ZVEZA’S NEW HOME... VMCH ... IN JOLIET, ILLINOIS located direclftj cicroii from -S/. ^uSoph J Slovenian Catholic Church on Chicago Street, the Slovenian 'l Uomcn j 'Union new JJo„u. Offlc. will Serve ai an activity and information center for ad our members and the citizens of JJi.t. C, rand Opening is planned for next month. ZARJA* DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 1977 VOLUME 49 ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 2 FEBRUARY, 1977 VOLUME 49 Member. Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Month y except one combined issue, Ju y-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno za nečlane. For Social Members, .40 per month za drržabne članice.40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 Second Cass Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communicat ens for the next issuj of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone 847-6679, Area Code 312 STEIERMARK RECORDS ANNOUNCES NEWEST RELEASE From the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, * we bring you Volume IV in our "International Ethnic Series" of Collector's Albums. STEIERMARK RECORDS ij| pleased to present . . . Volume IV (SR-105) "SLAVIJA": This brilliant new ) Recording contains the most unique collection of Slavic favorites to be recorded on a single Album. Feature« beautiful vocals in both Slovenian & Croatian. Happy Polkas & Waltzes from Slovenia, Bohemia & Poland, .beautiful folk & love songs from Croatia & Dalmatia on the Adriatic Coast of Jugoslavia. Features three new selections from Slovenia. Tamburiza is also featured on ( the Croatian/Dalmatian songs with the traditional accordions of "The Steiermark Band". OTHER ALBUMS IN OUR “INTERNATIONAL ETHNIC SERIES” Volume I (SR-101) "SLOVENIAN ECHOES": A collection of the all-time favorite Polkas & Waltzes from I Slovenia. Volume II (SR-103) "A BAVARIAN MUSIK-FEST": A collection of old Bavarian & Austrian favorites. Features vocals in German with a yodel Landler from Austria. Volume III (SR-104) "RETURN TO SCANDIA": A collection of old favorite Polkas, Waltzes, Schottisches & l Hambos from Scandinavia. Happy music from "The Land Of The Midnight Sun". Albums are also available in 8 Tracks Tapes. All recordings are in "Full-Range" Stereo. Albums are $5 50 I and Tapes are $6.50 ea. postpaid. Catalog available listing all recordings by "The Steiermark Band". Send ( Check or Money Order. Please order by Serial number. Order yours today from: STEIERMARK RECORDS INC. P.O. BOX 591, AUBURN, WASH. 98002 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN FEBRUARY BRANCH PRESIDENTS: Feb. 8 — Mary Kuzma, Hr, 88, Johnstown, Pa. Feb. 15 — Kose Maras, Br. 56, Htbbing, Minn. Feb. 19 — Sophie Sorcan, Br. 90, Presto, Pa. Feb. 24 — Mary Oberch, Br. 85, DePue, 111. SECRETARIES: Feb. 1 — Margaret Fischer, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Feb. 2 — Mary Christian, Br., 80, Moon Run, Pa. Feb. 5 — Rose Kraemer, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Feb. 15 — Anna Kerkovich, Br., 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. Feb. 17 — Stephanie Plese, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Feb. 23 — COMMEMORATIVE MASS, BR. 14, Cleveland, Ohio March G — GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW S.W.U. HOME OFFICE, JOLIET, ILL. March 27 — GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY, Br. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO March 27 — GAMES PARTY, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. April 17 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Oct. 20 — MISCELLANEOUS CARD PARTY, BR. 17, West Allis, Wis. Oct. 23 — WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION — 50th ANNIVERSARY OF Br. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Oct. 23 — 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, BR. 14, Cleveland, Ohio ATTENTION BOWLERS The next midwest S.W.U. Bowling tournament will be held on March 26, and 27th, 1977. We will bowl at the Townhall Bowl, 5025 W. 25th St. Cicero, III. Anybody interested in bowling in this tournament please contact me at 484-5573 or write to me at 3731 Home Avenue, Berwyn, III. 60402. The closing date for entries will be February 15, 1977. For room reservations call Midway Exit Inn, 5801 S. Cicero Avenue, Chicago. Phone S12585-8100. Room rates are as follows: Single $14.80, Doubles $16.85, 4 in a room is $20.85. We hope to see a lot of you at the tournament. LIL PUTELL Secretary of the S.W..U. Midwest Boiling Tournament isuuiu:-.- /s» CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS? If you are moving, please let us know. Send the old and new addresses to: ZARJA-THE DAWN, Corinne Leskovar, Editor 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Name Old Address New Address f * I c. —£ GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION IN MARCH Sunday, March 6, 1977 is the date selected to delicate our new home in Joliet, Illinois. Ceremonies will begin at 11:00 A.M. with the blessing of the building. Mass will follow at 12:30 P.M. at St. Joseph’s Church, right across the street from our new home. St. Joseph’s church choir will sing Slovenian hymns throughout the Mass. Following the Mass there will be a banquet dinner in St. Joseph’s Park Hall on Theodore Street. This dinner is scheduled for 2:00 P.M. A delicious menu is being planned for the banquet. Circuit Judge Robert Buchar of Will County will be the main speaker for the day. His subject will be “Slovene contributions to the community”. A short program will follow with Branch No. 20’s newly formed Slovenian dancers entertaining. There will be music and dancing from 4 to 7 P.M. with Ken Juricic’s orchestra playing. The following ladies from Branch No. 20 are on the planning committee for this celebration: Emma Planinšek, Agnes Lovati, Rose Tabler, Jonita Ruth, Marie Malnerich, Emma Nosse, Mildred Pucel, Therese Marentich, Frances Stonich, Louise Shega, Agnes Troutman, Dorothy Koncar, Mary Klein, Barb Smithberg, and Olga Ancel. Mary Marolt is general chairman. Reservations for the dinner are due by Feb. 28, 1977 of the Home Office, 431 North Chicago St., Joliet 60432. 1/joit are cordialhj invited to attend the grand opening, lleiiing and dedication of the Slovenian 'lAJomen '& 'I/jnion of new ~Jdome Office at 431 Worth Chicago St., £Jiet, Jlli menca J inoiA on Sunday, the iix th dag of WJarch at eleven o'cloch in the morning. Mass at twelve thirty p.m. Dinner at two p.m. at St. Joseph's Park Program to follow Dancing four to seven p.m. The interior of the new Home Office of S.W.U. Within the confines of the beautiful new Home Office of Slovenian Women's Union in Joliet you see a comfortable and efficient place to work. Blue carpeting, desks and file cabinets (re-painted old ones), chairs covered in red (frcm the former office), and shiny panelled walls (newly varnished) with an oil paintings display by Chicago artist Emilija Ražman Bucik, make the entire setting very pleasant. The office staff welcomes you at the front door whore a mirrored wall reflects a bright look from the outdoors and gaily decorated front windows. Come to the Grand Opening March 6th or some time soon and see for yourself. You are always welcome. 50 years, a long time, and a time for celebration! Elsie Statkus reads part of the S.W.U. Golden Anniversary Ritual at the banquet held Dec. 19th. Others, from left are: Johnny Hozzian, Shirley Melissa, Toastmistress, Ann Vucko, State President of lll.-lnd., Frances Zibert, pres, of Br. 2, Fr. Claude Okorn, OFM, Spiritual Advisor, Mary Podder, an officer and Ljubica Petrich. On the right photo, Fr. Claude is joined by Fr. Thomas Hoge, OFM, Pastor of St. Stephen’s, Mrs. Zibert, SWU National President, Mary Bostian and Branch 2 Vice-President, Ann Mladic. Golden Anniversary Shines in Chicago December 19, 1976 was a very happy and memorable day for the members of Branch 2, for on that very (lay 50 years ago our branch of the Slovenian Women’s Union was founded. We celebrated this occasion with a high mass at St. Stephen’s Church, followed by a dinner and program at St. Stephen’s Center in the afternoon, plus the annual children’s Christmas party. We were honored to have Mary Bostian, our National President, as our guest speaker for this momentous occasion, as well as Father Claude Okorn, our spiritual advisor, who was the celebrant of the mass and Father Thomas Hoge, pastor of St. Stephen’s and spiritual adviser of Branch 2. We also honored our charter members, namely, Ana Ahacich, Mary Korenchan, and Mary Tomazin, who was the first National Treasurer of the Slovenian Women’s Union, who were with us for this happy event and who were each presented with a lovely rosary from the membership of our branch. Mrs. Barbara Wencel, our other charter member, could not be with us as she resides in Florida, but she was with us in spirit. Mrs. Francis Zibert, our president, welcomed everyone present and read a message from Mrs. Marie Pris- Three 50 year members, Ana Ahacic, Mary Tomazin and Mary Korenchan were guests of honor. Mrs. Tomazin was also National Treasurer of the Union and branch officer for many years past. land, who could not be with us as her health would not permit her to travel. Shirley Melissa, toastmistress, also welcomed on behalf of the local officers the various dignataries who were present; namely, Mary Bostian, National Prssident; Corinne Leskovar, Edi!or of Zarja; Nežka Gaber, Natl. Vice Pres.; Mr. Edward Kucic, National President of K.S.K.J. and his wife; Ludwig Leskovar, member of the Beard of Jurors of IC S.K.J. and president of St. Stephen’s Branch 1; Ronald Zefran, National Vice President of Holy Family; Pauline Kobal, Secretary of St. Mary’s No. 78 of K.S.K.J.; William Fabian, president of the Senior Men’s Club of St. Stephen’s; Ann Lust'g, immediate past state president of Illinois-Indiana and Marge Prebil, newly-elected president of Branch 10, and Gladys Buck, secretary of Branch 16, together with a group of their members. Because of other commitments, Mrs. Ann Kompare, National Auditor, could not be with us, but Mrs. Olga Ancel, National Secretary, and her mother, Mrs. Erjavec, and Mary Marolt, National Treasurer, were present for the celebration of the mass, although they could not remain for the dinner and the program. We extend to them our heartfelt thanks for being with us and also for the beautiful poinsetta plant which Olga and Mary presented to us for this happy occasion. Father Claude’s sermon was very inspiring and urged everyone to be proud of their heritage. Nežka Gaber, our National Vice President and a member of Branch 2, was Slovenian lector at the mass and we must take this occasion to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the choir of St. Stephen’s who sang so beautifully in Slovenian. Corinne Leskovar, who needs no introduction, spoke about our heritage and the founding of the Slovenian Women’s Union 50 years ago and explained about the ritual which had been composed by Hermine Dicke, and which typifies the goals of the S.W.U. It is composed of three parts — the Past, the Present and the Future — and each section was read in both English and Slovenian by members of Branch 2. We were especially proud of PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Stay Bostian Happy Valentine Day! to our lovely sisters of S.W.U.! Now that we are well into 1977, I hope you will keep the Slovenian Women’s Union in mind and keep signing up new members. Since this is the month of Valentines, we could discuss our “sweet” organization. Think about things to do to make your members happy. Now It is 50 years since our Founder instituted the S.W.U. How can we make her happy? You can help by attending meetings of your branch, participating in all the events, obtaining new members and making new friends. It’s up to you to help bring life and progress to the branch. To all our hard-working officers who are now planning the year’s activities, I wish success and good health so you may carry on your goals. With my Valentine wish, 1 say: SMILE, SMILE, SMILE! Keep a smile on your face and you will be a happier person — regardless of life’s ups and downs. The Cleveland Combined Branches’ meetings are very successful with the leadership of State President, Sophie Magayna. Most of the secretaries and presidents try to be present each month to talk over their mutual aims and the business of the organization. They learn much for the good of the society. We miss Chris Zivoder and Mary Kolegar, two longtime members and officers who left us in recent months. They were both of Br. 25. May the perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. On Dec. 2nd the Baton Twirlers had their Christmas Party — another big affair.. It was arranged by the teens — they did all the cooking and decorating and made souvenirs for each one, arranging the gifts and Santa Claus most attractively. I was proud of them and amazed at their good ideas. On Dec. 4th, the Combined Branches sponsored their juvenile Christmas party and in charge was Fran Seitz and her committee. It was a great success enjoyed by all with entertaining games, prizes and gifts given out by Santa. Many branches had Christmas parties that are now only wonderful memories. This is the time of the year when many members are able to come together who otherwise cannot, so it’s a medium for the renewal of our junior members — LJub'ca Petrich, who read the Future in Slovenian and John Hozian, who read it in English. We are also proud of our junior members who performed during the program. Patty Zubek, daughter of our secretary, Jean Zubek, played both our national anthem and the Slovenian national anthem on the organ and Frank and John Scieszka entertained us with some accordian renditions. Our special thanks go to Ann Scieszka, our recording secretary, for the use of their organ for the program. As Chairman, I want to extend the thanks and appreciation of the officers to all our members who worked so hard to make this 50th Anniversary Celebration such a success. It would be impossible to name everyone — those who worked in the kitchen and as waitresses and who contributed all the home-baked pastries, cakes and poticas. All we can say again is a big "THANK YOU” for your thoughtfulness and efforts and hard work. We also wish to extend a sincere ‘ thank you" for the congratulatory cards and messages received from Anna Modiz, State President of Wisconsin; Sophie Ma-gayne, State President of Ohio-Michigan; Marie Floryan, former National Vice President, and Marion Marolt, National Auditor. Finally, just after 3:00 p.m. Santa Claus arrived to distribute all the gifts to our junior members. It was a friendships. The warm holiday atmosphere makes us all feel good again. On Dec. 18th I visited the new and beautiful Home Office of S.W.U. in Joliet, 111. I want you to know it is a lovely place, much credit to our National Secretary, Olga Ancel and her family who put in many hours of hard work. I hope every member will have the opportunity to visit the Home Office some day. Thanks to Olga and our National Treasurer, Mary Marolt, for their conscientious work. The Golden Anniversary of Br. 2 was celebrated the following day in Chicago and it was my pleasure to attend their festivities. They started the day with Holy Mass at St. Stephen’s church. The choir singing was out of this world. Then, the banquet was held at the hall with a full house, in a beautifully decorated setting. The Toastmaster was Shirley Melissa who did a wonderful job and the president of Br., 2, Frances Zibert, who has a very sweet personality, made us all laugh — she’s a terrific lady! All compliments to the committee for making it all possible and to Corinne for conducting the 50th Anniversary Ritual. It was beautiful. I am happy that Br. 2 had great success. They worked hard for it. Congratulations and many more years! Santa Claus also arrived in Chicago to pass out gifts to the juvenile members of Br., 2 on this occasion. Everyone was having such a good time. It was nice to see Father Okorn with us for the day. He offered the Mass and gave a very inspiring sermon that we should all remember. This year we have 9 branches celebrating their 50th Anniversarys; They are Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind., Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa., Br. 8, Steelton, Pa.., Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis., Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal., Br. 14, Cleveland and Br. 15, Cleveland. Heartiest Congratulations! I know most of these branches will be celebrating during the year 1977. Good luck in your preparations. To all February birthday and anniversary celebrants, our hearty wishes and get well wishes to the sick. May the Good Lord be with you. joy to see the little ones sitting on Santa’s lap and then later opening their gifts. We want to take this opportunity to especially thank Liz Ze?ran, who was in charge of the Christmas program and who purchased all the gifts for the children which were d’stributed by Santa Claus. Also, we want to thank Ray Nusko and Richard Rakovec for the beautiful decorations on the stage for the children’s Christmas party. At the elections in December, the following were elected as officers for 1977: Shirley Melissa, President; Ann Mladic, Vice President; Jean Zubek, Secretary; Lil Putzell, Treasurer; Ann Scieszka, Recording Secretary; Luba Trolia, Sentinel and Elsie Statkus, Ann Vucko an Mary Podder, Auditors. We urge our members to come the meetings to participate and to make suggestions for the betterment of the branch. We also ask that you advise your officers, and especially Frances Zibert, of any sick members so that members can visit them. Frances is also in charge of sending get-well cards to sick members and buying them little gifts, so be sure to contact her when you learn of a member who is ill. On behalf of your officers, we extend to you all our wishes for a Happy and properous New Year and continued growth of S.W.U. SHIRLEY MELISSA FREE... WAY Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Jesus is the most proround sign of the Father’s love. He teaches us the way to salvation and shows us that his is the “Free . . .way” of love. With Baptism we beg'n our journey with Him. “I am the way, the truth and the life.” The Catholic church is the sign that Jesus is still at work in the world. Vatican II expresses this in this way: ‘By her relationship with Christ the Church is the kind of sign of intimate union with God and of the unity of all mankind. The church is the expression of God’s love. “Like a standard lifted high for all nations to see, ministers the Gospel of peace to all mankind as she makes her pilgrim way in hope to her goal, the Fatherland above.” How can anyone in heaven be happy knowing a loved one is in hell? The saints in heaven are not saddened by the knowledge of the damned, simply because they are with God and in God they see and know God’s love in His divine justice. The damned know they are in hell because they willfully rejected the merciful love ot God while on their earthly pilgrimage. They know the signs they ignored they chose the Free. . .way of hate. God cannot hate any sinner and still be God —“God is love”— so it is sin that must be rejected, not the sinner. Sin is an offense against God’s justice — it is a refusal of his love. How are we to help one another get on and stay on Report From The National Youth Board Now that you are finished with holiday activities, branches should get ready to start a junior activity. Our S.W.U, future convention in 1979 is in Minnesota, The National Youth Board would liike to combine a youth convention at the same time. Now is the time to think about this. Branches should start the Junior Groups rolling. Try to involve Juniors in all your activities so they can better understand our organization. Junior members ages 10 to 13 years can be an important part of every meeting, serving food, conducting games, preparing the refreshments, etc. The vice-presi-dent of your branch, who usually has no definite function, could undertake the supervision of the juniors and help them along. Juniors can set a buffet table or for a sit-down meal. This way, they will have a good start in learning how to be sociable. An idea for them to start their own treasury has been expressed — and it can be done if every branch cooperates. For instance, get ready now to help juniors sell Easter Candy. This, too, will help to raise money for the Youth Convention in 1979. Please write to the Youth Board to let them know how you are getting along and what kind of help you require. Be sure to read the ZARJA and keep up with our advice and suggestions. We hope each branch throughout the U.S. will join in and help to organize their juniors. We must all help in this work for it’s the future of our organization. The Junior Pen Pals seem to be having a good start. Jimmy Debevec started the ball rolling. To date four members have expressed their interest. How about you? Write in to our Zarja — THE DAWN magazine in care of the Editor, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60G08. NATIONAL YOUTH BOARD OF S.W.U. 26720 White Way Dr. 417 F Richmond Hgts., Ohio 44143 the Free... way of love? By spiritual renewal, by total commitment to Jesus through Mary. This commitment is a permanent way of life. This is the challenge to love. Many are afraid to drive the freeways, so they use the surface roads. It takes a little longer, but they get there. Through Mary we come quickly to Christ. We do this by prayer and by living the gospel message. If we do not reflect Christ in our daily lives, we are not of Christ. “If anyone says, My love is fixed on God, yet hates his brother, he is a liar. One who has no love for the brother he has seen cannot love God he has not seen.” We need to pray for one another, especially for the renwal of the spirit and for the conversion of big public sinners, the ones most in need of God’s mercy. The world full of selfrighteousness will see the merciful love of God extend beyond the narrow limits of human hearts. Holy Scripture tells us there is more joy in heaven over the conversion of one sinner than over the ninety nine just. To reach our destination much sooner let us travel the wonderful Free... way of love directing our gaze on the Morning star, our Blessed Mother. St. Paul is also encouraging us to lay aside our former way of life, the old self, and acquire a fresh start, a spiritual way of thinking. We must put on the new man created in God’s image. OHIO-MICHIGAN REPORT A very happy and healthy new year to all the branches of Ohio and Michigan. I would like to thank you all for coming to our State Convention. We had a lovely turnout and it was so nice seeing all of you. Our end of the year meeting for the Combined Branches started out really nice. We all met at Sorn's Restaurant for a lovely meal then went to the St. Vitus school for our meeting. Branches present were 10-14-21-25-32-41-42 and 50. Also with us was our National President, Mary Bostian, and National Youth Director, Frances Seitz. Greatly missed was secretary of Br. 25, Christine Zivoder and thsir president, Mary Kolegar. Since our last meeting, Mrs. Kolegar has passed away too.. Our deepest sympathies to Br. 25 on losing two great officers. Our sorrow to their families, too. Our next meeting will be at the Recreation Center again on Feb. 24th at 1:00 o’clock. The Christmas party held by the Youth Board at the Recreation Center was a great success. I was so happy to see so many children participating. I brought three youngsters and the mothers signed them up to be our new members. Many thanks to Frances Seitz and Jane Kaplan for a nice job. Also, thanks to all those who helped. This has been a busy year for , us here in Cleveland and Euclid. There is always something going on. We bad a great success at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. where there was a telethon to raise money for the Slovenian Home for the Aged put on by Tony Petkovšek and Co. The last count I heard was pretty close to $20,000.00. Not bad for a day’s work! When the Slovenians do something, they go all out! Best wishes to all of you. Stay healthy. Visit someone who is ill. SOPHIE MAGAYNA Four $500 Scholarships To Be Awarded In 1977 1977 graduating high school seniors please be aware that four scholarships are again being offered in i 1977, but at a substantial increase totaling $500.00 each. Seniors are eligible who are members of the Slo- i venian Women’s Union for at least three years and in need of financial aid to further their education. Application information is available from the Scholarship Fund Chairman, Mrs. Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest; Madison, Wis., 53711, not later than March 15, 1977. PLEASE APPLY NOW! HERMINE DICKE, Chm. Scholarship Committee; S.W.U. Mr. Richard Grill, 1960 Scholarship Winner As th|& 1977 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM is officially announced in these ear,y months, it is gratifying to report on one of the past recipients, Mr. Richard Grill, who is now the musicaJ director of St. Mary's Church in Muncie, ■ndiaina. There he works with the children's and adults' choirs and helps with Young Friends, the ecumenical vocal group of Catholic and non-Catholic students from the four local high Schools. A native of Chicago, Richard was graduated from St. Igna.tius High School and Dei Paul University with a Bachelor of Music degree in Organ Performance. "Organ has always been my love,” writes Richard, “and when * was a small child, standing beside my mother as she sang in our church choir, I decided that I wanted to iplay the organ.” He spent seven years in Cleveland, Ohio where he earned his Master of Music Degree in Organ Performance at the Cleveland Institute of Music, taught music in Our Lady of Angels School, directed church choirs and gave piano lessons. There he met Mary Bernadette, his wife. They have a 6 year old son, Rick. Before moving to Cleveland he served St. Paul’s and St. Denis’ Church, both in Chicago, as full time organist, choirmaster and music instructor. He also directed th,e Slovenian Women’s Union Branch No. 2 Women's Chorus. Mr. Grill, an accomplished organist, gives at least two recitals each year, one a solo recital and the other a Choir Concert Organ Recital. He has boen elected to many honorary societies including the prestigious Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; National Social Science Honor Society, De Paul University; National Music Honor Soceity of Cleveland ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. The Christmas meeting was well-attended. Reports were read and correspondence from Mary Bostian, National President and Olga Ancel, National Secretary. Five past presidents were honor-ed, namely: Mesdames: Mary Godez, Anna Zavrl, Ruth Sheck, Christine Rupnik and Olga Saye. They were Presented with corsages from Marie Prisland. Another honored officer was Anna Modez who has been recording secretary for 45 years and who also received a corsage from Marie Prisland. For the Junior department Janet Maurin and Tami De Roe were elected to be in charge of junior activities and to bring in more interests and activities. The new committee is: Ruth Sheck, President, Janet Maurin Vice-President, Anna Modiz, recording secretary, Margaret Fischer, secretary, Dorothy Brezonik treasurer, Auditors: Elsie Braeger, Mary Turk and Mary Udovich. We wish Mary Turk a wonderful vacation and visit with her family in Hawaii. A thank you to our past president Olga Saye and Vice President, Margaret M. Zahn for their past services and time they devoted to our branch. Our deep sympathy to Frances Chuck and family upon loss of husband and father. Our next meeting date: Third Sunday in February, we would like to see you all present. Happy Valentine Day! MARGARET FISCHER Secretary No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. SECRETARY’S NOTES: Letters were sent out to many members. Your cooperation with a reply to these letters would be appreciated. Please feel free to call me at anytime to inquire about your dues. Back dues should be paid in full. 1977 dues may be paid semi-annually (by G mos.) or annually (yearly). Gut — PLEASE — be sure to mall Institute of Music, and Honorary Life Membership in the Zoltan Kodaly Academy and Institute. Richard expresses his heartfelt gratitude to the S.W.U. for the scholarship aid. He further writes: "I have always felt that the S.W.U. Is a very fine organization. I wish them continued success in all their endeavors." HERMINE DICKE, Chm. Sohola rsh'i'p Committee your Dues Book along with a check or money order so we can check our records with your Dues Book. Branch 2 is sorry to say that we lost 10 members in 197G: Anna Stare ( 1- 7-76) Anna Wihtelich ( 1-18-76) Antonia Basko ( 1-27-76) Slava Bence ( 2-12-76) Theresa Potokar ( 2-20-76) Justine Cieblinski ( 5- 7-76) Bogomila Ritlop ( G-10-76) Louise Kerzisnik ( 9-10-76) Katherine Kregul (11-17-76) Christine Terselich (12-17-76) Our condolences are extended to their families. In December, new branch officers were elected. They are: PRES. SHIRLEY MELISSA; VICE PRES: ANN MLADIC; TREAS.: LIL PUTZELL; SEC’Y.. JEAN ZUBEK; REC. SEC’Y.: ANN SC1ESZKA; SARGENT AT ARMS: LUBA TROHA. Also, an added note to all social members; you may pay your dues to me as soon as possible. THANK YOU. JEAN ZUBEK, Sec’y. 1748 W. Cermalt Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel. 243-4738 No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO December meeting was well attended. Jan. 9th, 1977 the Slovene Center was the scene of the first meeting of ihe new year. We want to remind all members to pay dues for the year. As your secretary, it will help me do a better job. Jan. 27th was the date of our lounding, 50 years ago. We planned for a special mass at Sacred Heart Slovene church. At present we have only 4 charter members: Frances Zagar, Mary Žnidaršič, Frances Verhotz and Mary Spetich. Officers for 1977 are: President, Janet Killoran, Vice-President, Mary Lauter, Rec. Secre.ary, Frances Spice, Secretary, Mary (Mitzi) Swaggard. Please come to the meetings and pay dues or write to me at 566 Wooster Rd. N. Barberton, Ohio 44203. Call me at 745-7501 after 4:15. Would like if you would let me know when you reach 75 years of age. Come to the meeting and enjoy the company of the ladies. There are always games and good refreshments — members love bringing things to have us all enjoy. Hope you had a happy holiday. We send along our best wishes to all other branches for 1977. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Pavlovich who lost her husband. Our prayers are with you. We were happy to select president, Janet Killoran as our Mother of the Year for 1977. Congratulations. MITZI No. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. Wishes to aid for a very Happy New Year. Also, peace to all people in the world. To the sick and shut-in members of our organization, we hope the new year wiOl bring better health. We elected the same officers for the new year. They are: Mary Kameen, Pres., Jane KaJicic, Vice-Pres., Josephine Gostisha, Sec’y and Treas., 1st Auditor, Mary Katar and 2nd Auditor, Mary Kameen. Spiritual Advisor is Rev. Casimir Sulikie. The meetings are on the 2nd Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home of yours truly. Marian Turk was ejected as Mother of the Year. JOSEPHINE GOSTISHA No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO A very happy and healthy new year to all our members, near and far, to our National Board and to oar Founder, Marie Prisland. We were very happy to have such a nice group of ladies at our yearly meeting. Besides our regular order of business, we had election of of-ticeis ior 1977 and we were lucky to have the same ladies agree to take office. President, Anna Markovich, Vice-Pres, Frances Zagar, Secretary-Trea-surer, Sophie Magayna (Yours Truly), Recording Secretary, Rezka Ferraccio-li, Auditors, Alice Struna and Frances Zagar. Our Mo.her of the Year for 1977 will be Mary Korošec. Congratulations to her. Everything remained the same. Meetings will still be held every second Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. in Jan., Feb., March, May, June, Sept., Nov., and Dec., No meeting in July and August. For our 50th anniversary, everything is beginning to take shape. It will be held on March 27th. We are having Mass at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church, Holmes Ave. Banquet at 4 o’clock and program. Music by Duke Marsic, Veseli Slovenci orchestra and tickets will be $5.00. Please, ladies, come to this affair either to the church or banquet or both. Help us celebrate this happy occasion.. Congratulations to our new recording secretary, Rezka Ule who became Mrs. Jim Ferraccioli. We wish them many years of happy days as their celebrate their happy marriage. In the month of November we lost two long-time members, Mrs. Jennie Kozelj and Mrs. Anna Jalovec. In December, my cousin, Wilma Krall, passed away. Wilma was quite active in our branch until she became ill. We will miss her very much. To all the remaining relatives, our deepest sympathies. And to our members, may the eternal light shine on them. Best wishes to you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Our last meeting of the year was really Christmas when you entered the hall and saw the beautiful decorations. Our champion decorators, the twins, really outdid themselves again by getting there earlier and setting the tables with Christmas symbols and a Tree. It was a breathtaking sight and it was gratifying to see so many in attendance to enjoy it. It not only helps to get our business meeting better represented, but it’s also a tribute to the girls who so generously and wholeheartedly take time to put us all in this good mood. Thanks to the twins, Jo Wilhelm and Ann Meier. The meeting started with a prayer in Slovenian led by Mrs. Plesko, honorary president. The reports were all read and we went on with the election of officers. The only new one is our recoiding secretary as Theresa Sukys declined office this year. Christine Boyance very graciously volunteered to replace her. The meetings remain the same as well as the hall. So let’s continue with the good attendance! The miscellaneous card party was discussed. All who want to donate prizes or bakery are welcome to do so. That takes place on Sunday, April 17th a 1977 at Itebernisek’s Greeting Cards and visits to members in the various nursing homes were agreed on. Remember, it’s always a welcome treat lor these members to have you visit them, anytime, so do try to do so whenever you can. The attendance prize was also changed to be rewarded to only those in attendance at each meeting. Since Stavia and several others always bring some door prizes to each meeting, there is always a chance for everyone interested. The 50 year Anniversary will be celebrated on Sunday, Oct. 23, 1977 which is also the date of the State Convention. Please take note of this date so you call can reserve it. The place is St. John’s church and hall. Tickets for the afglian are already on sale and will continue at each meeting. We closed the meeting with a prayer in English led by Jo Wilhelm. All the goodies were well appreciated at the Christmas party. The donors have our hearty thanks. Potica, cookies, canned food was donated by Mrs. Pipan, a cranberry loaf by Gertrude Schunk, 2 potlcas by Mary Potisk, potato salad by Christine Boyance, zucchini bread and macaroni salad by Evelyn Lau-rich, a jello mold, pickles and olives by Mary Starich, cole slaw by Sophie S.W.D. SCHOLARSHIP FUND 1978 SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT The semi-annual report for 197C includes thoughtful and generous contributions to the Scholarship Fund. Many persons have found deep satisfaction and personal gratification in making contributions to this worthy cause. Three purposes are actually fulfilled: 1) The Scholarship Fund is further strengthened, 2) It provides financial aid for our needy high school graduating members who plan to attend a college, university or vocational institutions and 3) When given as a memorial gives tribute to the memory of a beloved relative, S.W.U. member, friend or business associate. We sincerely thank all of our contributors over the years, but list at this time those who gave financial help from July, thru Dec. 1976, Josephine Sumic; Joliet, 111. memoriam for Frank Mlakar $ 5.00 Mrs. Mary Cipo; Cleveland, Ohio in memory of Anna Medves 5.00 The Slovenian Women’s Union of America Memoriam for past national president, Josephine Livek 25.00 Branch No. 6; Barberton, Ohio in memory of Mrs. Jennie Ozbolt 5.00 Rose J. Pujzdar; Cleveland, Ohio in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Basca 5.00 Cecilia M. Wolf; Richmond Hts., Ohio in memory of Leo Wolf 5.00 Mary Bostian; Cleveland, Ohio 5.00 Prom Debutante Ball in Cleveland, Ohio 150.00 Jennie Feme; Cleveland in memory of our dear departed secretary of Br. No. 25, Christine Zivoder 5.00 Jeanette Killoran; Barberton, Ohio in memory of Mrs. Jennie Ozbolt 5.00 Lucille Smith and family; Strabane, Pa in memory of their mom, Mary Boštjančič 20.00 Mary Bostian; Cleveland in memory of Mary Boštjančič 5.00 Mary Slaney; Pittsburgh, Pa. in memory of Christine Zivoder 5.00 Mary Tomsic; Strabane, Pa. in memory of Albina Novak 2.00 In memory of Ignatius Gorenc; Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Ann Grambow 5.00 Julia Pesec 5.00 Mrs. and Mrs. John Turck 5.00 Mrs. Virginia Mlack; Wickliffe, Ohio in memory of her father, Mr. Joseph Chervan, Sr. 10.00 Stanza Moegenburg; Port Washington, Wis. in memory of her late husband, Louis Francis 50.00 in appreciation for the 1965 S.W.U. scholarship awarded to her son, Michael Francis 50.00 (Mike was granted his Ph. D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1976). Mr. and Mrs. August F. Oblack; Felton, Calif, on the 50th anniversary of: Sheboygan Branch No. 1 Chicago Branch No. 2 Pueblo Branch No. 3 Oregon City Branch No. 4 10.00 Mrs. Mary Bostian; Cleveland in memory of Mary Kolegar 5.00 With deep appreciation and wannest regards to all, Respectfully submitted HERMINE DICKE, Chm. Scholarship Committee, S.W.U. OFFICIAL NOTICES The following items on the agenda at the Executive Board meeting of Slovenian Women’s Union held at the new Home Office in Joliet, III. D&c. 18th, 1977 are of importance to our members and branch officers. The new address for all correspondence and other business matters is 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, III. 60432, Tel. (area code 815) 727-1926. The National Secretary, Olga Ancel completed the move into the new premises in November and the of.ice began to function wrtH the month of December, 1976. The property that houses the Home Office is a three story building with a rental apartment, full basement and attic. The purchase of the property was authorized at the Board of Directors Meeting July, 1976 and carricd out by a committee comprised of Mrs. Ancel, Nat’l Treasurer, Mary Marolt and Editor, Corinne Leskovar. The former Home Office Building located in Chicago has been put on the market for sale. The Joliet office is directly across the street from St. Joseph's Slovenian Catholic Church and was a former commercial establishment, it is the hope and plan of the local National Officers that the Home Office will become a center for cultural and social activities besides serving the Union as its efficient business office. Branch officers are asked to keep in direct touch with Mrs. Ancel for branch matters, orders of Zveza publications, etc. ZARJA material is to be sent directly to the Editor, Corinne Leskovar, 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 to facilitate earliest publication of your reports. The Grand Opening celebration of the Home Office has been scheduled for March 6, 1977 beginning with Holy Mass at St. Josephs, followed by the blessing of the new premises and Banquet. In this connection, the March ZARJA will be prepared with greetings solicited from among the branches and business community. Secretaries note: A special listing of all Social Members would be a valuable aid in determining their status on the membership roles and ZARJA mailing lists. Please send a list of these names and correct addresses to the National Secretary with your next monthly report. Following the custom of other fraternal societies, even those with higher premiums, the Secretary will no longer supply postage stamps to branches for their monthly mailings. Most branches are able to cover this expense with their own treasuries and are most willing to do this. The S.W.U. Promotional Fund includes receipts from all publications and projects of the Union with the exception of Scholarship Fund donations which are kept in their own Fund Account. The Scholarship Fund is a self-sustaining Fund making its own disbursements and receiving its own income from free will donations of members and friends. The Annual Meeting of the S.W.U. Board of Directors will be held March 7-8, 1977 in accordance with the regulations of the Union, at the Home Office in Joliet. Correspondence and reports should be sent to the National Secretary before this date. Stampfel, the decorations, beans and cookies by the twins, a gallon ol wine by Stavia and a cheese su-udel by Olga Fredericks. Apple strudel came from Rose Alpner and the ham was bought by the Zingo money was baked by Mrs. Plesko. Money donations were made by Anne Gorishek, Josephine Bartol and Agnes Morrow.. Agnes and Stavia also donated prizes. Happy Birthday was sung for the birthday girls but I was too busy to get the names, so my apology to them. Everyone went home feeling in the best of spirits. We had a potica left over and I was the lucky one to take it home for an investment of only a dime! Hope you all had a good holiday as we did! Joe and Mary Bubnick were the proud grandparents of a baby girl, Rita Marie. The parents, Capt. and Mrs. John Bubnick had already adopted two children, Christian and Laurie. Capt. Bubnick teaches at Marshal High School in the dept, of history and driver education. Anna Remshak now lives at 2159 S. 93rd St. with her son, Frank and daughter in law, Frances Remshak. MARY DEZMAN No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Since It was such a cold and icy night there were only a few members at our January meeting. Our outgoing recording secretary Mrs. Antonia Sustar read the minutes of our December meeting and presented her books to our new recording secretary. President Pauline Krall reminded our members that Mrs. Sustar was our recording secretary for 24 years — Pauline then thank her and all the ladies gave Mrs. Sustar a round of applause for an excellent job done. Our reporter in Slovenian will be Mrs. Mary Iskra and not I, as was reported in my last article. Our Secretary Vera Bajec and her husband Joe returned from California where they visited their daughter Marcia and her husband and some of their friends. Our Sunshine Committe reported that they visited our ill members and those that are in nursing homes. Thank you notes were read from Marilyn Fitzthum, Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Kuhar for the get well cards and visits. We also received a hand drawn thank you note from the children of Mary Mavec School of Opportunity for our Christmas donation. Recently two of our members passed away, Mrs. Mary Guzeli and Mrs. Louise Poje. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. May God grant the deceased eternal rest. On the sick list Is Jennie Fitzthum, hope she will be feeling better soon. Additional plans for our 50th. Anniversary celebration were postponed until our next meeting since there were so few members at this meeting. But please mark this date on your calendar — October 23, 1977 — which is the date of our celebration which will be held at Rechar Hall, with Jeff Pecon Orchestra playing for dancing. There will be more details later. The yearly Mass for living and deceased members of our branch will be said on Ash Wednesday, February 23, 977 at 7:00 pm. at St. Christine Church. Hope all members will attend. Thank you tn all wh^ bro’,cfht Christmas donations in Dec. Mary Ucman from Madison, Ohio brought a surprise gi.es't — Jean Gabrovšek (Debevc) from Madison, Ohio who played the “Button Box” music and we all joined in a sing-along session. Everyore really enjoyed the evening. Our Frieda Miller pnssenitsd each lady with a “Christmas Favor” (a Santa made of baby food jars) filled with hard candy. Frieda made these favors and we thank her for being so generous. Thanks to all members who generously donated to our Treasury, Gooditime and Surshine Funds. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. In December, our Christmas party was held on our meeting night at the Crowbar Restaurant. There were 98 members and friends In attendance largely through the efforts of Ann Lustig who had charge of reservations. Ann had the help of her daughter, Pat Schwer and Mary Brebrick in making favors fur the tables and for each lady to wear, bringing to all a Holiday spirit. Mary Bublich made a lovely gingerbread and candy house which was our centerpiece and prize. Many thanks to all the generous ladies who donated prizes and a variety of delicious home-baked goods for dessert. During the cocktail hour my sister, Sylvia and I were each presented with a corsage with the announcement that we were to share the 197G Woman-of-the-Year of Branch 16 honor. It came as a complete surprise and we were stunned to see my brother-in-law Elmer with nephews, David and Paul and brother, Steve, with wife, Helen, from Elkhart, Indiana, walk in. It was a happy family gathering with Aunt Francis Wine and ten cousins, most of them members, attending. A few more men guests present were Fathers Claude Okorn, Leonard Bogolin and Miroslav Vulich from St. George’s Church, Ferd Klobuchar and Joe Franko who entertained on his accordlan. Marge Prebil, President, greeted everyone and introduced the Co-chair-ladies, Josephine Blasovich and Pauline Klobuchar. Pauline recited a beautiful original poem, “Double the Pleasure” dedicated to Sylvia and myself and we were each presented with an engraved charm. Gladys Buck read a short biography which she had written for our memory book. To end the program on a lighter vein, Marge Prebil and Jo Blasovich had an amusing “Half in Pol” skit gossping about Marge and Sylvia. We wish to thank everyone who worked hard to give us a memorable evening. After a delicious family style dinner the ladies sang Christmas carols accompanied by Joe Franko on the accordian. We were sorry Aunt Josephine Krai and Jean Bukvich were too ill to attend. Get well wishes go to them and to Marge Monok and Pat Schwer who were hospitalized in Dec. (Ed note: Jean passed away later in January. Our sympathy). On December 19th, ten members from our Branch joined Branch No. 2 in celebrating their 50th Anniversary. At Mass we were inspired by Father Claude Okorn’s sermon on a new beginning and by the wonderful singing of the St. Stephen’s church choir. An enjoyable afternoon was spent at dinner, viewing the program and socializing with our friends. The climax of the day was the arrival of Santa Claus and it was delightful watching the youngest members receive their gifts. One of our oldest members, Anna Perko, age 90, died on December 16th. She was preceded in death by husband, John, sons Joseph and Charles and daughter Anne Madrick. She is survived by sons Michael and John Perko whose wives, Phyllis and Tess, are our active members. We extend our sincere sympathy to all the family members. We had no meeting in January and would like to remind everyone to bring in prizes to our February meeting for our games party on Sunday, March 27th. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter BRING A NEW MEMBER TO YOUR FEBRUARY BRANCH MEETING! Women of the Year of Br. 16 Marge & Sylvia Spretnjak The members of Branch No. 16 are proud and happy to recognize and honor Marge and Sylvia for all the Rood work they have been tloing for many years. Since these women work as a team in most everything they do, it was voted to honor both Marge and Sylvia as Women-of-the-Year for 1976. Marge and Sylvia have a long and interesting record of accomplishments within our branch and are truly two of the most loyal S.W.1J. members we have. Marge joined Branch No. 16 in March, 1943 and Sylvia joined in April, 1945. Both were very active in the Drill Team during its activity and they also bowled in many of the S.W.U. tournaments. They have served on many committees for branch sponsored events, have made and donated some of the most unusual favors and table decorations for our Christmas parties and various other dinners. For many years they delighted our youngsters with colored slides of some of Marge’s outstanding photographic work at the Children’s Christmas parties. Marge and Sylvia, together with Marge Prebil, lead us in the rosary at the wake of a deceased member. They faithfully attend all Illinois-Indiana State Conventions, as well as all monthly meetings of the branch, and they can always be found at the annual Zveza Days in Lemont. Marge was an auditor of Branch No. 16 for many years and for the past several years has done an outstanding job as reporter for our branch. To sum it all up, Marge and Sylvia are not only present, but actively participate in practically every affair sponsored by the S.W.U. What a joy it would be if every member shared their talents as openly as our Women of the Year! Marge is employed in the Data Processing Department at the Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. in the Chicago Loop, where she has 31 years of service. Her hobbies include a large stamp collection, as well as photography, for which she has many trophies and awards to attest to her excellent work in this field. Summer finds Marge, camera and all, outdoors photographing still another hobby — her garden. Sylvia served her country as a W.A.V.E. She had been employed in the Credit Department at Gassman Bros. Clothing Store in South Chicago until their Mother became seriously ill. She left her job to care for their Mother as well as their Father, when he too became ill some years later. When their parents passed away, Sylvia had intended to return to her job, but fate dealt the Spretnjak sisters another tragedy with the untimely death of their sister, Pauline Druga on December 1, 1971 leaving her husband, Elmer and two young sons David and Paul. Again, Syl.via helped with the household and tended to the needs of her sister’s family. Sylvia enjoys many leisure time activities, collecting dolls, baking, knitting, crocheting and various other crafts. We feel extremely fortunate in having these two charming women as our members and want to wish them the very best in their future for all they have done for us, as well as the untiring and unselfish devotion they have given to their family GLADYS K. BUCK Dawn Choral Group Says Thanks! By FRAN NEMANICH The “Dawn” choral group of the Slovenian Women’s Union thanks all our relatives, friends and benefactors for attending our recent concert. A special thank you to the members of other singing societies who attended in such large numbers. They are the ones who fully understand how much time and effort goes into a concert’s success. Our ball, as in previous years, was filled to capacity. Your attendance lifted our spirits and warmed our hearts. Especially did you lighten and brighten the afternoon for our Director Mr. Frank Zupan who so graciously came to our assistance this past year. This was his first concert with us. He resides in Madison, Ohio and drives many miles every Monday with his lovely wife who is also our member. We appreciate his quiet manner and patience and are extremely grateful to him for his tolerance and the success of our concert. Sincere thanks to all who helped in any way, namely admissions and programs at the door — Marcia Lokar and her ladies in the kitchen — the handsome hardwark-ing boys at the bar — Jeff Pecon and his band, pianist Bob Ulichney and Joe Petrie for sound and stage. Thanks to our former members who had to take leave of absence for various reasons, but stayed our loyal friends and continue to help whenever and wherever needed. No words can truly express our grateful and sincere appreciation to the "Slovan” Octet under the direction of Mr. John Rigler who honored us by accepting our invitation to add extra enjoyment for our guests with their rich voices and excellent selection of beloved songs. Fella’s, you were terrific! The biggest and unexpected event was when our Pres. Pauline Krall announced a most generous donation by Realtor George Knaus, for our Treasury. Thanks a million, George and God bless you. Here are our new officers for the year, President, Pauline Krall; Vice-President, Jo Trunk; Secretary, Ton-chi Zabukovec, 215 E. 328th St. Willowlck, Ohio 44094, Tel. 943-1545; Treasurer and Reporter, Fran Nemanich; Librarian, Pauline Krall; Auditors: Mitzi Globokar and Ann Tercek; Director, Mr. Frank Zupan. We hope 1977 will be another great year for our group and It will with your help. THINK “HERITAGE”! Irene Odorizzi The most immediate response to my Heritage letter published in the November ’76 Zarja arrived from Fr. David Stalzer, the assistant pastor at St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet, Illinois. He complimented the S.W.U. in taking the initiative to promote leadership and direction in keeping Slovenian cultural heritage alive in the hearts of our fellow Americans. In the words of Fr. Stalzer, “Joliet has always been active in keeping traditions and customs alive and we will continue to support this worth while project.” He suggests that the following goals be added to those already suggested: that Zarja be used as an educational tool of culture and heritage as well as a means of social communication of the SWU; that the new home office in Joliet be designated as a Heritage center where artifacts donated from all parts of the USA could be displayed and preserved for future generations. Father Stalzer’s enthusiasm is reflected in his energetic parish work and his genuine interest in our Slo-venian-American extraction. We highly commend him for his involvement and for his foresight in recognizing the importance of cultural heritage activities for generations to come. The organization looks forward to his future assistance in promoting Heritage projects. Branches 32, 34, 42, 50, 79 & 96 responded immediately to the Heritage Letter sent to all branches and completed the questionnaire listing their activities. We would like to highlight what these ladies are doing to keep “Slovenianism” alive and well. Paula V. Kokal of Branch No. 96, Universal, Pa. states that their branch combines social and musical activities. Games are played after meetings to build up the treasury and then polkas and waltzes are played for dancing by the son of member Kathleen Podobnik, and fun is had by all. Barbara Yapel, Branch No. 34, Soudan, Minn, writes that they inform the community of their Slovenian heritage by submitting articles of the monthly meetings to the local newspaper. Almost the entire membership of 35 adults attends, “Minnesota Day” held annually in Sept. and hosted by various branches. The ladies are excellent cooks and bakers and enjoy exchanging recipes with other SWU members. Mrs. Yapel’s father, George Nemanich Sr., was active in the K.S.K..T. and 4th Vice-President of the Supreme Board at. the time of his death in 1939. Mrs. Yapel donated all the books and magazines accumulated by her father to the Immigrant archives at the Univ. of Minnesota in Minneapolis, where they were catalogued. The remaining books were sent to the library in Euclid, Ohio. Ann Tercek, Branch No. 50, Euclid writes that the amazing number of 80 to 100 members attend monthly meetings at which time Slovenian pastries like potica, krofe and warm ocvirkova potica are served. They are to be commended for their athletic achievements. The twenty-five Marie Prisland Cadets march in local parades and for various anniversaries. Musically, they sing Slovenian songs at their meetings, picnics and Christmas parties. Nine members also belong to the Dawn Choral Group, which presents an annual concert every November. Folk dancing, a good recreation for all age groups is held on many occasions. Pok gotig (Pork Chops) is one of the favorite dances where a combination of clapping, turning and stamping the feet, are the basis for the dance routine. They have also formed an excellent junior group of Twirletts who performed very commendably for the Pittsburgh Convention, as well as other events. Mrs. Bostian, our national president, writes that other Cleveland branches participate in the above activities, in a combined fashion. She mentions that there is also a group of cadets and guards which also attend funerals of members in final tribute. The combined branches are also considering re-establishing the junior bowling club and an art class for young people. Cleveland appears to be a busy Community for Slovenians. Mrs. Mary Michelich of Branch No. 79 in Enumclaw, Washington states that their group sponsors a dance in spring and fall, with Slovenian dancing and singing. Next month we will feature the heritage activities of other branches who have submitted their questionnaire. Hope that this sharing of ideas will encourage other branches to initiate an activity to “spread the word”. Remember: Think Slovenian! Think Heritage! No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Our annual meeting on Sunday, December 19, 1976 had a nice tnrn out and it was a pleasure to see so many members. Important business topics were discussed and approved for the year of 1977. The officers were re elected with the exception of second auditor, Mathilda (Tillie) Muren; she is being replaced by Helen Ruthenburg. Many thanks, Tillie, for a job well done. Tillie has been an officer for 14 years. It was difficult at times for you to perform the duties of your office, but you always managed to come thru. Once again, Thank You. Mrs. Victoria (Vickie) Kastelic, our Vice president, was chosen as the Mother-of-the-Year. Congratulations. Our meetings will be held every 3rd. Sunday of the month, with the exception of June, July, and August at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church Hall. (Please use rear door of church and proceed to the lower level). A $1.00 yearly donation towards the treasury and $0.10 for each death of a member will be assessed. A $3.00 gift will be given to a member if hospitalized for 1 week. $10.00 will be given for masses, flowers, or charity for a deceased member. The branch will sponsor I misc. card party for the benefit of St. Mary’s Church which will take place on Thursday, October 20, 1977 at 7:30 p.m Cake and coffee will be served. Donation of prizes of all kinds are gratefully acceptable. Please bring them to the monthly meeting or on the evening of the event. Mrs. M. Sikinger donated a beautiful hand made afghan and the officers and members are contributing prizes that will be given to the hicky winners at a later date announced in the magazine. The booster sheets will be selling at a dollar ($1.00) and the proceeds will go into our treasury to help defray some of the expenses of the year in place of a regular card party. After the business meeting a social gathering was held with exchange of gifts and distribution of the children’s Christmas gifts. To the shut-ins and sick members we extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Please try to visit them, or send them a card, and remember them in your prayers. At this time I would like to extend my thanks for the lovely cards, best wishes, gifts, flowers and visits during my stay in the hospital. It was deeply appreciated. REMINDER: Those in arrears, please bring your books up to date. The dues must be sent to the main office every month. As your secretary, may I extend off with the luscious wedding cake and ice cream for our dessert. The cake was made up in seven layers in height, and it was 90 outstanding on its decorative pedestals, that it looked like it were about seven foot tail. This beautiful event ended with great emotional memories to over 350 guests that were in attendance, and "Jackie” Nimer as we ail know her is deserving of praise, although she does not look for it. Both Mrs. Nim-mer and Mother, Mrs. Josephine Schlosser, are faithful members of our Slovenian Women’s Union, and are very receptive to people in all walks of life, and are very helpful in aiM functions. If there were a Hall of Fame in our organization, their names would sure top the list. It was certainly an honor to be able to participate in the Nimmer-Behling Wedding. Sincerely, Mr. &Mrs. WILLIAM ZALESNIK CATHERINE ZALESNIK Member of Br. 17 “ Double Ring Ceremony Unites Wisconsin Couple Three clergymen officiated at the double ring ceremony of Nancy Sue Nimmer and Thomas Behling at St. Mary’s Church in Elm Grove', Wis., on Oct. 16th, 1976. The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Josephine Schlos-sar, organizer and Hon. President of Br. 17, West Allis, and daughter of Mrs. Josephine Nimmer, a very active member. The newlyweds were guests of honor at a large reception and honeymooned in Arizona. They now make their home in Waukesha, Wis. where Nancy is a medical technologist and Tom studies at the Univ. of Wisconsin. Heartiest felicitations. M. F. This wedding shall be recognized as the most beautiful and elaborate event we have attended in these times It took place in such a grand fashion, that it exemplified the picture of royalty in Monaco. Mrs. Nimmer, the Mother of the Bride, will be given recognition at th'is writing. She impressed us as a Grace Kelly, with her serene poise, dignity, and a'lso 'her ability to arrange this memorable event so gracefully. Briefly the highlights . .. The lovely wedding ceremony was at St. Mary’s Qhunoh in Elm Grove. At 4:30 the fashionable Milwaukee Athletic Club, was the scene of the entire reception with its superb cuisine. Upon arrival our cars were immediately taken care of by their efficient attendants. Then we went on to the second floor of the club, where we passed the receiving group and were all formal'ly introduced to the entire bridal party. We then satisfied our taste buds, eating the plentiful hot and cold ihors d'ouvres, consisting of many delicacies; such as mounds of shrimp, lobster, crab meat, caviar, herring, cheese, deviled eggs, and so much more, just too plentiful to mention. The professional mixologists were at hand to prepare any type of drink you preferred to perfection, and continued to do so throughout the entire reception. Steve Swedish Orchestra entertained us for our listening and dancing pleasures, and they certainly performed well with continuous music. All the floral arrangements, including all the beautiful floral centerpieces were arranged by Jim Manders of Shorewood Florists, and the displays added to the dccor of the event with the lovely fall flowers, and fresh beauty. Our dinner was served on the fourth floor, end we were served to a sit-down dinner of sliced Beef Tenderloin, and aM the gourmet trimmings that were prepared under the guidance of the Catering Manager with meticulous care. Champagne was served during dinner and a beautiful toast was given to 'honor our lovely Bride and Groom. The dinner tapered my heartfelt thanks to the officers and members of our branch for all the co-operation and help given me, not only during this year, but also during the years past, -which makes °ur branch a successful one, through all the combined efforts of all the officers and members. Thank you one and all and may God bless you with good health and happiness. MARIE A. FLOFtYAN No. 19, EVELETH, M!NN. A meeting was held in Jan. at the Resurrection Church Hall at 2 P-m. and all officers were present. Considering the cold weather and the Super Bowl on TV. we had a nice attendance. The impressive installation of officers ceremony took place before a short business meeting. The officers Pledged constant vigilance and performance of their duties in the man ner which others have done in the Past. Minutes were read of the last meeting and the membership suggested that we hold a card party or white elephant sale. We will discuss this more at the next meeting in March. Our Sunshine Chairman sent a get-well card to Theresa Simetnosky who had surgery — we all wish her a speedy recovery; and a sympathy card to Pauline Turnbull on the loss of her husband. May he rest in peace. Angeline Smith was elected to be our Mother-o-the-Year and more on that later. Congratulations. Angeline. We want to thank the out-going officers for the nice lunch they served. The door pri7«' was won by Angeline Smith too. We’ll see you all at the next meeting in My.rch. OLGA KLUSEFt No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. A large number of members attended our annual meeting at which time the officers for 1977 were re- elected: President, Emma Planinšek. Secretary, Agnes Lovati, Treasurer, Mary Marolt, Recording Secretary, Josephine Erjavec, Trustees Emma Nosse, Prances Stonich and Theresa Mare ntlc and Sentinel Theresa Muhich. Because of illness, our Vice-President, Mary Ivanich was not able to be with us and asked to be relieved of her duties. We shall all miss Mary very much. In her place, Millie Pucel was elected to this post. Our Spiritual Director continues to be Msgr. M.J. Butala. They were to be installed at the meeting Jan. 16th at which time also all new members enrolled since the convention would be initiated. Within one month we lost two good members, Mary Popek, age 83 from Vine St. and Helen Dufour. nee Mahkovec, age 60. Mrs. Popek is survived by three daughters, one of whom is our member Mary Scheldt; also three sons and 1G grandchildren. ^olineS oj oCombar J, M celebrate 50 years On Sunday, November 7, 1976, a surprise 50th wedding anniversary dinner and reception was held at Sharko’s Restaurant in Villa Park, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moline of Lombard, Illinois, who were wed in Chicago on November 6, 192G. The couple’s daughter and son-in-law, Josef and Rose Marie Princ, planned the surprise and later entertained the guests at their home in Glen Ellyn. Among the guests were Rev. Joseph Determan, O.P. Chaplain at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., who presented the Molines with the Papal Blessing; and Dr. and Mrs. E, Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. J. Simic, friends of the anniversary couple for 50 years. Rose is a long-standing member of Br. 2.. Wishes to them for a long life. Her sister, Mrs. Theresa Pasich, is also our member. Mrs. Popek was born in Slovenia and lived in Joliet since 1913, She was preceded in death by her husband and a sister, member, Katherine Metesh. Mrs. Dufour was from Cresthill and is survived by husband, Paul, a daughter, Joanne Lantka and son, Kenneth, a granddaughter, Janice, six brothers, two sisters, Ann and Josephine and two aunts, Mrs. Bayuk of Ottawa and Mary Nemanich. There are numerous other relatives. She was preceded in death by her parents, Prank and Anna Mahkovec who were well known workers for our community and parish here. Mrs. Anna Mahkovec’s loyal work for our Zveza is not forgotten. Our sympathy to the Popek and Dufour families and also to Alice Kraus who lost her father, John Strysek, and to Jennie Dernulec and Mary Strysek who lost their sister, Anna Panian. May they rest In peace. Margery Wajchert graduated from the 111. University at Champaign where she studied to be a municipal clerk. She is secretary also for the SWU Bowlers. Congratulations. Br. 20 former and present officers attended the Golden Anniversary Mass of Br. 2, Chicago at St. Stephen’s Church Dec. 19th, the morning of our annual meeting. Those who attended from Joliet were, Olga An-cel, Mary Marolt, Josephine Muster, past Nat’l Treasurer and yours truly. Christmas cards to disabled members were signed by all members present at the meeting. Those we remembered were: Caroline Gregory, Johanna Krall, Frances Gaspich, Helen Pluth, Sophie Korevec. Mrs. Krall is convalescing at the the hospital at present. A card for the Golden Jubilee of Zveza was also sent to our Founder, Marie Prisland. Food for the Christmas party was donated by Dorothy Koncar, Frances Stonich, Theresa Marentich, Agnes Lovati, Emma Nosse and Margaret Stalzer. The President, Emma Planinšek, thanked all members who came to pray at the bier of our departed members in the last year. She also stressed the need for new members and gave encouragement to all to help increase our membership in the new year. At the close of the meeting, Rev. David Stalzer paid us a visit and led a prayer. We then all marched over across the street to the new Home Office of S.W.U. to visit the premises. All approved the new headquarters and expressed their satisfaction. Wishes to all for a very happy Valentine’s Day. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. Everyone came and everyone had a most enjoyable time at our combined meeting and Christmas party at the home of Gabrielle Lustig on December 2th. Our meeting commenced with prayers by our president, Ann Richards. Greeting cards received were read and cards were sent to all our out-of-town members. Officers for the year were elected. Our new president is Mary Rittmanic, my dear sister and a faithful member of many years. Congratulations and much cooperation are in order for all our elected officers. Many thanks for a job well done by our out-going president, Ann Richards. Elizabeth Kinder was chosen as our “Mot,her-of-the-Year”. She is such a devoted mother and likable member — well deserving of this honor. Belated birthday wishes for January to the following members: Elizabeth Kinder, Gabrielle Lustig, and Margaret Planton. Many more healthful birthdays to you all. Our festivities began with game playing by all. Prizes went to Mary Rittmanic, Helen Sebastian!, Ann Jamnick, Mollie Starasinich, and Ann Kinder. Mamie Dressier won the door prize. Everyone was a winner with the Christmas exchange gifts — such a variety of lovely gifts. A bi-centennial pillow, made and donated by our creative, ambitious member, Toni Legris, was won by Stella Lustig. Proceeds were added to our treasury — what a wonderful gesture to follow throughout the year. A most delicious lunch was served by the committee: Gabrielle Lustig, Toni Legris, Mary Rittmanic, Margaret Planton. Joining us were our guests, Stella Lustig, Agnes Baker, and Frances Lustig. Time passed much too quickly and everyone was reluctant to leave. Our next meeting will be on February 20th at the home of Ann Richards with Anna Jamnick as co-hostess. To all our members both far and near, much health and success for the New Year. MARGARET PLANTON No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Our meeting was held at St. Anthony’s Church Hall on Dec. 19th and we had a beautiful Christmas Banquet along with a short meeting. We postponed election of officers until the Jan. meeting to give us more time for our party. There were G8 members attending and partaking of the delicious stuffed pork chops dinner with all the trimmings. For entertainment we had music and singing of Christmas Carols led by Mary Gotchnik on her button box accordian. We also play- ed popular games for some lovely prizes. Door prizes were also won by Mary Starkovich and Barbara Ro-sandich. Our club had a money-making project, preparing and serving roast beef dinners to 200 senior citizens of this community on Dec. 9th. Thank you to all the ladies who helped in the kitchen and Marg. Pershiren’s crew who set the tables and decorated the tree. And, to the waitresses, thanks for the fine, smooth job of serving. Get well wishes to all our shut ins and sick members. Hope you had a very happy holiday and wishes for a happy new year to all. YOUR REPORTER No. 24, LA SALLE, ILL Dear sister members. Our community was stunned at the double funeral of our good neighbors. Dec. 7th, Olga Janko, sister of our member, Agnes Kastigar, was found motionless on the floor of her home at 11 a.m. Her daughter-in-law found her as she routinely visited their home after shopping. At 11:30 that night, Mr. Anton Janko was found as if asleep in the parlor chair by his son. It was a very sad funeral. Our good members, Emma Shimkus and Wanita Helmer who have the Shimkus-Helmer Funeral Home, conducted the services from their chapel to St. Roch’s church. Surviving are three sons with families, and a brother, Joseph who were in business together with the Janko Bros. Grocery and Meat Market a block from their home. Our deepest sympathy, Prayers and masses are offered. Peace and contentment for the deceased. They have found their way. God will reward them with his love. Tony was a member of the St. Roch’s choir since he came to America. Officers of Br. 24 for 1977 are: President, Mary Gramc, Vice-Presi-dent, Nellie Mocnik, Financial Secretary, Wanita Helmer, Treasurer, Ann Serri, Auditors, Emma Shimkus and Mary Gornik and Reporter, Mary Piletič. The ZARJA magazine is getting better and better each month and the most touching report 1 read in recent months was by Mary Bostian, our National President on the praying of a Rosary at the wake of a departed member. I hope you all read it and will benefit from her suggestions. May you all have a very Happy Valentine Day. We will meet Feb. fith at 2 p.m. MARY MITZI PILETIČ Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 and The Christmas mail brought me many thoughtful and delightful holiday greetings and included several favorite recipes. A few are: SAUERKRAUT CASSEROLE from Mrs. I-rene Martin of Br. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis.; CREAM CHEESE POUND CAKE from Mrs. Elsie Zalar of Br. No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio and FLORIDA SALAD and PISTACHIO PUDDING CAKE from my neice, Mrs. Mary Turvey of Munising, Mich., member of Br. No.. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. It is my pleasure to offer these tempting and tested recipes for your choice. Sauerkraut Casserole Serves 16 to 20 persons. This hearty recipe can easily be halved. 3 pounds pork steak, cut in cubes 2 cans cream of mushroom soup 1 can water 1 box Lipton’s Onion Soup (2 packages in the box) 2 large cans (27 ounces) Sauerkraut 1-12 oz. package Kluski Noodles (parboil only) Brown the cube pork steak and parboil the Kluski Noodles. Remove meat from frying pan. In the juices dilute the 2 cans of mushroom soup with 1 can of water. Blend. Set aside. In a large casserole dish place the browned meat, sprinkle with £ package of the onion soup. Cover with the sauerkraut (include the juice, if desired). Sprinkle with another £ package of the onion soup. Cover with the parboiled noodles and sprinkle with the second package of onion soup. Pour the diluted mushroom soup over all and bake in a 350 degree oven about 1 and £ hours. After one hour of baking, stir the mixture and add more water if necessary. Cream Cheese Pound Cake This “morsel of goodness’ is ideal to serve with hot coffee. £ pound butter 1£ cups sugar 1£ teaspoon vanilla 8 ounces cream cheese (room temperature) 4 eggs 2 cups cake flour 1£ teaspoon baking powder All ingredients should be mixed by hand. Beat the butter, sugar, vanilla and cream cheese until thoroughly blended. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Beat well after each addition. Sift the flour and baking powder and blend into the beaten mixture. Line an ungreased 9x5x3 inch loaf pan with waxed paper. Pour mixture into the loaf pan. Bake one hour at 325 degrees. Let stand on rack to cool for 15 minutes. Turn out of pan and remove the wax paper. Cool completely before serving. Florida Salad Sauerkraut is also used in this unusual recipe. Make days ahead of time so that flavors will blend. 1 large can sauerkraut (27 ounces) 2 cups diced celery 1 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup diced onion 1 small jar (2 ounces) pimento £ cup vinegar 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon salt If too long, cut sauerkraut into about 2 inch lengths. In bowl mix the sauerkraut, celery, green pepper, onion and pimento. Combine the vinegar, sugar and salt and add to vegetable mixture. Stir each day so that flavors will blend. Store in refrigerator the entire time. Drain liquid before serving. Pistachio Pudding Cake This moist cake is easy to prepare. 1 box white cake mix 1 box Instant Pistachio Pudding £ cup oil £V& cups Club Soda 3 eggs £ cup walnuts or pecans, chopped ICING: 1 envelope whipped topping mix (Dream Whip) 1 small box Instant Vanilla Pudding 1£ cups cold milk Combine the cake mix, pudding, oil, club soda, eggs and nuts. Beat 5 minutes. Pour into a greased and floured tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Cool. With a beater mix the Dream Whip (right from the envelope), the pudding mix and the milk. Beat until thick enough to spread. After cake is cold frost completely with icing. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serves 12. FINANCIAL REPORT - FINANČNO POROČILO October 1976 Br. No. Amount Adults: Jr. Re.: Br. No. Amount Adults: 1 $120.60 175 65 46 15.35 29 2 193.35 290 116 47 68.55 108 3 169.85 257 119 50 246.90 310 4 9 0 52 69.50 49 5 74 10 54 30.10' 47 6 52.55 96 17 55 39.95 59 7 48.90 80 23 56 49.25 87 8 14.70 36 0 57 32.70 52 10 123.95 251 17 59 26 12 130.50 134 56 * 61 2 13 62.20 101 19 62 20 14 155.15 263 36 63 72 15 81.65 146 2 64 34 16 112.00 158 57 65 34 17 99.65 150 107 66 33.45 49 19 47.00 79 8 67 44.65 64 20 252.40 401 150 68 39.40 53 21 62.75 134 30 70 12 22 19.90 15 0 ** 71 61.65 111 23 127.60 215 27 73 65.55 101 24 56.70 104 22 74 25 25 281.60 476 117 77 17.05 31 26 113.20 162 53 79 38 27 33 2 80 7.80 11 28 42.25 63 25 81 17.60 30 29 8.95 19 2 83 6.55 14 30 10.00 31 0 84 36 31 75.10 68 14 * * 85 35 32 125.50 188 56 86 33.90 19 33 128.10 174 116 88 20.65 31 34 22.75 35 4 89 29.85 59 35 29.80 42 16 90 13.50 30 37 16 0 91 37 38 44.10 93 0 92 48.10 29 39 27.60 44 3 93 37.10 42 40 65.05 105 1 94 5 41 57.75 130 21 95 235.60 160 42 33.00 54 4 96 51.20 42 43 160.95 208 120 97 6.50 12 45 19.85 39 11 99 7.10 11 3 40 66 12 30 22 4 13 0 0 0 9 0 18 12 7 22 0 36 65 1 17 15 0 1 0 2 0 1 17 0 5 15 3 0 8 0 0 0 I certainly am grateful for the complimentary notes received during the holiday season. What a pleasure to know that the ŽOLCA recipe was so well received! Mrs. Frances Moore, members of Br. No. 90 of Presto, Pennsylvania wrote: “Want to tell you how much we look forward to your recipes in the ZARJA magazine, but the best one was the ŽOLCA recipe printed in the December issue. I remember my mother making it years ago, but I never did have the right ingredients although I did try it many times. The day the ZARJA came in I went and bought pork hocks and followed your recipe and it turned out perfect. I passed it around to my friends and they thought it was very good. I am going to make some for our family Christmas party and I’m sure it will bring back many memories. Keep up the good work”. SEWING HINT: My sister-in-law uses this technique to remove snags from knits. First of all, she warns not to cut the thread because that causes further raveling and not to use a crochet hook since it can cause more snags. She threads a darning needle with about a foot of wool yarn (she always has a threaded needle handy). Insert the darning needle on the right side into the exact spot of the snag; then quickly with a jerk pull through to the “wrong” side. It works most of the time. * # # # “I cannot conceive how a man could look up into the heavens and say there is no God”. Abraham Lincoln. “■»dpy Valentine’s Day Love, HERMINE 100 44.05 53 19 101 20.00 32 10 102 35 2 103 19.45 22 18 105 49 16 106 24 0 $4,589.95 7359 1955 * Sept.-Oct. ** Oct.-Nov. Oct.-Nov.,-Dec. Assessment .................... $4,589.,95 Interest ....................... 4,407.33 Kent............................... 270.00 Total $9,267.28 Death Claims — Zavarovalnine $1,050.00 Salaries-Plače 1,216.00 Social Security and other taxes 352.08 Zarja-The Dawn 2,623.79 Administration 378.00 State convention perdiems 60.00 Telephone, Office and Miscellaneous 138.37 $5,818.24 OLGA ANCEL, Sec. No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. We had a wonderful Christmas party on Dec. 14th, which was a beautiful springlike day. 92 members came together for this meeting and festive party. The commiltee and a few o£ our wonderful members helped us to cook a delicious Ham dinner with all the trimmings. We served all the ladies the dinner and for dessert, all were given a bag of candy, a Santa Claus cupcake and a variety of other delicious pastries, cookes, etc. brought in by some of our ladies. Perfect to the end! Everyone went home carrying a bag of goodies. Santa Claus was also very good to everyone. All this was a treat for our members as they really helped a lot in the last year. 1976 was a wonderful year for our branch and we shall always remember the Convention in our city and meeting all the ladies of S.W.U. from around the country. Our best wishes to you all our new and old friends. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day! MARY SLANEY No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our Dec. meeting and Christmas party was a big success. We had a very large attendance and some guests. Our vice-president and secretary are still on the sick list. We prayed for a speedy recovery for both and let’s keep sending them cards of cheer; that helps. Our sec- retary was missed at. this meeting. The members pi«.id ko leto, kakor tudi v druge kraje prinese vsaiko leto številne molitve in prošnje naši Materi Mariji. Letne štipendije za mladino in mnogo drugih koristnih doprinosov bi se še lahko naštelo. Vsem našim pionirkam naj bo ohranjen spomin za njihovo delo. Upamo, da jim je Bog dober plačnik. Spomnimo se jih v molitvi. Mrs. Pris- P0DR. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Srečno in zdravo Nevo leto vsem! Da bi vse zopet dočakale drugo leto v razumevtnju. Bog Vas vse blagoslovi. V enem mesecu smo izgubi'e dve dobre članice. Mary Popek stara 83 let. in He'cn Dufour stara samo 60 let. Pok. Mary Popek ima 'hčerko Mary Scheud in več drugih sorodnikov včlanjenih pri ipodr. Pek. Helen Dufour ji hčerka pok. An n e Mahkovec, ki ji bila zelo prijiuljuib;ena zaradi njene delavnosti, vendar se je morala posloviti od nas pred nekaj leti. Pok. Helen zapušča tudi 2 sestri Anna in Josephine Mahkovec Goran, ki je bila več let načelnica drill teama. čla. Alice Kraus in Mary Strysek sta izgubile očsta John Strysek. Jennie De mule teto Anna Panian. Večni mir vsem umrlim in hva'a članicam, ki so kropile in spremile vse pokojne na zadnji poti. Janice Ruth, hči Freda in Jcnite Rutih, je graduirala na Ml State univerzi, kjer je prejela degree, ali diplomo za učenje gluhonemih. Margerie Wajcthert je graduirala na Ml. univerzi v Champaign in dovršila šolanje za Municipal clerk. Ona je tudi tajnica pri Zvezin ih keg’jaeicah. Ob prilike proslave 50 letnice podr. land, Bog vas živi še na mnoga leta. Otroci so že nestrpno čakali kdaj pride njihov Santa Olaus in dobili so lepa darila, saj so bili pridni in potrpežljivi Lepa hva'a za pecivo, katero ste darovale za banket. Enako hvala vsem za lepo okrasitev odra. še enkrat vsem in vsakemu posebej iksrena hvala za pomoč. Izgubile smo dobre članice, Katherine Kregulj v visoki starosti. Bolehala je daije časa. Kristina Terselich se je tudi nenadoma .poslovita, čeprav še mlada. Obljubila nam je pomoč na banketu in smrt j,i je pretrga'a njeno življenje. Bila je samska. Bog jim bodi milostljiv. Družinam naše sožalje. Želim vsem v letu 1977 božjega blagoslova v naših domovih in mir na zemlji. Ne pozabite na seio 10. febr. v cerkveni dvorani. FRANCES ZIBERT Iskreno sožalje izrekamo čla. Mrs. Frances Orehek in družini ob bridki izgubi ljubljenega soproga Freda Orehka, ki je nenadoma umrl tik pred Božičem. Pok. Fred je bil vneti delavec za Baragovo beatifikacijo in je kljub važnemu položaju pri dnevniku Tribune, bil vedno prijazen do vseh. Naj ga Bog bogato poplača za njegovo zavedno slovensko srce. št. 2 v Chicagu smo se naslednje udeležile sv. maše v cerkvi Sv. Štefana: Olga Ancel, Mary Marolt, Josephine Muster in podpisana. Slednje sva bite prejšnje gl. odbornice. Božična voščila s podpisi navzočih člrnic, so bila poslana našim 'bolnim čfenicam: Johanna Krati, Frances Ga-'Spioh, Karoline Gregory, Sofia Korevec in Helen Pluth. Voščilna kartica podpisana od vseh članic za Zvezin zlati jubilej, je bila postana ustanoviteljici, Mrs. Pristand. Preds. Emma Planinšek, goreče pozove vse članice, da pridobivajo nove članice. Lepo se tudi zahvali vsem za polnoštevilni obisk im pa enim. ki so prinesle prigrizke in te so: Dorothy Kencar, Frances Stcnich, Theresa Ma-rentich, Agnes Lovati, Emma Nosse, Margaret Stai'zer. Na sejo je prišel tudi naš pomožni župnik, Rev. David voščit praznike. Po seji smo vse članice odšle črez cesto si ogledati novi glavni urad in Zvezin dom. Vse so izrekale pohavlno mnenje. Na seji v januarju je naš Msgr. Butata zaprisegel odbornice. Pridite na prihodnje seje. Vas vse pozdravljam, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŽIRI BREZ ZDRAVNIKA (1921) PODR. 21, CLEVELAND, OHX) Božič je za nami, pričelo se je novo leto. Seje bodo odslej ob 1:30 popoldne. Mogoče bo več članic prišlo na seije. V bolnici so bi e Eddith Cimperman in Rose Naples. Pauline St epic je zopet postaia stara mama. želimo vsem zdravja! Naše članice so bile izbrane za žene leta in sicer Theresa Lah za Dom v Westpark in El'la Puitz za Do,m v Denison A ve. čestitike! Urednico prosim, da priobči resnično zgodbo iz leta 1921. Enkrat se pa oglasim z dopisom ‘'Immigrant”, kii je vsem všeč za čitcnje. Vsem žetiim veselo in zdravo leto 1977. ANNA JESENKO PODR. 24, LASALLE, ILLINOIS Drage članice: Na naši letni seji dne 5. decembra je bilo prav lepo. Po seji smo 'imele skupno domačo prijateljsko božičnico. Naše mize so bile polne in lepo okrašene z bazičnimi okraski. Vse je bilo doma pripravljeno in seveda zeio dobro. Dne 12, dec. pa smo še obiskovat' bolnike in nesle smo nekaj Miklavževih spominov. Pele smo v angleškem Hi slovenskem jeziku. Bilo nas je 20, kar lepo število in naša čla. Ann Marie Wangler (Lustrine) je igrate piano. Vsi ste vabljeni, na obiske, ali pa tudi telefonske klice, kateri so v nursing domu a'I.i pa v bo'nici. Sporočite naši tajnici Wanita Helmer, oz. predsednici Mary Gramac, podpreds. Nellie Močnik, Ann Seri blag., Emma Shirn-kus in Mary Gornik, nadzornice, ter Mici Mary Piletič, zapisnikarica. Naša seja bo prvo nedeljo v februarju ob 2 pop., kaikor po navadi v šolski dvoran'i. Boiana je na domu Josephine Rogel. Roko ima zlom'ljeno Mary Predaničih. V bolnici St. Mary’s je Anna Frankovioh in boiane so tudi: Anna Frankovich in Mrs. Orlando je v Turtle Creek Nursing home. Vsem želimo h'itro zdravje, ena'ko tudi Mrs. Josephine Scheck, Mrs. Theresija Terselic, Mary Dolanc, Mrs. Catharina Spitzmii-ler in v Heritage je Jennie Knultz. Vsem skupaj srečno in veselo Novo leto. MICI MARY PILETIČ PODR. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Urednici in vsem članicam želim srečno in zdravo leto 1977, da bi še dolgo tako lepo urejevala našo Zarjo, kot sedaj. Za nas starejše je preveč angleščine, katero ne razumemo dovoli j dobro, da bi vse prebraie. Pri naši podružnici smo dobili lepo mlado tajnico, ki je vnukinja Mrs. Fortuna. Vem, da bo dobro vodila tajniške posle. Lepo pozdravljeni vsi, MARY OTONIČAR Leta 1921 je naša vas Žiri bi'a brez zdravnika. Po več ket petdesetih letih, mi je še vedno v živem spominu naoleeln;a resnična zgodba, ko sem v svoji bolezni se morala podati na pot iskati zdravniško pomoč pri poznanem dr. šabcu na Vrhniki: Vas Žiri leži v takem kraju, da je povsod daleč do železnice, čeravno ni tako daleč od nas do Vrhnike, če jo popihaš čez gore in dolne, to ni zame kazalo. Najbolje je bi o, da se popečem z avtobusom do škofje Loke, tam se vse dem na vlak, ki pripelje iz Gorenjske strani proti Ljubljani. Na tračnicah v Ljubljani že stoji vlak, da odpele na Vrhniko. Mislila sem si, kako dobra je zveza. Ob času pridem k dr. šabcu, kot je meja ura. Tam sem bila kmaiu gotova in to je bii zadnji obisk. Začutila sem, da je želodec že nekam prazen; bilo je že opoldan. Hitela sem na postajo, da ne zamudim vlak, ki odpelje nazaj proti Ljubljani. Mislila sem si, da bi vsaj kje dobila kaj za pod zob. Tam ni tako kot tu, ko dobiš hrano med vožnjo, posebno še takrat, ko je bilo po vojni in še v tretjem razredu. Vlakov ni biio dosti, bili pa so točni in dobra zveza je biia, vsaj tisti dan, ko sem jaz potovala. Torej, kaj potem? Ko se ustavi vlak v Ljubljani, sem izstopila. Bila je že dolga vrsta pri oknu za listke. Tam je stail policaj in pazil na red. Že sem stopi'la en korak, da bi ga prosila, če smem Iz vrste, da grem ma'lo potolažit moj želcdec, toda nisem se upala. Pregovor pravi: "Kdor jezika špara—'kruha strada.” Tako je bilo z menoj tisti dan. Ko bi me bii kdo poučil, da lahko kupim vozni listek za tja in nazaj, bi ne biio treba stati v tisti dolgi vrsti, pa še lačna zraven. Ko je prišel čas, je začel klicat posta-jovodja: Škofja Loka in druga imena. Vsi se spustimo, da ne zamudimo vlaik. Ko sem se v vagonu sed'la, je bi'lo že več žensk in deklet tam. Pot se nadaljuje, ura je že poi treh, pot je še dolga. Nasproti mene sta sedeli dve mladi kmečki dekleti. Začeli sta odvijat zavitek in s slastjo so pospravile pod zob. Jaz pa sline požirala, zopet bi rada vprašala, če mi dasta vsaj malo kruha in povedala bi zakaj, da jaz nisem kriva, pač pa vlak, ki točno vezi, da še jesti na morem. No zopet se nisem upa'la. Ko smo se pripeljali na postajo Škofja Loka, smo izstopili. Kdor se večkrat vozi mu je znano, da mora kar hiteti. Tudi tu so kmalu zasedli poštni voz iz kolodvora v mesto škofje Lcke. Voznik pravi: "Ni nič prostora, če pa hočete, pa lahko stojite na tem stoja'lu, ko se stopi zadaj na voz.” Res sem si mislila. bolje bo kot hoditi peš. Trdno sem se držaja z obema rokama, da me ne zgubijo. Imela sem lep šal čez roko (scarf), ki pa mi pade na tla. Kaj sedaj? Zak'ica'la sem: "Hej, ustavi, da nekaj poberem!” Hitro skočim na cesto in mu pomaham, da naj gre naprej. Če bi se bil 'le cn meški spomnil in dal sedež meni lačni popotnici, pa še od zdravnika! Najrajši bi se bila zjokala tam na cesti. Ker je bilo lepo popoldne, sem jo mahnila proti mestu. Tam sredi pota pa dohitim znano osebo, bil je g. Krek iz Suša. Ogovorila sem ga, medtem pa sem opazila, da prigrizuje prave domača suhe klobase in pšenični kruh. Zopet hrana, sem si mislila. (Kot sem sfišaia, je bil ubit od Nemcev v času, ko so zasedli Poljansko dolino. Ne vem, če je resnica). Tako sva jo s tem možakom pri-mahala do gostilne pri Otu, tam je bi'1 moj brat zaposlen kot je še danes v Škofji Loki. (Samo drugo delo ima in bolan je ter me prosi pomoči). Najprvo sem ga pozdravila in povedala, kako strašno sem lačna, da sem šla od doma že zgodaj. Pravi: "Pojdi notri v kuhinjo.” Tam sem dobila kuharico, ki sem jo tudi poznala. Vprašala sem za jesti.. Odgovorila je: “O, gospa Jesenko, prav žal ml je, da vam ne morem z dnuigim postreči kot z kavo in koščekom kruha.”—• “Daj, kar imaš.” Postavi mi to na mizo, v kavi pa plava muha, prenizko je letela in padla v mojo kavo. Po-g'edam brata on mene, pa pravi: "Vrž.i jo ven, pa bo.” O, joj, sem rekla. Prišel je naš avtobus in sem se odpeljala domov v Žiri, da sem se nave-čerjala v krogu moje družine. Od tedaj je že 55 let, pa bom pomnila še dolgo let, ka'ko sem se vozila k zdravniku iz žirov na Vrhniko. Vedno bom hvaležna pokojnemu dr. šabcu. Želim pa, da imajo kaj zdravnikov in zdravil, da ne romajo kot sem jaz kot mlada mati šla na tako dolgo pot. To je bil samo eden dan. Ubogi ljudje, kaj so prestali lakote med vojno in še danes nimajo tistega, kar potrebujejo: Dobro hrano in zdravje! Jaz se pa štejem srečna, ker sem v tej svebodni deželi. Le spomin še vedno živi na mojo rojstno vas in ljubi dom. Sorodnikom pa pomagamo po svoji moči, in oni z veseljem sprejmejo vse, kar se pošlje. ANNA JESENKO PODR. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Na nasi g'avn.i seji v dec. smo imele res lepo udeležbo. Vreme je bito lepo iri članice rade pridejo ter marsika- tera je plačala asesment za celo leto naprej. Naša tajnica še ni bila navzoča, toda njen mož Albert, je bil mesto nje. On je res dober človek in tajnici želim ljubo zdravje. Naša podpreds. ie še tudi vedno v bolnici. Molimo za I'ie in za vse bolnike. Za mater leta smo izbrale PhyMis Di Amioo, ki je zelo aktivna z mladino (batons) . čestitke! Naša bake sale Je bila uspešna, dosti je bilo dela, toda uspeh ni izostal. Bog že tako da. Letos smo zopet, mesto nakupovanja, imele kolekto v dobre namene. Tako smo določile nekaj za Zarjo, ker le tisk iz dneva v dan dražji m za S’ovenski dom za ostarele. Drugo smo pctrdi'e naj gre po starem. Cerkvi damo $10 za Božič. Našemu jani-torju, ki nam tako lepo oskrbuje prostore, smo dale dar za Bcžič, sai Joe petrich res zna. Za šolninsiki sklad smo tudi odobrile. Po seji je bila zabava in pet luck, ko so dobre članice darovale za božičnico. Na harmenike je igral mož od Agnes Krivec. Bito je res lepo in smo tudi zapele, čl a. so prinesle dosti door prizov. Ses. Toni Skvarča je dne 5. dec. odšla za cel mesec v Toronto, Canada, kjer bo pri znancih in prijate'j i'h preživela prazn ke. Prav ima. Mary in Charles Zele sta obhajala 50 letnico zak-na, ali zl'ato poreko v soboto dne 27. nov. v cerkvi Sv. Kristine. Naše čestitke in želimo jima Ij'ubo zdravje. Končno srečno novo leto 1977, da bi bili zdravi in drugo bo že Bog dal. Molimo za bolnike in tiste Sanice, ki so v domu na Neff Rd. Te so: Frances Perme, Frances Korencioh in Miry Volpe. ANNA TEKAVEC PODR. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., 0. Na letni seji je biia povoljna udeležba, seveda bi lahko biia še večja. Mrzlo vreme jiih je zadržalo doma. Več Slanic imamo, ki so cnemcgile in žive predaleč. Bili so časi, ko smo biile članice bolj skupno naseljene in tudi boljše trensportaoje so bi'e ra razpolago. Te ovire povzročajo, da niso seje več tako dobro obiskane. Ostalo je vse po starem redu. Po seji je bilo boi j živahno. Najprej smo gledale premikajoče slike od naše 25 letnice in od zadnje 45 letnice. Mr. in Mrs. Thomas Nebecker sta nam kazala te slike in še nekaj drugih. Lepa hvala Vama, Tom in Florence. Sledil je prigrizek za katerega je napravila roast beef in makaroni sa'at ses. £nn Kreševic. Po'eg tega so darovale A. Kresevic štrudel, A. Harsh mold, M. Mundson jello mold in cookies. Prav lepa hvala vsem! Za dobitke so darovale: Jennie Se-gulin dva poj štora, Frances Maiuer 3 male dobitke, Jennie Praznik in Frances Persin sta prodajale številke. Ene so darovale v gotovini, da smo -podprle ročno blagajno. Prav lep Bog lenaj vam z dobrim zdravjem in srečo v novem letu 1977. Ob zaključku božičnega praznovanja smo se postavile okrog božičnega drevesca in zapele Sveto noč in še par drugih. Mr. in Mrs. Neiubeker sta zopet nas poslikala ob drevescu, da bomo Imele lep spom.n za 200 letnico obstoja Amerike ter v upanju, da novo .leto odpre vrata v srečne vesele dneve vsem ljudem po svetu. Sestra Ann Rogers me je poklicala in sporočila, da njihova družina sedaj obsega pet rodov. In s tem je postala great-great-grandma. Naše čestitke! Naša preds. Jennie Gerk je postala grand ma, ko so pri vnukinji Kathenin Wallace debili sinčka. Naš poklon, Jcrnie. V dec. so Imele rojstne dneve sledeče: J. Bailey, J. Gerk, V. Hočevar, S. Novak, A. Pelko, V. Williams, M. Godec, M. Bizjak, A. Harsh, S. Mah-nieh, A. Rogers, P. Rohal, M. Sims. J1. Fiirem, C. Stare in J. Mezgec, naša družabna č'a. Happy birthday, vsem! Za veseljem pride žatost. Za vedno se je poslcvila od nas, po kratki bolezni Viki Arnse'k, hčerka naše družabne članice, J. Mczgec. Umrla je dne 6. nov. Bog ji daj večni mir In pokoj. Mr (eri in ostalim sorodnikom naše sožalje. Že sedaj prosim, da bi točno plačevale asesment ter s tem olajšale deto tajnice. Veselo in srečno Novo leto in zdravja vsem našim bolnim članicam, Vam iz srca želi, JENNIE PUGELY, taj. PODR. 84, NEW YORK, N.Y. Zadnjo soboto v novembru smo imele special sejo in surprise party z okusnim prigrizkom. Seja je bila zaradi izvolitve nove tajnice in blagajničarke, kar je bila mnogo let moja hčerka Betty Birk, toda njen mož je dobil delo v San Bernardino, Cal. In tako deto v San Bernardino, Cal. in tako se Lena in ena hčerka selijo v januarju. Ena hčerka je v collegu do junija 1977. V dveh letih bo izdelala. Jan, mlajša, je v high school drugo leto in je stara 15 let. Obe sta naše članice. Sin pa je zadnje leto v college. On je zelo odličen igralec na harmenike (accordion) in ima godbo z drugimi fanti, ki so tudi vsi študentje. So zeto zaposleni in igrajo za vsakovrstne prireditve, tudi mnoge slovenske plese. Torej izvolile smo novo tajnico in blag. Evelyn Barrese, 72-62 1st Dr., Wcodside, L.I. N.Y. 11377, podpreds. je Ivanka Svet, zapis, pa Ana Svet- Mole. Zelo sem bila presenečena ko sem stopila v dvorano, so mi pripele corsage in poklcnile kuverto s $25. Hvala lepa vsem članicam za prijazno d a rito in party, seveda je žalostno se posloviti. Več oči je bilo solznih, saj smo bile skupaj 39 let odkar je bila naša podr. ustanovljena. Bito nas 21 m prav lepo smo se poslovile, seveda sem jim obljubila, da še bom poročala novice v Zarji. Sedaj sem od dec. pri sin u Standleyu in sin a h i Joan v Port St. Lucie, Fla, Tu'kaj je samo še ena druga slovenska družina Mr. in Mrs. Frank Perhaj iz Detroita. Mrs. Perhaj je tudi č'anica naše Zveze in so me povabili na dom ter smo nato skupno šli v cerkev, ki je bila lepo okrašena. Hvala jim za krasno pos- trežbo in prevoz na dom. V jan. odpotujem v Fontano v Slovenski Rest Home, 8320 Cypress Ave., Fontana, Cal. Je prijetno v tem domu, kjer sem bila lani in se mi je dopadto. Najkpša hvala sinu in sinahi za vso skrb in postrežbo na njihovem domu. V Cal. bom tudi blizu hčerke Betty in njene družine, da mi ne bo preveč dolgčas. Sin Frank in družina pa so v New Yorku, tako smo raztreseni vsepovsod. Voščim vsemu odboru podr. št. 84 dober uspeh, da bi lepo skupaj dela'e mnogo let. Mi vam bomo ostale zveste članice, čeprav v oddaljen! Califomlji. Pozdrav vsem članicam, vsem bolnim pa želim zdravje. Bog me usliši, jez Vas ne bom nikoli pozabila, saj sem živela v Ridgewood nad 50 let v isti hiši, katero sva kupila leta 1924 s pok. možem. Z Bogom vsem! ANGELA VOJE PODR. 96, UNIVERSAL, PENNA. Drage članice: vsem se prav lepo zahvalim za številno udeležbo na seji v decembru in da ste prinesle toliko okusnih debrot. Sklenjeno je bito, da odbor ostane po starem. Seja se bo vršila dne 6. marca v Slovenskem Klulbu na Center ob 2 popoldne. Prinesite kaj za naše igre. Hvala! Izgubile smo dolgoletno članico Mary Humar. Rojena je bila dne 28. junija, 1891. Umrla je 2. dec., 1976. Pogreb je bil iz cerkve Sv. Janeza v Unity, Pa. G. Father Bartley je prišel jo pokropit in je molil rožni venec, kar smo tudi me opravile pred njegovim prihodom. On je tudi opravili pogrebne obrede in sv. mašo. Nato sem jaz v Imenu Zveze opravila molitve za drago pokojno Mary, ki je vedno rada prihajala na seje in vse prireditve. Vse jo bomo zeto pogrešale. Naj v miru počiva in naj Bog čuva vse naše članice. Na svidenje na seji 2. marca ob dveh. Prinesite kaj za igre. Hvala vsem! PAULA KOKAL HOW TO HELP OUR PRESENT JUNIORS AND NEW JUNIOR MEMBERS Let all branches plen a work program for Junior Activities. This program will be a guide in helping each branch follow thru to start Youth Activities such as singing, (fencing, marching and baton twirling grO'U'ps, as an exa'm'p’e. WHEN? Set a regular meeting time, a regular hour to meet and hew leng to practice, usually an hour each time. WHERE? Decide cm a place to hold each practice. Members' homes or central meeting places such as ohurch recreational centers and school are good places. WHAT? Have a definite plain of what you would like to follow, dancing singing, marching or what have you. This should also include such things as roll call, discussion of practice ptened. Reports in record books, names and addresses of each junior should be kept. WHO? Any junior member who belongs or wishes to join the Slovenian Women’s Union. WHY? To help our Junior know about their American Slovene Heritage and to work and share the joy of belcng-ing to an active group. Demonstrations should be a part to show what has been accomplished at parades, Christmas Parties, talent shows, Bazaars and State Convention affairs, for our S.W.U. organization or even on invitation to other organizations. HOW? By personal calls to parents you can greatly increase the interest and cooperation of mothers and fathers who will give this special program their attention. Find out the attitude of the mothers towards having the juniors meet at homes, or in recreational places. INSTRUCTORS? High School Girls, who belong to singing clubs or are leaders in these various fields are good instructors. Mothers could teach Slovenian dancing. NATIONAL YOUTH BOARD ■ Hit KIIDS AND SANTA CLAUS Br. 2 youngters had a ball at their annual Christmas Party Dec. 19th at St. Stephen’s Baraga Hall. Two of them who liked what Santa brought them are Johnny Zefran and Steven Podder. The stage was fixed like Santa’s Workshop where he reigned supreme. BATON TWIRLERS’REPORT The Slovenian Women’s Union Twirlettes held their annual Christmas Party at Recher Hall on Dec. 2nd and among our guests was Mrs. Bostian, National President of S.W.U. Special awards were given for the first time to three fathers for giving much time and effort to the group this year. Hats off to Mr. Jackson, Mr. Zabukovec and Mr. Bu-das! Also attending were our group leader, Mrs. Koren and her family and our new instructor, Cathy Dravec. Our Christmas party would not have been a success if it was not for all who helped and the committee who planned the party. They were Mrs. Hiti, Mrs. Frederico, Mrs. Zin-gali, Mrs. DAmico and baton members, Mary D’Amico, Joyce Zabukovec, Denise Zingali, Sharon Jackson and Cheryl Vrtovsnik. The big~est crowd ever of over 120 people enjoyed the delicious ri-gatoni meal prepared by Mrs. D’Ami- co. Other mothers contributed cookies, soft drinks and ice crem. Mrs. Koren passed out six perfect attendance awards to Danielle D’Amico, Kelly Koren, Kirsten Freck, Kathleen Jackson, Tina Smith and Cheryl Vrtovsnik. The evening ended with a big hit as Santa made his appearance and passed out gifts to all the baton members and to our drummers. CHERYL VRTOVSNIK CLEVELAND'S JUNIOR CHRISTMAS PARTY It was a big day for all the junior members of the Cleveland Combined Branches on Dec. 4th when they had a Happy Day! The Christmas party was held at the St. Clair Recreation Center during the afternoon. All the juniors had a good time, no matter what age. There was music, singing, games, refreshments, Santa Claus and dancing! Prizes galore and last of all, a beautiful life Nativity Scene with everyone singing Silent Night and Happy Birthday Jesus. All the guests went home with gifts, goodies and things they will enjoy for a long time to come. To plan all this we needed a lot of help and that we had. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make it so super. The next affair for our Juniors will be an early picnic where the Maypole Dance will be a featured part of the program along with other great things juniors like to do. A big S.W.U. Slovenian Day is also being planned and here the juniors will have a vital part, Once more, thanks to all who attended, th2 members who helped and the branches who donated, namely, Br. 50 gave $50; Mary Lou Prhne of Br. 42 gave $5 and Jennie Feme of Br, 25 gave $2 for our Youth Board treasury. Thank you. FRAN SEITZ BOI THE YOUNG AT HEART HI BOYS AND GIRLS I’m not too sure what to write, to tell you the truth. Regina probably gave you all the possible facts you would want to know about February and what happened within the month. I’m not that good on factual stuff... story telling is more my style. So I'll tell you a story. Something like this really happened to me. It was a terrible situation at the time but now when I look back it is pretty funny. When someone says February I almost automatically think of my birthday and especially of the parties I would have. But out of all the parties I had, one sticks out in my mind. Mom and Dad were at one of their own parties. I only had a couple of friends over along with my younger brother and a couple of his friends. We were all in the basement playing a game when I came upon a brilliant idea. “Would anybody care for some popcorn?” I suggested. “Sure thing” they all replied. “Need any help?” a couple added. “No, I can manage. Besides, what could go wrong?” With that I marched myself upstairs to the kitchen where I proceeded to make popcorn. First I needed a pan ... yeah, that should be big enough. Now some oil — just enough to cover the bottom of the pan. And of course a lid. Somewhere I heard that you should warm the oil slightly before putting the popcorn in. So while I was waiting for that to warm up I went downstairs to see how everything was doing. They were playing Charades now. I tested myself to see if I could guess what he was trying to say. An expression. Three words. First word, two syllables. First syllable rhymes with pan? bowl? Oh, pot. Um ... let’s see knot? cot? dot? hot? Hot! Alright now. Third word, one syllable. Rhymes with bell. Okay there’s tell ... sell hell well ... Stop? What was It, well? No? Hell? Hotter blank hell. Hotter than hell! I got it! Whew, that was a toughie. Hotter than hell... that’s pretty good. Ha... you could almost smell the smoke. Smoke? Oh my gosh! The oil!!! I ran upstairs — three steps at a time. Looking at the pan on the stove I saw that no harm was done. I just lift the lid an add the... what’s all this smoke coming out of the pan? WHOOSH!! AAHH! Now there were flames in the pan and in my panic I dropped the lid on my foor! Okay, first we must calm down. Now that I got myself under control maybe I can get this fire under control. What will put out the flames? I know... water! I reached over to the kitchen sink, grabbed tie hose, gave the flames a nice big spray and oh no! The flames hit (he ceiling. Luckily enough the people downstairs heard my scream. (I don’t know how they couldn’t have heard me. Everyone in the vicinity of two miles could have heard me.) A few came running up ... “What’s going on ... Oh my stars! How did you do that?” "Don’t give me the Spanish Inquisition. Just get those flames out!” “Put the lid back on!” someone screamed out. “Good idea,” I replied. “Go on and do it.” “Me?” “Yeah, it’s your idea.” After a few attempts to return the lid to its proper position she finally got the lid on. Thank God that was over. When all the smoke cleard up and we tidied up the kitchen, it looked like no tragedy struck... except for that big black spot on the ceiling. How was I going to get that off? I know! Spic and Span. So I prepared a bucket of Spic and Span plus a sponge and rubbed real hard and the spot didn’t come off. That’s nice. Now what? I got it... a Brillo Pad. The box said it would remove anything. So I scrubbed and it not only tooks the spot off but the paint as well. Cute. If plans A and B didn’t work there was always plan C..,. maybe mom and dad won’t notice ... I hope. Everyone had gone home and I was trying to fall asleep. But for some odd reason my mind won’t let me fall asleep mainly because it was thinking about that spot on the ceiling. Oh, oh. 1 heard mom and dad. Mom was coming upstairs. Please body... fall asleep... fast! “Hi honey. How was the party?” “You didn’t notice anything in the kitchen?” I said sleepily. “No, What?” (I should have kept my big mouth shut). “Well why don’t you go down and see, mom.” When she made it to the kitchen I tuned in my radar ears ... “See anything different?” my mom asked my dad. “No... except for that big burnt spot on the celling.” BOOM ... BOOM . .. BOOM!!! Hide under the covers ... here comes mom. “What did you do to my kitchen? Wait! on’t tell me ... I don’t want to ruin your birthday!” For my birthday my parents gave me the job of repainting the kitchen. It wasn’t that bad. In fact was sort of fun. I hope you enjoyed the story. If there is anything you would like me to write about don’t be afraid to drop a line in care of this magazine, and tell me. I’m open to any and all ideas! Your new friend, REGINA II PEN PALS WHITE Here’s an answer to Jimmy Debevec, our first Pen Pal. Hefllo -Timmy: It was great reading your message to hiave a Pen Pal Cliub. I'm all for it, too. You sure are a very busy boy to do as much as you do. I five In Eastlake, Ohio which is a suburb close to Cleveland. My name is Lee Ann Gorgon and I’m nine years old. I like to go to school but my big thing is dancing. I attend a dancing school once a week and have performed on two occasions for our S.W.U. I belong to Br. 50 along with my grandma, Ernestine Jevec and my mother, Betty Lee Gorgcn. I’m very happy to belong to the Junior Group of Br. 50. At the 45th Anniversary Party I was the youngest member to perform with my pantomime, singing and dancing to the music of the "Roaring 20’s". Everyone seemed to like it a lot. I wish other Pen Pals will write to me, too, thru the ZARJA magazine. LEE ANN GORGON Thank you, LEE ANN, for your contribution to the Junior Page. We hope more of you will write In and become a member of the Pen Pals Club. Write to us In care of the Editor, 2032 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, III. 60608. FRANC GORŠE slovenica „ a—7 a /3 2-c