Y. GHERNOUTI et al.: VALORIZATION OF BRICK WASTES IN THE FABRICATION OF CONCRETE BLOCKS 911–916 VALORIZATION OF BRICK WASTES IN THE FABRICATION OF CONCRETE BLOCKS OCENA ODPADKOV IZ OPEKE PRI PROIZVODNJI BETONSKIH ZIDAKOV Youcef Ghernouti1, Bahia Rabehi1, Tayeb Bouziani2, Rabah Chaid1 1University M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Research Unit of Materials, Processes and Environment, Boumerdes, Algeria 2University Amar Telidji of Laghouat, Structures Rehabilitation and Materials Laboratory (SREML), Algeria y_ghernouti@yahoo.fr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-30 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.202 This work focuses on the reuse of recycled brick waste (RBW) as aggregates in the fabrication of concrete blocks. The experi- mental study was focused on six different concrete compositions with a w/c ratio of 0.56, a relatively constant compactness and a slump value of zero. The six compositions consist on a control concrete with natural sand and five compositions with 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 % of RBW as a partial substitute for the natural sand. The physical and mechanical properties of concrete blocks were studied, analyzed and compared. The obtained results showed that it is possible to manufacture concrete blocks based on RBW, and that the compressive strengths of these concrete blocks are comparable to that of the control concrete, but with an appreciable reduction in weight. The blocks made with 30 % of RBW showed an improvement in the compressive strength of 42 % and a reduction in weight of 11 % compared to the control concretes. Keywords: recycled brick waste, concrete block, compactness, slump, mechanical strength Delo je usmerjeno v ponovno uporabo recikliranih odpadkov opeke (RBW) kot sestavina pri izdelavi betonskih zidakov. Eksperimentalno delo je bilo usmerjeno v {est razli~nih sestav betona z razmerjem w/c je 0,56, z relativno enako kompaktnostjo in brez zmanj{anja vrednosti. [est sestav je predstavljalo kontrolni beton z naravnim peskom in pet sestav z dodatkom 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % in 50 % RBW, kot delnim nadomestkom za naravni pesek. Prou~evane, analizirane in primerjane so fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti cementnih zidakov. Dobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da je mogo~a izdelava cementnih zidakov na osnovi RBW. Tla~ne trdnosti teh betonskih zidakov so primerljive s tistimi iz kontrolnega betona, ob~utno pa je zmanj{anje te`e. Zidaki izdelani z 30 % RBW so pokazali izbolj{anje tla~ne trdnosti za 42 % in zmanj{anje te`e za 11 %, v primerjavi z zidaki iz kontrolnega betona. Klju~ne besede: reciklirani odpadki iz opeke, betonski zidak, kompaktnost, padec vrednosti, mehanska trdnost 1 INTRODUCTION In the past decade, Algeria has been experiencing rapid development in the construction sector. Indeed, several construction projects supported by the state have been launched. The concrete block occupied an im- portant place in this sector; this is mainly due to the simplicities related to its prefabrication and the handling facilities on site. Like any conventional concrete, con- crete block consists mostly of gravel, sand, cement and water. The concrete used for the precast blocks is charac- terized by a rather dry state in the fresh state (needed to confer an immediate unmolding of the block) and a delicate physico-mechanical behavior in the hardened state. The difference between this type of concrete and the conventional concrete lies mainly in the low cement and water content; that is to say a high dosage of aggre- gate. In the context of the judicious use of aggregates and the development of a strategy for the sustainable deve- lopment policy in the building and construction sector, the use of local resources and recycled waste, such as brick waste, is required. Indeed, the introduction of recycled brick waste (RBW) in the construction industry was the subject of several research works in recent years. Thus, the use of RBW as alternative aggregates has a particular interest as it can considerably reduce the prob- lem of waste storage and, on the other hand, can help in the preservation of natural aggregates.1 The use of clay brick as aggregates in concrete was proposed in the 1990s.2 Only a few researchers have studied the potential of using clay brick powder as a partial cement replacement to make mortar. G. Moriconi et. al.3 and L. Turanli et al.4 found that RBW, as a pozzolanic material, had the potential to suppress expansion due to the alkali-silica reaction. The possibi- lity of using RBW as a replacement for cement has been investigated in the study of Naceri et al.5 The authors found that the mechanical behavior (compressive and flexural strengths) at 7 d and 28 d of hardened mortar decreased with an increasing RBW content. However, at 90 d the mortars containing up to 10 % of the waste brick will reach a resistance comparable to those of mortars without RBW. S. Wild et al.6 and M. O’Farrell et al.7 reported that the presence of RBW influenced the compressive strength and the pore size distribution of mortar. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 911–916 911 UDK 628.4.036:628.477.2:620.28 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(6)911(2016) Recently, some researchers have studied the possibility of using RBW as aggregate to make high-strength concrete.8–14 P. B. Cachim15 reported that crushed bricks could be used as a partial replacement for natural coarse aggregate without a reduction in concrete properties for a 15 % replacement ratio; however, a reduction up to 20 % has been noted for a 30 % replacement ratio. A. K. Padmini et al.16 reported that for a given strength, the modulus of elasticity of concrete made with crushed brick is between one-half and two-thirds that of normal concrete. Moreover, the water absorption and sorptivity increased for the concrete containing crushed- brick aggregates. Furthermore, concrete containing coarse crushed bricks aggregate had a relatively lower strength during the early ages than normal aggregate concrete. This is due to the higher water absorption of crushed brick aggregates compared to natural aggre- gates.17 A. R. Khaloo18 found a decrease of 7 % in the con- crete’s compressive strength by using crushed clinker bricks as the coarse aggregate compared to natural aggregate. A. A. Akhtaruzzaman and A. Hasnat19 found that the tensile strength of concrete containing coarse crushed brick was higher than that of normal concrete by about 11 %. T. Kibriya and P. R. S. Speare20 reported that con- crete containing coarse, crushed brick had comparable compressive, tensile and flexural strengths to those of normal concrete, but the modulus of elasticity was drastically reduced. C. S. Poon and D. S. Chan21 found that the incorpora- tion of 20 % of fine crushed brick aggregate decreased the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of the concrete by 18 % and 13 %, respectively. The present experimental investigation constitutes a continuation of the work and aims to expand the use of this material in the prefabrication of concrete blocks. In this work, an optimizing of concrete block mixtures, based on natural sand and different percentages of RBW, was performed. Next, the influence of RBW on the physico-mechanical properties of the produced concrete blocks was tested. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials The concrete block mixtures investigated in this study were prepared with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) CEM II/A 42.5. The mineralogical and chemical compositions of the cement are listed in Table 1. The aggregates used are natural sand (NS), with a maximum particle size of 2 mm and a siliceous mineralogical nat- ure. A crushed limestone gravel with a particle size bet- ween 3 mm and 8 mm and a recycled brick waste (RBW) aggregate resulting from crushing of the rejected bricks, composed mainly from the quartz and with a maximum particle size of 2 mm. The physical properties and gra- nular size analysis of all the aggregates used in this work are listed and presented in Table 2 and Figure 1. Table 2: Physical properties of aggregates used Tabela 2: Fizikalne lastnosti uporabljenih sestavin Natural sand (NS) Recycled brick waste (RBW) Gravel (3/8) Apparent density, Ad (g/cm3) 1.49 0.97 1.35 Specific gravity, SG (g/cm3) 2.59 1.21 2.64 Visual equivalent, VES (%) 72 67 / Finesse modulus, Fm 1.05 4.7 / Porosity (%) 26.6 34.9 33.3 Water absorption (%) 1.86 7.4 1.4 2.2 Formulation of concrete blocks In the mix design of this type of concrete, the com- pactness criterion and maneuverability have been con- sidered for the fresh state, since the mechanical strength of this type of concrete used in the manufacture of con- crete blocks is not a very important criterion. (The mechanical strengths of the blocks are relatively low compared to traditional concrete). The first step in for- mulating the blocks is the optimization of the aggregates dosage (natural Sand + Gravel) by choosing the most compact mixture. Then the second step is to search the Y. GHERNOUTI et al.: VALORIZATION OF BRICK WASTES IN THE FABRICATION OF CONCRETE BLOCKS 912 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 911–916 Table 1: Chemical and mineralogical compositions of the cement Tabela 1: Kemijska in mineralo{ka sestava cementa Chemical composition (%) Mineralogical composition (%) CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 LOI Na2O K2O C3S C2S C3A C4AF 62.2 19.4 5.4 2.8 1.7 2.5 4.6 0.35 0.76 60 21 8 11 Figure 1: Granular size analysis of all aggregates Slika 1: Analiza velikosti zrn vseh sestavin dosage of water that verifies the criteria required for the concrete blocks (no slump and maximum compactness), while fixing the cement content (8 % to 9 % by weight of the aggregates).22 The third step is to replace some natural sand in the optimized mixture by different per- centages of RBW, from 10 % to 50 %, with an increment of 10 %. 2.2.1 Optimization of aggregates dosage In our work, we started by optimizing the dosage of dry aggregates, using as criteria the maximum compact- ness of the mixture. We used a Modified Proctor test for determining the compactness of the mixtures (gravel and sand). Calculating the compactness is performed after a period of vibration of 30 s using a standard vibrating table. The results of the compactness of the mixture (sand + gravel) are represented in Figure 2. According to the results, the most compact mixture is that which con- tains 60 % gravel and 40 % sand (compactness = 0.572). 2.2.2 Optimization of water content The second step is to find the dosage of water that verifies the criteria required for concrete blocks (no slump and maximum compactness), while fixing the cement content (8 % to 9 % of the weight of the aggre- gate). The water dosage ranges from 2 % to 12 % by weight of solid mixture (gravel, sand and cement). The slump is performed using the Abrams cone. In parallel the compactness of prepared fresh concrete was measured using a modified proctor mold. The results of the measurements of the Slump flow and compactness depending on the percentage of water are shown in Figure 3. Corresponding pictures for each mixture are shown in Table 3. From the results obtained, the most compact mixture that checks a zero slump flow is the mixture containing 10 % of water. 2.2.3 Incorporation of RBW in the optimized composition In this step, a portion of the natural sand from the optimized formulation was replaced by different per- centages (10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % and 50 %) of RBW aggregate. Table 4: Formulations and dosages of the constituents in kg/m3 Tabela 4: Sestava in odmerek sestavin v kg/m3 Formu- lation Cement Gravel Water Natural sand (NS) Recycled brick waste (RBW) BNS 142 875 80 564 / BBW10 508 56 BBW20 452 113 BBW30 339 170 BBW40 508 226 BBW50 282 282 Y. GHERNOUTI et al.: VALORIZATION OF BRICK WASTES IN THE FABRICATION OF CONCRETE BLOCKS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 911–916 913 Figure 3: Compactness and slump flow values depending on the per- centage of water Slika 3: Kompaktnost in padec teko~nosti v odvisnosti od odstotka vode Figure 2: Compactness value depending on the percentage of sand and gravel Slika 2: Vrednosti kompaktnosti v odvisnosti od odstotka peska in gramoza Table 3: Examples of slump flow depending on the percentage (%) of water Tabela 3: Primer zmanj{anja teko~nosti v odvisnosti od odstotka (%) vode (%) of water Images ofslump flow test (%) of water Images of slump flow test (%/w) = 2 % Slump flow =0 mm Compactness = 0.43 (%/w) = 4 % Slump flow =0 mm Compactness = 0.49 (%/w) = 6 % Slump flow =0 mm Compactness = 0.5 (%/w) = 7% Slump flow =0 mm Compactness = 0.55 (%/w) = 8 % Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.55 (%/w) = 9 % Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.58 (%/w) = 10 % Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.61 (%/w) = 12 % Slump flow = 30 mm Compactness = 0.55 Table 4 gives the dosages of the constituents in the mixture for the optimized formulation of the block con- crete based on natural sand and block concrete based on RBW aggregate. 2.2.4 Optimization of slump flow and compactness For each composition, the conditions for obtaining concrete blocks for a slump value of 0 are respected. The obtained results are shown in Table 5. Table 5: Examples of slump flow for all formulations Tabela 5: Primeri zmanj{anja teko~nosti vseh sestav Composition Slump flow test Composition Slump flow test BNS Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.52 BBW10 Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.52 BBW20 Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.53 BBW30 Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.54 BBW40 Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.49 BBW50 Slump flow = 0 mm Compactness = 0.42 2.2.5 Preparation of concrete blocks Our study was performed on hollow blocks with dimensions of (10 × 20 × 40) cm. The mixing is performed on site with a concrete mixer. The mixed concrete is then loaded into the laying machine. Excess concrete is leveled using a striking surface so that the blocks can have a rough surface. The blocks are removed from the molds immediately and thoroughly on a concrete platform (Figure 4). The blocks are kept on site for 24 h, and then they are transported to the laboratory and are watered every day for 28 d. 2.3 Characterization of concrete blocks 2.3.1 Dimensional variation The tests of dimensional variation were conducted on specimens of (4× 4×16) cm with the same concrete made for the realized concrete blocks. For each formulation, four specimens were crafted. Two are left in the open air to measure the shrinkage and two are immersed in the water to measure the swelling. 2.3.2 Porosity and water absorption The measurements of porosity and water absorption are performed according to the NF P18 554 standards, on block samples previously realized. The porosity is the amount of water absorbed using a dry sample mass. It is determined using the following Equation (1): P= [(Ma – MS) / (Ma – Mà)] × 100 (1) where: Ma: weight of sample at a dry surface. Ms: weight of the sample after drying. Mà: weight of the sample after immersion in water for 24 h. 2.3.3 Compressive strength After surfacing of the lower and upper bearing faces of each block with sulfur, the compression test is performed by applying a continuous load without shock at a constant speed of 0.5 MPa/s. The test machine is a press for hard materials according to NFP 18-412; it is calibrated in terms of these standards (Figure 5). The compressive strength Rc is obtained using the following Equation (2): RC= [C / (Sb×10)] × (Sa / Sn) (2) where: C: breaking load of the block, Sb (Gross Section): Area obtained by multiplying both dimensions, thickness and length, measured in the same horizontal section, Sn (Net Section): Area in a horizontal section concrete, empty deducted, Y. GHERNOUTI et al.: VALORIZATION OF BRICK WASTES IN THE FABRICATION OF CONCRETE BLOCKS 914 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 911–916 Figure 4: Fabrication of blocks Slika 4: Izdelava zidakov Figure 5: Compressive strength test Slika 5: Preizkus tla~ne trdnosti Sa (Support Section): Common area of contact face and supporting face. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Dimensional variation of the concrete blocks The results of shrinkage and swelling are shown in Figure 6. The obtained results show that for all compo- sitions of concrete blocks, the shrinkage increases rapidly until the age of 14 d, ranges from 9.43 mm/m to 10.54 mm/m, which may result in a loss of weight due to the phenomenon of setting and hardening of concrete in the early days of hydration, subsequently a dimensional stability is recorded until 28 d. The values of the shrink- age for all compositions based on RBW are lower than the composition based on natural sand; this may be due to the improvement of compactness by the incorporation of RBW. All the specimens show a considerable swelling until the age of 14 d, ranges from 13.54 mm/m to 15.58 mm/m, due to water absorption by the concrete blocks, subsequently a dimensional stability is recorded until 28 d; this is may be due to the saturation of the pores and capillaries. The swelling of the BBW40 and BBW50 specimens was not studied because it deteriorated immediately after the immersion in water. Finally, the obtained results show that the replacement of sand by RBW until 30 % does not have a significant effect on the evolution of the shrinkage and the swelling of the concrete blocks. The maximum difference is in the order of 11 % in the case of shrinkage and 9 % in the case of swelling. 3.2 Porosity and water absorption of concrete blocks The evolution of porosity and water absorption are shown in Figure 7. These results show that the water absorption of all the blocks varies in the same manner as the porosity. The porosity decreases with the replace- ment content of sand by the RBW aggregate. However, up to a 40 % of replacement, an increase of the porosity is recorded. The decrease of the porosity and water ab- sorption at a less than 40 % replacement of sand by RBW aggregate, can be explained by the form of the RBW aggregate (angular form), the RBW makes it possible to improve the compactness of mixture, the contact is perfect and distribution of waste brick grains, is uniform. Indeed, it fills the voids among the grains of sand. The mixtures containing less than 40 % of RBW waste aggregates having a gravel 3/8 with two sands (natural and recycled) having a size more or less identical with the presence of some fine material for the recycled aggregate, which allows for a more compact granular skeleton. The composition with 30 % RBW has a porosity of 11 % less than the composition with natural sand. The increased porosity and water absorption beyond 40 % replacement can be explained by the large amount of RBW aggregate in the mixture; it is a porous material in comparison to the natural sand, which is a less porous material. Y. GHERNOUTI et al.: VALORIZATION OF BRICK WASTES IN THE FABRICATION OF CONCRETE BLOCKS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 911–916 915 Figure 7: Porosity and water absorption of concrete blocks Slika 7: Poroznost in absorpcija vode v betonskih blokih Figure 6: Shrinkage and swelling of concrete blocks Slika 6: Kr~enje in nabrekanje betonskih zidakov Figure 8: Compressive strength of concrete blocks in comparison with ordinary concrete blocks Slika 8: Tla~na trdnost cementnih zidakov v primerjavi z obi~ajnimi cementnimi zidaki 3.3 Compressive strength of concrete blocks The results of the compressive test on all the concrete blocks are shown in Figure 8. The blocks with RBW aggregate have a greater compressive strength than the blocks with natural sand, the concrete blocks containing 30 % of RBW have a gain of about 43 % compared to the concrete blocks with natural sand in compressive strength, which can be explained by the high compact- ness of this composition based on RBW, while the ab- sorption and porosity decrease in parallel. The com- pressive strength of the BBW40 concrete blocks decreases; this may be due to the decrease in compact- ness. The compressive strengths of all the realized blocks (BNS, BBW10, BBW20 and BBW30) are better than those of the usual blocks realized in the block pre- fabrication site (ordinary concrete blocks: OCB). 4 CONCLUSION This study presents the use of recycled brick waste (RBW) as sand in concrete blocks. On the basis of the obtained results, the following conclusions can be drawn: • It is possible to use RBW as a fine aggregate for the manufacturing of concrete blocks. The shrinkage and swelling of these blocks decreases according to the increase of compactness. • All the studied concrete blocks have the same density regardless of the replacement rate of natural sand by RBW. • The replacement of 30 % natural sand by the RBW enabled us to achieve concrete blocks with better characteristics: a maximum compactness, an accept- able shrinkage and swelling (similar to that of con- crete with natural sand), a low porosity and water absorption in comparison with other compositions, a weight reduction of 11 % and a higher compressive strength than the concrete blocks with natural sand (a gain of 43 %). Finally, we can conclude that the RBW can be used as a fine aggregate to produce concrete blocks, which allows us to reduce the waste inventory levels in brick and limit the deficit aggregates in some areas. 5 REFERENCES 1 F. Debieb, S. Kenai, The use of coarse and fine crushed bricks as aggregate in concrete, Constr. Build. 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