VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 451 VESTNIK 2022 | 453 VESTNIK 2022 | 455 VESTNIK 2022 | 457 VESTNIK 2022 | 459 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM KRISTUS KRALJ 3TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CHRIST THE KING SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 47 /58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20.11. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Praznik razodetja božje podobe Sklepno središce liturgije je predstavitev najvišjega središca, ki združuje in povezuje vse nitke zgodovine in vesoljstva. V tej tocki »omega«, ki na nekakšen nacin zapecati vse crke abecede vsega bivajocega, vse besede, vsa dejanja - tu se pojavi Kristus, kateremu je »dana vsa oblast v nebesih in na zemlji«. Te-daj bo, kot piše Pavel Korincanom, »dovr-šitev, ko bo kraljevanje izrocil Bogu Ocetu ... Kajti on mora kraljevati, dokler ne položi vseh sovražnikov pod njegove noge ... Takrat bo Bog vse v vsem« (1 Kor 15,24-28). Danes torej castimo zmagoslavni obraz Kristusa, ki je vladar vsega bivajocega. To ni netrpec in strog obraz, zgolj proslavljen z zlatom in svetlobo. Res je: k tej podobi prispeva današnja liturgija, ki se zateka k posnemanju Davi-dovega profila v trenutku njegovega najvecjega velicastva, takrat, ko je nastopil svojo službo v Hebronu, v vsej svoji mogocnosti, kot mesijanski simbol. Pomenljivo je tudi, da uvodna himna pisma Kološanom (ki je drugo berilo današnje liturgije) povzdiguje povelicanega Kristusa, ob-danega s svetlobo: »Z veseljem se zahvaljujemo Ocetu, ki vas je usposo-bil za delež svetih v svetlobi. On nas je namrec iztrgal iz oblasti teme in nas prestavil v kraljestvo svojega ljubljenega Sina.« Vendar nam Kristus predstavlja tudi od krvi in trpljenja izmucen obraz, zaznamovan z »mocnim vpitjem in solzami« (Heb 5,7). Prav nic ohrabrujoc ni ta lik kralja mucenca, Boga, ki joce, Gospoda, ki je reven in ponižan, kralja, ki deli svoje življenje in usodo s sužnji. Na prikrit na-cin se ta ne navdušujoca razsežnost Kristusovega kraljevanja prikazuje že v simbolicnem liku Davida, cigar življenje so napolnjevale nenehne preizkušnje: smrt sina, ki ga je imel z Betsabejo, upor in nasilna smrt drugega sina Absaloma, vojne, žalitve Semeja, izdaja Ahitofela, prevrat Seba, kuga in tako naprej. Gre za dogodke, ki jih pri-poveduje Druga Samuelova knjiga. Pavel v navedeni hvalnici spominja, da je Kristus »spravil s seboj vse stvari«, vendar »jih je pomiril s krvjo svojega križa«. Je pa tudi res, da nam Lukov evangelij ne slika zgolj trpecega Kristusovega obraza, temvec tudi nje-govo ravnanje, polno ljubezni in podaritve, kar je ne-kaj neverjetnega pri zemeljskih oblastnikih. Njegov prestol je križ, njegov dvor predstavlja vsiljiva in so-vražna množica, njegova »ministra«, postavljena ob njegovi strani, sta bila hudodelca, kraljevsko cast so nadomestile žaljivke in prezir rimskih vojakov, raz-glasitev njegovega kraljestva je bila zaupana sarka-sticni temeljni odredbi, ki ni bila vklesana v marmor, temvec z žeblji pribita na križ. V vsej popolni absur-dnosti se je potrdil tisti Jezusov odgovor, ki ga je ne-kaj ur pred tem prihranil svojemu sodniku, cesarjeve-mu namestniku Pilatu: »Moje kraljestvo ni od tega sveta ...« Vendar ima Kristus tudi svoje kraljestvo. To je za-slutil njegov tovariš v muceništvu, ki ga je prosil, naj ga sprejme v to »kraljestvo«. In Jezus razkrije ime svojega kraljestva: nebesa (»paradiž»), izraz, ki je perzijskega izvora in spominja na »rajski vrt«, to je na »idealen« kraj, kjer vlada popolno obcestvo z Bo-gom, v miru in veselju. Kristusovo trpljenje in smrt sta postala »kraljevska pot«, ki izgubljeno cloveštvo vra-cata v zapravljena nebesa, to je v Kristusovo kraljes-tvo, ki ga je obnovil, kajti clovek ga je z grehom raz-rušil. Prisluhnimo sv. Janezu Krizostomu, enemu iz-med velikih pridigarjev prvih stoletij kršcanstva. »Ta tat je ukradel nebesa. Nihce pred njim ni niko-li slišal podobne obljube, niti Abraham, niti Izak, ne Jakob in ne Mojzes, ne preroki in niti apostoli: ta hu-dodelec je vanje vstopil pred vsemi. Vendar pa je tudi s svojo vero presegel vse prej omenjene. Videl je trpe-cega Jezusa in ga je pocastil, kot da bi bil že v slavi. Videl ga je pribitega na križ in ga je prosil, kot da bi bil na tronu. Videl ga je obsojenega in ga je kot kralja prosil milosti. O, obcudovanja vredni hudodelec! Videl si križanega cloveka in razglasil si Boga!« (Prim. Oznanjevalec - C_2006/7, štev. 5) 450 | VESTNIK 2022 452 | VESTNIK 2022 454 | VESTNIK 2022 456 | VESTNIK 2022 458 | VESTNIK 2022 460 | VESTNIK 2022 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. First Reading 2 Samuel 5:1-3 All the tribes of Israel choose David as their king. Second Reading Colossians 1:12-20 The Son holds all things in unity and reconciles everything in heaven and everything on earth. Gospel Luke 23:35-43 Jesus promises the gift of the kingdom to the criminal who believes in him. “Above him there was an inscription: ‘This is the King of the Jews.’” Illustration Do we look forward or back in life? We are told that the ideal is to live in the present. But as human beings our lives are coloured by our memories. If we were hurt badly or received little love when we were young, much of our lives may be spent in trying to heal those wounds. If we were loved and helped to be secure by our parents, families and friends, we tend to be more confident and face our world with trust and openness. It may seem odd, but if we are happy as children, we tend to leave home more easily. If we are sad, the break can be more difficult, as though tentacles of unresolved issues and guilt tie us to the past like rampant bindweed. It can also be more difficult to see alternative ways of being. It is as though our imaginations are dulled; the freedom of our spirits curtailed. We look forward fearfully. Whatever we do, we feel things are likely to go wrong, and we will repeat the patterns of our childhood. Some-times, in contrast, we react by becoming wildly op-timistic. This time I will get it right. This time all will be well. But such hopes are often based on what we desire others to do for us and not upon an aware-ness of ourselves or how we might make things different. We swing between fond hopes and near despair. There is little acceptance of the mixture of good and bad in each of us, knowledge of which helps us move forward realistically with patience and humour. Gospel Teaching As Jesus hangs on the cross, he is surrounded by the crowd and their jeering leaders. The language is that of anger and disappointment. Some of them might have had hopes that Jesus would be the Cho-sen One who would free them from the yoke of the Romans. Others might have been upset by his clear teaching that the way of the Chosen One was not that of political rebellion. In both cases they are stuck in the past. Once they had kings. Once they had been an independent people. A king should have the power to save himself as well as others. The soldiers and one of the criminals join the mock- ing. Their limited understanding is given ironic ex-pression in the inscription put above him: “This is the King of the Jews.” As so often in the Gospels, the truth lies else-where. Jesus calls for a vision that goes beyond our ordinary way of thinking. So many of his detractors want Jesus to make their lives easy, to heal their ills and free them from oppression. There is no sense of their own responsibilities or contribution they might make. This is the difference between them and the good criminal. He understands clearly his own self. He is a criminal who is being justly punished for what he has done and accepts it. But he still has hope. Through reconciliation and through trust in Jesus he might yet be saved. In his response Jesus recognises his faith with the promise that he is al-ready reconciled; he is already in the kingdom. Application If we are to be like the good criminal, we too need to have a clear picture of who we are and also that same underlying trust in Christ. St Paul speaks of how everything in heaven and everything on earth is reconciled in Christ. Christ holds all things in unity; he takes us out of our darkness of misunder-standing, failure and despair, and makes it possible for us to join the saints and with them inherit the light. If we look back, it is to judge ourselves as accu-rately as possible. The aim is neither to blank out our responsibility for who we are nor to become en-meshed in a sense of guilt and failure. Sometimes we blame ourselves too much, sometimes we blame others, but either way we become caught up in false hopes and expectations. The miracle does not lie in someone waving a magic wand to wipe out all that is difficult in our lives. The miracle lies in our encounter with Christ that takes us forward through his healing and rec-onciling power. It is this power, celebrated especial-ly in the sacrament of reconciliation but also in the whole of our sacramental life, that enables us to continue to grow in the life of faith on earth and to share in the fullness of God’s glory in heaven. Curbside Cabbage Rolls! Saturday, November 26, 2022 Cabbage Rolls - (freshly made and cooked that morning!) 5 for $15, 10 for $30 Apple Strudel - (unbaked, frozen) 24” length $20 Pre-Orders only from November 14 to 16: By email only: Please specify the name of the person who will be picking up the order. You will receive a confirmation email after ordering with your pick-up time, and total cost. Please bring cheque or exact change on pick-up day. Thank you for your support! Please respect our ticket order DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 8. No late orders accepted and no tickets at the door. Thank you! Lipa Park, invites you to join with us in celebration of the Festive Season Sunday, December 4, 2022, Doors open at 12 noon Lunch will be served at 1 p.m. sharp // LUNCH: $20 per person Goulash with Polenta or Pasta For meal reservation, please call in advance, and before Tuesday, November 29 to: Anica Orešar 905-684-0036 or Mary Vrhovšek 905-682-7055 This social afternoon will include a visit from Santa Claus! All children will receive a gift from Santa, but MUST be registered in advance. Please call with the name, age, and boy/girl designation of your children before Sunday, November 27. Cathy Vrhovšek-Guerra 1-905-309-9294 or Brenda Cernac 905-321-2745 Lipa Park invites you to celebrate the Yew Year New Year's Day Celebration - Sunday, January 1, 2023 Doors open at 12 noon Delicious home-style luncheon served at 1 p.m., $40 per person ***Ticket Order Deadline*** - Friday, December 23 Dance, sing along, and enjoy the music of Duo Pannonia throughout the afternoon! For tickets: Mary Ann Barich: 905-945-3750 or John Gerden: 905-708-7221 Ura je že, da se zbudite iz spanja, zdaj je naša rešitev bliže kakor takrat, ko smo vero sprejeli. (Rim 13,11-12) Praznovati advent pomeni: biti deležen hrepenenja po božjem prihodu, po spreobrnitvi, ki nas obraca k njemu. Tako doživljamo, da se nam Bog v naši temi ved-no bolj približuje. (holandski katekizem) Verniki, ki iz svetega bogoslužja prenašajo advent-nega duha v svoje življenje, premišljujejo neizrekljivo ljubezen, s katero je deviška Mati pricakovala Sina. Njen zgled jih nagiblje, da se po njenem vzoru pripravljajo na prihajajocega Odrešenika in mu gredo naproti v molitvi bedec in v svojih hvalnicah se radujoc. (sv. Pavel VI.) Adventni cas nam vraca obzorje upanja, upanja, ki ne razocara, ker je utemeljeno na Božji Besedi. Poklicani smo razširiti obzorje našega srca, da se bomo pustili presenetiti življenju, da ne bomo odvisni od naših gotovosti, od naših ustaljenih shem, kajti Gospod bo prišel tisto uro, ko si ne predstavljamo. (papež Francišek) Cim bolj se bližamo božicnim praznikom, tem vec mora biti v meni svete tišine, nestrp-nega pricakovanja, nenehne prošnje: Posveti me, Gospod, s svojo navzocnostjo. (F. Sodja) V adventu zvezda repatica, ljubezni in miru glasnica, naznanja betlehemski cas in drobnih strun srebrn glas: nebeško Dete bo rojeno, vse stvarstvo bo blagoslovljeno. (Berta Golob) Advent Dear Young People! The theme of the Panama World Youth Day was, “I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me ac-cording to your word” (Lk 1:38). After that event, we resumed our journey towards a new destination – Lisbon 2023 – with hearts afire with God’s urgent summons to arise. In 2020, we meditated on Jesus’s words: “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (Lk 7:14). Last year too, we were inspired by the figure of the Apostle Paul, to whom the Risen Lord said: “Arise! I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen” (cf. Acts 26:16). Along the route we still need to travel before arriv-ing in Lisbon, we will have at our side the Virgin of Nazareth who, immediately after the Annunciation, “arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39). Common to these three themes is the word: “arise!” It is a word that also – let us remember – speaks to us of getting up from our slumber, waking up to the life all around us. In these troubling times, when our human family, already tested by the trauma of the pandemic, is racked by the tragedy of war, Mary shows to all of us, and especially to you, young people like herself, the path of proximity and encounter. I hope and I firmly believe that the experience many of you will have in Lisbon next August will represent a new beginning for you, the young, and – with you – for humanity as a whole. Mary arose After the Annunciation, Mary could have focused on herself and her own worries and fears about her new condition. Instead, she entrusted herself com-pletely to God. Her thoughts turned to Elizabeth. She got up and went forth, into the world of life and movement. Even though the astonishing message of the angel had caused a seismic shift in her plans, the young Mary did not remain paralyzed, for within her was Jesus, the power of resurrection and new life. Within herself, Mary already bore the Lamb that was slain and yet lives. She arises and sets out, for she is certain that God’s plan is the best plan for her life. Mary becomes a temple of God, an image of the pil-grim Church, a Church that goes forth for service, a Church that brings the good news to all! To experience the presence of the risen Christ in our own lives, to encounter him “alive”, is the greatest spiritual joy, an explosion of light that can leave no one untouched. Mary sets out immediately, anxious to bring the news to others, to bear witness to the joy of this encounter. This too is what caused the haste of the first disciples following the resurrection: “[the women] left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples” (Mt 28:8). In the accounts of the resurrection, we often en-counter two words: “awake” and “arise”. With them, the Lord pushes us to go out towards the light, to let him lead us across the threshold of all of our closed doors. “This image has great meaning for the Church. We too, as disciples of the Lord and the Christian com-munity, are called to get up quickly, to enter into the mystery of the resurrection, and to let the Lord guide us along the paths that he wishes to point out to us” (Homily for the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, 29 June 2022). The Mother of the Lord is a model for young peo-ple on the move, who refuse to stand in front of a mir-ror to contemplate themselves or to get caught up in the “net”. Mary’s focus is always directed outwards. She is the woman of Easter, in a permanent state of exodus, going forth from herself towards that great Other who is God and towards others, her brothers and sisters, especially those in greatest need, like her cousin Elizabeth. /Continues in next Vestnik/ MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE XXXVII WORLD YOUTH DAY 2022-2023 “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39) SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Sunday, November 20, 2022 ST. GREGORY'S PARISH 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Teresa Župancic Irene Glavac Rosemary Pavlic John Doma SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Vladimir Jose Brundula-Ilija Nikola Lukežic BURSARY WINNERS Luka Stankovic Matteya Moccia Zanna Emond Ethan Burke Virag Mya Chambers Miklavž will be here on Sunday, December 4th, and so will our ladies prepared to make Krofe for us all to enjoy. Because we have had so many requests for Krofe, they will be made early Sunday morn-ing and we plan to have them ready for pick up on Sunday after mass. To help us know the quantity that we will need to make, we will be taking orders this time around. If you would like a large num-ber of 'Krofe' we will confirm your request once we have a better idea of how many or-ders are being placed. As everyone knows, costs have increased drastically, and the maintenance of our church is ongoing. For this reason, donuts will be sold for $2 each to cover our costs and anything left over will go directly towards our parish needs. To place your order, please contact Pam-ela Gosgnach by text or telephone at: 905-304-8719 (Please call after 3:00 p.m.) Please place your orders by Thursday, December 1st so that preparations can be made accordingly. Thank you! MIKLAVŽEVI KROFI Feb 21, 2020 BAPTISM - SVETI KRST Zakrament sv. krsta je v soboto, 19. no-vembra 2022, prejela Amelia Mary Marcy. Starša deklice sta: David Marcy in Lisa, roje-na Lipovsky. Iskrene cestitke staršema ob krstu njunega tretjega otroka. Naj ju sprem-lja božji blagoslov in varstvo nebeške Mate-re Marije. NEW YEAR’S EVE at St. Gregory the Great will be happening this year. We haven't had a proper celebration to ring in the New Year since 2019, so we thought it was definitely time to change that and prepare for a night of Dinner, Dancing, Family and Friends! With intentions of making sure everyone marked their calendars for this fun night out, we wanted to ensure that everyone knew well ahead of time that St. Gregory's is the place to be to ring in New Year's 2023! More details for our New Year's celebration will be shared over the next few weeks, how-ever, here are some tidbits of information for you: We have a band! "Ansambel Šibaj" We have a cook! Thank you Betty Gimpelj for agreeing to cook for our New Year's event! If you would be interested in helping out in the kitchen, New Year's Eve day, give us a call - we are hoping to set up 4hr or 5hr shifts (paid positions) so that nobody is in the kitch-en for the entire event. If you would be interested in helping with washing dishes, give us a call - we will need 2 people (paid positions) to help with this task starting at about 5:30-6pm until approximate-ly midnight If you would be interested in helping with bartending (paid positions) we will need 2 people for the bar as well If you would be interested in serving din-ner (paid positions) we will need 4-6 servers depending on how many guests attend our New Year's Eve celebration. We are also looking for volun-teers to help organize, deco-rate and clean-up before and after this event. I know this may sound gruel-ing, but with a little food, a little wine and some good company, this part of the job is actually quite a bit of fun! If you would be interested in helping out with this, please let me know. (Heidy Novak 905-317-6002). Decor clean-up usually happens a couple days after New Years so we all have a chance to recover from the festivities. All helping hands are welcome and new ideas would be refreshing! So let's look at this as an opportunity to hit that reset button we've been speaking about and let's create an unforgettable 2022-2023 New Year's event! This is going to be fun - call your family, call your friends and get ready for a good time! Heidy Novak, 905-317-6002 OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI: - NOVEMBER - Nov. 20, 2022 - Scholarship presentation after 11:00 a.m. Mass - Nov. 26, 2002 - Lipa Park - Curbside Cab-bage Rolls - Nov. 26, 2002 - Bled - Hunter’s Banquet - Dec. 4, 2022 - Slovenska šola-St. Gregory the Great - Miklavževanje - Only one Mass at 10:00 a.m. READERS - BRALCI BERIL November 20, 2022 Slovenska maša - Sue Augustin English Mass - Elka Peršin GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS Nov. 20 - Albina & Jože Antolin Nov. 27 - Sam & Elizabeth Petek CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - CIŠCENJE CERKVE Nov. 26 - Gosgnach team CWL - KŽZ CWL membership envelopes will be available from Pamela Gosgnach as of Wed. Nov. 23rd. These envelopes can be re-turned to Pamela or placed in the collection box in the vestibule. Please note that membership fees have gone up and are now $35. $25 is directed to national office, $3 to the provincial office, $6 to the Hamilton Diocese and $1 covers insur-ance. Rationale for this increase includes a significant decrease in membership and an increase in operation costs. Our CWL council voted against this in- crease in fees but since a majority of councils voted in favour of the motion it was passed. Thank you for your understanding. Our next CWL general meeting will take place on Wed. Dec. 7th after 7:00 PM Mass. Clanice KŽZ ste povabljene, da se udeležite spominske maše, ki bo 23. novembra ob 7h zvecer. Pri tej maši se bomo spomnili vseh pokojnih clanic tako KŽZ kot tudi SOD. MIKLAVŽ - UPDATE We have good news from Miklavž! Due to Covid over the last few years we haven't been able to celebrate Mi-klavževanje with our usual luncheon and visit from Mi-klavž and his angels. We also missed celebrating 60 years of Miklavževanje at our Par-ish. This year, we will return to normal and Miklavž and his angels will visit us in our hall after a delicious lunch. Tickets: - Adults (14+): $25.00 - Children (up to 13): $15.00 At this event we will also be celebrating all our students who graduated during Covid while we were limited to our online classes. I hope you will all join us in celebrating Miklavž, so we can continue this beloved Slo-venian tradition, as well as the successes of our young Slovenians. For reservations, please contact Sandy at or 905-977-8464 DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $100 - Ivan in Maria Šemen V spomin ali namesto cvetja za pokojnega Franca Ferencak so darovali: - $100 Regina in Martin Nedelko - $100 Rozalija Cule z družino - $100 Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec - $200 John (Ivan) Farkaš in Anne Stevens V spomin ali namesto cvetja za pokojnega Jožeta Kolenko so darovali: - $ 100 Ivan Zelko - $100 Toni in Marija Franc Hvala za vaš dar. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: 34. NEDELJA MED LE-TOM KRISTUS KRALJ 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 20. NOVEMBER EDMUND, KRALJ †† † † † †† † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Pok. iz družine Gosgnach Štefan Mlinaric, obl. Branko Temlin Frank Pavlakovic Elizabeta in Jožef Geric Janez Žunic (TO) Joe Kolenko Olga Peternel Rudi Hanc, obl. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Joe Gosgnach z družino Matilda Prša z družino Marija Volf Marija Hocevar Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Matilda Prša z družino Marija in Toni Franc z družino V. Harrison Žena z družino Svete maše - Masses DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - TORKOVI VECERI Villa Slovenia - Tuesday’s night social gatherings started November 1st from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. S prvim novembrom so se v Villa Slovenia zopet zaceli »Torkovi veceri«. Vabljeni, da po “dolgem casu” zopet pridete skupaj in preživite nekaj uric v dobri družbi prijateljev in znancev. Vucko Štefan November 21, 2004 Marinko Vincenc November 21, 2013 Mlinaric Stephen November 23, 1982 Jeraj Ljudmila November 23, 1998 Tonaj Katarina November 24, 1973 Kanc Stane November 24, 2010 Slana Zvone-Tony November 24, 2020 Drvaric Sidonia November 25, 2014 Mesicek Franc November 27, 2005 Dim Ivan November 27, 2013 ADVENTNI CAS - ADVENT TIME Prihodnjo nedeljo bo že prva nedelja v ad-ventu. Imamo 4 adventne nedelje. Letošnji adventni cas bo trajal skoraj pet tednov, ker je sveti vecer, 24. december, na soboto. Svete maše bodo kot smo jih imeli zadnjih nekaj let: ob 6:00 p.m. bo v angleškem jeziku in ob 10:00 p.m. v slovenskem jeziku. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 14. 11. 2022 - 20. 11. 2022 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 21. NOVEMBER Darovanje Device Marije † † † †† Marta Rašcan Igor Petrovic Ivan Kirec Pokojni župljani sv. Gregorija V. 7:00 P.M. Bernarda Milosavljevic Dragica Đondraš Olga Hanc z družino Helena Kwasniewska TOREK - TUESDAY 22. NOVEMBER Cecilija, dev-muc. † †† †† Manja Erzetic Pok. Frumen, Kerec in Maric Pok. iz družine Kovac 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Vera Maric z družino Ivka Pašalic SREDA - WEDNESDAY 23. NOVEMBER Klemen I., pp-muc. †† † † † †† †† Decease members of CWL & SOD Joseph Prša Jessica Stanko (TO) Elizabeth Farkaš Ana in Franc Ferencak Barbara in Jožek Antolin 7:00 P.M. Memorial Mass Emilia Mertuk z družino Olga Hanc z družino Olga Hanc z družino Kathy Prša z družino Emilia Mertuk z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 24. NOVEMBER Andrej Dung in Vietnamski mucenci †† † †† † Za pokojne clanice SOD Manja Erzetic Pok. iz družine Pašalic Franc Ferencak 7:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Marija Hocevar Ivka Pašalic Ignac Dorencec PETEK - FRIDAY 25. NOVEMBER Katarina Sinajska, dev-muc. † †† † †† Jožef Gönc (Montreal) Pok. iz družine Sobocan Manja Erzetic Johan in Justina Brandstatter 7:00 P.M. Olga Glavac z družino Marija Hocevar Sandra Peternel Mirko Kolmanic SOBOTA - SATURDAY 26. NOVEMBER Valerijan Oglejski, škof Silvo, opat †† †† †† †† † † † † †† †† † Anton in Marija Štefan, Elizabeta in Robert Martin in Marija Dominko Vinko in Katarina Antolin Mira Špiler Joža Šušteršic Frank Gimpelj Joe Hanc Za verne duše v vicah Ana in Franc Ferencak Zalci Bajic 5:30 P.M. Hci Marija Košir Ivan Antolin z družino Ivan Antolin z družino Štefan in Francka Antolin Elizabeth Gimpelj Elizabeth Gimpelj Žena z družino Žena z družino Alojz Sarjaš z družino Marija Korošec z družino Mia Goodfellow z družino 1. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 27. NOVEMBER VIGIL IN MODEST, ŠKOFA † †† † † † † † † † †† † † Za žive in rajne župljane Franc Ferencak Ana in Franc Ferencak Ann Božnar Magda Udovc Tadeus Perz Darinka Ferletic Manja Erzetic Franc Štadler Franc Ferencak Apolonija in Ivan Gjerek Manja Erzetic Joe Lackovic 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Družina Cule Kathy Prša z družino John Božnar z družino Families Udovc and Levstek Žena Stanslawa Stanslawa Perz Pevski zbor Žena Amalija z družino Družina Žižek Hci Terezija Prša z družino Terezija Prša z družino Žena z družino Kramar