Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Ufe American Home Serving in Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 American Slovenians Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 98 - No. 51 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C i^s£k'; As our Holy Father John Paul II celebrated the first Vespers of advent earlier this month, he urged Catholics around the world “to discover the glory of God that is revealed in Christ.” This marked the beginning of three years of prayer, study and charitable acts in preparation for the Holy Year 2000. With this plea, we look at the meaning of the season. Christmas calls us back to our origins by remembering Jesus’ own beginnings. We stand at the humble scene of Bethlehem, the helpless child who depended on Mary and Joseph to assist Him in the basic needs of life. The scene should never be forgotten because it reminds us of our beginnings and the need we have to depend on others. As adults we find that beginnings can be forgotten. No matter how wealthy or poor we are, there is the reality that everyone needs to be nourished, helped, and most of all, loved in those early years of development. At the heart of Christianity is love: to love as Jesus loved. My whole life is a ceaseless effort to love more and more the way Jesus loved. On the road to such perfect love I need a gift of God called... TRUST. Where do I begin? With God’s own Christmas gift: God’s Son trusting Himself to us. He did you know. He trusted Himself to a teenage mother. He trusted Himself to 12 intimate friends, one of whom sold Him for silver, another denied with an oath that he had ever known Him. He trusted Himself to a people of His own creation where leaders let the Romans crucify Him. He trusts Himself to us - in our hands and on our tongues: If we love Him, He lives in us. What does this Christmas gift demand of us in return? Our own trust. Let the Lord gradually remove the fears that prevent perfect love. There are indeed fears about which God says to you and me, “Don’t be afraid.” They touch our salvation, our love: love for God now and forever, love for our sisters and brothers, love for our own selves. So many of us are afraid: afraid of God, afraid of hell, afraid of ourselves, afraid to risk. All too many Christians are afraid of God. In their experience, God seems so distant, or so majestic, or so despotic, or so uncaring. God is the God of tornadoes and earthquakes, of wars, laws and punishments. No, if such is your image of God, look down into a crib, look up at a cross. There is your God - in swaddling clothes and bloody naked. “God so loved the world...” (John. 3:16), so loved you and me! All too many Christians are afraid of hell. But only if I forget God’s love, God’s mercy, God’s forgiveness: only if I forget to love. Once more look down into a crib, look up at a cross. Christmas is not an end to all fear; but it should be a beginning of a fresh love. Fresh love for a God who experienced in our flesh all that we experience - for love of us. Fresh love for our own selves - not what we have made of ourselves, but what God’s love has made of us - ‘ new creatures. Fresh love for our brothers and sisters. And all this within a fresh yearning to risk, to open ourselves to God, to God’s world, to all God’s children. Emmanuel: “God is with us.” God loving, God caring. So, don’t be afraid. Most Reverend Anthony M. Pilla Bishop, Diocese of Cleveland AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 2 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Today’s subject is something we all think about during the Christmas holidays: -food\ - both real and imagined. Waiter; what’s that fly doing in my soup? Possible answers from 1 to 16: 10. - The Macarena. 9. - Laps. 8. - Building a raft. 7. - Snorkel ing 6. - Wiping the steam off his glasses. 5. - Looking for Vincent Price. (“The Fly” movie; get it?) 4. - Signaling for some bread. 3. Trying to get his feet unstuck from the liver dumpling. 2. - Making an Act of Contrition. 1. - Crying. <* © 11 - Singing “Home on the Range”. (Get it?) 12. - Sneezing from all that pepper. 13. - Keeping his mouth shut. His doctor put him on a low-sodium diet. 14. - Searching for his missing wife and 500 kids. 15. - Singing, “I {might not) Be Home for Christmas.” 16. - Singing, “Dashing through the soup, on a one-horse-fly open sleigh...” Waiter, do they serve crabs in this restaurant? Certainly sir; have a seat. Waiter: How did you like the food in our restaurant? Slovenian customer: It was more like being in the Bureau of Mission Portions. Customer: I’d like some food to make me smarter. Slovenian waiter: One noodle soup coming up. Tramp: I haven’t had any food all week. Fat lady: Gee, I wish I had your will-power. Customer: Don’t bring me any more klobase. Waiter: How come? Customer: It’s going to waist. Customer: I’d like to have pressed tongue, fried chopped liver, frogs legs, and pigs feet. Waiter: Personally, I’d rather like to look like Carry Grant. Customer: How did that intruder get into this restaurant? Waiter: Intruder window. Waiter: I’d say you have iron deficiency. Customer: That’s amazing. How did you know? Your shirt needs ironing. Customer: Knock, knock. Waiter: (Playing along) Who’s there? Customer: Arthur. Waiter: Arthur, who? Customer: Arthur any more biscuits in the oven? Customer: Knock, knock. Waiter: Who’s there? Customer: Dishes. Waiter: Dishes who? Customer: Dishes a stickup. Customers: Knock, knock Waiter: Who’s there? Harvey: Harvey, who? Harvey going to get our food sometime today? You notice those little symbols located between item one and 11? For nine months I have been sitting at this computer and trying to figure out how I can get one incorporated into some article and — I discovered it can't be done. Therefore, although they may seem important, clever and part of VESELE PRAZNIKE LAVRISHA Construction and Repair Plus PRODUCTS: Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings And... on Sundays Listen to “SLOVENIA” Radio on AM 830 WKTX from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland (216)391-0035 - Fax:(216)391-7225 the Holiday jocularity, they really have no bearing whatsoever on the subject of food. But I thought, what the heck, this is Christmas and magical things happen all the time, and we can all wonder at the beauty of the symbols which are called Wingdings. Here’s another nice one: fb We’ll have to ask Tony Grdina (the ex-Navy signalman - what it means - if anything). Probably just a flag waiving in the breeze. I bet you’ve always wondered what a zafpDingbat is: Me, too. Anyhow, here’s a few which will probably be the only time we’ll ever use them: (is © SD. (Continued on page 10) The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid; the night is still; The Christmas bells from hill to hill answer each other in the mist. - Lord Tennyson. Christmas Vacation There will be no American Home newspaper published between Christmas and New Years. The next edition will be printed on Friday, Jan. 2, 1997. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John TVIercina * A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND A HEALTHY 1997 THE ALL THE READERS OF THIS COLUMN WORLDWIDE Merry Christmas and Happy New Year SNPJ 247 West Allegheny Road g Imperial, PA 15126 ^ TRAVTEt^®^ Whether you like your winters hot or cold..* Let us help you plan your winter get-away now! m HOT COLD Corporate •Leisure •Groups •Cruises 22078 Lake Shore blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-261-1050 ♦ Fax 216-261-1054 ♦ 800-659-2662 If you play, then this may be the last time you’ll have to pack one of these. Match 5 Numbers and You Could Win $100,000! l l"' i-nsif l§fp te Lucky Today? Lottery players are subject to Ohio laws and Lottery Commission Re<3^ Lotted €1996 Oh.o Lottery Commission William G Howell. Executive Dnectc Starting Over in America In the Green-to buy By Anton Žakelj translated and edited by John Žakelj (Continued From Last Week) March 21,1950 It s the first day of spring, but it snowed all day. Yes-terday I moved 100 bushels of oats and 12 sacks of manure. Today I split wood. John is usually milking by himself. Since I never seem t° do things right as far as e s concerned, I try not to work with him. I am becoming more ill-humored, luiet and withdrawn. This can * 8° °n much longer. March 22 About 5-6 inches of new Snow fell today, morning I Went to wood with John leather, but the shoemaker only had pieces of horse-jeather that were about 30 mches square. On the way ack, we saw Sršen who said 1 at Rihtar got a job in Cleveland as a carpenter at 3 an hour. He will go to leveland this Saturday. March 23,1950 I Wrote to the Marshfield Clinic and asked them to reduce the bill for Cilka’s operation. Lamovec brought 25 S3cks of Potatoes from Ste-j'ens Point. They cost $10, or o.Ss ^n a penny a pound, mce the potato harvest was entjfui last year, they are POtatoes for animal e > with government support. F Raki the evenin8’ Ciril J^ec visited with his and daughter. Although we had not met before, he suggested that we each get a week’s vacation this summer; when one goes on vacation, the other takes care of his chores. Ciril knows John well. He worked for him as a hired man for a few months and understands that he’s impossible to work with. If we were staying here, I would become best friends with Ciril. But, since I had almost decided to move elsewhere, I kept quiet and went to bed at 9:30, while the others talked until 11. (+60 degrees F). March 24,1950 John went to Marshfield with Frank, but they were not able to get the right kind of leather there, either. I worked on the bull’s stall. It’s a waste to have a bull for 16 cows; the bull and the two horses eat more feed than 4 cows, and don’t provide any benefit. It would be cheaper, if instead of the bull, we used artificial insemination, and instead of the horses, asked Frank to help with his tractor. After three months in America, we have nothing — and are $200 in debt. March 25 I cleaned the cows in the morning. The Marshfield Clinic responded to my letter; the bill for Cilka has been reduced from $85 to $60, but this must be paid immediately. March 26, 1950 - Sunday At 10 o’clock we went to church. On the way to church, we got stuck in deep snow and mud. When I was WATJ 1560 AM PRESENTS Weekend Polkas Saturday 0 a.m. - 12 noon Polkas with Al Markič ~ 1 p.m. Mario’s International Music j Host Mario Kavcic P*111- - 3 p.m. Almar with Guest Musician ^ p.m. - 5 p.m< Polkatime America Sunday 0 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. *Magic Sound of the Button Box _ Host John Pestotnik 0:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Reflections of the New Slovenia Hostess Linda Cimperman I p.m. Polka Fun With A1 & Harry Host Al Markič & Harry Faint 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. *Polka Tributes HostAl Markič ^ p.m. - 3 p.m. Just Good Polkas ^ P-m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America 'SPONSORED BY ANDY CASHEN a.m. pushing the truck to get it unstuck, John stepped on the gas and sent mud flying on me. I had to go back and change clothes. The roads here are hopeless, like nowhere in Europe. They’re just sand, pushed in from each side. When melting snow soaks the sand, cars swim in mud up to their axles. When the ruts on the nearby road get too deep, John sometimes goes out to level the road. He uses his team of horses hitched to a kind of harrow made of six 8-foot long tree trunks bound together with chains. Of course, this lasts only for a couple of cars. After mass, John took Karl back to his home. Sršen and I decided to look for work in Marshfield, maybe in the shoe factory. In the afternoon and evening, I wrote to my brother John, my mother, and to Jesenko. Outside, it was windy, rainy and muddy. March 27 John woke me at 5 a.m. to help with the birth of a calf which was already 10 days overdue. Helen and Cilka worked on a quilt they are making from 1,000 pieces of cloth. Christmas Vacation There will be no American Home newspaper published between Christmas and New Years. The next edition will be on Friday, Jan. 2, 1997. CNC LATHE Machinist Immediate opening for responsible individual w/CNC experience. Will train. Salary commensurate w/ experience. Benefits, overtime. Clean environment. Please apply in person or forward resume to: DMZ Machine 35530 Lakeland Blvd. Eastlake, OH 44095 (49-1) March 28 Sršen and Karl went to Marshfield to look for work. April 2,1950 -Palm Sunday Karl and Sršen will begin work in the Marshfield shoe factory at the end of the month. April 5 J. Zupan sent me a check for $33 for the lace I had sent him; he is promising he will find work and housing for me in Cleveland. I wrote back to him in the evening. I also wrote to my brother-in-law, Mire, in Canada, asking him for money. Aril 6,1950 In the morning, John asked me “Did you hear how sadly a deer cried last night?” I said, “No, I didn’t.” We went out to the road to see what had happened. We found some bloody spots only partly covered by sand and deer hair. We decided that a hunter must have used his car-lights to attract the deer. 3 The deer paid for its trust with its life. In the afternoon, John and I burned brush in the pasture. Even though there’s water everywhere, the brush still bums. April 9,1950 -Easter Sunday I finished my work in the barn by 7:40. At 8 a.m., we all went to church together. Cilka and I sat in the open back of the truck; it was a cold five miles to Willard. When we returned, we ate the blessed food. In the afternoon, the Lamovec family came for dinner -good and plentiful! Then Helen took me to Sršen’s. Sršen is going to Cleveland tomorrow to look for work. I don’t know what happened to the plans for work in Marshfield. (To Be Continued) Order Now - Makes a Great Christmas gift Posledni Let - The Last Flight by Stane Stražar and Stan Krulc, Jr. A true story of an American B-24 bomber that crashed in Slovenia during World War li in Sveta Trojica. Read the eyewitness accounts, crew members’ recollection of evasion and capture by Germans, and the effect of the crash on the local people. Hard-bound book - 135 pages - pictures, maps, historical artifacts. Complete text and captions in BOTH Slovenian and English (side-by-side). Send $20.00 (US) + $2 shipping to: Stan Krulc, Jr., 375 Beechwood Dr., Willowick, OH 44095, or call (216) 585-0112. Merry Christmas — Vesele Božične Praznike SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX We bill most major insurance plans • Photo Finishing Tom Sršen — Manager WE ACCEPT: • American Express • Discover • MasterCard • Visa • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons Visit Us! • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Contact Lens Replacement AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 IŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 4 Evolvement of Santa Claus By Michael Noer On a cold December evening in 1822, inspired by the sight of dozens of snow-covered chimneys sprouting from new dwellings along Broadway in New York’s Greenwich Village, Clement C. Moore penned a Christmas poem for his young wife and six children. A Visit from St. Nicholas made an icon of Santa Claus and changed the way Americans celebrate Christmas. Among American Christmas collectibles, early and illustrated version of Visit stand alone. Before Moore’s poem, American Christmas customs were in the European tradition. Dutch-American children, for example, were visited on Dec. 5, St. Nicholas Day Eve, by St. Nicholas dressed like a bishop and riding a white horse. German-American youngsters expected gifts from Kris Kringle (the Christ Child) on Christmas Day. “Moore created a new and distinctly American figure - Santa Claus,” says Betsy B. Shirley, a prominent New Jersey collector of American children’s books. Moore created much of the tradition, such as the “miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.” The ninth reindeer, Rudolph, was created by a Montgomery Ward copywriter in 1939. Moore, a professor of classical literature, did not acknowledge authorship of the work until 1837; it was okay for his kids, but he didn’t want his name associated with it. copies in his own hand are so rare that one he made in 1860 for a friend was auctioned two years ago for $255,500. All copies of the poem printed before 1840 are collectible, and expensive - an 1925 copy from an almanac was recently auctioned by Sotheby’s for $30,000. Illustrators began using Moore’s words to mold a visual image of Santa C laus almost as soon as the poem was first printed in upstate New York’s Troy Sentinel in 1823. But for many years there was no general agreement about what Santa should look like: Among the oddities in Shirley’s 6,000-volume collection are a Santa dressed in colonial garb, and a thin, balding Santa dressed in brown. Thomas H. Nast, the political cartoonist famous for inventing the Republican Elephant and the Democrat Donkey is credited with creating the visual image of Santa Claus that we know today. (But thank Coca-Cola for permanently dressing him in red and white, starting in 1931). A series of early Nast Santas was used to illustrate an 1869 version of the poem, and, if you can find it, a first edition of this book is worth more than $5,000. It is Christmas in the mansion, Yule-log fires and silken frocks; It is Christmas in the cottage. Mother’s filling little socks. It is Christmas on the highway, In the thronging, busy mart; But the dearest, truest Christmas is the Christmas in the heart. Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat, Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat; If you haven’t got a penny, --a half penny will do, If you haven’t got a half penny; God bless you! —Beggar’s rhyme. O Father, May that holy Star Grow every year More bright, And send its glorious Beam afar to fill the World with light. William Cullen Bryant “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” - William Butler Yeats. 8 1 I Merry Christmas and Happy New Year St. Vitus Post 1655 Catholic War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary i AivlvRISKA DcneV'NA ME SPY CHRISTMAS Happy H s wisti/NG EVERYONE SR ECHO NO VO LEJO ©AOC.loe I l s 1 r Holiday Greetings To All Our Friends Hansa Import House and Travel Service World Wide Selected Food and Gifts — Many Slovenian Imported Items — 2717 Lorain Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 • 631-6585 5 From All of Us at I ALBIE’S Restaurant We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year The Euclid Office & Medical Plaza 26250 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 čooHincj with you in minit. ALBERT SOMRACK Owner/Manager Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 am lo 4 pm (216) 289-0836 ! ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year GABRIEL Insurance Agency Professional Insurance Management Remember — If It’s Insurance — We Sell It! Auto • Homeowners • Business • Bonds Life • Annuities • Hospitalization Call Bill Gabriel 731-6888 Fax 729-2840 8251 Mayfield Rd., Suite 208 Chesterland, O. 44026 Vesel Božič vsem našim strankam Merry Christmas te cur clients ana friends BORIS MUSIC & FAMILY Hansa Import House & Travel Patria Imports Hansa Travel Service C.S.C. Travel Group Travel Max Boris and Suzi — and all Associates_ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 'afifu Vfi H'qqiAi'gnga 'vniaoi/moq ^!!Ri3iAiv fi Returning to Beautiful Slovenia By Nada Skrly Arnold (Continued from last week) Next morning we drove 45 minutes back into the karst hinterland and a prearranged stop at Črni Kal and the frescos of Hrastovlje. Over the thousand-year period of Slovene evolution politics and aesthetics fostered the growth of hundreds of towns, churches, monasteries and castles. Fortified to withstand plundering Turks in the M**1 through 17th centuries, many recently-constructed monuments reveal amazing treasures. One of them is Hrastovlje. Indiscernible from the zigzag roadway and shielded by a scrubby clutter of houses, nothing prepared us for the gigantic, rectangular fort or castrum on the rocky slope ahead, nor the slumbering masterpiece sheltered within. We awaited the “key lady,” to open the heavy iron gate, and eventually led us into the unexpectedly small, three-nave structure of a Romanesque church. Every inch, including the barrel vault is covered with two-thirds-life-size, late-Gothic paintings - as fresh as when signed in 1490 by Istrian artist Janez of Kastva. Uncovered in the mid-1950s and meticulously restored with dental instruments, the biblia pauperum (literally Bible for the poor, illiterate) depicts scenes from the Old and New Testaments. Themes include Genesis, Christ’s Passion, the Adoration, apostles, saints, prophets, and months of the year with appropriate peasant activities. But it is the Danse Macabre or dance of death on the southern wall that defies imagination. Although an English-language tape described other particulars, my focus reverted to this strange parade: Twelve smirking. 28-rib skeletons holding hands with persons of all ranks, from baby, beggar, youth, miser, merchant, to monk, bishop, cardinal, queen, and king. All are equal in death. Yet another trip gave us insight into the horrors of war so vividly portrayed by Ernest Hemingway in “A Farewell to Arms. The Karawanke highway northwest into the Julian Alps winds through pacific valleys of pristine beauty and abundant with cornfields, fruit orchards, home vegetable plots, and quaint chalets, balconies overflowing with cerise-and-pink geraniums. Projecting like a patriotic beacon is the majestic 2,864-meter Triglav, a sparkling, rosy-hued reminder to dutiful Slovenes to climb it once before they die. At resorts like Vrbnje and Lesce, para-sailers, hang-gliders, and parachutists dotted the sky. Below, ba-busha-wearing women, some wielding scythes, helped harvest hay, which dries on racks so singular that Charles II packed one off to a London park. Religious markers dot the roads, a sign of the national ethos of “work and pray.” (Another is the villagedefining, ubiquitous Catholic Church - some 3,000 - most atop hills as bulwark against the Turks.) Simple, elevated crosses once defied the plague; and painted statues of Mary or the Crucifixion mark the site of an accident. And garishly-decorated, cupboard-size chapels often represent gifts from prosperous emigrants. From the ski slopes of Kranjska Gora, near Austrian and Italian borders, we tracked spectacular mountain passes to Bovec, hacked out by Russian prisoners of World War I. And we paused at a Russian chapel that commemorates 400 prisoners who died in an avalanche. It was a picture-postcard moment. But blooming yellow acacias, bright skies, trilling songbirds, and the hypnotically-clear waters of the Soca (Isonzo) river belied the ferocious battles fought here in the frigid winters of 1915-1917. To bridge that gap, we needed the World War I museum in nearby Kobarid (Hemmingway’s “Caporet-to”), and the brilliantly-focused dioramas, photographs, and artifacts. Afterwards we stumbled upon a veritable “three-star” restaurant, the Kotlarl, and enjoyed a memorable pasta with fresh truffles, lobster risotto, grilled seafood and vegetables, and a Grappa-sorbet finale. A pleasingly-dry Tokay proved to be a sneak preview of wine tastings in the fabled vineyards of Goriška Brda. We took the Postojna road to the littoral and tarried enroute for the view from the pilgrim’s church atop Sveta Gora - another strategic lookout during both world wars. By noon we had traversed the closed corridor between Gorica, Italy, and Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and nicely ensconced on a terrace overlooking verdant valleys and orchards of both countries, we savored an ’83 archive Merlot and some carpaccio (marinated beef). Like fussy Goldilocks in the fairytales, only in reverse, we progressed from wine tastings in very small cellars (one 300-liter oak cask), to middle-size ones, and ended at the enormous 20-million liter cooperative at Dobrovo castle. At each stop were delicacies like the justly-famous karst proscuitto, fresh moza-rella with tomatoes, fruit cakes and wine compote and newly-picked cherries, apricots, and peaches. At Kocijančič vineyards, we reveled in Tuscany-like When you J0HN Rl TEL,CH’SR- CLU'ChFC * A family of companies 24100 LakeshoreBlvd. A&SISb think Of committed to your Everson Bldg. # financial security - (216)289-7729 financial with worldwide assets 4^^ JŠ # under management of PACE SCClirity^ over$90billion— qualified i think of Sun Financial Group. providing life, health and disability insurance, annuities, pension plans and other financial services and products. Sun Financial Group® Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (U.S.) Massachusetts Financial Services Company Sun Life Insurance and Annuity Company of New York New London Trust F.S.B. Massachusetts Casualty Insurance Company splendors. Sitting outdoors overlooking acres of blue-green vineyards shimmering in the afternoon haze, we drank prize Rebula, Sauvi-gnon, Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet. Surely they were enhanced by the vineyard’s Michaelangelo-stylized wine labels. At the castle wine coop, we managed proper homage to the international gold medal, grand prix Peneča Rebula a ’94 champagne-method Pinot; also tasted a Sauvignon that Bill, by his own system, pronounced a “10.” Other days we explored Ljubljana, a natural starting point for the first-time tourist. With its eclectic architecture (a mixture of Baroque and Art Nouveau), quaint pedestrian bridges, daily markets, and visitor-friendly lanes and shops, Ljubljana is by far prettier than Hapsburg-era sisters like Prague and Zagreb. Stylish handicraft boutiques like “365” and Skrina offer sophisticated momentous in crystal, wood, bread dough, enamel, ceramic and straw with Slovene motifs of the carnation, heart and Linden-tree leaf. Gostilna Žabar in nearby Vic is worth a stop for scrumptious house specialties like frog legs, escargot, grilled trout or veal, and delectable ice creams. We enjoyed lunching in the Linden-shaded garden of this century-old Ljubljana favorite. For overnight accommodations, we avoided congested and expensive Ljubljana center in favor of the Narobe Inn. It is located 15 minutes south of Brnik airport and equidistant from downtown and has all-new, well-appointed rooms in a renovated 500-year-old barn. (To Be Continued) Christmas was close at hand... the season of hospitality, merriment and open heartedness. -Charles Dickens £bristmns with 2 m JO C/> 8 2 O < 2 > D m O m CD m 33 Lj In Loving Memory Jennie Prijatelj born August 28, 1888 died July 30, 1976 John Prijatelj born September 23, 1892 died December 24, 1980 Sadly missed by: son Tony & Mary, Conneaut, Ohio son Rudy & Irma, Conneaut, Ohio daughter Jane & Joseph Novak, Highland Hts., Ohio 11 grandchildren In Loving Memory 1C;: A: - ■ ■‘W ’ - ^ ' 7 * Frances Stavanja born October 2, 1892 died December 14, 1972 Louis Stavanja born June 17, 1889 died December 9, 1976 Sadly missed by: son Lewis, Marietta, Georgia son Herman & Lillian, Farmington, New Mexico daughter Irma & Rudy Pryately, Conneaut, Ohio 9 grandchildren T996 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 **************** 8 DID YOU KNOW Slovenia... Joseph Zdle **************** Friday, November 29 was the opening day of an exhibit of the works of Edi Žsijal. On display were 30 pieces which Zeijal has produced in the last decade. The collection was on exhibit in the Tolmin Museum. Among the art works were graphics and water colors. The exhibit will close at the end of the year. In Portorož the Association of Cultural Organizations of Slovenia honored Marij Maver with a gold medal. Also honored at the same time were Lajko Milisavljevic and Rudi Simac. Maver had been for many years the responsible editor of the cultural and information section of Radio Terst A. * One hundred years ago, on December 8th, for the first time a motion picture film was shown in Dreher Beer Hall, Gorica. A 23-year old pianist, Miran Devetak, gave his first recital on November 27. It was held in the concert hall of the Lojze Bratuž Cultural Center in Gorica. Selections included Bartok’s Suite, Opus 14 and Rachmaninov’s Prelude, Opus 23. Also included in the concert were Haydn’s Sonata in C Minor and Prok-opviev’s Fourth Sonata, Opus 29. On the 10th anniversary of the death of Giovani Vogrič, an exhibition of his works was shown. The works will be on display until January 5 in the Beneška Gallery, Špetr. Vogrič was bom in 1932 and died 1986. Catechist Cilka Kuk celebrated her 85th birthday in Breda, Holland. Originally she Independent and Catered Living • Private garden apartments • Housekeeping • Planned activities • Transportation • 24 hr. Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals • No endowment or entrance fee Call us today for a lunch and tour 25900 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 261-8383 Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair rnMPT FTP DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring tlna S. brenda’a HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 hailed from Slovenske Konjice na Štajerskem. Shortly before World War II, she left her native soil to become a postulant. For the past 65 years she has devoted her life to catechetical work. Our congratulations! When in Rome visit or stay at Hotel Emona which is run by Vinko Levstek. You can call him at 011.39.702.7911. In Gorica his hotel is the Palace Hotel, tel. 011.39.481.31658. Slovenian guests enjoy special discounts. Euclid Pensioners Reschedule Meet The Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Ohio have rescheduled their January meeting to the 2nd Wednesday - January 8, 1997, at 1:00 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave. Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient-compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracUon of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90's lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. AMERICAN, STANDARD Built ToA Higher Standard GORJAČ 944-9444 *x 30170 Lakeland Blvd. Wickliffe, Oh. 44092 HEATING A Name For All SeasonsT Vesele Božične in Srečno Novo Leto Merry Christmas and Happy New Year WlHELlN * TRAVEL BUREAU '\Jj~ y/ "For All Your Travel Needs” \ 4118 St. Glair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 If your intentions are to visit or maybe nU) bring your loved ones to the U.S.A. on a visit, thone (216) 431-D' please contact US. Frank in Christina We Are American - Slovenian Travel Agency — owners MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4'WHEEL A FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT CO service APPROVtO AUTOMOTIVt RP’*’* Joe Zigman, owner A WINTER POLKAFEST SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME** 6417 ST. CLAIR AVENUE**361-5115 MARK YOUR CALENDAR 7 DANCES ON THE FOLLOWING 7 SATURDAY NITES IN 1997 . TX T / ' AD DATE SAT. JANUARY 4 SAT. JANUARY 11 SAT. JANUARY 18 SAT. FEBRUARY 1 SAT. FEBRUARY 15 SAT. MARCH 1 SAT MARCH 8 APPEARING IN AUDITORIUM JOE FEDORCHAK JOEY TOMSICK JEFF PECON JOE FEDORCHAK JEFF PECON JOE FEDORCHAK appearing IN KENIK RQQ£W LAKE ERIE BUTTON B HOMESTEADERS LAKE ERIE BUTTON BO* HOMESTEADERS HOMESTEADERS MARCH 8 JEFF PECON A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA TO GIVE TO FRIENDS 31IY TICKETS NOW SAVE MONEY ON PACKAGE DEAL [F PURCHASED IN ADVANCE BY DECEMBER 31. 1996 3 tickets for $20.00 (Saves $4.00 Dollars) 5 tickets for $30.00 (Saves $10.00 Dollars) ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: OFFICE OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME, 6409 St. Clair Ave POLKA HALL OF FAME , 291 E.222nd St. ANN OPEKA 531-7850 LARRY HOČEVAR 361-5115 *MrE TICKETS BOUGHT IN ADVANCE CAN BE USED FOR ANY DA- 30 ) PER PERSON AT THE DOOR TIME OF DANCE 7.30 PM TO ^ HEARTY FOOD AND LIQUID REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAlLAg------ The Wonderful Memories of Frank Mahnič Christmas never fails to evoke memories. Most of us recall Christmas of great joys and of disappointments, of warm, camaraderie and of frightening loneliness, of exciting hellos and of painful good-byes. Each Christmas I think of uiy dad and what he meant to each of us and the impact he made on our lives. Little did we realize his influence on our lives until he was gone. Every time I see someone reading the newspaper or drinking a cup of coffee at lhe kitchen table, it’s a flashback of my dad. He read the paper so thoroughly, not missing one small detail. He always had to have either a cookie or piece of Mom’s bakery to go along with that oup of coffee. This is where We exchange our ideas and had our major debates. It is where he told us sto-ries of our Slovenian heritage and our ancestors. It was where my dad balanced his check book and paid his bills. Everything properly filed with a rubber band around it tightly. It was where he met with our insurance man on a regular basis. It s where I found him when I came home from a date. I can remember walking ‘n the back door, and if he wasn’t at the kitchen table y°u could see him sleeping m his recliner, catching a quick snooze before he went onto his second job. His hands displayed signs of hard labor, but his love of music provided him with the inspiration and steam to keep going. He never complained about work. Why would he do that? It was security and the means to take care of his family. His silly side grin assured you that he found humor in what you said. He anticipated a silly quirk himself or the Christmas cheer had taken over. I remember one Christmas eve after visiting family, we went to Midnight Mass. When the choir began singing Silent Night, he looked at us with a big smile, began singing so loud that my mother grabbed my arm and escorted me to another pew. However, my younger brothers just huddled closer to my Dad, giggling feverishly, enjoying every minute of his solo. My Dad expected a lot from us - respect, hard work, pride, courage and sacrifice. He expected us never to think of ourselves as better than others, but always remembering our roots. He believed in a higher education and his wife at home with his children. My Dad wasn’t the TV fairytale of Ozzie Nelson. He was just my Dad, unique and loving in the best way he knew how. I would give anything to pour him a cup of coffee today, hear him sing Silent Night as loud as he wanted, and put my arms around him and tell him how much I love him and appreciate him. We do have his records and tapes to once again hear how beautifully he played the saxophone with the Vadnal orchestra, but there really isn’t any music now that he’s not around. December 28 will mark the Fifth Anniversary of his death of our father Frank Mahnič. We miss him so, but most of all, we respect and appreciate the foundation and standards he laid out for us. With Love and Affection His Loving Wife, Mimi his Children: Honey, Buddy (Frank Jr.), Charlene, Billy, Jimmy, and all of his Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren Remembering Christmas as a Soldier in the Army and my Slovenian Mother By Rudy Flis ost of my Christmas uemories are condensed into fuzzy memory, diff Christmas, 1952 was on "n01' Nearing the end of r Basic Training, 120 of to t0^ We were g°'nS orea and we must stay at 1 "P ^Ucker until January her th*1 led my Mom, tol< e news, and expecte« *1Gr aPter t*le holidays, ide ^ ^orn had differen and&S S*16 my brother RuH S,'Sters’ “This could bi y s last Christmas, and sh 80ing to visit him.” Thei Inn ashed my girlfriem t0 V/’ w'fe) “Would you lik< c°me with me, Therese?” While my Mom and my Sweetheart were on the beautiful “Humming Bird Express” to Montgomery, Alabama, my friend, Larry, our Company Mail Clerk, came to me and asked, “How would you like to go to Germany?” All I could say was, “I could buy my Mom a Coo-coo Clock.” Larry said, “Well, your orders are for Germany.” Sixty of us received the good news. After a great turkey dinner in our Company mess hall many of us went to the Day Room to relax. My Mom and Dad came to America in 1913, as young adults. I guess you could say my Mom had a European accent. In the Day Room, my Mom was surrounded by young, homesick soldiers; many celebrating (what sadly became) their last Christmas. The soldiers quickly discovered that behind that Slovenian accent was kindness, wisdom, humor and one heck of a story teller. She was the Christmas Star in that Day Room. As always, I will love and enjoy this Christmas with my wife and family, and I will thank God for the wonderful Mom he gave me and - and —for Christmas, 1952. Lausche Foundation grants total $67,000 for 1995 Observing the 100th birthday of Senator Frank J. Lausche, founder and benefactor, The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation distributed grants in 1995 total-, ing $67,000. The recipients were as follows: $5,000 - American Mutual Life Association (AMLA) for two Graduate School Scholarships. $5,000 - American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) for two Graduate School Scholarships. $2,000 - Jadran Singing Society (Operating Support). $6,000 - John Carroll University (Scholarship). $2,000 - Memorial School Gardens (Garden Renovation) $1,000 - St. Casimir’s Church (Operating Support). $4,000 - St. Francis College (Biology Department Equipment). $2,000 - St. Mary’s Church, Holmes Ave., (Church Bells Repair Fund). $2,000 - St. Vitus Alumni (Scholarships). $10,000 - St. Vitus Church (Video Surveillance Project). $2,000 - St. Vitus Church (Auditorium Kitchen Renovation and Equipment). $2,000 - St. Vitus Church (Operating Support). $500.00 - St. Vitus Church Food Bank (KSKJ Sally Furlich Memorial Food Drive). $5,000 - St. Vitus School (New Classroom Computers). $2,000 - St. Vitus Slovenian School (Operating Support). $2,000 - Bishop Slomšek Association (Preparation of sites for the Pope’s first visit to Slovenia in May, 1996). $7,500 - Slovenska Pristava (Electronic Security Gate). $5,000 - Molly Agnes Voinovich Memorial Fund (Major Work Program, Cleveland Public Schools). $2,000 - West Park Slovenian National Home (Operating Support). Since its inception The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation has distributed $269,900 in grants. NOTE: All grants were given in memory of Senator Frank J. Lausche, who named the Foundation in memory of his mother, Frances, and wife, Jane Sheal Lausche. Madeline D. Debevec Secretary Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly “Deck the halls with boughs of holly...” is not only one of the most popular Christmas carols, but what most people would like to decorate with during the holiday season. The use of holly as a decorative green can be traced back before the time of Christ, when Egyptians used it and other foliages in winter wreaths and garlands. Later the Romans sent gifts along with holly to friends and others held in high esteem during the winter celebration period called the Saturnalia, around mid-December through January 1st. Today, holly and the winter holidays are still inseparably paired. Though there are several North and South American hollies with fine foliages, associated with equally colorful Indian uses and legends, the cut holly of choice in the home is the English holly, Isle aquifolium, and its many varieties grown commercially since the 1920s, primarily in the Pa- cific Northwest where the fairly tender, evergreen trees or tall shrubs flourish. Some of the holly cultivars can be traced back to their native southern and central European or British Isle roots. English holly’s glossy, leathery, spine tipped leaves are 1-1/2 to 3 inches long and accompanied on a woody, branching or branchless stem by glossy, usually red, berries each about one-quarter inch in diameter and bunched in dense clusters. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 2Q Jim’s Journal (Continued from page 2) Then we have a category called a “Symbol.” The most interesting one is a backwards E in which I guess the only time we’ll be able to use it is in the sentence, “SLOVENIANS AR3 US”. Hey, — I just found an upside-down A which will really come in handy someday if we ever want to strain ourselves and say, “SLOVENIANS VR3 US”. See, and you thought the only thing we do with these computers is play solitaire. Actually, these symbols, can come in handy if you were a spy, or preferred to talk in shorthand like they do on the Internet. Usually, the reason they use shortcuts on the Internet is because they play with the computer so much, they forgot how to spell correctly. But, a code can come in handy, sometimes. For example, Bob Mills, the Ohio Chief MARS radio man receives messages from ships in code all the time because you can get a lot more bang for your buck, so to speak. If you’ll recall last year’s article about Bob, he relays messages from U.S. Navy sailors and Marines at sea to people in Ohio. He calls up by land phone the recipient of the message, and reads it to her. It’s free of charge. At this time of year, he’s busy with Christmas greetings. But, you’re only allowed ■m to send 50 word messages. So, instead of trying to figure out 50 exciting words to send to your sweetheart, you might say, for example. “ARL SIXTY TWO” which counts as only three words, but in reality means: (Amateur Radio Relay League ) “Greetings and Best Wishes to you for a pleasant Christmas Holiday Season.”. Bob receives this message from the USS Wasp, for example. He then looks up what ARL SIXTY TWO means. Then he calls up the person to whom the message is addressed, and reads the translation, and then adds the 47 other words the sailor or Marine wishes to convey. In return, the recipient can send 50 words back. He might begin the message with ARL SIXTY ONE, which translates to: “Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” ARL FIFTY SEVEN is a real Holiday heart-grabber: It reads, “Wish we could be together.” And to what does all of this have to do with food? The answer is, First — it’s food for thought. And, Secondly -- I’m going to pause here and enjoy a delicious perfectly baked low-fat Christmas cookie filled with apple sauce, just made by my talented and wonderful mother-in-law, Dorothy Urbancich. So, to everyone who is working on Christmas Day for the well-being of others, and to all subscribers of American Home newspaper, we extend sincere best wishes for an abundance of good health in the New Year, and may the Good Lord shower you with His warmest good blessings and ARL SIXTY ONE and SIXTY TWO. NOSAN’S HAPPY HOLIDA YS Slovenian Home Bakery 361-1863 481-5670 Cleveland Euclid, Ohio Baked Fresh Daily Assorted Slovenian Pastries, Potica, Krofi, Flancate and assorted Specialty Breads, Strudels, 8-Grain, Rye and Vienna, Hlebec. Order Now Your Holiday Poticas, Tories, or Cookies 6413 St. Clair Ave. 361-1863 Cleveland, Ohio 567 E. 200 St. 481-5670 Euclid, Ohio Tues. thru Sat. 6 am to 4 pm Thurs thru Sat. 7 am to 4 pm — HVALA LEPA — Joe Zelle included in leaders book Congratulations to American Home writer Joseph Zelle whose name has been recommended for biographical inclusion in the 6^ Edition of FIVE HUNDRED LEADERS OF INFLUENCE. It was brought to the attention of the American Biographical Institute’s Governing Board of Editors. Joe has also been listed in WHO’S WHO IN THE MIDWEST, WHOS WHO IN SCIENCE, WHO’S WHO IN THE FOREFRONT OF SCIENCE, and WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD. Christmas Gift Mr. Frank Kraintz of Highland Heights, Ohio donated a Christmas gift of $25.00 to the American Home. Thank you very much for your generous donation. Christmas Gift Enclosed is a donation ($25.00) in appreciation for your publishing of our yearly functions, news articles and meeting notices. Thank you and Season’s Greetings. Best Wishes, St. Vitus Alumni (Thank you very much for your generous donation.) Christmas Gift To all: A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Joyful and Healthy New Year. With Great Love! — God Bless You. Zbogam. St. Anne Lodge No. 4, AMLA Thank you very much for your very generous donation of $100.00. Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man. Christmas Vacation There will be no American Home newspaper published between Christmas and New Years. The next edition will be on Friday, Jan. 2, 1997. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 432-1114 Ann’s Dressmaking and Alterations Tues.-Sat.: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Same Day Serviče) Weddings, Special Occas 'ns 6027 St. Clair Ave1., Cleve. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS Jo Lin Ts/Tercina DEDICATED TO / 8 ALL THOSE 8 PEOPLE 8 THAI ARE » SUFFERING DUE TO WARS! CHRISTMAS] 1996 “MAY THERE BE PEACE” WORLD HARMONY I The thing mankind is seeking blindly for After the devastation of man war 2 Is the harmony of nations, the white peace: | That miracle whose actions should increase Goodwill among the peoples of the earth. We have forgotten how the angels sang, Their clear hosannas, the triumphant words th at TOt-irr © HAPpy News The Holmes Avenue Pensioners (HAP) celebrated a memorable conclusion to the 1996 year with their annual Christmas Dinner at the Hall on Wednesday, Dec. 1 fth. Julie Zalar, a true Slovenian Culinary Treasure, along with her able and efficient staff, produced yet another outstanding meal that could never be matched anywhere, anytime, at any price. How lucky we are to have her in our greater Slovenian community! Christmas angels were in abundance and busy everywhere, helping to make the dinner party a very festive one. From Frances Kajfez and Lillian Homar who greeted us at the door, dressed in bright, cheerful holiday clothes, to Matt Kajfez and Frank Homar, our loyal bartenders, who sported elegant black tie and formal holiday jackets, from Emily Kersman and Louise Blanc who, as always, worked hard selling raffle tickets and giving out prizes as well as Ed Fujda, sporting a bright red sweater and faithfully selling refreshment tickets, to the corps of worker, too numerous to mention individually, who came early to decorate the hall in true Christmas fashion. From Father Vic Tome who said grace in both Slovenian and English, whose very presence added a special, nostalgic touch to our celebration, to Hank Guzel, our one-man-band, whose non-ear-shattering music both during dinner and later for dancing, was pleasing to the ear and most welcome. All these angels and more served to produce a truly memorable holiday event for the 252 participants who attended. We owe them 3 sincere debt of gratitude. But above all else, the common thread running through the party was the unmistakable signs of joy at simply sharing a special event with many friends. This was all too evident as the meal ended and everyone seemed to go off table-hopping, exchanging news and holiday greetings, an<^ sharing memories with fel' low members. By and large, this is what HAP is all about 12 months of the year, but which seems to take on special signif*' cance at Christmas time. Finally, we cannot conclude an end-of-the-year report without remembering those members who are no longer with us. They were all in our hearts and minds aj December’s party and Wi remain so throughout the holiday season and beyond- a all the HAP officers ir reporter, we exten ■yone warm holiday ;s and hope the Ne^ ill bring us all a a‘ 3 of good health, tir HAPPY HOLIDAYS from JAMES W. TEKAVEC 5 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW J Admitted to Practice in Ohio and Florida 600 Standard Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 621-4810 I Christmas In The Heart It is Christmas in the mansion. Yule-log fires and silken frocks; It is Christmas in the cottage, Mother’s filling little socks. I ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I It is Christmas on the highway. In the thronging, busy mart; But the dearest truest Christmas Is the Christmas in the heart. ! i Season's Greetings from the Members of Lake County Foreign Car Service Inc. f St. Clair Business Association 2 (AUTO PARTS WAREHOUSE ALSO) 3380 No. Ridge Rd. — Perry, Ohio 44081 P.O. Box 337 I JOE AND FRANK VIDMAR 1 951-1577 (TOLL FREE) — 259-2991 COMPLETE A UTO SER VICE For imported cars and some small | domestic autos. Certified Technicians ^ Authorized BOSCH Service Center I I i r Merry Christmas and Happy New Year IVORY CITY PIANO Al Koporc Jr. & Family - 481-1104 i i Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Robert and Elaine Debevec i i $ $ <>828 Dave Drive — Madison, OH 44057 5 $ $ 3 i MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Horn the employees of: Euclid foreign motors INC. ! 5 19901 - 20020 St. Clair Ave. phone: 481-6106 — 481-9200 3 3 I 3 i EASY DARK CHERRY ,TART 1-3/4 cups Quaker Oats (Quick or Old-Fashioned), uncooked 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional) 1/3 cup (5-1/3 tbsp.) margarine, melted Two 16-oz. cans pitted dark sweet cherries, undrained 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract Heat oven to 350°F. Lightly oil 9-inch springform pan or pie plate. Combine first 4 ingredients. Add margarine, mix well. Reserve 1/3 cup for topping, press remaining mixture onto botton and 1-inch up sides of prepared pan. Bake 15 minutes. Drain cherries, reserving 1/3 cup liquid. In medium saucepan, combine sugar and cornstarch. Gradually add reserved liquid, stirring until smooth. Add cherries and extract. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat, simmer about 1 minute or until thickened and clear, stirring constantly. Pour over baked crust. Sprinkle with reserved oat topping. Bake 15 to 18 minutes or until edges of crust are lightly browned. Store tightly covered in refrigerator. 10 servings. ,ec 6220 SL Clair Ave. 3 Cleveland, O. 44103 ! The St. Clair Business Association was established to provide the businessmen of the community a forum for the mutual exchange of ideas. It further dedicates itself to motivate the effective | cooperation and communication necessary for the instilling of pride, the establishment of confidence, resulting in the creation of a more wholesome community atmosphere. i 3 Support Your Member Merchants sHAPPY HOLIDAYS s a I ž ! 4 Slovenian American Heritage 1 I O > Foundation! 3 4 3 3 3 I i Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 4 a < o 3 3 '3 3 3 Mrs. Ella Samanich 3 3 4 3 ! 3 7391 Pinewood Dr., Middleburg Hts., OH 44130 Lavrisha on WKTX Paul Lavrisha can be heard on "WKTX Radio AM 830 on your dial. He broadcasts on Sundays from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. His program is called “Slovenia.” Paul can be reached at (216) 391-7225. His address is Lavrisha Construction, 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. WKTX Radio serves Cortland, Warren, Youngstown, Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Northeast Ohio and Western Pa. ! V°“s HOUDA Y GREETINGS Nottingham Tavern 18526 St. Clair Ave. 531-6289 FAMILY STYLE FOOD SERVED J Merry Christmas and Happy New Year JO LEUFKENS I o 7445 Southwood Dr., Mentor, OH 44060 « ------------------------------- n 3 3 3 3 «5 A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Mary Močnik Marinko and family and friends Gateway Manor No. 225 4 Gateway Dr., Euclid, Ohio i 4 I l AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 a^_ ‘Orgct time-honored such as city parks, ircus or favorites pupPet shows. above an1 StreSS °Ut and togethea ’ enj°y your time r 8 I I Happy Holidays I CHRISTMAS ~ AMD 1 | HAPPT NEW TEAR Joe and Josephine Baškovič 481 Derby Run Willoughby Hills, OH 44092-2677 MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ AND HARRY HEW YEAR Ann M. Stefančič to All! | 1 Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph i t t | t t i a and Family Steve, Diane, Ronald and Robert Cleveland, Ohio i a i % —i s- f Euclid Meat & Sausage Shop | 1 | 821 E. 222nd St. Euclid, OH 261-9006 | StandC-2 West Side Mkt. 241-1779 jg fj Smoked Slovenian Sausages g g Rice and Blood Sausages 2 Fresh Klobase - Cottage Hants | We are open Mon. - thru Fri. 9 am until 6 pm — Phone Orders are Welcome — | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year | CARL and JENNIE SCHULTZ 19501 Pasnow Ave., Euclid, OH 44119 Chrzanowski D.D.S., Inc. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 692-2010 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year •4r. ■ » Mi i m AMERICAN i SLOVENE I CLUB MERRT CHRISTMAS ~ AMD HAPPT NEW TEAR Ed, Carol & Connor Hren 11295 Caves Rd. Chester Township, OH 44026 Merry Christmas | | and Happy New Year! \ | Cleveland-Ljubljana 1 | Sister City Committee I | Join Us! I Call Vladimir J. Rus, 360-0309 g Holiday Greetings to All Our Patrons MALENSEK’s Meat Market 1217 Norwood Rd. t $ s 361-1037 Cleveland, Ohio g $ § HOME MADE SMOKED MEATS 2 2 | BLAGOSLOVA IN RADOSTI POLNI 2 CENTURY TIRE SERVICE | | BOŽIČ TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! 15300 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland 44110 ^ g - 531-3536 - g S g 1 I St. Vitus 1 | s Holy Name Society g 2 Cleveland, Ohio g 2 $ A BLESSED AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS g 2 » AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR g Tc All Cur Customers, Friends, Relatives, etc. MBRIIT CHRISTMAS ^ AMD SLAVIC VILLAGE 2 l 2 FOOD CENTRE š i Merry Christmas 6405 Fleet Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 2 2 2 John and Linda Turk g Jakubs & Son Funeral Home | | 936 East 185th Street g g Cleveland, Ohio 44119 2 2 -883-9549- (216) 531-7770 A JUH" MU* n a GOLDEN RULE » S Funeral Homes a AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 A Bit of Slovenian Christmas traditions By Stane Kuhar Within a few days Christmas will be here. We have been bombarded with advertisements on how to spend and buy the best presents, perceived or otherwise. According to the advertisements our spent money will make us and others happy without regard to the most important reason of Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ. The announcement of the joyous news that the Savior was born. And born He was into a simple stable with animals, Joseph and Mary. For people of Slovenian heritage around the world, Christmas is a time to act upon the Christian heritage that has been intertwined into the Slovenian culture for nearly 1,250 years. One custom that is unique to the Slovenian people is celebrating Christ’s arrival with the praying of the rosary and blessing of a house on Christmas Eve. As darkness falls family members begin prayers, walking inside the house and reciting the rosary. One member of the family carries a small container with lighted charcoal and incense while another carries holy water, blessing each room. When all the rooms have been blessed, the family returns to the stable scene and concludes the rosary. Each family member is then blessed with the holy water. Personal family gifts are exchanged. The family rests, enjoys conversation and some light food and refreshments until the time approaches to attend Midnight Mass. A second Slovenian custom is the inscribing of the letters “G + M + B” in a main family doorway. The purpose of this inscription is in remembrance of The Three Kings. That is, Caspar, Michael and Baltezar. The date is inscribed after the last letter. In our household Ata or Mama performs this task. Legend holds that this signals reverence for the Three Wise Men and by making these inscriptions, good fortune will remain in a household all year through. A last Slovenian Christmas tradition is the completion of the stable scene: One may be quite simple while another may be a more elaborate design. I have to confess that my mother-in-law, Jožica Benedik and her brother, Jože Kristanc, have that rare gift of designing a perfect and most creative scene of Bethlehem nearly 2,000 years ago, transforming a regular household room into a visual wonder of Christ’s birth. It was their uncle, the late Msgr. Leon Kristanc, who provided the beginnings of what one may see today by the sanctuary inside St. Vitus Church during the Christmas season. For those seeking additional meaningful Christmas, two unique events are being held in northeast Ohio. The first is for those interested in experiencing a traditional Slovenian Christmas family centered get-together. The singing groups Korotan and Fantje na Vasi, as well as the dance group Kres and the dramatic theater group Lilija, will have its annual Christmas family get-together on Dec. 22 at 5 p.m. at the Slovenian National Home on Holmes Avenue. Readings from the Bible, Slovenian Christmas songs, blessings are held. In Slovenian this is known as “skupna božičnica.” Homemade pastry is requested to be brought by those attending - for all to enjoy. The second is singing performance by St. Vitus Youth Choir. The choir will perform two concerts filled with joyous Christmas songs sung in three languages (English, Slovenian, and Latin). The choir will sing at St. Mary’s Church (15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland) on Friday, Dec. 27, at 7 p.m. Their performance in St. Vitus Church (6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland) will be on Sunday, Dec. 29, at 3 p.m. The choir is under the direction of John Srsen. I BEST WISHES for the ' ! I Holiday Season! I ! i I ! The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation CHICAGO, IL - Illinois First Lady Brenda Edgar recently hosted the “Tree of Lights” celebration at the Chicago Children’s Museum on Navy Pier. Children dressed in traditional ethnic costumes presented ornaments to Mrs. Edgar for the tree. Hanukkah and Kwan-zaa were also honored, and Mrs. Edgar read The Mitterl by Jan Brett. Pictured, left to right: (front row) Maria Sovan of the Slovenian community; Alysa Austin, of the Swiss community; and Susan Pawalowski of the Swedish community; (back row) Mrs. Edgar. A Very Merry Christmas arid Happy New Year! Ronald Zele Co., L.P.A. Attorney At Law Brush Building 26111 Brush Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44132 216-289-9500 Fax: 216-289-6416 •3536 J it it it it it it it it it it it it it :Century 5 Tire service co. firestone HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY * * * * * * * * * * * 153011 Uulcrloo Kel fo rwnufucturei s ony,na specifications • No extra charge for cun factory air or tor non bars Best Wishes From the Officers and Members of St. Vitus Lodge #25 | K.S.KJ. ^maternal insurance MEMBERS & FRIEND Fr. Joseph Boznar, Spiritual Director Joseph Baškovič, President John Turek, Secretary Albin Orehek, Treasurer | Frank Zupančič, Sgt.-at-Arms A Very Merry Christmas, and a Super New Year! i Richard A. Vadnal a Attorney At Law a | Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Montelebone Co., | i LPA- 1 z 1650 Midland Building g 101 Prospect Ave. West $ g Cleveland, Ohio 55115-1027 1 g Call (216) 771-4050 for your legal advice | I- * a a a I MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR Wilke Hardware Owned by American Slovenians Paints, Glass, Housewares, Plumbing. Electrical Supplies, Garden Supplies. — Screens and Storms Repaired — 809 E. 222nd St. Euclid, Ohio 44123 a RE 1-7070 I JosePhine (Zaman) Wilke Jack Zaman 1 g for a Merry Cfvristmas a Happy Hy.-w year to all Slovenian Uricam andfriends of Slovenia. We are convinced that ivith your °°l?eration we wiCC continue to CtSsfulCy promote the best interests Slovenia and at(Slovenians. Ambassador, Dr. Ernest Petrič S Consul General in New York, Mr. Vojislav Sue » Honorary Consul in Cleveland, Dr. Karl B. Bonutti at Honorary Consul in Los Angeles, Mr. Mark E. Ryavec Honorary Consul in Houston, Mr. Richard B. Wilkens, 111 Shoveling Snow: Another Winter Hazard COLUMBUS, OHIO -The snowstorm that hit Northeastern Ohio earlier this winter creates a common winter hazard, — shoveling snow. According to Dr. Peter Somani, Ohio State Health Director, people should use extreme caution when shoveling snow because overexertion may cause heart attacks. “Snow shoveling is strenuous, and people not used to regular physical exercise may put themselves in a life-threatening situation when shoveling snow,” said Dr. Somani. “Each shovel-full of dry snow weighs about four pounds, plus the weight of the shovel; wet snow can easily double this weight or more.” In addition. Dr. Somani noted that breathing cold winter air also constricts small blood vessels through which blood passes away from the heart to the body. While this action reduces the loss of body heat the heart must work harder to pump blood through more narrow arteries, placing additional stress on the heart. He offered these tips on how to make shoveling snow safer: H« NEVER smoke while shoveling. Tobacco smoke constricts blood vessels just as cold air does, and the combination can be dangerous. H« Shovel snow before eating, or wait an hour after eating. * If you become short of breath while shoveling, stop and rest. If you feel pain or tightness in your chest, stop immediately. * Have a partner monitor your progress and share the workload. If a heart attack happens, they can call for help or if trained, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation until help arrives. If you have a known health problem, use a snowblower or hire a snow removal service, Dr. Somani advised. Some risk factors, such as gender (males are at increased risk) and age can’t be changed. Others, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a sedentary lifestyle can be changed. Dr. Somani reminds • American Home readers that a regular exercise program will reduce the risk of a heart attack from physical exertion. Merry Christmas VESELI BOŽIČ Happy New Year - 5 City Motors, Inc. g Used Cars £ 8 I 5413 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland 8 44103 - 881-2388 Frank Tominc, — Owner m 33 CO > D O O < o m n m Š SREČNO NOVO LETO 1997 | I CO CO 03 g To All Our Customers and Friends | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year »Slovenian Workmen’s! | Home Auxiliary | 15335 Waterloo Road Phone: 481-5378 I Fish Fry Every Friday I HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL 8 8 8 8 8 Cebar’s Tavern 595 E. 185,h St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 - 481-9509 FISH FRIES Every Friday 20c Wings on Monday & Thursday Klobase on Tuesdays -Pork on Wednesdays Live Music on Saturdays SEASON’S GREETINGS Frank and Tom Cvelbar - Owners 8 8 8 8 8 8 l 8 8 8 MERRT CHRISTMAS ~ AND HAPPT NEW TEAR Red Klir Co. 17508 Maple Hts. Blvd. Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 ^ 662-1079 O o Q < , } D 9»vu^ 'iU/if baVij ^ ovv • • > fish Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Maryland, and Washington, DC id Vesele Božične Praznike Slovenian American Council A Call to Serve the Poor (Continued from page 16) through one year of convert classes and all entered the Church together in a beautiful celebration of Baptism. The principal, married to a pagan wife, chose the name Charles. The school was soon recognized as the best in Ningto, a town of 10,000 people, and it lasted under the Communist occupation from 1949 until our expulsion. Our school was independent in spite of continuous efforts by the Commu-uists to involve it in their activities on the streets, like parades for Mao Tse Tung. % the second year of its existence, all eight teachers had become Catholics and Were dedicated to their mission. A dispensary in a special Part of our mission grounds was another project we developed soon after arriving at the parish and taking it over from the hands of two Chinese Diocesan priests. Bishop O’Shea helped us w*th medical supplies from the Kanchow Hospital of the Arnerican Daughters of Charity, and a number of times Bro. Cyril Verdnik sent us some material and uiedicines from Shanghai, ^■ach day we spent hours ® Piug the poor, sick peo-ple’ frequently 100 of them. lined up in front of the dispensary. A baby girl was abandoned and found in a basket in the town plaza. Our boys told me about it and we went to collect her and brought her to the mission. I baptized her in the sacristy and sent her to Kanchow to our orphanage run by Chinese sisters. Theresa must be old by now, if she is still alive. Bishop O’Shea informed me afterwards that the Communists were pushing toward the south of China and we shouldn’t send any more children to the orphanage which faced an uncertain future. The people looking through the open sacristy windows that day had talked about the missionaries killing babies to make some special medicine out of them. Later, they were relieved and happy to see that the child was sent to a safer life in the orphanage. The Tabernacle was the center of our growing parish community. Of the 250.000 people in two large countries, only 20 were Catholic at the time of our expulsion. Close to 50 entered the Church since we had come to the parish in May of 1948 and worked there for a few years. The Communist government in China, continuously tax time is here Come In or Call Us for Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 M 881-5158 - erry Chrixtntn* - and Happy New Year i if f ^k: Season's Greetings To All Our Customers from Richmond Restaurant I I f ^9li Euclid Avenue, Euclid, O. | — Phone: 261-5430 — \ •Wq* \ «r m JO u> 7\ > O o o < > o m n m 2 —Stanley J. Frank | i Vesele Božične Praznike t from -8. 8 -w co ft CO K O) 8 J. Ramšak & Sons! Importers of Award-winning wine and | g beer from Slovenia g | Joseph, Smiljan and Bob Ramšak 8 and their families g-----------------------------------e g Merry Christmas and g g Happy New Year g AI and Agnes Koporc | 13800 Lake Shore Dr., Bratenahl OH 44110 g 8 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 8 g Jo Ann Kaifesh - and | Josephine Klemenčič Kirtland, Ohio g 8 8 8 8 8 8 LONGAR’s MARKET Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 4030 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Open Daily 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Longar, son Francis, and granddaughter Margaret Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I Charlie & Majda Lončar 8 i? *1 g Family 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 31025 Miller Ave., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mrs. S. (Alice) Opalich Cape Coral, Fla. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Merry Christmas to all our relatives and friends in Slovenia, USA and Canada 8 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto ^ želita vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem 8 MARIA and ANNA LUNDER g 1150 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio g AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 (g) "The more than one company agency" * ‘Holidays ^fTlC All forms of Insurance: Auto • Home • Life • Business Call for Free Consultation Merry Christmas To AIL,, ANTHONY Insurance Agency W Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5 p.m. — Sat. 8:30 to noon 508 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 531-5555 Holiday Safety Message “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” Yes, the holiday season is upon us and you and your children can listen to a fun message from Santa by calling the Academy of Medicine’s free Tel-Med library. To access Santa’s message about dangerous decorations, overeating, the joy of gift-giving and celebrating the holidays with loved ones, call (216) 520-0200 and enter the three-digit code 395. Santa’s message is available 24-hours daily. The Academy’s Tel-Med library contains more than 400 health-related subjects and can be herd 24 hours a day. For a free Tel-Med brochure, call the Academy offices at (216)520-1000. jvyv¥yvvvvvyy A Very Merry Christmas — and the Happiest New Year Merry Christmas and Happy New Year | Louis^Ann and Dorothy Winter - Neff Rd., Cleveland, Ohio | Broadcast Studio WELW- 1330AM WCPN • 90.3 FM Vi Daily Polka Radio ^ W ntBT , Sundays Noon tilM.OOpm • p'm- Noon on weekends (K0LLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 971 East 185th Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tony Petkovšek, co-host: Joey Tomsick, featuring: Alice Kuhar, Duke Marsic, Patty Sluga (2161 481-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 2 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2 fSIMS BROS. BUICK INC. I 2 ‘The American-Slovenian Buick Dealers” And what is Christmas? It is the happiest time of the year. It is the season... when mistletoe... and soups, and sliding, and schoolboys prevail; when the country is illuminated by fires and bright faces. —Charles Lamb 2 21601 EUCLID AVENUE Euclid, Ohio 44117 481-8800 “Heap on more wood! — the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still. —Walter Scott HUICK Charles J. Sims — President SIMS MOS. BUICK INC. 21601 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44117 Bus. Phone 481-8800 1 -800-688-SIMS Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart. - Washington Irving. i»5W5»«»5*a3a«W5W5WS*RiW5J»ja»5tWD«W3B«3tKI555SW5!8SD!«JB«wa Merry Christmas — Happy New Year! ______Vesele Božične Praznike! West Park Slovenian Club OPEN DAILY 11:00 to 11:00 LUNCHEON SPECIALS 4583 West 130th Street • 941-3224 Hamburger —--------------2.00 Cheeseburger--------------- 2.75 B.L.T.---------------------2.00 Turkey Club-----------------2.00 Combo Club------------------3.00 Chicken Club----------------2.00 HALLS FOR RENT Small and BIG WE CATER WEDDINGS, BANQUETS. COMPANY PARTIES. WAKES, ETC. - SPORTS CLUB WE BACK ALL TEAMS SOFTBALL, DARTS, GOLF OUTINGS, BOWLING, VOLLEYBALL POLKA DANCING FRIDAY & SUNDAY UPPER BALLROOM BUFFET SET-UP LUNCHEON ENTREES Steak------------------------4.00 Meatloaf---------------------3.00 Chicken----------------------3.00 Pork Chops-------------------3.00 City Chicken-----------------3,00 Country Fried Steak----------3.00 Veal Cutlet------------------3.00 Fish-------------------------3.00 Shrimp/Scallop Combo Daily Salad Bar - 4.00 172 PRICE DINNER Rib Dinner $7 Buy Full Slab, get 2nd Slab at 1/2 Price jl \in price dewer] Strip Steak $6 Buy one Strip Steak, get ! 2nd Steak at 1/2 Price }r-_~-.—.-.-.v-.-.-J rin price dinner! Seafood Combo $6 Buy one Seafood Combo, get 2nd at Half Price I__________________ “HOME COOKED MEALS’’ CHICKEN WINGS hot • mild • bbq MUNCHIE BASKETS - 3.00 m -----------— imjiNYjiujD DAOIV&IO — o.uu West Park Slovenian National Home Invites You... VISIT US! Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto Merry Christmas and Happy New Year For those who wish to send the very best" | BIG BOUQUET FLOR S I I 480 East 200 Street Euclid, Ohio 44119 d PHONE 486 4343 or FLO-WERS I I i Happy New Year Mrs. Dorothy URBANCICH Euclid, Ohio i » 5 5 HAPPT CHRISTMAS from | Ed, Shannon, j Teddy and Mairin Jerse rt MpMNMMMMMMMMMMMMto. : •: g ifl: V-{ "A i- : :• J « ! i Merry Christmas - Happy New Year! Norwood Market 1115 Norwood Avenue Smoked sausages and hams (Daisyfield), and all types of Smoked Meat, Fresh Meats, Rice and Blood Sausages, Sour Heads, Fresh Vegetables, Fruits. Everything you need. Slovenian Sausages, Želodec ~ We accept phone orders 361-0566 -- ! Slovenian ski jumper now in 1st place Slovenian athlete Primož Peterka, 17 years old, has won two of the six World Cup Ski Jumping competitions held so far this year. On Sunday, Dec. 15, he finished first at Haarachov, Czech Republic. On Saturday, Dec. 14, he finished in second place there. On Dec. 8, he took first Place in Kuusamo, Finland jumping 137 meters, and 127.5 meters. On Dec. 7, he did not finish in the top 20. 0n Dec. 1, in Lilleham-S Norway> he finished in place with jumps of 18 and 128.5 meters. On Nov- 30, also in Lilleham- ITJer he finished in fourth Place. As of Monday, Dec. 16, Primož Peterka of Slovenia as accumulated 365 points mid stands on top of the Grid Cup Standings after six events. We are very proud of our relative. Stan Krulc, Jr. Donation Michael and Jennifer Chauby of Willoughby Ohio donated $30.00 to the American Home newspaper with the note: “Enclosed is a donation to the great newspaper that brings so much joy to many people. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year. Interesting I am writing about my brother, William Tofant, 17814 Neff Rd., Cleveland 44119 (481-3251). He is better now and I am sending a box of Slovenian goodies for him to enjoy during the holidays. I enclose a $10.00 donation for an interesting and informative paper. Rose Godich Bratenton, Fla. Reminder To clubs, lodges, and organizations: $30.00 yearly payment of 1997 Rosters are now due. Lodge 12 Ribnica Annual Meeting AML A Lodge Ribnica will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. at the home of President Louis Silc, 30417 Oakdale Road (off E. 305 St.) in Wickliffe, Ohio. Election of officers and lodge representatives will take place in addition to other important business matters to be voted upon by the membership. A holiday social, serving your favorite ethnic food and refreshments, will be held immediately following the business meeting. To our ailing and disabled brothers and sisters, we send lots of get-well wishes. Carole Czeck Secretary Christmas Gift Chuck and I both enjoy the paper; it is certainly a joy to read. Enclosed is a $10.00 donation. Charles and Fay Starman Newbury, Ohio Christmas Island is one of the largest islands in the Pacific formed Christmas Gift explorer James Cook on Christmas a prosperous 1997. (With an Day, 1777. enclosure of a check for $100.00.) Vida Zak, Secretary Progressive Slovene Women of America Thank you very much, ladies, for your very generous donation. After all, Christmas is but a big love affair to remove the wrinkles of the year with kindly remembrances. -John Wanamaker. “The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing others’ loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas.’ - W.C. Jones HAPPY CHRISTMAS $100 donation Many thanks to Mr. John Dejak of Gates Mills, °hio who donated $100.00 the Ameriška Domovina. He 'Vrote, “The gift of love, the 8'ft of peace, the gift of naPpiness... May these be y°urs at Christmas - also aPPy New Year from your friend.” In Memory Jhe American Home eenSpaper received a very DoTr $100 00 Christmas of j« 10n ®*ven 'n memory Victo?Ph and Ana Lah and from MaRdMarija Der,ing Mane and Josef Lah. In Memory of Vlc'°™ H. Svete Home ° t”e American of v neWsPaper in memory tV,ctor Svete. Ma^ Memory Season^ h30*1 memor>' of this !»* «* bL^herish?d one I INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 1560 on Your A.M. Dial on WATJ Your Host Mario Kaucic American and International Selections Saturdays at Noon ... 1560 WATJ • Box 776 • Chardon, Ohio 44024^ (216) 286-1560 • 1-800-946-1560 & | Fax (216) 286-2727 | I 0 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year jj jj Miss Alice Struna .jj I Galeway Hr., No. 223, Euclid, OH 44119 8 MARK PETR1C Certified Master Technician m Petrie's Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair (216) 942-5130 33430 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR For Holiday Gift Giving SLOVENIAN COOK BOOK Including Windish and Croatian Recipes 326 pages - 2nc^ printing Recipes from 4 Generations St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church 416 East Fifth St. Bethlehem, PA 18015 $14.00 plus $3 shipping & handling (Canadian orders: $14. plus $6 sh. & hdl. American currency) May the Peace, Love and Joy of the Christmas Season Remain in your hearts throughout the year. Jim, Madeline and James V. Debevec, II To all my Clients and Friends Dr. Frank Mršnik JoAnn Bldg. E. 185 St. Cleveland Order Now - Makes a Great Christmas gift Posledni Let - The Last Flight by Stane Stražar and Stan Krulc, Jr. A true story of an American B-24 bomber that crashed in Slovenia during World War li in Sveta Trojica. Read the eyewitness accounts, crew members’ recollection of evasion and capture by Germans, and the effect of the crash on the local people. Hard-bound book - 135 pages - pictures, maps, historical artifacts. Complete text and captions in BOTH Slovenian and English (side-by-side). Send $20.00 (US) + $2 shipping to: Stan Krulc, Jr., 375 Beechwood Dr., Willowick, OH 44095, or call (216) 585-0112. 0 Order or Call — 1987 Release I Un - .... ImmL „oeyTomsick j “Proud of Cleveland” I | Side A Side B | I Proud of Cleveland SI. Joe’s Polka Avsenik's W all/ W hen I’m 70 Wall/£ I Tomsiek’s Polka Oom-Pah Polka lower Cilv Wall/ Collin wood Polka a Norlheoasl Polka Pause for Peeon l akeside W all/ Nalnrallv Novak ^ I _ Joey I omsiek. 21271 ( hardon Rd., Kuelid, OH 44117 1-216-5.H-274S J S Album or Cassette $8.00 plus $1.00 postage | ^ Please include your nam.:. address, state and phone number tj oaa.o^a c./a.e>ai o Mail to AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1996 St. Vitus Church Cerkev sv. Vida Christmas Schedule CHRISTMAS - BOŽIC 1996 MASSES - SV. MAŠE Please follow the regular weekly schedule of Masses up to Tuesday, December 24th. Prosimo, sledite do torka 24 spored sv. mas v Oznanilu. decembra, CHRISTMAS EVE 11:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. SVETI VEČER Christmas songs by church choir - božične pesmi Midnight Mass-Polnočnica CHRISTMAS - SVETI DAN In a little while it will be Christmas. It is the never exhausted story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of John explains clearly the reason for the birth of Jesus Christ by saying that God loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten Son into the world for our salvation. Constantly but especially at Christmas, we ponder the immensity of God’s love for us. He gave Himself to us totally, so that through His help we might become friends of God and someday enjoy with God the never ending life in heaven. As your pastor, I wish to invite you and your families to join our parishioners and friends of our parish in observing Christmas together. Please come! Father Victor Cimperman, Father Ted Marszal and I wish you and your families a most joyful and grace-filled Christmas. May the good Lord bless you and protect you in the new year of 1997. Your priests at St. Vitus Father Jože Boznar Father Victor Cimperman Father Ted Marszal 9:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 Noon Mass in English Mass in Slovenian Sung Litanies On Tuesday, December 24th, there will be NO Vigil Mass for Christmas. * V torek, pred Božičem, Ne bo večerne maše za Božič. NEW YEAR'S DAY - NOVEGA LETA DAN 1997 Please note, that January 1, 1997, is a holy day of obligation for Catholics to attend Mass Novega leta dan je za katoličane zapovedan praznik. The schedule of Masses is as follows: December 31, 1996: 4:00 p. m. Vigil Mass January 1, 1996: 9:15 a.m. (Eng.) 10:30 a.m. (Slov.) Sacrament of Reconciliation Spovedovanje Saturday/Sobota, December 21, 1996 7: 30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 3:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sunday/Nedelja, December 22, 1996 8:30 a.m. -9:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PLEASE NOTE - Confessions will NOT be heard on Dec. 24th, and on Dec. 31st. Do this important spiritual work at the scheduled times. POZOR - Spovedovanje NE bo 24. In 31. Decembra. Opravite to pomembno duhovno delo v zgoraj omenjenem umiku. Church of St. Mary of the Assumption Christmas Schedule $ % I i Once again, as iif celebrate the birth of Jesus our Savior. Christmas < greetings are sent to you together with our sincere gratitude for your wonderful spirit of cooperation in the parish, especially this past year as ire celebrated the 9(1h anniversary of our founding. Ma\' the peace and joy of this holy season fill your hearts and your homes. This is God 's gift to you - the gift of his only begotten Son. Jesus. Please take the time in these remaining days of Advent to prepare for the Lord s coming by making a good Confession and participating in our beautiful holiday' liturgies with your family and friends. May our new-born King and Savior fill your New Year. 1997 with an abundance of peace, good-will, health and happiness! A very Blessed Christmas and New Year to All! Fr. John Kumse Fr. Jože Černe Sr. Nina Vitale, OSU Sr. Maty Ellen Brinovec. OSU SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ZAKRAMENT SV. SPOVEDI Thursday, December 19, 1996 - Četrtek, 19. Decembra 7:00 p.m. Communal Penance Service at Holy Redeemer Church Spokorno bogoslužje v cerkvi sv. Odrešenika Friday, December 20, 1996 - Petek, 20. decembra 1996 7:00 - 7:30 a.m. 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. MASSES - SV. MAŠE CHRISTMAS EVE - SVETI VEČER 5:00 p.m. Children’s Mass - Otroška maša 11:30 p.m. Christmas Carols by the Choir 12:00 a.m. Midnight Mass - Polnočnica CHRISTMAS - BOŽIČ 8:00 a.m. English Mass - angleška maša 10:00 a.m. Slovenian Mass - slovenska maša 11:00 a.m. Sung Litany of the Blessed Virgin and Benediction Pete litanije Matere božje z blagoslovom English Mass - angleška maša 12:00 noon CHRISTMAS CONCERT - BOŽIČNI KONCERT 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 27, 1996 (St. Vitus Young Adult Choir) FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY - PRAZNIK SV. DRUŽINE Ordinary Sunday schedule - običajen nedeljski umik Children’s Choir (Mary’s Nightingales) and Young adult choir will sing at 10:00 a.m. Mass, followed by coffee and donuts in cafeteria Otroški zbor “Marijini slavčki” bo skupaj z mladinskim zborom pel pri maši ob 10:00. Po maši bodo na razpolago krofi s kavo v šolski dvorani NEW YEAR’S DAY 1997 - NOVEGA LETA DAN 1997 December 31 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass - angleška maša January 1 8:00 a.m. English Mass - angleška maša 10:00 a.m. Slovenian Mass - slovenska maša 12:00 noon English Mass - angleška maša 1996 Saturday, December 21, 1996 - Sobota, 21. decembra 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 22, 1996 - Nedelja, 22 decembra 1996 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 11:00- 11:30 a.m. Please note: There will be NO scheduled Confessions on Monday or Tuesday, December 23 or December 24. Bodite pozorni: V ponedeljek in torek, 23. in 24. decembra NE BO spovedovanja! FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina Jt n.t. i a »1 reft Il'B iTOTil_g ■— AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 19, 1996 SLOVFNIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vesti iz Slovenije Milan Kučan naj bi se odločil glede mandatarja še pred novoletnimi prazniki — Pat pozicija že začela zbujati skrbi Predsednik države Milan Kučan še nadaljuje s posvetovanji z voditelji v novem parlamentu predstavljenih strank. Gre že za drugi krog takih srečanj. Vse od volitve 10. novembra se situacija pač ni spremenila, kajti noče nobena stran nič popustiti in tako še ni prišlo do kakšnega konsenza glede sestave nove vlade oz. oblikovanja koalicije, ki bi imela dokaj zanesljivo večino v državnem zboru. Po ustavi ima predsednik Kučan dobo 30 dni od konstituiranja novega parlamenta, da predlaga mandatarja za novo vlado. Ta rok bo potekal 3. januarja 1997 in zato je včerajšnje (18. dec.) Delo obravnaval v dveh člankih izpod peresa Vladimirja Voduška, različne odprte možnosti, stališča strankarskih prvakov, in tudi govorice o kakšni »tretji osebi«, ki da naj bi bila v nekaterih očeh možna rešitev. Dva vodilna kandidata za mandatarja sta pač še vedno premier dr. Janez Drnovšek, predsednik LDS, stranke, ki je dobila največ poslancev v novem parlamentu, in Marjan Podobnik, predsednik SLS, ki je druga najmočnejša stranka, in razpolaga skupaj z dvema drugima tkim. pomladnima strankama SDS in SKD z natanko 45 od 90 sedežev v parlamentu. Gotovo je, da bi Kučan najraje izbral Drnovška, a mu Drnovšek ne more zagotoviti večine v parla-mentu. Splošno mnenje pa je, po Vodušku, da bo Drnovšek dobil prvo priložnost za sestavo vlade. Takole poroča Vodušek v Delu včeraj med drugim: »Tako Janez Drnovšek kot ludi Marjan Podobnik sta po današnjih (17. dec., op. ur. AD) pogovorih s predsednikom države dejala, da ne poznata napovedi o ‘tre-ijem človeku’ kot rešitvi iz nastalega pat Položaja. Podobnik je eksplicitno dejal, da v precej dolgem pogovoru ni bilo niti besedice ° tretjem človeku. Glede pobude ZLSD za vlado z omeje-nim časovnim in programskim mandatom pa Je Drnovšek dejal, da je bila ta možnost omenjena, vendar o tem ne razpravljajo. Pogovori z vsemi strankami se bodo nadaljeva-*’ dokler ne najdejo rešitve iz tega pat Položaja. Podobnik je dejal, da je imel pogovore 2 vsemi strankami, ki so prišle v parlament, m predstavnikoma obeh manjšin. Ali bo že Pred glasovanjem o mandatarju sklenjen kakršen koli dogovor na ravni poslanskih sku-Pm ali strank, Podobnik ne ve. Po njegovem Se Povečuje interes za sodelovanje praktično ^ vseh strankah.« Podobnik je rekel, da se LS ne zanima za varianto Združene liste o v adi z omejenim časovnim in programskim okvirom. Novinar Vodušek izraža skeptičnost do možnosti oblikovanja širše koalicije, v kateri bi bili zastopani tako tri pomladne stranke kot LDS. »Sodeč po današnjih (torkovih, op. ur. AD) izjavah prvakov pomladnih strank pa te še vedno računajo na kandidaturo Marjana Podobnika, čeprav od predsednika niso dobili zagotovila, da bi ga predlagal v prvem krogu. Tako socialdemokrati kot ljudska stranka zagotavljajo, da nimajo nič proti, če predlaga predsednik države najprej Drnovška. Vprašanje je, ali je v tej situaciji to, da bo nekdo prvi predlagan, sploh prednost, se sprašujeta tako Podobnik kot Janša. Prvak socialdemokratov, ki je bil pri predsedniku nekaj več kot trideset minut, je na vprašanje, kaj bodo naredili, če bo predsednik predlagal Drnovška in če ta dobi 46 glasov, odgovoril: ‘To še nič ne reši, ker bo moral potem sestaviti vlado in to stabilno vlado, kar je s tako podporo nemogoče.’« V drugem poročilu v včerajšnjem Delu piše Vladimir Vodušek takole o gledanju predsednika SLS: »Marjan Podobnik, predsednik SLS, ima pogovore za koristne. Sam meni, da si predsednik države resnično prizadeva poiskati rešitev, ki bo imela večinsko podporo in ki bo zagotovila močno in stabilno vlado. V resnici je v zagati, je še dejal Podobnik. ‘Povedal sem, da so naše stranke dobile potrebno podporo, in še enkrat poudaril, da SLS — in sam kot njen predsednik — dane besede ne bomo prelomili. Dali smo besedo dvema strankama slovenske pomladi, da bomo skupaj oblikovali vlado, če bomo dobili ustrezno podporo.’ Gre za načelo, ki se mora po njegovem prepričanju uveljaviti v politiki. Predsednik Kučan je povedal, da spoštuje to načelo, obenem pa pričakuje, da bo vendarle možno z nadaljnjimi pogovori priti do trdne vladne večine, je še povedal Podobnik. Njegov vtis je, da bo vendarle še pred koncem leta predlagal mandatarja. Na vprašanje, ali bo predsednik predlagal najprej njega ali Janeza Drnovška, pa je Podobnik odgovoril, da ne ve. Gre tudi za vprašanje, kaj je za koga bolje. Podobnik meni, da je za Slovenijo dobro, da se vendarle postopki pospešijo, saj je pred nami veliko zahtevnih nalog. Sam ne bi imel nič proti, če bi Kučan najprej dal priložnost predsedniku LDS.« Pretekli torek se je Janez Janša prvič po treh letih pogovarjal z Milanom Kučanom. Govorila sta samo o mandatarju in sestavi stabilne vlade, je dejal Jan^a. Predsednik SDS je dodal, da bi moral Kučan izbrati za mandatarja Marjana Podobnika. Spet rad bi voščil »Srečen Božič!« vam Resnično: Božji Sin postal je Človek — poglejte: v slami Božje Dete spi! S planote Angel k romanju nas zove, za vsakogar je v jaslih dar Luči. Sam Angel vošči »Srečen Božič!« nam. Ni treba k Njemu tja na Himalajo, ne k polu v ledu, ne skoz molk puščav. Oltar si bil izbral je za Postajo, da hodi k nam — kot nekdaj — Dar z višav. Spet rad bi voščil »Srečen Božič!« vam. Ker to je čudovito: da je Dete, če vrnemo se v betlehemski kraj. Svoj čas na zemlji z večnostjo je spletel, poglejte: v jaslicah smehlja se — zdaj! Sam Angel vošči »Srečen Božič!« nam. Vladimir Kos S srčnimi adventno-božičnimi voščili in z zahvalo — AD in dobrotnici — za zvesto pošiljanje na daljni Daljni Vzhod. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Božičnica SPB— Društvo SPB vabi člane in prijatelje to nedeljo pop. ob 2.30 na božičnico, ki bo v farni dvorani sv. Vida. Program vsebuje blagoslov jaslic in petje božičnih pesmi, sledila bo čajanka. Skupna božičnica— Pevska zbora Korotan in Fantje na vasi, plesna skupina Kres in Dram. društvo Lilija vabijo to nedeljo pop. ob 5. na skupno božičnico za svoje člane prijatelje. Božičnica bo v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Več v dopisu na str. 23. Upokojenci SP— Pristavski upokojenci imajo svoj mesečni sestanek in božičnico v petek, 27. decembra, pop. ob 1.30 v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Božična radio oddaja— Na sam božični dan bo imel Mario Kavčič na radio postaji WAT J 1560AM posebno oddajo z ameriškimi in slovenskimi božičnimi pesmimi. Oddaja bo trajala kar štiri ure, od 12. do 4. popoldne. G. Kavčič ima na tej postaji redne oddaje. Zadnja številka letos— Ob tej zadnji letošnji številki AD se vsem naročnikom, bralcem in oglaševalcem naj lepše zahvalimo za njih podporo, tako moralno kot finančno, ki omogoča nadaljnje izhajanje. Vsi pri AD želimo vsem vam res lepe božične in novoletne praznike, zopet se pa srečamo s prvo številko v 1997 - 2. jan. Silvestrovanje— Primorski klub vas vabi na veselo silvestrovanje, ki bo v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Za rezervacijo vstopnic, kličite 953-9116 ali 732-7527. Več v oglasu na str. 24. Voščilo— Pavla Adamič, ki v svoji težki bolezni močno čuti božjo prisotnost, želi vsem prijateljem in sorodnikom božjega blagoslova v teh lepih božičnih dneh. Globoko je hvaležna za vse molitve, ki ji dajejo veliko duhovno oporo in tolažbo. Njenim željam se pridružujejo otroci z družinami - Pavla in Frank Dolinar, Mira in Marjan Kosem ter Marija Adamič in družina Veider. BOŽIČNI VEČER Božični zvon spet zadoni, vse k polnočnici sedaj hiti, še zvezde gledajo z neba, kako lepo je zdaj doma. Božič praznuje ta lep večer, ni lepšega na svetu nikjer, med oblaki se zvezde gibljejo, snežinke srebrne k nam pošiljajo. Pesem se sliši iz somraka, duša moli zdaj vsaka, misel moja zdaj k vam hiti, prav srečen Božič Vam želi Sonja AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Zbor Korotan — pesem prihaja iz globine srca 6117 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103-1627 Telephone: 216/431-0628 — Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $30 na leto za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $ 1 60 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $160 per year airmail to Slovenia Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627 Published every Thursday morning No. 51 Thursday, December 19, 1996 Betlehem Dolga stoletja so prišla in prešla. Svet se je pognal v mnoge revolucije. Skoro vse stvari so spremenjene. Bilo je več sprememb, kot si moremo predstavljati. Dejanska preteklost je bila veliko bolj čudovita, kot bi si upalo katerikoli sibilsko preročišče opisovati bodočnost. Zgodovina je bolj fantastična kot prerokba. Cas se spreminja, večnost pa stoji mirna; in prav zato v tem neprestanem spreminjanju ostane in je nepoškodovana vera, ki je zastopnica večnost na zemlji. V njeni neizpremenljivosti najdemo svoj pokoj. Betlehem one noči in onih štiridesetih dni ni nikoli minil. Živi resnično življenje; to ni le zaostala krščanska vas na skalnatem pobočju, to je stari Betlehem one prevažne ure, ko je učlovečeni Bog ležal med živino na tleh v votlini. Ne živi samo v spominu vere, temveč tudi v verskih uresničenih stvarnostih. Živi resnično, nepokvarjeno in nenehano življenje ne le v zgodovini ali umetnosti ali v pesništvu; tudi ne le v živem in rodovitnem bogočastju in ne le v človeških srcih vernikov, temveč v častitljivi resničnosti Najsvetejšega Zakramenta. Okoli tabernaklja, ki je naš trajni Betlehem, se nadaljuje isti svet prelepe pobožnosti, ki je obdajala novorojenega Otroka, pobožnosti, resnične in iz pravih src prihajajoče, ki je Bogu dopadljiva. Betlehem obstoja kot živa sila v svojem trajnem proizvajanju nadnaravnih učinkov v dušah ljudi. Vedno jih vabi iz greha. Neprestano jih vodi k popolnosti. Vtisnuje posebno značilnost v svetost različnih oseb. Je božjega značaja in neprestano oblikuje duše po sebi; njegovo delo ostane in krasi večni dom Boga. Nadnaravni dej ljubezni v duši, ki ima najbolj šibko stopnjo milosti, je več kot odkriti novo celino ali kot vpliv slavne književnosti. In Betlehem izbavi nad deset tisoče dejev ljubezni sleherni dan. Betlehem je trajni vir nevidnih čudežev. Je boljši kot sama legija angelov, neprestano trdb dela za Boga in ima veličastne uspehe. Področje njegovega vpliva je ves širni svet, dežele, kjer pade Božič v sredo poletja, in tudi ti naši kraji. Šepeta preko morja in srca na krovu ladij mu odgovarjajo. Je povsod v obljudenih mestih, kjer je ostudna pregrešnost pognojena z nadlego brezupne revščine; in prav tu se ohranja kot sončni žarek iz neba. Šumi v gorskih soteskah v katerih redko stopa noga duhovnika. Je doli v vlažnih rudnikih, kjer je smrt vedno blizu, zakramenti pa daleč. Lajša boleče srce papeža na prestolu njegovega junaškega trpljenja in plemenitega samodarovanja. Položi v zibel k počitku bolnega otroka, ki še ne zna brati, a ima že sliko zvezdnatega Betlehema v svojem srcu, kamor jo je naslikala materina beseda. Betlehem je dnevno luč na tisoč temnih krajih; olepšuje, kar je trpko; posvečuje, kar je nizko; zemeljska čustva spreminja v nebeška. Je vse to, ker je v njem neizčrpna globina pobožnosti, ki kopiči v brezštevilnih dušah zaklade božje ljubezni, ki je brezkončne raznolikosti in najbolj izbrane ljubkosti. Betlehem je morje pobožnosti, širokost nadnaravne svetosti, širno polje svetništva, ki zavzema velik del v dnevnem življenju Cerkve. Skrivnosti učlovečenja so vrsta razodetij neskončnega Boga. Razodevajo Boga na način, ki obsega njegovo neizmernost. Ko začnemo premišljevati katerokoli od teh skrivnosti samo, nas znova in znova presenečajo številne stopnje, ki se nam predstavljajo. Raznoličnosti sami se zdi brezkončno, prihajati iz ene luči v drugo kot barve mavrice ali vstopiti v brezkončne skupine sestavov, ki se trenutno spreminjajo, kot da se igrajo barve na zlatu ob sončnem zahodu. Različne (dalje na sir. 26) Ljubljana — V četrtek, 16. 5. 1996 nas je v Želimljah pri Ljubljani z našimi rojaki iz ZDA povezala ljubezen do domače slovenske pesmi. K prazničnemu vzdušju je že na začetku pripomogel gospod Lojze Dobravec, ravnatelj salezijanskega zavoda Želimlje, z nekaj mislimi o kulturnem življenju v Želimljah in jih navezal na bogat program kulturnega večera. Glavno besedo pa so vendarle imeli pevci mešanega pevskega zbora Korotan iz Clevelanda, Ohio, Amerika, saj je ravno slovenska pesem ena izmed najbolj prepozavnih vezi, ki druži slovenske razseljence po vsem svetu. Predsednika pevskega zbora gdč. Rezka Jarem pa je uvodoma takole predstavila mesšni zbor: »Naš pevski zbor, ki nosi ime Korotan, se je rodil pred 45 leti. Takrat je zbor nastal iz potrebe, da bi se slovenski begunci, ki so se naselili v Clevelandu in okolici, lakho družili in se med seboj povezovali, da bi vsaj s petjem ohranili v svo- Izpod zvona sv. Marije Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. - Pa še malo novic izpod zvona našega zvonika. Na prvo decembrsko nedeljo je imelo Oltarno društvo sprejem devetih novih članic. Lepo so bile sprejete v cerkvi in tudi pri sestanku v dvorani. Dobrodošle! V soboto, 7. decembra je bilo miklavževanje v šolski dvorani, prireditev naše Slovenske šole, ter nekdanjih učencev in učenk. Ponovili so Geržinčičevo spevoigro Miklavž prihaja, v zadovoljstvo vseh navzočih. Vsi so svoje vloge lepo in dobro podali, a ne moremo pozabiti zapetega: Oče naš, naših dveh predstavnikov Cerkve, hvala Vama. Tudi pekel je bil nekaj svojega. Hvala vsem, ki se trudite, da se ohrani naša beseda in tradicija, posebno pa še g. Rudiju Knezu. Zadnjo soboto smo imele zopet prodajo peciva. Hvala vsem, ki ste prinesle pecivo, rezance in delale v kuhinji, in tudi vsem, ki ste vse pokupili. Na prvo januarsko nedeljo (5. jan.) bo zopet sv. maša ob 10. uri za naše Oltarno društvo, to je za žive in pokojne članice. Popoldne ob pol dveh bo v cerkvi ura molitve z litanijami in blagoslovom. Po cerkvenem opravilu se bomo podale v šolsko dvorano na sestanek, občni zbor in božičnico. Drage sestre, lep vas vse, ki lahko še hodite, vabimo, da se nam pridružite v cerkvi in v dvorani. Pridite! Vsem sosestram, upravi in bralcem Ameriške domovine iskreno želimo lepo praznovanje Jezusovega rojstva, v Novem letu 1997 pa zdravja, miru in blagoslova pri vsem delu za blagor bližnjega. Odbor Oltarnega društva Lavriševa jih srcih bogato slovensko kulturo. Da, majhen je slovenski narod, pa je dal in razposlal po svetu toliko pevcev. Ob tem se človek sprašuje in hkrati daje odgovor, da Bog ni zapustil našega majhnega naroda. Tudi mi v Ameriki živimo s Slovenijo. Veselili smo se z vami, ko ste postali leta 1991 samostojna država. Naši starši so nam s solzami v očeh pripovedovali o trpljenju Slovenije v povojnem brezbožnem enoumju. In zato mi, njihovi potomci, želimo ohraniti materin jezik in kulturno dediščino. To pa najbolj izražamo s pesmijo. Iz preteklosti raste naša bodočnost. Dolga je pot in zgodovina našega pevskega zbora Korotan. Ni je mogoče popisati z nekaj besedami.« Gdč. Rezka pa je le obšla preteklost in se ustavila v sedanjosti, pri čudovitih pesmih ter dejala: »Bogata je ameriška dežela, kjer uživamo njeno izobilje, vendar nam vest narekuje skrb za tradicijo naših očetov in mater, jo obnavljati ter se srečevati s prijatelji v Sloveniji, ki je bila našim staršem odvzeta. Zato se toliko bolj zavzemamo za slovensko besedo.« Zbor Korotan sestavljajo starejši in mlajši pevci. Da zbor ne izumre, je velika zasluga pevovodje Rudija Kneza. Vsi navzoči smo zares uživali na tako čudovitem koncertu. Na obrazih poslušalcev je bilo opaziti smeh in dobro voljo, pa tudi solzo. Človek ne bi mogel verjeti, če ne bi na lastna ušesa slišal, da tam rojeni pevci lahko tako ubrano pojejo slovensko pesem. Naše misli so plavale v valovih petja, saj smo za trenutek pozabili na vse svoje težave. Saj je znano, da pesem omili in ublaži vse naše duševne in telesne težave. In tako je skozi pesem čas vse prehitro mineval. To je bilo pravo darilo za dušo in srce, saj so pevci peli, kot da bi seme, ampak za ljudi, ki jo pojejo in poslušajo, saj jih bogati z lepoto in plemeniti z bogastvom vsebine. Petje lahko združi še tako različne ljudi, saj pesem ne pozna meja in ruši pregrade sovraštva. Kako rahločuten je lahko pevec, pa dokazuje prelepo zapeta pesem Veseli Rib’nčan. Ker nas je bilo na koncertu kar precej iz Ribnice, se gospodu pevcu iz srca zahvaljujemo za tako lepo zapeto pesem. Zahvala pa velja tudi našima sorodnicama, ki imata korenine prav v Ribnici, to sta Mimi Kozina in Mary Ann Vogel. Za epilog pa je gospod Stanislav Hočevar dejal: »Gospod, razkropil si nas po vsem svetu in nas znova zbiraš. Iz Amerike ste prinesli te čudovite pesmi, ki res prihajajo iz globine srca, na vaš prvi koncert v Želimlje. Hvala vsem in vsakemu posebej ter Bog Vas živi!«, Cas je ob pesmih hitro minil in tako smo poslušalci v smehu in veselju odšli na svoje domove. Iz mnogih ust je bilo slišati same pohvale in občudovanje. Človek bi od ganjenosti kar zajokal ob čudovitem prepletanju glasov, ki so se združili v enotno, brezhibno harmonijo. Da pa bi nas prepričali, da res prihajajo iz Amerike, so na koncu v angleščini zapeli God Bless America. Predsednica gdč. Rezka se je ob zaključku zahvalila za povabilo in nam poslušalcem, da smo se zbrali v tako velikem številu na koncertu. Kar nekaj časa je minilo od našega snidenja, tako da smo lahko uredili naše občutke in utrinke. Zahvaljujemo se vam, da cenite slovensko pesem, morda bolj kot mi v domovini in ste nam to pokazali ravno tedaj, ko je naš narod obiskal sveti oče, ki nam je dokazal, kako spoštuje naš jezik in kulturo. Želimo vam še veliko uspeha doma in po svetu ter da bi osvojili še mnoga srca, saj ni lepšega darila, kot lepo zapeta pesem, pa naj bodo časi takšni ali drugačni, hvala vam! Še posebej pa velja zahvala gospodu pevovodji Rudiju Knezu in spremljevalcu gospodu Stanetu Mejaču. Še enkrat vsem iskrena hvala in še kdaj na svidenje! Milka Kozina Ribnica Rodna gruda, dec. 19^ Anton M. LA VRISKA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Complete Legal Services Naj Kristusovo rojstvo ob pomoči slovenske Cerkve in ljudi dobre volje z novim letom 1997 prinese vsem Slovencem doma in po svetu dokončno spravo in zasluženo blagostanje. Naj duhovne, moraine in narodne vrednote ponovno zaživijo v srcih slovenskega naroda. To so moje želje in voščila vsem rojakom - Slovencem! Vinko Levstik LEVSTIKOVA HOTELA V ITALIJI PALACE HOTEL v Gorici je v samem središču, približno 1 km od državne meje. Ponaša se z odlično restavracijo, dnevnim barom, konferenčno dvorano za 100 oseb in manjšo za 30-40 oseb. Moderno opremljen, 75 sob ali ca. 150 ležišč. V sobah so kopalnica, sušilec za laste, mini bar, telefon, radijski in televizijski sprejemnik, zavarovan parkirni prostor. Naslov: PALACE HOTEL, Corso Italia 63 - 34170 Gorizia GORICA Tel. 011-39-0481-82166, fax 011-39-0481-31658 HOTEL EMONA, 2. kat. je v zgodovinskem središču Rima. Vse sobe imajo lastno kopalnico, radijski in televizijski sprejemnik, telefon, mini bar ter ogrevalne naprave pozimi, poleti pa hladilne. Hotelsko osebje je slovensko; poskrbelo bo za vaše dobro počutje. Hotel ima tudi lastni avtopark. Pokličite nas po telefonu: 011-39-6-7027911 ali 7027827 fax: 011-39-6-7028787 Naslov: HOTEL EMONA, Via Statilia 25 - 00185 ROMA, Italija A¥o¥o 0¥J[R |lR¥r)¥¥o¥¥ q: 4m. 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 | | A Legal Reserve Fraternal Insurance Society originally “ | incorporated in Ohio as the Slovenska Dobrodelna Zveza $ Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno Novo leto, želi vsem posebno pa še obiskovalcem naših prireditev, PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN j $ £ § 5 I I I I I I 3 I Duhovniki in sodelavci slovenske fare Sv. Vida i 1 3 3 i I I i- i § Cleveland, Ohio voščijo vsem faranom in slovenskim rojakom po svetu žegnane božične praznike ter obilo božjega blagoslova in miru v novem letu Your priests at St. Vitus parish: Father Joseph Božnar Father Victor Cimperman Father Ted Marszal VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Družina Tone in Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillevvood Rd. Cleveland 44119 1 | 1 o ■f I | s f VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE in SREČNO NOVO LETO želita -4 j $ JOŽE in POLDI BOJC * CLEVELAND, OHIO i C $ 0 1 I 3 i 3 $ s s s I $ Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto vam želi PrijateFs Pharmacy Slovenska Lekarna f rescriptions - Vitamins - First-Aid Supplies 6718 St. Clair Ave. Tel. 361-4212 | ALLEN PERSE, Proprietor 2 a o <5 0 <5 a a BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ SREČNO ZDRAVO NOVO LETO ŽELIMO VSEM DRUŽINA KLESINOVA 1930 Himrod St. Ridgewood, NY 11385 | amesto božičnih kartic darujemo letos ^ 23 la^ne 'n P°moči potrebne ^ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 25 DECEMBER 19. 1996 MSIP 1162 (nadaljevanje s str. 24) sam priporočil drugo nabirko, ker ima za misijonsko Cerkev večje razumevanje kot smo občutili pod njegovim prednikom. Vsi stroški so bili darovani. Fara je darovala poštnino za pismena vabila in kopiranje pisem. Novi žig kuverte je darovala Malenškova družina. Po želji odseka smo poslali že škofu dr. Pirihu za novo-mašnika iz Kopra, Marjana Križaja, novomašni dar $100. Ker je v odseku veliko rojakov iz Štajerske in so prosili, da bi njih nabirka bila predvsem za vzgojo duhovnikov v sedanjih bogoslovjih. Tako smo poslali za Markota Veržiča v 3. letniku mariborskega bogoslovja, ki je doma iz Sv. Marka niže Ptuja, $300 za to šolsko leto. Preje je darovala družina Franca Želkota iz Toronta za dve začetni leti študija $500. Nanovo smo jim odločili Tomislava Roškariča od sv. Križa, iz 3. letnika v Mariboru in poslali za letošnje šolsko leto zanj $300. Iz Kopra pa za Iztoka Mozetiča, ki študira v 3. letniku v ljubljanskem bogoslovju, za letos $300. Darovali so pri obeh nabirkah naslednji: Po $100 Mr. & Mrs. Kozar; Frank Rivek; An- (dalje na sir. 27) fOtto Charles Susec Dne 5. decembra je v Geneva (Ohio) Memorial Hospital na posledicah hude nesreče, ko je delal na svoji farmi, umrl 50 let stari Otto Charles Susec. Pokojni je bil rojen 30. maja 1946, sin Martina in Alojzije Starec. V ZDA se je priselil pred 30 leti, živel v clevelandski okolici 21 let, pred osmimi leti pa se preselil v okolico Geneve. Zaposlen je bil kot ključevničar pri Walton Hills Stamping Plant Ford Motor Co. Bil je faran župnije Assumption ter član United Autoworkers. Dne 25. novembra se je v cerkvi sv. Vida v Clevelandu poročil z Marijo Miklič. Za njim žalujejo vdova Marija Susec, sinovi dr. Otto C. Susec (Charlotte, N.C.), Martin D. Susec Esq. (Columbus, O.) in Thomas M. Susec (študent medicine v Daytonu, O.), starša Martin in Alojzija Susec, brati Boris, Darko in Branko (v Slov.) ter Marijan (Parma, O.), sestri Biba Minelek (Slov.) in Olga Mernik (Hinckley, O.) ter letos rojena vnukinja Mandy Susec. Pogreb je bil v ponedeljek, 9. decembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi Assumption v Genevi, sv. mašo je daroval Rev. Paul Tobin, s pokopom na Mt. Pleasant pokopališču v Genevi. Družina se iz srca zahvaljuje za vso izraženo in izkazano sočustvovanje s strani sorodnikov, kolegov iz Ford-a, slovenske in tudi širše genevske skupnosti. Posebna zahvala velja č.g. Kumšetu, ki je prišel na pogrebno mašo in pri njej sodeloval. — Žalujoča družina i ! ! i ! l l £ f f l f f P l £ l i f I Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Andy, Barb, Kathy in Amy Odar Chardon, Ohio % 'V r^- Družina Dragica Pust Cleveland, Ohio Želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Blagoslovljen Božič in srečno, zdravo novo leto. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽEL!M DRAGIM SORODNIKOM, PR! J A TEU EM /N STRANKAM Jože, Jožica, in Joško Cerer ZA PLUŽENJE SNEGA IN DOVAŽANJE GNOJA, ZEMLJE IN GRADBENEGA MATERIALA KLIČITE: 946-4722 ! I i l S i i f ' f f i i I p | i I 1 i i i f i I s DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV - Cleveland, Ohio želi članom, sobojevnikom, vsem rojakom in njihovim družinam božičnega miru in blagoslova ter vso srečo v novem letu! i I f & f* & Č C £ a 5» o I ese/e božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Ivanka in Leopold Pretnar Cleveland, Ohio Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Jože in Mili Lekan Willoughby Mills. Ohio f f S £ ! I I P Z f I i 'o Precision Grinding Corp. PRECISION GRINDING AND GENERAL MACHINGING 6717 St. Clair Ave. Phone: 391-7294 I ! I p Želimo vsem rojakom vesele božične £ ^ praznike in vso srečo v novem letu! 0 1 ! Charles F. in Ruth E. Ipavec z družino ŽELIMO VSEM SORODNIKOM IN PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM i VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO LETO 2924 Fairmount BIvd., Cleveland Hts., Ohio 44118-4022 t' a s «5 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! $ I Slovene Home for Aged, Neff Rd. Cleveland i BLAGOSLOVLJENE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO I o $ \ 0 1 Ivan in Zdenka Zakrajšek in Družina i 4 4 O | 4 O $ BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ TER SREČNO IN ZDRAVO NOVO LETO ŽELIJO VSEM SLOVENSKIM ROJAKOM I Fantje na Vasi iz Clevelanda i i * I I (S Srečno in uspehov polno novo leto 1997 obiskovalcem naših prireditev, našim sotrudnikom in vsem Slovencem želi I Dramatsko društvo s Kristina Brodnik I j I 1 OB 14. OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA DRAGEGA OČETA BETLEHEM (nadaljevanje s sir. 22) okoliščine življenja, svetle in temne, osenčijo ali osvetlijo skrivnost in nam razodenejo njene globine, ki jih nismo nikoli slutili, in lepote, ki jih doslej nismo opazili. Žalost in radost sta za dušo orodje, ki dela pot v globino skrivnosti; obenem sta pa tudi daljnogled in mikroskop, ki odpirata pogled v višino in globino skrivnosti. Ko rastemo v milosti, postanejo raznolikosti skrivnosti še bolj značilne. Skrivnost pa si nadene še nekaj več kot samo svežo značilnost; postane kot novo razodetje. Kdo še ni čutil, da mu vsak veliki teden prikaže Gospodovo trpljenje kot nekaj novega, presenetljivega in še nikoli prej doživetega. Vonjava in dišava skrivnosti se spreminja sorazmerno z spremenjeno in povečano stopnjo milosti v nas. Noben Božič ni tak kot so bili prejšnji. Betlehem postaja vedno bolj očarljiv. Napev angelov je vedno slajši. Prinese na novo poznanje Marije in Jožefa. Božji Otrok prekaša sebe leto za letom. Poleg tega značilnosti Gospodovih skrivnosti niso samo bogoslovne prispodobe; še manj pa pesniške razlage. Pomenijo vse, kar morejo pomeniti. Pomenijo isto za vse 4 ljudi in vendar tudi pomenijo razne stvari za vsakega posameznika. Novim rodovom odkrivajo nove pomene. Vekovi sveta jim dajo različne razlage in vedno je nova snov za vsako novo razlago. Vzrok tega je v neizrazni rodovitnosti resničnosti Boga. Iz knjige Betlehem, spisal Friderik W. Faber prestavil p. Fortuna! Zorman A VE MARIA, december 1959 V | i $ I $ I I Družina Janez Semen Willoughby Hills, Ohio ZELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN ZDRAVO, š SREČNO NOVO LETO f i I ALOJZIJ ZUPANČIČ ki je preminul 27. dec. 1982. o Štirinajst let je že minilo, o odkar Te več med nami ni. LILIJA } V naših srcih še živiš, in boš živel do konca naših dni. Žalujoči: Andrej in Lojze — sinova ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji. Euclid, Ohio, 19. decembra 1996. f I a VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO f f V 1 • • želijo Miro, Milka, Dori in Bryan ODAR Richmond Heights, Ohio s ! Vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno novo leto i \ I P želijo prijateljem in znancem Rudi in Anica Knez f in Družini \ Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! I i ALBINA MRŠNIK Z DRUŽINO 19300 Lake Shore, Cleveland, O. 44119 P Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! S Pavla Dolinar in Družina i 1146 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio 44103 V BLAG SPOMIN J f VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! I Tony and Mary Vogel in družina Euclid, Ohio i i š b f I IVe wish all our friends a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Health, Peace and Happiness! ŽELIVA VSEM PRIJA TELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ TER ZDRA VO IN SREČNO NO VO LETO Družina Dan POSTOTNIK \ Mollie K. in Dan T. MSIP 1162 (nadaljevanje s str. 25) tonette Pizzanato. Mrs. Ethel Wuennemann $58. Po $50: g. Csanadi; Pernek Cabinet Shop; Mr. & Mrs. Skop. $40: Mr. & Mrs. Ramadanovič. Po $25: Anton Malenšek; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Višinski •Jr.; Bruno Checco; Mr. Gannon; Ivanka Perini in Mr. & Mrs. Franjo Bering. Po $20: Mr. & Mrs. John Lukman; družina Anthonyja Sere; Mr. & Mrs. Frank Us; Mrs. Feraneo; Neimenovani; Mr. & MrS- Ficko; Mr. & Mrs. Bargiuma in Kevin Nickolas. Po $10: Mrs. Ana Pankracij; Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Horvat; Mrs. Carol Bell; Sr. J. Zelich; Grace Mendilo; Mr. Dunlevy; Mrs. Fitzpatrick; Pauline De ^clla; John Markoya; J. Ge-rich; družina Koprivec; Mf. Colon; Mrs. Buzan; Mr. & Mrs. Bakach. Po $5: Mary Berden; T. Carroll; M. Rosetti in Mr. Dunn. Precej darov je prišlo v na-lrki od Neimenovanih. V imenu celotne MZA se ^Sem> Li so pri teh nabirkah na aLršenkoli način sodelovali, ^ajprisrčnejše zahvaljujemo. em°, da Bog ne bo ostaj no enemu nič dolžan. MZA New York prireditev na misijonski nedelji. Finančno poročilo v nadaljeva-nJu MSIP ligi (konec): Po $10 so darovali: Maria dam’ J- Batic, Amelia Bru-er< Ann Bučar, Raymond rnik, Ana Chabalik, Jean erar, Max Capuder, Frances °rrell. Dolar, Richard & Ce-‘a DunPhy, W & A Flis, G, nces Graf. Gorenc, C & J j/ la> J & J Habjan, Maria cio Stanley ‘n Maria Ivan-K ’ Mtrija ^ramaric, Delores Kranl K^rkovic. Kern, A & M Kare^Ki’ V & M Konchan, Frank t 6510 Jr-’ Eva Lisac, P & L NikSinASiter’ D‘ Majer’ M paiP' °’ D- Pilagenic, R & Puc M Heidi & Michael ik Peschel, Stanley Rup- Louis c;Cent & Ann Rode> tte r ^lrnoncic, Evelyn Schu-°seph Supancich, J & E (dalje na str. 28) vBLAG SPOMIN obletnici k'jfran, SLOVENSKE DRUŽINE NA TIBBITS ROAD V KIRTLAND, OHIO voščijo svojim sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem . * t i VESEL BOŽIČ in SREČNO NOVO LETO BREZNIKAR MILLER ŠVIGELJ ŠKERL MARINKO ŽNIDARŠIČ rfat Tfrto IlMrti IpiitT Ifriifr Irilfr '■> o MSIP 1162 (nadaljevanje s str. 27) Šuštar, Heidi Sabbarese, Daniela Stoyan, Pavla Tamburin, Ered Viskevich, Joseph & Helen Višinski, Ann Zaic, Jacob Zaletel. $16 Marjana Klesin. Po $5: Matilda Chinkel, Sonja Ferjan, Elizabeth Fa-cendela, Matilda Dovnik, Mary Kebe, Jerry Koprivšek, Karel Klesin, William & Ana Maurin, John Ravnikar, Josephine Wise. C. Wolbang, Zar-gaj- Blagajnik Vinko Burger 9. novembra takole piše blagajniku Stefanu Maroltu v Cleveland: »To je letno poročilo našega odseka CMA-MZA New York, ki se je vršila 20. oktobra 1996 v cerkveni dvorani na osmi v New Yorku. Skupni darovi $2016.50. Ostali darovi pri prireditvi $136. Cisti dobiček $2152.50. Od te vsote je $300 za vzdrževanje bogoslovca, kot je odrejeno našemu odseku. Pri letni prireditvi smo tudi nabrali $118 kot dar novomašniku Viljemu Čušinu iz koprske škofije, ki smo ga podpirali več let. Ta dar mu bomo poslali direktno na župnijo. Iskrena zahvala za uspeh tega leta prireditve družini Karl Klesin in sinu Karl Jr., da je vse lepo uspelo. Zahvala pa tudi družinam Zupan (v kuhinji), Stalzer, Brane, Delak, Kamin pri izvedbi lepega uspeha. Nočemo pozabiti nobenega in se še enkrat zahvalimo vsem za pomoč, ki bo lep dar našim slovenskim misijonarjem po svetu. Pozdrave Vam vsem v Kristusu, Vinko Burger, blagajnik.« Naj dodam še v imenu celotne MZA posebno zahvalo ge. Marjani Burger, ženi g. Vin-kota, ki potrjuje rek, da je »za vsakim uspešnim moškim navadno močna žena«. Prav tako predsednici Heleni Klesin, katere misli bomo objavili ob prvi priložnosti, ko bo prostor na razpolago. Njen mož Karl je zdravstveno boljši. In župniku frančiškanu Kri-zologu Cimermanu, ki je kot vedno dal na razpolago dvorano brezplačno, kar me spominja na dobrega frančiškana o. Okorna v Milwaukeeju, ki sem mu po pikniku ponudil mašno kolekto, pa me je pogledal in pribil: »Kar se danes v Triglavskem parku pridela, gre vse za slovenske misijonarje,« Bogu hvala za takega duha. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM St. Joseph’s Seminary 65 Mapleton Rd. p.o. Box 807 Plainsboro, NJ 08536-0807 Telefon: 609-520-8839 Fax: 609-452-2851 Kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji? Z Ameriško Domovino boste vedno na tekočem! MALI OGLASI FOR RENT Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. (x) I Slovensko-Ameriški radio klub v Chicagu, Illinois želi vsem svojim članom, sponzorjem naše radijske oddaje ter vsem prijateljem in slovenskim rojakom blizu in daleč VESEL BOŽIC TER SREČNO IN USPEŠNO NOVO LETO 1997! ODBOR Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto vošči Anton Mravlje z družino vsem sorodnikom in znancem — 403 Ravinia, Sherwood, FL 60436 — in mama Antonia Škrabec z Janezkom 901 Essington Rd., Apt. 318, Joliet IL 60435 t t g t t 1 VESELE ROŽIČNE PRAZNIKE m SREČNO NOVO EERO 1997 ŽEEMO VSEM PRMATEEcJEM IN ZNANCEM Marinka in Jože Lah Kristina in Gregory O’Brien ter Robert Šket Andrej, Pamela in Alexija Lah Brian, Marija, Christian, Alexander in Victoria Cobb S g Tl g g VESELE ROŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Joseph Gorsic Elmhurst, Illinois VESELE ROŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Jože, Ani in Mama Križman l l t $ t K g S n t s g i g RLAOOSLOVLcIRN ROŽIČ TER SREČNO, ZDRAVO NOVO LETO 1997 l s n Družina Pavle Košir Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Zaradi rahlega zdravja, letos ne bom poslala voščilnih kartic za Božič. 6190 Dewey Road Blaž in Marija Vavpetič Madison, Ohio 44057 Vesele božične praznike In srečno novo letoč ! Frank in Cvetka Rihtar 355 Dumbarton Blvd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 1 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAŽNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Ivan in Paula Hauptman Richmond Heights, Ohio VESELE ROŽIČNE PRAZNIKA IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Olga Mauser in Otroci Darinka, Sylvia, in Irenca vnukinji Emily & Sarah son-in-law Garth Proctor i ■ • S g t BLA GOSL O VLJEN BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO vošči vsem rojakom in rojakinja«1 Lojze Galic Milwaukee, Wisconsin sV-s g g g Ansambel Veseli Godci Člani in družine Martin Maršlč (216) 381-4591 g