VPLIV KNJIŽNIČARJEVEGA VEDENJA NA USPEŠNOST REFERENČNE SLUŽBE V SLOVENSKIH SPLOŠNOIZOBRAŽEVALNIH KNJIŽNICAH Ester Albert, Edvard Grabrijan, Brina Jerič, Nataša Onuk, študenti Oddelka za bibliotekarstvo, Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana MENTORICA: Saša Zupanič (asistentka) UDK 02-051 :027.022(497.4) Povzetek Po obisku v knjižnici so študentje - uporabniki ocenili, kaj je bilo pri referenčnem procesu najbolj moteče in kaj jim je najbolj pomagalo. Najpogosteje so navajali, da jih je knjižničar resnično poslušal (58,9%). Ostalo vedenje, ki je pripomoglo k uspešnosti referenčnega pogovora, se je pojavljalo v manj kot 40%. Tri oblike vedenja, ki niso pripomogle k uspešnosti referenčnega pogovora (ničesar me ni vprašal o mojem vprašanju in se ni nič potrudil, da bi ugotovil mojo dejansko informacijsko potrebo; ni se nič potrudil, da bi mi sledil oz. preveril, ali sem našel, kar sem iskal; ni povedal ničesar o tem, kaj je delal in me pustil v dvomih, ali naj sledim ali čakam), so bile navajane v 30% do 50%. UDC 02-051 :027.022(497.4) Summary Users were asked to describe their library visits and summarise what was "most helpful" and "least helpful" about the service that they had received. In the list of best practices, the most frequent feature was that the staff member really listened (58.9%). Other aspects of most helpful behaviour (for example: using different signs of body language, shovving genuine interest, vvillingness to investigate further, etc.) occured in less than 40% of the interviews. Three features of "least helpful" behaviour were listed in more than 30% of the cases: not asking the user anything about his/her question and making no effort to determine his/her specific need, not telling the user what he/she was doing, making no effort to determine whether the user has found the relevant information. ALBERT, Ester, I et al. I: The influence of the librarian's behaviour on the effectiveness of reference services in Slovene public libraries. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 42(1998)1,91-105