Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years qf serving American- Sloyenians AMERKm I* AE Vol. 106, No. 7 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X Ameriška Domovina' SLOVE MIAN MORNING N EWSPAP E R AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 Phone: (216)431-0628 ________________________________’ cr-m;nl: aIi@buckcyevveb.coin /uc Archbishop France Rode Archbishop Rode is New Prefect for Religious Vatican city, Feb. * ~ Pope John Paul II appointed Archbishop France °de of Ljubljana, Slovenia, as prefect of the Congrega-hon for Institutes of Conse-crated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Archbishop Rode is re-Placing Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, 76, who anded in his resignation to | c P°PC for reasons of age, e Vatican press office an-n°unced today. The cardinal will continue ® be chamberlain of the °iy Roman Church, who, arn°ng other things, announces a new pope to the Public following a conclave. Franc Rode was born ePt- 23, 1934 in Ljubljana, Movenia. in Communist lnies, he went abroad, to Austria and Argentina, countries where he started his studies in theology. He carried out his priestly ministry in Paris, until his return to Slovenia in 1967, where he was appointed superior of.lhe Vincentians in Ljubljana. He also taught, among other things, applied apologetics, theology of non-Christian religions, and an introduction to modern atheism, at the Faculty of Theology. In 1981 he was sent to work in the Roman Curia, where he was secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture. He was appointed archbishop of Ljubljana in 1997.________________________ Thanks to Emma Pogačar of Toronto for this information. Federation of Slovenian Homes Reveal Honorees The Greater Clevelam e(leration of Slovenian Na honal Homes will honor An * °ny Mannion and Celesti r°Uo as persons of the yea a* ds annual awards dinne Saturday, March 20 at tb f Clair Slovenian Nationa ttome, 6409 St. Clair Ave nue> Cleveland. Mannion represents tin ,,ast 80,h Street Sloveniai 0lTle> while Frollo is 'Aeniber of the Waterloi norrie. Individual home person ° the year or organization Clng honored are Rev _ J°scph Boznar, St. Clair ^»seph Frollo (posthu \ Waterloo; Carl Go ^airPort Harbor; Join Hozjan, Collinwood; John M. Hrovat, East 80,h; Marilyn Lazzar, Recher; Anthony Lukezic, Barberton; Agnes Tomazin, Lorain; and West Park Vets, West Park. Tickets for the dinner cost $22 per person and can be obtained by contacting a home representative. Doors open at 2 p.m. and dinner will be served at 4 p.m. The awards program begins at 6 p.m. Wayne Tomsich and his orchestra will provide music. The federation promotes the preservation of Slovenian language and culture through its nine Slovenian national homes in northeastern Ohio. News From Slovenia Vatican Agreement Finally Reached The National Assembly ratified an agreement with the Holy See. The Vatican agreement, as it has become known, was passed by a 44-to-12 vote. As was anticipated, the bill was opposed by lawmakers of the junior coalition United List (ZLSD), as well as the opposition Youth Party (SMS) and National Party (SNS). Five parties, from both sides of the house, endorsed it. NATO Member in April BRUSSELS - Slovenia is expected to join NATO as early as April, together with the other six candidates that received membership invitations in 2002, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel said as he came out of a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. “We expect the flags of the newcomers to be raised at the Alliance’s headquarters in early April, when the new members are expected to take part in a meeting of foreign ministers as full-fledged members,” Rupel said. The April entry will enable the newcomers to take fully take part in preparations for the alliance’s next summit, to be held in Istanbul on June 28. Wants More Austrian Electrical Power Economic cooperation between Slovenia and Austria is traditionally very good. The only issue between the two countries is energy supply as Slovenia wants more energy imported from Austria. Yet Austria lacks a 300-kilovolt connection from north to south, and has therefore been facing a power supply problem itself. Bank Assets Up The total assets of all banks in Slovenia amounted to EUR 21.3bn in 2003, up 10.7 percent from 2002. Corruption Among different kinds of fraud and other crimes, Slovenians are most fearful of corruption, as the latest Euro-barometer found 60% of Slovenians polled saying so. This is followed by commercial fraud (58%) and fraud relating to the quality of food and agricultural products (57%). Moreover, 46% of Slovenians are concerned about money laundering, 43% about smug- gling, 40% about wrongdoing in the national government, and 34% about wrongdoing in the EU. Military Volunteers Almost 100 young men have started a three-month voluntary training program in four barracks around Slovenia. Voluntary service was introduced only three months after mandatory military service was abolished to make way for a professional army, which will be complemented by voluntary reserve. The volunteers will go through an intensive three-month training program in order to become fit for battlefield survival, independently carry out military tasks in combat and reach an appropriate level of psychological and physical readiness. After they finish training, the candidates will be able to apply for a job in the Slovenian Armed Forces. They will also be eligible to serve in the voluntary re-. serves. Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this news. We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about._________-Charles Kingsley Mladje Frajle appears in Newburgh Slovenian Home on Friday, Feb. 20. They will also be featured at the Kres Masquerade dinner on Saturday, Feb. 21 at the Collinwood Slovenian Home. The Kres dinner is sold out. (Photo by HRVAT|N) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (hir) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 7 February 19, 2004 mfiEcrmm by mm Separating Body and Soul Slovenia Adjusts to Booze Ban by RUDY FLIS * I Guess what? I am on the threshold of another birthday. Not to worry. Been doing them since the 1930s. Long ago I learned to separate my soul from my body. Why? I didn’t want my soul to age. I did this by placing my soul in a special secluded part of my body where pain and time don’t penetrate. I forgot where I put my soul, but it is somewhere around the 18 year mark, which is a lot of years ago. I wonder.JL.that was a good year for wine? With age comes wisdom (somyjimea), and jnany neyv e^cpdcierrces. For instance, f am most willing to work, but my battery takes longer to recharge, and is short of verve. My stomach. God knows how I have loved food and still do. Like my battery, my stomach'lias less capacity. And my heart? I wore it out on Therese. Can you believe that? But I got it fixed. So, as I enjoy another birthday with the forbidden foods of my heritage (all of which I am able to consume in moderation) which always has a gratifying and heavenly effect on my taste buds, an effect that radiates all the way to my soul. My birthday will come, and then it shall pass. No worry about that. What 1 worry about, and what I call to God’s attention, is how much I enjoy my senses of smell, taste, sight, hearing, and healthy teeth. Then I may fully participate in all that is my Slovenian heritage, as 1 listen to our beautiful polkas and waltzes. Let my eyes transport the tasty beauty of klobase, sauerkraut, potica and strudel to my Slovenian soul as my teeth chew, my tongue tastes, my nose smells, and my swallow delivers another payload to my anxious stomach. And folks, that’s how this Slovenian celebrates life and his birthday, and besides food, I love God, my family, my country, and you. LJUBLJANA, Slov. - In the wake of alarming statistics on alcoholism, the Slovenian government is making booze harder to get. Every fifth man and every 25,h woman in Slovenia is an alcoholic. For a country with two million people, that means 173,000 addicts and the government is sounding the žlarm bells. It has passed an anti-alcohol bill that some have already labeled prohibition. Sure, Slovenians like to toss back a glass or two. The country has a deep-rooted tradition of wine making, beer brewing, and home distilling. And booze is easily accessible. It is no problem for a teenager to get hold of a drink for parties, or even to buy a glass of beer at a pub after school. Meanwhile workers like to sip sadjevec, a liquor made from mixed fruits, with their coffee at cafes in the early morning, while children are on their way to school. But when the health ministry presented the problem in figures, the government was shocked. The statistics place Slovenia at the top of the list of worldwide alcohol consumption. This is not a title the government wants. The average Slovenian over the age of 15 consumed 10.9 liters of pure alcohol in 2000. On average, that means 103 liters of beer, 41.5 liters of wine and more than one liter of spirits per person. Alcohol is damaging the nation’s health and economy. An average of 154,396 working days per year were lost over the last decade to alcohol-related sickness or accidents indirectly caused by drink. Alcohol is directly responsible for more than 500 deaths each year, says the ministry. In addition, in 2000, drunk drivers caused 38 percent of all fatal car crashes. The government responded on January 28, when parliament approved the anti-alcohol bill by 37 votes to 12. Once the bill is implemented, minors will no longer be able to buy alcohol. Booze will be removed from vending machines. Sporting facilities will ban alcohol sales one hour before the start of an event, and workplaces will be dry. Stores and gas stations will be prohibited from selling alcohol between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. and bars will not be allowed to sell hard liquor before 10 a.m. Establishments serving booze will be required to have at least two soft drinks on their menus that cost the same or less than the cheapest alcoholic drink. But some parliamentary deputies say the law represents prohibition. The head of the Slovenian Nationalist Party, Zmago Jelinčič, says it will do more harm than good, predicting a rise in black market production and overall consumption. “The law is bad, not well thought out, and stupid. Therefore, it will be bad for Slovenian citizens, for the economy, and for the indigenous culture, of which a glass or two always will be a part,” said Jelinčič. Another deputy from the governing Liberal Democrats is most optimistic. Tone Partljič, a former alcoholic, says alcoholism is a disease that many people want to hide, making up all manner of excuses for health problems that are clearly caused by drink. But people he visits say they will be offended if he does not try just one glass of their home-made wine or hard liquor. “Only after I mention that I am a recovering alcoholic do they miraculously stop pushing me into drinking,” says Partljič. Thanks to Henry Stalzer of Connecticut for this news. N, PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina 1,000,000,000 For those of us that have a hard time comprehending a figure of one billion, here is an explanation from one advertising agency, as found on the WWW, author unknown: jV/irlT f.(bvv '. ■'.irh •)) 'yArJ 'jo;'!■ □ A billion seconds ago, it was 1959... □ A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive... □ A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age... □ A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes ago, at the rate that the politicians (republicans and democrats alike) in Washington are spending our money... Since we are speaking of such a large number, consider that there are numbers larger than a “billion”, namely" □ Tnllion.. .with 12 zeros □ Quadrillion.... with 15 zeros □ Quintillion.. with 18 zeros U Sextillion .. .with 21 zeros □ Septillion. . with 24 zeros □ Octillion., with 27 zeros □ Nonillion....with 30 zeros □ Decillion... .with 33 zeros ? OF THE DAY: If above article contains 716 “characters” or 149 words, how many articles have to be written by Mercina, at an average of 100 to 150 words, to make up one billion words? Life in the Refugee Camps 1948 '___by Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Sunday, April 25,1948 Today we went to a special Mass for fellow refugees-who will be leaving tomorrow for Canada. Even Mire went to Holy Communion. Cilka baked cookies all day for the “Canadians.” Many of our closest friends will be leaving tomorrow. They are saying goodbye to their women today. Everyone is so sad. I went to the clinic to see Dr. Kozin. I sold him 32 pieces of lace for 1,400 shillings. Now I can pay my debts and start working again. Monday, April 26,1948 There was a big storm last night. Cilka got up at 4:30 a m. to make polenta for her brother-in-law, Mire Kolenc, who was among those leaving for Canada today. The “Canadians” had to him in their blankets at 4 a m. At ($30 a.m., it was time for them to get on trucks for the ride to the train station in nearby Leoben. Those leaving included Mire Kolenc, Franc and Janko Demšar, Franc and Cene Kokelj, and Vinko Kržišnik. Each pne was allowed to take 200 pounds of luggage. Cene took his bicycle with bim. It was very sad for all °f them, , but especially for Mire, who has a wife and two children back in Ziri. He’s convinced that he will probably never see his family again. Even Franc Kokelj cried. These are our closest friends, all people from our home village, people whom we have lived with (usually in the same room!) for the Past 3 years. Through alHhe adversities of these years, we supported each other. We shared our sorrows, hopes and joys (including some weddings), and now we will probably never see each other again. 1 knew this would be hard for Mire, so I had bought him a bottle of rum, which 1 gave to him this morning. He appreciated it. Soon after they left, I noticed they had forgotten their food ration cards. 1 rode my bicycle to the train station and made it there before the train left. At the station, I noticed that it was a special train with the sign “I.R.O. Austria.” The train had 11 cars, including 7 Pullman cars. Each car had about 60 men, all totaled about 400 people. In one of the cars I also saw Jožica Zonta from the Spittal camp. Vinko gave me 20 shillings and asked me to give them to a priest for some Masses. Some young students from Gradec (Graz) sang, danced and played their instruments. Everyone else was sad and quiet. We said many more farewells until 9:30 when the train left, on its way to Salzburg and beyond. They say everyone will board a ship in Bremen in three days. As we were saying our final farewells, we cursed the people who had brought so much suffering to this world. During the past week, the “Canadians” gave away many of the things they had accumulated which they could not take with them now. Each of them sent packages to their'Ihmilies in Slovenia. After they left, there were still five packages for me to take to the post office, including one for Vinko’s mother and one for Mire’s wife and children. They also left a number of things for me and Cilka -polenta, macaroni, potatoes, flour, coffee and old torn shirts. The tom shirts will be very useful as diapers when our baby arrives. (Editor’s note: In order to help our readers understand the Canadian immigration situation at the time, we provide the following quotes from p. 190 of Mark Wyman’s book, “DPs, Europe’s Displaced Persons, 1945-1951.”) ...the possibility of emigrating to Canada'' still . seemed remote in,mid-1946. But changes were occurring in Canadian public opinion, as the long-feared depression turned instead into an economic boom... Despite French Canada, 's opposition, Canadian leaders were turning toward the DPs by the fall of 1946 as the best solution for the nation's worsening labor shortages... By March 1947 two Canadian resettlement teams were operating in the (refugee) camps. The first DPs sailed for Canada on 4 April 1947, beginning a stream that would reach flood tide at various times over the following five years. Lumbering operations, sugar beet farms, mines, railroads, and other major employers rushed to fill their labor needs with refugees.,. But... most of the early nations recruiting DPs were taking mainly the young, single and strong... Many DPs were rejected as too old or too weak; others were unacceptable because of health problems or dependents or both. (To Be Continued) Palačinka Breakfast The next St. Mary’s' (Collinwood) Parish palanc-inka (crepe) breakfast will be held on Sunday, Feb. 22 from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Take-outs will be available. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined. -Henry Thoreau • For Rent Up/Cozy Duplex 18031 Neff Rd. Appl. Inc. Washer and Dryer (216)310-8310 Don’t let winter get you down! Rent a condo out-of-town. Call 1-216-261-1050 now for the best price and selection. 22078 Laksshore Blvd Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261-1050, 1-800-659-2662 euclidtravel@aol.com travel@euclidtravel.com ■■»A ■ ---ATT Ml CondoC'entre imiM0ii..i Kt ( I II) IKAMO This was the train that took the first group of refugees from our camp to the ship bound for Canada. Looking out from the train window are Vinko Kržišnik, and an unidentified man, and holding on outside is Pavle Čebašek. April 26, 1948. Shrove Tuesday Dinner Benefits Cultural Gardens Welcome to 2004. The Board of the Slovenian Cultural Garden Association (SCGA) hopes you have had a good start to the New Year. It is also the time in which we request your renewed SCGA membership. Your dues will be used to purchase a pedestal for the Bishop Baraga bust, continued landscaping, additional bust completion and work with the upcoming International Children’s Games. Membership dues are: S 10.00 for individual $15.00 for family $25.00 for businesses The Slovenian Cultural Garden Association is also a 501(c)3 foundation. Your donations are both welcome and tax-deductible. The Board of the SCGA invites you to our Pustna Večerna (Fat Tuesday) Dinner on February 24. The meal will consist of a blood or rice sausage, fresh garlic sausage, home fries, sauer: kraut, dessert and coffee. It is held in conjunction with St. Joseph’s KSKJ Lodge # 169 as a matching funds event. Price is $11.00. It will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be held at St. Mary’s Collinwood school hall. Call Helena Nemec at (216) 481-0024 for reservations. Tickets will also be available at the door. Can’t wait to see you there. On behalf of the SCGA I thank you in advance for your continued support of our organization. —Mary Ann Vogel Chairperson Lenten Fish Fries at St. Mary’s St. Mary’s parish (Collinwood) will be offering a fish fry every Friday of Lent from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The fish dinner is $7.00 which includes fish, home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, plus coffee and dessert. Shrimp dinners are $7.50. Kids meals or macaroni and cheese dinners are $3.50. Don’t miss out on this great meal. Milwaukee Slovenian Fest Details for the Second Annual Slovenian Fest, which will be held the Saturday after Easter, April 17, are being finalized. This year the event will be held in the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Union ballroom and in the two adjoining rooms. The Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, Davorin Kacun has marked his calendar to join us for this special event. An invitation is being sent to our new Consulate General, Marcil Koprol, in Cleveland, who just arrived the second week in January. Our featured attraction will be Deseti Brat octet from Ljubljana. They will be flying from Ljubljana to Milwaukee on Friday, April 16. We will plan a reception for them that evening with the friends of SAC at Sacred Heart Croatian Church, at 49th and Wells. —Virginia K. Strukel UWM Slovenian Arts Council (SAC) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 Winter's Colors Some call Winter Dismal, I surely disagree Winter has its colors If you only stop to see. Red cardinals skipping Through the hedge, The shimmering blue Of the pond water’s edge. The mallard’s head Of velvet green, Made brilliant by the sun’s Golden sheen. The color of Winter Is not dead, But filled with colorful Hues instead. —Haney W. Tant Spaghetti Pie j This is an easy recipe for a different presentation of' pasta. Instead of meat sauce, feel free to use the vegetable \ pasta sauce. Ingredients: lA lb. spaghetti, cooked 2 eggs, beaten \ 2 T butter 32 oz. marinara sauce Vi lb. Italian sausage or ground beef \ 16 oz. ricotta cheese 1 egg Chopped parsley 8 oz. mozarella or provolone cheese Directions: Mix the pasta with the eggs and butter and press into a! pie plate as a crust. Set aside. Mix the ricotta, the egg and \ parsley and spoon into crust as filling. Remove casing from ! sausage and brown, heat sauce with sausage. Spoon over the \ top of the filling and top with mozarella cheese. Bake for 45 \ minutes at 350°. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Serve in i wedges with leftover sauce on the side. —Kim Ann Kaifesh \ X Our Family and Friends Recipes ! 1 European Deti & Balffly MONDAY - SATURDAY 10AM-8pm SUNDAY 12pm-6pm 28060 Chardon rd. Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 Tele: (440) 944-1313 European Dell & Bakery carries; Foods, Candy, Cheese, Jams/Preserves, Juice, and Souvenirs that have been imported from different European & Middle Eastern Countries. We bake Fresh Bread, Cake, and Gata Daily. • Armenia France Italy Romania • Bulgaria Poland Israel Lietuva • Croatia Russia Sweden (Plus Dine in Area) vvOI4 Come in for Sandwiches or just to drink Coffee. We have different varieties of Coffee’s and Sandwiches. • Armenian Coffee (Espresso) • French Coffee • Italian Coffee If you’re having a party or a Family get together you can pre-order Armenian BBQ and Kebab. You also can pre-order Cukes or Armenian Cookies (Gata). Aero*« th* frnm Sutn'* CJuh & Hunter King Bethlehem/Murska Sobota Cities Report The Bethlehem/Murska Sobota Sister Cities Association recently elected new officers and members of the Board of Trustees. Eugene Novak was elected president. He succeeds Robert Rogan who served for two years. Other officials arc: Ralph Romano, vice president; John Keyser, recording secretary; Lillian Honath, corresponding secretary; and Ana Zamolyi, treasurer. Trustees serving two year terms are: from St. Joseph’s Slovenian R.C. church: Stephen Antalics and Anica Merki. Representing St. John’s Windish Ev. Lutheran church are: Kathy Novak and Rosemarie Moretz. Independent Slovenians will be. represented by Albert Holcz-man and Joseph Kalamar. Serving one-year terms are Joseph Boligitz and Etelka Franekic from St. Joseph’s; Charles Moretz and Mary Karol, St. John’s’ and Rev. Ron Hari and Mary Pongracz will represent the Independent Slovenians. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is known as the “Home of the Forgotten Slovenians” because many are called Windish. But the majority of the Slovenian/Windish come from the Prek-murji region of Slovenia. In 1996, Stephen Antalics, who formed the Association, saw his dream come true when the mayor of Bethlehem (PA), Ken Smith and Mayor Gerenscer of Murska Sobota signed the proclamation making Bethlehem and Murska Sobota sister cities. In the eight years of its existence, the Association has intertwined the members with the cities and has made trips to Murska Sobota, sponsored their basketball teams, singers and dancers, and Bethlehem’s famous Musikfest honored Murska Sobota during its traditional 10-day August celebration. • The M/MSSCA, and the city hosts pig roasts, pork and sauerkraut dinners. They have held heritage days, had flag raising ceremonies at the City Center Plaza every June 25 for Slovenian Independence Day, followed by a luncheon. Speakers at this day have been representatives from the Slovenian Embassy in Washington DC. The association’s Student.Exchange Committee is also studying the possibility of hosting a student from Slovenia to attend one of our local schools or colleges. The goals of the association is to increase membership, sponsor a pork-pig roast dinner, travel and visit our fellow Slovenians in Steelton, Connecticut, New York, and perhaps Cleveland. Awareness of Slovenians are sought within Lehigh Valley and Bethlehem. If there are any Slovenians living in the Cleveland area, or wherever this paper is mailed, and would like more information about our association, kindly contact Lillian Horvath at Box 5242, Bethlehem, PA 18015. There is a very good possibility that there are relatives living in Bethlehem and contacts with long lost relatives can be made. Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid At our last writing, it was mentioned that the Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Ohio was at a crossroads, since we had been unsuccessful last month in electing officers. However, our guardian angel must have been with us, as positive results were achieved at our February 4,h meeting. The following individuals accepted offices for the year 2004: President: Lori Sier-putowski; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Financial Secretary: Jeannette Yert; Recording Secretary: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer: Frank Kosten; Sergeant-at-Arms: Jack Selan; Sunshine Lady; Doris M. Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil; and Historian: Marion E. Bocian. We would like to invite as many as possible of our 360 members to participate more actively by attending meetings. Also, consider bringing a friend .or neighbor. All seniors are eligible to join and they need not be of Slovenian descent. All are welcome. This is the first year that the Ladies Auxiliary of Re-cher Hall will not host a Shrove Tuesday dinner. Unfortunately, there are not enough workers capable of baking sverkova bread and krofe. Instead, they will sponsor a stuffed cabbage dinner on Saturday, March 6 with serving from 5 to 7 p.m. and a jam session from 7:30 on. Only 125 dinner tickets at $8.00 will be sold. There w^l also be a poor man’s raffle held on Saturday, March 27 with more details at a later date. Recher Hall needs our support since hall bookings are down and expenses are constantly going up. So, make plans to attend both of these events and support our hall. Our next pensioners’ meeting takes place on Wednesday, March 3rd. With St. Patrick’s Day falling as usual on the 17lh, we can all be a smidgeon Irish for the day (use your imagination). The featured speaker will be the well known sportswriter Bob Dolgan, who will highlight some of the unusual stories of some of history’s past great athletes. Copies of his book, “Heroes, Scamps and Good Guys,” will be available and personally autographed, too. Just a reminder — membership dues are payable by March 31st. Don’t let your membership lapse. The first bake sale of the year is planned and there will be musical entertainment in the annex. So, be a “little leprechaun,” and wear your green outfit. Bring along a smile and plan to socialize with your fellow pensioners. After all, what’s at home besides four walls and the “boob tube?” We are looking forward to meeting everyone in March. In the meantime, keep healthy and have fun while you’re at it. —Lori Sierputowski Rotars in Art Show An exhibition is being held at the Pentagon Gallery, 3102 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Hts., Ohio featuring Drawings and Clay by Jack Rotar, and Jewelry by Noreen Rotar. The exhibition continues through April 3rd. The Pentagon Gallery is open Tuesday thru Saturdays 10-5, and Thursdays until 7 o.m. t i t FOROeT WE ATKINS 6 SOUTH BEACH DIET FOR ONE DAY PUSTNA VEČERJA (FAT TUESDAY VINNER) Matching Funds KSKJ St. Joseph #169 A the Slovenian Cultural Garden Association eioco on met sausam. hu:a cakuc sausaci on just 3 SAnuc sausaois hom miis, SAUtnsnAUT, non aho conn February 24, 2004 St. Mary's Collinwood School Auditorium Dinner's served 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Take outs available $11 Oxymoron’s from Phil Hrvatin Act natural Passive aggression Genuine imitation Taped live Airline food Clearly misunderstood Good grief Peace force Same difference Temporary tax increase Sanitary landfill Plastic glasses Alone together Terribly pleased Legally drunk Tight slacks Silent scream Definite maybe Small crowd Pretty ugly Business ethics Twelve-ounce pound cake Soft rock Diet icc cream New classic Working vacation Sweet sorrow Synthetic natural gas Exact estimate Noodle Strudel I Mom’s friend Marlene Perdan contributed this recipe,, which is the same as the one served at Waterloo Hall’s Fish , Fries. Ingredients: 16 oz. %” noodles, cooked and drained 24 oz. large curd cottage cheese 1 can (20 oz.) crushed pineapple, drained V* C sugar 2 C sour cream i Directions: Cook the noodles and drain them. Mix all other, ingredients together and bake at 350° in a greased 9x13 pan, i for 1 hour. —Kim Ann Kaifesh \ X Our Family and Friends Recipes \ e the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a l*rge, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are romplete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has •urveiUance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any question on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracbon of Its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90's lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. JB AMERICAN JP4 STANDARD \ \ \ \ \ I I / Buill To A Higher Standard Gorjan (44o>944-9444 207 Alpha Park 'All// w Ifru sn:r IT '///// A / AN—rrSSP Highland [Its, OH 44143 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Street s by RAY MLAKAR ay is back, ready or 1-^ not. If nothing else, _l_Vwe got a slight reprieve from the snow. However, they say there is another cold snap awaiting us in the wings. Don’t fret... come July we will be asking for the cool breeze that we now have. Can hardly wait for next week for I get fitted for “Stereo” but that comes with age, but then maybe I will be able to hear what the priest says in his sermons. The following week I will get a remedy for the eyes, I hope, for at times I feel I am ready for a seeing-eye dog. Needless to say, when I see St. Peter, I have a few questions for him like, “Wasn’t there a warranty on the parts when I was created? What went wrong? Come on Ray, let’s get on with the jokes; we don’t want to read about your worn out pieces. Well, with that in mind, I have some rules I learned to live by. Are you ready? Here they are: Do not eat natural foods. I used to eat a lot of natural foods until 1 learned that most people die from natural causes. Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. The easiest way to find something lost around the house, is to buy a replacement. Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway. There are two kinds of pedestrians: The quick and the dead. Life is sexually transmitted. An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys. If quitters never win, and winners never quit, then who is the fool who said, “Quit while you’re ahead?” Okay, seriously, 1 went to the doctor recently and he told me I should start an exercise program. Not wanting to harm this old body, I’ve devised the following... Monday: Beat around the bush, jump to conclusions, climb the walls, wade through the paper work. Tuesday: Drag my heels, push my luck, make mountains out of mole hills, hit the nail on the head. Wednesday: Bend over backwards, jump on the band wagon, then run around in circles. Thursday: Advise the president on how to run the country, toot my own horn, pull out all the stops, and add fuel to the fire. Friday: Open a can of worms, put my foot in my mouth, start the ball rolling, and go over the edge. Saturday: Pick up all the pieces. Sunday: Bow my head in thanksgiving, uplift my hands in praise, hug someone and encourage them. Whew. What a workout. It’s enough to tire one out for a long time. What can I say? God bless and have a wonderful day. With that in mind, I’m r* gonna end this column for this week and give the newspaper a break, and my readers, too. In the meantime, May the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in good health. Believe me, the “replacement parts” are not what they are cracked up to be, and you still don’t get a warranty. Next week it will be back to my regular exciting tales providing my stereo works and I don’t have to use a seeing-eye dog. Can someone lead me to the computer? Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119-(216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com hUp://stlmburysaccounttng. com Bml«) to Prtettx Bekn tie Intern* Revenut Sonkx SumongXMMttos Cofontions l Snul Busthok IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 For Rent E. 200 & Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. $450 a month. 440-951-3087 KSKh r AMFR1CAN aOWNlAN ČATMOllC Call a KSKJ representative today for a free quote: 1-800-843-5755 or visit us on the well ;it: www.KSKJlife.coin AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 6 A Hand Up, Not a Handout McBrayer Grandchildren in Iraq by STANE KUHAR The years 1919 and 2004 seem to be light years apart. But upon closer examination, each of these years does have a viable connection. On October 7, 1919 in a wood framed house on East 60lh Street in Cleveland, Edward L. Mihevic Sr. was born into a Slovenian immigrant family. The family would eventually consist of two sisters, mother and father, plus Ed. Seventy years later, on April 19, 1989 Edward L. Mihevic Sr., was now a successful businessman. He would devise, sign, and establish an irrevocable trust agreement to benefit young people from his hometown Catholic parish of St. Vitus where he was baptized on October 19, 1919. Edward L. Mihevic Sr. donated $300,000 in 1989 to establish the Joseph Mihevc and Antonia Mihevc Scholarship Endowment Fund of St. Vitus parish. This money would provide opportunity for young registered parishioners to attend tuition paying high schools and the first year of college. While his motives and intentions may have resulted from one or many of his own personal life experiences of not being able to finish his college education, was without a doubt the primary factor for establishing this fund. For a person who nearly lost all of his life savings in the beginning of his business career to the same person who nearly lost his leg to an industrial accident, Edward L. Mihevic Sr. understood very clearly what sacrifice and opportunity meant. The long work days, and hours he spent in the beginning of his business career as well as not being able to go back to college after two years of study at John Carroll University left lifelong impressions on this son of Slovenian immigrants. The scholarship fund Edward L. Mihevic established was much in the same manner of his long business career. His mandate to the St. Vitus Finance Advisory Council was clear: Here are the general guidelines: You work out the actual administration and operation of the program. Make it simple. Make it consistent. Be fair and objective. Adjust the guidelines when time and circumstances warrant a change. Keep me informed. And do not be weighted down on helping a few kids, but help as many kids as possible. Ed’s goal was to provide a hand-up without a handout. School year 2004-05 will mark the 15lh anniversary of the establishment of the Joseph Mihevc and Antonia Mihevc Scholarship Endowment Fund of St. Vitus. The decision made 15 years ago by the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. has more than achieved the original goals set by Mr. Mihevic Sr. Over $440,000 has been distributed from 1990-to- 2002 for the purposes intended, while at the same time keeping the original $300,000 in tact. Approved applicants from this program have graduated from college, technical or vocational training schools and moved into a number of callings. One became a city councilman, another a civil engineer, while still another became a teacher. A number of other students set to graduate this or next year are pursuing nursing, medical, or other career callings. At the same time these same young parishioners have contributed over 3,500 service hours for primarily the benefit of St. Vitus, but also the broader community. Students have been given the opportunity to attend at least 20 tuition paying high schools (all but one are Catholic) as well as over 35 colleges or universities of their choice. Due to an approved change in the irrevocable trust, school year 2003-2004 allowed for over $233,000 to be distributed to a broader range and number of registered parishioners. In 2003 the Mihevc Grant Program was expanded due to a significant increase in the original bequeath. The support, encouragement, and cooperation by and between Donna Marie Bockley, daughter and Co-Trustee of the late Mr. Mihevic Sr., and his estate, probate court, Cuyahoga County, and the leadership at St. Vitus Parish, registered parishioners from grades Kindergarten to senior year college may now apply to the Mihevc Grant Program. At the same time, the parish endowment trust received funding so that the parish could remain on stable financial ground for the present as well as the future. The late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. believed in the abilities and capacity of the parish to perform its responsibilities not only on faith but based on past performance of being prudent and good stewards. Like the Gospels of Matthew, Chapter 25, the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. was able to see his talents more than double. The message and legacy of the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. is indeed in line with the Parable of Talents. Life is full of risks. You cannot bury your risks simply out of fear or ignorance. Or both. Be prudent and good stewards of all the talents received or given. Grow your treasure not solely on accumulation of earthly treasures, but rather allow our treasures to reach to other people so that they may strive toward their own dreams and goals. No person is an island. Listed in today’s Ameriška Domovina-Ameri-can Home newspaper are the names of all the qualified and approved applicants of the Mihevc Grant Programs from 1990-to-2003. Over 250 individuals have been assisted by this most wonderful gift. A note of thanks to the late Edward L. Mihevic Sr. for his foresight and generosity as well as thanks to the Mihevic family members who continue to support this program: Donna Marie Boekley (daughter), Laura Esposito (granddaughter), and Sylvia Plymesser (sister of Ed). Two grandsons of Lloyd and Carmen Kalish McBrayer are being deployed to Iraq. David R. Schreiber, 24, son of Dr. Robert and Connie McBrayer Schreiber of Brentwood, IN is a former U.S. Marine Lance Corporal. After completing his five year tour of duty, he continues to work on military aircraft in the private sector. In that capacity, he is now going to Iraq on a U.S. Navy ship. While en route, he will make upgrades on helicopters. He will continue working in this area of expertise upon his arrival in Iraq. Once his assignment is completed, he looks forward to returning home to his wife, the former Katrina Hawkins, and his toddler son, Bryan, in San Diego, CA. The St. Vitus Slovenian Language School annual benefit dinner of pork roast or chicken is being held Sunday, Feb. 22 in the St. Vitus Auditorium. The meal will be served between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Take outs will also be available in the social room. USMC 1st Lt. Kevin J. Tinter, 27, is the son of James and Annette McBrayer Tinter of Medina, OH. He and his wife, Rebekah Eaton Tinter, a special education teacher, are currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan. However, Lt. Tinter was recently reassigned. He will be deployed to Iraq and assigned to Casualty Tracking. In another interesting note, Gene Drobnič and her daughter Genie drove across Florida from Cape Coral to Port St. Lucie to see Carmen McBrayer’s daughter Janel participate in square and round dancing at clubs in which she is a member.______ Thanks to Carmen McBrayer of Port St. Lucie, FL for this news. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets may be purchased in advance from the Slovenian School parents or at the door on the day of the event. Come join us for this community event and help support our school. Slovenians "R" Us Elect... EILEEN T. GALLAGHER JUDGE for Common Pleas Education: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Ursuline College St. Vincent Charity Hospital School of Nursing St. Augustine Academy Experience: Common Pleas Court, Cuyahoga County Attorney at Law Affiliations: Cleveland - Marshall Law Alumni Association Cleveland Bar Association Cuyahoga County Bar Association Ohio Nurses Association Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honor Society West Side Irish-American Club Member Contributor, Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center Contributor, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Personal: Married with two children Paid for by the Committee to F'cct Eileen T. Gallagher, Robert Roesch Treasurer, 28165 Stonegate Circle, I Westlake. OH 44145_____ Eileen T. Gallagher St. Vitus Slovenian School Dinner Recipients from 1990 -to - 2003 Joseph Mihevc and Antonia Mihevc Scholarship Endowment of St. Vitus Edward L. Mihevic Sr. John Adamission John (Jason) Ambrosic Andrea Antloga Frank Antloga Kristina Antologa Thomas Antloga Catherine Augustine Daniel Baroni Jr. Manda Bjelopera Nicholas Black Kathleen Bloom Kevin Bloom Rebecca Bloom Jessica Bratkovič Monica Bratkovič Nicole White Bread Jennifer Brown Lauren Brown Maria Brown Renae Brown Sean Brown Lauren Calevich JoAnne Celestina Richie Celestina Caitlin Cevasco Joseph M. Cimperman Lisa Cimperman Andrew Coffelt Monica Coffelt Matthew Coffelt Andrew Cross Julie Cross Tim Cross Ashley Cunningham Salima Dodge Andrea Dolenc Ann Marie Dolenc Audrey Dolenc Jennifer Dolenc Elsie Dolinar Evan Dolinar Matthew Dolinar Michael Dolinar Nadia Domanko Shannon Fakarej Jessica Ferkul Chelsea Formanik Kristie Formanik Lisa Marie Formanik Michael Formanik Christina Gabrič Maria Gabrič Stan Gabrič Shanna Golek Shaye Golek Curtis Gonzalez Chris Gonzalez Cliff Gonzalez Katie Gonzalez Kelly Gonzalez Rachel Graf Michelle Graf Samantha Graf Thomas Graf Christian Gulley Cliff Gulley Nicole Gulley Amanda Gurski Rick Gurski Kristen Hebebrand Matt Hebebrand Stephanie Hebebrand Liberty Hetman Megan Hetman Rebecca Hetman Kathy Hlad Nancy Hlad John Jakomin Kristina Jakomin Greg Jančar Matt Jančar Stephanie Jančar Dominika Jurkovič Michael Jurkovič Viktoria Jurkovič J. Kacinari Christopher Kaminski Danielle Kaminski John Kendzierski Edward Speck Kem Margaret Speck Kem Kristina Kirk Anthony Konieczka Michael Konieczka Nick Konieczka Chelsie Košir Jonathan Košir Nathaniel Košir Andrew Krainz Hannah Krainz Megan Krainz Michael Krainz Thomas Krainz Adam Kristanc Leah Kristanc Andy Kuhar Mark Kuhar Nick Kuhar Stephanie Kurbos Kathy Kusalic Nada Kusalic Daniel Lavrisha Nadine Lavrisha Alexis Lees Nicholas Lees Alex Leonard Andrea Leonard Aimee LePelley James LePelley Jr John LePelley Matt Lobe Samantha Milakovich Kim Mills Nicholas Mills Robert Mills III Thomas Mills Michael Mivsek Eden Montanez Alex Morsch Joseph Mrva Peter Mrva Christopher Music Suzi Music Victoria Music Bernarda Nokovic Kelly Null Amy Odar Cathleen Odar Anthony Ovsenik Jr. Lisa Ovsenik Nick Ovsenik Pam Ovsenik Sneznara Ludgjuraj Sarah Luzar Ron Luzar Jr. Conrad Mace Noelle Mace Ann Marie Manfreda Christine Manfreda Theresa Manfreda Thomas Manfreda Cynthia Manning John Manning Mark Matuszewski Mike Matuszewski Danielle Maurice Alex McKinley Claudia McKinley Dominec McKinley Nicholas McKinley Rebecca Owens Joseph Pate Shawn Pate Amanda Paynter Ashley Paynter Bradley Paynter David Pehar Teja Petelin Anton Petrich Craig Petrovič David Petrovič Steven Petrovič Anastasia Pintur Mateo Pintur Tereza Pintur Alan Plassard Andrew Plassard John Polomsky Frank Rihtar David Rodgers John Rodgers Kate Rodgers Iris Rozman Philip Rozman Sophie Rozman Steve Rozman Vincent Rozman Jr Andrea Sever Antonia Sever Frank Sever Christina Simmons Michelle Simmons Angelique Skorich Gina Skorich Claire Slak Emily Slak Christina Slogar Carl Snyder Robert Snyder Alex Spinos Andrea Srsen Annie Srsen David Srsen Johnnie Srsen Mark Srsen Patrick Srsen Joseph Strel Danielle Stele Frankie Sterle Robert Stidham Kristen Stransky Eva Swoboni Aaron Taricska Chloe Taricska Colin Taricska Elsie Thorkelson Evan Thorkelson Brandon Tominc Melissa Tominc Andrew Turk Matthew Turk Kelly Valencie Andrej Vogel Anton Vogel Nicole Vogel Rebecca Wilson Lauren Yarmock Matt Yarmock Christina Zadravec Anne Žakelj Antonia Žakelj Christian Žakelj Johnnie Žakelj Michelle Žakelj Anna Zakrajšek Ashley Zakrajšek Sarah Zakrajšek Alison Zevnik Nicholas Zevnik Frankie Zitko Mary Zitko Kevin Žitnik Julia Žnidaršič Dan Zuber Kathy Zupan Megan Zupan Guideline Note: Guidelines for the Mihevc Grant Program are available and may be obtained at the parish rectory. Interested partiss must be registered! parishioners for a minimum of two consecutive years prior to applying to this program. Parish rectory telephone number is (216) 361-1444. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 :ŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 Coming Events... Does anyone recognize either Victor or Edward Blatnik in this photo of the 1914 - 2nd Grade Class of St. Vitus School in Cleveland, Ohio? If you do, please contact Millie Ringenbach at 440-205-9109 with any information. Yes, Bananas Are Truly Healthy Friday, Feb. 20 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner. $9 per person. Serving 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Music by W. Tomsic from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., followed by Mlade Frajle from Slovenia. Admission w/o dinner: $6.00 (216)881-2105. Saturday, Feb.21 oz Folklorna Skupine Kres 2 Masquerade Dinner-Dance/-< Maškarada at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Entertainment Mlade Frajle from Slovenia. Doors open at 6 p.m. dinner served promptly at 7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22 Slovenian Language School of St. Vitus Parish hosts Annual Benefit Dinner from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in parish auditorium. Sunday, Feb. 22 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Parish palačinka (crepe) breakfast will be held in the auditorium from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Take-outs available. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Saturday, Feb. 28 Baraga Day in Holiday, FL. 11:30 a.m. Mass at St. Vincent DePaul Church, followed by luncheon and program. For reservation call 727-376-2743 or 727-375-5342. Friday, March 5 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry, walleye or shrimp, pierogi or Mac & Cheese, $9.00 person. Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. by J. Novak. Friday, March 12 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry -walleye or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.00. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 by W. Tomsic. Friday, March 19 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry -walleye or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.00. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 by F. Moravcik. Saturday, March 20 Federation of Slovenian National Homes Man/-Woman of Year Banquet, at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Doors open 2 p.m. Dinner 4 p.m. Program at 6 p.m., followed by music. March 27 - April 3 Slovenian Ski Trip 2004 to Lake Louise, Canada. $950 from Cleveland (2 per room) (includes round trip airfare from La Guardia via Denver to Calgary, all ground transportation, 7 nights lodging at Ptarmigan Inn, 5 days lift pass). Call John F. Kamin (212) 691-5551. Friday, March 26 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry -walleye or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.00. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 by W. Tomsic. Friday, April 2 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH Fish Fry - walleye or shrimp, pierogi or mac & cheese, $9.00. Serving 5 - 7:30 p.m. Music from 6:30 to 9:30. Sunday, April 4 Annual benefit dinner in St. Vitus auditorium sponsored by Holy Name Society, Altar Society, and KSKJ Lodge 25. Sunday, April 18 “Deseti Brat” Men’s Octet in concert at Lemont Cultural Center. Sunday, April 25 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland, OH honoring John M. Hrovat, Slovenian Home Man of Year. $18 person 2 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 2 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Dinner-Dance at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Dinner served 2 p.m. Dance to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784 before April 25. Sunday, May 9 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland, OH Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast Brunch $8.00. Children 10 years and under $4. Serving 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Friday, May 21 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80lh St., Cleveland, OH Pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner, $9.00. Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, June 12 Folklorna Skupina Kres Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina Kres 50lh Anniversary Performance at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Society dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga Days, L’Anse-Baraga area of Michigan. Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose, and glucose - combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world’s leading athletes. But energy isn’t the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses: Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and make you feel happier. PMS: Forget the pills -eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect fruit to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $5.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert. Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem. Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief. Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness. Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation. Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system. Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady. Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach. Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body’8 water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. Strokes: According to research in “The New England Journal of Medicine,” eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%-Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if y°u want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with 3 plaster or surgical tape. __^ Thanks to Ray Novak Strongsville, OH for this in1' portant nutrition news. Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"'Area v 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) ^ Voinovich Announces $2.5m for Cuyahoga Valley Park WASHINGTON - U.S. “The Cuyahoga Valley Representative Ralph Regala (R-Navaree) and U.S. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) announced this week that Congress has approved S2.5 million for construction needs in the Cuyahoga Valley-National park, which was severely damaged by July storms. The funds were approved as part of the fiscal year 2004 Interior Appropriations Bill which was agreed to by both the House and Senate, and now goes to the President for his signature. Re-gula is Vice Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, as well as a ntember of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee. National Park is truly a state treasure, providing access to nature and preserving the important history of this region,” said Regula, who coauthored the original legislation that created the national park. Heavy rains and flooding damaged the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad (CVSR) and destroyed portions of the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, as well as smaller trails within the park. On July 21, rain fell at a rate of more than seven inches per 24 hours. These funds will help repair the railroad, preserve historic structures, and help stabilize the eroding river-bank of the Cuyahoga River. 82nd Street Market features Slovenian and Polish pastry 82nd St. Market bakery features Slovenian and Pol-jsh baked goods. It is celebrating its 6th anniversary. Grandma Ellie Cham, °nner auditor of West Park Slovenian Home, and daughter Sharon, create old traditional favorites like P'erogies, nut rolls, Kolacky’s, and famous ACZKI. Grandma and baron teach ethnic classes 0Ver the Greater Cleveland Jrea as well as the 82nd Street Market Bakery. are proud to announce winning Channel 19 Uean Plate Award for 2004. Please join us in our 6Ih ^ear at the famous Paczki for a at Tuesday celebration. The famous paczki, which sold over 8 million in Michigan last year, will only be at the 82nd Street Market. Please note that all of our Paczki’s are cut and hand filled with over 2 ounces of filling. Plain paczkis are 85 cents each or $8.99 a dozen. Fruit filled are .99 each or $9.99 a dozen. The 82nd St. Market will be open Sunday, Feb. 22 from 1 - 5:00 p.m. and Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 23, and 24, from 6:30 a.m. until sold out. They are located at 5895 Royalton Road in North Royalton, OH. Phone number is (440) 237-8682. edicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire in yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be L^Ppy. You deserve delight. -Mark Victor Hansen 3§ BtttUee 's Beauty Salon 6412 St. Clair Ave. v Cleveland, Ohio -OPEN- Tuesday - Saturday 10am-? ir/iuju ft is.r Jraila/’h' (216)431-6224 Donations Thanks to the following subscribers for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Isabella Dejak, Eastlake, OH -$10.00 Anonymous, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Maria Bajc, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Marie Pirs, Mentor, OH --$10.00 Olga dicker, Euclid, OH - $15.00 Jacob Grum, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Ivanka Vuksinic, Chicago, IL - $15.00 Frances Opeka, Green Oaks, IL-$10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pivik, Middleburg Hts., OH -$15.00 Victoria Kolarič, Willoughby Hills, OH — $15.00 Gregory Fedran, Monterey, CA — $15.00 Edward and Julie Har-bie, Seven Hills, OH — $15.00 Antonija Bucik, Nor-ridge, IL -$15.00 Rudolph Kastelic, Char-don, OH -$10.00 Anonymous, Streetsboro, OH - $15.00 Jack Lavriha, Lorain, OH-$15.00 Filip Oreh, Wickliffe, OH -$15.00 Betty Orehek, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Anton and Marija Koželj, Mayfield Village, OH -$10.00 Rudy Klammer, Wil-lowick, OH — $15.00 Val Burnside, Indianapolis, IN -$15.00 Louis Jurecic, Lynd-hurst, OH - $15.00 Francis Markun, Joliet, IL - $5.00 Mary Sawyer, Brecksville, OH — $15.00 Donation Thanks to Joze and Mili Lekan of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Memory V Thanks to Maximilian Gorensek of Aiken, SC who renewed his subscription and added a $5.00 donation in memory of Franček Gorenšek Donation and in Memory Thanks to Antonia and Eric Snyder of Solon, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation in honor of Frank Sega’s 80lh birthday on Feb. 20^, and in memory of his wife, Antonia Sega. Donation Thanks to Stan and Denise Krulc of Kirtland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $35.00 donation towards first class postage to Padre Rafko Ropret, SSS (Fr. Ralph Roberts) in Trieste, Italy. In Memory Thanks to Lucille Romih of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of parents, Martin and Lucija Romih. In Memory Thanks to Elmer and Vida Perme of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $30.00 donation in memory of deceased members of Perme and Levstik Families. Donation Thanks to Joseph Kastelic of Toronto, Ont., who renewed his subscription and added a $35.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Chris and Joan Chermely of Wic':-liffe, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Anonymous of Chagrin Falls, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $100.00 donation! Donation Thanks to Ann Zlatoper of Moreland Hills, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $100.00 donation! Joke What do Winnie the Pooh, Smokey the Bear, and Alexander the Great have in common? Answer: They all have the same middle name. —Phil Hrvatin Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring | tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road! 461-7989 / 461-0<>23 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Mary Kump, Garden Grove, CA — $15.00 Ana Cesar, Euclid, OH - $10.00 In Loving Memory Anthony M. Yert 1916 — 1993 In our memories you arc always near - Loved and remembered - But we miss you more as time goes by. Your Loving Family wife JEANETTF daughier Paincia son in law Fioy granddaughters Emily and Jennie 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 Office. 440-951-2123 Fax: 440-255-4290 MegaMillion Dollar Producers "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v,m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@realtyone.com d.lucas@realtyorie.com TAX TIME IS HERE Come in or Cali Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 _______ 881-5158______ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 n 10 Testimonial for Joseph T. Snyder March 8 will mark 25 vantage of the hunter’s ab- years since Joseph T. Snyder sence by camping out in our of Sagamore Hills, OH had back yard. Now we tend to open heart surgery. At a hunt deer in another way. Toastmaster’s meeting on Some evenings we drive March 8, 1999, his daughter, through the metro parks, es- Josette delivered the fol- pecially down Riverview lowing testimonial about her Rd., and see herds'of deer, father. This speech outlines We’ve counted up to 15-20 the fascinating life of Ameri- in a herd, can Home subscriber Joe Fighting Dragons Snyder who often writes Dad has been known to about his youth in St. Law- take on many causes over the rence parish in Newburgh years. An important cause he area of Cleveland.__________ has supported for many years is the. Right to Life, Pro-Life retend that you are 42 movement, through fund- 1-^years old, you are raising, marches in Wash- JL married 20 years, just ington, picketing, also helpstarting into business for ing to support groups such as yourself, with four teenage Womenkind who help preg- children, the oldest of whom nant women see that there is just entering college. A are other alternatives to routine exam to qualify for abortion. Not only will he insurance is taken, and speak up about a cause, he WHAM! You are lying on does what he can to support an operating table, your it. He has volunteered with chest open, your heart the Heart-to-Heart organiza- hooked up to a machine and tion at Charity Hospital, you hear a voice from visiting people -who were somewhere whisper, “Hey, undergoing heart bypass sur- Joe. Maybe I’m not going to gery, giving words of en- let you live forever!” couragement, advice, and Twenty years ago today it bringing some humor to the was my Dad, Joseph Timo- usually dire situation, thy Snyder who was on that Dad generally roots for table. I would like to take the underdog. He has been this opportunity to speak an Indian’s fan for his entire about the life of this man, life, and is now enjoying the who has had such an impact fun and excitement of “This on my life and added so could be the year” and really much to the lives of many meaning it. Watching the people whom he’s come into play-off games this year as it contact with over the years. looked like the Indians It’s difficult to set out to would be clinching the Cen- tell the story of a life, and tral Division Title, about the how do you organize the seventh inning, dad says, telling? I’ve chosen to tell by “How about going down to way of describing my father Jacob’s field?” We went and to you as an adventurer, in- were able to get in just in ventor, traveler, philosopher, time to see the last inning and friend. and the festivities surround- The Adventurer ing the event. Sure, you think I’m going Which reminds me of to tell you all about how he’s times when he’d come home hunted wild game, fought from work and would say, dragons, sailed the high seas. “How about going to the That is exactly what I intend stadium and watch the Indite do. ans?” We’d go and sit in the When I think hunter, bleachers (where all the real sorry dad, but I don’t think people sit). I remember be- of you. One year dad went ing there for 5 cent beer on a deer hunting trip to the nights, and seeing my first wilds of Pennsylvania. He streaker. Back in those days and his buddies were gone of rooting for the underdog, for a long weekend, came the entertainment wasn’t al- home bedraggled, cold and ways the game, tired. “How was the hunting? As for sailing the high Did you shoot anything?” we seas, dad was in the Navy asked. “Not a thing; we Reserves. He went out to sea didn’t even see a deer.” a pollywog and returned a Well, we could hardly keep shellback. Meaning he from bursting with the news crossed the equator. More that while dad was out recently, his boating has tracking deer, a local deer been within the confines of family decided to take ad- fishing trips on Lake Erie Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 and I’m happy to report he’s a much better fisherman than hunter.1 The Inventor Dad has many patents to his credit through his career as a chemical engineer. However, some of his best inventions are in line with his culinary craft. When dad cooks, the chemist/artist takes over. Follow a recipe -never. He is renowned for his soups, French Onion, lentil, cabbage. In desserts he specializes in fruit compotes, and milkshakes. Unfortunately, each of his concoctions is a once in a lifetime event. He may get close, but rarely with the same blending of flavors. My sister-in-law Debi likes to tell of the time when dad made milkshakes for her and my brother Bob. (Now Debi is not the type of person who goes for mixing of too many different flavors. She is the sort of eater for whom divided plates were invented, none of her foods can touch. The first time she was invited to dinner with the family she was seated next to dad. He proceeded to fill his plate with total disregard of lines of demarcation between the foods on the morsels on the plate. Poor Debi sat there turning various shades of green during the entire meal. Of course, ever since, we make it a point that Debi sits next to J.T.) Back to the milkshake. Dad made them this milkshake which was delicious, with ice cream and strawberries and whatever. As they were enjoying the beverages Bob made the comment how dad has come up with some very interesting combinations, and “remember when you added peanuts?” The next thing you know, the delicious shake was back in the blender for just one more additional ingredient: peanut butter. Needless to say, beware of the father-in-law bearing milkshakes. Now that my parents live in the same house with my brother Bob’s family, the grandchildren are treated regularly to grandpa’s cooking. Almost every morning the two little ones Jennifer and Jacqueline come to grandpa to get their papaya, cod-liver oil, milkshake and souffle. I have no idea what goes into the milkshake and souffle but the girls love it and it is an event to see the whole procedure. One of them gets the cod-liver oil from the fridge, the other gets out the spoons. Then they have special stools they stand on to see the eggs souffle. “Ah” if it puffs up, “oh - maybe next time” - if it doesn’t. How many grandfathers do you know that can get their grandchildren to take cod liver oil? Now that’s inventive. However, he was never recognized for his greatest invention, and I’m here to tell you that my dad invented the remote control! It worked something like this. Hey, Greg, let’s see what’s on channel 8, Bob, change the channel, wait a minute, OK, you can switch back to channel 5. Thank goodness there were only 5 or 6 stations at the time. You can imagine how grateful me and my brothers were when the electronic remove was actually invented. I’m surprised one of us didn’t come up with it, you know desperation is the mother of invention. The Traveler In the past few years my parents have taken to the highways of America and traveled to every state in the Continental United States. In each of these states they’ve found something of note to see, from the Wisconsin Dells, to Dorothy’s home in Kansas, White Sands in New Mexico, to the California coast. They get in the car and go. If somewhere within a hundred miles or so if their route they make it a point to visit with family and friends along the way. As for Alaska and Hawaii, they’re beginning to plan for Alaska. It’s just a matter of how best to go, by cruise ship, ferry, drive, fly? As for Hawaii, they’ve visited there six times. My brother Greg and his wife went with them on the last trip and I was able to go the time before. Now if your idea of Hawaii is to lollygag around a beach for more than half hour time slots, J.T. is not the person to go with. But if you want to see Oahu, or Maui, have adventures, meet new people, see the sites and squeeze the most out of every minute - J. T. is your man. One of the times I’ll always rememtfer is hiking up Diamond Head to watch the sunrise with my dad. It was an incredible event. I was busy taking pictures, admiring the view, and being at one with nature, when I suddenly realized dad wasn’t there anymore. I looked around and finally spotted him further along the crater edge. He had joined a group who were doing their Tai-Chi exercises. There he was moving and stretching along with the group. You never know where he is going to show up. The Philosopher He gave us many words to live by, some immediately come to mind. • Prepare the surface • Measure twice, cut once (I’ve found that not heeding this advise has led to some very creative patchwork in wallpaper jobs) • Never sleep later than 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning • No secrets at-the dinner table • No pretending at the dinner table (As you can see by the beginning of my arti* cle, I still try to sneak in some pretending, but only very rarely do I pretend at dinner) • Cheaters never prosper • When your hurting ot sad, don’t think about frogs • And the best scolding you can give a child -you do that again you’re going to repeat it.” The Friend “Make new friends, but keep the old ones as some are silver and others gold.” Dad has a great capacity for making and keepinS friends. He meets up with buddies from the old days: Cookie, Lefty, Augie, Doc. Loisee, who’s Lawrence who’s called Jim by those that don’t know him froh1 the old days. He’s kno"'tl these people and has maim tained these friendships f°f more than 50 years. He also loves to engag6 people he doesn’t know >n conversation. Just recently while in Washington at the National Museum of Art decided to be part of the art5 and croissant crowd. We met Woobie; she was our ress and it turns out she from Ethiopia and has Hve^ in Washington for a fevV years now. Another example, mo111 and dad, while in Ha'val1 wanted to check out the swimming pool at one of th ’ posh hotels. They got in10 3 (Continued on page f!) Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. k Dr. Valentin Mersol and the Refugees in Vetrinj i„ i_a_ a_-i _I _k. M/ill tror»c_ r^nvomm^nt In late April and early May of 1945 when World War II was coming to an end, Slovenia was being overwhelmed by Communist Partisans aided by the Red Army and the misinformed Allies. With the Partisans push from the south, the Domobranci (home guard) had to retreat to the north hoping to find refuge with the allied forces in Austria. A large Slovenian civil population went with the Domobranci to save their lives. They were predominantly from the Dolenjska and Notranjska regions (which suffered the most during the war by the Communists). They left their homes and took with them some bare necessities either on their backs or on wagons if they would afford them. When they arrived in Austria they were directed by the British forces to a field near Vetrinj (Viktring) where they settled temporarily, completely unprotected from the weather conditions. The Domobranci also settled there after they surrendered their weapons to the British forces. Other eastern and southern European refugees also settled in the Vetrinj field. For awhile everything was relatively quiet. Then the British forces announced that everybody will be transferred to a camp in Italy. At the end of May they started to assemble first the Domobranci, and by units loaded them onto military trucks. Under heavy British escort they were transferred not to Italy but in secrecy to the Yugoslav border where they were handed over to the Communists. Shortly after all the Domobranci had been “evacuated,” a few, who escaped, brought back the sad news that the British were treacherously handing them to the Communists. Soon news filtered to the camp of Vetrinj that the Domobranci were sent to a camp in Teharje where they were mistreated, tortured, and some executed. The rest were transported to Kočevski Rog and other places and there killed and thrown in pits and mine shafts. When the news arrived in Vetrinj, the civilian refugees became panicky fearing the same fate will come to them. Among them was Dr. Valentin Mersol, a chief doctor of the Ljubljana hospital who studied in the U.S. He was well versed in the English language. He immediately contacted the British military headquarters through the Canadian Major Barre, a member of AMGOT (Allied My Own Slot Machine by JOHN P. NIELSEN (Reprinted from June 13, ___j975 issue of A.H.) grenwich VILLAGE, ~ I finally got myself a one-armed bandit. The real McCoy with all the trim-min8s, enameled in gaudy £ed and orange, and an an-'que t0 boot; it was built in the 1930’s. . Actually, jt js designed to a e the old English six-Pence, but it works beauti-tully with our dimes. 0 far it’s been a great Jess at cocktail party a erings at my house. Now ^ at 1 am the keeper of the jys, I have explored the nards and I can tell you all the secrets. k Fi,rst’ there is no special with^ •*Cno^ ‘n tbe inside which a Machiavelian L0pr'etor could manipulate odds. There is simply a Works Pay°fF bui,t into the There arc three drums on stLmaChine’ each with 20 ther?* Potions. There are herefore 20 x 20 x 20, or ' •' —— Dr. John Nielsen 8000 position combinations the machine can display through the front window. Statistically, this means it takes 8,000 turns of the handle to run through all the positions just once. In 8,000 tries the machine was programmed to win 1,304 times or 16.3% wins on pulling the handle. For $800 invested, it returned $646.50 or an 81% payoff. The machine had kept 1.9 cents for every dime played. Those were the odds that kept people coming back for more to perhaps, in years gone by, see the reality of a dream come true - hitting the jackpot. Military Government Occupied Territory). Major Barre understood the plight of the refugees and intervened with the British military headquarters in Celovec (Klagenfurt) and through them with the allied commander in Italy, General Alexander. The order of forceful repatriation was rescinded and the civilian refugees remained in Austria until they emigrated to Argentina, Canada, the U.S. and other countries. Some settled here in Cleveland. So did Dr. Meršol. He lived in the St. Clair area near St. Vitus Church. He died there on Feb. 15,1981. On Sunday, Feb. 15, a commemorative Mass for Dr. Mersol was celebrated at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Avenue. Many who were saved through the mediation of Dr. Mersol attended the Mass and remembered him in their prayers. —Tabor DSPB-S.V. MADE F RAJ IE ‘Frajle for $6’ Anyone desiring to see the all-girls band from Slovenia, Mlade Frajle, can still purchase tickets at the door on Friday, Feb. 20 at the Newburgh Slovenian National Home. The Wayne Tomsic Band will be playing from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Immediately following, the Mlade Frajle group takes the bandstand. Admission is only $6.00 per person. For more information visit www.mladefrajle.com/index l.php. For driving information call (216) 881-2105. You can observe a lot just by watching. -Yogi Berra fa tU U&* £ Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM Saturdays 9-10 pm Tony Ovsenik ■■ 440-944-2538 Saluting Joe Snyder (Continued from page 10) conversation with a couple who happened to be staying at the hotel and were checking out that day. Not only did they get to swim, but the coupld took them to lunch and dad drove them around to see a bit of Maui that they hadn’t been able to see. Of course, like I said, dad can pack in quite a bit of site-seeing into a short amount of time. Dad might walk up to a stranger, but more often than not, walks away with a potential friend. As you can see my dad is a very well rounded individual with many interests. He knows how to live life to the fullest - who else would not be satisfied flying, a kite into the clear blue sky over the lake at Put-in-Bay; no he has to fly a kite while riding a bicycle. He’s even tried flying his kite from the ferry boat, then tried to attach popcorn to the string of the kite to feed the birds while flying the kite. I’ll really start worrying when he decides to ride his bike on the boat while flying a kite and feeding the birds. vVhen I decided to give this speech about dad I first asked mom to feel out the situation. Were other events planned? The first 10 years we would have a party to mark the occasion, to celebrate another year of life and health. We had themes (Hawaiian pu-pu party, Hardtimes party, Heartfelt Soiree’ etc.) Maybe there was something dad had said he’s like to do to mark the occasion? Did she think he’d go for it? Then I talked to dad to see if he would be here. He said he would, but told me to make the speech funny, no shmaltz. In fact, he volunteered to look up some jokes on the Internet. I started to work on this speech and I originally thought what in the world will I talk about. Then it became, “How do I choose what to talk about because there is so much.” I said to mom, “Dad’s sure had a lot of humor and fun in his life -. no jokes from the Internet were needed.” Thanks, anyway, dad. However, I got this far and I do have to add some schmaltz. Dad, I love you, and am proud that you are my father, and I speak for the entire family that we are thankful that God has blessed us these 20 years with you in our lives. I pray the next 20 years are filled with much more adventure, invention, travel, friendship, fun, and happiness for you. ILOVE N> 1 —Josette The word barometer is derived from the greek word baros, or weight. Thus a barometer is a device for measuring the weight of atmosphere. ED JERSE For Congress • 14th District ENCORSED BY: Lake County Democratic Party Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Geauga County Democratic Party EXPERIENCE: Senior Democrat, Ohio House of Representatives Ranking Democrat, House Finance & Appropriations Committee Adjunct Professor of Law, Case Western Reserve School of Law EDUCATION: St. Joseph High School Georgetown University Harvard Law School ____________________ Paid for by Jerse for Congress Commitlee AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEBRUARY 19, 2004 Rev. John Kumse, pastor of St. Mary’s parish in the Collinwood area of Cleveland, stirs the pot on Sunday, Feb. 15 to make sure the food is cooked just right for the annual parish appreciation dinner served at 4 p.m. in the school auditorium. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) »SuiiiS Armij Till. ^ ga je namreč imenoval za prefekta kongregacije posvečenega življenja in družbe apostolskega življenja v Vatikanu, kamor odhaja kmalu po Veliki noči. “Imenovanje je veliko zaupanje meni osebno, hkrati pa pomeni tudi veliko čast za slovensko Cerkev in za ves slovenski narod,” je 11. februarja točno opoldne rekel ljubljanski nadškof in dodal: “Odhajam z bojnega polja v generalštab.” Kot posebne dosežke svojega sedemletnega ško-fovanja je Rode omenil izvedbo prvega plenarnega zbora slovenske Cerkve, ki je po njegovih besedah prinesel zelo dober program za nadaljnje delovanje Cerkve. Kot posebej pomemben dosežek je označil tudi podpis t.i. vatikanskega sporazuma. “Posebej pa sem se ves čas svojega škofovanja trudil, da bi slovenskim vernikom s svojim delovanjem vlil več poguma in samozavesti,” je še dodal. Na vprašanje, ali je že kaj znanega o njegovem nasledniku, je odgovoril, da te stvari pač ne potekajo tako hitro. “Postopek za novega nadškofa lahko traja od nekaj mesecev pa tudi do dveh let.” K temu, je dodal, da PQ, .vatikanskih pravilih prefekt lahko s seboj pripelje tudi katerega od sedanjih sodelavcev. Ponavadi je to osebni tajnik, na katerega je že navajen in s katerim odlično sodeluje. Na vprašanje, ali bo torej vzel s seboj sedanjega tajnika Blaža Jezerška, je odgovoril, da Jezerška zaradi njegovih sposobnosti gotovo čaka sijajna prihodnost. “Res ne vem, kje plava ta kardinalski klobuk,” pa je odgovoril na novinarsko vprašanje, ali lahko tak klobuk kmalu pričakujemo tudi v Sloveniji. “Uradni naziv moje nove funkcije v Vatikanu je prefekt kardinal,” je še pojasnil. (Op. ur. AD: Nadškof dr. Rode se je rodil 27. septembra 1934.) Po zakoniku cerkvenega prava so kongregacije uradi rimske kurije, po katerih papež opravlja posle vesoljne Cerkve. V rimski kuriji je poleg državnega tajništva še devet kongregacij, tri sodišča in 11 svetov. Prvo kongregacijo za področje posvečenega življenja je leta 1586 ustanovil papež Sikst. Člani kongregacije so poleg prefekta, tajnika in podtajnika še 20 kardinalov in šest nadškofov. Za normalen potek dela pa skrbi še 30 uslužbencev. Dosedanji prefekt kongregacije je bil od leta 1992 kardinal Martinez Solarno, ki se je mestu prefekta odpovedal zaradi dopolnjene starosti 75 let. M. J. Eden od petih najbližjih papeževih sodelavcev Rim - Mesto šefa kongregacije za redovnike o-ziroma za posvečeno življenje, kakor je kongregacijo poimenoval sedanji papež, je izjemno pomembna funkcija v Katoliški cerkvi, saj imajo prav redovniki in redovnice daleč največ vpliva na vernike. Dober milijon redovnic in redovnikov po vsem svetu skrbi tudi za tisoče šol, univerz, bolničnic in drugih ustanov. Prefekt kongregacije za redovnike je eden od petih najbližjih papeževih sodelavcev, član zelo ekskluzivnega ožjega kroga kardinalov, ki najbolj vplivajo na versko dok- ^ tU Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 LJUBLJANSKI NADŠKOF IN METROLIT DR. FRANC RODE NA TISKOVNI KONFERENCI PO NJEGOVEM IMENOVANJU ZA IZREDNO POMEMBNO SLUŽBO V VATIKANU, KJER BO SKORO GOTOVO NA NASLEDNJEM KONZISTORUU PREJEL KARDINALSKI NASLOV. NADŠKOF RODE JE VODIL SLOVENSKO CERKEV SEDEM LET, ROJEN JE PA BIL 27. SEPTEMBRA 1934, TOREJ IMA SEDAJ 69 LET. trino in na vse najpomembnejše odločitve v Katoliški cerkvi. Položaj prefekta te kongregacije pomeni, da bo nadškof Rode dobil kardinalski biret na prvem prihodnjem konzistoriju. Novico o imenovanju nadškofa Rodeta za prefekta je objavil rimski časnik Messaggero že pred dogovorjeno hkratno uradno objavo v Ljubljani in v Vatikanu. Naslovil jo je Krepi se navzočnost Slovanov v rimski kuriji. Ob Rodetu so namreč visok položaj v cerkveni hierarhiji in s tem povezano kardinal-stvo namenili tudi Hrvatu Nikoli Eteroviču, ki je zdaj papeški nuncij v U-krajini, poslej pa bo tajnik sinode. T. H. Delo fax, 12. febr. 2003 Prijatel’s Pharmacy I St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Zahvala Slovenskega ameriškega sveta CLEVELAND, O. - Slovenski ameriški svet se iskreno zahvaljuje naslednjim, ki so še velikodušno darovali v spominski sklad dr. Valentina Meršola: Ga. Francka Kristanc - “Jaz sem tudi bila ena od tistih, ki smo bili rešeni po zaslugi dr. Valentina Meršola” ................... $ 50 Dr. Frank in ga. Inez Lukež ................. 200 G. Rudolph in ga. Edith Lukež ............... 100 N. N., Duluth, Minn........................... 50 Opozorilo... Slovenski ameriški svet opozarja, da organizira skupno potovanje po Koroški in Sloveniji ob priložnosti odkritij spomeniških obeležij in vsakoletni sv. maši v Kočevskem Rogu, to od 3. do 16. junija 2004. Organizacijo potovanja je prevzela potniška pisarna Borisa Mušiča, Hansa Travel Service, Inc. (TRAVEL MAX, Inc.). Vsi tisti, ki se zanimate za to potovanje, boste našli v današnji številki Ameriške Domovine obrazec za prijavo. (Gl. str. 19) Poslužite se ga in ga pošljite na naslov: • 'Hansa Travel Service, Inc. C/o Boris Mušič 2717 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113 V slučaju, da imate še kakšno vprašanje v zvezi s tem potovanjem, pokličite g. Mušiča na 216-631-6585. Slovenski ameriški svet Maruša Pogačnik tajnica Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM ^—g- ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Družine ■y. Pesmi j • in Melodije WCSB 89.3 ’EM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm iz Naše Lepe Slovenije 2405 Somrack Drive Radijska Družina Cleveland Willoughby Hills, OH 440t>4 440-953-1709 rEl/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Nadškof Rode med rojaki v Spittaiu na Dravi Vera in Cerkev sta nam dali upanje Koroški Slovenci v evropskem prostoru Dr. Zdravko Inzko (Koledar 2004 Mohorjeve družbe v Celovcu) O O O Ljubljana - Spittal na Dravi na Koroškem ima med slovenskimi rojaki po svetu, posebno tistimi, ki so morali zaradi revolucionarnega nasilja maja leta 1945 zapustiti dom lu domovino, posebno mesto. To je kraj spominjanja na leta preizkušenj m upanja, saj je stalo Pred mestom Spittal takrat veliko taborišče, kamor so zavezniki, potem, ko so velik del domobrancev in drugih vojakov Predali v morilske komunistične roke, naselili družine in druge civilne ose-z namenom, da jih Prej ali slej vrnejo domov ^1 pa razselijo po svetu. V skromnih razmerah. Potrti zaradi hudega trp-Ijenja in nasilne smrti mnogih svojcev so se tam begunci organizirali in zo-F** zaživeli. V letih od 1945 do 1952 je bilo tam tndl veliko slovenskih be-guncev. S pomočjo duho-'mikov, šolnikov in dru-§lb kulturnih delavcev so °rganizirali različne verske, šolske in kulturne javnosti in pripravljali ^e ljudi na življenje na Injem. tam so se pozneje razselili v Južno in Se- Jern° Ameriko, Avstralijo . P0 Evropi, nekaj pa Je za vedno ostalo v -PRtalu. Leta 2001 se je ° štetju med 16.000 Prebivalci spittalske obči-e °Predelilo za Slovence e dvesto ljudi. Kot je ovedala Majda Starman, r C*anes šivih še devet je kov iz generacije, ki 1Q/,V Avstrijo prišla maja 1945 šez Ljubelj. *ed begunci, ki so del ^Pia preživeli v spi-j^kem taborišču, je bi- z pl<^i Rodetova družina Rodice pri Grobljah. ^ so prišh iz Juden- 0b2’ *1 bl lahk° skupaj obiskovali gimnazijo, ki so jo organizirali naši prizadevni izobraženci. Tako je sedanji nadškof dr. Franc Rode preživel v Spittaiu dve leti (1946-1948). Nedeljski dušnopastir-ski obisk, 25. januarja, med rojaki je zato zaznamoval s spominjanjem na mladost, preživeto v taborišču. Pri maši, ki jo je daroval v lepo urejeni kapeli, so ga pozdravili rojaki z ubrano zborovsko pesmijo, recitacijo in dobrodošlico. Njihov dušni pastir mag. Jože Andolšek, ki prihaja ob nedeljah in praznikih maševat iz Celovca, je zaželel vsem, da bi ob spominjanju rasla njihova vera in zaupanje v božje varstvo. O tem je govoril tudi nadškof, ko je obudil spomin na taboriščna leta v Spittaiu: “Bila so to lepa leta. Živeli smo dinamično, čeprav je bila za nami tragedija. Odšli smo zdoma z iluzijo, da se bomo čez štirinajst dni vrnili. Za nami Je bil poraz - mnogi so bili vrnjeni in kruto pomorjeni. Bili, smo brez opore in razumevanja tega sveta. A naši ljudje niso klonili, niso se vdali in obupali, ampak so organizirali versko, kulturno in šolsko življenje. Imeli smo odlične duhovnike ... Lahko bi bila ta leta turobna, polna o-bupa, malodušnosti - pa so bila lepa po zaslugi duhovnikov in Cerkve, ki je znala narediti iz poraza zmago, v obupu dati upanje in iz žalosti narediti veselje.” Nadškof je pozval sedanje spittalske Slovence, naj tudi oni iz svojega življenja naredijo nekaj tako lepega, naj ne obupujejo in naj vztrajajo v zvestobi Cerkvi in narodu. Po maši so skupaj odšli na bližnje pokopališče v Edlingu na grobove nekaterih duhovnikov in drugih znancev (na sliki), tam molili, nato pa so se zbrali v bližnjem gostišču na družabnem srečanju pri kosilu. Tam je rojakinja gospa Majda Starman, ki si je z možem Lojzetom ustvarila družino in dom v neposredni bližini nekdanjega taborišča in je ena tistih, ki so ostali v Spittaiu, . predstavila nekaj utrinkov iz spittalske preteklosti po letu 1950, ko je večina naših rojakov odšla v svet. Šola je bila v taborišču zaprta leta 1950. Leta 1954 je pogorela taboriščna kapela, zato so se začeli zbirati v zidani kapeli Naše ljube Gospe na robu taborišča, kjer je maša za Slovence še danes. Zadnji begunec je zapustil barako leta 1963. Zadnjo barako so podrli leta 1978. Danes so na tem svetu lepe hiše, trgovine in delavnice. Tudi nekaj naših rojakov je odkupilo zemljo in si postavilo domove. Odkar je leta 1975 u-mrl duhovnik Anton Miklavčič. skrbijo za naše rojake salezijanci iz Celovca. Majda Starman je omenila: “Kako je mogoče, da ste ostali v Spittaiu. ko je bilo rečeno: ’Nihče ne more ostati tukaj!’ To vprašanje nam je bilo postavljeno večkrat, posebno s strani tistih, ki so odšli čez lužo. - Ja, za nikamor se nismo prijavili. Pa delo se je lahko dobilo." Srečanje v nedeljo, 25. Januarja, v Spittaiu je pokazalo, da ta sicer mala skupnost (redno se zbere pri maši okrog 50 Slovencev) ohranja spomin na leta preizkušnje in na ljudi, ki so živeli v taborišču. Nadškofov obisk jih je potrdil v tem in prinesel optimizem, da bodo laže vztrajali. Besedilo in fotografija: Franci Petrič Družina, 1. febr. 2004 Leta 1970, torej pred več ko tridesetimi leti, je moj rajni oče izdal knjižnico z gornjim, preroškim naslovom. Tedaj je bila Jugoslavija še komunistična in o samostojni Sloveniji ni bilo govora; le argentinski in ameriški Slovenci so pisali o njej ter ji posvečali vso svojo ljubezen in energijo. Oče je to pobudo dobro poznal in kot zgodovinar se je tudi zavedal, da so Slovenci nekoč že živeli v skupnem prostoru in da so nekoč že uživali štiri svoboščine, ki jih o-mogoča nova Evropa in predvsem Evropska unija. To so: prost pretok kapitala in storitev ter prost pretok ljudi in blaga. Tržaški in goriški, koroški in porabski Slovenci in tisti iz tedanje “Kranjske” - današnje Slovenije - so stoletja živeli pod eno streho in imeli tudi skupni denar. Zaradi svobodnega gibanja je bilo popolnoma samoumevno, da se je moj stari oče, Preglej iz Sveč, šolal kot orožnik v Trstu in da Je služboval v danes hrvaškem Labinu in v koroškem Grab-štajnu. Po razpadu avstro-ogr-ske monarhije teh svobod ni bilo več in slovenski narod je bil razkosan na štiri države. Ta ločitev je bila posebno tragična in boleča predvsem po letu 1945, ko vsaj nekaj let ni bila možna normalna komunikacija med Celovcem in Ljubljano. Avstrija je veljala za slepo ulico Zaradi tega pa niso trpeli samo Slovenci, trpeli so tudi drugi narodi in države. Avstrija je na primer veljala za slepo ulico. saj se je na njenih mejah začela železna zavesa, in te meje so bile v glavnem obdane z bodečo žico. Ob presekanju te žice med Avstrijo in Čehoslo-vaško sem bil sam prisoten: zavladalo je nepopisno veselje, ko sta Alois Mock in Jifi Dienst-bier pritisnila na ogromne klešče in odprla mejo. Še danes čuvam košček te bodeče žice. Zunanji minister Mock je tedaj tudi izrazil upanje, da bo Avstrija to slepo ulico zapustila in da se bo iz obrobne evropske lege premaknila v osrednjo lego, da se bo lahko preselila v srce Evrope. Te sanje so se uresničile, in Avstrija je poleg Finske tista dežela v Evropi, ki je od padca komunizma, od odpiranja meja, največ pridobila. Zadostuje, da pogledamo nekaj primerov. Koroška banka HYPO Alpe-Adria Bank ima v Celovcu kakih 500 nastavljencev, v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem ter v Bosni in Hercegovini pa 2.000. Banka Die Erste Bank ima v Avstriji manj kot dva milijona strank, na Češkem, Slovaškem in na Madžarskem pa preko sedem milijonov klientov. Baumax, Raiffei-senbank, Strabag, Bilia in približno 15.000 (!) drugih avstrijskih podjetij že deluje v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi. Znani so tudi taki primeri, da ima avstrijsko podjetje doma 100 nastavljencev, na Poljskem pa 2.000. Najbolj znan primer pri nas na Koroškem je velepodjetje Rutar, za katerega je postala Koroška premajhna in ki ima v Sloveniji že vrsto uspešnih centrov pohištva. Znan primer je tudi letalska družba Austrian, ki ima najboljšo letalsko mrežo v^Vzliodrii Evropi. itKrt V strmem vžpdtih11'^2 tudi odnosi Avstrije’’ s Slovenijo. Človek skoraj ne more verjeti, da Avstrija izvaža v geografsko majhno Slovenijo več kot v Rusijo ali na Japonsko (preko 1,4 milijarde ev* rov). Slovenci kupujejo torej poleg Švicarjev največ avstrijskega blaga (računano po prebivalcih), po- drugi strani pa je Avstrija največji investitor v Sloveniji, kajti skoraj vsak drugi evro, ki ga (dalje na str. 16) BRALCI - š AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Vedno sveža korenika Alojz Žižek iz Toronta -v vrsti zaslužnih Slovencev Ljubljana - Že pred dobrega četrt stoletja se mi je na srečanjih z rojaki na kanadskih tleh začela izrisovati podoba človeka izrazitih duhovnih razgledov, življenjske vedrine in človeške širine. Srečeval sem ga med preprostimi in izobraženimi, Prekmurci in drugimi Slovenci na pristavi Večernega zvona, na zelenicah Slovenskega letovišča pri Boltonu pa tudi v Hamiltonu in ob jezeru Simcoe. Kot nekdanji trener prvega slovenskega nogometnega kluba v Torontu si je ohranil dovolj zdravja in živahne gibljivosti. da še lahko v letih osmega križa obiskuje ostarele, nemočne, trpeče in osamljene rojake. z njimi kramlja o davnih, lepih, najlepših dnevih v domačem kraju, stari in novi domovini. Rad zahaja tudi v Dom Lipa, kjer varno, preskrbljeni z vsem bivajo mnogi njegovi rojaki. Življenjska plovba Lani je Alojz Žižek iz rok predsednika Hranilnice in posojilnice Slovenija v Torontu Stana Žol-doša prejel najvišje priznanje, ki ga tamkajšnja slovenska skupnost podeljuje vsestransko prizadevnim rojakom - diplomo zaslužnega Slovenca. Njegova dosedanja življenjska pot je dolga in vijugasta (iz madžarskih zaporov se je uspešno rešil konec vojne, po dveh letih vojaščine je ilegalno prestopil državno mejo), sedaj se upočasnjuje. Davnega leta 1948 se je Žižek izkrcal na kanadskih tleh; v Montrealu ga je pričakal oče (izseljenec od leta 1926). Dve leti je delal v rudniku (Timmins), obiskoval tehnično šolo, v letu 1953 se je zaposlil v sudbury-ju, v letu 1954 pa v To- (dalje na str. 17) To je volja Očeta, ki me je poslal Jn 6, 39 V ZAHVALO IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN Po dolgi bolezni je 27. oktobra 2003 v starosti 83 na svojem domu v Gospodu zaspal naš ljubi mož, oče, stari oče, brat in stric FRANK ŠUŠTARŠIČ Rojen je bil 14. decembra 1919 v Postojni. Mladostna leta je preživel v Mariboru, kjer se je izučil črkostavskega poklica v Cirilovi tiskarni. Kot mnogi drugi Slovenci je tudi on moral na prisilno delo v Avstrijo, od koder je leta 1952 odpotoval v Ameriko. Zaposlen je bil 24 let kot stavec pri Ameriški domovini in zadnjih pet let pri Equality Printing. Bil je član Štajerskega kluba, faran župnije sv. Marije Magdalene v Willowicku in župnije sv. Vida v Clevelandu, od koder je bil pokopan 31. oktobra na pokopališče Vernih duš. Toplo še zahvaljujemo vsem za obiske v bolnici. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo preč. g. Jožetu Božnarju za večletno duhovno oskrbo na domu, za podelitev sv. zakramentov v bolnici, za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, za pogrebno sv. mašo in molitve na pokopališču Vernih duš. Hvala g. dr. Ediju Gobcu, ki je v lepem spominskem nagovoru v cerkvi orisal življenje pokojnega. Hvala za vso pomoč organizaciji Hospice of the Western Reserve in osebju Žele-tovega pogrebnega zavoda za sočutno vodstvo pogreba. Hvaležni smo radio oddajam g. Edija Mejača in g. Toneta Ovsenika za sporočilo in žaiostinke ob času Frankove smrti. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste se prišli poslovit od pokojnega Franka, izrekli sožalje, darovali cvetje, za sv. maše in za dobrodelne namene v pokojnikov spomin. Lepa hvala nosilcem krste in vsem, ki ste ga spremljali na njegovi zadimi poti. Še posebna hvala družini Son Kim Dinh za vso pomoč v času bolezni in so tudi bili z nami skozi najtežje trenutke. Hvala prijateljem za darovano pecivo. V kolikor smo imeli naslove, smo vsem poslali zahvalne kartice; če smo koga zgrešili, naj nam, prosimo, oprosti in na tem mestu sprejme našo iskreno zahvalo. Dragi Frank, počivaj v miru in naj Ti bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Spočij se v Njegovem ljubečem naročju. Žalujoči: žena - Marija hčerka - Ivana sin - Franci in žena Lauren vnuka - Jakob in Nicholas brat - Stane m ostslf sorodnik? v Sloveniji Zdravko Inzko: Koroški Slovenci v evropskem prostoru (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) tujci vložijo v Sloveniji, prihaja iz Avstrije. Avstrija vidi v Sloveniji dobrega in zanesljivega partnerja Vse to se seveda ne dogaja iz ljubezni, ampak podjetja vidijo v Sloveniji dobrega in zanesljivega partnerja, kjer se splača vlagati in s katerim se splača trgovati. Vendar na to ne bi rad gledal tako ozko. Vedno več meja se tako odpira. Ljubelj postaja čedalje nižji in vedno več koroških sodeželanov se želi učiti slovenščine. To ima seveda tudi konkretne prednosti, saj pri zaposlitvi v Evropski komisiji v Bruslju zahtevajo znanje treh uradnih jezikov Evropske unije. To pa so lahko v bodoče nemščina, angleščina in slovenščina! Ugled in koristnost slovenščine torej rasteta, slovenščina bo 1. maja 2004 uradni, evropski jezik in za Slovence na Madžarskem, na Koroškem, v Italiji in Sloveni- ji bodo veljale zopet štiri svoboščine. Svoboda pretakanja ljudi, kapitala, storitev in blaga. To bo prineslo ogromno psiholoških in praktičnih prednosti in olajšav. Pomislimo samo na en primer: Mohorjeva bo mogla spet neovirano prodajati in razširjati svoje knjige povsod tam, kjer se slovenska beseda še bere. Zato se že iz srca veselim nove Evrope, Evrope, kjer bodo doma tudi drugi slovanski narodi, Evrope brez meja, Evrope, kjer bodo obstajale meje samo v omejenosti duha ali pa v pomanjkanju zamisli in pobud. Devetdeset let po izbruhu prve svetovne vojne in skoraj devetdeset let po tem, ko so bili Slovenci prisiljeni živeti v štirih državah, bodo Tirolci, velik del Mažarov in tudi Slovenci zopet živeli - tokrat enakopravno - pod eno streho, v zgradbi, v poslopju in -upam - tudi v prijetnem domu Evropske unije. 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Samo našim rojakom v Kanadi, posebno v Torontu in njegovi okolici, je pregledno, kakšne mostove že več kot pol sto-letja gradi Lujz med rojaki iz Prekmurja ter rojaki iz drugih slovenskih pokrajin. Kdor koli se je z njim vsaj bežno srečal, je lahko takoj spoznal, da v njem bije “pristno prekmursko srce”, da so njegove misli in sanje kar naprej v prekmursko-porabskem koščku Slovenije, da po domačem tisku spremlja, kaj se do-gaja v njegovi ljubljeni stari domovini. V njegovem skromnem, a prijaznem stanovanju Se tesnijo stara prekmurska leposlovna dela, ča-sopisi, stari molitveniki, revlje, glasila. Sveta pis-rna, učbeniki, na stenah skke in kipi velikih slovenskih slikarjev in ki-Pnrjev, na policah zakladnica videokaset, gramofonskih plošč in zgoščenk. Že kot dijak murskosoboške gimnazije je bo-teče občutil, kako je nje-gov Prekmurski narod °dtrgan od Slovenije - v nekern smislu tudi zapostavljen. Tudi med kurdskimi Slovenci je ču-ta prepad; prekmur-skemu narečju drugi ni-80 bili kos, zato se z mmi niso družili. Na vse načine si je Prizadeval, da bi dušo Prekmurskega človeka, djegovo omiko, gostoljub-n°st, delavnost, načelnost, p ernenitost, dobroto in ^Vcstobo Cerkvi čim bolj Zbližal rojakom, ki so 8^ali iz drugih sloven-v* P°krajin. Vsak sta-^ ’ ki ga je kje izbrskal jo bil v prid njegovim ^Porom, mu je prav pri-ob raznih srečanjih, 2asebnih in javnih. so Prekmurski Slovenci ga VeSe*e narave, odkrite- tn uravnovešenega zna- dt;3 gostotjubni in izre-Pošteni. Kot drugi »etrr1 SO on* Od tjubili pesem in bi J potrebo Po njej, da stva nt‘ tzrazili svoja ču- vSa, , V vseb razmerah danjega življenja!” teb besed etno- ' J' Dravca (SAZU rani župnijskega doma Marije Pomagaj v Torontu in drugod. Iz ponosa in hvaležnosti Ob 250. obletnici rojstva Mikloša Kuzmiča (a-prila mineva 200 let od njegove smrti, letos je v Kančevcih za ta mesec napovedan simpozij), prvega papinskega (katoliškega) pisatelja v Slovenski okroglini, je leta 1988 v dvorani Marije Pomagaj v Torontu predstavil tega “neuničljivega pomnika za vero, šolo, narod in dom", saj je s svojim Evangeli-starom in Knjigo molitveno vse v dvajseto stoletje največ pripomogel, da se je slovenščina ohranjala med Muro in Rabo. Dobro leto zatem je kanadskim Slovencem s spremljajočim kulturnim programom prekmurskih ljudski pesmi predstavil velikega rojaka prof. dr. Vilka Novaka (+2003), doma iz Beltincev, velikega raziskovalca prekmurske preteklosti ter njene literarnein etnološke ustvarjalnosti. Leta 1990 je pripravil porabsko srečanje, na katerem je predstavil vogrske Slovence ter njihovo več kot tisočletno kljubovanje madžarskim asimilacijskim vplivom; srečanje ni ostalo le pri kulturnih programih, temveč so vsi udeleženci zbrali veliko vsoto dolarjev za pomoč pri zidavi župnijskega doma na Gorenjem Seniku (op. v katerem je potem bil uradni in zasebni jezik izključno madžarski). Prekmurski kulturni dan v letu 1992 je Lujz posvetil mariborskemu pomožnemu škofu dr. Jožetu Smeju ob sedemdesetletnici (rojen v Bogojini 1922); predstavil je njegovo življenjsko pot, znanstveno, pesniško in pisateljsko delo; tudi to srečanje je vidneje opredmetil z nabirko za nove orgle v cerkvi sv. Nikolaja v Murski Soboti. Danes živi in aktivno sodeluje v slovenski skupnosti v Kanadi Pevka Marija Ahačič Pollak se zapisala v “zlato” zgodovino Avsenikov ... Ljubljana (Družina, 8. febr. 2004) - Marijo Ahačič Pollak so mnogi klicali kar Murka. Prva je v živeo zapela eno izmed največjih Avsenikovih uspešnic Tam kjer murke cveto. “Še danes se spomnim, kako so se mi šibila kolena. To je bil eden mojih prvih nastopov v živo z Avseniki, jeseni 1956. Nastopili smo v študiju radia Slovenija v oddaji Četrtkov večer domačih pesmi in napevov,” se spominja Marija. “Poslušalci me kar niso spustili z odra. Po odzivu in kasneje po številnih pismih, ko so Avsenike dobesedno zasuli, smo vedeli, da bodo Murke ’hit’.” Vendar skladbe, čeprav je bila “tako zelo moja,” kot pravi, takrat ni posnela na ploščo. “Ploščo smo snemali v zagrebškem Jugotonu zadnji dan pred mojim odhodom ’čez mejo’. Nihče ni vedel za to razen moža in mojih staršev. Ves dan smo snemali, bila sem napeta, pod velikim stresom, tako velikim, da mi je do večera, ko so bile za snemanje na vrsti Murke, odpovedal glas. Namesto mene jo je zato zapela Filipičeva.” Pot čez mejo z možem Petrom je za Ahačičevo pomenila konec triletne kariere pri Avsenikih. Bil je tudi duša slovesnega praznovanja ob 80. obletnici izključitve Prekmurja iz števankralovske krone ter njegove prilju-čitve slovenskemu narodnemu telesu. V številen pevski zbor mu je uspelo zbrati tudi veliko odličnih moških in ženskih glasov, ki oživljajo stare prekmurske cerkvene in ljudske pesmi. Jani Ravenko Družina, 18. jan. 2004 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Marija Ahačič Pollak, decembra lani, na predstavitvi zgoščenke slovenskih narodnih pesmi Pojte z menoj “Težko je bilo pustiti ljudi, s katerimi sem rada delala. Tudi vse tisto, kar mi je to delo prinašalo: denar, slavo, ljudje so me spoštovali, radi so poslušali moje petje ... Vendar sem na prvo mesto postavila družino, želela sem, da bi bila skupaj z ljubljenim možem in s hčerjo, ki je bila takrat stara dobro leto.” Od leta 1960 tako živi v Kanadi, kjer je, ko sta hčeri odrasli, končala šolanje na likovni akademiji. “Diplomirala sem pri štiridesetih!” se hudomušno pohvali. “Odkrita” na plesu v baru Slon Kako so jo odkrili Avseniki? “Ko sem prišla v Ljubljano študirat zgodovino glasbe, me je znanec peljal v bar Slon na ples. Prvič v življenju sem bila v baru! Med plesom sem veselo prepevala. Slišal me je Levček (Lev Ponikvar, Avsenikov kitarist) in me povabil na oder, kasneje pa še na avdicijo k ansamblu,” se spominja Marija. Na proslavi v Tržiču, od koder je doma, pa jo je slišal tudi mojster A-damič in jo sprejel kot pevko zabavnega ansambla. “V tistih časih se pevci nismo tako ostro delili na narodnozabavne in zabavne. Izbirali so po /■S' n, w ; 4' . 'v><$■ ’ iS; ^ ^ ^ - -- -- ~ Veliko razglednic izvira iz prve svetovne vojne, ko je Gaspari, po očetu Italijan, ki mu zato ni bilo potrebno oditi v avstrijsko vojsko, pridno slikal razglednice za slovenske vojake po vseh bojiščih, od Srbije ali Rusije do Posočja. Slovenski vojaki so te razglednice, polne tožb in hrepenenja po domačih krajih, oblikovane s slovenskimi narodnimi motivi, a tudi s spominom na slavo različnih avstrijskih vojskovodij, na primer feldmaršala Rade-ckega, pošiljali spet nazaj v domače kraje, k svojim družinam, materam in o-četom, sestram, bratom, ženam ali lju-bicam. Marinšek je zbral več sto razglednic, tudi takih, ki opevajo kmečko delo, kmečke praznike, šege in navade, letne čase in s temi povezane različne postoritve. Včasih Gaspari alegorično črpa iz slovenske ljudske zakladnice, ko pripoveduje o “lepi Vidi” ali “mladi Bredi”. Pisana panorama Gasparijevih ljudskih motivov, deklet z gorenjskimi nageljni, korenja-ških mož z brkami, godcev s harmoniko, plešočih parov, cerkvic in kapelic, je sicer več ali manj preteklost, a tudi po Gasparijevi zaslugi ostaja kot zgodovinski spomin o slovenski dediščini zapisana v naših srcih. Na Dunaju je rastava Gasparijevih razglednic naredila močan vtis tudi na avstrijske obiskovalce in na same Dunajčane, ki so ob pogledu na motive iz Avstro-Ogrske in iz prve svetovne vojne doživeli te podobe tudi kot del svojega zgodovinskega spomina in kot povezavo s slovenskimi ljudskimi koreninami, ki so se stoletja sooblikovale v povezavi z drugimi staroavstrijskimi narodi. (■ialjt na str. 20) V BLAG SPOMIN ■ Obletnica smrti naših staršev ■Mk. : »k, ■HM UL HH ROSE VATOVEC JOHN VATOVEC (roj. Rožanc) 5. marec 1986 17. februar 1970 Predraga mama in oče, V spominih ljubečih in hvaležnih pri nas ostaneta zdaj in za večno. Cleveland, Ohio sin JOHN z družino hči ROSE Pevka Marija Ahačič Pollak (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 17) Ovsenik spodbudil, da bi jo izdali še v Sloveniji -tako je konec leta izšla pri založbi RTV,” hvaležno pripoveduje Ahačičeva. "Vilko je izvrsten glasbenih. Veliko me je naučil, zelo lepo je delati z njim. Zelo kritičen je, zna pa tudi pohvaliti. Za življenje mi je dal popotnico, ki se Je držim že vsa leta: slovenska ljudska pesem mora imeti 80% srca, 10% intonacije in 10% glasu.” Doda, da slovensko ljudsko pesem moraš začutiti: “Imamo veliko žalostnih pesmi, in če je ne čutiš, je pesem ’zlaj-nana’. Lepota te glasbe je v vsebini, pevec mora vedeti, kaj izgovarja, čutiti mora to.” Slovenska pesem v kanadskem parlamentu Ljubezen do glasbe je Marija prinesla iz druži-ne: oče je bil izvrsten glasbenik, tudi vseh pet °trok je podedovalo ta-lent. V mladih letih je Pda na koru v domači cerkvi, kok pa je začela Peti z Avseniki, je “zborovsko” kariero zapustila. A let do leta 1992, ko je v Torontu ustanovila ženski zbor Plamen. Debeta so večkrat gostova-la tudi v Sloveniji, njihov največji dosežek pa je, k°t pravi Ahačičeva. na-stop v kanadskem parla- nientu. Izbrali so nas med 126 prijavljenimi zbori. Takrat sem si rekla: ’Ho-^ete, nočete, poslušali bo-ste tudi slovensko bese-Prevedla sem pesem Naj s pesmijo slavim Boga in zapele smo v obeh jezikih, to je bilo res svojevrstno doživetje.” Ahačičeva ima pred seboj še veliko načrtov. Dejavna je v slovenski skupnosti v Kanadi, , kjer prav v tem času pripravlja praznovanje slovenskega kulturnega praznika (se pravi, Prešernov dan, op. ur. AD). “Mož je umrl, otroci so odrasli, tako da imam čas. Priskočim na pomoč povsod, kjer vidim, da lahko kaj pomagam.” Več let je bila urednica radia Glas kanadskih Slovencev - delo je pred kratkim prepustila mlajšim, vendar večkrat še pripravi kakšno oddajo. Pripravlja pa tudi knjigo, spomine na svojega očeta. “Imam za več kot štiri ure posnetih kaset o-četa in mame, ki sta nam pripovedovala zgodbe iz mladosti. Nekaj sem napisala tudi po spominu, nekaj so mi povedali sovaščani, prijatelji.” Del Avsenikovega mozaika In kako Ahačičeva “o-cenjuje” današnjo narodno glasbo? “Avseniki so bili slovenski Beatli. Na glasbeno sceno so prinesli nekaj novega, svežega, pristno slovenskega in to ponesli, širili po vsej Evropi in sveta. V narodni glasbi smo v tistih letih vsi iskali in potrjevali slovenstvo, narodnost, pripadnost. Glasba je imela močnejši naboj kot današnja, po izvedbeni plati je tudi bila odlična.” Pravi, da nekdo, ki ni imel dobrega glasu, ni mogel uspeti, ker so veliko prepevali v živo, navadno na en sam mikrofon. Tudi posneli so vse hkrati, niso poznali nobenih nasnemavanj in drugih tehničnih pomoči. “Narodna glasba je bila glasba z vsebino! Danes pa se gredo ’verzo-kleparstvo’, vsak se lahko zapre v studio in posname zgoščenko, preveč je vse skomercializirano,” je kritična Ahačičeva, ki sklene z mislijo, da je vesela in ponosna, da je sodelovala z Avseniki in se tako vtkala v njihov mozaik ustvarjanja. Ksenija Hočevar KOLEDAR (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) junija molitve na SP, v nedeljo, 20. jun., sv. maša ob 12. uri opoldne pri Spominski kapelici. JULIJ 11. - Misijonska Znam- karska Akcija ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 25. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. AVGUST 29. - Društvo SPB sponzorira vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Sv. maša ob dvanajstih, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30 pop. SEPTEMBER 11. - Folklorna skupina Kres praznuje 50. obletnico s celovečernim programom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 12. - Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima kosilo v šolskem avditoriju. Zakon o javni rabi slovenščine v Državnem zboru Ljubljana (Delo fax. 14. febr. 2004) - Majda Potrata (ZLSD) je 13. februarja kot prvopodpisana med osmimi poslanci - predstavniki vseh parlamentarnih strank (sopodpisniki so: Marija Ana Tisovic, NSi; Tone Partljič, LDS; Janez Podobnik, SLS; Vojko Čeligoj (DeSUS); Marko Diaci, SMS; Sonja Areh Lavrič, SNS; Andrej Vizjak, SDS) - predstavila predlog Zakona o javni rk-bi slovenščine, ki so jo podpisniki 10. februarja .vlb-žili v redni postopek pred državni zbor. Predlagatelji upajo, da bo predlog doživel prvo obravnavo aprila in da bodo zakon lahko uveljavili še v svojem sklicu. Zakonodajno pobudo in osnutek je od nekdanjega ministra za kulturo dr. Janeza Dularja po nekaj letih prevzel državi svet (s posebno delovno skupino ob svetniku dr. Zoltanu Janu), jeseni 2002 pa sp jo najprej prevzeli trije poslanci (Majda Potrata, Marija Ana Tisovic, Tone Partljič), ki so se jim zdaj pridružili predstavniki preostalih poslanskih skupin. Delovno besedilo je bilo posredovano pristojnim ministrstvom, službam in uradom vlade in predlagatelji so upoštevali njihove pripombe. Pri oblikovanju končnega predloga so se opirali tudi na mnenja slovenistov, jezikoslovcev, pravnih in drugih strokovnjakov. Med cilji, načeli in poglavitnimi rešitvami so predlagatelji zapisali, da zakon “pojasnjuje, ureja in določa rabo slovenščine v javnem življenju Republike Slovenije . Slovenščina kot uradni jezik države in večine prebivalstva - ne posebej določenih območjih imata status uradnega jezika tudi jezika obeh avtohtonih narodnih skupnosti - je jezik uradnega in javnega sporazumevanja, ki ima navzven vlogo prvega stebra nacionalne identitete. Po besedah Majde Potrata prinašajo največ novosti glede na dosedanje osnutke členi, ki določajo naloge in odgovornosti državnih organov. Uveljavitev slovenskega jezika v javnem življenju pa bo odvisna tudi od vseh drugih nosilcev družbenega dogajanja in vsakega posameznika, ki s svojim ravnanjem sooblikuje javno sporazumevanje. Dr. Janez Dular je ob koncu predstavitve izrazil veselje, da je po devetih letih zapletov končno vložen predlog zakona, a obenem tudi obžalovanje, ker smo medtem pridobili množico podjetij s tujimi imeni. Posvaril je pred doslednim uveljavljanjem načela prostega pretoka kadrov v slovenski zakonodaji o delovnih razmerjih, s katerim se v EU dolgoročno krepi škodljivi učinek “talilnega lonca” jezikov in kultur. Slavko Pezdir Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanji v Sloveniji in tudi med nami samimi X OiliOViC Sprememba naslova ko Se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naŠi pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov 'Itakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve do-bivali naš list, prihraiili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 cen-l°v> ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredo-Vanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Itne Naslov ______________ Mest0> Država, Zip ________________________ Star naslov Star naslov _____________________________ Mesto, država, zip ________________________ Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1512. “Tukaj sem, pošlji mene!” Bog išče preroka, ki bi v njegovem imenu govoril vsemu svetu, ki bi mu oznanil osvobajajoči prihod, Emanuela, Bog med nam. Kakor je Bog poklical preroka, tako v od-rešenjski zgodovini, še naprej kliče može in žene, da bi jim zaupal kakšno posebno poslanstvo. Vsakega pogleda z ljubeznijo: v Njegovih očeh nobeden ni nepomemben. Obrača se prav name, nate, vabi nas, da se vključimo v načrt božje ljubezni, ki ga ima s človeštvom in stvarstvom. S svojim klicem nam Bog daje tudi sposobnost, da uresničimo poslanstvo, ki nam ga zaupa. Vsakemu našemu “da” bodo sledile vse milosti, da izpolnimo katerokoli nalogo, ki jo od nas zahteva božja volja. Pomagati pri misijonskem kosilu, tomboli, pikniku. Pomagati ubogim, razdajati se nesebično, kjerkoli je potrebno. “Tukaj sem, pošlji mene!” Tako so se misijonarji odzvali božjemu klicu. Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Oglasilo se je že več misijonarjev za darove, ki smo jih poslali kot božični dar naše MZA, in za darove, ki smo jih prejeli od raznih dobrotnikov. Se ve, da vsaki zahvali sledi nova prošnja, kajti okoli misijona je vedno dovolj ubogih. Naš najbolj zvesti misijonar iz Tokia, g. Vladimir Kos, je bil eden izmed prvih. Sledi tekst njegovega pisma: Z NOVIM POGUMOM V LETO 2004! - MZA: KLASIČNA GLOBALIZACIJSKA ORGANIZACIJA Zmeraj več govora omenja globalizacijo. Nekateri se je bojijo, ker menijo, da pomeni združitev mednarodnega kapitala, ki potem lahko diktira cene - na škodo tistih, ki jim konkurenca med podjetniki koristi, se pravi, da jim nižje cene pomagajo premagati dnevne težave. Takšnega in podobnega strahu pa MZA ne vzbuja - kot misijonska terenska organizacija skuša podpreti svetovne napore za pravo srečno ljudstev. Je klasično globalizacijska, kot je misijonska delavnost Cerkve globalizacijska od vsega začetka -globalizacija prihaja od besede “globus”, ki pomeni cel svet odnosno zemljo ali naš planet. Že pred okrog 2000 leti je naš Gospod izdal globalizacijski program; odtlej se ne neha uresničevati. Kaj se v svetu konkretno dogaja, kjer so misijoni uspešni, kjer torej pomoč, ki jo nudi misijonsko zaledje, rodi sadove? Ljudje se zavejo svojega človeškega dostojanstva. Zavejo se svojih pravic, ki jih imajo kot ljudje, od Boga ustvarjeni in odrešeni. Medčloveški odnosi postanejo zdravi in skupnost nudi vzajemno pomoč, ki se čuti posebno v življenju družine in ne nazadnje v skupnosti družin, ki je podlaga državni skupnosti. Možnost poštenega dela, poštenega zaslužka in poštene pridobitve imetja jim vliva novega poguma. Delo postane nekaj svetega, plemenitega: naš Gospod je bil tesar ... Pri vsej pravici do pravične obrambne vojne se raje trudijo za dosego miru, se pravi pravičnega miru, na katerem lahko temeljijo pravice in dolžnosti tako države kot posameznikov. Predvsem pa - brez ozira na raso in plemensko pripadnost, brez ozira na barvo kože in stopnjo vsakdanje kulture, se čutijo - božje otroke. V hiši pravega, resničnega Boga. V Njegovi Troedinosti izvira vsaka družina in družini podobne skupnost; v obstoju družine in družini podobne skupnosti se zrcali božja Troedinost. Noben naraven sistem ne more do dna dojeti dejstva družine, saj ne ve, da je Bog Ljubezen. In Kristus je za vse narode - za ves “globus” - ustvaril novo človeštvo v tisti veliki družini, ki jo imenujemo Cerkev. In ki nujno temelji na Ljubezni. Ta ljubezen usposablja MZA za njeno svetovno poslanstvo. Če bi vsi dolarji, ki jih je bila že razposlala po svetu, lahko spregovorili, kakšno dramo bi nam opevali! Dramo skritih žrtev. Dramo veselja v srcih ubogih misijonarjev. Dramo, ki se zmeraj nekje na širnem svetu konča s “happy ending”. Zato, ker je z nami še zmeraj Glavni Misijonar! Njegovo Božje Srce ne pozabi nikogar, ki je kakorkoli prispeval h globalizaciji, ki se med nami že dolgo imenuje MZA. Iskren Boglonaj za vse poslano! Za tako velik božični dar pa še posebej Boglonaj! Blagoslovljen božič in milosti polno novo leto. Prisrčen pozdrav, vdani Vladimir Kos. Sledi pismo misijonarja Janeza Mlakarja z Madagaskarja: “Dragi MZA dobrotniki! Hvala za pismo in še za denarno pomoč od MZA. Vse dobro želim v Novem letu. Jaz sem že dve leti sam na župniji Nampundwe, ki pa še ni popolnoma samostojna, ker nima potrebne infrastrukture. Ko bo čas dozorel bodo iz tega področja nastale tri nove župnije. Mašujem na 21-ih podružnicah. Katoličanov še ni veliko, čeprav imam okrog 200 krstov na leto, večinoma so ljudje Adventisti in Jehovci, ki pa so precej sovražno razpoloženi do katoličanov. Torej, pastoralno je kar trdo področje. Sovražnost premagujemo z raznimi programi, ki jih katoliška Cerkev vodi preko škofije v Lusaki: predv- sem pomoč v hrani kadar je suša in pa pomoč v boju proti aidsu. Ti dve šibi sta močno prisotni na mojem delovnem področju in vsem pomagamo kolikor moremo in ne delamo nobene razlike med ljudmi, to npr., katerega plemena so ali kakšno vero imajo. Ljudje to vidijo, da mi nekaj delamo, drugi pa nič in zaradi tega Cerkev tukaj ima ugled in bodočnost. Lep pozdrav vsem dobrotnikom in vam pri MZA, vdani in hvaležni misijonar Janez Mlakar.” Prav na kratko se je oglasil misijonar br. Ludvig Zabret SDB iz Goe, Indija: “Dragi misijonski dobrotniki! Prav prisrčna hvala za vaše pismo, voščila in dar. Oprostite, sem čisto opešal in bom prav kratko napisal nekaj vrstic. Lani sem praznoval 80 let življenja, 63 let salezijanskega življenja in 56 let misijonskega delovanja. Sedaj sem resnično izčrpan in se moram umakniti in da počakam, da me Oče odpokliče domov. V Novem letu vam vsem želim božjega blagoslova in nesebičnega dela za uboge v misjo-nih. Vaš hvaležni za toliko let dobre in pomoči našemu misijonu. Ludvik Zabret.” Glavni urednik Radia Ognjišča Franci Trstenjak piše: “Spoštovani MZA sodelujoči! Dne 14. januarja sem prejel vaše pismo s prijaznimi voščili in tudi velikodušnim darom MZA za naš radio. Iskren Bog povrni! Tudi mene že nekaj časa, tako rekoč od trenutka, ko je g. Karel zaspal v Gospodu, spremlja misel, da bi bilo treba nekaj storiti v njegov spomin. Priznam pa, da kaj konkretnega še nisem domislil. Sem namreč proti, da bi naredili nekaj, ker pač moramo (samo da je), če ne bi bilo prave spominske vrednosti. Morda pa se nam prav letos, ko smo v desetem letu oddajanja, porodi ideja in bomo lahko izpeljali. Računam na navdih od zgoraj, ki je vedno ob pravem času. Pošiljam vam tudi seznam vseh PRO-jevcev, kakor jih imamo zabeležene. Še enkrat iskren Bog povrni in ostanimo povezani v Gospodu, ki naj pošilja svoj blagoslov na vašo pot in na življenje vseh članov MZA. Z vdanostjo in hvaležnostjo pozdravljam Franci Trstenjak, direktor.” Poverjenica MZA v Windsorju, ga. Mimi Martinčič, se je oglasila z lepim pismom in poslala darove, ki jih je prejela od raznih dobrotnikov za misijonarje in za vzdrževanje bogoslovca. Mimi je poverjenica že mnogo let in je vsega občudovanja vredna. Pred leti je imela težko operacijo in od takrat težko hodi. Pred operacijo, ko ji je zdravje služilo, je na svojem vrtu prirejala letno misijonski poknik, prodajo peciva in drugo. Tega so se prav radi udeležili Slovenci in Hrvatje in celo iz Detroits so se ga udeležili. Tedaj še živeči g. Karel Wolbang je bil vedno vesel njene požrtvovalnosti in navdušenja pomagati misijonarjem. Prideluje razna želišča in zdravilne čaje in mazila in na ta način vedno pomaga potrebnim. Potem ji ljudje tudi radi dajo dar za misijone. Poslala je sledeče poročilo o prejetih darovih: Dobrotniki hrvaške fare sv. Frančiška Asiškega so darovali $410 in sicer za vse misijonarje $265, za bogoslovca Mariniča pa $145. Iz Detroita so darovali $370 in sicer za vse misijonarje $180, za bogoslovca $180, za semenišče v Vipavi $30. Iz Windsorja so darovali $670 in sicer za vse $255, $180 za mis. Mavriča v Rusiji, $175 za bogoslovca in $60 za mariborsko semenišče. Torej nabirka: $680 za vse, $500 za bogoslovca, $180 za Rev. Mavriča, $50 za semenišče v Mariboru in $30 za semenišče v Vipavi. Skupaj: $1450. Dar za fotokopije je darovala Katica Car, 10 znamk po 48 centov pa Anica Novak. Ge. Martinčičeva čestitamo za njeno požrtvovalno delo za misijone. Božji Misijonar naj povrne vsem dobrotnikom ter njej. Hvaležen pozdrav vsem in zvrhano mero dobre volje, saj pregovor pravi: “Dobra volja je najbolja.” Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto _________________________________ON M8W 4M7 Canada SPOROČILO Misijonske znamkarske akcije Blagajniško delo pri Misijonski znamkarski akciji sta sprejeli gdč. Helena Nemec in gdč. Marjanca Tominc. Naslov Helene Nemec je 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Naslov Marie Tominc je 407 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Dekleti sta precej bremena odvzeli Ani in Rudiju Knez, ko sta blagajniško delo prevzeli, le glavni blagajnik še ostane Rudi Knez. Darove za misijone pošiljajte na gdč. Heleno Nemec, katera bo tudi potrdila prejem in ga vrnila darovalcu. Dragi dekleti, hvala Vama za odvzem velike skrbi in Bog naj Vaju blagoslovi s svojim blagoslovom! Marica Lavriša Maksim Gaspari (Nadaljevanje s str. 18) Pričujočo razstavo na- s meravajo zato prikazati širši javnosti tudi v avstrijskem etnografskem muzeju na gradu Kittsee. Prisrčen otvoritveni ve- j čer v domu Korotan je popestril z izbranimi slo- j venskimi božičnimi in drugimi pesmimi trio Moj dom iz Velenja z odličnima pevkama Kristino Šuster in Tanjo Meža, ki ju je na citrah spremljal zbiratelj Gasparijevih razglednic Marjan Marinšek. MLADIKA št. 10 - 2003 NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Mentorju in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Anna Ribič Dne 10. februarja je u-mrla Anna Ribič, rojena Jakopič, vdova po Josephu, sestra že pokojnih Antoinette Golob, Victorja, Anthonyja in Max-a, teta in prateta. Pogreb je bil 14. februarja v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Križa na E. 200 St. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joseph L. Kužnik Umrl je Joseph L. Kužnik, vdovec po Irene, roj-Wasko, oče Mary Ann Adamczak, Roberta in Nancy Jo Novak, 6-krat stari oče, sin Franka in Mary (r-Furlan (oba že pok.), brat Ann Kapela, Emme Delach, Mary Mahnič, Albine Trsi-nar ter že pok. Franka, Fr-Ludwiga, Stanleya, Ferdinanda, Elizabeth Plute, Til' lie, Roberta in Mary, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški vojski in bil ranjen. Pogreb je bil 17. februarja v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda s sV. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca in pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Emma Pretnar Umrla je 92 let stara Emma Pretnar, rojena Sko-laris, vdova po Franku, mati Kathleen Flynn in že pok-Aliena, 2-krat stara math 4-krat prastara mati, sestra že pok. Freda. Pogreb je bil 13. februarja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s pokopom na Lake View pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu delavskemu domu, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 441 ali Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 StU Cleveland, OH 44119.