SCOPOLIA No 79 - 2013 Vsebina Uvod / Introduction 3 Material in metode / Materials and methods 4 Seznam vrst / List of species 5 Lithurginae 5 Lithurgini 5 Lithurgus Latreille 1825 5 Megachilinae 5 Dioxyini 5 Aglaoapis Cameron 1901 5 Dioxys Lepeletier & Serville 1825 6 Anthidiini 6 Trachusa Panzer 1804 6 Anthidiellum Cockerell 1904 7 Rhodanthidium Isensee 1927 8 Icteranthidium Michener 1948 9 Pseudoanthidium Friese 1898 9 Anthidium Fabricius 1804 10 Stelis Panzer 1806 13 Osmiini 16 Heriades Spinola 1808 16 Protosmia Ducke 1900 17 Chelostoma Latreille 1809 18 Hoplitis Klug 1807 22 Subgenus Hoplitis Klug 1807 23 SubgenusMicreriades Mavromoustakis 1958 25 Subgenus Alcidamea Cresson 1864 26 Subgenus Pentadentosmia Warncke 1991 29 Subgenus Anthocopa Lepeletier & Serville 1825 29 Osmia Panzer 1806 30 Subgenus Tergosmia Warncke 1988 30 Subgenus Erythrosmia Schmiedeknecht 1885 31 SubgenusHoplosmia Thomson 1872 31 Subgenus Allosmia Tkalcu 1974 33 Subgenus Neosmia Tkalcu 1974 34 Subgenus Osmia Panzer 1806 35 SubgenusMelanosmia Schmiedeknecht 1885 38 Subgenus Helicosmia Thomson 1872 39 Subgenus Metallinella Tkalcu 1966 42 Subgenus Pyrosmia Tkalcu 1975 43 Megachilini 45 Megachile Latreille 1802 45 Subgenus Chalicodoma Lepeletier 1841 45 Subgenus Pseudomegachile Friese 1898 46 Subgenus Creightonella Cockerell 1908 47 Subgenus Eutricharaea Thomson 1872 47 Subgenus Megachile Latreille 1802 50 Subgenus Xanthosarus Robertson 1903 54 Coelioxys Latreille 1809 56 Subgenus Allocoelioxys Tkalcu 1974 56 Subgenus Boreocoelioxys Mitchell 1973 57 Subgenus Coelioxys Latreille 1809 58 Razprava / Discussion 60 Literatura / References 65 Andrej GOGALA: Čebele znoske v Sloveniji (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) / Megachilid bees of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) Uvod Znoske so obsežna družina dolgorilih čebel. Opisanih je več kot 4000 vrst (GONZALEZ et al., 2012). Razširjene so v različnih okoljih, od tropskega gozda do puščav in visokogor­ja, posebno raznovrstne so v Sredozemlju. So pomembne opraševalke rastlin v naravi in v kmetijstvu. Gnezdijo v najdenih rovih v lesu, votlih steblih ali rastlinskih steblih s strženom, polžjih hišicah ali v tleh, nekatere pa gradijo na skale pritrjena gnezda. Zarodnih celic ne premažejo s svojim izločkom, temveč celice ali vsaj predelne stene v gnezdu zidajo iz ra­stlinskega ali mineralnega gradiva. Upora­bljajo blato, pesek, koščke rastlinskih listov, pasto iz zgrizenega listja, rastlinske dlačice ali smolo. Material za gnezdo prenašajo s čeljust­mi ali držijo z nogami. Zidarke pesek za svoja gnezda na skalah zmešajo z izločkom Dufo­urjeve žleze, da je odporen na vodo. Samice znosk prenašajo pelod na spodnji strani zadka, kjer je razvita dlakava krtačka. Gnezdijo sa­motarsko. Več rodov je kleptoparazitskih. Te tako imenovane kukavičje čebele odlagajo jajčeca v gnezda gostiteljskih vrst. Mnoge vrste znosk zbirajo le pelod določene rastlinske družine ali rodu in so svojim gosti­teljicam prilagojene z letnim časom dejavno­sti, pogosto pa tudi s strukturami za zbiranje peloda. To so oligolektične ali malobralne vrste. Polilektične ali mnogobralne vrste obi­skujejo rastline različnih družin, vendar imajo pogosto raje nekatere izmed njih. Večina vrst znosk ima po eno generacijo v letu (univoltine vrste), nekatere pa dve vsaj v krajih s toplejšim podnebjem (bivoltine vrste). Slovenske znoske delimo na dve poddruži­ni, Lithurginae in Megachilinae. Večina vrst pripada slednjim, le rod čebel tesark (Lithur­gus) predstavlja prvo. Tesarke imajo mnoge prvotne značilnosti družine, med drugim svojih gnezd v lesu ne oblagajo s prineseni­mi snovmi. Poddružino Megachilinae delimo na plemena Dioxyini, Anthidiini, Osmiini in Megachilini. Introduction Megachilidae are a large family of long-tongued bees. More than 4,000 species have been described (GONZALE Z et al., 2012). They are distributed in various environments, from tropical forests to deserts and high mountains, but are particularly diverse in the Mediterrane­an. They are important pollinators of plants in the wild and in agriculture. They nest in pre­existing tunnels in wood, hollow stems or plant stems with pith, snail shells or in the ground. Some build nests attached to rocks. They do not coat cells with their excretion, the cells or at least the cell partitions are built from plant or mineral materials. They use mud, sand, leaf bits, a paste made of chewed leaves, plant hairs or resin. Material for the nest is carried with mandibles or held with legs. Mason bees mix sand for their nest on a rock with the Dufour's gland excretion to make it waterproof. Mega­chilid females carry pollen on the underside of the abdomen, where a hairy scopa is develo­ped. They are solitary nesters. Several genera are cleptoparasitic. These so-called cuckoo bees lay eggs in the nests of their hosts. Many Megachilids collect only pollen from a particular plant family or genus and are adapted to their hosts with the time in a year when they are active, often also with pollen collecting structures. These are oligo­lectic species. Polylectic species visit plants of several families, but often prefer some of them. The majority of Megachilids have one genera­tion in a year (univoltine species), while some have two at least in places with mild climate (bivoltine species). Slovene Megachilids are classified into two subfamilies, Lithurginae and Megachilinae. Most are representatives of the latter, with only the genus Lithurgus representing the former. Lithurgines show several primitive features; they do not line cells with brought substan­ces, for example. The subfamily Megachilinae is classified into tribes Dioxyini, Anthidiini, Osmiini and Megachilini. SCOPOLIA No 79 - 2013 Material in metode V seznamu čebel znosk Slovenije so zbrani podatki o primerkih iz zbirk Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. Večji del primerkov je zbral avtor, predvsem v devetdesetih, ko je potekala raziskava za doktorsko disertacijo (GOGALA , 1997). Pomemben delež oblikuje tudi zbirka Evgena Jaegra, večinoma zbrana v tridesetih letih 20. stoletja. Dodani so podatki iz litera­ture (objavljeni podatki - O. p.) ter podatki o fotografiranih ali opazovanih (videt - vid.) pri­merkih v naravi. Izdelane so karte razširjeno­sti. Na njih so najdbe do leta 1979 označene z zeleno barvo, od leta 1980 do 1999 z oranžno in od 2000 dalje z rdečo barvo. Podatki o biologiji vrst so zbrani iz litera­ture in dopolnjeni z lastnimi opazovanji. Za pleme Osmiini je bogat vir podatkov na voljo na spletu (MÜLLER, 2013). Za druge vrste so jih zbrali WESTRIC H (1990) in drugi v besedilu navedeni avtorji. Materials and methods In the list of Slovenian Megachilids, data on specimens in collections of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History are compiled. Most of the specimens were collected by the author, particularly in the nineties when survey for the dissertation thesis was carried out (GOGALA , 1997). An important share represents the col­lection of Evgen Jaeger, mostly gathered in the 1930s. Data from the literature are added (pu­blished records - P. r.) and data on the photo­graphed or observed (videt - vid.) specimens in nature. Distribution maps have also been made. On them, records up to 1979 are marked with green, from 1980 to 1999 with orange and from 2000 onwards with red colour. Data on the biology of species are gathered from literature and supplemented with own observations. For the tribe Osmiini, a rich source of data is found on the web (MÜLLER, 2013). For other species, they were collected by WESTRIC H (1990) and other authors mentioned in the text. SCOPOLIA No 80 - 2014 Razprava V Sloveniji smo zabeležili 128 vrst čebel znosk. Le manjši delež je splošno razširje­nih. Vrst, ki so razširjene v večini fitogeograf­skih območij, je 37. Razširjenost preostalih je odvisna predvsem od podnebnih značilnosti. Največ jih je v najtoplejšem, submediteran­skem območju. Samo tam živi 32 vrst. Devet vrst poleg tega lahko najdemo tudi v drugem najtoplejšem, subpanonskem območju. Alpske (5 vrst) in boreomontanske vrste (6 vrst) so omejene na alpsko območje ali hladnejše gorske predele. Tudi kamninska sestava tal vpliva na razširjenost vrst. Čebele zidarke, ki gnezda gradijo na skalah, so pretežno omejene na apnenčasto kraško podlago, kjer imajo veliko možnosti gnezdenja. Mnoge medite­ranske vrste dosegajo v Sloveniji severno mejo razširjenosti. Njihova številčnost se od leta do leta zelo spreminja, saj jih zmrzali in hladno vreme močno prizadenejo in pogosto traja več let, da si opomorejo. Devet vrst je bilo najdenih le enkrat. To so večinoma občasne gostje, ki se k nam doselijo le ob zelo ugodnih vremenskih razmerah. Poznavanje razširjenosti vrst v Sloveniji je ob le dveh zbiralcih z obsežnejšo zbirko šele na začetku. Med raziskavo za disertacijo sem se trudil enakomerno obravnavati vsa fitogeo­grafska območja, kljub temu pa niso vsi predeli Slovenije enako dobro preiskani. Število vrst se lahko v prihodnje poveča za še nekaj takih, ki so znane iz soseščine, naleteti pa utegnemo tudi na kakšno tujerodno vrsto, zaneseno k nam s transporti lesa, kot je Megachile sculp­turalis. Ta vrsta iz Azije je že ustaljena v ZDA, našli pa so jo tudi v bližini Marseilla v Franciji (VEREECKEN IN BARBIER, 2009). Večina vrst znosk je ogroženih. Zaradi za­raščanja, intenziviranja pridelave ali pozidave travišč izginjajo njihove hranilne rastline. Mnoge težko najdejo prostore za gnezdenje, saj se iz okolja redno odstranjujejo odmrla debla dreves z rovi lesovrtih hroščev. Izginja­jo tudi stare lesene zgradbe, kot so seniki na gorskih planinah. V umetnih gnezdilnicah se naselijo le nekatere vrste. Predvsem sta to dve Discussion 128 Megachilidae species have been recorded in Slovenia. Only a small portion of them is widespread. The number of species, present in most of the phytogeographic regions, is 37. Distribution of others depends primarily on climatic conditions. The largest number of species is present in the warmest, sub-Mediter­ranean region. 32 species are present only there. 9 species are distributed also in the second warmest region, the sub-Pannonian. Alpine (5 species) and Boreomontane species (6 species) are, on the other hand, limited to the Alpine region or cooler montane habitats. The mineral composition of the ground also matters in the distribution of some species. Mason bees that build nests on rocks are predominantly limited to limestone or karst ground, where they have plenty of nesting opportunities. Many Mediter­ranean species reach the northern edge of dis­tribution in Slovenia. Their abundance varies widely from year to year, given that they are greatly affected by frost and cold weather and that several years are needed for their recovery. Nine species have been found once only. These are mostly occasional guests, which reach us only in very favourable weather conditions. Knowledge of the presence and distributi­on of species in Slovenia is, with only two col­lectors with extensive collections, only at the beginning. While researching for the thesis I tried to deal evenly with all the phytogeo­graphical areas, but not all parts of Slovenia are equally well investigated. Number of species may increase in the future for some of those that are known from the neighbourhood, but it can also occur that an alien species is intro­duced with transports of wood, such as Mega-chile sculpturalis. This species from Asia has already established itself in the U.S. and has also been found near Marseilles, France (VE­REECKEN & BARBIER, 2009). Most Megachilid species are endangered. Because of overgrowth, intensification of pro­duction or urbanisation of grasslands their food plants are disappearing rapidly. Many hardly find places for nesting owing to dead Andrej GOGALA: Čebele znoske v Sloveniji (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) / Megachilid bees of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) Literatura I References AMIET, F., M. HERRMANN, A. MÜLLER, R. NEUMEYER, 2004: Apidae 4: Anthidium, Chelostoma, Coelioxys, Dioxys, Heriades, Lithurgus, Megachile, Osmia, Stelis. Fauna Helvetica 9, Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune, 274 str. BANASZAK, J., L. ROMASENKO, 1998: Megachilid Bees of Europe (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Mega­chilidae). Pedagogical University of Bydgoszcz, 239 str. BENOIST , R., 1931: Les Osmies de la Faune Francaise. 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Andrej GOGALA: Čebele znoske v Sloveniji (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) / Megachilid bees of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) slik Lithurgus chrysurus Lithurgus cornutus Aglaoapis tridentata Dioxys cincta Trachusa byssina Anthidiellum strigatum Rhodanthidium septemdentatum Icteranthidium grohmanni Pseudoanthidium nanum Anthidium cingulatum Anthidium florentinum Anthidium loti Anthidium manicatum Anthidium montanum Anthidium oblongatum Anthidium punctatum Anthidium septemspinosum Stelis breviuscula Stelis minuta Stelis nasuta Stelis odontopyga Stelis ornatula Stelis phaeoptera Stelis punctulatissima Stelis signata Heriades crenulatus Heriades rubicola Heriades truncorum Protosmia glutinosa Protosmia tiflensis Chelostoma campanularum Chelostoma distinctum Chelostoma emarginatum Chelostoma florisomne Chelostoma foveolatum Chelostoma grande Chelostoma mocsaryi Chelostoma rapunculi Chelostoma styriacum Chelostoma ventrale Hoplitis adunca Hoplitis anthocopoides Hoplitis jheringii Hoplitis lepeletieri Hoplitis loti Hoplitis pallicornis Hoplitis ravouxi Hoplitis mazzuccoi Hoplitis acuticornis Hoplitis campanularis Hoplitis ciliaris Hoplitis claviventris Hoplitis leucomelana Hoplitis mitis Hoplitis praestans Hoplitis tridentata Hoplitis laevifrons Hoplitis dalmatica Hoplitis villosa Osmia tergestensis Osmia andrenoides Osmia bidentata Osmia croatica Osmia ligurica 68 Osmia scutellaris 69 70 Osmia spinulosaOsmia rufohirta 71 Osmia bicolor 72 73 Osmia apicataOsmia bicornis 74 Osmia cerinthidis 75 Osmia cornuta 76 Osmia mustelina 77 78 79 Osmia parietinaOsmia pilicornisOsmia uncinata 80 Osmia xanthomelana 81 Osmia aurulenta 82 Osmia caerulescens 83 Osmia leaiana 84 85 Osmia melanogasterOsmia niveata 86 Osmia brevicornis 87 88 89 90 Osmia cephalotesOsmia cyanoxanthaOsmia gallarumOsmia submicans 91 Osmia versicolor 92 Osmia viridana 93 94 9S 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Megachile manicataMegachile parietinaMegachile pyrenaicaMegachile ericetorumMegachile albisectaMegachile apicalisMegachile atratulaMegachile burdigalensisMegachile deceptoriaMegachileMegachile leachellaMegachile pilidensMegachile rotundataMegachile alpicolaMegachile centuncularisMegachile genalisMegachile lignisecaMegachile melanopygaMegachile octosignataMegachile pilicrusMegachile pyrenaeaMegachile versicolorMegachile circumcinctaMegachile lagopodaMegachile maritimaMegachile nigriventrisMegachile willughbiellaCoelioxys afraCoelioxys echinataCoelioxys obtusaCoelioxys polycentrisCoelioxys alataCoelioxys inermisCoelioxys mandibularisCoelioxys rufescensCoelioxys aurolimbataCoelioxys conoideaCoelioxys elongataCoelioxys quadridentata 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 1S9 160 161 162 163 164 165 flabellipes 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 19S 67