re- z >re da po im U4 05 Lef A/of The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Sloyenians America___ 9956-180^ HOAiJUBd -L33U1S oiho eeee NOHVI/\|0|/\| NViyviAl 4 Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER aja eti. ne- vz- •ni- )ilo :lja i 0’ iija 'a-;0 sa-ia. gaj tva mi' Ita-za za na- le Žal ra- ita- Što al>' J' 0«' in oa- SV' lie- “Santiago de Compos-tola” in Spain. It will take 37 days of ^alking to complete it. But brst he traveled to Lourdes, rance to meet with his ^ousin priest, Father Anton idovec, who is arriving on me same day from Slovenia, pber a day or two at ourdes, they took a bus to a jocation just north of ,°Vrtles where they began e'r walking pilgrimage to '“Ompostela. They hope to average 7-8 °Urs of walking each day, opending on the difficulty ^ the terrain. Most of the ay follows the thousand-, umr'0ld Pbgrims’ trail over afnd mountains and val-° r maL ^ar away fr°m the busy |UuBuSrn roads. The trail is very well marked, making it nearly impossible to get lost for too long. Fr. Boznar said, “If the trail is not overly crowded at this time of year, I hope it will not be, we will at the end of the day find lodging in hostels for pilgrims, i.e. places with bunk beds to sleep in and a sink with running water for washing oneself and clothes. “During my absence in June, I have asked Father Victor Cimperman to look after the spiritual welfare of the parish. The parish employees will help Father Cimperman as well as Father Kumse and Godic whenever they will be needed.” At the end of June, Father Stanko Gerjolj will return to St. Vitus and remain there for the rest of the summer. Fr. Boznar will return to Cleveland on July 27._______ —St. Vitus Church Bulletin Joel Arko of E. 61st Street in Cleveland poses with classmates at the conclusion of the one-year language course at the Center for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language in Ljubljana. Front row (left to right), Eleonora Duljanovic (Macedonia), Hedi Resnik-Kovacs (Hungary), Divna Bogdanovič (Serbia), Joel Arko (with accordion). Back row, left to right, Pjero Karmelic (Croatia), Chihiro Sato (Japan), Andre Weiss (Germany), Mariangela Bressan (Italy), and Pablo Hirschegger (Argentina). “It seems to me that trying to live without friends is like milking a bear to get cream for your morning coffee. It is a whole lot of trouble and then not worth much after you get it.” _________________________________________ -Bob Mills Photos taken at the year-end class of St. Vitus Adult Slovenian School on May 21 We were serenaded by the beautiful voices of students Stephanie Polutnik and Lori f errSkl’ aCH0TTed 0n the button box by Mike Polutnik. His accordion was the third one made by Anton Mervar in 1915. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 16, 2005 ž AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 22 June 16, 2005 Where The Boys Aren’t by RUDY FLIS One evening this past week I had supper with my wife and some of my family. After eating and while we were kibitzing, my two sons and son-in-law laid it on me about always writing about my daughters, but hardly ever about the males in our family. I believe they are right. My computer is on, my fingers ready, and my mind -— BLANK. I love my sons and sons-in-law. How can my mind be blank? What shall I do? I’ll say a short prayer to the Holy Spirit for inspiration. So, if you like what you are about to read, I’m good, but if you don’t like it, blame the Holy Spirit. I became a father on Nov. 3, 1957, the day my son Mike was bom. Mike was named after my dad. My two other sons, Marty was named after my uncle and god father Martin Romih, and Matt, named after my brother Matt Škufca. So there are the three sons, but what to say about them? Mike grew up loving cars. He has two Ford Edsels and an old Volkswagen. He completely restored his ’57 Edsel, including the paint job. He doesn’t have much time for that now that he has a wife and a son and two daughters. Marty is married and has a son and three daughters. He is into sports and computers, and was Monica’s favorite brother. I would have given up on Marty long ago, except for the way he treated his sisiter Monica. The two were very close and that made Marty eligible for salvation and not the other direction. Matt is the youngest son and was very close to his sister Carolyn. One Christmas, Carolyn bought a Fisher Price toy bus full of little people. It was for Matt. Each evening after supper, Carolyn and Matt would go upstairs into her bedroom and pull out the toy bus, unwrap it, play with it, then rewrap it and put it away until the next evening. This was repeated each day until Christmas. We still have that toy bus. So now you know I have three sons. I am a proud dad and know their upbringing and adulthood had everything to do with their loving mom, which makes me look like a super dad. Lest I forget, my sons-in-law are Steve Sovizeral, Chris Starre, and last but not least Harry Brownfield. Now I’ve mentioned all the guys in our family. I can now rest, but not before I mention the reason this article is so long is because my wife had so many kids. Happy Father’s Day to all you great dads, especially to my sons and sons-in-law who have made me a happy grandfather. . Enjoy your wonderful blessings. On Sunday, May 29, St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans of Post 1655 salute the American Flag and remember their deceased comrades at a special Mass dedicated to their memory. (Photo by TONY GRDINA) :■ ■■-.-r-.-.'ji1;'u.-saaBsaprrTnnrTHi...m..■ -iTge-rcrr i. ■ . =sg===aM———as : tt ■- i-1 • '-^c—a—acaa—i^———i “Think where man’s glory most begins and ends. - And say my glory was I had such friends.” —William Butler Yeats Happy Father s Day to all Dads 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “WHEN GOD CREATED FATHERS” (Written by Erma Bombeck (1927-1996) a famous newspaper columnist whose work appeared in 800 newspapers at the time of her death) “When the good Lord was creating fathers, He started with a tall frame. And a female angel nearby said: ‘What kind of father is that? If you’re going to make children so close to the ground, why have you put fathers up so high? He won’t be able to shoo marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping.’ And God smiled and said, ‘Yes, but if I make him child size, who would children have to look up to?’ And when God made father’s hands, they were large and sinewy. And the angel shook her head sadly and said, ;Do you know what You’re doing? Large hands are clumsy. They can’t manage diaper pins, small buttons, rubber bands on pony tails or even remove splinters caused by baseball bats.’ God smiled and said, ’I know, but they’re large enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day...yet small enough to cup a child’s face.’ Then God molded long, slim legs and broad shoulders. The angel nearly had a heart attack. ‘Boy, this is the end of the week, all right,’ she clucked.’ Do you realize You just made a father without a lap? How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between his legs?’ God smiled and said, ‘A mother needs a lap. A father needs strong shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle or hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus.’ God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had ever seen when the angel could contain herself no longer. ‘That’s not fair. Do You honestly think those large boats are going to dig out of bed early in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birthday party without crushing at least three of the guests?’ And God smiled and said, ‘They’ll work. You’ll see. They’ll support a small child who wants to ‘ride a horse to Banbury Cross’ or scare off mice at the summer cabin, or display shoes that will be a challenge to fill.’ God worked throughout the night, giving the father few words, but a firm authoritative voice; eyes that see everything, but remain calm and tolerant. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. »'HI • * /0».' *«*.»» -i’M.brvatj, prvatjp !L_ Finally, almost as an afterthought, He added tears. Then He turned to the angel and said, ‘Now are you satisfied that he can love as much as a mother?’ And the angel shutteth up!’ .^jinummoa taiuaqe }i . Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ Mama - Sick Mama managed to survive the terrible years of World War I, but around 1922 she became dangerously ill again. Just before a major holiday (I think it was Easter), she was frying doughnuts (krofe) when she suddenly began to feel faint. She asked me to go to the Shoemakers Cooperative to get Ata.. I went and brought him back home. When he saw Mama, he immediately asked me to go up in the hills to Goropeke, to ask our Aunt Mici (his sister) to come help Mama. She came and soon took over our housekeeping, staying with us for the next three to four years. Mama was deathly ill. We thought she had tuberculosis. She would crawl, with great difficulty, to a place outside the house that was protected from the wind and she would gather spruce buds and plaintain and our aunt would use that to make various kinds of teas. We prayed for Mama like never before. It became clear that instead of tuberculosis she had very serious asthma. She would get better, and then she would get worse again. There were many times when we thought she would die. We bought very expensive medicine for her. A pharmacist in the nearby town of Škofja Loka made the medicine. Dr. Demšar said we could get it made niuch cheaper if we knew the formula, but that was a secret that was kept by the pharmacist. Some years later, my brother Vlado was studying ntedicine. We sent him to get Mama’s medicine and asked him to find out the secret formula. Luckily, the pharmacist left the formula out on the counter while he went in the back to make the medicine. Vlado memorized the formula and wrote it down later, so Mama could finally get cheaper medicine. When Mama fell ill in 1922, she vowed that if she became healthy again, she would make a pilgrimage to the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Brezje. When she became well enough to walk again, she decided to go. Ata assigned me to accompany her. This was around 1923 and I was about 16 years old. We got a ride with Mr. Kroselj on a horse-drawn wagon as far as Škofja Loka and then took a train to Otoe. This was my first big trip away from home, and my first train ride. While we were on the train I laughed as I listened to the singsong of the train wheels: this and that, this and that, this and that. After I grew up, I took the train often, but it never sang to me again like it did that first time. From Otroc, we walked to the shrine, which was still quite a distance away, especially for a sick person. On the way, we had to cross a wooden bridge that was owned by a family that had the right to collect tolls from anyone who wanted to use the bridge. There was a sign before the bridge posting the prices for various categories. The cheapest price was for a goat. We heard that when a friend of ours had gone to Brezje, he had tried pretending to be a goat so he could pay the cheapest toll. But Mama and I paid the normal per person price, even though the two of us together weighed less than a man. After the bridge, the road was fairly flat for a while, and Mama was able to walk it without too much difficulty. But when we began climbing a shortcut up a hill, Mama lost her breath. As we stopped to rest, an older lady from Ljubljana caught up to us. She told us how she had come that way with another lady the year before, and how the lady died soon after. Mama gave me a meaningful look. I became very angry with that woman and I tried to convince Mama to walk more slowly, so we would not have to walk with that woman and listen to more stories about people dying. Silently, I prayed ever more fervently for Mama’s complete recovery. We reached Brezje just as it was getting dark. We got a room at an inn and went to the church for confession. In the church, we saw hundreds of crutches and artificial limbs, hanging on the walls and ceilings. These were from people who had been cured, and they made a deep impression on me. I thought it was strange that the famous picture of our Blessed Virgin Mary was in a side chapel, while the main altar was devoted to St. Vitus. We bought a pamphlet that explained the history of this holy shrine. (To Be Continued) I hear and I forget. I see and . I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Semices 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 Enrolled to Practice Befdte the Internal Revenue Settee Servicing Individuals Corporations i Small Businesses. A St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV, and much, much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any questions on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. San Francisco Notes by TONI RAVNIK It seems to me that 2005 had just begun a short time ago, and here we are celebrating Pentecost and it is time to get into the summer mood. It is also time to look back at some of our recent activities: Easter service was especially gratifying this year. It was wonderful to see so many parishioners attend Easter Mass concelebrated by the Slovenian Jesuit Fr. Tone Svetelj, and the Croatian Jesuit, Fr. Jerko Ban. They have invigorated us spiritually. The C.S.U.F. (Croatian and Slovenian United Foundation, at the Church of the Nativity) potluck dinner on the 4th Thursday in April was an especially happy one and fairly well attended. We all enjoyed tasty food and pleasant company. We also celebrated Mother’s Day the traditional way by presenting mothers with flowers after the Mass and treating them to a gourmet meal and champagne provided by the men of the parish. Our Sunday Church Bulletin has some practical additions that Alex Šimenc prepared. Now everyone can more easily participate in the responses during Mass in either the Croatian or Slovenian languages. As to future CSUF events, the date for the Martinovanje celebration is set for the Is1 weekend in November (Sat., 5th - Sun. 6th). The M. Kramer Band will again provide musical entertainment. We are in the process of recruiting a Slovenian priest for the occasion. Toni Ravnik is president of CSUF. Baraga Banquet Tickets on Sale To order tickets for the Sunday afternoon, Sept. 4 Bishop Baraga banquet, send order to: St. Vitus Rectory c/o Baraga Days 2005 Banquet, S. Kuhar 6019 Lausche Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 Banquet tickets are $25.00 each. Checks should be made out to: St. Vitus (Baraga Days Banquet). A table of 8-to-10 will be reserved. Tables with less than eight will be assigned on a first come, first served basis to be fair to all attending this event. There are 217 tickets already allocated. The banquet will be able to accommodate 500 persons. Guest speaker will be His Excellency Archbishop Elden F. Curtiss, archbishop, archdiocese of Omaha (NE). Besides the banquet, there will be a short cultural program followed by the guest speaker, and then the annual proceedings for the Baraga Association. The banquet will be held in the new parish center of St. Mary of the Assumption Church (Collinwood) in Cleveland. I intend to live forever. So far, so good. -Phil Hrvatin tti££ We Make House Calls ... A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! GORJANC HEATING-COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 ANGIE'S usr sum SfRVKX AWARD Northeast Ohio 2003 ' Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service Plumbing^ $25 OFF Drain Cleaning M»v nor be combined with ocher VV Mny not be {ombined with other ■ ‘ V V' di^o.ts.&pte^WW cnnr ‘or ^Mnr ‘vMTA/^wnrr Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Ray is back and here is hoping you folks have found some cool places to relax, and there will be some rain in our forecast to not only cool the temperatures down, but help the lawns and gardens. Well, if memory serves me correctly, in one of my last columns I was writing about getting engaged. Yep, that great day happened way back in November, 1977 at Sterle’s Country House. Even though Josephine was a widow, she wanted a nice wedding, but knowing Josie, her heart was bigger than she was, and wanted it for she knew that would be the first time for me to walk down the aisle. I guess when it comes to a wedding a lot of the planning is the sole responsibility of the future bride. Josie had her hands full, for she had her own home, a beautiful brick house that she and her first husband owned since day one. As I think back when her husband died of a sudden heart attack at work, he belonged to the same fraternal lodge that I did and I was at his funeral, and was a pall bearer at that. I recall going back to her home after the funeral and she was devastated. Back then Josephine’s two brothers, her mother and her sister, all lived on the same street and were just a few houses away from each other. In planning for our wedding, Josephine was willing to give up her home, sell it and move into the suburbs with me at my home. Fortunately, Josephine was semi-retired back then and so with time on her hands she was more than willing to start selling just about everything she had, and as time went on the closer we got to our own wedding date, we were out together buying new furniture to replace what I had in my own home. Slowly, but surely it seems that all pieces fell into place and a month before we were married Josephine was fortunate to sell her own home which I am sure was hard for her to part with for it held many pleasant memories, since her whole family lived on that street at one time. After she sold her home, she gathered up her clothing and moved in with her sister who lived just down the street up until the day we were married. Josephine was an easy person to get along with and can honestly say she did miracles in making my own home more modem after we were married. She had the kitchen completely remodeled as well as the bathroom. A few years after we were married she even surprised me one weekend when I was working the entire weekend at the Reserve center and had a modem tiled shower built for me in the basement. She was something different and often times when I came home from work, she would have the entire lawn cut, and garden watered. I really thought that I died and went to heaven. Well, it took me 50 years to finally get married and the long wait was worth it. What can I say, Bill Clinton, eat your heart out. Josephine was Slovenian and really knew how to cook good Slovenian dishes and was a good baker as well. It goes without saying that Josie insured that I gained a few pounds and she used to kid me and say Good Things come in Big Packages. Well, I soon got to be a big package. So on 25 November, 1978 I said my “I do’s at St. Phillip and James Church. Josie’s younger brother and his wife were in our bridal party and Joe and Marge Persuitti were also in the bridal party. The reception was held at a party center on Memphis Avenue and needless to say Josie took care of all the planning. I even had quite a few of my fellow co-workers from the Reserve Center at the reception for they, too thought as old as I was, perhaps I was studying to be a monk. Especially now that Josie passed away, I take out our wedding photos and relive that memorable day, a day perhaps planned in heaven. After wee hours of the wedding, Josie and I returned to “Our Home” where I had lived for a number of years prior with my mom and dad. Before the wedding, I never told Josie where we would be going for the honeymoon, and the next morning Josie’s sister Mary, and brother-in-law picked us up and took us to the airport. Josie kept asking, “Where are we going?” “Hold tight, Dolly; you’ll see when we get there. We are headed for paradise.” Fortunately, it was a straight flight and after an hour or so in the air we heard, “Fasten your safety belts, we are about to land.” Dolly kept saying, “Land where?” When we landed, the natives greeted her with flowers as well as the other passengers, and said, “Welcome to Bahamas.” Josie could not believe it, and so we were in our hotel on a ground floor with patio doors where we could walk right out on the beach. For seven days we lived like there was no tomorrow. Josie deserved the best for prior to that she had done everything to make our wedding a success. Surprising how fast a week can go when you are having fun and not a worry in our heads. It had been my first so-called getaway vacation that I have had in over 25 years. Well, after the honeymoon we settled in and lived for each other, always trying to make things easy for each other and perhaps that is what makes a marriage a success for it is truly a “give and take” proposition. Afraid I will cut the story short for now with Josie gone, I realize how much I miss her, but I guess all those who have lost their mate have gone through the same endless days of loneliness. Perhaps the one consolation is knowing that if we live our lives properly, we some day will all be together with all of our loved ones, never to part and at this stage of life, it is all we can look forward to and hope for. Well, about now I am sure Josie is saying, “Ray, time for a joke to put your reader in a happy mood.” Are you ready? Notice that I An Ode to Old Age There s quite an art to falling apart as the years go by, And life doesn’t begin at 40. That’s a big fat lie. My hair’s getting thinner, my body is not; The few teeth I have are beginning to rot. I smell of Vick’s Vapo-Rub, not Chanel #5; My new pacemaker’s all that keeps me alive. When asked of my past, every detail I’ll know, But what was I doing 10 minutes ago? Well, you get the idea, what more can I say? I’m off to read the obituaries, like I do every day; If my name is not there, I’ll once again start -Perfecting the art of falling apart. _______________--Submitted by youngster Phil Hrvatin i ,r| »a w mm | -nsd io i t-f-M- ibi’ (d!£) 3d '''''iiiit -lol'ii vjilio bits Bkwbu vj.'-.p have not mentioned anything about a test. What can I say, if you are following your mate with a can of WD-40, you are on the right track. A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments. They were ready to discuss the last commandment and the teacher asked if anyone could tell her what it was. Susie raised her hand and stood tall and quoted, “Thou shall not take the cover off your neighbor’s wife.” Which seems like good advice. In closing, May the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in good health if possible. “Stay cool.” Slovenian Jazz Musicians Perform in New York City On Sunday, May 15, St. The audience was thrilled Cyril’s church in Manhattan, NY was fortunate to have a “very special” performance by two jazz musicians for their prosvetna ura. The performers were Lenart Krecic on tenor sax and piano, and Yves Lango on the trumpet. Some selections were “Take the A Train” by Duke Ellington; “Like Someone in Love,” “All Blues” by Miles Davis, plus Yves Lango’s special arrangement of “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face,” from the musical “My Fair Lady.” to hear and see the superb, sensitive and creative visual plan of these two musicians, who were rewarded with a standing ovation. Lenart Krecic is a college student from Ljubljana who is majoring in music at the New School University. Yves Lango is the son of Dr. Silvester and Dr. Dominika Lango. He is a student at Westchester Community College. We look forward to hearing more from them in the near future. —Rosalie Olinski, music critic KEN CMECK’S songs 1. Zapula Waltz 2. Yu Pi De Polka Medley 3. Slovene Waltz Medley 4. Rom Pom Pom Polka 5. My Loving Wife 6. Nasvidenje 7. Little Fellow Waltz 8. God Created Earth, Life and Music Polka 9. Blossoming Tulips Waltz 10. In the Mountain Polka 11. Piovi, Plovi Waltz 12. Thinking of You 13. Zinka, Zefka, Zofka Order from: Waltz Hank Haller Enterprises CD Cost: 27672 Royal Forest $15.00 Westlake, OH 44145 Includes shipping '7^ PetfaMe&’t potfai TQmUo. America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm / Saturdays 12-2 pm Kollander World Travel, 971 East 185th St, Cleveland OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Falrport Harbor Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 99 Comcast Cable and »m33o „ World on-line (216)481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 40 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety” At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community'’ Offering complete Community News Daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women's Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) MARK SEDMAK (Alternative Music) bi tfr-m ':o siuto.te M ::.00: av/sCJ • «r!n>omO bm: 5 Meet The Most Rev. Roger Toys, D.D. by STANE KUHAR Co-Chairperson, Ad Hoc Committee Baraga Days 2005 (Writer’s note: This is the third in a series of articles for the Ameriška Domovina -American Home newspaper regarding Catholic bishops who will be participating in Baraga Days 2005 in Cleveland, Ohio. The first article was about Auxiliary Bishop Andrej Glavan, archdiocese of Ljubljana; the second article was on Archbishop Elden Curtiss, archdiocese of Omaha (NE). This article is about Bishop Roger Foys, diocese of Covington (KY).______________ Roger Joseph Foys was bom on July 27, 1945 in Chicago, Illinois into the caring and loving family of the late Martin A. and Theresa H. Foys (nee Kak-lin). Roger was the third of four children in the Foys household. He attended the former St. Stephen Slovenian Elementary School in Chicago. (Writer’s note: The former school became the site of the first “Cristo Rey" type Catholic High School in the USA. The Chicago high school is sponsored by the Chicago Provincial of the Society of Jesus (i.e., Jesuit feligious order). There are currently 11 such schools in operation with 10 additional city sites undergoing feasibility studies. A future article In the A.D. will be on Cristo Rey network. Roger Foys continued his studies and was graduated from Franciscan University *n Steubenville, OH. He then completed his seminary studies at St. John Vianney Seminary in Bloomingdale, Ohio. He pursued studies at Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.) and the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. He was then ordained a Roman Catholic priest on May 16, 1973 by the late Bishop John King Mussio at Holy Name Cathedral, Steubenville, Ohio. He was assigned for service in the Diocese of Steubenville (QH). Fr. Foys began his pas-toral ministry in a variety of capacities. He served as Pastor for St. Matthias Mis-si°n, Christ the King Misson, and Nativity of Our Lord Mission. In 1980 he ^as assigned as pastor for St. ®seph Church in Toronto, hio, while in 1986 he was Appointed Pastor also of St. rancis Parish, Toronto, hio. In addition to his pas-oral responsibilities he also ^•"ved as Secretary, Vice-Ufficialis and Officialis of e Tribunal of the Diocese of Steubenville for a period of 10 years. In August, 1982 he was appointed as the Vicar General of the Diocese of Steubenville. His administrative responsibilities while in the Diocese of Steubenville included Diocesan Financial Officer, Moderator of the Curia, Director of Diocese Data Processing Department, Chairman of the Presbyteral Council, Coordinator of the Annual Diocesan Appeal, Diocesan Moderator of the Catholic Women’s Club, Adjutant Judicial Vicar for the Inter-Diocesan Appeal Court of the state of Ohio and Washington, D.C., Vicar for Priests and Director of Vocations. Fr. Foys was named a Prelate of Honor to His Holiness Pope John Paul II on December 30, 1986. Monsignor Foys was then named Prothonotary Apostolic (member of the highest college of prelates in the Roman Curia and also honorary prelates on whom a pope has confirmed title and special privileges) in Febmary, 2001. He was appointed as a Knight Commander of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in April, 1995. He holds membership in the Canon Law Society of America. Msgr. Foys was a Diocesan Consulator, Chairman of the Board of Administrative Review, Priests’ Retirement Board, Chairman of Priests’ Personnel Board, and a member of Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board. Msgr. Foys has been acknowledged as an educator by being a member of the Board of Advisors for Franciscan University of Steubenville, member on the Advisory Board of Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA, and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH. He has the academic title of “D.D.” indicating ‘‘Doctor of Divinity. ” Msgr. Foys was named Bishop of the Diocese of Covington on May 31, 2002. He was consecrated and installed as the 10,h Bishop of the Diocese of Covington in the Cathedral of Basilica of the Assumption in Covington, KY, on July 15, 2002. The northeast Ohio communities will have the opportunity to welcome, pray, meet, and socialize with Bishop Foys on September 3-4 during the Baraga Days 2005 in Cleveland. A reminder regarding the schedule of events for Baraga Days 2005: Saturday, Sept. 3 - Solemn Mass at 6:30 p.m. in St. Vitus Church, followed by a social and fellowship in the parish auditorium. The bust of Bishop Baraga will be officially dedicated PRIOR to the Slovenian Mass, in the Slovenian Cultural Garden, located in Rockefeller Park, approximately a 10-minute drive from St. Vitus Church. The former St. Vitus elementary school building, currently leased to St. Martin de Porres High School, and the lower level and courtyard of St. Vitus Village, will be open for viewing. Sunday, Sept. 4 - Pontifical Mass at 2:00 p.m. in St. Mary of the Assumption Church, followed by a banquet and annual proceedings in the new parish center. Banquet tickets are $25.00 each with reservations for table of eight-to-ten people available. Tickets are on a first come, first serve basis. Approximately 217 tickets have already been ordered and allocated. The banquet is limited to 500 tickets. Contact Stane Kuhar at (216) 361-1444 for banquet tickets and other information. (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124’ ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorney-at-Law Centre Plaza South Suite 380 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 ST. CHRISTINE CHURCH ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE 840 East IIT* Street Euclid, Ohio FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Noon - 6:00PM SATURDAY, JUNE 25 9:00AM - 6:00PM SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Noon to 4:00PM ST. CHRISTINE CHURCH 840 EAST 222'° STREET EUCLID, OH 44123 HELD IN THE GYM Books, Clothing, Tools, Lighting & Plumbing Fixtures, Furniture, Small Appliances, Household Items, Knick Knacks and Collectibles AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 16, 2005 Tourism college visits Slovenska Palma MIAMI, FLA. - Slovenian-American club Slovenska Palma had a special visit from Slovenia. Students from the College of Tourism from Slovenia, guided by Professor Dr. Rok Ovsenik, came to visit them in May during their professional trip to Florida. Together, they promoted Slovenia. But after the conclusion of business, they took a day off to unwind at the Yacht & Tennis Club in Ft. Lauderdale. A cabana shade, and a cool pool kept them fresh under a hot Florida sun. Authentic “kranjske klobase” were served besides a variety of different food and cold drinks. Polka music was heard from afar. A big thank you goes to tourist agency KOMPAS Florida for sponsoring this event. If you are planning a trip to the sunny side of the Alps, Slovenia, or any other interesting place, please contact the friendly team from Kompas. They will help you with tickets and other travel arrangements by calling 800-233-6422 or check their web site Thanks to everyone for a nice day. Slovenska Palma plans to have more visits from students from different Slovenian colleges. Friends of Slovenska Palma meet at least once a month. Everyone is invited to join them at their monthly meetings. You can join their mailing list by writing to and visit their web page for more pictures from their b-b-q. In the beginning of July Silvester Subotnjicki is going to visit Slovenians in Cleveland to celebrate the 24th anniversary of SNPJ, the most popular Slovenian event in the U.S. At the same time in July, Slovenska Pristava also holds their annual festival. Silvester hopes to meet some new Slovenian friends while in Greater Cleveland. In the enclosed photo you can see the students from Slovenia under the “Slovenian Palm Tree.” Slovenians Featured in PD Article On Tuesday, June 21s1, the Mosaic page of The Plain Dealer will feature the Central European Slavs: Czechs, Slovaks and Slovenians. The article, “Slovenians, Unknown Achievers,” may be of special interest to Slovenian Americans and their friends. Since, according to the newspaper’s home page. The Plain Dealer is read by more than 875,000 readers daily. Being so prominently featured on the Mosaic page of Ohio’s largest newspaper is undoubtedly of considerable interest and significance to all Slovenians. In spite of limited space, they shine as a very capable, influential and productive nationality and indeed, the American ancestry group with the very lowest percentage living in poverty. What a unique distinction. How blessed we are. --Ed Gobetz All Invited to Ohio KSKJ Picnic The 54th annual Ohio KSKJ Day Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 26 from 12 noon to 8 p.m. at Slovenska Pristava Recreation Center in Harpersfield, Ohio. It is sponsored by the Ohio Federation of American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) lodges as a social event for all KSKJ members, their families, and friends. Everyone is kindly invited to come and join the get-together to renew old acquaintances and enjoy good fellowship. The Joey Tomsick Orchestra will furnish music for our listening and dancing pleasure from 3 to 7 p.m. There will be food and liquid refreshments available. A bake sale will feature homemade delicacies by the members. Free refreshment tickets worth $2.00 will be given to children 14 years of age and under until 5 p.m. Games and contests for children will begin at 4 p.m. The swimming pool will also be open at a cost. Admission and parking are free. Directions: From Cleveland, take Route 1-90 East to the Geneva Exit, State Route 534. Take Route 534 South for approximately 2 miles to South River Road. Proceed on South River Road for approximately 1 mile to Brandt Road. Brandt Road is the first street you will see while traveling on South River Road. It is easy to miss the road if you are not paying attention. Turn right on Brandt Road and proceed to Slovenska Pristava. The picnic area is a little over a half-mile down Brandt Road. You will have to make a right turn from Brandt to enter the picnic area. --Joseph V. Hočevar Ohio Federation President Coming Attractions Saturday, June 18 SPD Tabor, gathering and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 19 Spartans annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Joe Novak and Friends 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Lou Novak (216) 461-6476. Sunday, June 19 SPD Tabor celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 26 SNPJ Lodge 126 annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Captain’s Crew and Sumrada Brothers Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Grace Marinch at (440) 269-1334. Sunday, June 26 First Picnic (Prvi Piknik) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 26 Ohio KSKJ Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava, from 12 noon to 8 p.m. Music from 3 to 7 by Joey Tom-sick Orchestra. Games at 4. Saturday, July 2 Campers of Slovenska Pristava annual steak ($15), and chicken ($12) dinner. Reserved tickets only. Call (216) 529-0573 or (440) 256-9237. Bar opens 2 p.m., dinners at 5. Music. Sunday, July 3 Joe Fedorchak with the Jack Vasko Orchestra at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, OH. Hosted by Cleveland SNPJ Federation. Dinners 1 to 3; dancing from 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Sophie Matuch at (440) 951-6906. Thursday, July 7 St. Vitus Alumni meets at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village. Sunday, July 10 Catholic Mission Aid picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, July 15 Ekart Ansambel from Slovenia concert-dance at Slovenian National Home. Doors open at 6 p.m., music at 7. Advance tickets $8, at door: $10. Information call (216)361-5115. Sunday, July 17 Loyalites annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Captain’s Crew and the Cruisers, 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Dorothy Gorjup at (216) 732-9231. Sunday, July 17 St. Vitus Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Noon Mass with roast beef and chicken dinner following. Meal is $12 for adults, $6 for children. Stan Mejac Band. Activity until 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 13 Annual Picnic of Holmes Ave. Pensioners Club at VFW #4358 on White Rd. (between Bishop & Rockefeller Rds.) noon until 6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Free admission. Food & refreshments available. Fred Ziwich plays for dancing 2:30 to 4:30. Jam session follows. More information call 440-943-3784. Sunday, July 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 24 Strugglers annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland. Dinner 1 to 3; dancing to music of Frank Moravcik Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Sunday, July 24 Mission Picnic (Misijonski Piknik) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Tuesday, July 26 Polkas at Euclid Library with Joey Tomsick Orchestra, featuring Phil Hrvatin on tenor sax. Sunday, July 31 SNPJ Lodge 53 dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Frank Moravcik Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Sunday, July 31 St. Robert’s Festival, 23802 Lake Shore Blvd., featuring Joey Tomsick Orchestra from 4 to 8 p.m. Aug. 3 to 7 E. 185 Street Festival featuring live polka bands each day at Schenely Avenue. Polka Mass on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. with Rev. Fr. Perkovich from Minn. Thursday, Aug. 4 and Friday, Aug. 5 Rummage and Bake Sale 10-5 p.m. at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Donations welcome, drop off after 12 noon from Aug. 1-3. Sunday, Aug. 7 Dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Don Wojtila Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Aug. 13 Old Bands reunion picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 14 SNPJ Lodge 5 dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Ray Polantz Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Sunday, Aug. 14 Primorski Club Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 21 St. Mary’s Parish picnic with Veseli Godci Ansambel Death Notices DOROTHY F. URANKAR Dorothy F. Urankar (nee Bukovac), age 76, died June 3, 2005 in Cary, NC. Dorothy was the beloved wife of Stanley A. for 54 years; loving mother of Stanley F.- (Terri Zupančič), Stephan P. (deceased), Paul J. (Jan), Susan U. Rhodes (Ross), and Anthony M. (Lynette); dearest grandmother of Matthew, Jacqueline, Grace, Rose, Stephanie, Danica, Michael, Julia, Rok and Anthony J. Urankar, and Leigh Anne, Cortney and Spencer Rhodes; and cherished sister of Betty J. Jencen (Frank). Dorothy was very active in St. Mary’s parish (Collinwood), serving as chairperson of various fundraising endeavors. Memorial Mass at 10 a.m. on June 16 at St. Michael the Archangel Church, Cary, NC. Arrangements by Brown-Wayne Funeral Home. Local Memorial Mass will be at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 16 at St. Mary’s of the Assumption Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. Family suggests donations to St. Mary’s of the Assumption Church. JOSEPHINE GORENCIC Josephine Gorencic, nee Novsak, died recently. Josephine was the daughter of the late Joseph and Theresa (Avsec) Gorencic; the sister of Theresa Novsak and Frank. The funeral was private with arrangements by the Zak Funeral Home. The family recommends donations in her name to the Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 NeffRd., Cleveland, OH 44119. JEAN J. TURK Jean J. Turk (Železnik), age 78, passed away on May 18, 2005 in Concord,"Ohio. Jean was bom on Sept. 24, 1926 in Cleveland. She was a member of St. Vitus Mother’s Club, St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society, St. Vitus Alumni, St. Clair Pensioners, and AFU Lodge #132. Jan worked for 20 years catering events with Julie Zalar. Jean is survived by children Fran (Randal) Johnson, Jean (Michael) Murphy, Ann (Gary) Morgan, Cheryl (Thomas) Zioek, Michael (Sharon) Turk; grandchildren Kyle (Dana) Johnson, Colleen (James) Miklus, Chris (Kelly), Kayla and Sean Murphy, James and Adam Morgan, Brian and Mitch Turk, Hannah Zidek; great grandchildren Morgan and Patrick Miklus; sisters Josepha Strauss and Mary Železnik. Her parents Andrew and Alojzija (Penca) Železnik; sister Lillian Železnik, and brother-in-law Richard Strauss, are deceased. Friends were received Friday, May 20 at Zele Funeral Home. Mass of Christian burial was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 21 in St. Vitus Church, Rev. Joseph Boznar officiating. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. Contributions to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 East 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. ANN D. BOZICK Ann D. Bozick (nee Goga), age 101, passed away on Saturday, June 4, 20005. Ann was bom on March 22, 1904 in Lyndora, PA. She came to Cleveland in 1914. She was a resident of Euclid, Ohio, prior to that she lived in Cleveland, Ann belonged to AMLA Lodge #40, Clairwoods. She is survived by daughter Helen (Elmer) Kolenc, daughter-in-law Sophie Bozick; grandsons Dennis, Mark and Edward; granddaughter Kim; greatgrandmother of four. Her husband Marion Bozick, son Edward Bozick, a brother John Goga, sisters Mary Raffery and Margaret Poličk, are deceased. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Tuesday, June 7th. Mass of Christian Burial was held in St. Jerome Catholic Church in Cleveland on Wednesday, June 8th. Donations in her memory to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 East 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. In Memory Thanks to Julka Gorensek of Ft. Lauderdale, FL who donated $84.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, talented conductor and composer France Gorensek. In Memory Thanks to Stefani Zidar of Wickliffe, OH who donated $10.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of William Zidar. In Memory Thanks to Lillian J. Fre-derico of Cleveland who donated $15.00 in memory of her husband, Carmen Frederic©. In Memory Thanks to Molly R. Hribar of Warren, MI who donated $20.00 in memory of her husband, Frank J. Hribar, and sister Mary Zupanchick. In Loving Memory of Josephine Grdina who died on June 22, 1975 Your memory is our keepsake With which we will never part Though God has you in His keeping, We will always have you in our heart. §adly missed by Sons: Joseph and Anthony Daughters-in-law > Mary and Betty Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren r* - f In Loving Memory OF OUR HUSBAND AND UNCLE Tony Okički 20th Anniversary He passed away June 22, 1985 God took him home; it was His will. But in our hearts we love him still. His memory is as dear today 'as in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him when we are alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Wife — Mar^ #^iPie.c?s^tehews Happy Birthday Birthday greetings to Louis Gerkman of Windsor, Ontario. He will be celebrating his 90th birthday on June 24. Mr. Gerkman has been a subscriber to the Ameriška Domovina since 1948. Congratulations, Mr. Gerkman, and best wishes, for many more birthdays and good health. Donation Thanks to Jennie Tuma of Wickliffe, OH who donated $20.00 to the American Home newspaper. In Loving Memory < Of the 9th Anniversary of the Death of Our Friend John Orazem Died June 19,1996 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Sadly missed by: Family of Mary Okicki Seems like only yesterday, but here we are... ‘tis time to jiggle the little mem-oiy ‘ions’ in your head again. Our quarterly meeting is at hand, Thursday, July 7lh -at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village. This is the meeting where the Honoree Chairperson announces the name of the Honorees for the year. Honoree Day this year is the last Sunday of October, Oct. 30th. Make a special note on your calendar. President Dan Reiger is doing well after his surgery and is improving daily. He is back in business. Glad to see you around and about. Josie Perpar is coming home (again) after spending two weeks at the Hanna House Health Resort. She has been homebound, wheelchair bound; you name it, for more than a year now. It gets lonely at home. Why not send her a card, 1041 E. 177 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Another of the Alumni Originals, Albina Pozelnik, is still fighting health probunu lems and is missed in the Large Donation Thanks to John J. Leskovec of Kirtland, OH for the $100.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Franc and Mary Hren of Richmond Hts., OH who donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Branko Pogačnik, Kirtland, OH - $5.00 Julia Kacin, Downers Grove, IL — $5.00 Rudolf and Josephine Merc, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monahon, III, Aiken, SC --$10.00 Joseph T. Snyder, Sagamore Hills, OH -- $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Vid Rovanšek, Ontario, Canada -$15.00 Ana Leben, Mentor, OH -$15.00 Zdenka and Ivan Zakrajšek, Kirtland, OH — $10.00 Sylvia Klopcic, Parma, OH -$12.00 Lojze Brumen, Madison, OH - $2.00 Mark and Karen Er-dani, Euclid, OH -r $5.00 Eddie Veider, Willoughby Hills, OH — $5.00 Izidor and Josie Manfreda, Cleveland, OH — $15.00. James A. Slapnik, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 outer circles, 6603 Schaeffer Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Had a birthday recently. Best wishes from all of us, for j many more in better, improved health, God willing. Anthony Brodnik is giving everyone a hard time at the Home for the Aged (just kidding, Tony). Why not remember him with a card, 18621 Neff Rd., 44119, or stop in to say hello. Still missing from the St. Clair/St. Vitus scene are sisters Lillian Ribarich and Frances Forsythe, 1690 Beverly Hills Dr., Euclid 44117, along with husband Paul Ribarich. We hope to see you in the near future. If you know of any others, and I am sure there are many who are ailing, why not stop by to visit, or just drop in via the mail with a card. These are acts of kindness and charity and will not only make ‘them’ feel good, but you as well. Have a wonderful Fourth of July, but most of all... looking forward to seeing you at the meeting on Thurs-d&y/iJuiy>i7%t-71f).mO m-ay K —Agnes Koporc Zele Funefal Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at (216) 481-3118 s Ld'in t HFdMilW QWOQd qaft,operated since ibok U " 1 ’ ‘ 2 St. Vitus Alumni News AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 16, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 16, 2005 s Maria Sevan is Slovenska Gospodična On Saturday, June 11, the Chicago-Lemont community celebrated the 14th anniversary of Slovenian Independence at an event called Slovenian Day at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, IL. Miss Maria Sevan presented the Slovenian Day Proclamation issued by the Governor of Illinois for this special day. The proclamation recognizes the Slovenian citizens of Illinois for their contributions to the progress and repute of the great state of Illinois and at the same time celebrates the declaration of independence of Slovenia in 1991. For 48 consecutive years Slovenians in Illinois have celebrated their culture and heritage by presenting a yearly stage program featuring Slovenian music and folk-dance. The day selected this year is close to the actual Independence Day of Slovenia on June 25th. Introducing Miss Slovenian Day is one of the program highlights as the young lady is asked to begin the program by reading the Governor’s Proclamation in both English and Slovenian. She is chosen by a committee of the Slovenian Cultural Center organization and this year, president Martin Hozjan claims the selection of Maria was one of the easiest they have ever had because Maria is so well-known and well-liked by the community. “She is sweet-natured, pretty, diligent and friendly, the perfect example of what a “Slovenska gospodična (Slovenian young lady) should be,” he said. Blue-eyed Maria, 18, is the second daughter of Slavko and Slavica Sovan of Alsip, Illinois. Her love of art and design has led her to consider the study of landscape architecture as her major in the pursuit of a bachelor of arts degree at the University of Illinois-Champaign where she has just completed her first year. Her background, having parents of exceptional artistic ability, certifies that Maria is on the right track. But mainly, Maria is well-known and loved by the members of the Slovenian community of Chicago-Lemont-Joliet because her smiling face has endeared her to each as a daughter. Besides, her diligence is always visible at the Slovenski Dom since opening day in 1994 when she was just a little girl. “I think I’ve been following my mom and dad around the hall doing whatever I could to help since the beginning,” says Maria. But she has also found many lasting friends there who have become her extended family and for this group of young people, the Dom has become a most natural sec- ond home. Some of Maria’s activities include membership, since its inception in 2003, in the Slovenian folk-dance group LIPA which is directed by her sister, Kristina, also, being in high school musicals at Queen of Peace in Burbank, and further, participating there as a member of the school band and tennis club. She was also the coordinator of altar servers at the Slovenian Catholic Mission in Lemont. As a child five yeas of age, she began studying the Slovenian language at St. Stephen’s school in Chicago under the tutelage of Joseph Rus, then studied at the Slomšek Slovenian School in Lemont, so she is proficient in the language. The stage program at Slovenian Day this year included lots of music, singing and dancing. The featured performers, “Slovenski Lau-farji,” a musical group, make their U.S. debut from the area in Slovenia where Maria’s parents were bom, the town of Idrija, known for its exquisite “bobbin lace” and as a geological wonder of the world because of its caves and the existence of mercury mines. And to top off the enjoyment was the availability of a Slovenian food specialty namely, Idrijski Žlikrofi, ravioli-style dumplings freshly made according to an authentic recipe. Slovenian writer and playwright Evald Fliser will visit Chicago and welcomed on stage, reading from some of his popular and awardwinning Slovenian language works. _Corinne Leskovar Help Wanted Light housekeeping and assist with reading. Must drive. 440-247-6033 The principal mark of genius is not perfection, but originality, the opening of new frontiers. -Arthur Koestler Some of the students in Mrs. Lillian Centa’s Adult beginners Slovenian class in St. Vitus Saturday morning school are, left to right, Anita Pesec, Chris Morsch, Caroline Mallik, Veronica Petrie, Mrs. Centa, Dale Zidan, and Nik Yanchar. Bus Trip to Slovenefest Just to let everyone in Northeast Ohio know we are hosting a bus trip to the Slovenefest XXIV, SNPJ Enon Valley, PA and that seats are still available. Saturday, July 9, the Happy Timers will host a bus trip to the Festival. Call Rudy Pivik (216) 433-1941 or Bob Smith (216) 281-9497. The Happy Timers will perform from 6 - 7:30 p.m. in the Gostilna. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 St. Mary’s Summer Masses St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) pastor, Rev. John Kumse, announces there will be no 12:00 Mass in the church from Sunday, June 12 to Sunday, Sept. 4th. Sunday Masses will be at 8, and 10 a.m. ONLY. ’ , Slovenians MR" Us ------_________________I Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Fork Chops, and Goulash Dinners National Cleveland-Style POLKA HALL OF FAME Good Time Polka in the Good Old Summertime • POLKA bESTINATION Visit the Polka Hall of Fame A Museum Recommended sightseeing spot -Free admission • POLKA RECORDINGS je dejal Drnovšek, in obenem tudi za-^ela boj za spremembo družbene ureditve, ^realu se je pokazalo, da je odpor tudi revolucionaren in mnogi med tistimi, ki se o pridružili, so se odločili za sodelova-nie z okupatorjem. S tem so se znašli na stran poražencev. Ob koncu vojne, je nadaljeval predsednik Slovenije, so zavezniki domobrance izročili revolucionarnim oblastem in očitno je odlo-Cltev o maščevanju in likvidaciji razrednega s°vražnika sprejel takratni najvišji državni j*1 Partijski vrh. “Ta zločin ne bremeni tiso-ev partizanov, tudi vseh komunistov, ki so Verjeli v pravičnejši družbeni red in niso s°delovali v bratomornih pobojih, ne. Bre-reeni pa partijske voditelje in njihove po-reočnikc.” , ^ nadaljevanju je Drnovšek poudaril, da le treba vrniti dostojanstvo vsem pobitim. Na resnici in brez starih zamer mora biti J*temeljeno naše življenje. Tudi na resnici o ei11, kaj se je zgodilo tukaj in na teh tleh pred toliko leti.” Slovenija še vedno naklonjena Hrvaški Pretekli teden je bil na Brionih skupna *eJ slovenske in hrvaške vlade. Na koncu e. J® dejal premier Janez Janša, da Slove-mia vidi prihodnost Hrvaške v EU in bo to dokazovala tudi na praktični ravni. Janša je rekel, da se bo treba v bodoče posvetiti tudi reševanju meje med državama. Podpisana je bila tudi izjava o izogibanju incidentom, podpisala sta jo zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel in hrvaški kolega Ko-linda Grabar Kitarovič. Vlada sta se v izjavi zavezali, da bosta spoštovali stanje na dan 25. junija 1991. Podpisali tudi konvencijo o izogibanju dvojnemu obdavčevanju, kar je pomembno za razvoj slovenskega gospodarstva in za prost pretok kapitala. Danilo Turk odhaja iz Združenih narodov, na zelo pomembnem mestu od leta 2000 Danilo Tink, ki je bil zadnjih pet let zaposlen v sekretariatu Združenih držav, je povedal, da bo to delo opustil. Vzrok temu je odločitev generalnega sekretarja OZN Kofija Anana, da bo za šefa urada za politične zadeve imenoval nekega Nigerijca. Za omenjeno mesto se je bil potegoval tudi Tink. Na svoje dosedanje mesto je bil imenovan v začetku leta 2000, pred tem je služil kot slovenski veleposlanik pri OZN, nekdaj je pa bil profesor na ljubljanski pravni fakulteti, kateri se namerava sedaj vrniti. Menda je igrala vlogo pri Ananovi odločitvi splošno mnenje pri OZN, da pripada omenjeno mesto afriškemu kandidatu. Precej neenotnosti v opozicijski LDS Pretekli teden je javnost presentil s svojim odstopom generalni sekretar LDS Roman Jakič, kajti je to mesto sprejel šele decembra lani. Veliko je neeotnosti in tudi odstopov v ljubljanski LDS. Predsednik te stranke Anton Rop je pa dejal, da namerava ostati kot predsednik. Po nekaterih govoricah naj bi bila nevarnost razcepa največje opozicijske stranke v dva in morda celo tri stranke, kaže pa, da so v stranki precej daleč od tega. Spominske slovesnosti v Irenin pobitih se je 5. junija 0 grobišču Pod Krenom v kočevskem rogu udeležilo več kot 4000 ljudi v tej slovesnosti smo poročali hjj Prejšnji AD, fotografija ni na razpolago. Glavni go- slov^ ^nton Drobnič iz Nove enske zaveze je opozoril r raz finančni minister v rej Bajek je položil venec Prvjmenu države ~ to je bil ga • Pr‘rner tega spremljal skp ^ tud' častni vod Sloven-e v°jske. Grobišča pod Krenom v.Htkj r'lMTic, Tir*,. 'CmKjt, D s,;.e ifidw, «rn:. Nik !i ;:.:idt.«r n n \\M ju* n n im ji juhi im n »i :i ;•: ut «Ui •iniU-U1. UJ1 »m** n um n niiuiiii lunUilin »»U: im tl ti »um »mn n uh h iihiiii n it u .ju iz Clevelanda in okolice Tabor SPB vabi— To soboto in nedeljo, tj. 18. in 19. junija, bo imelo Društvo Tabor SPB spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi. V soboto pop. ob 5. uri bo pri spominski kapelici na Orlovem vrhu molitev rožnega venca, v nedeljo ob 12. uri pa bo prav tam č.g. Franci Kosem daroval sv. mašo. Več v dopisu na str. 16. Ohyska federacya KSKJ— Vsakoletni piknik na Slovenski pristavi, ki ga sponzorira Ohijska federacija KSKJ društev, bo v nedeljo, 26. junija, trajal bo od 12h opoldne do 8h zvečer. Od 3. do 7h zv. bo za ples in zabavo igral Joey Tomsick orkester. Vabljeni KSKJ člani, pa tudi vsi drugi. Novi grobovi Adela Modic Umrla je 88 let stara Adela Modic, rojena Stasiu-nis, vdova po Matthewju, mačeha Bonnie Miko in Richarda Modic. Pogreb bo privaten, družina pa priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Theresa A. Troha Umrla je 78 let stara Theresa A. Troha, hčerka že pok. Antona in Rose, sestra že pok. Frances Ne-kic, teta. Pogreb je danes v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clair Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Frank H. Gorenc Umrl je 58 let stari Frank H. Gorenc, mož (35 . let) Marge, roj. Kubec, oče Franka, Marka in Chrissy, brat Mary Jean Rochon in Mary Ann Ryan, služil pri ameriških marincih. Pogreb je bil 14. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Justin Martyr v Eastlaku s pokopom na Willoughby pokopališču. Mary H. Zupančič Umrla je Mary H. Zupančič, rojena Baytosh, po Franku, mati Elaine Spagnola in Franka, 5-krat stara mati, 8-krat prastara mati, sestra Josephine Vasil ter že pok. Mildred Thomas, Ann Jastrab, Ben-a, Josepha in Lillian Brodzin-ski. Pogreb v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda je bil 11. junija s pogrebno liturgijo v (DALJE na str. 16) I ... o,iiij. i/jji 1 IMI II II tl M II ,1 H II |l II II II II II U ,, ,, „ „ „ „ „ „ „ 1WJJ „ . „ M u n n M u M h II n II H II N u II H H •••» h h h u i, u „ » u n u n n n „ „ “Kamperji” Slov. pristave— Ti bodo imeli svoje letno večerjo na Pristavi in sicer v soboto, 2. julija, in bodo veseli vaše udeležbe. Nakaznice za večerjo bodo pa samo v predprodaji in sicer stejk ($15) oz. pečeni piščanec ($12), seveda s prikuhami. Za rezervacije in več informacij, se obrnite na Terri Vogel (216-529-0573) ali pa Marge Žnidaršič (440-256-9237). Bara bo odprta od 2h dalje, večerje bodo delili med 5. in 7. uro zvečer. Seveda bo goste (in plesalce) spodbujala tudi godba. Še to: večji del prebitka bo darovan projektu gradnje nove dvorane. Piknik MZA— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija že danes vabi na svoj letni piknik, ki bo na Slovenski pristavi v nedeljo, 10. julija. Piknik se bo pričel s sv. mašo ob 12.30 pop., sledilo bo kosilo. Prijetno srečanje— Na obisku v našem me- { stu od 12. do 15. junija je I bil 45-letni Antiša Korljan, Ljubljančan, ki je urednik centralne redakcije Dnevnika. Potuje (odšel je- v Pittsburgh) na povabilo State Departmenta, v Clevelandu je sestanke organiziral Cleveland Council on World Affairs oz. Margaritha Shul-man, sama priseljenka leta 1988 iz nekdanje ZSSR. Z g. Korljanom, njo in njegovim prevajalcem smo se pri Sterletu na E. 55 St. dobili urednik AD, Vladimir Rus in Philip Hrvatin, dva druga radi nenadnih obveznosti nista mogla priti, g. Korljan pa se je lahko srečal z več rojakinjami iz West Parka, ki so bile slučajno na svojem kosilu isti čas. Bilo je res prijetno srečanje in po svoje tudi informativno. Obisk ansambla Ekart— V petek, 15. julija, bo v SND na St. Clair Ave. imel koncert ansambel Ekart, ki bo na gostovanju pri nas, doma je pa na Štajerskem. Vrata bodo odprta ob 6h zv., koncert se bo pričel ob 7h. Vstopnice v predprodaji so po $8 (kličite SND na 216-361-5115), pri vratih na večer koncerta pa po $10. Na voljo za zmerne cene bodo okrepčila, varno parkiranje bo zadaj od doma. Prebitek večera bo v korist SND. (Naslednji večer bo ansambel Ekart nastopil na Slovenski pristavi.) S y__jhivin II tl H >1 l| II II «l il II II M II U U U II U u l| u II II II II II t! II tl M tf 14 U W M II M ll II II ' •• n ii rt it im n u m n n it n h •• n h it >• n n n m n m n n h m h „ n m h ii ■■ I' ii it / i I I | I PAVLE BORŠTNIK: OSEMDESETLETNIK SYRACUSE, NY - Ko pregledujem ob osedemde-setletnici Pavleta Borštnika njegovo izredno produktivno delo na mnogih področjih zadnjih šestdeset let ali morda še več, mi nehote vstopajo v spomin skladbe zgodnjega večglasja. V samem središču teh skladb je vladal vodilni glas, nekoliko počasen, pa vendar zelo trden in odločen. Spremljan je bil na vseh straneh od večjega ali manjšega števila drugih, bolj živahnih glasov, ki so dodajali, potrjevali ali pa se skušali oddaljiti in izzivati drugačne misli, kot si jih je zamišljal vodilni glas. Vsi ti glasovi so končno, po zapletenih in trdih poteh, le dosegli gotovo harmonično identiteto in iz različnih pogledov in stvaritev ustvarili nekak skupin in zadovoljiv zaključni akord. Da ne bi bilo kakšnega nerazumevanja. Pavleta Borštnika ne istovetim s tem tako pomembnim in osrednjim vodilnim glasom zgodnjega večglasja. Take vloge si ni nikdar niti prisvajal, še manj pa želel. Podobne vloge si tudi nihče ne more lastiti in tudi nikomur ali katerikoli ideji ne pripada. Prav gotovo pa je Borštnik eden tistih med mnogimi, ki so si prizadevali, več ali manj uspešno, in iz različnih prepričanj in obzorij, razčlenjevati dolgo in usodno dobo zadnjih sedem desetletij. Pavle Borštnik je bil rojen v Ljubljani 1925. leta. Dovršil je štiri. leta klasične gimnazije, nato pa se je vpisal na Trgovsko akademijo in tam tudi maturiral leta 1944. Kot veliko drugih študentov, je tudi njega italijanska okupacijska oblast zaprla že novembra 1922. Zaradi zelo slabega zdravja pa je bil po enem mesecu izpuščen iz zapora. Leta 1944 se je najprej odzval pozivu Slovenskega domobranstva, ko pa je dobil povelje svoje odporniške skupine, Jugoslovanske vojske v domovini, se je avgusta 1944 pridružil Notranjskemu četniškemu odredu. Ti četniki so se skupaj s primorskimi domobranci, srbskimi četniki, in drugimi protikomunističnimi enotami umikali maja 1945 v smeri proti napredujočim zahodnim zaveznikom, in to pod pritiskom močnejših sil partizanske armade. Dolga pot begunstva prvih štirih let je vodila Pavleta Borštnika preko taborišč Forli in Eboli v Italiji, v Diepholz, See-dorf in Osnabriick v Nemčiji, do srečnega dne, ko Je dobil dovoljenje za vselitev v Združene države Amerike, kamor sta se z ženo preselila v novembru 1949. Prve zaposlitve v ZDA so sledile ustaljenim potom vseh priseljencev. Najprej k fizičnemu delu v tovarnah za osnovno ustaljenost v novi deželi, nato pa postopoma do boljših delovnih pogojev, k osamosvojitvi v svojem poklicu, ali pa k delu pri ameriških ustanovah. Ta stremljenja in osebne sposobnosti so Borštniku omogočile službo pri Glasu Amerike, kjer je deloval najprej kot poročevalec, nato še kot urednik, in 1988 kot šef slovenske sekcije. Po upokojitvi se je vrnil v Cleveland, Ohio, k svojim družinam. Borštnikovo delo in njegova prizadevanja v številnih kulturnih in političnih arenah so lahko tu zapisana le v grobih obrisih. Doseglivi podatki kažejo, da je bilo njegovo začetno zanimanje usmerjeno k pesništvu. Vsaj prvi dve pesniški zbirki bi to potrjevali: Iz mojih temnih dni (1946) in Mejniki (1948). V knjižnem obsegu je pozneje prišel v tisk eden njegovih prvih daljših del v angleškem jeziku. The Orchard (1978), v slogu romana napisana zgodba dogajanj v Sloveniji med vojno, po njej, in prihod v novo deželo. Leta 1998 pa je izšla pri Mladinski knjigi v Ljubljani Borštnikova strokovna razprava, Pozabljena zgodba slovenske nacionalne ilegalem ti v zbirki Spomini in izpovedi. Skupno z medvojnimi kolegi je ustanovil še pred preselitvijo v ZDA Slovensko Pravdo in z njenim glasilom Klic Triglava obveščal članstvo in tudi širšo publiko s članki in komentarji o slovenskih in jugoslovanskih razmerah, s pogledom od zunaj. Dolga leta je bil tudi eden glavnih sodelavcev glasila slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev Tabor. The American Slovene Congress je nekaj let izdajal glasilo, Zapiski. Pavle Borštnik in Paul Barbarich sta bila urednika (za slovensko in angleško sekcijo) in tudi redna dopisnika. Borštnikovi članki pa so od časa do časa bili objavljeni tudi v raznih revijah, kot Nova revija v Ljubljani in v The South Slav Journal v Londonu. Poleg že opisanega je Pavle Borštnik mnogo prispeval tudi h kulturnemu življenju v Clevelandu. Kot igralec pri Slovenskem odru in kot solist pri Pevskem zboru Korotan. Mnoge kulturne prireditve, posebno kadar je bilo treba pred Javnostjo predstaviti slovensko skupnost, so bile deležne podpore Borštnikovih izkušenj in talentov. Kot redni dopisnik slovenskega dela Ameriške domovine/American Home s celo serijo člankov in komentarjev na dogodke v Sloveniji in po svetu, nam že samo naslovi teh dopisov nakažejo Pavleta Borštnika širok razgled na svetovna dogajanja, prav .posebno pa na razvoj, težave, pa tudi napredek v deželi, ki jo je leta 1945 zapustil. BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! ^on^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family (11 .'4<; BUI S-j/Bft) ED MEJAC RDC Program Dirittor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440:953-1709 TEL/FAX wer: —) Milka Kozina Kregar praznuje svoj 80. rojstni dan 17. junij 2005 Ljuba naša mama, želimo Ti veseli rojstni dan. Dosegla si danes 80 let, leta, ki so minula hitro za nami. Rodila si je v Zapotoku, tam v prelepi Dolenjski vasi. Družina tvoja je bila verna, in takrat so bili težki časi. Huda vojska ti je okradla starša, in tudi dva priljubljena brata. Žalostni so bili tisti dnevi, za vedno so se doma zaprla vrata. Bežala si v Avstrijo, in tam si spoznala Franceta. Bog vaju je blagoslovil, da sta imela srečo kot ženin in nevesta. Prišla sta v Ameriko, in dom sta si zgradila. Skrbna si bila mamica, in prelepe pesmice si nas učila. Vse kar si doživela, je za tvojo življenjsko pot bilo za pomoč. Naša želja je, da Bog te ohrani, in Ljuba Marija naj te pazi dan in noč! Dori Kregar Fooy Vedno ti iz srca najboljše želimo: mož France, Gustelj in Maria Selak; Michael in Anka Krakora; Vinko in Marta Rozman; Thomas in Dori Fooy ter vsi vnuki, vnukinje, prijatelji in sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Vsekakor pa v svojih delih ni nikoli pozabil dogajanj med vojno, pod okupacijo, pa tudi ne prehoda iz ene in druge totalitarnosti v povojno dobo, ki je prinešla še tretjo totalitarnost. Ponovno je dokazal, posebno v času osamosvojitve Slovenije, da je njemu salus patriae supreme lex. Nobenemu zgodovinarju ne bo možno obiti Borštnikovih del in zapisov, pa naj bo to za dogajanja v Sloveniji v času polpretekle dobe, ali o delovanju in uspehih povojne begunske skupnosti v Združenih državah Amerike. Tudi domneva, da Borštnikovo pisateljsko delo kljub njegovim osemdesetim letom še ni končano, stoji na trdni ‘’^odiagP i‘:o rvo do neKOC v . celotna bibliografija vS^, knjig, člankov in zaplste , stu operativec.” Dr. ALEŠ GA#1 “Ko sem se zanim^ sodišča nacionalne tega dokumenta nisem tj d' iH del, pa tudi bolj so zanimali intelektualci njihovo sojenje. V m čevem kabinetu sem v ve*1 gledal nekaj depeš. ^ dar so nekatere iv skopo napisane, . p treba imeti še k3*1 dokument za večjo J35' nost. Zato tako hitr° I l i (dalje na str. 13) Na sami fotografiji piše spodaj levo: Agentje Ozne in Knoja so 30. maja 1945 skozi Kranj peljali vačjo skupino domobrancev in civilistov. Večino od njih so v naslednjih dnevih in tednih pobili. Zgoraj na desni je povečan delček fotografije, ki kaže roko nekega častnika (pred avtom), v kateri je vidna pištola. Na prsih menda nosi nekakšno odličje. Fotografija je v Demokraciji z dne junija precej jasnejša in bi verjetno bilo možno nekatere v koloni poimensko identificirati. Isto °ziroma še bolj velja za fotografijo iz naslovne strani omenjene številke tednika Mladine, (str. 14) ^■tja Ribičič je prvi. A je tudi zadnji? Konec nedotakljivosti Ljubljana (Demokracija, 2. junija 2005) - Po skoraj petnaj-s^h letih demokracije smo le dočakali prvo policijsko j^d-bo zoper domnevnega vodja množičnih povojnih po-in likvidacij P® drugi svetovni vojni. Ljubljanski kri-j^Dalisti so namreč zaradi kaznivega dejaqja genocida na pijansko okrajno tožilstvo poslali ovadbo zoper nekda-^tga pomočnika načelnika slovenske Ozne Mitjo Ribičiča. Ko se je v začetku de-tdesetih let prejšnjega °tetja Slovenija osamo-®VojUa, je v politiki vla-prepričanje, da bo 0rala poleg denacionali-lastninjenja in dru- ukrepov, s katerimi slovensko državo de- ^°kratizirali, izpeljali tu-temeljito preiskavo božičnih pobojev in li-Ij.^seij, ki so se dogaja-drugi svetovni vojni. ^Ker je vladvina Demo-trajala le kratek čas va ,Cer so vlado že kma-P° osamosvojitvi zno-Prevzele stranke “levi- V*C ' a j( ’ Je volja, da se pobo-raztŠčejo, načelno ob-pa^a’ Po drugi strani %8e ^ P01111^^0 nare' ^ vse, da odgovornim k« Poboje nikoli ne bi Se Pollclja s pre-sjj aV° Povojnih pobojev b0,;aWa ni ukvarjala, manj neuspešni p,. Sta bili tudi obe ko- >■ k‘ ° treba sesti na zato- sta preiskovali eno je vodil pos- 1 ,•» mcA .ip.oi: . •«/! f,!l lanec SKD Nace Polajnar, drugo pa Jože Pučnik. Prva komisija naj bi bila svojemu delu nedorasla, drugo pa so uspešno o-nemogočali poslanci ZLSD (današnji SD), LDS in SNS, ki so imeli v komisiji večino. Tako se Je na primer zgodilo, da Je komisija Mitjo Ribičiča, ki naj bi bil eden izmed odgovornih za poboje, na zaslišanje poklicala kot pričo, Alberta Svetino, spreobrnjenega oznovca, ki je pred Ozno konec štiridesetih zbežal na Madžarsko, pa kot zaslišanca, čeprav bi moralo biti obratno. Takšno pasivnost in sprenevedanje strank “levice”, v katerih so sedeli nekateri posamezniki, ki naj bi bili domnevno sami vpleteni v povojne poboje, je seved^ pomenilo, da je preiskava pobojev več let bolj ali manj stala na mrtvi točki, domnevni izvrševalci in naročniki pobojev pa -filv'i ' liir.i')' Ot i«jf .IVR'iq so počasi umirali, ne da bi jih pred smrtjo doletela vsaj moralna, če že ne sodna ovadba. Tako je leta 1993 umrl Ivan Maček-Matija, vodja slovenske Ozne (pod njeno roko in roko izvršilne službe Knoja je med vojno in po njej umrlo nekaj desettisoč Slovencev), ki ga nekateri označujejo za najodgovornejšo osebo za poboje v Sloveniji. Maček ob smrti, kot bi pričakovali, ni doživel vsesplošne moralne obsodbe (če se je že sodni izognil), ampak se je njegovemu spominu s celostranskimi osmrtnicami v Delu poklonil skoraj celoten tedanji slovenski politični vrh s predsednikom Milanom Kučanom na čelu. “Sprava” dala prvi rezultat Policija se je preiskave povojnih pobojev resneje lotila leta 2001, ko je občina Slovenska Bistrica odkrila povojno grobišče v zapuščenem rudniškem jašku v Slovenski Bistrici. Takrat so na pobudo generalnega direktorja policije Marka Pogorevca in generalne državne tožilke Zdenke Cerar (veliko je na to vplivalo tudi javno mnenje, ki je zahtevala raziskavo pobojev) na generalni policijski upravi ustanovili posebno skupi- Oj_llžOTq -• ;'*>$»-*dc lir Jf.nvjir.; i,s .rjihnoct«;« no kriminalistov, ki je začela preiskavo, imenovana Sprava. V začetku preiskave so se kriminalisti lotili predvsem zbiranja podatkov na terenu, vendar pri tem niso imeli preveč sreče. Kot pravi vodja skupine kriminalist Pavel Jamnik, so med zbiranjem informacij sicer dobili vrsto namigov in pričevanj o tem, kdo naj bi bil poboje vodil in izvajal, vendar med njimi ni bilo nobenega pričevanja ali dokaza, ki bi lahko poboje neposredno in nedvoumno povezal s posamezniki, ki so bodisi izvajali, bodisi naročali poboje. Do ključnega dokaza je komisija prišla šele potem, ko se je njen vodja lotil natančnega pregleda arhivskega gradiva. V kupu arhivskega gradiva. ki je le manjši del tovrstnega gradiva, v katerem se Je velik del dokumentov na to temo v preteklih letih ob številnih selitvah . izgubil neznano kam, je Jamnik našel dokument, s katerim Je prvič mogoče neko osebo povezati s povojnimi zločini. Gre za Mitjo Ribičiča, nekdanjega pomočnika načelnika slovenske Ozne, po čigar naročilu naj bi bilo, kot izhaja iz doku- (DALJE na str. 14) --------------iiiuluoq hiirsfj ■ r CiiC' .At Ta fotografija je iz naslovne strani tednika Mladine z dne 2. junija 2005. Gre za posnetek iste večje skupine v Kranju 30. maja 1945, ki je na str. 13. Obrazi so v originalu zelo jasni. KONEC NEDOTAKLJIVOSTI (NADALJEVANJE s STR. 13) menta, po vojni zaprtih, del od njih pa tudi ubitih, vsaj 12.000 oseb. V dokumentu, ki je del t.i. knjige pripornikov med letoma 1945 in 1946 (takšne knjige naj bi takrat vodili vsi zapori), je zapisanih okoli 12 tisoč imen oseb, pri katerih je pri dobri polovici pripis: “z glasom tovariša majorja Mitje”. Za vsaj 234 od njih je policija ugotovila. da so bili pozneje ubiti. Ovadba in odmevi nanjo Čeprav so nekateri želeli spremeniti pomen pripisa, je bolj ali manj jasno, da ta ne more pomeniti nič drugega, kot da so bile osebe, ki imajo takšen pripis, zaprte po nalogu Mitje Ribičiča. Slednje očitno verjame tudi policija, ki je na podlagi najdenega dokumenta na generalno državno tožilstvo zoper Ribičiča vložila kazensko ovadbo. Kakšna je vsebina ovadbe, za zdaj ni znano, saj Jamnik o tem še ne želi govoriti, znano pa je, da policija Ribičiča očita kaznivo dejanje genocida, ki naj bi ga bil najverjetneje storil, s tem ko je bilo po njegovem nalogu zaprtih in pozneje pobitih več tisoč oseb. Takoj po ovadbi je bilo zanimivo, kako so se nanjo odzvali Ribičič in nekateri levo usmerjeni pravniki. Ribičič ovadbe ni žele^ komentirati, saj je, keif'je zatrjeval, še ni prejel (v intervjuju za Mladino je na vprašanje, ali je odgovoren za poboj 234 oseb, ki mu ga očita tožilstvo, odgovoril, da je za vsako napako pripravljen nositi odgovornost), nekateri pravniki pa so se osredinili na pravne luknje, za katere naj Ribičiču, čeprav gre za hud zločin, ne bi bilo mogoče soditi. Tako je vodja katedre za kazensko pravo na pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani, dr. Ljubo Bavcon dejal, da Ribičiču po 373. članu kazenskega zakonika, ki govori o genocidu, ni mogoče soditi, ker genocid v letih 1945 in 1946 še ni bil opredeljen kot kaznivo dejanje (v kazenski zakonik je bil vnesen šele leta 1948), po načelu kazenskega prava pa nekomu za dejanje, ki v času, ko ga je storil, v kazenskem zakoniku ni bilo opredeljeno kot kaznivo dejanje, ni mogoče soditi. Polak: Pravne luknje ni Čeprav bi nekateri nadvse radi videli, da bi bilo res tako, pa Ribičiču sklicevanje na nekakšne luknje v zakonu ne bo pomagalo veliko. Kot je namreč v imenu Vrhovnega državnega tožilstva RS dejal vrhovni tožilec Andrej Polak, trditev, da v času, ko naj bi bil Ribičič storil kaznivo dejanje genocida, ni veljala nobena zakonodaja, po kateri bi mu bilo mogoče soditi, ne drži. “Stališče vrhovnega tožilstva je, da je že haa-ška konvencija iz leta 1907 določala ravnanje z vojnimi ujetniki in civilnim prebivalstvom, ki je bila pravni vir tudi v letih 1945 in 1946, ko je Ribičič kot namestnik načelnika politične policije Ozna odločal o usodi 234 posameznikov.” Prav tako je po Polakovih besedah Jugoslavija podpisala tako imenovani londonski sporazum, tega je nasledila tudi Slovenija, ki pravi, da je v posebnih primerih, ko gre za zločine proti človeštvu, mogoče vzpostaviti kaznivost posameznih dejanj tudi za nazaj. Slednje torej pomeni, da bo Ribičič z izgovarjanjem na nekakšno pravno luknjo tokrat težko izognil odgovornosti in da prvič obstaja dokaj resna možnost, da bo do sojenja zares prišlo. Če bo, bo moralo tožilstvo na sodišču predvsem dokazati, da je Ribičič neposredno sodelovali pri zapiranju svojih političnih nasprotnikov, civilistov in vojakov in da je neposredno naročal in izvrševal poboje. S prvim glede na v arhivu najdeni dokument ne bi smelo biti večjih težav, več pa jih bo z drugim, čeprav se je tudi za to v zadnjih letih nabralo kar nekaj dokazov. Eden od dokazov, ki Ribičiča precej bremeni, je knjiga nekdanjega Mačkovega pomočnika Alberta Svetine-Erna, ki je izšla pri založbi Nova Obzorja. V knjigi, v kateri Svetina precej natančno opisuje Ribičičevo vlogo med drugo svetovno vojno in po njej, piše, da je bil Ribičič kot najtesnejši Mačkov sodelavec v Ozni zadolžen predvsem za zapore in likvidacije ljudi, za katere je partija takrat presodila, da bi ji lahko bili nevarni pri prevzemu oblasti. “Pri Ribičiču so delali sezname internirancev in sezname ljudi za likvidacije. Bil je glavna oseba Ozne za sodišča in likvidacije. Tudi v procesih je imel glavno vlogo ..." Svetina nadaljuje: “Ribičič Je bil glavni zasliče- valec, ki je pripravljal obtožbe. Ker je Maček vedel, da je Ribičič med vojno leto ali leto in pol obiskoval pravno fakulte’ to, ga je izbral za glavnega zasliševalca (da jE bil Ribičič zasllševalec, Je že pred časom povedal dr. Ljubo Sire, saj je zai sliševal tudi njega, opj pisca članka). Bil je vseh procesih in povsod je igral glavno vlogo. O njegovi prezaposli nosti z zapori, aretacija' mi in zasliševanji je pri čala tudi prezaposlenos' moje žene, ki je tipkal3 pri njim in hodila poza0 domov ... Potožila ml Je o velikih delovnih obr£' menitvah in dolgih sel namih zapornikov in °*’' sojenih na ustrelitev, ^ nastajajo na njenem ^ delku pod Ribičičevi11 vodstvom.” Precej obremenjujoč za Ribičiča je tudi vanje Jelke Mrak D0'1 nar, objavljeno leta ^ v knjigi Temna str311 meseca. V pričevanju, katerem je Dolinarji natančno opisala trp'jf nje, mučenje in izkor* Čanje političnic zapori v zaporu v Begunjah, ^ mor naj bi jo bil ^ Ribičič, je zapisala: “Spominjam se, sem skozi okno, stoj6 na rami sotrpinke, zovala, kako je Mitju P d«1 bičič postopal gor in ob tovornjaku, ko so nanj porivali.Ir ki so bili določeni za kvidacijo.” Takšnih pričevanj Je eccJ' lo v zadnjih letih v ličnih časopisih in gah objavljenih Pr' tako da z dokazovanj Ji kaj je bil Ribičič ’’j vojno in po njej irl J je počel, tožilstvo naj ne smelo imeti težaV-Vprašanje je sam0, sP'J jeli sodniki. V za J letih se v takšnih Pr0J sih niso posebej izk^.j Aleš ko bodo te dokaze V za1 Joseph FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAV^ 5316 Fleet Ave' Cleveland, Tel. 216-64X-0p4‘ Moderni pogrebni zav Ambulanca na razp° oči- podnevi in pom CENE NIZE® PO VAŠI ŽEU1' J SKD Triglav, Milwaukee poroča o svojem delu... Po dolgi, predolgi zimi se je SKD Triglav vendarle zbudilo iz zimskega spanja. Še na belo nedeljo nas je preveč ze-da bi se zapeljali na naš Park, kot je to že ‘'dolgo v navadi. Na Pnr lepih nedelj v aprilu Pa so se balinarji le oju-načih in še celo nekaj Nesočih se občudovalk je Posedlo po klopcah. Tu v Wisconsinu smo Pozni. Pride maj, počasi 111 previdno se odpre ze-*enJe po grmičkih in drevju, rožice pa ne cve-tako razkošno kot sttio bili navajeni “doma”. Pride tudi materinski dan, ki ga obhajamo že, tar obstoji naše društvo. Veliko mamic in starih mater je že odšlo k ljubemu Bogu po zasluženo Plačilo. V naši spominski cerkvici sta nameščeni že tar dve leseni tablici z taenl pokojnih članov -tar 42 se Jih je že nabralo. Letos smo prečitak bnena vseh pokojnih ma-^de. starih mam, tetic in ljubljenih sester. Otroci so za vsako prinesli bel nagelj če k in ga dali v vazo pri Materi božji. Spremljala jih je brezjanska pesem z zvenenjem. Becky Kaye nam je nato opisala svoj obisk bazilike Brezmadežne Matere božje v Washingtonu, kjer imamo tudi Slovenci svojo kapelo, posvečeno Brezjanski Materi božji. V našo čast in veselje, ni nam treba potovat čez morje in čez kontinente - naša zavetnica se je preselila k nam. Frank Menčak je odmolil lavretanske litanije, mi smo pa spremljlali s priljubljenimi odpevi in Marijinimi pesmimi. Naše mlade gospodinje so poskrbele za dober prigrizek, nato smo se zbrali za reden članski sestanek. Potem je prišel Spominski dan. Ljubi Bogec nas Je pogledal z ljubeznivim očesom: kljub slabim napovedim je bil dan čudovit. Modro nebo, sveže pomladno zelenje in sonce kakor mernik - Iti# lili * 'M Na fotografiji so od leve: Janez Mejač, Stanko Jaklič, Franci Mejač, Franjo Mejač, Ivan Bambič, Jim Kaye. kako bi ne bil človek hvaležen za tak dan! Veliko presenečenje za nas vse! Kar trije gospodje so opravili slovesno mašo. Dr. Gole, naš duhovni vodja, g. Gregor Golobič, ki smo ga lani zelo pogrešali, pa je letos spet pri zdravju, in jezuit, g. Janez Sever, ki je na obisku pri svojih starših in se bo kmalu spet vrnil v Rusijo na misijon. Letos obhajamo 60. obletnico pokolja naših domobranskih fantov in je ta dan namenjen njihovemu spominu. G. Sever, ki je imel pridigo med mašo, nam je tudi pripovedoval, kako ga je Bog vodil po dovršeni visoki vojaški službi k delu v božjem vinogradu in je po mnogih drugih postajah končno pristal v Rusiji. Čudovita so božja pota in Bog ima za vsakogar od nas določeno smer in smoter življenja. Med mašo je pel triglavski zbor, ojačan s pevci iz Chicaga. Zapeli smo kar dobro. Po maši je Franjo Mejač pozdravil vse navzoče in se jim zahvalil udeležbo. Dvorana je bila presenetljivo polna. Zapeli smo Gozdič je že zelen. Helenca Frohna je deklamirala pesem o materi, ki išče sina v Kočevskem rogu, Lojze Gregorič pa je prečital odlomek iz Črne maše. Nato je Tom Smolič, letošnji predsednik Triglava, v angleščini podal zgodovino Slovenije po okupaciji, nastanek vaških straž, domobranstva, beg pred nastopom komunistične oblasti, življenje beguncev na Koroškem ter izdajo Angležev, ki so jih izročili Titov-cem v mučeniško smrt. Nad 400 grobišč je do sedaj znanih širom cele Slovenije. Glavni govor v spomin te naše tragedije je imel dr. Jože Goršič. Pred in po govoru sta ga spremljali na dve vijolini Lidija Goršič in Milena Žerdin. Njuno dvoglasno predvajanje naših lepih pesmi je bilo slovesno in ganljivo. Govor dr. Goršiča je obnovil našo zgodovino, kot jo tisti, ki smo jo doživeli, v glavnem poznamo. Govor je bil podprt z mnogimi podatki, važnimi mislimi in opazovanji o razmerah takrat in danes, ko imamo (DALJE na str. 16) National President Rudy Krašovec presents a special gift from KSKJ to guest speaker, Slovenian Consul General Alenka Suhadolnik, at the KSKJ National Board of Directors dinner meeting March 31. President Krašovec said that KSKJ had a proud history of helping Slovenians, and that he looked forward to a continued close relationship with the Republic of Slovenia. (photo by Phil Hrvatin) Slovenian Consul General by Allan Kath KSKJ Membership and Communication Manager Alenka Suhadolnik, the Consul General from the Republic of Slovenia, expressed continued appreciation and respect for KSKJ’s 111 years of dedicated service during her talk on March 31 at a KSKJ National Board of Directors dinner meeting held at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, 111. The meeting honored retired KSKJ Board members and recognized the nearly 130 volunteer lodge leaders from Illinois. KSKJ also presented a special meritorious award to the Slovenian Cultural Center, which is celebrating its 1 Oth anniversary. Ms. Suhadolnik, headquartered in New York City, expressed the positive aspects of the relatively newly formed Republic of Slovenia. In the country’s brief 13 years of existence, Slovenia has become a member of NATO and the European Union. Slovenia, she said, continues to prosper, and that is due to the dedication and resilienc of its people. She congratulat-, ed the Slovenian Cultural Center on its 10th anniversary celebration and lauded KSKJ for its years of service to immigrant Slovenians. KSKJ Cultural Grants nearing $20,000 f' l\ The KSKJ Cultural Grant Program has reached out and helped more than 25 different Slovenian projects in a nine-state area since its inception in 1998. The Cultural Grant Program was established by the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Board of Directors as a means to benefit member lodges and other Slovenian groups who wished to enhance and enrich the Slovenian heritage and history. Since its inception, nearly $20,000 has been earmarked for the Program. The current director of the Cultural Grant Program is Julie Schneller, who is a member of the KSKJ National Board of Directors from Shawnee, Kansas. Recipients of the cultural grants have been: Holy Family Catholic Church, Kansas City, Kansas MWAMaurnnwi! fnVBljj !i > > Slovenian Cultural Garden Association, > Cleveland > > St. Vitus Catholic Church, Cleveland > American Slovenian Radio in Pittsburgh ^ > Slovenian Cultural Center, Lemont, ill. > The Valvazor Octet Concert sponsored by Lodge #114 in Harrisburg, Pa. > Willard (Wis.) Historical Society ^ > Todd Bracik, Indianapolis, Ind., for a Slovenian art exhibit > The Singing Slovenes of Duluth, Minn. > St. Joseph Catholic Church, Joliet, 111. > St. Mary’s Slovenian Library & Genealogy > Center, Pueblo, Colo. > Strawberfy Hill Museum, Kansas City, Kan. > ■jJ .of&iq Kovas. K(ir.i|.oa n] Ab .tbhjrv Uspeh Chorus, Milwaukee Ribniški Octet, sponsored by Lodge #148 in Orange, Conn. St. Vitus Slovenian Language School, Cleveland St. Vitus Youth Choir, Cleveland Ivan Karosec Ensemble, sponsored by Steeltor Pa., lodges Veda Zuponcic piano recital, sponsored by Slovenian Arts Council, Wisconsin Auxiliary bishop of Cleveland, A. Edward Pevec, honored, sponsored by St. Vitus #25, Cleveland Slovenian Women’s Union Heritage Museum, Joliet, 111. International Folk Festival, Cleveland. Ihfi’t *jav dewio Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1573. Iz Malavija je prispela številka Iz sončne Zambije: “Častitljiva obletnica! V tej številki bi vam radi predstavili nekaj drobcev iz življenja in dela naših slovenskih jezuitskih misijonarjev v Zambiji in Malaviju, ki bodo letos skupaj z njihovim generalom p. Petrom-Hans Kolvenbachom, ki načrtuje obisk v teh dveh državah. S sobrati misijonarji, ki prihajajo iz številnih dežel, bo praznoval 100-letnico prihoda jezuitov v ta predel Afrike. Prvi misijonarji jezuiti so prišli iz Francije, nato Poljaki, Irci, Američani in Hrvatje. In za njimi še drugi. Tudi močna skupina Slovencev. Kaj je pomenil prihod slovenskih misijonarjev v Zambijo pred davnimi leti je razvidno šele danes, ko občudujemo župnijske postojanke v Katondve, Mumb-wi, Nangomi, Nampundwe in potem pet čudovitih centrov duhovnosti v mestu Lusaka: Matero, Kizito, Lilanda, Chunga, Chelston. Božja Previdnost je poslala te marljive slovenske fante, da os z veliko žilico zajeli darove Svetega Duha in pomagali graditi živo občestvo matere Cerkve v Zambiji in Malaviju. Božja Previdnost je v srcu Evrope izbrala majhen narod, da izmed sebe poišče pogumne, plemenite in za Božje delo pripravljene mlade ljudi, da bodo ponesli luč prave vere v vroče srce Afrike. A ne le vere, tudi omiko in napredek. In to delajo še danes. Lep primer takšnega zagnanega dela je Nangoma. Ta misijonska postojanka je bila zamisel enega samega človeka, p. Stankota iz Kovorja, ki je kot dober kmet zavihal rokave, se prekrižal in začel dobrih 100 km iz Lusa-ke graditi sredi prave divjine pravo pravcato mesto v veselje Bogu in ljudem. Bogu hvala vekomaj! Te spodbudne misli nam je napisal p. Radko Ru-dež, naš pojoči misijonar, ki nas je razveselil še z nekaj drugimi spodbudnimi novicami iz svoje misijonske postojanke. Svoih 83 let ne čuti. Poln je mladostne svežine in kot kaplan deluje na najstarejši misijonski postojanki v Kasisiju, kjer je veliko obdelovalne zemlje. Tam stoji ena najboljših kmetijskih šol v državi. Na noge jo je postavil jezuitski brat iz Kanade. Drugi ponos misijona je srednja šola za dekleta, ki jo vodijo redovnice. Ob šoli imajo tudi noviciat. Samo lani so sprejele vanj več kot 20 novink. V šoli, ki slovi daleč naokrog, se izobražuje preko 300 deklet. Po končanem izobraževanju zelo hitro najdejo zaposlitev. Poljske redovnice so v župniji ustanovile tudi sirotišnico “Naš dom”. V tem čudežno lepem okolju, polnem najrazličnejšega cvetja, skrbijo za 240 sirot, od dojenčkov pa do tistih, ki končujejjo osnovnošolsko izobrazbo. Redovnicam pomagajo domača dekleta, ki se ob delu marsikaj naučijo. Trenutno jih je kar 50. Radko jih obiskuje dvakrat tedensko in zanje mašuje, moli in poje ter se veseli življenja. Takole je zapisal: "Veliko časa posvetimo petju, pojemo cerkvene in posvetne pesmi, zelo veliko slovenskih napevov. Za praznik Jezusovega rojstva sem otroke naučil preko 30 slovenskih napevov. Poslušajte vse ljudi. Hej pastirčki. Rajske strune. Glej zvezdice božje... Kako vse to lepo zveni iz otroških src! Zelo blizu jim je naša slovenska melodija. Prav narodne pesmi imajo najrajši. Pesem “Zabučale gore” je prava uspešnica. Kako lepo ti petletna deklica zaooje: Moja mlada leta niso užila sveta... Oko se mi zarosi, ko slišim tisto znano: V dolinci prijetni je ljubi moj dom. Res, rad sem s svojimi ovčicami in jim preko pesmi vlivam veselje do življenja.” Naj bo za danes dovolj o Zambiji. Morda bo prilika za nadaljevanje kdaj prihodnjič. Že danes vas vabim, da si zaznamujete na koledarja, da bo na drugo nedeljo julija, to je 10. julij, piknik Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije na Slovenski pristavi. Piknik se bo začel s sv. mašo ob pol ene ure (12:30), nato bo možno dobiti kosilo. Povabite še svoje prijatelje, da bi se udeležili tega piknika. Ves dobiček tega dne gre v glavno blagajno, ki redno leto za letom pomaga našim misijonarjem, da lahko delujejo na tem misijonskem polju, kjer je toliko raznih nesreč in težav. Bog nam deli veliko milosti, ko nas ohranja pri zdravju, ko imamo toliko dobrot, zahvalimo se, da pomagamo na pikniku. Tudi nekaj dobrotnikov se je oglasilo s svojim darom in sicer: A. Nemec (ob rojstnem dnevu H. Gorše) $70; A. M. Lavriša $155; T. Celestina (za Karmel-Sora) $300; N.N. (za Karmel-Sora $20, za Rev. L. Tomazin $10) $30; A. Dolenc $50; N.N. (za Rev. Mavrič) $200; M. Cendol $20; A.J. Knez $50; S. Kosem (po naročilu pok. mame F. Kosem za razne ustanove v Sloveniji) $4.500. Iskrena hvala vsem za vso pomoč, ki jo nudite našim misijonarjem. Naj vas vse blagoslovi Nebeški Oče, ki vse vidi s kakšno dobro voljo hočete pomagati, to žele vsi sodelavci in Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Po šestdesetih letih... CLEVELAND, O. - V teh dneh po svetu praznujejo 60. obletnico konca druge svetovne vojne. Za nas pa so to dnevi, ko se z žalostjo spominjamo časa druge svetovne vojne in temnega obdobja, ki je sledilo. Posledice nasilja, pokoljev, te krvave rihte, nas bodo spremljale še dolgo in jih ne moremo in ne smemo pozabiti. Vse te strahote so v Sloveniji prikrivali in se o njih dolga desetletja ni smelo govoriti. Po zlomu komunističnega režima in uvedbo demokracije pa so začele zamolčane grozote prihajati na dan. Vedno več je ljudi, ki o teh dogajanjih upajo javno govoriti. Zadnja leta so se tega obdobja lotili . poklicni zgodovinarji in precej podrobno osvetlili vrsto dogodkov, o katerih tudi tukaj v emigraciji nismo veliko vedeli, ali so bili sporni. Tako nam zgodovinar Boris Mlakar v svoji knjigi Slovensko domobranstvo podrobno opisuje sestanek dr. Albina Šmaj-da, zastopnika našega političnega vodstva, z generalom Rbsenerjem 16. septembra 1943 (med obleganjem Turjaka) o ustanovitvi slovenskega domobranstva. Brez tega dogovora ne bi bilo našega domobranstva. Zanimivo je tudi, da general Rupnik pri ustanovitvi domobranstva ni imel ničesar opraviti in da so ga politiki pozneje iz domobranstva skoraj izrinili. Med nami pa so še vedno živa namigovanja, da je Rupnik kolaboriral, da je do konca verjel v nemško zmago in podobno. Taka natolcevanja, ki imajo politično ozadje, so žaljiva in nepoštena. Zgodovinarka dr. Tamara Griesser-Pečar v svoji knjigi Razdvojeni narod navaja izjave dr. Helija Modica, predsednika vojaškega sodišča, ki je obsodilo generala Rupnika na smrt: “Danes me je sram, ko se spomnim tega procesa in svoje vloge v njem. General Rupnik ne bi smel biti obsojen na smrt. Žal so bili takšni časi, da mu je sodišče izreklo smrtno kazen, s katero se nisem strinjal, bil pa sem delno odgo- SKD Triglav (nadaljevanje s str. 15) sicer svojo državo, pa kljub dokazom “stara garda” še vedno ne prizna svojih zločinov. Za zaključek smo zapeli "Oče, mati”. V Parku imamo tudi gredico, ki je pravimo “Domobranski grob”, s križem in napisom ter letnico. Tja se oprejo naše misli in naši pogledi, ko se spominjamo naših dragih, ki smo jih po nepotrebnem izgubili zaradi neizvedljivosti utopičnih komunističnih idej in človeške hudobije. Po končani komemoraciji so gostje posedli pri mizah okoli dvorane in uživali lepo popoldne pri dobrem kosilu in prijetnemu pogovoru. Balinarji, ki jih je bilo mnogo, so tudi prišli na svoj račun! Ob koncu opozarjam bralce, da ima SKD Triglav zdaj tudi svoj “website” in lahko najdete veliko zanimivega o društvu in tudi datume za naše piknike: Želim vsem vam lepo in užitka polno poletje, to s pozdravi vseh nas Triglavanov! Za Triglav: MK voren zanjo. Rupnik ni imel kot tako imenovani prezident Ljubljanske pokrajine pod nemško okupacijo prav nobenih kompetenc. ... Ni podpisal nobene smrtne kazni, ni ustanovil bele garde, kot so mu to podtikali. ... P° pravnih normah, kot jih je sprejelo niirnberško mednarodno sodišče za vojne zločine, bi bil Rupnik o-proščen sleherne krivde Zagotovo pa ne bi bil obsojen na smrt. Se pravi da sem kot jurist odpo vedal na vsej črti.” Dr. Modic je s to izja' vo priznal krivdo in j° obžaloval, generaiu Rup" niku pa povrnil čast. T° je sprava. Tako Javo0 priznanje zmorejo le lju' dje z visokimi moralnind kvalitetami. Pričaukujei«0' da bomo kaj podobne^3 slišali tudi v emigraciji- tab<^ To nedeljo, 19. junij3 bo pri spominski kap«'1' ci Orlovega vrha na Sl°' venski pristavi ob 1^ uri opoldan sv. maša, ® jo bo daroval č.g. župn^ Franci Kosem za vse P°' bife domobrance, četnih in vse žrtve vojne in k°' munistične revolucije. Pri tej spominski se bomo spomnili pokojnega ljubljanske^ škofa dr. Gregorija R°^! mana in pok. general3 Leona Rupnika, pokofl3 nega človeka in poštenj3; ka, ki je v dneh skraja6 stiske dal besedo, da pomagal narodu - in ^ žal je besedo do konca PRIDITE! Tabor, D.S-P^ NOVI GROBOVI cerkvi sv. Michaela v ^ pendenceu in pokopoh1 Vseh svetnikov pokopal* Dorothy F. Uranka«- j Dne 3. junija je v ^ stu Cary, NC, umrla 70 f stara Dorothy F. Ural1 ^4 rojena Bukovac, žena let) Stanleya, mati Stan Paula, Susan Rhodes, thonyja in že pok. St6P^J na, 12-krat stara mati> tra Betty M. Jencen. greh je bil v Caryju, Clevelandu bo pa SP° jj) ska sv. maša v soboto.^,, julija, dop. ob lOh, v kvi Marije Vnebovzete- Prijatel’s Pharma^, Clair & E. 68 St. 36‘ ^ IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAV* 'ZA RAČUN POMOČI p DRŽAVE ČHIO - AiD j* s THE AGED PRESCIPT{i>>/