UMJ. ».k don «».n sob*. in prmrnlkov. dmlly «<*1* Sundsj. Holktoffc PROSVETA _GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE_ Urodnlltrl in oprsvniAkt prostori t 1Ö67 8. Uwncial* An. - Off Im of Ptobllcattom ZS67 South LowiuUU Ato. ToUphoao. Rockwell 4904 - j-TO—YEA* XXXL lUta jo 16.00 Sntarvd m mmoI-cUh m«tUr January tf. 1»U, M U» pual-uttU* •t Chicago, Illinois, nadar tba Aat at CouvraM at March ». 1IT». Accoptonco for wstHng it «pociol roto of po»Uro pro vid od for to CHICAGO, ILL, SREDA, 1. FEBRUARJA (FEBRUARY 1), 1989 •r Subscription »«.00 Yoorly STE V.—NUMBER 22 ¡[¡tier zahteval vrnitev olonij v svojem govoru Diktator posvaril Rooseveltovo administracijo, naj drži roke proč od nemške trgovine v Južni Ameriki in obljubil podporo Italiji. Poudaril je, da Nemčija želi živeti v miru in prijateljstvu z vsemi državami. Gonja proti Židom se bo nadaljevala D Berlin, 31. jan. — Diktator litler je v svojem govoru pred 155 poslanci, ki so se zbrali v pernem gledališču, zahteval rti¡tev kolonij, katere je Nem-ija izgubila v svetovni vojni, in pozoril Ameriko, naj se briga t svoje zadeve, ker on ne bo pel ameriškega vmešavanja v lemške afere. Rooseveltovo ad-linistracijo je pozval, naj drži Dke proč od nemške trgovine v ini Ameriki in ji zapretil s rKovinsko vojno. Napadel je meriškega notranjega tajnika keaa in tri angleške državnike, so večkrat kritizirali nacijsko itiko, kot vojne hujskače. Po deklaraciji, da so odnošaji ed Nemčijo in južnoameriški-državami zadovoljivi in da bodo še izboljšali, je omenil nošaje med Nemčijo in Zdru-nimi državami. "Naši odno-ji z Združenimi državami tr-jo vsled obrekovalne kampa-je, ki jo vodijo v Ameriki pod retvezo, da Nemčija ograža a-erisko neodvisnost," je rekel itler. "Ljudje, ki vodijo kam-njo in podžigajo sovraštvo oti Nemčiji, služijo političnim ekonomskim interesom, toda smo uverjeni, da ti ljudje ne edstavijajo mnenja milijonov neriških državljanov kljub sil-židovHki in kapitalistični fm»^ gandi, ki se vrši po radiu, v ku in s filmi. Ti milijoni veda so trditve teh ljudi ne-meljene. Nemčija fceli živeti miru z vsemi državami in tudi Ameriko. Nemčija se ne vme-a v ameriške afere in ona od-no odklanja vmešavanje v oje zadeve." Hitler je ostro obsodil posto-njt zmagovitih držav po kon-«ju svetovne vojne. "Rop nem-h kolonij je bil moralna na-ka, v ekonomskem oziru pa J večja Maznost," je dejal dik-T<> končani vojni je bila ilika za pravilno rešitev mcd-rodnih problemv. Trditev, da 'Jo lf nekatere države osva-1'ogastva s silo, je nesmisel-Kolonije, katere je Nemči-nekdaj dobila s pogodbami kupčijami, ho nam ukradli, aj zahtevamo vrnitev teh ko- ^"Ifr je naprtil Židom od-vornst /.a svetovno vojno in ■dlanjo podžiganje vojne. 'J"a, ki jo [Podžiga mednarod-/.idovstvo, ne bo prinesla ko-J"i'-ma in židovske zmage, "¡jo ¿idje, temveč uni-11zidovHtva v Evropi," je diktator. "Ne samo Nem-'••mveč vae druge države, '/-trebile Žide, ko bodo spo- r|a ho i,jih največji so- azinkj." N' diktator je v svojem vobljubil pomoč Italiji v J" proti tej državi. "Nihče 1 "" «'«'Ia napačnih zaključkov stališča, ki ga zavzema ni' J" napram Italiji, svoji Uat »'Ijici," Je rekel Hitler. "J"« proti Italiji bo našla r'" " Pripravljeno in posta- * « 'm, na stran svoje prija- Nacijaka Nemčija in Italija sta dovolj moč-"-'••lita mir od soyražni-arnl'*k to ne pomeni, da ho- * ^»JIlO " ''■pl^matični krogi v Berlinu ; fi,J" značilnost to. ker napadal aovjeUke Ru tr"> vidijo možnoat zbil-^ ^ državama in potrdi ' '»'"inokih pogajanjih med j;" " "> iWlinom. •»rada v zvni „ proslavo še , Hitlerjevega reži n< Italijanska agitacija v Franciji Mussolinijevi agentje na delu Nice, Francija, 31. jan. — Ita-ijanska iredentistična propaganda, ki je del Mussolinijeve kampanje proti Franciji, operira s polno paro v francoskih provincah ob itelijanski meji. V teh je tudi uključena slovita frencoska rivijera ob Sredozemskem morju. Kampanja se je pričela s pri-lodom izurjenih agitatorjev iz lima, katerim pomagajo tudi naciji. Ustanovili so že več uradov, iz katerih se širi propaganda. Cilj te je pretvoritev italijanske rasne manjšine v francoskih provincah v militantno politično manjšino. Propagandne urade imajo ita-ijanski fašisti tudi v Tunisiji. 1'rancoski koloniji v Afriki, na otoku Korziki in v drugih kra-ih. Vse te vodi in kontrolira posebni department v Rimu. » , i - * *■>■ i .i, « i V provincah ob meji, v katerih Žtvi vH tisoč ftaMjanov, je propaganda v razmahu. V Niči je okrog 80,000 Italijanov poleg 25,000 drugih, ki so italijanskega porekla, a so dobili francosko državljanstvo. Metode italijanske propagandne mašine sli-čijo metodam, kakršnih se naciji poslužujejo v vzhodni in centralni Evropi. Te se očitujejo v pritisku in ustrahovanju. Metode so uspešne, ker je večina srednjega sloja in bogatih Italijanov v francoskih provincah naklonjena fašističnemu režimu. Bogati Italijani ustrahujejo politične begunce, ki so prišli iz Italije. Ti ne morejo dobiti dela v pekarnah, mesnicah in drugih podjetjih, ki jih posedujejo Italijani, če nočejo sodelovati s fašisti. Antifasistom obljubljejo popolno pomilostitev, če obljubijo, da bodo lojalni Mussolinije-vemu režimu. Italijanski trgovci sodelujejo z italijanskimi konzuli v propagandi. Onim, ki imajo svojce v Italiji, grozijo, da bodo ti občutili posledice, če se bodo upirali fašistični propagandi. Domače vesti Nov grob v Cherokee, Kana. — V bližnji naselbini Weir je umrl 27. januarja po dolgotrajni bolezni želodčnem raku Jos. Povodnik, star 64 let in rojen v St. Lenartu pri Celju. Bil je član društva 105 SNiPJ in eden izmed pionirjev naše jednote, katere član je bil 34 let. Tu zapušča ženo, tri sinove in dve hčeri. "Štorklja" nosi člane . . . Bishop, Pa. — Zadnje dni je znana obiskovalka prišla k Emilu in Ani Kumer in jima pustila hčerko, ki bo zdaj ena članica več v mladinskem oddelku SNPJ. Van Houten, N. M. — John in Mary Tomed sta pred nekaj dnevi dobila zdravega in krepkega sinčka in s tem je tudi mladinski oddelek SNPJ pridobil novega člana. John je blagajnik društva 416 SNPJ. Clevelandske vesti Cleveland. — Dne 29. jan. je umrl John Intihar, star pionir v lepi starosti 93 let. Rojen je bil v Staravu pri Sv. Trojici na Notranjskem in v Ameriki je živel Čez 45 let. Tu zapušča štiri sinove in dve hčeri. — Frank Vi-čič, o čigar smrti smo že poročali, je bil doma iz Cerknice in v Ameriki je živel 35 let. Tu zapu šča ženo, tri sinove in hčer. Joa. in Margareti Jarc je umrla hčerka Bernice, stara sedem dni. Predan*i*ja v Tomanovi knjižnici Chicago. — Prihodnji petek, dne 3. febr., ob 8:30 zvečer bo dr. Horace J. Bridges, predsednik Chicago Ethical Society, predaval v Tomanovi knjižnici, ogel 27. ulice in Pulaaki Rd. (Craw ford ave.) o predmetu "Mussolini in antisemitizem." Vstop je vsakemu prost. Amerika bo prodajala letala Franciji VVashington, D. C., 31. jan. — Rooseveltova administracija n<) bo preklicala pogodbe s Francijo glede kupovanja ameriških letal. Tako je bil včeraj informiran senatni odsek za militaristl-čne zadeve. Pogodba, ki govori, da Francija dobi več sto letal v Ameriki, ostane v veljavi. Federalni sodnik resigniral Obdolžen je prejemanja podkupnine New York, 31. jan. — Martin T. Manton, član federalnega pri-zivnega. sodišča, je resigniral pod težo obdolžitve državnega pravdnika Thomasa E. Dewey ja. Sodnik pravi v naznanilu, diV se ne čuti krivega. Manton je obdolžen, da jo prejel $450,000 podkupnine od oseb, ki so bile zainteresirane v slučajih, ki so se obravnaval pred njegovim sodiščem. Njegova resignacija stopi v veljavo L marca, toda preiskava se bo na daljevala. Federalni justični tajnik Frank Murphy je naznanil temeljito preiskavo. Evidenca o kršenju federalnih zakonov je bila že predložena veleporoti. Vrhovni god ni k Frankfurter zaprieezen Washington, D. C., 81. jan — Felix Frankfurter, bivši profesor prava na univerzi Harvard, je včeraj položil prisego kot član federalnega vrhovnega sodišča. Ceremonije ao vršile v navzočnosti vodilnih pristašev "newdeal ske" administracije. ma, ki ae je vršila v Berlinu, ni bila tako impozantna kot I. 1933 Celo goetje, ki ao v reatavracijah in kavarnah pokušali Hitlerjev govor po radiu, niao kazali posebnega navdušenja. 1109, Act of Oct 8, 1917, outhoriiod on Juno 14, IBIS. Japonska armada ostane na Kitajskem Kitajski guerilci nadlegujejo Japonce Tokio, 31. jan. — General Soi-širo Itagaki, vojni minister, je včeraj izjavil v parlau»cr»tu. da bo japonska armada ostala Se dolgo časa na Kitajskem. To je bilo prvo uradno priznanje, da Japonska ne namerava potegniti svoje oborožene sile iz Kitajske. "Lahko izjavim, da bodo Čete ostale dolgo čaaa na okupiranem kitajskem ozemlju — kako dolgo, še ni bilo definltivno določeno," je odgovoril vojni minister na stavljeno vprašanje. "Armada se je na to le pripravila. Konstrukcija vojaških barak je v teku in podvzeta je bila že akcija glede nasičevanja vojaštva." V parlamentu je bila tudi dis-kuzija o protikomunističnem paktu, v katerem ho povezane Japonska, Nemčiju in Italija. Premier Hiranuma in zunanji minister Arita sta priznala, da bo pakt ojačan, nista pa pojasnila korakov, ki sla jih že pod-vzela. Sanghaj, 31. jan. — Vest iz kitajskih virov se glasi, da so kitajske guerilake čete v svojih naskokih na japonske pozicije v južnem delu province Šansi pri-zadjale velike izgube sovražniku. Okrog 7000 Japoncev je bilo u-bitih in ranjenih v zadnjih desetih dneh. Kitajci so v napadih zasegli tudi veliko količino orožja in bojnega materiala. Japonska veet se glasi, da ao japonski carinski uradniki za segli eno angleško in eno norveško ladjo v Sajapfi, pristaniškem mestu v bližini Haičova, zadnjo soboto. Ladji sta vozili blago, namenjeno Kitajcem. O-be sta bili odvedeni v Tsingtaj in odrejena je bila preiskava. Klavniška družba toži unije Philadelphia, Pa. — Wilson & Co., klavniška družba, je vložila tožbo proti trem unijam Ameri-Äke delavske federacije, v kateri zahteva odškodnino $300,000. Družba jim očita zaroto, ker jo hočejo prisiliti na priznanje zaprte delavnice. Dalje je vprašala za injunkcijo, ki naj bi ustavila teroriziranje neorganizira nih delavcev po unionistih. linije, proti katerim je bila vložena tožba, so Amalgamated Meat Cutters, Brotherhood of Transportation Workers in 8to rage Warehouse Employes. Avtna korporacija odklanja pogajanja Detroit, Mich., 31. jan,—Uprava korporacije General Motots je naznanila, da s«* ne bo |>ogaja Ia z uradniki avtne unije, dokler ne bo končan notranji konflikt Unija ima zdaj dve ekeekutiv in dva predsednika, ki si lastijo jui isdikcijo. Upravitelji tovarn te korporacije pa se Inido še nadalje |M>gajali z linijskimi zaup niki v tovarnah. 44 milijonov delavcev upoelenih New York. 31. jan. — National Industrial Conference Board domneva, da je bilo ob koncu decembra 1938 uposlenih v Združenih državah 44.306,000 dela v. cev oziroma nekoliko več: kot v novembru. Računa ae, da Je bilo meseca decembra nanovo u pori ih 174,000 delavcev v raznih industrijah, istočasno pa se je armada brezposelnih znižala za 77,000 delavcev in je ob konru leta štela 9,962.000. Razliko med 174.000 in 77.000 delajo oni mladeniči, ki so v decembru dorasli za upoelenoft, ____ Manevri ameriike bojne mornarice 8an Juan, Portorlko, 31. jan — Ameriške bojne ladje s0 do-sjiele na južni Atlantik na ma nevre. Največji manevri se bodo vršili med Guatanmanomo, Kuba, kjer ima Amerika pomorsko bazo, in Haitijem Dva vojaška letaica §e ubila - RH) de Janeiro. 31. jan — C K. Powell, ameriški vojaški letalec, in brtzilski poročnik Joae Griobul, sta se včeraj ubila, ko je vojaško letalo, v katerem ata ae vozila, treščilo na tla v bližini glavnega mesta DrasiJijf, L0JAUST1 ZATRLI ANARHISTIČNO ZAROTO Anarhitti skušali dobiti kontrolo nad mestom FRANCIJA NE MARA BEGUNCEV » ." - "... Perpignan, Francija. 31. jan. Španske lojalistične avtoritete poročajo, da so zatrle zaroko anarhistov, ki so skušali dojiti kontrolo nad Puigeerdo, španskim mestom v bližini francoske meje. Anarhisti so izzvg-i izgrede, ki pa so bili kmalu potlačeni. Neki stražnik je bil ubit v izgredih. Sem dospelo poročilo, ki pa Še ni potrjeno, se glasi, da so anarhisti umorili več političnih jetnikov, ki so izražali svoje simpatije napram fašističnemu režimu generala Franca. Druge vesti govorijo o spopadih med anarhisti in komunisti in med civilisti in vojaškimi stražami. Anarhisti so aretirali župana in druge mostne uradnike v Puig-cerdu, ki pa sp ¡bili vsi izpuščeni iz ječe, ko so loj al isti zatrli izgrede in vzpostavili mir. Vodja izgrednikov je bil major Quin-tila. Neka veat ae glasi, da je bil uatreljen, ko jo skušal pobegniti. Francoske avtoritete pravijo, da je 50,000 španskih beguncev prekoračilo mejo od padca Barcelone. Izmed teh je samo 250 izjavilo, da se hočejo vrniti v fašistično Španijo. Lojaliati ao formirali novo o-brambno črto, ki so razteza od Arcnys de Mara do francoske moje in dalje do Granollersa in Seod de Urgela. Fašistične vojne operacije v severnem delu Katalonije so bile suspendirane zaradi neugodnega vremena. Perpignan, Francija, 31, jan. — Ideja, da bo Francija dala zavetje 100,000 španskim be guncem v Savoju in na Koreiki, v krajih, kjer so aktivni Mus solinijevi agentje, je bila spočeta v Italiji. Pariška vlada Je uradno zanikala zadevna poro Čila in naznanila, da ne mara španskih beguncev na svojem ozemlju. WPA odslovi inozemske delavce 4500 revežev izgubi delo v Illinoisu Chicago, 31. jan. — Kongres je pravkar sklenil, ko Je znižaj od predsednika predlagano vsoto za financiranje relifnih de WI'A do I julija, da morajo bit od relifnih del WPA izključeni vsi oni tujerodni delavci, ki A< nimajo drugega papirja. Ker sta Že ols- zbornici sprejeli to odred l*i, ni več upanja, da bi bila zavržena, razen če bi Roosevolt vs< skupaj vetiral, česar pa najbrž« ne Ijo storil. V Illinoisu Je na podlagi po ročil vodstva WPA okrog tliOO tujerodnih deluvcev uposlenih p/ WI'A, katere bodo morali odšlo»-viti na |xxllagi omenjenega skle pa. Vseh relifnih delavcev pr WI'A je 2.16.0,17 v Illinoisu In od teh jih je 113,163 v Chfcagu Med temi v Chicagu je 2193 tu-jerodcev, ki Se nimajo drugega pa|Hrja in morajo biti zdaj od «lovijeni. Kaj bodo «torili a temi reveži, ne more nihče nič pove-dati. Tujerodci, ki niao državljani in ki sto|.ajo v starost 66 let, tudi niso upravičeni do socialne podpore. V dacembru je bilo od* slovljenih 3061. čikaških delavcev WPA, ker so dewis, predsednik Kongresa Industrijskih organizacij, Tako je naznanil William Green, pred sodnik ADF, jk> za ki J učenju prve seje eksekutivnega sveta, Lewis Je v zadnjem decembru izjavil, da !>o imela liga svo jo konvencijo v tem letu, da o-dobri načrt glede representa ci je na konvenciji demokrat ske stranke leto ¡KizneJe, l/ewls je takrat dejal, da bodo delegat je delali na to, da demokratski* stranka nominlra progrealvca zs predsednika Združenih držav, zaeno |>a Je |>ozval vse delavske organizacije, naj se prklružljr-gibanju. "Eksekutlvni svet ADF ml Je naročil, naj (»osvarlm vse v fe deracljl včlanjene unije- pred sodelovanjem z Ik«lavsko ne strankarsko ligo", je reke Green. "Liga je |»olitična organizacija in njeni cilji so v na Hprotju z nestrankarsko |>olitik< Ameriško delavske federacije Njen Izraženi namen Je kontrola |K»iitlčne stranke in (Kilitične konvencije in to lil v soglasju z našo nestrankarsko politiko." Gre^n Je dalje rekel, da Je II hh agent ura CIO. Ameriška olj odločno borila kot kdaj prej, Če Ji ho vojna vsiljena." Chamberlain bo danes govoril v parlamentu o razvoju med-uurodne situacijo ID drugih vprašanjih, ki ao. prišla na površje, odkur Je bilo zasedanje prekinjeno. Premier Je v tem i^asu reorganiziral avoj kabinet in se izrekel proti razpisu aploš-ufh volitev. Ker ae je pokazal ipor med labor it i glede formiranja protivladne koalicije, bo>crlain prodrl a avojim programom oboroževanja in o-bram be. Chicago se izkopava iz snega Nov snežni vihar na poti Chicago, 3L* Jan. — Chicago In predmestja se izkopavajo is «nega, ki je paralizirai promet. V štirinajstih urah |« padlo sko-ro 15 palcev snega, kar Je rekord v tako kratkem časa. Hn«*2ni vihar se pomika proti vzhodu In letalski promet med Chicago m New Yorkom J« bil ustavljen. Policija !n avtni klubi svarijo motoriste, naj ae BS (Kidajo na reste, ki valijo v severni Illinois, Indiano in Michi-gan. Mnogo krajev v južaem delu Mk-higana je izolirani^ in podeželske šole Ml zaprle vrata. C. A. Donnel, vrumenakl na-I ni vedo valeč, je naznanil, da ae bliža nov stie>ni vihar Chk*agtl zapada, ki pridrvi v mosto Jutri. je Imel včeraj pred nemškimi poslani:' in je bil po radiu rasšlr-jen (ai vsem svetu. Zlaati ao pozdravili Hitlerjevo deklareeijo, da bo Nemélja podpirala Italijo v slučaju, 4a se zaplete y vojno, SREDA, 1. FEBRUARJA CAJ ZA PR8A Prati naduhi la kal!]« Naročita si t» a lovilo «Urokruj,^ li4£ao oSravila. katero nikdar nt f»u Ona «avoju ja U.M. Pitiu «li tnfMko na: MRS. GRETA LESKOV A K m7 E. ti Bi, New York. N. Uradne vesti drtlštev SNPJ V blagi spomin pete obletnice smrti nadvse ljubljenega soproga in očeta natega ANTON ZIDARJA kateri je preminul S. februarja 1934 fetivej v miru. dragi soprog tn oče. NaS spomin na Tebe ie vedno živi v nafti h srcih.—Žalujoči ostali: MARY ZIDAR, aoproga: ROZI in MILDRKD, omote na Gorski, Mere; GEORGE, zet J LOUI8 ZIDAR, brat, Chicage, UL ^ ... Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srci naznanjam znancem in prijateljem, da je po kratki in mučni bolezni preminula moja teta FRANK PAULICH D.D.8., M.D.8. Dentist-Orthodontist Zobozdravnik (Uravnava sobe) HM a. Sind A »a. ' - CICSBO, ILh. PlMM Claora III NAMH4LL rilLD ANNEX n B. Waahlaata* at. etsaa C—tral >M4 MARY KUKEC Umrla je 1. jan. 1939 ob 5.30 zjutraj v U.M.W.A. bolniftnici v W. Frankfort, III., v starosti 64 let. Pokopana je bila civilno. Zahvaljujem se vsem in za vsako pomoč, ki sta jo izkazali moji teti v ča*u bolezni in smrti, ter za darovane vence in za spremltev na miro-dvor. Lahka naj Ti bode tuja zemlja, draga teta.—Žalujoča ostala-MOLLY KORSIC. nečakinja v Detroit. Mich., In sestra v Milwaukee. VVaukegan, III. — Naznanjam Sanicam ženskega druitva 119 SNPJ, da se je dne 24. januar-a močno poškodovala Antonija iezek, tajnica druitva. Padla je tako nesrečno po stopnjicah, da so ji v zapestju obeh rok poči? e kosti. Vzelo bo več časa pred« no bo zopet sposobna za delo. V teku njene bolezni bo opravljala vse tajnUke posle sestra Helena Jereb, 1132 Victoria st., North Chlcago. Članice tega druitva prosim, <1 a se obračate v vseh drufttvenih zadevah« na sestro Jereb. Sestri Bezek telimo hitrega okrevanja. Anna Mahnich, predsednica. (leveland. O.—Članstvo druitva Vodnikov Venec 147 S. N. W J. je pozivljano na redno mesečno sejo, katera se vrli v nedeljo, ft. februarja, ob #*« zjutraj. Podani bodo tri me* nI računi. Vsakega člana ennsylvanlji s seje dne 22. t.] m. so omenjeni v uradnem zapisniku, ki ga je objavil br. Anton Rednak v tej številki Pro-svete. Ponavljanje teh sklepov j e nepotrebno. Če ne veste zgodovine SNPJ, čitajte knjigo A-meriiki Slovenci, katero je spisal Jote Zavertnik, bivši urednik Prosvete in katero je publl-clrala SNPJ ob svoji dvajsetletnici. In če bi radi izvedeli vse podrobnosti o ustanoviteljih druitva Hlavlje it. 1 SNPJ» vam priporočamo članke, ki jih je spisal br. Frank Zaitz, predsed- RADAB aaMIrti «Mar v rtari kraji* j KADAB ■»• sasia«J00 -" IIM . MS - " I T. TO .. MS -" HM MM " " TO.OO .. MS " • ti. 40 MM - - I T.00 ., 1000 - - 104.00 MM * - iii.M ., 1000 -Oaaa padvr4a*a «prvmamM 4»ti aU tsrt evl rrtjtk inaak.k dajaaM» rnainii popu «I nat-oi pnai.i a «t a si« rbajbm kadar rabite m atarl kraj »rAteatlte ali kal altdaae*. te tem p udajate poaaatv«. te MMMa d*«U dad4«luo «4 tam. aH te Imate tam kak dru« vatea puaat ladaj Ja v Vatam lOtaeaau. «a «a ate-aala aa alada«« aaatev : LEOZAKRAJSEK (•aaaeai Travel Beeviea, lac^ tOt Baat 7tad SU. Nav Tark. N. T. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV SNPJ a Westmoreland. Pennsylvania OPOMBA: DrsMva aaj prijavila avaja prireditve Aatea Xaraiku. tajal ka Pe^erarije. SL Clair Savings ä I/oan Co. •SM Si. Clair Avaaaa • Bead. M70 PRIREDITVE FEDERACUE DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZA CLEVELAND IN OKOLICO: Fl.KB KKGIJAVTBV DB T UTK V BNPJ < Ha»Hat Loacne af (lave-land l adgea at BMPJ) me vrM v BN.H. AaÜlaHBSi». MIT Bi. flair . v*-. < ****** OM». da» ta. leb-mar I a Plaa I»*« vatopalaa als-ka. Prraaiaaeli km aa s ilk h »d a» o akiivaaaii. OPOMBA TAJNIK A t Drall vs. ki pHra|a)a ovoje pSralka ia vaaelice. aaj ta pravačaMM aasaaaiia tajalfca fe-deraeije. da ae we* aa objava v llala eakrat meaetaa—J. f. TER Bit AN. tajaik. 7FNF Kk* n" j* »naaačno 1,6116 čiManja (parile) laa-•talo ail ako ja aeradaa ait kdlaio. naročite al nemudoma laeje «Ura-VVaJakt gl o oo vi ta zdravita. Stan« It.- PRHO ml a polnim taapanjem MBS. CBKTA LBBKOVAB »St B. Tied SU New Tari. It. J'apaakr. MiSamU A. Kriaauiaeic MiKord. N. I. Itellalr a. 4 »bi« Aalaa Zigmaa " t levelaad. ObU Jsks MfBISi KH oavefajoči In kri čistilni Planinski čaj FEDERACIJA ZA VZHODN OHIO IN W. VIRC.INIJO AN sle le naročili Prwreto SB MUdinaki IU avajeain pHJatelj» •B "nrodnlkn v domovino? Ta Jt edini dar trajne vrsdn—It. ki ga JebaatawB. Paaao>l«aala laaopb Kraaje ttilotereb. PvaaaylvaoSa Via«, koter %e-4abarg. PMMa>l«a^a MEDA « «UBRPAHJA ||j|'- Federacije S. N. PR08VETÄ P. J. Zapisnik federacije zapadne Petine Kraddock, Pa. - Zapisnik letne «je federacije društev SNPJ ia zapadno Penno, vršeče se 22. ian v Pittsburghu. Predsednik idnre sejo "ob 10.30 zjutraj. Zakopana so bila sledeča društva: 6 » 52. 88, 89, 106, 118, 138, 14, ¡65, 166, 210, 216, 281, 241, 265 287, 295, 300, 319, 322, 365, 386, 394, 400, 426, 427, 472, 586,-618, 629. Skupaj 31 dru-Ätev s 76 zastojtfiiki in 8 odborniki. Zapisnik prejšnje seje se sprejme s popravkom, da se o-znači društvo 426 (Clairton) na vzoče na tej seji, kar je bilo pomotoma izpuščeno. Društvo 517 (Moose) ni moglo poslati zastopnikov na to sejo radi finančnih razmer. Prosijo za malo pomoč. Enoglasno se društvo oprosti članarine za preteklo leto 1938. Zahvala od Canr karjevega Glasniga se vzame na znanje. Knjige od Prosvetne Matice so bile razdeljene društvom« katera niso včlanjena v Prosvetni Matici in se jim obenem priporoča, da pristopijo, če je le mogoče. Federacija ostane včlanjena še vnaprej. Tajnik br. Jakob Ambrožič poroča", da «o bili na seji Fraternal Protective Allied Association in so pronašli, da vsak član S. N. P. J. ima pravico do vstopa v klub oziroma Dom, kateri posluje pod charter jem SNPJ brez da bi bila nevarnost od državnih oblasti. V.sak' član se lahko izkaže z vplačilno knjižico. Kar .se pa tiče samostojnih Domov, imajo pravico do vstopa samo člani istih. Br. John Trčelj in Žigman pravita, da je njih klub dobil pravila od zgoraj omenjene organizacije in je tam vse o-ZDUČeno, kako se morajo klubi ravnati. Sprejeto je bilo, da sd ¿La ta pravila prestaviti v slovenščino in pozneje tiska v obeh jezikih, tako da si jih bo lahko vsalc' klub naročil po svoji potrebi. To stvar prevzameta br. Trčelj in Zigmam Proletarcu ee-o* dobri v tiskovni sklad $10, nabrano med zastopniki $8.04. Sku-kaj se ix)šlje na Proletarca $18.04. Br. predsednik poroča, da je odbor .sodeloval z odborov konference Prosvetne Matice pri iiTanžiranju predavateljske ture br. Franka Zaitza. Vreme je preprečilo večji uspeh, kar se pa ne da pomagati. Br. tajnik čita račune za zadnje tri mesece. V blagajni je $342.86. Blagajnik j in nadzorniki se strinjajo in ra-[čuni se odobre. Nadzorniki so pregledali listine, tikajoče se kampanje mlad. oddelka in sledeča društva so u-pravlčena po 50c nagrade za vsa-kegu novega člana; 33 (Ambri-dtfe) 6 članov; 88 (Moon Run) 6 čl.; 89 (Midway) 12 čl.; 106 (Imperial) 8 čl.; 122 (W. Al-Üquippa) 17 čl.; 138 (Canonsburg) 13 čl.; 166 (Presto) 7 čl.; 210 (McKees Rocks) 9 čl.; 241 (Slovan) 7 čl.; 287 (Burgetts-town) 21 čl.; 300 (Braddock) 27 <'!•; 400 (Renton) 7 čl. p 419 (Harwick) 11 čl.; 472 (Harmar-ville) 8 čl.; 618 (Monaco) 2 čl.; 62!) (K. Pittsburgh) 5 čl.; 118 (Pittsburgh) 5 članov — prepusti nagrado federaciji, iatotako društvo 586 (ChesWick). Skupaj dosedaj prijavljenih 18 društev h 166 člani. Društvo 300 (RraddockJ je dobilo tudi nagrado $5.00 za ustanovitev mladinskega krožka, katera vsota gre ]> "Kajni mladinskega krožka. ' Poročilo zastopnika za engiero poslujoča' federacijo ae vzai me na znsnje. Angl, poelujočo ferrad jo zastopata br. Kosela In Uandovieh. Njih poročilo ae l-»totako vzame na znanja. Poročilo za n topni kov. (Izpol-n je pri poročilih rezultat ampanje iz razloga, ker je Že ' m« njen. Pri društvu 118 (Pltt->Wgh) ao zgubili 11 članov pro-»I« >to; ao za Slovenski dan In "'bjo, H« federacija podpre to «*>. Pri društvu 300 (Brad ' ' uatanovili mladinsk kr"**k, zgubili ao S člane v de-£mbrn. Pri 287 (Burgettatown), Zfubili i ¿Una. v odrasli od-"k m, ehigh 0738.) Za prihodnji SNPJ Day se Anton Lavrič, Anton Cipčič, Dolenc, J. Sire. Federacija aranžirala predvajanje slik SNPJ, če se bo priglasilo dosti naselbin. Tajniki društev se poživljajo, da sporočijo željo članstva tajniku federacije kakor hitro mogoče. — Zaključek seje ob 5.30 pop. Anton Rednak, zapisnikar. Veselica društva 333 Bellaire, O. — Kot tajnik o-krožne federacije SNPJ naznanjam društvom v tej okolici, da ima društvo 333 plesno veselico v soboto zvečer dne 11. febr. v svoji dvorani na Blaipu, O. V teh kritičnih časih vsak priden gospodar gleda na vseh koncih n krajih, da kaj zasluži za vsakdanje potrebe. Prav tako skrtii odbor društva 333, da pride na kakšen način do sredstev za vzdrževanje društvenega doma. V ta namen priredi omenjeni več^r zabavo, na katero so vabljena vsa okoliška društva in vse občinstvo, da pripomorejo do boljšega uspeha. To društvo je včlanjeno v federaciji SNPJ in Prosvetni matici JSZ, torej podpira dve koristni uatanovi. Ni torej več kakor prav, da se udeleže te veselice vsi, katerim razmere dopuščajo. Prepričan sem, da boste dobro postreženi. Loui« Pavlinich, tajnik. » Društvene priredbe Zapisnik bridgeportske federacije Bridgeport, O. — V nedeljo dne 22. januarja se je vršila letna seja okrožne federacije SNPJ v Društveni dvorani na Boydsvillu. Zastopana so bila sledeča društva: št. 13, 54, 258, 275, 333, 407, 436 (slednje društvo je poslalo pismeno poročilo). Navzoči so bili tudi zastopniki društev 562 in 640, društvo 628 je pristopilo v federacijo. Skupaj je bilo zastopanih 10 drqštev. r Večina zastopnikov ¿je poročala, da so v zadnji kampanji pridobili nove člane v mladinski oddelek, posebno sta se odrezali društvi 13 in 275. Kar se tiče agitacije za mladinski od delekt še ni bilo tako slabo v pričo velike brezposelnosti..Posebno hudo je prizadeto drpštvo 407 in sedaj tudi društvo. 425, ker so v tamkajšnjem rovu instalirali -stroje, fcremogarje pu postavili nu CCSto. V blagajni je bilo ob koncu letu $240.28. Prečitanu je razna korespondenca. Mooneyjeva zahvala vzeta z velikim veseljem na znanje. Proletarcu se da v podporo $5, ker je mnenje zastopnikov, da je ta delavski list' vreden, da ga napredno delavstvo ohrani. Sklenjeno, da federacija ostane pri Prosvetni matici še nadalje. Zastopnik društva 275 omenja, da bodo ustanovili žogometni klub pod okriljem društva, kar bo pomagalo agitaciji za nove člane. Zbornica se s tem strinja in urgira tudi druga društva, naj podvza-mejo sllčno akcijo. Nato se Je razmotrivalo o. združenju vseh slovenskih naprednih Jednot ii^ zvez. Razprava o tem je bila živahna. Sklenjeno je bilo, da federacija apelira na vse gl. odbornike in članstvo progresivnih jednot in zvez' da začno z resnim delom za združenje. Tudi o pridobi vanju mladine v SNPJ je bila živahna razprava. Večina, ki je bila aktivna v zadnji kampanji, je mnenja, da Je najboljša agitacija po hišah, kajti Um lahko raztolmačiš staršem in mladini, kaj vse nudi SNPJ svojim čla4 nom. Sklenjeno, da se bo ta me-; toda vršila v bodoče. Nato je bilo sklenjeno, da federacija praznuje 35-letnlco jednote, kraj In datum pa bosta določena na prihodnji seji. Glede članov, ki se obrnejo na federacijo za pomoč, Je sklenjeno. da se Jim tudi v bodoče pomaga s plačevanjem asesmenta, in sicer do vsote $2.60. prav tako se plača asesment tudi Veselica društva 153 Youngstown, O. — Na letni seji je naše društvo 153 SNPJ sklenilo, da priredi veselico dne 11. februarja v Ukrajinski dvorani na W. Rayen ave. Izvoljen je bil tudi veselični odbor. Bodite pravočasno na mestu vsi tisti, ki ste se priglasili za delo. Vabimo vsa bližnja in oddaljena društva, vse občinstvo na to, pašo vesejico. Pripeljite s sabo tudi svoje prijatelje in znance.. Članstvo našega društva poživljam, da se gotovo udeleži prihodnje seje dne 6. februarja ob 1. popoldneva izvolite novega tajnika ali tajnico. Helen Fab-jan, ki je bila izvoljena na letni seji, n4 bo mogla vršiti tegu posla, ker se v kratkem preseli v Cleveland. Pridite torej vsi na prihodnjo sejo, dne 11, februarja pa na društveno veselico. Fr. Baraga. Maikerada društva 333 Blaiae, O. — Naše društvo 333 SNPJ je sklenilo na zadnji seji, da priredi maškeradno veselico dne 11. februarja, priče-tek ob 6. zvečer v lastni dvorani. Nagrade bodo dobile najlepše, najgrše in najpomembnejše maske. Igrala bo izvrstna godba, ki bo prvič v tem kraju. Vabljeni ste vsi od blizu in daleč, da nas posetite omenjeni večer. Nlck Glogovsek, tajnik. Veselica gospodinjskega odseku Midway, Pa. — Članic« got spodinjskega odseka društva 89 SNPJ smo sklenile na naši zadnji seji, da priredimo veselico dne 4. februarja. Uljudno vabimo vse sosedne gospodinjsko klube, kakor tudi vse mlude in stare obojega spola, da nas obiščete ob tej priliki. Za ples nam bo igral nam vsem dobro znani Ludvikov orkester iz Canons-burga. Za lačne in žejne bo pa dobro preskrbljeno v spodnjih prostorih. . Ker je naša organizacija stara Jcomaj par mesecev in je to naša prva veselica, upam, da se jo boste udeležili kolikor vam je največ mogoče.,<(ib priliki vam bomo rade vrnile. Duši je naš r.iidwayskl VlnogVad pod belo O-dejo, Ixomo škupaj'zape- li: "En hribček kupil bom trte sadil . . ." iWej 'na svidenje 4. februarja, prihodnjo soboto zvečer v Slovenskem domu. Margaret Capuder. 8'.). Nadina maikerada Chicago. — V>e.m članom In prijateljem SNPJ v Chicagu in okolici poročam prijetno novico, da članice društva Nade 102 SNPJ priredimo maikeradno veselico na pustno soboto dne 18. februarja v dvorano SNPJ. Naše članice sestre Urbane, Pi6-man, Harmont in Sifrar so pripravile prvo nagrado, ki bo vre* dna vsega truda v zvezi z ma-skiranjem. Toda poleg te dragocene nagrade bo še veliko drugih, s katerimi bodo srečne Mma-škare" zadovoljne. Preskrbljena je dobra godba za apodnjo in zgornjo dvorano in tudi najboljši prigrizek in pijača. t Članice društva Nade prijateljsko vabimo vse občinstvo Iz Chicaga in okolica na to pustno priredbo, Upam;>, da se boste kakor vedno tudi to pot številno odzvali. Društvo Nada je že veliko dobrega storilo za delavstvo v gmotnem kakor tudi dulevnem ozlru. In to delo se nadaljuje. — Za pripravljalni odbor. Frances Vider. Slika SNPJ v IndianafMlisH Indianapolis, Ind,— V Prosve-ti je bilo že poroča no, da priredi naše društvo 34 SNPJ dne 4. februarju zvečer zabavo, na kateri se bodo kazale slike SNPJ, pri^etek ob 7:30 v Slovenskem narodnem domu na 729 N. Hol-mes ave. Naše društvo vabi vsa druga društva, rojake in sploh vse Jugoslovane od tukaj in is bližnje okolice, da nas posetite in ne bo vam žal. Za nizko vstopnino boste videli našo tepo staro domovino in tudi nekaj naselbin, kjer Živimo slovenski trpini. Po predvajanju slik bo prosta zabava. Torej pridite» v čim večjem številu, da se bomo skupno pozabavali in kaj dobrega pogovorili. Vsakdo potrebuje zabave in duševnega razvedrila. Murtin Dragan, blagajnik. Veselica in predstava v VKnu/re-gantt Waukegan, III. V soboto zvečer dne 11. februarja priredi žensko društvo Moške enakopravnosti 119 SNPJ kartno zabavo in tombolo v SNI), potem pa se vrši ples. (Upam, da bodo moški to upoštevali.) Pripravljalni odbor se v resnici trudi, da s to zabavo zadovolji vse po-setnlke. Pripravljenih je že več lepih daril, katere boste lahko videli v oknu zadružne trgovine. Ta darila se bodo dobila z malo vstopnino 25c. Pripravljene bo« do tudi druge dobrote, l>ripra-vljalnl odbor vabi vse, stare in mlade, na to «abavo. V nedeljo dne 12. februarja pa ima svojo priredbo društvo LUtlc Fort 568 SNPJ tudi v 8: N. t). Uprizorjena bo igra v angleščini in več drugega programu. Upam, da se članice našega društva tudi te priredbe udeleže v čim večjem številu. Na svidenje nu obeh priredbah. Anna Mahnlch, predsednica. druge člane na priredbo dne 25. marca, na kateri se bodo kazale sjike SNPJ. Priredba »k» v Društveni dvorani na Boydsvll-lu. Društvo 333 -vabi na veselico, ki bo"drle II. februarja na Blainu. 8noy vabi na prvomajV sko proslavo dne 29. aprila. Ako bo šlo vae po sreči, bo izvajal koncert znani Vadnalov kvartet iz Clevelanda. Glede plafe uradnikov federacije je bilo sklenjeno, da o-jtanejo atare. Seje federacije ae vrše vaakr štiri mesece. Prihodnja ae bo vrftila v nedeljo dne 23. aprila. Predsednik imenuje ^ __________ _____ _ njih otrokom, Če Jih imajo. Vsa-' izvoli odbor 6 članov, kateri bo ka prošnja mora biti naj prvo aodelovali z angl. poalujočočo fe- predložena in potrjena po druš-deracijo, ft sicer: Anton Cipčič.'tvu. Sklenjeno, ds federacija Jakob Ambrožič, Geo. SmrekaV plača polovico voznih stroškov Lorenc Kaučič in Anton Rednak. zastopnikom društev, ki se ude- CiU ae pismo od federacije 8S- ležujejo sej. Ker ae ne ve, kak* _ PZ da bi vse slovenske organi- šne razmere bodo nastsle v pre- nadzornike na v*akl seji. V od zacije sodelovale skupno brez o-mogoviiT Industriji, ko a l. apri bor federacije so bili Izvoljeni žira na politično prepričanje, da lom poteče rudaraka pogodbe, «ledeči: Predsednik John Rebol, bi priredili takozvanl Slovenski se bo tudi prihodnja seja fede podpredsednik Henry Potnik, dan Bila je precej dolga raz- racije vršila na Boydsviflu. ki tejnlk-blagajnlk IxhjIs Pavli prava In Izvoli se odbor, da bo je središče tukajšnjih naselbin, j n Ich. zapisnikar Joseph Hn sodeloval skupno. Izvoljeni ao' Društvo 13 vabi navzoče In Joeepli Haoy, zapisnikar. Plesna zabava druitva St5 Edison, Kana. — V soboto zvečer dne 25. februurja prired plesno veselico druitvo 226 SN PJ v dvoruni Času Vecchla, Camp 50. Priče tek ob 7;30. Za ples bo igral orkester Drutch Hrass Band. Vstopnina 10 in 25 centov. Servirana bodo okus na jedila in pijača. Clapl In članice ste prošeni, da ae gotovo udeležite te veselice, ker gre za društveno blagajno. Prav tako so vabljeni drugi rojaki in rojakinje od blizu in daleč, da nas posetljo ta večer, ker zabave bfc dovolj za vse. Naša zadnja veselica je bila zelo uspelna in gre zahvala vsem, ki so se udeležili. Upamo, da pridete v velikih skupinah tudi na prihodnjo, ker bo Imenitna godba za ples in dobra postrežbs, Annle Jelovchan, tajnica. A« Ar aESTMKSKCNI RACUN MED DRUfiTVI IN JEDNOTO od t. jullta do SI. decembra IMS FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX MONTHS from July 1 to Itoetmber SI, IftSH «AClLA— >ZI'I.A^1LAtt- t jlTKV.Cl.AKfOV MUiUimM Ur. dolgu)» Dr. Im* iMrvIl] *---- vf i la-1 mmmpéwahhéh Odraali MUtllnaM I uMcUk I oditvlok T ««t.M. fc —aacKteTu —— I-iushuswkiiknts— |4kI««Nu.| *4uU__í ¿uvaniw [ AtluU I Juv.nlU Veselica druAtra 2 • I II II 14 II it M II 40 41 41 44 41 41 4T 41 41 50 II BI II 14 II A« IT II It» 00 II II II 14 01 II •7 Id M 70* 71 71 71 74 71 71 77 TI 7» 10 II II NI 14 m •i ■7 M K» »0 «I M •I •4 II VI «7 101* IUI 104 .... 10« ,.,. UM .... 107 .... KM ,,., 10« 110 .... Ml .... Ill ,,.. Ill .... 114 Ill Ill .... 117 ..., Ill II» ... 110 Ill Ill .... Ill .... 114 ,... Ill .... Ill .... 117 IW .... ÍI0 Ill .... Ill 114 •„., II» .,., IM .... 117 IN .,.: m 140 141 .v,.-141 141 .... 144 .... 14» .... 14« 147 .... 141 .... 14« .... IM Ill .... Ill .... 114 m ... IM ... IM ,,,, III .... IM IM IM IM .... 147 IM .... IM' ,.., IT« . 171 171 Ifl 174 .... 171 IT« .... 177 IM . I«l .... I«l im IM IM ¡2. u IM im ... I«l ... im IM I«! . ieT IM IM i.ii4 4« i 1,410 In i.41v.77i 711 71 i.mi.oi;' 1.144.Ott 1.711 m • 1,111.71 4.IV7.II 141.0«' i IM M I.MIO« i.mir iii.m1 I.mi.ii, i.mi 7ij iii««! 1,111.17 «14.1«' ins »61.71' . I «14.71 711»«! MIM»! III«« 1.14144, 1.117.771 MI4.II 411.14, TM.71 1.1*1.74 774.17 7TI.TI Tli.M MI 41 M« 14 III.TI 1,017.11 MM w» (.«Olli , MI.11 071.Tt 1,74««» l,«ll.M «44.17 111.47 1,411.16 7M.M l«I.M «71.11 M4M.M« M 1.4« »71.4« 741 o« I.4I4.01 1,141.«« «04.17 «1.71 4M 11 uns .••««» 147 71 101.00 lt|l.«l 107.11 I .Nil «I 71.0« III.«» 647.14 i.mi.ii 41«.m •11.41 MW» «o «71 m iii«! 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Mi TT im «4 MT 14 441 41 •If O ,6MM III M I I I 11.4*1 •0.4» II.TV 144.IÜI - 10.«0 ' 11.««, n«.*»! 10.111 ' 14« tt III» U6 •» I.MI II» 14 I«.I« 16 I« n.M! 111.11' 10.MI IT.M II 04 II M 17 04 74.11 10.«0 41.11 M.II »I «0 41.M II.61 11.10 66*1 •JT 14M «II 41 lo 14 04 1110 M,10 44.M «0M 11.T» 10»« 10.11 101,17 11.10 11.14 M.»0 I«,»« «.40 I» .00 6110 11.01 I« 10 mM» 4« I» 11.16 16 II N.M 70 0» * 6 04 l.ll II.44I Mil 10.«« I uu 4 «0 I» »I I.71 UM II 101.II II.M • I» MM i».o» 41.11 «I 7« MM 10 «I II 10 I« 10 1.71 11 00 4«.«« 11,11 l«oo 71.10 I».M M 4« 6«.14 N.M N«.M 61 «« • 71 10 II «I II 11 «o «II «14 MM IM II ««4 M,«o 147.71 I7.M »7 14 «17« ««41 I M« loo II III« »4 7», ,7T>,11 II 40 M 41 41.10 I.MA 00 1.4m 60 1,1 M.«o 7M.0V M«« M 110.00 t,074.60' l.l»6 6 74I.OOÍ Ml .00 l«I.Oo MU. 00 i.4m 60' 1.044 00 iei.00; •i» 00 401.00 M6N 00 641.00 M« 00 1,104.041 111.00 M.00 1,011.00 III .00 6I7.TO 177.04» 117.00 I.M4 00 .l.MI. 10 l«0 4KI 1,160.00 TOI 00 117.O» I 14« ud 11,00 «01. ou II« 00 MOMo 411.00 NM 04» M.00 ««I «I 111.00 I.0M. 00 16(00 «I 041 «IM - 0 .04 714.00 «40.00 »TO 00 Ml.oo I,IT«.00 «M 00 111.00 1,114.60 MIH M 00 1,064.00 441.60 1,106 00 1,111.60 (IIH Ml 6« Ml loj N4N 00 46.MI II «0 N4T.00 1,4M 0«1 1.411.00 •04 00 M.04! dim 0«1 00; IM.04 1,040.6«. 1,044 10 »MJMj •II M l.MI «« avi 00 IM.4>« 4M.M III 00 1.140.04t IM 00 «M 60 4,«01.14! «4404 I.AM Ml mum «M Ott T« IM» T4I 64! I •• •o 4 110 no UUa M MM.'J k rinili« mI HA) m vtmJ* iminjMU» te * M J* iilOli» ^ U- lili If 11 mt •rtiči« will ma M ntvmi »laya. M'—. «M.. »HB h* < PKOfVETA MÎ-N fe UtaOk Ar*. or rum rtoium fm-r> v mklÊfmh M MlaMr (Julr 91. IMS) —* -« «mm*« imwl, M »•■ i« • tr« 4m«fl r*mtlu rwitem 4« m »ml U* •• Običajno opozorilo Pri na* je že stara navada, da vsako leto enkrat opozorimo društvene tajnike — in sploh one, ki pišejo društvena vabila na seje in veselice za Prosveto — na neka dejstva, ki se pri nas silno rada pozabijo In zato so U opozorila potrebna. Prvič opozarjamo na poštni zakon, ki pre-|K>veduje objavo vseh stvari, ki so v zvezi z loterijo. Po zakonu je v tej zvezi tudi srečka-nje vsake vrste (raffle). To je sicer nedolžna igra, katere ae društva včasi poslužijo v korist svoje blagajne, ampak zakon ne pozna razlike in ne dela izjem — in Prosveta krši ta zakon ter pride v nevarnost kazni, če objavi kakršnokoli vest glede srečkanja, door prizes ali kaj podobnega. Prihranite uredništvu črtanje s tem, da ni treba omenjati srečkanja — in ne jezite se. Drugič naša pravila ne dovoljujejo nobenih denarnih kazni za člane. Društva Imajo še vedno navado, da sklepajo: "toliko in toliko bo plačal v društveno blagajno vsak Član, ki se ne udeleži seje ali veselice." To je proti pravilom! Društva lahko nslože svojim članom le izreden asesmeiit, ampak vsem, ne samo nekaterim. Za vse mora biti enaka doklada ali "kazen" ali pa nič. Prosimo — nobene Jeze! Tako je in to je prav. Demokracija mora biti najprej doma! Clan se pritožuje — in popolnoma upravičeno — v dopisu o slabo obiskanih društvenih sajah. Skozi vse leto ni člana na sejo. Edino veljavno opravičilo stáxbolezen ali delo. To je v pravilih. Kljub temu prihaja komaj tretjina ali še manj članov na seje; nekatera društva, ki štejejo do 200 članov, navadno poslujejo le s 25 ali 30 člani, kolikor jih namreč pride na aeje. Ali ao vsi drugi člani bolni ali na delu? Ne-mogoče! Vzrok je enostavna brezbrižnost, ki se lahko imenuje tudi lenoba. Dopisnik pravilno sklepa, da oni člani, ki redno izoalajajo od seje, ne vedo, kaj se godi pri društvu; ne (»oznajo društvenih aktivnosti in ne poznajo dela društvenih odbornikov. Enkrat v letu se jim zbudi vest ali jih kdo podreza in takrat pridejo na letno sejo, ko se volijo odborniki in sklepajo* razne druge stvari večje važnosti. Enkrat v letu pridejo na sejo — popolnoma nepripravljeni za važno delo lit V neštetih primerih docela nejaiučeni o društvenih in jedno--tinih problemih. Njihove izkušnje v društvenem življenju ao izkušnje novinck, ki šele pride zraven in ki bi moral poalušati druge, da bi se kaj naučil. Navadno |ia se zgodi, da ti člani najvjpč govorijo in nAJveč predlagajo na način, da škodijo društvu Ker sami nič ne delajo, nimajo pojma o delu odbornikov pa.z največjim veseljem gla»ujejo za znižanje plač ali pa izvolijo neM|MMobnrgu odbornika aamo zato, ker ne jim do|iade njegovo krepko "kikanje" zoper vae In vnakogar . . . Naša jednota hoče biti demokratična. Ampak jed nota mora črpati avojo demok racijo iz društev in članstva na »plošno. drugače Je ue ^ bo. Ako ni večina društev demokratična in če ni večina članov društva demokratična v avo-jem društvenim |NM)ovanju In življenju — je demokracija U> na papirju. Demok ratlč lio življenji* v društvu utoni na koo|»eracij! in potrt btiem znanju članstva. Clan, ki *amo enkrat aH morda dvakrat, trikrat v letu pride tía aajo društva. |toka!e a trm. da n1 rrel za demokracij». |*»k»te. da ja individuali»t, ki m* ne briga sa del«» avojih dru-. štvenih bratov niti ae ne briga za ko»|M*raclJo t njimi za napredek društva in SNPJ. Pri društvih, pri katerih komaj četrtina ali petina članov, «kratka velika manjšina, izvr* šuje vae delo. ne more biU demokracije; pri takénih društvih potfuje in ortlotuje manjšina , — In če je U manjšina svita, ambiciozna ali podkurjena, prav-lahko izkorišča večino pri društvu in prav lahko je MAftlNA za zunanjo propagando, katera izkorišča druAtvo v pojmi nonm druge nafoene in interene kot mt jedno- tiaJ. • v . » _ ItoUa t aaáaM katoaij t ' Druitvene »eje Cleveland. — Proti koncu vsakega leta vidimo razna vabila, prošnje in naznanila za društvene seje. Posebno glasila so polna moledovanja, naj se Članstvo polnoštevilno udeleži decembrskih sej, ker so v a ž n e. Ceio nekateri glavni odborniki rotijo članstvo, naj ne zamudi teh važnih zborovanj. V resnici s4 decembrske seje vssj nekoliko bolj obisksne kot druge mesece. Toda po moji razsodnosti so društ^ vs mnogokrat na slabšem, ko pridejo ti ljudje aamo enkrat na leto na njih seje. Bolje bi bik), da bi še takrat ne prišli. Razlogi za to mnenje so sledeči: Član, ki ni bil skozi vse leto na seji, ne pozna poslovanja društvenega odbora In kateri odbornik je bil dober v svojem poslovanju. Ako je treba izvoliti novega odbornika, kako naj taki člani vedo, kdo je aktiven in kdo bi bil dober uradnik? Mnogokrat pride na glavnih sejah do pre pira, med tem ko je društvo skozi vse leto mirno poslovalo. Zakaj? Zato, ker ljudje ne poznajo poslovanja. Člani, ki pri hajajo na vsako sejo, se priu če in jim je med sejo kratek čas, kakor bi bili doma med svojo družino ali pa pri kozarcu pi va. Na drugi strani bi pa "eno-letnikl" najraje, da bi imela dvorana dvojna vrata, da gre do skozi ena notri, skozi druga l>a ven. So i>a tudi -druge stvari, ka tere redni obiskovalci društvenih sej razumejo in katerih drugi nočejo razumeti. Iz lastnega opazovanja vem, da so vai taki člani za hranitev društvene blagajne do skrsjnosti. Po njih sodbi bi bilo najbolje, če bi uradni« ki delali zastonj. In Če je treba, da se včasih kam pošlje kakšne ga člana — najrajši seveda u radnike — tedaj naj gre zastonj, dasi se danes ne more nikamor brez ptroškov. Največji dirindaj pa nastane, ko pridejo na vrsto razne prošnje, katerih ne manj ka posebno na letnih sejah. Ta krat pa je ogenj v strehi, češ kaj je tega treba. In čim večjega pomena Je kakšna stvar za delavstvo, tem več ima nasprotnikov. In to je krivda ljudi, ki ne za hajajo na aeje, Ce bi se takšni ljudje zavedali, kakšne vrednosti so shodi in seje za posameznika ali za skupno stvar, bi ra vno s sejami in shodi branili to zlato svobodo, katero danes ~ še imamo v tej deželi, kjer še lah ko svobodno zborujemo. Pomislimo, kako je tam, kjer smo bi II mi rojeni, posebno v našem zaaužnjcnem Prlmorja. Ko sem bil še doma, se nismo niti tri o-sebe smele skupaj zbrati. Danes, ko je fašizem še silovltejši in še bolj barbarski, je gotovo še slabše. Zato apeliram ne aamo na članatvo mojega društva, marveč na vae članstvo SNPJ, da «o reformiramo zdaj v začetku leta in da prihajamo na naše društvene seje vsak mosec. Zavedajmo se društvenih dolžnosti skozi vse leto In ne samo v decembru. Ce to storimo, bomo ob koncu leta lahko prepričani, da nismo nič zgubili, če zgubimo l»ar ur na mesec za društvo, k bi s tem lahko mnogo pridobilo, kakor tudi mi sami. Člani imajo raznovrstne izgovore, posebno i ni tisti, ki le se m pa tam pride Jo na sejo. Ce bi prišli večkrat, bi ne bilo tistih opazk. Zato še mkrat prosim: pričnimo ob pri četku leta. da liomo aadmoljn In sdruženi ob koncu leta in da ne bomo imeli zaman v pravilih lx*M«do brat (*«*«tra). Storimo to In ob koncu leta al bomo lah ko podali roko In ne nalivali kot bratje In se*tre. Frank C elin. 142. vse prostore in ne samo del. Vstopnina ne bo nič večja kakor drugekrati za take priredbe, to e 60c na osebo. Dosti rojakov ae torej trudi za povzdigo naše naselbine. Dobijo pa se tudi pritlikavci, kot povsod, ki javno kričijo, koUko bi že lahko imeJi, če bi bilo po njihovem. Ne dobiš jih pa na sejo, da bi povedali kaj dobrega in l>ri stvari pomagali. Radi bi ja-lali na visokem konjičku in Um kvirijo vsak napredek naselbine. Ampak kjer je dosti moine volje, gredo tudi preko takih ljudi; kjer je ni, seveda ne morejo nikamor. Slovenci smo prišli v to deželo 99% sinovi in ičere kmetskega naroda in k temu stanu primerno izobrazbo Nekateri so se potem pobrigali in šli tukaj v šolo, drugi so zopet šli v kakšno trgovino, toda »retežni del nas je navadnih d* avcev. Razmere in skušnje pa so toliko vplivale na vse skupaj, da nadebudneži nimajo danes med nami več dosti vpliva. Tukaj kroži resna govorica, da nameravajo graditi slovensko katoliško šolo in avditorij. Tr dežela je demokratična vsaj tem smislu, torej vsakemu prosto, kaj gradi. Opominjam pa rojake na tole: kolekt bo potem toliko, da bo to za vas, ki delujete na to> težko breme. To je e-na stran. Druga pa je, da bodo vaši otroci v katoliški šoli daleč zaostali za onimi, ki hodijo v ljudske Šole. Torej se bo drago plačalo pa slabo dobilo. Tretjič, kadar bo poslopje zgrajeno, ne boste gospodarji vi, ki boste zanj plačali, marveč bo lastnik poslopja škof. Vaše bo le toliko ¿a Slovenski tlom Went AIIím. Wla, — Tukaj je laopet precej živahno gibanje za Slovenski dom Vsako »red» «ve-I čer imamo v ta namen tombol*) v Komarjevih prostorih V »ob». I to dne 2# januarja ao *e»tališ-ke lene priredile še faxiebno. Dne II feb zvečer bo \ Utih (Ko/ marjevih) pro» t on h poaebua veselica. Imeli bomo aa razpolago Se odgovor br. Strahu Lawrence, Pa« — Br. Frank Strah, član društva 245, ima V Prosveti v 12. štev. eno kolono dolg dopis pod nsslovom: "Kako so volili uradnike pri društvu 246". Kot predsednik tega društva se moram oglasiti. Strah bi se*v začetku dopisa skoraj razjokal nad razmeram in nad republikanci, ki so po njegovem zatrdilu dobili kontrolo tudi nad društvo 245. Ni res, da sem bil kdaj republikanec. Na 5. februarja bo 21. let, odkar tivim v tej naselbini, 20 let sem bil registriran V volilnih knjigah kot socialiat, lansko leto pa nisem imel te prilike. NI res, da bi bil kdaj kdo koga nagovarjal, za katerega kandidata naj gla-auje. Društveni imenik pokazuje, da imamo štiri Slovake in tri mlade člane Italijanske narodnosti, skupaj torej sadem članov. šest jih je še pod 25. letom. Od teh sedmih-se eden ni udeležil letne seje. Torej ni bil noben Slovenec nikamor potisnjen po teh članih Vseh članov in članic je bilo na seji 31. Dalje ni rsa, da je bil kakšen aestanek v Domovi kuhinji dne 3. decembra, ali da smo vabili Slovake in Italijane in jim da jali navodila, kako naj volijo. Citaj 105. točko pravil glede sklicevanja izrednih *ej. Pravi*, da al Ml informiran. Torej boš moral dokazati, da se je vršila izredna seja. Ej čudne ao take trditve. I* kam bi »tlačit 31 ljudi v kuhinjo, veliko 12x12, v kateri so še druge potrebtfine. Nad^kuhinjo v dvorani pa Je pro» t ura za več ko 200 debelih ljudi. Pa tffdi tiste številke o glaso-vih kandidatov niiui pravilne. Navajanje zač^nih črk pove. da •i »e nekaj bal. ali pa je £»lo Straha v reamci »trah Pravilno Je Louu Britz. Mary Plute in Martin Plute. Vai trije »mo Slo-venci, ne Kranjci. Torej sa leto 1U99 »mo pri društvu 245 »le-deči uradoiki. Predsednik Louia Brilz, podpredsednik Matt Mik-ichj tajnica Mary Plute, blagajnik Martin Plute, zapisnikar P* ter Rupnik. Vsa imena so slovenska,. Nikogar ni sram, če je Slovenec ali še ima slovensko me. Ja članov ftalijanske afi slovaške narodnosti tudi ni sram» če so pravilno poučeni. Torej vsi očitki glede potis-njenja Slovencev iz uradov so brez podlage. Glede sej je pa tudi br Strahu gotovo znano, da se vrifijo vsako prvo nedeljo v roesecdf ob dveh popoldne. Ako ima na U dan važno zadevo lokalna unija 1198 UMWA in rabi dvorano, zboruje naše društvo drugo ali tretjo nedeljo v meseciL „ Sedaj pa o rezitih. Veš, Frank Strah, Jaz pokažem lahko vsak rezit od žganja, piva in renta. Vsak jih lahko vidi, ako pride uradno v tej zadevi. Imam jih lep kupček, odkar hodim za ba-ro od enega konca do drugega* Pri našem društvu je to stara navada.3 Lahko jih vidijo tudi nadzorniki državne likerske komisije ali pa od naše jednote ako so pooblaščeni, da preiščejo kaj sumljivega. Društveni nadzorniki pa pregledajo knjige vsake tri mesece, kakor tudi bančne Čeke. Skoda, da tega ne slišiš na sejah; in če ne, ni to moja krivda. Sedaj pa naj javnost sodi, kakšni "hinavci" smo pri društvu 245. In glede članice, ki je Strahu dala informacije o "izredni seji", našim članicam pd je rekla, da smo imeli "party" je potem sama pričela kričati, da ne. Toda če kdo kriči, s tem še ni rečeno, da je kaj kršil, glav no je, kako se izraža, ali koga dolži po nedolžnem. Dalje on pravi, da takih članov še ni videj kakor sta P. in B. (Plute in Britz). Veš, France ko nam je v največjem premo-garskem štrajku dne 19. julija 1927 pogorela stara društvena dvorana, se članom društva 245 ni pray dobro godilo, ko so stavkali za ohranitev UMWA, kakor ae jim tudi ro izpeljan in se mi vidi potrebno, da ga nekoliko opišem. Vrši' se je v Junior High School Au-ditoriumu dne 22. . januarja Pričetek je bil naznanjen ob 8 zvečer, toda dvorana je bila zasedena veliko pred omenjeno u ro. - K programu je prišlo nad 1100 l}udi. Privlačna sila so bile slike iz stare domovine. Program je vodil učitelj br. Frank B. Blatnik. Omenil je, da SNPJ letos praznuje 35-letnico, druš tvo 110 pa 304etnico. Vršila se bo posebna proslava enkrat spomladi. Potem je predstavil Vincenta Cainkarja, gl. predsednika jed note. Članica mladinskega oddel ka društva 322 Mary Jean Pe-trich mu je izročila lepo darilo za njegovo 20-letno predsedovanje jednoti. Cainkar se ji je zahvalil in nadaljeval z govorom v angleščini in napravil lep vtis na občinstvo. Po njegovem govoru so nastopile sestre Dorothy! Olga in Mildred Koščak, člani ce mladinskega oddelka društva 110 in zapele tri slovenske pesmice — "Kje so moje rožice" "Sirota" in "Prišla bo pomlad" Morale so ponovno nastopit ker jih je občinstvo hotelo še slišati. Nastopila hA potem' Se med predvajanjem slik, ko je Cainkar premenjaval filme. Omeniti moram, da so slike iz domovine zelo krasne. Velikd ljudi je bilo v dvorani, ki so videli svoje rojstne kraje. Občinstvo se je najbolj zadivllo, ko se je na platnu pokazala krasna slika Tivolskega parka v Ljubljani. Odobravali so jo posebno Američani, katerih je bilo precej. Br. Cainkar je tolmačil slike v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. Zanimive so bile tudi sli ke naših Pionirjev v Chičagu in zadnje konvencije v Clevelandu. Po slikah je Rupar Musicheva gódba zopet zaigrala veselo koračnico, toda občinstvo ni hote lo iz dvorane, dasi je trajal program dve uri in pol. Bratje in sestre, tukaj smo pokazali, kaj se lahko napravi s skupnim delom. Na ta Jušpeh smo lahko ponosni. Občinstvo nam je bilo hvaležno, ker je bila mladina prosta vstopnine — to se je vršilo po vseh naselbinah Minnesote. Pomagali smo tudi, da je šel br. Cainkar dne 30. januarja k društvu 197 v (ronton, kjer so tudi imeli priliko videti slike. V prvi vrsti se moram zahvaliti gl. upravnemu odboru, ki nam je poslal br. Cainkarja. Delo je bilo težavno, toda smo vse premagali. S tem programom smo napravili veliko re-klamo za jednoto. Zahvaliti se moram tudi br. Franku P. Blatniku. učitelju v ljudski šoli, ki nam je vedno pripravljen pomagati in tudi razume delavske težnje. On je poznan med občinstvom po vaem železnem o-krožju, ker je že večkrat naato-pil kot govornik pri naši federaciji. Hvala tudi br. CainkarjU za njegov govor in predvajanji slik. Prav tako Dorothy, Olgi in Mildred Koščak za lepo petje. Mary Jean Pet rich za njen pozdrav Cainkarju. Elstonu in A-maliji Mu«ich, ki sta podala izbrane pesmi, nadalje Ruparjevi godbi in končno vsem članom in članicam, ki ste pomagali do tako lepega uspeha, in vsemu ob¿ činstvu za tako obilen pone t. -Krank Klane. i »t i tajnik druitva 110. SREDA. 1. FEBRUARJA Strokovnjaki, ki stoje na glavi Fajmoštri in kaplani sami pravijo, da *> dušni pastirji" in nič drugega. Njihov po. klic, pravijo, je "dušno pastirstvo", to je, da "pasejo duše." V lemenatu so ae učili le tega poklica. To nam potrjujejo oni, ki so svoje "dušno pastir-stvo" kasneje obesili na klin. Ti bivši "dušni pastirji" ne pravijo v svojih avtobiografijah, da so imeli v lemenatu poleg moralne teologije in drugih običajnih predmetov tudi kakšne-špecielne kurze v financah, bankirstvu in sploh v stvareh, ki spadajo v komercialne šole. Vsega tega ni treba v lemenatu, ker to ne spada v poklic "dušnega pastirstva". Sicer je res, da, je "dušno paatiratvo" precej v zvezi s knjigovodstvom, bankami in drugimi podobnimi nedušnimi rečmi — kakor je na primer zdravništvo, advokatstvo, mazafitvo vsake vrste in sploh vsaka trgovina — vzlic temu "dušni pastirji" ne zajemajo v lemenatu strokovnega znanja, da bi potem lahko pisali knjige, kako se upravljajo železnice, regulirajo denarne valute in celo vodijo delavske unije. Presenetljivo dejstvo pa je, da "dušni pastirji" pišejo in publi^irajo takšne knjige. Kje dobe znanje za to? Search us — mi ne vemo. Dejstvo je, da je znano detroitsko "dušepastir-ako" gobezdalo "father" Coughlin spisal knji. go "Money" ali po naše Denar, torej knjigo o denarju, v kateri prodaja katolikom, in kdor hoče kupiti, avojo "strokovno modrost," kako Amerika lahko reši denarno oziroma finančno In gospodarsko vprašanje, kar tako Čez noč. Coughlin ni dobil strokovnega znanja o denarju v lemenatu, za katerega je plačal šolnino. Kje ga je torej vzel ? Vsekakor si ga je izposodil od strokovnjakov. Izposodil si je znanje, da ga pošteno rabi ali zlorabi. Coughlin svoje izposojeno znanje zlorablja — in to dela dolga vrata drugih "dušnih paatirjev." To ni kritika "dušnih pastirjev", ki ob izpo. sojenem znanju pišejo, kako je treba reformirati sistem denarne valute, kako se prideluje krompir, kako se odpravljajo uši ali kako je treba pasti poleg "duš" tudi koze ali svinje. To ' je samo na sebi popolnoma v redu — in če se te vrste pisci pri tem smešijo in igrajo strokovnjaka, ki se drsa po glavi, je to njihova pravica. Je pa to lekcija za one mentajne siromake (med katere spada tudi znani elevelandski po-grebnik, ki se zgraža nad znanstveno resnico, da se je prednik človeka dvignil a štirih na dve zadnji nogi, čeprav je on sam prej hodil po štirih kot po dveh, kakor delajo vai ljudje, vslad česar je tudi on živ dokaz evolucije človeka!), ki v svoji goroataani plitvosti menijo, da edino "dušni pastir" si lahko nabira znanja pri strokovnjakih — mi svobodomisleci - pa tega ne smemo delati. t" Ti «romalo sebe ttf «vbje 'mentalne vrstnike, da "gaspud vse znaja — živja ga-spud! — in vse prav pogruntaja," svobodomisleci so pa lopovi, kadar se drznejo disputirati kvekarijo okikljanih "gaspudov." Nas te sodbe mentalnih siromakov iz Cleve-landa in od drugod prav nič ne bolijo. Mi gremo s svojim delom naprej! Kakor doslej tako si bomo tudi zanaprej nabirali znanja iz vseh poštenih in zanesljivih virov, ki ao nam na razpolago, ampak pri nas to znanje ne bo zlorabljeno. To je razlika med nami in "du&-pastirskimi" kveki! Koliko kalorij porabite? Pri različnem delu porabi človek v eni uri različno število kalorij. Navedli bomo porabo kalorij za različne poklice. Strojepiska porabi v eni uri »4 kal., krojač 114, čevljar 160, služkinja 180, pianist 228, perica 280, delavec na polju 234 igralec ping-ponga 312, plesalec valčka 350, kamnosek 370 tesar 448, tekač 560, plesalec polke 599, kole-aar na tekmi 600, plavalec 624, turist 767 kal. Prod dvajsetimi leti (Iz Prosvete, 1. februarja 1919) Domače vesti. V Willardu, Wis., je gibanje za ustanovitev slovenske farmarske zadružne prodajalne. — Iz gl. urada SNPJ. Tajniško poročilo se glasi, da je SNPJ ob koncu 1918 imela čez pol milijona dolarjev premoženja in članstvo v obeh oddelkih je štelo 23,671. V mladinskem oddelku je bilo 5345 članov. Delavake vaati. Uvedba prohibicije je povzročila velike nezadovoljnoat med delavakimi sloji. Kongres je pa začel pripravljati še eno prohibí-cijo: prepoved svobodnega priseljevanja V Združene države. Po svetoval vojni. Anglija je naatopila proti Wilsonovim nsčrtom glede nemških kolonij Velika napetost med Jugoslovani in Italijani. Hovjetaka Rusija. Ameriške in antantne čete polagoma izpraznjujejo severni del Ruaijr (Dalja Is Vae to se lahko zgodi — in ae dogaja! — * je večina članov pri društvu brezbrižna. zs»p*-ns in tako pasivna, da zanemarja svoje demokratične pravice in dolžnosti ter prepušča društvo manjšini, da laMco U dela. kar hoče "T Skrbimo za demokpcijo najprej doma — f avojih društvih in drugih organisacij«h! curiiA. 1. FEBRUARJA P ROB V KT A, i^tiipfaflka Narožna ^nžporna lebnuta V lat"! O A. V kar. La««*** j.k« v« rtu» 91 lata* üraikl nek. «i- ktooi«» _ .„ravitalj mttll., -rajnik «imiu M*«J VMrbb. ynr» 2657-59 S«. UvWib A t«. CUcago, lllinoU glavni odbor . 1ZVB*EVALN1 OMRKi .................MI7 S. LnvnAak A»«.. CkteM«. IlUirak .................MIT I. Lawn4ak A »a.. CU««^ Hltaak .................MtT 8. Luvafela Ara., CM««. .................... S. Lnw»4ak A»».. CUm«, ................ MIT B. Lawn4ak Ara.. Chkcmf. .................M« L LawuAak Ara* Chlraaa. POUPUEDSKDNIKli ......................M» Kaaa.ll Aaa» JahnaUwn. Pa. - —v p#a«r^~«inlk..............>...........•** ■. l»lh St.. MUvanhaa. Wk. ^STSSBS p^lpr^.lk.....................Bai M7. «traka na. P.. j*, ru\' JL, m- - ^prM.Mnlh...;.......UIT W. MIh B4.. Ckra4»n4. Okla ^■'"' ^¡ t^tji AUtrikt»! nOr—....... ..........«4 M B4* L. Salla. III. *5rd «k4rtkt«l M.......v..........S*. M«. Wakrakar,. Cata. gospodarski ODSEK: I 1 .........................»M ft. HUB SL. Ck«*li«i Okla IW«*-........ —............MIT S. La««4ak An., CUh», UUnala ' .................................M" •• LnUili At«., Ckica.a. Illlnai. ......................................MIT S. LawnAak A«*, Ckira,.. Illinai. " .......-...-Ml B. Praapaet A«*.. Cla randan Hllla. III. Traabull A »a.. Chiaasa, »L .....,,,,.--------------------------------- —• I^aAuM AT«., ftaiaja, III. Jai*k ...... ^^H^Mdj POROTNI OD8KK1 , . p,aAra*a«...................................«« H «7 BL. SprlafflaU. 01. ......................................1M1K Muahaka Ava.. Clavataa*, Ohk Ani»« ¿«Ur .................................... praktičnih izk učenj, katere štejejo veliko ve* kot gala šolska na obrazba. i Bratje i« aeatre mUjše in atarejde generacije! Xave4ajmo se. da smo člani ene bratske podporne jed note, katere a»« si ustanovili v medsebojno pomoč In da v slučaju potrebe saie navfaani drug aa drugega, ne oziraje se na staront ali spol. Bres vacatranakega a#o-razuma in vzajemnosti ne moremo uspeino vriiti dela, ta katerega smo se skupno zedinili. Ne pozabimo tega! ■■ \yT. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik. Šestmesečni raCun med društvi in jsdnoto Od 1. Julija d« 91. deceaabra 1938 financial statement FOR six MONTHS froai Jaly 1 to DMcaber 31. ltM (Nadaljevanj« a 8. strani.) r. »— • " .................................. » riaapw Jak» OB» •■ ..........................i.....1M7 a T P^ J jutrick.. . ........................... im a I.,.k ZiMi.........«•••• ST. Frank Vralarkh. Jskn Tri«U..... Frank ZalO. Fred M«l*«'..... Milan M^»*^ AHA .............................i............Ill Traar St.. Umnw, Pa. .............................................Bu SIT, Btrakaa.. P., NADZORNI ODSKKi .............................Mil S. LawnMk A*«.. .....................................SI Waatcki Ar«.. P llllaak .......................V.........1ISIS AreaA« Ara.. Mi in naša mladina... fasi neomejenega priseljevanja, časi, ko se je v Ameriki dobilo delo, kjerkoli je kdo vpradal zanj, so davno za nami in radi aH neradi se bomo mogli sprijazniti z marsikakšnimi novotarijami in| mogoče celo drastičnimi odredbami, kakršnih do sedaj še nismo poznal i. Tak je menda naravni zakon človeškega razvoja in oči-idno je, da bomo morali iti fte skozi težke in krvave prelzkufoje, ure j ko dosežemo stopnjo tiste civilizacije, v kateri bo človek res človek. Dandanes tega še ni! Tudi med nami, v naših bratskih podpornih organizacijah, se je poslednje čase že marsikaj spremenilo in se bo še, na kar smo lahko pripravljeni, da ne bomo pozneje razočarani. Slišijo se pritožbe starejših članov nad našo, tu rojeno mladino jednoti, češ kaj bo z njo, ker se tako malo ali nič ne briga zai prašanja, ki so nam bila in so nam še pri srcu. O kakšni ekonomiji pri mladini—ni govora; čim več bi jim dal, toliko več bi za iravili, tožijo. Brez dvoma je precej resnice v pritožbah, toda ve-ina teh ne pogleda nase v ona leta, v katerih je danes naša mladina. Koliko smo se mi v mladih letih povprečno zanimali za vpra-ianja, o katerih pričakujemo» da bi jih naša, tu rojena mladinai azumeia? Zakaj naj jih razume? Ali je bolj o istih poučena al nadnaravno nadarjena? Kako malo je ljudi že v zreli starosti, k vsaj nekaj razumeli o gospodarstvu, ve oni, kateri ima z njim jpravka. In to je na splošno opažati! ^Vpričo tega dejstva ae včasih porajajo misli, da je čudno, ker ni na svetu slabše kot je. '.* h r,' • " 'iST" ' * .j.T, fsil Naša mladina je povprečno toliko nadarjena in razumna kot nladina drugih večjih narodnosti, in če vsega H» ne ve, kar bi «n ieleli, da bi vedela, je prej potrebna našega poduka, kakor graje Naravno je, da o vprašanjih, o katerih ni poučena, ne mors Imet pojma. Da je zmožna nadaljevati z delom, katerega smo ml sapo-ieli v naši jednoti, pa pričajo njene aktivnosti, posebno v nekate ih krajih. Ko bo prišla v naša leta, bo pa brez dvoma znala toliko n vprašanjih, za katere se «ankname mi, kakor mi,'če ne mogoče iti. . Tudi mladina se nam včasih pritoži in sicer, da v gotovih krajih angleško poslujoča društva ne dobijo tiste potrebne kooperacije >d starejših članov in društvenih odbornikov, kot bi je bilo priča-ovati in da se jih ponekod celo nezaupno gleda. Bodočnost vseh naših bratskih podpornih organizacij je odvisna hI mladine, mladega naraščaja, in če tega ne pridobimo, so vas oran izaci je obsojene smrti. Naša mladina potrebuje opore, našega rijateljstva in našega zdravega poduka. Moje iskreno priporočilo lanom naše jednote je, DA STOJMO OB STRANI NASE MLA->INE, JI NUDIMO BRATSKO PODPORO IN KOOPERACIJO TKR TAKO VSADIMO V NJENA SRCA LJUBEZEN DO NAtf N JKDNOTE. Bojim se, da vsa ameriška mladina stoji pred brid >m> izkušnjami ekonomske polomije, za katero nI odgovorna ona, pač pa starejša generacija, ki gleda le na svoi lastni dobiček. Bo-l»či generaciji pa nalaga vedno večja bremena finančnih obvezno-i*ti» katerih se bo morala otresti na en ali drugi način, ako ne, bo innrala lakote. ■ Tudi naši otroci, člani naše jednote, so del to ameriške mladine, IhnIo ravno tako prizadeti. Nič alabšega za našo bratsko usta-»<>vo I» ne moglo biti, kakor če bi se potegnila črta razdvoja med lami in-filadino, kar upam, da ae nikdar ne zgodi. Gladina obratno mora upoštevat! dobre ter konkretne nasvete 'arrjMih članov, pa če tudi je mogoče bolje Izšolana, nima pa še ■P -w VrUAČILA ^ -ISPI.AČII A Odratll ' MtaSlaaki iMraall ] UU«Mkl «»tim^ -DlSftUaaKMKNTS- I Dr 4ul«ui« D«, i m« utaa. j kr«SiU «9t -VPLAČ fit. Sr. OSraall MUdinakr -- -RKCaiPTS • riSKARNA S.N.P.J. »PREJEMA VSA l tiikarako obrt »padajoč» (jela • ,»i * Tiska vabila za veselica in ahode, vizitnice, čaaaika, knjige, koledarje, letake itd. v alovenakem, hrvatskem, slovaškem, češkem, nemškem, angleškem jeziku ln drufib ' - ,4 »llj _ VODSTVO TISKARNE APELIRA NA ČLANSTVO S.N.PJ., DA TISKOVINE NABOCA V SVOJI TISKARNI Vsa ^MJ pojasnila daj« vodstvo Uakarao unljako dalo prva vrata Pilita po Informacija na naslovi • S.N.P.J. PRINTERY MS7-S» 80. LAWN DALE AVENUK T rief on Baefcwefl 4M« CHICAGO, ILL. Ts« Mr dobe aa Ivljo todi ru astaMM pejafsilg Unlf« No.' Adult Jaranlk SM ..... 4I.M Ml ..... 777.071 UM« SM ..... 880.38 I.M SM ... 082.74! 1A7« S04 ..... 1414.20 704t 801 ..... — lr4M.Sl] 17.71 IM ..... •.M M7 ..... KA.. _______ I47I.M •4.02 loa ..... 244.20 t.oo MO ..... •7I.M 14.41 110 ..... 1.107.M 7040 iü ::::: fM.41 I.II 200.5« «1 ..... MI.»« 6.0« 114 ..... •75.1» 10.U til «-..J ' 1.001.7» 4040 sio ..... * 1.855.18 4I.M «»5 ..... 2»6,2t 184« sil ..... 1410.0» M.I4 aak ..... 282.82 1140 M ..... 5S0.47 10.M ssS ..... 170.28 8444 sss ..... 1.004.61 4I.M SM ..... •S1.4» 11.70 m ..... 988.4« SS.M SM ..... 844.47 1I.M M7 ..... 214.M 4.M *s| ..... 624.52 2.04 SSO ..... 1,140.41 80.11 SSI ..... 4 M.M SO.M wi ..... 0M.14 17.04 ISI ..... 111.11 A4« SM ..... 1.M4.7I 85.71 2S5 ■ «ll.M If.M IM ..... Ml.IS 1441 SS7 ..... •00.4« 1.41 SS« ..... •M.II 1040 MO ..... •71.M 11.71 S40 ..... 77I.7S •141 Ml ..... 040.4V •3. HO S4I ..... MO.IS 1840 141 ..... sm:7« 0.M 844 ..... 4M4« M.M S 41 ..... »1147 M.I4 147 ..... 1,070.1» 44 62 Sf ::::: »»7.0» 0.14 ll.M 4.M M» ..... IM.M 1.7* Ml ..... 7l«4S M.W m ..... 1.40447 1144 M7 ..... 1.0M.40 v MM! •¿5H ..... 000.70 14.7», IM ..... •01.7» 22.MI Ml ..... 544.50 m..... 1,4(7.M 7». Ii' m ..... 4(544 ll.M IM ..... 1,05044 M.M SM ..... 111.00 U.M. IM ..... ••».7» 26.04 M7 ..... 785.M V- M.l« M» ..... 1,484.M an SM ..... •oo.rt 171 ..... 1.140.71 M.M 211 ..... 14M47 24.W «T» ..... 417.«4 11,71 174 ..... 4M.1« . ll.ll 17» ..... 1,017.M M.M 17« ..... 44 Ui 171 .t... IM.45 •1.4« 87» ..... 70.08 S7» ..... SSO. 12 11.70 MO ..... •7«4I ll.M Ml ..... SM.ll 7.M MS ..... 7M.70 M.M MS ...j, 8M.4» •44 284 ...T. »1741 M.M SM ..... MA74 174t IM ..... 4II.S» M.M M7 ..... 048 41 ll.M M* ..... M.M M« ..... 3.M7.M IM.M SM ..... 7M.M 11.11 Ml ..... MI.M IN 80S ..... 14114t 4140 101 ..... 7I.M 104 I'M 204 ..... 1.0484» M.M IN ..... 1,01040 •0.M »7 ..... MS 1.884 8» •7.44 77».M ».«• SM ..... 14 ll.M IM.M MO ..... S.IM.M 11444 MI ..... I.M MS ..... •04 ..... 287.71 8,1*3.M 14a M.Mi •M ..... •M ..... I?IS •»•44 II.M)' M7 ..... 1M.4S o.«sl SM ..... I.OlO.M M.l» SM ..... 4M4I ll.M It« ..... M040 M.M IH ..... 71741 ll.M «I ..... S.MI.I4 7144* •1« ..... •M.M •44; 814 ..... an »7 10.70' •I» ..... •714» . It.lll •I« ..... 5174» IS.MI 117 ..... .. 14114t M.II »1« ..... Mt.77 17.M •10 ..... 7M4I - W.M •SO ..... •MIO 11.711 •11 ..... 1,10» 08 HN MS ..... I410.W •141 > SM ..... 1417.M 41.141 Ml ..... TM.M SSM •M ..... 01 I.M UM •17 ..... 4174« M.M] ISO ..... »»4 44 ll.M' Ml 07.10 4.M M ..... 7TI.II MM •H';.... lit ..... •M ..... 1M.I0 IM.M •7.4« 14.711 1140 M7 ..... Oll.t« • »M ..... MI.M «m; »M ..... M.M IM MO ..... IM,71 0.40 Ml ..... MO.Tt! 040' •4» ..... IM.M 0.4« »«« ..... «Ii I4M44I Mil ., r M4 40 M.M »M ..... 188 48 r IM MO ..... IM ..... I4I7.M • 70M 147 .ai! . MMfl IIM Ml\..... • 10.01 "' AM MS ■*«♦. 11.70 * I.Mi MS ..... 7M47 ' 88Ml MI ..... MS M la.M MO ..... l,N»M 14 M M7 .....1 10.1» ........ A SM »mm; 114b, OM .....| 70 7a IM MI I.IM44 . MM •M ...... 0Mia «Ä MO .f HIB MM M4 T....; MI.M 7M( »M - 1.407 at 71 M Ma .....1 4M AI, I8M 0M .....1 MM 144 Uli.....i m ..... iia 40 C- »,tt I4M.70 88 M •14 ..... 4ia aa •4SI •n ..... 4M 71 ■. 0 70 •tt I4M II 'um »70 ..... 070 ...... liato 4M 0M47 M 10 aaa .,,..1 MS 4M Mi i «aaoa 1444 aaa 11 14 M Ml IMM .......t M. Ml' MI ..... m«TSi Od rail I <* ll.M a a . a »M.01 1 10.M ... a 4M.4 M.a 4 , 114.1t 1 1744 a , ft a IM.M 1.40 , . , t 107.71 11.44 • a • • 4II.H I.M • • ft i III.M •M • ft a a IM.41 > ........ i ft ft ft a 47AM ll.M ft a a • I.IM.M 70.M a a a a 04« ........ • 10(44 440 • • ft a OM.O M.44 ft a a . 417.41 TI.M' ft ft ft ft M.M I.M* „••'I 14141 I.M1 IM.M 441 ft > • . 114-71 I.M • . . . 7.M • . . . IM.OI ........ ft a I ft 107 »1 II II, ft • . ■ »•»41 i.M; ft ft . ■ 111.71 10.44 a a a . tiial 1040 • < ft a 11.71 ........* ft ft a a 174.14 •444 a «'• « 705.41 II 14! •k . ft •M.M •44* . ft ft ft 11541 IM, ft • I a a 44141 ll.M1 a • ft . 7M.II Bil ft « . a •0 40 1.40 aaa.. a«.oa 0.4a; a a a a 414.0» I74IJ ft ft ft» •II 10 ||,M • • . ft • •M.41 14.1» > • ft ft ft 1.410.44 •I.M. • ft a ft 1 •M.74 •.70 ft . ft ft . 14144 I.M»! .ft ft ft . 14».M 1.41 .... ft " 474.74 MM ft ft ft ft ft , IM 74 11.44 ■ft ft 1 . > «71. la IM.M ft ft ft ft a ' ft,0M47 ' III.M ft a a a a MI. 00 •44 •ft a ft a a •••M l.ll • ft • • ft 14«.01 • M .....1 8.17048 M.44' ,;,,, »4040 1.70, ■...» • 1441.41 ll.M •... t 4M.4I SO.M !ft ft • ft a I.IM.M M.I4 i a . a a •M.M • IM, > . ft ft ft •M44 14.41 • . ft ft a 117.7« IM , ft » ft ft ft 144744 II.M «'lift! • 14 71 AM. a • ft ft • M7.I7 MM ft ft ft » ft IM.M # , ft # « M744 1440 aM.M •448. kia.4> 4M 0M4I MM 1 # , a • . . 1,17» M 101. M ..... - IM M MM I.IM44 4 WM ..... IM 10 ... ft 1 . ft .T i • ..... I4al 70 41 M I47I.M 1040 IHM IM i.lftft iaa 44 1144 — » » • ft 1. 0MM MM MO 10 ... ft ft •M M IM I < > ft < IM 17 »aa a. • 1. MIO« 4144 •70 M la "*„,. MA 7» I M 4M M M M tif.II 471.71 7 44 ..... IM4I M M im ta Adult_ 1 mm5[ 4«i.m| mb m 1.4m.m m7.m im.m mm 41s.m flo.m ios.ou »m.m 1.180.00 14140 .(... 4m. 711,1 Ml.' it so. m Juranlle 74.40 1m.m mi.m 8S0.1 ' m.00 884.m 'ulm i m.m 4m.m 17141 Ii,M i m.m IS.M 1.40140 m.m 1.344.m 8 m.m 70141 141140 ii. m 4i.m 8s|.m m.m i0b.m III.m i m.m 11440 7i.m ii.m m.m 884.m mi.0o iii.m ii.m im.m 101.00 117 m im.m 4140 744.m im.m iii.m im.m 41149 - 411.00 s07.m II iii.m '•'lito 14040 ' 140.00 M,M i.00i.m . 11040 i4.m .....v " im.oo ml,m 170.00 III 17.m im.m iii.m s4.m 07 m 40440 11041 ii im.m iso« 10 401.m 10.00 som 1*4.00 06-00 lift o® sft.m ml m Ml 00 4 00 II 01 m 00 00 m4 00 ITH 40.m lo.oa ssm 11000 •4m M.M MIK ""»mo M.O® 10» m I400M 1,11144 IM M 1,104 0« mom I.4VI.M 17040 mim 471 4si.m .J...... l.lMlp« Mlu M.M irwOU 141 1.71 I.M II.M I.M 1.41 -'V I-V/I! 141 •41 ur II» M 108 0« M 00 •4M 171 M I8M II.M •II.M M4 0« 41.0" I40IM 1,100.M. I4MM 441 «« 404 a« 17 M 44 0« #8 M II« •« Ju v .M]" 7.M 1.10 I.M .00 1740 600 m 147 • M 41 IN • M 104 14 II • M II II 44 0 I 7 47 0 14 47 40 10 II 8 I» 4 »4 14 I» 17 M 10 10 17 II I •M 7o: iftTKV ČLANOV Mlad No. of Mi AA*a 1M M 7« • i 40 »I M »8 0 II IM 10 »0 7 II» M II 41 »I, 7 •4 40 II » 41 •0 i» 14 II •S 40 M 110 m 50 Sft •7 7 01 84 II M • 10 0 10 41 ii im 100 so •I II 41 0« ii 7 •I 7 •i • 10 m 17 ""Tlj 4 00 00 7 II II •I • M 14 M II II II 40 M - IA 10 4 II 7 •• •• M •I II II 17 •• I II •• 141 I 14 4* m 7 • i II • U SI i» I« • •i M M 15 •i M 0 7 M II !• •• ■71 II m • Ml 4M M ii I« 117 •7 im 4» I m' m a I im' 4» Mj »Si •I • 8 10 4«, •41 10' «I 14 10« isi ; m Ml 14 "I .."I 51 101 Mi M' lili 10 0» •• 4« II 17 17 •• 17 -I II I • I» II 14 M I I • • I 0 ao II» 10 • 7 01 • II •o •4 •0 II II • 14 M • I I •0 77 II (Dslja ns I. atrssl) POROČILO O NAKAZAMI BOf.NlftSJ PODPORI aanm m. >«'■■«» i« taao PAVMftNT »aa SI4S1 taeear or bms asMarrr P«»MOU W IIMMI 10, 14» I W*4 l)fNvl| oio • lailaao tUtUm »14. M. Ma» 4I> fr.«k 4Wt* MT i«M»l VIMM4 iaaa 4MM k*»»M Ma A*4M S«»*«' »M. A »u» f»«MM4 B— V M« 140. A«.<* tu. I« i'» ttl.l >.lk •10, M* Anion I'irr M J 17 Vinko KlukrU »3k 40 Igu A« Or«aorto ml. Jdlr M«, rrank M.nart tM - 41 Marl« Molk »S». Louta« BtaalM 111 80..' Hi.r« IaIi IM. Krank l'Muur Ml. Anion Vtkwe 144 »4 Hub« rt Muna« MI. Joka K ravan ja mi.m. Anion Maka« MI.M. •1 A a tun Orekrk IM. Jua^ph Hchallar Ml M. M lanky Novak is&.m. Anion Or**orl«4« ml. Nlak Brrtkh m». Anl«n Mlkan»vi«ll »m. John Hrrgar m4. I^nik Aj.lnlk iis, Antonia OrOl ms. Mo-iMtr Kav bi M Ott Krank K a« laik m4. Krank Huiwrt »10. John Turk 014, Anum I'wtr Mo. John Tokov n Ik »»ft, Anion SowSon |10. . 10 Jna«oli Swllak m0. Tk«raaa lUli« mm 11 John Mural SM. Jokn Btaraovkk »lu. Joku tu, M«, M Jacob Orlk |I4, Krank Dwkr Ml. Lud. vik «MI IM. al Joka Sllvnlk mo. ASoli* Sualab sit. 04 Ikrlha Jonaa |i0. Kva ISi«i«h mi. 07 uwraar. II. Snaak m». iurlj Knnaovkh • 1440. J«rn«i Swklnik MI. aa M 1*1 In Walluf «80 i 104 Jtawitk l*av««k MS. Amalla Mf4runkk •II. Frank Ovraatkh »10. Mary lunlaa MO. 100 Marko Oonuvrrkk »ll.m, Tony l'ok »10. Hlaa Torbay M4. iii Krank Oolob |h. Mlcharl Nakrrnik mo. Ill Marko Mariwvlah III, Bortha Oupovkh M4, liuula |M. Antonia Btlma« "Ha. Mary Mlkallrh M7, Anuw l'avalta •14, Paulina Hakor »M, Una Novnk »Sa. | < Krank Voknnaak •U.M. uo Junko mi 188 Ilariol Y«rant 117. 114 Kraak Kluwar IM. l«naU Novak M, Krank lloatianrk IS. Vklor Uvrlka »14. Krank Raul« IM. Krank Draakr ISO IM Mtava T. ühanak lit. IM John Snlnr M. Krank Donat 114. Lukn Hm*Mrl IS, Andy Soak 114, Ju»«i>h l'<«Acnik MS. Kraaaa Brudrr »SS, Anion OrtawlJ »M. J—Th A.h »10 18» MarkU Klllak •••. Martin Sk««l«l »Jv. Mary Maklau MI. Karl Sl«ln«r ISA Krank Kop lan M4. III Ivana Ray«hl |7. IM l«wk V«rah«k III, Mary Sh«ll BIO. Ji-arah Hannah »17, Ju-Vh Vraak M. Jo >«|.h Kuralj Ml. Roaalln l*raaar »48. Kraak T.r«ak IM. Joaaph Mavrk IM IM Anaa Koaar III. Antonia Stafanak MI. 141 Anna lllatalk IMM, Kanny Mnaar IM, Joa Kauaak, Jr. III. Mary Barlan II». Anna NaMah »1140, Ivana Oarjup »M. Jua«|ih Bplkr »II, Mika UM MI40. Anton Kaital IM. Joaapkln» Brikr M«. John Kraan IM. Krank Blvman •»*. Krank Martinjak M4. 141 Mary Parvkk 117, Anion Btrajnar mi. 141 Kraak Vwhailvar MO. ssi Marian Korbar III. Katar Kokall im. • Mlafan R»aal Mo. Krank Saikl MS. IM Kraiiaai Supan«k MO 171 John Malova«lak MO. IM Julia. Oatajnar »II. Amiraw Mllava« MI. Krank In4i4a IM. Stanky Bra^kk M. -Krank Kaaak IM. IM M*ry Mira »M, M1k« t rn« MO. MO Ulk« Voaal III. SM Kranraa Mur«var |SI. •M Nlakolaa Oukovkk SIS. Antun Kranarkh Ml, Math Oaalnlk M« •M MaU Sta Jar Ml. Krahl Olmpal IM. John Movant II4.M, Jiau Murkwviah IM. Kraak Baaar |M4I. Julia Klkuah MO 100 John Biliar III. M! Anaa Claaian« II 4, Joa B^IJa IM. Krank a.Janlkcr |S». Marko Ovrnlk III. Joraph • i^ulk |M. »10 Juaapk JAknVaa IM. Ivaa Dalaa MO. I|| John l«4aaala IM, Jaaaah Bprailtar 418 III Krank MinU M4. SM John Jasir Ii. «*ni Ja»ala II., Anua» T«rinlk ||k, Aaion Kak II«. * MI Viator Mahwn.y IM •14 Aluuka Banka 11040. Lwk Marwla IM. Juaaphln. C hukal MO. John Staut MO IM Marlin Vanknlk IM. Ilakna Huatar »10. An4raw Ud-k. Jr. II7. Mary Tar»lna IM / , . - ♦ •M Mf« j Krltaal 144 i • - M7 Jolin Barnal II. MI Mary Kapaak |M 110 Ant4Mtla Kaakvan |0 m lila. Hrovai M». Karl Blkok im.lo •7« Wally Kukka II, JuaapH SwMny IM. 171 Mary Hauaar MI. Krank Mmkr l»4 MI Tliaraaa Ma. J«kn Sirakota MO. Nlaaklav Mlkakk MI. •M Anna HaMrkka 170 M7 Jwrapk Vkkfc |I0 M. IM Jahn Molk IM, JumiSi Klüt 170. 8M Krank Nfapar II 7. •M Kranraa T ruh« ||0 >07 iiaaphia« Snnaar 144 »M Mary Tianakh M». J «ha BalUah IIa _ . M4 Tony On«nr1ah 144. Jaaapk BiOak MI. •II Amlaim« Morlakh MO. Umk Maart IM •II An4WW Solar IM, Aataa Sraka III MI MHka o+*kk IM, Ivana Maurin U4. . Barbara llfca MI. Katarina Skaak »I«. An«rl« Kart« |ll. Ivana Hran MOM. Kta*'«» Malaikh #10. Aatanla Baalrk IM MI Jnhn Mllulnuk MI. Mlk« Dumkh MI. Nkk Vuku«lah M4 MO Urban l'kal »M •41 Anton Vulak |4S - .144 Jaruh J«nk« 171 , 0M Krank Salak |M MI Mary Kalklay »M MI l*ute Mahkovia »74. MI Jaha lUbuk Ift7, Mala Mrakk III. •II ioaapk Ma*1nak IN •1« John Um Ml •71 Mary Mhara 014. Mlk« Blmaak »14. Ur- ban Maaab MO »la Kranaaa Ulk« »1» •10 J<*aph Kavko» kh »M »ao Oaoraa M*«k» »M. J«bn itaibwu». Mo MO Krank Klaaanik »M 401 Mik Ukaik »M 4«a Krank J. Sab«* MI 41« Mlk» Brkkl MI 4I| Krank Suaan) »M 4M Mar, Mara. iah »m 4M Juvan KaMvkh M« 4m Anton 114, Juha B»aaial m4. Krank l*apai »M 441 Mark f.*pan IM 441 Krank Karl« »M J«iaph Volkar M« 401 Anna K Irl« MI 401 Anion flO . 4M Kraak Kunltak Ma 471 Vinku Kranarkh M» 4M Anlun r bar n uu* I ••» MO Ant«», O^bMar «14, J—fh l'iatar M4. 4M Akk» raraira« OM mi Krank Murar mi B4a»a Kuva.1* »l»mf Ol« Uawra» MUrf M«, I—Hap.itulk »la 141 Krank »urtna IB »M AnSr.a Mliira«!« •»•, ' r M» An4rv« apakk III M •7« Mary l«««ik |m 4 ' MI Aana Brayaa IM 0m Knill K#»aaa»lab •»« l»n« mrkkb •»». Auto« Karaakh »I». BarW la»aa »M. |.aa limkm¥%ak M4 MI ('«IIa mi- IM Krank Jua •!«. « bru«»a. Kra*aniu «10. Krank ja« 01» M« Juatm« uu«a Ma < MI Jnarak a.paaa*. »41 _ 010 John UUAar M4 K»«ik S«a4.k «41 •14 Krank a Iraka »I« Juaapk Mlkvaa •»« aa4 Philip fcarlab »l»M MI Kala« aoSar ••• Uwl«a au..a»k IS7. IM Kun»tab ||0, Ml Im 0«*4a4y IM «ta Malta IrabM MO aaa. Juaapk Hau. rar 01« M, »M44 Taraall M« •71 Krank «rarioar Ma | 070 Mar* KaJta III. Jabn Urtira IM tbrtotiaa Nataia. 0a« Marti« Ommik OM II» KranM. Kak M l'utapaa »!• Marinlab aumkap Ma. Mary im____ M j«ara*> « ra^» o»« M 100 Oa>f< Mprtaiab OJI. J—pb 114 BftOKAJ tot AI. M.aM M. U.naN liraSH» prawSui ia/n»b A—t. SNPJ 35 Year» Young Offen Safe, Sound Protection PROSVETA PAGE SIX ENGLISH SECTION For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes Solicit Your Friends for SNPJ Membership t##»e»eeee m«««« f rrrrc r r r c rccc r e r e ........ et...... The Anniversary Year of Our Society » * This year our Society mark« it« thirty-fifth anniversary and our English speaking lodges will undoubtedly participate actively in the many celebrations of this event. _ * For our anniversary year calls for a wide celebration and united action on the part of every member, lodge and federation. Nothing should be left undone, no opportunity missed, in order that we may again prove that we are always working for the advancement*of our lodges and the organization. .. Several weeks ago we pointed out the fact that we of the younger generation this year have two main objectives directly before us—the anniversary and the juvenile circles. On the latter we touched lightly last week and the former is stressed here. Our anniversary year affords us a splendid opportunity for a vigorous membership drive, a drive that should bring into the SNPJ many new adult and juvenile members. But our celebrations must always be planned with a clear purpose. They must be something more than ordinary celebrations. They must be planned in advance with a view to increasing our membership. The primary reason for celebrating should always be supplemented by agitation and campaigning. Only in this manner can we take full advantage of the occasion. - Ask yourself if your present lodge membership, adult and juvenile, allows you peace of mind as to the future welfare of your lodge». Are all the eligible in your vicinity in your group? , Answer this question honestly and no doubt you will find that there is still a large number of our people unprotected. These are the people to he brought into our Society at this time. The jubilee campaign rules and prizes will be announced shortly. Judging from past accomplishments, attainment of our objective should be possible. Friendly City News SNPJ Loigt 04 to Hold Dance Feb. 4 JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Our "Big F.iendly City Nit»" will be held Set.. Fob. 4, at th«t Conemsugh hall. You wilt 4m entitled at the dance to a five dollar ranh award. Tickets can be bed from almoet any number. Jos. Korieh and Lou Klooln are expectlag to have a "high old time" In Johna-town on Peb. 4. The two Koraein Sitters will alao take part in the evening's entertainment by singing popular Slovene melodlea. Music will be furnished by Joe Koraein's Slovene Aces. We expect «ome out-of-towh-ore at this dance, from Unlvoraal, La-trobe and other places. 1 only hope we can return the wonderful timea wc had on our recent visile. Many thanks to Ed Seltx for the bowling "rules." No matter what bowling alley you enter, you can find these 1ft pointers terked on the wall. Congratulations to the J. J.'i Olrla' Howling team of Lodge 669 who walked «way with four prists in ONK evening. The P. C. girle bowled at Letrobe Jan. 19 and were scheduled for e gsme in Cumberland, Md , on the find.—-William Martineie was accepted as a V. C. member at the Jan. meet. He la a big fellow In elae and a big P. C. booster. We are very gled to have you. Bill«—It looks as though Jennie Bomhetch has again parked her MkufrM (hoofer) and migrated south for the winter. We are all going to mtae you and hope,jo eee you egein sometime In June.—John Gsbrenys Is still on the slek Hat. Just remember, Johnny, they ton't keep good men down. Here's hoping you will seen he up end etlL-—Tluee cheers toward the suceeee of the Jove- BENES TO LECTURE AT U. OF CHICAGO CHICAGO.- Dr Rdusrd Benee, for mer pt est dent of Cserhoalovakls, wll «mt. m Chicago Krh 1ft ead hie academic srho4uU at the University of Chicago, as announced by President Robert M Hatchlne, will begin Feb . SO. He will give a eerie* of 10 lee-tare« for student», a seminar for od vanred students and three public tures. Thee* 10 tec teres are only to student* by tifket lie Is com log to the university under the Walgreen Foundation In Joly he alee . will perliripete in the Herri» Pounds tion Institute of the university, glv log three public loetoree and conduct lag three tound-table d is cues ions III« pebttc lectures in July will be on tb* subject of international ae- nlle Campaign. Let's continue aecur-Ing new juveniles. Keep your meeting night in mind, the next one being held Peb. 12. Bring In your new members! BEANIE B. JACOBY, Sec'y, Lodge 684. e Polks, here's the last reminder of Friendly City dance sensation on the 4th at the Conemaugh Slovene hall. From previous announcements you know that Koraein's Slovene Aces will furnish the music, featuring the Ko racln Sisters, and Lou Ciawson, the Greenaburg radio announcer. The whole basketball team and then some from Universal plan to be with us, also many other out-of-town friends. RLSIR CULKAR. Cleveland SNPJ Bowling League CLEVELAND, 0,-Wlth the bowl-ing season rapidly pasaing the half way mark we still find the Commodores perched in first place. Con-gratuiatlona. They made a splendid showing in the Annual Bowling Tournament conducted by the St. Clair-Eddy Recreation. The 268 game rolled by Stan Zupan the first Sunday we bowled is still the high single game turned in this year. Last Sunday a double-header was on the program. Oar Bowling fjeegue Dance will be held 4lst., Feb. 26, at Slovens Horns on St. Clsir. Tickets for this sffair can be purchased from any member of the bowling teams. Team standings: Commodores won 32 out of 48 games; Loyalites No. 3, 28; Htruggleri No. 1, 27; Loyalites No. 4, 28; Comrades, 24; Struggle» No. 2, 211 Loyalites Ns. 2, 21; Cleve-Isnd, 20; Loyslites No. 1, 20; Lips, 20 out of 42; Progrsssivea, 16; Bes-cons, 12 out of 42, Individual averages: Suataralc 180, Curda 184, Slabe 170, Koxlevcar 178, Krall 177, Picha 176, Cheligoy 178, V. Zelti 174, Smole 173, Konchan 178, Kromar 178. EDWARD A. SEITZ. All members and their friends, also neighboring lodges are cordially Invited to attend Friendly City dance this Seturday at tho above-mentioned place and date. A good time U In store for you. The oommittee has announced that a gala evening has been arranged. A prise will be given away. Nice going, Friendly City Boys, and congratulations to your success in winning the first half of the SNPJ Conemeugh Vsllsy Bowling League,—• Don't forget the Dence this Ssturdsy. Admission only 26c for either Isdy or gent. I'll be seeing you. STRLLA SUDONICK. A lsrge crowd of SNPJers snd friends Is expected St the first dence of the year- sponsored by the Friendly City Lodge thla Sat. Music, by Joe Kerocint *f hibernation, Ixxtge Hunklst, SNPJ 728, emerges again and appears in the realm of print. With constant economic changes of present era, members are gradually leaving for the cities, but as these trends falter and as there it a constant drop of em-ployment in the cities, members drift back home. Such are the conditions of Ix>dge 723. With the installation of new officers the spirit of cooperation rises again and we can look forward to a gayer time despite the interruption of our international and domestic atrifs. Yss, "Slovene Dsy" In July st Ssn Frsnclsco World's Fsir- hss crested rnsmbership cooperstion to sttend this gala affair as a unit, and join with our fellow member* to the north. It will mark the owning of a new era, a closer relation of Weatern lodges all working toward a common good. Because our dances, parties and lodge activities are few and far apart, due to our small membership, ws the few member« plan a reverse. Our gosl is a New Lodge Home made possible by cooperation of both lodgas. Thsrt Interest will not falter if there Is sny forwardness shown. This month Sst., Fsb. 18, our first Lodgs Dsnce of the year Is to bs hsld. A mssqusrsde dsnce with sll ths color, fun snd spirits oI enjoyment. Copte one, come all, each entrance makes step forwsrd towsrds s nsw home. So, after this brief stay with you in print, Sunkiat Lodgs 728 signs off. But you will hesr mors from us this ysar grinds along. And to our members: ths one who presents this clipping to the writer will receive free pass to the mssquersde dsnce Feb. 18. Thoss sleeted to csrry on this ysar ane: Steve Richtor, Pres.; Robsrt Ho-ehscar, Vice Pr*s.; Albina Lynch 8ec'y; Ann Webb, Rec. Sec'yt Tony Videgar, Serg't-at-arms. We members will give you 100 per cent support to go forwsrd. JOE RICHTAR, 728. Friendly City Men's bowling team replu red the major shore of "firsts at the romlpetion of the first half of thé Cgb Valley SNPJ Bowling I-eager With 24 wins and 6 I they OS red the field. Among the other "firsts" were: first* in high single ffsme with a score of am. hifh gemes with s seere of t6M. T Brlre ly's tie we* best la high Individual •"»«le game as eras J. Koes' tie with J. Jeeoejele'a 818 for individual rente »erlee J. Roes and J hetch were one snd two, respectively Is the «tending* of the sveeege "Ml America" Brings Autlwr two 1938 Honirt I .on Is Adamic's My America brought him two honors for 1088. The editors of America's Young Men seleelod him ss one of "the ten outstanding young men" snd this month's Current History nsmes his i as one of the moot important nun-fiction« of 1988, a choice m by s committee of well-known litereti. The book Is now in ite tenth edition Next fall Herpsrs S Bpsa. will publish his new book People eed Pieces snd a San Francisco publlahar in limited edition his rrwwetslioN* from the Sinrtc. Ademic la now at work on hie most Important book, A \'e Hon ef \'er*oua. This month the Public Affairs Committee will pub iish his psmphlct A mer «re and &| K*fNgre«. v The current Rotarlan contains his article dueling with im migrants, snd the Merrh Current llustory snd Readers Dlgeet jointly contain his article on the notumllaetlon problem Next fell Ademic will p mi j countrywide spooking tour, At present, he te trev. el ing In the South lo the interest of hie future knob ||u eddreos la: Louis Ademic. Milfoid. N. J. Comments on This and That By IVAN MOLEJK, Editor Democracy Should Begin at Rome Complaints by active SNPJ members in regard to poor lodge meeting attendance« ahould be aerioualy considered by every member who pride« himself with a fraternal conscience. Barring those utterly indifferent to our fraternal life and who consider our Society as another insurance company, all the remainder of our mem-jers should manifest some sort of fraternal conscience, or, to be more explicit, SNPJ-mindedness. According to these complaints—and any alert member can test-fy to the correctness and justification of the same—scarcely one-fourth or even less of the membership of some of our largest odges attends the meetings regularly. Many members show up but once a year at the annual meeting, at which the election of odge officers and other important decisions take place. You will probably say that by attending only the annual lodge meeting such members display at least some interest in their odge and Society, and so may be excused for the remainder of the year. Such reasoning, however, is wrongs The fact is that any member attending a lodge meeting but once or twice a year^-and even then doing so because of an enticement or by coaxing rather than as a conscious duty—does not care much for the lodge or Society, doreover, such a member cannot possibly have any knowledge of what is going on in his or her lodge and Society; it ia reasonable to assume that such a member has no idea what the lodge officers are doing beaides collecting assessment, and, therefore, such members are hardly fit to select a capable person for a responsible office or to help to decide on important measure. Yet at many a lodge the officers are elected and the vital motions passed mostly by such absentees who in many cases proved o be the most clamorous for things harmful to a lodge and the 1NPJ1 It may happen that a good motion is thwarted by the gnorant absentees or, on the other hand, as it happeYis so often, bad motion is passed and a lodge harmed by just such an ignorant majority. For the best interests of a lodge and the Society ; would be better if such members would not attend the annual meeting either 1 The SNPJ prid es itself in being a democracy, and it should be. tut the Society as a whole cannot be any more democratic than are its component parts, the lodges. Heal democracy must come rom the bottom, from the membership at large, as from the people in case of a country. What kind of democracy in practice is th^re if the lodges are run by minorities throughout the entire year and then at the annual meeting an ignorant majority upsets the good work of a good and faithful minority substituting it by a bad minority ? It should be the duty of every SNPJ lodge to educate its members into attending the meetings regularly so that our lodges will be governed by,the majorities. This is the only way to practice real democracy, „ • i" It would even be proper, we think, to nullify the right of making motions and the right of vote—by amending the by-laws—for those members who absent themselves from the meetings more than three times a year unless they show proof of sickness or employment. Some action is necessary to bring home the fact to such lazy members that the SNPJ is not an insurance company. Strabane Pioneer—Senior Lodges to Form Juvenile Circle in February Little Fort Plans Anniversary Program WAUKEOAN, ILL.—Like all Gaul, the Little Fort lx>dge Thirteenth Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, Feb-ruary 12, will be divided Into three parts. Theec divisions will be: 1) the play snd allied antertalnments on the stage of ths Slovens hsll in ths sftsr-noon; 2) dancing to the music of two aocordlons In one of ths lowsr hslls from ths time ths sntsrtsinment will end to; 3) that psrlod from 9 p. m. to 1 s. m. when MoMahon's orchestra wU be sweet muaic in the large hall upatairs. The play, "The Red Lamp," directed by Frank Pierce, la a comedy in two acts. The cast is composed of: Matil da Doering (Msyms Rim) sa sn el derly spinster who dominates the Doering house; Harold Deerlng (Swetco Mlhcvec), nephew of Matilda Doering. a young man who wants ad venture but Is kspt tied to Aunt Ma tilde's apron-strings; Alice Deerlng (Christine Grom) Is Harold's slater, sad wants to marry a man of her choice Instead of the rich and respsc table man who la Auntie'a choice; Archie Clarke (Bill Pckley) la struggling young lawyer who is in love with Alice; Bill Worth (Frank Korenehan) Is an Impecunious sol dler-of-fortune who-enters the Deer Ing household looking for some food; end Annie 0*8hs ne (Frsnces N sir ode), a thirty ysar old maid of the house. The ploy revolves around a beautiful Red lamp, which up te now has lain in the Deerlng closet. All the members of the Peering Houae become Involved: some to keep the lamp lit and some to keep the lamp iypm being lit. The «tory la very tftirty and gay, full of laughs, and will be a highlight In the Anniversary Cele brat »on ) T Tickets are now on sale. Every member of the committee has them. Got your tickets now. The Thirteenth Anniversary Com-•nittee cordially lavtles the members of out . of . town Rnglish lodge« to come esd help us mske thla s grsnd occasion. Get op s bes-lood! How sheet II, Weet All*. Milwaeke*. Pioneers, Integrity, Jollet! Come to Wsukegsn on Sunday, Fsbrusry 12 Ths Credit Unioa The statement made last week that "mora than eight hundred dollars was paid in by sharea and that more than six hundred dollara were loaned out to membera on provident loana" was for a period of three montha and not for a yssr ss written. Offlcera for the North Chicsgo Cooperative Credit Union were choaen Jsn. 29, sa followa: Anton Kobsl, president; Andrew Moxek, vicc-presi dent; Anton Kertich, secretary; An thony Pisrce, tressurcr; Msth Ogrin Jack Meaec, and Anton Lukancic, on the Credit Committee; and Anton Ce-Is rec, Andrew Moxek. snd John J Zelenik, as members of the Super vlsory Committee. Alt persons who are shareholders of the Waukegan and North Chicago Cooperative Association can become members of the North Chicago Co-operaUve Credit Union. A Credit Union is a co-operative organised to 1) promote thrift; 2) to provide aourcc of credit for members at readable rates; and 3) to educate the membera in matters pertaining to the Investment and care of their savings "ACRES." Revelettea Plan Dance AMBRIDGE, PA-Rovelottos held their meeting Jan. 8 and only about seven members attended. But the meeting, nevsrtheless, was very in terestlng. Girls, you missed It. We ■hould heve more members come to the meetings. Discussions brought up were s Swimming Party for the Revelettos snd their girl friends sny Frldsy or Ssturdsy. snd s Valentine Dence Soft.. Feb. 4. Eech member will be sssessed 86c whether they go to the dance or net. Revelettos will to the donee or not. Revelettos hold enether meeting on Jsn. 88. The s peek ing fOsnce win be held at the Slovene hall. 129 Merchant st. . I^et's make this donee the best We ever bold. -A RRVRI.ETTR. STRABANE, ¿A.—Aa wc mentioned last week, plans are being made to form a Juvenile Circle in Strabane. After talking things over with the membera of both Pioneers and the Senior Lodges, it is being planned to bring thla idea before the membership of the Pionccra at their monthly meeting on Feb. 6. Meanwhile plana for getting the project under way are being discussed and we are sure that in February, Strabane will have their first SNPJ Juvenile Circle. More newa concerning thia will be given after the meeting. Glee Chib "Oh-h-h-h comc, come, come to the Glee Club rehcaraala on Mondays, Wednesdaya and Fridays at 8 o'clock at the SNPJ hall IM ia the cry of the Glee Club Committee. For three weeks a diligent group of boys and girls have been rehearaing a few aonga, both old and new. Up to the present 26 to 30 peraona hsve been regularly attending theae rehearsals and the committee would like to have at least twicc as many at the next rehearsala. Under the able direction of J. C. Kerr, this ainging group haa been progrcaaing very rapidly, and plana are being made to have them make their debut between acta of the play being preaented by the Pioneer Theatre Guild on Feb. 26. The committee wanta all Pioneers to join this Glss Club whether you are an adult or a juvenile. You don't need to he a Jeanette MacDonald or Nelson Eddy. Any of you membera who have been hesitating about joining thia group because you say you can't read muaic or you haven't been active In lodge affairs recently or aomething or other, are more than welcome to attend these rehearaala. You'll find out that bcaldea having a lot of fun you'll bo aiding in booating your organization. So let ua see a lot of new faces at the next rehearsal. You'll be glad you joined after you attend a few rehearsals. On Feb. 26, the Pioneer Theatre Guild will present a three act comedy entitled "The Wild Oats Boy" at the SNPJ hall. Rehearaals are going along fine and the able cast under the direction of Sam Rotclla will provide you with an enjoyable evening with their rendition ,of this popular comedy. So don't miaa it. Pioneer Pips. Thla laat week-end seemed to be a little too quiet for a few Pioneers. Seversl members of the Pioneer Glee Club held sn impromptu rehearsal last Sunday evening at the Club. That's one way of putting soma life into a dead evening; oh, gala4 Several juvenilea are very enthuaed over ths plans for forming s Juvenile Circle in Strabane. Notre Dsms is stfU leading the Boys' Bowl-ing Lesgue st thia writing, Pitt, Du-queane snd Csmegie Tech follow in thst order. Don't 'forget the PIONEERS4 DANCE ON FEB. 11, featuring Martin Ssrro snd hia muaic. If you prefer to dance ths polka or do the la teat dance step, Martin can provide you with both. Come to Strabane on Fsb. U and apend a very en joyable evening. Propoaed and paaaed for member ahip in the "C. D. of N. A." club this week is Max Cheanic. Incidently, thoae people who are apreading thoae false rumora of what the "C. D. of N. A." atands for have cauaed a lot of confuaion. Thia club was formed to promote ACTIVITY in our Lodge and for NO other purpose. "Happy Birthday" to Francea Podboy, Jimmie Dudick, Rudolph Rrulce and |fax Cheenic. Also a belated birthday -greeting to "Skinny" Koklich. The "hit of the week" at the Club thi* week ia "The Umbrella Man" by Guy Lombardo. New faces seen at Glee Club rehearsals were Sally Batiau, Josephine Gromovaek and Sylvia klnc. Come on, all you Pioneer», Ut's all start ainging. The more the mer-rier. Our membera are greatly enthused over the CAMPAIGN being conducted by the Pioneera. That uaed cap bei«g offered by Tomaic Motor Company, Chrysler-Plymouth dealers, seems t« have everyone intereated. Some lucky Pioneer will have a means of transportation to attend the many SNPJ affairs thia summer by winning this contest. You ahould hear Carl Podboy'g rendition of "All Aahore." Can he be the Pioneers' firat crooner? Congratulation to Mr. and Mrs. John Progar of Chartjers St. who celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary recently. "Happy Birthday" to Mra. Mary Zig-man, popular atewar^ess at the Club who celebrated her birthday last Monday. Be sure you attend the delicious supepr to be held by the Girls' Club on Feb. 6 at the SNPJ hall. Don't forget the monthly meeting on Feb. 5 at 2 p. m. We would like to see a big attendance. Any Pioneer desiring a Pioneer pin get in touch with Carl Podboy. Until next week, so long PUBLICITY COMMITTKK, Regular Meeting for Hermmie ESL HERMINIE, PA.—The Keyatonian Lodge will hold their regular monthly meeting Sun., Feb. 6. The results of our Jan. 29 dance will be announced. So if you want to know the outcome attend thia meeting. The plans of the Entertainment Committee will be presented and discussed. Come and voice your opinion. If you have been reading the Pro-aveta you know that a few social events have been planned by the Committee and that Sept. 3-4-6 have been set aside for our anniversary celebration. All thia must be either approved or rejected by the members at the regular meeting. The Committee will be guided according to the wishes of the members in majority. Let's have a good attendance and a free discussion on the future of our lodge. Section 49 of our By-Lowa resds: "All assessments and lodge dues shall become due and payable on the first day of each month. Each member is entitled as a matter of grace to pay said assessments and dues on or before the laat day of the month. Failure to pay said assessments or duei on or before the laat day of the month shall, by the fact of such non-payment, suspend said member without notice. The payments provided for in these laws ahall be paid to the lodge secretary or to one empowered by the latter for such duties. . I wish to ask all the members to strictly adhere to this so thst I may be able to send in the monthly ssscss-ment to the Main Office on time snd to have my monthly report completed so that I can be prepared for the regular monthly meetings. Please cooperate and pay your assessment early and avoid suspension. JOSEPH BATIS, Secretary, Lodge 613 Eveleth English Speaking Lodge Plans Dance, Spring Membership Campaign EVELETH, M!NN<—Due to the III-neaa of President Kerte and Vice Preaident Mrs. M. Strukle, it waa necessary to call upou our past Vice Presidsnt Lil Znidsrsich to preside st Cur Jsn. 20 mssting st the SNPJ hsll. A fsir number were present snd tho meeting started off with s bsng. Installation of officsrs was postponed until next month, Feb. 17, at which time ere hope our officers will be off the sick list. On the sick list were: Mrs. M. Strukle, appendectomy; Joeeph Veranth. broken arm. and Peter Kerse. We are appealing to our members to visit them. Here's hoping each enjoys a speedy recovery. New names were suggested as possible newcomers to our I exchanged City, Bon Air, South Fork Kelso and p,aceg Jogeph Koan,k Mt the paC€ Triglsv following in that order. These g m game an(J g 62g Berieg lodices were represented in the Carrick John ^„^ trailed right behind w|th tourney a* it has already been re-1 m game Rnd m Reriei Th(f p|o ported. neer F|Mhes rolled 2623 for the sea South Fork Lodge elected new offN | gon.„ h5gh series. cers who promised to bring new life and new members into our Lodge. We, Jhe ^ ^ arfi keeping right up hope we soon can hit the 100 mark. The Iow,y geteckjw took two away The Athletic league of Lodge 346 also from the Buhwikt while WenceU has chosen new officers. Johri Shaf- cieaned up the p.tracolga in two fer is our new President, and he alsoj BerU|a (bjuit roll0d the h|KheBt Kame aids this scribe with ing; Pete Shaffer, a bit of report Vice-Preaident; Dave Sivenna, Secretary? John Siko ra, Treasurer, and the business man-ager is your scribbler.-Wc all are. us anxiously awaiting the opening of the Qf New Slovene Hall, which will be one for the evening, a 177. Other good games were rolled by Ann Groser, 160; Agnes Jurecic, 166; Sue Ulchar 163; Julia Skoclr, 147.—Millie Jakae card from the balmy Miami, Fla. What we Juvetiile Circles Organized Labor Sole Weapon Against Reactionary Forces, World Oppression CHICAGO, ILL.—An upside down i| the cas* of Tom Mnoney. He was world ia bolng presented to us each |morning and evening hi the Tory pros*. Exhibit "A" In this procession contin Never before did the horiaon look so gloomy for the thinking peoples What, with Hitler and Mussolini threatening peace at every turn, what elae can we expect but a bloody conflict? But the thinking people can avert such bloody conflicts by organising their economic and political forcea. We must learn to work together. DONALD J. LOT RICH, 669. Verona Views, News Dance at the Union hall. There we again met the very jolly Pioneera who helped to while away the hours, Sun day found a few Pioneers still invad ing this territory. Though the boys) were supposed to bowl a match gamel fjMt j£turduy of the m0nth I "SNPJ Junior All Stars" MILWAUKEE, WIS.-Our lastly, to be* fascism's favorite flowsr, meeting, held Jan. 7, was woll attend- th® Chicago Tribune. The dictators ed. After the meeting we hsd refresh-L rushed Csschoslovakia, Austria, ments, gamos and dancing. The boys gpa|nt' and China through the door who play on the basketball team will opened for thorn by the big bankers, receive thoir jackets in a week or two. ; The moral these fascist sheets pre-Their reporta each meeting seem toLtnt ia that th' diotators should be be victories over the opposing teams. I pM-mittm! to go on their bbody way. Keep it up, boys. The entire aim of the fateltti now is A committee wa^ohoaen at tha Jan- to doatroy American democracy by uary meeting to plan u dance, and we causing race snd political hatred, sl»^ are all hoping it turns out as good t0 defeat President Roosevelt's poll as our last one. * cies by blocking all progressiva legis- Our next mooting will be held Feb.lotion and to aid the fascist aggres-4 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Re-Uors Indirectly. Such is the tactic to freshments and jf* Sylvia Policnik, Anna Tesov- ing-munitions-stecl concerns aie the nik, Alvia Vide. Publicity commit- maaters of the German people as thay teei Frieda Wone, John Poklar, Billy have never h.»en before. Monopoly Ambrosch. The Boys' basketball I crushes the people at every stop. Coach, Tony Obluek. THAT IS WHAT FASCISM DOES. The meeting date wss changed to FOR THAT IS WHAT FASCISM 18, ...ery first Saturday of tho mon»h The latest Nasi figures themselves with the Veronians, only the reliable Fiy# c6nU dueg arr to b# collected at Lhow the tremendous growth of this Hooker wss in evidence, who brought each meeting to pay for the refresh- monopoly control of all induatry and to our alleys the Pioneer girls. The mM u recommvnded by that W. Ve. SNPJera Have 92 Members atmosphere , .... ... J wouldn't give to be in her shoes.—At r^tl^ftaest in our vicinity, so that ^ Toman Ljb ,)r ,|orace ^ w«* can hav<* our friends come to our1 affairs. Chatter or the Valley:. See where my "eleventh cousin" Frank Rezek Jr. of Girard presented a good idea to the editors of the Proaveta. Carry on, Cousin Frank! Too bud you couldn't have stayed to "raffle" Ru pert Jan. 2. Met many scribes of tho Proaveta at Carrick from far and near, male and female. Wonder who is going to lecture on Mussolini and. anti-semitism this coming Friday. It will be interesting, • 0 * Last Thursday night the Chicago District Federation of SNPJ elected the following officers for 1930: Donald J. Ixrtrich, pres.; Jacob Zupaa, vice pres.; Frank Alesh, sec'y-treas.; Angela Zaits, rec.-sec'y; John iPoto- invented mistletoe. Wonder why it k»p« Mleh*el Fleischhacker and Frank has to be so darn cold in winter and| so darn wärm in summer. GKORGE RESICK, Lodge 346. Integrity Birthday Dance is Success Tauchar, auditors. The following committee of ten was selected to prepare a fitting 36th snniversary celebration for the Society on April 16, 1939: John Potokar, Angela Zaits, Frank Alesh. Donald J. Lotrlch, Jacob Zupan, Agnes Heidenreich, Christina Trupin, Frank /Taucliar, frank Zait* and Minka Alesh.—A very successful annual meeting was held by the Jugoslav Building afid Loan Ass'n. last Saturday. Good progress wss recorded for 198K and the prospccts for 1939 were reported exceedingly en- Afterwards they traveled back to the National Home where a delicious spaghetti dinner was served. We wish to thank our prexy's mother, Mrs. Cassol Sr., of Oakmont, who prepared the sauce in true Italian style. A round of applause to all the Vero nettes ofr donating and serving thlsl ance was not as good as expectsd. |g,.eat (¡erman liberal, the author's fa dallcious mesl. We meet the Pioneers Our members feel that this circle has th«r Thomas Mann. It ha« one dofoet for a return match on Feb. 11 at Stra- been aomewhat neglected by not men- ¡n that it does not show tho role of bane. tioning It In the roster. In the Feb- fiance capital in developing Hitler- Monday things quieted somewhat ruary Mladtnakl List, however, we hKm j^t jt dons present the ugly and evening found the Veronettes to- were listed. We ult think that out' fait« of this gangster movement gether aguin at the National HoNM. circle should have number one I"'- which sings the song of a professional Our meeting was we)l attended. Bank cause it was tho first to be organized. p|mp (Hoist Wessel) and idollae» a nitc was one of the features of the That was 'way buck In August of worthless dope fiend (Dlstrleh Kkart) meeting, the winners being Miss Mary h«37. * Another gravs~"ci»lsls that Is taking Cassolland Mrs. Rose Bouma. We hope that we will get due »«<' |llatv ln Kurope today is the war On Thurs Jan 19, the second half Ugnltion un«l crédit for. our work. J ^ Mo-t of u* know llttto of Itâ of the Bowling league began with ju„t bvoadsc only a few of uh writ« m#imln|t | Mimitlify It by giving you much excitement. The most exciting to the Mladlnskt Ltst is no sign we 1)ri at.tu'a| Conibulanls who are Hie were the games between Army and «« not trying to muko th^SNW workerM of 8pain on thp on. .illt, at,d Notre Dame with the Army team, a larger and , lht, barbarous hordes of fascism on third placer In the first half, Winning We sincerely tfunk Brother GeorgeL|w ()ther , had pt,,.,onil||y met three games over Notre Dame, who Belino who has tone so much for us. numbh B0„t lhar„fore make competition keener, Tech pulled bora, and we are<%orking hard to get ^^ wou,d qu(t# authPllt|c news, a fast one by taking three games from more. ; < . This Is the p|sa the boys bring back N*yy- , , I This Saturday^,l'«b. 4, the W. Va.L ^ .»compel our gavernment to end Life, It seems, is just one meeting SNPJers art sp^sorlng a danco. ULh(, b,wod Urei} of non-intervention." after another. On Fri., Jan. 20, the| will be hoty at, our Administrator's H ,n at PlbrccV 1 Here -' * regular mooting of the Veronians took hall place. Though the attendance was muiic and plenty of fufi for all, poor those present made up for the cordially invite siorybody. M1 asks this of us. The anil Ü1 f»*ci«t Spain is fighting for free con- We CHICAGO.—Integrity's Uth anniversary dance was a big success, mor ally and materially. I want to thank all thoHe who attended, especially the | couraging. Pioneers with Oscar Godina, Frank Zordani and his Kansas "gang," Westl Before me lies the First Anniver-Alli« Adie snd his "gang," Badge^,Uary program book of the Cleveland Waukejtan, and La Salle. Jhey cer- Strugglers for their celebration on tainly did show real cooperation, and May 28, 1028, and brings us happy 1 do hope that our members will re- recollections. Such autographs as ciprocate. - Joe Fifolt, Anica Erste, Cecilia Stri On Feb. 12, Waukcgan Little Fort tof, Anne Jereb (Zippers), Otto Te I^odge celebrates its 13th birthday kauts, John I^okar Jr., William SU with a play and dance. Integrity ter, Vlda Belinger, and many others members, try and attend. bring us back to the days when the March 4, the Pioneer Athletic Strugglers ruled supreme in Collin Tianre will take place at Masonic wood. Frank Barbie made the open Temple Lower hall, 23rd and Millard, ing remarks on the program. Joseph I'lease attend. Ine Podpadec was active then and also Feb. 26-26, the Milwaukee Badgers BP°k* M did Mgtt P'fovich ®nd this will be host to the Midwest SNPJ writ*r- li Wftt ■ ■w«11 affair "nd we Howling tourney in Milwaukee. All M had a *ood t,mc' Tod*y- ,,om< of Integrity members ara urged to at-|the fading lights have broken swsy t«nd. A dance will be held Sat. eve, Feb. 26, after bowling, at the SSTlare now planning a bigger and better „ dance for next fall. (Our dance wound The Integrity officers wish to thank "P «t Sis. Mejasch's horns.) "Il-the members who helped make our LOUIS A. BAFFETTI, anniversary celebration a success. We . , -? • Lodge 631. MILWAUKEE, WIS^-Our January meeting saw th« boys initiating a ntw "masculine atmosphere" to start the year right on the entertainment side »•y l.uddy Babic, Frank Frits, AI I»n-' h^rich, and yours truly. The Bowling Toruney of tht Mid-west league will Uke place here Feb. 25-M, Vour secrsUry has the entry '"lanks; these must be In our mail n<»t later than two weeks before the '"iimamrnt. Prixes for three groups wll hr given, the senior, junior and women'« divisions. The out-«f-town-• will be taken care of by -Leonard ^•l»nrr, our housing administrator, (,fl touch with him for aecommo-,!»"*»ns at 1019 6th at., or I^o jawe.ger at h^ ^ 8th bt< gat># 26. a dance wilt b* held at thf hall. SNPJ i* ^ having a Domaia /sbav. sat.. Feb. 1§. at the MKT hall. , 1,1 f"r«»t to go and booat that af-»•r Bled ia having a Card 1 »lib hornrmod«- pillow oh 2 5 TV Singing Clab "Planin-k. K,,»a ia having a concert and dance Abe SHT hall Feb. If. U<» tella m* that aH doeUr fees for * must W paid m Jan. and , * dNMai at tke Dec msetfna Hiy.iciM ia Dr Sckaler. U4«., to. 6th si. aad Wa<3 ave.—You all know our Lodge needs reimbursing, so a committee of five has been named to sell tickets for a prise.—Congratulations to Mr. and Mra. Anton Boxich on the arrival of a baby boy Jan. 20.—The entertainment com. for the Feb. meeting consists of the msle officers; they are married and their wives will hslp them; lucky guys.—Johnny Debelak wjuld have won 61 at the meeting had he been present at Ute bsnk nite award. Thanks to Jenny Schuler for installing our office ra. Wondrr who T. P. Is that's on O's mind. Thanks for the card, Jen and Lou. Aiss winder what "Oh" of th* "Tansorialville" (Barberton) has to tell. Congrats to Louis Verb irk and Millie on their en-gagemetit.-Th* Badgers now have two members as officers of the Milwaukee SNPJ Federation, l/o Kchnel-grr aa Treasurer and laniard Afynrr as Vlce-Pre«id«-nt. .f Klster Josephine Zajrc, memlier of O^ir «Lodge 6H4. Wlshr« to es press h»r sincere thanks and appreciation to all the friends who sent Her the lovely absent ones. . A report was given on the E. S. Federation meeting which was held at Imperial. We are proud to announce that our Pres. Larry Caa sol waa elected on the Athletic Board. Very glad to hear that our ill members, Ann Cassol, Frank Mohar, M ERNEST SKLAK, President. seiet*», a new era of freedom, of social progress, democratic Ideals and libertarian aspirations. There is a gloomy atmosphere In that country ('irc)e No. 13 to (five play Itoday with another stage of progrcs-CLEVBLANP, O.-This is Circle sive forces against roactlnn, bat It I« No. 18 reporting. Our January moot-1 not an irreparable on«. Always re ing was rather poorly attended. FloodXity News JOHNSTOWN, PA.—A grand turn out showed up at the SNPJ Cone maugh Valley Bowling Ismguu Dance Jan. U at the Slovene Workera' Home In Moxham. Martin Surro and his boya had everybody on their feet Everybody was in a gay mood, even the committee and those In charge of the various departments. Frank' Hie bert was happy selling lunch ticket* •II evening; Josephine liisjsk, Julia Jarnajec and Frances L. Kak made oomplute sell-out on "hot-pups" and sandwiches. Grosnlk. Mirlppy and Meddler soemod content with their business in the wardrobe, Larry Lan gerholc, Mike Klebert and Jos. t'ulkar did excellent work at the door selling admission tickets. Fur their fine co operation the dance committee say "Thanks," The bowling team* aH* busy with their mutch games. Friendly City still holds top pasltlon In our lesiruv The Kalso Minors have shown remark able Improvement In thoir bowling while Flood City just about holds Its own. Tho tvam standings urs as fot lows: Friendly City, Ml Flood City 171 So, Fork, 16; Kelso Miners, 14s Bon Air, 14| Trlglav, 6. 5 Wo wgna glad Stella Sudonlck and lAime. Golies/if F. <\ w,»n n prfie at Carrick. We hear IJnlveiWal Gomat» plan to invade Johnstown on F^b, for a game of bsskethall. And then I,ouls Kosela of Ambrldge mentioned about bowling sgainat some of our teams. Welcome! JOHN KAK. 712 Buckeye Bite About Mooney's Liberator By NrlHe BARBERTON, (».—There ire two dafinlte types of taborite. One, the advocator or a complete chance of our form of governmen*, the employer of shady politics and unlawful actions, the down-wlth-eVi.*rythlng, hall the revolutsia and to-blases-wtih-ev-erything type. With him we have no sympathy. He is too much a narrow-minded, careless, thrill hungry "Hit-L»rlU,'r~ Tha other is a lotind thinking, far-xtghted gentleman who see« th« value' and the desirability of our present form of government and employs the most peaceful and beneficial actions to gain the needs of lab^s, Much has been said uhout Tom Mooney. This 22-y«*r old caso has beon handled so many time« that the fingerprints of true facts have been wiped away. Therefore, we who have only history to guide us, cannot be absolutely certain about anything. W* can only, bsllevs. 1 Little has been said by tho various scribes In the Prosveta about the man who gava Mooney his freedom. Governor Culbert Olson must be a great man. This couclution has been drswn principally, not because he was Mooney's liberator, but because of a paragraph of his speech which everyone should hava taken to heart. The paragraph follows, quote: "I shall hop«« and expact that you will with every other true friend of American progress toward the Industrial and social iustiee, urge only the Intelligent eter-clse by the people of the democracy, with th* realisation that they can have any kind of government they want by p*ae*fal process; that uny vlol*nce of person or property will d*f*at It," Unquote. Parhaps radicalism is th* only road to progress, but we are inclined to believe, with Gov. Olson, that this type of action results In sslf-hullt obstacles to a goal causing an unnecessary delay upd an unpleatant flavor In the final taste of victory- if there Is a victory. We member the warmak*rs are still forced iw« A^u'^irrlrnvr^H fr.r^'lwere supposed hHteve the election of «" work by stealth and hypocrisy. ^r^nU^es. offlcers b^ due to the (act thai I^dge Th.y dare not l.t th* poop.« know We aTvlr^orry to announce that M7's circle ,a to organise ^ ^ pUn^ Thay thair f«r US, we thaught t would b* fslr to lot own insecurity and tha power of the LhpL V,7Tett!" DanM M , , u ° thim narticioati* In the «lections paoplt, which l*ads me to anoth.r F*b. 18 has been postponed In honor Y**"1 P»rt,c,P*, ,n in® ' „ mmlUtr at our Sac. Joe Stefanclc who is Join- After we get fully organised we will .»has« ' « ^is* ino. In th. knnH. m.trimnnv th.i «tart having some aetlvlties. W* de- Tb« fore* that will fr*« us from in/v ciitr^/tio^.^iSTAnn ^d a stamp club would be Just the fascism snd all form, of dk.Utor.hip By ^he^fm" this 'a*rticle g^»s to ib«ng for us.^c p* if we follow | U organis.d labor. Our best example print the "raffl*" of Henry Rupert LouiB A. JanesicVarticles on «tamps, will be over. Wonder who tha V*ro- **v»ral of the girls and boys ro« nettes is who practices her exercls*s «»vad parU for th* play which Is goby sliding down the cellar steps. Ac- to be sUged on March 10. And I (•¡dents and sickn««s se*m to prevail «»y we do hav* some good tlm-among our members. One of our girls SCOTLAND YARD Scotland Yard got Its name from the fact that Its sit* was once occu pled by a pslarr belonging to th* kings of Scotland which th*y visited during th*ir stay in l*ondon. Th<> metropolitan polic« took ov*r th* si and th* buildings of Scotland Yard In th* 19th century for us* as head quarters. is still sporting a bandaged ankl*, due to the last roller skating party. CATHRINE ZOLET, JUSTINE KRULC, Lodg* AKO. Urges Members to Attend Meetings, Pay Assessment SHARON, PA.—All tho member« of SNPJ Lodge No. 31 are urged to attend the regular monthly mooting« in greater numbers. Important matters cyme up for discussion at every mooting and It Is not an easy matter to dispose of them when ther* ar* only a f«w m*mbers pr*«*nt, some-tim* hardly *nough te form the required quorum. But remember that *v*n a quorum has the iwwer to pass any motion for the good of the I id*» and organisation. Not* that assessment will be collected at the meeting, on the 26th and on th* last day of •ach month. It's very important for local and diaUat members that they remember thew thro* dstes. Pay your asresam^mt on tlm* and avoid unpleasant eon* qu*nc«. In emit of suspension, you aro not entitled to sick bent-fit. So --attend th* monthly meetings and pay your a«»***m*rtt on tim*. JOK PAULKNICH, */' 4 Secretary. i mammmmmSm^mmmmammmtmrn.- >• A suit caw for catrying b«bj«*' clothing hus If* n invoU- J 'llust ean be unf>»lde«i to f'Herf a chjir, iii'-li»«l-ihr a bnril In |»revefil an wi spast .falling out. mmmmmmmrnmmmmmjmmm/mmmmmmmm lag Hat, Feb. 4. at f p. m. at Ml W National ave. I'le«** ae* that alt th* flower«, cändy. fruit, magasines and young'!", attend; the adelu ae* aleo ether gifu during her rceent lllnew.l iaviled. I hava baen rending a lot about tlu Jolly Kansan. cirlca. They s«*m to b* lesding sll th* other clrci*s. 1 •njoy reading Olga Knapicli's Utters. I think that some day our circle will be on top, ALICE POPOfNIK, Viee-Prea., Circle 18. - J. Z. Jrs! 'Heart to Heart? Dance Feb. 11 LIBRARY, PA.—Here's some mor* news conc*rning our "Il*ai1 to Heart" Dane* U> he held on Feb. U at the Library Kiovane halt. Again 1 mention that the music will be furnished by Stua Vinton and hi« well-known hand, and at which time I oan definitely say, will make a hit with all you dance lovers as well as thoae observing ^ Need I ask you «gain to mark thj« day on your calendar? If you haven't done ao, iU* nut liesJUt*, now 1« th* time oi tl w)ii Up late, in/ismueh m the time is tepidly approaching, The rucerss of this affair depenfls upon your roofs iitiss, The J. 7s. Jrs. would also like to •*« a gang of out-of-U>wncrs invad* osir dance. The ball will be decoiated With balloons, confetti, aiuJ b*«t of «ell tkert will h* a heart for <*ach aad everyone of you We guarantee thai y«,u will get your money1« worth Refietthments Wilt k* served. With a last reminder of out daw«', lit «ay, so-long »otll ihnt and K»»f»-mr. to see >"" aM oil tke llth MTFLI.A J. AMBKOSIC, liHigr&t and to all who visited her In the h»s pi tal and b#(p«>d mske that, perii^j mor* p4ea«ant. There will br a Juv.-nile Cirrlr meet- A guvcrmaret <*mmi«ft«o» 1« rtudy-Th* Bowling fommit'e* will meet'tag Ik* putúbl* d«-vrl.,|«nent of, s mi the HKT ball San., Fell. 6. 4Ü rom- «dienUcal »»' F.g.pi ikioegb mitte* nomlm. are urged U atomd ¡ ¡*lU» of h/drus4i* trie |»ower at BAIMiKKK EYES é KAM. 1Aswan dam Jolly Allis Lodge 686 WEST ALLIS, WJ».~Not Wed-nesdsy Is meeting night again. Some things to b* diseuaaed will be our ontrivs to the Midwest Bowling Tournament, a sleigh ride party, oui May daace and the National Tournament. Things to appreriaU will be the entertainment of th* entertainment committee. All bowler« who are Interested in the Mldw*«t Tournamont mu«t hav* thoir entry aignod and given to the ace'y no laUr than ai the meeting. Now in training at Tvrakan's spacious gym is the Jolly Allis whit* hope, Frank First, going through th* daily grind und*r th* watchful *y*a of tho««' two baloney nurses, Emil and John Terskan. Lola of luck, Frank, w* hav* the whol* lodge too'ing fer you. * r .. , If you ar* wondering about all th* «now, blsrne it on to Bart; h* ordered it. 11« got himaelf a toboggan and skis and says it took him ten years to eppraclaU our Wisconsin winters. John Ool* Is h«lping him *njoy it. Bur* cur* for fros*n k*yhoies »ays Tony Yemaik is to get a couple Jolly Allis hot air sperialiaU around The f|rat team set« aeaarrn record 2677 snd tek* two from league l*ad-•ra, Tb«- bi»y« are going bel and ar* looking at that low totel in tbe city tourwament with htgh hoy*« of b*ai mg it Hop iritenda to b* signed to a long term ('«mtrart umprring the Jolly A III» Wolverine Annuel battb, iiut o*e on our team can writ* bis it*«»* to any e<«atrart olliei than the KKtOKI) ATTKNDANCK AT HMmmU'AL MOIÜKTY The Chicago Historical Society te-port» that Ike attendance fe» lb* was th* greateat in the ft years of tb* institution, end-that duiing tb* last If month* mere *ahibits wer* la-Mtailed and s«pplement*d then In any on* te play with the Uam. So, Rup you'd better g*t Htefflor to sign the contract, Ho until again aa the big mous«« said to the little mouaiesi iM'a g*t what w* can but look out for the cats. THE OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN. 8TIIX A I.AHr.K COUNTRY r/s«cho-Mlov*kla has lost t*rrltory recently, but It Is still larger in both area and population than H*lgium, Holland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Lithua nia, Latvia, Estonia, Albania, Portugal, Hungary or Hwitsarland. 400 Yearn of Coffee Budapest, Hungary, is c*l*brating the tooth aaalvvrsary of th* first cof-fee house In Europe Coffee was in- Ramblers' Spotlight HARMAKVIM.K, PA. For tke success of thu Itamblsrs' dance we must give a word of thanks to th* Lodges o( the ES Federation of W. I'en na for thlsr kind cooperation, We had a great showing from Strabane, Verona and Universal, We «specially thank our Seniors of l«odge 472 for their good cooperation. Turning to tha Westmoreland Federation, liar-minis was wsll represents«! along with the Mumu ( adata. Affairs W* Shall Atl*nd On F*b. 11, the Strshane Pioneers will have a dance at tha Sloven* hall there. This affslr shall b* wall rep irsanted by Varona, Universal and llsrmarvllls, for these three ESI, sro good neighbors,- Also on Feb. II, tho J. 7,. Jrs. of Library observe thoir "Heart to Heart" danc*. Several Itamblsrs shall attend this affair.-* The Imperial Lucky Stars ar* having a Polka Danc* on April 8t and we shnll b* well repretentod there iilsn. We hsven't attended sny of tfl«ir affairs y*t because of a groat distance, Four of us dslegates attended th* last Federation masting In Imperial Jan. 16 snd found that they have a fine Club and Dane* hall. So we'll lie recing you April 89. SPORTS. Tha llsmblers ar* well nn their' way In baskatba!l and ar* looking for gam*.. Any lodge wishing to book a gam* write William Kaus at 87(1 Port»r si, Oakmnnt, or Joe (.aligns at 4$t Fourth st. W* ara willing to play any day In th'« weak exccpt Ssturday or Sunday. A M % A net bar Dear* Tb»- member« of our lodge hav* *gt**d at th* Jan. m*etlng to hav* imother danc*, to b* held in th* liar-wick Union hall on April 11,- Notice, RambUrsi Th* n*st monthly mating «hall b* held on Thurs,, F*b. 17, at 7:10 p. m. Th* offlcsrs* kindly ask all th* m»mb*rs to sttend snd tak* part In making this danc* a great success. WILBERT JOHN BESOINC, Lodge 718. froduc*d into Kurop* by tb* Turks. It did not roach England until 160», and was unknown in Hrasil until 1740, Spirit- O- Grams By Wkeesll KT. I/MJIS, MO.- Professor Oason-lus speaking. Just iij ees* yeu haven't heard of It, consult Uro. P*te Kokal, 1111 due to coma about. The United States Government is due for a big refunding program by next spring and the corporations likewise will be needing large sums of money and this should give the real demsnd for the investor's dollar. Thus they expect 1089 to bring about the changes to higher yield ia these securities. He spoke about the recommendations which were listed and advised that we might easily go into corporate bonds with double A rating. lie was questioned about the re view of our Investments such as wss presented In 1987 and stated that we could have such a review if desirable However, he referred to the letter of recommendation« which was forwarded "to each member of the Committee and thought that might suffice. He also referred to the letter on the West Palm Beach refunding program and advised ua to go along with the refunding. A motion was duly made, seconded and carried that we ask Moody's for a report on our holding similar ta one issued in 1887. Brother Petrovieti reported ai follows: 1—He read Moody's letter regarding the 916,000.00 Lorraine Telephone Company's bonds which will be retired on December 1st, IMS. The letter was placed on file as read. t—A letter from Moody'a on B. J. Mortenson fl's was read and the Committee decided to retain our 186,000.00 holding In this corporation. ft—A letter from Blair and Co. regarding our Michigan Public Service Bonds wafcread and H was duly moved that we sail half of this issut at par or better. 4— Brother Petrovtch made an Investigation of the property on which we have loan No. 69-J, and reports that the mortgager ia taking good aare of the property and that the past due note is current on Int-.«rent. He feels satisfied that the not* will be paid in the course of time. 6 The mortgager af the property on which we haw loan No. 1*6 has made a payment since the laat meeting and because he had returned to work will be able to pay about $60.00 monthly, hereafter Th«* property is being well kept. Poor working conditions were responsible for the .delayed payments. 6--The Youngstown property has been rented. Brother Vider reported aa follows: 1—A bill from PhiUp B. Heller on the Sla Point Realty Company refinancing was presented and approved. I—A letter from Abraham. Me-Graft, and Fraaier regarding the legal fees in connection with the suit which has been instituted to collect the past due interest an our City National Bank Building. Omaha. Nebraska, botida was read and placed on file. ft—Illinois Bond and Collection Her vice offered to tab« UP »6S.000.00 'Fact Book'Lists 7J05$2 in Unions Labor Research Association's no« "Leber Fact Book" (Vol. IV), just published, hats ?,706J*t workers en relied In trade unions in the United stale* The total represents tt per cant of the »6.000,000 eligible »age ~and salary earners in the reuntry, and was reached during a two-year period of the greatest sdvaneea ever ssade by Aawtican labor Labor Pact Book distrtbatea the uniea membership aa fellewtt Com m it tee far Industrial Organisation. 8*718,000; American Pederatiaa af Labor. UBftB, sad taiijisliw aniens (chiefly the rail read brother hoods), SlIJtT The book aamnsarises activities af the CIO, A PL and railroad eeieae Spring the paat twe years, and votes sportal, sort ions to see* of eatetandlng new eeiaes, among wkieh the American Ne«rapepet Ootid ia la eluded It eompriees 04 pagaa of heady roforeqes. eeateiatag tueb farts as a liet af national sad international union* and thetr member »hip ftgares The book t» raid let |1. - worth Toss vi lie Spec ml Aasesement bonds. The offer was not accepted A phone call to H. £p«er and tions in formed us that we should be able to make a better deal for these bonds A mption was duly made to allow Brother Vogrich to arrange some sort of a deal with Bpeer and Sons at 70 or better. Motion was amended to allow Brothers Vider and Cainkar to aasist in disposing of these bonds The motion was carried as amen« Brother Vogrich reported on the following matters: 1—During the month a total of f77,07741 was placed in FHA mortgagee, ft20,100.00 in the Cleveland area and ft6«,»7741 in the Chicago area. 9—City of Thomaaville, North Carolina bonds in the amount of 980400.00 matured and were paid. 5—We received 99.200.00 for our Glades County bonds from William R. Reynolds. 4—Pasco County, Fla., exchanged 92640040—6% callable bonds for the same amount of 4% non-callable bonds. 6—Loan No. 114-A in the smount of 96600.00 expired on December 14, I960. The mortgager asked for an extanaion. A motion was duly made, seconded and carried that we aak the mortgager to pay 960040 upon renewal of the mortgage and that the payments be 96040 quarterly on principal and in terest. 4—Brother Vogrkh was asked to gat the best offers for our Los Indios School District (Texas) 6's for the next meeting. 7—The State Examioars have suggested that we dispose of our Robs town Paat due interest coupons. Ac cordingly, a motion was duly made, seconded and carried that these coupons be sold at 00 cents or better. 5—Available for investing this month, 970400.00. Brother Lot rich reported aa follows: 1—The Sttncich property was sold by »Robert E. L. Brooks, Inc. 2— An offer to exchange our Hrvat-ski Dom for a large building and 38 acres of land in Grand Beach, Mich., was received. The Committee was authorised to investigate the property and determine what could be done. ft—A numbor of offera have been received for opr property at 2790-72 East 79th Street but none were accepted. 4—Three offera have bean received for the property at 1744 Washburn, the highest, 91800.00. The offers were not accepted. Crummer and Company advised us that Dade County, Florida, was desirous of exchanging the 922,000.00 School District No. 8 for non-callable bonds with a reduced Interest eats. The offer whs not accepted. It was decided to secure more Information about the Detroit City Ice and Fusl Company bonds for our next meeting. The Committee agreed to secure more information about tax collections, etc. on the Blanden County, North Carolina, bonds In order to de cide what to do about the 989,000.00 bonds which we hold. By unsnimous consent, the Committee postponed selling the Knox-vllle, Akron, Cumberland, Beaufort and Conrsd bonds. A discussion was held about KIIA mortgages and the inability to secart them at par. As k result, Brother Eupan moved to buy theae mortgagee at 101, including this month's allotment of 970,000.00. The motion waa seconded and carried unanimously. A discussion was held on gold as the basic standard af sxchangs, its value and relationahlp to other precious metals. The discussion was of an informative aa wall as an educational substance. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:80 p. m Matt Petravleh, Chairman bsiaW 1. Let rich, Recording Bec'y P. A. Vider. Secretary. Voice from a Badger Sojourning in Wyoming KKM MERER. WYO,—Hello. Badg rrs an< Badgerettee! This is my first letter to you In Prosveta this year. 1 hope Old Santa was generous to you end wish that health and happi ne»» will be youra in 1989 As far ae I sm concerned, being away from my family snd friends. I had aa good* a time during the holidays aa eouM be expected, at the same time being thankful for the progrees I have made on the roed to recovery. I hope to be beck with my family sometime In March, which can't be any too soon. This rountry mag be all rig|| fpr caw-boys, but I'll the "good of» Milwaukee" anytime and leave thla country to the Cow boy a. So my little slater haa been mar tied nearly twe months new. Who says theae modem marriage« don't laat. eh. Johnny? Congratulations to the AI Maraa on the new addition to the family. Woader If he la going U be a bowler like hia daddy. Hew ever, l^eo Krhwetger, dent target to see AI and sign up AI Janlor aa a new Badger, Am wondering, tea. w H#t HHjf John Spek has leel hU pencil beeaaae he deUen't write aay nsore The weather here te quite a bit colder than H le in Milwaukee, but one deeeni notice it aa murk because of the high sitltade which •aetntain« a dry eeld We have bed e bit enow, of coarse, and a few bheaerd* which enwrapped u* late the m Rrport« have it that a gay tins waa had by all who attended the Fun o-Leer New Year'a eve party. Naturally, thia made mc almoat homesick, but I really don't envy the boys on the "day-after." * I*o and Otto, no doubt, felt better with the rest of the participants a few days after. I wish to thank you one and all for writing to me and for your good wishes as to my health. Ill be sfeing you all soon, I hope, also Vicki snd Dotie. EDWARD JERKB, Lodge 684. Front Porch News By Mick 'a Lee CANTON, OHIO/—A chorus of Good-byes" and "See you again" and snother affair was brought to a close for Lodge McKinley, Jan. 14. Despite the "typical New England enow-bound" weather, there waa much gaiety in evidence and the group of SNPJera and frienda in attendance revelled in the dancing, ainging and other available pieasurea. Our out-of-town visitors included the Masallon 8NPJ boosters who turned out en masse. They are a splendid group and exceedingly cooperative with SNPJ lodgea in this vicinity. Then too, there was Fnnnie Luter whoh came from Akron but who vehemently declares she is a "Veroni-an." Accompanying her was Vic Jakovac of the "Veronians," and, aa you might . have expected, Henry Previc, also from the Penny hills, visited Canton for this occasion. There waa little doubt but that everyone enjoyed himself and we hope they will put in repeated appearances at our future affaire. Chicago AFL Leaders Aid Guild Strikers CHICAGO. — Support from AFL unions for the Guild strike against the Chicago Herald k Examiner and Evening Amercan began to assume Impressive proportions last forthnight. This development, of great promise to the strike, seemed certain of even speedier growth in the near future as a result of recant developments exposing the fcham of the management's position and the large amount of cooperation being givon to the papers by certain leading AFL officials, particularly President Fltapatrick of the Chicago Federation of Labor. The support for the Gull4 showed itaelf dramatically aa the strike wa^round-Ing out its third month when more than 100 rank-and-file leaders organised the AFL Committee to Aid the Guild Strike snd distributed an open letter sttacking Fitapatrick's activities. The letter was handed to 800 delegates at a meeting of the C. F. of L., yet no member arose to defend Fltspetriek, who waa in the chair. , Meanwhile, the atrike la going on. "A bona fide strike of workingmen," said CIO Director John Brophy in an address before the Hearst strikers recently, "Is entitled to the unified support of all labor, no matter what other differences there may be." SAC Holds Dance WEST A-LL1S, WIS.—Our 8lovene Auditorium Club is holding ita bingo parties at Komar's hall every Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock with cash awards to the winners. The Club is backed by the Slovene organisations. Last Haturdsy a joint pillow party was held by the combined women's lodges at the »ante hall, and on Bat., Feb. 11, a Doma*a Zabava will be held at the same place by men of our local lodges when all the service will be in their hands. The Slovene population of thia city is very large snd Is well represented In business, profession, Friendly City News (Continued from page 4) The Friendly City Girls' teams are still holding their weekly bowling matches snd due to lack of competition in Johnstown they have journeyed to Latrobe and Cumberland and were also entered in the SNPJ tournament in Csrrick. They have come out of these gaases happy and wiser in the wsys of bowling. They are the only Girls' Bowling team in Johnstown, and with the effort and en-Ibaalasm jhows in their weekly practices they will develop into a strong Duck Pin team.. Louis Rose la Write» that the Revellers desire s game in Johnstown. The Friendly City teams are receptive io this and an effort will be made to schedule games with the Revellers in the near future. Geo. Resick of duck pin tournament fame promises not to haw his camera with him when he attends the Friendly City dance on Feb. 4, so all you lads and lasses can come out of hiding and be there, too. Jane Fradcl also promises to be present How about Sharon, Ambridge, Sygan, Library, Clairton??? The Triglav gang will be there aa will be the South Fork boys. THE JOHN8TOWNER. Friendly City is preparing for an<-other victory. The latest is a dance on the 4th at which Joe Koracin'e ever popular Aces will officiate, assisted by Joe's Sisters with their songs and Lew Clawson with hia rap-id-fire talk. A large number of out-of-towners promise to invade our city on that date. The F. C. girls are «till going strong in their bowling, with A. Gells's high and B. Jacoby and E. Deaelon runners up. REN EE. WOMEN'S CLUB TO HOLD DANCE FEB. 4 MIDWAY, PA.—The local Slovene Women's Club is aponsoring a dance this Sat., Feb. 4, at the SNPJ hall here. John Ludwlg and hie orchestra will play anappy polkas and mod ern selections. A beautiful valentine (a box of delicious ehocoistee) will be given swsy. Refreshments and genuine krsnjsko klobsse, also hot dogs, will be available at very small cost. We sre expecting a very large crowd, snd we will be dissppointed if we do not see yea with us. We wish to thaftk the Moon Run Women's Club for thpir hospitality snd thoughtfulnass Aown us on our recent visit with them, especially to Mrs. Jennie Ycrsla tar her assistance. We spent a very enjoyable afternoon with them which wil| be reciprocated in the near future. It is a splendid ear-by group to occaeionally, making new s to our educa-learn from one thought to invite a attend a regular m for it not only friendships, but it a< tional endeavors as another. It also helpf the new clubs. The Moon Run club is one to-be proud of Its achievements;, they are congenial and willing worlrers. We cordially invite all of the nearby clpbs and lodgap to be with us on the 4th. Bring yoijr Wbando, sweethearts and families. MRS. JOSEPH JANESHEK, Sec. and In Industry. A primary election will be held Msreh 14 In the city and county for judges. Mr. Glojek. a Slovene attorney of this city, is running for the office of police judge. He deserves our^upport in the coming primaries, andNf nominated, also In the final election, tet us show that the Slovene people #f this city are civic minded and am a powerful factor. The Committee: JOSEPH TURCK, Chairman. Your Health VITAMINS . I minished appetite, lack of vigor, night Diseases In the temperate sone .re blindness, retarded growth, dry skin, more prevalent during the winter and diarrhea, poor resistance to Infection spiing months than at any other «usceptlbllity to respiratory dls-time. Tkere is leas sunshine present during - thcie months. The people during this time eat more meate, refined redasU and potatora. People lead more of an Indoor life and are frequently mposed to crowded gatherings such as theatres, dance halla, sport pavilions and house parties. Therefore, something Is neceatary In our diet to combat the dlaeasea. The for vitamins Is neceasary to maintain health. Vitamins are «ubatances of unknown compoeition pieeent In vary smalt amounta In natural foodstuff*. whleh are eeeential to normal tissue changes in the body The lack of theae vita-mine la the diet cauaes various deficiency diaee»e» and weakness of the human body. It so happens that the food producta riebe*' In vitamins are with few eaeepUeas the producta most abundant and most easily obtained la the summer snd autumn. Planning the winter diet so ae la provide elenty af vitamins may therefore help substantially in preventing diseases and maintaining good health. Many Items of faad are rick ia atore than one 'vita* tain. Pleaty of all vitamins te satisfy the health requirements of normal people amy be had by selecting wiaely a limited renge of desirable food* dally. Feeds Heb in the principe I knoon vHemiae are listed below Vitamin "A" deficiency causae, a diminished pi stationary weight, h di eases, especially tuberculosis. Vitamin "A" Is present in fair aomunte in orange juice, pineapple Juice, peaches, epricote, artlchockes, string beans, yellow corn, wheat bran, wheat -germ, aummef squash and co coanut. In relative large amounts, vitamin "A" is found In American cheese, cow's milk, evaporated milk, fiah liver oils, parsley, turnip greens, beef liver, butter, eggyoke. lee cream, green vegetables, oysters, prunes, sal mort, spinach, tomstoea, bananas, cabbage, lettuce, peppers, cream and car-rote. Vitamins "B" snd "B-P deficiency cause weaknees, poor appetite, «torn-sch disturbances, slow heart beat, retarded growth, nervousness, fret fulness, loss In weight, glandular disturbances. Increased susceptibility to Infection and diseases such as Beriberi, multiple neurltie. convulsions, and ao me tl me* even paralysis. - Vitamin "B" and "B-l" are found In fair amounta in apples, pineapple, peaa. raisins, string beans, cauliflower, celery, sweat potatoes, eggs and rye. Is large amounts, these vitamins are found in grape fruit, lemon joke, orange juice, lima boaas. lettuce, pees, white potato, tome toe, eggyoke. caw's milk, evaporated milk. rice, wheat bran, kidneys, elmeade. bfeail nuts, rheatnuta. roroenula. peanut«, pecans. English walnuts and bead moiaeaea. and In abundance, ia asparagus, carrots, rahbege. white earn, yellow rant, whole wheat, cane molasae«. bran rice wheat germ, liver and past, h fL Vitamin "C" deficiency causes tender jointa, retarded growth, defective feet, poor resistance, soreness and bleedings of the gums, loosening of teeth, fragility of the bones, weakness, restlessness, stomach disturbances, headaches, hemorrhages, swollen joints, sterility, lung and stomach disturbances, and diseases such as scurvy and drying-up of muscles. Vitamin "C" is found in fair smounts in apples, bananas, peas, string beans, carrots, sw»et potatoes, and kidneys. Relative large amounts are found in pineapples, strawberries, onions, white potato, liver, brain, oysters, peaches, raspberries, rhubarb, turnips, watermelon, gooeeberries, brussel rprouts, beets, kale and bananas and, in abundane, cabbage, water cress, currants, lemon juice, lettuce, limes, orange juice, spinach, grape fruit, tomatoes and tangerines. Vitamin "D" deficiency causes decayed teeth, lack of vigor, retarded growth, low blood calcium, bow legs, reatlessness, rickets, softened bones, enlarged joints, curved spine, pigeon breast and beaded ribs. Vitamin "D" is found in fair amounts in beef fat, cream, eggyoke, ice cream, mutton fat and cow's milk. In relative large amounts, vitamin "D" is found in butter, codlivcr oil, halibut liver oil, salmon oil, sardine oil and in sun rays or ultra-violet rays. Vitamin "E" deficiency causes low fortuity, sterility and nervousness. Vitamin "E" is present in nsarly all green haves and whole grains. It ia found in abundance in corn oil, hempeeed oil, lettuce and wheat germ oil. Vitamin "G" deficiency causes stomach dieturhances, impaired growth, lack of vigor, weakness, loes of hair, ulceration of tongue, loss in body weight, breakdown of central nervous system, short life span and diseases such as pellagra and dermatitis snd, sometimes, cataract of the eyes. Vitamin "G" is present in fair amounts in asparagus, beef, beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, water-crees, ice cream, lettuce, pears, peas, salmon, spinach, tomatoes, turnips and veal. In relative large amounts, vitamin "G" is found in eggs, kidneys, liver, milk, and yeast. , All vitamins are prepared in, concentrated form by various drug manufacturers and can be obtained in either capsules, tablets or liquid. This is usually prescribed by the family physician. In some cases it is necesrary to add concentrated witamins with the regular vitamin diet to maintain good health daring the winter and spring months.—J. J. ZAVERTNIK, M. D. COMETSTTAILS UNIVERSAL, PENNSYLVANIA.— We have our troubles, pretty often, in evaluating the worth of athletics in our lodges in publicity valpe, membership gains, et cetera. Mapy timea, and with good reaeona, it la argued that the athletically-inclined members do not put into the lodge the interest and work that they ought But our indignation would calm down somewhat if we watched our athletea in action. It makes us realixe that athletics is one of the things that keeps the lodge alive from meeting to meeting, and the year round. Down in the Wm. McKinley school on Friday nights our basketball team can be seen flinging them through the hoop. Come down and see them in action. They're not champs, but they do look good in thoae claasy uniforma, and with the letters of the Society and lodge on them. On Jan. 13, the SNPJ Ramblers Lodge of Harmarville out-shot our boys in a fast gsme to the' tune of 29-88. LOUIS V.KUMER, 716. SLOVENE BOOKS IN MINNESOTA . VIRGINIA, MINN. -Virginia, known aa the "Queen City" of the Iron Range, namer the Public Library among the finest assets of the com munity. The library has the largest par capita circulation of towns of its sise in the state. The book collection contains 48,000 volumes. There is s fine reading room for adults and s well chosen library for children. A branch library serws the north end of the town. Recently, library service has been extended to rursl people. Virginia is one of four regional libraries to serve the lagre county of St. Louts. The library contains books in tan fonsign language» including 8lo vane and Croatian. Since the recent additions were made in Slovene these books have been populsr. An effort la being msde to reach all foreign speakiag people. A cordial invitation has bean Issued to everybody to make ufce of this excellent library. EDITH A. RECHCYOL, ."* ' Librarian. Easter Sunday Is Closer Every Day! Again we have Old Country Style Hickory Smoked Sausage. Stomachs. Soft Summer Sausage. Boneless Smoked Butts.„............)b. S6c Short Shank Picniea.....,...,Ib. 86c 4 to 4 lbs. average. Regular Ham* ...............|h. S8c 10 to 16 Iba. For a more enjoyable and complete dinner serve our products'.' Sent anywhere in U.S.A., 6 lbs. or more prepaid. Send Money Order with your order WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY^ S. N.P.J. Sports MIDWEST BOWLING TOUBNAMENT NEWS IRON MOUNTAIN, MICH.—After a week and a half in the dense woods, I finally got a chance to mail a letter. An article regarding the tournament was written by myself last week, but we were drifted in for four daya, and I could not mail the letter, so it hsd to be left for this week. v., :*.-.:■ As everyone should know by this time, the Annual SNPJ Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held in Milwaukee on Feb. 26-26 at Hank Marino Recreation, No. 6th st and W. Wisconsin ave., in t^e heart of the city. The establiahmcnt haa sixteen alleys on one floor. This convenience alone should make the tournament s success. Hank Marino, as the average bowler knows, is the retired world's match bowling champion, and he has promised his assistance in conducting the tournament. „ By thia time all lodges should have their entry blanks, as they were sept out a few weeks ago. If for some reason your lodge did not receive an entry blank, please write Leo Schwei-ger at 1026 So. 8th at, Milwaukee, and it will be aent out immediately. The tournament will be classed iqto three divisions—Women's, Men's English and Men's aenior division. Winners in each diviaion will receive models, and of course, cash prises, i The entry fee for each event is 91.26, bowling included. Also there haa been 9100 appropriated by the Supreme Board toward the success of the tournament. With all these facts in mind, the tournament cannot fail to be the best SNPJ Midwest Bpwling affair to date. - As is staled on the entry blank« the cloaing date for entry is midnight of Feb. 10. There is still plenty 0f time betwefn now and Feb. 10, so under no circumstances will any entry * be accepted after that date. That will leave the committee ample time to line .up the teams and place a schedule in the Prosveta a week or so be. fore the tournament The doubles and singles will take place on Saturday, Feb. 96, beginning at 12 o'clock noon. The team bowling will be dene on Sunday, Feb. 26, start-ing at 10 a. m. We will try to ar-range for teams of any distant city to bowl on the early shifts io a* to give them an opportunity to leive sooner if they wish to do so. So, if your entry is aent in immediately and if you apecify any opproximaU bowl-ing time, we will try to comply with your request But, miad you, the enkry must be sent as seen as possible. If you haven't sufficient entry blanks, you can use a blank sheet of paper and just state the name of the team that is entered. As for the dou-hies apd singles the names of th« bowlers must be put down in the order that tlmy will bowk In that Way we will be, able to schedule the bowlers a* correctly as possible,, also it will avouj confpsion st the time of bowling. Thje should give you sufficient data of the tournament proper, so all you have te do now is fill out your entry as.soon as possible snd msil it to Leo Schweiger. Try to get as many team aa poeeible to make the tournament s great success. , So get busy—send in that entry now! A. R. VERBICK, 684. ŠESTMESEČNI RACUN MED DJUJÖTVI IN JBDNOTO ad 1. julija da 81. decembra 1988 FINANCIAL STATjEMENT FOB SIX MONTHS \ from Jaly 1 te December 81, 1938 (Nadaljevanje s 6. strani) VPLAČILA--1 ^PLANOV JOSEPH 4» High street I.RMKOVAB ■teclee, Wh o*cw» le« fea. m