claims are justifiable or not, Based on our findings, we beiieve that locai spatiai poiicies will be devised 'spontaneousiy' and that they wiii not necessarily correspond to national interests. The general trend, coined "New locaiism' (Strassoldo 1994), wiil only strengthen the phenomenon. The itemised sets of factors is not a definite list, since other factors also cause inconsistency and redundancy of spatial policies and actually prevent the implementation of legal and legitimate strategies or directions of physical changes. The text is an attempt at presenting numerous and varied effects, which inevitably cause lesser or greater diversions thus frustrating the efforts of planners. Nevertheless, we have to be aware of the fact that even the most consistent spatial policy, in the process of structuring, deviates from the desired model. In reality this means that it is worthwhile to retreat from ideal-typi-cal images and accept incrementalist l