H. TAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ADDITIVES ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE ... 697–703 INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ADDITIVES ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE OF -HEMIHYDRATE GYPSUM FROM PHOSPHOGYPSUM VPLIV RAZLI^NIH DODATKOV NA MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI -HEMIHIDRATNEGA MAVCA SINTETIZIRANEGA IZ FOSFATNEGA MAVCA Hongbin Tan 1,2* , Aiguo Zheng 3 , Xiangmei Kang 3 , Ao Jiang 3 ,Wanwei Fang 4 , Yuchuan Liu 1 , Jie Li 1 , Xiaochun He 1 , Jinfeng Liu 1 1 State Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Energy Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang Sichuan 621010, China 2 Shaanxi Engineering Center of Metallurgical Sediment Resource, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong Shaanxi 723000, China 3 Deyang Rail Co., Ltd. of Chengdu Railway, Deyang Sichuan 618007, China 4 Xinjiang Changji Construction Group, Changji Xinjiang 831100, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2020-01-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2020-04-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2020.003 -hemihydrate gypsum is synthesized from phosphogypsum and the influence of a CaO treatment, the solution pH and a maleic acid addition on the microstructure have been systematically investigated. The influence of the resolvable phosphorous on the microstructure of hemihydrates gypsum can be reduced by CaO treatment. The mid-diameter of the columnar crystals decreases and the crystal surface becomes smooth with the solution pH decrease. Moreover, the addition of maleic acid changed the crys- tal growth direction and equiaxed -hemihydrates gypsum crystals were obtained in a pH=2 solution. Furthermore, the effect of different additives, such as Portland cement and circulating fluidized bed slag, on the morphology and mechanical properties of hemihydrates gypsum was also studied. It was observed that the compressive strength decreased after the addition of Portland cement and circulating fluidized bed slag. Keywords: phosphogypsum, -hemihydrates gypsum, crystal morphology, Portland cement, circulating fluidized bed slag,me- chanical performance Avtorji so sistemati~no raziskovali -hemihidratni mavec (CaSO4·0,5H2O), ki so ga sintetizirali iz fosfatnega mavca. Analizirali so vpliv obdelave s CaO, kislosti (pH) raztopine in dodatka metanojske (mravljin~ne) kisline na mikrostrukturo. Vpliv topnega fosforja na mikrostrukturo hemihidratnega mavca se lahko zmanj{a s CaO obdelavo. Avtorji so ugotovili, da se povpre~ni premer stebri~astih kristalov zmanj{uje in kristalna povr{ina postaja bolj gladka z zman{evanjem pH raztopine. Nadalje ugotavljajo, da dodatek mravljin~ne kisline spremeni smer rasti kristalov in pri pH raztopine je enako 2, nastajajo enakoosni kristali -hemihidratnega mavca. [tudirali so tudi vpliv drugih dodatkov, kot je dodatek Portland cementa in `lindre iz vrtin~aste plasti, na morfologijo in mehanske lastnosti mavca. Ugotavljajo, da se tla~na trdnost mavca zmanj{uje z dodatkom Portland cementa in `lindre izdelane v vrtin~asti lebde~i plasti. Klju~ne besede: fosfatni mavec, -hemihidratni mavec (gips), kristalna morfologija, Portland cement, `lindra iz vrtin~aste lebde~e plasti, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Phosphogypsum is a major solid waste, which is pro- duced during phosphoric acid (H 3 PO 4 ) manufacturing by a wet acid process, and mainly consists of gypsum (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) and a minor amount of poorly crystalline CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O, and crystalline SiO 2 . 1 In general, 4.5–5 kilograms of phosphogypsum is generated for every kilo- gram of P 2 O 5 . Moreover, almost 55 million tons of phos- phogypsum waste is generated annually in China and its annual output is estimated to be 280 million tons worldwide. 2,3 Despite the fact that the phosphogypsum waste is utilized in numerous fields, such as soil stabili- zation amendments, agricultural fertilizers, cement re- tarder, building bricks/blocks and cementitious binder, only a small fraction of phosphogypsum waste (<10 w/%) is reused and a large proportion is dumped in large stockpiles, which is exposed to the weathering pro- cess without any treatment. 3,4 Phosphogypsum waste contains metals, organic substances and other potentially toxic elements, which raise potential environmental and health concerns. 5 Therefore, recycling and the utilization of phosphogypsum waste cannot only save the natural gypsum but also protect the environment and human health. 6 Moreover, it is of utmost importance to obtain value-added gypsum products by using phosphogypsum waste as a raw material. 7 Even though six different gypsum phases are re- ported, only anhydrous gypsum (CaSO 4 ), hemihydrate gypsum (CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O) and dihydrate gypsum (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) are commonly found in the material uni- verse. 6 On the other hand, among gypsum-based prod- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 5, 697–703 697 UDK 67.017:621.742.4: 666.913:621.794.62 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 54(5)697(2020) *Corresponding author's e-mail: hb-t@163.com (Hogbin Tan) ucts, hemihydrates gypsum has the highest economic value. Recently, much more attention is being paid to the morphological control of hemihydrate gypsum crystals, because the performance of hemihydrate gypsum in dif- ferent applications is significantly influenced by the crystal morphology. 8 For instance, acicular hemihydrate gypsum crystals (whiskers) are widely used as a rein- forcement agent in different fields, such as rubbers, plas- tics, adhesives, friction materials, papermaking and envi- ronmental protection. 9–11 Short-column hemihydrate gypsum crystals ( -hemihydrate gypsum) are being widely utilized in ceramics, molding, binders, industrial arts and architecture and construction industry. 7 Further- more, -hemihydrate gypsum powder, with a low aspect ratio, results in a paste with better injectability and me- chanical properties. One should note that the setting be- havior of -hemihydrate gypsum is closely related to the shape and size of the crystals. 12 The morphology of hemihydrate gypsum crystals is influenced by organic additives and process parameters, such as the reaction time, reaction temperature and pH value. 13–15 It is worth mentioning that the organic additives are commonly uti- lized to control the morphology of hemihydrate gypsum crystals. For instance, F. Liu et al. 12 have synthesized hemihydrate gypsum powder by a salt solution method and demonstrated that the morphology of hemihydrate gypsum crystals could be effectively modified by adding succinic acid. However, to obtain hemihydrate gypsum crystals with a uniform diameter and a smooth surface by using phosphogypsum waste, as a raw material, is a chal- lenging task due to the presence of soluble phosphates. 16 Moreover, gypsum products have a fatal weakness, i.e., poor water resistance. They can lose 75 % of their strength after water absorption, and are prone to warpage. 17 Therefore, their application is very limited, and the research on water-resistant gypsum has always been a subject of great importance. Portland cement and circulating fluidized bed slag can produce hydraulic cementitious materials, which would improve the -hemihydrates gypsum’s water resistance. But the de- tails are not clear. Herein, the hydrothermal synthesis of -hemihydrate gypsum crystals has been carried out by using phosphogypsum waste as a raw material and the influ- ence of calcium oxide (CaO), solution pH and maleic acid addition on the morphology of -hemihydrate gyp- sum crystals has been systematically investigated. More- over, the effect of different additives, including Portland cement and circulating fluidized bed slag, on -hemi- hydrates gypsum plaster properties has also been studied. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Maleic acid, calcium oxide and sulphuric acid (Chengdu Kelong Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd., China), phosphogypsum waste (Lomon Co. Ltd., China). Poly- carboxylic acid superplasticizer (Jiangyou Huafeng Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd, China). P. O 42.5R Portland cement (Beichuan Zhonglian Cement Co., Ltd, China). Circulating fluidized bed slag (Xin- jiang Zhundong Shenhua Power Co., Ltd., China). The chemical composition of the as-received phospho- gypsum, Portland cement and circulating fluidized bed slag is shown in Table 1. The as-received phosphogypsum waste, water and 1.0 w/% CaO were mixed by ball milling, and then, the mixture was dried at 40 °C for 24 h to obtain the calci- fied phosphogypsum, which possesses the CaO amount corresponding to the P content in phosphogypsum waste. The gypsum and tap water were added, with a mass ratio of 1:5, in an autoclave. Then, sulphuric acid and/or maleic acid was added and the solution pH was changed during the addition of sulphuric acid. Then, the reaction system was stirred for 30 min by using an automatic mixer and then aged at 140 °C for 2 h. Finally, the auto- clave was naturally cooled to room temperature and the samples were filtered, dried at 105 °C for 24 h and milled to obtain -hemihydrates gypsum crystals pow- der. The dry components ( -hemihydrates gypsum, with/without a 5 w/% circulating fluidized bed slag or/and a 5 w/% Portland cement) were thoroughly hand- mixed. A 0.5 w/% superplasticizer (when used) was dis- solved in a measured amount of water. The dry mixture of -hemihydrates gypsum crystals was added in a cer- tain amount of water and stirred with an automatic mixer. According to the normal consistency test, the wa- ter-to-gypsum ratio was fixed at 0.30 for samples with a superplasticizer. Finally, the homogeneous slurry was poured into a mold (20×20×20) mm 3 and shaped through vibrations. After 24 h of hardening time, the molds were removed and then some of the samples were cured at a constant temperature of 25 °C and in relative humidity (RH) of 50 % for 28 d. Then, the samples were dried un- til a constant weight is obtained. And some of the sam- ples were soaked in tap water for 24 h according to the Chinese standard (Gypsum blocks, JCT 698-2010), H. TAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ADDITIVES ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE ... 698 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 5, 697–703 Table 1: Chemical composition of raw materials (w/%) SO 3 CaO SiO2 Al2O3 P2O5 Fe2O3 TiO2 SrO K 2ON a 2O MgO F Others Phosphogypsum 50.75 37.88 7.2 1.54 0.88 0.77 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.08 0.06 0.1 0.24 Circulating fluidized bed slag 23.74 27.01 26.26 12.5 0.89 3.11 0.78 0.45 0.84 1.42 2.69 / 0.3 Portland cement 3.95 59.61 23.01 4.66 / 3.01 //// 3.46 / 2.3 where the water surface was higher than the sample’s top surface. The water resistance of the samples is represented by a softening coefficient, which can be calculated by Equa- tion (1): 17 k=f/f 0 (1) where k refers to the softening coefficient, f represents the strength of the soaked sample, f 0 corresponds to the strength of the dried sample with a constant weight. The chemical composition of the raw materials was measured by a X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Axios- Poly, PANalytical, Netherlands). The morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy (TM-2000/ 4000, Hitachi, Japan). The phase analysis was carried out by using an X-ray powder diffractometer (Ultima IV, Rigaku, Japan), equipped with Cu-K radiation ( = 0.15406 nm). The compressive strength was mea- sured by using a microcomputer-controlled Electrome- chanical Universal Testing Machine (104C, Shenzhen Wance Testing Machine, China), under a loading rate of 0.02 kN/s. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Effect of different factors on the gypsum crystalli- zation The scanning electron microscopy images of the sample, prepared from as-received phosphogypsum, are presented in Figure 1, which shows some columnar crystals (whiskers), with a high aspect ratio. The hemi- hydrates gypsum has been formed through a three-step dissolution-recrystallization process: the homogeneous nucleation of hemihydrates gypsum, self-assembly of hemihydrates gypsum aggregates and co-orientation along the c-axes, and the crystalline grain growth and whiskers formation. 15 Hemihydrates gypsum normally crystallizes in the form of one-dimensional whiskers be- cause the crystal lattice of the hemihydrates gypsum con- sists of –SO 4 –Ca–SO 4 –Ca– chains, where each S atom and four O atoms form a tetrahedron. These chains are hexagonally arranged and form a framework parallel to the c-axis, where one water molecule is attached to every two calcium sulfate molecules. 18,19 However, the length and diameter of the hemihydrates gypsum crystals are not uniformly distributed and fascicular, short-columnar and gradual hemihydrates gypsum crystals have been ob- served. Moreover, some defects, i.e., holes, have also been observed on the surface of hemihydrates gypsum crystals due to the presence of resolvable phosphorus (e.g., free H 3 PO 4 ) in as-received phosphogypsum. The influence of PO 4 3– on the crystal morphology was mainly through the selective adsorption on specific crystal planes to alter the surface energy. During the hydrother- mal process, the PO 4 3– molecules tend to absorb on the polar crystal faces rather than the prismatic faces, which would inhibit the crystal growth along the polar planes. 15 On the other hand, some crystals with defects have been observed due to the adsorption of excessive amount of PO 4 3– ions on prismatic faces. Free H 3 PO 4 in phosphogypsum can easily react with CaO to obtain Ca 3 (PO 4 ). Additionally, CaHPO 4 in phosphogypsum can also react with CaO to obtain Ca 3 (PO 4 ), accounting for the different K sp at 25 °C (1.0×10 –7 for CaHPO 4 and 2.0×10 –29 for Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ). Compared with CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O and CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O, Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 were more stable under the experimental con- ditions owing to the different K sp at 135 °C (5.16×10 –6 for CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O, 4.53×10 –6 for CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O, and 9.41×10 –40 for Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ). 16,18 As a result, the effect of phosphorus on the hemihydrates gypsum growth can be decreased by adding calcium oxide in phosphogypsum. 18 The scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the samples prepared from calcified phosphogypsum in dif- ferent pH solution are shown in Figure 2. The average diameter of the columnar crystals decreased and the crystal surface became smooth, while the solution pH de- creased. Some particles on the crystal surface were ob- served, because the calcium sulphate has a low dissolu- tion rate in a high pH solution (pH=6) and some CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O did not take part in the reaction (Fig- ure 2a). Some columnar crystals with a smooth surface, an aspect ratio of 2–10 and an average diameter of 0.5–4 μm have also been observed in a pH=5 solution (Fig- ure 2b). Columnar crystals, with smooth surface and a 2–10 in aspect ratio, were obtained, and the pH of the so- lution was 2 (Figure 2c). The crystals’ distributions in terms of the length and diameter are also not uniform, but fascicular and gradual products were not observed. The uniform whiskers were observed in the sample (pH=0.5 in solution), with a 20–50 in aspect ratio, 0.5–2 μm in diameter and a smooth surface (Figure 6c). The low pH value of the solution can promote the CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O dissolution, which is favorable to crystal growth. H. TAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ADDITIVES ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 5, 697–703 699 Figure 1: SEM of the sample prepared from received phosphogypsum The X-ray powder diffractometer patterns of the sam- ples prepared from calcified phosphogypsum in different pH solution are shown in Figure 3. The peaks are similar for the sample prepared in the pH=6 and 2 solutions, in- dicating that the phases of the samples were calcium sul- fate hemihydrate (CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O) (Figure 3a and 3b). But the phase of the sample prepared in the pH=0.5 solu- tion was anhydrous calcium sulfate, because the struc- ture easily forms at high hydrothermal temperature in a low pH solution (Figure 3c). The scanning electron microscopy images of the sample, prepared from calcified phosphogypsum with maleic acid in pH=5 solution, are shown in Figure 4. Some equiaxed crystals ( -hemihydrates gypsum), with a diameter of 1–5 μm and a smooth surface, have also been observed due to the addition of maleic acid. It is worth mentioning that the organic acid can be selectively ad- sorbed on different crystal faces and alters their surface energy. Hence, the growth rate along the different crystal axes is influenced by the presence of maleic acid, which leads to the formation of different morphologies and ren- ders different crystallite sizes. 8 First, the maleic acid ab- sorbed on the polar crystal faces due to their high bind- ing energy, which resulted in the formation of equiaxed crystals. One should note that the low pH solution can promote the CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O dissolution, which favors the crystal growth. Therefore, the smooth-surface crystals were obtained due to the addition of maleic acid, which reduced the pH value of that solution. H. TAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ADDITIVES ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE ... 700 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 5, 697–703 Figure 2: SEM of the samples prepared from calcified phosphogypsum in different pH solutions a) pH=6, b) pH=5, c) pH=2, d) pH=0.5 Figure 3: XRD patterns of the samples prepared from calcified phos- phogypsum in different pH solutions pH= a) 6, b) 2 and c) 0.5 Furthermore, X-ray powder diffractometer patterns of the samples from calcified phosphogypsum in pH=5 so- lution, with and without the addition of 0.05 w/% maleic acid, are presented in Figure 5. The diffraction peaks from the different samples coincide with each other, in- dicating that different samples contain the same hemi- hydrates gypsum (CaSO 4 ·0.5H 2 O) phase. The crystal structure of the gypsum is mainly influenced by the tem- perature and hemihydrates gypsum crystals have been obtained at the hydrothermal temperature of 110 °C. 3.2 Effect of additives on -hemihydrates gypsum me- chanical properties The compressive strength of the samples, with differ- ent additives, is presented in Figure 6. It can be readily observed that the compressive strength decreased, and the softening coefficient increased due to the addition of different additives. The dried and soaked average strengths of -hemihydrates gypsum were found to be 25.1 MPa and 8.2 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the dried average strength of (12.2, 9.6 and 11.7) MPa has been obtained after the addition of Portland cement, circulat- ing fluidized bed slag and cement/circulating fluidized bed slag mixture into a-hemihydrates gypsum crystals. The softening coefficient increased with the addition of cement and circulating fluidized bed slag due to the gen- eration of hydraulic cementitious materials. The scanning electron microscopy images of the samples, with different additives, are shown in Figure 7. The plate-like and needle-like gypsum crystals, with a large length-to-radius ratio, have been observed and a dense microstructure has been formed due to the inter- locking of these plate-like and needle-like crystals (Fig- ure 7a). It can be clearly observed that the micro- structure of gypsum has been significantly altered due to the presence of different additives. The addition of Port- land cement slightly changed the appearance of the gypsum crystals, which exhibited larger and irregular crystals and a loose microstructure (Figure 7b). Interest- ingly, a large number of small particles, adsorbed on the surface of large crystals, exhibited a negligible amount of interlocking, which led to the formation of the loose microstructure. Furthermore, the gypsum crystal appear- ance has also been slightly changed due to the addition of circulating fluidized bed slag and the irregular and prismatic crystals have exhibited a loose microstructure (Figure 7c). The globular particles from the circulating fluidized bed slag rendered a rough surface and exhibited a little hydration reaction in the gypsum system. In the case of the hemihydrates gypsum + Portland cement + circulating fluidized bed slag sample, a similar micro- structure has been observed (Figure 7d). Moreover, these scanning electron microscopy obser- vations are consistent with the measured mechanical strength of the different samples. One should note that the mechanical strength has a direct relationship with the degree of interlocking. Therefore, the formation of a loose microstructure due to the addition of Portland ce- ment and circulating fluidized bed slag resulted in a re- duced mechanical strength. H. TAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT ADDITIVES ON THE MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 5, 697–703 701 Figure 4: SEM of the samples prepared from calcified phospho- gypsum with maleic acid in pH=5 solution Figure 6: Compressive strength of the samples with different addi- tives. HG: a-hemihydrate gypsum, C: Portland cement, S: circulating fluidized bed slag Figure 5: XRD of the sample a) with and b) without maleic acid from calcified phosphogypsum in pH=5 solution Furthermore, the phases of the Portland cement and the circulating fluidized bed slag contain calcium miner- als. When they react with water, the minerals hydrate and Ca(OH) can be released. As a result, the pH value of slurry can change during the gypsum hydration. The dis- solution rate and the amount of dissolved -hemi- hydrates gypsum particles are remarkably influenced by the pH value of the solution, which further affects the length-to-radius ratio of the gypsum crystals. Therefore, the influence of the pH value on the hydration process alters the microstructure and dictates the mechanical strength. 20 4 CONCLUSIONS The resolvable phosphorus from the as-received phosphogypsum remarkably influenced the micro- structure of the hemihydrates gypsum. However, the in- fluence of phosphorous can be reduced by a CaO treat- ment. The solution pH can influence the crystal structure and morphology. Moreover, maleic acid has exhibited surface adsorption on the selective crystal faces and al- tered the growth direction of hemihydrates gypsum grains, which resulted in the formation of equiaxed -hemihydrates gypsum crystals. Furthermore, the addi- tion of Portland cement and circulating fluidized bed slag significantly altered the mechanical properties and microstructure of the as-synthesized -hemihydrate gyp- sum. For instance, the compressive strength of -hemi- hydrate gypsum decreased from 25.1 MPa to (12.2, 9.6 and 11.7) MPa after the addition of Portland cement, cir- culating fluidized bed slag and cement/circulating fluidized bed slag mixture, respectively. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Research Fund of the Sichuan Science and Technology Program of China (19ZDYF2817, 2018RZ0040, 20ZDYF1154) and Natu- ral Science Foundation of Southwest University of Sci- ence and Technology (19zx7130, 18zx7101). 5 REFERENCES 1 O. Hentati, N. Abrantes, A. L. Caetano, S. Bouguerra, F. Gonçalves, J. Rombke, R. 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Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 54 (2020) 5, 697–703 703