DE GRUYTER OPEN HACQUETIA 14/2 • 2015, 175-247 DOI: 10.1515/hacq-2015-0001 PHYTOSOCIOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF OSTRYA CARPINIFOLIA AND FRAXINUS ORNUS COMMUNITIES IN THE JULIAN ALPS AND IN THE NORTHERN PART OF THE DINARIC ALPS (NW AND W SLOVENIA, NE ITALY) Igor DAKSKOBLER1 Abstract Based on comparisons between similar communities in northeastern Italy, southern Austria, central and southeastern Slovenia, and western Croatia, we classified black hornbeam and flowering ash phytocoenoses on steep rocky sites in the beech forest belt in northwestern and western Slovenia into the association Fraxinio orni-Ostryetum Aichinger 1933 and described its new subassociation -phyteumatetosum columnae in the foothills of the Julian Alps and in the northern part of the Dinaric Alps. Black hornbeam and flowering ash stands on steep shady slopes with a higher proportion of diagnostic species of beech and spruce forests are classified into the new association Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum Franz ex Dakskobler, ass. nov. hoc loco, new subassociation -mercurialietosum perennis and the provisional variant var. Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus whose stands are floristi-cally rather similar to the stands of the association Hemerocallido-Ostryetum. Key words: phytosociology, synsystematics, Fraxino orni-Ostryion, Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, Rhododendro hirsuti--Ostryetum, Julian Alps, Trnovski gozd plateau, Slovenia, Italy. Izvleček Na podlagi primerjav s podobnimi združbami v severovzhodni Italiji, južni Avstriji, osrednji in jugovzhodni Sloveniji ter zahodni Hrvaški smo fitocenoze črnega gabra in malega jesena na strmih skalnatih rastiščih v pasu bukovih gozdov v severozahodni in zahodni Sloveniji uvrstili v asociacijo Fraxinio orni-Ostryetum Aichinger 1933 in v prigorju Julijskih Alp in v severnem delu Dinarskega gorstva opisali njeno novo subasociacijo -phyteumatetosum columnae. Sestoje črnega gabra in malega jesena na strmih osojnih pobočjih z večjim deležem diagnostičnih vrst bukovih in smrekovih gozdov uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum Franz ex Dakskobler, ass. nov. hoc loco in v novo subasociacijo -mercurialietosum perennis ter v provizorno varianto var. Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, katere sestoji so floristično precej podobni sestojem asociacije Hemer-ocallido-Ostryetum. Ključne besede: fitocenologija, sinsistematika, Fraxino orni-Ostryion, Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, Rhododendro hirsuti--Ostryetum, Julijske Alpe, Trnovski gozd, Slovenija, Italija. 1. INTRODUCTION carpinifolia-Fraxinusornus (Ostryo-Fraxinetum orni). M. Wraber (1961) classified hop hornbeam and The first phytosociological description of a hop flowering ash stands in the sunny rocks above hornbeam and flowering ash community in the Lake Bohinj and under Studor into the associa-Southeastern Alps was published by Aichinger tion Cytisantho-Ostryetum. Franz (2002) published (1933: 267-269), who named it association Ostrya a monograph on hop hornbeam and its commu- 1 Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin, and Biotechnical Faculty of the University in Ljubljana, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Večna pot 83, SI-1000 Ljubljana; E-mail: nities in Austria and northern Slovenia and determined, based on 360 releves, the following hop hornbeam associations: Potentillo caulescentis-Os-tryetum, Fraxino orni-Ostryetum Aichinger, Sileno glareosae-Ostryetum nom. prov. and Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum nom. prov. Franz & Willner (2007a,b) lowered the rank of these associations and classified all of them into the association Eri-co-Ostryetum Horvat 1959. According to them, the name Ostryo-Fraxinetum orni Aichinger 1933, although older, is a synonym for Horvat's association, supposedly because it is a nomen ambiguum (Weber et al. 2000, Art. 36, p. 754). Horvat (1959) described the association Erico-Ostryetum based on nine releves from western Croatia and its stands are now known on smaller areas in Gorski kotor, on Klek, in the Samobor and Žumberak Hills (Vukelic 2012: 257). In our opinion, Franz and Willner's proposal (2007a, b) is unfounded. However, based on eight releves from northern Italy (provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol), Braun-Blanquet (1961) published a phytosocio-logical table of a new association that he named Orneto-Ostryetum. He noted the differences between this and Horvat's association Querco-Ostrye-tum carpinifolie, but did not mention Aichinger's association Ostryo-Fraxinetum orni, although he listed his book as a reference. The names Ostryo-Fraxinetum orni Aichinger 1933 and Orneto-Ostrye-tum Braun-Blanquet 1961 are homonyms; Braun-Blanquet's later name is illegitimate (nom. illeg.) and should be rejected according to the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000, Art. 31, p. 753). In his description, Braun-Blanquet (1961) did not refer to Aichinger, but used a name identical to his (Orneto-Ostryetum is identical to Ostryo-Fraxinetum orni) to describe a floristically very different community whose similarity with Aichinger's community, according to S0RENSEN (1948), is only around 27%. Aichinger's name is not, therefore, ambiguous and does not have to be rejected; this, however, applies to subsequent misuse of this name by other phytosociologists. In this paper we use the corrected name proposed by Franz (2002), Fraxino orni-Ostryetum carpinifoliae, because according to our findings, hop hornbeam serves as an edifier of this community. In the period between 1986 and 2012, we made some 250 releves of black hornbeam and flowering ash stands on very steep rocky sites in the beech forest belt in the Julian Alps and their foothills (Bohinj, Upper Soča Valley: Bovec and Kobarid regions, the valleys of the Tolminka and Zadlaščica, the Bača Valley, the Cerkno region) and in the northern part of the Dinaric Alps (the Idrijca and Trebuša valleys, the northern edge of the Trnovski gozd plateau, the Idrija Hills) (Figure 1). A part of these releves (195) has already been entered into the database and 109 have been processed and compared with similar communities in southern Austria, northeastern Italy, and northern Croatia. Our intention was to provide a comprehensive floristic description of the hop hornbeam and flowering ash community in the Julian Alps and their foothills, as the description of the association Fraxino orni-Ostryetum in Slovenia has so far been based mainly on Aichinger's table or on a very limited number of releves that were made and published in Slovenia (Šilc & Čarni 2012: 157). Most of Franz's releves (2002) were not published in analytical tables. Some of them were published individually in the text and some were incorporated in the synthetic table. Much better researched are hop hornbeam and flowering ash communities in the sub-Mediterranean part of Slovenia (Zupančič 1999). We also conducted a phytosociological analysis of their community in the transitional pre-Alpine-sub-Mediterranean part of Slovenia, in the Central Soča Valley, and classified it into the association Seslerio albicantis-Ostryetum Lausi et al. 1982 corr. Poldini & Vidali 1995 (= Mercuriali ovatae-Ostry-etum carpinifoliae Poldini 1982) - Dakskobler (2004). This association is classified into the alliance Carpinion orientalis Horvat 1958 and is therefore not the subject of comparisons in this paper. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Figure 1: Approximate localities of the hop hornbeam and flowering ash stands studied in Slovenia. Slika 1: Približna nahajališča preučevanih sestojev črnega gabra in malega jesena na zemljevidu Slovenije. 2. METHODS Hop hornbeam and flowering ash communities were studied applying the Central-European phy-tosociological method (Braun-Blanquet 1964). Releves were entered into the FloVegSi database (Seliškar et al. 2003). Combined cover-abundance values were transformed into ordinal values 1- 9 (van der Maarel 1979). Releves were mutually compared through hierarchical classification and arranged into tables based on the results of the "(Unweighted) average linkage" - UPGMA method applying Wishart's similarity ratio. SYN-TAX 2000 (Podani 2001) software package was used in these comparisons. The floristic composition of the hop hornbeam and flowering ash communities studied in western Slovenia was compared to the floristic composition of similar communities in neighbouring countries, also by means of hierarchical classification and with two ordination methods: principle coordinates analysis (PCoA, similarity ratio) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) with Goodman-Kruskal's y coefficient (Podani, ibid.). Geoelemental, ecological, and phytosociological designation of plant species follows the Flora alpina (Aeschimann et al. 2004a, b, c). Phytosociological groups (= groups of diagnostic species) were formed based on our own criteria, but with consideration of the Flora alpina. The nomenclature source for the names of vascular plants is Martinčič et al. (2007), Martinčič (2003, 2011) for the names of mosses, Suppan et al. (2000) for the names of lichens, Šilc & Čarni (2012) for the names of syntaxa, with the exception of the name of the class Querco-Fagetea Braun-Blanquet et Vlieger in Vlieger 1937, and Urbančič et al. (2005) for the names of soil types. 2.1 Short ecological description of THE study area Hop hornbeam and flowering ash stands were recorded on steep to very steep slopes (30° to 50°) at elevations ranging from 300 m to 1200 m, on all aspects. In the Soča Valley, individual hop hornbeam and flowering ash trees can occur even higher, at elevations of up to about 1500 m a.s.l.. The geological bedrocks on sample plots were dolomite, dolomite with chert, dolomite limestone, limestone, limestone with chert, limestone and marlstone, in places also talus. Soil types were lithosol and (or) rendzina. The climate in the study area of the Julian Alps and the northern part of the Dinaric Alps is humid with mean average precipitation generally exceeding 2000 mm (B. Zupančič 1995, 1998); it is relatively warm, with the mean annual temperature around 6 °C - 9 °C (Cegnar 1998). The forest stands that were studied grow on special sites with a unique local climate. On sunny aspects, temperature oscillations between day and night are considerable, rainfall and snowfall flow into the valley, the snow cover soon disintegrates and melts. These sites are subject to drought, especially in the summer, while crumbling of the rock mass frequently occurs in the winter as a result of freezing and subsequent rapid warmings. All these specific factors render the sites less suitable for the growth of beech, which is a dominant tree species that occurs contiguously in this region, building its communities in the altitudinal belt of 200 m to 1600 m a.s.l.. The current physiognomy of hop hornbeam and flowering ash stands is largely the consequence of past management and practice. Their origin is partly secondary and they are a long-term degradation stage on potential beech sites from the association Ostryo-Fagetum. People frequently used to bring small ruminants, especially goats, to graze on the steep rocky slopes covered with low woods and this practice is still maintained in some parts of the Bovec and Kobarid regions. Despite relatively extreme sites that are difficult to access, the primary physiognomy of the hop hornbeam and flowering ash community in our Alps has been preserved only in the most inaccessible rock walls and screes. Here and on rockfall areas, hop hornbeam and flowering ash are the first pioneers (Dakskobler 2007). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on hierarchical classification (Figure 2) we arranged 119 releves into four tables (Tables 1-4). In order to obtain a relevant synsystematic classification we compared them to similar, already described communities in the neighbouring regions. We made a synthetic table (Table 5) into which we incorporated the studied four communities and the following syntaxa: EOpc: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 potentilleto-sum caulescentis (Franz) Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, northern Slovenia, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 5) 0.8 - 0.75^ 0.7 T 0.65^ 0.6 ^ ty 0.55 0.5 0.45^ si 0.4 ^ is 1:3 0.35^ 0.3 T 0.25^ 0.2 T 0.15^ 0.1 T 0.05 0.0 J71 Fraxino orni-Ostryetum ri ri 1 r^ rl OFO 1 ^ ri RO II OFO Figure 2: Dendrogram of releves of hop hornbeam and flowering ash in (north)western Slovenia (UPGMA, similarity ratio); OFO Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, RO Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum. Slika 2: Dendrogram popisov sestojev črnega tabra in malega jesena v (severo)zahodni Sloveniji (UPGMA, similarity ratio); OFO Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, RO Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum. EOty: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 typicum Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 2) EOsg: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 silenetosum glareosae (Franz) Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, northern Slovenia, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 2) EOrh: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 rhododendre-tosum hirsuti (Franz) Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, northern Slovenia, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 3) OFO-It Ostryo carpinifoliae-Fraxinetum orni Aichinger 1933 (northeastern Italy, Poldini & Vi-dali 1999, Table 1) CyO-SI Cytisantho-Ostryetum M. Wraber 1961 (Bohinj, M. Wraber 1961, phytosociological table, releves 1 to 11 - subassociations -typi-cum and -brometosum; the species recorded only in the third subassociation, -fagetosum, were considered with minimum frequency 4 if they occurred in other compared communities) CyO-HR Cytisantho-Ostryetum M. Wraber 1961 (western Croatia, Samobor Hills, Sugar 1978, Table 1) EO-HR Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 (western Croatia, Horvat 1959, Table 2, column 12) QO-HR Querco-Ostryetum carpinifoliae Horvat 1938 (Croatia, Horvat 1938, Table 1, releves 1 to 11) QO-SI Querco-Ostryetum carpinifoliae Horvat 1938 (Slovenia, Zupančič et al. 2009, Table 1, releves 1 to 26). This provided the basis for a table with 12 columns that we compared using hierarchical classification (Figure 3) and two ordination methods (Figures 4 and 5). The result is similar (Figure 6) if the comparison includes Braun-Blanquet's association Orneto-Ostryetum from northern Italy (Braun-Blanquet 1961) and Aichinger's original description of the association Ostryo-Fraxinetum orni from the Karavanke Mts. (Aichinger 1933). While Aichinger's syntaxon groups with other forms of the association Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, Braun-Blanquet's syntaxon is different from all other compared syntaxa. 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.0 Fraxino orni-Ostryetum/Querco-Ostryetum Fraxino orni-Ostryetum/Querco-Ostryetum "ii Figure 3: Dendrogram of stands of associations Erico-Ostry-etum, Cytisantho-Ostryetum, Rhodoendro hirsuti-Ostryetum, Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, and Querco-Ostryetum (Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Croatia) - UPGMA, similarity ratio. Slika 3: Dendrogram sestojev asociacij Erico-Ostryetum, Cyti-santho-Ostryetum, Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum, Fraxino orni-Ostryetum in Querco-Ostryetum (Slovenija, Italija, Avstrija, Hrvaška) - UPGMA, similarity ratio. ■0.1- ,0 3 3 2 81 3 2 21 ^ 8 3 2 21 5 9 3 4 3 2 o 0 0 3 2 2 (N 81 7 3 2 2 0 8 7 21 c^ 4 6 2 2 2 5 5 0 3 2 >,0 2 0 3 2 2 >,0 7 4 21 2 0 2 21 2 5 5 6 0 3 2 c^ 21 2 21 t^ 0 9 8 3 2 ^^ 0 8 21 o 9 4 21 2 5 6 8 468 2 0 3 3 0 61 0 4 4 0 9 5 0 7 5 0 6 6 0 4 4 0 5 9 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 5 0 81 0 0 8 0 5 0 6 9 0 5 5 0 4 7 0 3 6 W SE S SW NE E S S SW SSE SE SW S S SSE SE S S SE 40 60 30 30 35 40 35 35 45 45 45 40 30 45 45 35 35 45 35 D AL Gr Gr A A A A A A A A Gr A DR AR DR DR D Re Li Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Li Re Re Re Re Re Re 20 90 60 20 30 30 50 30 30 40 50 20 60 20 10 20 5 30 30 E3b 80 80 80 90 70 90 80 80 80 70 80 80 60 70 80 80 70 70 60 E3a 20 10 10 20 10 20 20 E2 20 20 30 40 15 20 30 10 20 10 10 20 20 20 10 20 30 40 40 El 60 20 60 70 80 80 60 80 80 60 70 80 50 70 80 80 80 80 70 E0 5 20 40 10 10 10 30 20 10 20 10 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 10 cm 25 30 25 30 20 20 25 30 25 20 30 20 20 15 40 30 30 30 15 m 16 17 15 17 10 8 16 18 8 10 10 12 8 8 12 10 10 12 6 32 48 75 87 95 85 72 72 75 63 77 66 66 65 56 57 80 67 48 Database number of releve (Delov. štev. pop.) Elevation in m (Nadmorska višina v m) Aspect (Lega) Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) Parent material (Matična podlaga) Soil (Tla) Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) Cover in % (Zastiranje v %): Upper tree layer (Zgornja drevesna plast) Lower tree layer (Spodnja drevesna plast) Shrub layer (Grmovna plast) Herb layer (Zeliščna plast) Moss layer (Mahovna plast) Maximum diameter of trees (Največji prsni premer dreves) Maximum height of tress (Največ. dreves. v.) Number of species (Število vrst) Releve area (Velikost popisne ploskve) Date of taking releve (Datum popisa) 200 100 400 400 200 400 400 200 200 200 200 100 200 400 200 200 200 200 100 00 ^ o o (N O f^ »j^ c^ ^jD 9 6 5 8 4 8 0 00 5 9 0 9 199 0 c^ 9 o^ 1 1 1 o^ Locality (Nahajališče) Quadrant (Kvadrant) Coordinate GK Y (D-48) Coordinate GK X (D-48) ad J: ataju a M gr d c-^ 00 444 vo c^ ^ ^ ^ 00 ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ 00 (N (N ^ m gg a trug trug GO GO nk ^ 2 4 00 m ^ c^ (N 00 00 o m m "t m (N (N «o «o «o gorn ZZ 00 ^ (N (N (N ^ kr Š m 2 2 00 «/^ (N CS (N (N ^ vo ^ ^ C^ C-- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o^ o «o m CS ^ 00 c^ ^ ^ (N c^ 00 o^ 00 m m m m m m 00 ^ ^ «o «o «o «o «o «o «o lc e a le e ic le ■pq am ok tr ut n GO R Z on CS 3 O^ ^ ^ ( 44 4 4 76 7 8 99 9 9 33 2 8 83 6 27 4 9 39 5 6 89 33 4 41 82 6 4 0 2 79 9 6 56 199 7 23 55 5 5 m e >o il o n ^ >n O Q n č n e ^ (N (N ^ «o c^ ^ m m (N ^ ^ ^ ^ 00 (N c^ 4 (N Diagnostic species of the association (Diagnostične vrste asociacije) Pr. Fr. AT Campanula carnica E1 . . + . + + .+ + + + +. .+. 9 47 ES Betonica alopecuros E1 . .+ 1 + 1 .+ .2 + 11. 9 47 EP Galium purpureum E1 . . + + + +. 1. .+. 6 32 ES Festuca calva E1 . . . r . . |3 4 2 1 1 +. 6 32 FS Laburnum alpinum E3 . + + + .r 1 5 26 FS Laburnum alpinum E2 . . . . + + + + 4 21 AF Rhamnus fallax E2 . . . . + +. + .+ + 5 26 AF Anemone trifolia E1 . ..1+ + + .+. 5 26 FS Luzula nivea E1 . 2 .+ + 1 1 5 26 VP Picea abies E2 . .+ .+ . . + 4 21 EP Asperula aristata E1 . + .+ +. .+. 4 21 ES Phyteuma orbiculare E1 . . . . + 1 + + 4 21 AT Saxifraga hostii E1 . + + + .+. 4 21 m m m Campanula persicifolia Tamus communis Carexflacca Calamintha sylvatica Quercus pubescens Quercus pubescens Clematis recta Tanacetum corymbosum Buglossoides purpurocaerulea Orchis signifera Coronilla emerus subsp. emerus QR Quercetalia roboris Frangula alnus Betonica officinalis Phyteuma zahlbruckneri Pteridium aquilinum Lembotropis nigricans Melampyrum pratense Quercus robur Serratula tinctoria TA Tilio-Acerion Tilia platyphyllos Number of releve (Zaporedna štev. popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. AT Saxifraga crustata E1 + + + 3 16 AT Primula auricula E1 + + 1 3 16 TR Campanula cespitosa E1 + + 2 11 VP Rosa pendulina E2a + + 2 11 TR Hieracium porrifolium E1 1 + 2 11 EP Allium ericetorum E1 + 1 5 Differential species of the variant (Razlikovalne vrste variante) TG Campanula rapunculoides E1 + 1 + 1 + + 1 + 1 + 10 53 QP Arabis turrita E1 1 1 + + 1 + + + 8 42 QR Quercus petraea E3 1 r 2 1 2 5 26 QR Quercus petraea E2 + + + 3 16 QR Quercus petraea E1 + + 2 11 FO Fraxino orni-Ostryion Ostrya carpinifolia E3b 3 3 5 4 3 3 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 1 2 2 19 100 Ostrya carpinifolia E3a + 1 + + 1 5 26 Ostrya carpinifolia E2b + 1 + + + 6 32 Ostrya carpinifolia E2a + + + + + 5 26 Ostrya carpinifolia E1 + + 2 11 Fraxinus ornus E3 1 1 2 2 1 2 + + + 4 1 1 2 2 3 15 79 Fraxinus ornus E2b + 2 1 1 1 1 + 1 + + 1 2 1 1 14 74 Fraxinus ornus E2a 1 2 3 1 1 + 1 + + 1 + 1 2 1 1 15 79 Fraxinus ornus E1 + r + 1 + 1 6 32 Euonymus verrucosa E2 1 + + 1 + + 6 32 Primula veris subsp. columnae E1 + + 1 + 1 5 26 Peucedanum schottii E1 + + + 1 + 5 26 Primula x ternovania E1 + 1 5 CO Carpinion orientalis Asparagus tenuifolius E1 + + + 3 16 Sesleria autumnalis E1 + + + 3 16 Ruscus aculeatus E2a + + 2 11 Knautia drymeia subsp. tergestina E1 + 1 5 Mercurialis ovata E1 1 1 5 QP Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Melittis melissophyllum E1 + 1 + 1 1 + + + 1 1 1 1 1 13 68 Sorbus aria E3 + + + 1 1 + + + + 1 + 1 12 63 Sorbus aria E2b + + + 1 + 1 + 1 1 + 1 11 58 Sorbus aria E2a + + 1 + + 1 + + + + 1 11 58 Sorbus aria E1 + + + 1 4 21 Cornus mas E2 1 + + 2 + + 1 + + 9 47 Hypericum montanum E1 + + + + + + + + + 9 47 Convallaria majalis E1 1 + 1 1 + 1 6 32 E1 E1 E1 E1 E3 E2a E1 E1 E1 E1 E2 E2 E1 E1 E1 E2a E1 E1 E1 E3 ... 1 . + . + + . .+ 5 26 + + . + .+ + 5 26 + . . . . . .. 1 .+ 2 4 21 1... ..1... 2 11 .3 1 2 11 .+ 1 5 + . . . . . 1 5 .. 1 1 5 .2 1 5 .+ 1 5 1 1 5 + .r + 3 16 1..... + 2 11 + + 2 11 .+ + 2 11 .+. + 2 11 . . + . 1 5 + 1 5 1 5 3 16 + r Number of releve (Zaporedna štev. popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 P Fr. Acer platanoides Acer platanoides Acer pseudoplatanus Acer pseudoplatanus Geranium robertianum Phyllitis scolopendrium Polystichum aculeatum Ulmus glabra Ulmus glabra AF Aremonio-Fagion Cyclamen purpurascens Knautia drymeia Lamium orvala Omphalodes verna Epimedium alpinum Cardamine enneaphyllos Scopolia carniolica Helleborus niger EC Erythronio-Carpinion Primula vulgaris Helleborus odorus Galanthus nivalis FS Fagetalia sylvaticae E3 E1 E3 E1 E1 E1 E1 E3 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 11 11 + + + + + + . . . . + . E1 . + E1 + + E1 . . + + 16 84 .+ 3 16 2 11 2 11 15 15 8 42 3 16 15 Galium laevigatum E1 + 1 + 1 1. + + . . . 1 +++ . 11 58 Campanula trachelium E1 + 1 1 + 1 +. + .1... .8 42 Salvia glutinosa E1 + + + + 1+ . r . .7 37 Asarum europaeum subsp. caucasicum E1 + + 1 + + . . . . .5 26 Euphorbia amygdaloides E1 + + ++ . . . + . .5 26 Fagus sylvatica E3b r .+ r r . . . + .5 26 Fagus sylvatica E2b + . . . . + .2 11 Fagus sylvatica E2a + .1 5 Fagus sylvatica E1 +. .1 5 Galeobdolonflavidum E1 + + + 1. .4 21 Carpinus betulus E3 + + r +. .4 21 Brachypodium sylvaticum E1 + + + .1... .4 21 Neottia nidus-avis E1 + + r .+. .4 21 Dryopteris filix-mas E1 + + 1 +. .4 21 Mercurialis perennis E1 + +. + + . . . . .4 21 Symphytum tuberosum E1 + r . . . 1 .+. .4 21 Epipactis helleborine E1 + +.+.+ .4 21 Lathyrus vernus subsp. vernus E1 + + + .3 16 Mycelis muralis E1 + + + .3 16 Lilium martagon E1 + . . . . + + . . .3 16 Melica nutans E1 + +. + .3 16 Viola reichenbachiana E1 + 1. + . . . . .3 16 Daphne mezereum E2a + +. + . . . . .3 16 Pulmonaria officinalis E1 + + .2 11 Carpinus betulus E2a + + .2 11 Poa nemoralis E1 1 + . . . . .2 11 Scrophularia nodosa E1 + + . . . . .2 11 Lonicera alpigena E2 +. r . . . . .2 11 Myosotis sylvatica E1 + + .2 11 Fraxinus excelsior E3 r .1 5 Lathyrus vernus subsp. flaccidus E1 + .1 5 Epilobium montanum E1 + .1 5 Heracleum sphondylium E1 + .1 5 Cephalanthera damasonium E1 +. .1 5 Cardamine bulbifera E1 +. .1 5 Tilia cordata E1 + . . . . .1 5 Prenanthes purpurea E1 + .1 5 Prunus avium E2a .+. .1 5 Querco-Fagetea Corylus avellana E2 1 + 1 + + r + + + . + . 10 53 191 + + + + + + + + + ++ + + Number of releve (Zaporedna štev. popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. Carex digitata E1 . + . 1 + 1 + + + . . . 1 . . + . 9 47 Vinca minor E1 1 +2 1 1 1 ...1... .7 37 Cephalanthera longifolia E1 . + + + + ++ .6 32 Hepatica nobilis E1 . 1 + 1 + . + . . . . . .5 26 Lonicera xylosteum E2 . .+ 1 + + + .5 26 Clematis vitalba E2 . .1 + + . . . + . . . .4 21 Festuca heterophylla E1 . + ...... 1 + .+ .4 21 Veratrum nigrum E1 . + 1 + +4 21 Viola riviniana E1 . .+ + + .3 16 Rosa arvensis E2a . + ......+ 1. .3 16 Acer campestre Acer campestre Hedera helix Hedera helix Listera ovata Pyrus pyraster Pyrus pyraster Taxus baccata Taxus baccata Cruciata glabra Carex montana EP Erico-Pine^ea E3 . + E2b . . E3a + 1 E2 . 1 E1 . . E3 . . E2a . . + E3a + . . E2b 1 . . E1 . . . E1 . . . Rosa canina Cornus sanguinea Ligustrum vulgare Rubus fruticosus agg. Rosa glauca Viburnum lantana Prunus spinosa Berberis vulgaris TG Trifolio-Geranietea Vincetoxicum hirundinaria E2a E2 E2a E2a E2 E2 E2a E2 ++ +. 2 11 1 5 2 11 2 11 2 11 15 2 11 15 15 Buphthalmum salicifolium E1 +. + .1 + + 1 + + + .+ + + ++ + 1 16 84 Calamagrostis varia E1 + +2 + 1 + .+ + 1 2 10 53 Cirsium erisithales E1 +. + + + 1 .+ 1 7 37 Polygala chamaebuxus E1 + + .+ + .+ + 1 7 37 Amelanchier ovalis E2 + .+ + ++ + 6 32 Carex alba E1 +. 3+ 2 1 5 26 Aster amellus E1 + .+ .+ + .+ 5 26 Epipactis atrorubens E1 + .+ + .+ .+ 5 26 Erica carnea E1 .+ + .+ + 2 5 26 Chamaecytisus hirsutus E1 1 + 2. .+ 1 5 26 Peucedanum austriacum s. lat. E1 + 1 + 1 4 21 Carex ornithopoda E1 .+ + .+ 3 16 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea E1 + .+ + 3 16 Rubus saxatilis E1 + + 2 11 Rhamnus saxatilis E2a .2 + 2 11 Cotoneaster tomentosus E2 + 1 2 11 Leontodon incanus E1 .+ 1 2 11 Genista radiata E2a + 1 5 Aquilegia nigricans E1 + 1 5 Crepis slovenica E1 1 1 5 Vaccinio-Piceetea Hieracium murorum E1 .+ .+ + + .+ + 6 32 Picea abies E2 .+ + 4 21 Solidago virgaurea E1 .+ +. + .+ 4 21 Clematis alpina E2a + + 2 11 Veronica urticifolia E1 + + 2 11 Saxifraga cuneifolia E1 + 1 5 Abies alba E2 + 1 5 Rhamno-Prunetea Crataegus monogyna E2 ++ + + + +. .1 r 8 42 Rhamnus catharticus E2 1 + ++ + .+ + 7 37 4 21 3 16 3 16 2 11 2 11 2 11 15 15 E1 + + + + + 1 1 1 + + 1 + 1 + 1 16 84 + + + + + ++ r + + + + + + + + + Number of releve (Zaporedna štev. popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. Clinopodium vulgare E1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 1 + 1 + 12 63 Digitalis grandiflora E1 + . . + 1 + 1 1 + + r 1 + + . 12 63 Achillea distans E1 . . + + + 1 1 1 1 + + + + . 11 58 Polygonatum odoratum E1 . . + + + + + + + + + + + . 11 58 Silene nutans E1 . . + + + + + 1 1 + + .9 47 Valeriana collina E1 + + + + + + 1 + + .9 47 Origanum vulgare E1 + 1 + + + 1 + + .8 42 Anthericum ramosum E1 + + + + + + .7 37 Libanotis montana s. lat. E1 + 1 + 1 + + + .7 37 Viola hirta E1 + . . + 1 + + + .6 32 Lilium carniolicum E1 + + + r + + .6 32 Thesium bavarum E1 + 1 + + + + .6 32 Thalictrum minus E1 + + + + + .5 26 Verbascum lanatum E1 + + + + + .5 26 Inula conyza E1 + + + + .4 21 Geranium sanguineum E1 + + 1 .3 16 Iris graminea E1 + + + .3 16 Laserpitium latifolium E1 1 + r .3 16 Valeriana nemorensis E1 + + .2 11 Trifolium rubens E1 + + .2 11 Laserpitium siler E1 + + .2 11 Hypericum perforatum E1 + + .2 11 Astragalus glycyphyllos E1 + .1 5 Salvia pratensis subsp. saccardiana E1 + .1 5 Verbascum lychnitis E1 + .1 5 Trifolium aureum E1 + .1 5 Calamintha einseleana E1 + .1 5 Vicia sylvatica E1 + .1 5 Peucedanum cervaria E1 + .1 5 FB Festuco-Brometea Dianthus hyssopifolius (D. monspessulanus) E1 Carex humilis E1 Teucrium chamaedrys E1 Euphorbia cyparissias E1 Galium lucidum E1 Brachypodium rupestre E1 Genista tinctoria E1 Bromus erectus agg. E1 Ajuga genevensis E1 Thymus praecox s. lat. E1 Helianthemum ovatum E1 Stachys recta E1 Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum E1 Centaurea bracteata E1 Inula hirta E1 Arabis hirsuta E1 Carlina vulgaris E1 Pimpinella saxifraga E1 Koeleria pyramidata E1 Teucrium montanum E1 Hippocrepis comosa E1 Cirsium pannonicum E1 Allium carinatum subsp. carinatum E1 Peucedanum oreoselinum E1 Centaurea triumfettii E1 Scabiosa triandra E1 Satureja montana subsp. variegata E1 Carlina acaulis E1 Linum viscosum E1 Festuca rupicola E1 Medicago lupulina E1 Veronica barrelieri E1 Polygala vulgaris E1 11 + . + . ++ 13 68 11 58 10 53 9 47 9 47 9 47 8 42 8 42 7 37 6 32 6 32 4 21 4 21 4 21 4 21 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 21 21 21 + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + r + + ++ + + + + + + ++ + + Number of releve (Zaporedna štev. popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 P Fr. ES Cuscuta epithymum Galium verum Linum tenuifolium Sanguisorba minor Scabiosa columbaria Plantago media Potentilla pusilla Prunella grandiflora Asphodelus albus Hypochoeris maculata Centaurea fritschii Globularia punctata Elyno-Seslerietea Hieracium bifidum Geranium macrorrhizum Viola pyrenaica Ligusticum seguieri Cerastium subtriflorum Veronica fruticulosa Gypsophila repens Biscutella laevigata Petasites paradoxus AT Asplenie^ea trichomanis Asplenium ruta-muraria Asplenium trichomanes E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 .1 11 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 + . + 1 Sesleria caerulea subsp. calcaria E1 . 21 1 3 2 .1 .1 11 1 . 10 53 Phleum hirsutum E1 . +. .2 + + +. .5 26 Carduus crassifolius E1 . .+ 1 + .+ +. .5 26 Acinos alpinus E1 . .+ + 1 1. .4 21 Cerastium strictum E1 . + + .2 11 Globularia cordifolia E1 . .1 +. .2 11 Scabiosa lucida subsp. stricta E1 . r .1 5 Campanula witasekiana E1 . + .1 5 Helianthemum grandiflorum E1 . 1 .1 5 Leucanthemum maximum agg. E1 . + .1 5 Alchemilla vulgaris agg. E1 . + .1 5 Erigeron glabratus E1 . +. .1 5 Gentiana lutea subsp. symphyandra E1 . +. .1 5 EA Epilobietea angustifolii Fragaria vesca E1 . .+ 1 +1 .+ 1 + + +. .+ +. + . 12 63 Hypericum hirsutum E1 . .+ + .2 11 Rubus idaeus E2a . + + .2 11 Galeopsis speciosa E1 . r .1 5 Carex muricata E1 . +. .1 5 MuAMulgedio-Aconitetea Aconitum angustifolium E1 . + ++ 1 1 .5 26 GU Galio-Urticetea Geum urbanum E1 . .+ +. .2 11 Torilis japonica E1 . .+ +. .2 11 Rubus caesius E2a . + .1 5 Viola odorata E1 . +. .1 5 Solanum dulcamara E1 . + .1 5 Turritis glabra E1 . + .1 5 MA Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Lotus corniculatus s. lat. E1 . .+ + r +. +. +. +7 37 Dactylis glomerata E1 . .+ ++ .+ +. .5 26 Lathyrus pratensis E1 . .+ .+ + +. .+ .5 26 Veronica chamaedrys E1 . .+ + ++ + .5 26 Festuca rubra E1 . + .+ .2 11 Leucanthemum ircutianum E1 . +. .1 5 Angelica sylvestris E1 . .+ .1 5 Colchicum autumnale E1 + 1 5 TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii 3 16 2 11 2 11 2 11 5 5 5 5 5 + . 15 79 . . 11 58 + + + + + + + + + ++ Number of releve (Zaporedna štev. popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. Sedum album E1 Festuca stenantha E1 Polypodium vulgare E1 Moehringia muscosa E1 Saxifraga petraea E1 Athamanta turbith E1 Sedum maximum E1 Silene hayekiana E1 Sempervivum tectorum E1 Hieracium glaucum Kernera saxatilis Ceterach javorkeanum Sedum hispanicum Potentilla caulescens Seseli gouanii Hieracium pospichalii Micromeria thymifolia Phyteuma scheuchzeri subsp. columnae Campanula spicata Carex brachystachys Dianthus sylvestris Erysimum sylvestre Moehringia villosa Iris pallida subsp. cengialti E1 O Other species (Druge vrste) Juniperus communis E2 Juglans regia E2 Festuca sp. E1 ML Mosses and lichens (Mahovi in lišaji) . + + . 1 + . + + . .1 Anomodon attenuatus Scleropodium purum Dermatocarpon miniatum Porella platyphylla Cladonia pyxidata Rhytidium rugosum Dicranum scoparium Fissidens dubius Bartramia halleriana Eurhynchium striatum Metzgeria furcata Plagiochila porelloides Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus Neckera complanata Collema crispum Polytrichum formosum Thuidium abietinum E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E0 E1 . + . . . + +. E1 . . + . . . . + + . . . E1 .. 1 + E1 . + . . . +. E1 + + E1 .+. E1 + E1 . . . + . E1 r . . . . . . E1 . + . . . . . E1 + E1 . . . . + . . E1 + Schistidium apocarpum E0 . 1 1 + + + + + 1+ 1 . 1 + ++ Tortella tortuosa E0 . + + + + + .+ + . + + ++ Anomodon viticulosus E0 . 12 1 1 + 1 1 + + 1. Homalothecium sericeum E0 . 1 1 + + + + + .+. +. Homalothecium lutescens E0 . .2 1 + 1 1 + + .+. Isothecium alopecuroides E0 . +. + 1 + +. .. + Neckera crispa E0 . 1 2 + + + .+ Hypnum cupressiforme E0 . .1 1 1 + + Peltigera canina E0 . .+ + + + +. Ctenidium molluscum E0 . .1 + 1 + Thuidium delicatulum E0 . .+ + + + 10 53 8 42 7 37 6 32 5 26 4 21 4 21 4 21 4 21 3 16 3 16 3 16 2 11 2 11 2 11 15 5 26 15 15 14 74 11 58 10 53 9 47 8 42 6 32 6 32 5 26 5 26 4 21 4 21 3 16 3 16 2 10 2 11 2 11 2 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Legend - Legenda A Limestone - apneenc D Dolomite - dolomit L Marlstone - laporovec Gr Gravel - grušč R Chert - roženec Re Rendzina - rendzina Li Lythosols - kamnišče + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r . . + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + iS s s s ca > 3 -o b ca > iy s o o s (s "(u Xi (s ,0 m cn 0 « (3 s ü g c o > -T3 's : IS IS IS IS C « « > ID > ^^ ID C? -T3 1« _IS IS ■a ■ S2 > -a o ■ ü a o a cSM^ n -i:! a >0 b h >« ■i: a s 1= — -i „ IS '(3 m P^ M M M s- Ö üs- — 5? -iS v rS 2 2 SI ca g -T3 CU g ca s t« o s ^^ la 3 ca ä= JB «3 13 2 JO m J3 .>12 Is -c ca Is kj iS li o ID "iS T3 SB o 00 "t >< o ID "iS t3 o +++1 + + 1 + .+ ++ + + 1 + ++ +. +r 5 0 2 2 7 9 0 7 3 3 2 2 0 5 1 8 7 5 5 4 2 3 3 2 1 - - + + + 4 + + + - 4 1 - 1 + + 1 (N 5 + + + + 4 + + + + 4 + 1 3 1 - - + r 3 2 4 + 3 1 3 + 4 + 3 + + + 3 4 3 + 3 4 4 + 4 + 3 1 4 1 4 1 m (N o ■äS « u Sä .iS .S3 .iS it 3 h h n S M < W o s H m h fe < cd fe H < S 3 g U g g ■js "is S3 ss < •VI 2 3 .!3 ."tS -S3 ü H JS O cd < H m v, o 'Š: 3 3 S S 3 3 .iS is ig is is Si 'Š: ü ji SS -S g iS J? .JS.JS " ^^^^ • .i I ■ ■ 0 s 1 . . o o u u I I N rF 6 6 9 74 3 4 8 7 9 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 8 7 3 8 9 3 7 4 7 5 3 0 3 0 3 rP 2 (N 2 2 7 0 8 9 5 8 9 9 4 7 8 7 7 3 2 - + 1 + + + 2 2 1 1 + 1 + + + 2 - 2 1 + + 1 + + + 0 2 - 1 + 1 + + + + + 9 - 2 2 1 + + 1 8 - 1 + + 1 + + 7 - 1 1 2 + + 6 (N 1 + + + + + + + 1 5 - 1 2 1 + 1 + + + 4 - 1 1 + + + + + + 3 (N 1 1 + + 1 1 + + + 2 - 1 + + 1 + + + + + 11 - 1 1 + 1 + + 1 0 (N 1 + 1 1 + + + + 9 - 1 + + 1 1 + + + 8 (N 1 1 + + + + + 1 + 1 + 7 (N 1 + + 1 + 1 1 + 6 - 1 1 1 + + + 1 + 5 - 1 1 + + + 1 4 (N 2 1 + + 1 + 1 3 + 1 1 + 1 + 1 1 + + 2 2 1 1 + 1 + + + 1 ^ 1 2 + + + + r m -O O o m m m m N 986666422 +2 ++ .+ ++ + ++ ++ + . + + + + + + + . 1 + + . ■ + ■ + + ■ (N + JS 3 s S -iS s o ^S ^^ iS o s S iS 1 il s is ü !3 Š5 0 a « o ^ ^ I ^ i s -o + + + . + + + +2 ++ 2. ++ +2 +2 ++ + + . . . . . + . + ++ ++ ■ + ■ ■ ■ + + . + + 1 . + ++++++ + + + 1 1 . + + . . + 1 + rf rf ■ + + + + . + + 1 + . + + . . 1 . + + . . . 1 . + . ■ + + + + + + + + +++ + . . .5 > . s ^^ s -iS s «J m ^ i» si g I - .. 'ic S ^ § 1 I 3 ■■iS ll ■jc 13 is iS s 0 994444444444444 4444 61 2 4 2 3+ 2+ 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 + + + 'C n s § Eq 2 Ü 3 •is -S ^^ K ^ - ^ ^ I ^^ < 2 r. 4 4 9 9 4 4 4 0 6 5 2 2 5 6 rF 0 9 6 5 5 3 2 r. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 5 2 2 8 6 rP 2 2 1 3 2 + 1 + 2 2 + + + + 2 + + 1 + + 0 2 + + + r + 9 1 1 + 8 + + + + 7 1 + 1 6 + + + + + 5 1 1 1 + 1 1 4 1 + + + + + r + + 3 + + + + 2 + + + + 11 r + + 0 1 + + + + 9 1 + + + 8 + 1 + + + 7 + 1 1 + + 6 + + 1 + + 5 + 1 1 + + + + + 4 + + + + 3 + + 2 + 1 + + + + 1 1 + + + + ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 __1 __1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 ^_1 pq w N 7733333999994444444 443333322222 + + + . + + 1+ ++ + + 1 + + + rf + + 2+ 21 2. ^ + ■ + 2++. 2 + 1 . rf + + + + 1 + 1 1 ^ + + ^ + ++++++ ^ ^ ++ ■+ ■ ■ + + 1 . + rf ■ + . rf rf ■ + + + + 1 1 + 1 1 2 + + + 1 + + . ■ + + ■ + + rf rf + .+ . + 2 + . 1 + + . + + + 1 + 1 + rfrfrfIN ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 5 ? ^ M a i£ n Ü i ü fcq ^ ^ ^ Sä ii 'äsis g s n i s ^ i e' s -s: S JTil c^ a. kJ 2 'S S3 -d ö i -d - aa Q < Q Table 3 (Tabela 3): Fraxino orni-Ostryetum phyteumatetosum columnae subass. nova. Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 23456789 10 Database number of releve (Delovna številka popisa) Elevation in m (Nadmorska višina v m) Aspect (Lega) Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) Parent material (Matična podlaga) Soil (Tla) Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) Cover in % (Zastiranje v %): Upper tree layer (Zgornja drevesna plast) Lower tree layer (Spodnja drevesna plast) Shrub layer (Grmovna plast) Herb layer (Zeliščna plast) Moss layer (Mahovna plast) Maximum diameter of trees (Največji prsni premer dreves) Maximum height of tress (Največja drevesna višina) Number of species (Število vrst) Releve area (Velikost popisne ploskve) E3b E3a E2 E1 E0 cm m 4 3 2 6 SE 40 DR Re Re 10 50 E 50 D 4 3 2 0 7 0 E 45 D Re 30 9 9 4 0 81 SE 50 D Re 20 0 2 9 6 4 050 565 876 2 2 692 246 9 6 4 70 7 69 246 0 5 8 SE E NE E NE NE 40 45 45 45 40 45 DDDDDD Re Re Re Re Re Re 30 20 40 20 30 50 80 60 60 70 90 80 60 60 60 60 20 30 40 20 10 10 40 40 30 70 80 80 90 60 80 60 5 80 50 55 5 5 5 10 5 5 30 60 5 15 14 40 50 39 63 60 58 86 66 74 70 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 10 10 6 8 9 10 8 7 10 Date of taking releve (Datum popisa) 5 3 3 1 1 1 9 9 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 r^ 9 9 --H --H --H 5 00 00 5 b o Locality (Nahajališče) Quadrant (Kvadrant) Coordinate GK Y (D-48) Coordinate GK X (D-48) -R o- v o rah Gr 7 3 7 b ro v nov 94 9 0 3 9 8 0 4 92 9 8 9 0 lda ol 3 949 9 2 962 9 0 4 a a a ic ic ic pi pi pi o o o k k k S S S r^ o^ 00 4 4 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 6 2 5 5 9 3 3 4 84 8 8 0 0 0 4 4 4 7 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 5 5 5 b ro v o d GG o K r^ 948 9 0 9 0 4 0 3 7 o K 94 9 9 949 8 0 4 4 04 be o v o ndo KK on m 6 3 8 3 2 4 9 61 0 0 6 0 0 Diagnostic species of the association (Diagnostične vrste asociacije) ES Betonica alopecuros E1 1 + + + 1 1 1 1 .1 AT Paederota lutea E1 . + + + + + + 11 AT Potentilla caulescens E1 . + + + + + + + EP Allium ericetorum E1 . + + + + + 1 1 EP Asperula aristata E1 . + + + + + + + ES Phyteuma orbiculare E1 + + + AT Primula auricula E1 1 + + + 1 VP Picea abies E3 .r VP Picea abies E2 r + r TR Campanula cespitosa E1 1 + + .r m m m 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \o 8 2 \o 0 a\ 4 2 5 3 246 5 6 6 4 2 3 0 c^ 2 2 5 0 c^ 2 2 0 6 4 2 0 c^ 2 2 8 0 38 2 91 9 6 4 2 81 698 246 c^ 0 38 2 01 3 6 4 2 8 8 698 246 c^ 8 9 6 4 2 8 6 696 246 8 698 246 3 3 9 6 4 2 0 6 31 2 2 9 3 4 3 2 81 3 4 3 2 c^ 5 6 5 245 0 5 8 60 4 00 4 0 3 5 0 71 500 20 4 60 3 90 3 480 0 5 4 0 7 3 60 3 20 6 20 4 0 5 7 0 1020 0 71 0 1000 0 3 0 E NE W NNWNW NW SEE N E NE W NE NNW N SEE W E E NE NE S S 45 45 45 40 40 50 40 30 45 40 45 45 45 25 45 35 45 40 45 40 45 40 D Dr DA D D D D D D D D D D D D D D DA A DA A A Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Li Re 10 60 40 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 50 20 20 20 30 10 70 40 20 40 70 40 70 70 70 60 80 60 70 70 70 50 60 70 60 60 70 60 80 80 70 70 60 70 30 5 20 10 70 30 30 30 10 20 30 20 20 40 30 30 30 40 30 70 30 60 20 30 30 20 10 60 70 80 80 80 50 80 80 70 70 80 90 80 70 40 60 10 80 70 70 60 20 10 5 10 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 20 5 10 20 20 15 20 20 15 15 20 25 20 15 30 20 15 25 30 25 15 15 10 15 15 12 8 7 8 14 8 8 16 12 14 10 16 10 8 10 12 12 8 6 5 4 8 44 41 55 58 37 47 45 56 53 50 65 70 47 47 60 44 71 45 61 63 53 51 200 100 200 200 200 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 04 0 04 0 2 0 0 c^ c^ 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 01 r^ 04 0 9 9 9 0 01 r^ 01 04 0 04 0 9 9 9 01 S3 2 0 0 5 9 9 91 9 7 9 9 2 01 r^ 00 o^ r^ o^ S^ s^ o^ 55 r^ o^ 55 r^ on o^ o^ cS o^ 00 Pr. Fr. o i= 1:3 S a >0 ra WW O o S W W ti^ W kJ 1:3 O o o Sl -ii o P CD M cR o 00 m o o 1^ ^ kJ P g a k jš koj Zak Quadrant (Kvadrant) Coordinate GK Y (D-48) Coordinate GK X (D-48) -H 645 747 747 999 2 0 2 702 6 466 73 20 21 0 420 1 7 74 747 849 99 2 8 6 3 6 41 00 948 9 0 4 ^ ^ c^ 9 949 9 0 0 2 0 8 8 3 0 94 9 6 0 6 94 9 3 4 0 0 6 34 48 646 9 a\ 02 4 5 3 2 8 0 4 3 2 Diagnostic species of the asociation (Diagnostične vrset asociacije) EP Rhododendron hirsutum E2a + 23 4 23 3 3 + 23 3 2 VP Rosa pendulina E2a + 11 + .1 + 1 .+ + BA Salix appendiculata E3 + BA Salix appendiculata E2 + + + + 1+ + + FS Fagus sylvatica E3 . r . r r. + 1 1 r. 1 FS Fagus sylvatica E2 . r . + ++ + + + + FS Fagus sylvatica E1 . .+ .r TR Gymnocarpium robertianum E1 . +1 + .1 1 1 11 + AT Valeriana saxatilis E1 . + + + m m 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Pr. Fr. 471 2 5 7 71 247 91 2 4 244 5 9 8 468 2 7 9 8 6 246 9 91 6 246 8 91 469 2 8 6 0 230 2 9 8 8 6 246 0 9 8 468 2 91 8 6 246 3 9 8 468 2 2 9 8 468 2 ^ 8 6 246 9 469 2 5 2 9 469 2 6 2 9 6 246 7 2 9 469 2 9 2 9 469 2 0 3 9 6 246 31 9 469 2 2 3 9 469 2 0 61 0 9 5 0 7 6 0 61 0 61 0 61 0 7 5 0 0 0 81 0 81 0 5 6 0 7 6 0 5 5 0 8 7 0 5 7 0 5 7 0 71 0 8 6 0 3 9 0 91 0 91 0 9 8 NE N N NNE NW NNW N N N N N N N NNW NE N N NW N N NW NW 45 45 15 50 45 35 40 40 45 40 25 35 45 40 45 45 40 45 35 40 35 35 DR DR D D D D DRG D AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR DA AR Gr DA Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Ly Co 60 30 20 10 10 20 20 10 20 30 40 30 20 30 40 20 20 30 20 20 40 20 80 60 70 10 70 70 10 90 80 60 90 80 70 90 60 70 20 70 80 60 10 80 70 70 80 10 70 60 70 60 60 50 40 60 50 50 30 50 70 60 40 30 30 30 20 40 40 40 60 30 30 70 60 60 60 70 70 80 80 60 50 80 70 60 60 70 70 70 70 40 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 5 10 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 25 30 20 15 35 25 20 25 25 25 15 20 20 30 25 20 30 20 15 25 40 20 12 18 (8) 12 10 15 16 14 10 7 7 5 8 6 12 10 10 14 12 8 12 16 10 51 40 65 48 58 72 71 43 44 45 38 39 55 56 54 49 37 50 49 53 41 41 200 200 200 200 200 400 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 2 04 04 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 0 0 01 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r^ 9 9 0 0 0 0 So ^^ c^ r^ --H --H --H --H m on 5 5 pa pa ra ra gr g a a k k 't? k k Zak Zak 4 4 8 9 8 9 7 2 9 4 81 2 8 4 4 5 9 6 6 2 2 4 4 5 5 o da 3 949 9 6 646 949 9 2 5 7 41 9746 9 0 949 9 6 8 4 b ro ov rado k 94 9 0 4 g (3 s (3 g (3 s <0 s (3 g (3 b ro O a O m o a o m O a O m o a o m (3 a O M (3 a O m v o d ra -T3 -T3 -T3 -T3 -a -T3 ši c3 (J ši c3 (J c3 (J ši k jb m o KJ 948 9 4 7 9 4 7 9 748 9 4 7 9 00 748 9 748 9 4 7 9 2 01 090 4 91 3 063 4 5 41 064 4 5 41 064 4 6 2 061 4 6 3 061 4 7 2 061 4 9 6 3 063 4 2 822 1048 2 7 4 0 6 2 2 4 4 2 0 4 3 0 2 9 0 184 01 2 01 2 01 2 01 2 01 2 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 >o >o >o >o h> j> a v a a v a v o ov o o "(S Is "(S n n n Dr Drn Dr Dr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 č^ č^ č^ č^ č^ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 7 9 8 6 3 7 0 9 5 31 6 5 2 0 4 3 3 41 41 41 5 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 8 7 8 8 2 9 3 9 2 6 2 0 8 7 8 9 9 0 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 Pr. Fr. 35 100 29 83 1 3 + 1 + + + + + r + + + + 1 + .+ + + 2 26 74 + + 1 r + r r + + .+ 1 + 1 21 60 + + r + r r .r + + 17 49 + + + r +. + 8 23 + + 1 1 1 1 1 1 + r r + + 2 23 66 + + 1 + + + r r r + + r .+ 1 + 18 51 + + Number ofreleve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TR Adenostyles glabra E1 TA Acer pseudoplatanus E3 TA Acer pseudoplatanus Egb TA Acer pseudoplatanus E1 ES Carex ferruginea E1 Differential species of lower units (Razlikovalne vrste ni~jih enot) Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus EP AF FS FS FS FS VP Mercurialis perennis Laburnum alpinum Laburnum alpinum Laburnum alpinum Hieracium murorum SSC Sorbus aucuparia SSC Sorbus aucuparia SSC Sorbus aucuparia FS Lathyrus vernus subsp. vernus FS Lathyrus vernus subsp. flaccidus FS Salvia glutinosa VP Homogyne sylvestris FO Fra^ino orni-Ostryion Ostrya carpinifolia Ostrya carpinifolia Ostrya carpinifolia Ostrya carpinifolia Fraxinus ornus Fraxinus ornus Fraxinus ornus Fraxinus ornus Euonymus verrucosa Primula veris subsp. columnae CO Carpinion orientalis Mercurialis ovata Asparagus tenuifolius Sesleria autumnalis QP Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Sorbus aria Sorbus aria Sorbus aria Sorbus aria Convallaria majalis Melittis melissophyllum Carex flacca Cornus mas Hypericum montanum Sorbus austriaca s. lat. Sorbus austriaca s. lat. Epipactis muelleri Cotinus coggygria Arabis turrita QR Quercetalia roboris Pteridium aquilinum Potentilla erecta Serratula tinctoria Frangula alnus E1 E1 E1 E3 Eg E1 E1 E3a Ega E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E3b E3a Egb Ega E3 Egb Ega E1 Eg E1 E1 E1 E1 E3 Egb Ega E1 E1 E1 E1 Eg E1 E3 Eg E1 Eg E1 E1 E1 E1 Eg 3 1 2 1 + . 1 3 1 + 1 2 3 + + + 1 + + 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + + + + + 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 + r + + 1 1 + + 1 + + + + + + + 1 + 1 1 1 + + 1 + + 1 + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + r 3 + + + + 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Pr. Fr. + . 1 . . 1 1 2 + + 1 . . + + 1 3 16 46 1 + 1 1. + 9 26 1 + + + + + 10 32 + + + + + . + r + + 13 37 + + + + 7 20 11 6 21 19 10 7 16 3 10 8 8 5 13 13 31 17 60 54 29 20 46 9 29 23 23 14 37 37 1 1 1 1 2 + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2 1 + + + r + + + + + + + + + + r + 1 + . + . + + + 1 . r . + + + 11 11 .r + . 1 + + + 11 + + + 111 33 + 1 + 33 1 + 3442 . + . . + + + + 34 11 33 2 + + 53 33 35 100 + +. + +. . + + + + + 1 1 1 + 2 + 1 1 + 1 + + + + + 1 1 1 + + 1 1 1 . + + r 1 + + + + + .1 + + + 1 + + + . + + + r + + + + + + + + + + r + + 11 1 + 1 + + 1 + + 1 + + + + + + + r 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + 7 28 6 26 23 15 11 6 1 20 80 17 74 66 43 31 17 3 39 13 13 26 25 8 4 8 7 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 74 71 23 11 23 20 9 9 9 6 6 3 3 3 5 14 4 11 39 39 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r + + + + + r r + + + + + + + + r 4 + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Quercus petraea Betula pendula Rubus hirtus Populus tremula Populus tremula Populus tremula Quercus robur Betonica officinalis TA Tilio-Acerion Polystichum aculeatum Aruncus dioicus Euonymus latifolia Acer platanoides Ulmus glabra Ulmus glabra Polystichum setiferum Thalictrum aquilegiifolium AF Aremonio-Fagion Cyclamen purpurascens Anemone trifolia Omphalodes verna Cardamine enneaphyllos Euphorbia carniolica Knautia drymeia Helleborus niger Rhamnus fallax Primula vulgaris Cardamine trifolia Potentilla carniolica Daphne blagayana Scopolia carniolica FS Fagetalia sylvaticae E1 E3 E2a E2a E3b E2b E2b E1 E1 E1 E2 E1 E3a E2b E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E2 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 Galium laevigatum E1 Daphne mezereum E2a Melica nutans E1 Lonicera alpigena E2 Epipactis helleborine E1 Mycelis muralis E1 Galeobdolon flavidum E1 Prenanthes purpurea E1 Viola reichenbachiana E1 Neottia nidus-avis E1 Symphytum tuberosum E1 Euphorbia amygdaloides E1 Asarum europaeum subsp. caucasicum E1 Phyteuma spicatum subsp. coeruleum E1 Brachypodium sylvaticum E1 Lilium martagon E1 Luzula nivea E1 Pulmonaria officinalis E1 Paris quadrifolia E1 Polygonatum multiflorum E1 Heracleum sphondylium E1 Tilia cordata E1 Actaea spicata E1 + 1 + 1 1 1 + 2 + + + + + 1 1 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 4 + + r + + + + + + r + r r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . + + . . . . ................+ . r r . . 1 1 1 + + + 1+ + .+ + + 1 1 1 1 . + + 1 . 2 1 1 . . 1111 + 1 1 + 1 + . . 1 + . . 111 + .+ + + + + + + + 1.. 1111 + + + . . + + . + + Pr. Fr. 3 9 3 9 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 10 29 8 23 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 33 94 17 49 13 37 12 34 8 23 7 20 6 17 6 17 14 11 9 6 3 + + + 1 1 + + + + .. 1 + . . . + + + 1 + 26 74 + + + + + + + 1 + 1 . + + + . . . . + + + + 24 69 + + + + .. 1 + . . 15 43 + + + + . . + . . .. 1 + 1 1 11 31 r+ .+ ++ 20 11 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 + r + + + + + + + + + r + + + r + + ++ + r r Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 QF EP VP Dryopteris filix-mas Querco-Fagetea Carex digitata Hepatica nobilis Corylus avellana Spiraea chamaedryfolia Veratrum nigrum Lonicera xylosteum Viscum album subsp. album Cephalanthera longifolia Vinca minor Rosa arvensis Ilex aquifolium Platanthera bifolia Viola mirabilis Carex umbrosa Aegopodium podagraria Clematis vitalba Hedera helix Festuca heterophylla Erico-Pinetea Asperula aristata Chamaecytisus hirsutus Pinus sylvestris Pinus sylvestris Cotoneaster tomentosus Pinus nigra Pinus nigra Epipactis atrorubens Genista radiata Rhamnus sa^atilis Chamaecytisus purpureus Galium purpureum Aster amellus Pinus mugo Gymnadenia odoratissima Vaccinio-Piceetea Valeriana tripteris Solidago virgaurea Picea abies Picea abies Picea abies Picea abies E1 E1 E1 E2 E2a E1 E2 E3a E1 E1 E2a E2b E1 E1 E1 E1 E2 E2 E1 + . .+ + 1 + + + +++ + . + + + .1 +. +. + + + .+ 1 + + 3 1 1 + + 1 + .r. E1 E1 E3b E2b E2 E3b E2b E1 E2a E2a E1 E1 E1 E2b E1 E1 E1 E3 E2b E2a E1 Calamagrostis varia E1 + 2 1 1 .1 + 1 + + 1 Erica carnea E1 + 2 1 2 + + .3 3 1 2 + + Cirsium erisithales E1 1 + + 1 1 .+ + 1 + + + Carex alba E1 + 1 2 1 2. + + 2 1 Polygala chamaebuxus E1 1 1 1 + + .1 + Rubus sa^atilis E1 + 1 1 + + + .1 + 1 + Buphthalmum salicifolium E1 + + + + .+ + + 1 Amelanchier ovalis E2 + 1 1 + 1 Carex ornithopoda E1 Peucedanum austriacum s. lat. E1 + .1 + + Aquilegia nigricans E1 + 1 .+ Rhodothamnus chamaecistus E1 + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r r r + + + i. Dakskobler: Phytosociological description of Ostrya carpinifolia and Fraxxinus ornus communities ^ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 + + + + + + + . + + rr + .+ +. + . . . . + .1.1 + +.......+ 111 + 1 + + + + 1.+ + + . . . . . .+. . . . + . + + . . . . . + + ............... . . 1..........r........ .................r . . . + . . . . . + + ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ......... r + 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 + 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 + 1 + 1 1 + + 1 + + 2 1 1 + 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 3 + + 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + 3 1 2 + + 1 1 2 1 + 1 + 1 + + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 + 1 + + 1 + 1 1 1 + + 1 + + + + + 1 1 + + + + + 1 r + + + + + + + + r + r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r Pr. Fr. 1 3 25 71 18 51 16 46 7 20 6 17 4 11 3 9 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32 91 32 91 26 74 22 63 21 60 21 60 19 54 13 37 8 23 8 23 6 17 6 17 5 14 4 11 4 11 2 6 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 18 51 17 49 14 40 11 31 13 37 7 20 + r r + + r + + + r + r + + r + + + r r + + + + + + + r r Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gentiana asclepiadea Veronica urticifolia Larix decidua Larix decidua Clematis alpina Laserpitium krapfii Aposeris foetida Abies alba Abies alba Maianthemum bifolium Oxalis acetosella Polystichum x illyricum Polystichum lonchitis Gymnocarpium dryopteris Vaccinium myrtillus Calamagrostis arundinacea Dryopteris dilatata Lonicera nigra RP Rhamno-Prunetea Berberis vulgaris Berberis vulgaris Berberis vulgaris Rhamnus catharticus Rhamnus catharticus Viburnum lantana Rosa canina Viburnum opulus Euonymus europaea Crataegus monogyna TG Trifolio-Geranietea Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Anthericum ramosum Laserpitium latifolium Laserpitium siler Campanula rapunculoides Grafia golaka Achillea distans Clinopodium vulgare Origanum vulgare Polygonatum odoratum Verbascum lanatum Lilium carniolicum Salvia pratensis subsp. saccardiana Thesium bavarum Digitalis grandiflora Viola hirta FB Festuco-Brometea Carex humilis Peucedanum oreoselinum Galium lucidum Brachypodium rupestre Bromus erectus agg. Teucrium chamaedrys Linum catharticum Stachys recta E1 E1 E3 Egb Ega E1 E1 E3 Eg E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 Egb Ega E1 E3a Egb Eg Ega Ega Ega E3a E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 + . + + + + + + r r r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r i. Dakskobler: Phytosociological description of Ostrya carpinifolia and Fraxxinus ornus communities ^ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 +++ +++ + + + + 1 + + 1 Pr. Fr. 8 23 7 20 6 17 1 3 5 14 5 14 4 11 3 9 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 2 6 1 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 16 46 5 14 4 11 3 9 3 9 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 40 3 9 3 9 3 9 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 + + + + + r + + + + + r + + + + + + + r + + + + 2 + Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E1............. E1............. E1............. E1............. Carlina acaulis Centaurea bracteata Thymus praecox s. lat. Dianthus hyssopifolius (D. monspessulanus) ES Elyno-Seslerietea Sesleria caerulea subsp. calcaria E1 Betonica alopecuros E1 Phyteuma orbiculare E1 Laserpitium peucedanoides E1 Aster bellidiastrum E1 Carex mucronata E1 Pimpinella alpina E1 Campanula thyrsoides E1 Carduus crassifolius E1 SCF Pinguicula alpina E1 SCF Tofieldia calyculata E1 Globularia cordifolia E1 EA Epilobietea angustifolii Eupatorium cannabinum E1 Rubus idaeus E2a BA Betulo-Alnetea viridis Salix glabra E2a MuA Mulgedio-Aconitetea Senecio ovatus E1 Aconitum angustifolium E1 Centaurea montana E1 Veratrum album s. lat. E1 Athyrium filix-femina E1 Aconitum degenii subsp. paniculatum E1 MA Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Galium mollugo E1 Lotus corniculatus s. lat. E1 TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii Campanula cespitosa E1 Astrantia carniolica E1 Hieracium bifidum E1 Aquilegia einseleana E1 Petasites paradoxus E1 Hieracium porrifolium E1 AT Asplenietea trichomanis Asplenium ruta-muraria E1 Asplenium viride E1 Phyteuma scheuchzeri subsp. columnae E1 Saxifraga crustata E1 Asplenium trichomanes E1 Paederota lutea E1 Campanula carnica E1 Carex brachystachys E1 Athamanta turbith E1 Primula auricula E1 Kernera saxatilis E1 Moehringia muscosa E1 Primula carniolica E1 Rhamnus pumilus E1 Hieracium pospichalii E1 + 2 1 1 1 . + . . . + 1 + + + + + 1 + . . . . . + 111 . 1 . + +++ r+ 1+ +.+ +.+ ++ .+ + + + + r + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + r r 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Pr. Fr. .......r..............13 ............r.........13 ..............+.......13 .................+ . . . . 13 + + 13g + + 133ggggg + 11331 . + .. + + . + 1..r........ . . . . +......r........ . . + . + + .............. . +.....+ + r.r........ . r ......... r ....... . . . . . . . . + +........... + + + 32 12 11 7 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 91 34 31 20 17 9 6 3 3 3 3 3 14 6 + + + + + 1 10 29 + . + 1 + r + . r + 10 4 3 1 1 1 29 11 9 3 3 3 + + + 23 11 11 6 3 3 + + . 1 + 1 r + + r + + + . r . 1 + 1 1 + + + + + + r r r + + . + . . + + . + r + . + + 15 9 8 7 7 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 43 26 23 20 20 17 11 11 9 9 9 9 6 3 3 + + r + + + + + + r + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + r r + + Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 O ML Polypodium vulgare Micromeria thymifolia Daphne alpina Silene hayekiana Other species (Druge vrste) Juniperus communis Juglans regia Tussilago farfara Selaginella helvetica Mosses and lichens (Mahovi in lišaji) E1 E1 E2a E1 E2 E2 E1 E1 Ctenidium molluscum E0 Neckera crispa E0 Fissidens dubius E0 Tortella tortuosa E0 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus E0 Hylocomium splendens E0 Polytrichum formosum E0 Scleropodium purum E0 Eurhynchium striatum E0 Plagiochila porelloides E0 Thuidium tamariscinum E0 Homalothecium philippeanum E0 Hypnum cupressiforme E0 Schistidium apocarpum E0 Metzgeria furcata E0 Plagiomnium undulatum E0 Conocephalum conicum E0 Orthothecium rufescens E0 Cladonia sp. E0 Rhytidiadelphus loreus E0 Encalypta streptocarpa E0 Homalothecium lutescens E0 Solorina saccata E0 Plagiothecium denticulatum E0 Marchantia polymorpha E0 Cladonia pyxidata E0 Thuidium delicatulum E0 Thuidium abietinum E0 Bryum capillare E0 Peltigera leucophlebia E0 Atrichum undulatum E0 Bartramia halleriana E0 Mnium thomsonii E0 Mnium marginatum E0 Isothecium alopecuroides E0 Plagiopus oederi E0 Peltigera canina E0 Dicranum scoparium E0 1 + + + + 2 + + 2 + 1 1 + 1 + + 1 2 1 + + + + 1 + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 Legend - Legenda A Limestone - apneenc D Dolomite - dolomit R Chert - roženec G Claystone - glinavec Re Rendzina - rendzina Li Lythosols - kamnišče Co Colluvial soil - koluvialna tla 4 + + + r + r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Pr. Fr. ......................1 3 ..........+...........13 ..............+.......13 ..............+.......13 5 14 2 6 13 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + + 29 83 1 1 1 1 + + + + 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + 28 80 + + + + 1 1 + + + + 1 + + + + 1 + + 1 + 27 77 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + + 1 1 + 19 54 1 1 1 + + + + + + + 14 40 + + 1 + 1 + + + 13 37 1 + + + + + + + + + 12 34 + 1 + 1 + + 10 29 + + + + + + + 9 26 + + + + + + + + 9 26 + + + + + 8 23 + + + + + 6 17 + + + + 1 1 6 17 + + + 1 6 17 + + + + + 5 14 + + 4 11 + 3 9 + 3 9 + + 3 9 2 6 + 2 6 + + 2 6 + + 2 6 + + r + + + + + + + Table 5: Synoptic table of the associations Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, Cytisantho-Ostryetum, Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum, Erico-Ostryetum and Querco-Ostryetum. Tabela 5: Sintezna tabela asociacij Fraxino orni-Ostryetum, Cytisantho-Ostryetum, Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum, Erico-Ostry-etum in Querco-Ostryetum. Successive number (Zaporedna številka) Number of releves (Število popisov) 12345 12 136 50 39 35 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 23 32 15 11 3 9 11 26 Sign for syntaxa (Oznaka sintaksonov) Differential species of the association TR Campanula cespitosa AT Primula auricula TR Hieracium porrifolium EP Asperula aristata EP Allium ericetorum AT Paederota lutea ES Betonica alopecuros AF Rhamnus fallax VP Picea abies VP Picea abies AF Anemone trifolia VP Valeriana tripteris BA Salix glabra VP Rosa pendulina BA Salix appendiculata FS Laburnum alpinum FS Laburnum alpinum FS Laburnum alpinum ES Phyteuma orbiculare AT Campanula carnica EP Galium purpureum Differential species of the association EP Genista januensis FB Asperula cynanchica TG Veronica jacquinii EC Helleborus atrorubens FB Dianthus giganteus subsp. croaticus EP Daphne cneorum QP Acer obtusatum QP Acer obtusatum EC Erythronium dens-canis QP Quercus cerris QP Quercus cerris QP Sorbus torminalis QP Sorbus torminalis TG Silene nemoralis EC Lonicera caprifolium TG Melampyrum nemorosum FO Fraxino orni-Ostryion Ostrya carpinifolia Ostrya carpinifolia Fraxinus ornus ^ ^ ^ O Ot Os Or O W W W W Fraxino orni-Ostryetum s. lat. E1 O F O 2 O F O 3 O F O O F O C) y C E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E2 E3 E2 E1 E1 E2a E2a E2 E3 E2 E1 E1 E1 E1 67 27 67 42 33 25 25 17 13 8 80 4 58 42 12 34 28 26 54 23 9 3 14 17 4 11 . 24 46 15 4 2 8 24 48 Querco-Ostryetum s. lat. E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E3 E2 E1 E3 E2 E3 E2 E1 E2 E1 E3 100 98 96 100 100 E2 33 8 48 26 83 E3 8 67 42 54 74 5 10 15 3 33 23 34 51 17 18 40 56 63 21 49 51 51 28 29 83 74 54 29 20 31 11 3 11 17 16 35 31 27 27 11 21 5 26 13 4 .4 47 43 26 22 .9 21 30 26 39 . 35 11 22 . 13 26 26 16 43 34 13 . 18 79 38 33 54 44 13 . 50 . . 88 20 91 5 21 22 39 47 74 32 22 18 9 33 . 31 20 . 13 60 45 13 13 . 13 33 4 19 . . 28 20 . 13 . . 19 16 34 6 . . 27 60 91 4 74 16 3 y C R So 15 12 100 50 54 65 100 50 27 35 100 30 54 33 18 33 18 33 10 15 70 19 50 36 30 10 45 46 10 45 46 27 4 91 38 64 54 35 54 35 67 100 64 62 67 50 73 96 100 100 45 46 8 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fraxinus ornus E2 Euonymus verrucosa E2 Primula veris subsp. columnae Primula x ternovania Peucedanum schottii CO Carpinion orientalis Mercurialis ovata Asparagus tenuifolius Sesleria autumnalis Ruscus aculeatus Knautia drymeia subsp. tergestina Frangula rupestris Coronilla emeroides Mercurialis x paxii Aristolochia lutea Helleborus multifidus Acer monspessulanum QP Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae Sorbus aria E3b 17 32 Sorbus aria E2b Melittis melissophyllum E1 Convallaria majalis E1 Campanula persicifolia E1 Clematis recta E1 Quercus pubescens E3b Quercus pubescens E2a Lathyrus niger E1 Laburnum anagyroides E2 Carex flacca E1 Cornus mas E2 Hypericum montanum E1 Sorbus austriaca s. lat. E3b Sorbus austriaca s. lat. E2b Arabis turrita E1 Cotinus coggygria E2 Epipactis muelleri E1 Tamus communis E1 Calamintha sylvatica E1 Buglossoides purpurocaerulea E1 Coronilla emerus subsp. emerus E2 Orchis mascula subsp. speciosa E1 Tanacetum corymbosum E1 Viola alba subsp. scotophylla E1 Prunus mahaleb E2 Cephalanthera rubra E1 Hierochloe australis E1 Orchis purpurea E1 Sorbus domestica E2 Carex michelii E1 Quercus x stremii E3 Quercus x stremii E2 50 58 66 67 E1 . . .. 3 26 39 E1 . . 5 E1 . . 26 22 E1 . . .. 9 5 4 E1 . . .. 3 16 4 E1 . . .. 3 16 4 E2a . . 11 E1 . . 5 E2 . . 4 E2a . . 4 E1 . . E1 . . E1 . . E2 . . 86 100 100 94 17 32 78 19 3 73 45 100 50 100 100 . 18 . . 9 15 36 72 20 16 . 40 100 30 45 96 . 15 27 4 30 10 32 14 67 74 63 78 66 40 64 50 9 35 34 16 49 74 84 87 88 47 45 33 30 64 92 17 2 20 68 74 47 13 82 33 90 100 100 10 8 21 23 32 30 44 19 54 31 7 26 4 7 30 64 42 7 5 13 9 47 27 67 50 45 46 5 11 4 9 53 67 30 73 73 4 5 3 40 30 91 96 2 1 64 38 9 21 . 31 20 9 33 . 73 77 9 47 35 16 20 . 67 70 82 62 9 47 30 . 7 9 . . 27 35 6 . . 6 . . 3 42 43 3 . . 3 . . 26 9 11 4 44 6 7 18 . 100 5. 54 5. 5 9. 43 30 . 38 . 73 15 . 64 38 18 . . . 33 30 91 58 9 33 9 15 36 . 35 . 18 . 9. .4 98 7 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 QR Quercetalia roboris TA Tilio-Acerion Acer pseudoplatanus Acer pseudoplatanus Acer pseudoplatanus Polystichum aculeatum Aruncus dioicus Euonymus latifolia Acer platanoides Acer platanoides Polystichum setiferum Thalictrum aquilegiifolium Ulmus glabra Ulmus glabra Tilia platyphyllos Tilia platyphyllos Geranium robertianum Phyllitis scolopendrium Tephroseris pseudocrispa AF Aremonio-Fagion Cyclamen purpurascens Helleborus niger Rhamnus fallax Omphalodes verna Cardamine enneaphyllos Euphorbia carniolica Knautia drymeia Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus Cardamine trifolia Potentilla carniolica Melampyrum pratense E1 . 15 2 10 . 5 4 47 Chamaecytisus supinus E1 . 10 2 31 Quercus robur E3 . 1. 3 Quercus robur E1 . 7. .3 5 9 Quercus petraea E3 . 4. 26 9 9 33 10 36 31 Quercus petraea E1 . 3. .9 26 22 16 7 30 36 42 Genista sagittalis E1 . 3. Pteridium aquilinum E1 . . 14 11 4 31 33 90 27 12 Potentilla erecta E1 . . 11 13 33 Betula pendula E3 . .9 Frangula alnus Eg .9 16 28 33 Serratula tinctoria E1 . .9 5 19 20 33 100 31 Populus tremula E3b . .6 3 9 Populus tremula Ega .6 4 6 Rubus hirtus Ega .6 4 Betonica officinalis E1 . .3 11 4 3 9 42 Populus tremula Egb .3 6 Phyteuma zahlbruckneri E1 . 11 9 9 Lembotropis nigricans Ega 11 13 3 20 33 45 38 Castanea sativa E1 . 4 7 Genista germanica E1 . 27 18 8 E3 £2 E1 E1 E1 Eg E3a E1 E1 E1 E3a Eg E3 Eg E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 Eg E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 25 8 8 52 7 4 46 67 10 10 26 51 26 5 4 6 29 9 16 11 37 5 13 31 29 5 4 3 23 3 9 17 13 5 4 3 5 4 23 3 3 3 4. 12 3 5 3 5 16 13 6 5 9 5 4 94 84 91 88 93 91 33 70 45 81 17 5 44 100 . 70 27 23 17 37 34 23 20 17 11 9 22 26 11 5 16 4 3 34 9 13 16 18 33 45 35 4 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Daphne blagayana E1 Scopolia carniolica E1 Lamium orvala E1 Epimedium alpinum E1 Daphne laureola E2a Hacquetia epipactis E1 EC Erythronio-Carpinion Primula vulgaris E1 Helleborus odorus E1 Galanthus nivalis E1 FS Fagetalia sylvaticae Fagus sylvatica E3 Fagus sylvatica E2 Mercurialis perennis E1 Salvia glutinosa E1 Melica nutans E1 Campanula trachelium E1 Mycelis muralis E1 Poa nemoralis E1 Carpinus betulus E3 Carpinus betulus E2a Tilia cordata E1 Galium laevigatum E1 Daphne mezereum E2a Lonicera alpigena E2 Lathyrus vernus subsp. vernus E1 Epipactis helleborine E1 Lathyrus vernus subsp. flaccidus E1 Galeobdolon flavidum E1 Neottia nidus-avis E1 Prenanthes purpurea E1 Symphytum tuberosum E1 Viola reichenbachiana E1 Asarum europaeum subsp. caucasicum E1 Brachypodium sylvaticum E1 Euphorbia amygdaloides E1 Lilium martagon E1 Phyteuma spicatum subsp. coeruleum E1 Actaea spicata E1 Dryopteris filix-mas E1 Heracleum sphondylium E1 Luzula nivea E1 Paris quadrifolia E1 Polygonatum multiflorum E1 Pulmonaria officinalis E1 Myosotis sylvatica E1 Scrophularia nodosa E1 Cardamine bulbifera E1 Cephalanthera damasonium E1 Epilobium montanum E1 Fraxinus excelsior E3 18 13 10 26 11 9 6 2 1 4 8 2 22 8 5 11 5 8 60 13 51 26 60 37 43 11 3 74 69 31 23 20 14 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 9 14 42 35 . 16 .5 42 16 11 21 11 5 11 16 21 5 21 21 5 21 21 26 16 21 9 5. 26 30 11 11 11 5 5 5 5 35 22 54 30 82 65 9 22 22 20 4 67 50 27 23 17 38 13 67 36 27 39 9 18 33 57 19 27 38 13 18 7 9 4 4 3 4 36 38 22 3 8 18 9 27 8 4 8 74 6 33 4 23 35 6 4 8 17 13 22 6 36 12 9 19 18 15 7 13 6 15 4 3 30 73 30 9 13 36 10 30 3 12 9 9 18 8 9 3 30 15 4 4 2 7 4 7 Viola riviniana Acer campestre Acer campestre Listera ovata Pyrus pyraster Pyrus pyraster Carex montana Taxus baccata Taxus baccata Staphylea pinnata Malus sylvestris Anemone nemorosa Melica uniflora Stellaria holostea EP Erico-Pinetea Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Prunus avium E2a . 5 3 45 8 Euphorbia dulcis E1 . 18 12 Sanicula europaea E1 . 9 QF Querco-Fagetea Carex digitata E1 . 10 22 15 71 47 78 44 13 54 . 30 4 Corylus avellana E2 . 8 2 3 46 53 9 13 60 64 . 70 45 4 Cruciata glabra E1 . 7 5 4 40 18 . 8 Hepatica nobilis E1 . 7 15 51 26 87 22 40 36 . 70 27 23 Cephalanthera longifolia E1 . 5 6 32 9 9 7 12 Lonicera xylosteum E2 . 5 5 11 26 39 3 7 4. 10 15 Festuca heterophylla E1 . 2 3 21 4 54 31 Spiraea chamaedryfolia E2a . 20 4 Veratrum nigrum E1 . 17 21 26 9 Viscum album s. lat. E3a . 9 6 Ilex aquifolium E2b . 6 9 Rosa arvensis E2a . 6 16 13 3 31 Vinca minor E1 . 6 37 17 3 20 Aegopodium podagraria E1 . 3 Carex umbrosa E1 . 3 Clematis vitalba E2 . 3 21 4 3 27 18 . 50 27 12 Hedera helix E3a . 11 Hedera helix E2 . 3 11 17 13 . 33 18 Platanthera bifolia E1 . 3 9 6 7 Viola mirabilis E1 . 3 E1 E3a E2b E1 E3a E2a E1 E3 E2 E2b E2 E1 E1 E1 16 22 11 . 5 11 5 11 5 5 5 4 13 4 9. 54 19 9. . 30 . 33 30 73 . . 18 67 30 36 18 9 9 Calamagrostis varia E1 50 56 66 72 91 53 83 75 73 91 30 19 Erica carnea E1 33 58 64 87 91 26 57 97 93 64 100 27 54 Polygala chamaebuxus E1 33 65 36 51 60 37 70 88 67 64 50 58 Amelanchier ovalis E2 25 34 20 39 37 32 22 97 100 100 100 30 36 54 Buphthalmum salicifolium E1 25 59 50 46 54 84 83 63 47 91 90 91 96 Epipactis atrorubens E1 8 24 20 13 9 26 13 9 73 10 18 23 Pinus nigra E3 10 6 5 9 6 27 33 Pinus nigra E2 8 4 2 5 9 6 20 Pinus sylvestris E3 34 28 23 11 4 6 40 Pinus sylvestris E2 8 11 36 18 6 9 4 Cotoneaster tomentosus E2 22 4 15 9 11 13 27 47 82 10 9 27 Cirsium erisithales E1 14 44 51 74 37 35 31 7 4 12 3 7 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 Rubus saxatilis E1 . 12 12 44 Chamaecytisus hirsutus E1 . 7 2 Euphrasia cuspidata E1 . 4 50 15 Pinus mugo E2b . 2 12 23 Rhododendron hirsutum E2a . 16 64 Carex alba E1 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea E1 Carex ornithopoda E1 Peucedanum austriacum s. lat. E1 Aquilegia nigricans E1 Rhodothamnus chamaecistus E1 Genista radiata E2a Aster amellus E1 Chamaecytisus purpureus E1 Gymnadenia odoratissima E1 Rhamnus saxatilis E2a Leontodon incanus E1 Crepis slovenica E1 Knautia ressmanii E1 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi E2a Aquilegia atrata E1 Coronilla vaginalis E1 Polygala nicaeensis subsp. forojulensis E1 VP Vaccinio-Piceetea Hieracium murorum E1 Solidago virgaurea E1 Homogyne sylvestris E1 Gentiana asclepiadea E1 Veronica urticifolia E1 Larix decidua E3 Clematis alpina E2a Laserpitium krapfii E1 Aposeris foetida E1 Abies alba E3b Abies alba E2 Maianthemum bifolium E1 Oxalis acetosella E1 Calamagrostis arundinacea E1 Dryopteris dilatata E1 Gymnocarpium dryopteris E1 Lonicera nigra E1 Polystichum lonchitis E1 Polystichum x illyricum E1 Vaccinium myrtillus E1 Saxifraga cuneifolia E1 Huperzia selago E1 SSC Sambuco-Salicion capreae Sorbus aucuparia E3a Sorbus aucuparia E2a RP Rhamno-Prunetea Berberis vulgaris E2a 13 14 13 46 32 48 25 60 11 11 26 17 35 31 63 6 13 27 7 . . 9 . 100 50 100 65 100 9 50 63 26 22 22 67 4 70 9 46 31 16 4 47 53 18 33 10 23 16 26 24 23 21 57 3 27 27 8 17 5 13 6 4 30 17 4 16 6 5 17 16 20 100 100 8 3 26 35 19 7 36 33 64 62 3 4 22 18 67 15 3 3 11 24 67 100 46 11 5 9 43 38 3 13 27 7. 20 . 7. 7. 7 7 70 27 19 18 49 21 37 . 23 . 20 11 17 . 14 11 14 . 11 . 9. 65 6. 6. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 39 17 30 4 13 9 36 22 4 22 6 13 13 . . . . 4 7 9 33 50 27 46 10 20 15 4 5 14 5 4 18 53 64 33 70 54 23 3 9 7 9 3 3 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 11 22 19 53 9 100 90 82 96 9 37 35 56 13 45 67 90 91 77 3 42 13 19 20 9 70 82 62 16 9 6 7 18 70 64 23 16 13 6 33 90 82 46 4 6 21 13 6 20 9 90 91 15 Viburnum lantana E2 Rhamnus catharticus E2b Crataegus monogyna E2a Ligustrum vulgare E2a Cornus sanguinea E2 Cotoneaster integerrimus E2a Rosa canina E2a Viburnum opulus E2a Euonymus europaea E2a Rosa glauca E2 Rubus fruticosus agg. (incl. R. coryfolius) E2a Prunus spinosa E2a TG Trifolio-Geranietea Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Anthericum ramosum Polygonatum odoratum Silene nutans Viola collina Origanum vulgare Thesium bavarum Geranium sanguineum Clinopodium vulgare Trifolium merdium Veronica teucrium Achillea distans (incl. A. millefolium agg.) Trifolium alpestre Lilium bulbiferum Laserpitium latifolium E1 Campanula rapunculoides E1 Laserpitium siler E1 Grafia golaka E1 Digitalis grandiflora E1 Lilium carniolicum E1 Salvia pratensis subsp. saccardiana E1 Verbascum lanatum E1 Viola hirta E1 Valeriana collina E1 Libanotis montana s. lat. E1 Thalictrum minus E1 Inula conyza E1 Iris graminea E1 Hypericum perforatum E1 Trifolium rubens E1 Valeriana nemorensis E1 Astragalus glycyphyllos E1 Calamintha einseleana E1 Peucedanum cervaria E1 Trifolium aureum E1 Verbascum lychnitis E1 Vicia sylvatica E1 Lathyrus sylvestris E1 13 9 8 6 2 2 11 11 5 9 22 4 3 13 54 4 E1 42 69 24 3 46 84 78 81 53 91 67 30 54 92 E1 17 29 10 14 37 57 66 33 73 30 73 88 E1 8 20 3 58 43 50 7 73 33 50 100 65 E1 8 8 47 39 6 27 91 33 E1 8 35 24 18 E1 21 10 5 3 42 26 34 20 45 67 9 58 E1 12 6 3 32 26 34 4 67 12 E1 7 16 22 7 45 50 100 81 E1 4 4 6 63 39 6 7 36 31 E1 3 9 E1 3 18 12 E1 2 6 58 35 9 7 18 E1 2 9 E1 1 7 4 11 16 17 16 7 9 . 18 9 53 57 3 9 11 26 47 13 45 33 . 18 23 6 6 3 63 48 16 . 27 50 3 32 26 34 36 3 5 25 3 26 4 3 3 32 43 61 40 91 33 . 64 69 47 43 9 73 33 50 27 54 37 4 3 26 9 34 13 100 33 .9 31 21 9 9 23 16 4 31 38 11 4 3 9 11 4 33 . 82 23 11 5 .9 5 4 9 5 4 3 13 . 82 50 5 5 4 5 4 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 FB Bromus erectus agg. E1 Carlina acaulis E1 Centaurea bracteata E1 Linum catharticum E1 Stachys recta s. lat. (incl. S. labiosa) E1 Thymus praecox s. lat. E1 Genista tinctoria E1 Ajuga genevensis E1 Helianthemum ovatum E1 Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum E1 Inula hirta E1 Carlina vulgaris E1 Cirsium pannonicum E1 Hippocrepis comosa E1 Koeleria pyramidata E1 Pimpinella saxifraga E1 Allium carinatum subsp. carinatum E1 Linum viscosum E1 Satureja montana subsp. variegata E1 Scabiosa triandra E1 Asphodelus albus E1 Centaurea scabiosa subsp. fritschii E1 Cuscuta epithymum E1 Galium verum E1 Globularia punctata E1 Hypochoeris maculata E1 Linum tenuifolium E1 Medicago lupulina E1 Plantago media E1 Polygala vulgaris E1 Potentilla pusilla E1 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 Coronilla coronata E1 Verbascum austriacum E1 Centaure stenolepis E1 Coronilla varia E1 Erysimum carniolicum E1 Dictamnus albus E1 Fragaria moschata E1 Festuco-Brometea Carex humilis E1 42 63 Euphorbia cyparissias E1 33 46 Teucrium montanum E1 33 13 Centaurea triumfettii E1 25 2 Euphorbia verrucosa E1 8 4 Galium lucidum E1 8 56 Teucrium chamaedrys E1 8 44 Peucedanum oreoselinum E1 29 Brachypodium rupestre E1 27 Arabis hirsuta E1 9 Festuca rupicola E1 4 Dianthus hyssopifolius (D. monspessulanus) E1 2 12 8 10 27 33 . 19 18 . 9 12 18 . . 69 . 19 58 47 16 11 47 53 11 47 16 5 68 42 11 21 21 32 42 37 32 21 21 16 16 16 16 16 11 11 11 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 70 94 33 100 67 30 36 54 43 28 13 64 100 30 73 69 4 41 27 82 33 27 9 7 27 67 36 15 6 33 46 30 66 33 45 70 100 54 48 50 73 100 67 70 82 85 35 44 60 91 67 30 73 96 30 38 67 64 9 73 27 4 3 78 44 82 38 39 13 13 73 67 4 16 18 22 16 20 9 33 10 38 6 17 25 47 100 45 23 17 19 27 30 38 39 3 20 10 27 15 22 9 45 12 17 3 13 64 67 30 36 23 35 6 91 46 4 19 18 33 45 54 4 9 45 19 4 3 9 9 9 17 13 9 9 4 4 3 3 20 27 30 9 64 82 12 4 7 45 38 13 33 23 4 7 27 36 26 27 33 8 33 73 45 19 4 18 4 9 9 6 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Prunella grandiflora Veronica barrelieri Sanguisorba minor Scabiosa columbaria Anthyllis vulneraria Allium senescens Betonica serotina Scabiosa hladnikiana Campanula glomerata Asperula cynanchica Cirsium x linkianum Gentianella ciliata Thesium linophyllon Thlaspi praecox Gymnadenia conopsea Thymus longicaulis Carex caryophyllea E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 Dorycnium germanicum (incl. D. herbaceum) E1 Scabiosa graminifolia E1 Thymus pulegioides E1 Melica ciliata E1 Orobanche gracilis E1 Silene vulgaris subsp. vulgaris E1 Polygala comosa E1 Hieracium bauhinii E1 Carex halleriana E1 Lactuca perennis E1 Orchis militaris E1 Trifolium montanum E1 Aster lynosiris E1 ES Elyno-Seslerietea Sesleria caerulea subsp. calcaria E1 Carex mucronata E1 Globularia cordifolia E1 Carex ferruginea E1 Laserpitium peucedanoides E1 Aster bellidiastrum E1 Pimpinella alpina E1 Campanula thyrsoides E1 Carduus crassifolius (incl. C. defloratus) E1 SCF Pinguicula alpina E1 SCF Tofieldia calyculata E1 Festuca calva E1 Phleum hirsutum E1 Acinos alpinus E1 Cerastium strictum E1 Alchemilla vulgaris agg. E1 Campanula witasekiana E1 Erigeron glabratus E1 Gentiana lutea subsp. symphyandra E1 58 42 2 26 83 54 36 28 93 73 100 10 35 18 37 18 9 19 6 3 3 3 3 3 13 18 19 8 12 19 8 15 100 50 27 35 33 13 13 7 7 7 7 73 27 9 50 64 77 67 33 91 9 3 20 20 17 6 3 3 3 3 53 96 100 93 . . 31 . 11 4 22 7 64 45 19 13 6 26 17 32 17 26 4 21 9 11 5 5 4 5 4 5 2. 64 33 64 . 9 54 45 36 36 18 9 12 62 10 27 7 7 8 4 4 7 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Helianthemum nummularium subsp. grandiflorum E1 Leucanthemum maximum agg. E1 Scabiosa lucida subsp. stricta E1 Hieracium villosum E1 Carex firma E1 Centaurea haynaldii subsp. julica E1 Hieracium pilosum E1 Thesium alpinum E1 SCF Parnassia palustris E1 Bupleurum ranunculoides E1 Rhinanthus glacialis E1 Sesleria juncifolia E1 EA Epilobietea angustifolii Fragaria vesca E1 Hypericum hirsutum E1 Rubus idaeus E2a Carex muricata E1 Galeopsis speciosa E1 Eupatorium cannabinum E1 Stachys sylvatica E1 GU Galio-Urticetea Geum urbanum E1 Torilis japonica E1 Rubus caesius E2a Solanum dulcamara E1 Turritis glabra E1 Viola odorata E1 MA Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Lathyrus pratensis E1 Galium mollugo E1 Lotus corniculatus s. lat. E1 Dactylis glomerata E1 Veronica chamaedrys E1 Festuca rubra agg. E1 Angelica sylvestris E1 Colchicum autumnale E1 Leucanthemum ircutianum E1 Poa angustifolia E1 Taraxacum officinale E1 Ranunculus nemorosus E1 Centaurea carniolica E1 Ajuga reptans E1 Selinum carvifolia E1 Inula salicina E1 MuA Mulgedio-Aconitetea Senecio ovatus E1 Aconitum angustifolium E1 Centaurea montana E1 Aconitum degenii subsp. paniculatum E1 Athyrium filix-femina E1 723 3 5 4 6 13 5.3 9 3 3 3 3 3 14 29 63 70 11 . 11 5 5 11 11 5 5 5 5 4 26 4 11 5 5 5 9 .3 4. 43 4. 9 11 26 22 9 . . 7 18 36 45 13 . 7 18 20 27 33 3. 36 19 379 27 3 37 13 21 13 73 26 . . 26 4 3 15 23 34 35 73 35 82 9 4 7 6 7 9 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Veratrum album s. lat. Hypricum maculatum Phyteuma ovatum Silene dioica Silene vulgaris subsp. antelopum TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 Petasites paradoxus E1 . 7 58 44 3 Biscutella laevigata E1 . 4 58 8 Gymnocarpium robertianum E1 . 4 20 36 66 Achnatherum calamagrostis E1 . 2 24 Adenostyles glabra E1 . 1 10 21 46 Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa E1 . 1 42 3 Rumex scutatus E1 . . 48 5 Festuca laxa E1 . . 32 5 Astrantia carniolica E1 Hieracium bifidum E1 Aquilegia einseleana E1 Geranium macrorrhizum E1 Ligusticum seguieri E1 Viola pyrenaica E1 Cerastium subtriflorum E1 Gypsophila repens E1 Veronica fruticulosa E1 Erigeron angulosus E1 Campanula cochleariifolia E1 Euphorbia triflora subsp. kerneri E1 Thesium rostratum E1 Asplenium fissum E1 Centaurea dichroantha E1 Peucedanum verticillare E1 Alysum transsilvanicum (A. montanum) E1 AT Asplenietea trichomanis 3 3 11 11 6 16 4 11 11 11 5 5 5 93 3 9 13 7 13 7 27 3 34 3 Potentilla caulescens E1 67 2 3 11 13 50 . 9 Kernera saxatilis E1 58 9 10 10 9 16 4 16 . Asplenium ruta-muraria E1 33 18 4 43 79 100 88 . 82 Silene hayekiana E1 25 2 6 3 21 17 Asplenium trichomanes E1 17 7 3 20 58 96 34 7 45 Valeriana saxatilis E1 4 30 28 51 4 22 . Asplenium viride E1 26 17 Phyteuma scheuchzeri subsp. columnae E1 23 5 4 81 . Saxifraga crustata E1 20 16 48 3. Carex brachystachys E1 11 5 3. Athamanta turbith E1 9 21 26 22 . 4 Moehringia muscosa E1 9 32 65 3. Primula carniolica E1 6 25 . Daphne alpina E2a 3 19 . Hieracium pospichalii E1 3 5 Micromeria thymifolia E1 3 5 13 9. Polypodium vulgare E1 3 37 52 3. Rhamnus pumilus E1 3 4 3. Sedum album E1 53 52 3. 27 4 36 40 27 7 15 31 26 7 4 9 6 9 4 3 9 4 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Festuca stenantha E1 Saxifraga petraea E1 Saxifraga hostii E1 Sedum maximum E1 Sempervivum tectorum E1 Ceterach javorkeanum E1 Hieracium glaucum E1 Sedum hispanicum E1 Seseli gouanii E1 Campanula spicata E1 Dianthus sylvestris E1 Erysimum sylvestre E1 Iris pallida subsp. cengialti E1 Moehringia villosa E1 Cystopteris fragilis E1 Primula x venusta E1 Cardaminopsis arenosa E1 Paederota bonarota E1 Jovibarba hirta E1 Other species (Druge vrste) Juniperus communis E2 Juglans regia E2 Selaginella helvetica E1 Tussilago farfara E1 Festuca sp. E1 Hieracium sp. E1 Minuartia sp. E1 Viola sp. E1 Mosses and lichens (Mahovi in lišaji) Ctenidium molluscum E0 Neckera crispa E0 Fissidens dubius E0 Tortella tortuosa E0 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus E0 Hylocomium splendens E0 Polytrichum formosum E0 Scleropodium purum E0 Eurhynchium striatum E0 Plagiochila porelloides E0 Thuidium tamariscinum E0 Homalothecium philippeanum E0 Hypnum cupressiforme E0 Schistidium apocarpum E0 Metzgeria furcata E0 Plagiomnium undulatum E0 Cladonia sp. E0 Conocephalum conicum E0 Orthothecium rufescens E0 Encalypta streptocarpa E0 Homalothecium lutescens E0 Rhytidiadelphus loreus E0 42 35 26 4 21 26 21 13 21 16 13 9 16 13 11 . 11 5 5 5 5 5 13 9 9 45 9 9 9 17 4 9 45 9 18 45 23 54 . . 12 14 26 30 22 20 45 67 70 73 19 6546 4 83 21 70 78 . 9 80 32 91 78 . 9 77 5 13 31 . 36 54 58 91 75 . 82 40 5 22 3,0 37 30 34 5 4 29 16 4 19 . 26 5 27 26 5 4 23 17 9 9. 17 26 30 22 . 27 17 74 74 47 . 36 14 5 4 9 11 9 9 3. 9 3. 6 9 3. 9 6 42 48 13 . 73 6 18 . O 3 8 Successive number (Zaporedna številka) Solorina saccata E0 Atrichum undulatum E0 Bartramia halleriana E0 Bryum capillare E0 Cladonia pyxidata E0 Dicranum scoparium E0 Isothecium alopecuroides E0 Marchantia polymorpha E0 Mnium marginatum E0 Mnium thomsonii E0 Peltigera canina E0 Peltigera leucophlebia E0 Plagiopus oederi E0 Plagiothecium denticulatum E0 Thuidium abietinum E0 Thuidium delicatulum E0 Anomodon viticulosus E0 Homalothecium sericeum E0 Anomodon attenuatus E0 Dermatocarpon miniatum E0 Porella platyphylla E0 Rhytidium rugosum E0 Collema crispum E0 Neckera complanata E0 Grimmia pulvinata E0 Radula complanata E0 Pedinophyllum interruptum E0 Scleropodium touretii E0 Brachythecium geheebii E0 Scapania nemorosa E0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 4 5 22 32 22 .4 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . . 3 . . 3 26,3 4 3 . . 3 . . 3 . . 3 3 5 21 53 47 65 22 16 . . 10,5 . . 11 30 6 11 . 6 5 4 . 5 . . . 4 3 . 4 . 36 9 9 18 36 27 1 - EOpc: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 potentilletosum caulescentis (Franz) Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, northern Slovenia, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 5) 2 - EOty: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 typicum Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 2) 3 - EOsg: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 silenetosum glareosae (Franz) Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, northern Slovenia, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 2) 4 - EOrh: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 rhododendretosum hirsuti (Franz) Franz & Willner 2007 (Austria, northern Slovenia, Franz & Willner 2007b, Table 13, column 3) 5 - RO: Rhododendro hirsuti-Ostryetum Franz ex Dakskobler ass. nov. (north)western Slovenia 6, 7, 8 - OFO1, OFO2, OFO3: Fraxino orni-Ostryetum Aichinger 1933, (north)western Slovenia 9 - OFO-It: Ostryo carpinifoliae-Fraxinetum orni Aichinger 1933 (northeastern Italy, Poldini & Vidali 1999, Table 1) 10 - CyO-SI: Cytisantho-Ostryetum M. Wraber 1961 (Bohinj, M. Wraber 1961, phytosociological table, releves 1 to 11 11 - CyO-HR: Cytisantho-Ostryetum M. Wraber 1961 (western Croatia, Samobor Hills, Sugar 1978, Table 1) 12 - EO-HR: Erico-Ostryetum Horvat 1959 (western Croatia, Horvat 1959, Table 2, column 12) 13 - QO-HR: Querco-Ostryetum carpinifoliae Horvat 1938 (Croatia, Horvat 1938, Table 1, releves 1 to 11) 14 - QO-SI: Querco-Ostryetum carpinifoliae Horvat 1938 (central and southeastern Slovenia, Zupančič et al. 2009, Table 1, releves 1 to 26) 3 Table 6: Groups of diagnostic species in the syntaxa Fraxino orni-Ostryetum s. lat. and Querco-Ostryetum s. lat. Tabela 6: Skupine diagnostičnih vrst v sintaksonih Fraxino orni-Ostryetum s. lat. in Querco-Ostryetum s. lat. Successive number (Zaporedna številka) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Number of releves (Število popisov) 12 136 50 39 35 19 23 32 15 11 3 9 11 26 pc ty g s h O1 2 O pc O C) Eo c^ r c^ R oi Sign for syntaxa (Oznaka sintaksonov) O E EOt EOs EOr RO F O F O F O F O y o y o C) E ^^ ^^ Carpinion orientalis 0 0 0 0 0,3 0,8 0,4 1,7 1,5 0 2,5 1,8 1,1 1,9 Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae 15,3 18,9 15,1 21,0 12,6 14,6 15,2 14,4 14,6 11,6 17,8 22,9 24,6 22,2 Quercetalia roboris 0 2,3 0,2 0,5 1,8 2,0 1,3 2,6 4,7 0,4 3,3 3,4 4,0 3,8 Tilio-Acerion 0 0 0 0 3,5 0,1 1,7 1,3 0,3 0,1 0 0 0 0,8 Aremonio-Fagion 3,0 4,2 4,6 8,2 7,1 3,0 2,8 4,4 3,7 4,1 1,6 3,9 1,9 2,6 Erythronio-Carpinion 0 0 0 0 0,3 0,1 0,7 0,4 0 0,9 0,8 1,6 2,3 1,6 Fagetalia sylvaticae 1,2 5,2 2,4 3,6 14,6 10,5 9,4 4,4 2,6 2,7 4,1 3,1 5,1 4,6 Querco-Fagetea 0 2,4 1,2 2,1 5,7 6,2 6,1 2,4 6,0 3,1 3,3 8,3 6,2 2,6 Erico-Pinetea 18,2 22,9 27,0 32,2 17,7 8,3 11,0 19,4 25,0 16,4 14,0 17,6 7,0 11,6 Vaccinio-Piceetea 0,6 2,8 4,3 7,6 10,8 1,8 4,5 2,1 2,3 0,7 0,8 1,8 0,5 0,8 Rhamno-Prunetea 0 3,0 0,4 0,5 2,0 2,7 2,8 2,6 5,5 2,5 4,9 15,3 9,0 5,7 Trifolio-Geranietea 6,1 11,7 4,0 1,4 2,7 13,7 10,9 11,3 6,8 13,9 14,0 6,2 13,7 15,7 Festuco-Brometea 11,5 16,1 6,6 3,3 1,9 13,3 11,2 11,3 13,8 25,9 27,2 10,9 17,9 19,5 Elyno-Seslerietea 14,7 4,0 4,8 3,0 5,1 4,4 4,1 7,4 4,9 7,3 0,8 0,5 0 1,7 Epilobietea angustifolii 0 0,4 0 0,2 0,4 1,5 1,2 0,1 0,7 0,6 0,8 0,8 0,5 0,6 Galio-Urticetea 0 0 0 0 0 0,7 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Molinio-Arrhenatheretea 0 0,4 0,1 0,2 0,1 2,2 0,6 0,7 0,8 2,0 1,7 0 3 2,3 Betulo-Alnetea 0 0,1 2,5 1,5 2,2 0 0,2 0,7 1,3 0,1 0 0 0 0 Mulgedio-Aconitetea 0 0 0 0 1,2 0,4 0,6 0,3 0,2 0,2 0 0 0 1,2 Thlaspietea rotundifolii 8,0 2,9 22,2 10,2 3,5 1,4 1,2 2,2 4,3 1,7 0 0 0,3 0 Asplenietea trichomanis 21,4 2,6 4,5 4,5 5,9 9,9 13,2 9,9 0,5 5,1 0 0 1,5 0,6 Other species (Druge vrste) 0 0 0 0 0,5 0,6 0,9 0,6 0,5 0,7 2,5 1,8 1,4 0,3 Total (Skupaj) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100