r/fKHO ‘jfa&ai... NO. 32 I Ameriška Doi^vina AMOtKAN IN SPIRIT IN 1AWUA— Ojjjf SLOVCNIAN MOAHW NCWSPA AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, April 20. 1 984 VOL. LXXXVI Kristus je vstal, aleluja! Ver Ta^° se leto z letom 9*asi •KGnGčnc oznanilo. In to mora °dmev v naših dušah. Kristus je zmagal, v njegovo je Ve^° naravo, v dušo in telo, se Sr ra2l'la brezkončna blaženost, na zavest dokončne zmage. Jezusova zmaga je tudi tvoja ke Jezus Je tudi naše sovražni- je J)rerna9al, nas pa pritegnil v svo- ^agoslavje. tu^j Njegova zmaga bo resnično naša zmaga, če mu pustimo, da On v nas zmaguje, da v našem umu, v naši volji, v našem srcu vlada On, ne naše slabosti, naša sebičnost, naše grešne želje. Jezus bo v nas zmagal; le ne ovirajmo ga, ko nas vodi k zmagi po isti poti, po kateri je sam prišel do zmage. Križev pot vodi do vstajenja. To radostno upanje naj nas stalno spremlja in luč velikonočnega jutra naj v nas nikdar ne ugasne. Škof Gregorij Rožman Iz Clevelanda in okolice Urad bo zaprt— Danes, Veliki petek, bo naš urad zaprt v popoldanskem času. Urad bo pa odprt v ponedeljek, 23. aprila, od 9. ure dopoldne naprej. Torkova Ameriška Domovina bo redno izšla. Vsem našim naročnikom in bralcem želimo vsi pri A.D. res lep velikonočni praznik. Slika na tej strani je delo mladega umetnika Dan T. Postot-nika, ki je sin našega sodelavca in pisca rubrike »Dan’s Diary«, ki izhaja od časa do časa v angleškem delu našega lista. Rojstni dan— Včeraj, 19. aprila, je praznovala svoj rojstni dan ga. Joseph (Pauline) Lunder. Čestita in ji želi vse najboljše vnuk Thomas Kunsitis, Richmond, Va. Tem čestitkom se pridružujemo tudi vsi pri A.D.! Novi grobovi Anna Marie Pevec V sredo, 18. aprila, je v St. Vincent Charity bolnišnici umrla 62 let stara Anna Marie Pevec z 1017 E. 66 Place, rojena v Clevelandu, hči Franka in Vincencie, roj. Lezdik (oba že pok.), sestra Mary Paselo, Franka, Angele in že pok. Josepha, zaposlena nekaj let pri Dill Machine na St. Clair Ave. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na 6502 St. Clair Ave. jutri, v soboto, dopoldne ob 9.30 na Kalvarijo. Sv. maša bo v torek, 24. aprila, ob 7. zvečer v cerkvi sv. Vida. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. Joseph Vargo Včeraj je v St. Vincent bolnišnici umrl 82 let stari Joseph Vargo z 1032 E. 74. St., rojen v Pa., mož Fanny, roj. Blankenship, oče Marol McCarthy, 2-krat stari oče, brat Louie-ja in Georgea (pok.). Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na St. Clair Ave. v ponedeljek, 23. aprila, dopoldne ob 9.15., v cerkev sv. Filipa Nerija ob 10., od tam na pokopališče Highland Park. Na mrtvaškem odru bo jutri zvečer od 7. do 9. ter v nedeljo popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. Frances Yuretic Umrla je Frances Yuretic, vdova po pok. možu Antonu, mati Anthonyja (pok.), Jean Ostanek, Irme Gruden (pok.) in Rose Knezevic, 9-krat stara mati, 14-krat prastara mati. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, ob 10. dopoldne. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. (Dalje na 3. str.) Zahvaljujemo se— Tudi letos smo pri Ameriški Domovini dobili precej velikonočnih oglasov od posameznikov in društev. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo za vašo podporo in želimo, da bi je bili tudi vredni! Letna seja— V nedeljo, 29. aprila, ima Zveza oltarnih društev svojo letno sejo in sicer v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Popoldne ob dveh se bo molilo rožnivenec, potem bo blagoslov z Najsvetejšim v cerkvi sv. Vida. Odbor prosi članice od vseh treh fara in njih prijateljice, da se takoj po blagoslovu zberejo v društveni sobi. Seja je zelo važna, še prav posebno za one, ki želijo iti na romanje 11. in 12. avgusta v Lemont. Seja— V sredo, 25. aprila, popoldne ob 1. uri v Slovenskem narodnem domu na Maple Hts. bo redna mesečna seja Kluba slovenskih upokojencev v .Nevburgu-Maple Hts. Ubit v nesreči— V nesreči, ki se je pripetila 10. aprila v mestu Columbia, S. Carolina, je bil ubit polkovnik Dell Dorn, tast Andreja Kokala. Polkovnik Dorn je umrl pri upravljanju dolžnosti kot pilot Narodne garde. Bil je star 48 let in zapušča ženo in dve hčerki. Naše sožalje prizadeti družini. V blag spomin— V spomin pred kratkim umrle učiteljice in amaterske igralke Ide Marinčič, žene bivšega Sokolskega delavca, pokojnega Rudi Marinčiča, poklanjata Ameriški Domovini $20, njena prijatelja Frances in Lojze Galič, katera tem potom izrekata globoko sožalje vsem žalujočim ostalim. Po velikih duševnih pretresljajih in trpljenju naj Ti domača gruda podari mir in sladko spanje! 95. rojstni dan— Danes, 20. aprila, praznuje svoj 95. rojstni dan ga. Jennie Glažar, doma iz vasi Neverke pri Pivki, sedaj stanujoča v Slovenskem domu za ostarele. Ob visokem življenjskem jubileju ji čestitajo sin Frank, hči Zori in nečak Rudolph M. Susel! VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 50° F. Jutri pretežno sončno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 48° F. Za nedeljo, Veliko noč, napovedujejo deloma do pretežno sončno vreme z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 55° F. V ponedeljek pretežno oblačno z možnostjo dežja in najvišjo temperaturo okoli 59° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 ------------------83------------------------- AMERIŠKA DOMOVTNTTdSSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $15.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $1 5.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, ______6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103_ No. 32 Friday, April 20, 1984 O vlogi Ameriške Domovine Pred dvema tednoma sem objavil članek, v katerem sem seznanil bralce s prvimi koraki v zvezi z izboljšanjem našega lista ter se obvezal, da bom v današnji velikonočni številki pisal o vlogi Ameriške Domovine v slovenski skupnosti. V svojem prvem uvodniku po prevzemu uredniškega mesta julija 1979. leta, sem skušal opisati, kako gledam na ta list. Danes, ne veliko manj kot pet let kasneje, se zopet vrnem tem misli, tokrat z malce drugačnim vidikom. Osnovni podatki o stanju slovenskega tiska v Združenih državah so menda znani vsem bralcem našega lista. Ameriška Domovina je edini list v ZDA, ki izhaja več kot enkrat na teden in edini, ki je privatna last. Ostali so močno subvencionirana uradna glasila slovenskih podpornih zvez. Izjema tu je Ave Maria v Lemontu, ki jo izdajajo frančiškani in to ob izredno požrtvovalnem delu p. Fortunata. Število naročnikov pri vseh teh listih, seveda tudi pri Ameriški Domovini, pada. Morda samo dva ali tri odstotka na leto, vendar po 5 ali 10 letih se kar pozna. Mimogrede naj povem, da pri slovenskih podpornih zvezah izgubljajo okoli 3 odstotka svojih članov oz. certifikatov na leto. Čeprav iz leta v leto manjša po številu zavednih pripadnikov, smo Slovenci v ZDA ter seveda v drugih državah še vedno skupnost. Čutimo, da smo Slovenci in se zanimamo ne samo za skupnost oz. naselbino, v kateri živimo, ampak tudi za splošno slovensko kulturno dediščino. In če smo zavedni pripadniki te skupnosti, želimo tudi, da ta skupnost še živi in napreduje. Pripadamo raznim slovenskim ustanovam, jih podpiramo, gojimo pri otrokih spoštovanje do slovenske dediščine in vrednot itd. Nekateri se bolj zanimamo za kulturno stran slovenstva, drugi bolj za politično stran. Nekateri nas se zanimamo za Slovence v zamejstvu in tujini, drugi pa sploh ne. Smo pač zelo različni. Vendar smo še vedno skupnost. In kje je pri vsem tem Ameriška Domovina? List skuša povezovati Slovence, ki živijo v Ameriki, poročati o njih aktivnostih, tekbče jih seznanjati z dogodki v naših naselbinah, s svetovnimi dogajanji in seveda z ravojem v Sloveniji sami. Želi biti glasilo tistih Slovencev, ki želijo pisati o stvareh, kijih zanimajo in ki zanimajo vsaj določen krog bralcev. Ta zanimanja dopisnikov, rednih ali občasnih, seveda čestokrat presegajo zanimanje urednika samega, ki skuša v tem oziru slediti določenim splošnim načelom. Katera so ta načela? Prvič, Ameriška Domovina je bila in bo ostala list, ki podpira demokracijo in svobodo tako posameznikov kot narodov. Ker v Sloveniji in SF^J demokracije in svobode ni, bo list ostal silno kritičen do tamkajšnjega režima. Poročali bomo sicer o dogodkih v Sloveniji, vendar v okviru svojega osnovnega stališča. Drugič, Ameriška Domovina odločno podpira katoliško vero, čeprav ni verski list. Tretjič, kot zgoraj povedano, si bo prizadevala povezovati Slovence v še močnejšo in zavednejšo skupnost. Kakor druge slovenske ustanove kot so pevski zbori, družabni klubi, slovenske župnije, domgvi za ostarele itd., je tudi Ameriška Domovina odvisna od sodelovanja in pod-pord skupnosti. Prostovoljni darovalci v naš tiskovni sklad in posebnd lanski večer v korist našega lista, *ki so ga ob veliki udeležbi zavednih Slovencev in Slovenk priredili »Prijatelji Ameriške Domovine«, kažejo, da imamo podporo in tudi sodelovanje in to v precejšnjem obsegu. V želji, da se Ni bilo vedno tako lepo na deželi! CLEVELAND, O. - Ta misel me je prevzela preteklo nedeljo popoldne, ko sem v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. gledal Finžgarjevo dramo »Razvalina življenja«, katero so podali res izvrstni igralci in igralke Dramatskega društva Lilija. Od časa do časa namreč sliši meščan, kako odvratno je življenje v mestu, kako surovi in brezčutni do sočloveka so po navadi ljudi, bivajoči v njem. In da kako lepo je živeti na deželi, kjer ni mestnega hrupa in je življenje mirnejše itd. Vsakdo, ki je bil navzoč na Lilijini predstavi, je dobil drugačen vpogled v kmečko življenje. Tudi na deželi so pač ljudje - ljudje. Častihlepni, nezanesljivi, pošteni, nepošteni, grabežljivi itd. Finžgar nam predstavlja 7 oseb, od katerih ni bila nobena preveč pozitivno prikazana. Vsaka je imela svoje slabosti, ki jih ni mogla premagati in se niti ni zavedala, kaj dejansko počenja in kakšne bodo posledice. Urh Kante (Ivan Jakomin), vaški žganjar, želi, da se bi njegova hči Lenčka (Metka Zalar) poročila s sosedom Martinom (Florjan Osredkar), premožnejšim kmetom, za katerega pa se Lenčka ne zanima. Lenčka ljubi drugega fanta, Ferjana (Peter Dragar), ki je iskren in dobrosrčen, podjeten pa ne. Radi tega Urh pritiska na Lenčko, naj vzame Martina in končno tudi uspe. ka Mica Slana (Mojca Slak), ki prinaša Lenčki pijačo. Zadnje, tretje dejanje, vodi k tragičnemu koncu. Martin se nepričakovano vrne domov ob trenutku, ko trka na okno Ferjan. Razjarjen, Martin zadavi Lenčko. Urh se pojavi in zakriči: »Morilec!« Ob tem trenutku pa se v sobi pojavi Ferjan, ki zakriči, da je pravi morilec prav Urh. Vsi nastopajoči so bili v svojih vlogah zelo dobri. Že v neki prejšnji oceni sem omenil, da imajo Lilijini režiserji - tokrat je imel to odgovornost Ivan Hauptman - dar, ki jim omogoča izbiranje pravih igralcev in igralk za posamezne vloge. Tako je bilo tudi tokrat, od Urha in Lenčke do Sirka in Mice. Marsikaj sem kot ocenjevalec pripravljen ri-skirati, ne pa, da bi povedal, kateri od nastopajočih je bil boljši od drugega. Morda zato, ker je bila igra v celoti tako pesimistična, sem bil vesel tistih sicer redkih trenutkov, ko je bilo vsaj mimogrede nekaj humorja. Iz teh trenutkov izstopajo za mene besede, ki jih je spregovoril pijanec Sirk o Lenčki, ko je o njenem telesnem razvoju dejal, da nikjer je ni preveč in nikjer je ni premalo. »Sirk« je te besede podal s tako prepričljivo slaščico, da se jih je moral dodobra naučiti že na prvi vaji. Kakor pri vsaki dramski predstavi, so potrebni mnogi delavci, ki jih gledalci ne vidijo. Poleg režiserja Hauptmana, je bil masker dr. Milan Pavlovčič, šepetalka Julka Zalar, za oder so skrbeli Slavko Štepec, Frank Balažič in Stane Krulc, za luči Frank Hren in Franc Cestnik, ozvočenje Edi Mejač, tehnični asistent - kaj naj bi to pomenilo sicer točno ne vem - pa je bil Srečko Ga-ser. Za likovnost programa sta poskrbela Kati Likozar in Rezka Jarem. Dvorana je bila lepo zasedena in navzoči so bili videti zelo zadovoljni z igro. Izgovarjava je bila zelo dobra, le od mlajših igralcev od časa do časa nekako mehanična in manj živa kot bi lahko bila. V pri' merjavi z zadnjimi leti, se je Lilija tokrat lotila resnejše igre in to je pohvale vredno. Velik0 imamo prireditev, na katerih je poudarek izključno ali Pre<^' vsem na smeh. Slovenska kultura je bogatejša od tega >n zato zasluži Lilija priznanje> da se tega zaveda. Izvrstna uprizoritev RazvU' line življenja tudi kaže, da slovenska beseda le ni med nami tako mrtva, kot mislijo nekateri. Upajmo, da bodo Pr* Liliji vztrajali in nam drug0 leto, če že ne letos, pripra'ri*1 nov kulturni užitek. Urednik Iz newyorske prosvete Po poroki se Martin in Lenčka ne razumeta in drama daje vtis, da nosi skoraj vso odgovornost pri tem Lenčka, ki se ne more sprijazniti z izsiljeno usodo. Ferjan nič ne pomaga, ker se stalno suka okoli Lenčke, ki ga pa ni pripravljena odločno odbiti. Vse to opazuje vedno ljubosumnejši Martin, ki se pritožuje Urhu. Urh skova načrt, po katerem bo Ferjanu odvzel zemljo in premoženje. Pri tem jima služi kmet Sirk (Marko Jakomin). Lenčka je tudi začela piti in Urh izsili obljubo, da bo opustila pijačo in tudi Ferjana. Ko se ta žalostna zgodba razvija, skuša Lenčki pomagati in stati ob strani le Tona (Martina Košnik), Urhova rejenka, ki pa ni zmožna kaj koristnega storiti, niti takrat ni, ko kot prva opazi, da se je Lenčka vdala pijači v svojem obupu. Nič kaj prida ni seveda potov- Kolikor se spominjam, je bila Cvetna nedelja v New Yorku vedno lepa. Narodne noše so se po maši zbrale na cerkvenih stopnicah in se nastavile fotografom, da so jih slikali. Bilo je jasno in toplo, ko smo bili pred leti na televiziji. Letos je bila Cvetna nedelja nenavadno pozna. Z gotovostjo sem računal, da bo lepa in se že vnaprej veselil pristnega slovenskega praznovanja, ki ga na ta dan doživlja newyor-ška slovenska skupina v svoji mali, skromni cerkvici. Pa je bil dež, hud veter in mraz tako, da sem moral privleči na dan že drugič svojo zimsko suknjo, ki sem jo bil prej obesil v kot omare prepričan, da je do zime ne bom več potreboval. Ko sem se zbudil in pogledal skozi okno, je lilo, lilo kakor iz škafa - tako smo rekh doma - in na obeh stran® ulice sta tekla dva potočka. radiju so povedali, da je nf' varnost za poplave v okraj Westchester, to je prav tam> kjer morajo »Zvonovci« Pot0* vati v New York. Bal sem s®’ da bo pozvonil telefon in °8 mi bo A. Kurbus sporočil. ° »Zvon« ne more priti. Kerse do devete ure ni oglasil, semse dobre volje, čeprav je še ve(^ deževalo, odpeljal s Simon0 Kregarjem na Osmo. Cerkev in dvorana po sta bili nabito polni. Banikova družina je naPr*j vila 130 butaric in jih Pre mašo razdelila med faraI1 Bogve, ali se naši farani za^. dajo, koliko dela je s te butaricami! . V prvem delu so Zvoj^V zapeli sledeče pesmi: M punčka, Teče mi voriica» a, pa vem, da si ti moja, in1 nic. ■ Dobro so peli. P° v^f, pesmi smo jih nagradili z . . nim ploskanjem. In če oi tudi polomili, bi jim pl°s ^ Tako jih imamo radi i° 4 ^ željno poslušamo slove pesem! ^ V odmoru smo izrekli s° Ije Majdi dr. Remčevi, It* umrl v Ljubljani 86 l®1 8 jj oče dr. Edvard Vračko. v sodnik okrožnega sod>> Ljubljani; dr. Silvu Lan| ’ j. mu je umrl v Gorici Oče .f slav, in Fridi Mihelič, ^er pri smučanju smrtno P011 (dalje na str. 4) oddolžimo tem rojakom in rojakinjam, istočasno pa v upanju, da najdemo pot do tistih Slovencev in Slovenk, ki na naš list niso še naročeni, si prizadevamo za izboljšanje vsebine, ki ga dvakrat na teden priobčujemo. Še vedno imamo željo, da bi se vrnili zopet na tri številke na teden. Da pa to dosežemo, ni sedaj ravno toliko potreben denar, čeprav bi tretji izvod na teden precej več stalo. Najbolj pereča naloga pri izboljšanju vsebine Ameriške Domovine je v tem, da najdemo pove dopisnike oz. poročevalce, ki bi se pridružili sedanjim zvestim našim sodelavcem. V ta namen že deluje manjši odbor, ki bo skušal v naslednjih mesecih priti v stik z možnimi novimi dopisniki. Izdelan je že načrt za izboljšanje lista v grafičnem oziru. Dve osebi, ki sta sicer zadnja leta bolj redko 'pisala za A.D., sta obljubila, da bosta redno prispevala poročila oz. članke. Ti prvi sadovi, nam vlivajo upanje, da’ gredo stvari na bolje. Čez tri ali štiri tedne bom zopet pisal o našem delu, do takrat pa morda le boste tu in tam opazili nekaj novega in zanimivega! Rudolph M. Susel Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 621. »O DVEH PREČKAH SVETEGA KRIŽA« (O. Vladimir Kos, D.J.) Naj razpredem te misli v enaki meri tudi zase - vsi namreč trepetamo, ko pade na srce senca križa. In vendar ni križa, ki bi ne bil podoben Jezusovem križu in ki bi ne roogel črpati iz Njega časti in moči in celo veselja, kadar nam milost božja s tolažilnim smehljajem osvetli pokrajino trPljenja. V tem se mi zdi, da se genial-n°st Jezusovega učlovečenja Še posebej razodeva: da je vsakemu trpljenju podaril podob-nost s Svojim svetim trplje-njem, posebno ko je trpeči člo-Vek kristjan in še posebno, ko Se orientira v srcu, v besedah, 'i zgledu Trpečega Boga -Človeka. Oboje, genialnost in ljubezen Božjega Sina do nas, izžareva dejstvo, da je Gospod Je-ZUs izbral prav trpljenje, da nas odreši in s tem takorekoč naPolni vsako trpljenje s potencialom blagoslova. Ali je namreč za takozvano pravno mišljenje in čutenje kaj bolj negativnega kot trp-Jenje v svojih najrazličnejših oblikah? Ali ne meče senco na ndovito božje stvarstvo prav trpljenje? Toda svet kot del vesolja je ejansko že dolgo spremenjen! trenutek Jezusove odrešilne ftttrti na križu ga je spremenil 'n Ttu vrnil ravnotežje. ^ tistih treh svetih dneh, od Velikega petka do Ne-e je Gospodovega Vstajenja, ?° se rdeče-zlate, zeleno-tihe, 'h belo-zlate barve razlile čez pVel> da se jih človekovo trp-Jenje lahko nasrka tja do kon-oa sveta in se s svojim temnim ®skotn lahko pridruži ostalim niotvorom božjega stvarstva, tez našega Gospoda, Njego-Qs dejanj in Njegovih besed, rane trpljenje brez smisla, boi- ^ast*’ brez odnosa do °Je resničnosti - ostane smrt. t ,.rez dvoma ima trpljenje o 'v oaravni perspektivi moč U 1 ^evanja, neke vrste velici-st v prisotnosti urejenega arstva, in če ve za Božjo ko-tn°st, lahko upa na do-Vs^o večno pravičnost -Žez ^Se kakor luč svečke, katero se razplamti ekva- torska sončna luč smrti odnosno njene predstavnice, ognja krematorija. Gospodovo Vstajenje pa je toliko močnejša svetloba, kolikor nesmrtnost prekaša tudi najbolj gotovo smrt! Ko jemljemo v poštev Jezusovo vstajenje, se ljubeče dotaknemo Jezusovega križa, brez katerega bi ne bilo vstajenja; in ko jemljemo v poštev Jezusov križ za pravilno razumevanje stvarstva, se veselo ljubeče dotaknemo tudi dejstva Jezusovega vstajenja, ki daje križu smisel in božjo razsežnost; oboje je bil naš Gospod napovedal neslutečim učencem, križ in vstajenje na tretji palestinski dan, na primer Mt 16:21; 17:23; 20:19. Lahko rečemo, da se zgodovina vrti okoli tistih 34 ali 35 ur od Jezusove smrti na križu do Njegovega Vstajenja (tretji dan po palestinskem načinu štetja ur): od padca v raju do tega časa, in od tega časa do konca sveta. Tako ali tako živi od tega največjega dogodka; ali nanj zavestno odnosno podzavestno upa; ali pa v vednosti zanj na novo usmerja življenje. Tako je, kot uči sv. Pavel: »S svojo smrtjo na križu je Kristus vrnil mir vesolju, tako da zdaj ni več nasprotja med nebeškimi in zemeljskimi stvarnostmi.« (Kol 1:20) Vsi vemo, da sestavljata križ dve prečki. Eno teh je moral nositi naš Gospod - kakor vsak, obsojen na križanje -na Kalvarijo. Na Križevem potu mu je pri tem moral pomagati Simon iz libijskega velemesta Kurene (Jn 19:17 obenem z Lk 23:26). Kakšna življenjska prispodoba! Vsako naše trpljenje ali križ ima dve prečki. Ena prečka je vse tisto, česar se ne moremo otresti, kar nas boli, kar nam jemlje veselje ali zadovoljstvo ali srečo na kakršenkoli način. Druga prečka pa je vse tisto, kar lahko s trpljenjem storimo, da ga olajšamo ali da se ga celo rešimo. Vendar dokler se ga ne rešimo, odnosno dokler nam trpljenje ni odvzeto, smo na Križevem narodni odbor ža slovenijo z žalostjo naznanja Slovencem po vsem svetu, da je v 79. letu starosti nenadoma umrl S. aprila 1984 gospod Miloš Stare ^ domovini je bil od naroda izvoljen državni Poslanec, v zdomstvu predstavnik svobodnega °venskega naroda, v vsem življenju pa odločen 0rec Svobodo, Resnico in Pravico. Trd bodi, neizprosen, moi jekien, | p kadar braniti je čast in slavo narodu in jeziku svojemu! * (Levstik) Narodni odbor za slovenijo potu: okoliščine čisto gotovo vlačijo eno prečko za križ, drugo pa - po nedoumljivi božji dopustitvi - nosimo mi morda le del poti, morda niti pol poti, morda celo tri četrtine poti, ko smemo kreniti proč iz smeri na Kalvarijo. Kakšna tolažba, ko vidimo, kako si naš Gospod da pomagati pri nošnji te druge prečke! Bog je namreč Bog življenja, ne trpinčenja. Trpljenje v sedanji obliki je izumil zli duh, a sovraštvo kot srčiko trpljenja je zamenjal naš Gospod z ljubeznijo. Revolucija zlega duha temelji na sovraštvu, revolucija Učlovečenega Božjega Sina pa temelji na ljubezni. Z Jezusovo milostjo, ki nam jo nudi, lahko tudi mi -morda le plaho, oklevajoče, ali pa z nekakšnim naporom - nosimo to drugo prečko križa za Jezusom (Lk 23:26); tudi če ne traja dolgo, je vendar to nošnja iz ljubezni do Njega, ki je nosil prečko za vsakogar izmed nas. Takšna ljubezen ničesar ne izgubi, če skušamo prečko križa olajšati ali celo - z božjo pomočjo - odložiti; pomislimo na križ, ki mu pravimo bolezen, in kjer imamo celo dolžnost, da se potegujemo za zdravje, če je še dosegljivo z navadnimi sredstvi; dokler traja to stanje, ga lahko prenašamo z ljubeznijo do Jezusa. Okoliščine zmeraj pripravljajo kakšne vrste križ, njeno prvo prečko; z resničnostjo osebnega križa pa se soočimo šele, ko nam je naložena druga prečka. Lahko si jo celo sami V BLAG SPOMIN OB PRVI OBLETNICI SMRTI, ODKAR NAS JE ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTIL NAŠ LJUBLJENI mož, oCe, stari oče IN PRASTARI OČE JOHN MRŠNIK ki je za vedno zaspal dne 19. aprila 1983. Eno leto je že minilo, ko srce Tvoje je utihnilo; solzne naše so oči, ker Tebe več med nami ni. Žalujoči: Albina - žena Rose Mary Toth - hčer John - sin John - zet Jerry - snaha Vnuki in vnukinje Pravnuki in pravnukinje Richmond Hts., O., 20. aprila 1984. Smer v Veliko noč Naj ptički pojo, naj njive vriskajo, ker Jezus, ki nas ljubi, je vstal iz groba! Hej, veter aprilski, sviraj saksofon nam; vode, igrajte vrbovo 6boo. Naj zableste nebotičniki v nebo, ker Jezus, ki nas ljubi, je vstal od mrtvih! Tovarne: brnite novo pesem s stroji. Mostovi: nihajte, kjer je sklop še trd. In ti in jaz - bova spremenila smer kot ptički, ki se vračajo v luč pomladi? Nadcesta do Jezusa drži po veri. Ljubezni up poganja sreš obrat. Vladimir Kos Japonska naložimo, kadar razumemo, da se tako še posebej približamo Jezusu in Njegovi ljubezni in da Mu je naše dejanje všeč - na rani namreč nobene ljubezni. V oboj me slučaju, tako v primeru naloženega kot v primeru svobodno izbranega križa, daje križu vrednost ljubezen, ne napor in ne velikost trpljenja; tako ima lahko veliko vrednost majhen, neznaten križ, npr. vsakdanjega življenja. In še posebno vrednost, če križ prenašamo, da pomagamo misijonom. (Bo še) Misijonsko kosilo v clevelandski MZA je 1. aprila zelo lepo uspelo. Čakamo še poročila od predsednice ge. Marice Lavri-ševe. Glavna tajnica gdč. Sonja Ferjanova se je iz prireditve vrnila z mnogimi lepimi vtisi. Prinesla je s seboj vrsto sv. maš, ki bodo v misijonih kmalu opravljene: 2 od Marije Jalovec, 1 od Joe Jalovec, ge. Karle Kucher in ge. Mary Štrancar; od ge. Lavrisha vrsto sv. maš in za rajnega Viktorja Blatnik od družine. Vsem iskrena hvala! Tudi tri bogoslovske vzdrževalnine so bile obnovljene. Hvala! Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM 131 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Hr v V BLAG SPOMIN OB PRVI OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠE LJUBLJENE MAME, STARE MAME IN PRASTARE MAME Antonija Kastelic (roj. Jordan) ki je umrla dne 22. jan. 1983. Hvala naša dobra mama, vso ljubezen ste nam dala, vse moči in vse skrbi; rajski mir, nebeška sreča, bodita Vaša v večnosti. Žalujoči: Robert, Joseph, Louis, sinovje, ter Bernice Rudolph, hčerka, z družinami. 20. aprila 1984. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 1. str.) Steve Jesenšek V ponedeljek, 16. aprila, je v Richmond Hts. bolnišnici nenadno umrl 63 let stari Steve Jesenšek z 23991 Glenbrook Blvd., rojen v mestu Pečs, Jugoslavija, od koder je prišel v Cleveland 1. 1950, mož Anne, roj. Serelo, oče Franka in Anne Marie Oznowich, 3-krat stari oče, v Jug. pa zapušča mnoge sorodnike, lastnik J&J Machine Works na E. 260. cesti v Euclidu. Pogreb bo iz Že-letovega pogrebnega zavoda danes, v petek, zjutraj ob 8.30, v cerkev Marije Vnebo-vzete ob 9., nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Louis L. Primožič V torek, 17. aprila, je umrl Louis L. Primožič, mož Phyllis, oče Louisa J., 2-krat stari oče, brat Franka, Johna (pok.) in Frances Otoničar, tast Kathleen. Pogreb bo iz Brickmanovega pogrebnega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Felicite dopoldne ob 9. in nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. V BLAG SPOMIN DRUGE OBLETNICE SMRTI Valentin Mavko ki je umrl 23. aprila 1982. Nihče odvzeti name ne more ljubezni zveste, ki gori za Te; nihče spominov lepih, ki vedno v naših srcih tlel . Žalujoči ostali: Žena Frances in družina. Cleveland, O., 20. aprila 1 984. Iz newyorške prosvete (Nadaljevanje z 2. str.) čil njen nečak Boris Černuta, smučarski učitelj in oče dveh malih otrok. Padel je v na Kaninu 80 m globok prepad. Pozdravili smo v svoji sredi gospo Dermastja in dva njena sinčka, ki so tukaj iz Argentine na obisku pri očetu Peregri-nu Usu. Pravijo, da bi najrajši ostali tukaj. Nato sta recitirala prof. Peter Remec Balantičevo pesem Veliki greh v slovenskem in Amerikanec J. Minnich v angleškem prevodu Vladimirja Preglja. In za njima je Tone Jenko recitiral Mauserjevi pesmi S poti po Michiganu in Sreča v slovenskem, Anki Babnik pa isti pesmi v angleškem prevodu istega prevajalca. Vsi štirje so bili zelo dobri. V drugem delu so Zvonovci zapeli: Sijaj, sijaj sončece, Pastirska, Zelenica in Mami, oj mami. Eno pesem so zapeli v spomin pok. Rudija Večeri-na ob 10-letnici njegove smrti, zadnjo pa v čast slovenskih mater, ker Zvonovci ne bodo prišli na majsko uro, ko bomo Newyorčani proslavljali slovenske matere. Vse je bilo v najlepšem redu, udeležba taka, da smo morali privleči na dan vse rezervne stole in so morali nekateri še stati, eni pa so odšli, ker niso dobili sedežev. Bolelo me je le, da se zaradi grdega vremena niso mogle pokazati v vsem sijaju narodne noše zlasti otroci, ki neki še ne hodijo, pa jih dobre mamice oblečejo v narodno nošo. Žal mi je bilo dveh Amerikank, žene Janeza Babnika in zaročenke Joškota Banika, ki sta prišli v narodnih nošah, pa sta se mogli pokazati samo nam v cerkvi in dvorani. Bogu hvala, da še živimo kot Slovenci in da smo na svojo poreklo ponosni! Lep velikonočni pozdrav vsem bralcem vošči Dr. Zdravko Kalan MALI OGLASI HOUSEKEEPER for corporate suites Bratenahl Place Must have car & experience. Call Mr. Richard Armon at 541-3901. (32-33) FENCES - OGRAJE Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Prodajam po zmerni ceni potrebni material za ograje in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Pokličite vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE-IN Either single woman or a couple for large East side home. Resume and references required. P.O. Box 123 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 ROJAKI POZOR Izvršujem zidarska in mizarska dela, pleskam hiše zunaj in znotraj, izvršujem električno in vodno napeljavo, popravljam strehe. Kličite po 5. popoldne tel. 881-5439. (FX) Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 IZ SLOVENIJE! Slovenski Koledar 1984 Originalne grafike Plošče in kasete Knjige: Baragova Misijonska Pisma (Zbral J. Gregorič) »Mati Terezija« Lepa si Zemlja Slovenska (Janko Ravnik) Treasures of Yugoslavia Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-5296 PnjateVs Pharmacy Sl. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING __ NEEDS ANZLO VAR'S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominlkov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Apt. for Rent 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. Lakeshore & E. 185th. Adults. No pets. 398-9579. Also want custodian couple. . (29-36) LASTNIK PRODAJA enodružinsko zidano hišo, 2V2 garaže, v Collinwoodu, blizu Holmes Ave. Takojšnja vselitev možna. Cena nizka. Hiša je stara 22 let. Pokličite 451-0665 (28, 30, 32, 34) FOR SALE Double home, 5 rooms in front, 3 in back. A-1 cond. Newly remodeled kitchen and bathroom. Bliss Ave. Call in morning or after 6:30 p.m. 731-6460. (FX) Brick 2 family. Euclid Neff Rd. Double Owner financing. 10% Col-linwood. 5 garages. Modern home on E. 185 St. For details call Anton. CAMEO REALTY 261-3900 ANTON MATIC 531-6787 (FX) DR. ALAN B. NAHA Complete dental care. All types of dental insurance accepted. Ask about our special family group plan. Conveniently located at 848 E. 185th St. in the Jo-Ann Medical Bldg, between Shore Carpet & Yale TV across the street from the LaSalle Theater. 531-7700 (F-X) For Sale St. Vitus area. Double 5 & 5. Carpeting. Air conditioning in living room. New stove & refrigerator included. New gutters. New canvas floor on upstairs porch. Call 391-5686. (X) For Rent 5 clean rooms, down. St. Vitus area. Call 431-5572. (30-33) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 (FX) Machinist BROWN & SHARP SET-UP OPERATOR Applicant must have 8-10 years experience in set-up, operate and assign operators to equipment. Require t® perform minor maintenance. Be able to grind tools on modified cams in a job shop atmosphere Excellent starting salary COLA, and fringe benefits package for employee and dependents. Submit resumes to: Mr. Victor Weaver Director, Human Relations TRW NELSON STUD WELDING DIVISION East 28th & Toledo Ave. Lorain, OH ‘»‘*055 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V - BEAUTICIAN Urgently need good operator, to work in one operator shop. Very good future. Call 881-6914. (32-33) Kitchen Help Wanted Woman for 1 day a week, 10 or 11 hours. Friday only-Fritz’s Tavern, 991 E. 185 St. Call 531-2239 or 481-9635. (32-33) For Sale By Owner 5 lots, 1 acre each. 150 front. Flower Dr., Willoughby Hills. Call 531-4414 or 944-6788. Looking for Rent Elderly couple want 4 or 5 rooms in St. Vitus area-Must have furnace. Cal VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELIJO VSEM SORODNIKOM IN PRIJA TEL JEM MARY KLEMENČIČ in SINOVA MARIO in JOHN MUNIZA VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELI DR. MAX RAK VSEM SVOJIM PACIJENTOM IN PRIJATELJEM SREČNE IN ZDRA VE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELIJO PRIJA TELJEM IN ZNANCEM VSI KUHARJEVI E. 61 CESTA VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELI Mrs. Edward J. KOVAČIČ 431-3011 Notary Public 7308 Hecker Ave., Cleveland 44103 881-4318. (32-33) T.K. General Contractors, Inc. Predelujemo kuhinje, kopalnice, delamo strehe, »driveways«, nove garaže in vsa potrebna gradbena dela na hišah ali poslovnih stavbah. Zidamo tudi nove hiše in poslovne stavbe. - Vprašajte za brezplačen predračun! - 831-6430 - SLOVENSKI HOTEL »SLEP« V RIMU Lastnik: VINKO LEVSTIK a P- . * ^ N U I L <41 -r.idlt« r [Ki a d n iH .,1 Sj,: H 'lil |l|i 1| MII I H Ul ir j]. II* lil 1 tSAAiS: ' lilKMI 4. i.,r«i.'.; Ji i|| “ i| ti .• HOTEL »BLED« - VIA-S. CROCE IN GERUSALEMME^O^ 00185 ROMA-RIM-TEL. 06/777102 - TELEX HBLED 620196 - Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIANMORNINGN EWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 20, 1984 What’s It REALLY Like in So. America By Margaret Ann Rak Bogota, coi. — News ^°ncerning Central and South •Herica seems to be making neadlines daily — that is. news on-going fighting, public wnonstrations, drugs, guer-‘as. and foreign debts. One most never hears of the daily 1 e of our neighbors to the °uth. i have been living in °8ata, Colombia for nine °nths as a volunteer social °dcer and what I have ex-eIlenced is worth sharing. The overwhelming first im-h-ssion is the marked class $h renCes ^at ex'st- You see DuKrS next to mans*ons» buses crammed with next to Mercedes and aivrf *s ^r*ven by chauffers, inncl children sleeping and liv-8 on the streets while others f.® behind guarded walls. ist'j c!ass difference has ex-Ca a Slnce the first Spaniards o^He to virtually rape the land h Its r>ches, but who is to say tj W l°ng it will last. Revolu-conr ^ave ^l'60 Place and will as Inue to take place as long Co PeoPle are hungry. The h jV^nism that is taking tie ,18 lbat of hunger, not of abl° °8^' ^lany people are not stanrf0 reac*’ *et alone under-^e writings of Marx or rec(!n The poor liave no So ..Ur8e in the given system, alt. ey turn to any available Pro«I'ative ~ anything that Th them h°Pe-fiem “le of the poor is a dif-knou, ?ne> and I have come to 1 Wq '1 "fell through my work. ^Oot/a poor uc’gbbor-ijtorp TUna Alta has a little live j taan families who Urn,«'11 .Editions practically ard of in the U.S. I con- ducted a census and personally visited each of these families. Entering the “homes” was almost shocking. The typical home has eight persons all living, eating, and sleeping in one room with three beds; no running water; no telephone; no sewer system; no legal electrical connections; no medical attention within a 20 minute walk; no public transportation within a 20 minute walk; and the neighborhood school is only up to the fourth grade. And this neighborhood school is only “moderately poor!” The diets of the people is composed primarily of carbohydrates (bread, rice and potatoes) and Coca-Cola — the cheap items. The price of a glass of milk is double to three times as expensive as a Coke. With such a diet, how does a child study? Teachers I have spoken with, have told me that many students do poorly only because they are malnourished. Another critical factor is that parents cannot help their children since so many of them are illiterate themselves. The cycle repeats itself. What future do these children have? For many, the answer is found by walking through downtown Bogota. “Gamines” or street-children are seen everywhere. Their only home is the street. I have seen boys, seven to eight years old sleeping on the sidewalk. They survive by stealing, begging or doing “odd-jobs” such as: washing wind-shields of cars as they stop at the traffic light, guarding parked cars so that nobody steals anything, or even singing on street cor- Margaret Rak pauses on her way up to the top of Monserrate mountain where there is a church overlooking Bogota, Columbia, South America. ners or on buses — they do almost anything to earn their “living.” These children leave their homes because the situation is unbearable, or because they are abandoned by their parents. Parents abandon their children for simple lack of love, or because they know they have absolutely nothing to offer them and hope they will fare better on their own. The children who fend for themselves in the streets not only lack material well being, but equally important, spiritual well-being. They will probably never know what a family means — what love is all about. They have become so hardened, I am not sure they are capable of love even if it were offered to them. The pathetic way of life for so many here would make you cry, but crying really doesn’t help. I came to Bogota through a U.S. Foundation called Christian Foundation For Children, and this organization helps children in a very positive way. A one to one sponsorship program exists — one sponsor to one needy child in such countries as: Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and Brazil. The money donated is forwarded to the different countries where there are volunteers like myself from the U.S. and other volunteers from the country (Continued on page 6) Planina Concert May 6 On Sunday, April 24, 1938, the first song of the first concert sung by Planina was Pozdrav (Greetings). Rudolph Polz described Planina as nepristranski, neutral in its politics and not wishing to take sides in the prevailing political atmosphere between the socials and Christian Democrats. The program revealed thoughts of the sea, a reference to the beloved Jadran, the Adriatic, of spring and the promise of new life. Greetings were sung of a distant land of beautiful Slovenia and of the immigrant who yearned for contact with his family left behind. Planina remains a viable choral ensemble today. It wishes to continue the songs and poems of a people whose faith directs them toward the eternal. They are caught up in the beauty of creation and desire to express their poetic thoughts in song. Robert Tayek is the present director and Frank Urbančič the president. They are both dedicated to the perpetuation of the rich tradition of songs of the Slovene writers and poets. Bea Tayek is the accompanist on piano. The concert will be held Sunday afternoon. May 6 at 4:00 at the Slovenian National Home, 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hts. Dancing and refreshments. Music by Ed Buehner. WMS^SSSMComing Events The rT“es-! APril 24 1655 j at"°lic War Vets Post raff]e s sponsoring a reverse Only jfw. . Vitus Auditorium. ^S.Qo will be sold at ^2,500 •eacdl- There will be The 'n cash gifls. "'ill be • sitdown dinner ^hest ln^!uded with open bar. aVailahi dinner tickets are for $12.00. ^i°rkrt« ftokets call Steve Centrai m 1 or Diclc Mott at tlle even^ati°nal Bank, or in Ven'ng at 531-4556. W TheS'’p^” APril 26, 27 women 8ressive Slovene J'111 spon f America Circle 1 .r°rn 9 . S7 a nearly new sale 'll ako k ' Pastry and coffee We a° be sold. items accePtin8 donations Oitditi* 800d resaleable n or new. Call 261-6905 for pickup or 481-6071. Items may also be dropped off at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15300 Waterloo Rd. at any time. —Ann Kristoff Sat., April 28 The Holy Family Cancer Home Guild is sponsoring its annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party at noon at Higbee (downtown) auditorium. Donation is $6.00. Reservation deadline is April 15. To reserve a seat call Ethel Deitrick at 476-0089 or Ann O’Rourke 237-8752. For further information contact Madeline Debevec at 431-0628. All proceeds benefit the Holy Family Cancer Home. Sunday, April 29 Knights of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine will sponsor a Roast Beef Dinner from noon until 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be : served in the St. Ann Diping Room on the Shrine grounds, 21320 Euclid Ave. (entrance off Chardon Rd.). Tickets at the door are $5 for adults, and $3.50 for children. All proceeds benefit Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine. All welcome. Fri., Sat., May 4, 5 The St. Clair-Superior Coalition’s Rummage Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 6408 St. Clair Ave. Sun., May 6 Planina Singing Society Concert, 4:00 p.m. at Slovenian National Home, 5050 Stanley Ave. Dancing to music of Ed Buehner. Sunday, May 6 Charismatic annointing of the sick and service in St. Edward Church, Parkman, at 2 p.m. the first Sunday of every month. The church is one block north of Rt. 422, one block west of Rt. 88 on Center St. All welcome. — Rev. Father Harry Winka, spiritual director; Florence Bustardo, co-chairman. Sunday, May 20 St. Clair Pensioners Club Annual Dinner at the Lower Hall of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Serving from 1 to 3 p.m. Music will be provided. Tickets are $6.00 each and can be obtained in advance from club members or by calling the secretary at 391-9761. Sunday, May 20 The Slovenian National Art Guild “Artists, Crafts, Heritage Stitchery” Show and Sale at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid from noon to 6:00 p.m. Food, refreshments, demonstrations, entertainment. Free admission. Sunday, May 20 Roast Beef Dinner hosted by AMLA Eastern District Lodges at the AMLA Recreation Center, Kniffen Rd. in Painesville, O. Serving is from 2 - 5 p.m. Music from 4 - 8 by the Joe Luzar Orchestra. Donation is $5.00 which includes admission and meal. For tickets call Louis Silc at 944-7925. Memo From Madeline cc Q. < < z > o Sylvia Habjanič Wins KSU Slovenian Studies Award g 8y Madeline Debevec O Miss Sylvia Habjanič, a stu-Q dent of nursing at Kent State ^ University, has been selected the winner of this year’s KSU £ Slovenian Studies Award, uj A graduate of St. Vitus ^ School and a member of St. **■ Vitus Youth Choir, Sylvia completed two KSU Slovenian language courses and a course in Slovenian literature, with excellent success. She is the recipient of the 11th consecutive KSU Slovenian Studies Award, according to Dr. Edward Gobetz, a professor of sociology and anthropology, who also teaches the Slovenian Studies at Kent as a voluntary overload and without pay. The award was presented last Sunday, April 15 at the KSU Annual Honors Day Convocation by Dr. Michael Schwartz, the University president. Congratulations to Sylvia and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Habjanič of 1056 E. 68 St., and grandmother, Mrs. Maria Kram pel! Past recipients of the KSU Slovenian Studies Awards were: Richard Hlabse (Dick Russ of TV Channel 8, 1974), Joseph Valencie (1975), James Scherbak (1976), Catherine Hillinger (1977), Mark Sfiligoj (1978), Anthony Zupančič (1979), Harry Jaken (1980), James Rudolph (1981), Mary Somrak (1982), and Violeta Musulin (1983). Those interested in Slovenian Studies at KSU may call Prof. Gobetz, 944-7237, or Critical Languages Program, 672-4443. Sylvia Habjanič Franchele Klaus Makes Her Debut Frank M. and Michele Klaus of Wickliffe, Ohio announce the birth of a daughter, Franchele, on March 16th. She is the granddaughter of attorney Frank R. of Parma Heights and the late Marian Klaus and great-granddaughter of Mary Makovec. Congratulations! A Speedy Recovery to: Frank Zalar of Richmond Heights, Ohio who underwent open heart surgery last week at St. Vincent Charity Hospital and.is recuperating at home. War Vets Say First Pool Tourney Big Success The game of pool may never be the same again. Dick Mott, Central National Bank branch manager, managed to survive six opponents in the recently concluded first annual pool tournament at St. Vitus Post 1655, C.W.V. Dick, who hasn’t played and who didn’t even practice, won the first match of the finals and then lost to Harrison Cross in the deciding second game. Dick usually left so many of his pool balls on the table that Mr. Cross had to shoot some of them himself in order to gain a clear shot at the eight ball. The tournament was conceived by Post Commander Steve Piorkowski in memory of recently deceased avid pool player Elmer “Red” Kuhar. A permanent winners plaque now adorns the post wall. Travel News: Lena and Frank Siewiorek of Cleveland sent the following greetings from Fort Pierce, Florida: Sure enjoying the beautiful weather. We sit on our son’s dock on the Indian River, then plow thru the warm sand on the Atlantic seashore, picking seashells and collecting other fossils. Our son collects them. Enjoying the flea markets. Tony Petkovšek, Sr. sent regards from Slovenia where he enjoyed the 20th anniversary of the Slak Ensemble. He highly recommends the mineral baths and spa in Dolenske, Toplice. Anna Sile of Willowick, Ohio is visiting her brother for one month in Fort Worth, Texas. Father Ed Day (Erzen) is pastor of St. Joseph’s Church there. Dr. Filmore A. Feldman, D.D.S. and his nephew Dr. Bruce Cane, D.D.S. will be moving into the building at 6131 St. Clair Ave. where Sheliga Drug was formerly located. * * * News of the Garden Club of Euclid by Katharine Oblak Dissauer The Garden Club of Euclid held its meeting at the Euclid Historical Society Building on April 13. Its Heritage Room was transformed into a Spring Flower setting, with a profusion of early spring flowers and a splash of beautiful yellow Forsythia .The program was unusual as Geraldine Devoe, the President of the Society for many years, presented an informative talk giving the history of Euclid, particularly the school development in the early days. Many names were not familiar to most of us. An added program was introduced to the members about the ancient Slovenian custom of “Butare” and the significance particularly apropos at this time with Palm Sunday that weekend. I gathered information from various sources and retold the history of the tradition of the procession, the blessings and its importance in the home and field. I also quoted the writings of Ignace Grozen from 1798 where the French, Bonaparte’s Army was scared off April 9th, exactly Palm Sunday by the farmers carrying the “Butare” from church. The French army came from Ljubljana and was feared all over Europe, but they were frightened by our simple and blessed Slovenian butare. »Recent Deaths* COLONEL DELL DORN Colonel Dell Dorn, the father-in-law of Andrej Kokal was killed in active duty April 10 in Columbia, South Carolina. He was a National Guard Pilot, 48 years of age. He is survived by his wife and two daughters. Frances Franko Wednesday morning, April 11 Mrs. Frances Franko, formerly Zakrajšek, nee Ajnik, died in St. Alexis Hospital after a not too long illness. Her father Frank Ajnik died in 1936 but she is survived by her mother, Angela Ajniic, nee Turk. She is also survived by a son Richard and two brothers Max and Frank of Florida, and a sister Angela Plascak. Another brother John died within the past year. Services were Saturday, April 14 at 9:00 a.m. at the Fortuna Funeral Home, 5316 Fleet Ave., and at 9:30 a.m. at St. Lawrence Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Thomas G. Lobe Attorney at Law - Odvetnik 833 Leader Building Superior and East 6 St. Cleveland, Oft 44114 Tel. (216) 621-2158 Probate, Wills, .Real Estate, Corporations, Personal Injury, Civil Trials Of Counsel for Law firm of: Lesser, Klein & Lesser Associated with: Thaddeus F. Chrzanowski Certified Public Accountant (l*3f) An Editorial An Ethnic Slur! It was reported in the March 14 edition of Zajedničar, the weekly newspaper of the Croatian Fraternal Union of America, that ethnic slurs were leveled against the people of Yugoslavia — and consequently, those of us descended from the republics of Yugoslavia. It was reported in the Des Moines, Iowa Sunday Register of Feb. 26 with a big, bold headline, “U.S. is paradise after life with Yugoslobs”. The article was written by Skip Bayless of the Dallas Times Herald who was in Sarajevo, Bosnia covering the Winter Olympics. The Zajedničar reports excerpts from the article, “Just live with the Yugoslobs for a while, and you’ll be on another planet, too”... “No wonder the Yugo food is so cheap. No wonder you don’t see many fat Yugos. They have dozens of unpronounceable names for it, but it’s all the same greasy beef”... “Then, again, perhaps they enjoy taking a shower, then stepping out into knee-deep water to splash the smell of soap off them. Then again, I’m not sure Yugoslobs take showers or baths. No one with roots from the Yugoslavia country should have to stand for that kind of journalism. It’s an outrage. It’s a crime against human decency.. It’s journalism of the worst sort and should not be tolerated by anyone, whether of Slovenian or any other nationality-Letters of protest should be sent to the editor of the papers in questions and we should be sent an apology for the cruel and savage writing against a decent and upright people who throughout history have only sought the highest cultural achievements possible. Send your protests to the Zajedničar, 100 Delaney Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15235 who will forward them to the proper authorities. —James V. Debevec South America (Continued from page 5) itself. We use this money to pay for schooling, shoes, food, clothing, etc. for the sponsored children — things their parents, if they have them, cannot afford. A personal relationship is also founded between the sponsor and the child through letter writing and photos. I am the lucky one who sees first-hand how much this help aids and is appreciated by both the child and his family. Kansas City, MO 64145. will Although my stay here end soon, to go to school, my work with Cr and with the people of Lab America will not. I can hones ly say this year has been best of my life, and one [ will never forget. I can only 'vl that through this art‘c^e/ue have learned something of 1 daily life of a Latin America^ country, and are IjIl0V^£) enough to do something Not only do we help children, but we are just starting a new sponsorship program for old folks who need help making ends meet. This type of aid is a very personal way to help someone less fortunate than most Americans. If you would like more information about this foundation and how you can help, be it sponsor, donor, or even a volunteer, write to: Christian Foundation For Children, 13001 Wornall Rd., Rak of Cleveland.) Thanks v 1 wish to thank all niy 111 . e friends and relatives f°r rI1 gifts and cards and c°n<^as Hiirinu the time I during the time - y recuperating after sur®,as Your thoughtfulness apreciated. Anne park«1. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel. st. 361-3112 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Li Ed help. .g (Margaret Ann Rak ,s . < daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M r? ; > ^ ° n ° s s. ss ^ ^ s. ta S S'rs s-ss. rs ^ rn as Likes Coming Events Editor: , I think your column “Com-ln8 Events” is super. Keep it j-oniing. It sure helps to keep V social calendar in tact. Emilee Jenko (Emilee’s Beauty Salon) Cleveland, Ohio Sot/j Sections OK editor: from testin given Eon recent spate of letters your subscribers pro-8 the proportion of space over to the English sec- prompts me to write a uttal. Since I read both ^guages I • find that I j,®conie both sections: the Ionian sections mostly for «0Hals, articles, and letters; the English section for the Porting on various .0venian-American schedul-ferevents. I sense that the dif-twent nature of each of the 0j° potions reflects the type re Hlnterest each language er favors. g00rithere are those who, for to reasons I am sure, wish lan ^roniote the Slovenian clnf-Ua8e having an ex-tion1Vely Slovenian publica- theh1*160 should assume an Urden of supporting such Ioqi nterPrise. It is unfair to 0w to the present A.D. fro *rs to do the supporting funds * am Sure’ *fm'ted J0ftpthe spirit of supporting int. asPect of publications of icrest Slovenian essav7 JI?laterial: poetry, by ’.euitorials, stories, etc., k0s 5'ters of the caliber of ^elit a!7 Prosen, Joseph °n,ja, Rado Lenček, Carole Rogelj, Ivan Dolenc, etc. In order to bring this into realization I am suggesting that a fund be raised to support such a forum in the pages of the Ameriška Domovina. Sincerely, John P. Nielsen, Ph.D. New York Citv Keep It The Same Editor: You have my vote to keep the Friday edition just as it is. I like it that way. Can’t read Slovenian, but still like to pick out a word here and there that I do know. Eleanor Kuzmanovich Cleveland Slovene Scene Editor: I keep in touch with the Slovenian scene with the Friday edition of the Ameriška Domovina. David F. Kern United Press International Columbia, S.C. Great Service Editor: I know you are going through a lot of tough times trying to keep the A.D. going, but hang in there, you’re doing a great service to the Slovenes. May God continue to watch over you and give you the enthusiasm and energy you need to continue. Jean Križman Richmond Hts., Ohio Hello, Louisiana Editor: Enclosed is my check for $35.00 for a year subscription to the Ameriška Domovina. Seven dollars is for the printing press. Keep up the good Grdina Funeral Homes J?** East 62 Street 431-2088 17»10 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 work, I look forward to the paper each week. David Kosak Harvey, La. Better Late... Editor: I have to agree with Fran Nemanich that it’s better late, than never, to receive the American Home. I sure wish you all a Very Happy and Blessed Easter and the best of health. Keep up the good work. I enjoy the paper very much. Jennie Oblak Willoughby Hills, Ohio In Memory of Anthony Ziherl Mary and Andrew Champa of Euclid, Ohio donated $100.00 to the American Home in memory of Anthony Ziherl. Thanks Fred and Josephine Strniša of Cleveland donated $25.00 toward the new newspaper printing press. St. Vitus CWV No. 1655 to Host Reverse Raffle The Catholic War Vets St. Vitus Post 1655 is sponsoring a reverse raffle on Tuesday, April 24 at St. Vitus Auditorium. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $25 each. There will be $2,500 in cash prizes. There will be a complete sitdown dinner with open bar throughout most of the evening. Guest dinner tickets are available for $12. For tickets, contact Steve Piorkowski or Dick Mott during the day at Central National Bank, 431-6062, or in the evening at 531-4556. Congratulations to the Vets on their 35th anniversary. Here’s wishing them much success with their only fund-raiser of the year. The Vets are to be commended for the great support it renders to St. Vitus, now -p .24% Effective Annual Rate ndependent kvings ChecHing 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. Thanks for donations 7 Thanks to the following for their donations to reduce the mortgage on the newer off-set printing press: Frank Mate, Rexdale, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Anna Stalzer, New Milford, Conn. — $2.00 Ursula M. Rakovec, Euclid — $5.00 Mary Križman, Montville, O. — $2.00 Frank Drazumerich, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Zora Jejcic, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank Petrich, Toronto — $5.00 Frank Stanonik, Cleveland — $2.00 Mrs. Ludwig Tomsic, Richmond Hts., O. — $2.00 Mary Javornik, Cleveland — $2.00 Mary C. Hull, Lakewood, O. — $10.00 Dr. Augustin Kuk, Scarborough, Ont.; Can. — $10.00 John Varšek, Cleveland — $2.00 Franc Markun, Joliet, 111. — $2.00 Helen Klesin, Ridgewood, NY — $5.00 Mary Omejc, Valley, Wash. — $1.00 Joseph Butinar, Milwaukee — $7.00 Stane and Marge Kuhar, Cleveland — $10.00 Marge Maslar, Cleveland — $10.00 Carmen & Lloyd McBrayer, Richmond Hts., O. — $10.00 Frank Balazic, Euclid — $2.00 John Krivogard, Riverside, Illinois — $2.00 Jakob Modic, Milwaukee, Illinois — $2.00 Anton Shutta, Berwyn, Illinois — $7.00 Terezija Zelko, Cleveland — $2.00 Ludwig Jelenc, Berwyn, 111. — $7.00 Otmar Tasner, Westchester, 111. — $2.00 John Zele, Masury, Ohio — $2.00 Mary Winter, Cleveland — $5.00 Josephine Vavpotič, Chicago — $2.00 Katherine Pugel, Cleveland — $2.00 Rev. Ignatius J. Strancar, San Bernardino, Cal.—$12.00 John Mramor, Lorain, O. — $11.25 John Kržišnik, Chicago — $5.00 John Skubitz, Willoughby Hills, O. — $2.00 Joseph Rus, Willoughby Hills, O. — $12.00 Dr. Stefan Slak, Toledo, O. — $2.00 Mrs. Pepca Zalar, Islington, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Frances Nemanich, Euclid, O. — $22.00 Mary Vana, Eastlake, O. — $1.00 Louis Gregorin, San Francisco, Calif. — $2.00 Mary Prosen, Cleveland — $10.00 Mary Kadunc, Waukegan — $7.00 Mrs. Ivanka Pretnar, Cleveland — $20.00 Julia Petek, Willoughby Hills, O. — $2.00 Lawrence Stojan, Peconic, NY — $2.00 Anna Ahačič, Chicago — $2.00 Frank Vegel, Seven Hills, O. — $2.00 Happy Birthday April 19 Thomas Kunsitis of Richmond, Va. sends his grandmother Mrs. Joseph (Pauline) Lunder best wishes for her birthday with many happy returns of the day. Happy Birthday to these special residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged for the month of April: Mary Champa, 74, April 9 Matilda Static, 86, April 13 Frances Mohorčič, 90, April 14 John Prijatel, 76, April 17 Antonia Mahorcic, 87, April 18 Jennie Glazer, 95, April 20 Steve Černigoj, 91, April 24 Frank Morell, 90, April 24 Rose Sabec, 88, April 29 St. Francis Dinner, Flea Market Set at Spring Homecoming Everyone is invited to join the St. Francis Parish family for an enjoyable afternoon of dining, selling and shopping, at the third annual ‘‘Spring Homecoming” Chicken Dinner and Flea Market on Sunday, May 6 from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the school social hall and gym, 7107 Myron Ave., Cleveland. The dinners will include generous portions of 1/2 baked, plain or barbecued chicken, scalloped potatoes or Spanish rice and beans, vegetables, jello salad, buns and butter. Dessert and beverages will be sold separately. Advance dinner tickets are $3.25 by calling the school at 361-4858, or $3.75 at the door. Flea Market tables can be reserved by calling 361-4858 at $10.00 per table. Everyone is welcome to come and join the festivities. i^!F“ HOME REASONABLE & DIGNIFIED LUNCHEON & COMMUNITY ROOMS AVAILABLE 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills (1 Block East of Bishop Rd.) 585-5100 Susan Zak Cosic - Funeral Director AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 20, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 20, 1984 8 Ethnic included in Public Radio By Tony Petkovšek Cleveland’s newest noncommercial stereo FM station at 9.3 on the dial is due on the air in September. WCPN with its transmitter on State Road in Parma and its studios on the third floor of the Engineers Building downtown on Chester Avenue will broadcast at50,000 watts like it’s predecessor WBOE (Board of Education). Leonard Will, General Manager, told a group of ethnic broadcasters that their facilities would be available for nationality programming on Sundays from at least 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. We’ve put a bid in to do our polka program once a week. The remainder of the program schedule will be devoted to public events, news and blues and jazz music format. There’s a growing list of polka radio programs in the Pittsburgh area with the most recent addition being the Rodney Yemc “Slovenian Polka Showcase” on WBCW radio in Jeanette. The personable 18-year-old musician already has two of his own albums on the market in collaboration with Joey Miskulin. Speaking of radio shows, Jack Tady celebrated the first anniversary of his program recently and veteran D-J’s Bill Seles of New Kensington and Sam Pugliano of Monroeville are both celebrating their 20 years in broadcasting this year. Meanwhile Frank Kalik continues getting very good reaction to his show, too. Karl Lukitsch’s new album “Polka Time Coming Up” and the Fairport Ensemble’s “Fairport Fantasy” are now available. Both are rather refreshing. Yankovic’s Son Dies Polka King Frank Yankovic’s son, John, 30, died suddenly recently at his home in Mayfield Heights. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and children, Colleen and John Jr. His mother, June Pacini, of Michigan also survives as well as 9 brothers and sisters. Frank was in upper New York playing along with Joey Miskulin and Walter Ostanek when the sad news came on March 31. He has now returned to Mesa, Arizona for a month where he appears at “Europe at Night.” Slo Home Marks 60th The Slovenian National Home at 6417 St. Clair Avenue, America’s largest, celebrated its 60th anniversary on March 31. Board President and well known vocalist Eddie Kenik welcomed the capacity crowd which enjoyed the special cultural program and among the speakers were two former mayors, Frank Lausche and Ralph Perk, plus the present mayor, George Voinovich. The 70th anniversary of the actual founding of the original home takes place in summer on August 19. On April 1, Joe “Red” Klir was honored by the Slovenians at a grand testimonial at the Slovenian National Home No. 2, 3563 E. 80th Street in Newburgh. Red Klir is a unique individual who has endeared himself to so many persons over the years and rightfully was bestowed the title of “adopted” Slovenian. He is Bohemian. At another testimonial held in March, Canadian Polka King, Walter Ostanek was honored by the Penn Ohio Polka Pals organization of greater Youngstown area musicians. It was nice seeing many polka promoters from Western Pennsylvania at the event. On prime time polkas on channel 61 television last Sunday, April 15 at 8 p.m. was the Alpine Sextet, Fantje na Vasi trio, and the Boris Frank Ensemble from Slovenia. The new weekly half-hour series, “Polka Time U.S.A.”, with Joey Miskulin looks great and will probably be syndicated shortly to other cities. New 185 St. Officers Chuck Pezdirtz, manager of AmeriTrust at E. 185 and Pawnee, is the new President of the E. 185th Street Business and Professional Association. Nick Sudar, Two Cro’s Lounge, and Debbie Wyckoff, Trademark Graphics, are the first and second vice-presidents. Former officers Dave Swope and Dean Fennell will help to co-chair the 7th Old World Festival, August 1 to 5. Biggest news on the street is Jackshaw Chevrolet lot next to Zaller’s Amoco, site of 5 festivals in the past, has definitely been sold and the new owner intends to build facilities for new stores. Art Guild Exhibition at Wickliffe Library The Slovenian National Art Guild invites you to view their exhibit “Slovenian Folk Art: Splashers & Bobbin Lace” at the Wickliffe Public Library, 1713 Lincoln Rd. The library is open seven days a week, Monday-Thursday, 9-9, Friday and Saturday 9-5, Sunday 1-5. The two display cases show a small portion of the collection featured last month at John Carroll University, and which received many favorable reviews. Splashers were popular in the early 1900’s as wall hangings which were fastened to the wall to catch splatters behind the stove, sink, and wash stand, and were embroidered with design and proverb. The bobbin lace collection has been loaned by Joyce Gorshe Plemel. The exhibit can be seen the entire month of April at the library. :*:*x*:vM*:*x*:*>:*:*x»>M*:*x*x*:*x*x*:*x*,*,*:*x«>x***x*,*:*'*:*x Recipes m HUNGARIAN CHICKEN LIVERS 4 tablespoons butter or margarine (1/2 stick) 2 medium onions, sliced 1/2 pound mushrooms, sliced 1 pound chicken livers, each cut in half 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons paprika 3/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup water 1/2 8-ounce container sour cream (1/2 cup) 2 tablespoons chopped parsley skillet. Stir in flour, paprika, and salt; cook 1 minute. Add water, stirring to loosen brown bits from bottom of skillet; cook over medium heat until mixture is slightly thickened and smooth. Stir in sour cream until smooth; heat through. Sprinkle with parsley. Makes 4 servings. 360 calories per serving. About 30 minutes before serving: 1. In 10-inch skillet over medium heat, in 2 tablespoons hot butter or margarine, cook onions and mushrooms until tender, stirring occasionally. With slotted spoon, remove vegetables to bowl. 2. In same skillet over medium-high heat, in 2 tables-poons hot butter or margarine, cook chicken livers about 4 minutes or until chicken livers are lightly browned but still pink inside, stirring frequently. 3. Return vegetables to ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE 2 1 /4 cups cake flour 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup salad oil 5 egg yolks 3/4 cup liquid (juice of two oranges plus water) 3 tablespoons grated orange peel 7 egg whites 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 can (16.5 oz.) orange ready-to-spread frosting or your own orange butter cream icing another large bowl until whites form stiff peaks. Pour egg yolk mixture gradually oyer beaten whites, gently folding with rubber spatula just untn blended. Pour into ungreaseo 10-inch tube pan. Bake a1 350°F. for 45 to 50 minutes. Invert on funnel to cool. Frost. Makes 12 to 16 servings, 290 calories per 12; 21‘ calories per 16 without frosting. In large bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Make a well in center and add in order: oil, egg yolks, liquid and orange peel. Beat with spoon until smooth. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in Waterloo Pensioners News Our meeting of Tuesday, April 10 was well attended. Vice Pres. Frank Bittenc conducted the meeting as Pres. Walter Lampe is ill. Our dinner-dance on March 17 was a success, thanks to all who worked and attended. Kate Kozel, the Sunshine Lady, has sent get-well cards to the following: Norman Hirter, Rudy Zakely, Mary Koss, Rose Kozar, Alma Milic, Joe Bajec, Dorothy Ep-pich, and Walter Lampe. New members are Mitzi Yeray, Casimir Kozinski, John and Ann Telisman, Jack and Helen Troha, and John and Mary Gibbons. We welcome you all. Our representatives to the annual membership meeting in May are Tony Sturm, Tony Silc, and Paul Trentel. Inducted into the Honorary Club are John and Helen Vukčevič, Frank and Tillie Vranekovic, Walter and Mary Lampe, and Louis and Albina Tolar. Our annual picnic will be Wednesday, June 20 at the SNPJ grounds. Celebrating anniversaries in April were the Kristoffs and the Emsers. At our May meeting we will be celebrating the 50th wedding anniversary of Louis and Mary Prebevsek. Here’s hoping everyone has a joyous Easter. Helen Vukčevič Rec. Sec’y. ADD to coming events........ Sunday, May 6 St. Francis Parish, 7107 Myron Ave., Cleveland, Chicken Dinner and Flea Market from 12:30 to 4 p.m. in the school social hall. Holy Family Cancer Home Guild News Since it is time to renew youj j memberships in the Guild, personally want to thank eac and every one of the many ne j members recruited through tn American Home. _ . The non-denominationa , home is managed by 1,1 | wonderful Dominican Sister j of St. Rose of St. Lima. They are truly, “Angels of Mercy- : The home exists solely 0 i donations and receives n ; financial assistance from ou ^ side sources. All the patid1 are admitted free of charge- j If you care to assist this worthy cause, please send y° | $3.00 dues or any amoun!/he| I wish to donate, to: ^ Dietrick, 13505 St. Jaf* Ave., Cleveland, OH ^.‘a Contact me at the Americ Home for any informal concerning the Guild, y join today. It is gratifying | | be a part of this wonder group. United Altar Soc-Meets April 29 The United Altar Society , Cleveland annual ye,^ «9 meeting will be held APrl* . t in St. Vitus Social R°onl -ta. 2:00 p.m. there will be rec tion of the Rosary 1 benediction of the ® eStfjU Sacrament. The meeting sacrament, me mcci-wo s be right after church^set”^ in the social room of St. auditorium. uei All three parishes are aw|,o to come and bring friends ^ are interested in g, pilgrimage to Lemont on "'12' Mary Mart«'"’ /NJ £5ixrissHaus FAMILY STYLE RESTAURANT at Nordic Village 7480 Warner Road, Route 307 Madison, Ohio 44057 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-311 Addison Road Chapel 3 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361*05# Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo Roy G, Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all famllies.l ____________ Roy G. Sankovič, director A Time for New Hope and a Rebirth of Ideals HAPPY EASTER George and Janet Voinovicli