ri^ DE GRUYTER OPEN HACQUETIA 14/2 • 2015, 289-299 DOI: 10.1515/hacq-2015-0003 VALIDATIONS AND TYPIFICATIONS OF SOME SOUTH EUROPEAN SYNTAXA Andraž ČARNJi & Ladislav MUCINA^ Abstract In the course of the compilation of a list of high-rank syntaxa of Europe, it appeared that some of syntaxa from south Europe were not validly described. In this paper, the following syntaxa have been either described or validated, such as the Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucion paniculatae (Festucetalia spadiceae, Juncetea trifidi), the Aquilegio nigricantis-Rhododendrion hirsuti (Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae, Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetea car-neae), the Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion mugo (Junipero-Pinetalia mugo, Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo), the Lathyro veneti-Taxion baccatae, Quercion petraeo-cerridis (both Quercetalia pubescentis, Quercetea pubescentis) and the Buxo-Syringion vulgaris (Paliuretalia, Rhamno-Prunetea). Keywords: alliance, Balkan Peninsula, Europe, Juncetea trifidi, nomenclature, phytosociology, Querceteapubes-centis, Rhamno-Prunetea, Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo, validation. Izvleček V okviru priprave seznama seznama sintaksonov visokega ranga v Evropi, se je pokazalo, da nekateri sintaksoni iz južne Evrope niso bili veljavno opisani. V tem prispevku so veljavno opisani naslednji sintaksoni: Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucion paniculatae (Festucetalia spadiceae, Juncetea trifidi), Aquilegio nigricantis-Rhododendrion hir-suti (Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae, Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetea carneae), Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion mugo (Junipero-Pinetalia mugo, Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo), Lathyro veneti-Taxion baccatae in Quercion petraeo-cerridis (oba Quercetalia pubescentis, Quercetea pubescentis) in Buxo-Syringion vulgaris (Paliuretalia, Rhamno-Prunetea). Kjučne besede: Balkanski polotok, Evropa, fitocenologija, Juncetea trifidi, nomenklatura, Quercetea pubescen-tis, Rhamno-Prunetea, Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo, validacija, zveza. Abbreviation and nomenclature: ICPN - International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature, 3rd ed. (Weber et al. 2000); nomenclature of plant species follows EURO+MED (2006-) 1. INTRODUCTION The present paper deals with the nomenclature of high-altitude grasslands of the Juncetea trifidi, In the course of compilation of a checklist of alpine dwarf shrub communities of the Roso penhigh-rank syntaxa of Europe, it turned out that dulinae-Pinetea mugo and the Rhododendro hirsuti-some high-rank syntaxa from the south of Eu- Ericetea carneae as well as thermophilous forest rope are in a need of formal nomenclatural vali- communities of the Quercetea pubescentis and ther-dation according to the International Code Phy- mophilous mantle communities of the Rhamno-tosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000). Prunetea. 1 Institute of Biology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, P. Box 306, SJ-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia. University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SJ-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia. E-mail: carni@zrc-sazu.si 2 Iluka Chair in Vegetation Science and Biogeography, School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Perth, Australia. Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa. E-mail: Laco.Mucina@uwa.edu.au Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. 2. DESCRIPTIONS AND VALIDATIONS OF THE SYNTAXA 2.1 'potentillo MONTENEGRINAE-FESTU-cion paniculatae' This alliance was originally described under three different, yet all invalid, names: (1) Festu-cion spadiceae (Redžic et al. 1984), (2) Carici-Fes-tucion paniculatae calcicolum (Redžic 2003), and (3) the Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucion paniculatae (Redžic 2011). Redžic et al. (1984) has classified three units within the 'Festucion spadiceae' in the protologue of this alliance, including the 'Hypochoereto-Fes-tucetum amethystinae festucetosum spadiceae', the Festucetum spadiceae calcicolum, and the Sieglingio-Festucetum spadiceae. The Festuca paniculata-dominated communities, in a region spanning Croatia in the north as far south as Macedonia and Bulgaria, were studied by N. Randelovic (1984). He included all those communities within the (suballiance) 'Festucetion validopaniculatae' (nom. inval.; ICPN Arts. 3e, 3h, 5) that was later raised to the rank of an alliance as the Festucion valido-paniculatae (nom. inval.; ICPN Art. 5) by V.N. Randelovic & Zlatkovic (2010). Hypochoereto-Festucetum amethystinae festucetosum spadiceae^ We see no point for the indication of the subas-sociation rank in this name since there is no subdivision of the association Hypochaerido-Festuce-tum amethystinae presented in the original paper (Redžic et al. 1984). Further this syntaxon was published invalidly due to omission of the no-menclatural type in the protologue. Here we correct the form (spelling) of the name and validate the association by designation of the type releve: Hypochaerido maculatae-Festucetum amethystinae Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et omerovic ex Čarni et mucina ass. nov. hoc loco Syn: Hypochoereto-Festucetum amethystinae' Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic 1984 nom. inval. (ICPN Art. 5). Type: Redžic et al. (1984: 171-172, Table II, releve 1), holotypus hoc loco. ''Festucetum spadiceae calcicolum'' The Festucetum spadicaeae calcicolum (Redžic et al. 1984) was described invalidly (missing no-menclatural type; ICPN Art. 5) and the name carries an ecological epitethon that would make the name illegitimate if it was not invalid. Later (Redžic 2011) corrected this name and suggested the name 'Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucetum paniculatae' whereby he introduced three changes: (1) removed the ecological epitheton, (2) rightly corrected the identity of the eponymous F. spadi-cea L. (recte: Patzkea spadicea (L). G.H. Loos and replace it by F. paniculata (L.) Schinz & Thell. (recte: Patzkea paniculata (L.) G.H. Loos) since the former taxon does not occur in the Balkans and hence was misidentified in the original Redžic et al. (1984) publication, and (3) designated Potentilla montenegrina Pant. as the other eponymous species of the association, possibly implying that Potentilla heptaphylla L. in original diagnosis of the Festucetum spadicaeae calcicolum was apparently wrongly identified. However, Redžic (2011) failed however to designate the no-menclatural type, hence the concept of the Poten-tillo montenegrinae-Festucetum paniculatae remained invalidly published according to ICPN Art. 5. Here we remedy this omission and validate the Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucetum paniculatae: Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucetum paniculatae (Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic 1984) Redžic ex Čarni et Mucina ass. nov. hoc loco Syn: Festucetum spadicaeae calcicolum Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic 1984 nom. inval. et nom. illeg. (ICPN Arts. 5, 8 & 34a); Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucetum paniculatae (Redžic et al. 1984) Redžic 2011 nom. inval. (ICPN Art. 5). Type: Redžic et al. (1984: Table II, releve 9), holotypus hoc loco. 'Sieglingio-Festucetum spadiceae^ The 'Sieglingio decumbentis-Festucetum spadiceae Redžic et al. 1984' was not described validly according to the ICPN due to omission of the type releve (ICPN Art. 5). Here we choose the lecto-typus of the Danthonio decumbentis-Festucetum pa-niculatae: Danthonio decumbentis-Festucetum paniculatae Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic ex Čarni et Mucina ass. nov. hoc loco. Type: Redžic et al. (1984: Table II, releve 14), lec-totypus hoc loco. We replace the name-giving Sieglinglia decum-bens (L.) Bernh. with the currently used Dantho-nia decumbens (L.) Dc. (see www.emplantbase. org; last accessed on 23 October 2014). Having sorted the nomenclature of all candidate associations for the nomenclatural type, here we validate the alliance name: Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucion paniculatae Redžic ex Čarni et Mucina all. nov. hoc loco (Festucetalia spadiceae, Juncetea trifidi) Syn.: Festucion spadiceae Redžic et al. 1984 (ICPN Arts. 2b & 31); Carici-Festucion paniculatae cal-cicolum Redžic 2003 (ICPN Arts. 2b & 34a); Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucion paniculatae Redžic (2003) 2011 (ICPN Arts. 2b & 5). Type: Danthonio decumbentis-Festucetum panicula-tae Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015 (this paper), holotypus hoc loco. Character species of this alliance are: Knautia dinarica (subsp. dinarica; see Peruzzi et al. 2013), Patzkeapaniculata (L.) G.H. Loos (syn. Festuca paniculata), Potentilla montenegrina. This alliance comprises tussock grasslands on decalcified deep soils at high altitudes of the Balkan Peninsula. The communities of this alliance occur along the Dinaric Alps from croatia in the north to Macedonia and Bulgaria in the south (Horvat 1935, Muravjov 1939, Jovanovic-Dunjic 1955, Blečic 1960, Horvat et al. 1974, N. Randelovic 1978, 1984, Mišic et al. 1978, Redžic et al. 1984, Micevski 1994, Rexhepi 2007, V.N. Randelovic & Zlatkovic 2010, Redžic 2011, Biserkov et al. 2011). 2.2 'Lonicero borbasianae-Rosion alpinae' Redžic (2007) has published the name 'Lonicero borbashianae-Rosion alpinae Redžic 2000' and included two associations within this alliance - the 'Aquilegio-Rhodoretum hirsuti Lakušic et al. 1979' and the 'Erico carneae-Rhodoretum hirsuti Redžic 2000'. The paper by Redžic (2000) is obviously a manuscript and therefore the names 'Lonicero borbashianae-Rosion alpinae' and 'Erico carneae-Rhodoretum hirsuti' have not been effectively pub- lished in 2000. There is a clear bibliographic reference (in Redžic 2007) to the protologue of the 'Aquilegio-Rhodoretum hirsuti (Lakušic et al. 1979), however this association has not be published validly in the latter source because none of the re-leves of the 'Aquilegio-Rhodoretum hirsuti Laukšic. et al. 78' in Table XXIV (Lakušic et al. 1979: 667) has been assigned as the holotypus (ICPN Art. 5). Here we choose another name for the invalid 'Lonicero borbasianae-Rosion alpinae' and suggest recognition of the following syntaxon: Aquilegio nigricantis-Rhododendrion hirsuti Čarni et Mucina all. nov. hoc loco (Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae, Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetea carneae) Syn. Lonicero borbasianae-Rosion alpinae Redžic 2000 (ICPN Art. 1); Lonicero borbasianae-Rosion alpinae Redžic 2007 (ICPN Arts. 2b, 5). Type: Aquilegio nigricantis-Rhododendretum hirsuti R. Lakušic, Pavlovic, Adžic, Kutleša, Mišic, Redžic, Maljevic & Bratovic ex Surina 2013, holotypus hoc loco. Diagnostic (character and differential) taxa of the alliance: Aquilegia nigricans, Alchemilla velebiti-ca, Lonicera caerulea subsp. borbasiana, Carex kitaibeliana, Erica carnea, Festuca bosniaca He-lianthemum nitidum, Hieracium stelligerum, Hy-pericum richeri subsp. grisebachii, Ranunculus scutatus, Phyteuma orbiculare, Rhododendron hirsutum, Rosa pendulina, Salix waldsteiniana, Scabiosa leucophylla. The first association of this alliance was described as the Rhodendro hirsutae-Juniperetum nanae by Horvat et al. 1974 (see also Horvat 1962) and classified within the Pinion mugo Pawtowski et al. 1928 (Vaccinio-Piceetea). Then Lakušic et al. (1979) described the Aquilegio-Rhododendretum hirsutae from Vranica Mts. and classified it within the 'Daphno-Rhodoretalia\ In the same work these authors classified the heaths on acid soils within the 'Vaccinietalia\ In this way they made a discerned the heath on carbonate from those on non-carbonate. Later Redžic (2007) described the Lonicero borbasianae-Rosion alpinae, recognised the Daphno-Rhodoretalia hirsutae Lakušic et al. 1979 and classified it within the class of acidophilous dwarf heath of the Loiselureo-Vaccinietea. Surina (2013) proposed the classification of these associations within the alliance of the alpine heath over calcareous soils (the Ericion carneae) that he placed within the class of calcicolous pine forests of the Erico-Pinetea. We suggest that the calcareous heath should be separated from the forests as well as from acid-soil heath. Its floristic individuality at the European level deserves recognition of the calcareous heath as an alliance of its own right - the Aqui-legio nigricantis-Rhododendrion hirsutae, classified within the Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae Grabherr et al. 1993 (Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetea carneae Schubert et al. 2001). The latter alliance should be seen as a geographic (central Balkans) analogon of the Ericion carneae Rübel ex Grabherr et al. 1993 (see Grabherr et al. 2003). 2.3 REDŽIČ'S SUBALLIANCES WITHIN THE Pinion muco In the past, the subalpine Pinus mugo krummholz vegetation has been classified within the floris-tic and ecological differences between the Pinion mugo Pawtowski et al. 1928 and placed within the Junipero-Pinetalia mugo Bo§caiu 1971 - an order which only recently has been recognised which has form the basis of the Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo (Theurillat et al. 1985). The latter order and the class comprise Pinus mugo krummholz on both acidic and calcareous substrates since the usually ecological and floristic differences between these substrates are overcast by the influence of thick layer of acidic humus layer accumulating below the krummholz. The geographical differentiation of Pinus mugo krummholz in the Balkan was identified by Fukarek & Fabijanic (1968) have proposed an alliance 'Pinion montanae prov.' comprising 'Pineto-Ericion Br.-Bl. 39, Erico-Pinion Ht. 62, Pinion mugi (Pawl.) Ht. 38 and Rhodoreto-Vaccinon Br.-Bl. 26'. The calcareous krummholz of the Alps, the Carpathians and the Northern Dinarides has been classified within the Erico-Pinion mugo Leibundgut 1948 nom. invers. propos. whereas that of the Apennines has been classified ithin the Epipactido atropurpureae-Pinion mugo Stanisci 1997. Redžic et al. (2007) was first who recognised the uniqueness of calcareous Pinus mugo krummholz vegetation in the region and introduced new synta-xonomic concepts when he subdivided the Pinion mugo Pawtowski et al. 1928 into two suballiances - the silicicolous Homogyno alpinae-Pinenion mu-go Redžic 2000 (which should rather be called the Pinenion mugo), and the calcicolous Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2000. Both the Homogyno alpinae-Pinenion mugo and the Violo biflorae-Pine-nion mugo have not been published effectively by Redžic et al. (2000), and they also remained inva-lidly published also in Redžic (2007). Four associations were listed by Redžic (2007) within the Homogyno alpinae-Pinenion mugo (using of 'quotation marks' means that we present the name of the syntaxon in exactly same form as it had been used in the original source): 1) 'Pinetum mugi silicicolum Lakušic et al. 1973' nom. illeg. (no direct bibliographic reference was made to 'Lakušic et al. 1973' in Redžic (2007) and this name was listed as the synonym (sic!) of the Homogyno alpinae-Pinenion mugo; 2) 'Vaccinio-Pinetum mugo Redžic 2000' (ineffectively published in Redžic 2000; ICPN Arts. 2b, 5 & 8 in Redžic 2007); 3) 'Piceo abietis-Pinetum mugo Redžic 2000' (ineffectively published in Redžic 2000; IcPN Arts. 2b, 5 & 8 in Redžic 2007); 4) 'Sorbo aucupariae-Pinetum mugo Redžic 2000' (ineffectively published in Redžic 2000; ICPN Arts. 2b, 5 & 8 in Redžic 2007). Here we refrain from validating the suballian-ce name Homogyno alpinae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2007 nom. inval. because (1) we do not recognise the syntaxonomic necessity to lump the silicico-lous and calcicolous krummholz of the Balkan Peninsula into one alliance and, (2) because even if recognised, this suballiance should actually bear name Pinenion mugo if there was other validly published suballiance coined within the Pinion mugo Pawtowski et al. 1928. Two associations were listed by Redžic (2007) in the 'Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2000' (Syn.: Pinetum mugi calcicolum Lakušic et al. 1973): 1) 'Gentiano symphyandrae-Pinetum mugo (Lakušic et al. 1973) Redžic nom. nov. hoc loco' (Syn.: Pinetum mugi dolomiticum Lakušic et al. 1973)' The introduction of the nomen novum by Redžic (2007) remains ineffective since there is no clear reference to 'Lakušic et al. 1973' in Redžic (2007); 2) 'Geranio silvaticae-Pinetum mugo Redžic 2000' nom. inval. (ineffectively published in 2000; IcPN Arts. 2b, 5 & 8 in Redžic 2007). Under these circumstances (no available va- lidly published association) it is not possible to establish the type association of the suballiance and therefore the name Violo biflorae-Pinenion mu-go also remains invalidly published. Redžic (2007) further suggested to include the 'Erico carneae-Pinetum mugo Redžic 2000' (ineffectively published in Redžic 2000' and invalidly published in Redžic (2007) in the 'Erico carneae- Pinion mugo Leibundgut 1948 nom. inversum em. Redžic 2000'. We doubt that the latter unit, recognised as currently valid concept for the calcico-lous krummholz of the Alps, is applicable for the vegetation of the Vranica Mts in central Bosnia. Zupančič (2013) proposed two suballiances of dwarf pine within the Erico-Pinion mugo, such as the Rhodothamno-Pinenion mugo for southeast Alps and the Hyperico grisebachii-Pinenion mugo for Dinaric and the central Balkans. Both of the alliances were, however, published invalidly (IcPN Art. 5). Here we are suggesting that the calcicolus krummholz dominated by Pinus mugo of the Balkan Peninsula should be recognised syntaxonomically at the level of an alliance and therefore we introduce and validly describe such a new concept: Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion mugo Čarni et Mucina aH. nov. hoc loco (Junipero-Pinetalia mugo, Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo) Syn.: Pinion montanae P. Fukarek et Fabijanic 1968 (ICPN. Art. 3b). Incl.: Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2000 (ICPN Art. 1); Violo biflorae-Pinenion mugo Redžic 2007 (ICPN Arts. 2b & 5); Hyperico grisebachii-Pineni-on mugo Zupančič 2013 ICPN Art. 5). Type: Hyperico grisebachii-Pinetum mugo (Horvat 1938) Zupančič, T. Wraber et Žagar 2004, holo-typus hoc loco. Diagnostic (character and differential) taxa of the alliance: Arabis scopoliana, Achillea alexan-dri-regis, Doronicum columnae, Geranium cae-ruleatum, Geum bulgaricum, Hypericum richeri subsp. grisebachii, Jasione orbiculata, Lilium bosniacum, Lonicera caerulea subsp. borbasiana, Pimpinella serbica, Senecio procerus, Sesleria ri-gida, Pinus mugo, Rhododendron hirsutum, Rosa pendulina, Salix silesiaca, Saxifraga rotundifolia subsp. rotundifolia, Sorbus mougeotii, Thymus praecox subsp.polytrichus, Wulfenia carinthiaca. The following associations belong to the Hyperico grisebachii-Pinion mugo: Hyperico grisebachii-Pinetum mugo (Horvat 1938) Zupančič, T. Wraber et Žagar 2004 Syn.: Pinetum mugo croaticum Horvat 1938 nom. illeg. (ICPN Art. 34a); Lonicero borbasianae-Pi-netum mugo Horvat 1938 (phantom name); Pinetum mughi illyricum P. Fukarek et Stefanovic 1958 nom. illeg. (ICPN Art. 34a); Lonicero bor- basianae-Pinetum mugi (Horvat 1938) Borhidi 1963 (phantom name); Mughetum illyricum P. Fukarek 1969 nom. inval. et illeg. (ICPN Arts. 2b, 8 & 34a); Mughetum illyricum P. Fukarek 1970 nom. illeg. (ICPN Art. 34a). Type: Horvat (1938: Table 9, releve 7), lectotypus (not 'neotypus'), selected by Zupančič et al. (2004). Geographical distribution: Northern Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia). This association has often been mentioned in the literature under several names, bases on Horvat's table (1938), namely as the Pinetum mugo croaticum Horvat 1938 (Horvat 1962, Jankovic & Bogojevic 1967, Marinček & Čarni 2002), the Pinetum mugi illyricum (e.g. Fukarek & Stefanovic 1958), the Lonicero bobasianae-Pinetum mugo (Tri-najstic 1998, Alegro et al. 2000, Antonic et al. 2000, Španjol et al. 2003, Šikic 2007, Ljubičic et al. 2010) and the Hyperico grisebachii-Pinetum mugo Zupančič et al. 2004 (Surina 2005, 2013, Vukelic 2012). Lilio bosniacae-Pinetum mugo Čarni et mucina ass. nov. hoc loco Syn.: 'Pinetum mugo montenegrinum prov.' Blečic 1958 nom. inval. et nom. illeg. (ICPN Arts. 3b, 8 & 34a). Type: Blečic (1958: Table 9, releve 5), lectotypus hoc loco. Geographical distribution: Zelengora, Maglic, Volujak, Peručica, Golja (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Durmitor (Montenegro). Sorbo mougeotii-Pinetum mugo (B. Jovanovic 1955) Čarni et Mucina nom. nov. hoc loco Original form of the name: ' Sorbeto-Mughetum ser- bicum Jov.' (Jovanovic 1955). Syn.: Sorbo mougeotii-Pinetum mugo B. Jovanovic 1953 (phantom name); Sorbo mougeotii-Pine-tum mugo serbicum B. Jovanovic 1955 nom. illeg. (ICPN Art. 34a), Sorbo mougeotii-Pinetum mugo B. Jovanovic 1955 corr. Zupančič et Žagar 2003' published in Zupančič et Žagar 2004 (ICPN Art. 5). Type: Jovanovic (1955: Table 23 'Tab. br. 23', releve 5), lectotypus hoc loco. Geographical distribution: Suva Planina (Serbia). Wulfenio carinthiacae-Pinetum mugo Jankovic et Bogojevic 1967 Original form of the name: 'Wulfenio carinthiacae-Pinetum mughi (Jankovic & Bogojevic 1967). Syn: 'Pinetum Mughi Grebenščikov 1943 nom. illeg. (ICPN Art. 31); Pinetum mughi typicum Jankovic 1972 nom. inval. (ICPN Arts. 2b & 8). Type: Jankovic & Bogojevic (1967: Table, releve 4), lectotypus hoc loco. Geographical distribution: Prokletje (Kosovo). Geo bulgarici-Pinetum mugo Amidžic ex Garni et Mucina ass. nov. hoc loco Syn.: Geo bulgarici-Pinetum mugo Amidžic 2003 nom. inval. (ICPN Arts. 5 & 18). Type: Amidžic (2003: Tab. 1, rel. 7) holotypus hoc loco. Geographical distribution: Prokletje (Kosovo). The following three syntaxa may constitute vegetation units of their own right, however, all carry either invalid or illegitimate names. The validation of these names is not possible at this stage since there are not enough data to conclude if these syntaxonomic concepts are acceptable. Equally unavailable are published releves amenable to be analysed for comparative purposes or select nomenclatural types. 'Achilleo alexandri-regis-Pinetum mugi Rexhepi 1983' nom. inval. (ICPN Arts. 2b, 8) Syn: Pinetum mugi calcicolum Rexhepi 1986 nom. ille^. (ICPN Art. 34a). Geographical distribution: Šar Planina (Kosovo). Rexhepi (1991) has published only brief description of this unit, yet failed to present any rel-eve or phytosociological table. 'Pinetum mugo serpentinicum Rexhepi 1983' nom. inval. et illeg. (icpN Arts. 2b, 8, 34a) Geographical distribution: Šar Planina (Kosovo). This vegetation unit was suggested by Rexhe-pi (1991) who presented a brief description of the unit, however failed to published any releves or a phytosociological table. 'Pinetum mughi macedonicum subass. calcicolum' Em 1962 nom. illeg. (icpn Art. 34a) Syn.: Pinetum mughi macedonicum Horvat 1946 (phantom name). Geographical distribution: Jakupica (Macedonia; Em 1962). 2.4 'Lathyrion veneti The Lathyrion veneti (described validly for the first time by Gamisans (1975; see also Gamisans 1977, 1991) to accommodate the relict (see Reille et al. 1999) mixed forests dominated largely by deciduous oaks (e.g. Q. pubescens), with notable presence of relict Taxus baccata, on siliceous substrates (screes and steep-slope) of corsica. Some communities of this alliance were also reported from Sardinia (Ubaldi 2003, Bacchetta et al. 2004, Farris et al. 2012). This alliance (in its original concept: Gami-sans 1975, 1977) comprises submediterranean forest forests ecologically (and to an extent also floristically) analogous to other Quercus-dominat-ed forest of the Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeo Klika 1933. Analogus vegetation from Sardinia was classified by Ubladi (2008) within the Oenantho pimpelloidis-Quercion humilis ubaldi (2003) 2008. First, ubaldi (2003) validly described the Oenantho pimpelloidis-Quercenion humilis (in the rank of suballiance) and assigned the Oenantho pimpel-loidis-Castenetum Arrigoni 1996' (as 'syntypus'). The Oenantho pimpelloidis-Castenetum originally carried an illegitimate name 'Luzulo-Oenenthetum pimpinelloidis Arrigoni in Arrigoni et Marras 1990 (Arigoni et Marras 1990) since no taxon of the tree layer was listed (Art. 29b). Later Arrigoni et al. (1996) corrected the the name and introduced a nomen novum - the Oenantho pimpelloidis-Casta-netum (Arrigini et Marras 1990) Arrigoni in Arrigoni, di Tommaso, Camada et Satta 1996. The Oenantho pimpelloidis-Quercenion humilis was described to typify the montane Quercus pubescens and similar Castanea sativa forests of Sardinia; this suballiance was classified in the 'Quercion humili-petraeae Braun-Blanquet 1932' (ubaldi 2003). As the last step, Ubaldi (2008) reclassified the latter suballiance to the alliance rank and introduced the Oenantho pimpelloidis-Quercion hu-milis ubaldi (2003) 2008 (Art. 3i). Bacchetta et al. (2004) and Farris et al. (2012) recognised floristic and ecological similarity between the Corsican deciduous forests with Taxus baccata (namely the Asperulo-Taxetum) and the Sardinian Polysticho setiferi-Taxetum baccatae, however they preferred to classify these forests within the Pino calabricae-Quercion congestae described from Sicilia (Brullo et al. 1999). The Lathyrion veneti is an illegitimate name as it is derived on eponymous species of the under-story (Lathyrus venetus), while this is multi-layered forest vegetation (ICPN Art. 29b). Here we introduce a new name for this syntaxonomic concept and select its lectotypus: Lathyro veneti-Taxion baccatae Čarni et Mucina all. nov. hoc loco (Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, Quercetea pubes-centis). Syn.: Lathyrion veneti Gamisans 1975 nom. illeg. (ICPN Art. 29b); Lathyrion veneti Gamisans 1977 nom. illeg. (IcPN Arts. 29b & 31). Type: Stellario glochidispermae-Buxetum Gamisans 1975, holotypus hoc loco. Type of the Stellario glochidispermae-Buxetum:: Gamisans (1977: Tab. 43, releve 5), lectotypus hoc loco. Diagnostic species of this alliance are: Allium ursi-num, Buxus sempervirens, Lathyrus venetus, Taxus baccata. Summarizing the syntaxonomy of the deciduous Cyrno-Sardean Quercetea pubescentis forests, we suggest the following syntaxonomic schemes (based on Gamisans 1991 and Farris et al. 2012 and without any claim of completeness): Lathyro veneti-Taxion baccatae Čarni et Mucina 2015. Lathyrenion veneti Gamistans 1975 nom. illeg. Digitali-Castanetum Gamisans 1975. Stellario glochidispermae-Buxetum Gamisans 1975. Asperulo-Taxetum baccatae Gamisans 1970. Cardamino-Buxetum Gamisans 1975. Buxenion sempervirentis Gamisans 1975. Oenantho-Quercetum pubescentis-petraeae Royer et al. 1983 nom. illeg. Ilici-Quercetum ilicis Gamisans 1975. 2.5 'Quercion petraeo-cerridis'' This alliance, comprising mesic, slightly acid oak forest of higher altitudes in the Balkan Peninsula, was first published as the Quercion petraeo-cerridis Lakušič et Jovanovič in Prodromus phytocoeno-sum Jugoslavie (Jovanovic et al. 1986) as nomen nudum. Later Čarni et al. (2009) attempted validation of this name, however in the printed version, the reference to the Quercetum cerris (Vuki-čevic 1966), the intended nomenclature type of the alliance, was missing. This reference was indicated in an electronic appendix which is however not sufficient for validation according to IcPN (Weber et al. 2000). Here we remedy this situation and formally selected the nomenclatural type of the alliance: Quercion petraeo-cerridis Lakušic et B. Jovanovic ex Čarni et Mucina all. nov. hoc loco (Quercetalia pubescentis, Quercetea pubescentis) Syn: 'Quercionpetraeae-cerris (Lakušic 1976) Lakušic et B. Jovanovic 1980' in B. Jovanovic et al. 1986 nom. inval. (ICPN Arts. 2b & 8); Quercion petraeae-cerris Lakušic et Jovanovic ex Čarni et al. 2009 nom. inval. (ICPN Arts. 5 & 8) Type: Quercetum cerris Vukicevic 1966 (Vukicevic 1966: 113), holotypus Diagnostic species of the alliance (Čarni et al. 2009): Acer obtusatum, Aremonia agrimonoides, Asphodelus albus, Astragalus glycyphyllos, Campanula sparsa, Carex caryophyllea, C. muricata, Chamaespartium sagittale, Clinopodium vulgare, Cruciata laevipes, Fagus sylvatica ssp. moesiaca, Festuca heterophylla, Galium pseudaristatum, Helleborus cyclophyllus, Hieracium murorum, Lapsana communis, Lathyrus laxiflorus, Luzula forsteri, Lychnis coronaria, Malus pumila, Physo-spermum cornubiense, Poa nemoralis agg., Poten-tilla micrantha, Primula veris s. lat., Pteridium aquilinum, Ptilotemon strictus, Quercus cerris, Q. petraea agg., Scutellaria columnae, Silene italica, Trifolium patulum, T. pignantii. 2.6 On šiBLjAK OF THE Pruno tenellae-Syringion and the Buxo-Syringion We reviewed also šibljak vegetation in the Balkan Peninsula. The first alliance comprising the šibljak vegetation of the region was suggested by Fukarek (1962) as the Buxo-Syringion; the distribution area of this alliance coincides (on the Balkan Peninsula) with the distribution of the Quercion confertae Horvat 1958. On character species, Fukarek (1962: 504) wrote: "Svaka od novopostavljenih sveza šibljaka ima svoj skup karakterističkih biljnih vrsta koji daju osnovefizionomske i ekološke karakteristike i najprikladnejši naziv (translated from Croatian: Each of the newly described alliances of the šibljak vegetation possesses its group of character species ... that determine their physiognomic and ecologic character and give them their name)". Deducing from this statement, we may consider Buxus sempervirens and Syringa vulgaris as the character species of this alliance. Fukarek (1962) classified within this alliance three associations: (1) The Syringetum timokense was ineffectively (in a manuscript; ICPN Art. 1) suggested by Knapp (1944); (2) the Syringetum vulgaris was invalidly (without any releve or synoptic table; IPCN Art. 2b) published by Diklic (1958) without the releve material and, (3) the Syringeto-Buxetum described by (Tomaševic (1959) in preliminary manner, hence invalid according to the Art. 3 of the ICPN. The Buxo-Syringion was validated by Diklic (1965) who assigned the validly published Eryngio-Syringetum vulgaris Diklic 1965 to the Buxo-Syringion while giving a clear reference to the paper by Fukarek (1962). Jovanovic (in Jovanovic et al. 1986) suggested the name 'Pruno tenellae-Syringion Jovanovic 1979' and he classified within this alliance the Syrin-getum vulgaris Knapp 1944, the Syringo-Buxetum Tomaševic 1959 and the Eryngio-Syringetum Diklic 1965. It is therefore that we can treat the Pruno tenellae-Syringion as a nomen superfluum, hence as a synonym of the Buxo-Syrinion. Validation of the 'Pruno tenellae-Syringion Jovanovic 1979' by Čarni and collaborators (2009) should be then considered superfluous as well. Buxo-Syringion P. Fukarek ex Diklic 1965 (Paliuretalia, Quercetea pubescentis) Syn.: Buxo-Syringion P. Fukarek 1962 (ICPN Art. 2b, 8); Pruno tenellae-Syringion B. Jovanovic 1979 (phantom name); Pruno tenellae-Syrin-gion vulgaris B. Jovanovic in Jovanovic et al. 1986 nom. inval. (ICPN Art. 2b) Pruno tenel-lae-Syringion B. Jovanovic ex Čarni et al. 2009 nom. inval. (ICPN Art. 5). Type: Eryngio-Syringetum vulgaris Diklic 1965 (Diklic 1965: p. 60; Table 1 'Eryngio-Syringetum vulgaris N. Diklic', releve 2, lectotypus hoc loco). Diagnostic species of the alliance (sensu Čarni et al. 2009): Artemisia alba, Cotinus coggygria, Fraxinus ornus, Melica ciliata, Rosa pimpellifo-lia, Syringa vulgaris, Viola tricolor. 3. SYNTAXONOMICAL SCHEME OF THE STUDIED VEGETATION UNITS Juncetea trifidi Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944. Festucetalia spadiceae Barbero 1970. Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucion panicula-tae Redžic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015. Hypochaerido maculatae-Festucetum ame-thystimae Redžic, R. Lakušic, Murat-spahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015. Potentillo montenegrinae-Festucetum panicu-latae (Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic 1984) Redžic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015. Danthonio decumbentis-Festucetum paniculatae Redžic, R. Lakušic, Muratspahic, Bjelčic et Omerovic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015. Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetea carneae Schubert et al. 2001. Rhododendro hirsuti-Ericetalia carneae Grabherr et al. 1993. Aquilegio nigricantis-Rhododendrion hirsuti Čarni et Mucina 2015. Aquilegio-Rhododendretum hirsutae Lakušic et al. ex Surina 2013. Rhododendro hirsutae-Juniperetum nanae Horvat ex Horvat et al. 1974. Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo Theurillat in Theu-rillat et al. 1995. Junipero-Pinetalia mugo Bo§caiu 1971. Lonicero borbasianae-Pinion mugo Čarni et Mucina 2015. Hyperico grisebachii-Pinetum mugo (Horvat 1938) Zupančič, T. Wraber et Žagar 2004. Lilio bosniacae-Pinetum mugo Blečic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015. Geo bulgarici-Pinetum mugo Amidžic ex Čarni et Mucina 2015. Sorbo mougeotii-Pinetum mugo (B. Jovano- vic 1955) Čarni et Mucina 2015. Wulfenio carinthiacae-Pinetum mugo Jan-kovic et Bogojevic 1967. Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959. Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Klika 1933. Lathyro veneti-Taxion baccatae Čarni et Mu-cina 2015. Digitali-Castanetum Gamisans 1975. Stellario glochidispermae-Buxetum Gami-sans 1975. Asperulo-Taxetum baccatae Gamisans 1970. Cardamino-Buxetum Gamisans 1975. Oenantho-Quercetum pubescentis-petraeae Royer et al. 1983 nom. illeg. Ilici-Quercetum ilicis Gamisans 1975. Quercion petraeo-cerridis Lakušic et B. Jovanovic in B. Jovanovic et al. ex Čarni et Mu-cina 2015. Quercetum cerridis Vukičevic 1966. Rhamno-Prunetea Rivas Goday et Borja Carbonell ex Tx. 1962. Paliuretalia Trinajstic 1978. Buxo-Syringion Fukarek ex Diklic 1965. Eryngio-Syringetum vulgaris Diklic 1965. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The present contribution is result of cooperation activities of the European Vegetation Survey (a working group of the International Association for Vegetation Science). We thank Lidija Ami-džic, Simona Casavecchia and Vlado Matevski for providing us some literature sources. Jozef Šib^k and Romeo Di Pietro commented on the manuscript. A. Čarni acknowledges the financial support from the state budget by the Slovenian Research Agency (P1-0236). L. Mucina acknowledges the logistic support of the Iluka Chair at The University of Western Australia, Perth. 5. REFERENCES Alegro, A., Biljakovic, M., Ostojic, A. & Čalic, M. 2000: Gypsophila repens L., an overlooked species in the flora of Croatia. Acta Botanica Cro-atica 59: 331-336. 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