefacts before tak- ing on a funerary role, or (3) both. The first scenario indicates that they formed part of a funerary ban- quet, a hypothesis advanced by other researchers (Aranda, Esquivel 2006), although the hypothesis of previous use in domestic contexts is not rejected. This is indicated by finds of animal and plant re- mains, and traces of organic residues identified by physical-chemical techniques (García-García 2018; García-García et al. 2018). The second scenario is that of reuse of domestic ware as funerary grave goods, as is the case at Cuesta del Negro (Granada) (Contreras et al. 1987), a site where characteristic forms such as carinated vessels, bowls, cooking ves- sels are recorded in both domestic and funerary con- texts. In this case it is evident that the vessels were produced for a functional use (Contreras et al. 2014). Nonetheless, it must be noted that it is not possible, due to the lack of reliable data, to determine whether they served in a ritual or for everyday common do- mestic ware. Our study of the Peñalosa funerary vessels also re- veals differences among Argaric funerary patterns from other settlements, where the ceramic grave goods were deliberately manufactured for burials (Milá et al. 2007; Aranda, Molina 2005; Aranda 2004; 2010; Albero, Aranda 2014). Settlements such as Peñalosa could have occupied a secondary position within the hierarchy of the Arga- ric territory. These settlements functioned as centres of production to supply more vital centres. In this sense, Peñalosa was a metallurgical settlement cen- tred on the extraction and production of metals (cop- per and silver). Although these communities maintained traditions within the framework of a common cultural system, the archaeological record offers evidence of regional particularities. As Peñalosa was a settlement geared toward metallurgy, the wealth of its grave goods is manifested mainly through metal objects, and silver and gold jewellery (Contreras et al. 1995), which does not mean that this settlement is located in a high hierarchical position due to the presence of this type of grave goods, but rather that these are present in Peñalosa for its easy acquisition. The inhabitants buried their dead with pottery that has had a previ- ous use. For this reason, the value given to these types of elements in ‘less-entity’ settlements can be very different from that granted in other greater centres, where the vessels are manufactured exclu- sively for burials. As noted by Cesar Carreras Mon- fort and Jordi Nadal Lorenzo (2003), although an economic value can have an influence on the social importance given to objects, it is noteworthy that certain goods valued by one society may not be va- lued by another. Thus, lifestyles, forms of social or- ganisation and social values within the same culture may influence pottery production from one settle- ment to another. The current study has only been able to carry out a limited number of comparisons with other Argaric funerary pottery assemblages due to the general lack of technological analyses. There is a real need for future analyses along these lines in order to de- fine more accurately the nuances of territorial fune- rary rites, and to question the wider character of the Argaric Culture that has been traditionally framed under the paradigm of cultural unity. 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