Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 50/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8. 12. 2019 2. Adventna NEDELJA 2ST Sunday of Advent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Dejavna vera V dveh svetopisemskih odlomkih današnje nedelje, se srečamo z dvema slikama iz kmečkega življenja, ki ju razumemo v nadnaravnem smislu. Prva je postavljena na začetek ene najlepših pesniških strani preroka Izaija, ki je potem postala ena najbolj znanih mesi-janskih pesnitev. Prerok simbolno razločuje podobo Davidovega naslednika, dediča tistih bolj propadlih oseb, ki so si doslej sledili na jeruzalemskem prestolu. Misel pesnika gre k odsekanemu in posušenemu hlodu, ki je prispodoba greha in nezvestobe Davidove dinastije. Na tem mrtvem štoru, naenkrat, glej, vršiček življenja, popolnoma nepričakovan: to je mladika, torej milost, božji dar, ker tiste suhe korenine ne bi mogle nikoli pognati. Tako nastane tista povezava: kralj-Mesija, kakor Vršiček, kar bosta povzela tudi preroka Jeremija in Zaharija. Na ta zeleni vršiček zapiha veter. V hebrejščini ista beseda pomeni »veter» in »duh«. Veter, ki prečeše novo krošnjo drevesa Jeseja (Davidovega očeta), je zdaj (Sveti) Duh, ki je v polnosti razlit na Mesija-Odrešenika. Tudi Jezus bo v nazareški sinagogi, če navedemo še en Izaijev verz, rekel: »Duh Gospodov je nad menoj, ker me je mazilil, poslal me je, da oznanim jetnikom prostost in slepim vid, da oznanim leto, ki je ljubo Gospodu« (Lk 4, 18-19). Božji Duh naredi Mesija za kralja pravičnosti. Podobe so mogočne. Njegova sodniška beseda bo tako učinkovita, da se bo takoj spremenila v bič, ki tepe nasilnega; dih njegovih ustnic, ki izgovarjajo obsodbo, je podoben meču, ki se vzdigne zoper hudobijo. Mesija se postavi na stran pravice. Razsežnost sodbe v Kristusovem prihodu ne smemo poenostaviti in jo narediti zgolj za usmiljenega Jezusa, namenjenega pobožnim dušam. On nas krepko vabi h graditvi kraljestva pravičnosti, nepristranskosti in varovanja ubogega. VESTNIK 2019 | 547 Druga kmečka podoba in isto sporočilo sta v središču Krstnikovega lika, ki kraljuje v Matejevem evangeliju. Tukaj je razkošno drevo z malo sadeži in je tudi dvorišče, na katerem kmet prečiščuje žito: umazanija in prah odletita stran, svetlikajoče se žito pa ostane. Kakor se zakurijo nerodovitna drevesa in kakor se ob žetvi prečisti žito, tako bo Mesija poiskal zlo, ki je skrito pod človeškimi hinavskimi dejanji in bo korenito prečistil človeško vest tako, da bo sežgal vse slabo. Božja beseda se nam predstavlja z resnim obrazom zahtev, ki jih prinaša vera. Janez Krstnik in Jezus začenjata oznanjati z istim stavkom: »Spreobrnite se, ker se je nebeško kraljestvo približalo!« Spreobrniti se v grškem izvirniku pomeni spremeniti mišljenje in življenje, spremeniti pot. Pomeni tudi iskanje, odločnost in celo vznemirjenost. Pomeni tudi odkriti obličje pravičnega Boga, ker je »pravičnost prvi korak ljubezni, spoštovanje pa temelj prepustitve Bogu«, kakor pravi francoski pisatelj George Bernanos. Pomeni tudi, da vznikne iz pepela vere, ki je brez barve, okusa in vonja, krepka in dejavna vera. »Oznanjeno ti je bilo, o človek, kaj je dobro, kaj Gospod hoče od tebe: nič drugega, kakor da ravnaš pravično, da ljubiš dobrohotnost in ponižno hodiš s svojim Bogom» (Mih 6, 8). Apostol Pavel pa nam je tudi danes naložil koristno in ne lahko domačo nalogo, ko pravi: »Zato sprejemajte drug drugega, kakor je tudi Kristus sprejel vas, v Božjo slavo« (Rim 15,7). Ljudje smo zelo povezani med seboj. Bolj, kot bi mislili, vplivamo drug na drugega - v dobrem in še hitreje v slabem. Še posebej se nam to dogaja v ozkem krogu zakona, družine, prijateljev ali sodelavcev. Poskusimo prav na tej ravni spreminjati sebe in naše male skupnosti. Adventni čas nas vabi k poglobitvi. Zato je veliko vreden v življenju kristjana: vabi nas k molitvi in razmisleku o Bogu sebi, kliče nas k spreobrnjenju srca in k spremenitvi odnosov. Vzemimo si kako minuto časa na dan, da se zamislimo o sebi, o tem, kaj pričakuje od nas Bog in kaj od nas upravičeno pričakujejo ljudje. Tako bomo lahko počasi zoreli, da bi lahko sprejeli božje sporočilo v podobi novorojenega Otroka, ki v božični skrivnosti prihaja med nas - za nas. - (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005) 2. Sunday of Advent Response: In his days may righteousness flourish, and peace abound forever. First Reading Isaiah 11:1-10 The spirit of the Lord will rest on the offspring of Jesse, and he will judge the wretched with integrity. Second Reading Romans 15:4-9 Christ came to bring salvation to all, pagans as well as Jews. Gospel Matthew 3:1-12 John the Baptist calls us to prepare the way for the Lord through baptism and repentance. "Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight." Illustration The word "mission" has had different meanings in the history of the Church. Today it can refer to the outreach asked of each of us as Christians to those who are not of our faith. In the early twentieth century it was used more particularly to describe the work of the Church in the developing world. The "missions" were the parts of the world where church members offered education, medical support and overall care as well as the underlying message of the faith. The practical acts of care were the living expression of the faith proclaimed. Closer to home there were also regular "missions" in parishes. These were visits usually by religious from the Passionist, Redemp-torist or Jesuit orders with the intention of challenging and renewing parishioners. They 552 | VESTNIK 2019 might spend a week visiting all the names in the parish register, and then there would be a week of conferences, confessions and spiritual devotions. The style of the conferences tended to the dramatic and pessimistic. There is a very good description of one in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. A major subject was that of the four last things: heaven, hell, death and judgement, though heaven was given short shrift as it was doubtful if we were going there. Then the Second Vatican Council happened, and this negative twist seemed to become a thing of the past, and such missions became more of a rarity. God was loving and compassionate, a friend who constantly forgave us our sins, but as an older parishioner once remarked: "I do miss at times 'the withering curse of an angry God'", a lurid phrase he remembered from an old-style mission. In our world of wanting to tell and be told how good we are, even when we are not, how do we find space for this darker side of the human soul? Gospel Teaching Some would see the division we have described as being the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament the picture of God is that of an angry judge, in the New Testament the picture is that of a loving saviour. Our readings today undermine the simplicity of such a view. In our reading from Isaiah we are offered a vision of peace, even among those who are naturally enemies. The concern of the awaited saviour will be to put right injustices and give a voice to people who are poor and wretched. In our Gospel reading you feel John the Baptist would be perfectly at home in one of those old-style parish missions. As he prepares the way for the Lord he launches into a full-blooded attack on the powers that be, the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It is interesting that John does not specify the failings of his antagonists. He highlights their assumption that they are in the right through being children of Abraham, and he suggests that they are not producing good fruit. The image he chooses is that of a farmer separating wheat from the chaff with his winnowing fan, not an image we can perhaps conjure up easily today but an everyday sight at that time, and an activity that demanded energy and vigour. The one who is to come will be challenging and forceful too. Application Any attempt to resolve this conundrum begins with Jesus himself. He chooses to be the victim of violence rather than invoke his mighty powers to bring home the truth of his message. By doing this he reveals the nature of God. At the same time he is in no way irresolute in confronting his enemies. He is clear in his condemnation of the self-righteous and those who use their positions of power to lord it over others. He also seems to have become fairly exasperated by the obtuseness of his disciples at times, in their case referring more sadly to their lack of faith and their likely weakness under attack. His main concern is to find a way of communicating that gets through to his listeners. Hence his frequent use of parables, which tell stories, sometimes violent, sometimes even immoral, with a sting in their tail. He is in pursuit of that change of heart, the repentance first preached by John the Baptist but also at the centre of his Gospel message. All of these elements seen in Jesus offer us a way forward, both in our self-analysis and also in the way we too try to communicate and live out his Gospel. VESTNIK 2019 | 547 552 | VESTNIK 2019 Slovenski Park and St. Gregory the Great have joined forces again this year to work at creating the best New Year's celebration ever. With a fabulous "A night at the Oscars - On the Red Carpet" theme, so many ideas are going around that it is impossible for this night to win an Oscar itself! We've got décor that fits right in, a great band Sibaj that is going to create great music for the evening, a delicious meal, raffle prizes to be won, a complimentary drink on entry along with a surprise guest appearance that will have us all mesmerized. So if you're ready for a great evening... make your reservations, purchase your tickets and get ready to have a once in a life time party on December 31st. Ticket prices until December 15th will be: $80 for adults, $55 for students. The cost of these tickets after December 15th will be: $99 for adults and $65 for students. So... to ensure your place at our 'New Year's Oscars/Red Carpet event', be sure to contact Heidy Novak at 905-3176002 or We are going to need many helping hands to make this a great night! So, volunteers, give me a call and sign up! Friends of our community, we need raffle prizes, so if you can help out with this, please let us know ahead of time - and thank you ahead of time for your generosity. - On behalf of your parish council, and Slovenski Park - We wish you all a wonderful and hopefully warm Sunday! Božič in Novo leto v društvu Sava Nedelja, 15. december 2019 - BOŽIČNICA Sveta maša ob 12:00 p.m. Po maši praznično kosilo in obisk Miklavža-Santa Claus Cena za kosilo: Člani ne plačajo; Nečlani $18, Mladina-študentje $10, za otroke od 12. leta navzdol je zastonj. Rezervacije najkasneje do 10. decembra sprejemata: Marija Prilesnik (519-884-4736) in Zinka Mirt (519-884-6194) Sreda, 1. januar 2020 - NOVO LETO Pričetek praznovanja ob 1:00 p.m. Za dobro razpoloženje bosta skrbela Ansambel Niagara Button Boxers in Walter Ostanek - Praznično kosilo bo samopostreženo ob 2:00 p.m. Obvezne rezervacije in plačilo najkasneje do 15. decembra. Cena vstopnice: odrasli $30, študentje $15, od 12 let navzdol prost vstop. Rezervacije sprejemajo: Marija Prilesnik (519-884-4736) Angela Prilesnik (519-579-8620), Zinka Mirt (519-884-6194) VESTNIK 2019 | 547 552 | VESTNIK 2019 Week 1 Candle : Prophet's Candle Symbolizes: Hope [•-y-^ Reminds Us: Jesus is coming Verse: Romans 15:12-13 MH Prayer: O Lord, stir up Thy power, Owe pray Thee, and come; and with great might help us, that with H^H the help of Thy grace, Thy merciful ^^ forgiveness may hasten what our sins impede. k Who livest and reignest forever. M Amen. m Week 2 Candle: Bethlehem Candle Symbolizes: Faith Reminds Us: Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem Verse: Luke 3:4-6 Prayer: O Lord, stir up our hearts that we may prepare for Thy only begotten Son, that through His coming we may be made worthy to serve Thee with pure minds. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen. The wreath's symbolism of the advent (coming) of Light into the world is clear. The gradual lighting of the four candles, one on each Sunday of the Advent season, combined with the liturgical colors of the candles (purple is the penitential color used during Advent and Lent; rose is a liturgical color used only on Gaudete Sunday in Advent and Laetare Sunday in Lent) help to symbolize not only our expectation and hope in Our Savior's first coming into the world, but also in his Second Coming as Judge at the end of the world. The wreath itself is also symbolic. The circle of evergreen in which the candles are placed represents everlasting life. On the first Sunday of Advent, you may sprinkle the wreath with holy water and bless it before the first purple candle is lit. The candle[s] are lit each day of the week, followed by the blessing before meals, if you use the wreath at mealtime. Week 3 Candle: Shepherd's Candle Symbolizes: Joy Reminds Us: The Joy the world experienced at the coming birth of Jesus. Verse: Luke 2:7-15 Prayer: O Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the race of Thy visitation. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Week 4 Candle: Angel's Candle Symbolizes: Peace .. Reminds Us: The message of the ' angels: "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men". L J Verse: John 3:16-17 Prayer: O Lord, stir up Thy power, we ^^ pray Thee, and come; and with great Q J might help us, that with the help of Thy grace, Thy merciful forgiveness may hasten what our sins impede. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen Children who are old enough can take turns lighting the candles. On Christmas Day the white candle, symbolizing Christ is lit. The Advent season is a good time to pray the Angelus at family meals. Blessing for the Advent Wreath: O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour forth thy blessing upon this wreath and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the Coming of Christ. You sent Your Son to be the Light of the world and to spread his light of love to all. Bless us and may the ever increasing brightness of candles be a sign to us of the approaching nearness of your Son, that we might prepare in joy for his humble birth in a manger and be ready to receive him at his coming again in glory; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen VESTNIK 2019 | 547 552 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 547 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji_ prihodnosti_ ♦ 8. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Slovenska šola - Miklavževanje. Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 8. dec.: Lipa Park - Santa Claus & Festive Luncheon ♦ 15. dec.: Sava - Mass 12:00 p.m., Dinner & Mi-klavž-Santa Claus ♦ 15. dec.: Slovenski Park - Members Christmas Party 2:00 p.m. ♦ 15. dec.: Triglav - Mass 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine, Social ♦ 15. dec.: Bled - Božičnica - Christmas Lunch ♦ 17. dec.: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Božičnica 7:30 p.m. ♦ 24. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Eve -English Mass 6:00 p.m., Slovenian Mass 10:00 p.m. ♦ 25. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Day -Slovenian Mass 9:30 a.m., English Mass 11:00 a.m. ♦ 26. dec.: Lipa Park - St. Stephan - Mass 3:00 p.m. ♦ 31. dec.: St. Gregory the Great & Slovenski Park -New Year's Eve Celebration ♦ 1. jan. 2020: Lipa Park - New Year's Day Luncheon ♦ 1. jan. 2020: Sava - New Year's Day Luncheon gift bearers - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 8. dec. 10:00 a.m.: Bartolac Family ♦ 15. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin ♦ 22. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Karl in Milka Ferko ognjišče_ Prosimo vse naročnike, da čimprej povedo ali bodo naročeni na revijo OGNJIŠČE tudi v letu 2020. Če bo kakšna sprememba moramo to sporočiti do 15. decembra. Naročnina za leto 2020 je 88 kanadskih dolarjev. Hvala. duhovnaobnova_ Letošnja duhovna obnova bo v sredo, 18. in v četrtek 19. decembra. Ob 5:30 p.m. se bo začela spoved in med mašo bo kratek nagovor. Spovednika bosta lazarista g. Leopold Valant in dr. Stanko Gerjolj. društvosv. jožefa_ The Annual Društvo Christmas Party will be on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:30 PM. On behalf of the Board, we invite you as our guest. We will have special entertainment provided by Christmas Pageant_ We invite all children of our parish to come and participate in our Christmas Pageant on December 24th, 6:00 p.m. Mass. The theme this year is "The Night before Christmas". Scripts will be available for those wishing to participate on the day of Miklavž and practice will be on Dec .14th and 21st at 12:30 p.m. (After Slovenian School). Please contact Mary Miklavčič at 905664-4927 / or Sonya Podrebarac at and let us know that you will be joining us. Come on out and share your talents and have some fun! Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 552 | VESTNIK 2019 Branko Pouh. Our traditional draw for Poin-settias will be held with all funds raised going to St. Gregory Parish fund raising projects! darovi_-_ donations_ Za gradbeni sklad ste darovali: - $300 N.N. - $200 Ivan in Minka Šemen - $200 Štefan Kolar - $50 Marija Košir Hvala za vse vaše darove. cwl-_ kžz_ CWL initiated Food Drive for the month of December. At this time of year our minds turn to thinking of the less fortunate. In the spirit of the Christmas season we are inviting everyone to donate non-perishable food items for those in need. Consider donating items such as canned fish/meat, canned/dry soup, pasta/rice, sauce, canned vegetables and baby food. A donation box has been placed in the church foyer. We thank you for your support. Dogodki v preteklem tednu_ Ob sredah zvečer ima običajno vaje angleški zbor. Tudi to sredo so bile vaje vglavnem v pripravi na božične praznike, še posebej za mašo ob 6h zvečer. V sredo zvečer pa so imele mesečno srečanje tudi članice KŽZ. Stekli so že prvi načrti in pogovori za Bazaar. Tako so v četrtek zvečer že zamesili testo za rezance. Po pevskih vajah mešanega pevskega zbora so moški pomagali pripraviti mize v mladinski sobi, tako, da so lahko v petek dopoldne ženske začele z akcijo - »izdelava« rezancev. Ker je postopek že utečen od prejšnjih let, vsaka, ki pomaga že ve, kaj je njeno delo. Delo se je potegnilo tja do druge ure popoldne. Je pa zato soba polna zlatorumenih rezancev. Sicer pa je to ne samo delavno, ampak obenem tudi družabno srečanje, ki razvedri tudi duha. Če je kakšna, ki nima kaj delat doma, lahko pride pomagat. Naslednja akcija je v torek dopoldne. V petek zvečer sta Frank in žena Romana nalepila naslove na kuverte. V soboto dopoldne sta s Sonya Podrebarac zlagala božično pošto v kuverte in jo pripravila, da jo danes lahko vzamete. Vzemite zase in tudi za sorodnike in sosede, da bomo imeli manj pošiljanja po pošti. V Slovenski šoli je bilo vse v pripravah na današnje Miklavževanje in Božič - izdelovali so okraske za božično smreko. Uradne ure za konzularne zadeve v Torontu V torek, 17. decembra od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. Konzularne ure so v prostorih Generalnega konzulata na naslovu: 731 Brown's Line, Toronto, Ontario M8W 3V7. Priporočamo, da pred nameravanim obiskom konzularnih ur v Torontu, preverite termin na Veleposlaništvu v Ottawi. Telefon: +1 613 565 5781 . i # SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 547 od 8. 12. 2019 do 15.12. 2019 svete maše - masses 2. Adventna nedelja 8. December Brezmadežna Za žive in rajne župljane f Ed Kodarin f Marija Bukvič ff Kristina in Ilija Pavličič ff Paula in Franc Pelcar ff Anton in Katarina Tonaj f Ilija Bartola MIKLAVŽEVANJE 10:00 A.M........... Ned Sejranič Družina Pučko Sin Maks z družino Stan Pelcar, Josie Dube in druž. Olga Čulig Sin 11:45 A.M. ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA Ponedeljek - Monday 9. December Bernard Jezusov, red. f Eileen MacKenzie 8:00 a.m.N.N. Torek - Tuesday 10. December Loretska M. Božja f Pavel in Paul Richard Novak 7:00 p.m. Helena Špiler z družino Sreda - Wednesday 11. December Damaz I., papež t Franc Marič 7:00 p.m. Ivan in Jožica Gerič t Franc Marič Družina Marič t Jože Langenfus Žena tt Marija in Alojz Joželj, France Jernejčič Hči Sonja Četrtek - Thursday 12. December DM iz Guadalupe f Edward Eržen 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Petek - Friday 13. December Lucija, dev-mučenka V čast Jezusovi Krvi Za zdravje hčerke 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic Francka Seljak Sobota Saturday 14. December Janez od Križa, duh-uč. f Marija Matko f Ivan in Ana Bujan f Irma Dorenčec f Jože Hanc f Marija Nemec f Franc Marič f Franc Marič 5:30 p.m. Martin in Regina Nedelko Družina Kapušin Ivan Nedelko z družino Ivan Nedelko z družino Hermina Kavčič z družino Olga Hanc z družino Družina Raduha 3. Adventna nedelja 15. December Za žive in rajne župljane ff Martin in Jožefa Kobe f Ed Kodarin ff Ignac in Ana Krampač f Irma Dorenčec f Jožef Gerič, obl. 9:30 a.m........... Hči Marija Bajuk Ned Sejranič Olga Čulig Ignac in Gabriela Robačer 11:00 a.m. Joe in družina Kristina, devica n Pokojni člani društva Sava 12:00 noon SAVA - Breslau tt Pokojni iz družin Kraner in Vinter Družina tt Pokojni člani društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Church t Štefan Horvat Joe Lackovič z družino 552 | VESTNIK 2019