C C, C C C C C C C C C C C C C c· C C C C C C C C C C C o C C o C o INsmtm: 0FONCOll.OGY LJUBLJANA MANAGEMENT OF BRCA POSITIVE OVARIAN ANO BREAST CANCER 7.4.2016 Ljubljana, Hotel Union • �­ ..... � --.... SPEAKERS: Prof. Gareth Evans, MD, PhD, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, The University of Manchester, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Saint Mary's Hospital, UK Prof. Stan Kaye, MD, PhD, Professor of Medical Oncology, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK Assist. Prof. Mateja Krajc, MD, PhD, Division of Cancer Genetic Counseling, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Srdjan Novakovic, PhD, Division of Molecular Diagnostics, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia Erik Škof, MD, PhD, Division of Medical oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia Prof. Janez Žgajnar, MD, PhD, Division of Surgery, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia BOOKLET EDITOR: Simona Borštnar, MD, PhD, Division of Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia ORGANIZERS AND PUBLISHERS: Institute of Oncology Ljubljana Slovenian Senologic Society SPONSORS OF THE MEETING: AstraZeneca Roche Wubijana,7.4.2016 � - )6� '2- L- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C o C C C C C C C : C C C C C C c :, c, o C 1 CJ o o C1 C i C o C, C, C, CJ C C C C c, C C CJ PROGRAM: 15.30 -16.00 16.00 -16.05 16.05 -16.55 16.55 -17.45 17.45 -18.00 18.00 -19.30 Participants gathering Opening and welcome speech, Mateja Krajc PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer - a look back and a look forward, Stan Kaye BRCA 1 /2 associated breast cancer, Gareth Evans Coffee Break Moderated discussion and case presentations: • BRCA genes and genes beyond BRCA - genetic testing from germline to somatic mutations - laboratory experiences, Srdjan Novakovič • Cancer genetic counselling and testing -from preventive medicine to treatment, Mateja Krajc • First Slovenian experiences with olaparib in treatment of ovarian cancer, Erik Škof • Surgical treatment of BRCA positive breast cancer patients -15 years of Slovenian experiences, Janez Žgajnar C C C C1 o C1 CI Ci C1 C C: C Ci C c, (' o o C C· C C: ci c, o o Ci o c, () PARP inhibitors in the treatment of ovarian cancer - lessons from the first 10 years and beyond Professor Stan Kaye 1 Royal Marsden Hospital London Ljubljana April 2016 What is homologous recombination? Type of genetic recombination in which nucleotide sequences are exchanged between 2 similar /identical strands of DNA - first described 100 years ago. Universal biological mechanism, an essential process whereby cells accurately repair potentially harmful double strand breaks in DNA during celi division. Decreased rate, i.e. homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) causes inefficient DNA repair and increased susceptibility to cancer HRD also provides opportunity to treat cancer by targeting that weakness � � ..... jXIX) o:ro::-.... F1r.. 61. Sdw:u1e tu illu�ln1lt n mttlN.1tl of t'tO½in t OH'r of thed1ro11m..ornes. Morgan T. 1916 , Critique of the theory of evolution PARP inhibitors for the treatment of ovarian cancer - the first 10 years. First prl!clinical evidence of exqulsite sensitivity of BRCAm cells to PARPi EJ April Fa,meret al,Nature 2005 Bry.intetal, Nature 2005 First dlnical proof-of­ concept In Phase 1 trials ofolaparib BMOC - BRCA mutation associated ovarian cancer PARP- poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase Genomic and clinical data indicating potl!ntial Beyond BRCAm tederma11net .a1 NEIM2012 • lancetOncology 2014 lntracellular proteins involved in homologous recombination deficiency ........ include loss of function of ....... Key proteins whose dysfunction is closely 1 BRCA 1 1 linked to ovarian and BRCA 2 1 RAD 51 breast cancer RAD 54 predisposition DSS 1 l RPA 1 NBS l ATR ATM Provides opportunity far CHK 1 selective treatment using CHK 2 FAN CD 2 PARP inhibitors FANC A FANC C etc. MtCilbe et al: Cancer Research 66: 8109-8115, 2006 1 Poly{ADP-Ribose} Polymerase {PARP} Key enzyme in normal cellular process of single strand DNA repair - occurring many thousand times/cell/day Binds directly to single strand breaks Once bound to damaged ONA, PARP modifies itself producing � r ��1�(�D c ,;1_��::r s The incidence of BRCA mutations in high grade serous ovarian cancer CCNEl Amplification 1 5 % Not HRD BRCAl Germline 8% BRCA2 Germline 6% Loss Other HRD 5 % 1 7 % HRD Somatic 3% BRCA 1/2 germline mutation 14% BRCA 1/2 somatic mutation 6% Total 20% BRCA germline mutation testing should be routine .. ?somatic testing too Approx 50% of HGSOC could be candidates far PARPi Thc Cancer G@noml'! Research Network - integratf!d genomic analysis of ovilriilo urcinoma. Natme 201 l 474 609·615 PARP inhibition and tumor-selective synthetic lethality --- DNA damage (SSBs) DNA replication (accumulation of DNA DSBs) r Normalcell }lrith functional HR SN1thw, HR-mediated DNA repair Celi survival lmpaired HR-mediated DNA repair (NHEJ etc.) Celi death Tumor-selective cytotoxicity DSB, double-strand break; HR, homolocous recombln ■tlon SSB, sincle-stnmd break NHEJ, non-homolo1ous end Jotnlnc PS PARP inhibitors can also trap cytotoxic PARP -DNA complexes; clinical relevance unclear. Mura! et al. Canc. Res . 2012 72 5588-5599 Olaparib, Chapter 1, 2005-9 Pre-clinical Exquisite preclinical efficacy of PARPi in BRCA deficient ES cells .. r •-;� Brca2• 1 • . : ' \src:a2• 1 • Brcar-! l ... ,.. , .. ,., , .. ,. .. , ... -- KU-0058948 1 1250 fotd difference In SF50 ICso = 3.4nM II between BRCA2 •/· t1nd +/+ Farmerl'!t al, Nature 434917-921 2005 also Bryanl et al, Nature 434 922-926 2005 Phase I trial of KUS9436 (olaparib) indicated excelient tolerance and expansion in 50 BRCA patients showed 46% response. Fong Pet al. N Engl J Med, 2009; 361, 123-134; Fong Pet al. J Ciin Oncol, 2010; 28, 2512-2519 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 2:) ci CJ C· C Ci o o C, C C C C C C, C C C C C c· C C C C C C 0 Olaparib, a novel, orally active and well tolerated PARP inhibitor • Olaparib (AZD2281; KU-0059436) 400 mg bd is the maximum tolerated dose 1 with maximum PARP inhibition at 100mg bd, and tumour response at 100-400 mg bd • Most common toxicities: CTCAE grade 1 and 2 nausea and fatigue ; rare toxicity - neuro-cognitive . 46% (23/50 pts) combined response rate (RECIST and CA125) in BMOC 2 , in cohort expansion at 200 mg bd, with median response duration of 8 months. 1 ·Fon g P t'f al.N Enr;IJ Mt'd, 2009; 361, 123·134; 1 fong Pet o/. J Ciin Oncol, 2010; 21, 2512-2519 Correlation with platinum-free interval PFI 4m percentage 23% 46% >6m 13 69% What is the optimal dose of olaparib, and how does it compare with caelyx? r Prima,y objec:tive : compare eHlc:acy of 2 dose levels of olaplrib j (300 me and 400 me bel) with liposofflll domnibln (<:aelyx) Palienls: � 200"::': 1,o efficacy of olaparib (400 mg bd) was as predicted, with response RECIST/CA125) in 59% and median PFS of 8.8 m. Advanced BRCAl- or BRCA2-mutated ovariancancerwho hadprogressivcor recurrentdiseese o o o o o ;) L" Q C C C C Ci C 1 C c, C1 c. Ci C: o C' C· Ci c, C c, o o c, o C o C c, C\ Overall Survival in Patients With BRCA Mutation BRCA mut (n = 136) 1.0 O laparib .,._cebo � 0.9 37:74 (SO .O) 14:62 (54.1) i 0.8 i 0. 7 � 0.6 ;u g 0.4 tu e 0.2 � 0.1 Randomlzedtre.Hm11nl - Olapulb IICRAm - Ph , cebo IRCAm o���-��������-�������� O 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 Time from randomization (months) Olaparib 8RCAm 74 71 69 67 65 62 57 54 50 48 39 36 26 12 Placebo BRCAm 62 62 58 52 50 46 39 36 33 29 29 27 21 12 14/62 (22.6%) placebo patients switched to a PARP inhibitor Note: only 58% of maturity - next analysis -this year ?impact of long-term survivors 34.9 31.9 HR=0.73 95% CI (0.46, 1.19) P=0.192 Ledermann JA, et al. Lancet Oncology 15 852-861, 2014 Does PARPi resistance = platinum resistance? Edwards et al. Nature 2008 451 1111-1115 - Preclinical data in BRCA mutated cells indicate that resistance to both PARPi and platinum can result from secondary mutations in BRCA 1/2 gene, causing reversion to functional BRCA gene, and return of DNA DSB repair capacity. Barber et al J Path. 2013 229 422-429 - Demonstrate 2 clinical examples of secondary mutations linked to resistance to olaparib. - Male patient with BRCAm breast cancer - Female patient with BRCAm ovarian cancer So, is this the answer? When patients become resistant to olaparib, are they resistant to platinum? Randomized Trial of Olaparib as Maintenance Therapy in Platinum-Sensitive Sporadic Ovarian Cancer Trial positive for primary endpoint (PFS). But overall survival impact less clear. Does this reflect cross-over (23%), or too early analysis, or is there an impact of olaparib on subsequent response to chemo, and will this depend on BRCA mutation status? What do we know about PARPi (and platinum) resistance? Chemosensitivity Post Olaparib in BRCA- Mutated Ovarian Cancer -- - i . For platinum-based treatment: : '"'.acbo-+ - RECIST response in 19/48 (40%) j! PLD - RECIST and/or CA-125 response in ,, -·apa , -18"/rCA1'l5 26/53 (50%) ji CMCllne - Median PFS: 22 weeks ! ) 98'!1,CA-125de<:Une I \ ' - Median OS: 45 weeks j J , '-- * '" ' ,. - .. .. .. .. "' .. .. ORR/O5 significantly associated with ·� interval since last (pre-olaparib) platinum . In 78 evaluable olaparib-treated patients, 1· Molecular analysis of tumour resected response to subsequent chemotherapy post-olaparib: No evidence of secondary seen in 36% (24/67) by RECIST and in 45% mutations in 6 cases (35/78) by CA125 and/or RECIST What other mechanisms of PARPi resistance may apply? Ang JE, et al. Ciin Cancer Res. 2013;19(19):5485-5493. 5 Resistance to PARP inhibitors llm:4:MIW Is likely to be m ultifactorial ; factors to consider include : � �IIACAIIIIMllon --S30PI T -r- -� -- . . l � � llm:4:. 1"; � .. , l -= ... � "-C_. �·_J osn...,.1...i FojoT, and Bat� S, C:incer Dlscovery 2013 3 20- 23 CeccaldiRetal.CancRes. 201575628 fasperset alCancer Dlscovery2013 3 68-81 Mrs J B, aged 59 BRCA 2 m utation positive ovarian cancer April 2002 Presented with stage IV disease - pelvic mass, positive pleural effusion Surgery then carbo/taxol to August 2002 June 2003 -January 2007 • Four episodes of mu Iti-site peritoneal recurrence • Treated with carboplatin-based chemo June 2007 5 th relapse (peritoneal, rising CA125) i.e., S months after last carboplatin (platinum resistant) Began KUS9436 (olaparib) in Phase I trial - 200mg bd Complete remission and remained in CR until 2014 lune 2014 • lsolated liver recurrence, 2cm, segment V September 2014 • Complete resection, no disease elsewhere • Continues on olaparib 200mg bd February 2016 Progression at 2 sites; far stereotactic RT • lncrease to olaparib 400mg bd Secondary BRCA mutation P-glycoprotein-based enhanced drug efflux Reduced 53BP1, partially restoring HR NER pathway alterations And why do a minority of cases (up to 20%) stay in remission long ­ term? Is this ali due to tumour heterogeneity? Lesson S - answers will require tumour sam ples from patients rogressing on PARPi June 2007 Dec 2007 June 2014 Long-term responders to olaparib Pooled analysis from 13 studies - 1489 patients received olaparib 400mg bd (including Phase 1/11 and maintenance trials). Of these, - 137 patients continued for > 2 years - 84 patients for > 3 years - 46 patients for > 4 years - 9 patients for > S years - 4 patients for > 6 years (including Mrs J.B.) L'Heureux et iil. JCO 32 5S o1bt 5534, 2014 Why isn't PARP inhibitor treatment just another form of platinum-based therapy? Fundamentally different mechanism of action Efficacy in patients with platin u m-resistant d isease Efficacy of platin um in patients progressing on PARP inhibitor . Different pace of disease when PARPi resistance develops Some very long-term responders o o o C o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ':) :) o o o o C) C C C C C C' C' C C C· C c i c, o C C C' c, c i o o C 1 c, C i cj c , c i o C· () Olaparib in BMOC • The paths to registration a) Maintenance therapy (Europe) b) Advanced, recurrent disease (USA) Overall. .... Olaparib in advanced recurrent BRCAm ovarian cancer Tota! of 300 patients treated in 6 trials including: lnitial phase 1/11 trials - Fong et al, NEJM 2009, JCO 2010, Audeh et al lancet 2010 Randomised trial vs Caelyx - Kaye et al, JCO 2012 Bioavailability and scheduling studies Capsule >> tablet, cont. v intermittent , Mateo et al, EJC 2013 Non-randomised, multiple BRCAm disease - Kaufmann et al JCO 2015 From the Kaufmann et al paper, data on subgroup of 137 patients who received ;, 3 lines of chemo presented to FDA for accelerated approval. response rate 34%; response duration 7.9m O 'll "- '(\ c e d \ O \ ( C $ \ 3'. ,.. ...- ....- ,o ,• � 1- �" 1>• 1' 1' o > "ce< �• ' 0"3 t\ 3'(\ ... .. , ... .. o .:;::- Olaparib in BRCA mutation associated advanced recurrent ovarian cancer Kaufman et al, J. Ciin One 33 244-250, 2015 - non-randomised all-comers (BRCAm) tria! of olaparib 400mg bd. - n=298, inc. 193 ovarian cancer patients - ali BMOC patients platinum resistant or "not suitable far further platinum therapy" - 77% BRCAl : 23% BRCA 2 - RECIST response in 60 (31%) - Median PFS = 7.0m; median OS= 16.6m - Treatment well tolerated, although 3 patients treated far 6- 10m died (2acute leukaemia, 1 MDS) - No difference in response between BRCAl and 2 Status of olaparib/Lynparza in ovarian cancer April 2016 [ a) As capsules (400mg bd) Europe - approved as maintenance treatment far platin um sensitive relapsed BRCA m ovarian cancer - patients in remission fallowing platinum-based therapy. USA - approved as monotherapy far patients who have received � 3 lines of chemotherapy Not approved as maintenance therapy Approval also far companion diagnostic (Myriad Genetics BRCA analysis CDx) 7 Status of olaparib in ovarian cancer -April 2016 [ b) As tablets, 300mg b.d. • Adaptive 2 stage trial in 196 patients: - Confirmed at least bioequivalence for 300mg b.d. tablets cont. compared to 400mg b.d. capsules (Mateo et al, 2016; Targeted Oncology- in press). Ongoing randomised trials in ovarian cancer all with 300mg b.d. tablets: o SOLO 1 (n=344) -first line, platinum sensitive maintenance vs placebo g BRCAm pts only o SOLO 2 (n=264) - second line, platin um sensitive maintenance vs placebo g BRCAm pts only o SOLOist (n=157) -second line, platin um sensitive maintenance vs placebo in pts with HRD assoc or somatic BRCA m only. o SOLO 3 (n=411) -recurrent platinum sensitive, olaparib vs physician's choice, g BRCAm patients only Single agent activity for PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer - BRCA Mutation positive BRCA wild type and unknown "resp resp. n "resp .... Reference RECIST duration RECIST dunitlon Olaparib >100 30-60% 7-l0m 46 24% 7m fotllttM. (mostplatrHIU) f!IO'IC,W'1pl.lt JCO:ZOlO �M Kay,ee tal JC02012 " "lripl,l t Geimondlll.�I ,m11 ClrKolac'tlOll Rucaparib* 39 69" >9m 1 :!o �) 30% 7m 1 M<.Hfflhe tal (a11platsens) ASC02015 62 13% 4m ..,.., Niraparib • 20 45% llm 20 15% Sm Sandhut1al.lancel (9platsensl 0ntolosY2013 BMN 673 28 68% >6m l\lmantNnetalEJC201l (22platsens) iupp1 Jl&A29 • HRD assays based on loss of heterozygosity (LoH) incorporated into ongoing maintenance trials PARP inhibitors - what are the next steps? • Define activity in sporadic ovarian cancer and other cancers, e.g. breast, gastric, pancreas, prostate. • Assess PARP inhibitors other than olaparib (rucaparib, niraparib, BMN-673) • Develop robust predictive biomarker (including HRD assays) • Test novel combinations (with P13K or angiogenesis inhibitors, etc.) • Monitor long-term toxicity • Understand mechanisms of PARPi resistance Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) assay - Do we have one? BRCA "" HCA- 1 e,CA , ,., 1 o,omMkt'• Neg�IM.' II II 1 1 11111 1 11 11 111 III I I II 1 � ..... ,,. Chromosome No. Procreuion-frH survival by HRO molecul.r sub1roup In ARIEL 2 1.0 0.9 o., 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 �:!l = ::�:e 0.1 - Biomiltkertlr&illiw o 1 2 3 4 5 e 1 a g 10 11 12 n 1,4 Time(months) HRD causes genome wide loss of heterozygosity (LOH), which can be measured by genome profiling using NGS Algorithm developed for LOH score (high/low), i.e. BRCA-like signature, with LOH cut off derived from OS data on cohort of 309 platinum-treated patients. Correlation with efficacy of rucaparib in Phase II trial - ARIEL 2 BRCA-like· Biomarkerne1: HRDhflh PFS· 7m HRO!ow PFS4m McNeish et al. ASCO 2015 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o o o --.._ '-..) 8 C C C C c , C C o o C C C o o C i C o o o o C o C o C c, CJ C; o C I c i o Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) assay - Do we have another? Haluska Pet al, NCI/EORTC/AACR 2014 (EJC 50 supp 6 abst 214 page 72) Developed HRD score incorporating 3 components: I • Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) • Telomeric allelic imbalance (TAi) • Large-scale stale transitions (LST) l HRD score is sum of LOH + TAi + LST scores Presented evidence of correlation between HRD score and in vitro/in vivo response to niraparib in 106 tumour samples - clinical data in ovarian cancer awaited. Thus: - Two assays under further evaluation, as key elements in 2 ongoing randomised maintenance trials, with niraparib and rucaparib in sporadic and BRCAm associated ovarian cancer. Olaparib in other disease types [ Prostate cancer 49 patients with metastatic endocrine-resistant disease - received 400mg bd tablets - 16 (33%) had RECIST/PSA ar CTC response, with median treatment duration of 40 weeks - Of these 16, a total of 14 had DNA repair defects in tumour sam ples - 7 BRCA 2 (4 somatic, 3 germ-line) - 4 ATM mutations - 3 other (FANCA/BRCA 1; PALB2; HOAC2) - Predictive accuracy of biomarker: 81% Mateo et al, NEJM 2015 373 1697- 1708 Olaparib in other disease types Studies using 300mg bd tablets: Breast cancer: - Olaparib vs placebo in gBRCAm TNBC, post-neoadjuvant CT ar adjuvant CT - Olaparib vs physician's choice in metastatic gBRCAm disease. Gastric cancer: - Weekly taxol and olaparib vs weekly taxol and placebo in metastatic disease post first-line chemo. Pancreatic cancer: Maintenance olaparib vs placebo in gBRCAm patients in remission following platinum-based chemo. PARP inhibitor - combination strategies Aim: enhance activity of PARPi by increasing HRD in treated cells Pre-clinical and early clinical data with: • Antiangiogenic agents 1 • P13K/AKT pathway inhibitors 2 • Weel Kinase inhibitors 3 • ATR inhibitors 4 1 1 Chan N & Bristow R. Ciin Can Res. 2010 16 4553-60 2 Rehman et al. Cancer Discoverv. 2012 2 982-84 3 Karnak O et al. Ciin Canc Res 2014 20 5085-5096 • Huntoon C et al Canc Res 2013 73 3683-3691 9 Antiangiogenic agents/PARP inhibitors Complementary targets/mechanisms of action Potential enhancement of sensitivity to PARPi by increasing HRD through changes in oxygenation caused by antiangiogenic agent. Bevacizumab/olaparib- Phase I trials confirmed feasibility and randomised trial planned. Cediranib/olaparib- positive randomised trial presented at ASCO 2014- further randomised trials (incl. maintenance) ongoing. -· ....... , ... (IIICA11114) - M .... ... _ .. (MICA"IH) Ml"11Dlridty:h/t,d.1ffhota,f11lcue, ludlr11to�1tdtJCtJonn34/« (77't)alld4ptsdlscori1w.ltdtrutmen1 onola�l1b/ttd111nlb RHPo nW! ('I,) r.,td,�S lll""l """"""' (ll!CA,ngtl6.Sffl MCA«t.«5.7ml 35(10%1 17. 1m lndudlftc se� (MCArnut 19.4m BM:Aoi:h«lUm) &ffiMJRi\ltM#W _,,, 0.16(MI 8RCAothtr 0.0000 Dun et al. BJC 2012 106 468-474 Liu et al. Lancet Oncolo1v 2014 15 1207- 1214 PARP inhibitor- combination strategies? With chemotherapy Will PARP inhibition enhance efficacy of chemotherapy, e.g. platinum­ combination regimes? Pre-clinical data, including in vivo BRCAm model treated with carboplatin and olaparib, confirm potentiation Note: in Phase I clinical trials, enhanced myelosupression noted in first combination schedules, requiring dose reduction both of olaparib and chemotherapy. "' -untm:tdcontrol -AZD2211100d AZD221121d _ .. ..,. -C. pati,,t AZD22112:ld -cilpl,tn+AZD2:211 1 00d ,,..,__ _��� M M " � ,., 11 -11 „ Sf IN 1st 20I 7,t )(It 351 ..,. "' Rottenburg et .il. PNAS 2008; 10S: 17079-17084 PARP inhibitor plus Pl3K inhibitor E 4 .,� ; : � .a .JI " preclinical data in TNBC cells demonstrate that P13K inhibition suppresses BRCA 1/2 expression and enhances sensitivity to PARP inhibition, partly through activation of ERK and transcription factor ETSl O+--�--�-�--�-� Phase I trials now underway, including olaparib plus AZDS363 10 20 Days Control BKM 120 Olaparib BKM plus olaparib 30 40 50 lnitial data encouraging with no overlapping toxicity Ibrahim et al, Cancer 0iscovery 2012 21036-1047 Juvekar et al. Cancer O!scovery 2012 2 1036-1047 Rehman et aL Cancer Discovery 2012 2 98 2-984 Randomised Phase II study of carboplatin/paclitaxel ± olaparib in platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer 43 sites, 12 countries 162 patients recruited Feb - July 2010 [ Serous histology s 3 previous platinum­ based regimes > 6 months progression-free after last platin um [ Primary end point: PFS A N o EJ 1 N = 81 1 Paclitaxel 175mg/m 2 Carboplatin AUC 4 & olaparib 200mg bd for 10 days q 21 Paclitaxel 17Smg/m 2 carboplatin AUC 6 q 21 BRCA mutationpresent in41 patients(20 olaparib, 21 control) 1 N= 66 1 --'> EišJ Maintenance olaparib 400mg bd until progression No maintenance treatment OzaetallancetOncology 16 87-97201S C o C C o C C C C v C C C o C C C n \J C C C r"i v C C ,,-, \J " v C C C C " v 10, v C C C c, o o C C C: C C' C C C o o C' o C c· c· C o o o C o Progression-free survival 0/P/C P/C 1.0 � ... ... 0.7 ... o.s Overall response rate 52/81 (64%) 47/81 (58%) C o Median PFS(months) 12.2 HR 0.51 P = 0.0012 9.6 In patients (41) with BRCAm, HR = 0.21 ] C o °[ � 0.4 o., 0.1 Numberof p1tients1trlsk 0/P/C 81 P/C 81 - Olaparib + P + C (AUC4) - P+C(AUC6) 10 12 14 Time from randomization (months) 80 68 76 65 71 57 55 40 37 18 34 15 20 8 16 18 20 Ozilet11,L,mcet0ncolocv 2015 Emerging questions - the next 10 years of PARP inhibitors in ovarian cancer a) Should BRCA mutation testing become routine in oncology clinics? - lf so, should this include somatic (tumour) as well as germ line analysis? - But what do we know about tumour heterogeneity? Note: germline: somatic mutation frequency is 3-5 : 1 b) Should chemotherapy for BRCAm carriers be the same as or different to BRCA WT patients? - Clinical data indicate enhanced efficacy for Caelyx and perhaps Trabectedin as well as platinum c) How should a BMOC patient with platinum-sensitive relapse be treated? - olaparib? - bevacizumab? Will it vary according to individual patient history? d) How will PARPi resistance be circumvented - novel inhibitors? - new combinations, e.g. with WEE-1 or ATR inhibitors? Randomised Phase II study of carboplatin/paclitaxel ± olaparib - Summary and Conclusions • Overall treatment, including olaparib 400mg bd maintenance, does significantly increase PFS (9.6 -12.2m, HR 0.51) • In patients with BRCAm, HR 0.21 Olaparib has acceptable/manageable toxicity profile BUT: • Olaparib 200mg bd (10 days) plus taxol/carbo (AUC 4) does not significantly increase response rate compared to taxol/carbo (AUC 6) • The PFS benefit can therefore be attributed to maintenance treatment (as in Study 19) • No evidence of OS benefit (62% maturity) PARP inhibitors for the treatment of ovarian cancer-the first 10 years. First preclinical evidence of exquislte sensitlvlty of BRCAm cells to PARPi � April Farmeretal,Nature 2005 Brya111e1 .ol,N.oture 2005 First clinical proof-of­ concept in Phase 1 trials ofolaparib BMOC- BRCA mutation assodated ovarian cancer Genomicand clinica1 data indicating potential Beyond BRCAm iiit.tMit�PNtl't �------ BMOC patients in L,d,rmannetal Nl:JM2012 & lancetOncology 2014 11 Summary The last decade - • Therapeutic targeting of HRD becomes a reality • First PARP inhibitor- olaparib - approved tor treatment of BRCA mutation-associated ovarian cancer. The next decade - • Other applications • HRD assay • Combination approaches • PARPi resistance and its circumvention ls in safe hands Acknowledgements ICR/RMH • Johann de Bono • Tim Yap • Joo Ern Ang • Peter Fong • Craig Carden • Martin Gore • Susie Banerjee • Chris Lord • Alan Ashworth Lesson 6 - it's the team stupid! • Ali the research nurses, clinical fellows and data managers in the DDU • Support from CRUK, ICR and Biomedical Research Centre at RMH • Clinical collaborators in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C C C C C C 1 !.... Q) (.) C ro (_) +-' en ro Q) !.... ca = ' = ž < :;; (/) i... Q) ·c i... ro u "r""" o::: ((l C i... Q) u C ro u = ..... (/) ,· ro - Q) ž i... < ((l :;; uuu � (.) ro � - O) .8 O) ..... Q) C a.. ro E C/) s: -� "O Q) ::J z - C/) -.:;t" C O) ] O) ..... E C/) ::J o � .._ '+- (_) - C Q) C/) E Q) C Q) Q) © Ol >, � .._ C/) � ·;:: "O ..C Q) .Ql .._ ..C Q) ..C .8 ro Q) Q) ::J > "O ro ..C "čf?. "čf?. lO 1 r--- s::!" N C/) C: ro o:: .C - ro (9 o ...: J2 "O Q) c ::J o (.) (.) ro .._ Q) (.) C ro (.) in ro Q) .._ ..C '+- o � o C"') ..... :i o ..C ro .2:- C o QJ � ·;:: .C (.) C o +-' en Q) O) o Q. t'CI _en o "'O Q) Q) u C !.... a.. t'CI ..... o (.) o. +-' E Q) C Q) (9 00000000000 oa,co r-,..<0U,V MN T"" � u u uu uuu u uuo u - o o � o o 'o ., l5 o o. ... U) o � <0 ·;;; ,, o � "' ::: ., o N � o M o N uu ()()() Linkage or Nexl-Gen Seq Next-Gen GWAS First-Gen GWAS 1 - 7 w t!i lt � ( Co11Y110n Vanants ) � ::;;;:,;: ,.: Large Effect Size .!::,! � � ( Rare Vanants ) Mm1mal Effect Size Bi EXTR.EMELY R.ARE Minor Allele Frequency Population frequency and lifetime risk of breast cancer genes 90 80 70 60 ♦PTEN so 40 30 20 10 o ♦STKll ♦CDHl o ♦TP53 Lifetime risk BRCA! • BRCA2 -1',\LBl ___ _ __ ♦BRl Pl . ♦ CHEK2 ATM SNPs 8 10 1 in 100k 1 in 10000 1 in 2000 1 in 800 1 in SO 1 in 10 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C'0 N ,._ o. <( Q) (.) 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(l) 3 -:::=o III o ;59 1 MBC <60 5 MBC>59 5 Ovarian cancer <60 8 Ovarian cancer >59 5 Pancreatic cancer o Prostate cancer <60 o Prostate cancer> 59 o ROC Curve ' 0 T------ -=:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; = = 7 o, 06 1 - Spocificity BRCA2 5 4 3 2 1 8 5 5 5 1 2 1 Source of the Curve Unodjusledcornbined -scoreforBR CAl /2 AdJu1>ted combir.ed -6C OII'! lor BRCA1/2 Re1crence Line C statistic 0.74:0.78 ROC curve with path adjusted score at 20% combined 5 () o 3 N N r::; d ... (,.) '? � :i' o "' o 'f o w "' "' CI) §I. + ... o a. CD CD ... CD "' G) "' "' ii) "' "' :, 'O a. "' "' s: w "" " )> o (D (") (/) o (/) 3 CD CD O" (/) ;o (/) ::: N � N N :::! () CD o N o, � o == :::J 3 :E; N :E; m (O w CD � "' "' o N o .._, 3 CD � o. ::J (/) r-+ n· ;, :, "' "" + ;!. ,:... ,, (") o o -+, -. (/) CD CD ;o (") (,.) (,.) "' o, o, � � () o "' o )> CD :E; N :E; m (O w "' .., � "' "' o N o .._, 3 < CD � CD Q) o o o r-+ ....l,, o "' N (,.) (,.) (,.) 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"' " o (D o < � iii' :::, l s o, in CD (D o, � � � iii' 3 iij" "' � "1J !l) ..+ ::r o o CC '< !l) o. ..___ C (J) ..+ CD o. s: !l) ::::l (') ::r CD (J) ..+ CD --; (/') (') o --; CD CD < CD )> (/) (/) CD (/) (/) 3 CD ::J r-+ o -+, s: Q) ::J (") :::::r CD (/) r-+ CD -. (/) (") o -. CD Q) r-+ ....l,, o ;:R. o 00000000000000000000000000000000 C, C, C 1 C C C o o C C C o o o C i C o C C C C· �/o ,-i.�.,--... �-�-,-H,,ttOry ... _ .. o-.c..- M�- AII -M M-,o,, M M,;-n M MwtallO!'I M .__ ... _ °"" ... :-­ llr,..,,.. __ witll _._ ... _ ,,,,.,,._,,,..,_ ";..,..::.,_, .. -. C-• '""•-• 'II, C..- • "-• 'II, C....• ......, nia 'II, c.,�., , , • ...,.., 'II, C.-- • ,........,. 'II, . ' ,. . , .. " ' JJIJ ' 11 ,,., 7 " . » ,, olO • K ,O It ll.l "' � 1 II 00 1 II 211 .... ni! ,. ,o M . ' .. . " " ' " . u ,» II 4J.I 10 11 W.l 7 ,,. " ,. "' J „ 1.1 11 r,J t 1' IU )M 101 27 .)M !I 11 11 * - u X 21 7 II JII 10 "' ,. .. ,.. ,. .. ,.. " .. X 71 1 17 1111 :ti lol,J 2 17 .. , 1 - IJ/11 21 ,, , "' ,.: ,, ,.. ,.: Chance of BRCA 1 /2 in triple 60 negative 50 40 30 ■ ■ - - 20 1 10 - - o - - 20-29 30-39 40-49 Age in years no FH one rel <50 ■ 2 rels <50 1 50-59 .A.ge at TNBC O.agnoais 1v-arsJ <35 35to39 ◄Oto-40 50to59 ;a.:60 Muto11on AII MutallOn AJ1 Muu111on Ali MutatlOn Ali MUUIIJ()t'i Ali Famdy Qtncor H,:.IOl'Y C...-riors Pauonts "° Camors Poooms % C;,mors P.illom1 % Qtmo,1 Pa11onts "- Corr,ors Pat1onts 'l. BRCA1 No btea,1. no oYan&n One ,motive wlth broo!ll, no ov11i1n 27 18 48 12.15 12 33.3 5 IIO 158 17,3 ., ... 60 ' 5 o , .. ... 81 19.8 48 14,6 00 15 149 10.1 7 00 14 5 18 31.3 • 15 40 33 230 14.3 8 140 5.4 1 .. 1.6 2 15 13.3 11 230 4,8 23 149 15, 4 7 50 14 Coud1 e\ al J Ciin Om:ol. 2015:33:30-t-1 l. " 38 14 209 •. 7 13 241 5.4 • 279 103 10.7 3 80 3.8 2 79 38 184 2 28 7.1 1 23 18 33.3 • 17 52.0 o 7 368 10.3 27 366 7.4 7 388 208 1,9 5 241 2.1 2 279 141 2.8 2 108 1.9 2 102 18 5.6 1 17 , .. 1 7 388 2.4 8 358 2.2 ' ,.. 209 8.8 18 241 7.5 • 278 103 13.6 • 80 8.3 4 79 38 21 2 28 Genetic testing for ovarian cancer • Exclude borderline and mucinous ovarian tumours • Alsop et al 2012 Journal of clinical oncology • 1,001 sequentially diagnosed epithelial ovarian cases • 14% patients had BRCA1/2 germline mutation - 11.6 ° 0 high grade serous - 8.-t" o endm11.:1riod 6 ° n in cl.:arc<:11 (bul palhology r.:,i<:11 r<:classilied 3/-t as high grade serous) - O in carcinosarcomas - diagnosed 61 + ,,i1h no l'SFI L 16/250 (6.-t"n)-personal rn111111 ivli1ch<:II (i 1.4 2.6 43 o 1. 8 0.7 2 14.3 1.3 7 What can all be tested at 10 ° /o • TN BC <40 years • High grade serous Ovarian <61 years Mutations - Thcrc are potcntially :, rcsults from mutation tcsting. - Ckarly pathogcnic -actionabk - Ckarly 11011-pathogcnic - poly morphism - 11011 actionabk - Variant or unccrtain signi licancc h ·idcncc rna� bc conllicting. 110 !"1111ctio11al assa�. in-silico prcdiction. scgrcgation studics. t11111011r studics May 1110,c frorn VlJS to cithcr o!" othcr catagorics c.:i'i-+-21\>C rcclassilicd from actionabk to pol� What can be considered for mainstreaming testin� for Olympiad (2%) threshold • AII TNT <50 years • Any TNTwith a close rel with OC or MBC • Aged 50-59 with any family history of BC • Aged 60-69 with one relative with BC <70 • Aged 70+ with at least one relative aged <50 or two <60 Proposed Classification System for Sequence Variants Identified by Genetic Testing Clau Description Probability of bclng Pathogcnic 5 Dcfinitely Pathogcnic >0.99 4 Likcly Pathogcnic 0.95---0.99 3 Unccrtain 0.05--0.949 2 Likcly Not Pathogcnic or of Littlc Clinical Significance 0.001--0.049 1 Not Pathogcnic or of No Clinical Significancc <0.001 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (� -..J () o o o o o o � o o o -� o o o uuu u C O> ro C · c ro > o ...... (/) 1 (l) E o () (l) O) "O ·c .C E w '- .E E (l) ID ...... u ...... ID C ID O) O) C E ro ID !..... ...... (/) C ro � en ::J > C CI) � CI) ·c ...... ro s '- .E o,JB C fJ) :.;::::; . O) f/) o (l) - +-' o () () :.;::::; C (l) o C >. (l) .C O) 1 "O (l) - +-' (l) f/) "O (l) o ::J Eg ..C '- � Q) +-' () O c u ro CI) () • (l) s >- >. .C +-' -o · u (l) ro "O C.. C ro ::J () - (l) 1 O) ---- '- (9 ro U..c �:t:: -- 5 (l) � "O +-' OC E � I = � ro o:: � • O) C Q) ..C ....... C o .en Q) C(.) o c ·- ro O) ..C Q) (.) i.... o -� ro � (.) v ....... ·;::: Q) (.) > © ro "O ..C ro _. u - � () c:.;::::; ·- (l) >. c "O (l) ::J O) +-' f/) "O (l) C > ro :.;::::; f/) �1n o· ­ ..c O) ro o -o ou uc ,o t) C o fil W5 1- +-' (9 i • "O C ro en � en · ;::: i.... Q) ....... ro 1- o z +-' f/) >. f/) C o +-' ro () ::J "O (l) ro E '- .E f/) ro w ..C +-' - f/) o· ­ o O) o.O '- o (l) () -� C _J o • O) C "O·- -� ::J ro OE en N Q) ..C ....... - > en C ::J � :;::; o o <( ro en · - en o � ::J . en > (.) ::J O:: ro <(i > (() (.) • • O) C ·- E ro ID !..... ...... (/) C ·- ro E -o C ::J o !..... ro CI) ID ::J (/) CI) C/) 1 0 C ....,c (9 o :.;:::::; c.Q ro Q)..... - (.) ·- ro cn [ E � C.. o -2 -� E ..... cu c-- ©('-- C/) o cn c..cn ·- ,._ C/)(.) C/) == ..... Q) · - ..... :::::l nl>Q)C C C/) O) C·-cn = Q) Q) .!: ro a> :5 u :.;:::::; ,._ C/) ci5 c.. "O c>- ro o, == Q) X O- O) C.. C :::::l ..... ID ro o ,._ ·- .C - 0 C C/) (.) :.;:::::; Q) C Q) a> �uo ,._ ·- u - :::::i ...., C ,._ ro 1 • - c 0> ID ,.._ :::::i cn O o .!: ,._ >- o ID C-c ..... ,._·E c 0> a> o<'-·.!: cn o o ,.._ "O :.;:::::; JB -o 2 ,.._ ro :.;:::::; o ro ro cn © ,.._ cn ,.._ ro o, 0 .2· - iO O �m ID C '+- O O) �"O "'- · - Q) C ·- C.. -o a> E o ..c ·- ..c � ,._ C E·- (.) E E..... 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CD OJ � -"- ::,R -, :::o :::R :::R o IB o o o �� 01 N � OJ OJ -"- -"- ::,R -, :::o ::,R :::R o IB o o o C/l )> -N N <,.) o OOJ -"- -.J < :::o :::R o :::R ru O o '< )> -"- � o o OOJ 01 < :::o :::R ru O o '< )> N . . �o . • CD CD ""O š:::: < :::o :::o o __ Q o ru o o "O =: -, !e. -, C ru „ '< )> )> -CD � �- n. C/l :::::, 7J N -"- c C/l -· C CD CD CD o -;,;;O a. co o o :::J :::J cii" � ::::J -, -, C/l o C/l '< CD cii" cii" c -, ru -;,;; -;,;; a. CY -, ,-,+ C/l C/l ro· w· CD --. o o C/l C/l -, OJ "O 3 � ::::J -..J -..J -, -, o o o ru o (") < '< C/l '< '< "O CD CD CD ci o CD ru ru CD < � -, -, CD CD C/l C/l o -, <" N � � C) CD en o -..J o CD -, ru ,-,+ 1 -, co co -, CD :::J 3 o -..J CD C) a. ::,R ::,R �- - C/l o o - C OJ 3 o -, .Q: ,-,+ ru o CD CD ro :y C) en C/l CD - - -, o CY w· C/l ""C (t) :s (t) C" - ""'I '< D> D> :s o (C (t) (t) o' o' ""'I ""'I C" CD ""'I ::o (t) (") D> UI )> - - D> D> :s :s C. C. o CD < D> ::o ::!. (") D> )> :s N o D> :s o (t) ""'I o o o o o o o o o o u o o oo u () o o o o o (Jo o o o o() o o o C C C C o o C C C· C o C C G C o C C C C C C C C C· Cumulative risk ot breast cancer by age cohort tor BRCA1 and BRCA2 combined. One Minus Survival Functions 1 .2 �-------- -- --------� � a 1.0 .8 .6 .4 . 2 � 0 0 b -. 2 ,..__---- -- ---- �--- --- -----< -20 o 20 40 60 60 100 BRCACENS 6.00 1950-60 + 6.00-censored -C- 5.00 1940-50 + 5.00-censored C 4. 00 1930-40 4.00-censored 3.00 1920-30 + 3.00-censored 2.00 1900-20 + 2.00-censored - C - 1 .00 <1900 + 1.00-censored Genetic Modification of BC Risk in BRCA1/2carriers 35% � 30% ·.: e 2s% "' � 20% "' ... "' 15% � 10% o � 5% 0% ■ BOADICEA l) / !O BRCA2+ � 6 LlO / 40 45 50 BRCA2+ U7 =r - LI T ,, - 0 c'.) 6 C)---. -6 /40 45 50 /"'° 45 50 BRCA2+ BRCA2+ ( :J □r"� /"° 45 50 BRCA2+ Cumulative risk ot breast cancer by age cohort tor BRCA1 and BRCA2 combined Risk King et lcelaod UK King lcelaod I UK to al <1930 <1930 et al ! >1930 1940+ age 1 <1940 E 1 1940 +: 40 10% . 8% E l 40% 1 30% 50 60 2 3% i 30% 1 65% -- --·--·--- -= = 45% i45% 90% � 55% 75% 70 60% 48% 1 60% 70% 80 1 75% 1 78% Methods • Women only • Follow up from date of presymptomatic predictive test • Censor at RRM or death • Adjust far lead tirne effect 11 BRCA1/2 in Manchester • • 58 185 del AG (10%) • 31 6174 delT (6%) • 49 4184 del4 (8%) • 26 2157 delG (4.5%) • 29 5503C>T (5%) • 47 6503 delTT (8.5%) • 25 546G>T (4%) • 31 MLPA pos (6%) • 24 5382 delC (4%) • 38 dup exon 13 (7%) • 70 exon deletions (12%) • 2 other exon dups • 110 MLPA positive (19%) • 110/515 (21.4% non AJ) Gene COMBINED Follow up to 29. 99 Follow up 30-39.99 l:fiiiM 1 1 1-Cl•!!tffil 36.9 40.8 -----···- 81 53 - 2 --- 13 (15) 18 (19) 1054.58 1044.46 --- 14.2 per 1000 18.2 per 1000 . of female Years Rates Num b er I Num b e r 1 1 1 1 carners ls ta r tln c a m � rs B C follow per 95% CI ollow � P c ontnbut up 1000 1 ���;��•• I Adjusted I I Cumul ative to a e Rates 96% CI risk to age 196% CI (%) 9 per 1000 adjusted lng ao 236 205 11 616491784 9-9to . 32 2 10 66309 15 08 81 to 28.0 27.09 42.17 1371 12. 69 7 6 to 20 24 24 8 6. 8 to 32.9 3 23 6 11.3 to 29.2 247to 434 l fiiM,1 1 i·fi•CiFl:fil6□ 112 7 386 81 18 10 8·610 38. 0 60 .27 15 .67 75 10 4859 42 Oto 32 9 61.9 i:ffliltl?l'l·itl•lt&lml 50 Follow up 70. .S0 11 Total •80 704 4 o 188 31 21 24 8·0 10 . 56.6 27.9 1 0.00 34 209 8 .9 16 20 11 6 to 2 22.7 81.51 1911 81.51 O.DO 13 15 7.2 to 67 70 50.9 67 70 9.4 to 18.4 59.4 to 82 6 o o o o o o o o o () o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o � o o o o o 12 o o C, (> C' C C '--- Ci CJ o o o c, C o C o o C· o C c, C ('1 1 i Cumulat AdjuSf Cumulat ive risk ["" 1 ■ llI!l . . up uting -■:� -··· Ive risk :�tes 95% CI to age 1%1 �;�o to age l96%CI adjuste d IW"itttffi ., 96 14 .00 . ,. ' ' ' ' --·- l#iH jlj,fj,fii€i 1oll 132 4 4.2 to 354.56 11.28 30 1 25.37 8.72 3.310 18.83 4.7 to 23.2 31.9 84 10 20.3to rouow up 40-49.99 102 6 322 66 18.60 41.4 43 97 15 89 71 10 35.4 34.71 48.5 3.3 to 36.0to Follow up 50-59.99 46 2 150.17 13.32 53.3 57.29 11 35 2.8 to . 45.4 46.07 66.8 1e1 ntttmr 17 . 4 357 1 o 15 79.51 1.8 to 12 .58 89.3 5.72 0.00 1054.5 22 8.6 to 8 14 23.6 69.86 11.69 69.86 0.00 11.51 Familial Factors 1 .610 46.5to 83.0 57.76 79 .7 57.76 6.9t o 19.1 •Ten of the prospective breast cancers occurred in families with BRCA2 Manchester scores of �16 out of only 58 pre-symptomatic tests with such a high score. The remaining 10 prospective breast cancer occurred in the remaining 180 patients with lower scores (p=0.01). • SNP summary scores based on the Turnbull et al weightings for 18 SNPs showed that only 3 breast cancers were in women with SNPs in the lowest tertile (RR <0.715) compared to eight in the intermediate tertile (RR 0.716-1.15) and seven in the highest tertile (RR >1.15). Mean/median scores for breast cancers 1.15/1.05 compared to 1.03/0.88 for those without breast cancer in follow up (p=0.33). BRCA2 Follow up to 29.99 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ■ 1 ·· 1 - - �-.:--� 34 82 104 70 103 34 66 15 33 2 7 ?37 347 o 7 4 5 3 o 74.35 0.00 12.7 to 261.94 26.72 56.1 4.4 to 340.44 11.75 31.3 8.810 236.74 21 . 12 50.7 8.9 to 108.80 27 .57 85.5 22.19 0.00 19 1044.4 8 9 11 .6 to 6 1 · 1 28.5 11111- O.O 26.72 38.47 59.59 72.80 87.17 0.00 20 35 9.7 to . 42.7 3.7 to 9.75 26.0 18 47 7.7 to . 44.4 24 23 7.8 to . 75.1 0.00 14 83 9.5 to . 23.2 0.00 15.510 20.35 25.1 26.710 30.10 38.3 43.1 to 48.57 58.7 63.710 72.80 86.7 72.80 BRCA 1 /2 penetrance 20 30 40 50 60 70 BRCA1 BRCA2 13 Other prospective studies-EMBRACE • Average cumulative risks to 70 years • BRCA1 -60% (95% CI 44-75%) • BRCA2 -55% (95% CI = 41-70%) • BRCA2 carriers in the highest tertile of risk, defined by the joint genotype distribution of 7 SNPs higher risk of developing breast cancer than those in the lowest tertile HR= 4.1, 95% CI = 1.2 -14.5; P = .02. Conclusions • Women should be given a range of BC risks perhaps • 45-90% for BRCA 1 and • 30-90% for BRCA2. •This range reflects the modifying effects of other genetic factors as well as hormona! and reproductive factors. As such clinicians seeing women from high-risk breast cancer families should give women a higher estimate within this range • In future SNP testing may guide better within the range Survival from diagnosis -BC praven carriers and FDRs Survival Functions 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 o.o -. 2 -10 10 20 30 Survival Functions l77 40 50 60 N=247:211 P=0.95 GENE 0 BRCA2 + BRCA2-censored 0 BRCA1 + BRCA1-censored 247:211 1.1 - - -------- -- ---- - - -. 5yr survival 1.0 .9 .8 .7 +-- -�-- �-- �-- ---- --- �- -- -1 o 2 3 4 s 6 five year survival 72%vs 77% P-.2224 GENE c BRCA2 + BRCA2-censored 0 BRCA1 + BRCA 1-censored 14 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o () C i o C i o C· o C C C) C· c, o C, C· C: o C C C C C o o o Ci Ci o o o o � a Survival Functions 247:211 1 • 1 1 0yr survival 1.0 .9 .8 .7 74%vs 56% P=.0037 GENE 0 BRCA2 + BRCA2-censored .6 o BRCA1 .5 .._ __ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ _, + BRCA 1-censored 6 8 10 12 14 16 survival 5 to 15 years 8 d d 8 o Hazard ratio 0.37 (95%CI 0.174-0.798); p=0.008 17 deaths in no CRRM group had CBC 5 10 15 Time from breast cancer or CRRM to death (years) 20 Number at risk No CRRM 104 CRRM 102 64 34 57 16 [--- NoCRRM 14 3 CRRM] 2 1 �� ;:;--------�-------------------------- �- , L d � d o Number at risk No Surgery 473 RRO only 120 CRRM only 43 CRRM and RRO 62 � '--.. 1 ._ - -----.. J 'C--=- - -. -- 5 10 15 Time tram surgery or breast cancer to death (years) 267 62 20 50 No Surgery ----- CRRM only 154 28 6 22 73 8 1 7 RRO only CRRM and RRO 20 22 o o 2 � L_ 56RRMonly 68 RRM+ BSO lil 108 BSO only 0 d d Number at risk O 10 20 30 Time from surgery or ascertainment to death (years) No surgery 460 Any true surgery 232 187 156 5 14 1 3 [ ---- No surgery ---- Any true surgery 15 112 d d � d Number at risk o No surgery 460 Any true surgery 232 � % 5urvival � d Number at risk No Surgery 460 Any true surgery 232 HR =0.09; 95%CI 0.04-0.29 10 20 56 RRM only 68 RRM + 850 108 850 only Time from surgery or ascertainment to death (years) 187 156 HR 0.25 95%CI 0.1-0.59 56 RRM only 68 RRM + 850 108 850 only 5 14 20 40 60 80 Time from birth to death and follow- up (years) 455 232 312 177 70 22 6 o 30 56 RRM only � 68 RRM + BSO 108 BSO only � Number at risk o No Surgery 460 Any true surgery 232 HR 0.25 95%Cl 0.1-0.59 20 40 60 80 Time from birth to death and follow-up (years) 455 232 312 177 70 22 6 o [---- No surgery ---- Any true surgery o o o o o o o o o o o o 100 1 o g 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 16 o o C C C' C c. C o o C o o o C o o o o Ci C o o o C o C C o C o C C' Royal Marsden NSABP-P1 ltalian IBI5-1 Ali tamoxifen prevention 0.3 ■ -. • 1---r- - __; 1 ' 1 • 1 --'-­ �•- □_te -� 0.5 0.62 Hazard ratio -■- 1.0 1.5 17 Contralateral Breast Cancers in Aromatase Adjuvant Trials ATAC ltalian MA-17 IES ARNO/ABCSG BIG 1-98 Combined -■- 1 : - -■---t - 1-- : - - 1 +- -JI- : ·{_ >�, - ,/' Odds ratio (log scale) Inhibitor Future potential agents Antoprogestins (Howell S PI CR003 BCN) Denosumab (anti Rank-L) Metformin PARPi far BRCA Allinvaolvecano,n lnvaslw!ER-posillYecanc.,. -ER.negaliv<,� � arclnoma- In situ AA NI.Wnberofwomen Anosb'azole PIOttbo 9""'P (n,1920) (n.1 944) 32a..) 64 (3,.) 20(1"') 47(2 ,.) 11(1") 14(1") 6(•1") 20(1,.) 40<2"') 85(4") 0-1 0-2 0-5 1 2 -rallo _...,_�11)-,P ---- "'� €R �H.-,H-��- fn.,.._._9.-oup _..,.._,._.,. .... �� f j H ..... ,�-•tstr. ....__..-.ip 1944 �-..... � :1.9->0 k-.l'.A-J-'1 ..... �tn-,o--9"J'l'IP UY.1'7 "'°" .... - - --,,--------- - -· �--.. ··-· .... -�--�, u:..-s. •◄◄'!- �� .. ,. J.6� l-"6'1 U64 320 !� 59 10-year 172 101 5-year 35 ' 4 10-year 18 5 5-year 35 r JL 2 10-year 23 2 Htll�mlo pvalue (95„CI) 0.50 (0-32-(1.7 6) (1.001 0-42 (0-25-0-71) (l.001 0-78(0-35-1-72} 0-538 (l.]O(Q.12-0-74) 0-009 0·47 (0-32-0-68) .0-0001 91''.. o;• ,---•··• .. r r ,,,,, no , .. _ �-� , .. _ .-.... '°" -;16 % Overall survival (95% CI) 86.7 (83.6 - 90.0) 73.7 (69.3 - 78.4) 90. 7 (82.4 - 99.8) 87.7 (78.0 - 98.5) 18 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) o o o o o o o C C' C c , (' o c: o o o C i o o o Ci C C· o o C C C o o o o o o c 1 c, o o Survival in MRI screened BRCA1/2 - !:! � 1· f :g f ;; - :;i • � o ----------. -----· ··-·. ··-.... ,o -, ,. . , _ _":"' - No •cr••nlnQ M•mmo Mommo + MRI Nice: Key Screening Recommendations 2013 Offer annual MRI surveillance to all women aged 30-49 years with a personal history of breast cancer who are at high risk of contralateral breast cancer or have a BRCA 1 or BRCA2 mutation. [new 2013]. Offer annual mammographic surveillance to all women aged 50-69 years with a personal history of breast cancer who are at high risk of contralateral breast cancer or have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. [new 2013]. ,.o o.o �-� : 1 . . '"': MRI Mammogram No screeninQ -� 0.6 :Š 04 02 o.o 00 S.00 10,00 15.00 :20 00 Survival time (c•nsored :;1.t: 20 ye:irs) f\.1 ANc·11 i_, ,1 1 l l.t. Conclusions 1 MRI screening is justified aged 30-50-60 in BRCA/TP53 carriers and 50% risk Tamoxifen likely to reduce risk by 30-40% even in BRCA1 Aromatase inhibitors by 50% Oophorectomy reduces risk by 50% RRM reduces risk by 90-95% Both in BRCA normalises life expectancy � 19 N o . . s: s: () Q.J ::;--:2 Q.J (!) lJ o (f) -, (D (D o (D C (/) . () :;:,;: Q.J ::;- -= -, (lJ g_ G) < Q.J (lJ Q.J :::; ro )> ::J (/) � "O o (D o ro 3 ::J . . o m (lJ o.. :::; :::; (!) O" C (f) -, '.:c, (O -, ::;- :::; CD . (_ (lJ OJ :::; )> "O o o:: 7 > L. . > . . � r "Tl s: " C (!) :::; o Q.J o.. (/) o. '< ro :::; :::; 'J (D [!J () O '< :§: r ::;- Q_ r (!) Q.J (/) o (f) )> -, o (D :::; ::;- (/) :::; (D o -, (") _/ :::; (D o ;,:::: -, :::; :::J o � CD . > . . . C.. co r lJ �CC (D :::; o Q.J (O :::; < (!) s: o 3 (!) (/) :::; o (D o s: CD 0 ro -, (lJ :::J C -, :::; (D ,-+ _/ ::;- en ro 00000000000000000000000000000000 C C C C Ci C C o C o C C o o o o o o C o o o o o C c· C NCCN Guldellnes Verslon 2.2016 BRCA-Related Breast and/or Ovarian Canc:er Syndrome BA.CA 1/2 TESTING CRITERIA._ 11 • lndivlctu•I from • f•mily with • known ct.t eter iou s BRCA ff • Per.onal hl•IOf)' ot PfOSlate c.ncer (Glus.on BRCA2 gane mU1•1tOn score t7J at any ege wiU\ t1 doH bk>Od • P..-son•I hl:$tOl'y ol bfelSI eenc.,• ♦ one or fflOff Of IN followlng: ,,i.tw, • 'Mth bt"HII Ctlncfl �so „ or two • O�I\OHd :545 y ,,i.tivta wl1h breast pancrHtiC or prCKtat, • O!AgnoHd :liSO y wilh: c•ncu (GIMMN' scor• t7} at •ny � An addltional bfaHt canc:er Pflm.rt= • Par.ona! hi•tOf)' of JMnGrMtic Ctll'IC.r at t1 CIOH bJood raletlv• d wilh bfHSt C� ., any-o• any age, wkh t1 CIOH blood rai.Uw 111 wkh t1 c lOH •.C..tin wi1h pancr„1k: c.,nc-, bt'Mtt canc.r _!50 y or rwo ral11JvH whh ?1 r•a.dve whh pr os tate can«r (Gleaton acore ?7J bfHtL pancrtallc ctl"IG„ Of p,oti.t• c.nctr An unknown or limlMd famity hi•1ory" CGhteaor, KOl'e t:1) a1 any agt, • t».gnoHd S50 y wilh a: • PfflONII hltlOl)I of pancr••Uc eanc,er and Tripi. negaHve breHt tar►cef Athkfflazl J.wl$h anc„1r; ► D!.gnosN � n •ny age w h h : • Family hlst0ty only C•'anlfkaru llmitadons ?1 c.los• blood relalive 11 wkh brHs1 cancer diagnc>Hd :550 y Of hUtfpnal hlstory of O'llarlan• c.atdnom• • ,.,..onel hlttOf)' of male brHlt UJ'M:« o Or,.;KQLOŠKI Jr,;šTlTUT LJUBLJANA &tMml�;•t·!►'•llf&i'4�1•);tm,j:f.W,.i-•j:tlejrt;i3'1!i!Aii:■:j:I•I!I ■ BRCA related breast/ovarian cancer syndrome • Li-Fraumeni (p53), • Cowden (PTEN), ■ Muir-Torre (MSH2, MLHl), • Peutz-Jeghers (STK11}, • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) • HRM (high resolution melting) • DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) • DS (direct sequencing) ■ NGS (next generation sequencing) ■ MLPA (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification) INSTTTUIT orO�C0LOGY l\UBLJANA l',,"11r.,,,•,! ��. 1 ,, .. 1., '•'II"·"'•� ■ 2325 tested individuals from 1567 Slovene breast and/or ovarian cancer families AII together 355 BRCAl/2 positive families IN 1 FAMILYONLY IN2·10FAMILIES IN11-20FAMlLIES IN >20FAMILIES 47 24 4 4 47 90 59 159 13,24 25,35 16,62 44,79 ■ 355 BRCAl/2 positive families • BRCAl-254 • BRCA2-101 ■ Mutation detection rate: 22.6% (355/1567) 1 Tuting for thC! most common 1 mut.ttions in Slove ne populatlon f It,�-.��� •,;:c ,:;,-�.;-"!l,,�";'ii';: ----•• -- ·- - --- The report is informa tlve when a mutatlon ls praven. The report /s noninformative lf the mutatlon ls not detected. Known mutation in the family Testma: for the known mutatlon o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C C C o o C) o C C o C o o C C o C o C : o C o o o o o o o C· c· �_Jl r . - :. ·•· · .=.L • !' . ,! . • -- � -: -■ � • • :. Thc rcport ls lnformotlvc whon o mutatl011 /s prov t> n. A�Wv\ The report Js nonlnformoth 10 if thc mutotlon ls not dt> tcctcd. o ONK 0t0ŠKI INŠTmn LJUBLJANA mmwPlM 1 i@it •l�liQgj•;\ll� ◄•fiHRW•1iji:Ml:l�ifNfi o • The most common mutation found in the BRCAl gene was c.181T > G (p.Cys61Gly). It was detected in 66 families. • The most common mutation in the BRCA2 gene is a splice site mutation c.7806-2A > G. It was detected in 24 families. ONKOLOŠKI JNŠTmIT ljUlK J ANA • • Hd,I � ,., ,!,l,,l,.,.,.,\,,,.""".l" IRčfidfl@g!f1iif1id•WlUilA1if®'I•V41at.1WWljM;•:@lag•f1Nt:N�1 BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, STK11, PTEN, CDH1, MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM, CHEK2, PALB2, ATM Number of patients with different mutations detected in 2015 INSHfiltl or0:"4COl.G (p.Cys61Gly), BRCA1:c.1687C> T (p.Gln563'), BRCA1:c.181T>G (p.Cys61Gly), BRCA1:c.1687C> T { p.Gln563* ) , BRCA1:c.181T>G (p.Cys61Gly), BRCA1:c.1687C>T (p.Gln563"), ONKOLOŠKI INŠTffilT ljUBLJA:-.IA ,,, �• 1, ,L,,,,,, ''""'"""' .I, INSHTUTL orO�C0LOGY LJUBLJANA l,..l"'"""'" .t \�d .... .,L., J�'•"""•• j:J;Ji;.Jftf�1Uit4@�11�1•i¼l;ft·1�1Q�[tl@;f:l·)ll#�if.11�1Qijd[•l•l1•1f>l•iL1 Most ovarian cancer patients have been tested for germline BRCA mutations. Only lately do we provide testing of somatic BRCA mutations. AII together 172 tested ovarian cancer patients j GENE No. of 1 % No.Of patients different with mutations mutation ,_ --- BRCAl 47 78,33% 21 BRCA2 13 21,66% 10 BRCAl/2 60 100% 31 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 'J o o o '.-:) o o o o o o C C C c, C C C C C C C C C o C' o c, C· C C C C C o o C1 (1 o o C o ◄5•N[!ll 1 ti[•Jge ONK0I.OšKI INŠTITUT LJUBL!ANA •·-11•.,I , Genetic testing of BRCA genes provides the key to: • Accurate cancer risk assessment • Effective genetic counseling • Appropriate medica! follow-up • Appropriate treatment INSTmITT 0F O�CUl.<.X,Y LJUBLJANA : , ,. ,,,., ,,, .. � ,. 1, ,,;,..' ••• -�.' C C' C i C C c i c i o o o C1 o C 1 c i o o C C C i o o o o o o o o o C I o C o Cancer genetic counseling- from preventive medicine to treatment Mateja Krajc O U," oi( c.11ur., ·- MANAOEMEHT OF HCA l'OSITIVE OYARIA"1 A"1D BREAST CANCEA 7.4.2016 Battle For the f;l uman � enome h111dcd h, thc pm.:llC compan� c·,,1 .-m . Crmg Venler Furn:kd b, thc USA"s. Human Genome PrOJCCI. Francis Collins This promises to be the fight of the millennium! ! - m--.... --..... � SLOVENIA - 1suanuarv 201s 2.062.874 inhabitants S % foreign citizens CANCER ANO THE HUMAN GENOME - Ali cancers arise from genetic alterations -s -10% of cases have a strong hereditary component -1s -20% are "familial" /multifactorial -70-JSo/o are thought to be sporadic - The Human Genome Project- by discovery of cancer genes developement of - Predictive genetic tests - Diagnostic tests - Therapies that target gene abnormailities in cancer cells Forming a Differential Diagnosis • Breast Cancer syndromes • Chromosome Breakage disorders . BRCA1 . Fanconi Anemia . BRCA2 . Bloom syndrome . Cowden . Ataxia-Telangiectasia . Li-Fraumeni . Xeroderma Pigmentosa . AT heterozygotes, and others • Colon Cancer syndromes • Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias . FAP . MEN1 HNPCC . MEN2a . Muir- Torre . MEN2b . Peutz-Jeghers, and others . FMTC 0ther: von Hippel-Lindau - VHL, ... Genetic cancer susceptibility testing - can not be used as a screening test for general popu lati on! - in clinical setting it is only one component of a comprehensive cancer risk assessment/ therapeutic plan American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 1996 Cancer predisposition testing be offered only when: o - Person has a strong family history of cancer or very early onset of the disease - Test can be adequately interpreted - Results will influence medical management of the patient or family member ONKOLOŠKI INŠTITUT LJUBLJANA INSTITUTE OFONCOLOGY LJUBLJANA HBOC in Slovenia (OIL)- management timeline • 1999 -Genetic testing for BRCA genes available -with a close colaboration with VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) •2006 -cooperation established as well with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics •2008 -all tests are performed at the Institute of 0ncology Ljubljana (01), state insurance covers the costs of counseling and testing when indicated •2010 - organized screening for high risk at the OI •2011 - clinical pathways established •2014 - urgent assessment (priority list) whenever needed for therapeutical purposes o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ':) � o o o o o o C C C C C· o o C c· C o C C· C i c, c, C C i o C 1 C 0 \... C c, C C C C C C Battle Far the Human Genome , ....... .. ..,. _ , .... c, .. ,_ ,_... .. ... , ... . .. ...... ,,_,, ,. ·- Thb"'°""'"litM!Ml�d,l dl �•H1\•1ro '""' � tonikt�c� R( ,\l t)� KtA: OI _1, ··� o.--, ___ _ t � -�� ·=,::, .... - ·""· ;� �& ;-; INDICATIONS FOR GENETIC COUNSELING S.,t,.•rul {·,<"f'(d >C n< , ,.- 1\l: t:S t �,,.er ,., .. ,.- 1• NCCN Clinlc.al Prutice GuidcUnes in Oncolocy (NCCN Guldeline Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast and Ovarian V...,loncer ln� t 1999; 91:1�75·9 Rebb('ck TR. NEJM �002;346:1616<22 Strategies in BRCAl/2 mutation carriers • lntensive follow up • Chemoprevention - (tamoxifen) • Prophylactic surgery - Oophorectomy - Mastectomy • Surgery in breast cancer patients ,..,,_, IIIC4/ ... ....., ,Wti:,t! ,.. "" �'!­ , .. ... "' ... 4..:,..,U,Jl41 t�,-O.(r.."111(: \ : ""1fU.! ....... � ,., ,,. 110 '" ,, " l hMi 4 ktU"olRnQ1(1tnt�tH6��11•4f'\1�Art,vH toQCAIJN11 "- > t i �,•w._....,. """'" C,,..., , ....... F.r!...-.ts ""'"''""' ,...,,.., .,,.,R� lf!C.092 ,,. -o """I X' ,..... "'O )> ::;; o :,- ro o ..... o] "O "" -< v, ro !". ro O'l --.J "O ru :::r ru w O'l ro v, -< "' ...., "O n ..... v, "O ..... <.O � (JQ ..... ..... <" OJ "' v, v, o "' ru o ru ro 'c;S!. n .:,! :;; - - v, ,-+ ro - ..... ..... OJ ;:;· ro C o.. Q_ ..., o.. () !'-' o "'O -< :::!. o- � OJ v, <.O "O $ ;;,;- " C ...., OJ p "O ro ,-+ _1.n o o.. o (1) w w C � n """I ..... OJ ro o· �: :;; 3 OJ �- VI ,-+ ro (1) -� n z ,-+ c::! ;;: 00 o o N OJ OJ 3 o () -< - -o OJ � - RRM Uptake 1 1 ' " " " � "" � � v, "" � o I'. g; .:,. o 'C '° 00000000000000000000000000000000 C C C o C o C i o C 1 C1 C 1 C, C i C i C 1 C: c, C o o c, C C c, o C C) C o C o o ... ,;,/, .. o Beattie et al, Genetic testing and biomarkers , 2009 100 80 60 . 40 20 2 � . Ycar 4 .. - Beattie et al, Genetic testing and biomarker s, 2009 100 80 c. 60 40 20 o o 2 3 4 --agc:<40 - • - • ngc: 40-49 --agc: SO-S9 -agc :-60 6 ---wilhout prior bn:ast canccr • wlth prior brcn.�1 canccr Beattie et al, Genetic testing and biomarkers , 2009 C,I .:i: � ci:: 100 80 60 40 20 � o o ,r • - • - - ., , 2 Year UPTA.�OFOP1ION5 8YCOlW"1' ,__ ---w �'••- ™'' ,,,,., .... --'• 1.Jlll ,,._,,.,, •. c---.,, . rn-,•• ._,,._l,_ "M,,\ l „n,. Jl.\1•4.V \l„?11 \l•JIJ •l i-1 :od. \' • lk\.\ 1 •n ,1 .. ,1 4Ul1t1u,,1 'l(HM.,1 11Aol"'"-l )11P'lt I Al:.LA"•I IU)Jr"O 4\4_.-., 3 4 IUI).,, ..... tt....,_ \ 1 - \111:t. \•• 11,, ·•• !!:), 11 ,� •• r --- withou1 rrior breast cnncer �.�,,�::� ,1.us · with prior brca.si cunc:a- ,........,._ .... ,, • .s,,. , •• JJI �\.,�"'U. \'•Jll,V• ?tl # �--, � �1!1,J"'-p lli\lHO� iVltUMt.l 41 ... !ll«.11'-t JJ lllJU'\I •ll.Ylt •ILNJ IU{JU'oJ J -clr _,,.,, ,,. , ,. ....... , ,.,,,._,.., Jn-1 ,,..._..., , .... -. , J7U-• nMJ„a ""W"I ,,.,,.,,-,,1 "' �: .. , UJ.11 IJtUl'\J U6(nJlttl Hil..7't) l!U".I um.z..+ ))1'46'1 lltl� ,.... nt•?"--1 „r., l'O ., .... ,_... 1,1-.1 •1•"-1 .l.,.,_) .. m-.., -..... 14-.1 ., ... 1 �11, .... 1 '4(n.it., IIMI '-'• 1.1)4) ,.., _ 1,_ ........ .,.,atW;.lllltln••--... ....., .... JS.,. • ............. --' ........ ,,.,..,.....,--0•-...,......,._.... ............... _...._ '�wir,.,.,._ .. ��_,.,._.._ *-,. ... -..�aaw•,...,-pi,11rut..-a.o- UPJAJ:1.101- A ' I l.lw\S'I (),-.,! C/\NCl3R fllUNli,.,-I ION OP'I ION (PR01 1 11\'L.At, IC 1,l;\SI l.tCTOM\'. PROl'IIVL,\CllC 00PIIORl:Cf"0M\'OH. IAMOXll'l!N) IN W011.U !N Wll'IIOlH H Kl!l\!,TCANCl'. K Al..i-­ ....,._.,.._ \MJI.II\S"I 1-.111\sJHt lt!OM'tl.\•11 IW-Mlt\•'1!1 llat)l\•?M it•••u l\l1MO'lol 101.11"111 1J1n ... , 11.-... 1 \11'11,..f'•1 '-"--,1\•IH1 M11oN1\•jjlf1 1:,,.,1\ aJ1•1 •�tl&l\..i .. ,)f.""'1 l."'ilU'v . � A ,., ! .. ;s:,' � 70 BRCA1 :g so � .. -- -.. PMl'M..H,lfl(l.��•$11"'' � ,. • PMl'Ml'O.e..,..toY<•M-""""f -+- Nol'M.l'O••«im.c, __ fO'llav,, � 10 _,,,..ltl ... 40\'N l'O..-i ..... ,"�•1'-·.,.. , . -PMl!UftllVtt.l'O-M ... All"M ... MCo't'1 ........ ..,. " .. .. .. " .. Ago lyoaro) B 100 .. � 110 ' �,. BRCA2 ,;: .. e so -t-11 0.,,..,_lf,fl · · 1 � .&O ffoN k•tiO -��pJl.ffv,1 � )O • �,,.., 'tl"•M)Vt, ... � .-<.l ro • .,..-vn _.,,.,.X,.41t...,. � 10 • •fM•...,..,.,.., ll0•119S••telyrt N'>lftC"-l7IIMlllOtfl o. ,. ;. .. .. .. 7S " A�• lvoa,sl a.u • .,. .. ' � � �q.,.,n. OFUGINAL ARTICLE �urgical Dcc1c;ion MakinA in thc HRCA-Pmufrc Popubtion: lnsti1ution:1I l!xpcricncc �md Compnrison wi1h R('ccnt litcr.uurc l°crf°W Hrpo•MOf'lon. MD ... AC\· l,,,md,.ll W.tl� rrn.,.· U,n. C�tnhtt� MD.' l.h;a A11ud,:f•NOl'di. MS. C(i<.. 1 &ooic 'lt"luu\ MS. CC.(�: Trny S.Uantt.111.MD. IACS.' D.111"1lk ,_l Duwlh, MS.' :u,J lh . h,ml L Whnr.Jt „ MD, rA<..:S" 111�C1111M1t Kurian, JCO, 2010 A _ 100 !! " � .. .il 1 50 o„ C 30 i" i 10• O j „ i 1 0 - 6 • ��- •• - •• "" .... ... M(:.,1(7 1 ... ·- . • • Table 2. Reported Rates of Uptake of RAS in the BRCA-Positive Population in Current Literature Author Da.te Sample size % RAM % Surveillance % RRSO Uyei et al. 2006 37 24 57 Zl Kram et al. 2006 43 19 NA 78 Fnebel et al. 2007 537 21 38 55 Metcalfe et al. 2006 1.383 18 NA 49 Beattie et al. 2009 'Zl2 23 NA 51 Kwong et al. 2010 31 18 82 18 Skytte et al 2010 306 50 NA 75 Schwartz et al. 2012 144 37 NA 65 Garcia et al. 2013 305 44 NA 74 Flippo et al. 2014 87 44 41 46 NA, not mponod; RRS, lisk-roducing SLM°gory; RAM, risk- Flgwe 3. Aa.t• ol RRS uptakll aJ ntpOrled In litCKa1i.n OY&r Urn. Aegrou6on on IJme was Jignificari tor AR.M (COl!tl: 3.24. p-valua: Q0287), MICI not let RASO (eooN· 1.13',p-valu« 0.6967). o o o o o o C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C' c, o o o o o o o o o C1 C C o o o C C C o o o o C o C C o C C RESU LTS OF TH E INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGV LJUBLJANA • Evaluate the uptake ofthe risk reducing surgery in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutation carriers in Slovenia • Analyze the breast reconstruction rate in patients with risk reducing mastectomy N PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER 232 NO RR SURGERY RROO RRM 81 35 33 PATIENTS INCLUDED until end of 2015 • FEMALE, BRCA 1 ANO BRCA 2 MUTATION POSITIVE • DATA AVAILABLE • NO CANCER HISTORY (n= 174) OR • BREAST CANCER AT ANY TIME (n=232) • PATI ENTS WITH OTHER CANCER TYPES WERE EXCLUDED O RRSURGERY N 174 99 37 11 ■ NO RR SURGERY ■RROO ■RRM ■RROO M PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER NO RECONSTRUCTION IMPLANT DIEP COMBINATION N % 116 100 24 21 65 22 5 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION TYPE =:a==-- ■IMPlANT ■DIEP ■(. OMBINATION N 'ATIENTS WITHOUT NYCANCER 38 NO RECONSTRUCTION 7 MPLANT 22 9 % 100 18 58 24 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION TYPE ■ IMPlANT ■ DIEP conclusion • Patients with a history of BC have a higher uptake of risk reducing surgeries compared to patients without cancer • The overall risk reducing surgery uptake in our population is comparable to the data in the literature • Patients at hereditary risk performing PM have a higher rate of immediate breast reconstruction compared to patients with sporadic BC o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o uuuoououuo uuuuuououuuuuuuouuuouu