NUMBER 12 — VOLUME 33 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * » * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan. Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago S. Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W , Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 610 Nicholson St., Joliet, III. „ , , DIRECTORS of Women’s Youth and Sports Activities Women’s Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN. 1941 W. Cermak. Chicago 8. Illinois Junior Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. F'LORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. Stale President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillewood Rd„ Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of lllinois-Indiana— - MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. Stale President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8. ll.LINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA THE DAWN ?,»'cjal Uradno Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members SI.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ SI.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA. 1957 W. Cermak Rd.. Chicago 8, 111. Entered us second class matter November 13. 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of August 24. 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. DATES TO REMIJIRER . . . OUR BRANCHES’ CHRISTMAS PARTIES! Dec. 3—Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, meeting, party Bi. 24, La Salle, III., meeting, party Dec. 5 -Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio, meeting, party Dec C- -Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise., meeting, party Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo., meeting, party Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O., meeting, party Br. 52, Kitzvil'e, Minn , meeting, party Br. 95. So. Chicago, III., meeting, party Dec. 10—Br 22, Bradley, III., party Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., party Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., O., meeting, party Dec. 11—Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, yearly party Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, meeting, party Dec. 12—Br. 18, Cleveland, Ohio, meeting, party Br. 56 Hibbing, Minn., dinner Dec. 13—Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio, meeting, party Br 33, Duluth, Minn., meeting, party Br. 71, Strabane, Pa., meeting, party Dec. 14—Br. 2, Chicago, III., meeting, party Br. 55, Girard, Ohio, meeting, party Br. 77. N. S. Pitts., Pa., meeting, party Br. 1C0, Fontana, Cal., pot-luck dinner Dec. 17—Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise., meeting, party Br. 16, West Allis, Wise., meeting, party Dec. 19—Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa., meeting, party Dec. 27—Br 5, Indianapolis, Ind., yearly meeting Jan. 21— Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., yearly meeting OTHER INVENTS: Dec. 10—Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo., 35th Anniv. Mass Dec. 13—Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise., Anniv. Mass HATTY BIRTHDAY IIS DECEMBER Branch Presidents: Dec 6 — Stella Cicconi, Br. 70, West Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 8 — Mary Pristavec, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Dec. 22 — Agnes LUkeman, Br. G6. Canon City, Colo. Dec. 28 — Anna Zgonc, Br. 31. Gilbert, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! O/V THE COVER . . . THE FIRST CHRISTMAS . . . The Nativity sequence in “King of Kings” is one of the most reverent moments in the Biblical drama. Mary (Sioblian McKenna) cradles the Child as Joseph (Gerard Tichy) and the three Wise Men attend him. During the film’s production, the international cast recalled their memories of Christmas in the various lands in which they have lived. ZARJA JJUDAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXIII — No. 12 DECEMBER, 1961 LETO XXXIII — Št. 12 % JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM , ETHLEHEM is a town near Jerusalem. It is a birthplace of Jesus Christ, Our Savior. Since the birth of Our Lord this town of Judea that is part of the State of Jordan now is renown all over the world. “Let us go over to Bethlehem and let us see the word which is come ±'It't0 Pass> wllich the Lord has shown to us.” These are the words which wHi ^e »»epherds said to one another ▼I11 Tlfln when the Angel, announcing the birth of Jesus, left them and the glory had faded. So they went over the hills in the darkness. In the silent cave they found the Child with His mother and St. Joseph. The Gospel tells us that “seeing, they understood of the word that has been spoken to them concerning the child”. They were simple, docile souls, the “little one” to whom God reveals Himself; they had been granted so impressive a vision that they believed readily what had been told to them. They were not scandalized by Our President’s Alontlilj A\essage Dear Sister Members and Friends, Here we find ourselves in the last month of the year. This is the important month when all members are urged to go to their branch meeting to elect officers who shall take over the duties for the coming year of 19G2. I hope that no one will decline if nominated for office as sometimes it is good for a branch to get a new person in and put new activity into the organization. To all branch officers who shall take on their duties for the year of 1962 I wish you all good luck and success and I shall be at your service at all times. In our Union we have two very important women who have given half of their lives for the progress of our Union. First, is our Founder, Marie Prisland, who organized the Slovenian Women’s Union on Dec. 19, 1926. To this day she has given her untiring efforts and time to the Union. Every minute, her mind is working how to invest our money and to make it grow and also, her one aim is to have the membership increase to a larger Union. With the “35th Jubilee Class B. Campaign” let each and every one get one new member to make Mrs. Prisland’s wish come true. 35 years she has devoted her time for the Union and I am sure that each member could devote a couple of hours of time by attending the branch meeting one a month. Your officers will have more courage to work for your benefit. This is not asking too much of you. (At this press time Mrs. Prisland is very ill and we all wish her a speedy recovery and hope she will be with us many more years to come.) The second important person is our Secretary, Albina Novak, who has served the Union for 33 years. I need not write about her as you all know her attributes and dedication to S.W.U. Her work for the Slovenian Women’s Union was sketched in the November issue. And, last month, Mrs. Novak received the Slovenian Award presented to her by Prof. John Zvetina of the Loyola University Law School, an attorney, who is hon- the swaddling clothes, the crib, the stable, at the sight of a Savior who was an infant. It was their glory to have been the first to make the journey to Bethlehem. By their faith and simplicity they are an example and incentive to all those who were to make the journey after them. Every Christmas is but the journey to Bethlehem. The Church invites us each year to make the journey, to enter the cave, to kneel at the crib, to try once more to understand the truth about the child. What a message of good tidings is given to all who come to Bethlehem. That child that lies in the manger is the Supreme grace of God to mankind; He is the supreme mercy; He is the supreme act of God’s love to the world. He is the son of God made man; He is the Savior. He came to the world full of grace and truth. From Him, as from an unfailing source we draw these benefits so necessary for us: truth for our mind that we may know God’s will for us and grace that we may be able to accomplish it. Merry Christmas to all members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Rev. Claude Okorn, ofm. spiritual advisor orary chairman of the Slovenian American Radio Club. Her outstanding civic and cultural achievements qualified her for this honor. She is the first Slovenian woman to win the award. We sure are proud of you, Albina, and may the good Lord also preserve your health that you be with us many more years to come. At this time I also wish to congratulate all the branches which are observing either their 30th or 35th Anniversaries. To all officers and members, a great big "Thank You” for your untiring time and work. You, too, have helped to make it possible for the existence and progress of our wonderful Slovenian Women’s Union and may God Bless you all. How do you all like our Zarja—The Dawn magazine? I find that every month it seems to be getting more interesting. This shows that all the branches are getting more active and more articles are being sent in by members. Keep up this good spirit; this is what our Editor, Corinue Leskovar loves and we all love reading them. It gives me great pleasure to see how our Junior pages are being well covered! The Juniors of Cleveland have formed an 8 team bowling league. Every Saturday you see them at 3 p.m. at Grdina Alleys, bowling away and the excitement is so great it is a pleasure to watch them enjoying themselves. Some of the youngsters are only seven years old and the bowling ball is too large for them to put their little fingers in the holes so they roll the ball down the alley like a basketball. Of course most of the time it is a gutter but once in a while they get a strike or few pins and you should see all the excitement! Keep up the good spirit. Note; To the branches that are having a Christmas Party for their Juvenile Members the Union is giving 25tf for each child that is present. In closing I thank you for your past assistance and am hoping for your future service. I extend my sincere wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year, 1962. Antonia Tanko, Supreme President Marie Prisland: The 35th Anniversary of the Slovenian Women’s Union On December 19th this year our beloved organization will reach 35 years of its being. May I — to acquaint our younger members — summarize the origin and the progress of the work which our pioneers began 35 years ago this month. Like all immigrants, the Slovenian women came to this country as complete strangers. Soon we were sensitive to our environments and discovered that women all about us were struggling for a firm foothold in their new surroundings, seeking friendship and strength wherever possible. Since the individual’s way is a lonely one, the struggle to get ahead is hard; the logical solution is to unite with others who have similar ideas. But how were we Slovenian women to unite into an organization? We were spread over many states of this nation with no real ties except that of language and religion. When my appeal was published in the AMERIKAN-SKI SLOVENEC on October 24, 1926, calling Slovenian women to get together and organize a society which would foster our ambitions and serve as an open forum for all the women of Slovenian birth, where they could freely express their opinions and at the same time learn the lesson their more fortunate sisters of other nationalities gathered by living in this free country — the response was terrific. From Oregon, Colorado, California and Minnesota; Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana; Pennsylvania and Michigan came letters urging me to go ahead and form an organization for Slovenian women. They were aware that the American women’s organizations have benefited not only the social status of wo-menhood but also brought innumerable blessings to the community in general. Convinced that our organization can be of enormous benefit to us, my hopes and those of others were realized on December 19th, 1926, when the Slovenian Women’s Union of America was founded in Chicago with two charter branches; No. 1, Sheboygan and No. 2, in Chicago, both having a total of 72 members. The Object of the new organization was: To unite women of Slovenian descent living in the United States of America. To promote education and culture among its members. To nurture its members in idealistic American-Slove-nian spirit, to aid them in obtaining American citizenship, and to counsel them as to the rights and duties as American citizens. To arrange and to provide for an adequate funeral for the deceased members. Mutual ideals and sisterly understanding shall govern the practices and procedures of this organization. The large numbers who joined the Union since then clearly indicates the need of such an organization. In celebrating 35th anniversary, we take pride in our membership which exceeds twelve thousand women and children. We acknowledge our debt to the 1200 members who, before passing on, added their measure to the stature and progress of our Union. The Progress 1926. The organization was born on December 19th. 1927. First convention was held in Chicago, November 6-7th. 1928. The first publication was issued in the form of a book AMERIŠKA SLOVENKA, containing the history of the organization and its branches, also the history of Slovenia and its people. 1929. The members were happy to receive the first copy of ZARJA (The Dawn), our official organ which since then has every month familiarized the members of the activities within the organization. 1931. The yearly membership campaign was organized which resulted into the annual crowning of the Zveza Queen. 1935. A resolution was presented to the Supreme Board to organize a National Bowling League. The resolution was adopted and the next convention approved the formation of the League. 1936. The first Drill team was formed and presented at the convention in Milwaukee. 1939. Realizing the fact that an organization that wishes to live must have youth to replace its older members, a new group — the Junior Department — was established. The purposes were; To give our children a better appreciation of the country in which they were born, to retain Slovenian national traditions, and to give our youth the volume of experience we elders gained through hardship and struggle. We realized and made allowance for a new language, developing the English section of ZARJA for its benefits. We have shaped and broadened our program to fit youth’s needs and interests, including therein sports and other activities. 1912. A Slovenian Song Book "ZAPOJMO,” containing 200 folk songs was issued. At the same time greeting cards were published and made available to the members. Some of the folk songs were reproduced on these cards with motifs from Slovenia. 1944. Scholarship and Benefit Fund was established with an initial amount of $10,000.00. From the Scholarship Fund we help talented needy students to obtain higher education, from the Benefit Fund we have sent material help to destitute war victims in Slovenia, and also helped worthy causes in America. 1945. A Friendship Circle has been formed. Members of this circle greatly contributed towards the building of the Scholarship Fund. 1949. The first scholarships were granted to three talented students. 1950. A song book, SLOVENSKE MELODIJE, including complete music score was printed and distributed to our singing clubs and interested members. 1951. WOMENS GLORY the KITCHEN is the name of a cook book containing favorite Slovenian dishes which was made available by the Union. To date some 20,000 copies have been sold. 1952. A building, housing the HOME OFFICE, was purchased in Chicago, where all our business is conducted and the meetings of the Supreme Board are held. 1958. State Conventions were instituted. State conferences of officers, delegates and members brought new life to our branches and an added interest in our work. Our activities are many. Some of the branches are sponsoring sewing and home economic groups; others have singing, dramatic, civic, welfare and social clubs. Many branches have lectures on various topics; some have their own libraries of Slovenian books and American magazines. We have sponsored needle work exhibits, where hundreds of articles, made by our members, were displayed. Slovenian bakery exhibitions and demonstrations are very popular. Our colorful drill teams and junior circles are the pride of the Union. In many cities our members are active in welfare work and political circles. We have sponsored tours to historical cities in the United States, educational tours to Europe and this year we visited Hawaii, the newest state of our United States. From the above summary, one can see how rapidly and extensively the Slovenian Women’s Union has progressed. This was possible only because of the great, interest of our members and their willingness to work for the organization they love. To them goes a sincere and a hearty THANK YOU for the work well done! As Chicago’s Mayor Proclaimed “Slovenian Day” "Slovenian Day” was proclaimed by Mayor Richard J. Daley on Oct. 29th, when Chicagoans of Slovenian descent celebrated the 11th anniversary of the Slovenian Radio Hour with a gala festival of song and dance. On hand to receive the proclamation from the Mayor were: Dr. Ludwig A. Lesko- var, Director of the Radio Hour, Alderman Charles S. Bonk, who presented the “Slovenian Day” resolution before the City Council, Mrs. Corinne Leskovar in authen-*'c national costume, Mayor Daley and "Miss Slovenian °ay, ’ Margie Prah who was one of the top performers 3f the Radio Festival program. It was a wonderful moment, when the Slovenian nationality received official recognition from one of the 9reat cities of the U.S. 1,200 persons crowded the spacious New Lawndale Hall for this year’s Slovenian Day and Radio Festival on ~ct. 29th. They sat entranced during the program of folk dancing, singing a°d variety acts which left the hall ■‘hging with the sound of applause ong after the show had ended. A capacity crowd enthusiastically receiv-*-he acts which showed many forms Slovenian traditions and culture as our outstanding choruses, gay folk c a-ncing groups, soloists in song and ' 'ed Bride, sung in Slovenian thp rected by Fr. Vendelin Spendov, SARC Folk dancers assisting in j ® Polka dance and Prof. Alfred Fish-r accompanying on the piano. Good music for dancing by the Joe Kovich Orchestra brought out the dancing crowd in the evening. An event generally anticipated was the King and Queen of Waltz Contest to determine the best waltzing pair for 1861. Mr. & Mrs. Anton Kristi were selected by popular applause as the winners and the committee of judges, headed by Miss Margie Prah who reigned as “Miss Slovenian Day” at the Festival, awarded them engraved loving cups. Award-winner, Albina Novak with daughters, Gloria & Corinne. men’s Union of America. Mrs. Novak was cited for her leadership in the Slovenian fraternal movement, her dedication to her ancestry and for her cultural endeavors. Presenting the A-ward was Prof. John A. Zvetina of Loyola University, the Honorary Chairman of the Radio Club and distinguished scholar and civic leader. He added his sincere congratulations to Mrs. Novak for her steadfast dedication to her nationality, her country and her home and said: “This lady has gained prominence as a Slovenian leader because she herself is proud of the heritage left by her an- It was, no doubt, a day of days for most Slovenian-Americans who attended the event as they received an eye ful, and ear-ful and a heart-ful of fine entertainment. o. SECRETARIES NOTE! S.W.U. contributes 25<( per junior member toward the expenses of their annual Christmas Party. The Secretaries are advised to send the number of juniors who attended the party to Supr. Sec’y Albina Novak, Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111., and payment will be made on the basis of that number. A peppy polka, played by 12 accordionists and orchestra leaders, gave a rousing end to the show — among this group were three fathers and sons. A significant part of the Slovenian Day celebration was the presentation of the 1961 Slovenian Award which is given to an outstanding person whose achievements are a credit to his nationality. The bronze plaque with inscription, was presented to a woman, namely, Mrs. Albina Novak, the Supreme Secretary of the Slovenian Wo- cestors and has done all in her power to promote and advance these traditions.” He also spoke briefly on the historical anniversaries being celebrated at the Festival and the 11th Anniversary of the Slovenian Radio Hour in Chicago. He congratulated Dr. and Mrs. Leskovar for their leadership of the Slovenian nationality in this city and for their dedication to the work of promoting it via the radio and the annual song and dance festival. In the audience for the afternoon were many civic leaders and representatives of the Slovenian societies in the Chicagoland area. BRANCH 2 — CHICAGO HAS ITS DAY! The month of October began with a happy note for our members. They were all involved in various committees for the gala celebration of the branch’s 35th anniversary and State Convention of Illinois—Indiana on Oct. 8th. The day was a beautiful, warm one, and Holy Mass at 11:30 a. m. at St. Stephen’s church, was the way we began the day. Our pastor, Fr. Thomas Hoge, gave a very inspiring sermon, extending his congratulations to our branch. Singing by the choir was beautiful and many guests from other cities in Illinois complimented it. Luncheon was already on the table at the Gym Hall, when our guests returned from Mass. The luncheon was really a banquet, because the top cooks in Chicago did the cooking! Nothing was lacking, either in food or service; for this we thank Ann Zorko and her crew. The State Convention was called to order at 1 p. m. by State President, Mildred James. The delegates of 111. branches were most happy to meet her and to contribute their comments to her suggestions. The guest of honor at the meeting, and for the entire day’s proceedings, wras Supreme President, Antonia Tanko, who came from Cleveland to be with us that day. She gained many new friends, because to know her is to love her, and Mrs. Tanko’s personality just bloomed in that friendly atmosphere. One of the largest groups of delegates ever present at this convention took part in the discussion, so a very satis factory feeling was the result. The curtain opened on the stage shortly after 3 p. m. The .audience was treated to a lot of singing, dancing, fun and nostalgia. Emcee of the show was our president, Albina Novak, who kept the acts going and gave interesting sidelights on the performers. Midway through the show, she presented Mrs. Tanko with a gift and Tonči Leskovar brought her a bouquet of red carnations in honor of Mrs. Tanko’s birthday that day. The audience enjoyed this scene and Mrs. Tanko’s words of acceptance. The compliments were numerous for our Choral Club and their director, Richard Grill. Our dancers, Margie Prah and Anita Wipotnik along with our juniors did themselves proud. After the show, our guests were treated to excellent dance music, provided by Jimmy Bovdik and his Orchestra, well-known in the Chicagoland area for their versatility, from polkas to cha-cha (and all our kids can do this dance so well!). After dark, we saw some old-time movies of Zveza doings 25 years ago and the choral club 15 years back. They were from the library of Lou Zefran, who is quite a photographer. Our guests felt so happy to be surrounded by good company and fun, that they hated to say goodnight when the festivities were over. We know this anniversary will live long in the memories of our members and many friends. C. L. A MESSAGE FROM ILL.-1ND. STATE PRESIDENT Congratulations to Br. 2 on their 35th Anniversary celebration, which was held Oct. 8th. The day began by attending 11:30 Mass and afterward, we all went to St. Stephen’s Hall and enjoyed a wonderful dinner which was prepared by Anne Zorko and her committee. After the dinner, it was a pleasure for me to preside for the first time, as State President. Especially was it a thrill, because our new Supreme President, Antonia Tanko was there, along with delegates and members from almost all the branches in my jurisdiction, namely, Branches 2, 16, 20, 22, 24, 30, 89 and 95. The opportunity to get together and compare notes on how to enroll new members and exchange ideas for social activities, was indeed beneficial to all. It is only through mutual cooperation between the participating branches that numerous problems have been solved. For these reasons, I feel that the S.W.U. in the States of Illinois and Indiana is truly important and worthwhile. Due to pressing personal problems at home, I was unable to stay and enjoy the variety program which followed. Branch 20 of Joliet consented to be hostesses for our next convention in 1962. To me, it was a very memorable day. With the coming holiday season, Christmas time means more than the greetings expressed. This is the season, when we renew our faith in Him who provides the spirit for us to meet the challenge of the future. My best wishes to you and yours for a Merry Christmas and a happy and bountiful New Year. Mildred James ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. — Our annual meeting will be held Dec. 17, at 2 p.m. at the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church hall. The yearly meeting will take place with election of officers and then, our members will be served a delicious supper. Sister Frances Melanz and her committee are in charge. Afterward, the Christmas program will follow. A Holy Mass will be offered on Dec. 13th at 8 a.m. in commemoration of our 35th anniversary of the branch and for the living and deceased members. We hope all of you will attend the Mass Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tagel who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Also, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fischer who celebrated their 25th (Margaret Is our secretary). Mrs. Marie Prisland is on the sick list and currently is hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Also hospitalized are Rose Francis and Frances Plesetz. A speedy recovery to our gals and also to all our sick members at home. We kindly ask all members behind in their dues to come earlier and pay up before the meeting on the 17th. Our deepest sympathy to sisters Mary Germaine and Veronica IIos-felt on the loss of their father. Wishing all our members, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mary Vertacic, Treas. No. 2, Chicago, III. — Sports Club News — Surprise! I finally got to set down a few notes on our bowling standings as of October 30. Our league, which consists of ten teams bowling every Monday night, is as follows: 1, Marquette Super Station, 2, Reliance Federal, 3, Prima Lanes, 4, Zefran Funeral Home, 5, Bicek Clippers, 6, K & K Market, 7, Dr. Grill, 8, Wagner’s Bakery, 9, St. Paul Federal and 10, Zarja. High three game series team: Zefran Funeral Home with 2812, Bicek Clippers with 2715 and Reliance Federal Savings with 2G54. Single High Game (team): Marquette Service with 1007, K & K Market with 1001 and Prima Lanes with 9G0. High individual single game: Stella Gorkas, 288, Eleanor Jasien 273 and Edith Koren, 247. High three games series (individual); Elsie Statkus with 644, Mary Novak, 605 and Ijorraine Ovnik with 601. This is only the beginning so we’re hoping to see some changes in those standings as the weeks go by! Halloween night was something to see at the alleys! Our girls dressed up and a good time was had by all. The winning costumes for the evening were: C. Tomazin who came as a Top Hat. (She looked like a midget and no one could figure out where her head was!) For fooling us all, Charlotte was presented with a $10 bill. The managers of the Prlm«i Lanes, who also sponsor the third place team, donated a selection of beautiful gifts for our other winners: 2nd place, Ann Wagner and Fran Ze-fran as two Flappers of the Roaring Twenties; 3rd place, Jean Železnikar as Pocahantas; 4th, Alvina Leben as the African Hunter, 5th, Elsie Kros-chel and Shirley Rybak as the Organ Grinder and Monkey, 6tli, Helen Fitzgerald as the Rag Doll and 7th, Elsie Statkus as the Clown. Once again, thanks to all for participating so fully in the "night of fun.” A big thank-you to Ai Weinstein and San Guido for their lovely gifts and money. Pictures were taken by Ron and Marilyn Zefran — we are hoping they turn out well. The Sports Club held the Sarah Coventry Jewelry Demonstration on October 28 at St. Stephen’s Hall. A nice group attended and the girls bought a lot of Christmas presents! Anyone interested in holding such an evening can contact them directly: Sarah Coventry Jewelry, Newark, N. J. This is a nation-wide organization anti will help your lodge raise funds. The jewelry is inexpensive and very nice. For every three articles purchased, the customer will receive the third item for half price. The girls are also selling candy from Kathryn Beich & Bowers Candies. The tin containers are beautiful and the candy delicious. The selection of 13 different kinds makes this an unusual offer. You may contact me for information on the candies or any of our Sport Club members. Wishing you all a very happy holiday season, with lots of good luck in the new year! Elizabeth Zefran Director of Women’s Activities P.S. Stop the presses! Zarja team has won their first three consecutive games of the season! Guess how it is done? By eating spinach from Stouffer's — highly recommended by the 3 Stouffer girls, Jean Križman, Betty Pye and Betty Gromofsky. The excitement on alleys 1 & 2 was so great that we are all going to eat spinach on Mondays — the Wagner’s Bakery girls were trying hard but their donuts must have been too heavy! There was a lot of fun just watching them! P.P.S. My first 141 game of this season was just scored — it was rough, gals! No. 2, Chicago, III. A successful penny social at the Nov. meeting was the latest event on our calendar, but not the last for the year 1961. We still have the Christmas Parties and adults and juniors to look forward to! The funds gained at the Penny Social will go toward the expense of the children’s party on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 16th. It will be held at the St. Stephen’s Church Hall and Mrs. Zefran is in charge. All our juniors will be treated with goodies and a visit by Santa. Entertainment will be in the form of an amateur show by the children themselves. The adult members will have their chance at Christmas fun on the regular meeting night, Dec. 14th with gift exchange and refreshments. It may seem long ago, but our 35th anniversary celebration of Oct. 8th is still in the minds of many of us, who worked hard for its success. This month, we wish to extend sincere thanks to the various committees, whose responsibilities were great and who did their jobs so well. We must begin with the kitchen staff, because our guests still remember the delicious banquet served that noon. Chief cook, Ann Zorko had Millie Paisoli, Anna Stare, Sophie Petrovič, Urska Kerzisnik and Ljuba Troha with her in the kitchen. Double-duty ladies, who helped serving and behind the bar were Mary Klaczynski, Stella Lon-gosz and Agnes Marazzo. All these ladies truly worked hard to keep our guests happy. After the luncheon, our door committee got busy welcoming the 300-plus persons who attended the program that afternoon. Mary Muller and Mary Tomazin had help from Mary Garbais and Alma Helder. Every guest received a souvenir of the occasion, pastel-tinted leaves with the number 35 made of green pipe-clean-ers. Now, you know that was a job in Itself, getting so many ready for the big turnout. Our thoughtful, Stef-fie Osterman came up with the idea and made every one of them, and then, helped to pass them out at the door, too. We wish to mention the list of door prize donors, who graciously contributed this feature at no cost to the branch: Liz Zefran, Josephine Železnikar, Albina Novak, Mary Tomazin, Lena Pichman, Ann Mihelnik. Our success was enhanced by the proceeds of the program book, which was printed as a souvenir of the 35th anniversary. On that committee, Mrs. Zefran took charge and was assisted by Mrs. Železnikar, Mrs. Muller, Mrs. Mihelnik and yours truly. (More on the affair next month) At the Oct. meeting, the lucky winner of the portable phonograph was called: She is Elsie Statkus, our member. Our branch mourns the loss of Mary Ritlop, who died Nov. 12th. Prayers at her bier and funeral, were offered by our members and we extend sincere condolences to her husband, John. We wish to say get-well quick to two members, Frances Zibert and An-toinia Basko, who we hear, are not feeling well. A Merry Christmas! __________Corrine Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Greetings from Pueblo! There has been a lull in activities in our branch since we dispensed with summer meetings. Coming back to the routine in the fall usually heralds another season of renewed interest — so we hope this will be the case once more. A Games Party was held recently in the church basement. The most important date to mark Is the 35th anniversary celebration of our branch. It was decided to attend the 7 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Church and from there, to adjourn to Anzick’s Restaurant for breakfast. December 10th is the date to remember for this up-coming event. However, we will have another meeting before that time — on the “SEASONS’ GREETINGS’ SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 961 N. Warman Indianapolis, Indiana Merry Christmas & Happy New Year FINE FOOD & COCKTAILS LUNCHEON DAILY 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. WHEN IN CLEVELAND, DINE & DANCE AT GLOBOKAR’S BAR & LOUNGE “Catering to Parties and Banquets” 832 East 200th Street IV. 1-6530 CLEVELAND 19, OHIO first Wednesday of December — and may we remind you all to attend this very important session since it has been the custom in times past to have a Christmas party in conjunction with the election of officers at the yearly meeting. So, we’ll see you all then, ladies! Perhaps it’s a little early to extend season’s greetings—but, nevertheless, we hope for each and everyone only the best — and may God grant us all “Peace on earth — Good will towards men.” Katherine Kochevar, reporter No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Congratulations to Fannie and Frank Puntar who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Nov. 11th. And, to all new mamas and grandmas, welcome to them as our prospective members! Hope we can enroll a lot of new babies! Our 35th anniversary is close by Cheer up wishes to all our members and friends who are not feeling well! The year 196i will soon come to an end. It’s later than you think! Those in arrears with dues should please check and straighten up as soon as possible. We don't like to remind you again, but must collect dues! Christmas parties for both old and young will be held as usual. At our annual meeting, we will elect new officers, maybe some one would like to take an office for 19C2 — if so, attend our meeting. It’s the second Sunday of each month at the VFW Hall on Dundoff St., Forest City, 2 o’clock. Rain or snow, we’ll be waiting for you! Best holiday wishes to all — thanks for your kind cooperation in all our doings. We will have surprises galore in the future, so come a join us. Christine No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — Surprise to end all surprises! Here is the recipe of Betty Doherty’s delicious cake served our Hawaiian Tour members at the Brunch which has been requested numerous times, so finally here 'tis — hope you all enjoy this grand cake over the holidays! Thanks to Betty Doherty . . . Just for you, Rickey! % cup oil 1 cube butter Blend and add 1 cup brown and 1 cup white sugar Beat 4 eggs and add to above. 3 cups flour mixed with 1VŽ teaspoons cloves 2VŽ teaspoons cinnamon 2% teaspoons Baking Soda Sift twice and add to the above liquid a little at a time. Last, add 2 cups chopped nuts (can be left larger) 6 to 8 bananas mashed Add bourbon or rum to make more moist (jigger or better) Bake 1% hours in moderate oven £50°. Barbara Orehar had surgery also and we hope she will not find the loss of her leg too big a problem despite the fact that as we get older we can use yet an extra leg to steady us. We pray for Barbara and want to extend a prayer for her recovery and courage that is needed at this time. Now I ask you Mary, is this any way to greet Joe in his retirement??? Mrs. Theresa Pekley welcomed her second GREAT-GRANDCHILD into her happy family. Daughter TilUe Hansen is the happy Grandma. Tillie Kumick Is well after an operation which kept her bed-ridden for a couple of weeks; so good to see Tillie and Pete take their evening constitutional walk. Mrs. Rose Ballestrasse happily became the bride of Atillio Granzella, and to these two swell folks we say happiness to you both. Rose’s daughter, Leanne, one of our Junior members, has received her diamond. Congratulations twofold to this nice household. Well it seems to me I’ve just about caught up on all the NEWS so that our members can keep up with the happenings of our sister members. Reading over this list of folks who have been ill. it makes me ever so humble that the Good Lord saw fit to keep me well and happy, somehow we take our good health too much for granted until we see others less fortunate then and only then de we know how LUCKY we are. My Dad once said the only thing to hold tightly in vour hand and jealously keep was GOOD HEALTH as that was one of God’s greatest gifts and I’m sure you will all agree. Good health to you and yours! Bara Kramer has been improving so that she now can sneak up to my store for a chat; but, when daughter Mary and family took a trip to Boulder Creek leaving Bara home to rest it seems when Bara’s call came she had sneaked off to my store and Mary was all worked up with the thought Bara had suffered some injury and couldn’t answer the phone. Soooooo, needless to say, when is was finally all straightened out Bara was warned by Mary to take it asy! No more long walks unless Mary was so informed first. (Course, Bara looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.) That Gal can't keep her down! Greetings to our sister branch and Sister State President of Colorado, Kansas and Missouri, ANNA PACH-AK, it is so nice to hear frotli you. This is truly a hard worker, so it makes us feel good when she enjoys a success as she had with her Zveza Day. Congratulations Anna! Get well wishes to our members, who are ill, we hope your health will allow a visit to our meeting soon, so you can enjoy the FUN! Fran Chlodo, reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. The discussion at our October meeting centered a-round our chicken dinner which was held on the 22nd of the month. Our generous members brought many gifts to the meeting which were given away at the dinner. We also received from Sister Anna Ban in Geneva a lovely cape which was hand-crocheted in France. Sent along with the cape was a beautiful porcelain statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus. We thank you Sister Ban and all our members who were so generous. The hard work which goes into conducting the “give-away” was taken care of by our Recording Sec’y, Antonia Sustar and her daughter, Mitzie. At this point we wish to thank all the hard workers who gave their time and energy to make the dinner a success. We also thank Sister Mary Iskra, who with the help of some of our members, made the delicious strudel in her kitchen, which we served at the dinner. On September 24th Sister Mary Iskra represented our branch at the State Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They made the trip on one of the two chartered buses, and Sister Iskra reports that she had an enjoyable time. A thank you goes to Mary Kukicli who boosted our ‘‘good time” treasury and to Mary Grill of Geneva who donated to our regular treasury. Sister Mary Stražišar became a grandma for the 9th time when her son and daughter-in-law presented her with a grandson on August 11th. Our only reported sick member is Jennie Strnad who is recuperating at home. We wish you and all our sick members a speedy recovery. To Sister Mary Novinc we wish a belated Happy Birthday. Sister Novinc celebrated her 93rd birthday on August 12th. Since this article is the last one before our Christmas party, I wish to take the opportunity to remind all our members to attend. The party is held immediately following the meeting on December 5th, at 7:00 P. M. at the A.Y.C. We all have a good time, a lot of goodies to eat, and we also have a $1.00 gift exchange. So come one, come all and start the holiday season with us. Before closing I wish all our members a bountiful Thanksgiving Day. Pauline Cesar No. 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Dear members - just a few lines from Br. 18. I hope to see more of our members at the December meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of December at the Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd. We will have election of officers and ChristmaB gift exchange of $1.00 gifts Please be there to make it a gay party. We’ll have refreshments, too. Ann Strukel, secretary 40 YEARS CELEBRATED BY CERNETICHS OF JOLIET Mr. and Mrs. Marko Cemetich, 1502 N. William St., Joliet, 111., celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on September 7th, 1961. Their son, Leonard, daughters Ann Casanova and l^eona Perry surprised them with a party at the American Slovenian Home The couple were married at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Joiiet. Mrs. Cemetich has been a member of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch No. 20 for many years and for the past two seasons has been a member of the branch’s bowling league. She has participated in the bowling tournament held in Milwaukee last year and attended as a spectator at other tournaments. Mr. Cernetich is a retired barber, having operated a barber shop for many years with his son, who continues in this service. Our best wishes for continued health and happiness. No. 20, Joliet, III. — Since my absence of four months due to our trip in Europe, news piled up in Joliet. After a short illness, our member, Angela Yedinak, 44, passed away. She is survived by her husband, three sons and a daughter. Her parents, the Turks, also survive. An aunt, Mrs. Anna Mlaker, who passed away some years ago, was also our member. Since the president, Emma Planinšek and myself were not yet at home from our travels the prayers were recited by the remainder of the officers of the branch, who also attended the funeral. Our member, Mrs. John Torkar, also mourns the loss of her husband, John, 51. He was an electrical contractor and well-known in our community. He is also survived by two daughters who both attend St. Francis College. Mrs. Bertha Gerl is mourned by her husband. She died in an auto accident. She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary Perush. Mrs. Gerl was a nurse by profession and served in the last war. Our sympathy to the family of Jennie Pluth from Center St., who lost her husband this past summer. He is survived by sons and daughters who mourn his passing. He was a member of several fraternal organizations. Mrs. Jennie Kanopek mourns the loss of her husband, John. He is also mourned by his daughter and son. To all who passed away during this time, we pray for their souls and extend our condolences to the bereaved families. Mr. and Mrs. John Jevitz who previously resided on N. Hickory St., moved to their new home; 810 Oak land Ave. We wish them luck and happiness in their new home. Our president Mrs. Emma Planinšek is at this time visiting her daughter, Irene, in Washington, D.C., where she is also sight seeing the many beautiful places of interest. We wish her a very happy time. A very Merry Christmas to all our members and may the “Peace on this Earth be our Christmas gift from above.” Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, Illinois. It is the time of the year when bowlers all over the country get together, form their teams and start rolling the ball down the lanes. We at Joliet are no different than any other bowlers. Our eight teams of SWU members commenced bowling on September 11th and as of last Monday one-fourth of our scheduled games have been rolled with PAPESH FUNERAL HOME steadfastly maintaining first position with 17 games to their credit as a-gainst 7 losses. Following quite closely is HORVATH BAKERY with 15 wins and 9 losses and dropping to third position is AMERICAN SLOVENIAN HOME with 14 wins and 10 losses. Aj one would say, anything could happen to this set up the next time the ladies get their balls rolling. Fourth position is held by ELLENA BUILDERS with 12 wins and 12 losses; with a tie for fifth position by MERICKHAS RESTAURANT and NORTHWEST RECREATION with 11 wins and 13 losses. Next in line is SHEPS DX SERVICE STATION with 10 wins and 14 losses and lastly KRAUSE RADIO & TV with 6 wins and 18 losses. We hope the next round will show a reverse play for us girls now in last place. As of this writing, three of our girls have bowled 200 or over with Ann Stefanicli 212; Jo Mlakar, 205 and Gen Klainsek 200. Then there is Dot Nemanich and Lorraine Rothlisberger with a 198 each and Therese Pavni-ca, Evelyn Gregory and Marge Ra-chor with a 196 each. Monday night (October 30th) in addition to being position night wras also Halloween. Many of the girls dressed in costume for the occasion and prizes were awarded to Lorraine Rothlisberger for her unique portrayal of a walking television set; to Lodene Hayes as a true picture of Mae West and to Nancy Rothlisberger for her FAT, FAT MAN costume. Luncheon wras served later in the club rooms and to the committee is extended a big hand for their good efforts in this regard. Apparently the spirit of Halloween prevailed as four of the girls, namely: Ann Cox, Jo Mlakar, Lil Ander- son and Agnes Koerber picked up the 5-7 and Fran McCarthy must have been reaching for the ceiling by going up the ladder with 126-7-8. Agnes Koerber No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — Once a-gain, the holidays are upon us, and I would like to send season’s greetings and best wishes for the holidays to everyone. Happy birthday in December: Victoria Brack, Edith Cimperman, Mary Cimperman, Mary Golic, Mary Hočevar, Mary Hunter, Christine Lunder, Rose Pfeil, Mollie Sterle and Mary Stražišar. May God grant them special blessings this month of His Holy Birth. December is the month of election of officers. Every good member should attend this important meeting to offer constructive suggestions. Get well wishes are sent to Kate Hosta — hope she is feeling fine by now. A note of news: I forgot to mention last month that sister Anne Fe-licijan’s son, Joseph, has joined up with Uncle Sam and left for the Army Sept. 9th for a three enlistment. His basic training at Ft. Knox will be followed by further schooling at Ft. Chafflee, Ark. Good luck, Pvt. Joseph Felicijan. Another military man is sister Cele Katherine’s son, Pete, who is in the Navy. Good luck to him. Sorry for not knowing more about our boys in the service—hope you’ll report them to me so we can mention them in Zarja. Our sincere thanks to the many fine members who donated for our bake sale of Oct. 15th: Theresa Lach, Cele Brodnik, Anne Pelcic, Frances Kavc, Anne Kosak (noodles), Alice Sabol, Josephine Weiss (aprons) and Stella Dancull (aprons and cookies). Another thank you to Mary Hocevai for her generous donation to our treasury. I am happy to announce that three new juvenile members were enrolled, namely: Debra Ann Friedel, Jerome Friedel and Theresa Marie Mullins. Hearty welcome. With sincere good wishes. Stella Dancull, sec'v JOHN ROSANDICH NUPTIALS IN ELY July 1st was the date of the marriage of the former Marjorie Ann Kromer and John Rosandich, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Rosandich of Ely, Minn. St. Anthony de Padua church was the scene of their nuptial Mass with Fr. Frank Mihelčič officiating and Miss Mary Hutar as organist. She sang a special prayer to the Blessed Virgin as the bride placed a bouquet before the Virgin’s statue. As the wedding picture shows, the bridal party was resplendent in their attire. The bride’s gown was of French Chantilly lace and her silk illusion veil was caught in a pearl coronet. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses and white carnations. Her bridesmaids wore floor length gowns of pink nylon sheer and on their curls, silken petal hats; their flowers complimented the bride’s. The new Mrs. Rosandich is a drum majorette for the Ely junior drum and bugle corps and holds championship honors in baton twirling. The groom is a June graduate of the Univ. of Minnesota with a degree in chemical engineering and has accepted a position with the Esso Chemical Co. in New Jersey, where the couple will make their home. John’s mother is Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, the efficient and hard-working State President of Minnesota, under whose chairmanship the successful National Covention program was carried out last May in Ely. Felicitations to the young couple and a lifetime of happiness to them! No. 22, Bradley, III. We thank our hostesses, Anna Starasinich and daughter, Libby Kinder, Mrs. Margaret Hasset and daughter, Corrine, who so graciously entertained us at the August and October meetings. At the latter gathering, the Christmas party was discussed. It is scheduled to be held on Sunday, Dec. 10, beginning at 2 P. M. at the home of Mary Rittma-nic. Please come, everyone, bring a one-dollar gift for the grab-bag and have a jolly, good time. We cannot pass this opportunity to recall an important event of recent months, when on September 10, one so well known to all of us, was honored posthumously. On that day, the new U. S. Army Reserve Center located in Kankakee, 111, was dedicated in memory of Captain Anthony M. Ste-fanich, son of our member, the late Mary Stefanich and Matthew Stefan-ich. A gallant soldier, “Tony” was killed in action on Sept. 18, 1944. We are indeed proud of him. Shocking news came on Nov. £■ to a past president of this branch, Mary Rittmanic, when she received word of the sudden and untimely death of her 44-year old brother, Frank Spreitzer of Duluth, Minnesota. We sympathize deeply with her, his dear wife and ten children, his mother and several brothers and sisters who survive. May our dear I/jrd and His Blessed Mother comfort them in their great loss and sorrow! May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace! Let us all prepare well for the coming feast of Christmas and we pray that the New Year will bring us a just and lasting peace. I wish everyone God’s choicest blessings at this joyful season and always. Gabrielle Lustig, Reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club — Our picnic supper went indoors last month — because of cold weather we held it at the S.N. Home instead of Shagawa Beach. The various, delicious foods which were served and beautiful table decorations — fall colors in leaves, etc. — were delightful. After supper, a short business meeting was held. We discussed moneymaking projects and our annual Christmas party. Molly Richards took home the door prize. A speedy recovery from all of us to our ill members. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 24, La Salle, III. — All our members are cordially invited to attend the December 3rd meeting — where we will enjoy a little Christmas festivities afterwards. Each member is asked to bring a dollar gift for exchange — and please write your name on the package! Election of officers will also take place — and it is my hope that a new secretary will be elected! Also, I wish to remind all those in arrears with their dues to take care of this . At the November meeting we gave away two Thanksgiving turkeys, donated by Emily Jordan and A. Strukel. The winners were Hank Struna and Cecelia Pyrz Thanks to all who participated. Our sincere sympathy to Mary Kempar and family who lost their husband and father after a long illness. May he rest in peace. Our best wishes for recovery to Josie Mihalek and Verona Brate now convalescing at home; also to Antonia Ferenčak. The stork paid a visit, to Audrey and Gerry Prokuski and left them a darling baby girl. Congratulations. Merry Christmas to all our members — see you at the Dec. meeting. Angela Strukel, sec’y Vickie’s News Flashes No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — The Slovenian Women’s Union of America is a social and beneficial organization, realizing a mortuary benefit. It is formed by many of its’ numbered branches, each branch planning their own program in the interest of its members. This organization is going to be celebrating a birthday, a 35-year jubilee, and in order to make it even more prosperous, a campaign is being launched. With 35 points or 35 adult new members signed in, you will be able to make it a real birthday gift for the organization and also for yourself by earning a trip to Washington in May. (35 points does it!) Support your branch by helping to expand it with new members. A little effort and energy, plus courage, is the only thing that is required when asking your friends, family or relatives. Something that is very dear to my heart is our Cleveland Juvenile department. The children of our organization are doing such splendid work in their drill practices. Georganne Burchard is so energetic about her baton lessons and bowling, she fairly beams. Pauline Vegel, our bowling secretary, has the juvenile bowling league under her wing and doing a perfect job of it. The boys and girls are all cooperating in keeping harmony in their drills and sports. (Thanks to director, Frances Sietz.) Our December meeting should prove exciting and gay as we are going to prepare to have special holiday spirits, spices and confections. Special Invitation; All the juvenile members of branch #25 will be notified by card to attend a special Christmas Party sponsored by the S. W. U. Happy Holidays Vickie Faletlc Campaign Chairman Mr. & Mrs. John Rosandich and attendants MINNESOTANS GATHERED AT CHISHOLM Honored guests at Minnesota Zveza Day, Sept. 10th at Chisholm, Minn., included the group seen above. .From left to right, they are: State Pres., Barbara Rosandich, Supreme Auditor, Ann Podgoršek, Mrs. C. A. Nickoloff, principal speaker, Msgr. John Schiffrer, Pastor of S. Joseph’s Church, Supreme Pres., Antonia Tanko, Mayor Harry Barnes and Fr. Senta. A WORD ABOUT MINNESOTA’S GRAND CELEBRATION As Minnesota State President, I Wish to compliment the Chisholm Branch for the great reception and hospitality shown our delegates at the Minn. State Convention, Sept. 10th, 1961. We started the day with Holy Mass at 11:00 a.m. with Fr. Senta officiating. He gave a very inspiring sermon; I’m quite sure everyone took his words to heart. The Chisholm men’s choir sang the Mass beautifully. Afterwards, we convened for a short meeting. Our Supreme President, Toni Tanko, gave a short talk and introduced the new membership campaign. Everyone appreciated her thorough explanation of the point system by which prizes will be awarded for the top workers. I hope everyone will try their utmost to get some new members for our wonderful organization. At 1 p.m., we had a wonderful dinner at St. Joseph’s parish hall. I know everyone enjoyed it immensely. There were a number of addresses and the main speaker was Mrs. A. Nickoloff, United Nations Ambassador for the Iron Range area. Her topic was one to which every guest gave their fullest attention. We left for home at 5 p.m. and traveled through a severe storm. Many of us can’t remember a storm quite so bad ever before. But, with the good Lord’s blessing, and a careful driver, we arrived home safe and sound. We’re all looking forward to seeing all our Minnesotans in Gilbert next year. Before I forget, I must mention that Mrs. Tanko’s remarks had good influence on our Ely members—since then, we signed up 2 Class A members, 1 junior and 4 Class B members! So, you see, we’re not sitting back in Ely! How about the rest of you? Get busy! Barbara Rosandich No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Our meeting in October was opened with a prayer, followed by a report on our Zveza Day celebration of Sept. 24th. Thanks once again to all who helped to make this event a great success. Members, don’t forget our annual meeting in December when we will have election of officers and after the meeting, the usual Christmas party. Get well wishes are sent to Magdalena Widina, who at present is hospitalized and to all our other sick members. I extend my sincere wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. And, may God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, sec’y Minnesota Zveza Day, held in Chisholm on Sept. 10th was again a huge success. Even though rain threatened all day, it held out until it was time to depart — then enroute it poured by “buckets-full.” The day’s activities began with a High Mass at 11 a.m. in the beautiful new church of St. Joseph. The choir singing was heavenly; the welcome address by Fr. Senta was most inspiring. Our State Convention assembled in the hall which was filled to capacity. State Pres. Barbara Rosandich presided. Most of the Minn, branches were represented — Duluth having 40 members present. The membership drive was the main topic and many were enthused by the campaign awards. President No. 33, New Duluth, Minn. — Our November meeting night was one we shall long remember. There was a large attendance for our smorgasbord or pot-luck supper party at 6 p.m. that evening. Our committee, headed by Frances Blatnik and Madeline Abbott, did a splendid job in making arrangement and assigning each member as to donations. We have many nationalities in our branch and it was interesting to see the delicious foods brought. Everything from soup to nuts — fancy pastries, strudels, poticas — all fit for a king! Our meeting followed the dinner and the new members were guests at this dinner. Our Dec. 13th meeting will begin at 7 p.m. There is much to be discussed before we proceed with our Christmas party. So, let’s all be present. Cards and games were played and everyone enjoyed herself. Thanks to our wonderful and efficient committee! Our two bowling teams are doing very well. Yours truly got sponsors for both teams — they are: “7 Up A. Tanko, emphasized the awards and point system for the drive. Gilbert was selected as the 1962 site. We are already planning on the trip there as it has been some time since we visited Gilbert. The Banquet tables were beautifully decorated and the Slovenian cooking and baking was excellent. The program was wonderful, inspiring and enjoyable for all. Community singing was led by our Mary Hutar of Ely. It really lifted us out of our chairs — everyone was happy. So, the day ended with sweet memories — trusting we shall meet again next year. Thanks to Mrs. Trdan and Mrs. Hren — to the Chisholm branch and to all who worked hard for this day. To Vida Ponikvar, the toastmistress, congra- &■ RC Cola” and Filistrault Funeral Home. Thanks very much to our sponsors — it is deeply appreciated. Mrs. Mary Schubitz, our sec’y of many years standing, is at St. Mary’s Hospital following surgery. We missed her at the meeting — and are glad to hear she is convalescing rapidly. Best wishes to her. Any other members who are ill are extended the same good wishes! Don’t forget, Dec. 13tli at 7 p.m. Ann Podgoršek, reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. Members of Branch 34 met for their first session following the summer recess on Thursday evening, Sept. 21st with Mrs. Edward Dragavon presiding. During the meeting Mrs. Mary Pahula gave an interesting report on "Minnesota Day” which was held in Chisholm on Sunday, Sept. 10. Attending from Branch 34 were Mines. Joseph Erchul, Joseph Jamnick, John Pahula besides Mrs. Mary Pahula. Following business the members enjoyed a social hour and winners at "500” were Mrs. Nick Tekautz and Mrs. Joseph Jamnick. At Cootie the tulations — you did a splendid job. Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor winners were Mrs. Peter Yapel and Mrs. Edward Dragavon. Mrs. Victor Chiabotti and Mrs. Herman Mesojedec, the hostesses, served a delicious luncheon following the games. Many members turned out for the meeting on Wed., Oct. 18. Mrs. Ed-ward Dragavon presided. During the business meeting, Mrs. Mary Pahula reported that the candy which our Branch had ordered was already on its way and members will be able to get it at her home or at the next meeting. The sale of the vacuum packed candy is the Branch s yeai ly money making project and is always a success. One large votive light burned at the Blessed Virgin Altar last month in honor to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the most Holy Rosary from the Branch’s members and a similar light will burn at the Sacred Heart Altar during November for the Poor Souls. Mrs. Leo Wilson was a guest at the meeting and we hope she will join us in the future as a member. After business was transacted, the Rosary Confraternity membership was explained to the members and all 22 present signed up with the Dominican Fathers in Chicago—the devotion with many indulgences; it necessitates reciting the 15 mysteries of the Rosary weekly. As always, a social hour followed with prizes going to Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mmes. John Pahula, Herman Mesojedec and Ernest Johnson. A delicious lunch was served to conclude the evening by Mmes. Louis Zupanich and Tony Planton. Hostesses for November were to be Mmes. Ernest Mustonen and Donald Hill. We hope to have as good a turnout again —our evenings together are never dull—everyone has an enjoyable time. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 40, Lorain, Ohio — Greetings! Two of our members are off for their second year of college, Arlene Voytko is back at Miami Univ. and Ann Frances Bresak is at St. Francis College in Pa. Good luck and study hard, girls! Patricia Ann Perkins, formerly ot Lorain, became the bride of David Allan Maskow in La Grange, Ind. Patricia is the daughter of Mrs. James Mills and Rudolph Perkins and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Strukely. David’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Maskow. Congratulations and wishes to the newlyweds. There’s also sad news to report. Mrs. Josephine Eisenhardt was called to her eternal rest on Sept. 29th. She is survived by a son, William, and three daughters, Mrs. Frank Tomsic, Mrs. William Mullen, both of Ix>raln, and Mrs. Howard Biddle of Cleveland, three brothers and a sister in Europe, 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Her husband died in iii IN LOVING MEMORY t Mrs. Josephine Eisenhardt Lorain, Ohio, Br. 40 ■ ■! > hi ii i w ■■■ 1949. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord. Our deepest sympathy to the family. She is the fourth member of our branch who passed away this year. I hope our members will see the importance of getting some new members to replace those we’ve lost. Please accept, members, my heartiest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Angela Kozjan, sec’y No. 45, Portland, Oregon. — We had a small attendance at our September meeting; we had expected a larger turnout, due to the fact, we didn’t have a meeting during the summer months. However, we had a very enjoyable evening. After the business session, Mrs. Pe-zel served us coffee and potica which was very delicious. Our thanks go to Mrs. Pezel for her efforts. I want to remind all our members of the forthcoming annual meeting to be held Thursday, December 7th, at 7:30 p. m. at Mrs. Pezel’s home. We hope that members will make every effort to be present at the last meeting of the year. Election of officers for 19G2 will take place at that meeting, and other important business will be discussed. Our sympathy is extended to Ann Carlisle upon the death of her father, and Eva Polich upon the death of her brother. God grant them eternal rest and peace. A wish to all members for an enjoyable Christmas day and may God bless you all. Louise Struznik, Secretary No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — At our Sept. Meeting we had quite a large attendance. The reason being, I suppose, because we had a surprise for one of our members. She celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary. So, on Sept. 10 we had a party and she received a gold pin and a gift certificate from the members of our lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dolenz were married 50 yrs. on Sept 20th. Mrs. Dolenz has been a member of lodge 4G here in St. Louis since it waa organized. Had the meetings at her house for yrs. Has been an officer most of the time; is vice-president right now. Has been very active in lodge affairs and is always ready to donate. So I am sure everybody felt it was time we did something for her. I’m sure she was surprised. The ladies contributed for the gifts and we also gave Mr. Dolenz a rosary. On Sunday, Sept 17 they were remarried at St. Agatha’s Church and had a breakfast after Mass. In afternoon her daughter and daughter-in-law had an open house for the couple. Quite a few of the members were invited to that also. They really had a wonderful day. Started out with Mass and the reception and the nice weather it was really nice. A day for them to long remember. We hope they will celebrate many more wonderful years together. They are both in pretty good health. So they have a lot to be thankful for. Not many couples live to celebrate 50 years of wedded life together. It could not happen to a nicer couple. So we hope they enjoy good health and happiness A party will be on Sunday, December 10, the second Sunday of the month as our regular meeting day. Everybody bring a $1.00 gift so we can exchange as we always do. It will be at our Treas. house Helen Skoff, 6455 Westway Place, at 1:30 P.M. Anyone who would like to bring cookies, cakes, potica will be appreciated. Call me and let me know what you will bring so we can plan accordingly. Mary Gregory is still on the sick list. It would be nice for some of members to visit and send her cards. She is down with a fractured hip. Remember her especially now during the holiday season. Mary Krpan is still on sick list, also. The members who owe dues better get busy and pay up and start the new year out right. Turn over a new leaf and be prompt so the sec’y won’t have to keep calling you up to pay. Since this will be the last article for the year 1961 I wish to take this opportunity to wish all the members of Br. 46, as well as all the members of other branches, a very happy and holy holiday season, healthy and prosperous New Year and a peaceful one. Hope to see you at our next meeting. Marie Thompson, Sec’y No. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio — The yearly meeting will take place on Dec. 10th -— this is the second Sunday of the month — at 2 p.m., 8601 Vineyard Ave. It is important that every member be present so that we can make plans for the new year and determine the progress made in 1961. Best wishes to our member, E. Stražišar, who welcomed her new baby TIPS FOR WORKERS IN THE “CLASS B-JUBILEE” CAMPAIGN A point system will be employed, 35 points being the top award. A point will be given for each class B member enrolled; /2 point will be given for each class A member enrolled and J4 point will be given for each juvenile member enrolled. 35 points will entilte a worker to the top award: Free round trip fare to Washington, D.C. next spring for the S.W.U. sponsored excursion, plus a cash award of $1.00 per point, or $35.00. Other cash awards will be as follows: For enrolling 1 class B member, (1 point), award $1.00. For enrolling 2 class A members, (one point), award $1.00. For enrolling 4 Juvenile members, (one point), a-ward $1.00. No cash awards will be paiid for less than one point. The 35th Jubilee — Class “B” Campaign will close March 31st 1962! daughter, making the family complete with four daughters and a son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toniazic are the proud grandparents, so, to them as well as to the parents, our congratulations. Sister L. Zidanic is great-grandmother again—a very sprightly lady she is and happy to see her family grow so nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Dolinar celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary in Sept. and on Nov. 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Barbie, their 54th anniversary — that’s 4 more than golden! Mrs. Barbie is one of our charter members and most helpful on all occasions. To the jubilarians, sincere wishes for happiness and good health! (Picture on page 2S0.) To our member, Catherine Gasparič, deepest sympathy. She lost her husband last July. Also, to the family of Pauline Lozar, who passed away suddenly. She now has joined her husband who preceeded her in death. Teresa Kočevar and Jennie Zala lost their father and father-in-law, Anton Zala. May their souls rest in peace. A wish to all our ill members: Mary Mafko, Ivana Dedek, Antonia Sila, Josephine Kmet, Jennie Novak, Mary Lupsina, Frances Miklic, Josephine Meserko, Frances Johulin, Teresa Bizjak, Helen Tomazic and Mary Gragel. Remember them in your prayers! Thanks to our member, A. Krese-vic for her donation of pollowcases for our 30th anniversary celebration and to J. Kmet, A. Miller and L. Kos-telec for their cash donations. Don’t forget, the meeting and social, Dec. 10th. We ask a dollar gift for exchange from each member. See you then. Jennie Pugely, sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — Our Oct. meeting was a very busy session with all of us trying to iron out last minute details of our forthcoming Dinner Dance, in honor of our 30th anniversary and as tribute to our newly-elected Supreme President, Toni Tanko. Quite a few familiar faces were missing; but, we consoled ourselves by the fact that the ladies were still too tired after the Bake Sale of Oct. 15th. We are happy to announce that our branch came thru nearly 100%, donating baked goods galore. The Oct refreshments were indeed special. Ann Dekleva made 2 apple pies, Rose Želodec brought donuts, Marie Beck, cider and Mrs. Tanko, a “Wowwe Cake.” All the members wanted her recipe for this chocolate cake! Our guest that evening was Josephine Marolt — brought by Mary Bostian. At the Sept. meeting, Mary Hočevar and Rita Jerina were the lucky door prize winners of the gifts brought from Hawaii by our Tončka Tanko. Mary went home with the Hawaiian doll and Rita took the jewelry. Congratulations to Mary and John Kobe who have just celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. The same to Dorothy Kulas who had a baby boy recently. Mary Kobe’s husband, John, is now convalescing at home. Please send him a cheer up card, and one to Angie Lube who is now home after a hospital stay. Mary Okicki is up and around but must take it easy for a while; Jennie Klepic is also recuperating from a foot operation and Josephine Krašovec is still on the sick list. Let’s all say a prayer for them to get well. Returning from vacationlands were: Mr. and Mrs. Dominik Dekleva from Florida, Christine Miklaucic from Calif., Carole Traven and family from Lemont and Chicago, 111., Theresa Komat and family from W. Va. and Washington, D.C. Mary Finley visited Carry, Ohio and Mrs Tanko is our chief traveler — she went to Minnesota, Hawaii, California. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Chicago. Yours truly attended a PTA convention in Toledo, Ohio and had her first plane ride (in a private plane) and enjoyed every minute of it! It was good to see Hattie Jenko, Ann Kumse and Theresa Zupančič again; come again! We enjoyed our trip to Pittsburgh — and the following members were with us — also attending the Penna. State Convention: Cecila Žnidaršič, Louise Mlakar, Christine Duche, Sophie Zagorc, Ernestine Jevec, Louise Vovko, Theresa Komar, Agnes Trebar, Mary Bostian, Josephine Bencin, Mary Bencin, Sophie Posch, Josephine Trunk and 4 friends, Marie Beck and friend, Ann Dekleva and husband, Ma- rie Okicki, husband and friend, and Betty Jevec, Capt. of Jr. Marching Unit. Bring a $i gift exchange to our December meeting — plan to attend on Dec. 11th. Wre had a good year, let’s make it tops by a perfect attendance in the new year, 1962. And, are all your dues paid up? So, my closing thought is: Get busy and bring in some new members so that we will have a winner to go to Washington, D.C., and, A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ________Fran Seitz, pres. No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Dear sisters, Christmas will soon be here and at our last meeting, there was a discussion on our Christmas party. You are asked to purchase a dollar gift if you wish, to exchange. All our sisters will get together to prepare a great big Christmas banquet. We urge all our members to attend — we expect to have a wonderful time, turkey, ham, potatoe salad and all the other trimmings! We wish all our sick members Godspeed to recovery and get out and enjoy our big Christmas feast! The meeting was ended as usual by prayer led by our pres., Josephine Oswald. The social of the evening was hostessed by: Genevieve Zidar-ich, Laura Mancuso, Mildred Barbatto and Carmella Bonazza serving a delicious lunch. Cards were enjoyed with honors going to Rose Chiodi, Julia Mancuso, smear going to Alice Barbatto, Mary Musech, Mary Techar and Elberta Russo; bunco to Josephine Oswald and Angeline Hrovat. After dispensing with the joyful e-vents, we also must report the sad news. Sister Jennie Crea and her family mourn the loss of her beloved son, Sgt. Anthony Crea who was killed on Oct. 13th in Korea. He was the victim of an accident during patrol duty. We hope that in some way, God will ease the pain felt by his family who cannot be comforted by words alone. Sgt, Anthony is survived also by his widow, Erika, and a daughter, Patricia. God grant him eternal peace. Our next meeting will be held at the Little Grove on Dec. 6th. Get ready for a good time and be with us for a merry Christmas party. Wish you all a happy holiday. Gertrude Kochevar, reporter A HAPPY NEW YEAR AWAITS OUR JUNIORS Another year has passed and we soon will have a new year! We hope all our junior members of the St. Clair groups have enjoyed the activities of the past year, and hope the boys and girls will continue with renewed interest for the year 1962. The adult members of S.W.U. have been hard at work all year, planning on ways to keep our juniors interested — to help them appreciate belonging to this Slovenian organization. We feel that we had varied programs lined up to show other branches that children will join in activity groups if they have willing leaders. So, please members, join us and give your support to our junior programs, for it is only with the interest of the SWU adult members that we can function effective Try to give your junior members an opportunity to do the same as our branches 25 and 50 of Cleveland, Ohio have done. Let 1962 be a good year for all our juniors in all the SWU branches! Frances Sietz. no. 50 Vickie Faletič, no. 25 Margaret Rebol. no. 25 Frances Kikel. no. 25 Louise Vovko. no. 50 FROM OUR MAIL BAG . . . Dear Friends of Zarja, I was so surprised to see our picture on the cover of the September Zarja showing our landing in Hawaii. I want to thank you for bestowing this honor upon us, also, to Fran Chi-odo for showing us such a nice time and being such a wonderful hostess. I’m still playing my Hawaiian records, which I brought back with me; they bring back many happy memories. Hawaii is beautiful and the people are wonderful — happy and kind. And, their singing is something to hear! Also, I want to thank the ladies of the Slovenian Hill in San Francisco, for the nice send-off breakfast they arranged for and served us. I was so happy for the opportunity of meeting Mrs. Prisland and the other ladies of the Slovenian Women’s Union on the trip — also the gentlemen who went along. And, being included in their company was a thrill, because I know we are now life-long friends. I never would have met so many wonderful people otherwise — hope we can travel together again someday. HoseMarie, Libby Jean and I enjoyed Antonia Tanko’s company as we traveled by car from Minnesota to San Francisco and back. She was a marvelous traveling companion and a good navigator, keeping us on the light roads. Thanks to Dave Adler, for the nice accomodations he made for us! Will close with ALOHA to all the friends we made on the trip. Mary Brancich and daughters RoseMarie and Libby Jean Chisholm, Minnesota HOW TO HAVE A CRACKING GOOD CHRISTMAS A bowl of walnuts with a nutcracker beside it on the table still reflects the friendly warmth of holiday hospitality. And another pleasant custom that has come down to us is that of small packages of goodies to give a favorite neighbor or relative. The holidays are a time of special desserts as well. Two new recipes from the Diamond Walnut Kitchen, made with California walnuts are e-specially good to serve with tea or coffee for an evening dessert, or as a finale for the big holiday dinner. There’s the traditional eggnog served in pie form, set in a delectable, crunchy walnut crust. Or rich Christmas Walnut Roll, a flavorful combination of colorful maraschino cherries, dates, crisp, fresh walnuts, snowy marshmallows, and graham cracker crumbs mixed together and sparked with orange juice. Treats the whole family can pitch in to help make, like candy and cookies, are especially welcome. For instance, two little sweets that even the youngest children can fix are Tiny Tim Apples, a delicious candy-like combination of dried fruits and walnuts; and No-Bake Walnut Balls, little round cookies that pack and keep so well they can be made up ahead of time with no trouble at all. EGGNOG WALNUT PIE 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 cup milk 3 eggs, separated cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon salt Vž cup milk 1 tablespoon cognac or brandy (or use 1-% teaspoons rum flavoring or vanilla) 1 cup granulated sugar V6 cup whipping cream, whipped 1 9-inch walnut crust or baked walnut pie shell Soften gelatin in the 1 cup milk. In top of double boiler beat egg yolks together with the } cup sugar, nutmeg and salt. Stir in the y2 cup milk and cook and stir over hot water until mixture thickens and coats a spoon. Add softened gelatin and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Cool. Add flavoring. l!eat egg whites until stiff and gradually beat in remaining 1 cup sugar. Fold into gelatin mixture. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into chilled shell and chill until firm. Serve garnished with a wreath of whipped cream decorated witli walnut halves. CALIFORNIA WALNUT CRUMB CRUST 1 cup fine graham cracker crumbs Vs cup finely choped California walnuts 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup soft butter Mix all ingredients. Press into 9-inch pie pan. Chill or bake at 375 degrees about seven minutes. CHRISTMAS WALNUT ROLL 1-1 cups chopped California walnuts 1 cup small-sized marshmallows, cut in half 1 cup red and green maraschino cherries, quartered 1 cup dates, sliced 1-1 cup graham cracker crumbs Vi cup orange juice Whipped Cream Combine all ingredients except whipped cream. Turn out onto a large sheet of aluminum foil. Shape into the size of roll desired. Wrap in foil and chill overnight. Cut into slices to serve. Mixture is rich. Small portions are suggested. Top each slice with fluff of whipped cream; decorate with walnut half. Makes eight to 12 servings, depending upon size of roll, and portions preferred. TINY TIM APPLES 1 cup (7-1 ounce package) pitted dates 1 cup seedless raisins 8 ounces dried figs 1 cup California walnuts 1 teaspoon grated orange rind I tablespoon orange juice Put fruits, walnuts, and grated orange rind through food chopper, using coarse blade. Add juice and knead until well blended. Shape into "apples” about 1” thick. Roll some in finely chopped walnuts, some in powdered sugar. Insert whole cloves for “stems” and citron pieces for "leaves." NO-BAKE WALNUT BALLS Mix together 2 cups vanilla wafer crumbs, % cup granulated sugar, Vs teaspoon salt, % teaspoon cinnamon, Vi cup chopped maraschino cherries, 1 cup chopped California walnuts. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, H cup sweetened condensed milk. Form in balls. Roll in sugar and trim with walnut halves. FAITHFUL FRIENDS, OUR ADVERTISERS, WISH YOU ALL THE SEASON’S BEST! OUR HEARTY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ARE TENDERED TO THEM, AS WELL! DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. CermaU Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois PLAN YOUR VACATION IN EUROPE! AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND 3, OHIO We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO KATOLIŠKA SLOVENSKA JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,500,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do GO. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois AVE AFELY 813 E a m t 18Sth Street 2SOOO Euclid Avenue 6230 St. Clair Avenue .♦f/ ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin R. GRDINR & SDKS 2A POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio No. 55, Girard, Ohio. At our October meeting, Jennie Selak was chair-lady for the luncheon committee assisted by Catherine Anclek, Mary Turk, Mary Bradlsh, and Theresa Sušnik. The Birthdays for this month were Virginia Bestic, Mary Lozier, Catherine Stabi and Catherine Russ, and hope that all of you enjoyed your Birthdays. On our sick list, I heard we have Prances Juvančič, and by now I do hope and pray she is well. It is so hard to believe that Christmas will be here soon, and to all our local officers, and home officers, and to our dear members and their loved ones, I do want to extend a Blessed and Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. Anne Marie Racick No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — The month surely rolls around fast! It’s time again to put in my few little words. Our Oct. meeting was well-attended. As the holiday season approaches, we will all be as usual, with our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange at the Dec. meeting, Dec. 12th. Let’s see as many of you as possible. Once you attend, you will never miss another such event. I’m sure the committees have a nice arrangement planned for you. Remember, the gift exchange is $1.00 and the dinner will be served promptly at 6:30. Reminder to all the junior members to be present as it’s their party as well as ours! The juniors will have their own gift exchange and treats besides. The committees for the Dinner are, as follows: Kitchen, Prances Puhek assisted by Mary Puhek, Mary Gruden, Anna Staudahar, Anna Muhvich, Agnes Barbie, Rose Chemugal, Angeline Passino, Manda Butorac and the dining room committee is: Ann Silvo, chairman assisted by Mary Mas-sich, Theresa Hattam, Dorothy Plese and Margaret Matasich. One of our old members has left to make her home in Minneapolis, Mrs. Anna Brick. We wish her happiness. Congratulations to Rose Koemptgen on the birth of her son, while at the same time, sympathy is exteded on the loss of her father. To all sick members, a speedy recovery. The hostessess for Oct. meeting were: Theresa Hattam, Ann Chacich, Frances Bozich, Ann Phillips and Mrs. Pulis. Cards were played at the close of the meeting. I wish to extend all the best for a happy holiday season and may God bless you all. Anne B. Satovlch, pres. No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. — Our October meeting was very pleasant. Many interesting and Important subjects were discussed for money making projects. With Christmas just a few weeks away, we wish to let the members know that we decided on a dollar exchange gift and each member to bring a covered dish to the meeting. Games will be played at our Christmas party. Our President would like all the members who can’t come to the meeting to please send in their dues so that Mrs. Brodesko can get her books in order by the first of the year We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. William Yardas and family for the loss of Mrs. Yardas’ mother, Mrs. Julia Bekoski. A speedy recovery is extended to all our sick members. May you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mary Perclc, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. It was decided that the December meeting would also be the members’ Christmas party. A pot-luck dinner will be served; Mary Paterka is chairman of entertainment for the Christmas party. Member, Stella Kneziak was able to attend the last meeting — it was nice seeing you, Stella. Congratulations to Gloria Dusek on the birth of a baby boy. Baby Steven John’s grandmothers are Helen Dusek and Josephine Nowak. Get-well wishes are extended to Frances Kainec, who recently spent four weeks in the hospital and is now at home convalescing. A speedy recovery to her. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Ann Yager, Helen Dusek and Estelle Ozog, whose mother passed a-way. She was also the mother-in-law of our president, Kay Yuratovac. The new membership drive is now on and all members are urged to try and recruit some new members! To all those celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries this month, “Our Best Wishes” and happy holidays to all. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 74, Ambrldge, Pa. Here it is, the month of Dec. again and that is the month when things are happening! First of all, election of officers comes in the last month of the year — so, we hope you will attend the meeting 100%. We extend heartiest wishes to all officers, members and friends of Slovenian Women’s Union for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, 1962, especially that it will bring all our wishes true! To those with December birthdays, we wish them many more in health and happiness. To Millie Habich of Br. 54 in Warren, we extend our deepest sypathy on the loss of her husband, Vincent, Ilabich and to my sister and brother-in- law, Ann and John Petrich of Fontana, Calif., a very speedy recovery. And, to all members on the sick list — a very sincere wish for good health. See you at the meeting. Mary Habich, pres. No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Greetings from Enumclaw! On last June 11th, our branch No. 79 celebrated its 25th anniversary with an old-fashioned party. Members, families and guests assembled at the Krain Schoolhouse where we had a short program, charter members were presented with corsages, and a brief history of our lodge was given. After some delightful music by Linda Ramshak and Judy lx)be on the accordian and piano, buffet luncheon was served with all the Slovenian goodies we never seem to be able to get enough of. The members not attending are to be reminded that those not contributing to the pot luck dinner at that time, should remit their $1.00 to the secretary as was voted upon by the members. Our Christmas party is going to be held on December 10th, at the home of Anne Lokovshek, Route 1, Box 672, Enumclaw. There will be a gift exchange among the ladies, value not to exceed $1.00, and each mother to bring own gifts for her children. Sacks of Christmas treats will be given to the children present, and a pot luck luncheon will be served afterwards. Best of seasonal greetings from the Northwest. Mary Bratovich, reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. We had a nice attendance at our Nov. meeting at the home of our president, Helen Kovali. Games and a delicious lunch rounded out the evening. A very enjoyable one It was! Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. John Grgurich, Sr. on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The family attended Mass at St. Joseph’s on Oct. 28th and then had dinner at the hotel with 25 in attendance. All their 5 children were present, John, James, Elsie, Ann and Sophie, also 6 grandchildren. A reception in their honor was held that afternoon at the Crosby Recreation Hall with over 100 friends attending. They received lovely gifts and a purse of money. Sister Grgurich is vice-president of our branch and has been a member for 19 years. We wish them many happy years in good health and happiness. Congratulations to sisters Kovali and Widmar on their new granddaughters. Both are grandmas for the 7th time. The Bazaar which was held at St. Joseph’s church on Oct. 28-29 was a great success. Election month Is December, so, members, try to come to the meeting. Molly Domin, reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Our regular meeting was held on the 1st of Oct. after a recess of four months. Aurelia Welch and Helen Cobai were hostesses for the evening. Myrna Hai-ner was a guest. It was nice to get together after such a long time. Mrs. Frances Pogorelz told us about lier trip to Denver and the State Convention there. Get-well wishes are sent to Frances Greenfield. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the ladies for their help after the car accidents in my family. At a time of need, it’s so wonderful to know there is help. God bless you all for being so kind. We have had one snow storm on Labor Day and another yesterday. Today, the sun is shining brightly and we hope it will melt the snow, so we can have a few more days of dry weather, before winter really sets in. Our new church, the Queen of All Saints, is just beautiful. We have had many tourists stop for Mass, during the summer months, and their compliments made us all feel proud. A Merry Christmas to all! Helen Cobai, reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Our Christmas party on Dec. 6tli will begin at 7 p. m. in the lower part of Croatian Hall. We will have the usual gift exchange and the table will be laden with delicacies, contributed by the members. Besides, as in the past, there will be prizes given away, that will enhance your evening of fun. You will be glad you came! One thing I would like to mention is that it often happens that outsiders come to our party just to solicit tickets, thus disturbing not only our evening’s program, but our members who come to enjoy the evening and renew old friendships. This party is confined to members only. At our Nov. meeting, cakes were donated by Mary Duich, Mary Perko-vich, and Mary Simunic again baked a big Pogača with butter. How delicious! Hostesses for the evening were: Mary Brozynski, Marge Krmpo-tich, Anna Nagoda, Ann Pave and Mary Perkovich. Those having birthdays in Dec. are: Mary Andretich, Mary Ashenbrenner, Rose Boerner, Kate Buclch, Mary Bu-dislich, Rose Marie Cacich, Anna Cav-lovich, Jennie Corak, Jennie Gaspar, Matilda Jovica, Mary Kahn, Hermina Lakich, Stephanie Magnavite, Mary Markezich, Frances Perpich, Vica Rukavina, Mary Sambol, Lucy Sarich, Frances Seabloom, Margaret Simunic, Mary Sopcich, Josephine Stengel, Mary Lou Tomich, and Matilda Vrdoljak. I wish you all a happy and blessed birthday. Katherine Rosandich was the lucky recipient of a prize. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Rose Cuzella on the loss of her beloved mother. Reoeiving congratulations on the arrival of a new baby boy, Ronald Nicholas are Mr & Mrs. Ronald Hal-sen. Their proud grandmother is Frances Seabloom. It’s difficult to tell you that Antonia Strakinich is hospitalized and lost her leg. You are in our thoughts, daily, Mrs. Strakinich, and we wish you God’s blessing. Our best to Joseph Barcevac who auditioned for the well-known Paul-ist Choir and was accepted for the preparatory choir. Warmest congratulations! Get-well wishes are extended to all of our shut-in members. In your charity, remember all of our sick and deceased in your daily prayers. In closing, I sincerely hope your Christmas season will be a joyous one and I know you will join me in the wish that 1962 will be a year of good fortune, good health and happiness for all. Mildred James, pres. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Our Oct. meeting attendance was fair; just a little more cooperation from our members is needed, I guess! There were many things discussed: the supper and Christmas party takes place Dec. 14th at the KSKJ Hall. All the family is invited to attend. There will also be a gift exchange. So, we hope all our members will be there. The KSKJ Hall officers want to thank our newly-elected Supreme President, Antonia Tanko and her group, who stopped on their way to Hawaii to visit here. Then our most-welcomed Honorary President, Marie Prisland and Josephine Schlossar of West Allis, Br. 17, stopped on their return from Hawaii. It’s too bad we didn’t know when they were coming, as more members would have been present. At our meeting, wre were surprised to meet Mary Petrich and husband John of West Allis, Wise, and another couple with them. Mrs. Petrich is a charter member of Br. 17 and Supreme Officer of KSKJ. We have a new member to welcome, Anna Bruce — hope you will enjoy being a member of our group. Our sick committee is Mary Zdravja and Edith Drawenek. Hospitalized were Eleanor Brayer and Edith Drawenek; now, they are home recuperating. Still in the hospital is Mrs. Protepan’s daughter, Jean Drem-le. Gertrude Rupert, Christine Filips and Louise Jones were quite ill at home. God grant all our ill members a speedy recovery. Deepest sympathy is extended to our dear member. May Mizysak, and family on the loss of her husband. He is also survived by a brother, George. May he rest in peace. Many happy returns to all birthday and anniversary celebrants. Until we meet again. Anna Petrich, reporter IN MEMORY OF OUR SON P.F.C. Alvin J. Jamnik killed in World War II, Dec. 28, 1942. It’s 19 years since you have left us It does seem quite a while To us it doesn’t seem so long ’Cause we can’t forget your friendly smile. In memory, you are with us still, Your broken-hearted Parents, Sisters and Brother No. 105, Detroit, Mich. We have been having wonderful weather this fall, which we all appreciated, I know. It gave us a chance to do all our outside work, before the cold w'eather begins. Mrs. Jos. Zimmerman had us all for the Oct. meeting. It was well-attended and we are grateful to her. She served a nice luncheon, as she always does! The hostess’ gift from Mrs. Zimmerman went to our secretary, Kathryn Musick. Our Nov. meeting was to be at Mrs. Lil Ault’s home. Let’s all wish a belated birthday to our Nov. celebrants: Kathryn Petrich, Antoinette Lindich and Mrs. J. Nezbeda. We wish you all many happy returns. Dec. is a wonderful month in which we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, so, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. But, it also reminds our family of the passing of our son in World War II. 19 years have passed since then, and his smile is still with us. I want to say how much I appreciated the personal visits from members and friends, while I was convalescing at home and those personal gifts I received. Thanks a million, ladies. Mrs. Alice Kocjan made a rush trip to Warren, Ohio last month to see her mother, who turned seriously ill, since her return from Europe. Hope she is much improved by now. Rose Jamnik, reporter BETLEHEM l E L I K O je mest, ki so znana po imenih velikih mož. Nobeno mesto pa ni tako slavno in tolikrat imenovano kot je judovsko mesto Betlehem. Mesto danes šteje 14.000 prebovalcev in Je-ruzalema.danes Šteje 14.000 prebivalcev in spada pod državo Jordan. Leži pet milj južno od Jeruzalema. Mesto, ki so ga komaj poznali pismarji izraelskega ljudstva je postalo znano, ker je v njem tekla zibelka Našega Odrešenika. Krščanska umetnost je obdala to mesto v vso lepoto, ki jo umetnost premore. Domišljija umetnikov si je na vse nočine pomagala prikazati družinski dogodek rojstva v najbolj pri-kupljivih barvah. Kako tudi ne. Saj ni nič bolj v srce segajočega kakor znana zgodba svete noči, ko je Bog sam stopil na zemljo kot majhen, nebogljen otrok. Zgodbo svete noči morda znamo že na pamet, vendar, ko jo znova beremo se nam srce razneži in postane dovzetno za vplive, ki bi jih nikoli ne dopustilo v drugem času, ki ni božični. In vendar tega božičnega duha pripravljenosti in razpoloženja tako manjka. Želimo si ga kot otrok igrače. Tudi dobro vemo, da je ta božični duh potreben posebno v današnjih časih, ki so polni preizkušenj, sporov med ljudmi, nerazporazumov med narodi, o-bupa in dvomov v duši posameznika. V globini duše čutimo, da je božič še vedno rešitev na vprašanje: kdo bo prinesel svetu mir? Kje je rešitev današnjih težav? V Betlehemu v jaslicah leži otrok, pred katerim po-klekujeta nebo in zemlja. Seveda ta otrok nima namena zavojevati svet z ognjem in mečem ali razbijati domove in uničevati življenja z atomskimi bombami, ampak z ljubeznijo in dobroto. Takole pravi sveti Pavel: “Razodela se je dobrotljivost in ljudomilost Boga, našega Odrešenika. "O njem pojejuvodna pesem pri zorni maši na božič: "Njegovo ime je Čudoviti, Bog, Knez Miru oče prihodnjega veka; in njegovo kraljestvo je neskončno.” Ali je potom čudno, da je mesto Betlehem tako slavno. Škoda je le, da se ljudje tak malo zavedajo pomena tega mesta, posebno tisti, ki iščejo sreče in miru pa ga ne najdejo. Zakaj v tem mestu, ki v našem jeziku pomeni “hiša kruha’’ smo nasičeni z dobrotami. Tam se je rodil pravi voditelj in tolažnik ljudi. Spoznajo in poznajo ga le tisti, ki v resnici iščejo pot božjo, so pripravljeni zapustiti kriva pota tudi za ceno velikih žrtev in so dobre volje. Vesele in blagoslovljene božične prazinke vsem članicam Slovenske Ženske Zveze želi duhovni svetovalec, Rev. Claude Okorn, ofm. 35 LETNICA IN DRŽ. KONVENCIJA V CHICAGU 8. oktober bo ostal članicam št. 2 in mnogim gostom dolgo v lepem spominu. Odbori so pridno delali in prireditev je bila kronana z velimi uspehom. Proslava 35 letnice ustanovitve naše podr. št. 2 se je pričela s sv. maso v slov. cerkvi Sv. Stefana, pri kateri je imel nas župnik g.p. Tomaž Hoge, zelo lep vzpodbudni nagovor s čestitkami podr. Petje je bilo krasno. Kosilo so pripravile naše najboljše kuharice, zato velja zahvala naši pridni Ann Zorko. Državno konvencijo Ill.-Ind. je pričela preds. Mildred James ob 1 uri pop Delegatinje so podale poročila in častna gostinja je bila gl. preds. Antonia Tanko. Njena navzočnost je povzdignila prijateljsko razpoloženje in živahni razgovor za napredek podr. in Zveze. Ob 3 uri pop. se je dvignil zastor v veliki svetošte-fanski dvorani ob lepi udeležbi članic in prijateljev SŽZ. Program je vključeval narodne in umetne plese, slovensko petje in nepozabna točka v spomin pokojnim članicam. Preds. Albina Novak je napovedovala točke programa, predstavila gl. preds. sestro Tanko ter ji tudi izrazila čestitke za njen rojstni dan. Nagovor naše gl. preds. je na vse napravil najlepši vtis. Mnoge mladinske članice so pokazale umetniške talente, za kar so bile nagrajene s prisrčnim aplavzem. Sledile so filmske slike g. Louis Zefrana, posnete pred 25 in 15 leti ob priliki raznih Zvezinih prireditev v preteklosti. Godba Jimmy-ja Bovdeka je zabavala občinstvo v prijetni domačnosti do pozne ure. Z zahvalo vsem pridnim sodelavkam te proslave, naj jih spremlja zavest, da je požrtvovalno delo bilo vredno truda tako v moralnem, kakor tudi materialnem pogledu. Občinstvo je bilo zadovoljno, a članice ponosne, da je vse tako lepo uspelo. C. L. COLORADSKA KONVENCIJA LEPO USPELA! Konvencija za našo državo Colorado se je vršila 12. avgusta. Gostiteljica je bila pod. št. 63, Denver, Colorado. V veliko čast je bila zame, kakor vem, da tudi za vse, ki ste bili z nami, da je potek večera sijajno uspel. Nad vse smo vesele za lepo udeležbo od strani naših podružnic, častnih gostov ter občinstvu. Stoloravnatelj banketa je bil Mr. Pavlakovich, ki je zmožen v tem oziru in je svojo nalogo zadovoljno izvršil. Med nami je bil g. L. Mihelič, župnik, ki je odličen govornik ter se izkazal za iskrenega prijatelja Zveze. Mr. Mike Popovich, glavni predsednik Zapadne Slovanske Zveze, je tudi izboren govornik ter nam je v lepo izbranih besedah čestital in želel nadaljnih uspehov. Bil je velik užitek za vse navzoče prisostvovati tako lepemu večeru. Lepo smo se poslovili ter segli v roke in si želeli snidenja prihodnje leto. tipanje imamo, da bo to pri št. 66 v Canon City, Colorado. Hvaležne smo vsem članicam v Denverju za požrtvovalnost in veliko delo, ki ste ga sijajno izpeljale. Posebna hvala sestri predsednici Mimie Kovač in tajnici Mollie Svigel za prizadevanje k uspehu tega dne. Posebna hvala za šopek krasnih cvetlic in za darilo, lepe posteljne prevleke, ki mi bodo ostale v neizbrisnem spominu na vas, drage sestre SŽZ! Topla zahvala Mary Poder in Mary Kogovšek, (slednja je gl. podpred. sednica Z. S. Z.) ki sta nagovorili svoja sinova, da smo imele lepo vožnjo z avtom v Denver in nazaj. Kličem vam vsem skupaj: Bog plačaj v obilni meri za vse kar ste dobrega storile za naš državni Zvezin dan, 12. avgusta, 1961. Vaša hvaležna državna predsednica, Anna Pachak. t John Hozjan 1895-1961 Dobro poznani rojak John Hozjan, 210S W. 22nd Pl., Chicago, 111., je preminil dne 23. avgusta, 1961. Poleg žalujoče soproge Mary, podpredsednice podr. št 2, zapušča pet odraslih otrok in šest vnukov. Iz Prekmurja je prišel v Ameriko pred 40 leti. Naše iskreno sožalje potrti družini. Pokojniku daj Bog večno plačilo! KS A VEK MEŠKO: Sveta noč Sveta noč — samo ena je v lu-ogu leta kakor samo ena »velika noč«: začetek in dopolnjenje našega odrešenja, rojstvo in smrt ter vstajenje našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa, slavljenega in hvaljenega danes in na vekov veke. Vsaka noč ima nekaj skrivnostnega in čudežnega. Že spanje, ki človeka nekako loči od življena in vsega sveta. Sanje kako nerazjasnljiva skrivnost: srečujemo se z ljudmi, morda že davno umrlimi, z ljudmi, ki jih nismo nikdar videli. Noč s svojim globokim molkom, ki pa srcu in duši govori dostikrat glasneje, kakor mu je govoril kateri koli dan z vsem svojim hruščem. Kakor so govorile mlademu francoskemu grofu Karlu Fukoldu tihe noči v puščavi Sahari. Ko je moral zaradi slabega življenja pustiti vojaško službo, je — bogat človek — šel na potovanje po Sahari. V toplih afriških pokrajinah je prenočil marsikatero noč kar na prostem, ležeč na toplem puščavskem pesku. Nad njim neizmerno sinje nebo, posuto z zlatimi zvezdami. Naokrog negibna, neizmerna tišina. In iz tega globokega, skrivnostnega molka je govoril ubogemu zablodlemu grešniku glas božji, ki ga je klical k Očetu domov. In mladi grof je v svoji dušni osamljenosti poslušal klic. Do tedaj tako napuhnjen, je šel k molčečim trapistom, od tam za ponižnega hlapca k ubogim nunam v Nazaret v Sv. deželi. A še tja je slišal tisti klic iz tihih saharskih noči. Pa se je vrnil tja, živel kot puščavnik v največji revščini, v večnem zatajevanju, v postih in molitvah, da so ga leta 1916 zdivjani mohamedanci zavratno usmrtili. pa je upanje, da ga bo Cerkev prej ali slej postavila na oltarje. Vsaka noč je polna skrivnosti. A sveta noč? Saj je to posebna božja noč. Vse pa, kar je božje, je že samo ob sebi skrivnostno. Sveta noč — kako polna skrivnosti in čudežev. Rodi se Sin božji — človeški pameti nedoumljiva skrivnost. Rodi se v ubožuem lilevcu — skrivnost božje ponižnosti. Nebesa se odpro, nebeški duhovi oznanjajo največji dogodek svetovne zgodovine. Komu? Rimskemu cesarju, vsemogočnemu? Ne! Ubožnim, nevednim pastirjem. Ti hitijo v hlevček. Ali najdejo mogočnega kralja? Ne! Nebogljeno dete. Pa pokleknejo, ga molijo — prvi častilci Najsvetejšega, čudež za čudežem. Ali čuda, da sveta noč in sveti dan razgibljeta srca in duše otrok in odraslih kakor nobena druga noč, noben drugi dan v vsem letu. Ko mislijo že tedne in tedne prej vznemirjeni in v pričakovanju na ta praznik, pripravljajo jaslice, pastirce, božična drevesca. Tudi Cerkev opominja vernike, naj pripravijo srca in duše, ker »Gospod je blizu«. Sv. spoved, sv. obhajilo, postni dnevi v adventu. Na Bavarskem postavijo v nekaterih krajih jaslice že v začetku adventa. A božjega Deteta še ni v njih. Le en angel z metlo pometa in snaži prostor pred jaslicami, da bo vse čedno in lepo pripravljeno za božje Dete. In naša srca, naše duše? Sveta noč je praznik otroka. Otrok je nekaj čudovito nežnega in ljubeznivega. Otrok je središče družine. Vse skrbi zanj. Zajoka — vsi se vznemirijo: »Kaj pa mu je?« Zboli. Vsi se boje: »Kako mu naj pomagamo?« A tu je božje Dete. Ali moremo mi ob njem ostati hladni? Sveta noč je praznik družine. Menda nikoli v letu si ne želi človek, živeč kje daleč od doma, tako silno, kakor za Božič, da bi mogel biti doma pri svojih. V duhu jih kar vidi, kako sede ob veliki mizi, se poltiho pogovarjajo, ker vsi čutijo skrivnost svete noči. V »božjem kotičku« pa so jaslice, svečke mirno plapolajo, med njimi pa spi božje Dete. In človeku v hipu od ganjenosti in hrepenenja pridejo solze. Praznik družine je; domači ostanejo med seboj; ne zahaja tadan sosed k sosedu. Bi nekako motilo, razpršilo svetonočno razpoloženje. In praznik vsega sveta je. Kjer bije še kako verno srce, čuti tudi v najhujši zimi toploto in svetost tega časa. Uslužbenec na vlaku, ki drvi skozi tiho, skrivnostno noč, je v duhu doma med svojimi ob božičnem drevesu. Mornar na širšem morju poroma v duhu v svoj daljni dom in razmišlja, kako stoji ali kleči mati z otročiči pred Jezuščkom v jaslicah in ga prosijo, naj varuje in srečno privede očeta domov. Vojak na straži zre gor v zvezdnato nebo ali v tiho noč, v kateri skoro neslišno padajo mehke snežinke, in ves premražen misli na beli božični večer doma. Jetnik v ječi zasliši pesem svetonočnih zvonov, skrivnostni odmev angelske pesmi nad betlehemskimi poljanami in se ne more zdržati solz: »Sveta noč, kako srečni so, ki jo morejo praznovati v zlati prostosti, med svojimi v topli sobi.« V visokem snegu v gorah zamigljajo na vseti straneh na zasneženih potili večje ali manjše luči, plamenice, smolnice, ročne svetlike. Vse se pomikajo proti enemu kraju, proti župnijski cerkvi: k polnočnici, k božjemu Detetu gredo verni župljani. Kjerkoli je kaka katoliška cerkev in katoliški duhovnik, v žgočih afriških pokrajinah, pri Eskimih v večnem snegu Grenlandije in Alaske, ob Himalaji v Indiji, na Japonskem, se glasi nocoj angelski spev nad betlehemskimi poljanami: »Gloria in excelsis Deo — Slava Boga na višavah.« Po širnem svetu, na kopnem in na morju, v milijonskih mestih in preprostih vaseh, na ladjah, pod varstvom božjim plovečih po šumečih morskih valovih, poslušajo ljudje, verniki in neverniki, kristjani, mohamedani. pogani to noč večno lepo božično pesem: »Sveta noč, blažena noč.« Mi pa pokleknimo z začudenimi pastirji pred jaslice in molimo: »Zahvaljeno, božje Dete, za prvo sveto noč in za vse božične noči, ko tako bogato rosi božja tvoja milost in sreča tvojega rojstva čez širni svet in vse, ki so blage volje.« Marie Prisland Ta mesec naša priljubljena organizacija slavi 35-let-nico obstoja. Ustanovljena je bila 19. decembra 192C na podlagi podružnic: Sheboyganske in chicaške. Obe skupaj sta šteli 72 članic. Nikdo ni Zvezi ob rojstvu prerokoval tako dolgo življenje, saj je bilo mnenje mnogih, da je nova ženska organizacija muha enodnevnica. Vkljub vsem zaprekam, na-sprotstvu mnogih in omalovaževanju nekaterih je nova organizacija rastla, se razvijala ter delala veselje vsem, ki so se zanjo žrtvovale. Malo je danes pri življenju tistih, ki so od kraja skrbele, se trudile, žrtvovale čas ter idealistično posvečale občudovanja vredno delavnost naši Zvezi. Naj bo vsem tem pridnim čebelicam ohranjen blag spomin! Tistim, ki ob 35-letnici tvorijo vodstvo organizacije, želimo poguma, dobre volje in mnogo iznajdlivosti, da bodo našo lepo Zvezo tudi v prihodnje vodile po potu napredka in lepega sestrskega razumevanja. Če je aktiven glavni odbor, bodo aktivne tudi članice. Dober glavni odbor poplemeniti članstvo ter s svojim vzgledom pridobi druge za delo. Naš problem je, uvesti več mladine v naše vrste, da bo nadomestila one, katere smrt zadnje čase vse prehitro pobira. Od početka Zveze do danes je preminulo 1200 članic. Naj počivajo v miru! Naš hvaležni spomin jih spremlja preko groba. * * * Mr. Benjamin Locke, sheboyganski meščan, armadni polkovnik v pokoju, ki je z ženo to poletje potoval okrog sveta, je imel izredno priliko dobiti vstop v Rusijo od vzhodne strani, ki je bila zaprta vse od zadnje vojne. Odprli so jo meseca julija, čez 10 dni pa spet zaprli. Mr. Locke in žena sta imela priliko z Trans-Sibirsko železnico potovati skozi vso Rusijo od Nakhodka, blizu Vladivostoka, do Rige v Latviji. Videla sta staro, pristno Rusijo ter govorila z nekaterimi priprostimi ljudmi. Mr. Locke o svojih vtisih pripoveduje: “Svet bi naj Ruse vzel resnejše kot jili vzame. Rusi niso bedaki! To je žilav narod! To so ljudje, ki so sestavili in v vsemirje poslali Sputnika in moža okrog sveta. Rusija se ne more primerjati z ameriškim življensklm standardom, vendar so Rusi zadovoljnejši kot mi, ki imamo vsega v izobilju. Rusi, v primeru z Ameriko, nimajo skoro nič ugodnosti, a so zadovoljni s tem kar imajo, ker žive v prepričanju, da bo kmalu prišel čas, ko bodo imeli vse, kar ima Amerika In celo več. Vodnik je otipal mojo obleko ter menil, da je blago lepo in trpežno, a tudi oni bodo imeli lepe obleke ko pridejo do cilja. In kak je njih cilj? Rusija MORA nadkriliti Ameriko v vseh panogah, zato delajo s polno paro in se žtrvujejo, da bodo kmalu imeli boljšo bodočnost kot Amerika in kot jo ima ves svet. Delo. V tovarnah je za vsakega delavca predpisana kvota produktivnosti. Kdor zmore producirati več kot kvota ukazuje, ne prejme dodatne plače, temveč rdečo zvezdo. Ko dobi gotovo število zvezd, prejme medaljo. Na to medaljo je bolj ponosen kot je bil car na svojo krono. Kdor ima medaljo je upravičen do enotedenskih počitnic ob kakem jezeru. Ta dogodek je višek življenske pomembnosti. Otroci niso last staršev, temveč države. Oče in mati morata delati. Zjutraj odpravita svoje otroke v javno zavetišče, kjer dobijo oskrbo, hrano in pouk. Vlada ima tako lepo priliko mladino vzgojiti po svojem vzorcu. Starši zvečer vzamejo otroke na svoj dom. Med starši in otroci ni tiste ljubezni kot pri nas. Otroci se staršem odtujijo. Starši se bojijo nasprotovati otrokovi vzgoji, ker če jih otrok zatoži, so kaznovani. Mladina je prepojena s komunističnim duhom. Zanje je komunizem bog, ki vse zna in vse ve. Vera. Nikdo naj ne pričakuje, da bo ruski narod kar naenkrat postal spet veren. Za to bi bilo treba čudežev. Starejši ljudje še imajo vero, mladina ne. Cerkve, v kolikor so na deželi odprte, so prazne. Vse podobe in slike raz sten so odstranjene. Duhovnik ima malo mizico in svečko, kjer opravlja svoje obrede kot jih država predpisuje. Nekaj starih ljudi še pride v cerkev: mladini sta Marks in Lenin edina boga. V Moskvi je par cerkev odprtih, a to je samo propaganda za turiste. Šole. Šole so zračne, svetle in natrpane otrok. Šole nimajo dvoran za atletiko, pač pa ima vsaka naselbina skupno športno poslopje z velikim dvorom za telovadbo. Tu sem prihajajo otroci vsak večer ob sedmi uri. Pridejo in odidejo peš pojoč narodne pesmi. Rusija da silno veliko na izobrazbo. Vsaka naselbina ima šolo; kolegijev je mnogo tudi v Sibiriji. Študenti v kolegijah in univerzah imajo prost pouk, knjige, hrano in stanovanje. Pismenost ruskega naroda se je dvignila na 95 odstotkov. Ljudje berejo na busih, železnicah in gredoč na delo. Na cestnih vogalih so postavljene stojnice za knjige, ki se lahko kupijo za mal denar. Rusi znajo, da le z izobrazbo pridejo do cilja. Izobraženec dobi boljše delo, neizobraženemu ostane najslabše. Zgodovina. Sedajna Rusija skuša uničiti vse, ki je starejše od leta 1917, ko so prišli komunisti, oziroma bolj-ševiki na vlado. V šolah ne uče zgodovine, ki je starejša od leta 1917. “Mi smo mlad narod!" pravijo. Ime Rusi jim ne ugaja; Sovjeti hočejo biti! Stare hiše podirajo na njih mesta postavljajo velike nove zbgradbe, da se lahko bahajo; Vidite, kaj ste imeli pod carjem in kaj imate pod sedajnim režimom! Promet. Prevozna sredstva so v Rusiji draga. Vlada si pomaga s tem, da gradi stanovajnske hiše okrog tovarn, da lahko gredo delavci na delo in iz dela peš. V velikih stanovajnskih hišah, ki imajo po več nadstropij — brez dvigala in brez centralne kurjave — so v pritličju sobe za otroke ter trgovine z mešanim blagom, kjer lahko vsak kupi kar je pač na razpolago. Iti kupovati drugam se ne izplača, ker so vzorci povsod enaki; istotako cene. Za ženske obleke imajo kakih 5 vzorcev, za moške le enega. Obleka je silno draga; istotako čevlji. Požrtovalnost raškega naroda je čudovita. Vse dela za državo, a nihče ne lastuje ničesar. Ko starši umrjejo, pripada vsa njih morebitna osebna lastnina državi in ne otrokom. Ljudje ne delajo za državo ravno z veseljem, pač pa ker nimajo drugega izhoda in ker so tako vzgojeni. ■10-letna pridiga o komunizmu je rodila sad. Ko je prišla kriza radi Berlina do vrhunca, so delavci vlado prosili naj jim dovoli delati brezplačno eno uro več na dan, da bi tako z višjo produkcijo pomagali državi, če bi prišlo do vojne. Mr. Locke je svojemu vodniku pripovedoval o Ameriki, o naši svobodi, demokraciji in našemu načinu življenja, ki je veliko udobnejši od ruskega. Vodič ga molče poslušal in končno dejal: “Povedali ste mnogo lepega o A-meriki, povedali pa niste kako je z ameriškim graltom in podkupovanjem v politiki. Niste omenili bojev med belimi in črnimi, ne o gangsterjih, o študentovskih orgijah v Florida in drugod. Iz žepa je potegnil ruski časopis ter mi v angleščino prevajal poročilo o “Romarjih Svobode” (Freedom Riders). Razlagal mi je poročilo o očetu, ki ga je usmrtil njegov lastni 13-letni sin, češ, to je izrodek demokracije. Ruski časopisi očividno poročajo vse, kar se v Ameriki slabega zgodi, o dobrem molčijo, ali pa resnico potvorijo. Da ne smemo Ruse podcenjevati je razvidno iz naslednjega: V Rusiji je pouk angleščine ukazan v vseh šolah. Mnogi študenti govorijo gladko angleščino, starejši uradniki se poslužljo tolmača. Mr. Locke je imel dvourno avdijenco z nekim višjim uradnikom. Govorila sta ves čas potom tolmača. Ko se je Mr. Locke poslovil, mu je uradnik v najlepši angleščini voščil srečno pot ter naročil pozdrave za njegovo ženo. ČLANSTVO ZVEZE — BOŽIČNO DARILO IZ SRCA! NA DELO ZA KAMPANJO Jubilejna kampanja je sedaj v teku, ker naša dična organizacija dne 19. dec. slavi svoj rojstni dan. Bilo bi res lepo, če bi se ob tej priliki spomnile vse članice, da bi vaka pridobila vsaj po eno novo članico, bodisi v razr. A ali B ali pa v mladinski oddelek. Razpisane so tudi lepe nagrade, tako, da nobena ne bo delala zastonj. Še posebno moremo na ta način počastiti našo novo izvoljeno predsednico in tudi novo izvoljeno načelnico te kampanje, ki je prav z veseljem sprejela, zato ji pomagajmo do lepega napredka. Bližajo se veseli Božični prazniki, zato želim vsem gl. odbornicam in sploh vsem članicam, vesele in zadovoljne praznike in srečno novo leto. Iskreni pozdrav, Josephine Železnikar, gl. blagajničarka. 35. JUBILEJNA — KAMPANJA RAZREDA B V tem naslovu je združena 35. letnica obstoja SŽZ, s poudarkom na članstvo razreda B. Nagrade so sledeče: Računa se po točkah, 35 Jih je potrebnih za najvišjo nagrado. E-na točka bo za vsako članico razreda B; pol točke za vsako članico razreda A, in četrt točke za vsako novovpisano mladinsko članico. 35 točk bo upravičilo kampanjsko delavko za najvišjo nagrado: Prosta, vožnja v Washington, D.C., in nazaj, prihodnje poletje z izletom SŽZ, in denarna nagrada $1.00 za vsako točko, to je skupaj $35.00 denarna nagrada poleg plačane vožnje. Za manj kot eno točko se ne bodo izplačale denarne nagrade. 35. jubilejna — Kampanja razreda B se bo zaključila 31. marca. 19G2. Albina Novak, Gl. tajn. V BOLNIŠNICI Resno sta bili bolni naši pionirki te tedne in morali iskati pomoč v bolnišnicah Mrs. Marie Prisland v Rochester, Minnesota in Mrs. Mary Lenich na Evelethu. Vse želimo, da bi bile odslej na potu popolnega okrevanja in se kmalu vrnile na svoja domova. A.N. DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Hladna jesen je že za nami in narava se spreminja za zimski počitek. Tako je tudi z nami v življenju; naše ure so štete za nedoločen čas. Smrt je posegla v mnoge družine v kratkem času. Sestri Antoniji Zupančič je umrl sin, Frank, v najlepši mladostni dobi ter zapustil žalujočo družinco in mater, — Sestri Antoniji Galich je umrl soprog, Anton, ter tri tedne zatem pa še sin Albin, ki je bil tudi premlad za v grob. — Sestri Johanni Kastelic je umrl soprog, John, po dolgi in mučni bolezni. Ona je tudi rahlega zdravja toda je vzlic bolezni bila dobra strežnica možu dokler ju ni smrt ločila. — Preminil je tudi Louis Malenšek. Žena Mary mu je pridno stregla v dolgi bolezni, ki ga je mučila številno let. V Braddock, Pa. je umrla moja teta Frances Sage, ki je bila čl. št. 27. Pri naši podružnici pa sledeče: Umrla je sestra Agnes Henigsman, ki je mnogo prestala v bolezni, kar sam Bog ve, toda je vse pohlevno prenašala. — Dolgi bolezni je podlegla sestra Antonija Mohorčič, ki je dočakala častitljivo starost 84 let. Bila je 40 let vdova ter vsa leta skrbna in vzorna mati svojim otrokom, članice so izkazale svojo ljubezen s številnim spremstvom na zadnji poti. Vsem preostalim sorodnikom in prijateljem izrekamo globoko sožalje. Blagim pokojnim pa naj ljubi Bog podeli zaslužno plačilo v večnosti! Me se pa spomnimo vernih duš v svoji vsakdanji molitvi. Mr. In Mrs. Joe in Kristina Bradisli sta v poletju obiskala sorodnike Mr. in Mrs. Louis Pugel v Longview, Washington. Mrs. Mary Pugel je rodna sestra Kristine Bradish s katero se niste videli 22 let. Spotoma sta obiskala sorodnike v Seattle, Washington in Canada. Sestra Bradish je bila vneta delavka za napredek podružnice ter dosegla čast Konvenčne Kraljice v letu 1952. Iskrene čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Bradish k zlati poroki, katero sta praznovala v krogu svojih sorodnikov ob času obiskov. Želimo, da bi dočakala še mnogo let srečnega življenja. Dne 10. septembra smo obiskale znano božjo pot Mother Cabrini, katera je bila spoznana za svetnico pred nekaj leti. Pokojna Mother Cabrini, je bila redovna sestra v sirotišnici. Zgodovina pove, da je šla z otroci na izlet. Postali so žejni, vode ni bilo videti v bližini in sestra privzdigne kamen in takoj je pritekla studenčna voda in od tistega časa je ta kraj svetovno znana božja pot. Oddaljena je 35 milj od mesta Denver. Tako vidite drage sestre se nam nudi vedno lep užitek, da se skupaj peljamo v prosto naravo. Na poti domov smo se ustavili in si ogledali Air Force Academy, ki je zelo zanimiv kraj, s krasnimi stavbami. Nedavno je bila v našem mestu na obisku sestra Angela Križnar iz Ely, Minn., ki ima tukaj dve rodni sestri: Mrs. Zdravje In Nellie Jenko. Pri nas smo vedno veseli dobiti obiske ter u-pamo, da se boste vsi dobro imeli med sorodniki in znanci. Dne 25. novembra je naš slovenski radijo, katerega izvrstno vodi Mr. John Butkovich priredil imeniten koncert, podan po Duquesne University iz Pa. Več o tem poročam prihodnjič. Vljudno vas vabim vse na decembrsko sejo. Vsaka navzoča bo imela besedo, da sl izvolite odbor po svoji volji. Po seji bo zabava, Christmas Party. Pridite vse, da se bomo skupno poveselile! Mesec december ima važen pomen za članice SŽZ. Dne 19. bo poteklo polnih 35 let odkar je bila Zveza ustanovljena po Mrs. Prisland, ki je imela ljubezen do slovenskih žen in deklet in je šla hrabro in nesebično na delo in s tem dosegla svoj cilj. Mrs. Prisland, Bog Vam daj zdravja in Vas ohrani še mnogo let za nas in za SŽZ. Priznanje naši glavni tajnici Albini Novak, ki je pred 10 leti, za srebrni jubilej Zveze, izročila javnosti kuhinjsko knjigo v angleškem jeziku, to je bilo nekaj posrečenega zlasti za mlade gospodinje, ki znajo kuhati le po receptih. Priporočam materam, da svojim hčerkam kupite to knjigo, saj jaz jih imam še nekaj na rokah. Vsa čast in priznanje našim zavednim voditeljicam, pionirkam, ter vsem, ki zvesto sodelujete pri velikopoteznem delu za napredek SŽZ! Bolnih je več naših članic. Ant. Mutz je srečno prestala težko operacijo na nogi. Sestra Jos. Skull (iz farm) je prestala operacijo na vratu. Omenjenima in vsem drugim bolnim želimo, da bi bile vse zdrave za praznike, ki bodo kar kmalu tukaj! Sestra in družina Mrs. Anne Boitz, Mr. in Mrs. John Cemach in hčerka Olga so poklonili krasni kip Matere božje v zahvalo za zdravje Franku Boitzu, soprogu Anne Boitz. Kip krasi vrt pri sestrah sv. Rešnjega Telesa, 2116 Oakland St. V tem samostanu je nuna, hčerka od dr. Perkota iz Cleveland, Ohio. Malo pozno, toda rada bi se tem potom zahvalila za krasno broško od Zveze, ki mi je bila poklonjena za zadnji konvenciji. Tudi v bodoče obljubim storiti kar bo v moji moči za Zarjo in Zvezo. Opomin: Poglejte v svojo knjižico, drage sestre, kako je z asesmentom in če nimate vse mesece v tem letu plačano, prosim poravnajte, da bo imela tajnica knjige v redu, katere odda nadzornicam v pregled ob koncu leta. Božične pozdrave in srčne želje, da bi novorojeno Dete prineslo vsemu svetu obilo božičnega miru in blagoslovov. Članicam št. 3 pa kličem: na svidenje na seji 6. decembra! God bless you all! Anna Pachak, predsednica Pionirke Podr. št. S Zveza je ponosna na Mary Manfreda in Frances Stergar zaradi njunega dolgoletnega dela pri podr. št. 5. Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Leto gre k koncu. Kmalu bomo zopet počastile Božje dete ob božičnih praznikih v domačih in cerkvenih jaslicah. Vabimo vse članice, da se udeležite seje, ki se bo vršila dne 27. decembra, to je četrto sredo v mesecu v Narodnem domu ob 7 uri zvečer. Tajnica vas prosi, da bi prišle in dale svoja mnenja v korist naše podr. Doslej smo imele vedno lep uspeh pri čem gre zahvala članicam in prijateljem. Tajnica tudi prosi vse sestre, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, da skušate poravnati do konca leta, da bo tajnici mogoče knjige urediti za drugo leto. Ona mora vsak mesec založiti za tiste, ki dolgujejo. Pri naši podr. imamo vec starejših članic, ki so dočakale lepo starost. Med njimi sta tudi dve ustanovne članice naše podr., to sta Mary Manfreda, doma iz primorske in Frances Stergar doma iz Kranjske. Obema želimo še mnogo srečnih let, predvsem ljubega zdravja. Vsem bolnim naj Mati Božja lajša trpljenje v bolezni. Vsem našim odbornicam in vsaki posamezni članici, vesel Božič in srečno Novo leto. Naj vas Dete Božje blagoslovi z zdravjem in z vso srečo. Vse iskreno pozdravljene. Mary Markich, poročevalka slavnost, tako v cerkvi, kakor pri sprejemu. Veliko sreče in blagoslova želim mlademu paru na skupni življen-ski poti. Čestitke tudi staršem. Moje sožalje ses. Penko nad izgubo dragega brata Andeta Kapel, ki je 2'3. okt. nenadno preminul zadet od srče kapi. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja, posebno še ses. L. Čebular, lii je že precej časa na bolniški listi. Lojzka, le glej, da ne zamudiš letne seje. Želim vsem članicam in glavnini odbornicam prav vesele Božične praznike in božjega blagoslova v 1. 1!)(!2. Molimo, da bi nam novorojeno Dete prineslo tako željeni mir. Antonia Repič, poročevalka St. 10, Cleveland (Collinwood, Ohio. Oktoberska seja je bila prav dobro obiskana. — Vse prav prisrčno vabim na prih. sejo, ki bo glavna letna seja, da pridete v kar največjem številu, ker imamo mnogo stvari na programu. Vršile se bodo tudi volitve odbora za 1. 19G2 in potrebno bo skleniti kaj bomo ukrenile za čim lepšo proslavo 35 letnice ustanovitve podr. Ta veliki dogodek nameravamo proslaviti na belo nedeljo. Še enkrat prosim vse sodelovanje. Ker se bliža konec leta, tudi pozivam vse tiste čla., ki so v zaostanku z asesmentom, da bi čimprej poravnale, da naša tajnica ne bo imela toliko nepotrebnih sitnosti, ker knjige morajo biti zaključene. Zadnji mesec smo zopet izgubile dobro članico Matilda Benčina. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj. Družini pa iskreno sožalje. Naše vrste se krčijo, zato se moramo potruditi, da nadomestimo preminule sestre. Zadnji mesec je pristopila nova čla. Jožica Sežun. Kličemo ji veselo dobrodošlico med nami. Upamo, da ji bo še več sledilo v naše vrste. Dne 14. okt. sta se poročila v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete Frances Avčin in Ronald Alič. Matere ženina in neveste, kakor tudi stara mama ženina so naše čla. Bila je res lepa poročna Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 6. dec. točno ob eni uri pop. Na seji imamo za rešiti več važnih zadev, zato prosim, da gotovo pridete. Na bolniški listi imamo večje število sester: Josephine Martinčič, Anne Brulc, Kathie Stuller, Mary Wojvo-dich, Josephine Berginc, Apolonia Zrimšek, Angeline Fon W. Pierce St. Anne Novakovich in Mary Erman. Prosim, da obiskujete bolne sestre, če vam je le mogoče. Vsem. ki obhajate rojstne dneve v decembru, želim vse najboljše, med njimi tudi moji grand-daughter Johana Schimenz, ki je bila rojena na dan 25. dec. Vsem članicam in gl. uradnicam želim vesel Božič in mnogo sreče v Novem letu. Prosim, da ne pozabite seje G. dec. in 3. jan. v cerkveni dvorani. Pozdrav celi Zvezi, posebno sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz. Čestitke, draga sestra Kramer! Dne 13. decembra je 76 letni rojstni dan priljubljene sestre Bara Kramer v San Francisco, California. Dal Bog. da bi dobrosrčna Bara dočakala še mnogo let toda v boljšem zdravju kot minulo leto! A. N. VESELE PRAZNIKE! HOLMES AVE, MARKET FRESH & HOME SMOKED MEATS FANCY GROCERIES & VEGETABLES 15638 HOLMES AVE. CLEVELAND 10, OHIO JOE KOZAR LI. 1-8139 Sincere compliments from NORWOOD APPLIANCE & FURNITURE 6201 Si. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Complete selection of furniture ® for your home — at lowest prices! POROČILA OH IJ SKI H PODRUŽNIC Ker že naše agilne gl. preds. Tončka Tanko in gl. nadzornica Vicki Faletič, obe izvrstno poročata o delovanju podr. v angleškem delu Zarje, bom pa jaz poročala v slovenskem, ker mi gre bolj gladko. Prodaja peciva skupnih Clev. podr. dne 15. okt. je bila prav uspešna. Kuharice so pod vodstvom Mrs. Mary Otoničar napekle izvrstnih potic, štrudljev in stotine krofov, pa jih je še zmanjkalo. Mrs. Ootoničar in Mrs. Dorothy Strniša sta tudi pokazale kako se naredi potice, štrudeljne in Hancate, katere zna Mrs. Strniša napraviti prav posebno okusne. Članice podr. so pa tudi toliko peciva nanesle, da je res bilo vsega na izbiro. Pridno so pomagale in pecivo darovale članice podr št. 10, 15, 18, 21, 25, 32, 41, 42, -17, 50 in 73. Zelo lepe predpasnike domačega izdelka so darovale dekleta podr. 10, 21 in 25, kateri so bili hitro razprodani. Deklice so tudi imele svojo stojnico, kjer so prav uspešno prodajale. Najbolj privlačen pa je bil nastop mladinskih skupin pod spretnim vodstvom Mrs. Frances Sietz in njenih pomočnic. Deklice so izvajale točke v korakanju, vrtile pa-ličke (baton twirlers), plesale in pele, nastopili so tudi fantki z bobni (drummer boys). Občinstvu je zelo ugajal šaljivi nastop fantka in deklice z nageljnom. Vsaki posebej in vsem skupaj za lepo sodelovanje, prisrčna hvala! Dne 25. sept. smo pa gostovale v sosednji državi, v mestu Pittsburgh, Pa., na Zvezinem dnevu in državni konvenciji. Udeležba tankajšnjili društev je bila sijajna, postrežba je bila izvrstna. Veselo se je bilo zopet sniti s prijateljicami, Mrs. Coghe, Mrs. Klobučar, Mrs. Aubel, Mrs. Kokal in druge. Naša Frances Sietz, ki na vse misli, je imela s seboj več deklic in par fantkov, ki so tam nastopili v veliko zadovoljstvo navzočih Vsem skupaj za vse, iskrena hvala! Pri podr. št. 14 so imeli v okt. večerjo ob lepi udeležbi in lepim uspehom. Pri podr. št. 50 so pa 12. nov. obhajali 30 letnico ustanovitve. Ob enem so pa počastili njihovo članico, našo sedanjo gl. preds. Tončka Tanko. Proslave se je udeležila tudi naša gl. tajnica Albina Novak. Iskrene čestitke vsem skupaj in še mnogo uspehov v bodoče. Dne 17. dec. bodo deklice vežbalnili krožkov priredile lepo božičnico v St. Clair Recreation Center. Vse ste prijazno vabljene k udeležbi Vsem skupaj želim blagoslovljene božične praznike ter srečno, zdravo novo leto! Ella Starin, drž. preds. '5£g'. '^2'- '5$*? Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Topli dnevi so mimo, zato se moramo zbirati \ toplih dvoranah. 22. okt. je naše društvo priredilo v Slov. Domu na Recher Ave., chicken dinner, ki je lepo uspel. Najprej moram omeniti naše pridne čla., ki so se bile izredno potrudile, da so vse pripravile. En dan pred kosilom se jih je zbralo kar 14 sester, da so naredile štrudel, ker potrebno ga je bilo veliko, da je vsak dobil en košček, saj se je zbralo nepričakovano veliko ljudi. Mrs. Čebul je v prvi vrsti skrbela, da je bil res dober dinner, dalje Mrs, Troha je naredila roast beef tako okusno, da ga je zmanjkalo, kar so potem nadomestile piške. Mrs. Mary Stražišar pa je pomagala vsepovsod, v kuhinji in za baro. Mrs. Mary Iskra pa je dala pred banketom na razpolago prostor, da so pekle štrudel in je tudi ves dan pomagala v kuhinji. Ostale pridne pomočnice v kuhinji so bile: Tončka Kastrevc, Mrs. Vidovec, Mrs. Blatnik, Mrs. Sustar, Mrs. Smrdel in Mrs. Magonja. Naša preds. pa je skrbela za red v dvorani, da so bili gostje vsi lepo postreženi. Naša tajnica Pavli Cesar je imela tudi ogromno dela s tikci, da so bili vsi nazaj pobrani in tudi v kuhinji je pomagala. Kosila so se udeležile tudi gl. preds. Antonia Tanko in Mrs. O-toničar od št 25. Uspeh te prireditve je bil izreden in vsa zahvala gre našim pridnim članicam. Bog naj jim povrne na dušnem in telesnem zdravju. Tako naprej bomo pa še bolj z veseljem delale, za napredek podr. in SŽZ. Še enkrat prisrčna hvala vsem! Antonia Sustar št. 15, Cleveland, (Newburgh) Ohio. Oktoberska seja je bila povoljna. Razpravljale smo o prodaji peciva, ki je bilo 19. nov. 28. okt. sta praznovala 50 letnico po- roke Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Ozimek v krogu svoje družine 5 sinov in 5 hčera. Slavljenka in vse hčerke so naše članice. Sin Joseph je duhovnik in je on izvršil slavnostne obrede poročne obletnice. Priljubljenemu paru naše iskrene čestitke! 8. okt. so slavili slavnost zlate maše Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Oman, župnik fare Sv. Lovrenca. To je bila prva zlata maša v naši župniji. Bilo je izredno lepo ob množici častilcev jubilanta. Bog jih ohrani še veliko let med nami. Drage sestre, vljudno ste vabljene na gl. sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 13. dec. Bo volitev odbora in razmotri-vanje važnih predlogov, posebno še glede proslave 35 letnice naše podr., ki bo drugo leto. Na programu imamo tudi izmenjavo daril v vrednosti JI. Obhajale bomo tudi Božičnico, zato ste vse vljudno vabljene. Ana Zbipavska se je vrnila iz bolnišnice. Njej in vsem bolnim članicam želimo zdravja in vesele Božične praznike ter srečno Novo leto, — vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam SŽZ po širni Ameriki, posebno pa pri naši podr. Frances Lindich, poročevalka Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Približujejo se prelepi Božični prazniki, ki so polni veselja, ker se spominjamo Kristusovega rojstva. Ta dan se spomnimo tudi vseh tistih, ki Boga ne poznajo, da bi imeli priliko spoznati resnico. Sporočam, da decemberske seje ne bo, ker bomo priredile Božičnico, ali Christmas party, zato pripeljite svoje malčke s seboj, da jih bomo lepo razveselile. Božičnica bo 17. dec. ob 2 uri pop. v navadnih prostorih. Naša glavna seja se bo vršila tretjo nedeljo v januarju, soba št. 3. Ker bomo Imele volitve odbora ste vabljene, da se gotovo udeležite. Tudi več drugih važnih zadev moramo rešiti, zato pridite vse, da lahko najboljše uredimo v prid. podr,- Vse, ki ste v zaostanku z asesmentom, prosim, da poravnate, da zaključimo knjige za to leto. Kartna zabava je bila dobro obiskana. Zahvala velja vsem, ki ste pomagale na ta način društveni blagajni. 18. nov. se je poročila naša dobra ses. Josephine Kerzich z g. Jakob Stariha. Iskrene čestitke! Želimo jima, da bi bila bodočnost srečna v vseh ozirih in polna božjega blagoslova. Naša dobra ses. Ann Wisnievski se je morala podvreči operaciji. Hvala Bogu, da jo je dobro prestala in je sedaj že doma, kjer se ji je zdravje precej izboljšalo in upamo, da bo že med nami na seji, ker ona vedno rada pomaga kjerkoli je potrebno; saj jo zaradi njenega veselega značaja vse rade imamo.- Več drugih članic je pod bolniško oskrbo in želimo vsem hitrega ozdravljenja. Še to: na naši gl. seji v jan. bomo imele zamenjavo božičnih daril, zato prosim, da vsaka prinese dar v vrednosti $1. Ob koncu želim vsemu članstvu vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto in božjega blagoslova v 1. 1962. Angela Kastelic, poročevalka Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Po 4 mesecih moje odsotnosti v Evropi kjer sem prebila lepe čase, sem našla doma tukaj več novic, katere bom poročala. Sicer ne vem za vse novice, pa vendar tukaj navedem sledeče: Po kratki bolezni smo izgubile članico Angelo Yedlnak, roj. Turk stara 44 let. Poleg soproga zapušča tri sinove in eno hčerko. Njena mati Mrs. Turk in teta Mrs. Anna Mlakar katera je umrla pred več leti je bila ČESTITKE ZLATOPOROČENCEMA! tudi naša članica. Ker pa je takrat bila predsednica Mrs. Emma Planinšek in jaz ge v Evropi, so pogrebne molitve opravile ostale odbornice in jo spremile na zadnji poti. Naše sožalje preostali družini, pokojnici pa naj sveti večna luč. Članica Mrs. John Torkar je izgubila skrbnega soproga starega 51 let. Stanujejo na Clare Ave. Bil je dobro poznani med nami kot električni kontraktor. Zapušča tudi dve hčerke, katere obe pohajata v St. Francis College. Dalje je umrla Mrs. Bertha Gerl, po profeslji bolniška strežnica in je bila v službi v drugi vojni kot strežnica. Zapušča soproga, poleg družine, in tudi mater Mrs. Mary Perush, oče ji je umrl pred nekaj leti. Članica Jennie Kanopek je tudi izgubila soproga Johna, kateri je po daljši bolezni bil poklican v večnost. Poleg Jennie zapušča tudi hčerko in sina. Vsem preostalim naše sožalje ob izgubi svojih dragih, pokojnim pa naj sveti večna luč. Mr. John Jevitz z družino se je preselil iz N. Hickory street na 810 Oakland Ave. Želimo jim mnogo sreče v novem domu. Naša predsednica Mrs. Planinšek je te dni v Washington, D.C., kjer je na obisku pri hčerki Irene, katera podučuje na college v naši prestolici. Obiskuje tudi razne zanimive kraje nase prestolice. Želimo ji mnogo lepega časa. Med tem časom je bilo tudi več naših članic v bolnišnici, katerim želim da se sedaj že zdravijo doma, ostalim pa, da se čim prej vrnejo iz bolnišnice. Poleg moje družine s soprogom in sinom Ronald in Mrs. Emma Planinšek, kateri smo skupaj potovali z avtom so se vrnile tudi pred nami, Mrs. Anna Mahkovec, Mrs. Jennie Sprengel in njena sestra Rose Jagodnik, Mrs. Theres Oblak, Mr. Luke Benedik, kateri je vzbudil pozornost, ker je se vrnil v domovino prvič po 73 letih, čil in zdrav. Prvič ko je prišel sem v Ameriko v starosti 3 let, in sedaj se je vrnil po tolikih letih s soprogo Jennie, katera se je vrnila to pot po petih letih. Naše iskreno sožalje članici Mrs. Jennie Pluth, katera je izgubila svojega soproga minulo poletje. Bil je tudi oče številne odrasle družine. Dobro poznan med nami, in je spadal k raznim organizacijam. Naj v miru počiva. Vsem članicam želim vesele Božične Praznike, in naj nam bo “Mir na tem svetu največje darilo od NJEGA za te praznike za nas vse.” Vse članice pa iskreno vabim na letno sejo ki bo tretjo nedeljo v tem mesecu. Letne seje so vedno važne in je Vaša dolžnost, da se zanimate za Vašo podružnico in to z Vašo udeležbo. Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Dne 23. sept. je poteklo 50 let najinega zakonskega življenja. Za to priliko so nama sinova in hčere priredili lepo slavnost s sv. mašo in blagoslovom v cerkvi Sv. Jožefa. Njim in vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in sosedom ter članicam podr. št. 29 izrekava najlepšo zahvalo za vse, posebno še članicam za lep dar. Hvala vsem za lepe kartice in darila. God bless you all! Moj soprog Frank je doma iz fare Borovnica, Slovenija in je 1. 1907 prišel v Ameriko v Forest City. Jaz sem prišla leta 1910 iz Dolenjega Logatca, vas Brod, Slovenija. Moje dekliško ime je bilo: Kobal. V zakonu se nama je rodilo 10 otrok, 4 sinovi in 6 hčera, od katerih je 7 še živih in so vsi poročeni. Kot dolgoletna članica št. 29 tudi raje berem kakor pišem, zato je to moj prvi dopis. Zarjo zelo rada berem, ker ima mnogo zanimivega čitanja. Moja sestra Mary Pristavec je tudi Naša predsednica Mrs. Emma Planinšek se mudi več tednov v Auburn, Illinois in drugih sosednih mestih, kjer obiskuje svoje sorodnike po vrnitvi iz domovine. Upam, da se ima dobro, in nam bo zopet vedela mnogo povedati o svojih obiskih. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — Vse vljudno vabim, da se udeležite dec. seje, ki bo v nedeljo 3. dec. ob 2 uri pop. Prošene ste, da vsaka prinese s seboj darilo v vrednosti JI. za izmenjavo daril. Naša tajnica tudi želi, da bi vsaka kaj spekla, predvsem pa, da se vse udeležite te važne seje. Društvena večerja je bila prav dobro obiskana. Lepa hvala vsem skupaj, predvsem našim dobrim kuharicam in dekletom, ki ste tako pridno pomagale. Čestitke ses. Sabol ob praznovanju 30 letnice poroke; vse ji želimo, da bi oba v zdravju slavila še zlato po-roko.-Ses. Helen Less se lepo zahvalim za krasni prt, ki ga je darovala. Hvala tudi ses. Mary Hočevar za lep prt in ses Agnes Zakrajšek za vse,- Čestitke Mary Šinkovec, ki je postala 12-tič stara mati in drugič prastara mama. Vsem mamicam ljubega zdravja in malim mnogo blagoslova. Lepa hvala g. župniku Claude O-korn za lepe dopise v Zarji. Še enkrat prosim vse, da pridete na dec. sejo in pripeljite kaj novih članic.- Vsem slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov, vse najboljše in vsem bolnim članicam hitrega ozdravljenja. Mrs. Vičič nisem mogla obliskati v bolnici, zato se jo pa spomnim v molitvi. Ostanite vse zdrave In vesele Božične praznike ter srečno Novo leto. Frances Kave, poročevalka Mr. in Mrs. Frank Debevec bolj bolehna in se je preselila k svojemu sinu v Maryland. Članice ji želimo ljubega zdravja, da bi se kmalu vrnila med nas. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ. Josephine Debevec Št. 24, La Salle, lil. Naša seja je bila se dosti dobro obiskana, seveda bi lahko bila še bolje. Sklenile smo, da boino imele zamenjavo božičnih daril, zato naj vsaka članica prinese darilo za en dolar in zapiše svoje ime na darilo. Po seji bomo imele malo razvedrila in prigrizka. Vse še enkrat vljudno vabljene na letno sejo, ki bo dne 3. dec., v nedeljo pop. Vsaj enkrat na leto bi vsaka lahko prišla za 2 urici med nas. Imele bomo volitve odbora, posebno tajnico boste morale izvolite, zato prosim vse, ki ste v zaostanku z asesmentom, da bi prišle in poravnale, da bom lahko oddala urejene knjige. Na nov. seji smo dale na listke dva purana, katere sta darovala Emily Jordan in Angela Strukel in srečna sta bila Ilank Struna in Cecelia Pyrz. Hvala vsem, ki so prodajale listke; največ jih je prodala Mary Peletič. Lepa hvala tudi Justini Anglevar, Mrs. Killer, Mrs. Gorgel, Jossie in Rosie Gornik, Kastigar, Jordan, Kragulski in Strukel. Sožalje Izrekamo ses. Mary Kempar nad izgubo njenega soproga, ki je preminul po daljši bolezni. Poleg žene zapušča tudi hčer Mary in več sinov. V bolnici je bila Jossie Mihalek in Verona Brate. Sedaj se zdravita doma, kakor tudi Antonija Ferenčak. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Teta štorklja je povasovala pri ses. Gery Prakuski in pustila hčerko. Čestitke ! Vsem želim vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto ter na svidenje na letni seji. Angela Strukel, tajnica MINNESOTA ZVEZIN DAN V CHISHOLM Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn — Naš Zvezin dan 10. sept. je za nami. Muhasto sept. vreme nam je nekoliko nagajalo, toda proti večeru se je lepo zjasnilo. Vseeno smo imele lepo udeležbo,posebno zunanjih gostov je bilo veliko. Uilo je dosti pripravljenega, kajti gotovo je, da se v skupnosti z dobro voljo vse napravi. Naše mlade ženske od krožka so se trudile, da vse najboljše pripravijo v splošno zadovoljstvo. Krožek je naredil lepo svoto za našo novo cerkev, toda sliši se, da ni bilo dovolj stvari za postrežbo, toda vseeno so ljudje bili zadovoljni s hrano in programom. Na programu smo imeli izvrstne talente in vodila ga je izkušena Vida Ponikvar. Kakor sem že večkrat slišala, če je “toastmaster good, the banquet is good, too” in tako je bilo v našem primeru. Vidi res iskrena hvala! Ve na Ely, ste srečne, da imate Mary Ilutar, ki zna vedno vse ljudi spraviti v dobro voljo. Iskrena hvala tudi Katie Merhar, ki je izvrstna igralka na klavir in druge instrumente. Poleg tega so tudi domači pevci pod vodstvom Mr. Kuntara iz Eveleth, zapeli nekaj lepih pesmi. Človek bi jih kar naprej poslušal. Vsa čast jim! Frank Smoltz je zaigral na harmoniko, kakor zna samo Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — V tem letu smo imele pri naši organizaciji pomembnega in koristnega delovanja za našo Zvezo. Konvencija v Ely je lepo izpadla in se še vedno spominjamo prijaznih in postrežljivih članic, ki i-majo pred očmi napredek naše Zveze. Sedaj imamo mlado požrtvovalno predsednico, Mrs. Antonia Tanko. Njena delovnost in vnema za SŽZ, je razvidna iz Zarje. Imamo tudi prav pridno gl. nadzornico, Mrs. Vicki Faletič, ki se zelo zanima za naše članstvo in za mladinski naraščaj. Le tako naprej Vicki, mi Ti bomo pa pomagale. Zlato poroko sta praznovala v cerkvi Sv. Vida Mr. in Mrs. Fink iz Hecker Ave. — Srebrno poroko pa sta slavila Mr. in Mrs. J. Turk. Obema paroma naše iskrene čestitke. Obe slavljenke sta naši dobri članici. Drage sestre, zopet imamo kampanjo za nove članice, zato prosim, da bi se vsaka malo potrudila, da bo podr. rastla in tudi lepe nagrade so razpisane. Vsako leto nam umre od 20 do 30 sester, zato moramo še toliko bolj delati, da vrzeli nadomestimo. Prosim vas, da pogledate svoje plačilne knjižice in katere nimate plačan asesmenta, prosim, da poravnate na dec. seji, ker bom jaz tajništvo izročila naši gl. odbornici Vicki Faletič. Jaz sem že kar prestara za to delo, zato res nujno prosim, da mi napravite to uslugo, da bom lahko izročila urejene knjige. Vsem bolnicam želim ljubega zdravja in vse še enkrat vabim na dec. sejo, ker bomo imele prav prijetni večer z dobrim prigrizkom. Pridite v velikem številu, ne bo vam žal. Vsem gl. uradnicam, duh. svetovalcu Rev. Okornu in vsem članicam, vesele Božične praznike in blagoslovljene Novo leto. Bodite lepo pozdravljene, Mary Otoničar Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Bližajo se božični prazniki v vsem veličastvu rojstva Gospodovega in začetek novega leta 19f>2. Tem potem želim srečne in vesele praznike, mir, zdravja in zadovoljstva v bodočem letu vsem članicam naše Zveze in njihovim družinam, kakor tudi g. duhovnemu vodju, Rev. C. Okornu in vsem gl. uradnicam SŽZ mnogo uspeha. Oktoberska seja je bila prav dobra. Želela bi, da bi vsak mesec bila tako lepa udeležba, da tako kaj dobrega sklenemo v korist organizacije. Vabim vse članice, da pridete na glavno sejo 19. dec. ob 8 uri zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Pridite vse, da se izvoli odbor za 1. 1962 in se malo skupno zabavamo, ko bomo obhajali Božičnico in zaključek tega leta. Vse tiste, ki dolgujete, pridite in poravnajte svoj dolg, da bodo knjige v redu za prihodnje leto. Vsem članicam lep pozdrav. Anna Trontel, preds. Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio — Bližajo se nam božični prazniki in Bog daj, da bi jih kar najlepše obhajali. Vsem želimo tudi zdravo in blagoslovljeno novo leto. Veliko uspeha želimo naši Zvezi s sodelovanjem in pomočjo članic, ker odbornice ne morejo same vsega opraviti, a v skupnosti je moč! Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja, vse zdrave pa vabim, da pridete na naše seje, da bomo kaj dobrega ukrenile za dobrobit organizacije. Iskreno sožalje Ani Krmavner nad izgubo sina, katerega je nagla smrt pobrala. Zadela ga je srčna kap. Naj v miru počiva! Pozdrav vsem ter na svidenje na seji. Vasa poročevalka, Frances Perme Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio — Zopet se bližamo koncu leta. Članice, katere še dolgujete na članarini, ste prošene, da gotovo poravnate zaostali dolg pred zaključkom leta. Iskrene čestitke naši podpredsednici Mary Markel, ki je zopet postala stara mamica krepkemu vnučku, katerega so dobili v družini hčerke Alice. Vesele smo, da se ji je tudi zdravje že dobro okrepilo in upamo, da bo na prihodnji seji že med nami. Prodaja peciva skupnih podružnic je prav dobro uspela. Najlepša hvala našim članicam, ki so prispevale razno pecivo in sicer: Rose Pujzdar, Mary Debevec, Fanny Jamnik, Josephine Bonach, Mara Jurkezi in Ančki Skok pa za fine rezance. Vsem, katere ste obhajale rojstne dneve v nov. in katere jih boste v dec., želimo vse najboljše, med njimi sta tudi naša podpreds. Mary Markel in nadz. Mary Cerjak, ki sta nas fino pogostile po zadnji seji. Bog Vaju živi še mnoga leta! Članska kampanja je še vedno v teku, lepo bi bilo, da bi se tudi me pri naši podr. potrudile za nove članice. Celokupnemu članstvu želim vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike ter zdravo in srečno novo leto! Ella Starin, taj. Št. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio — Čas hitro beži, leto gre h koncu in bližajo se božični prazniki, zato želim srečne on. S svojo muziko privzdigne mlado in staro. Lepa hvala tudi Frank Zakrajšek za krasno slovensko petje v cerkvi. Nadalje našim duhovnikom Msgr. Shiffler in Father Centa, ki sta nam šla na roko v vseh ozirih. Bog povrni vsem! Dobile smo čestitke od gl. tajnice Albine Novak in Mrs. Prisland ter Mrs. Pachak iz Colo. Pisma so bila prebrana pred občinstvom in z odobravanjem sprejeta na znanje. Prejele smo tudi brzojavko našega kongresnika John Blatnik. Hvala vsem in vsakemu posebej! Predstavljene so bile vse gl. in krajevne uradnice. Navzoče gl. odbornice so bile: Mrs. Podgoršek, Barbara Rosandicli in naša gl. preds. Antonija Tanko. Zelo smo ponosne, da jo imamo kot gl. preds. Naredila je lep govor, da smo bile vse zadovoljne. Več kot prav je, da pridejo mlade moči v odbore. (Če sem kaj pozabila, pa mi prosim oprostite.) Ob koncu mojega poročila, še enkrat lepa hvala Vam vsem skupaj od blizu in daleč, posebno sestram iz Du-lutha in Ely, ki ste se udeležile v tako velikem številu. Če Bog da, Vam bomo vrnile obisk. Drugo leto bo Zvezin dan na Gilbert. Ko sem omenila našemu županu Henry Bare, da bo na Gilbert prih. leto, mi je rekel, ‘ Why? Have it here. I have a wonderful time among our Slovenian people.” Naj zadostuje za danes. Pozdravljam vse gl. uradnice, vse članice in celo Zvezo. Ann Trdan, Preds. in vesele praznike, zdravja in zadovoljstva v bodočem letu vsem članicam Zveze in njihovim družinam,- Iskrene čestitke Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Oman, našemu duh. vodju, ob priliki zlatomašniškega jubileja. Bog Vas ohrani med nami še mnogo let! Na letni seji 6. dec. bomo imele večerjo in izmenjavo daril v vrednosti ?1 dol. Imeli bomo lepe dobitke; batli room set, ki ga je skeklala in darovala naša preds. Mrs. Legan in kip Piabkega Ježuščka, ki ga je sama naredila in darovala naša nova članica Jean Legan. V imenu članic o-bema prav lepa hvala! Na zadnji seji smo praznovale rojstne dneve naslednjih sester: A. Perko, T. SimončiC L. Prhne in M. Lip-nos. Vsem slavljenkam, vse najboljše in še nunoRo zdravih let. Hvala za postrežbo. Tajnica je prebrala zahvalno pismo Sister Mary Rdith za dar $50 za dom Sv. Jožefa v Lemontu. Lep pozdrav vsem članicam podr. In na svidenje na seji. Mary Yemec, poročevalka Št. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio — Naznanjam članicam, da se bo naša letna in glavna seja vršila dne 10. dec. to je drugo nedeljo ob 2 uri pop. na 8601 Vineyard Ave. Drugih za sejo ne bomo pošiljali, zato naj to velja kot glavno vabilo. Navzočnost vsake članice je potrebna. Določile se bodo smernice poslovanja za prihodnje leto in podana bodo poročila za to leto. Imele smo vesele in žalostne dogodke,- Pri ses. E. Stražišar so se oglasile vile rojenice in jim pustile zalo hčerko; sedaj imajo 3 deklice in enega sinčka Čestitke mladini staršem, kakor tudi starim Mr. in Mrs. Frank Tomažin, ki sta postala šestič stari očka in mati. Ses. H. Tomažin je naša ustanoviteljica,- Mr. in Mrs. Johan Dolinar sta v sept. praznovala 45 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Ses. Dolinar je naša večletna blagajničarka,- 4. nov. sta slavila 54 let zakona Mr. in Mrs. Anton Barbič. Ses. Barbič je naša ustanovna članica in nam vedno rada pomaga. Naj Bog ohrani oba para še dolgo let pri zdravju, Vam želijo vse članice. Žalost je napolnila srce ses. Catherine Gasparič, ko ji je po daljši bolezni preminul soprog. Naj v miru počiva! Catherine pa naše sožalje.- Neizprosna smrt je pretrgala nit življenja ses. Paulini Ložar, ki je odšla za soprogom v blaženo večnost. Iskreno sožalje sinovoma in sorodnikom. Naj blaga ses. počiva v miru!- Sožalje tudi sestram Teresa Kočevar in An Marida, ko jima je nenadoma umrl njun oče. Ses. Zala pa njen tast. Pok. Anton Zala naj počiva v miru Veliko let so se naše seje vršile v njegovih prostorih in je veliko pomagal naši podr. Imamo tudi več bolnih sester: Mary Mafko. Ivana Dedek, Antonia Sila, Josephine Kmet, Jennie Novak, Mary Lupšina, Frances Miklič, Josephine Meserko, Frances Jakulin, Terezija Bizjak, Helen Tomažič in Mary Kra-gel, ki se nahaja v zavetišču Holy Family, 6707 State Rdr., Clev. Prosimo, da obiskujete bolne sestre in spominjajmo se jih v molitvi. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Ses. A. Kreševlc mi naj oprosti ker sem se ji pozabila zahvaliti za dar krasne prevleke z blazino, ki jo je darovala za 30 letnico podr. Hvala tudi sestram, ki so prispevale v denarju: J. Kmet, A. Miller in L. Kos-telec.- Naša podpreds. L. Zidanič je 54 let poročena Mr. & Mrs. Anton Barbič sta se poročila 4. nov. 1907 v St. Paul cerkvi v Clev. Mr. Barbič je doma iz Kostanjevice in je. 1. 1897 prišel v Ameriko, a Mary, rojena Sholar je prišla sem 1901. Ni jima bilo vedno z rož-cami postlano, toda vedno sta še oba pri precej dobrem zdravju, se jima pozna, da sta iz Dolenske, kjer raste rujna vinska kapljica. V zakonu sta imele 7 otrok: Antoinette Davias, Christine Olden, Angela Mims, Mary Betty ter Frank in Edward ter 4 vnuke. Oba sta bila dobra delavca na društvenem polju. Živita na 7910 Rosewood Ave., Clev. Ko srečen maj je bil za oba, ko k poroki sta šla; tudi še danes vesela oba, ko vaju spremlja jesen življenja v srečnem družinskem krogu. Bog naj blagoslovi Vaju in vašo družino, Vama želimo vse najboljše članice št. 47. Jennie Pugely, taj. postala že drugič pra-stara mamica in je še prav čvrsta, čeprav ji leta teko preko 75 let Na gl. seji bomo imele razvedrilo in izmenjavo daril, zato naj vsaka prinese božično darilo za $1. Imele bomo tudi okrepčila. Torej se nam obeta lep popoldne. Pridite vse, 10. dec. Vas pozdravlja, Jennie Pugely, tajnica Št. 53, Cleveland, Ohio —- Kadar dobim Zarjo, vedno najprej pogledam, če je kak dopis od 53, toda zaman, nobena se ne oglasi. Čeravno rada pišem, pa tudi rada čltam. Članice mi naj oproste, če se oglašam s par vrsticami. Najprej želim izreči sožalje članici Mrs. Mary Slabe iz W. 14 St., kateri je pred par meseci nenadoma umrl njen soprog John. Bil je dobro poznan pri Slovencih in v polski naselbini, vodil je trgovino s čevlji in drugo vseh 49 let. Imel je lep pogreb. Naj počiva v miru. Ta dan sem tudi pozdravila njegovo sestro Frances Doli nar in Frank Slabe z družino Iz Chicaga. Pred par tedni je pa umrl po daljšem bolehanju Frank Železnik, gostilničar in bivši trgovec s hrano iz Jen-ning Ud. Njegova žena Katherina je naša podpredsednica že od začetka; pri njih se je tudi ustanovila podr. št. 53. Naše sožalje. Pokojniku pa večni mir in pokoj. 18. okt. je obhajala naša družabna čla. Urška Korenchan iz 97 St. svoj 90 rojstni dan. Ona še vedno več hodi, kakor pa se vozi, je le malo takih korenin v teh lepih letih. Torej vse najboljše Urška, še na mnogo let. Pozdrave vsem podr., ki gotovo imajo tudi Žirovke pri eni, ali pri drugi številki. Anna Jesenko Št. 54, Warren, Ohio — Leto gre h koncu. Bližajo se prazniki. Naša seja se bo vršila 7. dec. ob 6 uri zvečer. Prišel bo tudi Miklavž za otroke. Vse kakor vsako leto. Izmenjava daril naj bo v vrednosti enega dolarja. Za otroke pa kakor hočete. Če je kateri mogoče, naj speče cookies, za vse drugo bo skrbel odbor. Upam, da se udeležite v velikem številu in pripeljite s seboj svoje otroke. Za nov. sejo so nas pogostile ses. Anna Simpkins, Jean Ponikvar in Josephine Kas-san. Udeležba je bila bolj slaba, kar je obžalovanja vredno,- Dec. bo obhajala svoj 78 rojstni dan zvesta članica Jennie Shine. Ona ne zamudi seje in želimo ji še za naprej tako dobrega zdravja še mnogo let! - Operaciji se je morala podvreči čl. ml. oddelka Mary Ellen Howell. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Celokupnemu gl. odb. ter vsem članicam SŽZ, posebno delegatinjam zadnje konvencije in vsem v Minn., želim sreče in vesele Božične praznike. Narodom pa miru in sprave. Plodo-nosno leto 1902 vsem! Sesterski pozdrav, Rose Racher Št. 55, Girard, Ohio — Na zadnji seji je bilo navzočih lepo število članic. Zmenile smo se, da bomo zopet napravile bake sale, da bomo imele čim lepši božični party. Vsaka članica je prošena, da nekaj napeče, katere ne bi mogla kaj speči, je prošena, da prispeva v blagajno,- Po končani seji so servirale okusni lunch: Jennie Selak, Catherine Anzek, Mary Turk, Mary Brodish in Theresa Sušnik. Prav lepa hvala vsem. Teta štorklja je obiskala zadnji mesec kar tri naše članice. Pri Dr. in Mrs. R. Juvančič je pustila lepo hčerko. Dr. Juvančič je zelo ponosen na svojega 5-tega otroka v družini. Čestitamo! Družino Mr. in Mrs. Anton Florjančič je razveselila hčerkica Barbara, ki bo delala družbo 2 bratcema. -Naša bivša učiteljica Silvia Fabian, LEP USPEH DRŽ. KONVENCIJE V PENNA. Državna konvencija za Pennsilvanijo, ki se je vršila 24. sept. je prav lepo izpadla. Ob 11:30 dop. je bila sv. maša za članice, katero je daroval Father Kebe, bivši duh. svetovalec Zveze. Po maši smo imeli zajutrek v Slov. domu in ob 2 uri pop. se je pričela seja. Prečitan je bil zapisnik zadnjega Zvezinega dneva in za zapisnikarico je bila izvoljena Mary Klemenčič. Udeležba na seji je bila velika. Iz Clevelanda je bilo zastopanih 10 podr. Vse podr. iz Pa. so podale svoja poročila Ob štirih se je pričel ob veliki udeležbi slavnostni banket. Iskrena hvala stoloravnatelju Mr. Lokar in glavni govornici, ki je bila naša gl. preds. Mrs. Tanko. Prisrčna hvala za Vaše delo, ker iz Clev. so prišli kar z dvema bu- soma. Hvala vsem članicam, ki so se udeležile. Posebno tudi zahvala Mrs. Sietz, ki ima tako lepo izvežbane otroke, ki so lepo plesali. Članice št. 71 iz Strabane in pod. št. 106, Meadow Lands, so se tudi udeležile v velikem številu, da so napolnile veliki autobus. Prišle so tudi od podr. št. 61, 77, 90, 91, 96. Čestitke sta poslale Mrs. Prisland, ustanoviteljica in Mrs Pachak, drž. preds. Colo. Lepa hvala! Priznanje in hvala Mrs. Trontel in vašim članicam za veliko delo. Hvala urednici Corinne, za tako lepo oglaševanje našega Zvezinega dne v Zarji. Vesele praznike! Mary Tomsic, drž. preds. ki se je poročila lani za Božič, bo srečno praznovala letošnje praznike s svojo prvorojenko, zalo hčerkico.- Še enkrat prav lepe čestitke na vse strani! Mrs. Frances Juvančič, mati dr. R. Juvančiča je bila v bolnišnici, hvala Bogu se ji zdravje vrača in upam, da bo že zdrava med nami, ko bo brala te vrstice. Vesele Božične praznike in zdravo Novo leto, vsem širom Amerike, želi podr. št. 55 in Emma Zore Št. 64, Kansas City, Kansas — Črez poletje nismo imeli sej, zato prosim, da pridete sedaj bolj v velikem številu in pripeljite kaj novih članic. 9. sept se je poročil Donald Lipovac z Miss Joe Ann Yocuis v katedrali Sv. Petra. Imela sta veliko ženito-vanje v Armory dvorani. Donald je bil pred 2 letoma izbran v New Yorku kot najboljši igralec harmonike za celo Ameriko ter je šel na svetovni kon-test v Brussel, Belgijo. Je najstarejši sin naše prve dolgoletne nadzornice. Nevesta je vnukinja Mr. in Mrs. Frank Anžiček. V naši cerkvi Sv. Družine sta se poročila Miss Mary Ann Pollack in George Tržek. Nevestina mamica in stara mama sta obe naše dobre članice. V naši cerkvi se je tudi poročila naša najmlajša hčerka Dolores z Donald S. Smith Iz fare Sv. Petra. Že-nitovanje jo bilo v Hrvatsko-slovens-kem narodnem domu in zgodilo se je prvič po 13 letih, da je vseh 11 naših otrok prišlo skupaj na domu, kar je še najbolj povečalo to praznovanje. Sin Edward je prišel iz daljnega San Francisco In se srečal s številnimi znanci in prijatelji na oliceti. Poročila se je tudi vnukinja naše čla. Anne Novak, Miss Sandy Cornish z Ronny Debus. Poroka je bila v cerkvi sv. Zakramenta in ženitovanje v Pulaski dvorani,- Vsem mladim parom želimo obilo sreče in božjega blagoslova v zakonskem stanu. 29. okt. so članice oltarnega društva naše župnije slavile 50 letni jubilej s peto sv. mašo ob 8 uri zjutraj. Po maši so nam pa farni možje pripravili okusni zajuterk, za kar jim najlepša hvala. Oltarji si bili lepo okrašeni in naše 4 slavljenke so tudi imele lepe pušeljce: Mary Sneler, Gertrud Ža- gar, Josephine Zupan in Mary Poje; zadnje 3 so tudi članice Zveze. Frances Vesel, sedanja preds. jili je vse lepo predstavila in jim v kratkem nagovoru izrekla čestitke, nakar smo jim še ostale čestitale. Bog naj Vas živi se mnogo let! Vsem, ki so se že poslovile od nas, bodi ohranjen trajen spomin. Ko bodo te vrstice zagledale beli dan, bo že blizu Božiča, zato sprejmite vse srčna voščila za Božič in srečno Novo leto. Antonia Kostelec, predsednica Št. 68, Fairport, Ohio — Čas hitro beži in zopet smo nastopile zadnji mesec leta. Zimska burja že žvižga okoli vogalov, pa kaj hočemo, če jo imamo radi ali ne, Bog jo pošlje, pa bomo že prestali tlo pomladi, samo, da bo zdravje. Naša podr. sicer mnogo ne napreduje toda vendar še kar dobro delamo. Na sejah skušamo kar se da vse za-dovljiti z lepim razvedrilom. Posebno sedaj v mrzli zimi je kar prijetno ko pridemo skupaj enkrat na mesec, da razmotrivamo o razmerah, novicah, ali pritožbah in se nazadnje vse vesele razidemo. Posebno pomembna je zadnja, ali letna seja ko bomo slišale poročila kako bomo nadaljevale z delom prihodnje leto. Drage sestre, upam, da ste vsaj toliko pri zdravju izvzemši nadležnega revmatizma, ki je precej udomačen pri nas, ki korakamo že bolj v leta. Vsem članicam in čitateijem naše Zarje, želim vesele in zadovoljne Božične praznike. Bog naj nam da srečno prihodnje leto, svetovni mir, ki si ga vsi želimo. Pozdravljeni. Angela Lunka, poročevalka otroci, ki imajo glavno skrb kaj jim bo Miklavž prinesel. V dec. je tudi obletnica naše Zveze, ki je bila ustanovljena 19. dec. pred 35 leti. Potrudimo se, da dobimo kaj novih članic, da bomo dale tudi Zvezi naše božično darilo. Tudi nagrade so zelo mične. Kakor čitate v Zarji, morete dobiti tudi prosto vožnjo za izlet v Washington, D.C. Bolne so ses. Anna Strle in Mary Mavrič. Zdravje se jima boljša. Bog daj vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja. Čestitamo Mr. in Mrs. Al Tomsic k rojstvu sinčka in podr. je dobila novega člana, kakor je njegova sestrica in mati. Našemu duh. svetovalcu Rev. Okoren prisrčna hvala za lepe dopise v Zarji. Enako hvala Mrs. Prisland za Vaše dopise, ki jih rada berem. Čeprav je že nekoliko kasno, vendar čestitam Mrs. Novak k Vašemu rojstnemu dnevu. Naj Vam Bog da ljubega zdravja, da boste še dolgo let vodila našo Zvezo. Drage sestre, vljudno Vas vabim, da pridete 13. dec. vse na sejo, ker bo volitev odbora in razmotrivanje v korist podr. Pridite vsaj enkrat na leto v res velikem številu, saj je lepo, da se zberemo in pogorimo o naših načrtih, ker sedaj ni izgovora, da ni časa, ker je delo zunaj končano. Hvala naši urednici Corinne za Tvoje delo in lepo urejeno Zarjo. Želim, vesele Božične praznike duh, svetovalcu, vsem gl. odbornicam ter vsem članicam, da bi Vam Božje Dete prineslo mnogo blagoslova in zdravja v novem letu in naj zavlada mir in sprava po vsem svetu. Ne pozabite seje 13. dec,- do takrat, na veselo svidenje in lep pozdrav. Mary Tomsic, preds. St. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Bližajo se nam veseli in najlepši Božični prazniki. Vsi z radostjo v srcu pričakujemo Božjega rojstva, posebno pa še Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Vabim vse članice podr. na letno sejo, ki se bo vršila 14. dec. točno ob 8 uri zvečer v Javor Hall na North Canal St. Prosim, da se udeležite te važne seje vse, ker bomo isti večer praznovale tudi Božičnico ter si izmenjale darila, ki naj bodo v vrednosti $1, ne manj, če pa katera hoče kupiti dražje darilo, je to njena zadeva. Mogoče bo še katera Članica praznovala svoj rojstni dan, kar bomo ra’ devolje praznovale skupaj. Bližajo se nam veseli najlepši Božični prazniki. Stari in mladi se veselimo božičnega časa, posebno se malčki, ki težko čakajo kaj jim bo Miklavž prinesel. Pa tudi nas starejše Miklavž ne pozabi, čeprav zatrjujemo, da ničesar ne potrebujemo, vendar vse-vedni Miklavž ve, da ne govorimo resnice in nas veselo preseneti. Še enkrat pridite na dec. sejo, da se skupno pogovorimo kako bomo nadaljevale delo v prih. letu. V skupnem delu je veselje in včasih se še na bolezen in druge nešečnosti pozabi. Ena drugi bomo voščile vesele praznike, dobro zdravje in veselo svidenje v prih. letu. Praznik vseh Svetih in Vernih duš dan sta za nami. Sveži spomini prerano umrlih, domotožje in žalostni spomini so nepopisni. Tudi pri naši pod. smo to leto izgubile kar 3 dobre članice: Mary Hall, Gertrude Lokar in Frances Nečimer. Vse so bile dobre članice od ustanovitve. Imamo tudi več resno bolnih sester, katerim, želimo, da bi jim ljubi Bog naklonil hitrega ozdravljenja. Spomnimo se jih z obiski in voščilnimi kartami. Z iskrenimi voščili, da bodo prazniki lepi ter naj Vas dobra sreča pozdravi na pragu Novega leta in Vas prijazno spremlja vse leto 19(52 in še naprej, vsaj do konca tega stoletja. Potem se bomo pa sreči priporočili še za podaljšanje. And keep smiling. Minka Chrnat, tajnica Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Drage sestre, SŽZ, samo še tri mesece časa imamo za pridobitev novih članic v po-kon. ven čili kampanji. Potrudimo se sedaj, dokler vreme še ni preveč slabo. Vsaka bi naj vsaj po eno novo članico pridobila, bodisi v razr. A ali B, ali pa mladinski oddelek. Saj imate se hčerke, ki še niso pri naši odlični organizaciji SŽZ. Pripeljite jih, da se jih vpiše, ker Vam ne bo nikoli žal. Opominjam vse, ki dolgujete, da poravnate, tajnica mora vsaki mesec poslati na gl. urad. Mrs. Frances Gabrenja je še vedno bolna. Obiščite jo. Vse ji želimo popolnega ozdravljenja. Mrs. Mali Trček je tudi bila v bolnišnici. Hvala Bogu sedaj je zopet dobra. Naj nam oprosti, da smo pozabili omeniti zadnjič. Pozdrav celi SŽZ. Naša podr. želi vsem skupaj blagoslovljene Božične praznike, da bi jih zdravi na duši in telesu ter v veselju obhajali. Pozdravlja, Mary Lovše, tajnica Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Malo pozno. pa boljše pozno kot nikoli se spravljam k pisanju mojih lepih vtisov iz naše konvencije v Ely, Minn. Financial Report for the Finančno poročilo za Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. članarina- 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 71.55 4.10 2. Chicago, 111. 173.65 17.40 3. Pueblo, Colorado 130.40 14.60 4. Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 5. Indianapolis, Ind. 88.40 11.20 6 Barberton, Ohio 49.85 1.80 7. Forest City, Pa. 66.70 22.80 S. Steelton, Pa. 75.90 .30 9. Detroit, Mich. 10. Cleveland, Ohio 150.70 5.80 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 250.90 22.20 13. San Francisco, Cal. 52.60 2.10 14. Euclid, Ohio 143.40 4.10 15. Cleveland, Ohio 120.65 3.20 16. So. Chicago, 111. 64.40 6.70 17. West Allis, Wis. 64.45 3.50 18. Cleveland, Ohio 25.60 .60 19. Eveleth, Minn. 59 80 5.50 20. Joliet. 111. 176.65 17.00 21. Cleveland, Ohio 37.15 4.60 22. Bradley, 111. 23. Ely, Minnesota 95.05 5.90 24. La Salle, 111. 73.50 9 30 25 Cleveland, Ohio 3G5.95 23.10 2G. Pittsburgh, Pa. 45.70 1.10 27. N. Braddock, Pa. 34.70 .70 28. Calumet, Mich. 36.10 .60 29. Broundale, Pa. 16.95 2.10 30. Aurora, 111. 9.55 .10 31. Gilbert, Minn. 48.95 4.20 32. Euclid, Ohio 54.20 2.50 33. Duluth, Minn. 51.40 6.50 34. Soudan, Minn. 21.80 .80 35. Aurora, Minn. 37.75 4.80 37. Greaney, Minn. 10.80 .50 38. Chisholm, Minn. 63.55 .60 39. Biwabik, Minn. 14.45 1.90 10. Lorain, Ohio 44.95 .50 41. Cleveland. Ohio 87.90 3.30 42. Maple Hgts, Ohio 40.20 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 40.55 8.50 45. Portland, Ore. 23.05 .80 46. St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .50 47. Cleveland, Ohio 49.15 2.10 48. Buhl, Minn. 3.95 .30 49. Noble, Ohio 18.45 50. Cleveland, Ohio 51. Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 52. Kitzville, Minn. 26.50 1.90 53. Cleveland, Ohio 17.55 1.30 54. Warren, Ohio 33 65 7.60 55. Girard, Ohio 36.90 1.40 56. Hibbing, Minn. 51.35 1.70 57. Niles, Ohio 30.85 3.50 59. Burgettstown, Pa. 61. Braddock, Pa. 62. Conneaut, Ohio 16.60 .10 63. Denver, Colo. 53.80 6.60 64. Kansas City, Kans. 65. Virginia, Minn. 30.55 2.50 66. Canon City, Colo. 22.10 1.90 67. Bessemer, Pa. 133.65 13.80 68. Fairport Harbor, O. 22.10 .30 70. W. Aliquippa, Pa. 13.50 .60 71. Strabane, Pa. 49.10 2.00 72. Pullman, 111. 14.85 .50 73. Warrensville, O. 49.10 4.70 74. Ambridge, Pa. 22.70 .60 77. N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 22.65 2.70 78. Leadville, Colo. 26.60 1.80 month of July, 1961 mesec julij. 1961 Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. -Assesment Number of .80 .60 77.05 158 43 1.60 192.65 369 176 20 3.40 148.60 303 151 .60 6 85 23 1.50 101.10 116 56$ .10 1.50 53.25 129 18 .50 90.00 143 235 2.70 78.90 63 1& 39 7 5.95 162.45 396 58 5.20 278 30 239 74 1.80 56.50 123 21 .20 3.00 150.70 306 41 1 20 125.05 252 32 .20 1.65 72.95 144 68 9.15 77.10 159 38 26.20 75 6 1.65 66.95 148 56 4.20 197.85 465 170 1.65 43.40 86 46 23 @ .10 2.85 103.90 230 59 2.55 85.35 184 90 10.35 399.40 817 234 .60 47.40 113 11 35.40 70 7 2.20 1.05 39.95 86 6 19.05 40 21 9.65 22 .20 .75 54.10 108 42 .45 57.15 116 27 .15 1.80 59.85 120 67 .10 22.70 47 8 .20 1.50 44 25 82 48 .45 11.75 27 5 4.90 69.05 163 6 30 16.65 43 19 1.05 16.50 224 33 2.25 93.45 224 33 40.20 44 % .7.') 49.80 102 85 1.05 24.90 59 8 .15 14.55 32 5 2.50 53.75 100 21 .10 .60 4.95 13 o .30 18.75 44 86 32 .30 8.10 18 .30 28.70 58 19 .30 19.15 39 13 .40 .15 41.80 77 77 .30 38.60 91 14 1.00 54.05 119 18 .30 34.65 69 35 32 9 25 6 16.70 34 1 .20 .30 60.90 114 66 65 4 .45 33.50 71 26 .90 24.90 50 19 .60 148.05 87 43** 22.40 39 •{ 14.10 15 3$ .85 51.95 109 20 .15 15.50 34 5 53.80 120 47 23.30 42 6 .55 25.90 59 27 28.40 27 9$ Bila sem na več konvencijah, toda nobena še ni tako lepo izpadla, kakor ta. Vse je teklo kot po žnorci. Tudi naš Zvezin duh. svetovalec g. p. C. Okorn so odlični govornik in skrben za Zvezo, da jih je bilo lepo poslušati.-Bilo je v resnici lepo videti in se snlti z mnogimi poznanimi delegatkami, katere že dolgo nisem videla. Spoznala sem tudi prijazne Mrs. Menart in Mrs Pristavec, ki je odlična pevka. Naše vrle Klevelandčanke so rest fejst dekleta Bile so izvrstna družba posebno živahna Vicki, ki je bila tudi izvoljena v gl. urad. Na nedeljskem banketu sem spoznala rojakinjo iz banjeloške fare, njen oče je bil malar, zato so jih klicali Malarjevi. Z njo se nismo videle 40 let Skoro celo noč sva kramljale in obujale spomine,- Zelo sem bila vesela svidenja z Mrs. Anna Pacluik iz Puebla, kakor tudi Mrs. Barbaro Rosan-dich, ki je spretno vodila. Vsa čast ji! Enako odlični pevki Mary Hutter ki ima res angelski glas. Bog jo živi!- Srečala sem se tudi z dolgoletno delegatinjo Katrico Sprajcaj s katero sem se spoznala 1 1938 na konvenciji KSKJ v Eveleth. Bila sem njen gost in ji izrekam lepo zahvalo, kakor tudi njenim dobrim hčerkam. Lepo pozdravljam vse odbornice dosedanje in nove, saj so vse dobre voditeljice, ker Zveza lepo napreduje pod vašim vodstvom. Vesel rojstni dan Mrs. Albina Novak in Vašim hčerkam. Vesele Božične praznike celi SŽZ, posebno še naši ustanoviteljici, Marie Prlsland in vsem voditeljicam. Helen Corel, predsednica Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Dne 29. okt. smo imele Turkey Dinner v KSKJ dvorani. Naš prvi dinner je krasno uspel. Udeležilo se ga je 250 ljudi, kakor mi je sporočila Dorothy Petrich, naša vrla predsednica. Vsa čast našim pridnim kuharicam, ki so pripravile tako okusno kosilo. Ker me več članic vpraša kako je z mojim zdravjem, moram povedati, da se me bolezen še kar drži, rabim zdravila za srce. V okt. me je obiskala dobro poznana članica Mary Poldan iz Chicaga. V Cal. je prišla na obisk k sinu in 3 sestram. Ona še vedno žaluje za možem, ki ,1e umrl v febr., ravno ko je šel v penzijo. Nameravala sta se tukaj naseliti, ali smrt jima je prekrižala načrte. Z Mary sva si imele veliko povedati, posebno me je zanimalo, da se je v Chicagu veliko spremenilo odkar sem se jaz od tam odselila 1. 1937. Nekateri rojaki se selijo iz slov. naselbine v predmestja, časi se pač spreminjajo. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse članice in urednico ki tako lepo urejuje Zarjo. Vsem vesele praznike! Frances Lukanlch, poročevalka članarlna- -Assesment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 79. Enumclaw, Wash. 15.05 1.80 .70 .15 17.70 32 18 80. Moon Run, Pa. 9.20 9 20 22 81. Keewatin, Minn. 9.60 .45 10.05 27 83. Crosby, Minn. 9.50 .50 .40 .45 10.85 20 5 84. New York, N.Y. 76 8 85. De Pue, 111. 11.55 .50 .10 .30 12.45 29 5 86. Nashwauk, Minn. 9.60 .20 .15 9.95 20 88. Johnstown, Pa. 30.00 2.60 .75 33.35 65 26 89. Oglesby, 111. 40.65 6.40 .30 .95 48.30 105 64 90. Presto, Pa. 47.40 3.20 .20 1.50 52.30 60 16«! 91. Oakmont, Pa. 27.70 1.10 28.80 52 11 92. Crested Butte, Colo. 12.45 .20 12.65 23 2 93. Brooklyn, N.Y. 73 2 94. Canton, Ohio 19 4@ 95. So. Chicago, 111. 99.25 5.40 .30 104.95 182 54 96. Universal, Pa. 24.30 .20 .60 .15 25.25 53 2 97. Cairnbrook, Pa. 12.10 .80 12 90 24 8 99. Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 22 100. Fontana, Cal. 18.90 1.10 1.20 21.20 41 11 102. Willard, Wis. 12.30 .90 13.20 10 3# 104. Johnstown, Pa. 10.65 .10 10.75 26 105. Detroit, Mich. 15 5 106. Meadowlands, Pa. 33 75 .60 34.35 20 2 = Total — Skupaj $ 4,237.65 308.40 9.95 95.25 4,651.25 9245 2855 $—Assessment paid for July & August &—Assessment paid for June, July and August #—Assessment paid for July, August & September @—Assessment paid in June %—Assessment for May and June **—Assessment paid for May, June and July . TGFnTZ&rRi Congratulations on yitur HSth Anniversary X' Merry ('li risi mas! JOE ANZICK’S Restaurant Lounge //'^J'615 East Mesa Ave., Phone LI 2-9907 PUEBLO. COLORADO Čestitke S.2.Z. v Ameriki ob 35 letnici ustanovitve, naše spoštovane S.2.Z., in, da bi naša Zveza procvitala še mnogo let! Spotoma voščim vsem skupaj vesele božične praznike in uspešno novo leto! ANNA PACHAK Državna preds. za Colo in Kans. Merry Christinas! NORWOOD BEVERAGE Domestic & Imported Wine 6104 St. Claire Ave., Home Delivery Beer — Soft Drinks Louise Goode Joe Mismas Season's Best to all DEZELAN’S BOWLING LANES 959 N. Holmes Ave., INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. TURK’S TAVERN sends HEARTFELT SEASON’S GREETINGS! 969 N. Holmes Indianapolis, Ind. Season’s Wishes to All! URBANC1C HARDWARE CORP. Retail Hardware 2807 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. We greet you this holiday season! STANLEY’S TAVERN 741 N. Haugh St., Indianopolis, Ind. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! MINATEL PHARMACY Prescriptions 2724 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Vesele Božične Praznike in srečno novo leto! MARY TOMSIC, SINOVI IN NJIH DRUŽINE Drž. Preds. Pennsylvania-New York Strabane, Pa. The best from us to you! Merry Christmas! STEVEN’S MORTUARY 3136 W. 16th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Vesele Božične Praznike! SLOVENIAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 109 Latimer Ave., Strabane, Penna. Happy Holidays! SWAMPY'S TAVERN 774 Ketcham St., Indianapolis, Ind. & j& 'J* Financial Report for the Month oi August, 1961 Finančno poročilo za mesec avgust, 1961 S. W. U. FUNERAL BENEFITS Članarina—> Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 71.80 4.10 2, Chicago, 111. 176.05 17.40 3, Pueblo, Colo. 129.75 14.50 4, Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 6, Indianapolis, Ind. 6, Barberton, Ohio 49.85 1.80 7, Forest City, Pa. 66.70 23.00 8, Steelton, Pa. 9, Detroit, Mich. 10, Cleveland, Ohio 150.70 5.80 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 13, San Francisco, Cal. 51.80 2.10 14, Euclid, Ohio 143.40 4.10 15, Cleveland, Ohio 120.65 3.20 16, So. Chicago, 111. 64.00 6.70 17, West Allis,, Wis. 64.45 3.50 18, Cleveland, Ohio 25.40 .60 19, Eveleth, Minn. 60.45 5.40 20, Joliet, 111. 176.65 17.00 21, Cleveland, Ohio 37.15 4.60 22, Bradley, 111. 21.10 23, Ely, Minn. 95.05 6.10 24, La Salle, 111. 75.30 8.70 25, Cleveland, Ohio 368.15 24.30 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. 45.70 1.10 27, No. Braddock, Pa. 28, Calumet, Mich. 36.10 .60 29, Broundale, Pa. 16.95 2.10 30, Aurora, 111. 31, Gilbert, Minn. 48.95 4,20 32, Euclid, Ohio 159.45 7.50 33, Duluth, Minn. 51.00 6.60 34, Soudan, Minn. 21.80 .80 35, Aurora, Minn. 37.75 4.80 37, Greaney, Minn. 10.00 .50 38, Chisholm, Minn. 64.20 .60 39, BIwabik, Minn. 14.45 1.90 40, Lorain, Ohio 44.15 .50 41, Cleveland, Ohio 87.90 3.30 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio 43.35 8.30 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 45, Portland, Ore. 23.05 .80 46, St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .50 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 45.65 2.10 48, Buhl, Minn. 3.95 .30 49, Noble, Ohio 18.45 50, Cleveland, Ohio 136.25 13.60 51, Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 52, Kitzville, Minn. 26.10 1.90 53, Cleveland, Ohio 17.55 1.30 54, Warren, Ohio 33.65 7.70 55, Girard, Ohio 40.20 1.40 56, Hibbing, Minn. 51.35 1.70 57, Niles, Ohio 32.15 3.40 59, Burgettstown, Pa. 61, Braddock, Pa. 62, Conneaut, Ohio 16.60 .10 63. Denver, Colo. 68.80 7.20 64, Kansas City, Kans. 26.25 .40 65, Virginia, Minn. 29.90 2.50 66, Canon City, Colo. 22.10 1.90 67, Bessemer, Pa. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. 22.10 .30 70, W. Allqulppa, Pa. 71, Strabane, Pa- 49.10 2.00 72, Pullman, 111. 73, Warrensville, Ohio 49.10 4.70 74, Ambridge, Pa. 22.70 .60 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 22.65 2.70 78, Leadville, Colo. isessmi snt Number of Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. .80 .60 77.30 159 43 1.60 195.05 369 176 .20 3.15 147.60 302 150 .60 6.85 23 116 56$ .10 1.50 53.25 129 18 .50 90.20 143 238 63 1$ 39 7 5.55 162.05 396 58 239 74$ 1.85 55.75 123 21 .20 2.85 150.55 306 41 1.20 125.05 251 32 .20 1.65 72.55 143 68 1.95 69.90 159 38 26.00 75 6 2.30 68.15 149 55 4.20 197.85 464 170 1.65 43.40 86 46 21.10 22 & .10 2.70 103.95 239 61 2.55 86.55 183 87 10.50 402.95 818 246 .60 47.40 113 11 70 7 2.20 1.05 39.95 79 6 19.05 40 21 22 .20 .75 54.10 108 42 1.85 168.80 114 27® 2.05 59.65 120 67 .10 22.70 47 8 .20 1.50 44.25 89 39 .45 10.95 25 5 2.25 67.05 164 6 .30 16.65 43 19 1.20 45.85 103 5 2.25 93.45 224 33 44 51.65 103 84 1.05 24.90 59 8 .15 14.55 31 5 2.25 50.00 100 21 .10 .60 4.95 13 3 .30 18.75 44 6.00 155.85 90 41 .30 8.10 18 .45 28.45 54 19 .30 19.15 39 13 .40 .15 41.90 77 77 .30 41.90 91 14 53.05 119 18 .30 35.85 66 35 32 9 25 6 16.70 34 1 .20 2.40 78.60 116 66 26.65 65 H .45 32.85 70 26 1.00 25.00 50 19 87 43 22.40 39 3 15 3$ .60 51.70 1 09 20 34 5 53.80 119 47 23.30 42 6 .70 26.05 56 27 27 9$ The funeral benefit, for class A members is $100.00, ages 14 to 50 years and juvenile class benefit is also $100.00 from birth to any age. The schedule of ages under which Class B benefits are paid, as follows: $300.00 for those joining from ages 14 to 30 years inclusive; $250.00 for those joining between ages 31 and 40 years inclusive; $200.00 for those joining between ages 41 and 45 years inclusive; $150.00 for those joining between ages 46 and 56 years inclusive. These benefits are paid after two years membership in good standing. Assessments: Class A, 40 cents per month (25^ mortuary fund payment; 15<1 expense fund payment); Class B, 654 per month (45«t mortuary fund payment and 20tf expense fund payment) ; Juvenile Class lOtf per month (all is mortuary fund payment). Besides the death benefit, each a-dult member receives additional benefits from her loocal branch and a copy of Zarja — The Dawn, official publication of S. W. U. each month without extra cost. »žfcsfc&s> ^ NOVEMBER — DECEMBER 4 nove plošče new records □ SL 15—Rezka V pustih dneh (polka) Kvintet in trio AVSENIK Pojeta Danica Filipič in Franc Koren □ SL 16—Izidor ovčice pasel Po Koroškem, po Kranjskem Šmentana muha. Moj očka Otroški zbor z orkestrom □ SL 17—Fantovska polka Mojca (valček) Po domače (valček) Na desno tri, na levo tri Kvintet BORIS FRANK s petjem □ SL 18—V Šmihelu eno kajžico imam Venček domačih Kvintet BORIS FRANK s petjem Z naročilom priložite denarno nakaznico, ček ali gotovino. With order, please enclose money order, check or cash. SLOVENIA RECORDS Box 8184, Chicago 80, 111. Seznam plošč v zalogi Plošče so izdelane na hitrost 45 RPM in so nezlomljive All records are 45 RPM High-Fidelity Članarina—, Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 79. Enumclaw, Wash. 15.05 1.80 7ii .15 17.70 32 IS 80, Moon Run, Pa. 8.50 8.50 20 81. Keewatin, Minn. 9.60 .15 10.05 27 83. Crosby, Minn. 9.50 .50 .10 .45 10.85 20 5 84. New York City, N.Y. 62.40 1.60 1.00 65.00 76 8# 85. DePue, 111. 11.55 .50 .10 .30 12.45 29 5 86. Nashwauk, Minn. 9.60 .20 .15 9.95 20 88. Johnstown, Pa. 30.00 2.60 .75 33.35 60 26 89. Oglesby, 111. 39.85 6.40 .30 .85 47.40 103 64 90. Presto, Pa. 22.50 1.60 .10 .75 24.95 55 16 91. Oakmont, Pa. 28.70 1.10 29.80 53 11 92. Crested Butte, Colo. 12.45 .20 12.65 23 2 93. Brooklyn, N. Y. 73 3 94. Canton, Ohio 19 4 95. So. Chicago, 111. 99.25 5.40 .30 104.95 182 54 96. Universal, Pa. 25.90 .20 .60 .15 26.85 53 2 97. Cairnbrook, Pa. 12.10 .80 12.90 24 8 99. Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 21 100. Fontana, Calif. 19.30 1.10 1.20 .25 21.85 42 11 102. Willard ,Wis. 10 3$ 104. Johnstown, Pa. 9.40 9.40 26 105. Detroit, Mich. 15 5 106. Meadow Lan'ls, Pa. 20 2 Total — Skupaj 3,851.70 276.60 8.60 84.00 4,220.90 9228 2828 $—Assessment paid in July %- —Assessment for July, August and Sept. &—Assessment for August and September DONNA Pen Pals IF rite! Dear Renee, Thank you so much for writing. It makes me feel good, when I read £ letters from our I juniors who live V"| - .«| so far away. | This summer 1 * M just went on a short trip' to Detroit, Mich., but I enjoyed myself very much. I went swimming a few times, too. I also helped my mother around the house and was a baby sitter for my 2 cousins who are 5 and G years. 1 am now in the eighth grade and have 5 teachers — one for each sub ject. This first semester I am also taking cooking and to date we have learned how to prepare a good breakfast and to make “brownies.” Next semester, it will be sewing. I hope to make a blouse or skirt. Last year, I made an apron I hope you send in your picture to otn editor — it will be so nice getting to know you. Write again. DONNA Dear Donna: I have been slow in writing to the Junior’s Page but here I am again. My mother and I are glad you are getting some new pen-pals. They sound interesting. I am in third grade Art is my favorite subject. There are 26 pupils in my class and we have a very nice class-room and a nice teacher. 1 hope my Grandmother Prisland is feeling much better and hope Ood blesses her each day. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the members and officers. Margie Fischer Branch No. 1 Sheboygan, Wis. NEWS ABOUT OUR BOWLERS Did you know that Mrs. Pauline Vegal is the secretary of the Jr. Bowlers who bowl every Sat. at 3 o’clock at Grdina’s Lanes? She also nas two other mothers to help her every week. So far, we have six complete teams and on the 7th lane, we have another group getting ready to play. We have mixed teams of boys and girls of all ages 5 to 14. It’s so much fun to watch them bowl, they are so serious and try hard to bowl good. This past Saturday, little Johnnie Vegal who is only 5, had his first strike — everyone roared, they were so happy for him! For an enjoyable afternoon, come a visit the Junior Bowlers at Grdina’s you will have a lot of fun! DONNA Hi there, Boys and Girls! The Junior groups of branches 25-50, had a very busy month getting ready for their baton twirling, marching and dancing exhibition, which was held Oct. 15th at the Combined Cleveland branches’ affair at St. Vitus. There were G4 girls, ages 3 to 14 years, performing. We also had 8 drummer boys beating out tunes on their new drums, used for the first time. After the drill and baton demonstration, the juniors put on a talent show which included singers, dancers, single and double acts, and, of course, our little dancers under the direction of their instructor, Theresa Peklar. The juniors took the initiative and prepared the show themselves. Dec. 17th is the date set for our Christmas Party. It will be held at the St. Clair Recreation center, Sunday at 3 p. m. Since we have four marching and baton units, awards will be presented at this time. Community singing and short acts will follow. All the members of the surrounding branches are invited to attend this Christmas affair. Dec. 25th is just around the corner. This means it will be Christmas time and that means we are going to celebrate the birthday of our Lord, Jesus. Just to think about Christmas, gives us all a warm feeling, to do good for others. So, remember, say a special Christmas prayer for all the junior members in the whole world, to be able to live in a peaceful world. Ask the Infant Jesus to strengthen the love in our hearts for our neighbors — to make us good and keep us all from harm. And, now a big wish: MERRY CHRISTMAS and A GOOD, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our junior members. DONNA ST. NICK’S FEAST is Dec. 6th! The beloved saint, St. Nicholas, is the favorite of many children around the world. They don’t know as much about Santa Claus as American children, but, they believe all the goodies and presents will be brought by St. Nick. On Dec. 5th, before going to bed, leave out an empty plate where he can see it, and perhaps St. Nick will leave a treat for you — if you’ve been good! Dear Juniors, As you all know, that we had a great p e r f o r m-ance Oct. 15th, at the St. Vitus Auditorium. We performed with our batons and also with our marching. It turned out very nicely. There was also a Bake Sale. The ladies keep helping us along. The girls are practicing very nicely. We have a new dancing teacher. Her name is Miss Theresa Peklar. She is a nice young teacher. That’s all for this time. Goodbye! Mary Ann Tominc MARY ANN SANTA'S FILLED HIS BAG WITH TOYS — FOR ALL THE GOOD LITTLE GIRLS & BOYS! DECEMBER 25th IS ALMOST HERE! Sad facts of life: Square meals make round people. CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES Tim McCarthy TG MCCARTHY FUNERAL HOME . TIM MCGART HY (ŽŽTGOOD KI IG HT at PRAIRIEAVE^ $ PUEBLO, COLORADO 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimMmmMmmim.mmm.mmi %. b ^ Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Slovenian Women s Union on its 35th Anniversary from ^ 1 THE WESTERN SLAVONIC 1 1 ASSOCIATION 1 | Denver, Colorado | /► r,\ H one of the finest fraternal benefit societies in America §* sg ... § Paying annual ilividnuls of ^ ^ Over 117% solvent $6.00 to $18.00 for S? ^ eaeli $1,000 insurance *“9 0- r.\ Low cost protection for the entire family $5 5; Mike Popovich Anthony Jersin ^ Supreme President Supreme Secretary ^ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.