SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL Vol. 3 Issue 2 2011 EDITORIAL Dear friends, our activity since the last issue was aimed into adding our journal to international databases. So far we have succeeded to get indexed in OPEN-J GATE, GET CITED, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL INDEX, SCIRUS, NEW JOUR, INDEX COPERNICUS and GOOGLE SCHOLAR. In year 2013 we will be evaluated by Thomson Reuters for entering into science citation index and to calculate journal impact factor, which is one of our important goals. We hope that our articles will be continuously bringing new ideas and knowledge and bring enough impact to be cited in the other articles. The last issue of Journal was visited by more than 6500 visitors, what gives us a true compliment for our endeavor. Recently opened forum for visitors to express their views has not started its true life yet. Perhaps it was set too complicated to join the forum. However we would like very much to get the feedback from you, so you are invited again to send us e-mails to our address Let us know what you think about this forum and also do not hesitate to send any other comments, suggestions or ideas. We are also preparing a new system for managing articles which should get launched by the end of this year. It is based on the ScholarOne Manuscripts application. With it the authors, reviewers and editors will be able to use the new system with much improvement in the ease of management of articles. In June (17 - 19th) FIG organizes MAG, WAG and TRAMPOLINE symposium on the Code of Points. We aim to publish the article about what was going on in Zürich (SUI). Also, if you are organizing scientific symposium with gymnastics topics, let us know as we are very much willing to publish the information about your work on the World Wide Web. The June issue of the Journal starts with the article on thermography. William A Sands, Jenni R McNeal and Michael H Stone from USA restored importance of the thermograhy in diagnosis of the injuries since some other diagnostic means did not show the injuries. It is interesting to see that thermography went through phases of development, with a huge gap in use (and published works) for about twenty years. Therefore in high performance sport thermography can be an important additional tool in detection and defining the causes of pain and injury. The second article from Trevor Dowdell, Australia, is also dealing with medical topics. One of the main questions that often bother us is of course how dangerous gymnastics as a sport is? The FIG's effort to promote safe gymnastics (FIG Academy, FIG Sympossium on safe gymnastics) is well known, however only few articles so far really provided a comparison to other sports. The results reported are favorable for gymnastics, as they clearly show that it is not a more dangerous sport when compared to others, but still we have to be focused on proper methodology and safety issues in gyms. One injury is already too much. The third article comes from Greece. Olivia Donti, Kalliopi Theodorakou, Spiros Kambiotis and Anstasia Donti studied how some social characteristics from parents determine self esteem in children who are involved in non competitive gymnastics. Mothers are the key factor in child's self esteem and it seems that we should be focusing on mothers when promoting gymnastics. The last two articles cover Code of Points topics. The fourth one is written by Sunčica Delaš Kalinski, Ana Božanic (both Croatia) and Almir Atikovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and analyses how dance elements influence balance beam scores. It is found that high difficulty dance elements are a very good predictor of the difficulty value and final score. It looks that a new (old) task for coaches and gymnasts is discovered, if they want to step on award podium. The last article is from Slovene and Australian authors. Maja Bučar Pajek, Warwick Forbes, Jernej Pajek, Bojan Leskošek and myself were determining the reliability and validity of the Real Time Judging System developed by Australian Institute of Sport in collaboration with Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana. The system showed promising results and has already been tested during the European Championship in Berlin in April this year. I wish you a pleasant reading and a lot of inspiration, Ivan Čuk Editor-in-Chief 3