ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION DUMBER 7 iULY, 1969 VOLUME 41 DOBRODOŠLI AMERIKANCI! Slovenian Cowboy mul Cowgirl say: OME AMERICANS IN SLOVENIA THIS YEAR! ZARJA - THE DAWN Vol. XLI July, 1969 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno Por Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY f/V JlllA Supreme Officer: July 28—Rose Scoff, State President, San Francisco, Cal. Branch Presidents: July 2—Anna K'ameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. July 3—Anna Trontel, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 4—AnnHeinman, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 25—Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. July 26—Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. July 31—Kathryn Pauline, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio Secretaries: July 6—Mary Hadley, Br. 2*9, Broundale, Pa. July 8—Olga Ancel, Br. SO, Joliet, 111. July 10—Anna Mundi, Br. 62, Connetaut, Ohio July 15—Liz Misiewciz, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. July 22—Louise Epley, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio July 27—Rose Chiodi, Br. 52, Hibbing, Minn. July 30—Mary Jamsek, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! SLOVENCI, KO NAPRAVLJATE NAČRTE ZA LETOŠNJE POČITNICE. NE POZABITE NA MARIJO POMAGAJ V LEMONTU. SLOVENSKI FRANČIŠKANI SMO PRIPRAVILI ZA LETOS NASLEDNJI PROGRAM; Vsako nedeljo v Juliju in Avgustu so svete maše pri Mariji Pomagaj ob 7, in 11. zjutraj. Kadar so romanja, imamo pobožnosti ob dveh popoldne. V soboto dne 5. Julija in 9. Augusta imamo tudi sveto mašo ob osmih zvečer. Sledi procesija z lučkami k Lurški Votlini. SLOVENSKA ROMANJA SO V LEMONTU NASLEDNJE NEDELJE: 5. in 6. Julija—VSESLOVENSKO ROMANJE 19 in 20. Julija—ROMANJE SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE 27. Julija—PREKMURSKO ROMANJE 9. in 10. Augusta—OLTARNA DRUŠTVA IZ CLEVELANDA 31. Augusta—MEDENI PIKNIK IN ROMANJE FARE SVETEGA ŠTEFANA, CHICAGO, ILL. NA LETOŠNJIH ROMANJIH BOMO OBHAJALI 1100 LETNICO SMRTI SV. CIRILA IN DESETLETNICO SMRTI ŠKOFA GREGORIJA ROŽMANA. Prosimo vas, da si pravočasno rezervirate prenočišče in hrano. Kuhinja je odprta samo med skupinami romanji in kadar pride v Lemont kaka skupina romarjev. Naslov:. St. Mary's 1400 Main Street Lemont, Illinois 60439 Telefon: (312) 257-2494 257-51Ui: VISIT THE NATION'S CAPITOL WASHINGTON, D. C. Join Slovenes from all over the United States as they tour the fabulous capitol city. •First (’.lass hotel accommodations ■ Breakfast, lunch * dinner each day ^Sightseeing in air-conditioned hoses *Fees and admissions * Personalized service by an American-Slovene guide TOURS SCHEDULED FOR July 3-6 August 1-4 August 28-Sept. 1 ♦♦•Special tours arranged for groups upon request. WRITE TO: WASHINGTON t LANDMARK TOURS Miss Irene M. Planinšek 12 S. Van Dorn St. No 2« Alexandria, Va. 2230 I PENNSYLVANIA-NEW YORK STATE DAY Sunday, July 27, 1969 Hostess Branch No. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. All members living in Pennsylvania and New York are cordially invited to participate in oui annual State Convention, this year at Meadowlands, Pa., on Sunday, July 27th. The meeting will be held there at 2 p. m. followed by a Banquet at 4 p. m. The Hostesses of Br. 106 are working hard to make this event a grand success. Your being there will assure it! So, we will see you in Meadowlands on July 27th! We will be happy to meet all our neighboring branches from this area! Mary Tomsic, State, President SUPREME PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE MRS. NOVAK IN HALL OF FAME State Presidents’ Campaign This is the last month for the State Presidents’ Campaign — until July 31st! You all h'ave only a few more days to write in your members, and this enables your blanch to gain members and at the same time, to help your State President reach the top goal! In May, 1 was happy to visit Chisholm, Minn, to help celebrate with my family, the 83rd birthday of my dear mother, Antonia Gomile. I also had the opportunity to visit Br. 38 meeting and card party. At this time, the branch honored their chosen Mother of the Year who was Mrs. Mary Sinko, only 92 years old! Next in line, at the age of 86, was Mrs. Pucel, also honored at this time and both were presented with corsages and beautiful gifts. All the mothers present over 80 years of age were presented with corsages. The card party was held after the meeting and prizes were given to the winners with a delicious luncheon following — strawberry shortcake with whipped cream! It was a great pleasure to be with you dear friends 'and I can only say I surely enjoyed my visit to Chisholm. Slovenian Chapel Fund Getting along nicely this summer with donations coming in every day. Now, we need only $9,000.00 more! Work has already begun on the Chapel and plans are getting under way for the grand dedication to be held on the weekend in May, 1970. Those of you who have not sent in your donation, please do so now and have your name in the Golden Souvenir Book. All donations can be mailed to Frank A. Turek, Secretary, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. Happy birthday to all July celebrants and a speedy recovery to all our sick! Toni Turek Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, center, h'ad a marvelous experience on May 2'lst when she was chosen by the city of Chicago to enter their Hall of Fame for senior citizens. The 50 years she has spent in fraternal life were cited as well as her many philanthropic and charitable activities. With Mrs. Novak on this photo are daughter Corinne Deskovar, left and sister Jean Križman, right. They are standing before a display of photos in Chicago’s city hall with herself top center. We all know that as our Supreme Officer in many capacities during the last 40-plus years, Zveza has benefited from her love for all the people and devoted sisterhood. She is our own V. 1. P. — with Vitality — Integrity — Personality adding prestige to Slovenian Women’s Union. JOLIET TOPS AT 33rd ANNUAL MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, MARCH 22-23, 1969 AT OGLESBY, ILL. Team Event Northwest Recreation Joliet 2731 $60 & trophies Mericka’s Fine Food Joliet 2625 45 S. W. U. Headquarters Chicago 2589 35 Zefran Funeral Home Chicago 2573 25 Zarja Chicago 2545 20 Doubles Event Anderson Joliet 5G9 Marge Wajchert Joliet 593 1162 $20 & Camella Cook LaSalle 567 trophies Ann Matthews LaSalle 553 1120 15.00 Al I.eben Chicago 492 Mary Stuck Chicago 620 1112 12.00 Lorraine Ovnik Chicago 526 Shirley Melissa Chicago 575 1101 10.00 Ann Kobe Joliet 568 J udy Derlinga Joliet 530 1098 6.00 Leona Foys Chicago 520 Charlotte Tomazin Chicago 568 1088 6.00 Jo Schmidt Oglesby 526 Jo Argubright Oglesby 556 1082 6.00 Singles Event Ann Kobe Joliet 595 $10.00 and Trophy Mary Stuck Chicago 594 8.00 Shirley Melissa Chicago 592 7.50 J udy Derlinga Joliet 590 7.50 Mitzie Mrozek Joliet 587 6.00 Jo Foley LaSalle 585 6.00 Elsie Kroschel Chicago 573 6.00 Vicki Bernickas Joliet 572 3.00 Marilyn Zefran Chicago 566 3.00 Helen Drobac Chicago 560 3.00 Ann Vucko Chicago 559 3.00 Rosemary Krapenec Chicago Marge Wajchert Bernie Bluth Barbara Kosi 559 Joliet 558 Joliet 553 Chicago 551 All Events 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Judy Derlinga Joliet 1731 $8.00 Mary Stuck Chicago 1722 6.00 Ann Kobe Joliet 1708 5.00 Shirley Melissa Chicago 1701 4.00 Marilyn Zefran Chicago 1671 4.00 Barbara Kosi Chicago 1645 4.00 Marge Wajchert Joliet 1643 4.00 Lil Anderson Joliet 1640 4.00 J o Mlaker Joliet 1630 3.00 Elsie Kroschel Chicago 1624 3.00 Elsie Statkus Chicago 1610 2.00 Camella Cook LaSalle 1606 3.00 Dot Jaksetich Joliet 1603 3.00 Bernie Bluth Joliet 1598 3.00 Ann Matthews LaSalle 1592 3.00 High Game With Handicap Marilyn Zefran Chicago 212-37 —249 Judy Derlinga Joliet 223-20 —243 Grandmother’s T rophy Marge Wajchert Joliet 21' $5.00 $3.00 -240 Sisters Trophy Lorraine Ovnik Chicago 192-30—22'2 Marie Ovnik Chicago 136-40—176 Mother and Daughter Trophy Mary Lou Bluth Joliet 161-37—198 Bernie Bluth Joliet 179-40—219 Elizabeth Zefran, Secretary Midwest Bowling Association 398 411 Leaders in State Presidents’ Campaign STATE PRESIDENT OF: to June 1, 1969 NAME A B JR Total ILLINOISTNDIANA Elizabeth Zefran 2 29 35 66 OHIO-MICHIGAN Mary Bostian 7 39 21 47 PENNA.-NEW YORK Mary Tomsic 10 3 19 32 MINNESOTA Barbara Rosandich 2 7 18 27 WISCONSIN Rose Kraemer 2 9 5 16 COLO.-KANSAS-MO. Anna Pachak — 5 7 12 CALIF.-OREGON-WASH. Rose Scoff — 1 7 8 TOTALS 23 73 112 208 CAMPAIGN CLOSES JULY 31st! ENROLL A NEW MEMBER NOW! PUT YOUR STATE PRESIDENT ON TOP! ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Our devoted member Molly Zunter, celebrated her birthday recently. For this occasion her niece Anna Ertel composed a poem for which the music was furnished by several nephews beside Molly’s entire family of six. It was a joyous celebration. The poem: Molly's Little Store Once on Union Avenue, were many a grocery store. All worked very hard to sell their goods, They welcomed their customers at the door. Molly’s store stood out; It was so clean, But five they were; Competition was keen. In moved a big market with bargains galore, But it wasn’t the end of Molly’s small store. After some years big market moved out, Now, out of five stores only Molly’s stands out. Something special made it stay, Friendly service, the store neat and clean, So, we gathered today to honor Molly, Our Slovenian Queen. — ___________________________________ Happy Birthday, dear Molly and many more! Marie Prisland No. 2, Chicago, III. It was so nice to have the large attendance at our May festivities and I’m sure everyone enjoyed the singing litany in church and party afterward. Our Mother of the year, Luba Troha, was honored with many kind words by our president Josephine Železnikar and a beautiful gift. Other members and mothers present also were surprised with lovely gifts and we must say, leave it to Liz Zefran to select the right kind of gifts for a Mother’s Day party — fluffy nightgowns! We thank all the many members who brought the goodies and prizes. May you all be blessed in return. We were happy to see our faithful and devoted member, Paula Ozbolt at the 50th anniversary celebration of the St. Stephen Altar Society on May 18th. Paula made it to church and the banquet and as she said: she was in heaven to be at St. Stephen’s with her many friends. We hope she can make many more trips to see us in the near future. A word of good cheer to our members who are ill and especially to Angie Vucko, Mary Sedlasek, Maria Pecharich and Agnes Marrazzo! We hope you are all recovered by now. Fannie Zibert, our Sunshine Girl, was busy sending out cards. Two of our loyal members are gone. Mrs. Katherine Foys passed away May 10th and Mrs. Mary Clara Foys on June 4th. Our members prayed the rosary at their biers and attended the funerals in great numbers. We extend our deepest sympathy to the families. We will miss them very much. For Zvezia Day on the 20 of this month, we are hoping many of you will come to Lemont with prizes, cakes, other good things and with yourselves, ready to help out. You know there’s always need for volunteers! See Mrs. Novak at the Home Office soon so she will know that she can count on you to help. This year since Mrs. Železnikar and yours truly will not be home for Zveza Day, we are wishing you a very good day and a memorable one. The committee heads will be our faithful Ann Zorko, kitchen; Liz Zefran, prizes; Albina Novak, refreshments; Sophie Bogolin, chips. The program of July 20th begins with Holy Mass at the Grotto outdoors at. 11:00 a. m. followed by picnic on the hill. At 2:00 will be afternoon vespers. Anyone who wishes to make reservations for the weekend at Baraga Retreat House should call or write to Father Daniel in Lemont. Have a happy summer. Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. The May meeting was much better attended and there was much to discuss but not much really decided. Summer plans are rather difficult to make, when all our members are off here or there. The regulars seem to be tiring of making all decisions while getting no help. Are we all getting “too old?” Many of our members are departing from us and we need the help of the younger ones who never come to the meetings. We discussed the possibility of a trip to Lady of the Snows shrine at Belleville, 111., and the yearly visit to Lemont for Zveza Day in July. Get in touch with Mrs. Plesko if you are interested. Tickets are available for the convention to be held on Sept. 14th at the Holy Family Parish Hall at Willard, Wis. Tickets include a lunch and dinner and can be obtained from Mrs. Plesko or myself. Get in touch with us if you are planning to go and need transportation. If there are enough we will consider getting a bus. Let’s all plan to attend! There are places available to stay overnight for those of you interested, but don’t wait until the last few days for your decision. The May meeting ended with a very special lunch of good Slovenian sausage and home baked cake donated by a couple of our birthday girls, Rose Alpner, and Margaret Kratchnik. We enjoyed singing and wishing them a Happy Birthday. Hope they both have many more happy ones! Get well wishes are in order for Frances Remic, Veronica Viselt and all those on our former list. We lost one of our older “free” members, Anna Koprivi tz. Our sympathy goes out to her family; she wil be missed by many! Remember our meetings wil start up again on Sept. 18th. Let’s try to make it a well-attended one for the start of the season. I wish to thank all the “well wishers” for the cards and gift. I really enjoyed them all. Have a good summer! Mary Dezman Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: OPEN TO GOD EMPTY HANDS The Gospel’s story by St. Luke about that prayer Is always so encouraging. Jesus said to the apostles: Which of you shall have a friend and shall go to him in the middle of the night and say to him: Friend, lend me three loaves for a friend of mine has just come to me from a journey; and I have nothing to set before him; and he from within should answer and say: Do not disturb me; the door is now shut, and my children and I are now in bed, I cannot get up and give it to you. I say to you, although he did not get up and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him all he needs. And I say to you ask and it will be given to you; seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it shall be opened. God does give where he finds empty hands, His is the fullness that moves into every vacuum. His is the generosity that gives to every confessed need. His is the plenty that supplies our spiritual poverty. This is why Jesus reverses our accepted attitudes. He said: Happy are the poor in the spirit — they who sense their spiritual poverty. Happy are they that mourn. Happy are the meek, the humble-minded — those who claim nothing. Happy are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. It is to these whose hands are empty, Jesus said, that the heavenly Father gives the Kingdom of Heaven, courage and comfort, the earth as their heritage, and complete satisfaction. We come in weakness and find His strength. We come in need and receive His supply. We come with empty hands and He gives what we could not buy. A ragged girl wandered out of the tenement area in one of our big cities with a few pennies clutched in a grimy hand. Her sick mother had voiced a hunger for the taste of fresh fruit. The child came to a luxurious home set in the garden of trees and vines and surrounded by a high fence. A gardener worked behind a gate and timidly the girl asked him if she might buy some of the fruit. “This fruit is not for sale,” the man answered. He was struck by the sadness of the child’s eyes, he stopped. “But I will give you some,” he said. It took but a moment to fill a bag with fruit and to send a happy child hurrying away with so much more than her pennies would have bought. The bounties from heaven are not for sale. We can’t earn them with self-righteous efforts. But we can have them as the free gift of infinite grace. For God gives where He finds empty hands. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Everyone was pleased that our June meeting was so well-attended. A reminder that there will be no monthly meeting in July, however; on Tuesday, August 5th we will again get together for a meeting. Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid. Pauline Adams, Anna Gacnik, Vida Kuhar, Rose Maurich, and Jennie Vidovec have graciously contributed to our Goodtime treasury. Our Sunshine Club received a donation from Mary Zgonc. Thanks to all for your generosity. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Stepha-nick is one of our sick members. Recovering from surgery also is Mrs. Mimi Rezonija, who is active in the Dawn Choral Group, a part of the Slovenian Women’s Union. We wish them both our very best and hope they return to good health with the fastest speed. We hope to see you all at our August meeting, for we will really get started preparing for our October 12th Card Party. Pauline Krall is gathering all the prizes she can get. So it is not so early to bring it to her. You can reach her at 531-0250. May you all have a most delightful summer and a safe and restful vacation. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 17, West Allis, Wis. At our May meeting we had a fair attendance and it was the last meeting before summer vacations begin. We do not have any meetings during the months of June, July, and August. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, September 21st at 2:00 p. m. On Thursday, October 23rd we will have a Usinger Sausage luncheon and miscellaneous card party. The luncheon will be served at G:30 p. m., followed by a short film from Using-ers Sausage, and the card party will convene at 8:00 p. m. The donation for this affair will be $1.50. Tickets are available through any of the officers and should be purchased in advance, as the tickets are limited. Get your tickets early so you will not be disappointed, as many were at the last affair. Any donations to the card party will be greatly appreciated. The card party will be held at our St. Mary’s Auditorium, So. 60th and W. Madison. Please keep this in mind: October 23rd, $1.50 luncheon — cake and coffee — card party. Wisconsin State Day will be held on September 14, at Willard, Wis. and we have chartered a bus to take our members and friends to this affair. Our time of departure will be given to all who are going at a later date. Lemont will have its annual pilgrimage again on July 20th and all members and friends interested in going please contact your President, Marion Marolt or your secretary, Marie Floryan. Slovenian Cook Books can be purchased through the secretary and remember they do make a practical gift for any occasion. Also available is the book “From Slovenia to America” which also makes an ideal gift to the person who you just don’t know what to give, and also to one who is interested t ANNUAL ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL. Sunday, July 20, 1969 > Hostess Itranrh 2, Chicago, III. cordially invites all members and friends! Holy | Mass at Grotto, 11:00 a. m. preceded by procession I at 10:30. Afternoon Vespers at 2:00 p. m. Picnic | all day on the beautiful grounds of the Slovenian j Franciscan Fathers. j SPEND ZVEZA DAY WITH US! DATES TO REMEMKER . . . July 17—Annual Picnic, Br. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. July 20—Zveza Day, Lemont, 111., Br. 2, Chicago, 111. July 27—PENNA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 106 Meadowlands, Pa. August 10—Barbeque Picnic, Br. -13, Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 7—Annual Picnic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio Sept. 10— Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 14—OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Sept. 14—MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY — 40th Anniversary Br. 33. Duluth, Minn. Sept. 14—WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME WRITE ESSAYS It is required of each scholarship winner to submit a one hundred word essay on “WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME”. Miss Sharon Planinšek, Joliet, Illinois; Miss Marlene Skrabec of Pueblo, Colorado; Miss Nancy Hosta of Cleveland, Ohio and Mr. Thomas Mnaule of Somerset, Colorado, 1969 winners, have written the following essays: WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME Today’s world is in continual motion. Americans of Slovenian descent are caught in this whirlwind like everyone else. We Slovenians are fortunate to have established a society which allows us to pause and commemorate the past. The Slovenian Women's Union is proud to look backward on the heritage which renders us unique among other peoples. To me, the SWU proves “there is strength in union.” We members are strong in our desire to perpetuate interest in the culture and history of Slovenia. How great a service we perform for the U. S. A.! Her mixture of cultures makes America a strong, free, and enriched nation. by Sharon Planinšek WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME In this day and age, America is considered the "melting pot” for almost every different nationality and race in the world. Through my membership in the Slovenian Women’s Union I have had the opportunity to keep our heritage and national origin alive and prominent. This is an opportunity many do not have. The Slovenian Women’s Union has been a tradition in our family for three generations and I am proud to be a member of such an orginization. This fraternal organization now, however, means a great deal more to me; since, through the assistance of the scholarship fund, it will enable me to further my education. by Marlene Skrabec As a young woman in an ever-changing, space-age world, the Slovenian Women’s Union to me, is a steadfast, identifying organization composed of the intermingling of the old and the new. The Union has brought me to the realization of how vital it is to carry on the Slovenian culture and traditions today. My ancestry, as a Slovenian will always be a part of me because it is just as much my heritage, as that which is American. Through organizations like the Slovenian Women’s Union our Slovenian culture is emphasized and given prominence among the world nationalities. We have much to offer to the progress of the world and our time is now. So to me, the Slovenian Women’s Union is an awakening of women to what they are and what they can do as active, proud Slovenians. by Nancy Hosta WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME The Slovenian Women’s Union means a lot to me because my mother belongs to this Catholic Union which meant a lot to her when we lived in Crested Butte, Colo. She always looked forward to the first Sunday of the month, as that is when their meetings were held. They first held the meeting and then served refreshments and visited with all the women, which she enjoyed very much. She still has high interest in the S. W. U. which includes reading the ZARJA and attending meetings and conventions whenever possible. Through my mother, I have become interested in the S. W. U. I read some of the articles in ZARJA and I am very impressed by the many types of work the S. W. U. does. Also, I attended a convention in Crested Butte on June 30, 1968 where I played my accordian. I met many people and enjoyed the convention very much. I strongly hope that the S. W. U. will keep up its excellent work and that I may be able to contribute to the Union by playing my accordian at conventions in the future. Thank you. Thomas Rudolph Mraule P- S.—I would especially like to thank the Scholarship Committee for selecting me as a 19G9 Scholarship winner. in the Slovenian background. It truly is a worthwhile book. Members in arrears writh dues please bring them up to date. Best wishes are extended to Mrs. Josephine Schlosar and granddaughter, Nancy Nimmer, Mr. and Mrs. John Petrich, Sr., Frances Potočar, Mary Zore, Mary Grasch, niece Anna Dries and her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tael, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Stroj, Rose Udovich and Mary Ujclch on their trip to Europe. To all vacationers here and abroad we wish them an enjoyable vacation and a safe voyage. Have a wonderful time where ever you may go. To our shut-ins and sick, we wish them a speedy recovery and if in the neighborhood of one, please stop in and pay a short visit, it certainly will cheer them up. Happy vacationing and may God bless you all! Marion Marolt, Pres. No. 20, Joliet, III. At the regular meeting — dedicated in honor of the mothers of the branch — president, Emma Planinšek presented a beautiful corsage of red carnations to our chosen member, Mrs. Emma Nos-se. Then she was also the recipient of various gifts from the members and officers. Emma thanked everyone who showed their interest in her, for making this day a very happy and memorable one. She stated that she will continue to be active in the branch and show her continued interest in the members. Mrs. Nosse is remembered as a fine mother who has three adopted children. Among them a daughter, is also our member. New members initiated by the president were Mrs. Mary Anna Morgan, recommended by Josephine Erjavec, Olga Gregorieh, recommended by Theresa Marentich, Frances Duch-manton and Magdaline Jurkovich, recommended by Our Mother of the Year, Emma Nosse, Michelle Norton, junior member, and Pamela Terlep, recommended by Frances Bottari and Lorraine Ruth, recommended by Josephine Erjavec. The members prayed for Mary Ki-rincich who passed away May 12th at the age of 93 yers. She was a well-known friend and is survived by a nice family. The members of the branch gathered at her bier to recite the rosary. Those attending the funeral were president, Emma Planinšek, Frances Gaspich, Jo Muster and Jo Sutnic. She was buried from St. Mary Nativity church to the parish cemetery where she was laid to rest. May she rest in peace and our condolences to the family. Her membership was recommended by the late Julia Steblaj. The officers of our branch were selling booklets which proceeds were to be used to purchase the interesting history book authored by Mrs. Marie Prisland, and to present them to various libraries in the city. Ten such books will be given away and in this way, the students of these schools will learn and get acquainted with the pioneers, our first Slovenians. The book called FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA should prove to be of interest to many readers. Prizes donated by members were given to lucky ones: John Nosse, (blanket from Mary Kunstek), Agnes Wade (pillow cases from the branch) and William Klukas (apron from Jo Muster). Jo Sumic sold two booklets at $10 and Josephine Erjavec donated one book herself. The members who helped in this project are sincerely thanked. The balance from the proceeds was used for the junior member's picnic held in June at the borne (garden) of the secretary, Olga Ancel. Get well cards were mailed to our sick members, Mollie Molek, Justine Gregorich, Josephine Erjavec, Frances Ukovich, Mary Šinkovec (reported in ill health after a fall) and Georgette Likovich. Congratulations were extended to our members and their husbands, namely Mary and Joseph Ambrozich who were feted at a party at St. Joseph Park Hall preceded by a Nuptial Mass of Thanksgiving; also to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kalcic. Both celebrated their golden anniversaries. Frances Kalcic and Mary Ambrozich are both 40 year members of our branch and we salute them for this. The Kalcics celebrated their anniversary in June with many friends and relatives present. At the meeting, a door prize (utility table) donated by Mother of the Year was given to Mrs. Margaret (John) Stalzer. Refreshments were served, cake make by member, Agnes Lovatti. Ice and coffee with mints completed the refreshments served by the officers with Millie Pucel, Jonita Ruth and Janice Ruth for the juniors. Since the following months will be vacation months with 110 meetings to be held, all members are requested to keep up their dues or mail them to the secretary, Olga Ancel. Some of our members and friends are visiting Europe this summer and we wish them all an enjoyable time and safe return. May I take this opportunity to thank the officers and friends for various flowers, plants, get well cards and personal visits during my stay in the hospital. May God bless you all with health and happiness for many years. Josephine Erjavec STRATEGY There is a stunning blonde waitress in a certain restaurant who always obliges when the male customers ask for her phone number. Their moment of disillusionment comes when they call the number and a voice nnswers: "Pest Control Service.” “FROM SLOVENIA ... TO AMERICA” EXTRA!!! EXTRA!!! 100 books FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA sold by Br. 20, Joliet Josephine Erjavec, former Supreme Secretary and her daughter Olga Ancel, Secretary of Branch 20, have sold 100 hooks. Congratulations, girls! May you have i many followers! - ★ ★ ★ Shehoygan also went over the top with 300 hooks sold! M. P. I Letter to our Founder from It ranch No. I, Shehoygan Sheboygan, Wisconsin Dear Mrs. Prisland: On behalf of our officers, and members of Branch No. 1 of the Slovenian Women’s Union of which you are the Founder, we would like to add to the many responses you have received for your vivid and life portrayal of the Slovenian people in America. You made a GREAT contribution to the Slovenians, especially to ther children. This book “From Slovenia to America”, will be treasured by Slovenian descendants and will help to serve and understand our progress and culture. We are proud in having you live in Sheboygan and to be so gifted. May God give you many more years with us and it is our hope that your book will be a huge success and will travel all over the globe. We thank you for this book! With kind regards, Olga Saye, President Dorothy Kregel, Treasurer Margaret Fischer Secretary ORDER BLANK FOR NEW BOOK: FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA, $4.00 By Marie Prisland, Founder of Slovenian Women's Union Enclosed Is (check) (money order) In amount of $........................ for _______________ copies of FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Please enclose 250 for postage and handling of Individual orders Total $ .............. Name ................................................... Address ________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State ___________ Zlpcode —........— Mall to: Mr*. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr, Wlckllffe, Ohio 44092 THIS IS MOTHER’S DAY PARTY IN EUCLID, OHIO Mother of the Year, Mary Drobnick, top left was feted at the special luncheon held by members of Br. 32. The girls are seen top right and lower left as they enjoyed themselves. Lower right is Mary Bostian, president, signing up some new members. That’s the way Mary! No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Our luncheon on May 2'Oth was a success, thanks to all the members who helped in many different ways. It was nice to see some members from Strabane and Meadowlands attend the event. Congratulations to Catherine Flaj-nik on her marriage to Joseph Jake-tic. Catherine also attended our luncheon from Cleveland where she now makes her home. She has always been a loyal member of Br. 26. We welcome anew member to our midst, Dorothy Ujcic. There will be no meetings this month or the next, so come on Sept. 16th when we resume the regular schedule of monthly meetings. Anyone interested In going to Meadowlands for the Penna State Convention on July 27th should get In touch immediately with the committee so that if we have enough members, we can charter a bus. Belated condolences to Katherine Kunic on the loss of her brother, John Klobuchar. Also, our sympathies to Helen Kunlc, Frances Moravec and Magdalena Haborsek on the loss of their sister-in-law, Anna Zunlc. May their souls rest in peace! Wishes to all ofr a pleasant and safe vacation. Ann Frankovic, Sec. No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Month of May was dedicated to all mothers, so our president, Mary Bostian, took us to luncheon and 40 members attended. Mary Drobnick, our Mother of the Year, was honored by the president with appropriate words and a corsage was pinned on her. She also received a gift. As you can see by the accompanying pictures, all of us had a marvelous time. News from our member, Annie Petrovič who lives in Florida, was very interesting as she visited us with her children. Her grandson Is a deacon, will become a priest In the near future. Her grandaughter is a nun. She sent her regards to all members and we hope the Blessed Mother will bless her with health and happiness. Congratulations! A day to remember is Sept. 14th when we celebrate our 40th Anni- versary and hold the Ohio-Michigan State Convention. The day starts with Holy Mass at 11:00 a. m. at St. Christine’s church followed by the State Convention meeting at 1 p. m. I hope that by then our new church will be ready. We are still working on the program of the day and will report more details later. Only this month of July is vacation month for our branch. We will meet in August as usual because we must work out many plans for Sept. 14tli. So, have a nice vacation, but come back by August 5th to help us make our Important decisions. Our presi- dent needs our help and we can’t let her down. We are still taking donations for the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, if anyone wishes to contribute. On June 3rd we had a good attendance at the business meeting. Secretary asks that we check our books for payment of dues. To the treasury Mary Noda contributed a dollar and to the birthday kitty, $2 from Frances Grjevic. Frances also donated to our branch a beautiful green crocheted afghan. She is 80 years young. God bless her for her generosity. Mary Ercul also gave a dollar to the birthday fund. Helen Kovačevič had surgery and is recuperating at home. Mr. Meyer with his family, thank-all who prayed and attended the funeral of his beloved wife. Annie Godlar thanks all for I lie prayers and cards she received while ill. Your good wishes made her well. Mary Drobnick thanks all for lion oring her as Mother of the Year, for the gift and good wishes. She is very grateful. In closing, remember, no meeting In July, but we meet again in August. Ann Tekavec, Rec. Sec. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. We had a large turnout for our final meeting before the summer recess, on May 15th, even though we were having one of our first SUMMER storms that night with lightning, thunder and rain. During the business meeting, with Mrs. John Pahula presiding, the forthcoming MINNESOTA DAY which will be held in Duluth on Sunday Sept. 14th, came In for discussion, and all members present were planning to attend. Mrs. John Pahula will call a “special meeting” about 2 weeks before that time so that final plans for attendance and transportation will be made at that meeting. After all business was taken care of, a social hour was enjoyed with prizes at “500” going to Mrs. Mary Pahula, Mrs. John Pahula and Mrs. Louis Chiabotti. SCRABBLE winners were Mrs. Ernest Mustonen and Mrs. Leo Wilson. To conclude the evening’s activities, the hostesses, Mrs. Michael Musich and Mrs. John Te-kautz served a delicious luncheon. The attendance prize, donated by Mrs. Frank Planton was awarded to Mrs. John Bobence. Hostesses named for the September meeting which will follow shortly aft er MINNESOTA DAY are Mrs. William Lilya and Mrs. Joseph Jamnick, Mrs. Joseph Stefanlch will donate the attendance prize. Our best wishes to all SWU members for a most enjoyable summer— I’m sure many of you will be spending the summer vacation at your summer homes at the various lakes, and some will travel. I’m sure it would prove interesting to the DAWN readers to hear about the travel experiences of the members. Hope to see you all at MINNESOTA DAY in Duluth, September 14th! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel', Reporter No. 42, Maple Hgts., O. The last meeting tor the summer was preceded by a pot luck dinner to honor our Mother of the Year, Antonija Kastelic. We all enjoyed a truly lovely evening with food and door prizes donated by Mary Filips, Theresa Filips, Nickie Lerchbacher, Millie Lipnos, Angela Perko, Theresa Simončič, Mary Yemec, and Tonka Kastelic herself. At this meeting it was decided that Paul Hribar, Antonija Kastelic and Mary Yemec would attend the Ohio-Michigan State Convention. Also, be sure that all of you may attend our family basket picnic at the home of Camille Lao in Aurora. Our sympathy is extended to Angeline Zupanc and sons on the death of their husband and father, John. Mr. Zupanc, who sang with the Planina Singing Society since 1937, was one of the organizers and the first director of the society and will be sorely missed by the entire group and community. A last reminder beforse closing: remember the picnic on Sept. 7th; also we wish happy birthdays to Mary Filips, Antonija Kastelic, Olga Ponikvar, Dorothy Ponikvar, JoAnne Kastelic and to me, too. B. A. Kastelic No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. At the June meeting final arrangements were made for the Barbeque Picnic at Re-bemisek’s Club 36 and all members and their friends are cordially invited to come there on Sunday, Aug. 10th. Please call for tickets in advance so that we can get an idea of how many to prepare for. Anyone wishing to go to Lemont for Zveza Day July 20th, please call for your reservation. Our State Convention is also on the agenda, to be held at Willard on Sunday, Sept. 14th. A bus has been chartered so please make your reservation as soon as possible, for both events. October 5th will be our Miscellaneous Card Party at the Lily Club and everyone is invited, so please bring a friend. Just received word that our charter member, Celia Marolt had surgery on her eye. She is convalescing at home. Greet her with a card or a visit. Mrs. Marolt has been a devout and generous member. Mrs. Katherine Holmberg and her daughter, Kathleen Hinkle flew to Denver, Colo. Kathleen's husband Is in the hospital there after being injured in Vietnam. Mrs. Holmberg Hermine Prlaland Dlcke: 3717 Council Crest Madison. Wis. 53711 nrrs and * * • ♦ . • Mrs. Victoria Suppanchick of Sheboygan, Wis., Branch No. 1 sent me three excellent recipes which are particularly good during the summertime. If you like rhubarb then her Rhubarb Torte will become your favorite. RHUBARB TORTE 2 cups of flour teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup butter 2 egg yolks Sift dry ingredients in bowl. Cut in butter like for pie crust. With fork mix in egg yolks then mix the dough with fingers until flour Is absorbed. Press in to a 9x13 ungreased cake pan and bake 10 to 15 minutes at 350 degrees until slightly brown. Remove from oven and top with: Filling: 4 cups rhubarb, diced 4 egg yolks, beaten 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons flour Mix well and spread over crust. Bake 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Topping: Beat G egg whites until stiff add 1 cup sugar and teaspoon cinnamon. Bake and brown In 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. HAM AND POTATO SALAD % cup mayonnaise 1 cup diced boiled potatoes 2 cups diced ham 2! hard boiled eggs, chopped % cup diced celery 2 sweet pickles, diced 2 pimentoes, chopped Stir gently after each addition and serve on lettuce leaves. will be coming home soon but Kathleen Is staying on with her husband. To the above and all other sick members, a very speedy recovery is our wish. Mitz and Al Tratnik left for a short vacation In the Bahamas. Check your dues. No meetings In July or August but will resume In Sept. 7th at 1:30 p. m. at the Lily Club. A happy and safe 4th of July celebration and to all July celebrations, best wishes. To our vacationers, wherever you may roam, a pleasant and safe trip. Rose Kraemer, Sec. CHOP SUEY CASSEROLE 1 pound chopped meat Fry in butter Add: 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup chopped onion 1 can cream of mushroom soup diluted with % cup water 1 can cream of chicken soup, diluted with M cup water % cup uncooked rice Sprinkling of Soy Sauce Mix altogether and bake 1 hour in oasserole dish at 350 degrees. 15 minutes before dish is to be taken from oven add 1 regular size can Chinese Noodles, mix gently and put back in oven. * * * Mrs. Mary Udovich of Leland, Mississippi, formerly from Sheboygan, Wis., and who is still a member of Branch No. 1 requested a recipe for Chow Chow, a favorite of her mother’s which included green tomatoes, cabbage, tiny onions, cucumbers, cauliflowers and “oodles” of spices. The closest recipe I could find Including these Ingredients is one from The Settlement Cook Book. CHOW-CHOW 1 quart very small cucumbers 1 quart large cucumbers, cut 1 quart green tomatoes, sliced 1 quart onions, sliced 1 quart small onions 1 quart cauliflower 4 green peppers, chopped 1 cup salt to 4 quarts water 6 tablespoons mustard 1 teaspoon powdered tumeric 1 cup flour 1% cups sugar 3 pints vinegar Mix the first 7 ingredients, cover with the salt water and let stand 24 hours. Heat the brine slowly until vegetables are thoroughly scalded and then drain. Mix the flour, sugar, mustard and tumeric to a smooth paste with a pint of the vinegar, pour gradually on the remaining quart, heated in double boiler. Cook until thick (do not boil), then add to the hot vegetables. Pack into clean, hot jars, and seal. Thank you Mrs. Suppanchick for your fine recipes. By the time you read this column I will be In Europe with my husband and our two daughters Kathy and Mary. It should be a dellghtrul trip with tours into Slovenia, Italy, Germany and Switzerland. I’ll give you a report and maybe a few European recipes in September’s column. Have a good summer. Fondly, Hermine laws ? Was Scholarship Winner in 1961 : NANCY BECK WEDS ANTHONY JAGODNIK Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jagodnik, Jr. Saturday April 2Gth Miss Nancy Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beck was married to Mr. Anthony Jagodnik, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jagodnik, Sr., of Mayfield Village, Ohio. Nancy’s mother is the diligent secretary of Br. 50. The ceremony took place at St. Paschal’s church in Highland Heights. The reception later in the evening was held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Hall. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by Miss Jean No. 45, Portland, Ore. We will not meet again until the second Tuesday in September. Thank you note was sent by Veronica Boyer, daughter of Mrs. Matulac for our remembrance of her at Christmas. Also, we received a thank you card from Mrs. Kennevick, one of our members, for remembering her daughter Rosemary in our prayers. She passed away recently. One of our social members, Mrs. Amanda Grabavac is hospitalized. We wish her a speedy recovery. We still have two members in rest homes, namely Mrs. Matulac and Mrs. Krm-patich. Meeting closed with prayer. Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Our Mother's Day Party on the second Sunday of May was a great success. There were 35 members present to honor our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Jo Prebil. She was presented with a lovely corsage from her children, and her daughter and daughter-in-law were both at the dinner. We all extend our heartiest congratulations to Jo. Weeder as maid of honor; bridesmaids were Mrs. Linda Harps, Miss Mary Rose of Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. Betty Capp, Miss Cynthia Jagodnik and Miss Virginia Mlack. Becky and Scotty Schindler served as flower girl and ring bearer. Donald Jagodnik, Petty Officer 1st Class was best man for his brother. Ushers were Robert Beck, Petty Officer 2nd Class of Bermuda, Mr. Ned McDonnell, Mr. Stanley Ulle, Mr. Jerome Mlack, Mr. James Schindler and Mr. John Koskela of Excelsior, Minn. The bride’s white satin dress and mantilla veil both trimmed with Chantilly lace were designed and made by her mother, as were the gowns of her attendants. Her bouquet of white roses and lily of the valley were entwined with a white rosary. After a wedding trip to New Orleans, the couple will reside in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The bride, a graduate of Notre Dame College with a Bachelor of Home Economics degree was a dietition at Euclid General Hospital. Her husband, a graduate of Case Institute of Technology received a Masters degree in Electronics Communications at Massachusetts Institute of Techology and is employed at Collins Radio in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We know they will both have great fulfillment in their professions and great happiness in their married life. Felicitations! Our good member and friend, Marie Thompson was unable to be with us due to a foot operation. We certainly hope that Marie is feeling much better, and want her to know that the party arrangements were just great. We are all looking forward to seeing Marie at our next meeting. It would be very fine, indeed, if our meeting could be as well attended as our Mother’s Day Party. There will be a social after the meeting. We sincerely hope that Mrs. Anscel is doing better and will be with us again real soon. That’s all for this time, we hope all our members are enjoying good health and will be with us soon. Respectfully submitted, Theresa Gabrian No. 50, Cleveland, O. It was a pleasure watching our members arriving at the May meeting carrying all kinds of goodies for our pot-luck supper in honor of our “Mother” members. At the brief business meeting, the main topic discussed was our Rummage and Bake Sale. Our loyal members came thru with just about everything and lots of baked goods. A nice profit was made. A special thank-you note from Mrs. Johanna Mandel was read. She also sent, along a beautiful pair of hand embroidered pillow cases, edged with crocheted lace and Marie Beck was the lucky one lo receive them. Members, remember to send cheer up cards to Cecelia Žnidaršič, llttti East 60th St., Cleveland, O. 44103 and Johanna Mandel, 22200 Chardon Rd., Euclid, O. 44132. Both are still convalescing at home. Congratulations to our members who celebrated wedding anniversaries recently. They are: Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich Lube (Angie), on April 28th and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nemanich (Frances), May 2'8th. Another happy event for the Lube family is the graduation of daughter, Deborah, from the Andrews School for Girls in Willoughby. Debby attended this boarding school for 6 years. Her ambition is to be a fashion couturier, which we all know she excels in. She won the first prize in the junior division at our October style show, remember? Best. of luck to Debby. We are sure her parents are proud of her accomplishments and we members are too. Every Slovenian should have the book FROM SLOVENIA TO AME RICA! Members, treat your family and friends, sons and daughters, by purchasing for them a copy of this book as a gift for weddings, birth day, graduation, or what have you! Let. them find out how their grandparents helped to make it possible for them to be living in this wonderful land of ours, America. Our national president, Antonia Turek, along with her husband. Frank, sailed for Europe in May (o enjoy a 2l/2 month vacation there. We all wish them and Albina Novak, our national secretary and beloved editor, Corinne Leskovar a well-deserved vacation in Slovenia this year. This will be the first for our Editor. (And, I can assure you I am looking forward to it, especially to see with my own eyes the places where my grandparents and parents were born and so many of my friends thru the years have told me about. I will meet for the first time my many relatives there and begin to know something more of Slovenia than I have learned in books, pictures and stories. It, promises to be a memorable three weeks. Thanks, Fran, for your good wishes. C.) After the meeting, Marie Azman, our 1969 Mother of the Year, was escorted by four former chosen mothers to special places. Each wore a bright green sash showing the year in which she reigned. Marie, newly Installed in this select group, wore a beautiful crown of silver and pearls made by Carole Traven. Paper-mate felt tip pens were presented to each of our honored guests by our first president, Sophie Posch. The song, MOTHER was sung by all as they marched in. We took pictures, too, but were sorry that Mary Susnilc had to leave early because of other committments. Special thank you notes will be in the next issue on our Hummage Sale. Frances Sietz, Pres. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our May meeting was devoted entirely to our Mothers and especially to Mrs. Frank Satovich, selected as “Mother of the Year” by the ladies of our branch. A nice turnout was befitting our President and “Mother.” A floral corsage and a gift were presented to Mrs. Satovich by Mrs. Clifford Barkis and after some great, great music from Mr. Anthony Babich’s concertina, a buffet luncheon was served. An arrangement of roses and pink tapers in crystal candelabra centered the refreshment table. The punch table was decorated too. Mrs. Paul Beyers( Barbara) of Henson, Minn, daughter of our honored guest presided at the coffee service. Cards were played following the luncheon with honors going to Mmes. James Passino, George Butorac, Louis Putzel, Richard Carlson, Louis Drobnick and Amelia Domen. Mrs. Satovich wron the door prize. Mrs. Mary Meadows and Mrs. Dan Skorich were co-hostesss of the affair but we had a lot of help from the ladies that were on the lunch committee and a big thank you is in order. For Mr. Faithful Babich too! See you all in September! Margaret Skorich, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio. Thank you. lovely ladies and guests for coming to our Mother’s Day banquet held in Mineral Ridge. What a grand attendance! Mary Moler crocheted and donated a doily as door prize and it was given to lucky lady, Viola Loger. A second door prize donated by Frances Yerman was won by Ann Dolence. We sadly missed an ardent and loyal member, Vera Halko who passed away recently. To the Halko family our deepest sympathy. May the e-ternal light shine upon her. Our Mother of the Year, Virginia Zevkovich, was presented with several lovely gifts. We welcomed to our lodge, three new members, Mary Herceg, Ann Tarr and Edith Ptappay. We hope they will enjoy meeting with us. Get well to all our sick members. To those planning vacations, have a wonderful time. Bless you all and see you at the next meeting. Mary Moler, Rec. Sec. No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., Ohio. We had a very lovely Mother ol' the Year dinner. Anna Rogel came and brought her apple strudel — very delicious. Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to you and your husband. Anna. Our Mother of the Year, Kay Yuratovac, our president, a very lovely, kind and deserving person, was our honored guest. Congratulations and good luck in the year, Kay. Nice to see Ann Predovic and Martha Herak. Hope to see you a-gain soon. Pat Mauer, Sophie’s daughter, is engaged to a Euclid boy, Mr. Shaab. Congratulations. A fall wedding is planned. Gloria Dusek’s little boy, John, fell and was in a coma for a few days in a serious condition. We thank God he has come out of it and is better now, wanting to come home from the hospital. We all pray for his return to good health. Past president Francis Travnik’s son, Joe, was awarded the Purple Heart, in Vietnam. We thank God he is better now and will return home safe. May all the boys be home soon. Special — From Louise Epiey! Please pay up your dues as half the year is gone and loads of gals did not pay up yet. Louise must pay for you each month, so, please, members, do take a look in your booklets and send in the dues. Many times Louise pays from her own pocket to cover this and it must stop. So. please take your responsibility as a member seriously and take care of this at once. A happy and safe summer to one and all. Betty Bayus No. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Our annual picnic will be held Thursday, July 17th at the Activities Building in Riverview Park from noon to 8:00 p. m. All members and their families and friends are welcome to spend the afternoon with us. A reminder that our meetings have been changed to the second Wednesday of the month, at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 700 Pressley Street. There will be meetings only during the following months: April, May, June, October, November, and December. Betty Ann Murphey, President No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. We held our final meeting of the current season on May 27th. Our secretary was absent as she attended graduation exercises for her grandson in a nearby town. There were no matters of any importance to discuss. Our president did receive word and tickets from Duluth about the Minnesota State Day Banquet and Convention and most of our members purchased tickets for the event. We hope many more will do so soon. Our group decided to purchase a book FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA and donate it to our local library. Prizes in cards were given to Christine Meyer, (Bridge) and Pauline Stish, (Canasta). Our hostesses for the evening were Mary Gram and Hilda Denne. We hope to see you all at the State Convention in Duluth and when we resume meetings in Stepteniber. Anne Mazar, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. Mother’s Day supper was held in May with about 50 members attending. The Mother of the Year, Honorine Corpus, was special guest. She is the mother of two her son is Rev. Roger Corpus, OSB of St. Bede’s Abbey, Peru, 111., and daughter is Mrs. Charlene Be-kelski of Peru. Mrs. Corpus’ husband Frank is employed by the III. Power Co. They celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary March 1st. Congratulations! Other awards went to Mrs. Charlene Bekelski for having the most children, Mrs. Antoinette Muhich, the oldest mother, and Mrs. Robert Morrison, the youngest mother. We would appreciate having you pay your dues ahead, members, for the summer months when there are no meetings. We want to have all our members in good standing. We will resume meetings in September. A very careful and safe vacation to all. Frances Meglich, Reporter No. 100, Fontana, Cal. The month of May was quite a joyous one for Fontana members. First of all, we honored Faye Videgar, our Mother of the Year, with a lively and lovely group of members and guests in attendance at the pot luck dinner at the KSK.I hall. The wreekend of May 23rd brought a host of Slovenians from 22 states on a visit to Fontana. Among them were many members of Zveza. It was my extreme pleasure to engage in conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kobel of Cicero, 111. How wonderful it was to converse with people we all knew in Chicago and discuss the many changes that have taken place in my old neighborhood that surrounds St. Stephen’s church. Yes, indeed, the "pilgrimage” group helped us renew many old acquaintances and revived many memories of times past. It was so grand seeing sister Filips at church; we sincerely hope her health continues to improve and that soon she will be able to write of Fontana news in Slovenian. Get well wishes are also extended to sister Paula Videgar whose kind face and willing hands are greatly missed. Hurry and get well, Paula, we need you! Sympathy is extended to Mary Glad on the loss of her cousin and prayers are offered for the family of the deceased. Happy Birthday to all celebrants JULY, 1 !)(>!! with many years of happiness and health. Vacation time is here and we are hoping to see sisters from other branches visit us this summer. How about a trip to Fontana, Mary?; your God-mother would love to see you. See you next month. Edith Drawenek No. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. Among the happy vacationers was Barbara Ann Orlosky who recently vacationed in sunny Florida and had a wonderful time. Barbara is the “cream of the youth” of today. She spends much of her spare time doing volunteer work for the children at Parmadale Children Village of St. Vincent DePaul and she has also taught catechism for many years. The children just love her! Congratulations and best wishes to Mike Mertel (son of Liz), John Kas-tellic (son of Dorothy), and Fred Burdyshaw (son of Doris), and all the graduates of the class of 1969. Stella Hajek was beaming at the last meeting. Her son, Jimmy, called her from Vietnam on May 31st. She was so very, very happy to hear from him. Our June meeting hostesses really did a wonderful job. They had a delicious dinner for us, topped off with cream pie. It was really nice, Alin Swaney and Pauline Stepic. These ladies can really cook and bake! Ladies, keep in mind our card party on October 10th. If you have any questions or advice, call Barbara Orlosky, chairman for the event. Dorothy Matjašič, Reporter No. 103, Washington, D. C. Congratulations and a sincere thanku-you to all the members who through combined efforts produced such a beautiful Mother’s Day celebration. Compliments are indeed due to these lovely ladies who prepared a banquet fit for a king: Ida Gregorič, Helena Špacapan, Dora Voyatsis. The assortment of meats, salads, relishes, desserts and beverages were absolutely delicious and we can’t praise our three loyal members sufficiently for preparing a brunch which catered over 50 people. We realized the work involved to such an enormous task. However, all was accomplished with sincerity and smiles. Our appreciation once again, ladies! Our sincere Congratulaitnos to Mary (Mimi) Mejac who was presented to the group as Mother of the Year ’69 and who received a lovely bouquet of pink carnations as a token of esteem from the members of the branch. Miml is truly deserving of the honor, being an excellent mother and an enthusiastic member of our group. We can always count on Mary to suupport all the projects that we undertake. And the amazing part of her contribution to the branch is the sincerity with which she undertakes each project, the responsibility displayed, and the amazing results which are realized. And now to the Mother’s Day Program. How proud we are of the Junior members. Each program that they present seems to get better and better. Lydia Bevec presided as Mistress of Ceremonies. The Antolin sisters (Ivanka, Vida, Anna and Helen) charmed the group with Slovenian poetry and songs. Jane Ellen Johnson and Franc Chokel presented piano selections that were truly well done. Lydia Bevec presented a clarinet solo and her brother Andre brought down the house as his nimble fingers glided over the accordian keyboard. The Mejac sisters (Helen and Maria) presented poetry both American and Slovenian and dedicated to Mother. Inspirational words were delivered by Rev. Stanley (St.) Ceglar follow'ed by the Juniors who took part in the traditional May Crowning Procession. Culminating the day’s activities was a choral presentation by the SWU Washington Choraleers. They, too, seem to outdo thmeselves with each presentation. We welcome a new member of the group, Dr. Zadnik. Making his “first” appearance at this meeting was our youngest member Bryan Nagel. Bryan is a lively 13 months old and is a beautiful baby. We are so glad that his mother brought him to the meeting. Bryan’s grandmother, Mrs. Mary Michelitch, also attended the meeting and this was a surprise to all as she had undergone surgery just 3 weeks ago. Her stamina and recuperative powers are amazing. We are glad to see that Mrs. Anna Menapace is back in Washington after an extended trip. We hope to see more of her now. Anna Cernels will be revisiting Belgrade again this year. Bon Voyage Anna! and to all the other members who will be spending their vacations in foreign parts. To those who remain on U. S. soil, may your vacation be a delightful and restful ex- perience. And nowr a thought for the month: 9 “Take every dream within your T l) heart 11 * To God who really cares, * A He longs to hold you in His A y arms, V 9 He listens for your prayers. ? W Take every sigh and every tear y 9 To Him who understands, ? A Exchange these things for II X lasting peace, * X Within His loving Hands.” A Y Irene M. Planinšek ^ No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our May meeting was well-attended. Twenty-one members were present. It was held at Alice Sheet’s home with Audrey Krulc assisting. Between the two, they did a very fine job preparing lunch and liquid refreshments. I do want to say that Alice’s granddaughter did give them a helping hand. Our meeting opened with a prayer. We had several important discussions ironed out, mainly about the State Convention to be held in Cleveland on Sept. 14th. Several of us plan to attend and we will leave early in the day from here, and after the events, drive back to Detroit that night. Ann McGee was honored as Mother of the Year at the dinner on June 21st. It was scheduled for the Belanger House, a fine restaurant. We contributed our quarters for the Kitty, and the prizes were won by Betty Karas, pretty towels and her mother, Zorka Maisel (lovely napkin holder made in Taiwan). Extra donations were given by Ann Karun, Ann Lindich and Ann McGee. Fulvia Kosa was hospitalized for some tests but everything turned out fine ... no operation was necessary. She is enjoying her job with the post office, driving a mail truck. Certainly is one good way of meeting a lot of nice people. We extend our happiest of birthday wishes in June to Mary Bedenko, 13th, Ann Perliay, 14th, Alice Becker, 22nd, Jennie Bole, 22nd. July birthdays to Ann McGee, 15th and Pauline Adamic, 12t.h. Congratulations to all! Pauline Adamic and her spouse are leaving for Milwaukee to attend her niece’s wedding. Ann Lindich, her husband and her sister and husband, plan to take a two week vacation in Wisconsin and that includes fishing. 1-Iave a nice time and safe one, please. Pauline Adamic and her husband will spend the 4th of July weekend in Gowanda, New York and my husband and I plan to go to Milwaukee. We attended the SNP.I bowling tourney there this year and had a very nice time. Mary Benesch, who I believe is also a member of S. W. U. is a close cousin of mine and her sister Emily and husband Leo opened their home to us. Had a marvelous time. Mary’s sister, Albine of Walled Lake here joined us to make the trip more pleasant. A delicious luncheon that our hostesses had prepared for us took place after the meeting. Thank you! I know everyone had enjoyed that. Alice and Frank’s home is in a beautiful location with pine trees all around. They have not completed it as yet but when finished will certainly be beautiful. Good luck to them both — an ideal couple. Se you all In the fall. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Marie Priflland: Dekanija Gornjegrajska (Konec.) Mozirje je v mojih časih bil najpomembnejši trg Savinjske doline. Tu so bile lepe trgovine ter posojilnica, ustanovljena leta 1873, ki bi naj rešila našega kmeta gospodarske odvisnosti od Nemcev. Ustanovljena je bila Narodna čitalnica, leta 1882 pa Sokolsko društvo, eno izmed prvih v Sloveniji. Mozirska fara ima cerkev sv. Jurija, ki se kot kapelica imenuje že leta 1241. Novo cerkev je škof Oton Prederik posvetil 25. oktobra 1642. Okrog cerkve je bil postavljen visok zid —nekak tabor z okroglim stolpom, V cerkvi je posebno znamenita prižnica, bivša last ljubljanskega kapucinskega samostana, izdelana iz črnega in belka-stordečega mramorja, sem prinesena za časa vlade cesarja Jožefa II. V mozirsko faro spadajo sledeče podružnice: Cerkev sv. Stefana na Oljniku, cerkev Marije Device na Brezju in cerkev Matere Božje na Lepi Njivi. V Lokah pri Mozirju se nahaja kužno znamenje, postavljeno leta 1G82, lovratek ter prijetno potovanje. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, O. — Prvo nedeljo v maju smo praznovale Materinski du.n. Pri našem društvu je bila počaščena kot zaslužna mati leta, ses. Jennie Gerbec, ki ta častni naslov gotovo zasluži. Ob taj priliki smo imele mali program v počast materam. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bi se naše članice in njihovi prijatelji udeležili letošnjega romanja Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Lemont, dne 20. julija. Bilo bi res lepo, če bi šle, ako bo zbrano zadostno število udeležencev, da najamemo posebni bus. Katera bi se rada udeležila, naj me pokliče: 825-7852, 'ali pa Mrs. Ujčič: 745-8167, saj bi se spodobilo, da bi zopet šle po mnogih letih. Zadnjič smo bile z busom leta 1949 in je bilo vse tako lepo, da si želimo zbrati zadostno število, da bi uživali tisti blagodejni mir, ki ga ni nikjer drugje, kakor tam pri Mariji Pomagaj. Zato, ljudje božji uporabite to priliko, ki se Vam ponuja in ne bo Vam žal. Za nameček naj opomnim ljubitelje narave, tistim, ki ste delale na polju v Sloveniji, ali ste prisluhnile ptičkom, ki lepo pojejo: 1. Kikelco-kikel-co, kupu, kupu. 2. Pet-pedi, pet-pedi. 3. Vidu, vidu ter seveda kukavica: ku-ku, ku-ku. Ostanite vsi zdravi. Poročevlaka Št. 10, Cleveland, O. Naša seja se je vršila 13. maja. imele smo Materinski dan, toda letos nismo izvolile nobene za Majniško mater, ker tiste ki hodijo na seje smo bile že vse, druge pa ne pridejo. Tri naše članice so obhajale rojstne dneve: Emily Novak, Antonija Repič in Lojzka Čebular. Vse so nas prav dobro potretale. Lepa jim hvala. Malo pozno poročam, da je Lojzka Čebular darovala v blagajno $5, ker ni nič pošiljala Božičnih voščil. Za njun rojstni dan sta darovale v blagajno Helen Može in Mary Brdak vsaka po $2. Prav lepa hvala vsem trem za dar. Naznanjam vsem članicam, da smo si nabavile novo zastavo, ker je ta bil'a že obrabljena in iz mode. Zastavo rabimo pogosto v pogrebnih zavodih. V ta namen so darovale: Emily Novak $5, Tončka Repič $5, Mary Komidar $5 in tajnica Mary Camloh $3. Tudi druge članice so obljubile. Prav lepa hvala vsem! Na žalost moram tudi poročati, da smo izgubile v mesecu marcu, sestro Mary Agnich, a v aprilu pa kar 1 sestre: Rose Lapp, Mary Videtich, Helen Grčar in Gertrude Bokal. Posebno Jerca Bokal je bila redna o-biskovalka naših sej in tudi dosti dobrih del je storila za podružnico, zato jo bomo zelo pogrešale. Bog daj vsem skupaj mirni počitek. Pošiljam vsemu članstvu sesterski pozdrav. Mary Komidar, poročevalka Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Kniga FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA lie bi smela manjkati v nobeni slovenski hiši, bodisi tukaj, ali pa v domovini! Neizmerno sem se razveselila, ko mi jo je izročila moja sestrična, naša odlična pevka Emica Judnich z lastnoročnim podpisom gospe Prisland, velike žene našega naroda. Žalost je zopet zadela našo državno predsednico Rose Skoff, ko ji je nenadno umrla sestra Anna Palmgren; ni še se zacelila rana žalosti ob izgubi sina, je že prišla druga izguba nad Rose. Pokojna je bila vdova in razen treh otrok zapušča tudi sestro, ki je redovnica č. s. M. Richard, C. S.C. of Mountain View, ki ji je bila v pomoč v dnevih pred smrtjo. Pogreba se je udeležilo veliko čestitih sester. Naše iskreno sožalje družini in sestram. Ses. Anna Fabian je tudi izgubila hčerko Janet v starosti 18 let. Bila je bolana od rojstva. Zgledala je kakor angelj. Stric in teta sta ji pela v slovo, le da so se pesmi zlivale v solze. Peli smo majske pesmi, če prav je bil pogreb tisto. — Spet kliče nas venčani maj — in druge. Bilo je žalostno, a tudi veselo saj je bila rešena trpljenja in odšla je v boljše življenje. Naše sožalje ses. Anni, možu Jos Fabian, sestram Joan, Curtis in Diane Brandney. — Fabianova sta aktivna in priljubljena pri naših organizacijah. Društvo Sv. Marije je praznovalo 60 letnico obstoja. Častna članica in charter member je Mary Judnich. stara 88 let. Predsednica ja naša mama, kakor jo vsi kličemo, ses. Anna Bazich. Saj je res neverjetno, da to društvo računa le $1 na mesec in dajo $10 tedenske podpore za 6 ali več mesecev lil še dajo nekaj za pogreb. Bog jih živi! P. Claude Okorn ofm: NE ZADOSTUJE Naslednja zgodba je prav primerna za današnji čas. Je to zgodba spreobrnenja Judinje Luce Rachel k katoliški veri. Luce Rachel se je rodila 1. 1926. Ko je bila stara 11 let je prvikrat slišala za nauk Kristusov od domače sluškinje. Po čudnem naključju je ušla Hitlerjevemu preganjanju Judov. Po vojni se je dala krstiti. Diplomirala je iz likovne umetnosti in se poročila z nekim slikarjem — a samo civilno. Kmalu je začutila lakoto po božjem kruhu In nekako je pregovorila moža, da sta se poročila cerkveno. A mož ni hotel otrok. Naposled ga je pregovorila tudi v tem. A ko so se začeli vrstiti otroci, jo je mož zapustil. Da bi bila mera gorja še bolj polna, je še sama obrnila Hogu hrbet in se vrgla v greh. Prav v tej bedi pa jo je poklical Gospod. Še ko je bila poročena, je čutila veliko praznino, ki jo niso mogli izpolniti ne mož ne otroci. Ko se je našla na dnu je to praznino še bolj začutila. Zdelo se ji je, da gre skozi smrtno borbo nesmiselno, če bi kdo hotel po- stati vreden božje ljubezni. Da je po spreobrnenju tako padla, krivi zato verno občestvo. Razočarana je bila tako v duhovnikih kakor v ljudeh. V njih ni našla tiste opore, ki bi jo kot novospreobrnjenka potrebovala. Sama piše: “Kako naj bi mi razkrili pravo obličje cerkve tisti, katerih zadržanje bi mogli povzeti v besedo ‘Zadostuje’. Zadostuje iti k maši ob nedeljah. Zadostuje, da prideš vsaj do vere pa imaš svojo mašo. Zadostuje, da se spoveš in obhajaš enkrat na leto. Zadostuje, zadostuje. Kako, da nisem nikoli slišala, da bi kdo vpil: Ne zadostuje, nikoli ne zadostuje. Stara in lepa pesem moje dežele se glasi: Ljubezni ni nikoli dovolj. Ko bi srečala enega samega, ki bi bil noro zaljubljen v Jezusa Kristusa, sem prepričana, da bi to napolnilo vse vrzeli v mojem verskem znanju. Kako nam ona vsem izpraša vest. Vsemu našemu krščanstvu bi morali dati spričevalo: zadostno, komaj zadostno. Preveč gledamo na to, da zadostuje, da se ne pregrešimo. Izpolnjujemo dolžnosti, ne da bi ljubili, ljubezen ne šteje, ne računa, ne meri. Ljubezen, daje in se razdaja — z zvrhano mero, nerazsodno' in noro. če bi bila naša vera taka, bi bila bolj učinkovita. Čestitke tudi materi tega leta in naši novi predsednici, Agnes Lovrin. Gotovo je ponosna na njo vsa njena rodbina. Pozdrav vsem bolnim članicam, Mary Dreshar v Chicagu, ses. Stolja je tudi bolana tukaj. Končno še verz v spomin Janet Fabian: “Presrečna si Ti rožca zala, — ki zgodaj v grob si pot izbrala; saj lepše sreče ni na svet, — kot v cvetju angelskem umret.” Poldica Podgornik, poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, O. Čas počitnic je tukaj. Mesec junij je že za nami. Mnogi so že šli preko morja. 2 jun. je odšla tudi naša čla. Ani Bizjak z možem in sinkotom. Želimo ji lepo jotovanje in srečni povratek. Na junijski seji je bilo navzočih veliko število sester. V zadnjem mesecu je umrla naša čla. Mrs. Trebek. Bog ji daj v miru božjem počivati. Družini pa naše sožalje. V juliju ne bo seje, toda ste vse vabljene, da pridete na sejo v anglistu na prvi torek. V tem času se nahaja precej bolana v bolnišnici Mrs. Režonja. Želimo ji hitrega zdravja po prestani operaciji. Mrs. Jenny Dragolič je tudi prestala operacijo in se sedaj zdravi doma. Obljubila mi je, da bo zopet prišla na seje, kakor hitro se bo bolje počutila. V good tajni blagajno so darovale tega večera naslednje sestre: Adams, Gačnik, Kumar, Mavrich, Vidovič in Zgonc. Vsem darovalkam se lepo zahvalim. Bog Vam vrni na Vašem zdravju in vse vabim, da se zopet vidimo na prihodnji seji v augustu. Pridite vse. Vse lepo pozdravlja. A. Sustar, poročevalka Št. 23, Ely, Minn. Pii naši podr. smo zelo proslavile Materinski dan. Prvo nedeljo v mesecu, na dan naše seje smo se zbrale v cerkveni dvorani ob šesti uri za večerjo. Mize so bile lepo okrašene in pri vsakem krožniku je bila papirnata posodica s cukerčkom in vsaka članica 70 let ali več mlada ( med katere spadam tudi jaz), je dobila še posebej žepni robček narejen v pušeljček. Nato so nas postavili za slikanje, nakar smo posedli k mizam. Počastili so nas tudi Father Dolšina, ki so nam napravili lep nagovor in tudi zapeli so z nami nekaj lepih slovenskih pesmi. Hvala Father. Mary Gačnik je tudi prinesla svojo harmoniko, da se je še lepše pe- lo. Po zabavi, pa smo igrale priljubljene igre in tako končale lep večer. Hvala lepa vsem delavkam in članicam, ki so se udeležile lepega večera. Več naših članic je bilo bolanih v zimskih mesecih. Upam in želim, da so sedaj vse že zdrave. Čla. Mrs. Golob se tudi nahaja že dalje časa v tukajšnjem domu za onemogle (Rest Home.) Tani je tudi več naših prijateljev slovenske in drugih narodnosti ter so vse vesele obiskov. Naj še omenim knjigo IZ SLOVENIJE V AMERIKO, katero je spisala Mrs. Prisland in čeprav je pisana v angleščini, je spisana tako lepo, da lahko vsaka če je le zmožna nekoliko angleško čitati, jo lahko razume. Vsaka seveda najprej prelista slike, tako sem jaz in sem bila presenečena ko sem videla sliko od leta 1938, ko smo potovale prvič v domovino, posebno moj Semič in druge kraje, katere če Bog da zdravje bom zopet videla to poletje. Kakor vidim gre nekaj Glavnih Odbornic kot voditeljice skupin v Slovenijo. Želim vsem srečno potovanje in zdrav povratek. Pozdrav vsemu članstvu SŽZ. Katerine Slogar, poročevalka Št. 24, La Salle, III. Zopet smo sredi sezonskih počitnic, ko bodo naše članice odšle v razne kraje na oddili. Tudi naša podružnica ne bo imela sej v juliju in augustu in prihodnja seja bo v sept. ter vas že sedaj vabim, da pridete na to sejo v lepem število. Na bolniški listi imamo precej članic. Ana Meglen si je zlomila nogo, dalje Mary Rolando, Agnes Kastigar, Barbara Čas, Klara Petrovski, Theresa Gende, Doroty Parola, Pearl Leon, Frances Ahčin, Paula Jean Illman. Vse omenjene so se nahajale v bolnišnici ter se sedaj zdravijo na domovih. V Nursing Home se nahaja Mary Sadeč, Jennie Krulc, Frances Kotar. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Če sem tukaj katero izpustila, ker ne vem za njo, naj mi oprosti, vendar ji enako želim ljubega zdravja. Saj zdravje je največje bogastvo na svetu. Vsem članicam, ki boste odšle na počitnice, želim, da se vrnete srečne in zdrave. Zelo nerada opominjam tiste članice, ki ste v zaostanku s plačilom svojega asesmenta, prosim, da pridete na moj dom, ker za mene je težko zalagati in naša ročna blagajna je suha. Torej pridite na okoli in u-redite svoje račune in obveznosti. S pozdravom želim vsem vesele in zdrave počitnice. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Zopet so tukaj lepi dnevi, vse je v cvetju še celo črešnje so bile zrele v juniju, kar je res zgodaj. To me opominja, da se zahvalim naši tajnici za tako lepi dopis v Zarji in pohvalo za Mother ol' the Year, kar v resnici nisem pričakovala, enako zahvala čla. za njihovo priznanje. Naša tajnica Ann Frankovic bi morala dobiti takšno pohvalo, ker se toliko trudi in gre okoli članic, da nakolekta asesment, da se tako naša blagajna ne izprazni in da lahko redno pošljemo na gl. urad. Enako tudi rade podpremo druge, ki nas potrebujejo, kakor na primer našo cerkev, Veterane, Slovenski dom in tudi naš pevski Oktet. Seveda se Vabilo na Penna Zvezin Dan - 27. julija Strabane, Pa. — Dne 27. julija bomo praznovale letni Pennsylvanijski Zvezin dan. Gostiteljica bo najmanjša podružnica št. 106 v Meadowlands, Pa.. Banket se bo vršil v cerkveni dvorani in seja se bo pridela ob 2 uri popoldne, nakar bo banket ob 4 uri. Lepo ste vabljene vse podružnice iz cele Pensilvanije, da se udeležite tega pomembnega dneva, član-nice podr. št. 106 so pridno na delu in se pripravljejo da bodo naredile vse najboljše. Torej na svidenje dne 27. julija v Meadowlands, Pa. Mary Tomsic, preds. — 1 katera najde, ki ni hvaležna za njen trud in mnogo članic nima niti pojma o njenem dobrem delu. Naša blag. obstoji prav dobro na kar smo ponosne. Letos smo imele kakor prejšnja leta luncheon party. Odbor ima veliko dela, da to vse pripravi in da je uspeh zagotovljen v dobrobit blagajne. Res smo srečne, da imamo mnogo pridnih članic, ki so ved-na rade v pomoč odboru, za kar smo jim hvaležne, kakor pravi pregovor "V slogi je moč”. Tudi naše sosednje podr. Strabane in Meadowlands so nas obiskale z našo drž. predsednico, Mary Tomsic. Lepo se jim zahvaljujemo in oblubljamo, da jim bomo z veseljem vrnile obisk ko bo imele Penna Zvezin dan in banket dne 27. julija na Meadowlands. Ker v juliju in augustu ne bomo imele sej, Vas pa zato še toliko bolj vabimo, da pridete na sejo v septembru, ko si bomo imele veliko za povedati, kaj vse smo doževete v času počitnic. Zopet nas je zapustila čla. Katherine Flajnik, ki se je poročila z Jos. Jake-tic in bo odslej živela v Clevelandu. Ženin je bil rojen v našem mestu, kjer še ima mamo Mary Jaketic in dve sestri Mary Bratelic in Anna Babel, ki so vse naše čla. Katherine bo ostala naša čla. in nas bo prišla večkrat obiskati, seveda jo bomo zelo pogrešale, ker je redno prihajala na seje in vedno prinesla kaj dobrega za prigrizek. Želimo ji obilo sreče. Bolnih imamo še vedno nekaj sester. Molimo za nje, da bi se jim zdravje hitro izboljšalo. Pozdravlja vse članice in gl. odbor z željo za obilni uspeh. Mary Bahor, blag. št. 29, Broundale, Pa. Zopet se o-glašam v naši priljubljeni Zarji, čeprav sem že 89 let stara in sem bolj slaba v pisavi. Najprej moram sporočiti žalostno novico, da me je zapustil in šel v večnost sin Karl. Bog mu daj večni mir in pokoj. Naj prosi Boga, da bi tudi jaz prišla za njim. Pokojni me je rad obiskal večkrat na leto, čeprav je imel 4 ure vožnje. Mojega moža in sedaj že tri sinove krije črna zemlja. Bog daj vsem svoj blagoslov in večni mir. Karl je dobil srčni napad in je naglo umrl. Sin Tony je bil ubit v vojni In Henry je podlegel bolezni. Upam, da ste vse matere lepo praznovale Materinski dan in enako Očetovski dan je tudi že za nami. Vsem želim, da bi se vam izpolnile vaše srčne želje. Vsem članicam Zveze pošiljam najlepše pozdrave. Mary Pristavec Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Precej časa je že minulo odkar sem zadnjič napisala dopis v našo Zarjo. Nadomestila me je naša zapisnikarica, Prances Jelenich, ki je izvrstna v slovenski pisavi. Hvala za njene lepe dopise. Človek se nekam zamišli, pa gredo dnevi naprej kot bi jih podil. Zdi se mi, da sem zmeraj odzat, naj bo pri delu ali pri pisanju, toda rada berem kar drugi napišejo. Na prejšnji seji smo sklenile, da bomo imele po majniški seji card party in obenem počastile z majhnim darilcem najstarejšo in najmlajšo članico. Prišla je neka zapreka, da ni prejela "najmlajša” darilca kot je bilo potrjeno na prejšni seji. Meni se zdi, da bi morale upoštevati kar je bilo sklenjeno. Naše seje se je udeležila tudi gl. preds. Toni Turek, ki je priporočala knjigo Mrs. Prisland. Dobiček bo šel v šolninski sklad. Tudi je lepo opisala slovensko kapelo v Washingto-nu, D. C., ki bo posvečena Mariji Pomagaj, kakor na Brezjah. Črez poletje ne bomo imele seje do sept., če kaj ne pride vmes. Ker več ne pobiram 25-tega v mesecu, zato ste prošene, da pridete ali na dom plačati, ali pa pošljete po pošti. Letos bo Zvezin dan v Duluth, Minn. Razmotrivale smo glede vožnje. Priporočeno je bilo, da naj vprašamo za bus in lahko gredo tudi druge z nami, čeprav niso članice. O tem bo poročano pozneje. Pri podr. smo zopet izgubile čla. Margaret Palčich, ki je bila naša dolgoletna zvesta članica in dobra plačnica. Imela je težko življenje, kruta bolezen ji je vzela obe noge, edino tolažbo je imela ob strani svojih dobrih otrok. Rojena je bila v Ložu, vas Kozaršče, njeno delišlto ime je bilo Strle. Ohranimo jo v dobrem spominu. Njenim dragim pa iskreno sožalje! Na rokah imam knjigo, katero je spisala Mrs. Prisalnd. Cena je $4.00. Priporočam, da kupite eno ali več. Knjiga je spisana v angleščini kar je dobro za mlado generacijo. Dobiček od prodanih knjig bo šel v šolninski sklad. Ako hoče katera darovati za slovensko kapelo v Washingtonu, lahko izroči meni in bom odposlala na pristojno mesto. Bodite pozdravljene in ostanite zdrave vse gl. odbornice in članice SŽZ. Ann Trdan, taj balg. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. Polovica leta je že za nami in nastopil je čas počitnic. Ses. Mary Lužar in Francka Zakrajšek z vnukinjo Paulete, so odšle na obisk domovine. Tem in vsem, katere boste koderkoli počitnikovale, želimo vse najlepše in zdrav povratek. Po kratki in težki bolezni je preminul Blaž Skok, ljubljeni soprog naše sest. Ančke Skok. Za njim žalujejo tudi sin in hčerka z družinami. Vsem preostalim izrekano naše iskreno sožalje. Blagemu pokojniku pa ohranimo lep spomin in naj počiva v miru. Čimprejšnjega okrevanja želimo želimo ses. Veri Jelenik in Mary Ser-nel, ki se zravita na domu. Najsrečnejši dan so obhajali pri družini Mr. in Mrs. J. Brodnick, ko je bil njihov sin Rev. Joseph F. Brod-nick posvečen v duhovnika in imel prvo sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vne-bovzete dne 1. junija. Nadvše srečna je bila tudi njegova stara mamica ga. Louise Raddell, ki je naša dolgoletna članica. Vsem najiskrenejše čestitke. Čestitemu gospodu novo-mašniku pa želimo mnogo uspeha v vinogradu Gospodovem. Ne pozabite si nabaviti knjigo FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. To je najlepši dar vašim hčerkam in sinovom, dobite jo pri vseh tajnicah podr. Lepa hvala ses. Mary Poje za dar v blagajno. Vse članice, katere ste zaostale s plačilom asesmenta, ste prošene, da istega poravnate čimprej mogoče. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo in pripeljite tudi vaše prijateljice. Vsem iskrene pozdrave. Ella Starin Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Na sam Veliki petek, ko je hotela iti zvečer v cerkev k službi božji, je bila od automobila povožena 87 letna Rose Novosel. Kljub njenim visokim letom, se ji noga, ki je bila zlomljena, polagoma boljša, kar ji vsi iz srca želimo. Ona je sestra naše pokojne so sestre Mary Jankovič. Mr. in Mrs. John Golkoskl sta dobila petega vnuka, ko so pri hčerki Rosalli dobili drugega sinčka. Mrs. Golkoski jo naša dobra članica. Mr. In Mrs. Peter Gergič so zopet dobili novega vnuka, ko so pri hčerki Mary Ann dobili tretjega sinčka. Obema novorojenčkoma želimo zdravja in sreče, staršem in starim staršem naše čestitke. Stara mama Mary Gerglč je tudi naša članica. Zakonsko zvestobo sta si v naši cerkvi sv. Družine obljubila Miss Lorraine Cop in Robert Hunt od župnije Sv. Auguština iz Kansas City, Mo. Ženitovanje se je vršilo v Hagen Manor House z najboljšo postrežbo za vse navzoče. Nevesta je hčerka naše blagajničarke Regine Cop, ki je bila tudi naša zadnja de-legatinja. Mlademu paru želimo o-bilo sreče v zakonskem stanu. Za Materinski dan so nam članicam Materinskega društva, farni možje in fantje pripravili prav okusni zajutrek po prvi sv. maši, za kar jim gre najlepša zahvala. Huda nsreča je zadela družino Mr. in Mrs. John Bukovec, ml., ko se je njihov 14 letni sin gugal na drevesu in se je vrv, ki je bila privezana na drevo, utrgala in je padel okoli 70 čevljev visoko ter umrl na poškodbah. Naše iskreno sožalje staršem in sestri in starim staršem in vsem sorodnikom in znancem. Njegove tri tete so naše članice, Mary Majrle, Josephine Springer in Rozalija Volk. Njegova pokojna pra stara mama, Mary Drčar je bila naše članica. Pred kratkim smo izgubile dve dobre dolgoletne članice, prva Anna Agnes Wolfe, ki je preminula v visoki starosti 8G let. Doma je bila iz osilniške župnije. V Ameriko je prišla pred 60 leti Zapušča 5 sinov in 3 hčere, 23 vnukov in 3 pravnuke. Druga je pa Anna Bratkovič, rojena Ožanič v vasi Krajnski Kuže, Fara pri Kočevju. V Ameriko je prišla 1. 1921. Zapušča žalujočega soproga, enega sina in eno hčer ter 3' vnuke in 2 sestri tu v K. C., Kate Modrčin in Mary Zunich, ki sta obe članice Zveze. Nagle smrti je umrl brat naše bla-ganjničarke, Regine Cop. Poleg njr zapušča ženo, enega sina, 3 hčere, eno vnukinjo, očeta, 3 brate In 4 sestre. Vsem pokojnim naj sveti večna luč in sorodnikom iskreno sožalje. Naše čestitke Mr, in Mrs. Matt Podrebarec, ki so s svojimi 13-timi otroki v Hrvatski cerkvi sv. Janeza ovršavali 50 letnico zokona. Dve hčere sta redovnice in 2 sinova zdravnika. Kličemo jima že iva mnoga leta! Najlepši pozdrav vsem članicam dič-ne organizacije. Antonia Kostelec Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Vreme imamo toplo in suho, potrebovali bi dežja, ker se cvetlice sušijo po vrtovih. Že več let so bolne članice P. Batista in Mary Chesnik ter Katie Kogovšek, ki se nahaja v nursing home v Washington, Pa. Želimo njim in vsem bolnim članicam ljubo zdravje. članice iz Meadowland se pridno pripravljajo za naš Zvezln dan, ki se bo vršil 27. jul. Lepo ste vabljene vse podružnice iz Penna in okolice, da se udeležite. Mogoče nas obišče gl. tajnica Mrs. Novak, katere bomo zelo vesele. Upam, da ste vse lepo obhajale materinski dan. I.ep pozdrav vsem in na svidenje 27. jul. v Meadowland. Mary Tomsic preds. Št. 84, New York, N. Y. — Nimam nič dobrih novic za poročati. Ko pišem te vrstice, leži na parah naša zelo dobra čla. ses. Agnes Koprivnik, ki je umrla 30. maja v lepi starosti 80 let. V febr. pa je umrla Antonija (Kral) Pirnat, stara 84 let, doma iz Vira pri Domžalah. Zapušča 3 sinove in hčerko. Pokojna Agnes pa zapušča 2 sinova z družinami. Doma je bila iz Bele Krajine. Obe omenjeni članici sta bile zelo dobre, rade so se udeleževale sej in ju bomo zelo pogrešali. Obe sta 50 let šivale slamnike. Bog naj jima na- kloni večni mir. Užaloščenim sorodnikom naše sožalje. — Lani smo izgubile 4 sestre: Grbec, Valetič, Ho-lešelc in Crnkovič, vse v visoki starosti. Naj jim bo Bog dober plačnik. Imamo tudi več bolnih članic. Ses. K. Ferk že več let ni bila iz hiše. A. Kepic je bila v automobilski nesreči lani in se zdravi doma. Y. Kukovec se tudi zdravi na domu. A. Potočnik so morali operirati na očesu in F. Križel je tudi bolana. Vsem želimo hitrega okrevanja. Tudi jaz se bolje počutim v Miami Beach, Fla., kjer sem bila 3 mesece in sem se bolje počutila predvsem moj krvni pritisk se je znižal. Podnebje je tam lepo in kmetje so febr. in marca pobirali paradižnike, fižol in solato. Pridelek je dober posebno proti Key West. Seveda imajo tudi težave z delavci in so senatorji raziskovali. Seveda se črnim ne da dosti delati, kakor smo morali mi v času depresije, pa smo bili preveč ponosni da bi jamrali. V tem času sem pri sinu Stanleyu in ženi Joan, ki sta šla za 10 dni v Španijo. Njun sin pa je v Da Nang, Vietnam že od dec. lanskega leta. On je v USA marine in piše da je strašna vročina in hudo deževje. Že šteje dneve, ko se vrne. Drugi sin bo pa šel v Coast Guard, da bo bliže doma. Naša slov. naselbina zelo izumira, ker novih naseljencev je malo lil vsi mladi so raztreseni po celem L. I. Otroke večinoma pošiljajo v katoliške šole in morajo podpirati tiste cerkve, kjer so šole In naša slovenska cerkev je slabo obiskana. Stari še podpiramo, mladi pa malo. Pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam naše dične organizacije. Angela Voje, preds. Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. Po dajšem času se zopet oglašamo, da veste, da smo še žive In aktivne, seveda ne jaz, so pa druge toliko bolj. Eda Dravenik večkrat lepo poroča v an-leščini. Thanks Eda! Seja se je pričela malo pozneje kakor navadno, ker naša zapisnikarica sedaj živi precej daleč od nas v Montebello. Saj vozila je tako hitro, da ji je gospod postave dal ticket! (We are sorry for that, Frances.) Tajnica poroča, da so prodale 6 knjig FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Mrs. Prisland prosi, da bi mogle še kaj več prodati, ker je zelo zanimiva zgodovina, ki kaže kako je bil težak začetek naših ljudi. Sestre sezite po njih. kakor tudi po Kuharski knjigi. Vsaka bo zadovoljna z njo, ki je lepo in koristno darilo za novoporočence. Naše članice so pridne, tako da so letos precej podprle blagajno. Imele so bake sale, rummage sale ter se moramo zahvaliti pridnemu Social Clubu, ki ga je ustanovila sestra Su-šel. Hvaležne smo jim, ker nam tudi precej pomaga za blagajno. Vsem se lepo zahvalimo. Pregovor pravi, da charity se prične doma, tako smo tudi me storile, da se daruje 10 dol. č. g. Horvatu za pomoč šoli Anton Martin Slomšek, dalje 10 dol. za pomoč Rehabilitation Society, 10 dol. pa za Cancer Society v Fontani. Zahvaliti se moramo vsem tistim, ki so pomagale pri rummage sale. Ne bom imenovala imen, ker bi gotovo katero izpustila ter ne maram, da bi bile užaljene. Moram pa se zahvaliti naši tajnici, ker je vse tri dni tam tako potrpežljivo delala ter naši predsednici Jean Kurelich in soprogu, ker so vse pripeljali. Najlepša hvala vsem! Bolne so Pauline Vidergar, sestra Kukrnan in sestra Antonia Kovach. Želimo vsem, da jim ljubi Bog povrne ljubo zdravje. Naše sožalje Dorothy Petrich ob izgubi ljube matere in sožalje družini Krizanz ob izgubi soproge in matere. Naj jim bo Bog usmiljen ter naj počivajo v miru in večna luč naj jim sveti. Ker smo v počitniškem času in dnevi so vroči, ne bo seje do septembra, ampak Social Klub bo imel še vedno svojo zabavo, zato vabim vse. Čim več nas bo, tem bolj luštno bo, torej pridete. V počitnicah so in bodo praznovale rojstne dneve, Barbara Horzen, Lucille Petrich, Mary Evanich, ses. Močen, Sestrovich, Rozi Krajnik in ses. Mejzek. Vsem želimo, da jim ljubi Bog da še mnogo let zdnavja in sreče. Čestitam staršem Kurelich in hčerki Frances, to je hči naše predsednice, ker je dobila Master Degree na univerzi U. C. L. A. ter se še kar naprej uči, ker želi postati profesorica na univerzi. Je vredna vse pohvale, ker se uči in dela. Takih je malo. Congratulations! God bless you all! Christine Filips, poročevalka FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH, 1969 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC MAREC, 1969 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 97.30 167 58 2 167.15 349 100 •_) 153.20 208 163 4 8.00 13 — a 5 89.80 104 23 a 6 45.45 107 8 7 52.95 97 63 8 19.25 48 — 9 — 30 2> 10 140.45 323 31 12 71.65 174 48 13 55.50 109 20 14 142.25 290 30 15 105.85 212 13 16 74.20 133 81 17 83.20 158 78 19 58.00 120 2'4 20 144.45 322 50 21 62.70 116 47 22 — 19 — b 23 105.65 2-24 54 24 72.90 146 73 25 345.70 047 171 26 43.20 99 14 27 116.40 51 3 c 28 42.95 70 9 29 11.60 28 5 30 — 7 — 31 — 93 2« b 32 73.25 123 94 33 121.15 197 147 34 17.80 35 6 DISBURSEMENTS IN FEBRUARY I3r. 2, Chicago, Anna Muha $100.00 Br. 2, Chicago, Christine Alberti 100.00 Br. 3, Pueblo, E. Prijatelj “B” 200.00 Br. 8, Steelton, Kath. Kastelec 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, M. Krznarich 100.00 Br. 13, S. Francisco, F. Confetti 100.00 Br. 19, Eveleth, L. Kamnikar 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Mary Dolinšek 100.00 Br. 24, LaSalle, Mary Savnik 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Vidmar 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, M. Osredkar 100.00 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, F. Valenčič 100.00 Br. 32, Euclid, Agnes Ocvirek 100.00 Br. 38, Chis’hm, M. Cimermancic 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, C. Debenjak 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Jennie Sernel 100.00 Br. 43, Milwaukee, M. Korošec 100.00 Br. 45, Portland, A. Sugura “B” 150.00 Br. 47,Cleveland M. Locniskar 100.00 Br. 66, Canon City, C. Adamic 300.00 Br. 84, New York F. Crnkovič 100.00 Zarja—The Dawn, 24 pp., Feb. 1,553.98 Salaries and administration 1,200.00 Fuel oil 80.14 Rent of Home Office 75.00 Tel, postage and sundries 133.59 Office supplies and misc. 150.00 Total disbursements $ 5,442.71 Ledger balance Jan. '69 $523,768.30 Income in February, 1969 5,950.04 528,718.34 Disbursements February’69 5,442.71 Ledger balance Feb. ’69 $524,273.63 Albina Novak, Secretary Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 35 29.70 54 39 37 25.50 24 3 c 38 .. 47.95 130 — 39 20.20 45 9 40 55.45 104 3 41 84.80 210 31 42 22.95 47 — 43 80.70 139 73 45 21.55 47 12 46 14.45 30 5 47 54.00 106 33 49 — 33 — d 50 123.70 187 99 51 7.25 15 — 52 30.00 52 18 54 33.40 64 42 55 31.55 64 5 56 41.05 95 10 57 37.95 64 35 59 10.20 31 2 61 — 8 — 62 £'8.20 28 — a 63 52.00 96 23 64 37.00 47 2 a 65 21.10 48 24 06 32.65 57 23 67 38.65 07 9 68 39.55 00 18 70 — 14 3 d 71 G3.60 119 35 72 10.00 25 — 73 60.20 109 72 74 — 32 1 d 77 25.20 51 32 79 31 20 d SO — 21 — 81 15.40 30 — 83 10.35 21 — 84 24.00 56 3 85 18.20 39 2 80 — 22 — b 88 24.30 41 10 89 32.20 74 23 90 21.55 40 22 91 32.30 53 12 92 17.80 28 2 93 49.80 59 1 e 94 16..40 15 7 e 95 108.60 174 23 90 23.25 47 — 97 8.30 17 — 99 0.20 16 — 100 26.05 45 9 101 20.75 28 14 102 43.65 29 3 f 103 20.35 3L 14 104 5.95 16 — 105 17.05 29 6 100 13.05 22 3 Totals $4,207.55 8,177 2,338 Asses. Pd for a Mar. Apr.; b Feb; c Jan. Feb. Mar.; d Jan; e Feb and March; f for April, May and June Assessments $4,207.55 Rent 165.00 Interests 2.259.20 Proceeds from songbooks 200.00 Total Income in March $6,891.81 DISBURSEMENTS FOR MARCH '69 Death Claims paid to the following: Br. 3 Rose A. Skube $100.00 Br. 5 Anna Trauner 100.00 Br. 10 Mary Agnich 100.00 Br. 13 Mary Piute 100.00 Br. 15 Helen Mirtic 100.00 Br. 17 Johanna Cerar 100.00 Br. 17 Sophie Moze Ferjan 100.00 Br. 20 Anna Mutz 100.00 Br. 21 Mary Golich 100.00 Br. 24 Nellie J. Zakrzeski 100.00 Br. 25 Jennie Valenčič 100.00 Br. 25 Katarina Vadnal 100.00 Br. 25 Mary Jalen 100.00 Br. 20 Anna Migalic 100.00 Br. 27 Ljuba Bolf 100.00 Br. 31 Mary Vucinovich 100.00 Br. 32' Anna Mayer 100.00 Br. 40 Antonia Kos 100.00 Br. 41 Eva Svestovicli 100.00 Br. II Emelia Fabian 100.00 Br. 52 Gertrude DiMatteo 100.00 Br. 50 Frances Puhek “B” 150.00 (corrected benefit—additional Br. 56 Rose Zajc 100.00 Br. 65 Anna K. Jelenich 100.00 Br. 66 Theresa Sustarsic 100.00 Br. 72 Mary Dolinar 100.00 Br. 95 Margaret Udovich 100.00 Br. 95 Anna Marovich 100.00 Zarja, March, 1G pages 1,102.10 Salaries and Administration 1,200.00 Secretaries Awards 525.00 Miscellaneous Awards 199.00 Actuary’s annual reports 270.00 Fuel and electricity 140.00 Window insurance 125.00 Insurance Dept, lee 25.00 Office supplies and printing 223.70 Director’s meeting expenses 1,375.64 Office rent 75.00 Total 8,110.10 Ledger balance, Feb. 1909 524,275.63 Income in March, 1909 6,891.81 531,107.44 Disbursements in March, ’09 8,110.10 Ledger bal, March, ’69 523,057.34 Albina Novak, Secretary On a summer afternoon, a group of Idaho farmers were lounging around and complaining of the ravages of the potato bug. “They cleaned up my whole crop in two weeks,” muttered the first. “That’s nothing,” complined ano tlier. “They ate mine up in three (lays and then roosted on I he fence to see If I'd plant more.” “Gentlemen,” said a third farmer, “a person who doesn't know anything about potato bugs might not believe this. But a week before planting time I happened to be in the seed store, and two of them were in there looking over the books to see who had bought seed!” _! I Sunior’s Page i Try This ROBIN Crossword Puzzle III HOYS AIM) GIRLS! In this "big, wide, wonderful world” one of God’s many creations are the birds. There are 9,000 species classified as birds of prey, extinct, flightless, game, water, beach, tropical and land. Popular as pets are the parakeets and canaries. Birds helpful to the farmers in keeping their fields free of weeds and insect pests are the grosbeaks, sparrows, robins, and bluebirds, while the hawks and owls help the farmers by killing rats and mice. And then there are the harmful birds such as the crow, English saprrows and starlings. Studying birds—ornithology—is one of the most interesting of all hobbies. Equipment such as a notebook, pencil, pocket guide book, binoculars and a large notebook to record information permanently are needed. Birds are used on national emblems. America’s national bird is the bald eagle, who gazes proudly from the Great Seal of the United States. Birds are an inspiration to sculptures and artists, as the familar St. Francis and the birds, and to composers like Tchaikovsky who gave us the lovely ballet, The Swan Lake. There are many and important birds in literature. In the Bible, Noah sent a dove to see if the flood had receded. Poems about birds include Shelley’s ‘‘Ode to a Skylark” and “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. Famous is “The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen and immortal is (he parrot in Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Familiar quotations about birds are: Fine feathers make fine birds. Birds in their little nests agree. A little bird told me. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. . . . the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his Head. The largest bird is the male African ostrich which may grow eight feet tall, and weigh 300 pounds. The smallest is the Cuban fairy hummingbird which is about two inches long and weighs about one tenth of an ounce. The cleverest bird is the crow and the parrot is the longest-lived. Birds are an interesting study, but watching them play is the most fascinating of all. Did you know that some birds play catch by using a stick or stone? A From Junior Catholic Messenger; Words Across 2. This insect makes honey 4. A beam of light. (It is also a boy’s name) 5. The name of the first Pope 7. A cheer 8. Nickname for Edward 9. The present tense of “sent”. 11. A pronoun meaning “you and I” 13. The first syllable of the word “triangle” 14. What a fisherman does to get snakebird throws his stick high up in the air and then swims rapidly through the water, catching it with his bill as it comes down. Cranes play catch with a man, catching and throwing a stick. The man tires of this game long before the crane does. Swallows drop a feather from high up in the air and then dive down and try to catch the object before it falls to the ground. Sparrows will drop a stone on a roof and watch it roll to the ground. Then they fly down, and search lor the dropped stone, and if they find it, fly to the roof and drop it a second time. Crows and ravens love the sport of teasing sleeping cats and dogs by swooping down and dropping a stick or stone on the animal. Then, as the angry animal lunges at them, they squak loudly and fly away. This is repeated until the poor cat or dog gives up and goes awray. Birds work hard most of the time, but sometimes they like to play. Why don’t you spend some time this summer watching these little creatures of God, and see if you can tell whether they are working or playing? Your friend REGINA worms 1C. The time of year when robins come 19. A robin sings these 20. The opposite of "no” Words Down 1. A robin’s suit is made of these 2. What part of a robin is red? 3. A robin sees with this 5. Puerto Rico (initials) 10. Jack Frost does this to buds 11. A robin flies with these 12. Baby robins hatch from these 14. To eat dinner 15. Street (abbreviation) 17. This boy’s name rhymes with "boy” - country, 'tis of thee” '81 S9A '0Z s3uos ‘61 fon 'AT auinSuudg -gi ’IS ‘91 sata -H auRi H TJX '81 siJSa '7,1 9A\. ‘XI s3uia\ -XX puaS '6 sdjM ‘01 PM '8 lid ‘9 'I axa e ■laiad ‘9 }sna.ia -z -cun s.iaqiT;aj i aaa 'S UMOQ SpjO/\A SSOJ3V SPJOM SjaMsuv ajzznd Skylark anil Nightingale by Christina Rossetti When a mounting skylark sings In the sunlit summer morn, 1 know that heaven is up on high, And on earth are fields of corn. But when a nightingale sings In the moonlit summer even, I know not if earth is merely earth, Only that heaven is heaven. Kranees Gorše X 665 Woodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27, N.Y.11227 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS S. W. U. PUBLICATIONS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: World famous cookbook: Woman’s Glory - TTte Kitchen with recipes for Potica, Strudel, Krofe and many other Slovenian and International dishes! $3.25 per copy postpaid ★ Slovenian and English songbook: LET’S SING Sing-along songs that you Jove! $1.25 per copy postpaid ★ The only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.00 plus postage See your Branch secretaries for any of the above books or write for individual copies to S. W. U. Supreme President, IMrs. Antonia Turek, 986 Iirvn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 41092 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT GEREND—HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 Dil. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago, Illinois 60608 WE HAVE A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 VI 7-6679 R.GRRINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad G2 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. IIEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDKi ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, I !i C. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave Office 481-1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-1-0583 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. 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