UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 32, 2023, 2, pp. 143-375, Koper 2023 ISSN 1408-533X Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 33, 2023, 2 KOPER 2023 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 33, 2023, 2 UDK 5 ISSN 1408-533X e-ISSN 2591-1783 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies ISSN 1408-533X UDK 5 Letnik 33, leto 2023, številka 2 e-ISSN 2591-1783 UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/ BOARD OF EDITORS: Alessandro Acquavita (IT), Nicola Bettoso (IT), Christian Capapé (FR), Darko Darovec, Dušan Devetak, Jakov Dulčić (HR), Serena Fonda Umani (IT), Andrej Gogala, Daniel Golani (IL), Danijel Ivajnšič, Mitja Kaligarič, Marcelo Kovačič (HR), Andrej Kranjc, Lovrenc Lipej, Vesna Mačić (ME), Alenka Malej, Patricija Mozetič, Martina Orlando- Bonaca, Michael Stachowitsch (AT), Tom Turk, Al Vrezec Glavni urednik/Redattore capo/ Editor in chief: Darko Darovec Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/ Redattore responsabile per le scienze naturali/Natural Science Editor: Lovrenc Lipej Urednica/Redattrice/Editor: Martina Orlando-Bonaca Prevajalci/Traduttori/Translators: Martina Orlando-Bonaca (sl./it.) Oblikovalec/Progetto grafico/ Graphic design: Dušan Podgornik, Lovrenc Lipej Tisk/Stampa/Print: Založništvo PADRE d.o.o. Izdajatelja/Editori/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper / Società storica del Litorale - Capodistria© Inštitut IRRIS za raziskave, razvoj in strategije družbe, kulture in okolja / Institute IRRIS for Research, Development and Strategies of Society, Culture and Environment / Istituto IRRIS di ricerca, sviluppo e strategie della società, cultura e ambiente© Sedež uredništva/Sede della redazione/ Address of Editorial Board: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja Piran / Istituto nazionale di biologia, Stazione di biologia marina di Pirano / National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran SI-6330 Piran /Pirano, Fornače/Fornace 41, tel.: +386 5 671 2900, fax +386 5 671 2901; e-mail: annales@mbss.org, internet: www.zdjp.si Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 23. 12. 2023. 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Navodila avtorjem in vse znanstvene revije in članki so brezplačno dostopni na spletni strani https://zdjp.si/en/p/annalesshn/ The submission guidelines and all scientific journals and articles are available free of charge on the website https://zdjp.si/en/p/annalesshn/ Le norme redazionali e tutti le riviste scientifiche e gli articoli sono disponibili gratuitamente sul sito https://zdjp.si/en/p/annalesshn/ ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 33, Koper 2023, številka 2 ISSN 1408-53 3X e-ISSN 2591-1783 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS SREDOZEMSKE HRUSTANČNICE SQUALI E RAZZE MEDITERRANEE MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS AND RAYS Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA The First Substantiated Records of Smoothback Angelshark Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ...................... Prvi utemeljeni zapis o pojavljanju pegastega sklata Squatina oculata (Squatinidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Tanguy CARPAYE-TAILAMEE & Mattéo MAUREL Perspective on Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northwestern Mediterranean and Recommendations for Further Field Research ............................................ Pogled na velikega belega morskega volka (Carcharodon carcharias) v severozahodnem Sredozemlju in priporočila za nadaljnje terenske raziskave Hakan KABASAKAL A Preliminary Social Media Survey of Sharks and Batoids Captured in North Aegean Sea Commercial Fisheries ............................................. Preliminarna raziskava o morskih psih in skatih, ujetih v komercialnem ribištvu severnega Egejskega morja na osnovi podatkov iz socialnih medijev Farid HEMIDA, Christian REYNAUD & Christian CAPAPÉ On The Occurrence of Norwegian Skate, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Rajidae) on the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ................. O pojavljanju norveške raže, Dipturus nidarosiensis (Rajidae), ob alžirski obali (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) Alen SOLDO The First Record of Complete Albinism in Common Stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) ..................................................... Prvi zapis o najdbi popolnega albinističnega primerka navadnega morskega biča, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) Christian CAPAPÉ, Christian REYNAUD & Farid HEMIDA Capture of a Giant Round Fantail Stingray Taeniurops grabatus (Dasyatidae) from the Algerian Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea) ...... Ulov okroglega morskega biča (Taeniurops grabatus) (Dasyatidae) iz alžirske obale (jugozahodno Sredozemsko morje) IHTIOFAVNA ITTIOFAUNA ICHTHYOFAUNA Nicola BETTOSO & Diego BORME Recent Record of the Atlantic Pomfret Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scombriformes: Bramidae) in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) ........... Recentni zapis o pojavljanju kostanjevke Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Scombriformes: Bramidae) v Tržaškem zalivu (severno Jadransko morje) Alan DEIDUN, Bruno ZAVA, Alessio MARRONE, Johann GALDIES, Arnold SCIBERRAS & Maria CORSINI-FOKA The Confirmed Occurrence of Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in Maltese Waters, Central Mediterranean ............................................ Potrjeno pojavljanje meduzojedca, Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839), in morskega piškurja, Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758, v malteških vodah, osrednje Sredozemsko morje Gianni INSACCO, Gildo GAVANELLI, Bruno ZAVA & Maria CORSINI-FOKA An Overlooked Finding of Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea ........................ Spregledana najdba vrste Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) v Jadranskem morju Borut MAVRIČ, Lovrenc LIPEJ, Jelena BELAMARIĆ, Dule BULAJA, Matea ŠPIK & Petar KRUŽIĆ Additional Data on the Bump-Head Sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea ................................................... Dodatni podatki o pojavljanju grbastega morskega meseca, Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) v Jadranskem morju 151 143 165 187 193 213 207 221 229 199 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 Lana KHREMA, Amina ALNESSER, Adib SAAD & Christian CAPAPÉ First Substantiated Record of Painted Eel Echelus myrus (Ophichthidae) from the Syrian Marine Waters (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ............. Prvi utemeljeni zapis o pojavljanju pisane jegulje, Echelus myrus (Ophichthidae), iz morskih voda Sirije (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) BIOTSKA GLOBALIZACIJA GLOBALIZZAZIONE BIOTICA BIOTIC GLOBALIZATION Deniz ERGUDEN, Deniz AYAS & Zafer KUŞATAN The Presence of Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838, in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea .......... Pojavljanje morskega konjička vrste Hippocampus fuscus Rüppell, 1838, v severovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju Christian CAPAPÉ & Adib SAAD Confirmed Occurrence of Pharaoh Cardinal Fish Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) from the Syrian Coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) ................................... Potrjeno pojavljanje faraonskega kraljička Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Osteichthyes: Apogonidae) iz sirske obale (vzhodno Sredozemsko morje) Deniz ERGUDEN, Deniz AYAS & Cemal TURAN First Record of Epinephelus areolatus (Epinephelidae) from the South-Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey ............................................ Prvi zapis o pojavljanju rdečepikčaste kirnje Epinephelus areolatus (Epinephelidae) v jugovzhodnem Sredozemskem morju (Turčija) FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Andrea LOMBARDO & Giuliana MARLETTA First Record of the Marine Heterobranch Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea: Aglajidae) in Sicily (Ionian Sea) with Notes on Its Biology and Ecology ........................................... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju morskega zaškrgarja vrste Spinoaglaja wildpretii (Ortea, Bacallado & Moro, 2003) (Cephalaspidea: Aglajidae) na Siciliji (Jonsko morje) z zapiski o njeni biologiji in ekologiji Marco FANTIN, Saul CIRIACO, Lisa FARESI, Chiara SCRIGNER, Juri VECCHI, Domen TRKOV & Lovrenc LIPEJ First Evidence of the Presence of Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the Adriatic Sea .................................................. Prvi zapis o pojavljanju vrste gološkrgarja Okenia picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) iz Jadranskega morja FLORA FLORA FLORA Amelio PEZZETTA & MARCO PAOLUCCI La flora di Lama dei Peligni (Abruzzo, Italia): aggiornamento sistematico e nuove segnalazioni ................................................ Flora občine Lama dei Peligni (Abruci, Italija): sistematična posodobitev in nove najdbe MISCELLANEA Al VREZEC Bird (Aves) Descriptions of Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788): General Overview ................................................. Opisi ptic (Aves) Joannesa Antoniusa Scopolija (1723-1788): osnovni pregled OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Mitja KALIGARIČ Recenzija knjige: Podobe iz modrine ................................................. IN MEMORIAM Elide CATALFAMO Ricordo del professor Guido Bressan ...................... Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ................................... Index to images on the cover .............................. 249 243 255 263 235 327 279 369 271 365 371 371 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 327 received: 2023-10-11 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2023.35 BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW Al VREZEC National Institute of Biology, Večna pot 121, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: al.vrezec@nib.si Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: avrezec@pms-lj.si University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ABSTRACT Author of at least 175 new bird taxa, of which 59 taxa are still valid today, Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788) is one of the most important creators of ornithological history worldwide, yet often overlooked because his ornithological legacy remains poorly researched and known. His most important scientific work was conducted in Carniola (present-day Slovenia) between 1754 and 1769 and resulted in numerous publications. These include bird studies published in Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones Avium (1769), while later studies were devoted to the revision of other explorer datasets, the most important being descriptions of birds from Pierre Sonnerat’s expeditions. The paper presents an overview of the all new bird taxa described by Scopoli. Key words: history of science, ornithology, collection, taxonomy, type specimens, zoological nomenclature DESCRIZIONI DEGLI UCCELLI (AVES) DI GIOVANNI ANTONIO SCOPOLI (1723-1788): PANORAMICA GENERALE SINTESI Autore di almeno 175 nuovi taxa di uccelli, di cui 59 taxa ancora validi oggi, Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (1723-1788) è uno dei più importanti creatori di storia ornitologica a livello mondiale, ma spesso trascurato perché la sua eredità ornitologica rimane poco studiata e conosciuta. Il suo lavoro scientifico più impor- tante fu condotto in Carniola (l’attuale Slovenia) tra il 1754 e il 1769, e portò a numerose pubblicazioni. Queste includono studi sugli uccelli pubblicati in Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones Avium (1769), mentre gli studi successivi furono dedicati alla revisione di altri set di dati di esploratori, le più importanti furono le descrizioni degli uccelli delle spedizioni di Pierre Sonnerat. L’articolo presenta una panoramica di tutti i nuovi taxa di uccelli descritti da Scopoli. Parole chiave: storia della scienza, ornitologia, collezione, tassonomia, esemplari tipo, nomenclatura zoologica ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 328 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 INTRODUCTION Although Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788; Fig. 1) was one of the first adherents of modern Linnean classification of organisms and pioneered the study of biodiversity, including birds, in the previously unexplored part of SE Europe, little is known about his work related to ornithology. In fact, Scopoli is not mentioned at all (Bezzel & Prinzinger, 1990, Mearns & Mearns, 1998, Birkhead, 2008, Chansigaud, 2009) or only very briefly (Walters, 2003; Gebhardt, 2006) in many compilations on the history of ornithology, although he was one of the first descriptors of birds in Europe after Carl Linneaus (1707-1778) and also one of his correspondents (Soban, 2004). In the letters, Scopoli and Linnaeus discussed taxonomic issues concerning various bird species, including the Wallcreeper (Tichodroma mu- raria), which was later described by Linnaeus (1766) according to Scopoli’s description (Barbagli et al., 1997). Scopoli’s main works were based on original field observations made by Scopoli himself or by his correspondents such as Franz Xaver Wulfen (1728- 1805), Count Josef Brigido von Bresowitz (1733- 1817), Balthasar Hacquet (1739-1815), and others (Petkovšek, 1977), mainly in the territory of Carniola (Slovenia), Carinthia (Austria), and Friuli (Italy). Sco- poli’s fundamental works concern plants (Scopoli, 1760, 1772), insects and other arthropods (Scopoli, 1763), and birds (Scopoli, 1769). His most important field studies took place between the years 1754 and 1769, when he was appointed by imperial decree as a physician to Idria (W Slovenia), but from there he conducted several expeditions to different parts of Carniola, nowadays mostly W Slovenia (Petkovšek, 1977; Vrezec et al., 2017; Vrezec, 2023). After leav- ing Idria and Carniola in 1769, he devoted more time to professorship and cabinet study of written sources or material brought to him by correspondents, and to building his collection. The first and most important ornithological work by J.A. Scopoli was Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones avium, published in 1769, in which Scopoli described 254 bird taxa. The descriptions were based on Scopoli’s personal examination of bird specimens in the field (and in his own collection), in the bird collection of Count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (germ. Franz Hannibal von Thurn), and the examination of live bird specimens at the imperi- al ZOO Schönbrunn in Vienna. The ZOO specimens came mainly from the expedition of the Viennese chemistry and botany professor Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817), who undertook an expe- dition to South America (West Indies, Venezuela, Carthagena) between 1754-1759 (Fitzinger, 1853). Bird specimens, which were brought alive to Vienna, were collected mainly by Giovanni Buonamici and Fernando Barculli, who joined Jacquin’s expedition (Fitzinger, 1856). Scopoli (1769) was the first to sci- entifically describe bird species from Jacquin’s South American expedition, while illustrations of the birds with additional descriptions were later provided by Jacquin’s son Joseph Franz von Jacquin (1766-1839) in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Vögel (Jacquin, 1784). Scopoli’s (1769) Descriptiones avium was written in Latin, but it was so important that it was translated into German by Friderich Christian Günther the very next year after its publication (Scopoli, 1770). Günther’s German translation was in fact the first revision of Scopoli (1769), as Günther attempted to combine Scopoli’s Latin names with existing German bird names. Günther believed, as he explained in the preface, that it was important for Germans (Austria, including Carniola, was then part of the German Holly Roman Empire) to read about their nature in their own native language. However, this revision was not checked or approved by Scopoli himself, as Günther stated in the preface, although Scopoli men- tions F.C. Günther among his collaborators in his au- tobiography Vitae Mea Vices, published in Deliciae Flora et Fauna Insubricae (Scopoli 1788). Following Günther’s interpretations, which did not aim to tax- onomically revise Scopoli’s bird names, there were several taxonomic revisions of Scopoli (1769) de- Fig./Sl. 1: Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1733). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 329 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 scriptions in 19th century, which were summarized by Hartert (1903, 1905, 1912, 1913, 1920a, 1920b, 1921a, 1921b). However, Hartert (1903, 1905, 1913, 1920a, 1921b) wrongly interpreted type localites from Carniola, what was criticized and corrected by Scheibel (1919), although these corrections were not fully adopted in later taxonomic revisions and over- views (e.g. Vaurie 1959, 1965; Mayr & Paynter 1964; del Hoyo et al., 2005). Recently, Gregori (2008) presented an overall revision and interpretation of all descriptions in Scopoli (1769), with some taxa being still unresolved. However, Descriptiones avium (Scopoli, 1769) was not Scopoli’s only ornithological publication. In 1777, Scopoli published another work that includ- ed birds, Introductio ad historiam naturalem sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalum (Scopoli, 1777). This publication, however, was intended as a high-level taxonomic contribution dealing with the classification of minerals, plants, and animals based on Linnean systematics, classifying and de- scribing genera rather than species. Scopoli (1777) also introduced some new genus names for birds in this work. Other ornithological publications, while not as comprehensive, were nevertheless important to modern ornithology and were first summarized by Newton (1882). Scopoli described birds in sev- eral treatises published in three volumes of his last work, Deliciae Flora et Fauna Insubricae (Scopoli 1786a, 1786b, 1788). In Part I (Scopoli 1786a) he revised the species described under the generic name Alauda (De Alaudis Nostratibus), including seven species. Part II (Scopoli 1786b) described the species Falco rufus (synonym of the Red-foot- ed Falcon Falco vespertinus Linnaeus 1766), for which he also provided the illustration, and the Linnean nomenclatural revision of the mammal and bird descriptions of the French naturalist Pierre Sonnerat (1748-1814). Sonnerat published his ex- tensive observations from expeditions in Southeast Asia and Africa, including fauna (Sonnerat, 1776, 1782), which he did not describe according to new Linnean principles of naming. In Part III (Scopoli, 1788) there is only a description of Fringilla alpina, synonym of the Citril Finch Carduelis citrinella (Pal- las, 1764), with an illustration. Although Scopoli made and published many illustrations especially of plants and insects, he provided only two original and above-mentioned illustrations of birds. In the paper an overview of Scopoli’s ornitholog- ical work is given with a review of the new bird taxa described by Scopoli. Since Scopoli’s legacy is still unresolved with respect to the taxa he described, all existing bird figures used by J.A. Scopoli for his new bird taxa are presented, including tracking of bird collections with Scopoli’s type specimens with comments on their current status. Published on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of J.A. Scopoli’s birth, this work is intended to serve as an overview of current status of Scopoli’s bird names and de- scriptions as a baseline for further historical studies of Scopoli’s ornithological work, and for conducting further taxonomic and faunistic studies of birds in a period when accurate scientific data on avifauna were rare. This review is therefore not aiming in taxonomic revision of Scopoli’s descriptions, but to highlight main taxonomic challenges connected to Scopoli’s bird taxa. MATERIAL AND METHODS For determing new bird taxa described by Scopoli all four ornithological works were taken into consideration (Scopoli, 1769, 1786a, 1786b, 1788). Scopoli (1777) was not considered as it deals only with descriptions of taxa at genus level. Each described taxon was checked wether Scopoli listed already known taxon published in previous works of other authors that described species following Linnaean nomenclature system. Scopoli usually cited reference works, but in some cases I considered already published taxon also if Scopoli used the same name for the same species that was used already in preceding publications, but without exact citation given by Scopoli. For defined new Scopoli’s taxa I have collected type localities stated by Scopoli in his descriptions. Following previous studies the localities cited in Scopoli (1769) were considered reliable (Hartert, 1903, 1905, 1913, 1920a, 1921b; Scheibel, 1919), while taxa published in other works less so. In particular Scopoli (1786b) descriptions of birds from Sonnerat (1776, 1782) the referred localities are known to be frequently wrong and mislead- ing, partly because of inaccurate redescriptions of Sonnerat’s localities in Scopoli’s interpretations (Newton, 1882), but mostly because Sonnerat himself was giving wrong localities in his bird descriptions (Stresemann, 1952; Clancey, 1959; Mees, 1972). Therefore, beside original localities cited by Scopoli, possible interpretations of type localites at country level have been given folow- ing taxonomic review literature (only for current- ly valid bird taxa) or my own interpretations of them (interpretations of localities from Scopoli (1769)). For each described taxon the collections containing types given by Scopoli or interpreted from his descriptions is given as a baseline for further museological research of possible surviv- ing Scopoli’s type specimens. From the available literature and online sources also existing or newly designated types of Scopoli’s taxa were extracted, but these data might be still incomplete since type specimens holdings from all museums ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 330 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 are still not published or available. Form Scopoli’s descriptions citations of figures of described taxa were collected and presented as a key reference material for further historical taxonomic interpre- tations. For each taxon published interpretations of (sub)species identity were collected, but not all Scopoli’s taxa were interprated and analysed yet. Some additional identity suggestions are given based on cited reference figures, which were compared with global avifaunal overview (del Hoyo, 2020). According to collected identifi- cations the current taxonomic status of Scopoli’s new bird descriptions was derived. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION New bird taxa described by Joannes A. Scopoli As new species J.A. Scopoli described 175 bird taxa (Appendix 1). In Scopoli (1769) mainly birds from Carniola (nowadays Western Slovenia) were described with some specimens from Friuli and south Tyrol (NE Italy), Carinthia (South Austria), and non-European species mainly from South America. In all descriptions Scopoli refered to specimens from three collections he examined himself. Specimens were most likely examined also in Scopoli (1786a, 1788), although collec- tions were not specified. On the other hand, Scopoli (1786b) exotic bird taxa mainly rely on figures and text from Sonnerat (1776, 1782), and not by examing the specimens. Therefore, figures from Sonnerat (1776, 1782) can be regarded as figures of types. According to the currently valid bird taxonomy (Gill et al., 2023), J.A. Scopoli authors 59 valid bird taxa (34 % of all of his described new taxa), 52 species and 7 subspe- ces, and in addition 3 genera. The genus name Apus was established after Belon (1555) (Scopoli, 1777), while the genuses Sylvia and Branta were first proposed in Scopoli (1769). Furthermore, I have found that at least 11 Scopoli’s bird taxa (6 %) are senior synonyms and were apparently overlooked in past taxonomic revisions, although at least some are already known (e.g. Oberholser, 1918), among them 6 taxa at species and 5 at subspecies level. There are additional 38 taxa (22 %) being still unresolved according to the current revisons and are in need of further examination taking into account all Scopoli’s references, text and figure references, as well as other historical backgrounds to restore Scopoli’s taxonomic heri- tage. Altogether I have tracked only three types of Scopoli’s bird taxa preserved in museum collec- tions, all of them in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, which originated from the Sonnerat’s collection (Voisin et al., 2004; Voisin & Voisin, 2008, 2010). Additionally, the neotype of Halcyon albiventris (Scopoli, 1786), a female specimen from Mount Edgecombe near Durban (South Africa), was designated and stored in the Natal Museum collection in South Africa (Clanc- ey, 1959) with no further information available. Bird descriptions in Scopoli (1769) followed the taxonomic standards, which includes name proposal, overview of current knowledge by citing key references including figures, detailed mor- phological diagnosis, reference collection (types were not designated at that time), and additional descriptive notes about species morphology and life history. Some species were supplemented with vernicular names in Carniolian (Slovenian), Italian and German languages. Unfortunately, according to current knowledge Scopoli did not prepare any illustrations of his bird specimens published in Scopoli (1769), although they might exist as sepa- rate illustrations as recently found illustrations of Scopoli’s fungi and lichnens by Thomas Hörmann in museums in Paris and Vienna (Piltaver, 2023). I identified 70 bird taxa as new descriptions in Sco- poli (1769) and 56 of them are considered resolved and among them 13 taxa are today valid species or subspecies. However, there are 6 taxa which can be considered as senior synonyms, and some were resolved only recently (Gregori, 2008). For exam- ple, the Capercaille male was described by Scopoli following Linnaeus (1758) description of Tetrao urogallus, but female was described separately as Tetrao nemesianus referring also to the figure from Aldrovandi (1637) (Fig. 8) as revealed by Gregori (2008). Both, Aldrovandi figure and Scopoli’s specimen from Della Torre collection origined from southern Capercaille population that belongs to the subspecies Tetrao urogallus major Brehm, 1831 (Madge & McGowan, 2002). The subspecies was recently renamed to Tetrao urogallus crassiros- tris Brehm, 1831 since Tetrao major Brehm, 1831 was preoccupied by Tetrao major Gmelin, 1789, the name for the other species (Trust for Avian Systematics, 2021). Older Scopoli’s name was apparently overlooked since the name Tetrao uro- gallus nemesianus Scopoli, 1769 would be correct following the Principle of Priority (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). New taxa described in Scopoli (1769) should be explored more with designation of neotypes to sta- bilize names and type localities as already pointed out by Scheibel (1919). In describing birds according to Sonnerat (1776, 1782) or even in transcribing Sonnerat’s descriptions according to the principles of Linnean nomenclature (Newton, 1882), Scopoli did not see any of Sonnerat’s specimens preserved in Paris (Berlioz, 1950). Howev- er, in 1785 Scopoli bacame a member of Agricultural ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 331 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fig./Sl. 2: Corvus maximus Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 16 (Corvus). Fig./Sl. 3: Corvus vulgaris Scopoli, 1769, Meyer (1752), Tab. 99. Fig./Sl. 4: Corvus rusticus Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 17 (Pica). Fig./Sl. 5: Anas subterranea Scopoli, 1769, Steinberg (1758), Tab. 22. Fig./Sl. 6: Mergus albulus Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 47 (Albulus aquaticus). Fig./Sl. 7: Procellaria diomedea Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 46 (Diomedea avis). Fig./Sl. 8: Tetrao nemesianus Scopoli, 1769, Aldrovandi (1637), Lib. 13, Cap. 18. Fig./Sl. 9: Motacilla boarula Scopoli, 1769, Aldrovandi (1637), Lib. 17, Cap. 25. Fig./Sl. 10: Sylvia muscipeta Scopoli, 1769, Jonston (1650), Tab. 45 (Muscipeta). Fig./Sl. 11: Alauda turdina Scopoli, 1786, Aldrovandi (1637), Lib. 17, Cap. 26. 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 05 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 332 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 12 13 16 14 17 18 22 19 21 2624 23 25 15 20 27 Fig./Sl. 12: Falco rufus Scopoli, 1786, Scopoli (1786), Tab. 19. Fig./Sl. 13: Vultur radiatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 103. Fig./Sl. 14: Vultur calvus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 104. Fig./Sl. 15: Vultur indicus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 105. Fig./Sl. 16: Lanius phillippinus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 25. Fig./Sl. 17: Lanius nasutus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 70. Fig./Sl. 18: Lanius ruber Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 71. Fig./Sl. 19: Lanius albus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 72. Fig./Sl. 20: Lanius rufus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 106. Fig./Sl. 21: Lanius chinensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 107. Fig./Sl. 22: Psittacus papou Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 111. Fig./ Sl. 23: Psittacus signatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 42. Fig./Sl. 24: Psittacus quianensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 43. Fig./Sl. 25: Psittacus pileatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 44. Fig./Sl. 26: Psittacus cingulatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 41. Fig./Sl. 27: Psittacus melanopterus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 40 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 333 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 28 29 32 30 33 33 37 34 36 4039 38 39 31 35 41 Fig./Sl. 28: Psittacus lunulatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 39. Fig./Sl. 29: Psittacus leucopthalmos Scopoli, 1786 (upper/zgoraj), Psittacus pumilus Scopoli, 1786 (lower/spodaj), Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 38. Fig./Sl. 30: Psittacus polychloros Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 30. Fig./Sl. 31: Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 109. Fig./Sl. 32: Psittacus ater Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 110. Figs./Sl. 33: Buceros panayensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 82, 83. Fig./Sl. 34: Buceros birostris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 121. Fig./Sl. 35: Buceros pica Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 121 (second Pl. 121). Fig./Sl. 36: Oriolus cothurnix Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 105. Fig./Sl. 37: Oriolus lineatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 24. Fig./Sl. 38: Oriolus ocellatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 33. Figs./Sl. 39: Xanthornus holosericeus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 68, 69. Fig./Sl. 40: Paradisea rex Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 95. Fig./Sl. 41: Paradisea penicillata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 97. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 334 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 42 43 46 44 47 48 52 49 51 5654 53 55 45 50 57 Fig./Sl. 42: Paradisea viridis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 99. Fig./Sl. 43: Gracula caerulea Scopoli, 1786, Sonner- at (1782), Pl. 108. Fig./Sl. 44: Gracula cristata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 109. Fig./Sl. 45: Trogon luzonensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 34. Fig./Sl. 46: Cuculus variegatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 78. Fig./ Sl. 47: Cuculus flaviventris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 79. Fig./Sl. 48: Cuculus viridis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 80. Fig./Sl. 49: Cuculus merulinus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 81. Fig./Sl. 50: Picus guineensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 35. Fig./Sl. 51: Picus menstruus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 36. Fig./Sl. 52: Picus lucidus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 37. Fig./Sl. 53: Picus maculatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 77. Fig./Sl. 54: Alcedo coromandeliana Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 118. Fig./Sl. 55: Alcedo albiventris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 31. Fig./Sl. 56: Alcedo collaris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 33. Fig./Sl. 57: Alcedo undulata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 106. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 335 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 58 59 62 60 63 64 68 65 67 7270 69 71 61 66 73 Fig./Sl. 58: Alcedo variegata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 107. Fig./Sl. 59: Merops bruneus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 100. Fig./Sl. 60: Merops maximus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 101. Fig./Sl. 61: Certhia canora Scopoli, 1786 (1), Certhia malacensis Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 116. Fig./Sl. 62: Certhia coccinea Scopoli, 1786 (1), Certhia trigonostigma Scopoli, 1786 (2), Certhia grisea Scopoli, 1786 (3), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 117. Fig./Sl. 63: Certhia lutea Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 119. Fig./Sl. 64: Certhia quadricolor Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 30-A, B. Fig./Sl. 65: Apterodita longirostris Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 113. Fig./Sl. 66: Apterodita longirostris Scopoli, 1786, Pennant (1781), Pl. 14. Fig./Sl. 67: Apterodita platirhingos Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 114. Fig./Sl. 68: Sterna anaethetus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 84. Fig./Sl. 69: Sterna pileata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 85. Fig./Sl. 70: Sterna multicolor Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 55. Fig./Sl. 71: Platalea alba Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 51. Fig./Sl. 72: Platalea cristata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 52. Fig./Sl. 73: Tantalus rufus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 47. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 336 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 74 75 78 76 79 80 84 81 83 8886 85 87 77 82 89 Fig./Sl. 74: Tantalus variegatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 48. Fig./Sl. 75: Tringa fasciata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 96. Fig./Sl. 76: Tringa chirurgus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 45. Fig./Sl. 77: Charadrius dubius Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 46. Fig./Sl. 78: Charadrius cristatus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 49. Fig./Sl. 79: Otis sec- retarius Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 79. Fig./Sl. 80: Pavo malacensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 99. Fig./ Sl. 81: Pavo malacensis Scopoli, 1786, Edwards (1747), Tab. 67. Fig./Sl. 82: Phasianus rouloul Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 100. Fig./Sl. 83: Tetrao pintadeanus Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 97. Fig./Sl. 84: Tetrao madagarensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 98. Fig./Sl. 85: Columba nitidissima Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 101. Fig./ Sl. 86: Columba chinensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 102. Fig./Sl. 87: Columba nivea Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 20. Fig./Sl. 88: Columba luzonica Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 21. Fig./Sl. 89: Columba cinerea Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 22. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 337 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 90 91 93 91 94 95 99 96 98 103101 100 102 92 97 104 Fig./Sl. 90: Columba myristicivora Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 102. Figs./Sl. 91: Columba viridis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 64, 65. Fig./Sl. 92: Columba pileata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 66. Fig./Sl. 93: Columba bicolor Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 103. Fig./Sl. 94: Columba pulcherrima Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 67. Fig./Sl. 95: Alauda malabarica Scopoli, 1786 (1), Alauda grisea Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 113. Fig./Sl. 96: Turdus malacensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 110. Fig./Sl. 97: Ampelis malabarica Scopoli, 1786 (1), Sylvia lutea Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 114. Fig./Sl. 98: Emberiza signata Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 75. Fig./Sl. 99: Tanagra macroura Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 74. Fig./Sl. 100: Motacilla luzonensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 29. Fig./Sl. 101: Muscicapa caeruleocephala Scopoli, 1786 (1) Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 26. Fig./Sl. 102: Muscicapa macroura Scopoli, 1786 (1), Muscicapa tessacourbe Scopoli, 1786 (2), Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 27. Fig./Sl. 103: Muscicapa goiavier Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 28. Fig./Sl. 104: Muscicapa panayensis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 73. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 338 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fig./Sl. 105: Muscicapa malabarica Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 111. Fig./Sl. 106: Sylvia capensis Sco- poli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 115. Fig./Sl. 107: Parvus nelicourvi Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1782), Pl. 112. Fig./Sl. 108: Hirundo gutturalis Scopoli, 1786, Sonnerat (1776), Pl. 76. 105 106 107 108 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 339 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Society in Paris (Soc. Regia Oeconomica Parisiensis) and among his correspondents Scopoli listed also french naturalist Michel Adanson (1727–1806) (Scopoli, 1788; Voss, 1881). The correspondence between Scopoli and Adanson was not yet studied, and Adanson might gave more data on Sonnerat's specimens that were accessible to Scopoli beside Sonnerat’s figures and texts. There is no evidence that Scopoli and Sonnerat would have any direct correspondence. Anyhow, there is no evidence that Scopoli would travel outside Holy Roman Empire (Voss, 1881; Petkovšek, 1977), so he could not had seen Sonnerat’s specimens stored in Paris. His descriptions were therefore based exclusively on Sonnerat’s writings and especially on illustrations. Sonnerat and, consequently, Scopoli based their descriptions mainly on adult males, but not in all cases, e.g., females in Asian Blue Quail Synoicus chinensis lineatus (Fig. 37) and Nelicourvi Weaver Ploceus nelicourvi (Fig. 107), or non-breeding or immature birds in Pheasant-tailed Jacana Hydropha- sianus chirurgus (Fig. 76), Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus (Fig. 68), and African Spoonbill Platalea alba (Fig. 71). Since Scopoli’s descriptions are not based on type specimens, but only on figures an important taxonomic question raises here. If figures were the only material background of new species descriptions, then they should be regarded as types as well. In botany this is solved with designation of iconotypes (Silva, 1993), which are lacking in zoology (International Commission on Zoological Nomencla- ture, 1999). The Scopoli’s descriptions of Sonnerat birds are not the only descriptions that were based solely on figures (and text) and not on specimens, since this was practicised also by other early Linnean taxonomists, including Carl Linnaeus himself (e.g. Linnaeus descriptions of the Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria and the Fat Dormouse Glis glis in Linnaeus (1766) were based solely on written descriptions of Scopoli and not by specimens examinations; Barbagli et al., 1997; Kryštufek et al., 2021). However, there is no review yet that would evaluate non-specimen based descriptions in ornithology or zoology neither what value these illustrations have as types in zoological nomenclature and taxonomy. However, clear historical identification of specimens, that served in the prepara- tion of key figures (Voisin et al. 2004), or designation of neotypes (Kryštufek et al., 2021) are needed to stabilize the taxon names and define type localities. The most interesting illustration of Sonnerat, however, is that of the Buff- spotted Flameback Chrysocolaptes lu- cidus. Four woodpecker figures are illustrated in Sonnerat (1776), and two of them refer to a larger woodpecker, Pl. 36 (Fig. 51) and 37 (Fig. 52). However, Scopoli (1786b) made a mistake and referred Pl. 36 to two descriptions, Picus menstruus and Picus lucidus. Newton (1882) sug- gested a correction and assigned Pl. 37 to Picus lucidus, while Stark (1903) assigned Picus menstruus to African species Dendropicos griseocephalus (Boddaert, 1783). The scaly pattern of the underside of the woodpecker at Pl. 37 certainly fits the adult Buff-spotted Flameback, but the specimen illustrated has no crest, a dark upper- part including the head, and particularly conspicuous white spots on the tail forming a white tail band, which Sonnerat (1776) also specifically refers to in the text. No such large woodpecker is currently known from the Philippines, from where this species was described, nor are there any similar large woodpeckers elsewhere (Winkler et al., 1995). It is therefore possible that the specimens on Pl. 37 actually represents a currently undescribed and possibly extinct species. All currently known recent extinctions of woodpeckers (Picidae) are from the New World (Hume & Walters, 2012), and this would be the first example from Asia. Indeed, this would not be the first discovery of an extinct species in the writings of Pierre Sonnerat, what is also the case of the extinct shrew Diplomesodon sonnerati from southern India (Cheke, 2011). There is one extant specimen of the Buff-spotted Flameback in the Sonnerat collection held at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (Fig. 110), but of an atypical dark juvenile female Fig./Sl. 109: Fringilla alpina Scopoli, 1788, Scopoli (1788), Tab. 18. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 340 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 (Voisin & Voisin, 2010), which does not resamble the bird on Pl. 37 (Fig. 52). Collections with Scopoli’s type specimens and their preservation status Scopoli’s type specimens were stored in at least four collections (Appendix 1): (1) own Scopoli’s collection (coll. Joannes A. Scopoli), (2) collection of count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (coll. Franz Hannibal von Thurn), (3) Imperial ZOO in Vienna (here Scopoli observed only live speci- mens) and (4) collection of Pierre Sonnerat (Coll. Pierre Sonnerat), which Scopoli had used only indirectly since he made his descriptions only on Sonnerat’s figures and texts and not by examining the specimens. 1.) Collection of Joannes Antonius Scopoli In Idria, J.A. Scopoli built a large natural history col- lection of plants, insects, and vertebrates, including birds (Stresemann, 1923; Gregori, 2008), which were described in Scopoli (1769). The collection included type material for at least 34 new bird taxa. In addition, there was probably also a type specimen of the Wallcreeper Tichodroma mu- raria described by Linnaeus (1766) to be sent by Scopoli to Linneaus, but it is not clear from the letters that Scopoli actually sent it and that Linneaus based the description only on Scopoli’s letters (Barbagli et al., 1997; Soban, 2004). No specimen of the Wallcreeper is preserved in the Linnaeus collection at the museums in Uppsala and Stockholm (Wal- lin, 2001; U. Johansson, pers. comm.). When Scopoli left Idria in 1769, he probably took his collection with him and eventually brought it to Pavia (Italy), Scopoli’s last residence, Fig. 110: Atypical specimen of young female of Chrysocolaptes lucidus (Scopoli, 1786) collected by Pierre Sonnerat between 1769 and 1775 on Philipines (MNHN-ZO-2009-955; Muséum Na- tional d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 110: Netipični primerek mlade samice vrste Chrysocolaptes lucidus (Scopoli, 1786), ki jo je Pierre Sonnerat ujel med leti 1769 in 1775 na Filipinih (MNHN-ZO-2009-955; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 341 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 where he also died in 1788. The ornithological part of the collection in Pavia consisted of 250 bird specimens, which were kept in the Natural History Museum of the University of Pavia, but unfortunately the collection did not survive (Steinheimer, 2005; Violani & Rovati, 2010). However, Scopoli also exchanged material with other collectors, as evidenced by letters to Linnaeus, so some specimens may survive in other collections. Scopoli’s successor in Idria, Baltazar Hacquet, built a large collection that was later stored in Ljubljana (Jezernik, 2009). With the exception of the herbarium (now stored in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History; Praprotnik, 2015), all other parts of the collection were destroyed. Albegger (2015) reported that some specimens of Scopoli and Hacquet may have survived in the collection of Count Egger of Carinthia, which came to the Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz in 1815, although further study of this historical collection is needed because the original labels have been lost. 2.) Collection of count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (germ. Franz Hannibal von Thurn) In the letter of 7 March 1765, Scopoli reported to Lin- naeus about the bird collection of Della Torre (Aves Musaei Torriani) in Vienna, which he had visited in 1763, as can be seen from the letter of 22 October 1763, in which he writes about his three-month stay in Vienna (Soban, 2004). From the Della Torre collection, Scopoli (1769) described at least 27 new bird species (Appendix 1). Scopoli (1769) described that this was a collection of Count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (Excell. Comitis Francisci Annib. Turriani). Count Francesco Annibale Della Torre (1699-1768) was born in Gradisca near Gorica in Italy near the Italian-Slovenian border and was a member of the Friulian noble family Della Torre, Lords of Duino (Dorsi 2021). He studied law and theology in Graz, Salzburg, Parma, and Rome, but his uncle Raimondo Ferdinando Rabatta, archbishop of Passau, helped him become an official archbishop’s representative in Vienna (Santon, 2011). He died in Vienna in 1768. Since he was a celibate clergyman, he appointed his brother Federico Luigi Della Torre (1709-1773), Lord of Duino, as his heir (Dorsi, 2021), but the bird collection was tak- en by Jesuits after his death in 1768 (Fitzinger, 1856). In 1773 after abolishment of Jesuit order the collection was handed over to the University of Vienna (Fitzinger, 1856; Stresemann, 1923) and stored in zoological collection at the Faculty of Life Sciences, where no certain specimens are found (Steinheimer, 2005). The origin of the specimens in the Della Torre collection is not known, although they probably came mainly from NE Italy (Friuli, Duino) and the northern Adriatic (Friuli Venezia Giulia), although some ex- otic specimens came from menegeries, probably in Austria. 3.) Imperial ZOO Schönbrunn (Vivarium Caesareum) The imperial ZOO Schönbrunn (der Menagerie zu Schönbrunn) was a rich collection of exotic and rare animals, mainly mammals and birds, collected during various expeditions by naturalists on behalf of the Austrian emperor (Fitzinger, 1853). The first managerie was founded in 1552 by Maximilian II., but later ceased to operate con- tinuously. The third establishment was founded in 1716 by Prince Eugene of Savoy and was purchased by Emperor Carl VI. after his death. In 1732 the menagerie was moved to Schönbrunn by Emperor Franz I. Stephan, the husband of Maria Theresa. J. A. Scopoli probably visited ZOO in 1763, as stated in a letter to Linnaeus dated on 22 Octo- ber 1763, in which he briefly mentioned the Della Torre collection and the Imperial ZOO (Soban, 2004). Fitzinger (1853) gives a detailed overview of the animals that ZOO owned at that time, and some of them were also illustrated (Jacquin, 1784). Unfortunately, no Schönbrunn specimens from this period are preserved in the museum collection (von Pezeln, 1890). According to Scopoli (1769), there was at least 8 new species described from Imperial ZOO, but not all are resolved as a revision of Scopoli’s descriptions of birds from the Vivarium Caesareum, provided in part by Gregori (2008), is needed in comparison with the list of Fitzinger (1853) and the illustrations of Jacquin (1784). 4.) Collection of Pierre Sonnerat The bird descriptions in Scopoli (1786b) were based on two publications by the French naturalist Pierre Sonnerat on his expeditions to Indonesia, the Philippines, the Sey- chelles, and parts of Africa (Sonnerat, 1776) and to China, India, Malaysia, Madagascar, and Mauritius (Sonnerat, 1782). Sonnerat actually did not land on New Guinea, which is mentioned by several species as type locality, but he visited nearby island Pulau Gebe (Pasfield, 1892). In 1768 Sonnerat joined the expedition to Mascarene Islands with naturalist Pierre Poivre (1719 – 1786), Sonnerat’s uncle, and secondly in 1771 to Moluccas (Pasfield, 1892), where both naturalists collected also bird specimens, therefore Poivre’s specimens were later also included into Sonnerat’s collection (Streseman, 1952). Sonnerat’s descriptions were accompanied by illustrations made from collected material. Sonnerat’s bird specimens were kept in the King’s Cabinet in Paris (Berlioz, 1950), which was curated by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707- 1788). Although J.A. Scopoli never saw specimens of Son- nerat, but only illustrations based on them, the specimens of Sonnerat and Poivre can be considered syntypes for the descriptions of Scopoli (1786b), 101 new bird taxa. Today, the collection is kept at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (Berlioz, 1950), and at least eight bird taxa collected by Sonnerat are still preserved according to the published specimen catalogue (https://science.mnhn. fr/institution/mnhn/collection/zo/item/search/form). Two specimens are referred to as syntypes of the descriptions of Scopoli (1786b) (Appendix 1; Voisin et al., 2004): Mauri- tius Blue Pigeon Alectroenas nitidissimus (Fig. 111, cf. Fig. 85) and Seychelles Blue Pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrimus (Fig. 112, cf. Fig. 94). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 342 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fig. 111: The syntype of Alectoenas nitidissimus (Scopoli, 1786), today extinct species, collected by Pierre Sonnerat be- tween 1769 and 1781 on Mauritius (MNHN-ZO-MO-2000-727; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 111: Sintip vrste Alectoenas nitidissimus (Scopoli, 1786), danes izumrle vrste, ki jo je ujel Pierre Sonnerat med leti 1769 in 1781 na Mavricijusu (MNHN-ZO-MO-2000-727; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). Fig. 112: The syntype of Alectoenas pulcherrimus (Scopoli, 1786) collect- ed by Pierre Sonnerat between 1769 and 1775 on Seychelles (MNHN- ZO-MO-2002-138; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 112: Sintip vrste Alectoenas pulcherrimus (Scopoli, 1786), ki jo je ujel Pierre Sonnerat med leti 1769 in 1775 na Sejšelih (MNHN-ZO- MO-2002-138; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 343 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 In the collection of Sonnerat at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris there is another specimen designated as a type specimen of Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786 (Fig. 113; MNHN-ZO-MO -2004-129). The specimen is currently referred to as a holotype (Voi- sin & Voisin, 2008), which is clearly incorrect because the specimen was not referred to as a holotype by Sco- poli, nor had Scopoli seen it, so the correct designation would be a syntype or lectotype. The description by Scopoli (1786b) was based on Pl. 109 (Fig. 31) in Son- nerat (1776). However, the taxon is a senior synonym of Eos squamata riciniata (Bechstein, 1811) and therefore does not conform to the concept of the Principle of Priority, whereby the valid name of a taxon is the oldest available name applied to it (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999), what was already proposed by Oberholser (1918). The Sonnerat-Piovre bird collection in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris still must be studied in terms of determing syn- types of Scopoli’s bird taxa. CONCLUSIONS The aim of this work was to review the existing knowledge on the new bird taxa descriptions by Joannes Antonius Scopoli, a still underestimated early European or- nithologist. With respect to Scopoli’s ornithological legacy, there are still many questions to be addressed, especially considering still incomplete taxonomic revision of his bird descriptions, some of which are the first scientific descrip- tions after Linnaeus (1758) and should be considered in the concept of the Principle of Priority and validation of scien- tific bird names (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). Secondly, from a museological point of view, there are still open questions regarding the existence of Scopoli’s type specimens that could be kept in some museum collections. This article summarizes some basic information from published and online sources, but further work should focus on researching archives and museum collections. Moreover, in museums worldwide there are few specimens of birds from type localities in Carniola (Slovenia) described by Scopoli (1769), so the Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana could serve as a potential set of neotypes for future taxonomic studies. From Carniola (Slovenia) there are at least 28 new bird taxa described by J.A. Scopoli with type localities in Slovenia (all described in 1769). Five of them are also valid species today: Little Crake Zapornia parva (Scopoli, 1769), Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides (Scopoli, 1769), Little Owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769), Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris (Scopoli, 1769) and Black-Headed Bun- ting Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli, 1769. Fig. 113: Syntype (referred to as holotype) of Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786 collected by Pierre Sonnerat between 1769 and 1772 on Pulau Gebe Island, Halmahera / Maluku Islands (MNHN-ZO-MO-2004-129; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris). Sl. 113: Sintip vrste (smatran kot holotip) Psittacus guenbyensis Scopoli, 1786, ki ga je ujel Pierre Sonnerat med leti 1769 in 1772 na otoku Pulau Gebe / otočje Maluku (MNHN-ZO-MO-2004-129; Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Pariz). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 344 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks St rix g iu Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m O tu s sc op s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 91 3)   St rix s yl ve st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in   La th am (1 78 1) , G m el in (1 78 8) , Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 91 3) , Po ne bš ek (1 91 7) , V re ze c (2 00 9) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : t he ta xo n is at tri bu te d to S tr ix a lu co L in na eu s, 1 75 8 (R ey 1 87 2) o r S tr ix u ra le ns is P al la s, 1 77 1 (L at ha m 1 78 1, G m el in 1 78 8, H ar te rt 19 13 , P on eb še k 19 17 , V re ze c et a l. 20 07 , V re ze c 20 09 ) St rix a lb a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Fr iu li- G iu lia (I ta ly ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Ty to a lb a (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 91 3) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St rix n oc tu a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Lj ub lja na (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n A th en e no ct ua (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 91 3) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St rix ru fa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Id rij a (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m St rix a lu co Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 Re y (1 87 2)   Ps itt ac us fo rm os us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     se ni or sy no ny m Pe zo po ru s w al lic us (K er r, 17 92 ) G re go ri (2 00 8) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : u nd er th e sa m e na m e La th am (1 79 0) d es ci be d di ffe re nt s pe ci es , s o Sc op ol i’s d es cr ip tio n w as re ga rd ed d ou bt fu l ( Sl av ad or i 1 89 1) . G re go ri (2 00 8) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to Pe zo po ru s w al lic us (K er r, 17 92 ). Ps itt ac us m er ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m A ra tin ga so ls tit ia lis (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us k ra m er i Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (S en eg al ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Ps itt ac ul a kr am er i (S co po li, 1 76 9) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A pp en di x 1: O ve rv ie w o f ne w b ir d ta xa d es cr ib ed b y Jo an ne s A . S co po li lis te d in c hr on ol og ic al p ub lic at io n or de r w ith r em ar ks o n ty pe lo ca lit ie s ci te d by S co po li (in b ra ck et s ar e gi ve n co un tr ie s in te rp re te d ac co rd in g to g iv en e xa ct t yp e lo ca lit ie s or i n va lid t ax a co un tr ie s w er e co rr ec te d ac co rd in g to ta xo no m ic r ev is io n si nc e or ig in al t yp e lo ca lit es m ig ht b e w ro ng , e sp ec ia lly in s pe ci es n am es f ol lo w in g So nn er at 's d es cr ip tio ns ; t yp e lo ca lit ie s on o th er de sc ri pt io ns r em ai ne d un re so lv ed ), ci te d co lle ct io ns w ith t yp es , fig ur e re fe re nc es o f ty pe s or s pe ci es i llu st ra tio ns , ov er vi ew o f su rv iv ed e xi st in g ty pe s in m us eu m c ol le ct io ns , c ur re nt t ax on om ic s ta tu s of S co po li’ s bi rd t ax a w ith li te ra tu re in te rp re ta tio n of ( su b) sp ec ie s id en tit y, in te rp re ta tio n so ur ce s an d re m ar ks e xp la in in g ex is tin g ta xo no m ic is su es a nd fu rt he r ex am in at io n ne ed s. F ig ur es o f S on ne ra t ( 17 76 , 1 78 2) h as b ee n co rr ec te d ac co rd in g to N ew to n (1 88 2) . C ou nt ri es o f o ri gi n of t he n am e- be ar in g ty pe s pe ci m en a cc or di ng t o th e la st t ax on im ic r ev is on s ar e ex tr ac te d fr om d el H oy o et a l. (1 99 2, 1 99 4, 19 96 , 1 99 7, 1 99 9, 2 00 1, 2 00 2, 2 00 4, 2 00 5, 2 00 7, 2 00 8, 2 00 9) & A vi ba se d at ab as e: h tt ps :/ /a vi ba se .b sc -e oc .o rg /) . Pr ilo ga 1 : P re gl ed ta ks on ov p tic , k i j ih je k ot n ov e op is al Jo an ne s A . S co po li. Ta ks on i s o ra zv rš če ni p o kr on ol oš ke m v rs tn em re du o bj av lja nj a z do da ni m i t ip sk im i lo ka lit et am i, ki ji h je n av ed el S co po li (v o kl ep aj u so p od an e dr ža ve lo ka ci j t ip sk ih lo ka lit et g le de n a so do bn e in te rp re ta ci je p od an e v ta ks on om sk ih re vi zi ja h, sa j so o ri gi na ln o na ve de ne lo ka ci je la hk o na pa čn e, z la st i p ri ta ks on ih iz S on ne ra to vi h op is ov ; t ip sk e lo ka ci je o st al ih o pi so v so n er az re še ne ), na ve de ni m i z bi rk am i s tip sk im m at er ia lo m , r ef er en čn e ilu st ra ci je , p re gl ed o hr an je ni h tip sk ih p ri m er ko v v m uz ej sk ih z bi rk ah , t re nu te n ta ks on om sk i s ta tu s Sc op lij ev ih ta ks on ov p tic z ob ja vl je ni m i i nt er pr et ac ija m i ( po d) vr st ne id en tit et e in li te ra tu rn im i v ir i t er o po m be s ta ks on om sk im i o br az lo ži tv am i i n po tr eb am i p o na da ljn jih št ud ija h. Š te vi lk e So nn er at ov ih (1 77 6, 1 78 2) r is b so b ile p op ra vl je ne p o N ew to nu (1 88 2) . I zv or ne d rž av e tip sk ih p ri m er ko v gl ed e na z ad nj e ta ks on om sk e re vi zi je s o po vz et e po de l H oy o et a l. (1 99 2, 1 99 4, 1 99 6, 1 99 7, 1 99 9, 2 00 1, 2 00 2, 2 00 4, 2 00 5, 2 00 7, 2 00 8, 2 00 9) & A vi ba se d at ab as e: h tt ps :/ /a vi ba se .b sc -e oc .o rg /) . ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 345 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Ps itt ac us ru be r Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Ps itt ac us p ile at us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (B ra si l) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     va lid ta xo n Pi on op si tta pi le at a (S co po li, 1 76 9) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us cy an oc ep ha lu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     no m en nu du m Pi on us m en st ru us (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ) th e na m e Ps it ta cu s cy an oc ep ha lu s w as p re oc cu pi ed b y Ps it ta cu s cy an oc ep ha lu s Li nn ae us , 17 66 f or an ot he r sp ec ie s (S al va do ri 1 89 1) C or vu s m ax im us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , Ta b. 1 6 (C or vu s) (F ig . 2 )   ju ni or sy no ny m C or vu s co ra x Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 90 3)   C or vu s vu lg ar is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i M ey er 1 75 2, Ta b. 9 9 (F ig . 3 )   ju ni or sy no ny m C or vu s co ro ne Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 G re go ri (2 00 8)   C or vu s ru st ic us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , Ta b. 1 7 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Ta b. 18 ) ( Pi ca ) ( Fi g. 4 )   ju ni or sy no ny m Pi ca p ic a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 90 3)   C or ac ia s ca rt ag en en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ta ge na (C ol om bi a) Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     un ce rta in       C er th ia v iri di s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in       A na s le uc oc ep ha la Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (I ta ly ? ) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     va lid ta xo n O xy ur a le uc oc ep ha la (S co po li, 1 76 9) Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A na s m on ac ha Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Br an ta b er ni cl a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) G re go ri (2 00 8)   A na s ru fic ol lis Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Ay th ya fe rin a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) R ey ( 18 72 ) at tr ib ut ed t he t ax on to B ra nt a ru fic ol lis ( Pa ll as , 17 69 ), bu t at tr ib ut io n to m or e co m m on A yt hy a fe ri na ( Li nn ae us , 17 58 ) is m or e po ss ib le ( H ar te rt 1 92 0a , B ak er 1 93 0b ) A na s m el au ra Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 346 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 A na s su bt er ra ne a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C er kn ic a La ke (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i St ei nb er g 17 58 , Ta b. 2 2 (F ig . 5 )   un ce rta in   Sc he ib el (1 91 9) , H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), V re ze c (2 02 3) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: r ef er re d ill us tr at io n in S te in be rg (1 75 8) in n ot de ta ile d en ou gh fo r in te rp re ta tio n, b ut di ffe re nt a ut ho rs s o fa r at tr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to d iff er en t s pe ci es : A yt hy a m ar ila (L in na eu s, 1 76 1) (L in na eu s in a le tte r to S co po li; S co po li hi m se lf di sa gr ee d w ith L in na eu s; S ob an 2 00 4) , A yt hy a fu lig ul a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) (S ch ei be l 19 19 ), Ta do rn a ta do rn a (L in na eu s, 17 58 ) ( H ar te rt 1 92 0a ), A yt hy a ny ro ca (G ül de ns tä dt , 1 77 0) (V re ze c 20 23 ) Br an ta to rr id a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     un ce rta in       Br an ta a lb ifr on s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (I ta ly ? ) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     va lid ta xo n A ns er a lb ifr on s (S co po li, 1 76 9) Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   M er gu s gu lo Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m M er gu s m er ga ns er Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b)   M er gu s ae th io ps Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Lj ub lja na (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m M er gu s m er ga ns er Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   M er gu s al bu lu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , Ta b. 4 7 (A lb ul us aq ua tic us ) ( Fi g. 6 )   ju ni or sy no ny m M er ge llu s al be llu s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Re y (1 87 2) , H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b)   M er gu s pa nn on ic us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m M er ge llu s al be llu s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   Pl ot us c au di ca ns Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in   H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: H ar te rt (1 92 0b ) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to G av ia s te lla ta (P on to pp id an , 1 76 3) , w hi le B ak er (1 93 0b ) t o G av ia a rc tic a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Pr oc el la ria di om ed ea Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (I ta ly ) C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a) Jo ns to n 16 50 , T ab . 46 (D io m ed ea av is ) ( Fi g. 7 )   va lid ta xo n C al on ec tr is di om ed ea (S co po li, 1 76 9) Pe te rs (1 93 1) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol ym bu s ni gr ic an s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Ta ch yb ap tu s ru fic ol lis (P al la s, 1 76 4) H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   C ol ym bu s vu lg ar is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     se ni or sy no ny m Po di ce ps gr is eg en a (B od da er t, 17 83 ) H ar te rt (1 92 0b )   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 347 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 La ru s ci ne re us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m La ru s ca nu s Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s al bu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     se ni or sy no ny m H yd ro co lo eu s m in ut us (P al la s, 1 77 6) H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s m er ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m C hl id on ia s ni ge r (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s qu ad ric ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     se ni or sy no ny m La ru s au do ui ni i Pa yr au de au , 1 82 6 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s bi co lo r Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in   H ar te rt (1 92 1a ), G re go ri (2 00 8) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : H ar te rt (1 92 1a ) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to S te rn a hi ru nd o Li nn ae us , 1 75 8, w hi le G re go ri (2 00 8) to S te rn ul a al bi fro ns (P al la s, 1 76 4) La ru s st er na Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m St er na h iru nd o Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   La ru s co lu m bi nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m St er na h iru nd o Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   A rd ea ru fa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m A rd ea p ur pu re a Li nn ae us , 1 76 6 H ar te rt (1 92 0a )   A rd ea ra llo id es Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n A rd eo la ra llo id es (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A rd ea n iv ea Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Eg re tta g ar ze tta (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) G re go ri (2 00 8)   Sc ol op ax ru fa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Pl eg ad is fa lc in el lu s (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) H ar te rt (1 92 0a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   Sc ol op ax au st ra lis Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Sc ol op ax p ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m H ae m at op us os tr al eg us Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1a )   Sc ol op ax le uc op te ra Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     un ce rta in       Sc ol op ax g lo tti s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     se ni or sy no ny m G al lin ag o m ed ia (L at ha m , 1 78 7) G re go ri (2 00 8)   Tr in ga p or za na Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in       Fu lic a fu lig in os a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Fu lic a at ra Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 348 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Fu lic a al bi ve nt ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Fu lic a at ra Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   Ra llu s la rif or m is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     un ce rta in       Ra llu s pa rv us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Za po rn ia p ar va (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 92 1b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ra llu s fu lic ul a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Lj ub lja na (S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Po rz an a po rz an a (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   Te tr ao ne m es ia nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a) A ld ro va nd i 1 63 7, Li b. 1 3, C ap . 1 8 (F ig . 8 )   se ni or sy no ny m Te tr ao u ro ga llu s cr as si ro st ris Br eh m , C L, 1 83 1 G re go ri (2 00 8)   Te tr ao b et ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   C ol l. C ou nt F ra nz H an ni ba l v on T hu rn (V ie nn a)     ju ni or sy no ny m Ly ru ru s te tr ix (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 92 1b )   C ol um ba m ug ie ns Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m G ou ra c ris ta ta (P al la s, 1 76 4) La th am (1 82 3) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   C ol um ba te tr ao id es Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     un ce rta in       A la ud a br um al is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( Ita ly ) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i)     ju ni or sy no ny m A nt hu s pr at en si s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Sc op ol i ( 17 86 a) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   St ur nu s co lla ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (N W Sl ov en ia ), C ar in th ia (A us tri a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Pr un el la c ol la ris (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 90 5) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) ac co rd in g to o pi no n of S ch ei be l (1 91 9) th e ty pe lo ca lit y is o nl y C ar ni ol a (W S lo ve ni a) Lo xi a to rr id a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )  (V en ez ue la ) Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     va lid ta xo n Sp or op hi la an go le ns is to rr id a (S co po li, 1 76 9) Pa yn te r & S to re r (1 97 0) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Em be riz a m el an oc ep ha la Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (S W Sl ov en ia ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Em be riz a m el an oc ep ha la Sc op ol i, 17 69 H ar te rt (1 90 3) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) as ty pe lo ca lit y  Sc he ib el (1 91 9) su gg es te d ar ea n ea r th e co as t i n C ar ni ol a (S W S lo ve ni a) Em be riz a ba rb at a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Em be riz a ci a Li nn ae us , 1 76 7 H ar te rt (1 90 3)   Em be riz a br um al is Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( Ita ly ) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m C ar du el is ci tr in el la (P al la s, 1 76 4) H ar te rt (1 90 3)   Em be riz a lu ct uo sa Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m Fi ce du la hy po le uc a (P al la s, 1 76 4) H ar te rt (1 90 3)   Fr in gi lla m ar io ps a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 )   Im pe ria l Z O O (V ie nn a) - liv e sp ec im en     ju ni or sy no ny m Pa ss er in a ci ris (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) G re go ri (2 00 8)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 349 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 M ot ac ill a bo ar ul a Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i A ld ro va nd i 1 63 7, Li b. 1 7, C ap . 2 5 (F ig . 9 )   ju ni or sy no ny m M ot ac ill a fla va Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 G re go ri (2 00 8) Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) p ro ba bl y m ad e m is ta ke an d at tr ib ut ed n am e M ot ac ill a fla va to th e M ot ac ill a ci ne re a Tu ns ta ll, 1 77 1, an d M ot ac ill a bo ar ul a to M ot ac ill a fla va L in na eu s, 1 75 8. Sy lv ia z ya Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Sa xi co la ru be tr a (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 90 5)   Sy lv ia m us ci pe ta Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i Jo ns to n 16 50 , T ab . 45 (M us ci pe ta ) (F ig . 1 0)   ju ni or sy no ny m Sa xi co la ru bi co la (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) H ar te rt (1 90 5)   Pa ru s ba rb at us Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) C ar ni ol ia (W S lo ve ni a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Pa nu ru s bi ar m ic us (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) G re go ri (2 00 8)   H iru nd o al pi na Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( A us tri a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     ju ni or sy no ny m Ta ch ym ar pt is m el ba (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) H ar te rt (1 91 2) , G re go ri (2 00 8)   H iru nd o ru pe st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 69 ) Ty ro l ( A us tri a) C ol l. Jo an ne s A . Sc op ol i     va lid ta xo n Pt yo no pr og ne ru pe st ris (S co po li, 1 76 9) H ar te rt (1 90 5) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A la ud a tu rd in a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 a) In su br ia , T yr ol (I ta ly ) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i) W ill ug hb y 16 76 , Li b. 2 , § 1 0: ci te d th er ei n A ld ro va nd i 1 63 7, Li b. 1 7, C ap . 2 6. (F ig . 1 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m A nt hu s tr iv ia lis (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Za nd er (1 85 3) A ld ro va nd i (1 63 7) f ig ur e in di ca te s Pr un el la m od ul ar is ( Li nn ae us , 17 58 ) or e ve n Pr un el la c ol la ri s (S co po li , 17 69 ) A la ud a tu rlu Sc op ol i ( 17 86 a)   no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i)     un ce rta in       Fa lc o ru fu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) D uc at u M ed io le ns i (It al y) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i) Sc op ol i 1 78 6b , Ta b. 1 9 (F ig . 1 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m Fa lc o ve sp er tin us Li nn ae us , 1 76 6 N ew to n (1 88 2)   Vu ltu r r ad ia tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) M ad ag as ca r (M ad ag as ca r) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 3 (F ig . 1 3)   va lid ta xo n Po ly bo ro id es ra di at us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Pe te rs (1 93 1) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Vu ltu r c al vu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) In di a (In di a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 4 (F ig . 1 4)   va lid ta xo n Sa rc og yp s ca lv us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Vu ltu r i nd ic us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 5 (F ig . 1 5)   va lid ta xo n G yp s in di cu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   La ni us ph ill ip pi nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Ph ili pp in es C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 25 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 1 6)   ju ni or sy no ny m A rt am us le uc or yn ch us (L in na eu s, 1 77 1) W al de n (1 87 7)   La ni us n as ut us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 70 (F ig . 1 7)   va lid ta xo n La ni us s ch ac h na su tu s Sc op ol i, 17 86 W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 350 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 La ni us ru be r Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 1 (F ig . 1 8)   un ce rta in       La ni us a lb us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 2 (F ig . 1 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m La ni us e xc ub ito r Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 Sh er bo rn (1 90 2)   La ni us ru fu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 06 (F ig . 2 0)   no m en nu du m D en dr oc itt a va ga bu nd a (L at ha m , 1 79 0) Pi tti e & D ic ki ns on (2 01 0) th e na m e La ni us ru fu s w as p re oc cu pi ed by L an iu s ru fu s Li nn ae us , 1 76 6 fo r an ot he r s pe ci es (P itt ie & D ic ki ns on 2 01 0) La ni us c hi ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 10 7 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 2 1)   va lid ta xo n Pt er or hi nu s ch in en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us p ap ou Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (N ew G ui ne a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 11 (F ig . 2 2)   va lid ta xo n C ha rm os yn a pa po u (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us si gn at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 2 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 4 7) (F ig . 2 3)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ps itt ac ul a cy an oc ep ha la (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us qu ia ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 3 (F ig . 2 4)   un ce rta in       Ps itt ac us p ile at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 4 (F ig . 2 5)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ta ny gn at hu s lu ci on en si s (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us ci ng ul at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 1 (F ig . 2 6)   ju ni or sy no ny m To ui t b at av ic us (B od da er t, 17 83 ) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us m el an op te ru s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 0 (F ig . 2 7)   ju ni or sy no ny m Lo ric ul us ph ili pp en si s (M ül le r, 17 76 ) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us lu nu la tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 9 (F ig . 2 8)   va lid ta xo n Bo lb op si tta cu s lu nu la tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ps itt ac us le uc op th al m os Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 8 (u pp er ) (F ig . 2 9)   se ni or sy no ny m Lo ric ul us ph ili pp en si s ch ry so no tu s Sc la te r, 18 72 W al de n (1 87 7) , Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us p um ilu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 38 (l ow er ) ( Fi g. 2 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m Lo ric ul us g al gu lu s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 )   Ps itt ac us po ly ch lo ro s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (I nd on es ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 08 (F ig . 3 0)   va lid ta xo n Ec le ct us po ly ch lo ro s (S co po li, 1 78 6) St re se m an n (1 95 2) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 351 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Ps itt ac us gu en by en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 09 (F ig . 3 1) ho lo ty pe (M N H N - ZO -M O -2 00 4- 12 9; M us éu m N at io na l d’ H is to ire N at ur el le , Pa ris , F ra nc e) se ni or sy no ny m Eo s sq ua m at a ric in ia ta (B ec hs te in , 1 81 1) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), O be rh ol se r ( 19 18 )   Ps itt ac us a te r Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (N ew G ui ne a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 10 (F ig . 3 2)   va lid ta xo n C ha lc op si tta a tr a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sa lv ad or i ( 18 91 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Bu ce ro s pa na ye ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 2, 83 (F ig . 3 3)   un ce rta in   W al de n (1 87 7) , Fi ns ch (1 90 3) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: th e ta xo n is c ur re nt ly a ttr ib ut ed to th re e di ffe re nt sp ec ie s, P en el op id es p an in i ( B od da er t, 17 83 ), Pe ne lo pi de s m an ill ae (B od da er t, 17 83 ), an d Pe ne lo pi de s af fin is Tw ee dd al e, A 1 87 7 Bu ce ro s bi ro st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ar om an de l ( In di a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 21 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 1 19 ) ( Fi g. 3 4)   va lid ta xo n O cy ce ro s bi ro st ris (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Bu ce ro s pi ca Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) M al ab ar (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 12 1 (se co nd P l. 12 1 in So nn er at ) ( Fi g. 3 5)   ju ni or sy no ny m A nt hr ac oc er os co ro na tu s (B od da er t, 17 83 ) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   O rio lu s co th ur ni x Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 10 5 (F ig . 3 6)   un ce rta in   In te rn at io na l C om iss io n on Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e (1 96 3) Th e In te rn at io na l C om is si on o n Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e de cl ar ed th e na m e as d ub io us ta xo n an d su pp re ss ed it fo r t he p ur po se s of th e La w o f P rio rit y. O rio lu s lin ea tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 4 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 3 7)   va lid ta xo n Sy no ic us ch in en si s lin ea tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   O rio lu s oc el la tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lli pp in es ), N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 3 (F ig . 3 8)   va lid ta xo n Tu rn ix o ce lla tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Xa nt ho rn us ho lo se ric eu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 8, 6 9 (F ig . 3 9)   va lid ta xo n A m bl yr am ph us ho lo se ric eu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Pa ra di se a re x Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 9 5 (F ig . 4 0)   ju ni or sy no ny m C ic in nu ru s re gi us (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Ire da le (1 95 4) su bs pe ci es C . r . r ex (S co po li, 1 78 6) is no w in cl ud ed in C . r . r eg iu s (L in na eu s, 17 58 ) ( Be eh le r & P ra tt 20 16 ) Pa ra di se a pe nc ill at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 9 7 (F ig . 4 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m Pa ro tia s efi la ta (P en na nt , 1 78 1) Ire da le (1 95 4)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 352 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Pa ra di se a vi rid is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 9 9 (F ig . 4 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m M an uc od ia ch al yb at us (P en na nt , 1 78 1) Ire da le (1 95 4)   G ra cu la c ae ru le a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl .1 08 (F ig . 4 3)   va lid ta xo n M yo ph on us ca er ul eu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , Be eh le r & P ra tt (2 01 6)   G ra cu la c ris ta ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl .1 09 (F ig . 4 4)   ju ni or sy no ny m Py cn on ot us jo co su s (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) Bl yt h (1 84 5)   Tr og on lu zo ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 4 (F ig . 4 5)   se ni or sy no ny m Ps ilo po go n ha em ac ep ha lu s ro se us (D um on t, 18 05 ) W al de n (1 87 7)   C uc ul us va rie ga tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 8 (F ig . 4 6)   un ce rta in       C uc ul us fla vi ve nt ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 9 (F ig . 4 7)   un ce rta in   Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: Sw in ho e (1 87 1) a ttr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to H ie ro co cc yx h yp er yt hr us (G ou ld , 1 85 6) , a nd W al de n (1 87 7) to H ie ro co cc yx p ec to ra lis (C ab an is & H ei ne , 1 86 3) C uc ul us v iri ds Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 0 (F ig . 4 8)   va lid ta xo n C en tr op us v iri di s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C uc ul us m er ul in us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 1 (F ig . 4 9)   va lid ta xo n C ac om an tis m er ul in us (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Pi cu s gu in ee ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 5 (F ig . 5 0)   se ni or sy no ny m D en dr op ic os fu sc es ce ns (V ie ill ot , 1 81 8) N eu m an n (1 90 0) , Pe te rs (1 94 8)   Pi cu s m en st ru us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 6 (F ig . 5 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m D en dr op ic os gr is eo ce ph al us (B od da er t, 17 83 ) St ar k (1 90 3)   Pi cu s lu ci du s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 7 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 3 6) (F ig . 5 2)   va lid ta xo n C hr ys oc ol ap te s lu ci du s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Pe te rs (1 94 8) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) Th er e is a s pe ci m en o f a ty pi ca l f em al e fro m S on ne ra t c ol le ct io n pr es er ve d in M us éu m N at io na l d ’H is to ire N at ur el le , Pa ris , b ut s ee d is cu ss io n fo r f ur th er de ta ils . Pi cu s m ac ul at us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 7 (F ig . 5 3)   va lid ta xo n Yu ng ip ic us m ac ul at us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Pe te rs (1 94 8) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A lc ed o ca ro m an de lia na Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl .1 18 (F ig . 5 4)   se ni or sy no ny m H al cy on co ro m an da (L at ha m , 1 79 0) C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ), Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 353 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 A lc ed o al bi ve nt ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (S ou th A fri ca ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 1 (F ig . 5 5) ne ot yp e (T he N at al M us eu m , So ut h A fri ca ) va lid ta xo n H al cy on al bi ve nt ris (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ), C la nc ey (1 95 9) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A lc ed o co lla ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 3 3 (F ig . 5 6)   va lid ta xo n To di ra m ph us ch lo ris c ol la ris (S co po li, 1 78 6) C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ), W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A lc ed o un du la ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 06 (F ig . 5 7)   ju ni or sy no ny m D ac el o no va eg ui ne ae (H er m an n, 1 78 3) C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 )   A lc ed o va rie ga ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 07 (n ot c ite d by S co po li) (F ig . 5 8)   un ce rta in   C as si n (1 85 2) , Sh ar pe (1 86 8- 71 ) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: C as si n (1 85 2) a nd S ha rp e (1 86 8- 71 ) at rr ib ut ed th e ta xo n to H al cy on ch el ic ut i ( St an le y, 1 81 4) , b ut it d oe s no t s ui te th e re fe re nc e fig ur e, a nd its lo ng le gs d oe s no t s ui t a ny o f C or ac iif or m es s pe ci es e ith er M er op s br un eu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 10 0 (in co m pl et el y ci te d by S co po li) (F ig . 5 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ep im ac hu s fa st os us (H er m an n, 1 78 3) Ire da le (1 95 4)   M er op s m ax im us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 10 1 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 6 0)   ju ni or sy no ny m Ep im ac hu s fa st os us (H er m an n, 1 78 3) Ire da le (1 95 4)   C er th ia c an or a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ap e of G oo d H op e C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 16 -1 (F ig . 6 1)   U nc er ta in       C er th ia m al ac en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ap e of G oo d H op e (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 16 -2 (F ig . 6 1)   va lid ta xo n A nt hr ep te s m al ac en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C er th ia c oc ci ne a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 61 (1 17 )-1 (F ig . 6 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m D ic ae um cr ue nt at um (L in na eu s 17 58 ) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   C er th ia tr ig on os tig m a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 61 (1 17 )-2 (F ig . 6 2)   va lid ta xo n D ic ae um tr ig on os tig m a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C er th ia g ris ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, P l. 61 (1 17 )-3 (F ig . 6 2)   U nc er ta in       C er th ia lu te a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C ar om an de l C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 19 (F ig . 6 3)   U nc er ta in       C er th ia qu ad ric ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, P l. 30 -A , B (F ig . 6 4)   ju ni or sy no ny m Le pt oc om a ze yl on ic a (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 354 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 A pt er od ita lo ng iro st ris Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 13 (F ig . 6 5) , Pe nn an t 1 78 1, Ta b. 1 4 (F ig . 6 6)   ju ni or sy no ny m A pt en od yt es pa ta go ni cu s M ill er , 1 77 8 C he ck lis t C om m itt ee (O SN Z) (2 02 2)   A pt er od ita pl at irh in go s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 14 (F ig . 6 7)   U nc er ta in       St er na an ae th et us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 4 (F ig . 6 8)   va lid ta xo n O ny ch op rio n an ae th et us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St er na p ile at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 8 5 (F ig . 6 9)   va lid ta xo n A no us s to lid us pi le at us (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   St er na m ul tic ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 5 (F ig . 7 0)   un ce rta in     re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es ts D en dr oc yg na vi du at a (L in na eu s, 1 76 6) Pl at al ea a lb a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (S ou th A fri ca ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 1 (F ig . 7 1)   va lid ta xo n Pl at al ea a lb a Sc op ol i, 17 86 St ar k (1 90 6) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Pl at al ea c ris ta ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 2 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 7 2)   un ce rta in     re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es ts P la ta le a re gi a G ou ld , 1 83 8 Ta nt al us ru fu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 7 (F ig . 7 3)   un ce rta in       Ta nt al us va rie ga tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 8 (n ot c ite d by Sc op ol i) (F ig . 7 4)   va lid ta xo n N um en iu s ph ae op us va rie ga tu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , H ar te rt (1 92 1a ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Tr in ga fa sc ia ta Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) In di a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 6 (F ig . 7 5)   no m en nu du m Pt er oc le s in di cu s (G m el in , 1 78 9) H ar te rt (1 92 0b ), Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) th e na m e Tr in ga fa sc ia ta w as p re oc cu pi ed by T rin ga fa sc ia ta G m el in , 1 77 4 fo r an ot he r s pe ci es Tr in ga c hi ru rg us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 5 (F ig . 7 6)   va lid ta xo n H yd ro ph as ia nu s ch iru rg us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ha ra dr iu s du bi us Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 6 (F ig . 7 7)   va lid ta xo n C ha ra dr iu s du bi us Sc op ol i, 17 86 W al de n (1 87 7) , Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 b) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 355 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 C ha ra dr iu s cr is ta tu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a, C ap e of G oo d H op e C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 4 9 (F ig . 7 8)   no m en nu du m M eg ap od iu s cu m in gi i D ill w yn , 1 85 3 W al de n (1 87 7) th e na m e C ha ra dr iu s cr is ta tu s w as pr eo cc up ie d by C ha ra dr iu s cr is ta tu s Li nn ae us , 1 75 8 fo r an ot he r sp ec ie s, ho w ev er r ef er en ce fi gu re s ho ul d be fu rt he r ex am in ed a s it do es n ot re se m bl e su gg es te d ta xo n M eg ap od iu s cu m in gi i D ill w yn , 1 85 3 O tis s ec re ta riu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Ph ili pp in es , C ap e of G oo d H op e C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 5 0 (F ig . 7 9)   ju ni or sy no ny m Sa gi tta riu s se rp en ta riu s (M ill er , 1 77 9) Sc la te r ( 19 03 )   Pa vo m al ac en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 9 (F ig . 8 0) ; Ed w ar ds 1 74 7, Ta b. 6 7 (F ig . 8 1)   va lid ta xo n Po ly pl ec tr on m al ac en se (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Ph as ia nu s ro ul ou l Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a (M al ay si a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 00 (F ig . 8 2)   va lid ta xo n Ro llu lu s ro ul ou l (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Te tr ao pi nt ad ea nu s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a  (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 7 (F ig . 8 3)   va lid ta xo n Fr an co lin us pi nt ad ea nu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Te tr ao m ad ag ar en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a  (M ad ag as ca r) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 9 8 (F ig . 8 4)   va lid ta xo n M ar ga ro pe rd ix m ad ag ar en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba ni tid is si m a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a (M au rit iu s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 01 (F ig . 8 5) sy nt yp e (M N H N -Z O - M O -2 00 0- 72 7; M us éu m N at io na l d’ H ist oi re N at ur el le , Pa ris , F ra nc e) va lid ta xo n A le ct ro en as ni tid is si m us (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba ch in en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) E In di a  (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 02 (F ig . 8 6)   va lid ta xo n Sp ilo pe lia ch in en si s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba n iv ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 0 (F ig . 8 7)   no m en al te rn at iv um G al lic ol um ba lu zo ni ca (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) Sc op ol i d es cr ib ed le uc is tic in di vi du al o f G al lic ol um ba lu zo ni ca (S co po li, 1 78 6) C ol um ba lu zo ni ca Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 1 (F ig . 8 8)   va lid ta xo n G al lic ol um ba lu zo ni ca (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba c in er ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  L uz on (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 2 (F ig . 8 9)   un ce rta in   Bl yt h (1 84 5) , W al de n (1 87 7) sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rth er : t he n am e w as c at eg or iz ed a s do ub tfu l ( Bl yt h 18 45 , W al de n 18 77 ), bu t f ur th er e xa m in at io n of th e re fe re nc e fig ur e is re qu ire d Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 356 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks C ol um ba m yr is tic iv or a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n  (In do ne si ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 02 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 1 03 ) ( Fi g. 9 0)   va lid ta xo n D uc ul a m yr is tic iv or a (S co po li, 1 78 6) M ee s (1 97 2) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba v iri di s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 4, 6 5 (F ig . 9 1)   ju ni or sy no ny m Tr er on v er na ns (L in na eu s, 1 77 1) W al de n (1 87 7)   C ol um ba p ile at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 6 (F ig . 9 2)   ju ni or sy no ny m C ha lc op ha ps in di ca (L in na eu s, 1 75 8) A   C ol um ba b ic ol or Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (N ew G ui ne a) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 1 03 (n ot c ite d by S co po li) (F ig . 9 3)   va lid ta xo n D uc ul a bi co lo r (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Bl an fo rd (1 89 8) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 ), G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   C ol um ba pu lc he rr im a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (S ey ch el le s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 6 7 (F ig . 9 4) sy nt yp e (M N H N -Z O - M O -2 00 2- 13 8; M us éu m N at io na l d’ H ist oi re N at ur el le , Pa ris , F ra nc e) va lid ta xo n A le ct ro en as pu lc he rr im us (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A la ud a m al ab ar ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 13 -1 (F ig . 9 5)   va lid ta xo n G al er id a m al ab ar ic a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   A la ud a gr is ea Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na  (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 13 -2 (F ig . 9 5)   va lid ta xo n Er em op te rix gr is eu s (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Tu rd us m al ac en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 10 (F ig . 9 6)   un ce rta in     sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: th e re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es t o ne o f t he A si an P itt a sp ec ie s A m pe lis m al ab ar ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na  (I nd ia ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 14 -1 (F ig . 9 7)   va lid ta xo n C op sy ch us m al ab ar ic us (S co po li, 1 78 6) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3) B ak er (1 93 0) a s w el l a s pu bl ic ta xo no m ic d at ab as es (G IB IF , A V IB A SE ) w ro ng ly r ef er to M us ci ca pa m al ab ar ic a as p ro to ny m o f C op sy ch us m al ab ar ic us (S co po li, 1 78 6) ; c or re ct p ro to ny m is A m pe lis m al ab ar ic a, w hi le M us ci ca pa m al ab ar ic a w as d es cr ib ed a s ot he r sp ec ie s Em be riz a si gn at a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 5 (F ig . 9 8)   un ce rta in     sh ou ld b e ex am in ed f ur th er : th e re fe re nc e fi gu re s ug ge st o ne o f th e V id ua s pe ci es , m os t pr ob ab ly V id ua hy po ch er in a V er re au x & V er re au x, 18 56 Ta na gr a m ac ro ur a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 4 (F ig . 9 9)   un ce rta in       ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 357 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 Sc op ol i’s ne w s pe ci es de sc ri pt io ns A ut ho ri ty Ty pe lo ca lit ie s as ci te d by S co po li (in br ac ke ts a re c ou nt ri es w ith ty pe lo ca lit ie s ac co rd in g to c ur re nt ta xo no m ic r ev is io ns ) Ty pe c ol le ct io ns ci te d by S co po li Fi gu re r ef er en ce s Ex tis tin g or n ew ly de si gn at ed ty pe sp ec im en s C ur re nt ta xo no m ic st at us In te rp re ta tio n So ur ce o f in te rp re ta tio n Re m ar ks M ot ac ill a lu zo ne ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) Lu zo n (P hi lli pp in es ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 9 (F ig . 1 00 )   se ni or sy no ny m M ot ac ill a al ba le uc op si s G ou ld , 1 83 8 W al de n (1 87 7) , O at es (1 89 0)   M us ci ca pa ca er ul eo ce ph al a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  L uz on C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 6- 1 (F ig . 1 01 )   ju ni or sy no ny m H yp ot hy m is az ur ea (B od da er t, 17 83 ) Ba ke r ( 19 30 a)   M us ci ca pa m ac ro ur a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 7- 1 (F ig . 1 02 )   un ce rta in       M us ci ca pa te ss ac ou rb e Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 7- 2 (F ig . 1 02 )   un ce rta in   In te rn at io na l C om is si on o n Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e (1 96 3) Th e In te rn at io na l C om is si on o n Zo ol og ic al N om en cl at ur e de cl ar ed th e na m e as d ub io us ta xo n an d su pp re ss ed it fo r t he p ur po se s of th e La w o f P rio rit y. M us ci ca pa go ia vi er Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 2 8 (F ig . 1 03 )   va lid ta xo n Py cn on ot us go ia vi er (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   M us ci ca pa pa na ye ns is Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)  N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 3 (F ig . 1 04 )   va lid ta xo n A pl on is pa na ye ns is (S co po li, 1 78 6) W al de n (1 87 7) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   M us ci ca pa m al ab ar ic a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 11 (F ig . 1 05 )   un ce rta in     sh ou ld b e ex am in ed fu rt he r: w ro ng ly in te rp re te d by B ak er (1 93 0) a s C op sy ch us m al ab ar ic us (S co po li, 17 86 ); th e re fe re nc e fig ur e su gg es ts D ic ru ru s re m ife r (T em m in ck , 1 82 3) Sy lv ia lu te a Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na (C hi na ) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 14 -2 (F ig . 9 7)   va lid ta xo n Le io th rix lu te a (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Sy lv ia c ap en si s Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b)   C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 15 (S co po li w ro ng ly c ite d Pl . 20 8- 1) (F ig . 1 06 )   un ce rta in       Pa rv us n el ic ou rv i Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) C hi na   (M ad ag as ca r) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 78 2, Pl . 1 12 (F ig . 1 07 )   va lid ta xo n Pl oc eu s ne lic ou rv i (S co po li, 1 78 6) G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   H iru nd o gu ttu ra lis Sc op ol i ( 17 86 b) N ew G ui ne a (P hi lip pi ne s) C ol l. Pi er re S on ne ra t So nn er at 1 77 6, Pl . 7 6 (F ig . 1 08 )   va lid ta xo n H iru nd o ru st ic a gu ttu ra lis (S co po li, 1 78 6) Sw in ho e (1 87 1) , W al de n (1 87 7) , Ba ke r ( 19 30 a) , G ill e t a l. (2 02 3)   Fr in gi lla a lp in a Sc op ol i ( 17 88 )  T re nt in o (It al y) no t s pe ci fie d (p ro ba bl y co ll. Sc op ol i) Sc op ol i 1 78 8, Ta b. 1 8 (F ig . 1 09 )   ju ni or sy no ny m C ar du el is ci tr in el la (P al la s, 1 76 4) N ew to n (1 88 2)   ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 33 · 2023 · 2 358 Al VREZEC: BIRD (AVES) DESCRIPTIONS OF JOANNES ANTONIUS SCOPOLI (1723-1788): GENERAL OVERVIEW, 327–362 OPISI PTIC (AVES) JOANNESA ANTONIUSA SCOPOLIJA (1723-1788): OSNOVNI PREGLED Al VREZEC Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Večna pot 121, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija e-mail: al.vrezec@nib.si Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Prešernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija e-mail: avrezec@pms-lj.si Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija POVZETEK Joannes Antonius Scopoli (1723-1788), avtor opisov najmanj 175 novih taksonov ptic, od katerih je 59 še vedno veljavnih, je bile eden najpomembnejših tvorcev ornitološke zgodovine v Evropi in na svetu, kljub temu pa je pogosto spregledan, njegova ornitološka zapuščina pa slabo raziskana in poznana. Dopisoval si je z Linnéjem in tako vplival na zgodnji razvoj razvoj sistematike in klasifikacije organizmov. Njegovo naj- pomembnejšo znanstveno delovanje je bilo med letoma 1754 in 1769 na Kranjskem (današnja Slovenija) in se je odrazilo v številnih publikacijah, ki temeljijo na njegovih izvirnih terenskih raziskavah. Med temi so ornitološke raziskave, objavljene v Annus I. Historico Naturalis, Descriptiones Avium (1769), medtem ko so bile kasnejše študije posvečene reviziji podatkov in opisov drugih raziskovalcev, med katerimi so najpomembnejši opisi iz odprav francoskega raziskovalca Pierra Sonnerata. Prispevek predstavlja pregled vseh taksonov ptic, ki jih je opisal Scopoli, kot nove (1) s pregledom interpretacij identitete in trenutnega taksonomskega statusa ter (2) s pregledom zbirk, ki vsebujejo tipske primerke vrst, ki jih je opisal Scopoli, s podatki o njihovem zgodovinskem in trenutnim statusom. 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