ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1979 VOLUME 51 18th NATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE BR. 33, DULUTH, MINNESOTA Vt ZARJA - THEDA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) NO. 4 APRIL, 1979 VOLUME 51 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupen številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $6.00 — naročnina $6.00 letno za ne-člane. For Social Members, .40 per month za drutabne članice. 40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editor. CORINNELESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IH. 60608 Telephone 847-6679, Area Code312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL National Officers: April 8 - Lucille Smith, Reg. Pres. Pcnna.-N.Y.-D.C., Strabane, Pa. April 21 - Hermine Dicke, Pres. Scholarship Comm., Madison, Wis. Presidents: April 1 - Frances Korošec, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. April 2 - Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Joliet, III. April 4 - Anna Rose Smolich, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. April 10 - Jeanette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, O. April 11 Marge Roznik, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O. April 13-Jennie Samsa, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. April 13 - Frances Skul, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. April 19 - Mary Gramc, Br. 24, LaSalle, III. Secretaries: April 4 - Irene Jagodnik, Br. 50, Cleveland, O. April 7 - Stella Dancull, Br. 21, Cleveland, O. April 8 - Angela Kozjan, Br. 40, Lorain, O. April 10- Antoinette Lucich, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ON THE COVER... Convention committee branch 33, Duluth, Mn. First row (left to right) Agnes Skull, recording secretary; Delores Heski, president and convention chairman; Delores Dincau, secretary-treasurer; Ann Strukl, vice president. Second row (left to right) Suntina Spehar, co-chairman; Jackie Rukavina, brunch chairman; Ruth Boben, assisting with dining romm for brunch; Cyrilla Collard, cook book chairman and banquet toastmistress; Elizabeth Smolnikar and Frances Danko, scholarship fund table; Lois Pelander, reporter. Committee members not pictured: Winifred Ellena, brunch dining room chairman; Alice Cacich and Stella Mattson, cook book; Betty Mrak, brunch co-chairman. Many other jobs are being done by various members who are alt working together to have a successful convention. DATES TO REMEMBER APRIL 22 - Br. 46. St. Louis, Mo. Mass APRIL 22- Br. 100, Mass & Breakfast APRIL 29 - Br. 39. Biwabik, Minn. Mother’s Day Dinner APRIL 29 - Br. 42. Maple Hgts., O., Mass & Dinner MAY 2-3 - Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio, Bake& Rummage Sale MAY 3 - Br. 100, Fontana, Cal., Pot-Luek Dinner MAY 5 - Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Mother’s Day Party 6 - Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio, 8 o’clock Mass 6 - Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Mother’s Day Party 6 - Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., Mother’s Day Party MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY 7 - Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Mother’s Day Party 7 - Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O., Mother’s Day Pot Luck MAY 8 - Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, Mother’s Day Luncheon MAY 10 - Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Mother’s Day Party MAY 10 - Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. Mother’s Day Party MAY 15 - Br. 42,Maple Hgts., O., Mother’s Day Mass, 6 p.m. MAY 20 - Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Mother’s Day Party MAY 20-18TH NATIONAL TRI-ENNIAL CONVENTION, Duluth, Minn. JUNE 3 - Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Trip to Reno Think Spring! with a copy of “FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME” Send $6.00 (75® postage) SWU Home Office 431 N. Chicago Si., Joliet, 111. 60432 Missing Something In Your Life? Subscribe to the American Home newspaper and become better informed on the latest news about the people and events in the Slovenian American communities in the greater Cleveland, northeastern Ohio, throughout the U.S. and Canada. You’ll be proud to be a Slovenian. English Friday section, $10.00 per year. Send check or Money Order to: Weekly American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. SLOVENIAN EASTER CUSTOMS Spring is here! And, the loveliest holyday of the year! Welcome, Easter, the holyday of Christ's victory! The Catholic church all over the world observes this special day, but we Slovenians in America have the vivid memory of the old European traditions as being the best! Modern times have dimished the importance of this sacred day and even in the homeland it's not as it used to be. Our forefathers cherished the symbolism of Easter and kept the traditions and customs very meaningful. We should, in honor of the past generations, remember too, as it will add beauty and significance to the holiday. Holy week begins with Palm Sunday. Youngsters and oldsters delight in carrying the Slovenian “butare" into church. They are made of fresh green boughs and spring flowers, perhaps with the addition of pussy-willows in bloom, and tied with colorful ribbons. These spear-shaped “bouquets" are sometimes as tall as trees! How the young men would enjoy carrying them in the processions! Blessed Butare were always kept in the home and burned to ashes to relieve stress and fright, such as during a storm. But, every child who carried one in the Palm Sunday procession was proud and would earn for himself some special sweet treat at home. On Holy Saturday, the church bells were "tied" so as not to ring and it was said: The bells went to Rome! Instead of the bells, noisemakers were shaken and the children, in some villages, had the habit of bringing tubs and boxes to the church yard and banging them loudly after the prayer hour was over. The most solemn of days is Good Friday. On this day, the earth is quiet and they say, the earth is dead as it is sorrowing for Christ. Everyone goes to the church to pray and kneel at the crucifix, kissing the wounds of Christ on the cross. There is no work to ber done and strict fasting. Holy Saturday is much happier. Already in the morning the religious ceremonies of fire and water are held. The children carry glowing ashes from house to house and with this, the fires of the day are lighted in each home. Holy water was also brought to the homes. In the afternoon, the tradition directed that the young girls would carry food to be blessed at special times in the churches. The food was arranged in a basket, the cakes, potica, ham, colored eggs, horseradish root and all covered with a white cloth that might be stitched with appropriate designs. On her way home from church with her basket of blessed food, the girls ran as fast as they could, except the girl who might be interested in marriage that year! In some villages, the Easter procession took place on Saturday night; other places it was at dawn on Sunday. For most people, it was the highlight of the holyday, with the magnificent tolling of the bells, the singing choirs, the banners flying carried by the strongest boys. A great happiness swelled in everyone's being at the sight of it and the resounding call of Alleluja, alleluja... On Easter Sunday beginning early in the day, everyone had a share of the "blessed"food, also the farm hands and maids, and how good it was after the long and hard lenten abstinence! In the afternoon, there were family visits and giving of Easter Eggs. The children, those who were lucky enough to have a coin, broke the Egg by hitting it with the edge of the coin, ' 'sek anje pirho r In many Slovenian parishes as we do here in Chicago, some of these traditions live on. We are lucky that they exist. They add enrichment to our lives! ANNA CABER Br. 2. Chicago, III. Translated from Slovenian In this issue... Come to Duluth! say the wonderful officers and members of Br. 33, our hostesses for the 18th National S.W.U. Convention. Make your plans to visit Duluth and accept their most sincere invitation! In preparation for this historic event, much. Their cruise came at a good time as we in Northern Minnesota had to shovel ourselves out every day for the past few months because of the heavy snowfalls. Lucky Ladies!! Branch 39 has changed their meeting dates to Thursday evenings because of poor attendance on Sunday afternoon. We will meet the second Thursday at 7:00 P.M. in St. John’s Parish Hall. Now that spring is on it’s way let us all make an effort to attend these meetings — it is important that we all attend in order to keep the lodge “One large happy family”. FLORENCE J. MILOS Recording Secretary NO. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Hello, ladies - how fast time flies. We are already into the first third of the year. Our February meeting fell on Valentine’s Day and was very well-attended. Recording Secretary, Mary Matos was absent. She and her husbnd, Joe were visiting daughter and family in nice, warm and very sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Many thanks to Rose Cerne for reading the Minutes and taking notes. Welcome to new social member, Julia Tomazic. May we enjoy many more games of “B” in the future. To our birthday girls, Agnes Mroski, Pauline Strong, Francine Pavlovčič, Mayme Hoover and Mollie Glavan, happy birthday to all. Many thanks to Annette Ferlic, Mary Zallar, Janice Diedrick and Louise Sechkar for their generous donations. To our ill members, especially Agnes V. Jancer and Ann Udovich, get well soon. A very happy 25th Anniversary to Joseph and Mayme Erjavec and may you have many, many more! We discussed the coming convention and our delegate is Albina Uehlein and alternate, Angeline Kozjan. As I sit here and write, we’re having a snow and sleet storm, but my calendar says April is coming and we are into the lenten season with a brief respite on St. Patrick’s Day and then, Happy Easter, everyone! Here is a little poem. Before God’s footstool to confess A poor soul knelt and bowed his head, "I failed," he cried. The Master said, “Thou didst Thy best - that is success!" Happiness to all. MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO DEAR MEMBERS: Our meeting was well-attended and I am glad our members are starting to participate once more in our lodge. Keep up the good work and please try and get some new members. Let’s make our motto to try and get at least 5 new members for our “Mother of the Year” — a friend, daughter or any family member — just phone me, 531-5191 — and I’ll gladly help in any way 1 can. It would be a nice tribute to our branch, so ladies, start asking people to join our wonderful organization. Our “Mother of the Year” is Justine Girod and we will celebrate it by having Mass at St. Mary’s Church at 10:30 AM on April 29, 1979 and we will have the dinner at the Workmen’s Hall on Waterloo Rd. right after Mass at 12:00 Noon. This will be a Slovenian cooked meal and the price is $5.00 per person. Friends and relatives are invited to attend with our members so contact me, Valeria Fortuna, Phone: 531-5191 for your reservations. Let’s all try to attend this affair to honor our Chosen Mother for she has done much for our organization and it’s our tribute to her for all her endeavors. Mark your calendar for April 29 and call me for reservations early and join in the affair. We send our deepest sympathy to the Ponikvar family who lost their loved one. May all the faithful departed rest in peace. We wish all our sick members a speedy recovery — Get Well soon, Mrs. Skok! And, “Happy Birthdays” to all members who are celebrating this month. Our next meeting is May 15 at 1:30 PM and collection of dues will take place but remember April 29 and make reservations now, so we can help our lodge to grow! God bless every member! VALERIA FORTUNA Reporter NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Hello, ladies! We had a nice attendance at our last meeting Feb. 13th. It was a Valentine Party and we had two Queens, Cilka Hočevar and Theresa Simončič. Cilka will be our Woman of the Year, also. Theresa comes to all our meetings and is at that nice age of 87. She looks good, they both are our charter members. Apple-cheese strudel was made by Pauline Hribar (also a charter member), jello cake by Nicoleta Lerchbacker, delicious, ladies! Thank you to all who donated the prizes. We sure had a lot of gifts! Congratulations to Mary Hočevar 'who became a Great-grandmother for the first time! His name is Ryan Greg and he was born Jan. 6th, 1979. Congratulations also to Donna Wilks and her husband who adopted Cilka a six year old boy. His name is Brian. Grandma, Mitzie Champa is very proud. Now the Wilks have two boys and two girls. The girls are in our branch, too. They are Gretchen and Jamie. Yours Truly and Lou were in Ft. Myers for three weeks. We stayed with Betty Gawor. There also lives Frances Legan. They both send their best regards to all. Betty is feeling a bit better. Sorry you weren’t feeling well. Best wishes to all our sick members and elders. We think of you all the time. Happy Birthday to the April ladies, Frances Stavec, Marge Roznik, Arlene Legan, Helen Lipnos and Johanna Perko. Our deepest sympathy goes to Jane Kaplan’s husband and son. Sorry she was our member only a month, transferring from Br. 41. Ladies, we decided on a Bake Sale and Rummage Sale combined for May 2-3, two days. On May 2nd it’s from 11 a.m. to 8 and on May 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We are having a Mass for the living and deceased members on Tuesday May 15th at St. Laurence Church at 6 p.m. Please put all this down on your calendar to remember. Meeting is April 10th. Please attend as we have a lot to talk about. See you there. MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. On Thursday, May 10, 1979, our branch will be honoring our Mother-of-the Year, Shirley Schulta. Dinner will be held at the Boulevard Inn, corner of Sherman Blvd. at Lisbon Theresa Avenue at 6:30 P.M. Reservations must be nade in advance and as soon as possible. Payment should be included when making the reservation. For further information call Stella Pousha at 543-5208, who is in charge of the dinner. A bus is chartered for the National Convention to be held in Duluth, Minnesota. Any person who is a member of any branch or guest is welcome. Call Rose Kraemer at 481-7357 for further information. Payment must be made when reservation is made. For further information check the ZARJA. A speedy recovery for the sick and shutins. Sincerely yours, ROSE KRAEMER NO. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Greetings from Branch 46! This is to remind all members that each year we are invited by the Sacred Heart Lodge to join them at Mass on April 22nd at St. Joseph’s Church, 12th and Russell at the 9:30 AM Mass. Hope you can attend. It is not too early to remind all the ladies to keep open the date of May 6 which is our annual Mother’s Day party. It will be held at Lemmons Restaurant at 12:30 PM. We will be honoring Olga Papish as Mother-of-the-Year. Be sure to come and have a good time! My apology to Clarice Baum for stating that she had a newborn boy — it was a girl, named Kathleen Michelle. IDA WEBB Reporter NO. 50, EUCLID, OHIO We opened our meeting with a full house, 110 members attending. President Ann Tercek talked about the coming 18th. National Tri-ennial Convention May 20 thru May 23, 1979 in Duluth, Minnesota. The delegates elected are Ann Tercek, President, Irene Jagodnik, Secretary & Treasurer. Ann Winters, Corresponding Secretary is the alternate. Frances Sietz had some wonderful suggestions and hand-made articles displayed for the members to make for thr Bazaar at the National Convention. Our Branch No. 50 sends congratulations for a worthy and successful Convention. In April we will have Installation of all new members, from throughout the year; also if any other Member has not been installed, please come. The Cadets will be in charge. We need a few more ladies to join our Cadets. They represent our branch No. 50 S.W.U. at funerals, parades and other doings. Ann Tercek made a plea for new child members for the youth group, both boys and girls to keep OUR MEMBERSHIP. The dues are only 10c per month. Frances Sietz, national Youth Chairman, spoke and said we are accepting young girls and older to join the Twirlette’s at Rechar Hall every Monday at 6 PM. So, if your granddaughters are interested please bring them down. Rose McHugh and husband Pat just recently came home from a most enjoyable 6 week trip to Granada Hills, California, visiting their son, Patrick and his family. They did not miss our cold Cleveland weather one bit! 10 members celebrated birthdays in February. Happy Birthday to all. New members: Zora and daughter, Angela Merhulek; Guests: Christine Hospodar, Paula Suhay, Josephine Gilak and Florence Brichta. Happy to have you. Sick list: Josephine Sieworek, Gerry Plancan, and Rose Lo Presti. Hope you all get well soon, and remember them in your prayers. Our condolences to family of Mrs. Mary Gombach, our member, who passed away in February. Frank Kristoff who is in the hospital in Maryland, hopes to be home soon, as he was selected as Man of the Year at Waterloo Hall March 18th. Also Darlene Kristoff, daughter of Ann and Frank, is getting married April 21 on her parents 39th Wedding Anniversary in Maryland. Darlene graduated from Ohio Dominican College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Our thought for the day. Repair man to car owner: First the good news. Your glove compartment and sun visor are in excellent condition. Your Reporter, VERA MATEYKA NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Dearest Sisters, here it is again time to observe the lenten and Easter season. We held our meeting at the RAC, a nice place. We had a wonderful turn-out. We are sorry to report that our Recording Secretary, Dorothy Russo was absent. She was missed but our sister, Mildred Barbatto took over for her and did a wonderful job. It is so nice to know that there are friends who are willing to step in when called upon. We all wish to take this time to say God’s speed to our sick members -may you have a rapid recovery. We also had a deep discussion on the National Convention which is to be held this year in Duluth. Anyone is welcome and if you are interested in attending, get in touch with our president, Rose Trombly who has all the prices for rooms and dinners. She will be more than happy to explain it all to you. There isn’t much more that I can tell you but I’m sure there are going to be quite a few going from around Hibbing and Chisholm area. The time is nearing and I believe it will be a big success. Please make arrangements early so you will not be disappointed. We then ended our meeting with a prayer by our President, Rose Trombly. We continued on with the social of the evening. Hostessing were sisters Josette Maki, Alice Baratto, Celia Palitano and Grace Carozza, who served a delicious lunch. Games followed and honors were awarded to Mary Lucenti in “B”; Smear went to sisters Margaret Andrican, Theresa Montcalm, Alice Baratto, Frances Jerkovich. Bridge went to sisters Julia Mancuso and Celia Palitano. Door prize was won by sister Margaret Kochevar. It was a very delightful evening. Please try to attend our next meeting which will again be held at the RAC, on the first Wednesday of the month. Please try to bring in a few new members. This will be greatly appreciated. God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Happv Easter to all! GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR NO. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our February meeting was held at the home of Mayme Sporich. Assisting her was Rose Yurtin, her daughter. The group was very small but we hope more of you will come when the weather breaks. We have lost two members since Christmas, Mary Petrovich whom I think I wrote about last month and just last week, our dear Helen Yovich died. She was 77 years of age and seldom attended our meetings in her later years. She was handicapped and had a leg amputated and now suffered a fatal stroke. She always donated to our branch and was a wonderful lady. She was a close friend and old neighbor of Mayme Sporich and Mayme will really miss her. Congratulations to Isabelle Rik’s daughter, Zoe Ann who became the mother of a baby boy in Florida. Issie missed our meeting because she was down there helping out. Vic Zuga’s husband, Frank is in Cleveland Clinic where he had major surgery. He is doing well and we hope and pray he will fully recover. He and Vic are wonderful people. We have two new members, well, sort of new. Anka Kregar joined our B group after being a juvenile member since birth and her sister, Maria’s new baby, Andrea Selak is a new juvenile member. They were over last week with their proud grandma, Mrs. Kregar. Andrea is a darling! Vacationing in Florida is our member, Helen Kokli and husband, John. Happy Easter to all and hope spring is on its way! JOANNE PONIKVAR Reporter NO. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Our February meeting was held with a very poor attendance. The reason could have been the severe cold weather we have had. Not much was discussed with so few ladies there. A speedy recovery to Maria Cvetnic who had surgery and is now at home recuperating. Barb Umeck had heart surgery and is recovering very nicely. Jo Perusek is on the ailing list. Our condolences to Jo on the death of her brother-in-law in Cleveland. Our sympathy to Tillie Cigolle on the loss of her sister, Josephine Gorenc. She was a longtime member. Two daughters survive, Dorothy and Louise. Now for the more cheery side of news. Congratulations to our oldest grandson, Steven Popovich, who was confirmed recently at the St. Dominic Church in Youngstown. His brother, Mark, an altar boy, served at the mass and had the honor of holding the Bishop’s Miter there. Brother Craig, age 9, and the parents and grandparents were quite proud of him. Our granddaughter, Susan Hribar, though only 12, is a member of the Niles McKinley High School marching band. Her brother, Bob, is achieving honors in the Cub Scouts. My husband, Stan and I are very proud of our grandchildren. Mary Selak is spending a few months in Florida for a well-deserved vacation. Also vacationing in Florida for 2 weeks are Mary Kristin, Frances Yerman, Julia Jakop and a friend of hers from Warren of Br. 54. While down there they will be attending the SNPJ Days held at New Smyrna Beach. Hope you ladies are enjoying yourselves very much. Hope to see you all at the next meeting. FRANCES HRIBAR NO. 56, HIBBING, MINN The regular meeting of the Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 56 was held on Tuesday, Feb. 13th with president, Rose Maras presiding. The main order of business was the election of the Mother of the Year for our branch. This honor was bestowed on Mrs. Angeline Passino. Due to inclement weather, the meeting was poorly attended. Therefore, it was decided to elect our delegate to the National Convention at next month’s meeting. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mary Meadows, Cathran Marolt and Rose Maras. Cards were played and prizes won by Mary Sikich and Rose Vukich, “B”; Frances Tobey and Agnes Barkis, Canasta and Hilda Pogorelc and Ann Selvo, 500. God bless! MARY MICHELETTI MARIE PRISLAND: The Chinese It was fun reading about the visit of Teng Hsiao-ping, vicepremier of China. When he visited America in 1974 he said: “America is full of tall buildings and big cars, all totally devoid of beauty; furthermore there is no place to stroll." ] Now he was returning for a closer and less critical look, spending eight days to talk wit U.S. officials and to tour three states. His visit will provide the first good look a Chinese Communist leader has ever had to at the U.S. Mr. Teng, is a surprisingly American - style politican - pragmatic, blunt and humorous. And he used his engaging personality to gel what he wants - namely U.S. aid and trade. Mr. Teng’s visit was covered by 180 reporters from all over the ; world. He is a small man, only about five feet tall, but he will woo Americans by telling them what they want to hear. He praised American technology and hinting big U.S. commercial sales to his country. He will be tough on the Russians knowing that his warm reception in America, will make Moscow worry about China ties. How much his visit to the U.S. will help the future will tell. There are now over billion people in China who will be affected with this visit. The Chinese diplomat attended a rodeo in Texas, and viewed a .parade of prized bulls. The vice-premier was very enthused to sec the beautiful animals, because he himself started a small cattle family at home. The Seaberg Ranch made him a gift of a 14 month old \ Brahma bull, worth $10,000.00, but will be worth much more because of its pedigree. ] i I have a friend living close by in Sheboygan Falls who has a farm of pedigree cows and bulls. One bull was sold for 60 thousand dollars. i SLOVENIAN RADIO HOUR IN SHEBOYGAN ! Yes, what a woman tried in the forties without success, two young men accomplished it now! Two musicians, Frank and Joseph Koroschetz with their friends started the idea for the Slovenian Radio Hour which now is