653Arheološki vestnik 73, 2022, 653–666; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3986/AV.73.18; CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Carinthia and its south-western connections in the Early Iron Age. Some aspects Avstrijska Koroška in njene jugozahodne povezave v starejši železni dobi. Nekaj vidikov Paul GLEIRSCHER Izvleček Jugozahodni del koroške starejšeželeznodobne skupine oz. skupine Frög/Breg, ki obsega območje med Ziljsko dolino in Beljakom oz. Rožekom, je mejil na venetski prostor severne Italije in svetolucijsko skupino v zahodni Sloveniji. Ta soseščina je poleg trgovine z jantarjem, s soljo iz Hallstatta in Dürrnberga ter z železom in svincem z alpskega območja prinesla v vzhodne Alpe ne le luksuzno blago iz sredozemskega in severnoitalskega prostora, temveč tudi ljudi in ide- je. Povezavo prek prelaza Predel kaže najdba igle z nasvitkanim vratom z Napoleonovega travnika pri Beljaku, ki ima primerjave v Tolminu. Stike med Caput Adriae in avstrijsko Koroško po dolini Soče odsevajo nemara lončene posode z geometrijskim okrasom iz svinčenih aplik. Svojevrsten prenos idej bi lahko videli tudi v rabi in razvoju različic obeskov tipa Unec. Regionalno rokodelsko dejavnost Posočja in Koroške v 5./4. st. pr. n. št. pa morda kažejo čolničaste fibule tipa Villach in različica Paularo vzhodnoalpskih živalskih fibul. Zelo velika podobnost je prav tako opazna v zgradbi gomile Schmeißer Boden na Gurini s tistimi iz Mela pri Bellunu. Ključne besede: avstrijska Koroška; Posočje; Benečija; starejša železna doba; poti in povezave Abstract The south-western part of the Carinthian (or Frög) group of the Early Iron Age, located between the valley of the Gail/Zilja and Villach/Beljak (Rosegg/Rožek), bordered the Veneti in northern Italy and the Sveta Lucija group in western Slovenia. The relationships with these neighbours, alongside the trade in amber from the Baltic Sea, salt from Hallstatt and Dürrnberg, as well as iron and lead from the Alps, brought to the eastern Alpine areas not only foreign luxury goods, but also people and ideas. One communication with the southern neighbours led across the Predel/Predil Pass, evidence of which can be found in a pin with a moulded neck from Napoleonwiese at Villach that has parallels in Tolmin. Further along the Soča/Isonzo, contacts between Caput Adriae and Carinthia/Kärnten may be reflected in the pottery with lead appliqués. Evidence of such contacts and circulations of ideas can also be seen in the use and development of the Unec type pendants, in the boat fibulae (Kahnfibeln) of the Villach type and the Paularo type of east Alpine animal-headed fibulae (ostalpine Tierkopffibel) that indicate a common artisanal tradition in Posočje and Kärnten in the 5th/4th century BC, as well as in the commonalities that the tumulus from Schmeißer Boden at Gurina shows with the tumuli in Mel near Belluno. Keywords: Carinthia/Kärnten; Soča/Isonzo Valley; Veneto; Early Iron Age; routes and connections 654 Paul GLEIRSCHER Looking southwest from the settlement on the castle hill of Rosegg/Rožek with its cemetery at Frög/Breg,1 the central place of the Early Hallstatt culture in Carinthia/Kärnten/Koroška, there are two main routes that lead to north-eastern Italy (Fig. 1): one via Tarvisio/Tarvis/Trbiž and the other along the upper Gail/Zilja valley. Via Tarvisio (715 m a. s. l.), one can either take the Canale valley along the Rivers Fella and further Tagliamento or cross the Predil/Predel Pass (1156 m a. s. l.) and go south along the River Soča/Isonzo.2 There, the settlement in Most na Soči was included into the network of connections between Caput Adriae, the eastern Alpine areas and continental Europe.3 1 Gleirscher 2011. – On the cemetery Tomedi 2002; Ebner-Baur 2020. 2 Piccottini, Wedenig 1986, 135–137. 3 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018, 130–131, Fig. 83 (map). During the 1970s and early 1980s, Drago Svoljšak excavated the site and provided spectacular in- sights into this proto-urban settlement of the Venetic type.4 Research here has also shown that objects and ideas from the eastern Mediterranean and Italy found their way to continental Europe, particularly during the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Alongside the trade in amber from the Baltic Sea, salt from Hallstatt and Dürrnberg and iron and lead from Carinthia, this brought not only foreign luxury goods to the eastern Alpine areas, but also people and ideas. Further up the Gail valley, there are two other routes to the northern Italy, about 80 km west of Rosegg. In Roman times, the route across the 4 Gabrovec, Svoljšak 1983; Svoljšak 2001; Svoljšak Dular 2016; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018; Tecco Hvala 2020. Fig. 1: The Hallstatt cultural groups of Sveta Lucija and Frög in relation to neighbouring peoples and main routes con- necting Carinthia (Kärnten), Soča/Isonzo valley and north-eastern Italy. Sl. 1: Halštatski kulturni skupini Sveta Lucija in Frög/Breg v odnosu do sosednjih kulturnih regij ter glavnih poti med Koroško, Posočjem in severovzhodno Italijo. 655Carinthia and its south-western connections in the Early Iron Age. Some aspects Plöcken Pass/Monte Croce Carnico (1360 m a. s. l.) between Tolmezzo and Kötschach-Mauthen was a frequently employed one connecting Aquileia to Iuvavum (Salzburg).5 The Venetic votive inscriptions from Würmlach and Findenig Thörl, as well as the finds from the cemetery in Paularo-Misincinis north-east of Tolmezzo6 indicate that the route across the Lodin/Findenig Thörl Pass (1863 m a. s. l.)7 must also have been used. Markus Egg dealt with the question of routes in this area in the context of one of the princely tumuli from Strettweg near Judenburg in Styria. He suggested that the only route connecting Carinthia and northern Italy led through Frög and Tarvisio along the Canale valley, while the east-west connection ran from Ljubljana, Most na Soči to Cividale.8 5 Piccottini, Wedenig 1986, 124–130; Gietl 2006. 6 Vitri 2001; Corazza 2001. 7 Piccottini, Wedenig 1986, 133. 8 Egg 1996, 273–275, Fig. 152. – For the same view Tomedi 2002, 348–349, Fig. 63. On the subject of Frög, it has been suggested that the woman buried in Tumulus BDA 186 (= T 50) came here from (Etruscan) northern Italy through marriage.9 In general, a strong influence of Italian Iron Age cultures within the south-eastern Alpine region during the Hallstatt period is well- documented from the 7th century BC onwards, for example in several fibula types of the female costume, such as boat fibulae (Kahnfibel) of the Este XI B type.10 Similar aspects are found in two graves of “foreign” men who died at two salt trading centres. One is of a warrior from Dolenjska who was buried at Hallstatt (Grave 259), which has a close analogy in a grave from Vače; the double- crested helmet, iron spearheads, the handle of an antenna dagger and the bronze belt clasp date the 9 Tomedi 2002, 347–348, Pl. 16: D–E; 17; Gleirscher 2011, 122, fig. on p. 120. 10 Tomedi 2002, 94 (Podzemelj 2 / Ha C1 / Frög 3), 180–184 (“Leitfossil” Stična 1 / Ha C2 / Frög 4). – Cfr. Gabrovec 1966, 28, Fig. 12: 7 (Horizont Stična[-Novo mesto] 2 / Ha D1 / Frög 5). Fig. 2: 1–2 – pins from the tumulus at Napoleonwiese near Villach, that Felix von Luschan excavated in 1871; 3–6 –pins from Graves 269, 386, 396 and 432 at Tolmin, Pod Gradom. Bronze. Scale = 1:2. Sl. 2: 1–2 – igli iz gomile na Napoleonovem travniku pri Beljaku, ki jo je leta 1871 izkopaval Felix von Luschan; 3–6 – igle iz grobov 432, 386, 269 in 396 v Tolminu, Pod gradom. Vse bron. M. = 1:2. (From / Po: Gleirscher 2008b, 216, Fig. 3: 1–2; and Svoljšak, Pogačnik 2002, 109, Pl. 49: 9; 157, Pl. 74: 1; 161–162, Pl. 76: 11; 177–178, Pl. 84: 5) 656 Paul GLEIRSCHER grave to Ha D1.11 The other one, Grave 252 from Eislfeld at Dürrnberg is believed to be the burial of a man with a close relationship to the Venetic Este culture, observable in his grave goods and the dagger in particular;12 the burial dates to Ha D3. The route to Italy via the Predil Pass points to cultural contacts with the Sveta Lucija group, though the exact nature of these contacts during the Iron Age has not yet been studied in detail and we can only relate individual discoveries. The Iron Age hilltop settlement on Tscheltschnigkogel is as- sociated with tumuli in the area of Napoleonwiese south of Villach.13 One intact grave is known from this cemetery, which Felix von Luschan excavated 11 Egg 1978. 12 Zeller 2002, 198–199, Fig. 4; Wendling 2014, 14. 13 Gleirscher 1997c, 58–72. – On the settlement on Tscheltschnigkogel: Gleirscher 1997c, 72–73; Tiefengra- ber 2019. in 1871 at the south edge of the cemetery.14 In a cist of stone slabs oriented towards the points of the compass, he found four clay vessels, two of which contained cremated bones and very little ash. The vessels – one considered lost – are local products. Luschan, who studied medicine, identi- fied a middle-aged man and a young woman. The bones of the woman were found together with a vase-headed bronze pin (Schälchenkopfnadel) that belongs to the group of pins of the Numana-Sirolo type (Fig. 2: 2) and is believed to have been pro- duced in the Caput Adriae area. The decoration of the pin suggests a date in the 8th century BC. The second pin (Fig. 2: 1) – now lost and identi- fied as a pin rather than a bracelet – was found at the bottom of the burial chamber together with a sword, a knife and a razor, all with missing tips. The solid-hilted sword with a missing pommel belongs to the Late Bronze Age swords of the Cal- liano type and shows connections with northern Italy, similarly as the razor and the knife with a socketed handle (Nazaro type). These three items of the man’s equipment, like the tomb itself, mirror an Italian, more precisely Venetic influence and date the burial to the very beginning of the Hallstatt culture (Ha B3 or Ljubljana IIa). The pin with a moulded neck (Rippenkopfnadel), unfortunately only preserved in a sketch, indicates connections with the Posočje region as it has close parallels from simple graves excavated at the Pod Gradom cemetery in Tolmin.15 The pins there have been recovered as single goods in male graves and dated to the beginning of the Iron Age. The pin from Napoleonwiese is close to the examples of Type IV according to Ana Pogačnik (Fig. 2: 3–6), particularly Variants 2a and 3a. In his study of the tumuli from Kleinklein in Styria, Claus Dobiat briefly dealt with metal- decorated pottery from the south-eastern Alpine areas.16 This pottery includes a vessel with a high conical neck from the Tschoneggerfranzl 2 tumulus, which bears meandering decoration made of tin foil17 and dates to the early part of the Late Hallstatt culture (Ha D1). Both the decorative technique and the motif originated from Italy, where they were popular in northern Italy and Etruria. In contrast to the tin-decorated vessels, Dobiat observed that the pottery with lead appliqués was 14 Nebelsick, Kaus 2000; Gleirscher 2008b. 15 Svoljšak, Pogačnik 2001; 2002. 16 Dobiat 1980, 130–132, 174. 17 Ib., 130, Pl. 52: 4. Fig. 3: Distribution of the pottery with tin, bronze or lead appliqués in the south-eastern Alpine area, Pannonia and Istria. (From: Dobiat 1980, 131, Fig. 16). Sl. 3: Razprostranjenost lončenih posod s cinastimi, bro- nastimi ali svinčenimi aplikami na območju jugovzhodnih Alp, Panonije in Istre. (Po: Dobiat 1980, 131, sl. 16). 657Carinthia and its south-western connections in the Early Iron Age. Some aspects rarer and limited to the area between Villach, the Soča valley and Histria (Fig. 3),18 mentioning finds from Frög, Kobarid, Sveta Lucija (Most na Soči), Picugi (Pizzughi) and Beram (Vermo). The frag- ments from Frög originate from Tumulus BDA 120 (= T 6) and can be assigned to a conical-necked vessel (Kegelhalsgefäß).19 On one sherd, Tomedi 18 Ib., 132, Fig. 16, list on p. 200. Cf. Teržan 1990, 76–77. 19 Tomedi 2002, 233, Pl. 2: 1–7. recognized the impression of an appliqué in the shape of a mounted horseman, on another the beak of a cock, more probably a swan.20 In other impressions, he saw linear motifs. In addition to impressions, there are also figural lead appliqués known from Frög. The now lost conical-necked vessel from the grave containing a lead miniature of a Hallstatt ceremonial wagon found in Tumulus 20 On these birds Gleirscher 2013. Fig. 4: Plan of Tumulus 6 from Gurina – Schmeißer Boden and goods from Grave 3. Bronze and iron. Scale = 1:2. Sl. 4: Tloris gomile 6 v Gurini – Schmeißer Boden in pridatki groba 3. Bron in železo. M. = 1:2. (From / Po: Gleirscher 1997a, 33, Fig. 9: B and 12) 658 Paul GLEIRSCHER T7, for example, bore a geometric design of lead triangular appliqués.21 On the subject of burial mounds, Tumulus 6 from Schmeißer Boden at Gurina had a stone ring and a kind of entrance with symbolic significance in the south-western part (Fig. 4: B–C).22 The stone ring had a diameter of approx. 5 m. The central burial chamber (Grave 1) was constructed of stone slabs; it was discovered completely robbed. A sec- ondary burial was found in the south-eastern part of the tumulus, touching the interior side of the 21 Tomedi 2002, 233, Pl. 4: 31–32; Ebner-Baur 2020, 79–80. 22 Gleirscher 1997a, 26–37. stone ring and covered with two stones (Grave 2), suggesting it must have been visible. It was intact upon discovery. The small burial pit had been lined with stone slabs. It held the cremated corpse deposited in an organic container and without inorganic objects. Another secondary burial (Grave 3) was found at the entrance (Fig. 4: A). It was also covered with two stones and thus visible. The bones were again found very concentrated, indicating depo- sition in an organic container. The fibula with a leaf-shaped bow (Blattbogenfibel) decorated with embossed dots is an Italian type. The grave goods further include finger rings (one of sheet bronze, Fig 5: Tumuli from Mel near Belluno of a similar structure to that of Tumulus 6 from Gurina – Schmeißer Boden. Sl. 5: Gomile iz Mela pri Bellunu s podobno zgradbo kot gomila 6 v Gurini – Schmeißer Boden. (From / Po: Calzavara 1984, fig. on p. 854). 659Carinthia and its south-western connections in the Early Iron Age. Some aspects one of spiral bronze wire and one of iron wire), a spiral bracelet made of bronze wire and a knife with an iron blade. The iron and bronze grave goods indicate a dating to the 8th century BC. The structure of Tumulus 6 from Schmeißer Boden has a close parallel in the series of small tumuli from Mel near Belluno, which were ex- cavated around 1960 (Fig. 5).23 They measured approximately 3 m in diameter, were apparently set in a line and enclosed within a ring of stone slabs. Some had a short entrance, of symbolic sig- nificance, in the southeast and secondary burials located at these entrances. The earliest objects from Mel date to the 8th century BC. In addition to the similarities in tumulus structure and fibula types, contacts between the Venetic area and the upper Gail Valley can be seen in the Venetic inscriptions and statuettes from the Late Hallstatt period that were found at Gurina.24 23 Calzavara 1984, 850–852, fig. on p. 854. 24 Jablonka 2001, 170–180, Pl. 123–127; 129–139. In the 1980s, an anthropomorphic pendant (Fig. 6: 1) was found in the Drava river at Frojach near Rosegg, together with several other bronze objects.25 The triangular pectoral of the Unec type is about 20 cm high. It has a loop at the upper end with six bars radiating from it, four of which terminate in a loop and the lateral two bent inwards and bearing two prongs each giving it a kind of anthropomorphic shape, as well as six small chains terminating in dovetail-shaped pen- dants. The pendants of the Unec type were mainly used in the area of the Venetic Este culture and in western Slovenia (Notranjska), with an outlier in Lazio.26 They come in four variants and date to the 7th century BC or from the late 8th to the 6th century BC. The combination of Unec type pendants and keys, an example of which came to light at Tri- chiana, suggests a connection with the female 25 For details Gleirscher 2014. 26 Ib. Fig. 6: 1 – Pendant of the Unec type from Frojach near Rosegg; 2 – fibula with associated dovetail-shaped pendants from Most na Soči, Grave Sz 1229. Bronze. Scale = 1:2. Sl. 6: 1 – Obesek tipa Unec iz Broj pri Rožeku; 2 – fibula in obeski v obliki lastovičjega repa z Mosta na Soči, gr. Sz 1229. Bron. M. = 1:2. (From / Po: Gleirscher 2014, 81, Fig. 2: 1; Teržan, Lo Schiavo, Trampuž-Orel 1984–1985, Pl. 118: 10) 660 Paul GLEIRSCHER sphere, as has already been proposed for the Late Bronze Age pendants from Bavaria. In the area of the Venetic Este culture, such a connection has raised the question of a priestly function of women, particularly with regards to the series of figural representations of women with keys, for example on the discs from Montebelluna. A cor- relation between women and Unec type pendants can also be inferred from the goods in Grave 1229 from Most na Soči, where a woman was buried in the early/mid-7th century BC with a key, a fibula with dovetail-shaped pendants (Fig. 6: 2) and a considerable quantity of jewellery.27 This burial also shows that the communication between Frojach and Unec led along the Soča valley. 27 Teržan, Lo Schiavo, Trampuž-Orel 1984–1985, 215–216, Pl. 118; Gleirscher 2014, 93, Fig. 12: 1–18; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018, 124–125, Fig. 80. Fig. 7: Hellbrunner Berg. Glass cup. Scale = 1:1. Sl. 7: Hellbrunner Berg. Steklena skodelica. M. = 1:1. (From / Po: Moosleitner 1979, 70, Fig. 14: 1) Fig. 8: Distribution of the Villach and Paularo type fibulae. (From: Gleirscher 1997b, 31, Fig. 5). Sl. 8: Razprostranjenost fibul tipov Villach in Paularo. (Po: Gleirscher 1997b, 31, sl. 5). 661Carinthia and its south-western connections in the Early Iron Age. Some aspects A further indication of a communication along the Soča valley to Carinthia and further to Salzburg is small glass cups from the early part of the Late Hallstatt period.28 They were found in considerable numbers in the cemeteries of Hallstatt and Most na Soči, one piece also at Hellbrunner Berg near Salzburg. The cup from Hellbrunner Berg (Fig. 7) was presumably made in Most na Soči. Regardless of its production centre, such cups reflect Etruscan influences in Caput Adriae. The Durezza cave near Warmbad Villach – in my opinion a cult place29 yielded a variant of boat fibulae (Kahnfibel) of the Villach type from the 5th/4th century BC.30 With slight variations, such fibulae are known in eastern Tyrol, western Carinthia, north-eastern Italy and the Posočje region.31 They are about cm 10 long. Their bow is 1.8–2 cm wide with a rectangular (Variant Wel- zelach) or slightly boat-shaped (Variant Gurina) cross-section. The spring is either one-sided or crossbow construction. The decoration of the bow varies and includes geometric motifs. A distribu- tion very similar to that of the Villach type boat fibulae (Fig. 8) has been noted for a special vari- ant of the eastern Alpine animal-headed fibulae (ostalpine Tierkopffibeln), of the Paularo type.32 28 Haevernick 1958, Pl. 1–2; Moosleitner 1979, 69–70, Fig. 14: 1; Wendling 2014, 13; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018, 119–120. 29 Gleirscher 2008a. 30 Gleirscher 2021. 31 Gleirscher 1997b, 31; id. 2021, with additions. – In a wider context Gleirscher 1996, 127–132, Figs. 1–2. 32 Gleirscher 1997b, 31, Fig. 5; id. 2021, with additions. In summary, the Frög or Carinthian group of the Hallstatt culture differs significantly from the Sveta Lucija group in burial customs – tumuli versus flat graves – and settlement type, with the settlement at Most na Soči of a proto-urban char- acter as opposed to the hilltop settlements thus far known in Carinthia. In the material culture, however, the groups show largely the same or very similar elements that include Etruscan and Venetic imports and influences, which also con- nect them with Dolenjska.33 An example of such material culture is the pin with a moulded neck (Rippenkopfnadel) from Napoleonwiese at Villach (grave of the “warrior with the sword”), which is an Italian pin type and has close parallels in Tolmin. The pottery with geometric lead appliqués also seems to reflect contacts between Caput Adriae and Carinthia via the Soča Valley during the Early Hallstatt period. Cultural connections, including ideas, can be inferred from the use and develop- ment of the variants of the Unec type pendants. The boat fibulae of the Villach type and the Paularo variant of eastern Alpine animal-headed fibulae indicate a regional handicraft connecting the Soča Valley and Carinthia in the 5th/4th centuries BC. Finally, the tumulus from Schmeißer Boden at Gurina shows very strong structural similarities to those from Mel near Belluno and mirrors close cultural contacts of western Carinthia with the Venetic people near the border. 33 E.g. hair-rings: Gleirscher 1995, 217–221, Fig. 7; Tecco Hvala 2012, 327–333. CALZAVARA, L. 1984, La zona pedemontana tra Brenta e Piave e il Cadore. – In: A. Aspes (ed.), Il Veneto nell’antichità 2, 847–866, Verona. CORAZZA, S. 2001, Lo scavo della necropoli di Misinci- nis di Paularo. – In: S. Vitri, F. Oriolo (eds.), I Celti in Carnia e nell’arco alpino centro orientale, 85–97, Trieste. DOBIAT C., 1980, Das hallstattzeitliche Gräberfeld von Kle- inklein und seine Keramik. – Schild von Steier, Beiheft 1. DULAR, J., S. TECCO HVALA 2018, Most na Soči v železni dobi / Most na Soči in the Iron Age. – In: J. Dular, S. Tecco Hvala (eds.), Železnodobno naselje Most na Soči. Razparve / The Iron Age Settlement at Most na Soči. 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Po prvi je mogoče priti vzdolž reke Fella/Bele v Kanalsko dolino in naprej do reke Tagliamento/Tilment, po drugi pa preko prelaza Predel/Predil (1156 m n. m.) v Posočje2 z osrednjo železnodobno naselbino na Mostu na Soči, ki je bila vključena v mrežo povezav med Caput Adriae, vzhodnimi Alpami in srednjo Evropo.3 Izjemen vpogled v protour- bano zasnovo te naselbine so dala izkopavanja D. Svoljšaka v sedemdesetih in zgodnjih osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja.4 Dotok predmetov in idej iz vzhodnega Sredozemlja in Italije v kontinentalno Evropo se je povečal zlasti v 6. in 5. st. pr. n. št. Trgovina z baltskim jantarjem, s soljo iz Hallstatta in Dürrnberga ter z železom in svincem s Koroške je prinesla v vzhodne Alpe poleg tujega luksuznega blaga tudi ljudi in ideje. V zgornji Ziljski dolini, okoli 80 km zahodno od Rožeka, kaže poudariti dve poti. Med krajema Kötschach-Mauthen in Tolmezzo je preko prelaza Plöckenpass/Monte Croce Carnico (1360 m n. m.) v rimski dobi potekala pomembna prometna povezava iz Akvileje v Iuvavum (Salzburg).5 Da je bila v uporabi še druga pot, pa kažejo venetski votivni napisi iz Würmlacha in s prelaza Findenig Thörl/passo Lodin (1863 m n. m.)6 ter grobišče Paularo-Misincinis severovzhodno od Tolmezza.7 Z vprašanjem poti na tem območju se je ukvarjal Markus Egg v zvezi s knežjo gomilo v Strettwegu pri Judenburgu na Štajerskem. Domneval je, da je edina pot iz Koroške v severno Italijo vodila 1 Gleirscher 2011. – O grobišču Tomedi 2002; Ebner- Baur 2020. 2 Piccottini, Wedenig 1986, 135–137. 3 Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018, 130–131, sl. 83 (karta). 4 Gabrovec, Svoljšak 1983; Svoljšak 2001; Svoljšak, Dular 2016; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018; Tecco Hvala 2020. 5 Piccottini, Wedenig 1986, 124–130; Gietl 2006. 6 Piccottini, Wedenig 1986, 133. 7 Vitri 2001; Corazza 2001. mimo Fröga/Brega in Tarvisia/Trbiža po Kanalski dolini, medtem ko naj bi z vzhoda potekala preko Ljubljane, Mosta na Soči in Cividale/Čedada.8 V Frögu/Bregu je bila v gomili BDA 186 (= T 50) pokopana ženska, za katero se je menilo, da se je tja primožila iz severne (etruščanske) Italije.9 Močni vplivi italske kulture na območju jugovzhodnih Alp v halštatski dobi so zelo dobro prepoznavni v različnih pogledih, denimo od 7. st. pr. n. št. v nekaterih tipih fibul, ki so jih nosile ženske, kot so čolničaste fibule tipa Este XI B.10 V tem pogledu kaže omeniti grobova dveh “tujcev”, ki ju je doletela smrt v trgovskih središčih soli na vzhodnoalpskem območju. Gre za grob dolenjskega bojevnika v Hallstattu (grob 259) s tesno povezavo z grobom na Vačah. Po opremi – dvogrebenasti čeladi, železnih suličnih osteh, bodalu z antenskim ročajem in bronasti pasni sponi – sodi v čas Ha D1.11 Drugi je grob 252 iz Eislfelda v Dürrnbergu, datiran v Ha D3, ki kaže, da je imel v njem pokopani moški tesne zveze z venetsko-estenskim kulturnim prostorom, kar je zlasti vidno v njegovem bodalu in tudi drugi pogrebni opravi.12 Komunikacijo z Italijo v železni dobi prek pre- laza Predel/Predil nakazujejo kulturni stiki med svetolucijsko in koroško skupino oz. skupino Frög/ Breg. Za kakšne vrste stikov med njima je šlo, še ni podrobneje preučeno. Na tem mestu naj omenimo le nekaj primerov. Železnodobnemu višinskemu naselju na Tscheltschnigkoglu so pripadale gomile na lokaciji Napoleonwiese/Napoleonovega travnika južno od Beljaka,13 kjer je Felix von Luschan leta 1871 na skrajnem južnem delu grobišča izkopal 8 Egg 1996, 273–275, sl. 152. – V tem smislu tudi Tomedi 2002, 348–349, sl. 63. 9 Tomedi 2002, 347–348, t. 16: D–E; 17; Gleirscher 2011, 122, 120 (sl.). 10 Tomedi 2002, 94 (Podzemelj 2 / Ha C1 / Frög 3), 180–184 (“Leitfossil” Stična 1 / Ha C2 / Frög 4). – Cfr. Gabrovec 1966, 28, sl. 12: 7 (Horizont Stična[-Novo mesto] 2 / Ha D1 / Frög 5). 11 Egg 1978. 12 Zeller 2002, 198–199, sl. 4; Wendling 2014, 14. 13 Gleirscher 1997c, 58–72. – O naselju na Tscheltschnig- koglu: Gleirscher 1997c, 72–73; Tiefengraber 2019. 664 Paul GLEIRSCHER še nedotaknjen grob.14 V grobni skrinji, zloženi iz kamnitih plošč in orientirani po smereh neba, je našel štiri lončene posode (ena velja za izgublje- no), ki so lokalne izdelave, v dveh so bili ostanki sežganih kosti in zelo malo pepela. Luschan, ki je študiral medicino, je kosti pripisal moškemu srednjih let in mladi ženski. Skupaj z ženski pripisanimi kostmi je našel bronasto iglo z vazasto glavico, ki pripada skupini igel tipa Numana-Sirolo (sl. 2: 2), izdelana pa naj bi bila na območju Caput Adriae. Na podlagi okrasa na tej igli datiramo grob v 8. st. pr. n. št. Druga igla (sl. 2: 1) – danes je izgubljena, šlo pa naj bi za iglo in ne za zapestnico – je bila najdena v grobni kamri skupaj z mečem, nožem in britvijo, ki so imeli odlomljene konice. Polnoročajni meč pripada tipu Calliano iz pozne bronaste dobe in kaže povezave s severno Italijo, tako kot britev in nož s tulastim ročajem (tipa Nazaro). V teh delih moške oprave, po katerih lahko grob datiramo na sam začetek halštatske dobe (v stopnjo Ha B3 ali Ljubljana IIa), ter v konstrukciji groba se zrcalijo italski, natančneje venetski vplivi. Na povezave s Posočjem pa kaže igla z nasvitkanim vratom iz tega groba, ki je ohranjena zgolj v risbi in ima najboljše primerjave v iglah, najdenih v preprostih grobovih na lokaciji Pod gradom v Tolminu,15 kjer so bile edini pridatek v moških grobovih in so datirane na začetek železne dobe. Igla z Napoleonovega travnika pri Beljaku (sl. 2: 3–6) je najbolj podobna tolminskim iglam tipa IV, variantama 2a in 3a po A. Pogačnik. Claus Dobiat je v razpravi o gomilah v Kleinkleinu na avstrijskem Štajerskem obravnaval lončenino s kovinskim okrasom na območju jugovzhodnih Alp.16 Mednjo spada posoda z visokim koničnim vratom iz gomile Tschoneggerfranzl 2, ki ima okras v obliki meandra, izdelan iz cinastih lističev,17 datirana pa je v čas Ha D1. Tak način izdelave okrasa in motiv sta bila priljubljena v severni Italiji in Etruriji, od koder izvirata. V nasprotju s posodami, okrašenimi s cinastimi lističi, so bile posode s svinčenimi aplikami redkejše in omejene na prostor med Beljakom, Posočjem in Istro (sl. 3),18 če upoštevamo Dobiata.19 Med najdišči navaja poleg Fröga/Brega še Kobarid, 14 Nebelsick, Kaus 2000; Gleirscher 2008b. 15 Svoljšak, Pogačnik 2001; 2002. 16 Dobiat 1980, 130–132, 174. 17 Ib., 130, t. 52: 4. 18 Ib., 132, 200 (seznam), sl. 16. 19 Cfr. Teržan 1990, 76–77. Sveto Lucijo (Most na Soči), Picuge in Beram. Fragmente, najdene v gomili BDA 120 (= T 6) v Frögu/Bregu, lahko pripišemo posodi z visokim koničnim vratom.20 Na enem od fragmentov je Tomedi prepoznal odtis aplike v obliki konjenika, na nekem drugem pa petelinjega kljuna oz. bolj verjetno labodovega.21 V preostalih odtisih je videl linearne motive. Skladno s tem so bile polplas- tične svinčene figurice iz Brega/Fröga (deloma) aplicirane na lončene posode. Okras iz svinčenih aplik na izgubljeni posodi iz groba z miniaturnim halštatskim ceremonialnim vozičkom iz svinca v gomili T 7 je bil geometrijski v obliki trikotnikov.22 Gomila 6 na lokaciji Schmeißer Boden na Gu- rini je imela venec iz kamnitih plošč in nekakšen (simbolni) vhod na jugozahodnem delu (sl. 4: B–C).23 Kamnit venec okoli gomile je v premeru meril okoli 5 m. Centralna grobna kamra (grob 1), zgrajena iz ploščatih kamnov, je bila v celoti izropana. Na jugovzhodnem delu gomile je bil tik ob kamnitem vencu na notranji strani odkrit nedotaknjen naknaden pokop (grob 2). Majhna grobna jama je bila obložena s kamnitimi ploščami in pokrita z dvema kamnoma, kar pomeni, da je bil grob viden. Sežgani ostanki pokojnika so bili položeni v nekakšno posodo iz organske snovi. Neorganskih pridatkov v grobu ni bilo. Drug naknaden pokop (grob 3) je bil odkrit na simbolnem mestu domnevnega vhoda (sl. 4: A) in je bil prav tako pokrit z dvema kamnoma, torej viden. Tudi tu so bile kosti najdene na kupčku in so bile potemtakem položene verjetno v posodo iz lesa ali ličja. Pridana bronasta fibula z listastim lokom, okrašenim z iztolčenimi bunčicami, je ital- skega tipa. Med pridatki so bili še prstani (eden iz bronaste trakaste pločevine, drugi iz spiralno zvite bronaste žice in tretji iz železne žice), spiralna zapestnica iz bronaste žice in nož z železnim rezi- lom. Grobni pridatki so torej železni in bronasti in kažejo na čas 8. st. pr. n. št. Grobna konstrukcija gomile 6 na lokaciji Schmei- ßer Boden ima tesne primerjave v majhnih gomilah v Melu pri Bellunu, izkopanih okoli leta 1960 (sl. 5).24 Nanizane so bile v vrsti in so v premeru merile približno 3 m, obdajal pa jih je venec iz kamnitih plošč. Nekatere so imele na jugovzhodnem delu krajši vhod. Na tem simbolnem mestu so bili ob 20 Tomedi 2002, 233, t. 2: 1–7. 21 O teh pticah Gleirscher 2013. 22 Tomedi 2002, 233, t. 4: 31–32; Ebner-Baur 2020, 79–80. 23 Gleirscher 1997a, 26–37. 24 Calzavara 1984, 850–852, 854 (sl.). 665Avstrijska Koroška in njene jugozahodne povezave v starejši železni dobi. Nekaj vidikov notranjem robu kamnitega venca ponekod prav tako umeščeni naknadni pokopi. Najstarejši pri- datki iz teh gomil so datirani v 8. st. pr. n. št. Poleg zgradbe gomile 6 na lokaciji Schmeißer Boden in fibule z listastim lokom iz groba 3 v njej kažejo na povezave med Veneti in zgornjo Ziljsko dolino venetski napisi in statuete iz pozne halštatske dobe, najdeni na Gurini.25 V Frojachu/Brojah pri Rožeku je bil v osemde- setih letih prejšnjega stoletja v strugi reke Drave najden poleg drugih bronastih predmetov tudi antropomorfni obesek tipa Unec (sl. 6: 1).26 Na obesku trikotne oblike, ki v višino meri 20 cm, je obešenih šest verižic s priveski v obliki lastovičjega repa. Trikotni obesek sestavlja šest prečk, ki se v spodnjem delu zaključujejo v štiri okrogle zanke, na vrhu pa se združijo z večjo zanko. Na robnih prečkah sta po dva rogljasta izrastka oz. ročici, kar daje vtis antropomorfne figure. Med obeski tipa Unec je mogoče razločiti štiri različice s kon- centracijo najdišč na območjih venetsko-estenske kulture in zahodne Slovenije (Notranjske), izven tega prostora pa v Laciju. Ti pektorali so datirani v 7. st. oz. v časovni razpon od konca 8. do 6. st. Obesek tipa Unec v kombinaciji s ključem, kot je primer iz Trichiane, kaže navezavo na žensko sfero, podobno kot poznobronastodobni obeski iz Bavarske. Na območju venetsko-estenske kulture se vprašanje nanaša na svečeniško funkcijo ženske, kar ne nazadnje nakazujejo figuralne upodobitve žensk s ključi, na primer na diskih iz Montebellune. Povezava ženske in obeskov tipa Unec je razvidna tudi iz pridatkov groba Sz 1229 z Mosta na Soči in govori, da je komunikacija med Frojachom/Brojami in Uncem tekla po dolini Soče. Ženska, pokopana v tem grobu v začetku ali sredini 7. st. pr. n. št., je imela poleg drugega nakita fibulo in take obeske v obliki lastovičjega repa (sl. 6: 2) ter ključ.27 Na potek komunikacije po dolini Soče na Ko- roško in naprej do Salzburga kažejo tudi majhne steklene skodelice z začetka mlajšega halštatskega obdobja,28 najdene v grobovih v Hallstattu in na Mostu na Soči, en primerek tudi na najdišču Hellbrunner Berg pri Salzburgu. Za ta primerek (sl. 7) se domneva, da je bil izdelan na Mostu na 25 Jablonka 2001, 170–180, t. 123–127; 129–139. 26 Podrobneje Gleirscher 2014. 27 Teržan, Lo Schiavo, Trampuž-Orel 1984–1985, 215–216, t. 118; Gleirscher 2014, 93, sl. 12: 1–18; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018, 124–125, sl. 80. 28 Haevernick 1958, t. 1–2; Moosleitner 1979, 69–70, sl. 14: 1; Wendling 2014, 13; Dular, Tecco Hvala 2018, 119–120. Soči. Kakorkoli že, v njih odsevajo etruščanski vplivi v zaledju Caput Adriae. V jami Durezza pri Warmbad Villach/Beljaških Toplicah, kjer se domneva kultno mesto,29 je bila najdena različica čolničaste fibule (tip Villach) iz 5./4. st. pr. n. št.30 Podobni primerki z manjšimi razlikami so znani z območja vzhodne Tirolske, zahodne Koroške, severovzhodne Italije in Po- sočja.31 Te fibule so dolge 10 cm, njihov lok je širok 1,8–2 cm in ima ploščat presek (varianta Welzelach) ali rahlo usločen (varianta Gurina). Imajo enostransko ali samostrelno peresovino. Zelo podobno razprostranjenost (sl. 8) kot fibule tipa Villach ima posebna različica vzhodnoalpskih živalskih fibul (tip Paularo).32 Za konec. Frög/Breg ali koroška halštatska kul- turna skupina se znatno razlikuje od svetolucijske po grobni arhitekturi: v prvi prevladujejo gomile, v drugo plani grobovi. Naselje na Mostu na Soči ima protourbani značaj in se potemtakem – kolikor vemo do sedaj – razlikuje od koroških višinskih naselij. Kar zadeva materialno kulturo, ju druži precej enakih ali zelo podobnih elementov, ki ju povezujejo tudi z Dolenjsko,33 med drugim etru- ščanski in venetski importi in vplivi. Italske igle z nasvitkanim vratom z Napoleonovega travnika v Beljaku (grob “bojevnika z mečem”) ima dobre primerjave v Tolminu. Lončene posode z geo- metrijskim okrasom iz svinčenih aplik dozdevno odsevajo stike v starejšem halštatskem obdobju med Caput Adriae in Koroško preko Posočja. Kulturne povezave in pretok idej so opazni v uporabi in ra- zvoju obeskov različic tipa Unec. Čolničaste fibule tipa Villach in vzhodnoalpske živalske fibule tipa Paularo nakazujejo regionalno posoško-koroško rokodelstvo v 5./4. st. pr. n. št. Gomila na lokaciji Schmeißer Boden na Gurini pa kaže zelo velike podobnosti z zgradbo gomil v Melu pri Bellunu in zrcali tesne kulturne stike zahodne Koroške z Veneti na obrobju, ki so vidni tudi v nekaterih vidikih materialne kulture starejšehalštatskega obdobja. Prevod: Sneža Tecco Hvala 29 Gleirscher 2008a. 30 Gleirscher 2021. 31 Gleirscher 1997b, 31; id. 2021, z dodatki. – V širšem kontekstu Gleirscher 1996, 127–132, sl. 1–2. 32 Gleirscher 1997b, 31, sl. 5; id. 2021, z dodatki. 33 Npr. uhani: Gleirscher 1995, 217–221, sl. 7; Tecco Hvala 2012, 327–333. 666 Paul GLEIRSCHER Paul Gleirscher Landesmuseum für Kärnten Abteilung für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Liberogasse 6 A-9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee paul.gleirscher@landesmuseum.ktn.gv.at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7003-7963 Illustrations: Fig. 1 (graphics: Renate Jernej, Landesmuseum für Kärnten). Slikovno gradivo: sl. 1 (grafični prikaz: Renate Jernej, Landesmuseum für Kärnten).