J. KRALJ et al.: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL 433–440 FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL UTRUJANJE BAKRENEGA LOTNEGA SPOJA Z NERJAVNIM JEKLOM 316L Jernej Kralj 1 , Bla` Han`eli~ 1 , Sre~ko Glode` 1* , Janez Kramberger 1 , Roman Sato{ek 2 , Branko Ne~emer 1 1 University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 2 Danfoss Trata d.o.o, Korenova 5, SI-1241 Kamnik, Slovenia Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-11-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2024-04-24 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.1036 The plate heat exchanger (PHE) is a component that provides heat to be transferred from hot water to domestic cold water with- out mixing them with high efficiency. Over the lifetime of the PHE, cyclic pressure acts on the brazing points and the plates, and this can lead to fatigue failure. The fatigue behaviour of the PHE, designed by using copper-brazed 316L (also known as 1.4404) stainless steel, was investigated by performing fatigue tests to obtain the S-N curve of the analysed brazed joint. The fatigue tests were performed on a Vibrophore 100 testing machine under the load ratio R = 0.1 for different values of calculated ampli- tude stress. Based on the obtained experimental results, an appropriate material model of the analysed brazed joint was created, which was validated with a numerical calculation in the framework of a program code Ansys. A validated material model can then be used for the subsequent numerical analysis of the PHE. Keywords: plate heat exchanger, brazed joint, fatigue, experimental testing Plo{~ni toplotni izmenjevalec je naprava, ki se uporablja za prenos toplote iz vro~ega na hladni medij, pri tem pa je prenos toplote izveden brez me{anja medijev. Tekom dobe trajanja toplotnega izmenjevalca le-ta prena{a cikli~ne tla~ne obremenitve, ki so vzrok za poru{itev lotnih spojev med dvema plo~evinama toplotnega izmenjevalca iz materiala 316L (poznano tudi kot nerjavno jeklo 1.4404). V tem delu je opisana {tudija obna{anja lotnih spojev pod dinami~no obremenitvijo. Na visokofrekven~nem pulzatorju Vibrophore 100 so bili izvedeni utrujenostnih testi lotnih spojev pri razli~nih amplitudah in obremenitvenemu razmerju R = 0,1. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov je bil definiral materialni model lotnega spoja, ki je bil naknadno validiran z numeri~nimi simulacijami znotraj programskega paketa Ansys. Razviti materialni model bo tako uporaben za bodo~e trdnostne analize plo{~nega toplotnega izmenjevalca. Klju~ne besede: toplotni izmenjevalec, lotni spoj, utrujanje, eksperimentalno testiranje 1 INTRODUCTION In different engineering applications we can find a lot of machines that are capable of transferring heat from hot to cold water. Because of many factors (the needs of industry, world population growth, etc.), the total number of those machines increases every year, which results in intensive technical progress. Machines that transfer heat are called heat exchangers and are used in many areas of everyday life. Heat exchangers can be used for the cen- tral heating of houses, the heating of domestic water, and many other purposes, including provision for different industries, e.g., the food industry, the pharmaceutical in- dustry, and others. 1,2 Due to high applicability, there are many different types of heat exchangers. Even though they all do the same tasks (transferring heat), they use different methods to execute the task. On a base level we can divide all the heat exchangers into two separate groups, which are re- cuperators and regenerators. In the first case, the heat is transferred from hot to cold water simultaneously, while in the second case, a time delay due to the heat-transfer method is used. 3 According to the aggregate state of the heat transferring medium, we also know single-phase and multi-phase heat exchangers. In this study, a sin- gle-phase heat recuperator will be analysed. In the case of this type of heat exchanger, both media have the same chemical composition (water), and they do not mix with each other. 3,4 When it comes to different types of heat exchangers, we also know many geometrical designs, depending on the heat-transfer method and many other factors, includ- ing the type of medium, the intensity of the heat transfer, etc. 4 In this study, a plate heat exchanger (PHE) will be used. The PHE’s geometrical design and mode of opera- tion are shown in Figure 1. This type of PHE consists of many parallel plates separating the hot and cold channels of the PHE. The number of plates and the plate thickness greatly depend on the power of different PHEs, which are needed for a certain scope of application. 4 In this study, the stainless steel 1.4404 (copper-brazed 316L) is used as a plate ma- terial. As connecting elements, which connect plates to- gether inside the heat exchanger, brazed joints are being used. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 433–440 433 UDK ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 58(3)433(2024) *Corresponding author's e-mail: srecko.glodez@um.si (Sre~ko Glode`) A brazed joint is a type of connection that is formed when two points of material are pressed together while exposed to non-stationary temperature in a good vacuum. This process is also known as vacuum brazing and is commonly used in the PHE industry. Vacuum brazing is a jointing process that is accomplished at high tempera- tures, usually between 930 °C and 1230 °C, using a pure copper or nickel base alloy as the filler material. 6,7 In this production technology, a lower residual oxygen level in- side the vacuum is achieved, and the contamination of parts is prevented. Here, the naturally formed oxide lay- ers on the base metals can be decomposed in a vacuum at high temperatures, and it provide better joint properties such as high strength and less porosity through enhanced wetting. Additionally, vacuum brazing is favourable for lean and agile manufacturing due to the repeatability and reliability of brazed joints. In order to have a high-qual- ity brazed joint, the parts must be closely fitted, and the base metal surfaces must be well cleaned. Here, the suit- able clearance between braising parts should be a maxi- mum of 0.1 mm in order to reach a good capillary effect. Brazing-surface cleanliness is very important since the contaminations on the surface can lead to insufficient wetting. 8 Due to possible defects resulting from the manufac- turing process, the brazed joint itself represents a possi- ble weak spot where failure may occur. The failure oc- curs as a consequence of pressure inside the liquid medium and the presence of manufacturing defects. As a result of pressure changes in a liquid medium (water), a dynamic tensile force is applied to a brazed joint. When failure occurs in one of the PHE’s brazed joints, the ten- sile stress on the remaining brazed joins in the surround- ing area increases, which leads to a higher possibility of failure in those joints. With the increasing number of failures in brazed joints, the lifetime of the PHE de- creases. 9 In addition to the material’s mechanical properties, the strength of brazed joints is also greatly influenced by the dynamic character of the tensile load, which also var- ies with different applications of use and types of PHEs. To define the dynamic character of the tensile force act- ing on a brazed joint, the appropriate loading ratio R should be applied. Furthermore, the amplitude stress level must also be considered because it has a significant impact on the fatigue behaviour of the analysed brazed joint. 10 There are also many other factors that can have, in some cases, a great impact on the lifetime of a PHE: surface roughness, loading frequency, notch effects, tem- perature, etc. 11 In this study we focused on the constant loading frequency, constant temperature (all tests were performed at room temperature) and constant surface roughness. In that respect, a special specimen has been constructed to analyse the mechanical and fatigue prop- erties of brazed joints for subsequent use in different ap- plications of PHE. Furthermore, a material model of the analysed brazed joint has been developed, which enables further computational simulations of the PHEs made with brazing joint technology. 2 EXPERIMENTAL TESTING 2.1 Specimen preparation The test specimen shown in Figure 2 was prepared using the same manufacturing process (vacuum brazing) as normally used when making brazed joints in PHEs (see also Section 1). Here, two bars made of stainless steel 1.4404 (see Table 1) were vacuum brazed using a copper foil with a thickness of 0.1 mm. 2.2 Quasi-static tests Quasi-static tests were made on a Zwich/Roel Vibrophore 100 testing machine. Four quasi-static tensile tests were made to obtain the engineering – diagram of J. KRALJ et al.: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL 434 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 433–440 Figure 1: Geometry of PHE under consideration 5 Table 1: Chemical composition of the steel 1.4404 in w/% according to the EN 10088-3 C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni N 0.03 1.0 2.0 0.045 0.015 16.5-18.5 2.0-2.5 10.0-13.0 0.11 the analysed brazed joint. The quasi-static tests were dis- placement-controlled using a mechanical extensometer with a constant displacement rate of 0.5 mm/min up to the final fracture of the specimen. The results for all four tests are presented in Figure 3 and summarised in Ta- ble 2. The axial deformation of the test specimen is a com- bination of the axial deformation of the steel pieces and the copper part in the middle of the test specimen. How- ever, the volume of the copper part in the middle of the test specimen is practically negligible if compared to the volume of the steel pieces. It is, therefore, reasonable that the majority of the total axial deformation is due to the elongation of the steel part of the test specimen. For the same reason it is also reasonable to expect the value of the modulus of elasticity to be approximately equal to that of the base material of the test specimen (200 GPa for the selected stainless steel). The same is also valid for the yield stress and tensile strength of the analysed brazed joint. Based on the average values of the mechanical prop- erties presented in Table 2, the average engineering stress–strain curve ( eng – eng ) was obtained. However, the true stress–strain curve ( true – true ) should be applied when creating the material model of the analysed brazed joint (see Section 4). Therefore, the following equations should be used to make this transformation: 12 true eng =+ ln( ) 1 (1) true eng eng =+ () 1 (2) When creating the material model of the analysed brazed joint, the elastic part of the true stress–strain curve can be given by the Youngs’ modulus E (see Ta- ble 2). Therefore, only the plastic part should be defined as a data pair ( true – true ). 2.3 Fatigue tests Fatigue tests were made on the same machine as the quasi-static tests (Zwich/Roel Vibrophore-100) using the same specimens (see Figure 2). The fatigue tests were performed at a temperature of 20 °C under a loading ra- tio R = 0.1 and a loading frequency of approximately 98 Hz. All the tests were performed in the high-cycle fa- tigue regime (HCF), which means that the maximum stress in each loading cycle did not exceed the yield stress of the analysed braised joint (i.e., R e = 237 MPa, see Table 2). Following this limitation, the maximum tensile stress of (0.6–0.8)⋅R e was selected. Figure 4 shows the S−N plot of fatigue tests where the amplitude stress a is given on the ordinate axis. As already explained above, the fatigue tests were performed under a loading ratio R = 0.1. It means that J. KRALJ et al.: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 433–440 435 Figure 2: Geometry of test specimens Figure 3. Engineering diagram – of quasi-static tests 5 Table 2: Mechanical properties of the analysed brazed joint Youngs modulus Poissons ratio Yield stress Ultimate tensile stress Elongation Specimen No. E (MPa) v (–) Re (MPa) R m (MPa) EL (%) #1 200,049 0.28 240 469 13.5 #2 197,472 0.28 234,5 387 7.4 #3 196,078 0.28 238 420 9.1 #4 199,951 0.28 235,5 473 14.4 Average 198,387 0.28 237 437 11.1 for each amplitude stress a , the belonging mean stress m can be obtained as follows: m a = + − () 1 1 R R (3) However, the standardised fatigue tests of different engineering materials are usually performed with zero mean stress (i.e., m =0;R = –1). With that respect, the fatigue material parameters of engineering materials taken from the literature are usually related to the zero mean stress. For that reason, the S-N curve for R = 0.1 presented in Figure 4 could be transformed into the S–N curve for R = –1 using the Goodman equation: 13,14 a D m m (. ) R R ==− ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ 01 1 (4) where D is the fatigue strength for R=–1andR m is the ultimate tensile stress of the analysed braised joint. Con- sidering the average ultimate tensile strength of the ana- lysed brazed joint R m ≈ 437 MPa (see Table 2), the fol- lowing data pairs for zero mean stress can be defined: N 1 = 171269 a1 =90MPa D1 = 120.3 MPa N 2 = 6822251 a2 =60MPa D2 = 72.1 MPa When analysing the fatigue problems of engineering components and structures, the Basquine equation is nor- mally used to describe the S–N curve: true eng eng =+ () 1 (5) where f ’ is the fatigue-strength coefficient and b is the fatigue-stress exponent. Considering the data pairs (N 1 , D1 ) and (N 2 , D2 ) as described above, the material pa- rameters f ’andb for zero mean stress (i.e., m =0 ; R = –1) result in f ’= 706.1 MPa and b = – 0.139. These parameters will then be considered when creating the fa- tigue material model of the analysed brazed joint (see Section 3). 3 NUMERICAL MODELLING The numerical modelling of the analysed brazed joints was performed using Ansys software, where the simplified geometry of the brazed joint specimen was applied for that purpose. In this case, the numerical model was built as a solid homogeneous piece of the ma- terial with the same cross-section area as already used in the experimental testing (see Figure 2). However, only the measuring length of the specimen (i.e., 50 mm) was considered for the subsequent numerical computations. In the material section of the Ansys database, the new material was defined. It had the same mechanical proper- ties as obtained in the framework of the experimental testing. Here, it should be pointed out that all the me- chanical properties were applied at room temperature 0 = 20 °C. In the next step, all the boundary conditions of the numerical model were obtained in order to per- form the proper numerical simulation. In that respect, certain degrees of freedom in the numerical model were limited by setting some displacement values to zero. Fur- thermore, external loading was applied indirectly by the non-zero values of the displacement on the front surface of the numerical model (see Figure 5). These values of the displacement should be large enough to reach an en- gineering stress that is higher than the yield strength of the material (i.e., analysed braised joint), resulting in plastic strain. The described loading procedure was only used to perform static numerical simulations to confirm the experimental results obtained previously with tensile tests (see Section 2.2). In the case of the numerical simulation of the fatigue loading, different values of the tensile force were pre- scribed on the same surface, as explained above for the quasi-static numerical simulation. Here, the maximum tensile force and, consequently, different levels of ampli- tude stress were defined for each simulation considering J. KRALJ et al.: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL 436 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 433–440 Figure 4: S–N plot of the analysed brazed joints 5 the loading ratio R = 0.1 and Goodmann’s model to eval- uate the mean stress effect. In computational modelling, a standard Ansys finite element type SOLID 186 was se- lected. This is a 3D quadratic finite element that has a cuboid shape. 15,16 After the comprehensive mesh-conver- gence analysis, a FE mesh with a FE size of 1 mm was used. The numerical model, as described above, was then used for the subsequent numerical simulations. In the first step, the quasi-static numerical simulation was per- formed to obtain the engineering − diagram (see Fig- ure 6). Here, the reaction forces acting in the opposite direction with regard to the external loading were ob- tained in each loading step and then divided by the cross-section area of the specimen. When creating the fatigue material model of the ana- lysed brazed joint, the characteristic data pairs ( a , N) taken from the trendline of the S–N plot in Figure 4 (see Table 3) were considered. For this purpose, we con- verted the values of amplitude stress a from Table 3 to values of maximum stress max and then calculated the number of cycles N for the load ratio R = 0.1 using Goodman’s equation to consider the mean stress effect. Figure 7 shows the S–N plot of the fatigue numerical simulation as described above. Table 3: Calculated data pairs ( a , N) taken from the trendline of the S–N plot in Figure 4 Amplitude stress a (MPa) Number of loading cycles N (–) 90 171269 85 287917 80 499498 75 897941 70 1680899 65 3296275 60 6822251 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 8 shows the comparison between the experi- mental and computational results for the engineering dia- gram – . It is evident that for all the considered experi- mental tests the yield stress was around 237 MPa, which corresponds to the numerical simulations. In the elastic area (below the yield stress) a very good match between the experimental and numerical results was observed. However, in the plastic area (above the yield stress), more mismatches appeared, especially in the case of the ultimate tensile strength. It is clear that the ultimate strength determined by the numerical simulation was around 437 MPa, which corresponds to the average value J. KRALJ et al.: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 433–440 437 Figure 5: Applied load case for the static numerical simulation Figure 7: S−N plot of the fatigue numerical simulation Figure 6: Numerical determination of the engineering diagram – J. KRALJ et al.: FATIGUE BEHAVIOUR OF COPPER-BRAZED 316L STAINLESS STEEL 438 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 433–440 Figure 9: Experimentally and computationally obtained S–N plot for R = 0.1 Figure 8: Experimentally and computationally obtained engineering diagram – Figure 10: Computationally obtained S–N plot for R = –1 (i.e., m =0) of the ultimate tensile strength obtained experimentally. Considering this fact, the material model for the quasi-static loading of the analysed braised joint was val- idated. Figure 9 shows a comparison between the experi- mental and computational results for the fatigue load- ing(S–N plot) of the analysed brazed joint. In both cases, the fatigue life (i.e., the number of cycles N until failure) increased with a decrease in the amplitude stress a . However, the scatter of the experimental results is much wider if compared to the quasi-static loading. This is probably due to a greater impact of the manufacturing er- rors on the fatigue strength occurring during the manu- facturing process of the specimens. On the other hand, the computational results are still a good representation of the experimental results, which validate the material model for the fatigue evaluation. In the case of the loading ratio R = 0.1, the mean stress level is not constant for all levels of the amplitude stress. The constant value of the mean stress can be achieved by adjusting the loading ratio R to the value –1 (i.e., zero mean stress). As the amplitude stress a changes, the mean stress remains zero; therefore, it is possible to determine the number of loading cycles at different values of a and zero mean stress. The S–N curve of the analysed brazed joint for zero mean stress is presented in Figure 10. 5 CONCLUSION For the purpose of this study, tensile experimental testing of brazed joint specimens was conducted. In the first phase, quasi-static testing was performed to define the engineering – curve. Furthermore, comprehensive fatigue tests under a pulsating loading (load ratio R = 0.1) were performed to obtain the S–N curve of the analysed brazed joints. Based on the theoretical study, experimental testing, and comprehensive numerical anal- yses, the following conclusions can be drawn: In the case of quasi-static testing, the yield stress var- ied between 235 MPa and 240 MPa for all the tested specimens. Therefore, the average value R e = 237 MPa was obtained as the yield stress of the analysed brazed joint. On the other hand, different values of the ultimate tensile stress R m ranging between 387 MPa and 473 MPa were obtained for the individual specimens. Based on the obtained experimental results, an aver- age engineering – curve was created and then divided into individual linear segments. For the purpose of the subsequent computational analyses, the amount of elastic strain was subtracted from the total strain in the true – diagram. In the second phase, the fatigue testing under load ra- tio R = 0.1 at a temperature of 20 °C was performed to obtain the S–N plot of the analysed brazed joint. Further- more, the Goodman mean stress correction was applied to express the obtained experimental results for the load ratio R = –1 (i.e., for the zero mean stress), which usu- ally appears when presenting the fatigue properties of engineering materials in the literature. The material model was validated with a numerical analysis using the Ansys software. A validated material model can then be used for the subsequent numerical analysis of PHE in different engineering applications. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Research Core Funding (No. P2-0063) and the Basic Postdoc Research Project (No. Z2-50082) from the Slovenian Research Agency. 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