S.W.U. JUNIORS WISH YOU “A HAPPY NEW YEAR” 1966! Luddie Leskovar and Frankie Zefran of Hr. 2, Chicago, III., think it’s fnn lo he 7 anil 6 years old and to lake pari in all I he activities S.W.U. plans for its juniors! They, along with many others, were husy this past year and hope to be even more so in 1966! Here they are in their Slovenian costumes looking like the true “Slovenski fantje” they are! ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER I JANUARY, 1966 VOLUME 38 5^7 83 547 88 ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act oj August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union oj America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IH. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands oj the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VGU XXXVIII — No. 1 JANUARY, 1!)«« LETO XXXVIII — Št. 1 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. lnkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. CHI & JOLIET BOWLING TAKES SPOTLIGHT JANUARY MEETING DATES 1st SUN. JAN. 2 Br. 6, Barberton, O.; 8, Steelton, Pa.; 23, Ely, Minn.; 24, LaSalle, 111.; 27, N. Brad-dock, Pa.; 51, Akron, O.; 92, Crested Butte, Colo.; 99, Elmhurst, 111. Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 1st MON. JAN. 3 Br. 29, Broundale, Pa.; 73, Warrensviile, O.; 83, Crosby, Minn.; 101, Bedford Hgts., O. 1st TUES. JAN. 1 Br. 14, Euclid, O.; 32, Euclid, O.; 41, Cleveland, O.; 59, Burgettstown, Pa. Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. 1st WED. JAN. 5 Br. 3. Pueblo, Colo.; 21, Cleveland, O.; 33, Duluth, Minn.; 35, Aurora, Minn.; 38, Chisholm, Minn.; 52, Ivitzville, Minn.; 95, S. Chicago, 111. 1st THURS. JAN. 6 Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal.; 45, Portland, Ore.; 80, Moon Run, Pa.; 100, Fontana, Cal 2nd SUN. JAN. 9 Br. 37, Greaney, Minn.; 43, Milwaukee. Wis.; 4G, St. Louis, Mo.; 49, Noble, O.; 61, Braddock, Pa.; GG, Canon City, Colo.; 67, Bessemer, Pa.; 74, Ambridge, Pa.; 97, Ca-irnbrook. Pa. Br. 9G, Universal, Pa. Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn.; Br. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash.; 2nd MON. JAN. 1.0 Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore.; 25. Cleveland, O.; 89, Oglesby, 111. 2nd TUES. JAN. I I Br. 7, Forest City, Pa.; 10, Collinwood, O.; 30, Aurora, 111.; 48, Buhl, Minn.; 5G, Hibbing, Minn.; 57, Niles, O.; 70, W. Ali-quippa, Pa. 2nd WED. JAN. 12 Br. 13. Cleveland, O.; 28. Calumet, Mich.; 31, Gilbert, Minn.; 40, Lorain. O.; 71, Stra-bane, Pa.; 88, Johnstown, Pa. 2nd THURS. JAN. 13 Br. 2, Chicago, 111.; 16, S. Chicago, 111.; 19, Eveleth, Minn.; 55, Girard, O.; 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa.; 81, Keewatin, Minn. 3rd SUN. JAN. 16 Br. 1. Sheboygan. Wis.; 17, West Allis. Wis.; 20, Joliet, 111.; 39, Biwabik, Minn.; 47, Garfield Hgts., O.; 64, Kansas City, Kans.: 68, Fairport Hbr., O.: 85, DePue. III.; 90. Presto, Pa.; 102. Willard, Wis.; 104, Johnstown, Pa.; 105, Detroit, Mich. 3rd MON. JAN. 17 Br. 50, Cleveland. O.; 8G. Nashwauk, Minn. 3rd TUES. JAN. 1» Br. 26, Pittsburgh. Pa.; 54, Warren, O.: 84, New York, N.Y.; 93, Brooklyn, N Y. Br. 22, Bradley, 111. No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News. The S.W.U. Chicago bowling league is playing the old game of “Who’s on first?” You never know from one week to the next who is going to be on top — it’s still anybody’s “ball” game with only 9 games separating the first place team and the ninth place team. As of Nov. 30, Zarja retained a slim hold on first place with a 2G-16 record.; Marquette and Barbara’s Beauty Shop are tied for second with 25 wins and 17 losses. Marquette remained the leader in high team series with 2851; Zarja’s 1024 leads in high team game. C. Tomazin shot 2G0 to take over the lead in high individual game; S. Gorka still leads in high individual series with 678. The 5-10 railroad was popular this month -— M. Zefran, E. Statkus, L. Putzell and S. Melissa conquered it, though. Other railroad pick-ups were C. Tomazin; 4-7-10; A. Fingerhut: 2-1-10; A. Hozzian: 5-7. Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. — The Joliet bowlers held their annual Hallowe’en party at. Rival’s Clubroom. Officers of Br. 2'0 were the judges of costumes, namely: Mrs. Emma Planinšek, Mrs. Josephine Muster, Mrs. Josephine Erjavec and Miss Fran Gas pich. First prize winner was our president, Marge Gasparich; second was Ann Papesh. Edna Grohar, Ann Cox, Mary Rudman, Elaine Panian, Evelyn Gregory and all the girls that were dressed up received prizes too. It was a real problem to pick our best because they were all funny and I’m l!r. 31, Soudan, Minn.; 65, Virginia, Minn. 3rd mt'HS. jr*N- 20 J Jr. 12. Milwac^faa, Maple Hgts., Ohio: 78, IMJe. II06, Meadow- lands, Pa. .■' -’ j1 •J * \<'S sure that everyone had a good time. Our guests for the evening also were Mrs. Mary Cohill, mother of our president, Marge; and Frances Bot-tari, Agnes Wade and Theresa Sena, who also assisted the committee. The workers were Jo Mlakar, Millie Briški, Marge Wajchert, Agnes Verbiser and Mary Rudman. We want to thank these nice smiling ladies for their cooperation. Now, a few words regarding our bowlers. As of now, First Place team i s Merichka’s Restaurant, 2nd is Northwest Club and 3rd is Ellena Builders. The 4th place team is DX Service Station, 5th is American Slovenian Home and (ith place is Dame’s Funeral Home. Holding 7th place is Kraus Radio & TV and 8th is Bluth’s Sausage. Hi Single Games is held by red-hot Vicki Bemicas with 240. Hi Series is by our pres., Marge Gasparich with 539 and our New Lenox girl, Marge Wajchert is leading in averages with 155. Keep up the good work, girls; you might get on TV yet! All our girls are wonderful sports. They may not have high scores, and all that, but they are there every Monday evening and that is what counts. Our new SWU member and bowler, Kay Sukle is doing better every week. Kay, just keep pitching that ball right down the middle and don’t worry a-bo-ut it! I know, it doesn’t pay to worry! So, a wish for continued good bowling to all and Happy New Year to you. God willing, see you next month. Your SWU Reporter, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.; 94, Canton, O. Br. 63, Denver, Colo. Itli TUES. JAN. 23 Br. 22, Bradley, III. ISO SPECIFIED DATE Br. 0, Detroit, Mich., each 3rd Mo. 3rd WED. JAN. 19 Mary Rudman Itli SUN. JAN. 23 ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, 111. — On the brink of the new year, we have a goal in mind, and that is to enlarge our ranks and make the top in the current, 40th anniversary campaign. Nothing less will do, say we! Br. 2, a significant number in this organization, was the lirst organized 39 years ago and in December, 1966, we are celebrating the 40th year. The best way to celebrate this anniversary is to enroll many new members and really do something for the future of the Union. The actual celebration will come sometime during this year, a committee to arrange where and when. We hope all our 400 plus members will be with us for this grand occasion. According to the Secretary’s report at the yearly meeting, there are 323 adult members and some 135 juniors — with 21 members over the age of 75 and 2' over 80 years. We appeal to you who have not brought your membership up to date to do so at once, so that the roll will be in good order for 1966. The Secretary’s report also included the financial standing of the branch for which all of us are extremely happy. It shows the hard work and efforts of our members thru the last few years when we have enjoyed many successful activities under the guidance of our very able officers. The members also decided to keep them all in office for 1960, which is a vote of confidence, certainly. In the new year, the branch also hopes for the success of the Cause of Bishop Baraga and the work being done to elevate Bishop Slomšek to sainthood. We have a great deal of faith in these two exceptional men of God whose service to mankind should be remembered by all Slovenians the world over. Especially close to the heart of this reporter is the future beatification of Bishop Baraga, who was dedicated to the first Americans, the Indians, and served God by being a brother to them. His part in American history is greater than many men whose lives and adventures have been written and glorified in books and movies. We hope to have a way to promote the Cause of Bishop Baraga among our juveniles in the coming year. We heal'd the report also by Mrs. Novak of the number of deceased members of 1965, which was five. Also, two members passed away in late December of 1964, which would bring to total of members lost in 12 months to seven. They were: Agnes Zunich, Mary Blaj, Tillle Telban, Anna Kegl. Mary Gregorich, Irene Grill and Agnes Bencan. We pray for their sweet peace. In the future, the President asks that greater numbers attend the prayer hour for a deceased member, especially since it was decided that we (Continued on page 3) Supreme President’s Message WISHES TO ALL FOR A HEALTHY, HAPPY ANI) PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! To all branch officers taking their posts for the year 1966, I wish you and your branch great success! Good, active officers make a good, active branch, also it makes for happy members who look forward to the meetings and there’s no problem getting new members. This year we are celebrating the 40th year since the Slovenian Women’s Union has been organized. Some of you who joined Zveza in the past few years may not realize that the organizer and founder of S.W.U. is Mrs. Marie Prisland who has given her faithful service to this organization the full 40 years. Countless hours and days have been given gratis to build up the organization to the large one it is today. Now, it is up to us to carry on this work and keep Zveza climbing and growing. By getting new members, we can do the most good for the S.W.U. In this current Ruby Campaign, in effect until April 1st, 1966, we have the perfect incentive. Get your friends and relatives to join your branch and you will be eligible for beautiful awards of cash and the S.W.U. emblem charm. You will also be treating your branch to a new sense of importance, as each new member counts up for the branch! The S.W.U. Scholarship Fund is in great need, if we want to give extra scholarships this year in observance of this anniversary. Branches and members, if you wish to give to a good cause, do so to our own Scholarship Fund which benefits students needing help to reach their goals. The scholarships are carefully scrutinized and students who receive them are a credit to this organization. Mail all donations directly to Mrs. M. Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She will prepare a list of donors and have them all published in Zarja. Next month, we have two branches who will be celebrating their 30th anniversaries and they are: Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa., organized Feb. 2, 1936, and Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio, organized Feb. 12, 1936. Both of these branches were organized by Mrs. Anna Petrich, formerly of Warren, Ohio, now residing in Fontana, California. Congratulations to the branches, the organizer and charter members. I attended the Sausage Supper that was given by Br. 68 and must say it was a grand success. The hall was packed and the meal delicious. Credit is due the officers and members of this small branch of 51 adult members and 8 juniors for their fine efforts! An invitation to attend their Christmas party on Dec. 6 was extended by Br. 101 to Mary Bostian, Oliio-Michigan Slate President, and myself. We certainly enjoyed every minute of the evening as members had prepared a delicious dinner consisting of casserole dishes and pastries of all kinds. They are all young members and 1 wish to compliment them on their fine cooking. Juveniles present also helped with the serving and did a commendable job. Congratulations to Mrs. Lucille Reed, a member of Br. 101, recently elected Mayor of Bedford Ilgts., Ohio. We are very proud of you and especially so, because you are a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Father Paulin, Spiritual Advisor of Br. 101, installed the officers and also gave a very nice talk on the subject of keeping up their wonderful work and to build ahead on (he good foundation. Fr. Paulin has been their spiritual advisor since the branch was organized four years ago and attends all their meetings and really has Zveza at heart. I have not forgotten my promise to you, Father, to bring you some homemade Slovenian delicacies: sauerkraut with ocvirke! I’ll be out the first chance I get. My sympathy is extended to our former National Auditor and the secretary of Zveza’s largest branch, Mrs. Mary Otoničar, who lost her husband, Rudolph. May he rest in peace. 1 still have cookbooks on hand and they are all ready for mailing! Do not hesitate to send in your order. Cost of this marvelous and complete cookbook is only $2.75 including postage and handling. They also can be purchased from your branch secretary. We are proud to present our newly published songbook, “Let's Sing,” selling now only $1.25 including cost of postage. To all born in January, a very Happy Birthday and a special wish lo our ailing members for a speedy recovery. Toni Turek ~ -a - 4 ■ ;• Jit Ufamortam It is with heartfelt sorrow that we announce the passing ot our dearly beloved wife, mother, grandmother and sister, Iflary SCurmatt fj I I e § & who closed her eyes in final sleep on the tenth day of November, 1965, after a long and difficult illness. Mother was born on July 29, 1889 at Vas Likoviča in Slovenia, Yugoslavia, and came to America more than G5 years ago. She was laid to her final resting place on November 13, 19C5, after the last blessing at the Church of Marija Pomagaj, in Pueblo, Colorado. The officiant at the funeral Mass was our pastor, Rev. Daniel Gnidica who led the praying of the Rosary on the evening before the funeral, and also at the graveside. Deepest thanks to Father Daniel for his comforting prayers and spiritual consolation at the time of Mothers death and for his numerous visits with the Blessed Sacrament at her bedside. The services of the George McCarthy Funeral Home are also deeply appreciated, especially the thoughtful handling of all arrangements. To Mother’s sister, Anna Malen and family of Denver, Colorado, we express our sincere thanks for their help during the long period of illness. Also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luoma and family of Denver, Colorado, Theresa Videtich, sister-in-law, daughters and sons of Leadville, Colorado, Mary Sodja Toole of Utah, Mary Vesel and daughters of Denver, Colorado, we are thankful to you for coming such long distances to attend Mother’s funeral. To the pallpearers for their sincere help and prayers, we extend our deepest thanks. Mother was a charter member of Branch 3, Slovenian Women’s Union and a member for the full 39 years of the branch’s existence. The members of this organization and president were on hand for the sorrowful conclusion to the funeral and we are thankful to them. Also, thank you to the societies: St. Ann, Christian Mothers, Immaculate Conception Society, KSKJ of which she was secretary for 35 years and #104 “Slovan” society of the Western Slovanic Union of which she was a long-standing member. We are grateful for the words spoken at the graveside and farewell rituals given by Anna Pachak, Kath-rine Yaklovich and Mary Kogovšek, representing the societies. Again, we wish to acknowledge the help of Father Pastor, also Dr. John Gardner. Special thanks to Frances Volk for her many visits and prayers on the 8th day anniversary of death, and Christina Bradish and Margie Pisciotta for their visits to Mother. There were many floral tributes given and a great number of Mass offerings. All these messages were very comforting to us in the time of bereavement. We especially remember the goodness of our neighbors and friends who took care of the table for the funeral entourage and for all their efforts on our behalf. Many words of consolation were spoken and we are grateful for every word and thought expressed. We recall the beauty of the singing in church by the choir of our church and thank them for the final tribute given our Mother in song. We beg to be forgiven for omitting anyone whose help we may have overlooked, and, please be assured you are all in our prayers of thanks. Our good Mother is resting in eternal peace and we pray that her memory will live with you as it will with us forever. Her mother’s heart was full of hopes and wishes for her family and with all her might, she worked for others whether it be at her church, her lodges or community. It would be impossible to count her good works which have become shining as a crown of stars for her now. Her example will be our guide on this earth until we meet again in the glory of the eternal Light. Bereaved family who wish to be remembered, husband, Joseph Kocman, daughters, Mrs. Mary Salvo, Mrs. Angela Medved, Mrs. Anna Skender, Mrs. Stephanie Samples, Mrs. Mildred Cosimano; son, Edward Kocman, all of Pueblo, Colorado, and the late Rudolph J. Kocman. Sister, Anna Malin of Denver, Colorado, and sister-in-law, Theresa Videtich of Leadville, Colorado. Thirty grandchildren and twenty-three great grandchildren. Pueblo, Colorado December 12, 1965. Q "I;i | I ' I .'I. ’ 'V lev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. MANIFESTATION IN MAN’S LIFE It . lij’V, , |jff it i b 1 ■ "iMif ; Ju" ;W Holy Scripture reports that when Jesus was born three . ise men came from the East to Jerusalem to see the aw bom King of Jews. "For we have seen his star in le East,” they say, “and have come to worship him.” When the three Wise men from the East walked in on e Holy Family, they started a revolution. That day there )gan the march of the Gentiles into the Chuich. This arch is still going on all over the world. We name that iy when God showed Himself in human form to all men, iTPHANY, which means “manifestation.” The feast is iserved on January 6th. All men did not accept the “manifestation” of God. .ie human being of the time of Christ was the same as a is today. He prided himself on his freedom to accept ■ reject. The Jews for instance, did reject the “mani-station” of God. Three Wise Men, on the other hand, ac-■pted Him. What made the difference? The difference was in the nd and heart of man. God showed Himself. It was for e free individual to discover the truth and see God. And so happened that, where the pagan Wise Men had jion, the Chosen People were blind. The Jews had created, out of their own imaginations clouded by prejudice and national pride, a dazzling “manifestation” of the Savior. When He did not come as they pictured Him, they looked upon the Christ and did not see God. It was different with three Wise Men. They were learned men, scientists. Unclouded by prejudice, and with minds eager for truth and ready to accept it, they looked on the Babe of Bethlehem and saw God. God has chosen frail human flesh as the mode of His “manifestation.” The Magi took Him on His own terms and acknowledged Him in tlie lowliness of the guise in which He appeared. Every day to every man God “manifests” Himself in ways we do not expect. He comes in the mean disguise and un-worthy surrounding of whatever contradicts our self-will, our pride, our conscience. He clothes Himself in pain, trials, opposition, and failure. All that He expects is that we be Wise Men, that we recognize Him and take Him on His own terms. To do that we need the faith, the docility of mind, and the purity of heart of the three Wise Men. Then we, too, will find the Child with Mary His mother and falling down will worship Him. A contrite and humbled heart, o God, you do not despise. ' Mi No. 2. Continued: shall always meet for prayer on the afternoon before the funeral at 2 p.m. This should make it easier on all. We heard from our Paula Ozbolt thanking all for being so kind to her when she visited here in October; also from Sr. M. Maximiliana, formerly of St. Stephen’s who is now in Rome and sends her best regards to all the ladies. All our other yearly regulations stayed as before and special note was taken of this year’s Zveza Day in Lemont on July 17, I960. A darling baby girl was welcomed in the home of Ella and A1 Zitkus, and grandma, Ivanka Ferjan was just brimming with joy to tell all about little Yvonne Jeanette, born Nov. 9th, a blonde, blue-eyed bundle of love. Both bother and grandmother are our loyal members and we hope to have baby Yvonne in our circle very soon. Best wishes to all the family. In January, on the 13th, we will meet for the first time in the new year and we hope you will all be present to enjoy a late holiday party ($1.00 grab-bag). See you then. Corinne Leskovar •I III!)!. I 1 I';1: ■ No. 20, Joliet, Hi. — Our condolences to families who lost a member recently: To Mrs. Antonia Tijan of Chicago who lost her brother, Mr. Minarich and was buried in Joliet; to Mrs. Helen Strojin who lost her husband, Ignac, survived also by a son in the insurance business. Mr. Strojin was buried from St. Joseph’s in Rockdale where he made his home and taken to St. Joseph’s in Joliet. Also our sympathy to Mrs. Frances Udovich who lost her son, Alvin Lilc-ovich, a resident of Ottawa, 111. His wife and two daughters, five brothers and a sister survive him. To Mrs. Jennie Grskovieh, who lost her husband, Anton, a building contractor, who is also survived by two sons and a daughter. He was buried from St. John’s Church and taken to St. Mary Nativity Cemetery. To the Egizio family who lost their daughter, Jeanette Yanke, age 23 years. She is survived by a husband and two year old daughter and one brother, also grandmother, Mrs. Anna Simunovich ,our member. Our long-time member, Mrs. Mary Legan, also passed away after a lengthy illness. She was 81 years of age and lived on N. Broadway. She joined our branch Nov. 18, 1928 recommended by dec. Mary Spelich Zupančič. Mrs. Legan was born in Trebnje. Four sons and four daughters and a number of grandchildren survive as well as a sister, Mrs. Frances Gregorich, our member and a brother, Joseph Spelich of Dawes Ave. As usual, our members prayed together at her bier and accompanied her on her last journey to St. Joseph’s Cemetery. May all the deceased rest in peace and our condolences to the bereaved families. Our member, Mrs. Frances Sterle Gregorash has been a patient in the hospital. May all our sick members recover very soon and be able to enjoy good health again. We have approached another New Year. May it bring health and good luck to everyone of you and may you live in contentment all thru this year. God bless you all. Best wishes for health is also extended to our Honorary President and organizer, Mrs. Marie Prisland, who underwent another operation recently. May she be able to be with us for many more years. Hope to see you all at our first meeting of the new year. With best wishes, Josephine Erjavec No. 24, LaSalle, III. — Everyone was pleased with the yearly meeting, as the members enjoyed themselves, tho it wasn’t as large a number as we would like to see attending. The weather was like “Florida” where our auditor, Mary Uranic and her husband, John are now enjoying a vacation with their daughters and sons. For our meeting, Mrs. Demac baked cookies, also Justina Anglovar and Mrs. Hoefferle; and the president, Mary Kastigar and yours truly also assisted with the refreshments. We had our annual gift exchange, too, and thanks to everyone for your cooperation. The members decided that instead of a card or “B” party, every member will be asked to contribute 500 to the treasury; we hope you will all understand that this is necessary. We also ask that you do not forget to pay your assessment as it’s really such a little amount to pay, yet when the secretary has to pay for many of you, it gets to be a large sum. Please take care of this important item in the new year. We extend get-well wishes to our sisters, Theresa Kobal in the hospital and Paula Vidrih now at home recuperating. Our best to you all. Congratulations to Judy Moriarity and husband who are parents of a beautiful new daughter. To each of you, heartfelt wishes for a Happy New Year and one filled with good health and happy family life. Angela Strukel, Sec’y No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — We certainly have begun our winter early. Much snow has fallen! if we don’t get more, we still have plenty. We had thawing periods or light drizzle which makes it very hazardous to walk. Considering the weather conditions, the December meeting was very well attended. Quite a change was made in the slate of officers for 1966. Rose-Ann Munsell, who served as president for 5 years, was unable to take it any longer and requested a change. We are going to miss her as she was very efficient and well-liked by both young and old members. Vice President, Marie Evans has also resigned because of other committments. Our dearly beloved secretary, Mary Schub-itz, our secretary for 25 years found it necessary to leave her office. As a person gets older the work gets harder and more nerve wrecking. Yet, she never complained. I’m sure Mary has set a good example to all of us. She is well-entitled to a rest. The new slate of officers are: Mrs. Anthony (Frances) Blatnik, President; Mrs. Thomas (Josephine) Greg-orich, Vice-President; Mrs. Prank (Liz) Misiewicz, Secretary-Treasurer, 411 W. McGonagle St.; Mis. William (Suntina) Spehar, Recording Secretary. With the exception of the Recording Sec., all are new officers. To our outgoing officers, a big thank you is extended for your past work. Congratulations to our new officers who I’m sure will carry on. So, with the old and new blood and full cooperation from all, we can’t help but top all the branches. How about it girls? God bless you all. Try to attend all the meetings and by all means, see that your dues are paid up to date. Don’t give our new secretary any hardship, please! Dec. 19th our junior members were to be feted at the yearly Christmas party. All were assured a good time. The youth committee was in charge. The Christmas party followed our yearly meeting. Everyone enjoyed the festive affair. Not only was the food out of this world, but our tables were decorated in the season by our professional Prances Staresinovich, who does this work at the Hotel Duluth. So, we are most fortunate to have her as a member. We appreciate it very much, Frances. As busy as she is, she is always ready to help and has never turned us down. We wish a speedy recovery to all our sick, with God’s blessings and our prayers, we hope you will all be well soon. Recently, we lost a member in death, Mrs. Mary Stilinovich, a longtime member. Altho she was up and around, she had not felt well for some time. Three sons survive her and a sister, Mrs. Rukovina, a member of our branch. Condolences to the family. May her soul rest in peace. A happy, prosperous and healthy New Year to each and everyone of you. This is my personal wish to you all. Ann Podgoršek, Rep. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Our November meeting was well attended, but unfortunately I had to miss it as I was a patient at the Virginia Municipal Hospital from Nov. 6 to Nov. 17th following a bout with the “flu virus” with complications. I am now at home — a lady of leisure, for the next several weeks and am able to report the meeting as one of our members took notes for me. Because of so many and varied activities in our area at this time ,it was decided to dispense with the December meeting and members will pay their dues directly to the treasurer, Mrs. Mary Pahula at her home. We will have no Christmas party either, there being so many others, of various clubs, to which our members belong also. After the business meeting, the ladies spent an hour socially and winners at “500” were Mmes. John Zav-odnick and Ramon Berg and at Scrabble Mmes. Leo Wilson and Ernest Johnson. Mmes. Edward Dragavon and John Bobence served a delicious luncheon to conclude the evening’s activities. Mrs. Joseph Janmick was awarded the attendance prize which was donated by Mrs. William Lilya. Hostesses for the January meeting will be Mmes. Joseph Gornick and Joseph Skala Sr. Mrs. Herman Mesojedec will donate the attendance prize. All members of Branch 34 extend to all members of the SWU best wishes for a Happy and Holy Holiday Season at Christmas time — may the Divine Infant shower you with His blessings not only during the Holiday season but throughout 1966! Mrs. Anthony F. (Barbara) Yapel Reporter No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — A New Year has begun! I certainly wish nothing but the best of health for everyone. Good fortune thru the entire year! The Christmas spirit should remain with each and every one, every day and not only in the Holy Christmas Season. Say something nice a-bout the next person, don’t always run everyone to the ground, there is a little something good in each and everyone of us. For some you have to look very closely to find a good thing, but it’s there. Pay compliments, take time to call on the phone when a death occurs and say: I’m so sorry about your misfortune. Visit the sick, send cards, don’t always think about yourself. To have friends, be a friend. Our Christmas party was very nice and well-attended. Everyone had a good time. Our Christmas gift exchange was one dollar cash from each member which we turned over to the Holy Family Cancer Home in Parma, Ohio. The members enjoyed the supper cooked by our own Mrs. Theresa Simončič. Well done, Mrs. Simončič. She always finds time to come to the meetings and even with an invalid husband at home. Of course, her daughter, Mrs. Theresa Filips sits with the father while mother is away. Our member, Jennie Hrovat Intihar lost her husband after a long siege of illness. She says it is so lonesome, nobody knows, after 32 years of married life to be suddenly parted. The departed soul is very lucky for his suffering is over, the Good Lord has figured it all out and the person 1-Ie has called has done his duty here oin earth and earned his place of comfort in the Garden of Complete Happiness. Frank was well-known in Maple Hgts,, as a good father, husband. He is in heaven with their son, Robert. God rest his soul. Our deepest sympathy. One of our members, Mrs. Agnes Vrcek was in the hospital — now at home; send her a card! She just recently became a widow and is lonesome, too. To all our sick members, get well soon. To our well members, stay that way. Those you should remember with cards are: Mrs. Mary Prime, Mrs. Ivana Hrovat, Mrs. Jennie Perko, Mrs. Agnes Vrcek. We hear Mrs. Antonia Legan is doing well now. In the next issue will be the list of our officers and new projects for 1966. Get some new members, please. Let us keep the Slovenian Women’s Union going strong. Till the next time, God keep you all in His love and care. Louise Prhne, Sec’y No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Dearest sisters: Here it is again the time when the year is new. Our meeting of December 1st was held at the Little Grove. This time, the business on hand was highlighted by the election of officers. Everyone maintained the old offices, namely, sisters Josephine Oswald, president; Mary Musicli, vice-president; Rose Chiodi, secretary-treasurer; Rose Zidarich, recording secretary; auditors Angeline Russ, Margaret Kochevar and Ann Roberts. Yours truly remains as reporter. Reports were received that we had two sick members who underwent surgery at the hospital. Sister Julia Man-cuso and sister Patricia Hrovat are both wished Godspeed to a rapid recovery and we hope and pray that they will soon be up and about. And, to all others who are on the sick list, which I may have missed, I hope they are all on the mend. To sisters June Jerulle and Betty Strazishar, we offer our deepest sympathy on the loss of their dear ones. Sister Lena Strazishar was a member of ours in good standing and she will be missed greatly by all who knew here and loved her. She bore a heavy The first Officers of Branch No. 103 — Washington, D.C. Reading from left to right, seated: Mary Frances Mejac, Secretary; Irene M. Planinšek, President; Nika Kovacic, Vice President; Tillie Ausich, Recording Secretary. Standing: Marie Mejac, Auditor; Elaine Fleming, Sentinel-Hostess; lea Zebot, Treasurer; Ivanka Antolin, Auditor. Not present when the picture was" taken is the third auditor, Agna Javornik. News from Washington, D.C. A most cordial welcome to our new members: Minka Zalar and Matilda Podborsek from Washington, D.C. and Ivanka Antolin, who Is from Emmitts-burgh, Maryland, and the mother of twelve lovely children. The first three junior members to become a part of branch No. 103 are: Bernadette Kovacic, Mary Mejac and Helen Mejac. Our regular monthly meeting was held at the home of Mary Frances Mejac in Washington, D.C. Plans were made for the Children’s Christmas Party and the New Year’s Eve Party. Elections were held as well and the results are as follows: President — Irene M. Planinšek Vice-President — Nika Kovacic Secretary — Mary F. Mejac Rec. Secretary — Tillie Ausich Treasurer — lea Zebot Sentinel — Elaine Fleming (our hostess) Auditors — Agna Javornik; Ivanka Antolin; Maria Mejac Program Committee — Irene M. Planinšek; Nika Kovacic; Mary Mejac. After the meeting, delicious refreshments were served from a table centered with mums and candelabra, by our hostess for the day, Mary F. Mejac. We can all say a lovely afternoon was spent by all. December’s meet- cross and I am sure she will be rewarded with a high place In heaven. To all her sons and daughter, relatives and friends, we pray that the thought of our sympathy may comfort you in this time of heartfelt sorrow. We wish we could erase the pain that we all know you are feeling. Also, sister June Jerulle has laid to rest her father-in-law, Mr. Ralph Jerulle. The burden is hard to bear, but by prayer we are sure that the grieving will somehow be lightened. We also would like to thank all the ladies who did such a wonderful job in serving the families in need, sisters Jennie Crea, Genevieve Zidarich, Betty Strazishar, Gertrude Koclievar, Angeline Hrovat, Margaret Andrican, Connie Lucente, Patricia Rootes, and all others who by the goodness of their hearts donated to the families. I hopo that the good Lord will repay each and everyone of you. Sister Josephine Oswald, our president, concluded the meeting with a prayer. We then had a great big Christmas celebration. Gifts were exchanged and the party continued. Sister Rose Trombly prepared a delicious dinner and all the trimmings. Sister Angeline Hrovat did the honors of decking out the place with all the Christmas trim- ing was held at the home of Nika Kovacic, at which time there was a speaker to demonstrate decorative Christmas arrangements for the home. We bid adieu to Helen Horwath, who will return to Joliet, Illinois for mings. Holly wreaths and misteltoe was all around and a good time was had by all. May you have a happy New Year and may God bless you all with the best of health until we meet again. Also, drive carefully as the life you save may be your own. Gertrude Kochevar, Rop. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The November meeting opened with a prayer led by president, Mrs. Barbara Um-eck; it was well-attended even though it was election night in this city. There was a short business meeting; at this time the ladles decided to have a covered dish dinner for the Christmas meeting. We also planned a gift exchange. The main business of the meeting was election of officers, but, all members said to retain the same officers for 19GG. So now, we are wondering are we good officers or are the other members so busy and cannot accept an office in this fast-passing time? The following are officers: President, Mrs. Barbara Umeck; Vice-President and Recording Sec’y, Mrs. Matilda Cigolle; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Mehalco; Auditors, Mmes. Amelia Robsel and Sophie Kren. an indefinite time. Our best wishes, Helen! Branch 103 sends to its branches best wishes for a New Year filled with happiness, peace and contentment . . . Irene M. Planinšek Social hour was enjoyed and games played. Mrs. Helen Biscan was chairman assisted by Mmes. Anna Krivac, Maria Cvetnic, Anna Kalan and Anna Marie Racick. This article, tlio written in November, will first reach you in January of the new year, 19G6. So, we wish you and your loved ones a New Year of good health and happiness. We extend get-well wishes to Mrs. Catherine Anselc and all others who may be sick at this time. May God bless you with a speedy recovery. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 63, Denver, Colorado. — The weather in Denver has been so beautiful, that after all the flood damage, our community is beginning to look and feel brighter. We had a very nice turn out of members at our picnic in September, which helped our treasury quite a bit. It was nice to see old friends and visit for the evening. The pillow cases, which we sold chances on, were won by Mrs. Frances Strausheim and the pillow “Lucky Number” was held by Steffie Meyers. Our lodge was saddened last month by the death of one of the faithful women, who started the lodge. We will miss her at our January get-to- gether, which she enjoyed so much. Mrs. Frances Rostihar joined the U-nion in April, 1936 and died October 15, 1965. She was a parishioner of Holy Rosary Church all her life, and had put in many hours of crocheting the altar cloths. They were beautiful and are treasured. To her daughters we send sympathy, and may she rest. in Peace. We have cookbooks for Christmas presents for the old and new brides. They have some wonderful recipes. Remember ladies, when you reach the age of 75 and 80, your dues will change, so don’t forget to let us know. Also, when a member is sick, we like to send them a card. It does some cheering up to receive them. Remember our annual get-together will be held in January. This will be on the fourth Sunday of the month — the 23rd. We will have games, party refreshments, and drinks for everyone. You are all invited, so keep the date on your calendar. The Western Slavonic Association will sponsor the New Year’s Eve dance for the benefit of the Home. We hope to see our members attend. Mike Popovich will furnish the music. To all our members, who have been sick and affected by the flood, we hope the New Year will be much brighter. Happy Holidays to all. Ellen Nortnik, Sec’y No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Wishing everyone a Happy and Peaceful New Year. Since January is a month for making resolutions, let’s all try to take more interest in our local branches and other branches, also. Our branch lost a good number of long-standing members. On Nov. 21st Frances Dremel passed away. She was an officer for many years. The meetings also were held in the basement of her home for a long period of time. She led a life of patience and resignation as she had been ill for many years. May she rest in peace. We wish to thank members who attended the rosary services and funeral and to all those who were so kind to the family. She was also my mother-in-law and mother of Josephine Kim-mick, mother-in-law of Jeannette Adamic; and Wilma Jean Adamic is a granddaughter. These ladies are all our members. Hannah Adamic had her sister from Minnesota visiting her for a month or so. Our vice-president, Helen McFarland was in the hospital at Colo. Springs in November. Our best wishes to all on the sick list and also our aged members. Pray for peace, all of us! Cecile Adamic BR. 73 FETES COUPLES Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lubanovich Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lubanovich who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in October, having been married on Oct. 16, 1915. The Mass of Thanksgiving was offered at St. Paul’s church on E. 40tli Street in Cleveland. Mr. & Mrs. Lubanovich reside at 22817 Miles Rd. in North Randall and have six children, Frank of Phoenix, Ariz.; Peter of Strongsville; John who lives in Macedonia, Yugoslavia; Edward, David and Mrs. Helen Dieneman who is, along with her mother, a member of Br. 73, Warrensville Heights. There are eight grandchildren. The members of Br. 73 and their many friends extend wannest wishes to them for many, many happy anniversaries to come. Mr. & Mrs. John Tomsick A beautiful summer wedding was of Jo Ann Turk and John Tomsick. The double ring ceremony took place at St. Jude church in Warrensville Hts., Ohio on June 5, 1965. Leona Sue Naso was maid of honor and Dave Wily was best man. Bridesmaids were Carol Sray and Louise Bandsush. Tony Angy and John Benninglioff were ushers. Jo Ann is the daughter of John and Josephine Turk. John is the son of the late Mary Tomsick. Jo Ann and her Mom are long-time members of S.W.U. No. 73. After a wedding trip to California the couple are making their home at 11715 Johnson Dr. in Parma. We extend our sincerest best wishes to the newly weds for a happy wedded life. _____________________________L. E. No. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. — It seems good to settle down and attend regular meetings once again. Everyone seemed to enjoy the summer and some of the ladies went away on their vacations and others just stayed home enjoying the sunshine and warmth. Some of the members attended the Slovenian Day in Euclid on Oct. 17th. This event seems to be getting bigger and better every year. Our second annual dinner-dance was held Nov. 2'Oth at Fairport Harbor. It was bigger and better than last year. Many thanks to ail those who came from surrounding areas and most of all to Mrs. Toni Turek, our Supreme President for making arrangements to bring a bus-load of members from the Cleveland-Euclid area. We certainly appreciate seeing these wonderful people at some of our affairs. Without them, it wouldn’t be the success it was. May we some day return the favor. To all members having birthdays in the past few months, many happy returns and to all sick members, a speedy recovery! Remember ladies, our meetings are held every third Sunday of the month and we ask that you keep your dues paid up to date. It helps our secretary to keep her books in order. Julia Grabelsek, Rep. No. 72, Pullman, III. — We had a very good meeting in November at. Mrs. Arko’s home, and first of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Arko for allowing us to come to her home and for her very gracious hospitality. The following were elected to office for the coming year: President—Mrs. Angela Bezlaj; Vice-President — Mrs. Mary Klun; Secretary — Mrs. Mary Dresher; Treasurer — Mrs. Wilma /agar (and reporter); Auditor — Mrs. Stepliy Sheehy. For the coming year, instead of having our meetings at one particular place, we are going to have them in perhaps a different home each time. You will be notified in time in ZARJA where and when each meeting will be held. We will have no winter meetings, so our first meeting of the New Year will be on March 20th at my home — 10-145 Wabash Ave., telephone PU 5-9857. I hope we will have a big gathering. Because of so many problems, we will not hold meetings every month. Instead, we may try them on a every otlier month basis. Perhaps this will enable more of you to attend. However, we will go into this further at our March meeting. We had a very lovely Christmas party after the November meeting. Our Slovenian ladies are really wonderful cooks. We had so many delicious goodies. I want to thank all the ladies for their donations of food and other items. Now — as your new treasurer — may I ask you to please see that your dues are paid up-to-date? You know there is also the $1.00 assessment due, so will you please take care of these obligations as soon as possible so we can start the New Year with a clean slate? If you don’t pay your dues on time, yeur treasurer must make them up, and you know that could prove a little hard to do at times. So will you please keep your dues up-to-date and on time? I must not forget to say how glad we were to see some of our “sick” members at this November party. So glad you were able to come, and hope that you will be able to come again and again. To all our sick members, we hope for good health for all of you. Christmas will have passed by the time you read this in ZARJA, but I hope you all had a very joyous and blessed Holiday, and I hope that the New Year will bring you good health, peace and joy. Wilma Zagar Hermine Prisland Dicke: No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. — It’s Dec. 2nd as I sit and write my letter to you. The sun is out and snow just about gone with temperatures of 47 degrees. With thoughts of Christmas and the New Year, I want to wish you all a very happy, healthy and holy New Year. Hope all the members will come to the meetings this year of 1966 and let us see your smiling faces. Also, our membership drive is on so bring those new members. We want to thank the ladies for bringing the canned goods and making three families’ Thanksgiving a little brighter. Hope they enjoyed it. Our elections are here, too, and I wish all our new officers good luck in their positions and hope all the members help along. A reminder to you to pay up your outstanding dues. Let’s all start the New Year right. Wishes to all members who may be ill and Happy Birthday to those celebrating. Again, Happy New Year! Batty Bayus, Rep. and __ For interesting variety in our eve it day meals new and different recipes are worth trying. Mrs. Olga Saye, President of Branch 1, Sheboygan, Wis., has sent in two excellent favorites which may be new for many of you. One is “Hasen Pfeffer” with a delicious gravy made of ginger snap crumbs. Rabbit will be available in most of the markets through January so you can try it now before the rabbit season ends. Another treasured, traditional favorite of Olga’s family is Norwegian Kringlar with a delectable almond flavor. HASEN PFEFFER 1 rabbit (2% pounds) \xfz cups vinegar 2 cups water % cup sugar 3 bay leaves 1 teaspoon pickling spices 1 teaspoon salt dash pepper 1 onion, sliced 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup sour cream or evaporated milk 1 teaspoon pickling brine 4 tablespoons ginger snap crumbs. I>ay well cleaned rabbit neatly in a jar and cover with brine made of vinegar, water, sugar, bay leaves, pickling spices, onion, salt, and pepper. Allow this to stand in a cold place for two days. Remove meat, dry thoroughly then brown in hot butter turning often and gradually adding sauce in which it was pickled until meat is covered. Let simmer about 45 minutes or until tender. Gravy is made with sour cream or evaporated milk and pickling brine and ginger snap crumbs. Cook until thick and smooth, stirring constantly. NORWEGIAN KRINGLAR Part One — Mix like pie crust: 1 cup flour % cup butter 1 tablespoon water. Pat on cookie sheet in two long strips three inches wide. Part Two — Put in saucepan: 1 cup water % cup butter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JANUARY Jan. 2 — Kay Yuratovac, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. Jan. 6 — Frances Meglic, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. Jan. 13 — Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, No. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 27 — Mary Polajner, Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Heat to boiling point. As you take from stove, add 1 cup flour. Stir until smooth. Then beat in, one at a time 3 eggs. Beating until smooth after each addition, add % teaspoon Almond Extract. Spread lightly on Part one. Temperature — 375 degrees. Time — 30 to 45 minutes until lightly brown and under crust is done. When cool frost with: 1 cup powdered sugar 1 tablespoon cream 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon almond extract depending on your preference. * >1« * * HOUSEHOLD HINTS 1. Put a little salad oil in water when boiling spaghetti or noodles — will not boil over. 2. Wetting your hands before shaping meatballs makes the job easier and the meatballs smoother. 3. Keep a large jug of pure vinegar handy. Pour one cup of it down each of your drains (kitchen sink, all bathroom drains, as well as laundry tubs) from time to time before retiring at night. In the morning, pour hot water down the drains freely. That’s all. Saves on plumbing bills. (Remember when buying vinegar that five per cent at 50 cents a bottle is cheaper than four per cent at 47 cents a bottle.) * * * * Thank you, Olga, for your marvelous recipes. Best wishes to you and your Branch and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all the members of S. W. U. Sincerely, Hermine * * * » QUICK STEP TO FASHION. Smocking is smart this fall. Smocked dresses for both big and little girls look fashion-wise and picture-pretty. Smocking is effective, all right. But it’s time-consuming when you make your own clothes or clothes for your little girls. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Extension clothing specialist says you can get a similar effect, more quickly, by using the following method. 1. Lengthen the machine stitch and, with the edge of the pressure foot as a guide, make several rows of stitching spaced evenly apart. 2. Pull the underneath threads to adjust the gathers, then fasten the threads. 3. Shorten the machine stitch as desired. 4. Machine-stitcli over each row of. stitching with contrasting or matching thread to hold the gathers in place. Another quick trick is to make decorative stitches, such as chain-stitch, with embroidery thread over the gathers. Such stitches hold the gathers in place and resemble smocking. COMBINED BRANCHES DECEMBER MEETING REPORT The December meeting was a happy one. Everyone was in the mood of Christmas and there was a nice luncheon and exchange of gifts. Our thoughts were with the members not present because of illness and we sent them get-well cards. Our wishes go to Nettie Strukel who was one of our Combined Branches’ auditors and now is very ill at the Warrensville Hospital. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mary Otoničar on the loss of her husband, Rudolph. We pray he is resting in eternal peace. I wish to announce our next state convention which will be on April 24, 19GG at the SOD Hall, 10814 Prince Ave., 2 P.M. We will combine with Br. 47 on their 30th anniversary celebration. I hope many of the branches will send their officers or representatives. Br. 47 expects to have a wonderful program, so don’t miss it! Now that election time is over, a new year and a new start is in the offing for everyone. I hope all new and old officers cooperate with one another and will be friendly and helpful for the progress of your branch. I want to thank Mrs. Prisland for her lovely write up about our Slovenian Day and hearty thanks for her visit. It was enjoyed by all. Maybe some day, we could have you visit us again. I also wish to thank Mrs. Kozjan of Lorain, Br. 40, for her wonderful compliments to our celebration. Reading these reports really gives me a lift. I am grateful to you all and happy to know that it was worthwhile. Thanks to all the reporters and branches for their good words. Congratulations to Br. G8 on their successful big event. There are so few members in that branch, but, oh, how they cooperate! Bless them for their love for this organization. Again, I wish to mention our Pounder, Mrs. Prisland, and ask all our branches to cooperate in the Scholarship Fund which she is so interested in promoting. This is a start, to convince our youth that we need them and want only the best for them. So, with their help, S.W.U. will continue to go on and on. Please keep this in mind at your next meeting, members. And also, don’t forget the campaign for the 40th anniversary! Get many new mem- No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — This year’s Christmas Party seemed a little more special because the entertainment was provided through the talents of our members’ children. Mothers, serene grandmothers, other mothers were charmed by the captivating toddlers. Also, what Christmas get-together would be complete without the accordion selections by Stephen Possedi and Anthony Dosen. This was a delight to everyone, enjoying each other’s company. I feel that I just can’t let this go by without saying a few words of praise and gratitude to our Chairlady, Mary Possedi who volunteered to take the burden of our Christmas party this year, to her Co-chairlady Rose Boemer and Helen Golich for the thoughtful and splendid program which they projected and planned; last but not least, for the privilege of having the children to share and enrich and intensify our lives. My heart is full of praise to the parents of these little kiddies who performed that evening. To the senior members with their loving generosity give us thankful praise that night, however, “RUBY CAMPAIGN” ENROLLMENTS AS OF DECEMBER, 1965 BRANCH A B JR TOT #1, Sheboygan 1 1 #2, Chicago 2 4 6 #5, Indianapolis 1 1 2 #7, Forest City 1 1 #10, Cleveland 1 1 #12, Milwaukee 1 1 2 #14, Cleveland 2 1 3 #17, West Allis 3 3 #23, Ely 1 2 3 #25, Cleveland 2 7 9 #32, Euclid 1 1 #33, Duluth 1 2 2 5 #40, Lorain 1 1 #43, Milwaukee 1 I 2 #46, St. Louis 1 1 #47, Cleveland 2 2! #50, Cleveland 5 22 27 #56. Hibbing 1 1 #68, Fairport Horbor 2 2 #73, Warrensville 12 12 #77, Pittsburgh 1 0 3 #78, Leadville 1 1 #89, Oglesby 1 1 #95, So. Chicago 2 2 #101, Bedford Hts. 2 2 #108, Washington O 7 3 13 #106, Meadowlands 2 2 TOTALS 9 38 62 109 bers and let’s all join the Campaign parade, I just can’t see why we can’t do it! I wish all our members a successful year of T 960 and a year of good health to all, especially our ill. A happy Birthday greeting to all celebrating in December and January. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian I am deeply grateful to all of you who have demonstarated your willingness and determination in making our Christmas Party one of the best. The hostesses for the evening were: Evelyn Driscoll, Margaret Ann Pozeck, Veda Yamich, Ann Sertich, Manda Dosen, Mary Perkovich, Eva Mlinar-ich, Ann Hlacer and Ann Pave. Refreshments donated by the following: Amelia Cuzeila, Mary Duich, Sophie Barbich, Anna Tumpich, Ann Illacer, Eva Mlinarich, Agatha Mesin, Barbara and Mary Sambol, Ann Sertich, Anna Plesha, Mary Possedi, Rose Boemer, Mary Perkovich (96th Muskegon), Manda Dosen, Helen Golich, Marge Pozeck, Evelyn Driscoll, Ann Pave ,and yours truly. Cash donations by the following: Mary Perkovich (9Gth Houston St.), ($1.50); Mary Dutch, Matilda Cacich, Lucille Benkovich, Anna Jovanovich, Mary Nicksic, Margaret Innis, Margaret Simunic, Catherine Rajcic, and Vica Rukavina ($1.00 donations); Helen Stewart ($3.00); Ann Pearson and Catherine Jackovich ($2.00); and our beloved Cecilia Isek ($5.00). My sincere thanks to all of you. If I have omitted anybody please remind me at our next meeting. A very blessed and happy birthday to the following who are celebrating in January: Sophie Barbich, Mary Brozovicli, Cvita Chorich, Amelia Cuz ella, Georgia Gaspar, Manda Yergov-ich, Anna Yurkas, Antonia Mrkobrada, Sophie McNulty, Catherine Rosandich, Victoria Rukavina, Anna Sertich, Helen Spelich, Anna Zagar, Neda Mihalje-vich, and Helen Zeffiro. I was happy to see Frances Sea-bloom at our party and on the mend after her long stay in the hospital. A speedy recovery to all of our members who are ill. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marko Starcevich, 9328 Yates Ave., who recently celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary. In closing, don’t forget to tune in on your radios, every Friday at 3 to 4 P.M., Station W.T.A.Q. (1300 KIL.) La Grange, 111. and listen to Mary and Roman Possedi’s Happy Polka Timo of Croatian and Slovenian Polkas. May I extend my very best wishes for the success of your forward-looking future programs. To me, both of you represent of what is good, fine, righteous and admirable. God bless both of you. Mildred James IN SYMPATHY Death has removed from our midst our beloved member, Mary Andretieh, who was a devoted wife to her late husband, John, fond mother of Stanley, William John, Mrs. Frances Sea-bloom, Mrs. Mary Nicksic, and Mrs. Mildred Poropat, eight grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, dear moth-er-in-law of Mrs. Justine Andretieh, Ted Seabloom, Peter Nicksic and John Poropat. Mary Andretieh was our pioneer member. Perhaps some of you who have had the privilege of knowing our departed member, knew that she had been ill a long time. However, let us not forget that she gave fully of her time, energy and resources to extend the influence of her church and our branch, and most of all she was a relentless crusader for what she believed was right. I know her passing will not only be a personal loss to her family; her death represents a great loss to our branch which she served so effectively. Mary now rests in peace, but her noble and respendent spirit remains to comfort us. She will always be remembered in our hearts and in our prayers. To the bereaved family, you have the comfort of knowing that the devotion shown her by all of you enriched her later years. Withal, the loss of a parent is a sad thing and hard to bear. For those who don’t know, daughters, Mildred Poropat, our conscientious secretary, Frances Seabloom, and Mary Nicksic are our loyal members, who have always taken a lively interest in all of our projects. To you Mildred and your sisters and the rest of your family, it is with a full heart I offer all of you my deepest sympathy. My sin-sere thanks to the following who have served as pallbearers: Sophie Bar-bich, Barbara and Mary Sambol, Helen Hlacer, Agatha Mesin and Anna Ple-sha. To all of you who prayed with me at the bier my deepest gratitude and to Edward Kompare for his kindness and courteous manner extended to our members. Mildred James ~*»T No. 101, Bedford Hts., Ohio. — Our December meeting was opened by our vice president, Ann Swaney, with a prayer. Our special guests were Mrs. Turek and Mrs. Bostian. We were very Klad to have them. We had a covered dish supper, consisting of such goodies as spaghetti and meatballs, meatloaf, chicken, potato salad, beans, different pastries, etc. Father Paulin installed the new officers for 19C6 and had an appropri- ate and interesting speech to all members, and his hat was off to our new mayor, Lucille Reed. Many thanks to Mary Mertle for donating Christmas wreath corsages. She put all of the corsages in a box and everyone picked out their own. However, one corsage had a straight pin without a head. The lucky recipient of this corsage was Barbara Orlosky. She won a cute gift. Rather clever of Mary, I thought! Everyone seemed to have a very nice time. We ended the evening with a dollar gift exchange, along with the exchange of secret pal Christmas presents. Just back from vacation in Florida is Mary Szabo, who was down there visiting with her father and other relatives. She also went to the Bahamas to see a friend. Let’s pray that the new year will keep us all together. Betty Matjašič, Rep. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. - We had a fair gathering at our meeting in November over at Ann Lindich’s home. We had quite a discussion. Ann Plazar and yours truly took home some nice prizes — Ann, a lovely apron and I got a set of collapsable hangers. Our president, Pauline Adamic, could not attend. The meeting was adjourned and our luncheon served. That is always the part of the meeting we all enjoy! There were three big beautiful pizzas on the table. I’m not a pizza eater, but had two large pieces that day, as they were very good! Also two lovely and delicious cakes were baked by our hostess and I know everyone enjoyed that very much. I think I had mentioned in my last article that I was a very busy woman for the past several months, with our two children getting married only two months apart and this kept me on my toes. Now that I am free of those worries, I can get right back to normal, I think! For our meeting in December, we met at Rose Jamnik’s house. It was also our Christmas party. Rose had lovely decorations all over the living l'oom and it was very Christmasy, indeed. We had fifteen members present. Ann McGee was there after missing a few meetings due to an operation a few months ago. She certainly looks grand now. Ann visited Chicago recently, too. You can’t hold that woman down! Gail Simon was present too, after being absent from a couple meetings. Alice Becker underwent surgery and now is feeling and looking very well. Mary Zimmerman and her husband are spending the winter months in Fontana, California. I received a nice Christmas card from them. How nice it is to be able to spend the cold months away from Michigan! I have lived here all my life, born in the Cop- per Country up in the Upper Pennin-sula, and am quite accustomed to the cold. I am serious when I say I look forward to the winter months. I actually love it! Oh, I am sorry I got carried away. Now let’s get back to the present subject. Happy belated birthday to Josephine Prazen in November. And a happy wish to those of this month; Mary Urbanic and Ann Lindich join me in celebrating in January. Rose had a nice birthday cake for us at the party. She also had creamed turkey on rice, vegetable gelatin salad, cranberry salad, rolls, stuffed celery, coffee and cheese cake! The table looked lovely, so colorful! Thank you ever so much, Rose. Oh, yes, she also had assorted cookies that she baked and those curly pastries called “Flancete” in Slovenian. Alice Kocjan as always, donated a gift, a bone china cup and saucer that Josephine Kresec received; and there was a large sparkling candle holder that was donated by our hostess, Josephine Prazen being the recipient. We drew prizes for the Christmas gifts we all brought and this was also very enjoyable. Gosh, but these Christmas parties are really fun, don’t you think so? We have a' NEW MEMBER! Jenny Bole, whom some of us have known for years has joined and we are all happy to have her in our circle. Knowing Jenny, I expect she will attend our meetings regularly. Pauline Adamic, Alice Kocjan and I had to leave light after lunch, as we all bowl together and had to join our mixed league tht Sunday evening. The others stayed and had a very good time. I wish to make a corection that the car Ann McGee drives is a Tempest, not a Ambassador. Sorry, Ann! I promise my next article will be shorter, but our news this month was very nice to report! Wishes to all readers of Zarja for a very healthy and happy New Year. God bless vou all. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. A Note of Appreciation from Sheboygan Buccaneers Dear Mrs. Prisland: The Buccaneers color guard & drill team wish to very sincerely thank you for the wonderful article that appeared in the ZARJA (Nov. issue). The extra article you sent us has been placed in our year-book where it will remain as a permanent remembrance of this wonderful honor you have given us. Miss Barbara Schmidt, our Leader and your member, is exceptionally pleased, and we are very proud of the work she has done with our children. Sincerely, Mr. Richard Warnecke, President, Buccaneers Parents Organization Mr. Donald Kraemer, Vice-President Marie Prisland: LETO 1966 NAJ VSEBUJE 12 : mesecev dobrega zdravja za nas vse. 52 : tednov svetovnega miru. 265 : za Zvezo uspešnih dni. 8,784 : ur napredka v človeški blagor. 527,040 : minut medsebojne sestrske vzajemnosti. 31.622.400 : veselih sekund za vse Zvezine članice in njih družine. 32.158.400 : najlepših voščil, ki Vam jih za Novo leto poklanja, Pisateljica te kolone. Matevžek in Maksi Štiglic (Prislanova) z Rečice ob Savinji. Maksi je s pomočjo malega bratca Matevžka praznoval svoj štiriletni rojstni dan. Ob tej slavni priliki je svoji ljubi mamici junaško deklamiral: Mamici za Novo leto. Majhen sem fantiček, je okoren moj jeziček. Mamici pa za Novo leto, nekaj bom povedal vneto. Bodi srečna mamica! Zdrava vse dni ostani! Jaz bom priden fantek Tvoj, Letos bolj kot lani! Brihtna fantka, Maksi in Matevžek, tudi vsem našim mamicam in članicam želita mnogo sreče in zdravja v Novem letu. MESECI — LETO JANUAR za peč se gorko stiska; FEBRUAR še iz kožuha gleda. MAREC z zelenjem nam postreže: APRIL z deževjem nam preseda. V MAJU pisana je vsaka loka: JUNIJ s črešnjami postreže. JULIJ rž zlati, zori pšenico; po plodovih zrelih že AUGUST poseže. In SEPTEMBER jabolk nam nasuje; sladko vince v kad OKTOBER toči. Listje že v NOVEMBRU se osuje; staro leto se v DECEMBRU loči. Po komentarjih sodeč je “Medvedova ohcet,” v vezani besedi priobčena meseca oktobra v ZARJI, mnoge zabavala. Dr. Stane Verhovec v Celju je na mojo željo opisal izvir pesmi in Gasparijeve slike "Medvedova svatba,” katero on lastuje ter dodal biografijo našega velikega slikarskega umetnika. Bil je celo tako prijazen, da mi je poslal zmajn-šan odtis slike v barvah. "Slika Medvedova svatba — ki Vas zanima — ima tako genealogijo,” piše dr. Verhovec. "Koncem leta 1936 je dobilo Lovsko društvo v Celju iz zapadne Nemčije poziv naj bi prihodnje leto, ko bodo v Nemčiji priredili lovsko razstavo sodelovali z lovskimi trofejami, s kakim posebnim lovskim priborom in če imajo na razpolago tudi z živalskimi slikami in poezijo. Dogovoril sem se z mojstrom Gasparijem, da naslika za to razstavo "Medvedovo svatbo” po narodni pesmi istega imena. On je naročilo sprejel, vendar je za cela dva meseca zamudil rok, tako, da je bila razstava že davno otvorjena. ko je bila slika dovršena. Slika ima razsežnost 140 x 70 centimetrov. (*). Tako je slika prešla v mojo last in reči moram, da se je še nisem naveličal.” (* Na razstavi mi je bilo povedano, da ima slika vrednost nad pol milijona dinarjev.) Poezijo o Medvedovi ohceti je spisal M. Valjavec. Bila je priobčena v prvem zvezku izdaje “Slovenske Narodne Pesmi” 1895-1898 pod naslovom "Pripovedne Pesmi.” Urednik Karol Štrekel. SLEDI ŽIVLJENJEPIS SLIKARJA GASPARIJA. “Oče slikarja Maksima Gasparija je rojen Furlan, ki je imigriral iz Furlanije, poročivši se s Slovenko iz Selščeka pri Cerknici, kjer je ostal do svoje smrti kot lesni trgovec. Njegov prvorojenec Maksim je bil rojen 26. januarja 1883 ter bil prvotno namenjen trgovini. Devet let star je fant izgubil mater. Oče ga je dal v pouk v prodajalno v Kamnik, kjer je postal najn pozoren tamkajšni živinozdravnik, J. Nikolaj Zadnikar, prijatelj umetnosti in zbiratelj starin in umetnin, ki je postal, čim je odkril talent mladega Maksima, njegov mecen in življenski prijatelj. Maksim se je vpisal na dunajsko umetnostno akademijo, vstopil v umetnostni krožek “Vesna,” kar je bilo odločilno za njegov nadaljni umetniški razvoj, ki se je odvijal v znamenju "iz naroda za narod.” Njegova umetnost je v najpopolnejšem smislu besede — narodna. Običaji in kroji, izrazje in tipične oblike slovenstva so ubrane čudežno s pretehtanim očesom v njegovo sliko. In če se spomnimo preproste neposrednosti njegovega slikarskega jezika, je s tem povedano skoraj vse, kar ga dela za najpopularnejšega med slovenskimi slikarji. Njegovih slik se oko ne naveliča, ne le ker so motivično raznolike, temveč tudi, ker je isti motiv kompozicijsko večinoma raznavrstno komponiran. -— Motivi? Dekle pri oknu, med rožami, fant vasovalec, čebelar na potu s panjem, dedek s pipico pred ulnjakom, ali z otrokom v naročju, pa furmani z sodi novega vina, nevestina bala, Ribničan s suho robo, svati z nevesto' in ženinom itd. itd. — motivov nič koliko v nekončnost . . .” Najlepša zahvala dr. Verhovcu za zanimive opise. Umetniku, slikarju Maksimu Gaspariju, želimo zdravja in zadovoljnosti na večer njegovega plodovitega življenja. Mali slovenski narod je lahko opravičeno ponosen na svojega velikega umetnika, katerega diči izreden talent in izrazita ljubezen do svojena naroda. * * * * * V Spomin Članoma Zvezinega Prijateljskega krožka Lani je v stari domovini preminul Jakob Cliznar, zaveden Slovenec, zanimiv dopisovatelj v naše slovenske časopise ter splošno znan in priljubljen med rojaki v Ix)s Angelesu in Fontani. Podlegel je poškodbam in umrl v bolnišnici na Jesenicah. Pred šestimi leti se je za stalno vrnil v domovino, da večer svojega življenja preživi med sorodniki v domači vasi Podkoren, o kateri je upravičeno trdil, da je najlepši kraj na svetu. Obiskala sem ga v bolnišnici, ko sem se nahajala v domovini. Zelo mu je bilo hudo, ker radi bolezni ne bo mogel videti svojih ameriških prijateljev na narodnem pikniku 4. julija kot je to storil vsako leto. V Prijateljski krožek se je vpisal takoj od početka ter prispeval $50.00. Pred kratkim je v Jolietu preminul Dr. Joseph Tallbot, član Prijateljskega krožka od početka. Zdravniška organizacija je zanj pripravljala zabaven večer, da proslavi njegovo 70-letnico, ko ga je smrt nenadoma ugrabila. Obema Prijateljema bo ohranjen blag spomin. Sorodnikom izražamo sožalje. Marie Prisland DONESKI V ŠOLNINSKI SKLAD Prvi doneski kot poročano Novi doneski: Podružnica št. 73, Warrensville, O. V spomin članice Pauline Mrklas, darovala Podružnica št. 50, Cleveland, Ohio S.Ž.Z. v spomin Mrs. Mary Gaspich, Joliet Dr. Edi Gobec, direktor Slovenian 'Kesearcn Center, Cleveland, Ohio Albina Novak, gl. tajnica S.Ž.Z. Tivoli Imports, Cleveland, Ohio Podružnica št. 47, Cleveland, Ohio Jennie Pugoly, tajnica podr. št. 47 v spomin pokojnemu soprogu $100.00 32.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ‘t I i i T T T 1 T 2 i Skupno $197.00 Solninski odbor se vsem darovalcem najlepše zahvaljuje v upanju, da se bodo odzvale vse podružnice ter prispevale v ta Mladinski sklad. Doneske sprejema: Marie Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. 1 I T I I I A I i OB NASTOPU NOVEGA LETA 1966! Pred nami je novo leto! Kazalec na svetovni uri se je pomaknil spet za kolesce naprej proti večnosti! Ko srečamo znance in prijatelje si vsevprek segamo v roke ter si voščimo srečo in blagoslov. Poudarek je na srečo. Kaj je merilo prave sreče, to si posameznik tolmači na več načinov. Nekaterim je vzor sreče denar, dobra služba in visok družben položaj. Dokazano je bilo neštetokrat, da materialne dobrine srce ne morejo osrečiti. O tem pričajo številne privoščijo vse naslade sveta. Njihovi sreči manjka: notranji mir. Temelji resnične in trajne sreče morajo biti na veri v Boga in v zavesti, da vodi Bog vse dogodke na svetu. Mi mečemo kocke v zrak, določa pa nevidni Gospodar življenja in smrti. Naša zemeljska sreča je v veliki meri odvisna od božje roke, ki bogato deli svoje blagoslove vsem, ki zanje prosijo. Abraham Lincolna so v državljanski vojni vprašali, kaj meni, s kom drži Bog in on je odgovoril: “Bolj važno je vprašanje, ali držimo mi z Bogom.” Lincoln se je za- P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. VEČNO ŽIVLJENJE V Passau v Nemčiji je most, ki nosi napis: Vse je prehod. Naše življenje nam to resnico potrjuje. Toliko je sprememb vsak dan, da ne moremo niti za en trenutek reči, da je enak prejšnjemu. Čim starejši postajamo, vedno bolj s skrbjo opazujemo kako se nam izteka življenje. Pred nami stoji vprašanje: Kam? Kaj je potem, ko je konec našega telesnega življenja? Vsa zgodovina človenstva nam govori, da je v zavesti tako narodov kakor posameznikov, da je po smrti še eno življenje, ki ga imenujemo večno življenje. Pogrebni obredi vseh narodov, češčenje prednikov, so zgovorna priča te zavesti. Že to, da nas nobena stvar na svetu ne more zadovoljiti, nam pove, da mora biti nekje kraj ali bitje, kjer se bo naša duša odpočila in zadovoljila. Ker tega ni na tem svetu, mora biti v življenju po smrti. Da mora biti posmrtno življenje nam govori naša vest. Če ni ničesar po smrti, zakaj je v nas neprestan glas to smeš, to ne smeš, to je prav, to ni prav? Komu bomo do-goverjali za vse, kar delamo, če je s smrtjo vsega konec? Da mi poslušamo glas svoje vesti je vzrok v tem, ker smo gotovi in ker verujemo, da bomo po smrti prejeli ali plačilo ali pa kazen za svoja dejanja. Na vse načine lahko la glas dušimo, ali pride dan, ko bo pred nami odkrita vsa resnica. Vse je treba zapustiti, vsemu se je treba odpovedati. Telo je onemoglo a duša kriči strašni: večnost. O večnosti nam govori naša pamet. Življenje je za vse več ali manj trpljenje. S solzo se rodimo, s solzo odhajamo s tega sveta. Vsakdo pa si skuša olajšati trpljenje posebno še, če ne razume, da nas trpljenje dela podobnega Jezusu in da nas trga od posvetnega duha in v nas budi božjega duha. Vse na svetu namreč nič ne pomeni, če ni usmerjeno na Boga. Razumljivo je, da si ljudje skušajo olajšati svoje trpljenje. Škoda je le, da se to velikokrat godi na škodo bližnjega. Od tod izvira hlastanje po denarju, po užitku. Od tod zatiranje ubogih. Od tod krivice do bližnjega in nevoščljivost. Od tod trdosrčnost in sovraštvo. Koliko je solza, ki jih nihče ne vidi, koliko je krivic, ki niso nikoli poravnane. Kolito je ljudi, ki uživajo vso čast in slavo, a so krivi nešteto gorja, a vendar jih nihče ne kaznuje. Tako se zgodi, da se nekaterim godi dobro, drugim pa slabo. Kolikrat tožimo, da se hudobnim dobro godi a pošteni pa trpijo. Pamet nam pravi mora biti nekje pravica. Pri ljudeh je ni ,a je toliko strašnejsa pred Bogom. Ta pride popolnoma do izraza šele po sklenjenem zemeljskem življenju. Ni zastonj zapisano, “Pravični se bodo svetili kakor sonce.” Misel na večnost, naj bo naše novoletno premišljevanje. Še vedno veljajo besede sv. pisma: “Kaj pomaga človeku, če ves svet pridobi na duši pa škodo trpi.” Za časa preganjanja v Mehiki, je bil neki mladenič obsojen na smrt. Predno so ga ustrelili, je prosil še pet minut odloga. V teh minutah, je še enkrat obžaloval svoje grehe in tik predno so zagrmeli streli je rekel: “Pripravljen sem.” Tako moramo biti tudi mi pripravljeni, ker ne vemo no ure ne dneva, ki bo odločil našo večnost. vedal, da Bog deli srečo in blagoslov vsem tisim, ki vanj zaupajo ter mu v življenju služijo. S tem ni rečeno, da je sreča izključno dar božje roke ali da se sreča nasmeje sama ob sebe brez našega sodelovanja. Vsakdo je sam svoje sreče kovač. Srečo si kujemo sami z močno voljo, pridnim delom in poštenim življenjem. Bog je dal ključe do sreče nam samim v roke. Vsak človek ima v sebi dragocen dar božji, razum in svobodno voljo. Z njima si kujemo srečo in usodo na svetu. Ob Novem letu slišimo mnogo prerokovanj in napovedi za dogodke v novem letu. Kot kristjani, ki verujemo, da je nad nami Bog, brez čigar vednosti in dopuščanja niti las ne pade z glave, se v novem letu z vsem zaupanjem vrzimo v naročje božje previdnosti, v trdem prepričanju: Če bo z nami Bog, bo leto, ki smo ga nastopili, srečno in blagoslovljeno. SENATOR LOVŠE — SEDEMDESETLETNIK Dne 14. novembra je slavil sedemdesetletnico rojstva amerški senator Frank J. Lovše. Senator Lovše, sin slovenskih stari-šev — priseljencev v Clevelandu, je dosegel velike politične uspehe in visoke javne položaje. Bil je mestni sodnik, nato župan mesta Clevelanda, petkrat je bil izvoljen za guvernerja države Ohio in sedaj je že deset let zvezni senator v Washingtonu. V ameriškem senatu, ki je splošno znan kot najpomembnejša parlamentarna ustanova na svetu, senator Lovše uživa velik osebni in politični ugled ter je član vplivnega senatnega odbora za zunanje zadeve. Kot izboren govornik se pogosto oglaša na tribuni ameriškega senata v važnih vprašanjih notranje in zunanje politike. Senator Lovše je znan kot neutruden po- DOPISI ^ KLIC PREDSEDNICE ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL.! Drage sestre št. 2, Chicago: Bliža se nam lepa, visoka obletnica št. 2. V tem letu bo poteklo 40 let odkar smo združene pod okriljem SŽZ. Za obletnice vedno gledamo, da bi podarile lepo darilo in lepšega ne moremo dati podružnici in Zvezi, kakor, da bi vsaka pridobila vsaj eno novo članico, naj bo v odrasli ali mladinski oddelek. Kampanja je v polnem teku. Ne čakajmo do zadnjega dne v majniku, ampak potrudimo se takoj. Razpisane so tudi lepe nagrade pridnim sotrudni-cam. Storimo kar nam je mogoče, da bo lep uspeh. Nahajamo se že v novem letu 1966. Voščim vsem in vsaki posebej, da bi bilo srečno in blagoslovljeno! Z iskreni pozdravi, Josephine Železnikar, preds. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Na decem-berski seji je bila velika in lepa udeležba, kar je vedno v veselje odboru. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste pripravile tako okusna jedila za našo božičnico. Imele smo veliko število malčkov in doraščajočih deklic, ki so nam podale pevski program pod vodstvom naše prijazne Dorothy Zakrajšek. V lepi slovenščini so zapele “Sv. noč” in “Prišla je sveta božična noč.” Naš župnik Fr. Daniel so bili z nami in so bili iz-nenadeni, da so tukaj rojena dekleta tako pravilno slovensko zapele. Za vse zasluži priznanje naša Dorothy. Pred mojim odhodom na obisk Slovenije, me je ta skupina izredno presenetila z lepo odhodnico s petjem ter godbo. Dorothy je vse to preskrbela. Tudi šopek cvetlic so mi poklonile, da smo se s solznimi očmi poslovili. — Na tej seji mi je ista skupina zopet poklonila krasno božično darilo, kakor tudi moje odbornice pri podružnici. Ne najdeni dovolj lepih besed, ki bi izrazile mojo hvaležnost za znake Vaše ljubezni. God bless you all! Dobrodošlico izrekamo naši Doro- bornik človečanske in narodne svobode. Kot korenit Amerikanec je senator Lovše ponosen na svoje slovensko poreklo, ima v Clevelandu mnogokrat slovenske nagovore in ob številnih prilikah poudarja ljubezen do materinega jezika in izročil. Posebno ljubi slovensko pesem, ki jo je sam tolikokrat prepeval. Ob tem življenjskem jubileju senatorja Lovšeta čutijo vsi ljudje slovenskega porekla povsod po svetu velik ponos na njegovem izrednem življenjskem delu in uspehu ter mu obenem s čestitkami želijo nadaljnjega trdnega zdravja in blagoslova še za mnoga srečna in lisnešna leta I Ciril ŽeborA ''G-GoPguiuwirUniversity Washington, D.C. thy, ki je tudi pristopila k podružnici, da vzame mesto njene ljube matere, Johane Zmačnik, ki je pred kratkim časom preminula. Dobrodošla tudi naš junior Joseph Spritzer. Ko se poslavljam iz mojega urada kot predsednica podr. 19 let, naj bo na tem mestu izrečena moja iskrena zahvala vsem, katere ste mi vedno šle na roke, da sem upravičeno bila ponosna, da sem bila vaša predsednica. Delala sem po svoji najboljši moči, da se je vse v redu vršilo za napredek podružnice in Zveze. Novi predsednici želim vso srečo in sem vesela, da je prevzela moje mesto. Hvala vsem za vse! Razdelile smo darila našim malčkom za Miklavževo. Odbornice podružnice so vse zopet iste izvzemši nova preds., Mary Gu-zol. Taj. F. Simonich je prevzela tudi posel zapisnikarice. Seje se bodo vršile po starem z določilom, da se seje pričnejo točno ob pol osmi uri zvečer prvo sredo v mesecu v cerkveni dvorani. Naša zadnja kartna prireditev je dobro uspela, da si je blagajna opo mogla. Vsem smo zelo hvaležne za pomoč. Z globoko žalostjo sporočam, da je 10. nov. po dolgi in mučni bolezni umrla naša članica in ustanoviteljica podružnice št. Z, Mary Kocman. V njeni dolgi mukapolni bolezni so ji mož in hčerke noč in dan stregle z ljubeznijo. Takih otrok je bolj malo. Pokojna sestra je bila zelo vljudna in dobrodelna, rada je nahajala na društvene seje. Bila je tudi taj. društva Marije Čistega Spočetja, KSKJ. Naša podr. žaluje za pokojno in za vseh šest sester, katere smo izgubile v letu 1965. Nepričakovano je preminil Frank Rupar, ki je bil sicer bolehen, toda nismo pričakovali, da je bila smrt tako blizu njega. Pokojni je bil tajnik Marije Pomagaj, ABZ 39 let. Tudi sicer je bil aktivni društvenik. Njegova soproga Mary je naša zvesta članica. Tudi naša bolna članica, Theresa Fear žaluje za hčerko Ema MoGulan v Richman, Calif. — Vsem preostalim naše iskreno sožalje. Pokojne sestre pa naj spavajo mirno, ker grob je za vedno zaprt. Ločitev od vas ni bila lahka, zato nam ostanete v trajnem spominu, ker tudi naša pot vam sledi. Prisrčne čestitke članici Lucille Yesik, ki je postala 12-tič mati. Imajo (! sinov in G hčerk, ena hčerka je umrla zaradi automobilske nesreče. Vse sem jaz vpisala v našo podružnico, zato sem upravičeno ponosna na tako odlično družino. V bolnišnici imamo sestre: Anna Peček, Jennie Yarc, Josephine Skill. Cecilia Steblaj potrpežljivo prenaša usodo, ko je pred leti oslepela, Mary Dolgan je še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo zaradi očesa. Ona pošilja zahvalo “Thank you” Mary Lipec iz Sheboygan, Wis., za krasni predpasnik kot darilo v času bolezni. Pozdravljene vse čla. in gl. odbornice Zveze. Vso srečo v Novem letu. Anna Pachak POPRAVEK V nov. Zarji je bila pomotoma objavljena letnica rojstva, Gertrude Muhic. Pokojna je bila rojena 1874 in je bila ob smrti stara 90 let. Prizadete prosim, da mi oproste. V zahvali je bilo izpuščeno ime Dr. Joseph Snedec, ki je bil osebni zdravnik pokojne. _________________________A. P. Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo decem-berske seje. — Naše letne seje se je udeležilo nepričakovano veliko članic. Hvala vsem sestram, da ste bile pridne in se potrudile. Upam, da boste v Novem letu tudi redno obiskovale seje. — Ker je ta večer bila tudi glavna seja v volitvami odbora, se je zborovanje zavleklo v noč. Zelo težko je izvoliti novo predsednico. Ko je Tili Špehar odpovedala, je le po dolgih prošnjah prevzela Mrs. Skur. Smo mislile, da smo rešene problema, pa pride še hujše, ko se je tajnica odpovedala. Nobena ni hotela prevzeti in po hudem nadlegovanju je sprejela Mrs. Zabukovič, ki bo sedaj naša tajnica. Podpredsednica je Mary Stražišar, blagajničarka Mrs. Iskra in zapisnikarica smo ostale po starem. Vse plače in prevoznina k pogrebu, ostane po starem. Tudi vsa druga društvena pravila ostanejo neispremenjena. Bolanih je zopet več naših članic: Mrs. Slopko, Mrs. Troha, ki je resno bolana in Mrs. Lapuh iz 200 St. je zadnji teden prestala hudo operacijo na srcu. Molimo za vse naše težke bolnice, da bi jim ljubi Bog vrnil zdravje. V zadnjem mesecu je umrla Mrs. Gersin. Naj počiva v miru božjem! K naši podr. je ta večer prestopila od št. 10, Mrs. Zabukovič. Družina Gersin se je pismeno zahvalila za molitve in spremstvo pri pogrebu. Po seji smo imele prijetni družabni večer, Božičnico in trimesečno godo-vanje. Naše vrle slavljenke so prinesle mnogo dobrega. V jestvinah so da- V SPOMIN POKOJNI MATERI, MARIJI LESAR iz domovine, oziroma iz vasi Kot pri Novi Štifti, sem prejela žalostno vest, da so umrli naša mati 5. novembra, 1965. Poleg mene zapuščajo v Cliisholm, Minnesota hčer Frances Krajnik in v starem kraju hčer Nežo Ambrožič ter več vnukov in sorodnikov. Odšli ste ljuba mati za vedno, v kraj odkjer ni vrnitve, kar vsi dobro vemo. V grob so Vas zasuli globoko in s cvetjem grob obsuli pri sv. Križu v Jurjeviči. Cvetje je že ovenelo in klonilo glave, na grob se naslonilo do> zemlje. Tam pri sv. Križu ledena sapa je lovila s snegom grob pokrila in belo ga odela. Ko pa dih pomladi v deželo bo prišel, na Vašem grobu nagelj bo spet cvetel. Srečna mati vendar ste, Domača zemlja Vas pokriva, Vaše hčerke pa na tujem obujamo na Vas spomine. Le eno željo še imamo, rade bi se domov vrnile, Da na grob bi Vaš venec cvetja položile. Ivana Perkovič (čl. št. 38) 12 - 2nd St. S.W., Chisholm, Minn. rovale: Ses. Iskra, Čebuli, Zajc, Gregorič, Rupert, Sustar, Pitzthum. V denarju pa so darovale sestre: Vidovič, Smrdel, Stražišar (Arrowhead), Kušar, Iskra in Jakob. V blagu so darovale za door prize: Mrs. Globokar in Mici Globokar, vsaka po en dobitek. — Mrs. Kuhar je pa prinesla Sugar House, ki je bil dan na listke in ves dobiček je šel v good time blagajno. Mrs. Tomažin je prinesla lep predpasnik. Mrs. Vidovič in Mrs. Zubakovec sta prinesli vino. Naj vsem darovalkam ljubi Bog stotero poplača na vašem zdravju. Pred-no zaključim naj še omenim, da so dali dolgo bolano Mrs. Mezgec v Nursing home. Vsem iskreno voščim veselo Novo leto, da bi ga preživeli v miru božjem. Lepe pozdrave na vse strani. Antonia Sustar, poroč. Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Ko boste čitale ta dopis, bo že leto 1966. Želim vsem po širni Ameriki, da bi ga zdrave in srečne preživale. Zopet smo izgubile eno članico, Mary Ajdišek, ki je vedno rada pomagala pri podružnici in redno hodila na seje. Žalujočim hčeram, vnukom in vnukinjam ter ostalemu sorodstvu, iskreno sožalje. Blagi pokojni pa naj sveti večna luč in mir pri Bogu. V mesecu novembra nas je pogostila Mary Novak, ki je obhajala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Prinesla je vsega kar spada k taki proslavi, da smo bile prav vesele. Prisrčna ji hvala in želimo, da bi dočakala zdrava še mnogo let. V blagajno so darovale: Helen Mir-tel, Theresa Jerič, Frances Novak, Angela Stražar, Vera Gorenc in Antonia Stokar. Srčna hvala vsem! Vsem bolnim članicam pa ljubega zdravja. Najlepše pozdravlja in kliče na svidenje, Frances Lindich, preds. Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Jesen je minila, smo v zimskem času in lepi božični prazniki so že za nami. — U-pam, da ste se vse poslužile lepega vremena v počitniškem času in mnogo nas je letos obiskalo rodno domovino Slovenijo. Imeli smo se res dobro, toda še bolj smo bili srečni ko smo se zopetvrnm na nase (Tomove. Naša kartna zabava je bila zelo uspešna. Hvala vsem, ki ste se potrudile z delom in darovanimi dobitki. Naša glavna seja, je bila kakor vedno v dec. združena z božičnico. Izgubile smo dobro članico M. Schwl-gel. Družini izrekamo sožalje. Ob praznikih smo se spominali v molitvah naših članic, ki so se poslovile to leto od nas. V imenu predsednice in odbornic, voščim vsem članicam srečno in zdravo Novo leto. [Mary Grasch, poroč. * Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Iskreno sožalje izrekamo družinam naših članic ob izgubi družinskega člana. Mrs. Antona Tijan, živeči v Chicagu ob izgubi brata, Mr. Minarich, ki je bil pokopan na hrvatskem pokopališču v Jolietu. Ses. Helen Strojin ob izgubi soproga Ignaca, iz Rockdale. Pokopan je bil iz cerkve sv. Jožefa v Rockdale na farno pokopališče. Za njim žaluje tudi sin, ki vodi zavarovalninski urad, hčerka Mrs. Helen Frecara in ostalo sorodstvo. Sožalje tudi Mrs. Frances Udo-vich, ki je izgubila sina Alvin Liko-vich, ki je imel svoj dom v Ottawa, 111. Pokojni zapušča poleg matere tudi ženo, dve hčerke, sestro in pet bratov. —- Dalje Mrs. Jennie Grskovich ob izgubi soproga Antona, ki je bil stavbinski kontraktor. Za njim žalujeta tudi dva sinova in ena hčerka. V najlepših letih, komaj 23 let stara je umrla Jeanette Yanke. Poleg moža zapušča dve leti staro hčerko, s tari še in staro mamo, Mrs. Anna Si- munovich. Pokopana je bila na hrvatskem pokopališču. V letu 1965 smo izgubile osmo članico in sicer Mary Legan iz Broadway, ki je dosegla lepo starost 81 let. K podr. je pristopila 18. nov. 1928, torej skoro od ustanovitve, priporočena je bila po pok. Mary Spelich-Zupancicli. Zapušča štiri sinove, štiri hčere, več vnukov, sestro Frances Gregorich, ki je tudi naša članica in brata Joseph Spelich iz Dawes Ave. Članice so se v lepem številu udeležile molitev ob krsti ter jo spremile na zadnji poti na farno pokopališče. Na seji smo tudi, kakor običajno molile za pokoj njene duše. Vsem pokojnim naj sveti večna luč, prizadetim preostalim pa naše sožalje. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Frances (Sterle) Gregorash. Njej in vsem bolnim članicam želimo hitrega okrevanja. Nahajamo se ob pričetku Novega leta, zato želim vsem članicam in njihovim družinam zdravja in sreče v tem letu 1966, da bi vse srečno dočakale konec prih. leta sredi svojih družin. Bog Vas blagoslovi! Vse vljudno vabim na prvo sejo v letu, ko bo zaprisega novega odbora in lunch, kakor vedno. Pridite. Na svidenje! Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Naša letna seja je minula. Vršila se je še kar zadovoljivo, čeprav bi lahko bila bolj obiskana, saj je bil izredno lep dan, kakor pomladi. Res je bilo kakor v Floridi, kjer se nahaja naša nadzornica s svojim soprogom na počitnicah, John in Mary Uranič sta pri svojih hčerah in sinovih na obisku in upamo, da se imata odlično. Tudi me smo se lepo imele na naši letni seji, ker so nas dobro postregle. Mrs. Dernač je spekla in prinesla kukise, Justina Anglovar in Hoefferle in preds. Mary I/ $395.00 iz New Yorka do Ljubljane! Za leto 1966 smo odločili naslednji spored za članice S.Ž.Z. in njihove družine: ODIIOD DNE 14. JUNIJA VRNITEV DNE 14. JULIJA, 8. SEPT. IN 12. AVG. ODHOD 21. JUNIJA VRNITEV 8. SEPTEMBRA ODHOD 12. JULIJA VRNITEV 12. AVGUSTA Odhod na romanje v Amsterdam, Pariz, Lurd in Rim z zaključkom v Sloveniji, DNE 2. JUNIJA — POVRATEK 23. JUNIJA IN 28. JUNIJA. VOZNINA Z JET LETALOM OD NEW YORKA DO LJUBLJANE IN NAZAJ JE SAMO $395.00 Tistim članicam, ki raje potujejo komodno in počasi, priporočamo luksuzno ladjo “Queen Elizabeth,” dne 25. maja in 6. julija. ZA BREZSKRBNO IN VESELO POTOVANJE, se pridružite eni izmed skupin Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Za rezervacije in informacije pišite na: SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, Illinois 60608 Vsa potovanja so v oskrbi slovenske potniške agencije: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Tel.: 431-3148 je pa napravila dobrega kafeta in E-ma Šimkus, Mary Kastigar in Angela Strukel. Izmenjale smo božična darila. Lepa hvala vsem! Upamo, da boste prišle tudi na prihodnje seje. Članice so sklenile, da mesto card in bunco party, vsaka članica prispeva 50^ v našo ročno blagajno. Upam, da boste to upoštevale. Tudi prosim, da ne bi pozabile plačati svojega asesmenta, ker jaz ne morem zalagati. Tako malo svoto bi pa res vsaka lahko plačala za nekaj mesecev v naprej in bi tako olajšale delo tajnici. Več naših članic se nahaja pod zdravniško oskrbo. V bolnišnici se nahaja članica, Theresa Kobal, a sestra Pavla Vidrih se je vrnila iz bolnice ter se zdravi na domu. Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Teta štorklja se je oglasila pri članici Judy Moriarity in jim pustila zalo hčerkico. Čestitke! Vsem članicam želim veselo Novo leto 196G, da bi zdrave uživale v krogu vaših družin. Pozdrav sestram po širni Ameriki. Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Pozdravljene v Novem letu! Naj vam prinese vse kar si same želite, posebno ljubega zdravja, potem pa naj še med narodi zavlada mir, ki si ga vsi tako srčno želimo. Upam, da ste lepo praznovale ameriški Zahvalni praznik, ali Thanksgiving Day. Jaz zase vem, da sem ga. K sinu in sinahi v Lombard so prišli starši iz Iowa in sestra, ki je na univerzi v Chicagu, pa so prišli še po mene. Po' imenitnem kosilu smo šli v basement, kjer mi je Mr. Gerken začel kazati kako se Igra "šahovska" igra. Seveda je vzelo precej časa, predno je moja glava malo notri vzela, a nazadnje so mi pa povedali, da sem jaz najboljše naredila. Vprašala sem, če bom dobila trofejo. pa mi je Dorothy prinesla 3 inče veliko daliko in rekla, da sem jo zaslužila. Izročila sem jo njen in ji naročila, da naj skrbno pazi, da jo kdo ne vrže iz police in razbije. Kdaj jo bom pa domov prinesla — pa ne vem. Naša Mrs. Ahačič je zelo ponosna na svoje fante — vnuke, ki pohajajo v Marmian Military High School in so vsi trije na častni listi. Čestitke Mrs. Ahačič, fantom pa srečo, da bi dosegli svoj cilj v življenju. V tej soseščini so morale kar tri sosede, ena za drugo v bolnico. Prva je bila Mrs. Vera Prapernik, druga Mrs. Mary DeKing in tretja Helen Šuštarčič. — Zdaj so vse doma in na poti okrevanja. Želim, da se vse dobro pozdravijo. Mrs. Prisland, iz srca Vam želim ljubega zdravja, naj Vas Bog ohrani Zvezi in članstvu kar najbolj dolgo mogoče! Jesen smo imeli kar lepo in suho, o da bi ostalo tako vsaj črez februar, potem bomo pa spet šli solato sejat. Vsem članicam in njihovim družinam želim veselo in srečno Novo leto. Frances Kranjc Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Glavna seja se je vršila 1. decembra. Odsotna je bila zapisnikarica zaradi slabega vremena, oziroma snega in sem jaz pisala zapisnik. Razmotrivale smo o proslavi Materinskega dne, to bo na drugo nedeljo v majniku ter sklenile, da bomo imele skupno kosilo. Več o tem bo poročano pozneje. -Najlepša hvala sestri Mary Brenčič, ki je poskrbela, da je bila seja prijetna. Ponovno je bil izvoljen ves dosedanji odbor in seje bodo kakor doslej v S. N. D. Frances Jelenik je naredila lep predpasnik, ki je bil dan na številke in je s tem bila ročna blagajna pomnožena. Hvala, Frances! V bolnišnici se nahaja sestra Mary Drganc, ki je prestala resno operacijo. Sestra Margaret Rebrovich je tudi bila v bolnišnici. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale. Upati je, da boste prišle pridno k sejam, saj se bomo lahko večkrat imele lepo kot smo se na glavni seji, ko smo prepevale in sestra Brenčič je igrala na piano. Vsem preminulim sosestram naj da ljubi Bog večni mir in pokoj. Mo se jih spominjamo v molitvah. Najlepše pozdrave vsem sestram po širni Ameriki ter srečno novo leto vsem skupaj ter posebno pri naši podružnici št. 38. Ivana Perkovich i - -------------------------------------- 'i1 St. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Na ,'i j zadnji seji je bilo prav malo članic.'1)-)« Blagajničarka je poročala, da se je na- ,1 ša blagajna zelo znižala, ker letos smo ; [| imele umrle članice. Za vsako' se iz-v,) plača za dve pete sv. maše. Sklenile smo, da naj bi se s tem.|U letom I960 pričelo plačevati samo eno;:;! peto sv. mašo za vsako umrla članico.!; | Sklenjeno je tudi bilo, da bi vsaka članica plačala en dolar v blagajno. J, j tj In to prosimo, da bi pričele takoj v mesecu januarju, ker že dolgo časa I1; nismo imele nobene zabave v korist ; I naše blagajne. Prihodnja seje bo v ja-j j nuarju po seji Oltarnega društva. * Po dolgi bolezni je preminula Mrs. Elizabeth (Toplikar) Franke. Poleg , < moža zapušča tudi dva otroka, ljubo l; mamico, Mrs. Josephine Toplikar, ki I je naša dobra članica, tri brate in pet sester ter številne prijatelje kar .je I pričal njen veliki pogreb. ' Preminul je tudi v najlepši moški dobi, Peter Sterle, ki zapušča ženo, brata in sestro. Obema pokojnima naj sveti večna luč in sorodnikom naše iskreno sožalje. Vsem glavnim odbornicam, prijateljicam, znankam in vsem članicam Zve ze, želim srečno in zdravo Novo leto 1900. Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 68, Fairport, O. — Čas res izredno naglo beži. Ko boste to čitale, bodo lepi božični prazniki že za nami. Želim vsem v uradu in vsem članstvu v imenu naše podružnice srečno in zdravo Novo leto, da bi novorojeni Jezušček prinesel mir in razveselili celi svet z Božjim blagoslovom. Ob koncu leta se vprašamo, ali smo v preteklem letu storile svojo dolžnost. To se človek vpraša. Res, pri nas je majhna naselbina, toda rečem, da smo kar lepo složne. Seje so lepo o-biskane in z malimi igrami smo kar zadovoljne. Kakor pred letom, smo tudi letos napravile večerjo z riževimi klobasami in pečenko. Vabile smo vse bližnje o-koliške podružnice. Kar lepo je bilo pri tako lepi udeležbi. Naša gl. preds. Tončka Turek in Mary Bostian, preds. za Ohio, sta pripeljale kar lepo družbo in nas zelo razveselile s svojim obiskom. Z veseljem smo jim postregle in upam, da so bile zadovoljne, saj so bile vse lepo nasmejane. Naši možje in sinovi so pa postregli z dobro pijačo kar se je prileglo po dobrem kosilu. Seveda vse ni bilo v redu ter je bilo nekaj zmešnjave, toda upam, da nam bodo oprostili. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste prišle iz Euclida in Clevelanda, ne bomo vas pozabile. Bil je lep uspeh v vseh ozirih. Vsa naša dekleta so delale kot čebele; nas ni veliko, toda lepo je voditi če je složnost. Lansko leto smo si napravile na vrtu balinca alley, kar uživamo stari in mladi. Vse smo članice tega kluba in tam se shajamo in debatiramo za napredek, ker želimi, da se nam vse pridružite. Želeti je, da bi se naša velika SŽZ še bolj poživela, da bi bila v čast narodu z dobrimi deli. Lepo bi bilo, če bi imele dom, kjer bi se mogle zbirati in voditi naše mlajše. Saj imamo zmožne v uradu in gotovo bi se kaj naredilo kar bi bilo njim in vsemu članstvu v čast. Prav lepa hvala Tony Petkovšku za oglaševanje na FM radio programu WXEM. Hvala Johnu Pestotnik, tako tudi sin naše članice M. Modic je prav lepo omenil v Glasu SDZ in A. Godec za dopis. Vsem lepa hvala. Srčno pozdravljene in še mnogo let! _______________Jennie Mohorčič Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Srečno, zdravo in uspehov polno Novo leto, želim celokupnemu glavnemu odboru, članicam in prijateljem Zveze. Ko to pišem imamo tukaj mrzlo vreme, a še nič snega. Članica Mary Božič in njen soprog sta odšla v Phoenix, Arizona, ker soprog je bolehal za revmatizmom. Mislita, da bo tam boljše, ker je bolj toplo in suho podnebje. Želimo vama, da se zdrava vrneta nazaj. Ses. Vera Bole naše globoko sožalje ob izgubi ljube mame, ki je umrla v lepi starosti 90 let. Pokojni naj sveti večna luč in naj v miru počiva. Na rokah imam kuharsko knjigo in novo pesmarico “Zapojmo.” Obe knjigi sta lepo darilo za vsako priložnost. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1965 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC NOVEMBER, 1965 No. Totals Adult Junors 72. 11.95 29 4 1. 98.20 173 58 73. 55.85 103 65 2. 104.00 324 136 74. 25.30 42 4 3. 151.40 276 167 77. 28.75 56 33 4. 4.65 16 — 78. 25 15 % 5. 95.60 108 31 * 79. 19.40 33 22 6. 52.45 114 12 80. 19 — 7. 62.55 101 101 81. 8.95 22 — 8. 48.70 56 — * 83. 11.85 21 3 9. 61 — 84. 61 5 10. 1G2.10 339 38 85. 11.75 28 5 12. 81.10 198 49 86. 11.35 20 — 13. 52.65 108 16 88. 19.95 42 11 14. 147.15 289 27 89. 37.55 83 38 15. 77.10 229 24 90. 24.50 50 19 IG. 75.30 129 77 91. 37.90 60 14 17. 80.10 153 67 92. 14.30 23 2 19. 59.60 12'8 30 93. 158.00 63 —