2. NEDELJA MED LETOM 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 3/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17. 1. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK TEDEN MOLITVE ZA EDINOST Teden molitve za edinost med kristjani obhajamo med 18. in 25. januarjem, ker sta to datuma dveh pomenljivih praznikov, sedeža sv. Petra in spreobrnjenja sv. Pavla. Letošnje geslo tedna molitve se nanaša na besede iz drugega poglavja Prvega Petrovega pisma: »Vi pa ste izvoljeni rod, kraljevsko duhovništvo, svet narod, ljudstvo, pridobljeno za to, da bi oznanjali hvalo njega, ki vas je iz teme poklical v svojo čudovito luč; vas, ki nekdaj niste bili ljudstvo, zdaj pa ste Božje ljudstvo, ki niste bili deležni usmiljenja, zdaj pa ste usmiljenje dosegli« (1 Pt 2,9-10). Apostol Peter kristjanom reče, da pred srečanjem z evangelijem niso bili ljudstvo. S povabilom, da so »ljudstvo, ki ga je Bog pridobil zase«, pa so prejeli moč Božjega zveličanja v Jezusu Kristusu in so tako postali »Božje ljudstvo«. Ta resničnost se izraža v krstu, ki je skupen vsem kristjanom in v katerem smo prerojeni iz vode in Duha. Vprašamo se lahko, kako razumemo našo skupno poklicanost biti Božje ljudstvo, in kako izražamo krstno istovetnost »kraljevskega ljudstva duhovnikov«. Sveto pismo je temelj resničnega, četudi nepopolnega občestva vseh kristjanov. Svetopisemska besedila nam pripovedujejo o zveličavnih dejanjih Boga v zgodovini odrešenja. Med njimi sta osvoboditev izpod egiptovskega suženjstva ali Jezusovo vstajenje, ki je vsem nam omogočilo dostop do novega življenja. Preko branja Svetega pisma v molitveni drži pa kristjani lahko prepoznajo »čudovita Božja dela« tudi v lastnih življenjih. Letošnji teden molitve tako znova vabi, da bi si zastavili vprašanje, na kakšen način odgovarjamo na čudovita Božja dela, ter na kakšen način Sveto pismo dojemamo kot Besedo, ki daje življenje in nas kliče k večji edinosti. Razlaga izbranega gesla v priročniku, ki je izšel za to priložnost, se nadaljuje s pojasnilom, kako nas Bog ni izbral, da bi s tem imeli privilegij, temveč da bi dosegli nek cilj. Sveti smo le toliko, kolikor si prizadevamo služiti Bogu. To pa vedno pomeni »prinašati njegovo ljubezen vsem osebam«. Kristjani lahko na raznovrstne načine živimo svojo krstno poklicanost in pričujemo o čudovitih Božjih delih: z zdravljenjem ran, iskanjem resnice in enosti, z dejavnim zavzemanjem za spodbujanje človekovega dostojanstva. (Povzeto po Radiu Vatikan, Splet) 22 | VESTNIK 2016 24 | VESTNIK 2016 26 | VESTNIK 2016 28 | VESTNIK 2016 DRUŠTVO SAVA - BRESLAU Tudi pri društvu Sava so skupaj pričakali novo leto 2016 in se s prijatelji poveseli. Ob prijetni glasbi in dobri hrani se nikomur ni prav mudilo domov. Hvala vsem, ki so sodelovali pri organiza-ciji večera. V nedeljo, 10. januarja pa smo se prvič v novem letu zbrali tudi pri sveti maši. Ker je tisti dan »strašil sneg« se nas je zbralo malo manj, pevcev pa to ni prestrašilo in so korajžno, še zadnjič v tem božičnem času, prepevali božične pesmi. Hvala za sodelovanje. VESTNIK 2016 | 23 VESTNIK 2016 | 25 VESTNIK 2016 | 27 LONDON - ST. JOHN THE DIVINE Slovenci v Londonu so začeli novo leto s sveto mašo. V zimskem času se zbiramo k maši v angleški cerkvi St. John the Divine. Tudi tukaj se je poznalo, da je zunaj snežilo in temperature so se spustile pod ničlo, tako, da so bile stranske ceste kar pošteno spolzke. Najbolj neustrašenih to mi ustavilo, da ne bi prišli k maši. Po maši smo se še okrepčali s kavo, čajem in slaščicami. Tudi pri sv. Gregoriju smo zaključek božičnega časa slovesno obhajali. Pri slovenski maši je pre-peval mešani pevski zbor, dirigentso palico je držal v rokah John Horvat in Carl Vegelj na orglah. Pa obhajilu in na koncu pa sta se pridružile še flavti in trobenta (John Horvat), da je pesem zvenela še slovesneje. Angleško mašo je vodil Fr. Frank Kelly, salezijanec iz Toronta, prepeval je angleški zbor, pomagala jim je še Victoria Janiak, s flavtama sta pesmi spemljale Sofia in Julia Labricciosa, Ivan Mertuk pa na kitari. Hvala vsem za sodelovanje. 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Declare the marvellous works of the Lord among all the peoples. First Reading Isaiah 62:1-5 Isaiah speaks of the extraordinary joy that the Lord takes in his erring, exiled and fail-ing people. It is a divine joy expressed in the language of love, marriage and intimacy. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 St Paul reminds us that in all our differ-ences, and through all our different ways of expressing the Gospel, we see the work of the one Spirit, active in our midst. Gospel John 2:1-11 The sign worked at the wedding in Cana is named by John as Jesus’ first sign, and one that showed the glory of who he was. It is here, in the family intimacy of the wedding, and the exchange between mother and son, that the great gift of God’s presence is re-vealed. “For the Lord takes delight in you and your land will have its wedding.” Illustration In 2004, ten years before the general consultation on marriage and family that preceded the synods in Rome more recently, the Roman Catholic Bishops of England and Wales commissioned a similar consultation, Listening 2004, and gathered couples and families across the region to hear about their experiences of family life and the daily living of Christian households. The report that was published remains a rich testimony not only to the struggles and difficulties of Christian family living in modern society, but also to the great care, insight and wisdom that many Christian spouses and parents have. Too often these are voices that go unattended in our teaching and thinking. However, one of the things that struck the researchers in the project was a cause for some concern. It became clear that very few of those who took part recognised their homes as potential places of holiness and spirituality. These were “religious” or “churchy” things, many thought – family life is too messy, too worldly to be a place of spiritual renewal and insight. This seemed to be the view of many then – and may still be now. It is all too easy to fall into thinking that we must be in church to meet Jesus. Gospel Teaching For all this, it is precisely in the heart of “ordinary” married love and family that most of us come to understand the depths of who God is for us. It is for this reason that the prophets, like Isaiah, as we heard today, so often describe the relationship between God and God’s people as one of marriage, of being in love. How extraordinary that God should look at God’s difficult people and rejoice in them, like a bridegroom over his bride! As extraordinary, in fact, as that everyday mystery of falling in love, and promising to be together in married life. It is in this great prophetic tradition that we come to understand the significance of Jesus’ miracle at the marriage in Cana. Here, in that place of ordinary mystery of the wedding and the gathered family, the glory of the Lord is revealed – not in heavenly wonders or visions, but in graced hospitality and celebration. But to stop at this point would be to risk being too romantic, too idealistic about these matters. In fact – as Paul in his letter to that tricky Christian community of Corinth makes clear – life together, in family and in community relationships, is not so easy. We are not all the same, and have different gifts, and temperaments and flaws; and those differences can be causes of misunderstanding, hurt, jealousies and even the breaking up of relationships. What makes the binding and life-giving power of this loving across differences possible is the great gift of the Holy Spirit. We can be sure that when we see such love in diversity we are witnessing the work of that one Spirit who draws all closer to Christ and to the Father. Application The vast majority of us live – or have lived – as a part of some kind of family or household. This experience is always, at some point, an experience of challenge – particularly the challenge to love the one who is close to but different from us, the one who is going through a tough time, the one who seems not to love us. For many of us, too, this daily or household experience is further complicated by the fractures, diverse choices and more complex family relationships that are increasingly a part of our societies. We can often find ourselves called to love the one we really don’t agree with, or the one who seems to have come in and disrupted what we had been used to. Yet the Gospel and prophetic tradition make clear that it is still in these domestic places, even when the wine of celebration seems to have run out, that we can discover the Lord rejoicing in his people, and providing them miraculously with fresh celebration. Opening our need to Jesus and his mother, and opening our hearts to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, transforms our mistakes, our squabbles, our brokenness and emptiness. The deeper our faith in these “ordinary mysteries”, the more often we can turn first to God in prayer, in all our household difficulties. And the more often, too, we will meet God’s grace and power in our own homes, and understand them as “domestic churches”. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 17. januar: Bled - Koline - Sausage Festival-Banquet. . 17. januar 2016: danes je SAMO ENA MAŠA OB 10:00h - Ob 1:00 p.m. je v hamiltonski katedrali, ob svetovnem dnevu imigrantov, etnična maša. . 24. januar: Lipa park - Hunter's Lunch - Koline - Kulturni dan . 6. februar: St. Gregory - Pustovanje . 7. februar: Sava - maša ob 12h - kosilo, Prešernov dan - London-St. John the Divine: maša ob 4 p.m. PRINAŠANJE DAROV: GIFT BEARERS Gift bearers for Slovenian mass: - January 17th - mass is at 10:00 a.m.: Gizela Hauzar in Cilka Lehner CHURCH CLEANING SCHEDULE 2016 The new schedule for 2016 is posted on the notice board in the foyer. Please see Pamela if your team would like a personal copy. CWL-KŽZ: BAZAAR The Catholic Women's League Bazaar ar-rives earlier this year. It is on Sunday, Febru-ary 28. There have been preparations in progress for several months already. We will be taking advance orders for stru-del again this year. Only baked, individual portions will be available at the Bazaar. All pre-orders can be made to Vera Gonza at 905 560 0089. Strudels will be made on Wednesday, Feb.17. Please place your order before that date. These pre-orders can be picked up on the day they are made in the later afternoon. Blue Lottery tickets will be sold by Slava Gomboša before and after the Slovenian mass and Sidonia Poppa before and after the Eng-lish mass. Please support us by purchasing these tickets. All the proceeds go directly back to the parish. Lunch tickets will be available soon. Re-served adult tickets are $15. The day of bazaar adult tickets are $17. Children 4-10 are $5. Children 3 and under are free. This is the only fundraiser by our Catho-lic Women's League. We rely on our mem-bership, parish family and their friends for their help and support to keep this family event tradition in our community going and for it to be a success. Please come out to support us. SVETE MAŠE Ta teden, ker župnika ne bo doma, prve tri dni ne bo svete maše v župniji - poglejte si na zadnji strani oznanil. Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor bodo zopet v četrtek, 28. januarja. Pripravili se bomo najprej za 100 letnico Naceta Križmana. Skupaj s Fanti na vasi bomo peli pri zahvalni maši v soboto, 30. januarja v domu Lipa v Torontu. V nedeljo, 31. maja, na praznik sv. Janeza Boska - ustanovitelja Salezijanske družbe - bo zbor pel pri Slovenski maši. Ker je letos Velika noč zelo zgodaj - 27. marca - je zgodaj tudi pustovanje. Kot ste lahko videli na plakatu, bo 6. februarja zvečer tudi v naši dvorani pustovanje. Vabljeni, posebej otroci in mladi. Več informacij na letaku. Na god svetega Blaža, boste pri maši prejeli poseben blagoslov proti boleznim grla. 10. februarja je Pepelnica: Tudi v naši župniji bo pri večerni maši pepelenje. S tem dnevom začenjamo postni čas. Letošnji župnijski občni zbor bo 21. februarja. Že sedaj vabimo, da se župnijskemu pastoralnemu svetu pridružijo novi člani. Le s skupnimi močmi in različnimi talenti lahko ohranjamo slovensko skupnost živo. OBLETNICE POROK Tisti, ki letos obhajate okrogle obletnice porok, se lahko prijavite za mašo, ki bo 29. maja letos ob 1:30 p.m. v katedrali. Mašo bo vodil naš škof Douglas Crosby. Več informacij imate na oglasni deski v atriju cerkve. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO GIRL'S CLUB V soboto, 9. januarja so se, po končani slovenski šoli, dekleta, pod vostvom Leah Škerl, zbrale na srečanju. Pogovarjale so se organiza-ciji »Spaghetti Dinner«, ki je bil do sedaj zadnjo soboto v januarju. Ker je letos pustovanje zelo blizu so se odločile, da bodo ta dogodek prestavile na petek, 3. junija 2016. 2. NEDELJA MED LETOM 17. JANUAR Anton, puščavnik † †† za žive in rajne župljane Annie Kozlar Annie in Frank Kozlar ONLY ONE MASS 10:00 A.M. Marija in Martin Zver Kathy in Joe Prša PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 18. JANUAR Marjeta Ogrska, red. TOREK - TUESDAY 19. JANUAR Makarij, Suzana, muč. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 20. JANUAR Fabijan in Boštjan, mu. ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 21. JANUAR Neža (Agnes, Janja),mu. †† † † Po namenu v čast sv. Duhu Pokojni starši Petek Anton Vengar, obl. Stanko Ceglar, obl. 7:00 P.M. A.T. Sin Stanko Petek Pavel in Jožica Novak SDB PETEK - FRIDAY 22. JANUAR Vincencij, mučenec †† †† †† Pokojni Gergyek Ivan in Marija Ray Marija in August Smodiš 7:00 P.M. Family Chafe Sin Štefan in Gizella Ray Hči Gizella in Štefan Ray SOBOTA - SATURDAY 23. JANUAR Henrik, duhovnik Pavel Korejski, muč. † † † † Pavel Richard Novak Franc Čurič Ivanka Levstik Mariji marmorski v zahvalo Štefan Škafar 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Žena Veronika Čurič Tedy Klepec z družino N.N. Matilda Bratuž 3. NEDELJA MED LETOM 24. JANUAR Frančišek Saleški, škof †† † za žive in rajne župljane Lojzka in Lojze Pozderec Ivan Tompa 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Julija Sagadin z družino Wife Norma Tompa SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 17.1. 2016 Do 24.1. 2016 V župniji ta dan ni maše! V župniji ta dan ni maše! V župniji ta dan ni maše!