LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2019 Vol. 27, št. 1: 17-29 fauna of the brown lacewings of serbia (insecta: neuroptera: hemerobiidae) Jan Podlesnik1, Predrag Jakšič2, Ana Nahirnič3, Franc Janžekovič1, Tina Klenovšek1, Vesna Klokočovnik1, Dušan Devetak1 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia; e-mail: jan.podlesnik@um.si 2čingrijina 14/25, Zvezdara, 11000 Beograd, Serbia 3National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tsar Qsvoboditel Blvd 1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Abstract - The hemerobiid fauna of Serbia was studied during two collecting trips in the years 2015 and 2016. Prior to the present study the hemerobiids in this Balkan country were insufficiently explored. According to literature data and collected material, twenty-three species are listed for the country, of which six are recorded for the first time for Serbia. Key words: hemerobiid fauna, lacewings, Balkan Peninsula Izvleček - FAvNA RJAviH MREŽEKRILCEv REPUBLIKE SRBIJE (INSECTA: NEURoPTERA: HEMERoBIIDAE) Tekom dveh terenskih odprav v Srbijo smo v letih 2015 in 2016 raziskovali favno rjavih mrežekrilcev. Pred aktualno raziskavo so bili hemerobiidi tega območja zelo slabo poznani. Po analizi literaturnih podatkov in nabranega materiala predstavljamo seznam 23 vrst za Republiko Srbijo, od katerih je šest novih najdb za to balkansko državo. Ključne besede: favna hemerobiidov, mrežekrilci, balkanski polotok Hemerobiidae is one of the largest families of the order Neuroptera. It contains more than 550 known species of small to medium sized insects, distributed all around Introduction 17 Acta entomologica slovenica, 27 (1), 2019 the world (Monserrat 1990, Oswald 1993, Aspock et al. 2001). Brown lacewings are predaceous insects in both adult and larval stages. This is why they are suggested as potential control agents in greenhouses, field crops and orchards, where they could prey on aphids (New 1975, Stelzl 1991, Canard 2001, Devetak & Klokocovnik 2016). Although they appear to be bound to certain habitats (Monserrat & Marin 1996), like conifers or broad-leaved trees, they can produce eggs in lower aphid density because they do not rely on honeydew as a food source, which is the case in most Chrysopidae adults (Neuenschwander et al. 1975). Also, many hemerobiids have very low temperature thresholds, which could give them an advantage in using these predators in cool periods in temperate climates (Neuenschwander 1975, 1976, New 1975). Neuropteran fauna of Serbia was poorly studied and authors report sporadic information on species occurrence in this Balkan country (Pancic 1863, Frivaldsky 1877, Biro 1885, Mocsary 1899, Olasz 1906, Pongracz 1914, Zivojinovic 1950, Petrik 1958, Grozdanic & Stevanovic 1969, Aspock et al. 1980, 2001, Mitic & Gradojevic 1983, Stevanovic & Bjelic 1985, Devetak 1992, Devetak & Jaksic 2003, Devetak et al. 2015, Petrovic 2013, Markovic et al. 2016). Even though brown lacewings have the potential of becoming economically important group, in the past, their fauna on the Balkan Peninsula was studied very poorly and only sporadic data exist so far. Because of that, species distribution for different Balkan countries is still lacking. Popov & Letardi (2010) in their review summarizing information on the Neuropterida of the Balkan Peninsula report 44 brown lacewing species for the peninsula. However, in recent times, no information about their presence in different Balkan countries is given, except from Albania (Klokocovnik et al. 2014, Devetak & Rausch 2016). For Serbia, only a part of the country was studied, namely Kosovo and Metohija, and 15 brown lacewing species were reported for this part (Devetak & Jaksic 2003). In older literature (Mocsary 1899, Pongracz 1914), only two hemerobiid species were reported in Vojvodina. In July 2015 and June 2016, zoologists from the Department of Biology of the University of Maribor (Slovenia) organized two neuropterological collecting trips to different parts of Serbia. In 2015 neuropterans were collected in south-eastern and western Serbia, with special focus on the Pirot district with foothills of the Stara planina mountain and the Tara National Park, while in 2016 in the north-eastern and in south-eastern part of the country - in the Deliblato sands and the Stara planina mountain. The aim of this paper is to present new faunistical data on the basis of those recent field trips, and to compile literature records. Material and methods The survey of brown lacewings was carried out during two collecting trips in the years 2015 and 2016. Additionally, some material was obtained from previous collecting trips not focused on Hemerobiidae. Also, literature data is presented. During the collecting trips, animals were collected using an insect net. Collected specimens were preserved in ethanol and deposited in the last author's collection. Nomenclature and taxonomy has been used in accordance with Oswald (2017). We 18 J. Podlesnik, P. Jaksic, A. Nahirnic, F. Janzekovic, T. Klenovsek, V. Klokocovnik, D. Devetak: Fauna of the brown lacewings Fig. 1: statistical regions of serbia with collection sites of collected material (red dots) and literature records (blue dots) (collection sites with numbers are listed in material and methods). followed zoogeographical categorization of Neuropterid fauna of the Balkan Peninsula proposed by Aspock et al. (2001) and Popov & Letardi (2010). The map of Serbia was created with ggmap and ggplot2 packages for R Statistics (Kahle & Wickham 2013). Most of the material was collected in the periods 21-28 June 2015 and 3-10 July 2016. Thirty-nine collecting sites were included in the survey (with details of geographic position, altitude, and type of the habitat, where information was available) (Tab. 1, Fig. 1). 19 Acta entomologica slovenica, 27 (1), 2019 Table 1: List of collecting sites in Serbia. Statistical region Collecting site # Collecting site information / date Habitat Collector(s) Vojvodina - literature records 1 Palic (Mocsâry 1899, Pongrâcz 1914) 2 Deliblato (Mocsâry 1899, Pongrâcz 1914) Belgrade Region 3 Beograd, Zvezdara; 185 m; 44o 47.883' N 20o 30.300' E; 25. Vii. 2015 vicinity of the park Jakšic leg. Šumadija and Western Serbia 4 Zlatibor District: river Drina: lake Perucačko jezero, near Perucac; 300-315 m; 43° 57.563' N 19° 23.572' E; 25. VI. 2015 shore of the lake Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 5 Zlatibor District: river Drina: lake Perucačko jezero, Perucac: Hotel Jezero; 320 m; 43° 57.733' N 19° 24.483'; 27. VI. 2015 surroundings of the hotel Devetak leg. 6 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Gorge of the Derventa river; 430 m; 43° 57.087' N 19° 21.451' E; 25. VI. 2015 mixed forest Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 7 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Gorge of the Derventa river, Predo Krst; 610 m; 43° 56.518' N 19° 20.723' E; 25. VI. 2015 mixed forest Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 8 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Križevac near Predov Krst; 755 m; 43° 56.521' N 19° 20.165' E; 27. VI. 2015 mixed forest: Acer campestre Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 9 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Križevac near Predov Krst; 724 m; 43° 56.415' N 19° 20.163' E; 27. VI. 2015 Quercus forest Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 10 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Križevac near Predov Krst; 755 m; 43° 56.521' N 19° 20.165' E; 27. VI. 2015 mixed forest Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 11 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Predov Krst; 997 m; 43° 56.460' N 19° 18.899' E; 27. VI. 2015 meadow with Juniperus, Pinus, Picea Acer, Salix Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 12 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Vasilici-Filipovici; 1105 m; 43° 51.514' N 19° 22.910' E; 27. VI. 2015 meadow with Juniperus, Pinus, Picea Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 20 J. Podlesnik, P. Jaksic, A. Nahirnic, F. Janzekovic, T. Klenovsek, V. Klokocovnik, D. Devetak: Fauna of the brown lacewings 13 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Jezero Zaovine; 935 m; 43° 52.633' N 19° 24.972' E; 27. VI. 2015 Pinus, Picea Klokocovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 14 Zlatibor District: National Park Tara: Jezero Zaovine: Bjeluša brook; 885 m; 43° 52.988' N 19° 21.707' E; 27. VI. 2015 hygrophilous forest Klokocovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 15 Zlatibor District: Četanica Mt. plateau: near Karaula village; 1355 m; 43° 19.217' 19° 49.783' E; 04. VIII. 2015 Nahirnic, Beshkov leg. 16 Moravica District: Javor Mt., Vasilin vrh peak; 1489 m; 43° 26.467' N 20° 03.100' E; 12. VII. 2015 Nahirnic, Beshkov leg. 17 Raška District: Kopaonik, Jošanička Banja; 623 m; 43° 22.678' N 20° 44.805' E; 06. VIII. 1986 Jakšic leg. Southern and Eastern Serbia 18 Nišava district: Niš, east, Nišava river; 199 m; 43° 19.235' N 21° 57.098' E; 23. VI. 2015 river bank Klokocovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 19 Pirot district: Mt. Vidlič, Srednja Glama near Koprivštica; 995 m; 43° 14.083' N 22° 36.617' E; 14.VI.2015 Carpinus orientalis thickets Nahirnic leg. 20 Pirot district: Balkan (Stara planina), Dojkinci: along river Dojkinačka reka; 920 m; 43° 14.750' N 22 °46.583' E; 05. VII. 2016 vegetation along the river Jakšic, Klenovšek, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 21 Pirot district: Vidlič Mt.: north east of Pirot; 725 m; 43° 10.317' N 22° 38.583' E; 06. VII. 2016 Pinus nigra forest Jakšic, Klenovšek, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 22 Pirot district: Mt. Vidlič, Crni Vrh; 1016-1115 m; 43° 11.217' N 22° 39.050' E; 15.VI.2015 mixed deciduous forest Nahirnic, Beshkov leg. 23 Pirot district: Mt. Vidlič, Crni Vrh; 1016-1115 m; UV trap; 43° 10.850' N 22° 38.867' E; 29.VIII.2015 mixed deciduous forest Nahirnic, Beshkov leg. 24 Pirot district: south of Dojkinci; 770 m; 43° 11.600' N 22° 48.900' E; 05. VII. 2016 forest with Pinus Jakšic, Klenovšek, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 25 Pirot district: Dimitrovgrad: Mt Vidlič, south slope, 650 m; 43° 02.517' N 22° 49.267' E; 22. VI. 2015 Pinus nigra Klokocovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 26 Pirot district: Dimitrovgrad: Mt Vidlič, south slope; 630 m; 43° 01.806' N 22° 47.917' E; 22. VI. 2015 mixed forest and meadows Klokocovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovic, Devetak leg. 21 Acta entomologica slovenica, 27 (1), 2019 27 Pirot district: Kanjon Jerme: Vlasi; 491 m; 42° 59.672' N 22° 38.230' E; 22. VI. 2015 deciduous forest Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 28 Pirot district: Zvonačka Banja; 690 m; 42° 55.740' N 22° 35.558' E; 22. VI. 2015 hygrophilous forest and vegetation along a rivulet Klokočovnik, Klenovšek, Podlesnik, Janžekovič, Devetak leg. 29 Pčinja District: Pčinja river Valley: Trgovište, Vražji kamen; 663 m; 42° 23.100' N 22° 03.100' E; 21. IX. 2015 Carpino orientalis -Quercetum mixtum Nahirnic, Beshkov leg. 30 Pčinja District: Preševo town, 2 km W Trnava village; 696 m; 42° 16.550' N 21° 36.950' E; 18. IX. 2015 Quercus pubescens, Q. petraea, steppelike grasslands Nahirnic, Beshkov leg. Kosovo and Metohij a - literature records 31 Ibarska Klisura: Košutovac, Košutovački potok; 42° 59.667' N, 20° 48.983' E; 13. VIII. 1985, 24.VII. 1987 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Jakšic leg. 32 Lebane; 42° 44.492' N, 21° 08.787' E; 9. VI. 1979 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Devetak leg. 33 Priština; 42° 39.090' N, 21° 08.415' E; IV.-X. 1979 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Acer platanoides, Pinus nigra; Devetak leg. 34 Mt. Grmija; 42° 40.325' N, 21° 14.155' E; 4. VIII. 1978, 16. VII. 1979, 22. VII. 1979 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) forest/thicket with Quercus spp., Fagus, Acer; Devetak & Jakšic leg. 35 Gračanica; 42° 35.938' N, 21° 11.617' E; 5. V. 1979, 26. VII. 1979 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Devetak leg. 36 Mt. Goleš; 42° 33.202' N, 20° 57.688' E; VI. -VII. 1979 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) thicket/forest with Quercus spp.; Devetak leg. 37 Orahovac; 42° 23.753' N, 20° 40.987' E; 15. IV. 1979 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Devetak leg. 38 Mt. Šar planina: Prizrenska Bistrica; 42° 11.663' N, 20° 46.363' E; 22. VII. 1986 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Jakšic leg. 39 Mt. Šar planina: Brezovica, Stojkova kuca, 1750 m; 42° 10.852' N, 21° 01.985' E; 19. VII. 1986 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Jakšic leg. Results A total of 23 hemerobiid species were found. They belong to 6 subfamilies and 7 genera. The list of species with data about the localities is given below. 22 J. Podlesnik, P. Jaksic, A. Nahirnic, F. Janzekovic, T. Klenovsek, V. Klokocovnik, D. Devetak: Fauna of the brown lacewings Hemerobiidae Latreille, 1802 Hemerobiinae Latreille, 1802 Hemerobius humulinus Linnaeus, 1758 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 32, 33, 34, 36 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Belgrade Region: 3 Sumadija and Western Serbia: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 20, 24, 27, 28 Zoogeographical element: Holarctic. Hemerobius simulans Walker, 1853 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 33 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Southern and Eastern Serbia: 22 Zoogeographical element: Holarctic. Hemerobius stigma Stephens, 1836 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 33 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Zoogeographical element: Holarctic. Hemerobius pini Stephens, 1836 Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 11 First record for Serbia. Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Hemerobius contumax Tjeder, 1932 Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 16 First record for Serbia. Zoogeographical element: Central European-Mediterranean. Hemerobius handschini Tjeder, 1957 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 33 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 21, 24, 25, 26, 29 Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). 23 Acta entomologica slovenica, 27 (1), 2019 Hemerobius micans Olivier, 1793 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 20, 24, 27, 28, 29 Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). Hemerobius lutescens Fabricius, 1793 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 32, 33, 34 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Hemerobius gilvus Stein, 1863 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 33, 35 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Southern and Eastern Serbia: 28, 29 Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). Hemerobius marginatus Stephens, 1836 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 33, 34, 36 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Wesmaelius quadrifasciatus (Reuter, 1894) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 16 First record for Serbia. Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Wesmaelius subnebulosus (Stephens, 1836) Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 32, 33, 34, 36 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). Sympherobiinae Comstock, 1918 Sympherobius pygmaeus (Rambur, 1842) Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 33 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 15 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 29, 30 Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). 24 J. Podlesnik, P. Jaksic, A. Nahirnic, F. Janzekovic, T. Klenovsek, V. Klokocovnik, D. Devetak: Fauna of the brown lacewings Sympherobius elegans (Stephens, 1836) Literature record: Vojvodina: 2 (Mocsary 1899, Pongracz 1914) Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). Sympherobius fuscescens (Wallengren, 1863) Material: šumadija and Western Serbia: 13 First record for Serbia. Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Notiobiellinae Nakahara, 1960 Psectra diptera (Burmeister, 1839) Literature records: Vojvodina: 1 (Mocsary 1899, Pongracz 1914) Zoogeographical element: Holarctic. Megalominae Krüger, 1922 Megalomus tortricoides Rambur, 1842 Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 31, 32, 34 (Devetak & Jakšic 2003) Material: Šumadija and Western Serbia: 11, 16 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 19, 22, 23, 30 Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (expansive northwards). Megalomus tineoides Rambur, 1842 Material: Southern and Eastern Serbia: 30 First record for Serbia. Zoogeographical element: Holomediterranean (stationary). Drepanepteryginae Krüger, 1922 Drepanepteryxphalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758) Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 34 (Devetak & Jakšic 2003) Material: Šumadija and Western Serbia: 17 Zoogeographical element: Siberian. 25 Acta entomologica slovenica, 27 (1), 2019 Microminae Krüger, 1922 Micromus variegatus (Fabricius, 1793) Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 31 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 16 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 18, 22, 30 Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Micromus angulatus (Stephens, 1836) Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 38 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 4, 10, 15, 16 Zoogeographical element: Holarctic. Micromuspaganus (Linnaeus, 1767) Literature records: Kosovo and Metohija: 39 (Devetak & Jaksic 2003) Zoogeographical element: Siberian. Micromus lanosus (Zeleny, 1962) Material: Sumadija and Western Serbia: 4, 8, 11, 16 Southern and Eastern Serbia: 27, 30 First record for Serbia. Zoogeographical element: Central European. Discussion In our collecting trips 16 species of the Hemerobiidae family were found, six of them are new records for Serbian fauna. Together with scarce literature data, a list, with total number of 23 brown lacewing species for Serbia, is presented. The most common species belong to the genus Hemerobius. Species H. humulinus, H. handschini and H. micans were found in high abundance and in most of visited localities. Other species, however, were not so abundant and present only locally. Two species, Sympherobius elegans and Psectra diptera are known only from old literature records (Mocsary 1899, Pongracz 1914) and were not found within our collecting trips. The zoogeographical distribution of the brown lacewing species recorded in Serbia may be summarized as follows: eight species are Holomediterranean (7 expansive northwards and 1 stationary), 5 species are Holarctic (Siberian-Nearctic), 8 species 26 J. Podlesnik, P. Jaksic, A. Nahirnic, F. Janzekovic, T. Klenovsek, V. Klokocovnik, D. Devetak: Fauna of the brown lacewings are Euro-Siberian (Siberian), one species is Central European-Mediterranean and one Central European. The brown lacewing fauna of Serbia is far from being well explored, and further investigations should be carried out to improve our knowledge of the biodiversity and especially species distribution of the family in this country. Few species are still expected in the region. Acknowledgements We are grateful to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia for the permission to collect insects. This research was supported partly by the Research Project Biodiversity of the green lacewings (Neu-roptera: Chrysopidae) in Serbia - bilateral research Slovenia - Serbia (RP BioDiv CHRYSER 2015) and by the Slovenian Research Agency and the Research Programme Computationally Intensive Complex Systems (P1-0403). References Aspöck, H., Aspöck, U., Hölzel, H., Rausch, H., 1980.- Die Neuropteren Europas. Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des Systematik, Ökologie und Chorologie der Neuropteroidea (Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Planipennia) Europas. Krefeld, FRG : Goecke & Evers, 2 vols : 495 et 355 p. Aspöck, H., Hölzel, H., Aspöck, U., 2001: Kommentierter Katalog der Neuropterida (Insecta: Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera) der Westpaläarktis. Denisia 02: 1-606. Biro, L., 1885: A magyarorszagi hangyalesö-fajok. 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