Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe Julianna Csugany Eszterhazy Karoly University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Economics, Eger, Hungary Tamas Tanczos Eszterhazy KaroLy University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Institute of Economics, Eger, Hungary Abstract The spatial structure of the world is unequal, centres and peripheries alternate. There are significant social and development differences between countries in the world, but there is also an unequal development within the countries. The main purpose of the regional policy is to reduce spatial inequalities by catching up the underdeveloped areas. Nowadays, in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technological progress creates possibilities for developing regions to catch up, because new technologies require new skills that are less dependent on factor endowments of countries. Most economies are unable to create new technologies because they do not have the appropriate resources or their institutional environment does not favour innovation. However, technological progress can also be observed in these countries by adopting and applying new technologies effectively. This research aims to illustrate the regional differences in the conditions of technological progress in Europe, using multivariate statistical methods. Based on the European Regional Competitiveness Index, the research question to be analysed is whether new technologies may be able to decrease spatial differences. We compare the European regions in the field of innovation in order to highlight the critical areas that can promote or prevent the reduction of inequalities. Keywords: regional differences in Europe, technological progress, innovation leaders, innovation followers Introduction There are significant differences in income and economic development between countries that can be derived from the spread of technology and the incentive system influencing this process. Diffusion is important for the realization of technological progress because it creates the possibility of imitation in countries where the capabilities do not allow the creation of new technologies. In developed countries, technological progress realizes in an innovation-driven way, where the invention is realized, but in most countries, the adoption of existing technologies, i.e. imitation, creates possibilities for technological and economic development. It ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER RECEIVED: AUGUST 2019 REVISED: JANUARY 2020 ACCEPTED: FEBRUARY 2020 DOI: 10.2478/ngoe-2020-0001 UDK: 316.422.44:316.324: 001.895(4) JEL: O33, O57, R11 Citation: Csugany, J., & Tanczos, T. (2020). Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe. Nase gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 66(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.2478/ ngoe-2020-0001 NG NASE GOSPODARSTVO OUR ECONOMY Vol. . 66 No. 1 2020 pp . 1-12 i NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 66 No. 1 / March 2020 is also observed that countries are not homogeneous in terms of their level of development, there are significant regional differences not only in income but also in factor endowments which affect the possibilities of technology application. Based on cross-sectional and panel data, national and regional growth rates are correlated with economic, social and political variables, including a number of factors influenced by government policies (Grossmann-Helpman, 1994, p. 23). Some empirical studies analyse the technological differences between countries, e.g. using the world technological frontier (see Caselli-Coleman, 2006; Growiec, 2006), but analysing regional competitiveness, the role of innovation is appreciated (Camagni-Capello, 2013; Bekes, 2015). Our empirical research aims to highlight technological inequalities at a regional level. In the European Union, the NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) is used to collect regional statistics. Based on the NUTS system, the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) provides data to compare regions' performance in various areas of competitiveness. In this paper, we try to illustrate the regional differences in the conditions of technological progress in the European Union using various statistical methods. Why Is There a Technology Gap between Countries? Based on empirical experiences, differences in technology application across countries are closely related to income differences. The technology gap depends on how a country can mobilize its resources for the social, institutional and economic restructuring required by innovation, so close relationships can be assumed between a country's technological and economic development level (Fager-berg, 1987). Developed countries create new technology because their environment is favourable for this, but it is not certain that it will work in developing countries as well. The choice of the appropriate technology depends on factor-endowments, because technology can apply effectively if adequate resources are available. Each country chooses the best technology which fits its own capabilities, but it is not necessarily the best one in the world. Basu and Weil (1998, p. 1025) pointed out that a technology derived from a special combination of physical and human capital can be optimally matched to only one capital-labour ratio. This means that a given technology cannot work as efficiently as possible in every country. According to Krugman (1979), innovation is realized typically in developed countries, because human and physical resources, i.e. skills, knowledge and material resources required to create new ideas are available together, complemented by an appropriate institutional background. Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1997) pointed out that imitation, i.e. adoption of new technology, is cheaper in developing countries, where investment and appropriate human resources are required to apply new technologies. To reduce technological and economic inequalities between regions, the innovation policies may help lagging regions to reach a critical mass, which allows them to benefit from knowledge spillovers within and across the region (Autant-Bernard et al., 2013). Lukovics (2009) pointed out that the opportunities for improving competitiveness are scarce in several regions. Nevertheless, innovation can create possibilities for regions to converge. Database and Methodology Based on the NUTS classification, the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) measures the different dimensions of competitiveness at the regional level in the European Union. The RCI is published every three years, the latest database, the RCI 2019, contains data for the period 2015-2017. RCI defines the regional competitiveness as the ability of a region to offer an attractive and sustainable environment for firms and residents to live and work (Annoni - Dijkstra, 2019). For this purpose, the RCI is divided into 11 pillars including 74 indicators to measure the different aspects of regional competitiveness and classify them into three groups: Basic, Efficiency and Innovation. The Basic group represents the main drivers of competitiveness in all types of countries. The Efficiency group contains variables from the fields of labour market. The Innovation group consists of three pillars related to the relevant fields of innovation. The triple division is the basis for the weighting scheme whose starting point is that the higher the regional GDP per capita, the higher the weight assigned to innovative aspects. Because of this, RCI considers the region's stage of development, the RCI does not measure all regions with the same yardstick but focuses on the most relevant aspects given their level of development (Annoni - Dijkstra, 2019). The pillars of the groups can be seen in Figure 1. Our research focuses on the Innovation group, with highlighted regional differences mainly in the innovation pillar because this pillar includes the most relevant variables related to technological progress. The regional technological readiness contains three variables at the regional level (households' access to broadband; individuals buying over internet; households' access to the internet). The business sophistication pillar measures the degree to which small and medium enterprises are involved in innovation cooperation, but there are very small differences in the most relevant variables. There are four variables in this pillar, employment and GVA (K-N sectors), innovative SMEs and 2 JuLianna Csugany, Tamas Tanczos: Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe Figure 1. The composition of the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) Source: Own construction based on Annoni and Dijkstra (2019) marketing organisational innovators. The innovation pillar consists of eight variables by region, which characterize well the main fields of innovation as human resources, innovation output and corporate activities. The variables of innovation pillar are core creative class employment; knowledge workers; scientific publications; total intramural R&D expenditure; human resources in Science and Technology; employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors; exports in medium-high/high tech manufacturing; sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation. Compared to the previous RCI index, patenting activities are not measured at the regional level, but sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation can be measured in regions. To compare the European regions' performance, we used SPSS to analyse the differences using quantitative analytical techniques. Firstly, regions are grouped based on their economic performance, then we compare the means of innovation variables between performance groups. In the next step, we used cluster analysis to classify regions based on their innovation performance, and finally, the correlation analysis to analyse the relationship between economic and innovation indicators in order to highlight which innovation variables have the strongest effect on economic performance. Empirical Results There is a basic assumption in economics that the economic and technological performance are strongly correlated. Firstly, we categorized regions into five performance groups based on the GDP per capita, which reflects the stages of development. Figure 2 shows this classification, which follows the categorization of RCI. In the first stage of development, the regional GDP is below 50% of the EU-28 average. There are 16 regions, out of 268, in this group that can be defined as falling behind. In the second stage of development, including 67 regions, the regional GDP is at least 50 %, but less than 75% of the EU-28 average. These are the laggards where GDP per capita is less than three quarters of the EU-28 average. In the third stage of development, Figure 2. The classification of 268 European regions based on their GDP per capita (average 2015-2017) related to EU28 (EU28 = 100%) Source: Annoni and Dijkstra (2019, p.18) 3 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 66 No. 1 / March 2020 the regional GDP is at least 75 %, but less than 90% of the EU-28 average. These 55 regions can be called moderately developed. In the fourth stage of development, including 58 regions, the regional GDP is at least 90 %, but less than 110% of the EU-28 average. They can be called developed regions. In the fifth stage of development, the regional GDP is at least 110 % of the EU-28 average. There are 72 regions, out of 268, in this group that are the most developed regions. Based on the regional GDP per capita, there is one European region, i.e. Luxembourg, whose economic performance is prominently high, because in this country there is only one region. The best performing regions include the capitals of the countries, while the least performing regions are mostly in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Using the previous classification, we compare the innovation variables of regions' economic performance group. Table 1 contains the mean of innovation variables1 by regions' economic performance groups. 1 The description and the source of these variables are in Appendix (Table A1). Using Kruskal-Wallis test to compare the means of economic performance groups, it can be stated that there is a significant difference between them. These results are found in the Appendix (Table A2). It is not surprising because, in general, the higher innovative activity is associated with the higher economic performance. Therefore, it is worth comparing the groups in pairs as well to highlight which factors can differentiate innovation performance between regions. Using Mann-Whitney U test to compare the means by pairs, it can be stated that there is no significant difference in employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors, marketing organizational innovators, innovative SMEs and exports in medium-high/ high tech manufacturing between the falling behind and laggards. There is a significant difference in all variables between the laggards and moderately developed regions. There is no significant difference in households' internet access, GVA (K-N sectors), innovative SMEs and sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation between moderately developed and developed regions. The slightest differences are between the developed and most developed regions, because there is a significant difference only in households' internet access, marketing organizational innovators, innovative SMEs and exports in medium-high/ Table 1. Means of innovation variables by regions' economic performance groups Variables Falling behind Laggards Moderately developed Developed The most developed Households' access to broadband (% of total households) 73.800 79.090 84.527 88.919 89.981 Individuals buying over internet (% of those who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use) 27.133 43.731 62.418 69.170 69.729 Households' internet access (% of total households) 75.000 81.045 87.564 91.463 92.335 Employment (K-N sectors*) (% of total employment) 6.861 9.849 14.440 16.201 17.874 GVA (K-N sectors) (% of total GVA) 16.682 19.120 23.417 24.990 26.305 Innovative SMEs (% of total number of SMEs) 0.123 0.288 0.443 0.505 0.428 Marketing organizational innovators (% of total number of SMEs) 0.139 0.279 0.402 0.444 0.479 Core creative class employment (% of population aged 15-64) 6.038 7.268 8.871 11.290 12.397 Knowledge workers (% out of total employment) 25.826 31.646 38.000 42.617 44.842 Scientific publications (per million inhabitants) 543.487 891.222 1346.186 2023.343 2480.317 Total intramural R&D expenditure (% of GDP) 0.662 0.772 1.255 1.861 2.429 Human Resources in Science and Technology (% of labour force) 28.254 34.020 42.742 46.084 48.796 Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors (% of total employment) 1.962 2.347 3.024 3.789 4.882 Exports in medium-high/high tech manufacturing (% of total product exports) 0.490 0.470 0.574 0.591 0.660 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation (% of turnover) 0.242 0.362 0.463 0.461 0.413 Source: own calculations based on RCI (2019) * K-N sectors mean Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities. JuLianna Csugany, Tamas Tanczos: Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe high tech manufacturing. Based on these results, we can conclude that there is a break between the moderately developed and laggards, so the falling behind and laggards can be called innovation followers, while the other three economic performance groups, i.e. moderately developed, developed and most developed, can be called innovation leaders. Cluster analysis is an adequate method to classify the regions based on their innovation performance. In the previous section, we compared the means, and the results show that there is no convincing difference in innovation variables between the developed and developing regions. Using a hierarchical cluster analysis, it can be stated that two clusters are optimal in this sample. This is confirmed by the previous empirical result, where there is a break between the moderately developed and laggards. In the K-means cluster analysis, there are 56 regions in cluster 1, where all innovation variables are higher than in cluster 2, consisting of 184 regions. 28 regions cannot be classified because of their missing data. Cluster 1 can be called innovation leaders, while cluster 2 are innovation followers. Table 2 shows the final cluster centres of innovation leader and follower groups. The cluster membership of the regions is found in the Appendix (Table A3). Table 2. The final cluster centres of innovation Leader and follower groups Individuals buying over internet 72.864 56.893 Households' internet access 92.614 86.632 Employment (K-N sectors) 18.834 13.061 GVA (K-N sectors) (% of total GVA) 26.778 22.085 Innovative SMEs 0.527 0.365 Marketing organizational innovators 0.485 0.359 Core creative class employment 13.230 8.902 Knowledge workers 46.150 36.756 Scientific publications 3350.058 1212.084 Total intramural R&D expenditure 2.560 1.334 Human Resources in Science and Technology 50.076 40.195 Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors 4.813 3.076 Exports in medium-high/high tech manufacturing 0.643 0.574 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation 0.428 0.416 Source: Own calculations based on RCI (2019) Table 3. Correlation coefficients between GDP per capita and innovation variables Variables GDP per capita Human Resources in Science and Technology 0.694" Employment (K-N sectors) 0.691" Knowledge workers 0.685" Core creative class employment 0.661" Employment in technology and knowledgeintensive sectors 0.619" Households' internet access 0.608" GVA (K-N sectors) (as % of total GVA) 0.583" Households' access to broadband 0.559" Scientific publications 0.553" Individuals buying over internet 0.543" Marketing organizational innovators 0.524" Total intramural R&D expenditure 0.522" Exports in medium-high/high tech manufacturing 0.395" Innovative SMEs 0.276" Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation 0.160* ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Source: Own calculations based on RCI (2019) The highest difference between innovation leaders and followers is in scientific publications, which is followed by total intramural R&D expenditure and employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors. The slightest difference is in sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation, which is followed by households' access to the internet and households' access to broadband. Based on these results, we can conclude that internet penetration is good in both groups, which creates possibilities to exploit the advantages of the new internet-based technologies. There are some interesting cases where a low GDP per capita is associated with good innovation performance, while in contrast, there are cases where a high GDP per capita and low innovation performance can be seen. Because of this contrast, we ran a correlation analysis to reveal the relationship between innovation variables and economic performance of the regions. We found that there is a quite strong correlation between GDP per capita and innovation variables; the results can be seen in Table 3. Based on the correlation analysis, we can conclude that human resources in Science and Technology, employment (K-N sectors) and knowledge workers, meaning human resources indicators, have the biggest impact on innovation and economic performance of the regions. w • , i Innovation Innovation Variables , . c ,, leaders followers Households' access to broadband 90.665 84.053 5 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 66 No. 1 / March 2020 Conclusion There are significant differences in income and economic development not only between countries, but also within the countries. These economic inequalities are strongly correlated with the innovation performance of the regions. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technological progress creates possibilities for a catch-up, because new technologies require new skills that are less dependent on factor endowments of countries and regions. This research tried to illustrate the regional differences in the conditions of innovation in Europe using multivariate statistical methods. Based on the European Regional Competitiveness Index, the research question to be analysed is whether new technologies may be able to decrease spatial differences. To answer the question, we first classified the regions into five economic performance group based on RCI, i.e. the most developed, developed, moderately developed, laggards and falling behind, and then we compared 15 innovation variables in these groups. There is a significant difference in all variables between poor performing groups and a less significant difference between well performing ones. Our analysis confirmed a strong relationship between economic and innovation performance, but also highlighted a bigger difference between the regions in innovation than in economic performance. The critical area preventing the reduction of innovation inequalities is creation of new knowledge; if the region can develop its R&D&I activity, it will become an innovation leader. It is promising that the regions converge in the field of human resources, which is the result of the labour market changes. Summarizing our results, we can conclude that regional differences remain in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but a restructuring of the economic process will occur in all regions regardless of whether the region is an innovation leader or follower, and technological progress will promote economic development. Acknowledgement Some parts of this paper have been presented at the 3rd International Scientific Conference - EMAN 2019. References Annoni, P., & Dijkstra, L. (2019). 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Discussion Papers Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Caselli, F., & Coleman, W. J. (2006). The World Technology Frontier. The American Economic Review, 96(3), 499 - 522. https://doi. org/10.1257/aer.96.3.499 European Commission (2019). Regional Competitiveness Index. Retrieved from maps/regional_competitiveness/ Fagerberg, J. (1987). A Technology Gap Approach to Why Growth Rates Differ. Research Policy, 16, 87-99. Grossmann, G. M., & Helpman, E. (1994). Endogenous Innovation in the Theory of Growth. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, S(1), 23-44. Growiec, J. (2006). The World Technology Frontier: What Can We Learn from the US States? Oxford Bulletin of Economic and Statistics, 74(6), 777 - 807. Krugman, P. (1979). A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income. The Journal of Political Economy, 87(2), 253-266. Lukovics, M. (2009). Measuring Regional Disparities on Competitiveness Basis. In Bajmocy, Z. - Lengyel, I. (eds): Regional Competitiveness, Innovation and Environment. JATEPress, Szeged, pp. 39 - 53. Sleuwaegen. L., & Ramboer, S. (2019). Regional competitiveness and high growth firms in the EU: the creativity premium. Applied Economics, 6 JuLianna Csugany, Tamas Tanczos: Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe Appendix Table A1. The description and the source of innovation variables Variables Description Source Households' access to broadband % of total households with access to broadband Eurostat ICT Survey Individuals buying over internet % of individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use Eurostat ICT Survey Households' internet access % of total households with internet access Eurostat ICT Survey Employment (K-N sectors) Employment in the "Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities" sectors (K-N) as % of total employment Eurostat GVA (K-N sectors) GVA in the "Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities" sectors (K-N' as % of total GVA ) Eurostat Innovative SMEs SMEs with innovation co-operation activities as % of total Regional Innovation number of SMEs Scoreboard (RIS) Marketing organisational innovators SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovation Regional Innovation as % of total number of SMEs Scoreboard (RIS) Core creative class employment % of population aged 15-64 Eurostat, LFS Knowledge workers knowledge workers as % of total employment Eurostat, LFS Scientific publications Scientific Publications per million inhabitants Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) - Leiden University - based on in-house version of Web of Science Total intramural R&D expenditure total R&D expenditure as % of GDP Eurostat, Regional Science and Technology Statistics (RSTS) Human Resources in Science and Technology persons educati°n ^dM empLoyed in Science and Technology as % of Labour force Eurostat, RSTS Employment in technology and knowledgeintensive sectors as % of total employment Eurostat, RSTS Exports in medium-high/high-tech manufacturing Exports in medium/high technology products as % of total product exports: measures the technological competitiveness of the EU, the ability to commercialise the results of research and development (R&D) Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2017, EC-DG GROW Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovations as % of turnover: it captures both the creation of state-of-the-art technologies (new to market products) and the diffusion of these technologies (new to firm products) Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2017, EC-DG GROW Source: RCI (2019) ~T NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 66 No. 1 / March 2020 Table A2. The results of Kruskal-Wallis test Variables Chi-Square Asymp. Sig. Human Resources in Science and Technology 132.534 0.000 Employment (K-N sectors) 123.183 0.000 Knowledge workers 127.245 0.000 Core creative class employment 128.630 0.000 Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors 83.976 0.000 Households' internet access 121.357 0.000 GVA (K-N sectors) (as % of total GVA) 81.576 0.000 Households' access to broadband 100.339 0.000 Scientific publications 97.194 0.000 Individuals buying over internet 102.652 0.000 Marketing organizational innovators 71.967 0.000 Total intramural R&D expenditure 113.802 0.000 Exports in medium-high/high tech manufacturing 27.595 0.000 Innovative SMEs 55.971 0.000 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovation 41.721 0.000 Source: Own calculations based on RCI (2019). Table A2. The results of Mann-Whitney U tests Mann-Whitney U and Sig. Variables Falling behind - laggards Laggards -moderate developed Moderate developed -developed Developed - the most developed Human Resources in Science and Technology 275.500 0.006 1132.0 0.000 1051.0 0.002 1860.5 0.346 Employment (K-N sectors) 188.000 0.000 749.5 0.000 1197.0 0.022 2002.0 0.787 Knowledge workers 243.000 0.002 895.5 0.000 996.5 0.001 1802.5 0.223 Core creative class employment 205.000 0.000 541.0 0.000 1174.0 0.016 1741.0 0.104 Employment in technology and knowledgeintensive sectors 387.000 0.085 930.0 0.000 1240.0 0.041 1896.0 0.369 Households' internet access 221.000 0.002 929.0 0.000 1230.0 0.126 1543.0 0.038 GVA (K-N sectors) (as % of total GVA) 277.000 0.022 909.0 0.000 1166.0 0.055 1676.0 0.154 Households' access to broadband 279.000 0.009 981.0 0.000 797.0 0.000 1760.0 0.124 Scientific publications 232.000 0.001 834.0 0.000 896.0 0.000 1816.0 0.203 Individuals buying over internet 289.000 0.017 953.0 0.000 897.0 0.000 1722.5 0.087 Marketing organizational innovators 394.000 0.282 1 906.0 0.000 975.0 0.001 1542.0 0.011 Total intramural R&D expenditure 267.500 0.002 599.0 0.000 1056.0 0.002 1724.5 0.089 Exports in medium-high/high tech manufacturing 300.000 0.113 1034.0 0.002 944.0 0.001 1473.0 0.011 Innovative SMEs 433.000 0.822 1086.0 0.006 1397.0 0.717 1437.0 0.019 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm 266.000 0.015 1068.0 0.004 1457.0 0.879 1613.0 0.083 Source: Own calculations based on RCI (2019). 8 JuLianna Csugany, Tamas Tanczos: Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe Table A3. The members of the innovation follower cluster Region Distance Region Distance Kärnten 657.190 Provence-Alpes-Cote dAzur 476.881 Steiermark 657.207 Corse 413.365 Oberösterreich 197.391 Jadranska Hrvatska 475.030 Salzburg 197.530 Kontinentalna Hrvatska 138.323 Tirol 197.460 Kozép-Magyarország 466.260 Vorarlberg 197.527 Kozép-Dunántúl 893.377 Rég. de Bruxelles-Cap./Brussels Hfst. Gew. & Vlaams-Brabant & Brabant Wallon 960.966 Nyugat-Dunántúl 962.231 Hainaut 77.906 Dél-Dunántúl 527.862 Liège 78.259 Észak-Magyarország 1058.599 Luxembourg 77.683 Észak-Alfold 449.588 Namur 78.801 Dél-Alfold 307.640 Severozapaden 1138.700 Northern and Western 222.451 Severen tsentralen 1138.714 Southern 988.086 Severoiztochen 1138.253 Eastern and Midland 729.436 Yugoiztochen 1138.678 Piemonte 182.733 Yugozapaden 584.004 Liguria 905.452 Yuzhen tsentralen 584.763 Lombardia 476.141 Jihozapad 114.289 Abruzzo 432.287 Severozapad 1056.089 Molise 575.496 Severovychod 528.990 Campania 61.229 Jihovychod 609.922 Puglia 196.686 Stredni Morava 83.648 Basilicata 54.608 Moravskoslezsko 600.530 Calabria 277.668 Stuttgart 295.997 Sicilia 171.569 Freiburg 983.999 Sardegna 81.205 Niederbayern 934.843 Prov. Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen 250.693 Oberpfalz 363.938 Veneto 311.138 Oberfranken 56.335 Emilia-Romagna 967.655 Mittelfranken 1024.025 Umbria 972.166 Unterfranken 773.620 Marche 46.345 Schwaben 803.886 Friesland 789.293 Darmstadt 567.637 Drenthe 603.403 Kassel 628.712 Overijssel 691.864 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 660.800 Zeeland 774.430 Hannover 740.291 Noord-Brabant 280.041 Lüneburg 968.643 Matopolskie 441.202 Weser-Ems 577.299 Šlgskie 569.732 Düsseldorf 29.414 Wielkopolskie 309.420 Münster 26.494 Zachodniopomorskie 667.886 Detmold 380.936 Arnsberg 41.706 Auvergne 760.655 Koblenz 977.566 Rhône-Alpes 684.313 Saarland 544.879 Chemnitz 450.343 Kujawsko-pomorskie 650.085 9 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO I OUR ECONOMY Vol. 66 No. 1 I March 2G2G Table A3. The members of the innovation follower cluster (continue) Region Distance Region Distance Sachsen-Anhalt 251.977 Warminsko-mazurskie 645.317 Schleswig-Holstein 248.971 Pomorskie 338.752 Thüringen 503.436 Lôdzkie 301.078 Sjœlland 571.209 Lubelskie 280.820 Attiki 344.722 Podkarpackie 914.990 Kriti 847.632 Podlaskie 522.166 Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki 529.543 Warszawski stoteczny 310.703 Kentriki Makedonia 116.366 Mazowiecki regionalny 369.935 Thessalia 392.732 Norte 349.270 Dytiki Ellada 480.590 Centro 615.429 Sterea Ellada 1073.428 Alentejo 598.729 Peloponnisos 1058.698 Nord-Vest 498.507 Galicia 179.461 Sud - Muntenia 1147.642 Principado de Asturias 476.347 Bucurejti - Ilfov 444.442 Cantabria 644.102 Sud-Vest Oltenia 1030.273 País Vasco 687.921 Vest 680.140 La Rioja 100.516 Smâland med oarna 332.533 Aragón 760.932 Norra Mellansverige 436.671 Castilla y León 15.556 Mellersta Norrland 477.829 Castilla-La Mancha 482.977 Vzhodna Slovenija 513.351 Extremadura 405.620 Zapadné Slovensko 967.062 Cataluña 1057.064 Stredné Slovensko 842.214 Comunidad Valenciana 328.561 Vychodné Slovensko 508.412 Illes Balears 256.044 Tees Valley and Durham 974.680 Andalucía 16.700 Northumberland and Tyne and Wear 974.713 Región de Murcia 202.477 Cumbria 702.086 Canarias 277.380 Greater Manchester 702.349 Länsi-Suomi 980.785 Lancashire 702.134 Centre - Val de Loire 504.079 Cheshire 702.619 Bourgogne 494.609 Merseyside 702.219 Franche-Comté 142.805 East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire 832.831 Basse-Normandie 497.923 North Yorkshire 833.037 Haute-Normandie 504.429 South Yorkshire 832.869 Nord-Pas de Calais 2G9.396 West Yorkshire 832.990 Picardie 501.252 Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire 512.501 Alsace 127.256 Lincolnshire 512.320 Champagne-Ardenne 494.595 Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire 512.532 Lorraine 158.712 Aquitaine 269.G26 Pays de la Loire 164.606 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area 728.084 Bretagne 150.464 Poitou-Charentes 136.G13 Lubuskie 963.683 Languedoc-Roussillon 425.155 Dolnoslqskie 100.542 Midi-Pyrénées 271.783 Opolskie 867.555 Devon 727.731 West Wales and The Valleys 539.182 West Midlands 371.869 1G JuLianna Csugany, Tamas Tanczos: Regional Differences in the Conditions of Technological Progress in Europe Table A3. The members of the innovation follower cluster (continue) Region Distance Region Distance East Wales 539.449 Limousin 355.290 Northern Ireland 266.230 Dorset and Somerset 727.801 Shropshire and Staffordshire 371.756 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 727.688 Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire 372.152 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area 728.084 Table A3. The members of the innovation leader cluster Region Distance Region Distance Wien & Niederösterreich 556.399 Lazio 869.280 Burgenland 771.326 Flevoland & Noord-Holland 478.322 Antwerpen 930.443 Groningen 4853.869 Limburg (BE) 930.431 Gelderland 557.876 Oost-Vlaanderen 930.432 Utrecht 3053.473 West-Vlaanderen 930.526 Zuid-Holland 231.477 Praha & Strední Cechy 260.420 Limburg (NL) 213.032 Berlin & Branderburg 446.700 Área Metr. de Lisboa 1002.969 Karlsruhe 696.410 Stockholm 1736.441 Tübingen 180.505 Östra Mellansverige 1600.483 Oberbayern 179.705 Sydsverige 312.084 Bremen 191.190 Västsverige 531.674 Hamburg 107.031 Övre Norrland 2104.937 Gießen 38.656 Zahodna Slovenija 330.830 Braunschweig 395.195 Bratislavsky kraj 184.773 Köln 422.771 Inner London West & Inner London East & Outer London East-North-East & Outer London South & Outer London West North West & Bedfordshire/ Hertfordshire & Essex 432.815 Rheinhessen-Pfalz 955.970 East Anglia 705.233 Dresden 246.550 Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire 517.716 Leipzig 325.820 Surrey, East and West Sussex 517.649 Hovedstaden 3368.177 Hampshire and Isle of Wight 517.394 Syddanmark 1020.458 Kent 517.389 Midtjylland 378.766 North Eastern Scotland 449.858 Nordjylland 235.465 Highlands and Islands 371.050 Comunidad Foral de Navarra 971.849 Eastern Scotland 447.686 Comunidad de Madrid 679.761 West Central Scotland 409.492 Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi 931.650 Île de France 603.479 Provincia Autonoma di Trento 238.680 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 262.070 Toscana 859.977 Southern Scotland 304.874 Note: There is no cluster membership because of the missing data for: Kypros; Trier; Eesti; Voreio Aigaio; Notio Aigaio; Dytiki Makedo-nia; Ipeiros; Ionia Nisia; Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta; Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla; Helsinki-Uusimaa; Etelä-Suomi; Áland; Guadeloupe; Martinique; Guyane; La Réunion; Mayotte; Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste; Sostinés regionas; Vidurio ir vakarq Lietuvos regionas; Luxembourg; Latvija; Malta; Swi^tokrzyskie; Algarve; Regiao Autónoma dos Azores; Regiao Autónoma da Madeira. 11 NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 66 No. 1 / March 2020 Regionalne razlike v pogojih tehnološkega napredka v Evropi Izvleček Prostorska struktura sveta je neenakomerna, središča in obrobja se izmenjavajo. Obstajajo znatne družbene in razvojne razlike med državami v svetu ter tudi neenakomeren razvoj znotraj držav. Ključni namen regionalne politike je zmanjšati prostorske neenakosti med razvitimi in nerazvitimi območji. Danes, v obdobju četrte industrijske revolucije, tehnološki napredek ustvarja možnosti, da regije v razvoju nadoknadijo zaostanek, ker nove tehnologije zahtevajo nove veščine, ki so manj odvisne od posedovanja faktorjev držav. Večina gospodarstev je nezmožnih ustvarjati nove tehnologije, ker nimajo primernih virov ali njihovo institucionalno okolje ni naklonjeno novostim. Kljub temu pa je v teh državah s sprejemanjem in učinkovito uporabo novih tehnologij mogoče spremljati tehnološki razvoj. Cilj te raziskave je ponazoriti regionalne razlike v pogojih tehnološkega napredka v Evropi z uporabo multivariatnih statističnih metod. Temelječa na Indeksu evropske regionalne konkurenčnosti, poskuša odgovoriti na raziskovalno vprašanje, ali so nove tehnologije zmožne zmanjšati prostorske razlike. Primerjamo evropske regije na področju inoviranja, da bi izpostavili kritična področja, ki lahko spodbudijo ali preprečijo zmanjšanje neenakosti. Ključne besede: regionalne razlike v Evropi, tehnološki napredek, inovacijski vodje, inovacijski sledilci 12