NAPETOSTNO ODVISNO RAZMIKANJE PESKA UPOŠTEVAJOČ DROBLJENJE ZRN Ključne besede kot razmikanja; strižni kot; drobljenje delcev; pesek; triosni preizkus Izvleček V članku je predstavljeno napetostno odvisno razmikanje peska z upoštevanjem drobljenja zrn. Za ta namen je bil izveden niz dreniranih triosnih preizkusov na kremeno-vem pesku številka 5 in predhodno zdrobljenih peskih, ki so bili pridobljeni z več dreniranimi triosnimi preizkusi na kremenovem pesku številka 5 pri 3 MPa bočnega tlaka, s čimer je ponazorjeno striženje peska pri visokih tlakih, to pa ima za posledico drobljenje delcev. Za podani začetni količnik por je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima drobljenje delcev za posledico zmanjšanje napetostno odvisnega razmikanja peska, kar se kaže bodisi kot kontrakcijsko obnašanje ali kot zmanjšanje maksimalne vrednosti kota razmikanja in s tem zmanjšanje dodatnega strižnega kota (razlika med vrhunsko vrednostjo strižnega kota ter strižnim kotom pri kritičnem stanju). Z uvedbo koncepta količnika por skeleta pri obravnavanju drobljenja zrn je predlagan linearen odnos za napetostno odvisno razmikanje v obliki zveze med maksimalnim kotom razmikanja, dodatnim strižnim kotom in vrhnjo vrednostjo količnika por skeleta v pol-logarimični ravnini. Ta zveza je nato razširjena na mobilizirano napetostno-deformacijsko stanje. Dobljena enačba napetostno odvisnega razmikanja, ki vključuje drobljenje zrn, je uporabna za oceno vpliva drobljenja zrn na napetostno odvisno razmikanje peska. Fangwei Yu Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment Chengdu 610041, Kitajska The University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering Tokio 113-8656, Japonska E-posta: 10. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/1 STRESS-DILATANCY BEHAVIOR OF SAND INCORPORATING PARTICLE BREAKAGE Keywords dilatancy angle; friction angle; particle breakage; sand; triaxial tests Abstract This paper presents the stress-dilatancy behavior of sand incorporating particle breakage. A series of the drained triaxial tests were conducted on the Silica sand No.5 and the pre-crushed sands that were produced by several drained triaxial tests on Silica sand No.5 under 3MPa confining pressure in simulating the high-pressure shear process to result in particle breakage, to investigate the stress-dilatancy behavior of sand incorporating particle breakage. For a given initial void ratio, particle breakage was found to result in deterioration of the stress-dilatancy behavior in the impairment of the dilatancy of sand to become more contractive with a reduction in the maximum dilatancy angle and the excess friction angle (the difference between the peak-state friction angle and the critical-state friction angle). By introducing the concept of the skeleton void ratio in considering particle breakage, a linear stress-dilatancy relationship between the maximum dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle and peak-state skeleton void ratio was proposed in semi-logarithmic plane and popularized to the mobilized stress-stain state as a stress-dilatancy equation pertaining to particle breakage, which would be useful in assessing the evolution of the stress-dilatancy behavior of sand during particle breakage. 1 INTRODUCTION Since the dilatacny phenomenon of granular materials was firstly mentioned by Reynolds (1885) [17], the dilatancy behavior of soil plays a very significant role in soil behavior, e.g., stress-dilatancy behavior of soil (e.g., [4], [5], [18], [27]), and stress-dilatancy behavior of soil in relation to particle breakage or fine content (e.g., [6], [7], [19], [22], [25], [28], [29], [30]). For a given initial void ratio, the increase of the particle breakage or the non-plastic fines was found to lead to a decrease of the dilatancy behavior of soil in a great deal of previous studies (e.g., [2], [3], [14], [16], [20], [21], [28], [29], [30]). Also, particle breakage or non-plastic fines revealed a great influence on the critical state behavior of the soil: critical state line, critical-state stress and critical-state friction angle (e.g., [2], [16], [21], [26], [28], [29], [30]). In addition, the intergranular void ratio has been used to represent the behavior of the mixed soils (e.g., [13], [15], [19], [21]). The excess friction angle (the difference between peak-state friction angle and critical-state friction angle) was widely employed in relation to the peak-state dilatancy rate for representing the stress-dilatancy behavior of soils (e.g., [3], [4], [23], [27], [29]). However, a question arises as to what role particle breakage plays in the stress-dilatancy behavior of soil, especially for the stress-dilatancy equation of soil, which has not been fully studied yet. Fangwei Yu Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment Chengdu 610041, China The University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering Tokyo 113-8656, Japan E-mail: 10. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/1 F.W. Yu: Stress-dilatancy behavior of sand incorporating particle breakage In this paper, with the main attempt being to establish a stress-dilatancy equation incoporating particle breakage, a series of the drained triaxial test were conducted to investigate the influence of particle breakage on the stress-dilatancy behavior of the pre-crushed sands that were produced by several triaxial tests on Silica sand No.5 under 3MPa confining pressure in simulating the high-pressure shear process to result in particle breakage. The excess friction angle, dilatancy angle and the relation of the maximum dilatancy angle over the excess friction angle of the pre-crushed sands were discussed in detail in view of particle breakage. By introducing the skeleton void ratio in considering the influence of particle breakage, a linear relation between the maximum dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle and the peak-state skeleton void ratio was proposed in semi-logarithmic plane and extended to the mobilized stress-stain state as a stress-dilatancy equation for particle breakage. cylinderical shape on a large tray, which was divided into four sectors uniformly. The diagonal two of them were removed until around 200g left by repeating this method, with the aim to have around 200g uniform material of specimen to sieve. Hereafter, the around 200g of specimen was employed for sieve analysis to obtain the grain size distribution curve (JGS 0131-2009, 2009 [9]). Table 1. Physical properties of Silica sand No.5. Property Silica sand No.5 Specific gravity, Gs 2.761 Minimum void ratio, emin 0.766 Maximum void ratio, emax 1.215 Fine content, Fc 0.02% Coefficient of uniformity, Cu 1.647 Coefficient of curvature, Cc 0.378 2 LABORATARY EXPERIMENTS_ 2.1 Materials and methods As a kind of natural silica sand, Silica sand No.5 from the Seto area of Aichi prefecture, Japan-which has some of the purest sands in Japan-was tested by triaxial tests in this paper with its physical properties in Table 1 and its original grain size distribution curve in Figure 1 (JGS 0131-2009, 2009 [9]; JGS 0161-2009, 2009 [10]). Silica sand No.5 is classified as a poorly graded sand (SP) according to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487-11, 2011 [1]). For consistency with the previous studies [28, 29, 30], a series of Consolidated-Drained (CD) triaxial tests were conducted on Silica sand No.5 and its pre-crushed sands using a strain-controlled high-pressure triaxial apparatus with maximum 3MPa confining pressure (JGS 05242009, 2009 [12]). All the specimens in diameter 75mm and height 160mm were prepared by air pluviation into a mound with a 1-mm-thick membrane in eight layers with the necessary tamping to reach the designated void ratio (JGS 0520-2009, 2009 [11]). To prevent the membrane from being pierced by sharp edges of soil particles and minimizing the membrane penetration under high effective stress, a 1-mm-thick membrane was employed for all the tests. All the triaxial tests were conducted on saturated specimens with Skempton's B value over 0.98 using the de-aired water to flush the specimens under around -100kPa vacuum. After the shearing of each test, the whole material of the specimen was dried in an oven and later mixed uniformly, and then laid open uniformly as a thin 1 0.1 0.01 Grain size (mm) Figure 1. Original grain size distribution curve of silica sand No.5. 2.2 Quantification of particle breakage In this paper, the Relative Breakage (Br) [8] was introduced to assess the extent of particle breakage, where the area between initial grain size distribution curve and the grain size distribution curve after loading can be regarded as the total breakage Bt , and the area between initial grain size distribution curve and the vertical line of 0.075mm sieve size can be regarded as the breakage potential Bp . The relative breakage Br is defined as a ratio of the total breakage Bt over the breakage potential Bp as illustrated in Figure 2. 2.3 Test results As shown in Figure 3, several drained triaxial tests were sheared under 3MPa to the designated axial strain levels from 0% to 50% using a 10% increment for producing the crushed sands with progressively increased extent of particle breakage, which can be called the pre-crushed sands shown in Figure 4. Note that the original sand 56. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/1 F.W. Yu: Stress-dilatancy behavior of sand incorporating particle breakage 1 0.1 Grain size (mm) Figure 2. Definition of relative breakage (Hardin, 1985). 10 20 30 40 Axial strain, st (%) Figure 3. Drained shear tests for producing the pre-crushed sands. 100 1 80 I 60 40 20 0 10 Relative breakage —■— B=0.0000 r - □- B=0.0059 I- - o B =0.0956 r ^B=0.1725 r - - v- B=0.2245 —<^Br=0.26Q2 -ir-B=0.2866 SilicasandNo.5 CDtests a=3.0MPaK()=1.0 e0=0.695 ■ Original sand - -□- - After Consolidation -0-6=10% -A-g=20% - V-£,=30% Ej-50% 1 0.1 0.01 Grain size (mm) Figure 4. Grain size distribution curves of the pre-crushed sands. can be regarded as a kind of pre-crushed sand with Br=0.0000, and the original sand and pre-crushed sands are hereafter called the pre-crushed sands by a general designation. For investigating the influence of particle breakage on the stress-dilatancy behavior of sand, the 0.8 0.6 £ a" <*T £ 0.4 I 0.2 -0.12 -0.08 -0.04 A(a) m —«—B =0.0000 - f —O—B =0.0956 ./// —A—B=0.1725 f —v— Br=02245 Silica sand I —O— Br=0.2602 CDtests -iS-B =0.2866 o=0.2MPa 1^=1.0 e0=0.846 10 20 30 40 Axial strain, Ej (%) 10 20 30 40 Axial strain, ^ (%) Figure 5. Drained shear results on the pre-crushed sands: (A) under 0.2MPa; (B) under 0.5MPa. 56. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/1 F.W. Yu: Stress-dilatancy behavior of sand incorporating particle breakage pre-crushed sands were re-employed to constitute the new specimens, which would reach the same initial void ratio after the isotropically drained consolidation and then would be re-sheared to reach the critical states under 0.2MPa and 0.5MPa confining pressures, respectively, as shown in Figure 5. Herein, the 0.2MPa and 0.5MPa, as the relatively low confining pressures were employed in the drained triaxial shear for trying not to crush the pre-crushed sands any more in clearly detecting the influence of particle breakage on the shear behavior of the pre-crushed sands. Note that the particle breakage has a significant influence on the soil behavior, e.g., for a given initial void ratio, particle breakage results in a deterioration of stress-strain behavior in the impairment of dilatancy of sand to become more contractive. 3 DISCUSSION_ 3.1 Angles of shearing and dilatancy The shear strength and dilatancy of soil has a significant influence on soil behavior. The mobilized angles of shearing and dilatancy of soil are defined and given respectively by 1 excess 1ps 1cs (4) srnœ = >m a; /a'-1 a;/a' +1 (1) sinii = ' m dsv dri' (2) where fm is the mobilized angle of shearing, fm is the mobilized angle of dilatancy, o{/o3 is the mobilized effective principal stress ratio, dev is the volumetric strain increment and dy13 is the maximum shear strain increment that can be calculated by dy13=2de1-dev (de1 is the axial strain increment) for the plain strain shear and traditional triaxial shear (e.g., [4], [19]). By introducing the peak-state and critical-state stresses and strains to equations (1) and (2), the angles of shearing and dilatancy in peak state and critical state would be obtained, as represented by fps and fps for peak-state friction angle and peak-state dilatancy angle, respectively, and by fcs and fcs for critical-state friction angle and critical-state dilatancy angle, respectively. The excess friction angle ([23], [27], [29]) is defined as "excess ps cs (3) And, corresponding to the concept of the excess friction angle, the excess dilatancy angle fe: defined by . can be also be In addition, the maximum dilatancy rate of soil is widely accepted to be associated with the peak state of shear (e.g., [4]), which means that the peak-state dilatancy angle fps could be treated as being equal to the maximum dilatancy angle ^max, i.e. ^ps=^max. And the critical-state dilatancy angle would be equal to zero, i.e. fcs=0, according to the concept of critical state. Therefore, the equation (4) gives 1excess 1 ps 1m (5) Figure 6 shows that the excess friction angles decrease approximately in up concavity to converge with increasing particle breakage. As shown in Figure 7, the maximum dilatancy angles are found to decrease gradually in slightly up concavity with increasing particle breakage. It is evident to image that the excess friction angle and maximum dilatancy angle should finally converge to a constant with increasing particle breakage to the limit particle breakage, i.e., the ratio of maximum dilatancy Silica sand CD tests -□- a=0.2MPa 1^=1.0 e0=0.846-- -o- - o=0.5MPa K^l.O e0=0.823 -□—□ £>—0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Relative breakage, B 0.25 0.30 Figure 6. Evolution of the excess friction angle against relative breakage. 12 Silica sand CD tests -□- a=0.2MPa K^l.O e0=0.846 - -o- - a =0.5MPa 1^=1.0 e0=0.823 o----o---o 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Relative breakage, B. Figure 7. Evolution of the maximum dilatancy angle against relative breakage. 56. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/1 F.W. Yu: Stress-dilatancy behavior of sand incorporating particle breakage angle over the excess friction angle should finally converge gradually to a constant with increasing particle breakage to the limit particle breakage. Figure 8 shows the evolution of the maximum dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle (or the excess dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle) against the relative breakage, i.e., in detail, the ratio of the maximum dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle decreases gradually in down concavity. Silica sand CD tests -□- a =0.2MPa 1^=1.0 e0=0.846 -o- - a =0.5MPa 1^=1.0 e0=0.823 0.10 0.15 0.20 Relative breakage, Br Figure 8. Evolution of the maximum dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle against relative breakage. 0.30 pre-crushed sands with progressive particle breakage, the skeleton void ratio was introduced and redefined as the relative breakage skeleton void ratio in replacing the fine content fc by the relative breakage Br for considering particle breakage, as represented by 1 + e 1 - B --1 (7) where e is the void ratio of original sand and Br is the relative breakage (0¿=2.489, R-squrc=0.98 under o^jmSk^O c0=0.846 ---r=0.983, fcl.027, R-squre=0.89 under a =0.5MPa 1^=1.0 e0=0.823 1 1.2 1.4 Skeleton void ratio, e. 1.6 1.8 Figure 11. Evolution of the maximum dilatancy angle-over-the excess friction angle against peak-state skeleton void ratio. As shown in Figure 11, the linear correlation between fmaxlfexcess and esk can be represented by w /p = T-Xloge ,„ ' max 'excess o skps (8) where r and X are the model parameters. By substituting equations (2), (3) and (7) into equation (8), equation (8) can be rearranged by de f --— = sin • T _ ^13 _ max log l+fp 1 - B. --1 {